The Daily Texan 3/30/10

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Riverside taco stand provides patrons with tasty treats that won’t break the bank

UT wins award for treating trees with care

Colt McCoy returns to UT to impress NFL scouts



The Daily Texan Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Serving the University of Texas at Austin community since 1900





Migrant students receive recognition UT program rewards those who maintain grades while farming

Tamir Kalifa | Daily Texan Staff

Juan Hernandez, a Fabens resident, graduated from The Migrant Student Graduation Enhancement Program on Monday afternoon. The UT-run program offers aid to migrant students by providing them with alternative ways to receive high-school and college credit.

By Gabrielle Cloudy Daily Texan Staff Forty high-school students who have to leave school each year to farm with their families in the summer were recognized Monday during a ceremony in the Texas Union Ballroom for their ability to balance a migrant lifestyle along with academic and extracurricular excellence. The UT Migrant Student Graduation Enhancement Program provides migrant students with alternative methods of gaining credit to graduate from high school. Because migrant students have to leave school early in the spring and return late in the fall, migrant educators, online classes and high school migrant programs help them catch up with their school work. The ceremony recognized high-school juniors and seniors who were nominated by their migrant educators and then submitted applications. “This ceremony is very special because it represents kids who have to go through challenges just to finish high school,” said Gisela Greco-Llamas, UT’s K-16 Education Center director. “We are able to close that gap and help them fulfill that feat.” Many of the students have been migrating across the United States, picking and packaging fruits and vegetables with their parents in fields or factories, since they were children. “This [program recognizes] everything beautiful about our country,” said State Rep. Aaron Peña, D-Edinburg. “It’s the promise of opportunity that comes from a determination to succeed.”

MIGRANT continues on page 6

Project addresses Student regent search continues energy efficiency, ‘smart’ technology By Alex Geiser Daily Texan Staff Imagine having your household appliances communicate with your electric meter about the most efficient time of day to operate. This is one component of Smart Grid technology — the image of Austin’s future and a means of reducing energy consumption, as seen through the eyes of the Pecan Street Project. The project, founded in 2008 as a collaborative effort by the city of Austin, Austin Energy, the University, UT’s Austin Techology Incubator, the Greater Austin Chamber of Commerce and the Environmental Defense Fund, aims to develop new management, storage and energy generation systems using technology like solar power and the Smart Grid — a newer, more efficient method of distributing energy. The project’s group released recommendations Wednesday, outlining planned energy

efficiency measures and maximizing profitability for consumer and supplier. But the recommendations, which will be implemented over the next few years, will not be met without difficulty, said Thomas Edgar, George T. and Gladys H. Abell Endowed Chair of Engineering and member of the project’s board. “This is all a big experiment,” Edgar said. “There are a lot of unknowns and a lot of people [participating]. The challenge will be coordinating all the people to come up with meaningful results.” T h e p ro j e c t re c e i v e d a $10.4-million stimulus grant from the U.S. Department of Energy in 2009 and another $297,000 grant from the Capital Area Council of Governments in January to help it meet its energy goals. Chemical engineering senior Sam Markolf currently works with Edgar in researching

ENERGY continues on page 2

By Shabab Siddiqui Daily Texan Staff Two Longhorns still stand in the race for one of the most prestigious student positions in the state. John Davis Rutkauskas, a finance, business honors, Plan II and French sophomore, and law student Brad Wright remain as two out of five contenders for the UT System’s student regent position, according to documents obtained by The Daily Texan from the governor’s office through the Texas Public Information Act. UT System students interested in the position applied at the university level in December. The applications were sent to System officials, who selected applications that were then sent to the governor’s office. The governor must make his appointment before June 1. After years of lobbying, the Texas Legislature passed a bill in 2005 requiring every public university system to appoint a student regent to the Board of Regents. Karim Meijer, a fourth-year medical student at UT-Southwestern, currently serves as the UT System student regent. Meijer graduated from UT-Austin in 2005 with degrees in business honors and finance. He also played for the 2005 national championship-winning Longhorn football team. The Longhorns that are now looking to step into Meijer’s position are also involved on campus and use their experiences as UT students to generate ideas for improvement. Rutkauskas, by far the youngest finalist, is a member of the President’s Student Advisory

Stephanie Meza | Daily Texan Staff

MBA and law student Brad Wright, left, and quadruple-major sophomore John Rutkauskas are two of five applicants still in the running for the 2011 student regent position. Council and an alternative representative for the “It’s something that needs to be examined Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. very carefully,” Rutkauskas said. “It’s not He said one of the biggest challenges students just tuition, but revisiting some of the other in the UT System face is the affordability of education. REGENT continues on page 2

Students host event to raise diabetes awareness Group petitions against By Hannah Jones Daily Texan Staff To educate students and faculty about one of the fastest-growing diseases in the nation, a UT student group hosted the first Diabetes Awareness Conference on Monday. Hook the Cure, a student-run nonprofit organization, held the conference to raise awareness about the three different forms of the disease: Type I, Type II and gestational. Type I occurs when the pancreas does not produce insulin, according to the American Diabetes Association. In Type II diabetes, the most common form of the disease, the pancreas produces insufficient levels of insulin or ignores the insulin and, as a result, is unable to convert glucose, or sugar, to energy. Gestational diabetes occurs when pregnant women do not use or produce enough insulin needed for

