The Daily Texan 02-09-10

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Bar-hopping revolutionized

Horns fall to No. 1 Kansas NEWS PAGE 5

‘Sexting’ could lead to emotional abuse

THE DAILY TEXAN Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Serving the University of Texas at Austin community since 1900





Friction arises over future of Cactus Cafe Three separate entities propose varying shifts in venue’s management

Tamir Kalifa | Daily Texan Staff

Mathematics junior Michael Schwartz and five other community members discuss the possibilities of organizing public events to bring attention to the issue of domestic partner benefits at UT and other Texas public universities. A lack of support at Monday’s meeting stalled attempts to organize a rally for domestic partner benefits at the upcoming Board of Regents meeting.

GLBT group pushes for benefits

By Gabrielle Cloudy Daily Texan Staff Campus issues including proposed tuition hikes and the closure of the Cactus Cafe may have been the reason a Monday public meeting aimed at organizing a March 4 protest in support of domestic partner benefits saw such a small turnout. “It’s been kind of slow,” said Michael Corwin, meeting attendee and UT’s LAN administrator, at the meeting in Mezes Hall attended by six people. “It’s not on the radar of what people have been talking about so far.”

Though the organization didn’t officially organize a protest at the meeting, Corwin said joining forces with other advocacy groups on campus, including those who focus on tuition hikes, would help his group’s cause. The University currently does not provide a faculty or staff member’s domestic partner, who is of the same or opposite sex, with the same benefits it offers a faculty or staff member’s spouse, including insurance and sick leave. In order for the state to pro-

vide an employee’s spouse with domestic partner benefits, the spouse must be legally married to the employee. Under Texas law, marriage is defined as a heterosexual relationship. The state does not recognize samesex marriages performed legally in another state. Dana Cloud, associate professor in the Department of Communication Studies, is an active member of the Pride and Equity Faculty and Staff Association, an organization that promotes equality for the GLBT community.

“It’s really an issue,” Cloud said. “My spouse can’t get benefits.” No public schools in Texas are allowed to provide domestic partner benefits to same-sex couples, making it illegal for the University to grant domestic partner benefits. According to the faculty and staff association’s report, five private universities in the state offer benefits to same-sex couples: Baylor College of Medicine, Southwestern University, Trinity Uni-

BENEFITS continues on page 2

UT upgrades facilities to save water, finances By Audrey White Daily Texan Staff The University is stepping up its water conservation efforts with a series of ongoing initiatives that would save UT hundreds of thousands of dollars and millions of gallons of water, UT officials said Monday. Programs range from the replacement of showerheads and faucets with low-flow units in campus dorms — a process that began in 2007 — to the installation of a reclaimed water pipe on campus, set for completion in spring 2011. These and other developments represent what Jim Walker, UT director of sustainability, called a change in campus consciousness. “UT recognizes that we are not in a wet part of the world, and water awareness is going to be a big deal,” Walker said. “We could always do more. Shorter showers in the dorms would have a visible impact. It takes students, faculty and staff to all be more water conscious. For us, it means more efficient irrigation and upgrading our equipment.”

CAFE continues on page 2

Austin musician laments closure of historic venue Songwriter Slaid Cleaves recounts early days of playing, working at cafe

The University uses about 800 million gallons of water provided by the Austin Water Utility per year, Walker said. Although some large, local commercial companies, like Samsung, use more water than the University, Austin Water spokesman Kevin Buchman said UT is one of the utility’s top 10 clients in overall water use. “We have a good relationship [with the University],” Buchman said. “They’re a good steward of our water, and we work very closely with them.” When Austin went under Stage 2 mandatory watering restrictions during fall 2009, UT complied with many aspects of the regulations, even though it was not required to because the University is a state rather than city entity, Buchman said. To minimize water usage during the height of the drought, the University did not run its eight landmark fountains. This is significant, Walker said, because the fountains use about 9 million

WATER continues on page 2

By Ana McKenzie The Daily Texan Members of the University and Austin community cannot seem to agree on propositions that would maintain the Cactus Cafe, in some form or another, since the Union Board announced on Jan. 29 that it was phasing out cafe operations and informal classes. The proposal that Student Government President Liam O’Rourke addressed in his University-wide e-mail would shift management of the Cactus Cafe. His plan has some questioning the venue’s authenticity if put into the hands of the suggested student committee. O’Rourke and members of the Student Events Center board are proposing that the cafe remain open and still feature a stage and bar structure but fall under the management of an SEC committee. O’Rourke did not say who would serve on the committee but compared it to an SEC committee, similar to the Texas Union’s Film Committee that brings movies

and advanced and special screenings to the University. The cafe’s bar could only be opened for certain events and whenever cash donations are available. O’Rourke and SEC officials will present their plan to the Texas Union Board meeting on Feb. 26. Wiley Koepp, creator of the “Save the Cactus Cafe” Facebook group that had 22,457 members as of press time, says removing the current professional management would challenge the “essence” of the landmark music venue and would potentially repel out-oftown performers. “If [the proposal] means wiping the slate clean and departing from the musical offerings ... then that’s what’s destroying the brand, and [it] doesn’t make sense,” Koepp said. The group’s Web site,, filed legal documents Monday that would establish a nonprofit group called Friends of the Cactus Cafe to use donations to finance Cactus Cafe operations. Student involvement would still be possible under this organization, Koepp said, and

By Ben Wermund Daily Texan Staff Before singer-songwriter Slaid Cleaves moved to Austin from Maine in 1991, he knew three things about the city: it was the home of “Austin City Limits,” South by Southwest and the Cactus Cafe. “When I told someone I was moving to Austin, they said ‘You have to go play the Cactus,’” Cleaves said. “I sent a demo tape before I even moved down — didn’t get a gig for a long time after that. It was the one gig I knew about before I hit town.” Soon enough, Cleaves was opening for acts including Butch Hancock, before becoming a regular headliner himself. “It’s been a venue that I’ve played when I first got here and was a nobody and still play now that I have an audience,” Cleaves said. “I even worked as a sound man there — partly because I

wanted to work and partly because I wanted to insinuate myself into that scene.” The Texas Union Board is shutting down operations at the Cactus Cafe and phasing out informal classes as part of a request by UT President William Powers Jr. that all UT departments cut their budgets to accommodate a 2-percent merit raise for faculty. The Cactus Cafe was Cleaves’ introduction to Austin’s live-music world, so the decision to close the venue came as a shock. “I went through a series of emotional reactions when I heard the news,” he said. “Anger at the University and anger that they don’t seem to understand the value of the place — value to a lot of people who look to the Cactus as the center of the songwriting community. Honestly, I was really depressed, too. I remember thinking — why live in Austin? It’s one of the jewels of the Austin music scene.’” Cleaves said his initial attraction to the Cactus Cafe was its historical

VENUE continues on page 11

Fanny Trang | Daily Texan Staff

UT fountains use roughly 9 million gallons of water every year. The University is currently working to conserve water and cut costs.

Student prepares to enter graduate school at age 17 By Priscilla Totiyapungprasert Daily Texan Staff While other teenagers are fretting about college choices this time of year, UT student Cynthia Gonzalez, 17, is looking forward to attending graduate school. After graduating a year early from Homer Hanna High School in Brownsville, Texas, Gonzalez began studying communication sciences and disorders in fall 2009 — the beginning of her first and only year as an undergraduate at the University.

In the fall, she took 21 hours, though this semester she is giving herself a “break” by taking 19. Most people who don’t know about her college plans are shocked when they find out. “I didn’t really want to graduate early [from high school], but junior year, my counselor told me there was nothing really left for me to take, so I might as well graduate and go to college,” Gonzalez said. Despite the protests of friends and family who wanted her to study close to home, Gonzalez

moved more than six hours away to Austin, where dual-enrollment classes, AP credit and summer school at UT-Brownsville allowed Gonzalez to enter the University with enough hours to be considered a junior. Gonzalez can recall being impressed with the speech pathologists who helped her in her formative years and decided to pursue a career in the field. “Nowadays, colleges are seeing students come in with a lot more hours because they take advantage of the resources they

have while they’re still in high school,” said Lorena Dominguez, Gonzalez’s adviser in the College of Communication. Every day, Gonzalez makes the 30-minute drive to campus from her apartment in South Austin. Gonzalez said she finds little time for activities outside of her classes, homework, Sunday Mass at the University Catholic Center and events hosted by the National Student Speech Language

GRAD continues on page 2

Courtesy of Slaid Cleaves

Austin singer and songwriter Slaid Cleaves has played shows at the Cactus Cafe since his arrival to the city in 1991.




NEWS BRIEFLY APD enforces ‘No Refusal’ plan during Super Bowl Sunday As football fans caught in Super Bowl revelry took to the streets Sunday night, Austin Police Department officers made 18 arrests during its eighth driving-while-intoxicated “No Refusal� initiative. The initiative first began during Halloween weekend in 2008 and has been implemented during holidays where the consumption of alcohol is prominent, such as New Year’s Eve, Fourth of July and Labor Day. APD advertises days prior to the beginning of each initiative that if a driver is suspected of

drunk driving and refuses to give a breath sample, officers will pursue a search warrant to legally draw a blood specimen to test for intoxication. Although officers are able to take a blood specimen with a search warrant year-round, it requires a judge be on call to determine whether or not there is probable cause for the blood draw. During the initiative, the department guarantees a judge will be ready to sign warrants for the entire night. Sunday’s 18 arrests are a slight decrease from last years Super Bowl, during which 21 people suspected of DWI were arrested. Of the 18 people arrested last night, 10 voluntarily gave a breath specimen,

seven had a blood specimen taken with a search warrant and one is still under investigation by the Vehicular Homicide Unit. The individual under investigation was involved in a car accident where he had only injured himself, said Sgt. Courtney Renfro. According to legislation passed in September 2009, if the driver had injured another person, his blood specimen could have been taken without a search warrant. “Nobody wants to be the one driving that car that kills somebody, and we are hoping with the advertising and just the understanding that you are putting other people’s lives and your own record at risk,� said APD Lt. Randy Pogue. — Bobby Longoria

CAFE: SG president asserts confidence From page 1 would include opportunities for student internships and artist-resident programs that would provide students with experience in managing the venue and booking acts. However, solo musician Tory Tompkins would like to see O’Rourke’s proposal pan out. Tompkins, a radio, television and film and marketing junior, said the cafe’s image could be revamped to attract a wider variety of performers and more students. Nick Greg, architecture freshman and member of the band Mother Falcon, said the committee could pair bigger names with smaller groups to attract a larger variety of performers. O’Rourke said he received nine negative responses to the Univer-

sity-wide e-mail he sent Thursday that announced the proposal. He said some business students have expressed interest in adopting Cactus Cafe operations as a class project. “UT students are the most capable and enthusiastically willing [to operate the venue],� he said. Texas Exes officials offered their version of a plan to continue the Cactus Cafe to UT President William Powers Jr. soon after the Jan. 29 announcement. Under their proposal, the cafe would be incorporated into their planned building expansion of the Etter-Harbin Alumni Center set for completion in 2011. The Cactus Cafe is currently subsidized by $66,000 in University money. However, in recent years, the Cactus has had to rely more heavily on University mon-

ey, even though it was intended to be self-sufficient, Juan Gonzalez, University vice president of student affairs, has said to several media outlets. The Texas Union Board announced on Jan. 29 that it would “phase out� the Cactus Cafe and informal classes in a response to Powers’ request in October that all University departments prepare for budget cuts. The current cafe staff, including its bartenders, would be offered positions with similar salaries at other Union businesses. Like other Texas Union committees, O’Rourke’s proposed committee would receive a certain amount of money from both student fees and Union revenue and would depend on donations. Additional reporting contributed by Audria Choudhury.


