The Daily Texan 11-09-2011

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TODAY Calendar Chocolate fountain at J2

Enjoy the special treat of a chocolate fountain with a various assortment of fruits and desserts for dipping. You can find it at Jester’s second floor, buffet-style dining hall during the lunch hours from 11:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.


Feeling Better Texas freshmen Shipley, Brown likely back this week against Tigers


Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Study abroad trends see race, gender disparities By Nick Hadjigeorge Daily Texan Staff

Despite abundant resources and opportunities provided for students to gain valuable cultural and educational experiences from studying abroad, many demographics remain underrepresented at the University, said Gretchen CookAnderson, director of diversity recruitment and advising of the

Institute for the International Education of Students Abroad. Cook-Anderson said underrepresented students include members of racial and ethnic minorities, economically needy students, first-generation college students, GLBT students, students with learning or physic a l dis abi lit ies, ma les and natural science majors. She s aid af f luent C aucasian females typically are the most

highly represented. Cook-Anderson and Andrew Gordon, president of education organization Diversity Abroad, said in a study abroad presentation on Tuesday that the mission of their organizations is to promote study abroad opportunities for students who have traditionally been underrepresented in the study abroad demographics. “I was one of t hes e [un-

d e r r e p r e s e nt e d ] s t u d e nt s ,” Cook-Anderson said. “Studying abroad at my university was a very unusual undertaking, and now I am working to help students learn about their opportunities.” Gordon said the four barriers getting in the way of students going abroad are fear, family, finances and faculty. He

loss of Grote’s talent and potential is the loss of someone who “was well-loved and a source of much pride” to his friends and family. “Most importantly, as a friend, he is irreplaceable,” Quigley said. “Though he worked hard and excelled in his studies, he never took for granted the importance of fun and friends. Oh, and he loved a good prank.” A funeral service will be held Thursday at St. Peter’s United Church of Christ in Kansas City, Mo., at 11 a.m. Graveside services will immediately follow at the Lee’s Summit Historical Cemetery in Lee’s Summit, Mo. Grote is survived by his parents, Beth and Daniel Grote; and his brother, Jeffrey Grote, of Lee’s Summit, Mo.; and grandparents

ACCIDENT continues on PAGE 2

HOME continues on PAGE 5

ABROAD continues on PAGE 2

The Alamo Drafthouse and Action Pack is hosting a Labyrinth sing-a-long tonight at both the Village and Lake Creek locations. The show starts at 7 p.m. and tickets go for $12.

‘Float On’ See Modest Mouse live at Stubb’s BBQ and Waller Creek Amphitheatre at 7:00 p.m. Tickets range from $75-$220.

Only a test

Anyone watching television or listening to the radio tomorrow at 1 p.m. will hear a test of the national Emergency Alert System. Don’t be alarmed. Regular programming will resume after the test. Tamir Kalifa | Daily Texan Staff

Today in history

James Spence (left) supports fellow architecture student Miguel Ortiz during a memorial ceremony for 22-year-old Adam Conrad Grote, their friend and classmate who was killed early Sunday morning in a hit-and-run, in the courtyard of the School of Architecture on Tuesday night. Grote’s family mourned at his home in Missouri while friends, students and faculty grieved, remembered and laughed in the courtyard of the School of Architecture on Tuesday night.

In 1989

Friends recall life of architecture senior killed in hit-and-run

Inside In News: The American public’s stance on nuclear weapons page 5

In Opinion: Quotes from the MyEdu controversy page 4

In Sports: Stat Guy weighs in on past running backs page 6


Quote to note “Fashion is harsh, and there are a lot more people used to criticizing,” Liu said. “It’s something that’s subjective and not objective. There is no definitive answer for who is stylish.” — Diya Liu Fashion blogger LIFE&ARTS PAGE 10

By Megan Strickland Daily Texan Staff

Architecture senior Adam Conrad Grote, 22, died early Sunday morning after being struck by a motorist who fled the scene while Grote was on foot on Interstate Highway 35 near Riverside Drive. Grote, who was set to graduate in the spring, had spent the evening of his death sharing drinks with friends in celebration of Saturday’s football win, according to friend and architecture senior Ross Wagner. Memories of Adam’s frequent pranks, passion for camping trips and affinity for game shows were shared Tuesday night at a memorial service at Goldsmith Hall where about 40 students, faculty and friends gathered to

remember Adam. Wagner said Grote loved music, was always helpful inside and outside of the classroom and was intelligent. “He was the kid that you envied because he could study for 15 minutes and get the same grade as you, even if you studied for three days straight,” Wagner said. Grote was designated as a commended National Merit Scholar finalist before his graduation from Lee’s Summit High School in Lee’s Summit, Mo., in 2007, according to school records. Grote’s out-of-state origins did not deter his Longhorn spirit, said architecture senior and friend Meredith Quigley. “Though he was out-of-state, he bled orange more than I do as a native Texan,” Quigley