Fanny Trang | Daily Texan Staff

Dr. Susan Dubois from the School of Nursing talks about diabetes issues with biomedical engineering students during Diabetes Awareness Week at the Texas Union on Monday afternoon. pregnancy, according to the asso- Department in UT’s College of ciation’s Web site. The conference Education. was also sponsored by the KiAn estimated 1.7 million peonesiology and Health Education ple in Texas over the age of 18 are

diagnosed with diabetes, according to the Texas Diabetes Council. People between the ages of 18 and 29 represent only about 2 percent of the diagnosed population. Of the total number of people with the disease, about 7 percent are college graduates and about 14 percent never received a highschool diploma. Oscar Ayala, a biomedical engineering and pre-med senior, started the organization in the spring of 2008 with Truong Lam, a biology and pre-med senior. Ayala and Lam now serve as president and vice president, respectively, of the group. The conference featured an hour of poster presentations highlighting diabetes research, a panel discussion and a benefit dinner. About $350 in proceeds from the conference were donated to UT

DISEASE continues on page 5

changes to K-12 textbooks By Katherine Noble Daily Texan Staff A statewide organization is petitioning against the social-studies curriculum changes proposed by the Texas State Board of Education before they are finalized in May. The Texas Freedom Network, an Austin-based organization that aims to counter the influence of the religious right in public schools, is fighting against possible alterations to history, economic and social-studies textbooks by the State Board of Education. The “Just Educate” petition for the Texas Legislature is currently available for Texas citizens on the network’s Web site. The petition is an appeal to politicians to “stop dragging our children’s schools into the ‘culture wars,’” according to the site.

The board met in January and March to revise social-studies curriculum standards for Texas public schools. According to its Web site, the board considered about 300 amendments and, after a 10-5 vote, gave preliminary approval to modified social-studies standards that would be used in Texas public schools. The board will meet a final time in May to consider these standards before they become official. Possible curriculum revisions include the replacement of the word “capitalism” with “free enterprise,” the de-emphasis of events and leaders of the Civil Rights Movement and an emphasis on America’s foundation as a Christian nation, according to the

CURRICULUM continues on page 2




regent: Applicants focus on budget issues From page 1 components of education costs and seeing how each university can learn from what its peers are doing.” Wright is pursuing both an MBA and a juris doctorate at the McCombs School of Business and UT School of Law, respectively. As an undergraduate, he served on the Texas Student Media Board, which oversees all UT media, including The Daily Texan, while receiving degrees in Business Honors and Plan II. He currently serves as an MBA Fellow on the newly created Texas Venture Labs, a program designed to help UT students turn entrepreneurial ideas into money-making businesses. Of all the applicants, Wright has been a student in the UT System the longest. “Everyone is stretched thin right now because of budget cuts and strains on economy, and the whole system is trying to manage resources,” Wright said. “One of my proposals is to expand mentorship programs to help students effectively manage their time at UT campuses.” The student regent serves a oneyear term and must be a current student in the System. He or she is given all the privileges of the regents, except for the right to vote. Rutkauskas said despite the restriction, he feels the board is able to benefit from the student presence. “Whether or not there’s a vote, that position gives a little more insight on how a current student

energy: Dynamic price plans

will inform of peak use, costs

A look at the other applicants Name: Diane Elizondo Currently pursuing: Educational doctorate at UT-San Antonio Important issues: Increasing retention and graduation rates, developing more research universities and carefully examining the financing of institutions Other: Since getting her master’s degree from Stanford University in 2002, she has worked at UT-San Antonio in various positions, including as academic adviser and as a retention and graduation analyst.

Name: Kyle Kalkwarf Currently pursuing: Doctor of Medicine at UT-Health Science Center in San Antonio Important issues: Recruiting and retaining top faculty, implementing honor codes and expanding the role of the student regent

views that issue and — through their connection with other students in other campuses — how other students view those issues,” Rutkauskas said. “I think other regents respect and obtain value from that position.” Regents are all appointed by the governor and are charged with overseeing all the major decisions in the System’s nine universities and six health institutions, ranging from setting tuition to approving building construction. Wright said the student regent

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

From page 1 dynamic pricing programs, in which the utility adjusts the price of energy during the day. Markolf, who has been looking at other pilot programs in the United States, said he found a definite correlation between cities that use dynamic pricing programs and a decrease in energy consumption during peak hours. The use of Smart Grid technology would benefit Austin Energy and utility users alike, Markolf said. In the summer, the highest energy demand is in the afternoon, when air conditioners are on full blast. As a result, Austin Energy has had to bring on additional power plants to meet the high demand, which subsequently costs the utility — and the user — more money. Markolf said with the Smart Grid and dynamic pricing, the utility could inform users in advance of the price of energy during peak hours. The California Statewide Pricing Pilot program, a dynamic pricing experiment employed from 2003 to 2004, resulted in peak-use reductions between about 5 and 27 percent. Participants in such pilot programs benefit from the warning about energy costs at peak hours, according to a 2005 report

Other: After graduating from West Point in 2002, he commanded soldiers in Iraq before being deployed to the National Guard in San Antonio.

