1 minute read
The Daily Illini and College Media Madness
By Lika Lezhava Editor-in-Chief
As our sports writers are hunkering down to cover the basketball tournaments that come around every March, the rest of the newsroom is prepared to take on College Media Madness. This year, 31 college newsrooms, including our very own, have joined together to compete in the annual fundraiser College Media Madness.
The Daily Illini took home first place in 2021! Falling a bit short, but not too far from victory, we placed third in the 2022 tournament.
This year, we plan on taking back the title of the winners of College Media Madness!
A large part of the donations will go to bettering the equipment in our newsroom. We plan on purchasing new digital cameras as well as video equipment so we can cover all your favorite sports, music events and news.
As an independent student news source, it is important that we take these opportunities so we the students can continue to deliver the best quality journalism to our peers. editors@daillyillini.com
The Daily Illini is the independent student newspaper at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The newspaper is published by the Illini Media Co. The Daily Illini does not necessarily represent, in whole or in part, the views of the University of Illinois administration, faculty or students. All Illini Media Co. and/or The Daily Illini articles, photos and graphics are the property of Illini Media and may not be reproduced or published without written permission from the publisher.
Your donations are what will help us achieve these goals. Donations can be made at collegemediamadness.com, where you can also check our ranking until April 3!
The Daily Illini is excited to take part in this competition. We are thankful for the donors who have helped our newsroom grow!
How to contact us
The Daily Illini is located in the basement of the University YMCA at 1001 S. Wright St., Champaign, IL 61820. Our office hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday - Friday.
General phone numbers
Front Desk: (217) 337-8300
Advertising: (217) 337-8382
Newsroom: (217) 337-8345
Newsroom contacts
Online: If you have a question about dailyillini.com or The Daily Illini’s social media outlets, please email our editor at online@dailyillini.com.
Employment: If you would like to work for the newspaper’s editorial department, please fill out our online form at dailyillini.com.
Calendar: If you want to submit events for publication in print and online, visit dailyillini.com.

Letters to the editor: Letters are limited to 300 words. Contributions must include the author’s name, address and phone number. University students must include their year in school and college.

Corrections: When we make a mistake, we will correct it in this place. We strive for accuracy, so if you see an error, please contact Editor-in-Chief Lika Lezhava at (217) 337-8365 or email editor@dailyillini.com.