More than sushi, Japanese culture comes alive
Named after beloved pet, Bola Pizza delights foodies
OSU’s Weeden, Blackmon pick apart Texas secondary
THE DAILY TEXAN Monday, November 15, 2010
The Alamo Drafthouse Ritz will present a special screening of the Marx Brothers classic and serve up special Prohibition-era style cocktails. Show starts at 7 p.m. and tickets cost $8.50.
Serving the University of Texas at Austin community since 1900
UT staffer arrested over shower footage By Aziza Musa Daily Texan Staff A former UT women’s track equipment manager faces 10 counts of improper photography or visual recording after UT police found footage of team members in stages of undress in his home. UTPD arrested Rene Zamora late last week in his Uvalde County home and booked him into the
county jail, where a judge later released him on a personal bond, said Claire Dawson-Brown, a Travis County assistant district attorney. Zamora has been a full-time employee since 2006. On Sept. 3, Zamora unloaded equipment near the women’s locker room following their late return from a track meet. Zamora entered what he believed to be an empty locker room to get the
team uniforms, court records show. Upon entering, he heard someone in the shower area and proceeded to leave the locker room, only to return with a digital camera. Zamora placed the camera above the curtain rod and was about to record when the victim screamed.
SHOWER continues on page 2
The Campus Environmental Center will celebrate the national day of recycling by handing out T-shirts on the West Mall from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
WEDNESDAY Meteor shower About two or three hours before dawn, stargazers can get a glimpse of the Leonid shower. Depending on how clear the skies are, viewers can expect to see 20 meteors.
Atypical study abroad A panel of students who all had a unique study abroad experience will share their stories and take audience questions from 5:30 to 7 p.m. in GAR 0.102. Photos by Stephanie Meza | Daily Texan Staff
Above, architects Jessica McLarty and Franklyn King construct a “Roller Canster” made of canned goods. Below, a huge train made of cans captivates Izabella Reyes while strolling through Barton Creek Square Mall with her father, Octavio Reyes, on Saturday.
Social Distortion
Architecture firms build enormous sculptures from canned goods to benefit Austin food bank
The California punk band will play a sold out show at Stubb’s with Lucero and Frank Turner. Doors open at 6:15 p.m.
Harvest Moon
The Texas Cowboys will host their annual country music show to benefit the Arc of the Capital Area at Waterloo Park. Tickets are $25 for students and the show begins at 7 p.m.
Texas Lege
Rep. Ken Paxton, R-McKinney, complicates the race for House Speaker as he makes a bid for the position.
Quote to note “We always talk about wanting to start fast and obviously we didn’t. It’s kind of a downer when you look up at the scoreboard and we’ve given up touchdowns early. As a defense, we need to rise to the occasion.” — Blake Gideon Longhorn safety SPORTS PAGE 6
By Allie Kolechta
oller coasters, cornucopias and giant armadillos constructed out of 19,000 cans of food to feed the hungry line the halls of Barton Creek Square Mall. The monuments are part of the third annual Canstruction event benefiting the Capital Area Food Bank. Teams from around the Austin area had eight hours to build largescale structures out of aluminum cans Saturday. The Society of Design Administration organized the
America Recycles Day
FOOD continues on page 2
Rene Zamora Former equipment manager
Confusion of roles spurs SG election board delays By Audrey White Daily Texan Staff The Election Supervisory Board is supposed to be formed by the third week of October, according to the Student Government constitution and election code, but the committee that will appoint the board missed the deadline and is still seeking applicants to fill the board’s nine positions. The board oversees the March general election, in which students elect members of Student Government, the Graduate Student Assembly, the Texas Union Board, the Co-op Board of Directors and Texas Student Media. Board members must learn the election code and establish regulations, such as penalties for code violations, before campaigning begins in midFebruary. The first round of applications did not go out until Oct. 28 and were not widely distributed before the Nov. 5 due date. The committee has only received five applications. SG President Scott Parks said part of the reason applications went out so late is no one seems to be sure who is responsible for distributing them. Members of the appointing committee are supposed to remain neutral in all things related to the 2011 election, and no one took the lead on forming the new board, he said. The committee now hopes to have the complete board in place before winter break. “Everyone is committed to doing a better job advertising this time around,” Parks said. “It’s important that the board starts getting to work and deciding some ground rules for the next election
BOARD continues on page 2
Event remembers deceased homeless with lunch, movie By Lauren Giudice Daily Texan Staff As the sun rose Sunday morning, members of a local homeless advocacy group read the names of 168 homeless men and women who died in Austin this year, and mourners hung origami birds on the Tree of Remembrance on Town Lake. The event was part of House the Homeless’ 18th annual Sunrise Memorial Service. Prayers, singing and the dedication of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Plaque were all part of the ceremony. Sunday’s ceremony was the second part of Austin’s Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week, which runs from Nov. 13 through Nov. 19. Other events include a tour of the Austin Resource Center for the Homeless, a homeless veterans awareness luncheon and a screening of “The Soloist” at Alamo Drafthouse South Lamar. City Councilwoman Laura Morrison, the event’s keynote speaker, said the city needs to improve its efforts to help the homeless, stressing access to health care, job training and affordable housing. “Every one of these people was a son or daughter, mother or father, sis-
ter or brother,” Morrison said. “They may have been invisible in life but they aren’t anymore.” She said these untimely deaths need to be avoided in the future, and although Austin is weathering the recession better than other cities, many Austinites are still living on the streets. House the Homeless president Richard Troxell read a passage from his book “Looking Up at the Bottom Line: The Struggle for the Living Wage,” which urges the inclusion of the homeless in American society. “We will rise like grass through cement,” Troxell said. “We come from every walk of life. We are America. We are living and dying on our streets.” Jim Cooley, director of the Austin Resource Center for the Homeless, said a few of his clients passed away this year and were honored at the event. “We called him Guitar Mike and Indian Mike,” Cooley said of a homeless Austinite he cared for. “He had been homeless and in bad health. I remember five years ago seeing him
SERVICE continues on page 2
Erika Rich | Daily Texan Staff
Filmmaker Spike Lee speaks Sunday following the screening of his documentary “If God is Willing and Da Creek Don’t Rise,” which looks into the aftermath of Hurricane Kartina and the Gulf oil spill.
Spike Lee discusses Katrina, oil spill Director plays clips from latest movie, critiques BP’s response to rig explosion
a hurricane,” said Lee after screening a segment of his latest documentary “If God Is Willing and Da Creek Don’t Rise.” “It was the faulty levees and the work of the United States of America. By Gerald Rich The whole infrastructure of this country needs Daily Texan Staff help. When you cut corners, people die. It’s the The 5-foot-6-inch outspoken director Spike same with BP. People are going to die and get Lee made his presence felt on the stage at the hurt? Fuck it. Make the money. There has to be Lady Bird Johnson Auditorium on Sunday and some morals and ethics that go into capitalism focused on the ongoing corruption resulting in this country.” from Hurricane Katrina in 2005 to the more reAbout 600 members of the UT community cent British Petroleum oil spill. LEE continues on page 2 “We still forget [the catastrophe] wasn’t really