Name: Christof Straub Currently pursuing: Graduate degree in Biochemistry at UT-Medical Branch in Galveston Important issues: Instituting new university guidelines to protect students who leave on emergencies; retaining top undergraduate, medical and post-doctoral students; and making resources at one university available to all of the other universities in the system Other: He serves as chairman of the UT-Medical Branch Student Government and vice chairman of the UT System’s Student Advisory Council.

position becomes more important than ever when some decisions made by the board, such as cutting the budget and increasing tuition, cause a conflict between a student and a regent. “Those are just the realities of decisions, anyway, and those decisions are going to be made whether there’s a student regent or not,” Wright said. “I think it’s important for the student regent to show that perspective to the other regents in a way they would not have seen otherwise.”

curriculum: Coalition determined

to ‘save our history’ holds rally From page 1 Freedom Network’s Web site. Gail Lowe, chairwoman of the Board of Education, said the network was not fairly representing the proposed amendments in their entirety and that the board is attempting to create a wellbalanced curriculum for public school students. “Our goal is to ensure that the founders of both the state and nation are covered well to ensure that students study key history documents,” Lowe said. “We want standards that are ideologically balanced and cover the concepts of our nation’s exceptionalism.” Garrett Mize, president of UT’s student chapter of the Texas Freedom Network, said he followed the changes made by the State Board of Education for a number of years as an intern at the Texas Freedom Network. The student chapter teamed up with University Democrats and the Movimiento Estudiantil Chicana/o de Aztlan earlier this month to form the student group Save Our History to raise awareness about the ongoing changes to public-school standards.



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by The Edison Foundation. The Mueller community demonstration will implement and test Smart Grid technologies in the East Austin community and figure out how to maximize efficiency. The demonstration is currently in the planning and development stage and will be Pecan Street’s first tangible endeavor. Brewster McCracken, executive director of the project, said that along with Smart Grid technologies, project members will install solar panels on commercial rooftops in the Mueller community over the next year. “Our focus is to make clean energy work as well as conventional energy and provide a business model that the country can adopt so that clean energy can become commonplace,” McCracken said. While states across the country have experimented with similar energy management programs, Edgar said the Pecan Street Project differs from these initiatives primarily due to the large scope of the project. He said over the next few years, they hope that renewable energy will make up between 15 and 20 percent of all energy consumption in Austin. He said the project will ideally influence other cities to follow in Austin’s footsteps.

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“The State Board of Education has a stranglehold on Texas education,” Mize said. “They are forcing their personal and political agendas in the classrooms, and we need it to stop.” Michael Hurta, government senior and public relations coordinator for UDems, said he sees a different agenda in the reforms made by the State Board of Education. He said that education in Texas is becoming a partisan affair. “The State Board of Education must give students a fair and diverse view of history and listen to the experts on each subject when writing curriculum,” Hurta said. “Texans lost the battles against teaching evolution without creationism, but we can fight to win this battle with social studies reforms.” Save Our History will hold a press conference and rally April 25 on the West Mall to raise student awareness about the upcoming standard changes. Mize said members of the organization want to bring together student groups and that they anticipate more than 100 participants. They will have the “Just Educate” petition available for people to sign at the event. “We demand that the board has more moderate or balanced voices,” Mize said. “Things won’t change in the education governing system if we don’t step up.”


The Daily Texan Volume 110, Number 175 25 cents

CONtACt US Main Telephone: (512) 471-4591 Editor: Jillian Sheridan (512) 232-2212 Managing Editor: Ana McKenzie (512) 232-2217 managingeditor@ News Office: (512) 232-2207 Web Office: (512) 471-8616 Sports Office: (512) 232-2210 Life & Arts Office: (512) 232-2209 Photo Office: (512) 471-8618 Retail Advertising: (512) 471-1865 Classified Advertising: (512) 471-5244 The Texan strives to present all information fairly, accurately and completely. If we have made an error, let us know about it. Call (512) 232-2217 or e-mail

COrrECtiONS Due to a reporting error, Sarah Weddington was misidentified in a photo for the Liz Carpenter Remembered story that ran on Monday’s front page. Due to a reporting error, The Daily Texan misidentified the number of people who attended Nourish International’s second annual Battle of the Bands event, the amount the organization raised and its status as a group. Five hundred people attended the event, which raised over $1,300. Nourish International is a registered nonprofit organization. The Texan regrets the error.


Copyright 2009 Texas Student Media. All articles, photographs and graphics, both in the print and online editions, are the property of Texas Student Media and may not be reproduced or republished in part or in whole without written permission.





Bone thugs harmony?

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Wire Editor: Kelsey Crow



Tuesday, March 30, 2010

T he Daily T exan

Twin suicide bombings kill 38 in Moscow attack Courtesy of the U.S. Marshall

Militia leader David Brian Stone Sr., top left, and other members were arrested Monday with charges of plans to attack police officers.

