The Daily Texan 02/05/10

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1A 1

Life&ARTS PAge 12


Men’s track team get chance to prove themselves in Big Apple

Smooth jazz on a rainy evening NeWS PAge 5

Study links gene to prostate cancer

The Daily Texan Friday, February 5, 2010

Serving the University of Texas at Austin community since 1900

Committee votes to raze ‘tin shacks’

By Shabab Siddiqui Daily Texan Staff Future students will most likely not experience the tin-shed classrooms that comprise part of UT’s nationally recognized top-10ranked engineering school. Plans to demolish the Academic and Computer Science Annexes – temporary classrooms students call “Shack 1” and “Shack 2” respectively – passed unanimously in committee at the Board of Regents meeting Thursday morning in Dallas. The full Board will vote on the demolition, part of the Cockrell School of Engineering’s Strategic 13-year Master Plan, during today’s board meeting. If approved, the $290 million construction project will start in 2011 and be completed by 2015. Other engineering buildings, including the Engineering-Science Building, Service Building and W.R. Woolrich Labs, could

also be raised as part of the plan. If the proposal passes, any money used to finance the project will have to come from private donors and other forms of state and system funding. Having the plan approved by the Regents is the first step in a long process. If passed, the plan will be added to the UT System Capital Improvement Program, a six-year forecast of all major projects adopted by the System. Engineering Dean Gregory Fenves said the plan will introduce new facilities while increasing the total square footage of the school by almost 38 percent. Fenves said the current buildings place UT’s engineering school at a competitive disadvantage in comparison to other schools. “We are not in the ball game, and we risk falling further behind,” Fenves said.

COCKRELL continues on page 2

Student-generated iPhone application faces legal trouble By Audrey White Daily Texan Staff Two conflicting iPhone applications designed to serve UT students and alumni spurred a legal dispute that may lead to the removal of one of the “apps” from the Apple Store. Computer science junior Michael Miller developed the iTexas app over the course of 2009 and sold it to Mutual Mobile, an Austin company founded by two UT alumni. Mutual Mobile released iTexas on Jan. 5 — the same day UT launched the official University of Texas at Austin app. Wendy Larson, an attorney at Pirkey Barber LLP, filed a complaint with Apple on behalf of the University on Feb. 1 requesting Miller rename iTexas. Larson refused to comment to The Daily Texan. The inclusion of “Texas” in iTexas violates University trademark rights, which guarantee UT ownership of the brand “Texas” when used in reference to the University. Craig Westemeier, UT assistant athletics director for trademarks and licensing, said that the name could cause confusion among consumers who think the University produced the iTexas application. “The app could communicate incorrect information or provide recommendations that do not fall within what the University would [offer],” Westemeier said. Tarun Nimmagadda, Mutual Mobile’s co-founder, said around 2,000 people have downloaded the iTexas app. About 50,000 people have downloaded the official UT app, said John McCall, the associate vice president of the University

Development Office. The applications have very distinct features. The official UT application is focused on alumni and guest needs, providing resources such as sports news, a guide to campus landmarks and access to President William Powers Jr.’s blog, Tower Talk. Nimmagadda said the iTexas app is more focused on day-to-day student needs such as campus maps, schedules, grade access and meals that the dining halls are serving. Both provide access to the UT directory. “The iTexas app was built by students for students, and it allows students to access features relevant to their UT activities,” Nimmagadda said. The University first began looking at applications as a source of trademark violations two months ago and has since investigated five to 10 applications, Westemeier said. He said that the production of such applications has the same function as selling non-licensed T-shirts with the UT brand: decreasing the value of University trademarks. Another application Miller developed, UT Directory, was removed from the application store at the end of November after a trademark debate regarding the application’s burnt-orange color scheme. Miller said he hopes the legal questions surrounding the iTexas application can be resolved without removing it from the store. “I started this project because, as a student, I wanted an app that could do things like show my grades,” Miller said. “I think it’s

APP continues on page 5





Have your cake and eat it, too

Maxx Scholten | Daily Texan Staff

Austin residents Betty Bright and J.D. Allen parade through the dining hall of Continental Gracious Retirement Living during an early Mardi Gras celebration on Thursday. Allen was declared King of the Mardi Gras celebration. The first day of Mardi Gras begins on Fat Tuesday.

Democratic candidates plan to address education By Alex Geiser Daily Texan Staff As the gubernatorial primaries draw near, Democratic candidates Bill White and Farouk Shami are gearing up for their first debate Monday. The debate, hosted by public broadcasting station KERA, will begin at 7 p.m. and will be held at a CBS studio in Fort Worth in front of an audience. White, a former mayor of Houston, and Shami, a self-made businessman, will take questions from viewers through social-networking Web sites, reporters and live audience members. Sherri Greenberg, economics lecturer and former mem-

ber of the House of Representatives, said education, jobs and environmental issues will dominate Monday’s debate. Greenberg said the idea of fresh leadership will underscore both Shami’s and White’s answers. “Both [candidates] are positioning themselves as agents of change,” Greenberg said. “Shami will say that he’s an outsider, and White will say that we need new blood in the governor’s office.” Ally Smith, spokeswoman for White, said the candidates will probably focus more on debating the issues, not each others’ reputations, which happened during the Republican primary debate on Jan. 29 between Gov. Rick Per-

ry, U.S. Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison and Debra Medina. Viewers should also expect to hear candidates addressing a more student-friendly topic, Smith said. “You didn’t hear anything about education in Friday’s debate, yet it’s the most important role of state government,” she said. She said the long-term economic growth of Texas is dependent on having an educated workforce, which can be done by increasing high school graduation rates and reducing financial obstacles to higher education. “We need to bring down the skyrocketing tuition increases,”

White said in an interview with The Daily Texan. “We need to make sure young people are not prevented from going to college for financial reasons.” Greenberg said Shami is not favored to win the Democratic nomination, but that hasn’t kept the underdog candidate from campaigning. “I feel confident that after this debate, the Democratic primary will receive significantly more attention as people in Texas realize I am the only candidate who is not a career politician and who has real-life experience solving significant problems on a large scale,” Shami said in a prepared statement.

Caleb Bryant Miller | Daily Texan Staff

Former Mayor Bill White shakes hands with Rep. Mark Strama after a rally for his gubernatorial candidacy at Sholtz Garten in December.

Eric Gay | Associated Press

Democratic gubernatorial hopeful Farouk Shami makes a phone call during a campaign stop in San Antonio in January.

State program reports misleading job growth

Study shows business incentive fund did not create guaranteed jobs

sustainable jobs as originally anticipated, according to a Jan. 27 report by Texans for Public Justice. The Austin-based nonprofit found that more than one-third of By Alex Geiser the jobs that were supposed to be Daily Texan Staff created by the fund never actually The Texas Enterprise Fund — a materialized and that job creation 7-year-old business incentive pro- reports were misleading. gram supported by taxpayer sub“When we are quoting numsidies — may not create as many bers on job growth and a third

of these jobs don’t exist, I think that gives people a false sense of security,” said Melanie Schwartz, vice president of College Republicans at Texas. “I’d like to see the governor own up to the fact that the Texas Enterprise Fund isn’t functioning as well as we would have hoped.” The Texas Legislature started

the fund in 2003 at Gov. Rick Perry’s request. The fund provides a monetary incentive for businesses to come to Texas in order to stimulate the state’s economy. In exchange, the companies sign a contract guaranteeing they will create a certain number of new jobs for Texans in a specified

FUND continues on page 2


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The Daily Texan Volume 110, Number 143 25 cents

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cockrell: Plans to upgrade

require state, private funds From page 1

The most imminent change in the plan will be the construction of the Engineering Education and Research Building, which will stand in the place of the current Engineering-Science Building. According to the plan drafted by the Philadelphia-based Ballinger Architects, the Chemical and Petroleum Engineering Building, the Ernest Cockrell Jr. Hall and the Engineering Teaching Center II will all see minor to substantial modifications. Burdine Hall will be extensively modified in a joint effort by the Colleges of Engineering, Natural Science and Pharmacy. Fenves said two of the plan’s focuses are learning and project-based teaching. While the traditional engineering departments will be maintained, the new buildings will each boast interdisciplinary research areas, which will allow collaboration between different departments and majors to occur in a common space. He also said the new facilities will accommodate room for student projects and for various state and national competitions. The project will push the Cockrell School to a top-five ranking, attract new faculty and graduate students and bring in almost $1 million of additional grant money per year, Fenves said. Fenves presented the plan to the Board’s Academic Affairs Committee, which is made up of Regents Janiece Longoria, Paul





Laziness creates theft Art Building, 2301 San Jacinto Blvd. Theft: A Giant black and grey Rincon mountain bicycle was reported stolen from the bike rack located on the west side of the building after being secured with a selflocking cable lock. During the investigation, the officer learned the subject knew about using a twolock locking system, but did not want to carry the extra weight of a second lock. Loss value: $450.00. Occurred on: 2-3-10, between 8 a.m. and 1:30 p.m.