NYC Seminar

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GRAD: Teacher, family praise

success of young Longhorn From page 1 Hearing Association. But she finds time every weekend to visit her family in Brownsville. Occasionally, a family member drives to Austin to visit Gonzalez and her brother, who is also her roommate. It is very important for her family to always be there for her, said Cynthia Gonzalez’s mother Juana Gonzalez. Although she was initially terrified of letting go, Juana Gonzalez was proud of her daughter’s resolute work ethic. Maria McKenzie, Cynthia’s high school English teacher, has seen students who come from non-English speaking households like Cynthia’s use the language barrier as an excuse for not doing well in school. However, Cynthia is an exception. “She had such tenacity and consistency in proving herself,� McKenzie said. “If she didn’t know something, she would always question it.� McKenzie, who also wrote

From page 1 gallons of water and cost about $80,000 to operate each year. Changes in campus and dorm facilities have helped substantially cut back on water use and costs, said Meagan Jones, an administrative associate in the Division of Housing and Food Service. She said updated showers and sinks are expected to lead to a reduction in water consumption by about 33 percent in the 200910 school year. However, because of the constantly increasing utility costs, this will only lead to fiscal savings of about 17 percent in all dormitories, she said. “We’re not saving that much financially, and it does cost money to buy the aerators and the new showerheads and things like that,� she said. “I can’t say that we’ll see any cost savings on paper for students, but if we weren’t making these savings on the consumption end, the prices for students would be increasing


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THE DAILY TEXAN Permanent Staff

This newspaper was written, edited and designed with pride by The Daily Texan and Texas Student Media.

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Issue Staff

Reporters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Audria Choudhury, Julie Bissinger, Josh Michaels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gabrielle Cloudy, Katherine Noble Photographers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Catalina Padilla, Stephanie Neza, Fanny Trang Sports Writers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rishi Daulat, Will Anderson Life&Arts Writers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Julie Rene Tran, Carlo Castillo Columnist. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Joshua Avelar Page Designers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Martina Geronimo, Suchada Sutasirisap, Chris Benavides Copy Editors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ashley Morgan, Megan Gottlieb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Jonathan Damrich, Laura Lambert Wire Editor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kelsey Crow Comics Artists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Emery Ferguson, Rachel Weiss, Nam Nguyen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Katie Smith, Jermaine Affonso, Gabe Alvarez . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Victoria Elliott, Hannah Chung Videographers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alan McQuinn, Carlos Medina


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Texan Ad Deadlines

Cynthia’s letter of recommendation for graduate school, described her as someone who had not fit the stereotype of a high school student lacking maturity and focus. Cynthia said she sometimes found it hard to relate to her peers, usually juniors and seniors, because she had not experienced the same things as they had. Although there was concern about whether Cynthia would miss out on the college experience, McKenzie and Cynthia felt she could immerse herself in the student lifestyle during graduate school before she jumped into the working world. If it all pans out, Cynthia will graduate this summer and attend graduate school in the fall. She is considering UT-Austin, Texas State University or UT-Dallas to continue her education. Afterward, Cynthia would one day like to open her own speech and hearing clinic in the Rio Grande Valley to help give back what she got at such a young age.

WATER: Dorm changes reduce usage

(512) 471-9190

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

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substantially.� Walker said the most exciting project is the installation of the “purple pipe� on campus, a reclaimed water system that will possibly allow the University to use treated waste water for nonpotable water needs, such as irrigation. Previously, the process has only been available in Austin to areas like golf courses, Buchman said. Walker said the University has actively reclaimed water in the past, including the use of a system that makes it possible to recover condensate from air conditioning systems for reuse, which saves around 35 million gallons of water per year. “You’re not going to see the purple pipe or notice that we’ve switched from irrigating with potable water to reclaimed water, but it’s going to save a lot of money and be a better use of resources,� Walker said. “It’s the same with the condensation savings. Nobody sees us doing it. It’s not visible, but it’s a significant amount of water savings, and it’s pretty darn cool.�


Friday February 12, 2010 2 p.m. Hearst Student Media Building HSM Room 3.302 2500 Whitis Avenue Austin, Texas 78712

Visitors Welcome We encourage any community member who has any kind of temporary or permanent disability to contact Texas Student Media beforehand so that appropriate accommodations can be made. Anyone is welcome to attend.

THE DAILY TEXAN Volume 110, Number 145 25 cents

CONTACT US Main Telephone: (512) 471-4591 Retail Advertising: (512) 471-1865 Classified Advertising: (512) 471-5244 The Texan strives to present all information fairly, accurately and completely. If we have made an error, let us know about it. Call (512) 232-2217 or e-mail

COPYRIGHT Copyright 2009 Texas Student Media. All articles, photographs and graphics, both in the print and online editions, are the property of Texas Student Media and may not be reproduced or republished in part or in whole without written permission.

CORRECTIONS A story about the MetroRapid project that ran in the Feb. 4 Daily Texan misidentified the Capital Metro’s interim president. Doug Allen is the interim president and CEO of Capital Metro. A story that ran in Monday’s paper about the UT Tower documentary misidentified the officer who shot and killed Charles Whitman. Both APD officers Houston McCoy and Ramiro Martinez shot at Whitman, but it was McCoy who fatally shot Whitman. The time at which the Texas Round Table was created was misidentified in Monday’s story about the “Hold Up for Haiti� event. Marketing senior Reilly Milton conceived the idea for the round table before the earthquake. The Texan regrets the error.


professors leave UT for benefits From page 1 versity, Southern Methodist University and Rice University. Cloud said the lack of benefits is an issue of equity and competitiveness. Advocates argue this issue causes a significant number of staff members to eventually leave and prospects to seek employment elsewhere. In April 2008, the association released a 65-page report that included information detailing the consequences of the lack of benefits at UT, as well as the estimated cost and potential effects of implementing benefits for same-sex couples. UT’s peer institutions, such as the University of Michigan, have found alternative ways to offer benefits to same-sex couples, said Karen Landolt, assistant director of the McCombs School of Business and chairwoman of the association’s domestic partner benefits committee. The University of Michigan changed the language of its plan to provide benefits to “other qualified adults� rather than only to spouses. The association will host the Texas Equity Conference on Feb. 19 and 20 at the AT&T Executive Education and Conference Center, where faculty and staff from across the state will address the lack of benefits for domestic partners at public universities.

3 W/N

Wire Editor: Kelsey Crow



Tuesday, February 9, 2010


NATION BRIEFLY Michael Jackson’s doctor pleads not guilty to charges LOS ANGELES — Michael Jackson’s personal physician pleaded not guilty to involuntary manslaughter Monday, setting the stage for courtroom drama as prosecutors attempt to prove Dr. Conrad Murray caused the pop star’s death. Superior Court Judge Keith L. Schwartz set bail at $75,000, three times more than most people charged with involuntary manslaughter face. Prosecutors had been seeking $300,000 bail for Murray, who was taken into custody by sheriff’s deputies but not handcuffed. According to a five-page criminal complaint, Murray “did unlawfully, and without malice, kill Michael Joseph Jackson� by acting “without due caution and circumspection.� The complaint contains no details on Jackson’s death but authorities have said the singer died after Murray administered a powerful general anesthetic and other drugs to help Jackson rest. The judge told Murray that after he posts bail he may not leave the United States. He must also surrender his passport. Murray said he did nothing that should have caused the 50-year-old entertainer to die.

Former Supreme Court Justice to speak at Harvard ceremony CAMBRIDGE, Mass. — Harvard University says retired Supreme Court Justice David Souter will be the principal speaker at its spring commencement ceremony. The school announced Monday that Souter is scheduled to return to his alma mater May 27 for the 359th commencement. It will be about 44 years after Souter received his law degree from Harvard Law School. The 70-year-old Souter retired last year after nearly two decades on the nation’s highest court. Since then, he has pushed to help New Hampshire promote civics education in the public schools. Harvard President Drew Faust says Souter’s “dedication, humility and commitment to learning with which he has pursued his calling should be an inspiration� to graduates considering a career in public service. Souter was born in Melrose, Mass., and moved to New Hampshire at age 11.