Militia suspects arrested, charged with police threats By Corey Williams & Devlin Barrett The Associated Press DETROIT — Nine suspects tied to a Midwest Christian militia that was preparing for the Antichrist were charged with conspiring to kill police officers, then attack a funeral using homemade bombs in the hopes of killing more law enforcement personnel, federal prosecutors said Monday. The Michigan-based group, called Hutaree, planned to use the attack on police as a catalyst for a larger uprising against the government, according to newly unsealed court papers. Members of the group, including its leader, David Brian Stone, also known as “Captain Hutaree,” were charged following FBI raids over the weekend on locations in Michigan, Ohio and Indiana. According to investigators, the Hutaree view local, state and

federal law enforcement personnel as a “brotherhood” and an enemy, and planned to attack them as part of an armed struggle against the U.S. government. “It is believed by the Hutaree that this engagement would then serve as a catalyst for a more wide-spread uprising against the government,” the indictment charges. The indictment charges members of the group conspired “to levy war against the United States, (and) to oppose by force the authority of the government of the United States.” Eight suspects have been arrested by the FBI, and one more is being sought. Of the eight captured, seven were arraigned Monday in Detroit and ordered held pending a bond hearing Wednesday. All seven defendants in court on Monday requested to be represented by the federal defender’s office.

By Vladimir Isachenkov The Associated Press MOSCOW — Terror returned to the heart of Russia, with two deadly suicide bombings on the Moscow subway at rush hour, including an attack at the station beneath the headquarters of the secret police. At least 38 people were killed and more than 60 wounded in Monday morning’s blasts, the first such attacks in Moscow in six years. As smoke billowed through the subway tunnels not far from the Kremlin and dazed survivors streamed out of the vast transportation system, al-Qaida-affiliated Web sites were abuzz with celebration of the attacks by the two female suicide bombers. The bombings showed that the beleaguered rebels are still strong enough to inflict harm on an increasingly assertive Russia, and they followed a warning in February from Chechen rebel leader Doku Umarov that “the war is coming to their cities.” Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, who built much of his political capital by directing a fierce war against Chechen separatists a decade ago, promised to track down and kill the organizers of what he called a “disgusting” crime. “The terrorists will be destroyed,” he said on national television. Umarov, the Chechen rebel leader, has relied on al-Qaida’s financial support and has several al-Qaida emissaries in his entourage, said Alexander Ignatenko, the head of the independent Moscow-based Institute for Religion and Poli-

NATION BRIEFLY Attorney continues pursuit of Vatican with fresh evidence ST. PAUL, Minn. — Jeff Anderson wants to bring his career-long legal crusade against misconduct in the Roman Catholic Church right to the top. He would love to question Pope Benedict XVI himself under oath. Though that is extremely unlikely given that the pope is a head of state, documents Anderson has unearthed have the potential to take a scandal that has plagued dozens of dioceses around the world and place it at the doorstep of Vatican leadership. The documents, which became publicly known in the past week after Anderson shared them with The New York Times, show that a Vatican office led by the pope, then Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, halted a church trial against a Wisconsin priest accused of molesting some 200 boys at a school for the deaf. Since 1983, Anderson and the five other attorneys at his downtown St. Paul firm have sued thousands of Catholic leaders over allegations of sexual abuse.

U.S. Treasury sells Citigroup stake within bailout program Egor Barbatunov | Associated Press

Victims of the double-suicide bomb blast wait for medical care outside the Park Kultury subway station in Moscow on Monday.

tics, who has closely followed the Islamic insurgency in the Caucasus. “Al-Qaida has established a presence in the North Caucasus, like they did in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Somalia and Europe,” Ignatenko told The Associated Press. Monday’s first explosion took place just before 8 a.m. at the Lubyanka station in central Moscow, beneath the notorious headquarters of the Federal Security Service or FSB, the KGB’s main successor agency. The FSB is a symbol of power under Putin, a former KGB officer who headed the agency before his election as president in 2000.

About 45 minutes later, a second blast hit the Park Kultury station on the same subway line, which is near renowned Gorky Park. In both cases, the bombs were detonated as the trains pulled into the stations and the doors were opening. Passengers streamed out of the stations, many crying and making frantic calls on cell phones. At 4 p.m., the two subway stations reopened and dozens boarded waiting trains. Both stations had been scrubbed clean. Holes left by shrapnel in the granite were the only reminder of the day’s tragic bombings.