Good hair day.

No camping here!


Friday February 5, 2010 2 p.m. College of Communication L.B.J. Room, CMA 5.160 2600 Whitis Avenue Austin, Texas 78712

Centennial Park, 1600 Red River Criminal Trespass Warning (3 Counts): A UT police officer discovered several non-UT subjects inside a makeshift camp site located under SKI SPRING BREAK 2010!

John Ekerdt, associate dean of engineering, said the project addresses the critical need of the college. “The key is space,” Ekerdt said. “We have several buildings that are functionally obsolete, and we need to renew these facilities.” According to the proposal, the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering alone will be able to add nine new faculty members and 180 graduate students. Ekerdt said the proposal is referring to increased office space for new faculty and graduate students. The plan will also create office space for faculty at the J.J. Pickle Center Research Campus, who currently work in temporary buildings. Ekerdt said the transition process of demolishing and rebuilding the sites will cause many faculty members to shift from their current offices, labs and classrooms. “That’s one of the first things that will be addressed,” Ekerdt said. “It will be a problem because engineering and natural science programs that are located where the first proposed building is will need to find a home somewhere.” Ekerdt said, despite the anticipated roadblocks, students and faculty are excited, especially when leaving the temporary tinshed classrooms behind. “It’s intended to be a destination for collaboration in an environment that wasn’t before,” Ekerdt said.

the Centennial Park bridge. All three subjects were issued written Criminal Trespass Warnings and were escorted from the area. Occurred on: 2-04-10 at 4:29 a.m.

A family affair

Colorado Apartments, 2501 Lake Austin Blvd Assault with Bodily Injury / Family Violence: UT police officers responded to the Colorado Apartments on a reported disturbance. Upon arrival the officers located a crying female. The non-UT subject informed the officers that her husband had accidently stepped on her foot and she believed it was broken. Austin EMS was summoned to treat the subject’s injured foot. During the investigation, Austin EMS notified the officers that the subject’s injuries were not con-


sistent with her story, and had discovered additional injuries to her upper arm. As the investigation continued, the officers were able to locate the victim’s husband, a UT student. He informed the officers that his wife had disrespected him and he grabbed her arms. Occurred on: 2-3-10, at 6:52 p.m.

Looking for change Molecular Biology Building, 2500 Speedway Burglary of Coin-Operated Machine: A UT staff member reported a coin-operated machine located inside a first floor women’s restroom had been forced open. The officer was unable to determine the amount of missing product or money. Loss value: Unknown at this time. Discovered on: 2-03-10, at 4:41 p.m.




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Foster, Colleen McHugh and Robert Stillwell. “I don’t think anyone at the table can dispute the importance of engineering to the future of this state and to the University of Texas,” committee chairwoman Longoria said. “It appears to me that we at the Cockrell School of Engineering are very tall on talent but short on infrastructure, so I really appreciate the opportunity to hear about this and consider it today.” President William Powers Jr., who was also at the meeting, said fundraising cannot begin until the project has been added to the System’s program. He said the plan is entirely contingent on funding from the Texas Legislature and, more importantly, private donors. “It will continue to be a process going forward,” Powers said. “Given the economic conditions, it will be a project to get outside funding.” Powers said the project will not be funded by tuition or other student fees. Regent James Dannenbaum, a UT engineering alumnus, said the project will attract the necessary funding from private donors. “As an engineer, I do want the board to know that the engineering alumni are absolutely euphoric about this project,” Dannenbaum said. “Dean Fenves is a superstar that has all of them excited and energized. I have a high degree of confidence that the philanthropy part of this project will be met and things will proceed as the dean has outlined.”

campus watch

COPYRIGHT Copyright 2009 Texas Student Media. All articles, photographs and graphics, both in the print and online editions, are the property of Texas Student Media and may not be reproduced or republished in part or in whole without written permission.

Friday, February 5, 2010


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Fund: Businesses must

repay for falling short From page 1 amount of time. If they fail to meet their contractual obligations, the company must repay an amount of money determined on a caseby-case basis, depending on how short the company fell of meeting its commitment, said Lucy Nashed, a spokeswoman for the governor’s office. More than 50 companies were under contract with the Enterprise Fund as of Dec. 31, 2009, according to the governor’s office. These businesses have received more than $380 million and have created more than 54,000 jobs. Nashed said the state gives each business an annual benchmark to determine whether the business is creating its required amount of jobs. The report, which analyzed figures from 2008, found that many of the fund recipients were missing their job targets for the year, while others such as UT M.D. Anderson Cancer Cen-


“The funny numbers that are being used to count jobs all over the state — regardless of whether or not they are at the research facility in question — then those are jobs [that] aren’t really necessarily going into public university research,” he said. “It’s good money going in, and it’s garbage coming out.” The day before the medical institutions released their report, Perry announced in a press release that he amended 11 Enterprise Fund contracts but did not specify when the amendments occurred. The press release states that contracts may be altered as necessary to “adjust for changes in terms, including job targets and deadlines.” In the case of UT M.D. Anderson, Wheat said their contract had been revised to make it easier for the institution to reach the job creation goal, although UT was not in the list of amended contracts in the governor’s press release.

It’s good money going in, and it’s garbage coming out.”

— Andrew Wheat, researcher

ter in Houston were reporting an excessively large surplus. The UT Health Science Center, M.D. Anderson and General Electric Medical Systems received $25 million from the fund in 2004 to help develop the Center for Advanced Biomedical Imaging. In their contract, the medical institutions promised to create 2,252 jobs with the development of the imaging center by 2011. As of Dec. 31, 2009, the medical institutions reported creating almost 5,000 new jobs, according to a chart compiled by the Office of the Governor. But many of these jobs were not contained in the facility itself, which is a violation of their original contract. Andrew Wheat, a researcher at Texans for Public Justice, found the contract had been revised by the governor’s office to include all jobs somewhat relating to the creation of the imaging center — some of which were scattered across the state at other UT campuses. Many of these job titles seemed unrelated to the imaging center project, including the addition of plumbers, cooks and U.T. MD Anderson spokespeople, Wheat said.

The surplus of jobs at M.D. Anderson and some other businesses could be attributed to a clause in the policy that allows a surplus of jobs created in one year to essentially “roll over” into the next if the company fails to meet the following year’s benchmark. Although the fund began with good intentions, the many errors it contains are an indication of the need for better oversight, Schwartz said. Don Baylor, senior policy analyst at the Center for Public Policy Priorities, a nonprofit, nonpartisan institute that reviews public policy, said the rollover aspect of the fund goes against its purpose. “It’s not a race to create the most jobs,” Baylor said. “It’s about sustainable job creation.” Baylor said the Enterprise Fund caters more to the companies themselves rather than to their current and potential employees. “The money isn’t being leveraged to a broader public benefit,” he said. “It’s really difficult to argue that a billion-dollar company like a bank is going to create jobs with another couple million dollars.”

The Daily Texan Permanent Staff

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Wire Editor: Kelsey Crow


Friday, February 5, 2010

T he Daily T exan

Massachusetts senator sworn in one week early

Fernando Vergara | Associated Press

University students clash with police during a protest against Venezuela’s President Hugo Chavez in Caracas on Thursday. Police blocked the protesters’ march route from a downtown plaza to Congress.

Police split anti-Chavez protest Student demonstrators were denied permission to march, says officer By Fabiola Sanchez Associated Press CARACAS, Venezuela — Police used tear gas, plastic bullets and water cannons to scatter hundreds of students protesting against the government Thursday, while President Hugo Chavez’s supporters celebrated the 18th anniversary of his failed coup as an army officer. Caracas Police Chief Carlos Meza said authorities broke up the protest because university students had not been grant-

ed permission to march. He said the denial was aimed at preventing clashes with thousands of “Chavistas” marching across the capital to mark the botched 1992 military rebellion that Chavez led as a lieutenant colonel. “They don’t have permission to march,” Meza said. Student leaders countered that they have the right to stage peaceful protests, and they said authorities loyal to Chavez frequently deny them permission to demonstrate. Before the protest was dispersed, students chanted: “We’re students, not coup plotters!” “This is one more demonstration of the government’s abuse of

power,” student leader Roderick Navarro said. Students started leading protests last week after the government pressured cable and satellite TV providers to drop an opposition channel. Students have organized demonstrations in cities across the country, accusing Chavez of forcing Radio Caracas Television International off the airwaves as a means of silencing his critics. Chavez challenged the students to continue staging demonstrations, saying they won’t weaken his socialist government. But he warned them against stirring up violence, suggesting authorities would break up protests

that get out of control. “Don’t make a mistake with us. You’ll get a firm response,” Chavez said during a speech to his supporters at Venezuela’s largest military fort. Thousands of Chavez’s backers gathered to listen to Chavez, who hailed the Feb. 4, 1992, military uprising against then-President Carlos Andres Perez as a justified rebellion seeking to topple a corrupt government that ignored the plight of Venezuela’s poor. More than 80 civilians and 17 soldiers were killed before troops loyal to the government quelled the coup attempt, which Chavez commemorates annually.