Man admits guilt in charges of killing girlfriend’s cat

Snow continues in D.C. Travelers rush to leave Mid-Atlantic before storm continues Tuesday

By Brett Zongker The Associated Press WASHINGTON — A $20 cab ride to the airport skyrocketed to the “snow rate� of $100 in the nation’s capital, and those travelers who could get to the airport or train station still had to haggle or wait in long lines to escape the snowbound Mid-Atlantic. The most pressing matter: get out before another foot or more of snow comes Tuesday. “I’m done with city, urban snow life,� said Chris Vaughan, a Washington resident who was able to rebook a flight to go skiing in Utah. He dodged the pricey cab fare by having a friend drop him off at the airport — in exchange for a bottle of wine. The region had nearly 3 feet of snow in some areas. One scientist said if all the snow that fell on the East Coast were melted, it would fill 12 million Olympic swimming pools or 30,000 Empire State buildings. Philadelphia and Washington each need just a little more than nine inches to give the cities their snowiest winters since 1884, the first year records were kept. Meteorologists predicted the snow would start Tuesday afternoon and continue into Wednesday. Between 12 and 18 inches was forecast for Philadelphia, the nation’s sixth-largest city and a travel hub — which could cause a ripple effect of travel problems for the rest

of the Northeast. Airlines warned travelers more flights would be canceled, and the new storm was expected to hit a wider area, affecting New York and Boston. Sharon Lewis of Bowie, Md., was desperate to spend time with family in Trinidad. She bargained for an hour and got a flight to New York’s Laguardia Airport. But it came with caveat, she would then would have to drive across town in rush hour traffic to make a connecting flight at John F. Kennedy airport within an hour. “I don’t know how that’s going to happen,� she said. “It’ll be a disaster.� On Craigslist, owners of fourwheel drive vehicles were selling rides to residents in northern Virginia and the Maryland suburbs. One classified ad read: “Stay safe on icy streets — 4x4 Tahoe available.� Union Station was bustling with long lines as many passengers decided to try Amtrak after flights were canceled. Manuel Bernardo, 30, of Bethesda, Md., was on his way to Barcelona, Spain. He bought a ticket to New York and was hoping to make it there in time to catch his flight to Madrid. “Until this morning, I was happy as pie, because I love snow,� he said. Others prepared for yet another storm. “Getting around is a pain right now as it is, so slushy and sloppy,� said Meghan Garaghan, 28, as she stocked up on staples and sweets at a Philadelphia supermarket. “I

Recent snow storms along the Northeast are shattering 126-year-old records.

Courtesy of The Associated Press

don’t want to think about what it’s going to be like with another foot and a half of snow dumped on top of this mess.� The storm closed schools and

some 230,000 federal workers in Washington had Monday and Tuesday off. The snowbound U.S. Senate met for a few minutes Monday to

recess for 24 hours. Majority Leader Harry Reid said it was difficult to make it to work because many streets were still not clear.

Egyptian police arrest opposition leaders By Paul Schemm The Associated Press CAIRO — The No. 2 leader of Egypt’s opposition Muslim Brotherhood and two other top figures were arrested by police Monday in a dawn sweep targeting members of the nation’s most powerful opposition group. The arrests, part of an ongoing crackdown, come as the group recently chose a new leadership and ahead of parliamentary elections set for October. Police arrested the new deputy leader, Mahmoud Ezzat, and two other members of the Guidance Council, Essam el-Erian and Abdul-Rahman el-Bir. A fourth member of the group’s

top level decision making body was not home when police raided his house. At least 10 other members were also arrested in the provinces Monday. “These arrests will not prevent the Brotherhood from the path it has chosen to achieve progress for the nation and it will continue its struggle through all available peaceful means to provide freedom and confront corruption and combat tyranny,� the group said in a statement. The group suggested that the arrests were related to its support for the upcoming parliamentary elections. “This regime does not want a

partner or a participant,� in running the country, said spokesman Mohamed Morsi, describing the arrests as a continuation of the state’s “pressure and marginalization of the whole nation.� Morsi said the arrests wouldn’t alter plans to participate in October’s parliamentary elections. Morsi said the men have not yet been charged and are awaiting interrogation. Police said they face charges of engaging in banned political activity — a standard government charge used against the Courtesy of The Associated Press group. The Brotherhood was banned in Essam el-Erian speaks at a Muslim Brotherhood conference. He was 1954 but is tolerated by the state. arrested by police Monday.

NEW YORK — A New York City graphic designer accused of surreptitiously killing a series of his girlfriend’s cats has admitted slaying one of them, a kitten found with a broken neck. Sean Lynde pleaded guilty Monday to charges including aggravated animal cruelty. His case is set to be closed without jail time or probation if he attends therapy and meets other conditions. In the plea deal, the 36-yearold Lynde acknowledged killing a kitten named Bonafide in January 2009. He was initially charged with killing five of his now-exgirlfriend’s pets and torturing a sixth cat. Authorities say the unsuspecting woman kept adopting new cats to replace the ones that died.

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Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Editor in Chief: Jillian Sheridan Phone: (512) 232-2212 E-mail: Associate Editors: Jeremy Burchard David Muto Roberto Cervantes Dan Treadway Lauren Winchester




Reconsider the Cactus Cafe

We hate to say we told you so, but as it turns out, the decision to “repurpose” (read: close) the Cactus Cafe was not the carefully considered, democratically decided, student-guided decision President William Powers Jr. made it out to be at last week’s forum. In a surprisingly frank admission, Andrew Nash, president of the Student Events Center, told The Daily Texan on Sunday that he was unaware that Cactus Cafe operations would be cut until he was told so in executive committee on Jan. 29. Unfortunately, rather than call for a delay in the decision and public debate before moving forward, he and other student members, including Student Government President Liam O’Rourke, rubber-stamped the decision. O’Rourke was aware of the plan but did not inform the public or his fellow committee members. “To be completely honest, I didn’t know the closing of the cafe was an issue,” Nash said. The faculty members of the Texas Union Board were also excluded from the discussion. In a post on the “Save the Cactus Cafe” Facebook page, board member Thomas Garza — his authorship verified by The Austin Chronicle — explains that he and two other faculty board members were absent from Friday’s meeting and were unaware that a decision could be made, as the topic was not on the meeting agenda. Now Nash and O’Rourke, along with other unspecified board members, are preparing to make a proposal to the board that would not undo their previous decision but instead set up a committee to bring different musical activities to the space. They plan to keep the name “Cactus Cafe,” though it would be a bit disingenuous, as the room would not regularly provide food or drinks. We suggest an alternate approach. Rather than move forward as though the Jan. 29 decision were final and immovable based on a non-inclusive browbeating session in which a few uninformed students rubber-stamped an administrative agenda, we suggest that the proposal to “repurpose” the cafe by removing current management, food, alcohol and regular Austin community involvement be brought to the committee again. This should happen at an open and well-publicized meeting. Reversing this decision would not be a sign of weakness. Rather, it would show appreciation for public input and validate the board’s commitment to serving students. — Jillian Sheridan for the editorial board


It’s time for UT to scrap UIL By Joshua Avelar Daily Texan Columnist

Times are tough at UT as financial troubles are rearing their ugly heads all over campus. This newspaper has been ridden with headlines detailing budget cuts and program scraps for the past year or so, and just a quick browse of other college newspapers across the country shows this phenomenon is not unique to the 40 Acres. One unique thing about UT’s budget constraints is the University’s responsibility to oversee the state’s high school athletic and academic competitions. But in the spirit of necessary cutbacks, the time has come for UT to scrap the University Interscholastic League from its list of responsibilities. UT founded the league, known as UIL, in 1909, when UT was just one of a handful of public universities in a far-less-populated state. At the time, it made sense for UT to invest in regulating these competitions to attract and recruit students. According to the Texas Education Agency, there are more than 1.3 million high school students in the state. Just a fraction of these students will end up attending UT, and even fewer will end up playing for the Longhorns. UT is running out of space for its in-

coming freshman classes every year, as evidenced by the recent decision to cap automatic admission to just students who finished in the top 8 percent of their high school classes. Furthermore, UIL is a budget constraint for UT. The league’s financial report for the 2008-09 school year states that it received about $10.9 million in revenue. But UIL’s overall expenses totaled over $12.5 million, leaving a $1.6 million deficit. That money could possibly go to scholarships, a more efficient way to recruit good students than running high school competitions. UIL is currently under the governance of the vice president of diversity and community engagement. Yet there exists no sign that regulating UIL necessarily adds to UT’s diversity or further engages the University with the community. High school basketball players may think it’s cool to play on the Frank Erwin Center ’s court for the state championship, but many of these students have played on NBA courts before: Playing on the Horns’ home floor loses its luster pretty quickly after that. Actually, it would be quite a shock if many of the participants in UIL competitions were even aware that UT was in charge of this entity. If UIL were eliminated from UT’s budget, many Texans would undoubtedly go into a state of panic. Disturbing the state of high school sports in Texas by moving so drastically as to dissolve UIL would certainly raise some eyebrows.


But high school sports — most notably football — border on religion in Texas, and the school communities would find some way to organize and regulate their own nonprofit governing body. Come hell, high water or budget cuts, high school sports will live on in Texas. Texas is often thrown into a popular competition with California and Florida over which state produces the greatest athletes. Texas has the only high school interscholastic competition agency run by a university. If California and Florida’s high school sports can exist without the governance of a local university, so can Texas’. High school sports do not need UT’s oversight and money to flourish. Some sacrifices may arise from the scrapping of UIL, but it is a necessary move. After spending more than a century running this entity, UT has done its part in providing the state a governing body for high school sports. Whatever new agency that would arise after this move would have a great predecessor off of which to base its operations. It may be unfortunate to see 101 years of tradition slip away in the name of finance, but UT has already set a precedent that tradition is no excuse to stop a good ol‘ program-scrapping. If the University is serious about saving money and not wasting precious funds on operations irrelevant to its core mission, UIL should definitely move to the front of the chopping-block line. Avelar is a government senior.


