THE DAILY TEXAN Serving the University of Texas at Austin community since 1900
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6 Vol. 6, Issue oma Texas v. Oklah n 2011 Editio
G ON PUTTINAR PAINT E Winto the rivalry THs com es
Texa but it isn’t undefeated, battle tested. e its worth time to prov r Rivalry? What better oric Red Rive than in the hist PAGE 16
To read about Longhorn football, see Double Coverage
LIFE&ARTS PAGE 14 @thedailytexan
By Christian Corona Daily Texan Staff
This time last month, he was firmly entrenched as Texas’ starting quarterback. Now, Garrett Gilbert is leaving the Longhorn football program. The embattled junior quarterback has elected to transfer after a little more than two seasons at Texas. Gilbert was 7-7 as the Longhorns starter and threw for 3,301 yards, 13
touchdowns and 23 interceptions while at Texas. But after getting replaced against BYU after throwing first-quarter interceptions and undergoing season-ending shoulder surgery 10 days later, Gilbert announced Wednesday that he had taken his last snap at Texas. He has received an unconditional release from his scholarship but has not decided where he will transfer. “This was a very difficult decision
because I love the University of Texas and have had a great time playing there,” Gilbert said. “I can’t thank all of my teammates and everyone at Texas enough for all of their support.” Gilbert won a four-man competition for the starting quarterback job this offseason, beating out sophomore Case McCoy, freshman David Ash and freshman Connor Wood, who has since transferred to the University of Colorado.
Ally Carnival
StandOut will host a carnival in Gregory Plaza to promote awareness of queer issues from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. For more information visit their Facebook group at http://www.facebook. com/texasstandout.
Today in history In 1889
The Moulin Rouge cabaret opened in Paris.
Inside In Editorial: It’s Oct. 6 and OU still sucks
page 4
Quote to note “Something that doesn’t get the attention that I wish it would is my work in the burlesque. I do a very classic burlesque show, where it’s sexy but I’m not giving away the store, you know?” — Michael Ian Black Comedian LIFE&ARTS PAGE 14
is a terrific young man, and we are very appreciative of everything he has done for our program. Whatever school he decides to go to will get a guy who will work as hard as anyone and compete both on the field and in the classroom.” Although he has not chosen a new destination yet, Gilbert was reportedly in Dallas on Wednesday
GILBERT continues on PAGE 2
By Nick Hadjigeorge Daily Texan Staff
The comedian and writer known for his deadpan comedy will speak from 7 to 8 p.m. in the Texas Union Ballroom. For an exclusive interview with Black, check out Life&Arts page 14.
In response to the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board consolidating and eliminating “low-producing” degree plans, the Liberal Arts Council and Senate of College Councils will hold a forum beginning at 5 p.m. in the Gebauer Building Third Floor Conference Room.
He went 13-for-23 for 239 yards and a touchdown in Texas’ season opening win over Rice but could only lead the Longhorns offense to one first down in five drives a week later against BYU. Gilbert was replaced by McCoy in the second quarter and did not play at all when Texas faced UCLA. “We talked about his decision, and we all fully support him,” head coach Mack Brown said. “Garrett
National protests spread to campus
Michael Ian Black
Degree Forum
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Former Longhorn quarterback to transfer
Michael Jackson might be gone, that’s no reason not to sing along to some of his greatest hits at the Alamo Drafthouse Lake Creek. Show starts at 7 p.m.
Young cornerbacks show potential to play on Sundays
Festival outgrows its roots, features more than just yoga
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Presents: The Daily Texan
“DBU” in good hands
Trent Lesikar | Daily Texan Staff
Bird Caviel speaks before a meeting of the General Assembly for Occupy Austin outside City Hall on Wednesday evening. The General Assembly, a leaderless decision-making group, met on the eve of Occupy Austin to discuss logistics for the occupation.