By Andrew Miga The Associated Press WASHINGTON, D.C. — Republican Scott Brown took over the seat of the late Massachusetts Sen. Edward Kennedy on Thursday, vowing to be an independent voice in a bitterly divided Senate. “I can’t promise I will be right in every vote I make... I will do the very best job I can,” Brown told reporters. Brown was sworn-in by Vice President Joe Biden at a Capitol Hill ceremony a week earlier than he originally planned, and just in time to plunge into a partisan fight over President Barack Obama’s choice of a union attorney for a top labor job. Brown’s arrival in the Senate ends the Democrats’ supermajority and gives the GOP 41 votes they can use to block President Barack Obama’s agenda. At a news conference, Brown made an assertion about the last economic stimulus bill that most economists would dispute. “The last stimulus bill didn’t create one new job,” Brown said in response to a question about a jobs bill pending in the Senate. He added that the stimulus may have retained some jobs. Republicans have questioned the way the Obama administration has counted jobs created or saved with stimulus money. But most economists believe new jobs were created even though unemployment rates rose. Depending on how Democrats set the Senate’s calendar, Brown’s

first vote could be against the confirmation of Craig Becker, a lawyer for the Service Employees International Union, to a seat on the National Labor Relations Board, the federal panel that referees private sector labor-management disputes. Brown said he hasn’t decided on whether to support Becker. The Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee approved Becker’s nomination on a party-line 13-10 vote Thursday, sending it to the full Senate. Republicans have held up Becker ’s confirmation for months, saying they fear he might use the post to make labor laws more union-friendly without congressional approval. Brown, 50, a little-known former state senator, stunned the nation with his victory last month over favored Democrat Martha Coakley and put the 2010 midterm elections in play for a possible GOP takeover of Congress. Brown’s win derailed Obama’s health care overhaul and catapulted Brown onto the national stage. On Wednesday, Brown said he wanted to move up the swearingin so that he could participate in upcoming Senate votes. On Thursday morning, Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick certified the results of Brown’s win, clearing the way for him to take the oath of office. Brown will fill the last two years of the late Kennedy’s term. Kennedy held the seat for nearly a half-century before he died in August.

Americans charged with kidnapping in Haiti By Frank Bajak The Associated Press PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti — Ten U.S. Baptist missionaries were charged with kidnapping Thursday for trying to take 33 children out of Haiti to a hastily arranged refuge just as officials were trying to protect children from predators in the chaos of a great earthquake. The Haitian lawyer who represents the 10 Americans portrayed nine of his clients as innocents caught up in a scheme they did not understand. But attorney Edwin Coq did not defend the actions of the group leader, Laura Silsby, though he continued to represent her. “I’m going to do everything I can to get the nine out. They were naive. They had no idea what was going on and they did not know that they needed official papers to cross the border,” Coq said. “But Silsby did.” The Americans, most members of two Idaho churches, said they

were rescuing abandoned children and orphans from a nation that UNICEF says had 380,000 even before the catastrophic Jan. 12 quake. But at least two-thirds of the children, who range in age from 2 to 12, have parents who gave them away because they said the Americans promised the children a better life. The investigating judge, who interviewed the missionaries Tuesday and Wednesday, found sufficient evidence to

charge them for trying to take the children across the border into the Dominican Republic on Jan. 29 without documentation, Coq said. Each was charged with one count of kidnapping, which carries a sentence of five to 15 years in prison, and one of criminal association, punishable by three to nine years. Coq said the case would be assigned a judge and a verdict could take three months. State Department spokesman


P.J. Crowley said the U.S. was open to discuss “other legal avenues” for the defendants, an apparent reference to the Haitian prime minister ’s earlier suggestion that Haiti could consider sending the Americans back to the United States for prosecution.

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Cliff Owen | Associated Press

Then-senator-elect Scott Brown, R-Mass. speaks with reporters after arriving on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., on Thursday.


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Friday, February 5, 2010

Editor in Chief: Jillian Sheridan Phone: (512) 232-2212 E-mail: Associate Editors: Jeremy Burchard David Muto Roberto Cervantes Dan Treadway Lauren Winchester

T he Daily T exan



Higher ed and the race for governor With the start of early voting less than two weeks away, a narrative seems to have cemented itself in the race for the Republican gubernatorial nomination. After two debates, the spotlight has turned to polls, which now show activist Debra Medina — a libertarian with Ron Paul-style grassroots support and former unknown — garnering enough of the vote to potentially force a runoff between Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison and Gov. Rick Perry, Medina’s better-funded and higher-profile competitors. The horse-race-style coverage of Medina’s rise and the potential for a protracted race between Hutchison and Perry has, unsurprisingly, overshadowed even the piddling disputes over policy highlighted in the debates, which largely served as venues for the two Republican titans’ sniping and smirking. The focus on Medina’s wild-card status and Hutchison’s failure to woo undecided voters and overtake Perry in polls — he leads her by roughly 10 points in most surveys — has allowed the governor to get away with trumpeting Texas’ economic prosperity while campaigning but calling on state agencies to slash budgets in his capacity as governor. “It really wears me out that we have two people on stage here that want to tear Texas down,” Perry lamented in the candidates’ first debate after receiving criticism for job losses incurred during his term. Perry went on to gush that “there’s something special going on in Texas” and called the state “the land of opportunity.” Yet just a day later, news outlets reported that Perry was calling on state agencies — including public universities — to prepare to trim their budgets by 5 percent to compensate for financial shortfalls. UT, which had already announced preliminary plans to raise tuition by 3.95 percent each year for the next two years, responded with an announcement that it would be closing the Cactus Cafe, a storied musical venue, and eliminating informal classes, which offer a variety of educational opportunities to non-students. Outcry — the loudest UT has heard from the community outside the University in response to a budget cut in recent memory — followed. Perry’s request of state agencies may be necessary as Texas moves forward through a tough economic climate, but the governor’s resistance to admitting that state finances have suffered under his watch — whether through fault of his own or not — reflects a lack of regard for the agencies that are now faced with the arduous task of cutting budgets that have already suffered heavy poundings. But the governor is not alone in his failure to adequately address the needs of institutes of higher education amid bleak economic forecasts. All three candidates offer vague overviews on the subject in their campaign platforms, but Hutchison has turned much of her focus to squabbling with Perry, and Medina has yet to fully articulate a vision for the future of university-level public education in the state. Democratic candidates Bill White, the former mayor of Houston and likely nominee, and Farouk Shami, the Houston millionaire whose candidacy has largely been viewed as a far-fetched spectacle, are set to debate Monday night. We won’t get our hopes up that the two will engage in substantive debate on higher education, but we hope that the candidates — who, unlike the Republicans, are not engaged in a particularly charged battle — will at least hint at a nuanced take on the subject. Early voting starts Feb. 16. — David Muto for the editorial board


The real relationship between UT’s academic and athletic budgets By David Hillis Daily Texan Guest Columnist Currently, the UT budget is a three-legged stool, with the major sources of support from external research grants — the indirect funds from research grants heavily subsidize everything else that UT does — tuition, and direct state support. The third leg of this stool — state support — has been trimmed in recent years, so that it now provides about one-sixth of our academic budget, rather than one-third or more as it once did. As a result, we have grown so reliant on indirect costs from research grants and, to a lesser extent, on tuition increases, that we are now trying to balance on what amounts to a two-legged stool. In this environment, it is important to evaluate how we are using our resources and to ensure that we make every effort to be fiscally responsible in all areas of the University. With this in mind, I applaud President William Powers Jr.’s efforts to trim the expenses of administration. Across the University, most programs are making every effort to find ways to cut expenses, and our academic programs have now been trimmed to the bone. The staff and faculty firings and loss of graduate student support are heartbreaking for the University community. These cuts have hurt our academic reputation and standing among American public universities. We have cut everything

that we can in these areas; we cannot afford additional cuts to academic programs if we hope to retain our core academic mission. So, where else can we save as we face even more looming cutbacks to our state support? Many outside UT seem to think that we also receive positive net income from intercollegiate athletics, since the gross income from this source seems enormous (e.g., gross income for intercollegiate athletics was $105,230,260 in 2008-2009, the latest figures available, or a little less than 5 percent of UT’s total income from all sources). But athletics expenses (e.g., $107, 283,744 in 2008-2009) are even higher than its income. To make up the difference, UT has to “transfer in” large amounts from general revenue funds such as Trademark Income. In addition, because Intercollegiate Athletics has run up an enormous debt ($222,488,000 by 2008-2009), we have to transfer even larger sums from general revenue sources to the Athletics Operations Cash reserves, so that we have enough reserves to pay our debt obligations from athletics in years that we do not go to a BCS bowl. This is necessary because when UT is not at the top of the national rankings, even the large “transfers in” to athletics from general revenues are not enough to cover our athletic department debt. Athletics at UT is often claimed to be “self-supporting,” so does this description fit with