That blob of kids who pretend to be politicians By Matt Ingebretson Daily Texan Guest Columnist It has recently come to my attention that the Texas Union Board of Directors voted to “repurpose” the Cactus Cafe and reassign management of the entity to students. I would like to congratulate the board, particularly the student members of the board, for making yet another fine decision on behalf of the University. First, I believe that the board’s proposal to turn the management over to the students is a brilliant business maneuver. Assigning control of a venue that struggles to earn sufficient revenue to an ever-changing group of partially educated students will no doubt lead to greater prosperity for this landmark cafe. It reminds me of a time when I hired a 13-year-old tutor to help me study for a test in a finance class — he had no idea how to teach me about futures in the stock market, and I ended up failing the test. In retrospect, there was no upside to that. Hiring an unqualified 13-yearold kid to help me with finance was one of the stupidest things I’d ever done, but I’m sure putting students in charge of the Cactus Cafe will turn out better. In his e-mail to the student body, Student Government President

Liam O’Rourke explained that the board strongly supports open-mic nights for students as a part of the repurposing of the Cactus Cafe and its new placement in “room inventory.” Once again, bravo to the board for recognizing another problem UT is currently facing: a shortage of rooms on campus. I cannot count the number of times I have wandered through UT late at night, desperately searching for an open room in the dozens of buildings on campus so I could hold an open-mic to perfect my kazoo skills. Yesterday, The Daily Texan reported that “the Cactus Cafe’s bar could only be opened for certain events and whenever cash donations are available.” Herein lies the true problem of “repurposing” the Cactus Cafe for student use and more open mics: Open-mic events, whether they be music or comedy, are painful to sit through without partaking in a little boozing. An integral part of the Cactus Cafe is the bar, and without it, it might as well be just another classroom with a small stage and dim lighting. But what I find most admirable about the repurposing of the cafe is the board’s choice to not discuss the issue with the public until after the decision had already been made. In fact, I would like to applaud SG for

continuing its closed-door procedure on all of its policy discussions as of late. Outside of the decision to close the cafe, SG turned away Daily Texan reporters when they were sent to sit in on a Tuition Policy Advisory Committee meeting to discuss the possible tuition increase. Well done, SG. Newspapers are evil — never forget that. But let’s not forget that the members of SG are elected and act as representatives of all students. It would be inefficient and impractical to engage the (many times disinterested) student body on every single issue that needs to be addressed — there’s no arguing with that. I will, however, say that SG’s history of acting as an exclusive entity and student reaction to this exclusivity (see coverage of last year’s election) should be spurring SG into a frenzy of outreach to the student body. Whenever there are discussions of major changes at UT, SG should hold a public forum before the decision is made instead of waiting for a public outcry after the fact. Now, members of SG, you might be thinking to yourself: “But we do reach out to students!” I’d like to get real here for a moment (because so far none of what I’ve said amounts to much). Nobody on campus re-

ally likes you, and in truth, I think even your own members find you merely tolerable. Why should students get involved in an organization that doesn’t look out for their interests? If student interests are not your top priority, perhaps coming up with a better name for your organization would help. For example, you could go with something like the Skulls, the Eyes of Texas or That Amorphous Blob of Kids Who Pretend to be Politicians. Any of those would better suit your organization, but please stop using the word “student” in your title if you are not going to make more of an effort to actually engage your constituents. Actually, I take that back. As the editor-in-chief of the Texas Travesty, it’s my job to lampoon things on campus, and SG’s mishaps have made for some awesome comedic fodder. So forget everything I’ve said, SG. Keep up all of the haphazard work you’ve been doing. I don’t think I’d like you as much if I couldn’t make you the brunt of my jokes. For more fun remarks about this topic, go pick up a copy of the Travesty. We made this issue particularly delightful. Ingebretson is a marketing and English senior and editor-in-chief of the Texas Travesty.

RECYCLE! Please recycle this copy of The Daily Texan. Place the paper in one of the recycling bins on campus or back in the burnt-orange news stand where you found it.

FIRING LINES E-mail your Firing Lines to Letters must be more than 100 and fewer than 300 words. The Texan reserves the right to edit all submissions for brevity, clarity and liability.

LEGALESE Opinions expressed in The Daily Texan are not necessarily those of the UT administration, the Board of Regents or the Texas Student Media Board of Operating Trustees.




Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Attorney general links ‘sexting’ to abuse

Austin named hot spot for Valentine’s Day fun ranks city as a top-20 destination; hotel sees rental increase

usually have a strong demand each weekend but not as much on Sundays.� Other draws are the Austin Marathon and Half Marathon By Julie Bissinger and the Paramount 5K, which Daily Texan Staff are each scheduled for ValenPeople have always been tine’s Day this year. looking for love in all the wrong Both the marathon and half places, but this year, many are marathon are sold out. Together, finding that Austin is the right the events have brought in $12 place for romance. million to the city, said Austin Austin has been ranked 17th Marathon spokeswoman McKon a list of the top 50 U.S. cities inzey Crossland. with the highAlthough est demands for nothing speValentine’s Day cial has been accommodaplanned durtions, according ing the races to relating to Val“Austin is an Austin is an entine’s Day, up-and-comstaff members up-and-coming ing destinahave worked destination in Texas, tion in Texas, to incorporate and people are and people are the holiday traveling closer into the protraveling closer to to home,� said motion of the home.� Beth Krauss, marathons. media relations “We’re ex— Beth Krauss cited manager for the to see Media relations manager how runners Austin Convention and Visifor the Austin Convention and spectators Bureau. will celand Visitors Bereau tors Jason Ziee b r a t e Va l linski, spokesentine’s Day man for Austin with us. We’ve Bergstrom Inbeen promotternational Airing the conport, said even nection with though traffic taglines like during January and February is ‘Love hurts,’� said John Conley, generally busy, Continental Air- director of the Austin Marathon lines and American Airlines re- and Half Marathon. “We’ve had ported no significant increas- a few marriage proposals at our es in the number of passengers race over the years, so I have a flying to Austin. However, Unit- feeling we might see a lot of that ed Airlines has seen a slight in- this year.� crease in traffic, which they attriLast year’s marathon was on bute to the Presidents’ Day holi- Feb. 15. The night before the day weekend, he said. race, Katie Fowler’s fiance proHowever, area hotels have posed and gave her a running seen an increase in reservations shirt to wear at the race the next for Valentine’s Day weekend, day. according to Gene McMenamin, “The shirt said ‘Cheer for me, general manager of the Omni I just got engaged’ on the back,� Austin Hotel Downtown. said Fowler, a UT-Southwestern “We are sold out for Saturday physician’s assistant graduate and Sunday, which is unusual student. “I wore it at the race, since people have work the next and people on the sideline went day,� McMenamin said. “We crazy.�


Tamir Kalifa | Daily Texan Staff

Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott and Megan Guilbeaux, a 19-year-old Austin Community College student, discuss the dangers of “sexting.� By Katherine Noble Daily Texan Staff More than 20 percent of teens admit to sending or receiving sexually explicit picture messages, or “sext� messages, according to Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott. The increasingly common practice comes with dangers far more serious than teens might suspect, Abbott said at a press conference hosted by the National Teen Dating Abuse Helpline. The organization hosted the event to draw attention to the issue of sexting and to help teens understand its dangers and consequences. Most of the explicit photos are sent as a result of partner pressure, and according to Abbott, teens fail to realize that 20 percent of sext messages are passed to a third party. “Teens need to understand that sexting implicates sexual crime,�

Abbott said. “Images of teens sent by way of telephone or the Internet involve child pornography, and it is important for teens to understand that it is inappropriate and possibly illegal to send anything that involves a picture of themselves or another teen that exposes [them] sexually.� Abbot said sexting points to a larger issue among teen dating — emotional abuse. Partners use these photos to control their significant others and force them to stay in the relationship for fear of the images being released, he said. February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month, and although the topic of sexting may seem juvenile, the larger issues of emotional abuse and partner pressure do not end after high school graduation. UT offers resources for dealing with abuse in

dating and sexual relationships. Jane Morgan Bost, associate director of the UT Counseling and Mental Health Center, is in charge of the Voices Against Violence program on campus, which offers information and support concerning relationship violence, such as meetings for victims of abuse or stalking. Bost urged students to visit the Web site and look at upcoming events on the calendar or to call to set up an appointment with a trained mental health counselor. Candice Hopkins, director of the helpline Web site, said 75 percent of teens report being aware of an abusive dating relationship. Trained teen advocates focus on helping students strategize how to confront partners, peers and parents about digital harassment, rumors or abuse. According to Hopkins, the helpline serves teens

around the country with one-onone anonymous phone calls and a 24-hour chatline with teens. Megan Guilbeaux, a 19-yearold student at Austin Community College, has been volunteering at the helpline since she was 16. “A lot of the chats and calls are from scared teens who stay in abusive relationships because they are scared of their parents seeing the pictures if they get passed around,� Guilbeaux said. Bost said that a national movement centered around datingabuse survivors and their allies must take place. “This is not just a woman’s issue. This is a people’s issue. It involves every one of us, and we all need to get informed and get involved about different kinds of pressures and abuse in relationships,� Bost said.

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Sports Editor: Blake Hurtik E-mail: Phone: (512) 232-2210


Tuesday, February 9, 2010





Jayhawks fly past struggling Longhorns

COLUMN continues on page 8

No. 5 Villanova 82 No. 4 West Virginia 75 Loyola-Illinois 47 No. 15 Butler 62 Robert Morris 53 No 23. Pittsburgh 77

By Blake Hurtik Daily Texan Columnist

You’ve got to feel for Damion James. There’s no doubt that the Texas senior forward leaves it all on the floor each and every game — even on nights like Monday. When the Longhorns had the chance to reclaim their spot as legitimate Final Four contenders, they showed more of the same: an inexperienced, confused team searching for answers with the heart of the team, James, exhausted and flabbergasted. If it weren’t for James, the Longhorns likely would have been beaten by 30 points instead of the 80-68 shellacking they received at the hands of the top-ranked Kansas Jayhawks. James might as well been have playing by himself in the first half, scoring 15 of Texas’ 24 points on 6-of-9 shooting and a perfect 3-for-3 from 3-point range. He finished with 24 points and 10 rebounds. What did he get for his effort? Texas’ fifth loss in seven games, a fat lip courtesy of Kansas center Cole Aldrich and a sore backside from a hard fall while trying to collect one last rebound to keep Texas’ dwindling hopes alive with a minute remaining. More like adding injury to insult, for a change. Texas’ cavalry did arrive in the second with freshman J’Covan Brown adding 26 points in the half, but it was too little too late. After the game, just like in every other loss, it was James putting the blame for the loss squarely on his broad shoulders. Not this time, Damion. This one is on your teammates. In case you’ve forgotten, this was supposed to be the year of the seniors for Texas. The Longhorns were supposed to have a two-pronged attack. Dexter Pittman was supposed to play just as big of a role. But the big man hasn’t held up his end of the bargain. Pittman had just three points and three rebounds in 21 minutes. What’s alarming is that stat line doesn’t cause anyone to so much as raise an eyebrow. Texas’ inconsistent freshmen have an excuse. They are, after all, freshmen, no matter how highly recruited they were. But for Pittman, who has spent almost four years in this system, it’s unacceptable. Part of the problem is that Pittman and the Longhorns expect James to rush to the rescue and pick up the pieces every time. After Pittman grabbed just one rebound in Texas’ overtime loss to Baylor, he said that it was because it was his job to box out so James could collect the rebounds. Against the Jayhawks, Pittman got to see firsthand what a dominant post player really looks like.