Austinites rally, ‘occupy’ City Hall Some inspired by Occupy Wall Street march, others question goals By Aaron West Daily Texan Staff
The Occupy Wall Street movement, which began in early September in New York City’s Zuccotti Park as a protest against political and economic corruption, has been steadily gaining momentum and has spread throughout the nation and all the way to Europe. The movement finally reached campus with yesterday’s student walkout. Austin’s own demonstration, Occupy Austin, will begin today at City Hall at 10 a.m. Thousands have said they will attend the protest via the Occupy Austin Facebook page, a number that Lauren Welker, an Occupy Austin spokesperson, called unprecedented considering much of the planning didn’t begin until about two weeks ago. Welker said a core group of about 20 people, with
an enormous amount of help from others, used Twitter, Facebook and Livestream — social media tools that have become a staple of protests and revolutions worldwide — to get things moving. “The idea sparked,” Welker, a geological sciences graduate student, said. “It was like ‘why not?’ It’s not just New York that’s affected by Wall Street; it’s all over the nation. It’s here. Why don’t people go out to the streets and protest what’s going on? We can’t all afford to fly out to New York.” Occupy Wall Street, now in its third week, has had a few runins with the New York Police Department, including a controversial mass arrest of approximately 700 when protesters took to the Brooklyn Bridge and disrupted traffic, according to a report by the Guardian. Welker said that they have been working with Aus-
tin police to make sure incidents like that don’t happen. “We don’t want to break the law,” she said. “That’s not the purpose.” The purpose of the protests, which have spread from New York City to Los Angeles to Austin and scores of cities in between, is a little harder to pin down, much to the annoyance of people who do not see the purpose. At the movement’s core, Welker said, is the discontent that many Americans share for political and economic corruption on national, state and local levels and the corporate influence that holds sway over many elections and policy decisions. She said people are angry about how these issues are affecting society and particularly the lives and well-being of those that call themselves ‘the 99 percent’ — people who
OCCUPY continues on PAGE 6
A group of approximately 40 students met at South Mall on Wednesday at noon and held signs advertising Occupy Austin while chanting slogans like “money for jobs and education, not for wars and occupation.” Occupy Austin studentoutreach coordinator Jonathan Cronin said both social media and traditional tactics played a role in advertising Wednesday’s on-campus demonstration, called a walkout, in which student participants were encouraged to leave class in order to promote the cause. Inspired by the ongoing Occupy Wall Street protests that began in New York City, activists have been organizing and preparing for the Occupy Austin protest, set to begin at 10 a.m. Thursday at Austin City Hall. The Occupy Austin protests are based on the same message of criticizing the American financial industry through tactics similar to those being used in New York
City and will continue until no longer necessary, according to the website. Finance le c turer D av id Miller attended the walkout and spoke with students about how to refine their message and participate in a successful protest. “The students at UT should use their passion and intelligence to put forth positive and creative proposals,” Miller said. “The key is to find a solution to all of these problems you are talking about instead of just listing all of them.”
Geography junior Landre Wilson said he learned about the walkout while in class and learned of the Occupy Wall Street protests from the website Reddit. Wilson said he plans to attend the Occupy Austin protest.
Kirsten Bokenkamp, Communications coordinator for the American Civil Liberties Union of Texas, said her organization hopes to educate student protesters on their rights and responsibilities while they
WALKOUT continues on PAGE 6
Lawrence Peart | Daily Texan Staff
Pre-med junior Joe Gailey stands in the South Mall on Wednesday afternoon as part of Occupy Austin’s campus walkout. The walkout was a preview of Thursday’s protest that will take place at City Hall.
Apple co-founder, innovator dies at 56 Transfer students not factored By Aleksander Chan Daily Texan Staff
Apple co-founder and visionary Steve Jobs died Wednesday, Oct. 5, of pancreatic cancer, Apple announced. Jobs stepped down from his role as CEO of Apple in August, and the newest iteration of the company’s popular iPhone, the iPhone 4S, was revealed yesterday by new CEO Tim Cook. Jobs, who co-founded Apple with Steve Wozniak in 1976, was perhaps the most high-profile and influential celebrity CEO since John D. Rockefeller. After being ON THE WEB: fired in 1985, Jobs returned The life of Steve to the computJobs in tweets, er company in video 1996 and ushbit.ly/ ered in a wave DTJobsStorify of advancements that would forever change how an entire generation of consumers would think about
Steve Jobs, who cofounded Apple in 1976, died Wednesday from pancreatic cancer.
Courtesy of Associated Press
its relationship with technology and media. In 2001, under the guidance of Jobs, Apple released the first-generation iPod. It was a thick, bricklike device that had a low-resolution black-and-white screen and five gigabytes of storage space. At the time, it was only compatible with Macintosh computers and retailed for $399. Ten years later, the current iPod model, the fourth-generation iPod
Touch, is comprised of a glossy touchscreen display, can hold up to 64 gigabytes of data, can record and play back high-definition video and features a front-facing camera for video conferencing over the Internet. IPods currently make up 78 percent of the portable music player market share. The speed at which new developments came from Apple under
JOBS continues on PAGE 2
into graduation rate statistics By Liz Farmer Daily Texan Staff
The UT System measures efficiency by calculating the number of students who complete a degree exclusively at specific institutions, but this approach does not account for transfer students. State pressure is on public universities to improve efficiency by increasing the number of students who receive degrees in four years or less, said UT-El Paso president Diana Natalicio. She said an alternative to using graduation rates as a metric is tracking students’ progress through different institutions to determine the number of students who complete a degree. Natalicio said last week that 70 percent of the students who graduate from UTEP do not count in graduation rates because they did not attend the university from the
beginning of their higher education experience. “So much of what is happening right now in the name of productivity and efficiency comes from a misunderstanding of what’s happening on the ground,” Natalicio said. In 2006, 11 percent of UTEP students graduated in four years, according to a UT System document. Natalicio said some UTEP students transfer from the university to UT Austin or universities in New Mexico and California. Based on graduation rates transfer students would not factor into the efficiency figure for the UT System institution in which they are enrolled. “What we see is a population of students who have a different goal, to use the enrollment at UTEP as a stepping stone,” Natalicio said. Natalicio said students who
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