Measuring the value of a musical landmark By Ricky Stein Daily Texan Guest Columnist My father attended the University of Texas in the spring of 1965. As a junior, he went to an open mic night held in the Texas Union — a predecessor to what would become the Cactus Cafe. He played a couple of songs, and after his set, the manager asked him if he’d like to do a full show sometime. Over the years, the Cactus Cafe has meant a lot of different things to a lot of different people. Unfortunately, this seems to have escaped the awareness of the majority of the UT student body (or at least its elected representatives). At the most recent Student Government Assembly, one of the student representatives described the Cactus as “that room in the Union by the men’s restroom.” This is a real tragedy. I wish that he would make the effort of stepping inside and seeing a show sometime. It is truly a mesmerizing experience. The Cactus Cafe brings worldclass acoustic music to a worldclass university. This is music that

you cannot hear on top-40 radio or see on MTV or VH1. It is music that is born of the heart, music that aspires to be more than an ephemeral social phenomenon. It is music that touches the lives of those involved in a deeply profound and lasting way. According to President William Powers Jr., the decision to “phase out” the Cactus was approved by student representatives. The Student Government complains that the cafe does not engage the student community enough. I suppose that is somewhat fair criticism. But there are ways to better involve the student body without shutting down an Austin icon. We can get more student-musicians involved. We can get the Student Literary Society involved (great place for readings). American Studies, Journalism, R-T-F — all of these fields could have much to gain by attending shows and events held at the Cactus Cafe. But let’s not close the doors on this cherished bastion of genuine, heartfelt American music. While I appreciate the efforts of the alumni association to offer to move the

Cactus to another location, this is simply not an equitable solution. The Cactus is more than merely a business establishment, it is a monument. It is the place where Townes Van Zandt played so many of his legendary shows, the stage where Lyle Lovett got his feet wet as a performer, the building — which houses such shimmeringly immaculate acoustics — in which countless singer/songwriters have found their courage and their voice. It is the location that is hallowed ground, not just the institution. So much of Austin’s rich musical heritage resides within in the friendly wooden confines of the Cactus Café. If the University of Texas decides to move or eliminate the music venue, it will be making an incredibly unwise and unjustified decision. It will, in effect, deprive its student body (as well as Austin as a whole) of a major part of this wonderful city’s history and culture. At last count, there were over 16,000 plus members of the Facebook group “Save the Cactus Cafe.” A sobering reality was attending the open forum and see-

ing only a tiny fraction of students, musicians, and music fans voicing protest. Our elected student officials are there to serve our needs, but we must make our voices heard. It is not hard to get involved with and have an influence on the way our university is governed. All the necessary information can be found at I do not believe this is over yet. SG President Liam O’Rourke has said that the issue is still “open to discussion.” I urge the student body to stand up for their city, to take an active role in maintaining the uniqueness and integrity of their University and to help save a beloved Austin musical institution that is desperately in need. UT Student Government Assembly is held every Tuesday at 7 p.m. on the ground floor of the Student Services Building. For more information about Student Government, including a section on how to get involved, visit utsg. org. Stein is a second-generation Austin musician and a third-generation UT student

the numbers above? It is only “self-supporting” once the transfers into athletics from general University revenue funds are added to “Income and Transfers In” account. This amounts to a huge subsidy to athletics, which comes at a cost to the rest of the University. Of course, athletics also brings many other benefits to the University, and many students want to attend the University because of its great sports programs. I am certainly not suggesting that the University scale back its sports programs — just that we exercise greater fiscal responsibility in this area wherever possible (as is already the case in every other department and program of the University). The salary structure of the coaches is clearly beyond what is necessary to maintain outstanding sports programs; we pay the football coach about 10 times what we pay our hardworking University president. No other university in the world pays its football coach as much as we do, and UT drives the cost of coaching salaries ever higher. The athletics department takes great pride in the fact that “We are the Joneses” that everyone else has to try to keep up with. And the unnecessary spending does not stop with coaches salaries; do we really need numerous luxuries such as flat-screen TVs covering the players’ locker and break rooms? It is hard to justify this kind of excess while the rest of the campus is struggling to maintain basic academ-

ic programs; staff and faculty are being fired; tuition continues to rise; and we are making ever greater demands on faculty to bring in more and more research grants to subsidize dayto-day operations. The contrast between the Spartan facilities of most of campus compared to the opulence of the intercollegiate athletic facilities is striking. No wonder the public incorrectly thinks that the athletics budget supports the academic side of campus, rather than the other way around. When I bring up these disconnects in UT budget, I often hear people say that “athletics is a completely different and independent budget.” This, of course, is simply false. UT has to have one balanced budget, and to pay for athletics, we have to transfer in millions of dollars to athletics every year from general revenue. All of the University’s spending is connected. We all want UT to be great in everything that it does: education, research, outreach and athletics. But to make this happen, especially as we face growing budget reductions, every area of UT must contribute to budgetary savings. Athletics can no longer afford to “eat everything they kill,” especially when that includes general UT revenue that is needed to maintain our basic academic mission. Hillis is the Alfred W. Roark Centennial Professor; Section of Integrative Biology and member of the UT Faculty Coucil.

No need to defend the Union Board Matt Hardigree’s firing line of Feb. 4, “Defending the Union Board,” about the workings of the Texas Union Board of Directors, is misleading to say the least. The Texas Union Board has nine voting members (not three as Hardigree states): six students (the Student Government President, SEC president, two generally elected members and two appointees of the SG President) and three appointed faculty members. The Dean of Students, or his/ her delegate, the Secretary of the Board of Directors, and the Union Director are ex-officio members without vote. Hardigree also states that, “students and community members do have access to the Union Board, to the meetings, and are free to come and have their voices heard.” A confounding assertion, considering the Texas Union Board did not publish the meeting dates for the spring 2010 semester (including the Jan. 29 meeting) until Feb. 4 and still does not include information on the agendas, times and locations of these meetings (information which was also lacking for the fall 2009 posted meeting dates). So, Mr. Hardigree, calling this an open governance process is a joke that I had a good laugh at this morning.

— Hayley Gillespie UT grad student

LEGALESE Opinions expressed in The Daily Texan are not necessarily those of the UT administration, the Board of Regents or the Texas Student Media Board of Operating Trustees.

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Friday, February 5, 2010

Researchers link prostate cancer to failure of gene we’re going to try to prevent By Madeeha Khursheed EMT from occurring.” Daily Texan Staff In humans, the levels of A recent study shows that prostate cancer cells are likely to DAB2IP in one’s system may spread to other parts of the body lead physicians to asses the more rapidly if a particular gene likelihood that prostrate cancer cells grow and metastasize, stops functioning properly. The disabled homolog 2-inter- Hsieh said. “If you have this protein presacting protein — or DAB2IP — is a gene that produces proteins ent, the cancer has less chancthat regulate the activation of es of becoming aggressive,” harmful prostate cancer-causing he said. Hsieh said he did not proteins. The study, conducted know how often the DAB2IP by researchers at UT-Southwest- gene fails to produce the protecern Medical Center in Dallas, tive protein. Prostate cancer is a highly used mice to show that without DAB2IP, cells are able to metas- complex disease and is more tasize drastically, increasing the common than the public realizrisk of cancer spreading to other es, said Hugh Forrest, UT College of Natural Sciences profesparts of the body. By eliminating the DAB2IP, sor and human physiology and human carcinoma, or cancer- molecular biology expert. “Breast cancer gets all the ous cells, were found to change publicity, but from epitheliprostate canal cells to mescer is far more enchymal cells, common,” Forwhich is charIn every disease, rest said. “The acteristic of trouble is, when metastatic canif you find early c e r. E p i t h e treatment, there is a itit isisdiagnosed, impossilial cells line e v e r y o r g a n better chance of cure.” b l e t o k n o w how fast it will in the human — Jer-Tsong Hsieh g r o w. T h e n body while mesenchymal Research director there are dangers in treating cells make up it, too — you the internal can become imstructure of the organ, almost like a roof covers potent, or there can be a lot of other problems.” the inner rooms of a house. The conclusion drawn from “[Cells that undergo] epithelial to mesenchymal transition this paper gives Hsieh and fel[EMT] can dissociate from their low researchers hope for fuprimary site, become more ture prostate cancer treatment loose and are able to enter the possibilities. “In every disease, if you find prostate, lymphatic system or any other place in our body,” early treatment, there is a betsaid Jer-Tsong Hsieh, direc- ter chance of cure,” Hsieh said. tor of the Jean H. and John T. “Now we can know if it is in the Walker Jr. Center for Research early stage, and we can devise in Urologic Oncology at UT- a good strategy to increase proSouthwestern and the study’s tein concentration and increase senior author. “In the future, chances of recovery.”