NCAA Men’s Top 25

NBA New Orleans 117 Orlando 123 Dallas 127 Golden State 117 San Antonio 89 LA Lakers 101

NHL New Jersey 2 Philadelphia 3 San Jose 3 Toronto 2 St. Louis 2 Colorado 5 Edmonton 1 Phoenix 6 Los Angeles 2 Anaheim 4

Bruno Morlan | Daily Texan Staff

Point guard Dogus Balbay struggles to get to the basket in Monday night’s 80-68 loss to top ranked Kansas. The loss marks the Longhorns’ fifth in seven games after beginning the season with 17 consecutive victories.

Turnovers, first half run result in second straight loss at home

gest killer for us in every game we’ve lost,” said Texas head coach Rick Barnes. “We’re gonna fix it because we have too many guys that care and want By Laken Litman to do it. We just gotta get everyDaily Texan Staff body understanding offensive Same song, fifth verse. basketball. When the emotion of The fourteenth-ranked Long- the game gets going, they forget horns were plagued once again all of that.” by turnovers and a slow start Barnes may say that there are as they fell hard to top-ranked too many guys that care about Kansas 80-68 Monday night. this Longhorn team, but only Kansas (23-1, 9-0 Big 12) scored two out of those 12 players 27 points off the Longhorns’ (19- showed the drive to beat Kan5, 5-4 Big 12) 17 turnovers. sas on Monday. “Turnovers have been the bigOn a team that can seep deep-

Brown and James lead the way for Longhorns against top-ranked KU By Will Anderson Daily Texan Staff You could see it on the face of Texas forward Damion James on Monday night, in the way he rarely looked up from the table during the post-game press conference. You could hear it in the hushed words of J’Covan Brown, his voice barely audible despite the aid of a microphone. The two combined for 52 points but despite their best efforts Texas fell short as the rest of the team went 5-of-17 from the floor. “I’m gonna’ do my job,” James said. “We have to get J’Covan and Avery and [Mason] and Dogus and Dex and everybody to do their job. Once they start doing that, that’s when we’re going to start winning again.” The Texas offense was sup-

posed to flow through Dexter Pittman, but with the 6-foot10-inch center double and triple-teamed all night, the lion’s share of rebounding and post defense fell to James, who finished with 24 points, 10 boards and five blocks. And after missing nine free throws against Oklahoma, James was 4-of-6 from the line on Monday. It was a complete performance from James, who carried the Longhorns throughout the first half and supplied most of the scoring. It was an effort only matched by teammate J’Covan Brown, who did the same in the second half from the point. Brown scored 28 points, all but two after the break, and was the only other Longhorn to reach double digits. The pair combined for 75 percent of the Horns’ offensive production. “He can score the ball when we need it,” James said about Brown. “He brings something

er into their bench than most other teams in the NCAA, the Longhorns relied heavily on freshman J’Covan Brown and senior Damion James to carry them over the No. 1 team. Brown and James combined for a total 52 of Texas’ 68 points. “We’ve thought all year J’Covan could be the guy for us, that he could lead us,” Barnes said. “You could tell, in the last couple of weeks, he is figuring it out. He had a couple of careless plays with the ball, but he has great vision, he can shoot the ball and do a lot of good things.”

But Brown only got into his groove in the second half. At halftime, he had only garnered two points and had gone 1 for 7 from the field. James, on the other hand, had single-handedly carried the Longhorns in the first, scoring 15 of the team’s 24 total points at the break. A major factor of Texas’ downfall was a 22-0 run by Kansas in the latter part of the first half. “It happened so fast. They showed why they’re the No. 1 team in the country,” James said.

RUN on page 8

Bruno Morlan | Daily Texan Staff

Dexter Pittman, Varez Ward, and Clint Chapman can only watch as their teammates lose an early lead and let Kansas seal the win. that Dogus doesn’t bring. He brings that ability to shoot the ball and spread the floor.” Brown, an adept one-on-one player, was able to drive to the basket at will when he drew bigger, slower forwards late in the game. After going 1-for-7

from the field in the first twenty minutes, he made eight field goals in the second half, mostly layups in traffic but also a pair of 3-pointers. “He’s really good with the

BROWN continues on page 8

NCAA Men’s Basketball Top 10 1. Kansas 2. Kentucky 3. Syracuse 4. West Virginia 5. Villanova 6. Purdue 7. Duke 8. Georgetown 9. Kansas State 10. Michigan State


Lakers beat Spurs without Bryant and Bynum Pau Gasol had 21 points and 19 rebounds to lead five players in double figures, and the Los Angeles Lakers beat the San Antonio Spurs 10189 Monday night without injured Kobe Bryant and Andrew Bynum. Bryant missed his second consecutive game with a sore left ankle, while Bynum sat out with a bruised right hip. In their absences, the Lakers used a collective effort to win in their final home game before this weekend’s All-Star break. Ron Artest added 18 points, Lamar Odom 16 points and 10 rebounds, and Jordan Farmar and Derek Fisher had 13 each. Manu Ginobili scored 21 points, Tony Parker 20, Tim Duncan had 16 points and 15 rebounds and Antonio McDyess 12 rebounds for the Spurs, who have lost four in a row to the Lakers at Staples Center. Los Angeles again showed it could win without Bryant. The Lakers snapped a five-year losing streak at Portland with a victory Saturday, when Bryant ended his streak of 235 consecutive games played and Bynum missed the second half. The Lakers extended their lead to 81-70 early in the fourth, equaling their largest lead to that point, capped by Shannon Brown’s 3-pointer. Mostly though, the final period was a messy affair, with the Spurs throwing the ball away on three occasions and the Lakers stumbling through a cold stretch after their strong start.


Chelsea takes over first place after dominating Arsenal Chelsea’s Didier Drogba celebrates his goal against Arsenal during their English Premier League soccer match at Stamford Bridge, London on Sunday.

Alastair Grant Associated Press

Ivory Coast native scores twice and Cech makes key saves to lift Chelsea By Rishi Daulat Daily Texan Staff It was the classic battle of strength versus speed. And in the end, strength came through in dominating fashion in Chelsea’s 2-0 win against Arsenal. Chelsea’s powerful striker, Didier Drogba, netted twice for the Blues. Arsenal’s smaller, shifty attack players fizzled out as the young Gunners couldn’t find the finishing touch past Chelsea’s physical back four and the Chelsea goalie. Drogba’s first goal has to have Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger wondering about his team’s defense on set pieces once again. How no one was marking one of the best strikers in the world is Arsenal’s concern, but amazingly, Drogba was the only one at

the back post as he smashed in John Terry’s flicked header. Chelsea’s backbreaking goal came just 15 minutes later on a fast break. Lampard put Drogba through on the right side, and the Ivory Coast striker cut in past Arsenal’s Gael Clichy before firing in a thunderous leftfooted shot past Arsenal goalkeeper, Manuel Almunia. Chelsea goalkeeper Petr Cech made a few impressive saves throughout the match, the most notable coming when he parried away Fransesc Fabregas’s free kick late in the second half. Ever since Robin van Persie went down with an ankle injury, Arsenal has been in need of a central striker. Their current makeshift fix is the tiny Russian, Andrey Arshavin. “If Arsenal want to become champions, how can they select [me] as center forward?” said Arshavin, who usually plays as a winger, after last week’s 3-1

loss to Manchester United. “I am 173 centimeters and it suits me, but next to the big center halves of [Manchester] United, it is very difficult to fight for the ball, especially in the air.” Chelsea now sits in first place with 58 points and Manchester United, after their 5-0 destruction of Portsmouth, remains in second with 56 points. Arsenal’s title aspirations are pretty much over as the Gunners are now nine points behind the league leaders, having suffered consecutive defeats against their two rivals. In other Premier League action, Liverpool prevailed in the Merseyside derby despite being reduced to 10 men in the 34th minute. Liverpool defender Sotirios Kyrgiakos was ejected after going in on a 50-50 ball with a two-footed slide tackle on Everton midfielder Marouane Fellaini. Despite the early setback, Liverpool’s Dirk Kuyt headed home

the only goal in the 55th minute off an in-swinging corner kick by Steven Gerrard. Everton goalkeeper, the American Tim Howard could have done better with the corner by punching it away, but Kuyt capitalized on Howard’s failure to move off his line. Liverpool is currently back in the top four after their win, while Tottenham drops one spot to fifth after their goalless draw with Aston Villa. Manchester City fell to sixth as they suffered a shock defeat away at Hull City, 2-1. American striker Jozy Altidore scored a fantastic goal, his first in the Premier League, for Hull City in the 31st minute. In other soccer news, manager Fabio Capello has stripped Chelsea defender John Terry of the English team’s captaincy after Terry was accused of carrying on a four-month-long affair with teammate Wayne Bridge’s ex-girlfriend, Vanessa Perroncel.




Tuesday, February 9, 2010

RUN: Kansas scores

22 straight points From page 7 “A 22-0 run is unacceptable. We dig ourselves a hole a lot, and we try to make up for it, and it’s tough. This is the worst we’re going to play. I know that.” Despite James’ one-man-show efforts, he doesn’t feel that his teammates are leaving him to fend for the team by himself. “I never feel that way. It’s not about me, it’s about this team,” he said. “We’re going through a tough stretch right now, but I’d rather do it now than later this month and down the road.” Texas also started the second half slowly and didn’t show a sign of life until the last four minutes, when they cut the Jayhawks’ double-digit lead to eight points for the first time since the first half. After KU center Cole Aldrich fouled out at the 3:48 mark, Brown went on a shooting frenzy, making jumpers, three-pointers and free throws. He went 2 for 3 from the arch and 8 for 9

from the free throw line. “He can score the ball when we need it, and we need that from the point guard spot,” James said. “He brings the ability to score and spread the floor. We need that if we want to be the team we want to be.” Since playing Baylor a week and a half ago, Brown has proven to Barnes that he is maturing and understanding his role on the court. Before Monday night’s game, Barnes gave Brown a peptalk to get him going. Unfortunately for the Longhorns, by the time Brown started narrowing Kansas’ lead by racking up 26 points in the second half, it was too late. Barnes ran out of timeouts with a little over two minutes remaining, and their single-digit deficit soon turned into a 12-point loss. “They’re not playing like they’re capable of,” said Kansas coach Bill Self after the game. “They’re one of the best teams in the conference, but they’re going through a difficult time.”