NEW YORK — The Treasury Department said Monday it will begin selling tits stake in Citigroup Inc., which could result in a profit to the government of about $7.5 billion. The government received 7.7 billion shares of Citigroup in exchange for $25 billion it gave the bank during the 2008 credit crisis. It said it will sell the shares over the course of this year, depending on market conditions. The government will likely hold its shares if prices fall. However, Citi shares have steadily been rising in recent months, which means the Treasury Department stands to pocket a hefty profit. The government has been unraveling the investments in made in banks under the $700 billion Troubled Asset Relief Program, or TARP, that came in at the height of the financial crisis. Compiled from Associated Press reports


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Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Editor in Chief: Jillian Sheridan Phone: (512) 232-2212 E-mail: Associate Editors: Jeremy Burchard David Muto Roberto Cervantes Dan Treadway Lauren Winchester

GALLERY OVERVIEW The governor’s delusions With the State Board of Education fiasco currently unfolding on the national stage, education issues have risen to the forefront of the Texas gubernatorial race. At two separate events in Austin this weekend, candidates Gov. Rick Perry and Bill White presented two drastically different views of the state of education in Texas. White offered a sobering and realistic view, pointing out that lackluster graduation rates have been ignored for too long. By contrast, Perry naively — or perhaps disingenuously — praised Texas’ public education, claiming that it improves “as each day and year goes by,” according to the Austin American-Statesman. Perry’s views of higher education are also troubling. He notes on his Web site that college is more important — and expensive — than ever. To keep it affordable, he has increased the amount of financial aid available to students. But the increase in financial aid has not kept up with the increase in tuition under Perry’s supervision. And even the current funds set aside for financial aid, which come in the form of increased appropriations to the Higher Education Coordinating Board, will likely be whittled down next year, in accordance with Perry’s mandate that state agencies cut 5 percent of their budgets. Five of the state’s biggest financial aid programs are vulnerable to cuts. Raymund Paredes, the state commissioner of higher education, told Perry in a February letter that “the structure of the Coordinating Board’s budget makes it difficult not to reduce programs that will negatively impact students.” Perry has also championed a program called Closing the Gaps, which aims to matriculate more students into Texas universities. Enrollment has increased, but state funding has not kept pace with inflation, leaving many students and universities underfunded. Perry likes to tout the importance of accountability, but based on his educational track record, we are not confident that he will be an advocate for students.

Counting calories Chain restaurants that operate 20 or more franchises are now required to post calorie counts for all menu items, though the changes could take years to be implemented. This measure was one of many provisions quietly tucked into the behemoth health care bill that passed last week. Many of the restaurants on Guadalupe Street, and most of the restaurants in the Texas Union, will fall under the “franchise” umbrella. Though calorie counts alone are not enough to promote healthy eating, they do encourage conscious consumption by allowing restaurant visitors to know the health content of their foods. This provision is especially important now, as Americans increasingly rely on restaurants — especially fast food restaurants — for meals. From 1970 to 2000, Americans increased their consumption of fast food by $104 billion, according to “Fast Food Nation.” Some foods in these restaurants are obvious health disasters, while others are less conspicuous, like salads topped with fatty dressings. Though some may argue that increased government regulation of restaurants will hurt businesses, this provision simply requires restaurants to fully inform consumers. If customers begin to opt for healthier menu options or opt out of eating out altogether, restaurants can adapt by providing healthier options — which is by no means a negative consequence. Ultimately, the choice still belongs to the customer, and some may still opt for a milk shake regardless of its caloric content. But calorie counts equip consumers with information that they can use wisely or ignore.

Embrace the ‘pole tax’ By Joshua Avelar Daily Texan Columnist

What’s the difference between protesting education policy in front of the Capitol and paying for a lap dance? According to the Texas Entertainment Association: not much. The association, which represents strip clubs across Texas, has sued the state government, claiming that the mandated $5 entrance fee for strip club patrons is unconstitutional because it violates freedoms of expression. After a lower court ruled in favor of the strip clubs, the case has now made its way to the Texas Supreme Court. It’s surprising that the association has won one battle in this endeavor to get rid of the “pole tax,” as many precedents point to the lawfulness of such a tax. In decisions handed down throughout the years, the U.S. Supreme Court has developed what amounts to a list of protected First Amendment rights. At the top of that list is criticism of the government or public figures. Plenty of UT students exercise that right almost every day on campus. It is a right that should be protected, and a protection that should always be well-enforced.

Get involved in Imagine Austin By Emily Grubert Daily Texan Columnist Austin is one of the faster-growing big cities in the United States (don’t forget to fill out your census forms!). Like so much of the world, in which populations are growing rapidly and urbanization is accelerating, Austin is forced to wonder how it will deal with these changes. Austin is an awesome city, and it’s right to realize that a lot of people are going to keep moving here. But this poses significant planning challenges. With the aid of community input and long-range planning, Austin is hoping to craft its comprehensive Imagine Austin plan — a guide for city growth and development — as a living, enduring document. Since 1979, the official plan has been the Austin Tomorrow Comprehensive Plan. An update was approved in late 2007, but Austin Tomorrow remains the plan of record. I recently made a trip down to Austin City Hall — with its solar panels and merry-go-roundlike parking lot entrance — to talk to city planners Matt Dugan and Garner Stoll. (Yes, parking lot — I missed my bus. Hey, it was during South by Southwest.) As they told me, the Austin Tomorrow plan was forward-thinking for its time — but it’s been a lot of tomorrows since 1979. That year, environmental issues like species protection, open-space provisions, water quality, air quality and tree canopies were carefully considered. Issues like homelessness, climate change and sustain-