App: Services

of programs meet distinct groups’ needs From page 1 an excellent app, and taking it down would make a worse experience for students.” Miller’s iTexas app will most likely be temporarily removed from the Apple Store on Saturday, Nimmagadda said. He said nobody from the UT legal department contacted Mutual Mobile directly and that the company does not have the resources to fight a legal battle if the University chooses to prosecute. “If they had told us to change the name, we would have been open to that,” he said. “They did not contact us. They just got in touch with Apple directly. But they know who we are. We are all UT people, and they have talked to us at different times throughout these processes.” Westemeier said that it is standard procedure to file complaints directly with Apple because they have an efficient process for responding to and working with both parties, which has worked well in the past. He also said no members of Mutual Mobile had contacted the University’s legal or trademarking departments about the complaint. Nimagadda said that as they investigate the application further, other issues may arise that force the trademarking and legal departments to fight the application’s return to the store. “We’ve got to look at the bigger picture as far as what they’re doing, the information they’re using and confusion of the brand,” Westemeier said. Jack Koenig, a Plan II and electrical engineering freshman, has downloaded both applications for free from the Apple Store. He said he finds them both extremely useful and hopes students will continue to have access to the services both applications offer. “The University has a valid complaint, but the iTexas app has really cool stuff that the UT app doesn’t,” Koenig said.

Maxx Scholten | Daily Texan Staff

Former Nicaraguan Vice President Sergio Ramirez addresses attendees of the 30th annual student conference on Latin America sponsored by the Institute of Latin American Studies Student Association in the Thompson Conference Center.

Conference tackles Latino issues By Hannah Jones Daily Texan Staff Human rights activist Carlos Mauricio and former Nicaraguan Vice President Sergio Ramírez opened the 30th annual Institute of Latin American Studies Student Association’s student conference on Thursday. The conference will feature academic presentations Friday and Saturday by students from UT and all over North and South America. Thursday evening, Mauricio shared his experience of being a torture survivor in El Salvador in 1983 and discussed current issues in Latin America. Ramírez lectured on the history of the revolution in Nicaragua and current issues on democracy in that country. Student presenters in the confer-

Need to have your wisdom teeth removed? Don’t get all wound up. We have a better option. Right now, PPD is looking for men and women for a post-surgical pain relief research study. The surgery is performed by a board-certified oral surgeon, and managed through Austin Oral Surgery Associates by James R. Fricke, Jr. DDS, MSD. Financial compensation is provided upon study completion and the surgery is performed at no cost. For information, call


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ence submitted abstracts to the conference’s committee in November, which then created discussion panels based off of the students’ work. Emily Spangenberg, a Latin American Studies graduate student and conference coordinator, said the two-day event is one of the biggest interdisciplinary meetings of its kind. “The presentations can be any [Latin American] discipline or topic, we only ask that it’s original research,” Spangenberg said. “It’s open to anyone, but due to the nature of the presentations, it’s mostly graduate students.” The conference will feature 85 presenters, half from UT and half from Latin American countries, Spangenberg said. The two keynote speakers gave their presenta-

tions in Spanish, and some of the students will also lecture in their native language. Lorena Cordova, a linguistics and anthropology graduate student from the Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social in Mexico, will present in the indigenous issues and identity panel Friday afternoon. Cordova said she wants to share the impact of ecological tourism on indigenous regions of Mexico with the audience. Cordova said it was her second time to travel to Texas and that she is very interested in hearing other student’s presentations. “I’m interested in other Latin American investigations, and they can help me with my own,” she said.

Junior anthropology major Cynthia Villanueva, a representative of the Center for Women’s and Gender Studies present at the welcome-registration fair Thursday, said all the centers can network and help each other out at events like the student conference. “We represent women and children and minorities,” Villanueva said. “We want to bring about attention for our center at important events like these.” The conference will end Saturday afternoon with a closing address by Marisela Yniesta Reynoso, project director of Fondo Pro Cuenca, which counsels families in Valle de Bravo, Mexico about how to construct economically sound houses.

University Co-op George H. Mitchell Awards For Excellence in Graduate Research

Graduate Students:

The deadline for the 2010 University Co-op/George H. Mitchell Awards is approaching! The University of Texas at Austin and the Graduate Student Assembly, with the generous support of the University Co-op Society, will present 3 awards of $2,000 each to outstanding graduate students for the pursuit and achievement of excellence in research. Each award will carry entitlement to pay in-state tuition for 2010–2011 school year. Applications will be judged on the basis of outstanding contributions to their field of study. Research should be substantially in progress.

The deadline for application is February 19, 2010 at 5 pm. For more information:

6 AD



Sports Editor: Blake Hurtik E-mail: Phone: (512) 232-2210


Friday, February 5, 2010



Texas Tech at No. 17 Texas

Slew of Big 12 talent leaves no time to rest No matter the opponent, Longhorns ready to play with ‘heart and hustle’ By Dan Hurwitz Daily Texan Staff The unranked Lady Red Raiders will come to Austin looking to steal a win from the Longhorns on Sunday, exactly three weeks after the Horns came back from a six-point deficit to win in the final 20 seconds against Texas Tech in Lubbock. With the Big 12 loaded with talent — seven teams are ranked in the top 25 — there are no easy games. The Longhorns have had to learn the hard way with early conference season games against ranked opponents in six of seven games, including the back-to-back loss-

Hamilton finding his groove

es to Nebraska and Texas A&M that started Big 12 play. “Every team in this league is so talented, it’s really incredible,” said coach Gail Goestenkors. And that includes Texas Tech. The Longhorns escaped Texas Tech by coming from behind with big steals in both regulation and overtime to win in Lubbock for the first time in Goestenkors’ era. Texas Tech is currently sitting at 11th place, but they are still no pushover. They are led by a trio of scorers — Kierra Mallard, Jordan Murphree and Ashlee Roberson. Murphree and Roberson both scored 29 points last time they took on the Longhorns. The Longhorns have learned

HEART continues on page 8

Mary Kang | Daily Texan Staff

Freshman forward Jordan Hamilton, right, tries to get the ball to senior center Dexter Pittman in the Horns’ 69-50 win against USC in December at the Frank Erwin Center. After a recent slump, Hamilton scored 27 points in Texas’ 72-60 win in Stillwater on Monday.

Making the ‘right shot’ results in more playing time, opportunities

Peter Franklin | Daily Texan Staff

Sophomore guard Ashleigh Fontenette brings the ball down the court in Texas’ 61-50 win against Baylor on Sunday in Austin.

By Laken Litman Daily Texan Staff To coach Rick Barnes, getting playing time is simple — just ask freshman Jordan Hamilton. In No. 10 Texas’ loss to Baylor last weekend, Hamilton played

two minutes on the court, going 0 for 3 in shooting. But in Monday night’s 12-point win at Oklahoma State, Hamilton played 19 minutes and led the Longhorns with 27 points, going 11 for 16 in field goals and 5

for 8 from the 3-point line. “If a guy does his job and misses his shot, I can assure you he’s not coming out of the game,” Barnes said. “But if I feel like he’s not in tune with what we need to be doing as a team, he’s

gotta come out of the game.” In the Baylor game, Barnes felt that Hamilton didn’t understand his role on the court. But something clicked two days

HAMILTON continues on page 8

UT vs. Oklahoma Saturday at 3 p.m., ESPN

What to watch for

Texas Spotlight

And you thought Texas was underachieving

Jordan Hamilton, Forward When Dogus Balbay and Justin Mason had huge offensive games — at least by their standards — in Texas’ win over Texas Tech, everyone knew they would be the lifesavers for Longhorns’ sinking ship. Then the Baylor loss happened, and everyone jumped off the bandwagon. Now, after his career-night against Oklahoma State, people are expecting Jordan Hamilton to continually light up the scoreboard with 27-point performances. Hate to burst your bubble, but don’t count on it. What you can count on is more playing time for the freshman and more trust in his shot from teammates. But please, don’t expect nearly 30 points off the bench every night. -Chris Tavarez

Oklahoma Spotlight Tiny Gallon, Center I’d like to meet Oklahoma’s star freshman’s parents. They have to have a good sense of humor. I mean, they named their 6-foot-9-inch, 296-pound child Tiny. Even if they didn’t know he’d grow up to be a man-child, they knew for sure his last name would be Gallon. Honestly, his birth name isn’t Tiny. It’s really Keith, but no one cares about that. What they do care about is his presence inside. He averages double-digit points and nearly nine rebounds a game. He is everything Dexter Pittman hasn’t been. If you don’t believe his dominance inside, just ask Gonzaga. They had to replace a backboard that he shattered while dunking. -C.T.

It’s that time again for.....

The Daily Texan


Texas fans have voiced their fair share of displeasure with the Longhorns’ recent downturn. But just be lucky you’re not a Sooner fan. Granted, Oklahoma lost player-of-theyear Blake Griffin to the NBA, but stud sophomore Willie Warren decided to return for this season, and the Sooners expected to fight for the Big 12 title. But Warren has underachieved — even being called out by OU coach Jeff Capel for not being a leader — and the Sooners have been streaky. They’ve lost three of their last four games and sit in eighth place after finishing second last season.