COLUMN: James needs

teammates to contribute From page 7 Even though Aldrich only had seven points and five boards, he had six blocks and effectively shut down Texas’ center. The Longhorns wanted to use Pittman in ball screens, but his fatigue got in the way. For all that’s made of his miraculous weight loss, he still wears out in a hurry. “With Dexter, in his defense, he gets tired. We’re trying to play him more minutes, and when he’s tired, he goes to the block,” said Texas coach Rick Barnes. “He can’t do that.” During a two-minute stretch in the second half, Aldrich stuffed Pittman twice on lay

ups. On the other end, Pittman puffed out his chest after swatting away a pair of shots from undersized Kansas guards, but it felt more like watching a high schooler pick on junior high kids to boost his ego. Pittman built his early season reputation going against post players that gave up inches and pounds to him. It’s one thing to put up 25 points against small schools. You show your true colors against the best, tired or not. That’s what James did against Kansas. “He says that he’s not doing it by himself, but I know he is,” Brown said. “We’ve got to help Damion out.”

Bruno Morlan | Daily Texan Staff

Head Coach Rick Barnes talks to forward Damion James during a timeout in the first half of Monday’s loss. James was one of the few bright spots for the Longhorns scoring 24 points and grabbing 10 rebounds. Up next for James and the Longhorns are the Nebraska Cornhuskers.

BROWN: Late run falls short for Horns From page 7 ball,” said Kansas coach Bill Self. “He really attacked the big guys really well.” Barnes rightly predicted before the game that Brown would have a breakout night. He told the freshman that “big players step up in big games,” according to Brown. “It hit me,” Brown said. “I want to be a big player. It’s the time to do it.” James gave Texas an early lead with a pair of treys just minutes into the contest but an eleven-minute scoring run by Kansas zapped the energy from the home team. James finally got Texas back on the board with seven quick points near the end of the period. His driving layup with 1:57 left made it 21-

31 and cut the deficit to a manage- ond half. The freshman scored 11 able 10 points. More importantly, it of the team’s final 16 points and gave a boost to the sagging Texas kept Texas within striking distance offense and a morbid Erwin Cen- even if the Longhorns never capiter crowd. talized. “He can shoot,” “He’s starting Kansas freshman to really figure it Xavier Henry out,” Barnes said. said about James. “He’s fast, he’s “On the scouting got great vision, This is the worst report, they don’t we’re going to play.” he can shoot the say he can shoot ball, he can do a very well, but he — Damion James lot of things.” can shoot a litBrown had to Forward step tle bit and he can up because also put it on the James was batfloor.” tered down the “But I think we stretch. After contained him fouling Cole Alwell enough to get the ‘W,’” Kan- drich with 3:48 left in the game, sas’ Marcus Morris added. the Kansas center dropped It was Brown’s turn in the sec- James with an inadvertent el-


bow that earned the Jayhawk a technical and a seat on the bench after his fifth foul. James was quick to jump up but quickly walked to his own bench. “He threw a bow,” James said. “I know he probably didn’t mean to. But that’s the type of player I am, I don’t appreciate that kind of stuff.” He went down again with 51 seconds left and this time took much longer to get up. Even with teammates standing above him, James lay on the court with a grimace on his face, motionless for a few seconds until Brown helped him to his feet. “This is the worst we’re going to play,” James said. “We’ll look at the film and see what we’ve got to do.”

Future of the NFL remains unknown Notice of Re-Opening for the Position of Daily Texan Editor Applications may be picked up from the Office of the Director, HSM 3.304 Qualifications:

(1) be a registered UT-Austin student during the semester in which application is made; (2) have completed at least 30 hours at UT-Austin with a minimum grade point average of 2.25; (3) have worked, or will have worked when their term begins, at least one semester as a permanent staff member of The Daily Texan in news, sports or the copy desk; (4) have completed at least one other semester as an issue staff member of The Daily Texan in an area other than the one covered above; (5) have completed or be enrolled in a media law course before taking office; and (6) have obtained signatures from at least five editorial staff members of the Texan staff supporting the candidate for editor. (7) pass a libel test administered by the Editorial Adviser to ensure that he or she is fully capable of maintaining libel-free content. (8) be upper-division by the time they begin their term.

By Barry Wilner The Associated Press A memorable season capped by a super title game with a record TV audience has NFL executives and fans beaming. The smiles might soon disappear. Professional football is headed into the great unknown. Barring a quick — and totally unexpected — agreement with the players’ union on a new contract, 2010 will have no salary cap. After that, perhaps a work stoppage, something DeMaurice Smith, executive director of the NFL Players Association, puts at a “14” on a scale of 1 to 10 of happening. Commissioner Roger Goodell doesn’t agree, believing negotiations will lead to a new deal before March 2011, when the collective bargaining agreement expires. But an accord before the New Orleans Saints begin defense of their Super Bowl championship in September

is unlikely. The 32 team owners clearly are prepared for a go at the first uncapped season since 1993. Enough restrictions are in place, including extending the minimum years of service for unrestricted free agency from four years to six, that baseball-like bidding wars are improbable. With the owners claiming they are losing millions and the players arguing that teams are making money by the fistful, a common ground will be difficult to find. “The labor agreement is a very important agreement,” Goodell said during his annual Super Bowl week news conference. “It’s something that is important to our players. It’s certainly important to our clubs, and it’s important to our fans. “We have to sit at the table, and we have to get an agreement that works for everybody. And that’s what people expect. They want solutions, and that’s

what we should deliver.” Free agency begins March 5. The more critical date might be March 5 of next year, when, if no new deal has been struck, the most popular and prosperous sport in America could see the owners locking out the players. That’s the last thing fans want to hear after a special season featuring the Saints capping a football renaissance for their team and their city with their first Super Bowl title. The NFL’s best teams, led by New Orleans, generally have become the most potent on offense: each division winner except Cincinnati regularly visited the end zone, and three of the four playoff semifinalists scored at least 416 points. And as some stars begin to fade others emerge. Even as such headliners as Kurt Warner and perhaps Favre leave the game, colleges are providing NFL-ready performers to eventually take their place.

Potential Candidates may request waiver(s) of eligibility requirements specified in the TSM Handbook section 2.17(a). Waivers are subject to a vote of two-thirds approval by TSM Board Members.

Deadline for applications and all supporting materials: Noon, Thursday, February 11, 2010 Applicants will be certified by the TSM Board of Operating Trustees on Friday, February 12, 2010 at 2:00 p.m. HSM 3.302 David J. Phillip | Associated Press

NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell answers a question during a news conference on Friday in Fort Lauderdale, Fla.




Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Newsweek editor appraises changes to media, politics Interview explores insider view of news industry via ‘Texas Monthly Talks’

ter for Politics and Governance, part of the LBJ School of Public Affairs, teamed up with “Texas Monthly Talks� to sponsor the event. The first half of Meacham’s 30-minute interview concentrated on the battered state of the magazine industry. “Change is not a bad thing,� Meacham said. “But it would be terrific if we knew what we were changing into.� With its emphasis on adding longer feature stories, using heavier stock paper and raising its price, Newsweek hopes to recast itself in the mold of magazines like The New Yorker or The Economist. When asked if there was enough space for one more magazine in this niche, Meacham struck a cautiously optimistic note. “It’s not a zero-sum game,� Meacham said. “There are enough customers out there who want good reporting and writing. Hopefully, these types of magazines will be able to help each other out.� Smith shifted the focus to national politics in the latter half of

By Joshua Michaels Daily Texan Staff Jon Meacham, editor of Newsweek magazine, delivered an assessment of the state of both the journalism industry and national politics in an interview Monday. As head of Newsweek’s daily operations, Meacham steered the magazine in a new direction nine months ago when he revamped its print edition. Newsweek responded to diminishing subscription sales and ad revenue — a problem affecting most national print media outlets — by deciding to focus less coverage on weekly news reporting and devoting more space to longer features and essays, said Kathleen Deveny, the magazine’s assistant managing editor. Evan Smith, current editor of The Texas Tribune, conducted the interview with Meacham on “Texas Monthly Talks,� a television series broadcast on KLRU. The Cen-

the interview, In a question about President Barack Obama’s performance thus far, Smith noted that the first 12 months of Obama’s term have disappointed some supporters. Meacham responded by saying many of Obama’s supporters held inflated expectations. “[They] would have been surprised if his feet had gotten wet crossing the Potomac,� Meacham said. “The problems are enormous, and I think people now realize that he isn’t some messianic figure.� Smith followed with a question about Sarah Palin, the 2008 Republican vice-presidential candidate, and speculation surrounding her possible presidential run in 2012. Meacham caused a stir in the crowd when he stated that, according to a poll, the same Republicans who support Palin’s run for office in 2012 also believe she is unprepared. “[The idea] is a civic incoherence,� Meacham said. “She is this phenomenal nexus of politics, celebrity...�

Evan Smith, left, CEO and editor-inchief of The Texas Tribune, interviews Newsweek editor Jon Meacham as part of the Perspectives Series and “Texas Monthly Talks� on Monday.

Stephanie Meza Daily Texan Staff

“And anger?� Smith interrupted. “And yes, anger,� Meacham said. After the interview, Meacham took questions from the audience. Roxanne Rouse, a publicist in Austin, asked Meacham how 1 the public could get the news me-

dia to return to delivering intelligent news. The question drew murmurs of approval across the auditorium. Using “The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer� as an example of intelligent news, Meacham said if the number of people who claim

to watch the program actually did watch it, the show would have much higher ratings. “It’s fundamentally a supplyand-demand problem, Meacham said. “There’s an infinite demand for something and a limited supply for intelligent something.�

3B C Democratic gubernatorial candidates tout experience, gain little attention LASSIFIEDS

day, month day, 2008



By Alex Geiser Daily TexanEStaff IS reinforced RTWhite Although T VEBill D A DEN U his position Sas the clear leader T ON! UR IZATIgubernatoriin theYO Democratic N al primary ORGAelection during Monday night’s first debate, the race is still being overshadowed by the Republican primary, according to recent polls. At the debate, Farouk Shami drew from his experience as CEO of Farouk Systems, Inc., and said he would raise state revenue by increasing jobs and guaranteeing that every Texan would have a job within a year if he were elected. But he danced around the question posed by a panelist about the governor ’s influence on the state budget by re-stating his position of leadership within his business.