ability weren’t on the radar. Of course, we can no better plan for 2040 than the 1979 planners could plan for 2009. Austin Tomorrow pre-dates the charter that requires the city’s comprehensive plan to undergo annual reviews and updates every five years, which will bind the Imagine Austin plan. One of the most important aspects of the Imagine Austin plan is the process, laying the framework for better usability and interaction with the community in the future. Dugan’s biggest hope for Imagine Austin, which he’s been working on full time since September, is to promote civic engagement and to bring in individuals who don’t usually participate in the process. He is particularly interested in getting more input from UT students. Though many of us are Austin transients, we represent an aggregate group of needs that doesn’t change much from year to year. Imagine Austin planners would like to solicit input from renters, lower-income residents and individuals without bachelor ’s degrees. At least for now, many UT students fall in all three categories. And from a planning perspective, engaging those UT students who stay in Austin may have major impacts later, as they will have longterm understanding of the planning process and will have moved between demographic groups. As Dugan told me, the great city planner Daniel Burnham recruited high school students in Chicago to participate in that city’s comprehensive plan, as he knew they would be invested for decades. Because I study energy and environmental issues, I was particularly curious to know how Imagine

Austin works with Austin Energy and transportation planners. For now, Dugan and Stoll said, there is moderate interaction among the Imagine Austin, Austin Energy and Strategic Mobility Plan leaders, including data and task sharing. And as Imagine Austin develops, there will be much closer integration. “People really want to get to the end,” Dugan said. But the process is vital, and knowing a little about what each body’s goals are can really help. Stoll said community meetings are often characterized by extreme language, and searching for consensus is “a rich source for getting things done — finding out what you agree on.” Some of the major sustainabilityrelated issues that have emerged relate to climate change and energy supply, but food planning — including farmland preservation and Austin’s “Great Rooster Debate,” about whether people are allowed to keep crowing roosters — is also a concern in this city of great grocers. Stoll’s biggest hope for Austin’s physical environment is to interconnect green spaces, add trails and begin designing systems instead of structures. By planning streets as full, useful units — designed for walkers, bikers and drivers to easily use — the city can foster this “interconnectedness.” Imagine Austin is a laudable effort to make the city’s comprehensive central plan an active, engaged document, and it benefits from community participation. Check out and get involved. Grubert is an energy and earth resources graduate student.

The courts have always maintained a certain amount of reasonable regulation when it comes to expression. Government, even on the local level, has the right to regulate expression in terms of time, location and level of obscenity. It would be reasonable to restrict the expression of protesters who choose to blare bullhorns at 3 a.m. while completely nude on a residential street, and protesters would quickly see legal repercussions for doing so. The expression seen at strip clubs is far from the top of the priority list. I’m far from being a strip club aficionado, but something tells me that nobody is going into a topless bar to hear a solid argument against health care reform or inadequate funding for higher education. Another justification for the pole tax is that the matter concerns commerce more than expression. Strippers don’t dance for patrons for free — it’s a business. State governments have the right to regulate intrastate commerce, and clearly, an establishment that charges people to watch naked women slide up and down poles is a matter of commerce. These establishments are selling something: eroticism. When was the last time anybody in the state didn’t pay sales tax on a prepared meal? The association finds it more important for

one to be able to satisfy sexual fantasy than hunger. People use their culinary creations as a matter of self-expression, as well, and it’s difficult to argue against the legality of any sales tax. The government, on all levels, has imposed taxes on other commodities and goods to better serve society. Tobacco and gas have been taxed for years. And who could argue that people don’t smoke or drive certain cars to impress others? These are commodities often used for expression, but the taxes tacked onto them show a clear precedent for the pole tax. The association’s argument further falls apart bearing in mind the government’s ability to close strip clubs anyway. Texas Solicitor General James Ho reminded the Texas Supreme Court that the tax applies only to strip clubs that sell alcohol, and the state already has the ability to enact a ban on both types of establishments. If strip club owners honestly believe that they are selling a product in high demand, they shouldn’t fret over an additional $5 charge. Five extra dollars can’t sink an entire industry — especially one as important and “expressive” as the strip club industry would like to think it is. Avelar is a government senior.




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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

disease: Group

Social and racial justice activist Bill Fletcher discusses issues within the working class to a group of students, faculty and community members Monday at UT.

raises money for research, offers support From page 1

Fanny Trang Daily Texan Staff

Activist condemns society’s ‘irrationality’ By Audria Choudhury Daily Texan Staff A social activist addressed the fear of the metaphorical end of the world and the fall of the American Dream, which he said can lead to social injustice and irrational thinking, spoke at UT to students, faculty and Austin community members Monday afternoon. Bill Fletcher Jr. is a Harvard University graduate who has led several social and labor movements. He is also the co-author of a book on social justice and the editor of the online magazine Black Commentator. The event was sponsored by the College of Communication Senior Fellows Program and the Warf-

ield Center for African and African American Studies. Robert Jensen, journalism professor and director of the Senior Fellows, said the purpose of the speaker events is to expose students to the best critical thinking available on various issues. Fletcher spoke about social justice, which he defined as the process of remedying inequalities in society by looking at collective issues and concerns beyond individual rights. Inequalities include those on the basis of race, gender, class and wealth, Fletcher said. He said he hoped to inform people about some major intersecting crises in the political, financial and environmental realms of soci-

