The Daily Texan 11/13/09

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LIFE&ARTS PAGE 12 Faces of Austin has a bone to pick

‘Smarter than the average Bear’ Friday, November 13, 2009

Serving the University of Texas at Austin community since 1900

UT officials discuss funds for research By Lena Price Daily Texan Staff The UT System office in charge of federal relations reported Thursday that research expenditures and grant money from the federal government to the UT System are above the national average. On the second day of the November Board of Regents meeting, the board heard presentations about the state of university research funding and finalized actions proposed during Wednesday’s meeting. William Shute, vice chancellor for federal relations, said the UT System’s Washington, D.C. representatives are still actively pursuing federal money in the form of grants and earmarks on bills despite the current economic situation. “As corporate philanthropy drops along with state funding, the federal government remains a very important target for research funding,” Shute said. The regents also approved several actions proposed Wednesday related to the lease of UT lands on the Gulf Coast and the creation of a new graduate program in religious studies. The UT System is one of the

few with a permanent federal bureau in the U.S. Capitol. Shute said most organizations fly system representatives to Washington to press lawmakers for federal funds, which is a disadvantage when attempting to obtain federal money. The representatives helped UT obtain stimulus funding by pushing against a congressional proposal to prevent universities with large endowments from accessing recovery-act money. Stimulus money has been used to fund a range of projects including the Center for Defense Systems Research at UT-El Paso and nanotechnology research at a number of university campuses. Keith McDowell, vice chancellor for research and technology transfer for the UT System, said the System schools have outpaced the national average in research expenditures. Out of all the universities in the nation, McDowell said the UT System has a market share for overall research funding of almost 6 percent. In 2008, UT System research expenditures increased by 11.5 percent. The UT System had $1.9

GRANT continues on page 2

Maddie Crum | Daily Texan Staff

Kenneth Shine, executive vice chancellor of health affairs, listens to a presentation honoring former regent and UT alumnus Lutcher Stark.

ja wielding formidable weapons comes to mind. The stereotype isn’t far from the mark when you visit “Angry Asian Man,” a blog run by UniversiBy Nehal Patel ty of California, Berkeley alumDaily Texan Staff nus Phil Yu. When you think of an angry “The name of my blog is Asian man, the image of a nin- provocative and scary,” said





A little night music

Jordy Wagoner | Daily Texan Staff

Gabriel Santiago and Russell Haight, UT grad students and members of the Wayne Salzmann Quintet, played on the Texas Union East Patio on Thursday evening during “Jazz on the Patio.” The event, hosted by the Student Event Center’s Music and Entertainment Committee, drew large crowds of students that filled the patio.

UT students help locals file taxes Volunteer effort assists underprivileged, allows workers to build skills By Rachel Platis Daily Texan Staff As a volunteer with Community Tax Centers earlier this year, finance junior Stratton Borchers guided one of his first customers to her seat at a tax center. The woman was elderly and legally blind, and came to the center every year to get her taxes done. As Borchers finished helping his client fill out her tax forms, the woman began to cry and thanked him “at least five times” for his services and told him that she would not be able to afford to pay someone to help her. “I can’t say that I have ever felt more proud than in that moment,” Borchers said.

For the last four years, Borchers and other students have volunteered a semester of their time with the Community Tax Centers through a class called Accounting Practicum Students in the class become IRS-certified and provide free tax assistance to individuals of low socio-economic status. As the program has grown, UT students now make up almost half of the 600 volunteers needed to run the program by Foundation Communities, a non-profit group that provides affordable housing and resources to low-income Austinites. Volunteers for the 2010 tax season will help complete 20,000 anticipated tax returns from mid-January through April 15 that will be filled out at 10 area sites in Austin, Round Rock and Bastrop, said Jackie Blair, Community Tax Center volunteer coordinator.

‘Angry Asian Man’ aims to trump stereotypes Scholarly blogger deals with cultural fallacies, ethnic misconceptions


Yu. “It’s different from most people’s idea of what an Asian person is supposed to be. Most Asians in this country are not seen as people who are willing to rock the boat. We’re seen as meek people who just let things slide, but that’s not true at all.”

Photographer’s Name | Daily Texan Staff or Associated Press

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Mary Kang | Daily Texan Staff

Moderator of “Are You Angry Yet?” Jason Chang listens as Phil Yu, the Angry Asian Man blogger, and Nhi Lieu, assistant professor of AMS and CAAS have a discussion on Asian American identity at the Union Santa Rita Room on Thursday afternoon.

At a panel in the Texas Union on Thursday, Yu and Nhi Lieu, a UT American studies professor discussed AsianAmerican media representation and identity in America, as well as the influence of Yu’s blog on the Asian-American community. Yu started his blog nine years ago as a place to express his own opinions on AsianAmerican issues. “I thought I’d just have a couple of casual visitors at first,” Yu said. “Now, my blog is a place people visit to seek information and current events related to a specific community.” Austin resident Katie Mahoney said she has followed Yu’s blog for two years now because he addresses sensitive issues that other blogs do not. “He writes about race and racism without hesitation,” Mahoney said. Yu uses his blog to mobilize his readers behind specific causes, such as Asian representation in Hollywood. “I sometimes feel powerless to confront things in real life, but you can evoke action through the Internet,” Yu said. Lieu uses the blog as a model

BLOG continues on page 2

Kari Rosenfeld | Daily Texan Staff

Stephanie McDonald, assistant volunteer coordinator and site manager, and Melanie Curiel, outreach and education coordinator, talk about the returning volunteers outside the Community Tax Center. The refunds are expected to ago as the “brainchild” of achelp bring in over $29 million counting professors Ross Jennings and Steve Limberg. to the Austin economy. Lecturer Brian Lendecky “Accounting Practicum: Federal Taxation of Low-Income Filers” began five years TAXES continues on page 2

Library debuts collection of international artifacts By Jordan Haeger Daily Texan Staff The Fine Arts Library unveiled a collection Thursday consisting of artifacts from South American countries including Colombia and Peru, as well as pieces from Africa, Mexico and the Southwestern United States. The library received the artifacts, which are part of its newly unveiled Art and Art History Collection, from the Texas Memorial Museum, which is also located on the Forty Acres. Most of the artifacts are sculp-

tures of humans or animals or vases with the features of animals from pre-Columbian America. The exhibit also features 80 rugs from the Southwest. Curator and art history professor Steve Bourget said the pieces have slowly trickled in from the museum since 2005, and he is hoping to receive more. The library is currently only displaying 30 percent of its collection, he said. The rest is still in boxes, but Bourget said he plans to rotate the pieces on display.

LIBRARY continues on page 2

Maddie Crum | Daily Texan Staff

Alexandra Zografos browses the newly installed ancient art and architecture installation at the Fine Arts Library.

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