Dexter Pittman, meet your match Hopefully, the maintenance crew at Oklahoma’s Lloyd Noble Center reinforced the hardwood floor for the game because there will be a ton of weight bounding up and down the court. Texas’ 290-pound heavyweight Dexter Pittman will face OU’s 296-pound freshman center Tiny Gallon. Maybe, for once, the TV announcers will talk about Gallon’s weight instead of Pittman’s. While Gallon has been outperforming his elder, maybe the two should settle the score like true big men — with a halftime eating contest. Hopefully, Pittman’s diet allows for it.

Will the Horns be caught looking ahead? No matter how intense the Red River Rivalry is, everyone knows Texas’ true test over the next week comes on its home court two days later. The Longhorns will host top-ranked Kansas on Monday in what amounts to the ultimate chance for Texas to prove it’s an elite team. But first, there’s the small matter of the struggling Sooners. And while any team loves to play the spoiler role against a favored team, there’s even more motivation against a rival. This has “trap game” written all over it. — Blake Hurtik




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Friday, February 5, 2010

sPoRts BRieFLY

men’s tennis

Longhorns battle the Aggies for Texas Cup

Baseball rewarded after decade of conference, national success It has been a week of No. 1 rankings for the Texas baseball team. After grabbing the top spots in both Baseball America and Collegiate Baseball, the Horns were named the Team of the Decade (2000-09) in a poll of Division I baseball coaches. In that 10-year span, Texas advanced to the College World Series six times, won two titles (2002, 2005) and finished as runner-up in 2004 and 2009. With six regional titles, five Big 12 Conference regular-season titles and four Phillips 66 Big 12 Championship titles, the Horns received 32.6 percent of the vote that put them above Oregon State, North Carolina and Rice. Along with team success, the Horns also produced 36 First Team All-Big 12 players, 21 All-Americans and 21 Freshman All-Americans from 2000-2009. Baseball America also named former Longhorns Kyle Russell and Huston Street to the All-Decade team while coach Augie Garrido finished second to Oregon State’s coach Pat Casey for Coach of the Decade by less than 1 percent. — Austin Ries

Texas men’s team in fifth place after two rounds in Hawaii The Texas men’s golf team ended round two of the Mauna Lani Invitational in Waikoloa, Hawaii tied for fifth place and 11 shots back of the leader Washington. Freshman Johnathan Schnitzer led the team in the second round with a 2-under 70, shaving eight shots off of his opening round 78. “I was pleased with our guys today, and [Schnitzer] contributed a very solid round with his 2-under 70,” said coach John Fields. Along with Schnitzer’s team best score, junior Bobby Hudson shot a 1-over 73 and is currently 1-under for the tournament and tied for fourth. Other Longhorn notables are sophomore Dylan Frittelli, who finished with a 1-over 73 and senor Charlie Holland, who finished with a 5-over 77. The Horns tee off Friday at 7:30 a.m. local time for the final round. — A.R.

Undefeated Horns have to adjust to indoor courts against long-time rival

Peter Franklin | Daily Texan Staff

Senior guard Brittainey Raven looks for an open Longhorn against Baylor on Sunday. Playing in one of the most talented conferences in the nation, Texas is concentrating on not letting up against unranked Texas Tech.

Heart: Games come down to energy From page 7 that no lead is safe and are aware that Texas Tech is capable of going on a run and putting up lots of points. “We know in every game, both teams are going to go on runs,” said guard Brittainey Raven. “We just have to buckle down, start executing on offense and be tough on defense.” The Lady Raiders will be the first of four consecutive unranked opponents for the Longhorns, but that doesn’t mean much, as nothing comes easy in this conference. The Big 12 has arguably been

the best conference in the nation this year. According to ESPN’s Bracketology, if the season ended today, eight Big 12 teams would qualify for the NCAA tournament, including the Longhorns. The third- through ninth-placed teams are separated by 1.5 games. Since the opening two losses, the Longhorns have turned things around, winning four of five to put them right in the thick of things as they approach the halfway mark of Big 12 play. “I was amazed when I came into the conference, how good it was, and how deep it was,”

Hamilton: Horns try to put it all together as conference heats up OSU], but he also took some tough shots, and if they didn’t go in, later, and Hamilton pulled the maybe he wouldn’t have had the Longhorns out of an 11-point def- chance to stay out there,” Barnes icit up to a victory. said. “But I think he tried con“Jordan took better shots [against sciously to be more aware of what

From page 7


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was going on in the game.” and that that’s OK,” Barnes said. Given the shooting frenzy, “But I also tell them all the time Barnes told Hamilton that his best not to let your offense dictate what play of the night was when he kind of impact you can have in a drove to the baseline and kicked it game. That’s one reason why Avout to freshman ery has probably Avery Bradley played more. He’s for the 3-pointer. been more of a de“It’s not about fensive guy. We making good need him more on shots but just the defensive end.” ... Every team goes making the right The Longhorns through a tough time play,” Barnes are in the stretch where they struggle.” of their season that said. “You can’t think you have they are hu— Rick Barnes shows to score to stay man. Barnes exCoach plained that evin a game. That was the best play ery year, teams get Jordan made all in a funk, and you night.” just have to hope it Bradley is living proof of that doesn’t come in March. mantra. He’s missed a lot of shots “We’ve got a long way to go, and opportunities but doesn’t let and I’ve said all year long we’re failed attempts affect the rest of his going to keep growing and getting game. better,” he said. “We had gotten “I tell the guys all the time that stagnate, and I felt it coming. We they won’t make all of their shots felt things were too easy for us [in


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Goestenkors said. “We talked before about the ACC, SEC, Big Ten. They’re good at the top, but as far as top to bottom, the Big 12 has been the complete conference since I’ve been here.” Every game is unpredictable, and almost all of them come down to the little things. “This league is defined by heart and hustle,” Goestenkors said. “It’s going to come down to that sense of urgency, it’s going to come down to making those big plays time and time again and diving for loose balls and doing all those little things that really make the big difference.”

By Rishi Daulat Daily Texan Staff It’s a battle for bragging rights. No. 8 Texas’ match this weekend against No. 12 Texas A&M won’t have any Big 12 implications, but instead, the teams will be competing for the eighth time for the Texas Cup. Texas won the 2009 Texas Cup, 7-0. This year, the match will be played at a neutral site — in Houston at The Downtown Club at the Met. The contest will be played indoors, but head coach Michael Center doesn’t foresee any problems for his team, even though they usually play outdoors. “We’re an outdoor team, and we’ll play outside as much as possible,” he said. “But, we’ll go and hit tonight and Thursday night indoors. We just have to acclimate as best as we can. We won’t have to deal with the conditions we had last weekend. We just have to be ready to play, and this team can play both ways — indoors and outdoors.” Both teams competed in the qualifying for the Intercollegiate Tennis Association National Indoor Championship last weekend. Texas qualified by beating both California and Middle Tennessee State, while A&M

was knocked out after losing their first match to No. 46 Fresno State, 4-3. A&M did bounce back the next day to beat No. 24 Oklahoma State, 4-1. Leading the way for the Longhorns are two top 10-ranked singles players, No. 5 Dimitar Kutrovsky and No. 9 Ed Corrie. Senior Josh Zavala is ranked No. 38, while two UT freshmen also sneak into the rankings: No. 85 Daniel Whitehead and No. 104 Vasko Mladenov. Junior Kellen Damico plays at the third spot and is currently on a 16-match winning streak. Kutrovsky and Zavala team up as the No. 22-ranked doubles team in the country. Texas A&M is 3-1 for the season. Their head coach, Steve Denton, was a former All-American for the Longhorns. No. 32 Jeff Dadamo is their top singles player and he also is a part of the No. 18 doubles duo along with Austin Krajicek. The Longhorns are undefeated this season, 3-0, and Center said he has been pleased with his team’s progress. “It’s early in the season and we have so many things to work on, but what we have done well is compete,” Center said. “We have competed really well. The guys are playing really hard and with a lot of confidence, which is always good to see. We’re going to keep working to get better. Some of the guys haven’t played a lot of matches yet, and we will see them improve as the year goes on.”

the beginning]. We were getting by without having to do very much on the offensive end and overpowering people. If you look around, every team goes through a tough time where they struggle.” Also, once conference play starts, the tempo automatically cranks up a few notches because the teams know each other so well. “Conference play is when you really have to execute,” Barnes said. “Our problem was we were playing really hard defensively and then — it’s what I’ve been talking about all year — we’d turn the ball over. We’re at a point now where you can’t overcome 20 turnovers. We’d play defensively as a team and then get to the offensive end and not play together.” When the team concentrates on defense, its offense slips, and vice versa. “That’s where we’ve got to put it together, and that’s what we haven’t done,” Barnes said.