ety and about how these have resulted in a disturbing trend in public outlook: irrationality. These crises include global warming and the irrational belief that it does not exist, despite ample evidence, Fletcher said. “What I want to get across to people is that we’re living in a strange moment with the rapid expansion of irrationality,” Fletcher said. He also criticized mainstream media outlets for propelling irrationality by broadcasting what he said he believes to be absurd, rightwing points of view. “The nature of news media is a shrinking space for legitimate discussion,” Fletcher said. “Now on

the air, you can lie, say anything and get away with it.” People should challenge irrationality through discussions with each other and by pushing political leaders to pay more attention to ordinary citizens, Fletcher said. Jensen said he invited Fletcher because of his well-established range of expertise and his overall character. “I’ve known Fletcher’s work for years now — about labor politics, international affairs and broad focus on different issues of social justice,” Jensen said. “He has the ability to set questions in a holistic framework that deals with gender justice, racial justice and economic justice. Also, he’s just a nice guy.”

Journalism senior Rebecca De Luna said she attended the event because of her interest in social justice. “We have the power to change and need to be educated for ourselves,” De Luna said. “A lot of what we’re taught is a social construct used for political gain.” Anthropology junior Amy Rattananinad said she heard of Fletcher’s extensive work on social justice and gained more perspective on how to combat the crises mentioned. “I learned about the direction we need to go in to make progress,” Rattananinad said. “We need to fight and organize to overcome social inequality and injustice.”

for diabetes research and to the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. “This is the first-ever diabetes awareness conference at UT and the largest event for us,” Lam said. “We’re trying to be the bridge between students and diabetes professionals and bring that gap closer.” Hook the Cure worked with the international Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, which helps raise money to fund research to find a cure for Type I diabetes. Volunteer coordinator Melissa Ray of the Austin chapter said the foundation has had a year-round partnership with Hook the Cure and that the organization has done an incredible job promoting on the UT campus. Mary Steinhardt, faculty sponsor of Hook the Cure and a healtheducation kinesiology professor, said she was impressed that undergraduates were able to raise a lot of money for diabetes research and to host the entire conference. She said she would like to get more students involved in the organization to eventually fund UT student research. Richard Holmes, a panelist and member of an East Austin diabetes support group, said the conference was important not only because of the access UT has to conduct research, but also to give to the less fortunate and be able to help those with the illness. He said he liked that such a prevalent disease could draw this type of attention. “The most challenging part of controlling diabetes is accepting that you have it and being able to get the information you need,” Holmes said. “I think support and encouragement are very important.”

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‘Green’ group awards UT’s trees By Audria Choudhury Daily Texan Staff For the second consecutive year, the Arbor Day Foundation recognized UT as a Tree Campus USA for its efforts to maintain a “green” and sustainable environment. To be a Tree Campus USA, a college or university must have a tree advisory committee and a tree-care plan that dictates how the campus and community interact with trees. Schools must dedicate an annual expenditure for tree care, observe Arbor Day and sponsor an educational service project to promote trees. The University was among the first three campuses in the nation to receive the title in 2009. During last year’s service project, students took inventory of the approximately 150 trees on campus, measured their heights and recorded which species of wildlife were inhabiting the trees. Mary Widhelm, the program’s coordinator at the Arbor Day Foundation, said UT stood out because of its excellent tree-maintenance organizations such as Longhorn ReLeaf. “ReLeaf is amazing. Almost 300 people plant trees, giving handson experience students wouldn’t usually get,” Widhelm said. “We enjoy working with them.” Larry Maginnis, UT urban forester and manager of ReLeaf, said that the organization gives students opportunities to leave their mark on campus by planting trees

and improving the overall feel of the campus. “Trees are the only university infrastructure to increase in value over time,” Maginnis said. “Many are as old as the buildings, or even older. They add a lot to the feel of the original 40 Acres and a more pleasant learning environment.” The student organization holds annual tree-planting projects and hosts guest speakers to advocate the benefits of trees. Maginnis also manages Memorial Trees, a group that provides green, living memorials to loved ones by planting a tree in their honor. Widhelm said trees are essential to creating green and sustainable environments because they reduce energy costs with their shade and reuse natural resources, such as rainwater, for plants. She said the goal of these efforts is to conserve the resources for future generations. “[We need to] make sure [resources] are not something we’re using up because we can, but something your kids and your kids’ kids can enjoy,” she said. Maginnis said that the recognition provides further motivation to continue the University’s tree maintenance efforts. “We view [the title] not only as a goal, but as a baseline, so we don’t get lazy,” Maginnis said. “We’re looking to increase outreach and move forward with more plantFanny Trang | Daily Texan Staff ings and to increase the number of collaborations with the city of The Arbor Day Foundation recognized UT as a Tree Campus USA for the second year in a row. Austin.”