E! E R F d wor

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White used examples of previous job growth and development efforts he enacted as Houston mayor to demonstrate his potential as governor if elected. “We ought to make sure that each person has access to job training where there is a job waiting for them at the end,� White said. After Hurricane Katrina evacuees fled to Houston, White said he gave them job training so that they would have the necessary skills to find work in that market. Government graduate student Ernest McGowen, who polled people this summer about candidate recognition in the race for governor, said the most daunting problem for the Democrats leading up to the March 2 primary is a lack of attention. “I would say even Debra Me-

dina, the third [Republican] candidate, may be getting more attention than both the Democratic candidates,� McGowen said. According to a Feb. 1 Rasmussen poll, White would lose the general election to all three Republican candidates, Gov. Rick Perry, Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison and Medina. Sama’an Ashrawi, Middle Eastern Studies sophomore and Shami supporter, said Medina’s appeal to many independent voters pulls votes from Perry and Hutchison. Ashrawi said that because Medina is not likely to take the Republican nomination, her supporters would vote for a Democrat. “[Medina] is opening options for Democrats,� Ashrawi said. He said the Democratic nominee needs to focus on gaining at-

tention and support from smaller Texas towns in order to win the election. In a post-debate speech to University Democrats and other White supporters, Joe Hamill, Central Texas field director for White’s campaign, said Monday’s debate was the first time many Texans had seen White. “There are some people who haven’t seen him at all,� Hamill said. McGowen, who is from Houston, said he has seen White in action as Houston mayor and is familiar with White’s policies. “He is more of a centrist even though he is running in the Democratic party,� McGowen said of White. “He is a little more conservative. By that, he is able to get a lot of independent voters, which

Weekly Rates: downtown corridor, appeasing a large portion of the city without $100 – Large crossing into partisan values. McGowen said White is go$50 – Medium ing to take this route into the pri$25 – Small mary and likely into the general

is what it’s all going to come down to.� Like most Democrats, White opposes the school voucher system, which would allow parents to pull their children out of lowperforming schools and receive government grants to place them into higher-ranked institutions. He also supports the death penalty, which many Democrats oppose. “Texans should know that our criminal justice system, by and large, is a good system,� White said at Monday’s debate. White has shown as mayor that he has a lot of pragmatic solutions to problems that rest between conservative and liberal ideals, McGowen said. One of the first things White did as mayor was to synchronize traffic lights in the

Contact Joan at 512-232-2229 or email


election. “Depending upon who wins the Republican primary, he will make himself sound a little more conservative or a little more liberal, whatever he needs to be,� he said. Ally Smith, spokeswoman for White, said the debate did raise awareness of candidates in the Democratic race, particularly of White. She expects interest to grow as more people are introduced to him. “Any time Bill White has been able to reach people, he proves that he is the right leader to move Texas forward,� Smith said.

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Tuesday, February 9, 2010

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Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Clip-show trend disappoints viewers By Robert Rich Daily Texan Staff A couple of weeks ago, “The Office” ran what it claimed was a new episode. In a small, insignificant way, it was. The episode featured a small plot: the investigation of an employee of Sabre, the electronics company that purchased Dunder Mifflin in the show’s story line. The employee eventually ended up talking to the office’s human resources man Toby Flenderson about general office morale, work safety and the like. Each question he asked was about a specific topic, which then cued highlights from previous seasons of the show. So, despite the claim of a fresh episode, in reality, it was nothing more than a glorified clip show. This is not a singular incident. As time goes on, it seems that all comedies fall into the trap of running a clip show. Each time it happens, it gets more obnoxious, for several reasons. The first is that the network still claims that it’s a new episode. The minor plot used to fill in the holes does not constitute unique material and only serves to anger fans even more. English senior Emily Baggett hates the technique, too. “I’ve been cheated out of an episode of a series I really like,” Baggett said. “‘Friends’ did at least one [clip show] every season, and even those ‘new’ plots were similar — Rachel and Ross looking back at their relationship saga, Monica and Chandler looking back at their relationship saga, et cetera.” The unfortunate thing about the technique is that it is used by even the best of shows. “The Office” is one of the most consistently funny series on television at the moment, and even it fell into the trap. “Scrubs” did the same thing in its sixth season, using the gimmick of the staff waiting around for a comatose patient to wake up and explain why he tried to commit suicide as the vehicle for the reminiscing and setup for the clips. If the series is up front about their intentions, however, it seems that the problem would be lessened. “I watched ‘The Office’ clip

All the films except “Cloudy ENTERTAINMENT With a Chance of Meatballs” are nominees for best animated feaBRIEFLY ture film at this year’s Academy

Best of year’s animated films get their due at award show

LOS ANGELES — The travel adventure “Up” was the winner of the best animated feature at the 37th annual Annie Awards. “Up” director Pete Docter won the award for directing in a feature production. Also competing for top honors at the Annies, presented exclusively for animated films, were the musical fairy tale “The Princess and the Frog,” the storybook adaptations “Fantastic Mr. Fox” and “Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs,” the dark family tale “Coraline” and the Irish adventure “The Secret of Kells.”

Awards. “Up” is also nominated for best picture at the ceremony. “Coraline” and “The Princess and the Frog” won three Annies apiece, including Shane Prigmore for character design in a feature production for “Coraline” and James Mansfield for animated effects for “The Princess and the Frog.” Wes Anderson and Noah Baumbach won the Annie for best writing in a feature presentation for “Fantastic Mr. Fox.” The winners of the Annie Awards, presented by the International Animated Film Society, were announced Saturday at a ceremony in Los Angeles. — The Associated Press

CD: Metal album lacks

original take on genre trial metal, Mechanize follows the path as closely as can be exMechanize pected, but to those who have grown to love newer bands like Fear Factory Mastodon, it’s no happy picnic. When I was younger, the From “Mechanize” to “Indusname Fear Factory alone made trial Discipline” to “Fear Camthe industrial heavy metal band paign,” screamed vocals intersomewhat of an enigma. I con- mingle with staccato distorted jured up all kinds of frightening guitar riffs, machine-gun fire images upon thinking of the double bass drums relentlessly name. The fact that, in reality, pound and every the band was once in a while, nothing spea cleanly sung cial perturbed chorus makes its The opening seconds me. Now, afpresence known ter years on of the eponymous first — if only to dishiatus due to track inspires hope... appoint because a disagreemelodic vocals ment between are just somethe members, thing that doesn’t happen with the band returns with Mecha- Fear Factory. nize and picks up exactly where Perhaps they aimed to capiit left off. talize on every other old band’s The opening seconds of the resurgence as of late, but Fear eponymous first track inspires Factory is a group that won’t hope, as the industrial, unset- be making a comeback any tling beat — of what only our time soon. imaginations can illustrate — bangs and rattles. But soon, the Grade: D song’s riff comes in, and everything falls apart. For fans of formulaic indus— Robert Rich

From page 12

Courtesy of The Office

Steve Carell stars as Michael Scott in NBC’s “The Office.” One of the most recent episodes consisted primarily of archive footage from previous seasons. show while I was cooking dinner, Fans do enjoy reliving great moand the only parts I watched were ments from their favorite series, the clips because those were the but not when they’re lied to about only parts that were funny,” Bag- getting a new episode. gett said. So come on, NBC — be straight

with us. If you’re running a clip show, let us know, and we promise not to be angry. If you tell us we’re getting something new, however, that’s a different story.

APP: Student’s creation to go national From page 12

screen, only cost him about $75. Once Jones had the programming techniques down and the laptop ready to go, he spent another month and a half creating the first version of “Bar Buzz ATX.” “I was so crazy excited about putting this app together that I would stay up all night trying to get as much done as possible,” Jones said. It took Jones less than two months to finish the app. But before releasing it to the public, he faced his harshest critics: his friends. They thought the app didn’t look nice, they wanted it to cover more areas of Austin, and they wanted a

GPS system added. Jones spent a couple more months working out those kinks and then released the app to the public in January. One way he is maintaining the system is by letting users take some control. There is a button users can press to let Jones know if a deal is wrong. If it is wrong, Jones edits the specials or takes it off. “Finding the best drink specials seems to be the ongoing saga for people,” he said. “That’s all I hear around campus and especially when I’m out downtown.” Jones said he doesn’t care if there are 50 people using it or 50,000. “I just wrote a piece of software that I would love for people to en-

joy using,” Jones said. Jones said writing the application has opened new doors, including a new job writing iPhone apps. He said “Bar Buzz ATX” will still be maintained and even expanded. Jones is hoping to launch his app nationally in six months, turning it into “Bar Buzz.” He said he is scared to go national but it is something that he has to do. “I have to get out of my bubble and make sure everything in the system works, so when it goes national, it won’t be a flop,” Jones said. The app is available for free on iTunes, and all features of “Bar Buzz ATX” are also available on the Web site,

VOGUE: Event includes performances, film screenings From page 12 junior Matté Loaiza was asked to participate in the drag show, but he chose not to. “It’s not that I have a problem with drag,” Loaiza said. “If my parents ever found out I did drag, they wouldn’t understand that doing drag doesn’t mean I want to be a girl.” In addition to educating people about drag culture, Bui hopes the event will serve as a form of inspiration to members of the GLBT community. “Drag performers are so confident doing something they are often ridiculed for that it should give members of the gay commu-

nity the confidence to not let their sexuality stop them from doing anything,” Bui said. To Bui, drag is a form of selfexpression. Everything from a drag queen’s make-up to the outfit they often make themselves is a form of art. “If people walk away from this event with anything, I want them to know that drag queens aren’t just men dressed as women being outlandishly fierce,” Bui said. “Drag is a performance art.” The event begins Wednesday with a screening of “Paris Is Burning.” The film documents the experiences of black and Latino gay and transgender men involved in “ball culture” — a

subculture of the GLBT community in which men walk, vogue and dress in drag. The film also highlights the beginnings of vogue. On Thursday, Vogue Evolution, an all-vogue dance group that participated in the fourth season of MTV’s “America’s Best Dance Crew,” will teach a dance workshop from 4 p.m. to 4:45 p.m. in the Texas Union. “An Evolution Ball” begins at 7 p.m. Thursday with performances by Redefined Dance Company, Alien Tactics, STEEL Dance and Epidemic Dance Company. Sahara Davenport, a contestant on season two of “RuPaul’s Drag Race,” will also perform.