City officials plan further reduction of trash accumulation By Jillian Bliss Daily Texan Staff

Austin city officials planned to send 20 percent less waste to landfills by 2012 but have already surpassed this goal ahead of schedule. The master plan calls for an overall reduction of waste sent to landfills by 2040 and was developed in response to the United Nations Environmental Accord’s urban waste reduction plan in 2005. Through recycling and reusing materials otherwise discarded, officials involved in the Austin Zero

Waste Plan are striving to reduce trash accumulation by 90 percent during the next 29 years. City officials established a goal of 20 percent reduction of waste sent to landfills by 2012, but as of 2011, the city has already superseded its goal by 18 percent. “The way you can do it is to start moving from more of a consumption mindset in sending materials to the landfill to recycling materials and turning them into re-

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said. “He was a Longhorn fan through and through. He stayed at every football game, no matter the outcome.” Quigley said Conrad was involved in the Undergraduate Architecture Student Council and the planning of the Beaux Arts Ball, Longhorn Halloween, Parent’s Weekend activities and other service projects. She said she believes Conrad would have stayed in Texas after graduation. “He had hoped to stay and work in Texas,” Quigley said. “This was his new home. I am almost certain he would have liked to have gotten his architecture license in Texas. His future as a designer was bright and the impact he would have made upon our landscape and community would have been meaningful and lasting.” Quigley said greater than the

By Lydia Herrera Daily Texan Staff

Tuesday marked day two of volunteers fanning out across the community to survey and identify the city’s most medically vulnerable homeless as part of Austin Registry Week. Austin’s 100 Homes Campaign, led by the Ending Community Homelessness Coalition, is sponsoring Registry Week, Nov. 7-9, in order to create a database identifying the most vulnerable homeless people in Austin, said Cal Streeter, who sits on ECHO’s board of directors. The information collected will be used for the 100 Homes Campaign’s commitment to providing permanent housing for 100 homeless people by July 2013, Streeter said. He said the campaign is part of a larger national effort, the 100,000 Homes Campaign, which recruits communities across the United States to join efforts in creating permanent homes for 100,000 people over the next four years. “I think about homelessness as a community problem that sits at the vortex of where a number of community problems converge [such as] affordable housing, unemployment, access to affordable health care, family violence, mental health problems and substance abuse and addictions,” Streeter said. Streeter, a social work professor, said he encourages students to be aware of volunteer opportunities and to help out whenever they can. He said the students in his Strategic Partnerships Through Collaborative Leadership graduate class took on the campaign as a class project and participated in the surveys taking place this week. Volunteers for Registry Week were required to undergo training in order to learn how to respectfully approach the homeless and their homes. Although unconventional, the campsites where they live are still their homes, and volunteers were taught to treat them as such, said social work graduate student Kayleen Hooley. “What struck me was one of the gentlemen I was interviewing has been chronically homeless for two to three years, but before that had an apartment, a job, and another was even a college graduate,” said graduate social work student Meghann Flynn. She said interviewing the homeless is a more valuable task than a head count because people are able to understand the unique situations

As the world falls down

The Berlin Wall falls as communist-controlled East Germany opens checkpoints in the barrier that had divided Germany and Berlin since 1961, allowing its citizens to travel to West Germany. This led to the reunification of East and West Germany and the end of the Cold War.

Organization to house 100 homeless in need of care

Garza High seniors get feel for life as UT students By Allie Kolechta Daily Texan Staff

A group of University students has taken the initiative to show underprivileged, underrepresented and unique high school students what they have the ability to do. From Monday through today, the senior class of Garza Independence High School has been shadowing UT students from 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. GIHS is an alternative, self-paced high school for students who were not able to finish or fit into a traditional high school setting and is part of Austin In-

Tamir Kalifa| Daily Texan Staff

Garza Independent High School senior Emelia McKay accompanies UT junior Stephanie McCoy as part of the Garza Initiative.

dependent School District. Damilola Olatayo was an officer for the Gates Scholarship fund and decided to develop a plan to adopt Austin High School’s and create more Gates Scholars. However, Olatayo wanted to do more for Garza after being given

a tour of the high school and founded the UT Garza Initiative before becoming its executive director. “After talking to the teachers and the students, I realized this is really

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