Cathedral of Junk granted needed permits
Jersey Shore cast members big hit this Halloween
History of America’s pastime revisited
THE DAILY TEXAN Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Serving the University of Texas at Austin community since 1900
Calendar An oral history of chocolate Pamela Whitenack, director of the Hershey Community Archives, will speak about her experiences as an oral history archivist for the Hershey Chocolate Company and the town of Hershey, Pa. The UT School of Information. 1616 Guadalupe. Room 1.208. 7-8:30 p.m.
SANCTUARY continues on page 7
BUDGET continues on page 2
Erika Rich | Daily Texan Staff
‘The Difficulty of Being Good’ Author Gucharan Das will speak about his book “The Difficulty of Being Good: On the Subtle Art of Dharma.” UTC 4.112. 3:305 p.m.
Chris Ruhling, owner of the Six Lounge on Colorado and Fourth streets, paints the outside wall of his new bar, The Hangar, which will open in mid November.
Candidates argue over ‘sanctuary’ policy By Nolan Hicks Daily Texan Staff With Election Day just a week away, Gov. Rick Perry’s campaign has revived previously disproved claims that Houston is a sanctuary city, arguing that immigration policies led to the death of a Houston police officer. The Perry campaign has launched a new ad airing around the state that features Joslyn Johnson, the widow of Rodney Johnson, claiming Bill White supported policies that prevented law enforcement from catching Juan Leon-
ardo Quintero, the illegal immigrant who shot her husband, before he committed the crime. “In the past, Bill White supported sanctuary city policies that made it difficult for officers to safely do their jobs,” said Johnson in the ad. The assertion that Houston was a sanctuary city or that White supported such policies simply isn’t true, according to the Austin American-Statesman’s PolitiFact Texas, who rated the claim as false in February. While there is no legal definition of what a sanctuary city
Austin goes on record for film project
Today in history In 1787 James Madison and Alexander Hamilton publish the Federalist Papers, which argue for ratification of the Constitution.
Quote to note “Before [the Kansas State game] I got a coach’s shirt torn down the middle with a camouflage shirt and pants underneath. I ripped the shirt off in pregame, pulled the pants off [and did the Soulja Boy dance.]” — Mack Brown Head football coach SPORTS PAGE 8
is, it generally refers to municipalities that have passed resolutions or laws restricting local law enforcement from cooperating with federal immigration officials. “Houston is not a sanctuary city,” said Houston Mayor Annise Parker in a March interview with the Statesman. “If you break a local law in Houston, we will arrest you, we will take you to jail, we will run your information and if you’re in this country illegally, we will
The Butler School’s Alternative Improvised Music Ensemble and Graduate Jazz Combo will perform an evening of compositions by jazz great Art Blakey. 8:30 p.m. Free show.
A panel featuring UT professors Maggie Rivas-Rodriguez, Emilio Zamora and filmmaker John Valadez will discuss the discrimination in a small town that sparked a national Latino civil rights movement and its relevance today. Texas Union Theater. 6-8 p.m.
By Collin Eaton Daily Texan Staff As shrinking financial resources force college deans to cut back on personnel and other expenses, UT’s Faculty Council is pressing for greater faculty involvement in budgetary decision-making. Currently, everything from 2-percent merit-based raises and long-term direction for colleges is essentially determined by the deans. During Monday’s Faculty Council meeting, computer science professor Alan Cline said he remembers 25 years ago when the faculty budget council in his college had the right to sign off on faculty salaries and make an impact on the budget. For the past few years, he said he hasn’t even seen a budget for his department, though he can’t remember giving up that authority to the chair of his department. “Nowadays, there is no participation or any signing of anything,” Cline said. “I guess I’d like the process to guarantee that somehow decisions from the faculty will determine how they deal with [the budget], as opposed to administrators telling faculty how to deal with it.” Since the 1994-95 academic year, deans and the provost work together on budget planning and management under the Dean/Provost Academic Core planning process. The process uses a five-year plan to fulfill the long-term priorities of colleges. Each college determines the point that faculty can contribute to the planning process. For instance, the College of Liberal Arts has a Budget Council that sends recommendations to the dean regarding the college budget.
Jazz ensembles at Cactus Cafe
Segregation in South Texas
UT faculty want say in budget planning
raising the bar
SBOE elections attract moderate candidates Three of the most conservaBy Audrey White tive board members will not be Daily Texan Staff There are eight open seats on returning. Two were ousted in the State Board of Education, and their March primaries, and Cynthia Dunbar, who the state’s largest represented District teacher and school 10, which includes board associations, Austin, did not run as well as candifor re-election. dates, said they “The main thing hope to see the new we’re looking for board focus on edis a board that has ucational excellence more deference to rather than politics. and better underThe 15-member standing of educaboard garnered naMarsha Farney tors and the educational attention in Republican candidate tion process,” said the spring over its Monty Exter, a lobsocial studies curbyist for the Associriculum revisions, ation of Texas Pubwhich many teachlic Educators, the ers, curriculum exlargest teacher assoperts, politicians ciation in the state. and media outlets “It’s very hopeful condemned as hythat is the kind of per-conservative. A board we’re going “conservative bloc” to get. This will be of seven members a very important led the charge on two years.” these changes, inJudy Jennings The incoming cluding an emphaDemocratic candidate board will have sis on the free enterthe opportunity to prise system, American exceptionalism and exclu- make changes to standards estabsion of what some called key minority events and leaders. BOARD continues on page 2
Erika Rich | Daily Texan Staff
National Trust’s Julia Rocchi interviews graduate student Jessica Ugarte at the Renaissance Market on Monday for a project called “Austin Unscripted” that asks Austinites what makes their city unique.
National Trust asks residents to reflect on local identity, preservation of culture By Vidushi Shrimali Daily Texan Staff hen UT graduate Jason Clement asked Austinites to describe their city in one word, some of the most popular answers were eclectic, weird, confused and home. Clement and Julia Rocchi, online content providers for the National Trust for Historic Preservation, made a stop at the Renaissance Market on 23rd and Guadalupe streets on Monday to film interviews for their “Austin Unscripted” project.
The project aims to capture what makes the city unique for Austinites and what elements of the city’s cultural heritage should be preserved. Clement graduated from UT in 2004 with a degree in advertising and considers himself an Austinite. He said the city was a perfect place to see if a social media project would be effective at reaching the community. “If it didn’t work in Austin, it wouldn’t work anywhere else,” Clement said.
UNSCRIPTED continues on page 6
to find FREE TICKETS for the Oct. 28 Cedar Park Center show inserted in today’s THE DAILY TEXAN on campus