VENUE: ‘Little tiny details’ contribute to atmosphere From page 1 value to Austin. “At first, it was the mystique and the history of it,” he said. “Being a legendary proving grounds of people like Lyle Lovett and Nanci Griffith, who started their careers there, and knowing you’re standing exactly where Townes Van Zandt and Lucinda Williams stood — that’s pretty special.” Even before he was performing there, Cleaves noticed little things the Cactus Cafe management did that set it apart from other venues.

“When I worked there as a sound guy, I saw behind-thescenes how much effort and dedication they put into the place,” he said. “There’s a lot of [thought] in when the lights go down and when the music [before and after the show] goes on. Little tiny details like that make it a really professional show that a lot of venues don’t pay attention to.” He said the management, including manager Griff Luneburg and longtime staff member Chris Lueck, is part of what has always made the venue special. “[There is also] this thing I

didn’t notice for a long time that Chris and Griff do,” Cleaves said. “Somehow they know — day of the show, before anybody shows up — exactly how many people are coming. They have a supernatural sense, and they arrange the seating in the room so that the room always looks full. They’re never, ever wrong.” Cleaves said the staff always supported him as much as they could. He said it is part of what makes the place unique. “I could write a whole album about Griff himself — he’s quite a character,” Cleaves said.

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Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Life&Arts Editor: Ben Wermund E-mail: Phone: (512) 232-2209


Bar-locator app builds up buzz

Event encourages attendees of ball to strike a pose GLBT group increases HIV/AIDS awareness through drag, vogue

incide with Black History Month and will come shortly after Sunday’s Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day. The event’s purpose is to bring to light the HIV/AIDS issue through two nights of self-expression. The organization also hopes the event will take its attendees back to the balls of the late 1980s and back to Harlem. Victor Bui, financial director for Queer People of Color and Allies, said the event is more than a mere ball. “It is a night of educational awareness of the history of house and ball cultures and HIV/AIDS,” Bui said. “It is a ball which consists of various aspects of vogue, drag, house and — most importantly — self-expression.” Drag is a culture that is often misunderstood and subsequently avoided. Communications

By Carlo Castillo Daily Texan Staff Twenty years ago, Madonna brought underground, vogue culture to the limelight when she released her song “Vogue.” Today, the image of Madonna — luminescent, dressed in black, dancing in a style characterized by sharp, angular movements — is readily associated with the movement. The image of vogue’s true roots, of gay black men and Latinos in Harlem in the late 1980s , is one that is often forgotten. It is an image the Queer People of Color and Allies, a political GLBT organization on campus, will celebrate this week. The organization will host “An Evolution Ball” on Wednesday and Thursday. The event will co-

VOGUE continues on page 11

Mary Kang | Daily Texan Staff

Computer science senior Aaron Jones stands with his iPhone on Sixth Street. release, it already boasts 230 active For a month and a half, Jones By Julie Rene Tran users and 82 participating bars. would come home after school and Daily Texan Staff After choosing a location, a built- teach himself how to program iPLike many UT students, computer science senior Aaron Jones loves in GPS system locates all the near- hone apps using Xcode, a set of going downtown. And, like many by bars and provides informa- tools for developing software on UT students, Jones and his friends tion about them. The app lists each Mac OS X. He also had to learn often have a difficult time know- bar’s dress code, type of music and Objective-C, the language used to ing which of the more than 200 whether or not the bar has any cur- write the app. There were many Austin bars are worth hitting up rent promotions. Jones said at least times Jones said he would stay up and where they can down a couple 75 percent of the information is up- all night developing reverse-engineering example programs, only to of drinks without burning holes to–date and accurate. “I was really getting into the iP- find that it was 8 a.m. and he needthrough their wallets. So, after six months and many hone programming stuff,” Jones ed to head out to his first class. To Jones, the process of learning sleepless nights, he created “an app said. “With the iPhone becoming popular and me being a big nerd, it how to code was not difficult, just for that.” “Bar Buzz ATX” compiles cur- made sense that I make an app, but time-consuming. “There was a lot of coding and a rent drink deals and events at bars I needed an idea. ‘Bar Buzz ATX’ on Sixth Street, in the Warehouse was the first idea that came into my whole lot of sleepless nights,” Jones mind, so I just took it and ran with said. “I can’t even count the time I District and in West Campus. lost just for this project.” Only four weeks after the app’s it.”

Starting out, Jones did not even own an Apple computer or an iPhone — two necessities to make the project possible. Living on a college student’s budget, it was not possible for Jones to spend at least $1,000 on a whim for a brand new laptop. Instead, Jones got an unusable laptop from the surplus property on campus. The screen was cracked, the keyboard was broken and hot chocolate was spilled on it. Starting from square one, it took Jones about two weeks to take the computer apart, order replacement parts and revive the laptop to tiptop condition. All of the new parts, including a new keyboard and

APP continues on page 11

Photo Courtesy of Vogue Evolution

Vogue Evolution brought voguing to mainstream media when the group was a contender on MTV’s “America’s Best Dance Crew.”


Recent albums challenge listener expectations, patience Black Noise Pantha du Prince Not much is known about Hendrik Weber, professional name Pantha du Prince, other than that his first two albums, Diamond Daze and This Bliss, were a muchneeded breath of fresh air in the electronic music sphere. While wobbly fidget bass lines and aggressive dubstep rhythms are currently in vogue, Pantha has remained grounded in his aesthetics — sparse minimalism, clicks and pops for percussion, crystalline chimes and dark melodies at the forefront. Keep in mind, this isn’t your older brother’s techno — it’s more akin to the minimalist “microhouse” style that proliferated in Germany during the ’90s with artists like Basic Channel and pretty much anyone on Kompakt Records. So you won’t hear kick drums and heavy sampling here, but plenty of glitchy static as percussion, gloomy sub-bass lines and scratchy ambient noise. On Black Noise, it takes the German producer a solid minute and a half to ease his way into the

album on opener “Lay in a Shimmer,” with industrial noise brica-brac, before the 4/4 time signature finally kicks in with a cathartic flood of chimes. Likewise, it takes nearly three minutes for Panda Bear’s guest vocals to kick in on “Stick to My Side,” but it’s worth the wait when the perfectly looped vocals reverberate into a dizzying spiral alongside a silky smooth bassline and chilled-out percussive pops. Pantha follows suit throughout the rest of the album, balancing techno’s yin to nature’s yang on songs like “Bohemian Forest” and in dreamy, ethereal masterpieces “I’m Bann” and album closer “Es Schneit.” Black Noise is an album to get lost in, to explore like an uncharted forest and to soundtrack a semi-lucid state of pre-sleep patterns.

Grade: A— Fransisco Marin

Odd Blood Yeasayer Yeasayer always received unfair comparisons to Animal Collective’s post-Sung Tongs output — mostly because the songs felt indistinguishable — but on their latest album, Odd Blood, listeners ought to reconsider their preconceptions. The trio out of Brooklyn has gone global in its spectrum on its sophomore effort, incorporating Latin percussive beats and electronic bleeps and bloops on songs like “O.N.E.,” while still retaining the singular weirdness Yeasayer is famed for on tracks like “Madder Red.” And though their first album, All Hour Cymbals, was released more than two years ago, the band has managed to keep their sonic artistry intact while experimenting with new styles; one noticeable difference throughout the album is how prominent the percussion has become. It doesn’t act as a timekeeper or as a garnish to each song as it did on their first album but instead as a fully realized element.

But Odd Blood, which may be a contender for Ugliest Album Cover of the Year, isn’t always as captivating as one might hope for from a band that’s had this long to develop. Album opener “The Children,” which feels like a lost Xiu Xiu B-side, is a messy amalgam of over-processed vocals, distonal synthesizer and saxophone, all played over a painfully slow chopped and screwed beat. “Mondegreen” is the polar opposite, though just as bad, with yet more bari saxophone and an overly frenetic hand clap/drum combo that feels downright uncomfortable when paired with front man Chris Keating’s shaky, feverish vocals. While Yeasayer has done something brave by branching out in the way it composes music, it’s a shame that they’ve overextended themselves into just-plain-weird territory.

Grade: C+ — F.M.

One Life Stand Hot Chip It’s strange that music publications and blogs have been touting Hot Chip’s fourth LP, One Life Stand, as the quintet’s most “soulful,” with front man Alexis Taylor going on to embellish the label in interviews. The truth is, Hot Chip has always been downright soulful. Though the band’s music is made for the dance floor, a quick onceover of their remix collection will prove that Hot Chip’s affinity for soulful tunes finally spilled over into the group’s music conception. Nowhere is that more apparent on One Life Stand than on “Hand Me Down Your Love,” where Taylor mournfully bellows with emotional urgency “I’ve known you for a long time!” over a driving, four-to-the-floor beat and wave after wave of crescendoing violins. On other songs, though, Taylor displays a more subdued, restrained vocal talent that still carries with it the emotional exuberance of Hot Chip’s previous album, Made in the Dark, such as on

“I Feel Better.” Overprocessed and autotuned vocalizations lie atop one another in layered euphony with jabbing violin work. On the track afterward, the eponymous “One Life Stand,” the band experiments with a new direction — they’ve gone back to 1976 and paired Kraftwerk-like synth sounds with a minimal drum beat — and it all sounds more cohesive and homely than you’d think, especially given the band’s willingness to experiment with electronic flourishes and twinkly keys. But despite all the good news, the second half of the album seems to run on reserve power and feels like a poorly acted parody of an Air album more than anything. Where the band shines is in its ability to go through with what it started, which made Hot Chip’s previous albums perfect case studies in specificity.

Above, One Life Stand, Hot Chip Far Left, Black Noise, Pantha du Prince Left, Odd Blood, Yeasayer

Grade: B— F.M.

REVIEWS continues on page 11

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