women’s tennis

Coach ready to battle her alma mater By Alexandra Carreno Daily Texan Staff Texas women’s tennis coach Patty Fendick-McCain knows a thing or two about the Stanford tennis program. As a former Stanford tennis player, FendickMcCain made a name for herself when she won the 1986 NCAA singles title on the same court the Horns call home — the PenickAllison Tennis Center. And though it has been some time since Fendick-McCain donned her Stanford uniform, she will now be on the other side of the court, leading Texas against the 13th-ranked Cardinals after last weekend’s pair of tough losses to Tennessee and TCU at the Intercollegiate Tennis Association’s Kick-Off Weekend. “I learned about winning, training, acting like and being a champion during my experience at Stanford,” Fendick-McCain said. At Stanford, Fendick-McCain was a four-time All-American player, a two-time NCAA singles champion and the only tennis player out of both the men’s and women’s programs in Cardinal history to win back-to-back singles titles. Considered by many to be an all-time Cardinal great, she was named “Player of the Decade” for the 1980s. Fendick-McCain further solidified her prestigious reputation in 2003, when she was inducted into the Stanford Hall of Fame. She also enjoyed the title of most singles victories at the No. 1 position (57) until 14 years lat-

Peter Franklin | Daily Texan Staff

Women’s tennis head coach Patty Fendick-McCain, left, and assistant coach Darija Klaic look on at a recent match. er in 2001. The Stanford team will arrive in Austin on Saturday to conclude a busy week of three matches in five days. The Horns can hope that this demanding week for the Cardinal squad will take a toll on the team. “The ladies have had a focused approach to their workouts this week. We missed on some opportunities to close out matches last week, and we hope to seal the deal this time around,” FendickMcCain said. Last season, the Longhorns played at Stanford’s home in Palo Alto, Calif., where the Cardinals defeated the Horns by a count of 5-2. Stanford’s team consists of the ITA’s second-ranked doubles

duo Lindsay Burdette and Hilary Barte, along with the ranked singles No. 16 Mallory Burdette and No. 18 Barte. The match between the Horns and the Cardinals will take place at Penick-Allison Tennis Center at noon Saturday. The Horns are hoping for a dry day, as the past couple of days have been cold and rainy, causing outdoor practice to be canceled. While Fendick-McCain will always have unforgettable ties with the Stanford tennis program, she seems to be pushing those ties aside this weekend as the Longhorns prepare to host her alma mater. “Stanford has a long tradition, and we’re excited to host the Cardinals,” she said.


Men’s Track

Men’s & WoMen’s sWIMMInG

Texas is ready for the spotlight Texas swimming

ready to rebound after pair of losses

Both men and women are ready to move on after losses in Arizona

Derek stout | Daily Texan Staff

Senior thrower Brandon Drenson gets ready to throw the shot put at a recent track and field meet. The No. 29 Longhorns compete in New 1 York City this weekend against some of the top-ranked teams in the nation.

National platform gives Horns great opportunity toCLASSIFIEDS compete and learn day, month day, 2008 By Jim Pagels Daily Texan Staff Full of lights, excitement and sports tradition, New York City E will host the RTISBalance ENew V D NTtheColleE A D giate Invitational, giving U ST ION!to Texas men’sYtrack make OURteamIZaAchance T AN this weekend. their own RGmark O “When you think of big time sports in this country, you [think of] New York,” said track coach Bubba Thornton. “It’s a great opportunity for the guys to perform in the national spotlight.” The invitational includes more than 100 schools from across the nation, including many of the highly ranked teams Texas could face at nationals in March. The Longhorns are currently No. 29 in the latest U.S. Track & Field and Cross Country Coaches Association rankings. The Horns, who have finished in the top 10 at the NCAA Indoor Championships for seven consecu-

tive years, have a very young team finished a disappointing 17th last this season, as freshmen carry a lot weekend. of the load. He also expects senior Tevas EvTexas’ only two wins at the Tex- erett to play a major role this weekas A&M Challenge last week were end after sitting out the Texas A&M from the class of 2013. Freshman Challenge. Everett finished third in Hayden Baillio the 800 meters won the shot put, in his two races and freshman Keithis year. ron Stewart won But it has It’s a great the 60-meter hurbeen the shotopportunity for the dles. put throwers While young- guys to perform in the that have been er members have the most impresnational spotlight.” seemed to outshine sive unit for Texthe upperclassmen —Bubba Thornton as this year. The this season, ThornexecutCoach Horns ton believes that the ed a clean sweep team is starting to of the top three integrate more vetthrows at the eran leadership. competition last weekend. Thornton said that junior Danzell “The throwers are pretty consisFortson has fully recovered from tent, so I expect them to keep up the injury problems that plagued what they’ve been doing all seahim earlier this season. Fortson son,” Thornton said. “When you


put all of the Big 12 in the same [competition], though, we might not have quite the results we’ve had so far [this season].” While the temperature is expected to be in the mid-20s this weekend, the Horns will be ready, already having met their fair share of cold weather this season. Their meet in Arkansas last month was briefly delayed due to ice on the track. Thornton said that the nationwide tournament would be a great way to help the team prepare for the Big 12 Championship and NCAAs in March. “These types of meets let them see firsthand the type of guys they’ll face later in the season,” he said. “After hearing so much about [athletes from other schools], they can look across the line and see that they really aren’t too different from themselves.”


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By Manesh Upadhyaya Daily Texan Staff The latest installment of the State Farm Lone Star Showdown takes place this evening as No. 19 Texas A&M hosts No. 1 Texas, but that won’t be the only opponent the Longhorns face this weekend, as they play SMU on Saturday. Texas (4-1) comes off its first loss of the season in dual-meet competition against No. 3 Arizona (7-0). Assistant coach Kris Kubik thinks there is still work to be done if the Longhorns want to be at their best against the Aggies and the Mustangs. “We raced to the best of our ability, but there are some things that we must improve upon soon to become the best team that we can be, and that would be our starting technique — our turns and our ability to get our hand on the wall at the finish of a race,” Kubik said. Though last season’s visits from Texas A&M and SMU were both comfortable victories, 108-90 and 155-103 respectively, Kubik does not believe this year will be easy. “Both teams are much improved over last year,” Kubik said. “Whenever a Texas team in any sport visits A&M, it’s a different environment. They are a very good team, and they are an even better team when they are at home. As for SMU, that rivalry dates back from the 1950s on, so I expect them to be ready once again to do the best they can against our team.” One Texas swimmer itching to get back in the pool is sophomore Jimmy Feigen. Shaking off last weekend’s loss to the Wildcats, he is getting mentally prepared for the meets ahead. “We would have liked to have won that one, but it’s just where we are in the season, and [head

coach] Ed [Reese] is just trying to keep our head in the game and focus for NCAAs, which is coming up,” Feigen said. “So, I think that coaches really put a big emphasis on your mental strength.” Traveling can be tiresome, especially with two road trips in two days. However, this does not faze Feigen. He said the 12hour ride to Tucson, Ariz., was mentally and physically draining, but going to places in eastern Texas would not be as bad. Despite the stress of away games, Feigen expects good performances from his fellow underclassmen. He said the meet in Arizona was a learning experience for some of the freshmen, who showed the squad’s depth with what they have to offer. “I would say Austin Surhoff really stepped it up and did a really good job. Cole Cragin also had a good meet,” Feigen said. Surhoff placed second in the 200 individual medley, and Cragin took the same spot in the 200 medley relay and fifth in the 100 backstroke. Both will be key to any success Texas has this weekend.

Women head to Dallas


The Texas women’s swimming Weekly Rates: and diving team don’t lose often. Even if all seven of its dual-meet $100 – Large opponents are nationally ranked, including three in the top eight. $50 – Medium And after suffering its first dual-meet loss of the season last $25 – Small

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weekend to the No.2 Arizona Wildcats in Tucson, the thirdranked Horns are back in the water against No.18 SMU at Perkins Natatorium in Dallas. The Horns started the season with wins against No. 21 Missouri, No. 14 Indiana, No. 16 Michigan and No.6 Texas A&M back in November before defeating No. 8 Auburn and topranked Georgia back in January. The Horns do have success against SMU in the past. The Horns last met the Mustangs on Feb. 7, 2009 in Austin winning 150-87.

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Friday, February 5, 2010

11 ENT

‘Dear John’ stars share love advice, experiences

Audrie San Miguel and Jason McNeely, owners of Prototype Vintage Design in south Austin, started Fashion Freakout, a showcase of vintage fashion and rock ‘n’ roll music. The Mohawk will host the third annual Fashion Freakout on Friday featuring clothing from Buffalo Exchange, New Bohemia and Prototype and music from local artists.

