The Daily Texan 11-11-11

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@thedailytexan Friday, November 11, 2011

Engineering students gotta go fast


By Allie Kolechta Daily Texan Staff

New York Times writer discuss Madoff fraud

Through extensive writing and research, Diana Henriques has become an expert on the Bernie Madoff fraud incident, which involved one of the largest Ponzi schemes in history. She will discuss both the media and financial aspects. Join her from 11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. in the TNH building’s Francis Auditorium 2.114.

Battle Hall turns 100

The Centennial Celebration kicks off at Jessen Auditorium at 5 p.m. and a reception will take place in the Architecture & Planning Library afterward that includes tours of this historical building and refreshments.

Wizard World Austin Comic Con

Join fans, celebrities and industry professionals for a weekend-long comic convention. The event kicks off at 4 p.m. today at the Austin Convention Center. Depending on what package you purchase, tickets range from $25-$150.

Bob Schneider at ACL Live

See Austin local Bob Schneider play Austin City Limits Live at The Moody Theater tonight at 9 p.m. Doors open at 8:30 p.m. Tickets range between $20 for balcony seats and $45 for a VIP meet-and-greet session.

Today in history In 1918 Germany signed an armistice agreement with the Allies, bringing the fighting of World War I to an end at the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month.


Thomas Allison | Daily Texan Staff

Senior Micah Harbour sits in a formula car he has logged more than 400 hours building in a machine shop underneath the ETC building on campus. Harbour is a member of UT’s student chapter of the Society of Automotive Engineers, which placed eigth out of eighty teams last June. By Allie Kolechta Daily Texan Staff

A student organization left most other schools in the dust after doing better than ever at an international car racing competition this year. The University’s student branch for the Society of Automotive Engineers was created in 1981 and designs and builds a race car each year to enter into the Formula SAE competition.

Formula SAE is the largest intercollegiate competition in the world and consists of 400 teams, team manager Mark Wise said. The team typically races every summer and will race in Nebraska in June this summer, he said. “With all of this buzz about Formula One going on, we’ve got that here and we’ve had it here prior to all that buzz,” he said. “SAE is a student-run race team. There’s a team of Longhorn racers, and I think it’s important for

— Rick Barnes Men’s basketball coach SPORTS PAGE 7

people to recognize that.” SAE allows students to network with employers in the automotive industry, said Micah Harbour, team captain and suspension lead. As suspension lead, he is in charge of anything involving the car’s suspension system. “We can apply what we learn in class and get some hands-on experience,” he said. “It’s a fun way to get a learning experience with real engineering cases.” Other hands-on experienc-

es offered by engineering organizations include a group that builds small airplanes for competition and a Rube Goldberg competition, which involves creating complicated systems to do simple tasks, Harbour said. At the Formula SAE competition last June in California they placed eighth out of 80, which is the highest percentage they’ve ever placed, he said.

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Campus resources for student veterans are getting a home today in a new student center dedicated to students who have served in the military. Juan Gonzalez, vice president for Student Affairs, will host the dedication ceremony for the Student Veteran Center for Veterans Day at 11 a.m. today for Veterans Day, and speakers at the ceremony will include congressional members. A reception for student veterans and an open house for the student body will follow. The center, which is located on the fourth floor of the Student Services Building, will help veterans transition from combat to the classroom, help establish a sense of community and educate student veterans on their resources, said Assistant Dean of Students Latoya Hill. “This is a monumental event for the University,” Hill said. “They’ve put so much energy into making us a military-friendly school. This is another step in supporting those who have served.” Margarita Jimenez founded the Student Veterans Association with two friends when she started attending UT seven years ago after the three discussed the lack of veteran resources on campus, she said. “We were thinking about what was available to students and what we would like to see,” she said. “We wanted to have that same camaraderie and connection with other veterans who’ve had other similar experiences as non-traditional students.” The Student Veterans Association

VETERANS continues on PAGE 2

Students battle it out in Penn State University firings rile campus real estate competition By Jody Serrano Daily Texan Staff

By Jody Serrano Daily Texan Staff

Real estate graduate students from 16 universities across the country competed for cash prizes and top honors at the McCombs School of Business’ 10th annual Real Estate Challenge this week. This year’s challenge attract-

ed some of the most distinguished real estate students from programs across the nation, including the winners from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and attracted leading corporate sponsors. Glenn Lowenstein, a partner at the Lionstone Group real estate

MCCOMBS continues on PAGE 2

Quote to note We’ve always set the bar high at Texas. We’re not going to change that. And we’ve told those guys that they came to the University of Texas because, you know, where our program has been, and we still want more. There’s no question.

Students who served given benefit center

had heard anything about it be- al arts honors last spring and curfore. Penn State’s Board of Trust- rently studies higher education UT alumnus Brad Kurz was ees dismissed Paterno for failing administration at Penn State. Kurz said before he got to Penn State he writing a paper Wednesday night would joke with his friends that when he heard Pennsylvania State Paterno was like a mascot they University’s Board of Trustees had only let out for games. He said his fired long-time football coach Joe perception of Paterno has changed Paterno. Moments later, Kurz heard since he got to Penn State. a police officer pass by his room. “Just being around and seeing “He said ‘there is a mob of stuhis impact, you have to grow close dents trying to break into the main to ‘Joe Pa,’” Kurz said. “I don’t even building,’” Kurz said. “He came know half of the stories, but what I back a few moments later and said do know is so impactful, so incredithe students were heading towards ble. I’ d be blind not to be impacted.” Beaver Street, the main site of the —Brad Kurz, Kurz said although there is an protest [Wednesday].” Penn State student ethical debate surrounding PaPaterno’s dismissal and the subterno’s actions, students still want sequent student riots after the him to stay. announcement made nation“The feeling here is that ‘Joe al headlines yesterday night and Pa’ is Penn State,” Kurz said. “He spurred conversation on many to report rape accusations against and have wife have created tradicollege campuses. Kurz said stu- his former assistant football coach tions here and have given so much dents were in a state of shock that Jerry Sandusky. quickly turned to anger after the Kurz graduated from UT with announcement, because no one a degree in psychology and liberPENN continues on PAGE 2

“The feeling here is that ‘Joe Pa’ is Penn State.”

Elisabeth Dillon | Daily Texan Staff

Real estate graduate students Brian Thomas, Jason Levine and Allen Logue finished competing in the 10th annual Real Estate Challenge on Thursday. The competition, hosted by the McCombs School of Business, featured sixteen teams from universities across the nation.

Unknown environmental effects revealed through butterflies By Omar Gamboa Daily Texan Staff

Studying the dispersal patterns of butterflies has led to ground-breaking research in understanding the biological harm done by climate change, said biology graduate student Nikhil Advani. With his research on the effects of global warming, Advani said he want-

ed to show a broader perspective of the problem instead of focusing on the effects of weather or people as is usually done. “The news usually neglects biological impacts of climate change,” Advani said. “I feel butterflies are so sensitive, and we can gain so much in-

BUTTERFLY continues on PAGE 2

Matt Rourke | Associated Press

Penn State students and others gather off campus following the firing of football coach Joe Paterno and university president Graham Spanier amid the growing furor over how the school handled sex abuse allegations against an assistant coach on Wednesday.

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