By Layne Lynch Daily Texan Staff Channing Tatum, the guy whose washboard abs and unwavering swagger stole girls’ hearts in films like “G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra” and “Step Up,” is ready to give love advice to the men of the world. “Guys, especially guys, listen: if you haven’t written a love letter in a long time, you don’t have to sit and mail it,” Tatum said in a phone interview. “You don’t have to do anything. Just write whoever your loved one is — write her something, and you’ll be amazed at the reaction.” Tatum co-stars in the film “Dear John,” out today, with Amanda Seyfried. The movie is another edition in Nicholas Sparks’ line of dramatic books turned sappy romantic dramas. This isn’t the first time Tatum has come across Sparks’ work. “[After reading The Notebook], my wife looked up at me, and literally just bawling her eyes out, made me promise that we’re both going to die in bed together at the exact same time,” he said. When asked if he had ever received a kiss in the rain like the one seen in “The Notebook’s” trailer, Tatum replied with an overt burst of laughter and recounted the many rainy days he

Tamir Kalifa Daily Texan Staff

fashion: Students go classic, save money From page 12 year for us is when students aren’t here.” Both McNeely and San Miguel had been involved in the Austin music scene for years before they decided to organize the event, which features some of the city’s predominant vintage stores. San Miguel was a vintage dealer at Room Service Vintage for seven years and bartended at Emo’s for eight before starting



Friday, February 5, 2010

Prototype on South Congress Avenue in 2005. McNeely, a veteran socialite, became a part of the music community through years of promoting his own bands and deejaying at local bars. They both believe vintage wear, like all fashion, is about appreciating and recycling the carefully crafted designs of the past into a contemporary style. “We’ve put all of our [rock ‘n’ roll] influences and experiences together to create something that en-

compasses a tidbit of fashion and music,” San Miguel said. “[Freakout] illustrates how relevant vintage style is to culture today.” Austin comedian Matt Bearden will host this year ’s celebration. San Miguel and McNeely will also incorporate a blackand-white photobooth and a dance party afterward to create a “glamorous spectacle.” “We’ve also added some pyrotechnics,” McNeely said with a chuckle. “Not really, I’m just kidding.”

experienced as a kid. “I’m from Florida, and it rains pretty much all the time, so yes, I did for sure,” he said. “Every day after school, it’s 2:30, 3 o’clock, it’s raining — so, absolutely.” Tatum was not the only cast member with romantic memories of younger years. Seyfried admitted to flying out to surprise a boyfriend and climbing into his bed while she was filming “Mean Girls.” She said that he was completely surprised and caught off guard. They just stayed in the bed all morning. She also recounted dating a senior when she was a freshman in high school. She said she was obsessed with him and that he looked like a cross between Leonardo DiCaprio and Justin Timberlake — but it ended soon after it began. “He was a friend of my sister, and he found some weird sophistication that he thought I had that my friends didn’t,” Seyfried said. “So we dated, and I totally couldn’t deal with the fact that he liked me so much, so I dumped him like three months later.” Tatum wanted everyone to know “Dear John” required a lot more emotion and heart than some of his previous roles — a dancer in “Step Up,” a street hustler-turned-fighter in “Fight-

ing” and a soldier in both “StopLoss” and “G.I. Joe.” “‘G.I. Joe’ was more of ‘Star Wars,’” he said. “It was ‘Star Wars’ and ‘X-Men.’ It really wasn’t a representation of a real soldier in real life. [In] ‘G.I. Joe,’ there’s not a lot of emotion. It’s a lot of explosions and stuff.” Near the closing of the interview, Tatum and Seyfried were asked about what roles they want to play in the future. “It’s kind of hard because as soon as you do a movie, if [you] did a dance movie, every single [dance] movie on the planet gets sent to you,” Tatum said. “You’re like, ‘Gosh, I can’t do dance movies the rest of my career.’ Or if you do an action movie, anything that says ‘and he jumps,’ ‘he punches’ or ‘he kicks,’ that immediately comes your way. I want to be a villain. I want to go down that road and see what happens.” Seyfried also wants to take on a challenge that might be a little over her head. “I would love to do something that’s set in a time that I just don’t understand,” she said. “That would be really amazing.” Seyfried assured plainly that “Dear John” isn’t just another “The Notebook.” “Ours is at least different enough,” she said.


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The Daily Texan

jazz: Musician appreciative

of town’s responsive crowds From page 12 heads bobbing. Owens, who said afterward that the hardest part about getting onstage is feeling out the vibe of the crowd, had a slight smirk as he began to play. “Austin’s been good to me,” he said outside the club later, as a passerby came up to him and thanked him for his music. “I’ve been to other cities — San Francisco, Seattle — and yeah, they were cool. But this is the haven, you know? This is where it’s at.” Owens mentioned Davis’ Kind of Blue as a sort of impetus for getting into jazz music, as well as Hargrove’s and late trumpeter Chet Baker’s music. Owens momentarily gazed at his reflection in a store window before saying, “And Blue Train. Coltrane, Blue Train. Piping-hot album. But Hargrove, I connect with everything Roy Hargrove

does. I connect to his sound, with his attitude.” The group sealed the deal at about 2 a.m. with Freddie Hubbard’s “Red Clay,” a smoky, sensual song so completely structured and complicated that it first seems like improvisation to the untrained ear. As the last note of the phrase held out and then lilted away, the room — lit by red candleholders reminiscent of an old New York City club — became silent for a second. Owens said a brief thank you, and the crowd applauded. “I’m just flattered people want to come out and see what we do,” he said with a smile as he re-tied a scarf around his neck and threw on his jacket. The night was done, and the club-goers spilled out into downtown’s misty, cool streets. Another night on the stage for Owens was over.

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Friday, February 5, 2010

Life&Arts Editor: Ben Wermund E-mail: Phone: (512) 232-2209

T he Daily T exan

Local jazz artist takes cue from genre’s legends

Ephraim Owens plays for jazz aficionados in the basement club The Elephant Room on Wednesday night. Owens is progressing the cool philosophy of jazz trumpeters Miles Davis and Roy Hargrove.

By Francisco Marin Daily Texan Staff In August 1959, Columbia Records released Miles Davis’ groundbreaking jazz album Kind of Blue. The album, which went quadruple platinum in sales and has heavily influenced the jazz scene for decades, also happens to be one of the reasons Austin musician Ephraim Owens became interested in jazz. Owens is one of the crown jewels of the Austin music scene, but you wouldn’t know that after a conversation with him. On a chilly and rain-soaked Wednesday night in downtown Austin, the incredibly humble Owens spoke with The Daily Texan about his outlook on the city’s jazz scene. He shared his thoughts in between sets at The Elephant Room, near the corner of 3rd Street and Congress Avenue. “Been playing since I was 8, man,” Owens said. “Since I was 8 years old, since third grade. But I always played classical stuff, you know? It was Hargrove, though. He changed my life.” He was referring to Roy Hargrove, a jazz trumpeter like himself, who garnered two Grammy Awards and happened to attend the same high school — Booker T. Washington High School for the Performing and Visual Arts in

Bobby Longoria Daily Texan Staff


who: Ephraim Owens whERE: Vino Vino, 4119 Guadalupe whEN: 7:30 p.m. on Monday TICKETS: Free wEB: ephraimowens Dallas — at around the same time Owens did. Wednesday night Owens was relaxed. He was working on what he calls his “trio” — three drinks he has throughout the night that include a couple of shots of Patron and water poured over ice — a sort of ritual when he’s downtown playing at the clubs. And though he can be seen in the dim recesses of The Elephant Room from time to time, sipping on his drink and looking over sheet music, the man is focused when he takes the stage to the sounds of applause and excited murmurs of club-goers seated below him. Near the end of his first set, Owens and his quartet, missing a saxophone player Wednesday, played pianist Richard Harney’s composition “Point Is,” a steamy and feverish piece that had club-goers’

JAZZ continues on page 11

Local vintage-lovers get freaky for fashion

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Fashion Freakout show combines reused designs, city’s live music scene


By Gerald Rich Daily Texan Staff Eclectic-chic dresses and shirts, retro furs and other long-dormant designs will make a comeback tonight as purveyors of vintage fashion in Austin send their best designs down the runway at The Mohawk. Local vintage stores including Prototype Vintage Design, Buffalo Exchange and New Bohemia will present the second annual Fashion Freakout to illustrate that reworked outfits of past eras can be contemporary and fun. “We’re not doing this to be vintage. It’s all current,” said Jason McNeely, co-founder of Freakout. McNeely and fellow cofounder Audrie San Miguel, who also owns Prototype Vintage, decided in 2007 to host a show that focused on fash-

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ion but incorporated some of Austin’s live music scene. This year ’s event will feature various DJ sets and bands. On Monday, San Miguel and McNeely sat on a couch in Prototype’s mock living room, which looked like it had weathered decades of changes, and recalled the show’s beginnings. “Calling it a fashion show felt stuffy,” San Miguel said. “It’s fun, and by calling it a ‘freakout,’ we’re paying homage to the psychedelic freak-outs of the past.” But both said students have always been at the heart of the vintage fashion community. “Where there’s students, there’s musicians, artists and free-thinking people,” McNeely said. The allure of vintage clothing for students begins in their wallets. “[Students] do have a limited budget most of the time, and when buying vintage, your money goes a lot further,” San Miguel said. “The slowest time of the

FASHION continues on page 11

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Tamir Kalifa | Daily Texan Staff

Alecia Marcum models popular vintage fashion outside of Prototype Vintage Design. Prototype Vintage will be one of the three Austin vintage stores showcased at Fashion Freakout.

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