MIGRANT: Recipients awarded

for dedication, work in school From page 1 Five students received $2,000 scholarships in addition to other awards: Rogelio Ortiz and Sofia Velazquez both received the 2010 Student of the Year awards; Carlissa Garcia and Jacklyn Rodriguez were named the top two exemplary migrant students in 2010; and Rubi Valencia received the 2010 Exemplary Migrant Student Creative Award for a clock she made for her mother. Peña said he was amazed by the strength of the students who not only have to work harder in school, but also during the summer doing agricultural work. “To think she [plans to go] from the fields of South Texas to Harvard — [those are the things] that can be accomplished when the family and community believe in you,” Peña said of Velazquez, who migrated from Texas to Illinois to work in the cornfields. McAllen native Ezequiel Chapa, one of the 40 award recipients, has been migrating to Umatilla, Ore., and Bellingham, Wash., for years to work in the fields. When at home, he attends Mission High School in South Texas and is involved with several extracurricular activities and community organizations. “It’s kind of hard with school because you get behind [when you migrate],” Chapa said. “[Mission High School’s migrant program] doesn’t use typical grades

but goes by points, instead.” Many foundations contribute money and laptops each year to award scholarship recipients. Sara Tays, southwest government relations manager with the Exxon Mobil Foundation, said Exxon found out about the program through a UT alumnus. “This program gives these students someone they can identify with who had to overcome [similar] and unusual obstacles,” Tays said. “These kids got out and participated in life.” Sergio Sanchez, a migrant educator from Brownsville Independent School District, said the program opens many doors of opportunity for students who typically wouldn’t envision college in their futures. “It shows opportunity and a future for them,” Sanchez said. “They are able to educate themselves and be a model to their family and younger siblings.” Sanchez has been a migrant educator for 15 years. Cynthia Macias-Zamora, Chapa’s migrant educator, said UT’s Migrant Student Graduation Enhancement Program is greatly needed and is empowering not only to the students, but to their families as well. “This program allows them to see that [life after migrant work] is not a dream,” Macias-Zamora said. “It’s very possible. All they need to do is want it and work for it.”



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Sports Editor: Blake Hurtik E-mail: Phone: (512) 232-2210


Tuesday, March 30, 2010



More credit is deserved for Reese, Longhorns



Former Horns set to return

NBA Toronto 103 Charlotte 101 San Antonio 84 New Jersey 90 LA Lakers 100 New Orleans 108 Denver 93 Dallas 109

By Blake Hurtik Daily Texan Columnist

New York 98 Utah 103

NHL It didn’t come in the way that everyone expected. It didn’t come with a shower of burnt-orangeand-white confetti blanketing the Drag. A mob of overserved students didn’t flood campus in celebration and try to topple over the George Washington statue. But it came anyway. The Texas Longhorns are 2010 national champions. Finally. The fact that it’s the men’s swimming and diving team that will be raising a new banner at the Lee and Joe Jamail Texas Swim Center shouldn’t take away from it at all. The Horns came up short in football and baseball, and the basketball team blew its shot completely — so what? It’s time to celebrate the fact that Texas has a reason for the first time in more than three years to light the Tower in burnt orange with the No. 1 illuminated on all four sides. Yes, it’s been that long since any Longhorn team brought home a national championship. And while Mack Brown and his boys came awfully close, you shouldn’t be surprised that it was Eddie Reese’s crew that accomplished it. After all, he is the best coach on the 40 Acres. Think otherwise? Take a look at his resume: -10 national championships at Texas in 32 years. -Hasn’t placed lower than seventh at national championships

REESE continues on page 8

Buffalo 3 Boston 2 Carolina 4 Atlanta 1 Nashville 3 Florida 2 Los Angeles 2 Minnesota 3

NCAA Women’s Tournament Stephen Keller | Daily Texan file photo

Former Longhorn quarterback Colt McCoy celebrates after beating Nebraska in the 2009 Big 12 Championship at Cowboys Stadium. McCoy joins other potential NFL players in Wednesday’s pro day, where they will work out in front of NFL scouts.

Potential NFL players come back to Austin for the Horns’ pro day

McCoy won’t be the only one back on campus for the chance to improve his draft stock. His favorite target, Jordan Shipley, along with Lamarr HousBy Chris Tavarez ton, Earl Thomas, Sergio KinDaily Texan Staff dle and others will also be parFor the first time since his ticipating in Texas’ pro day. record-breaking win against “What we have our pro day Kansas, Colt McCoy will be for: If you didn’t get invited back on campus Wednesday, for the combine, it gives you a tossing the football in front chance to have your own comof scrutinizing eyes. Except bine,” Brown said. “If you went this time, it won’t be in front to the combine and did someof more than 100,000 fans. In- thing that you weren’t happy stead, it will be in front of po- with, you get to repeat it.” tential employers. McCoy is expected to throw “[McCoy’s] doing [pro day] the football in front of scouts, before 100 [NFL] head coach- which he didn’t do at the NFL es, general managers, scouts combine in Indianapolis earli[and] assistants,” head coach er this month. Ben Alexander, Mack Brown said. another former Longhorn, will


Longhorns hope to make right move against UTSA By Matt Hohner Daily Texan Staff Texas head coach Connie Clark has emphasized to her team to take a chess-like mentality on the diamond. “We’ve talked about when you’re playing an opponent more than once, you have to play chess instead of checkers,” Clark said. “That means what you need to do is come back in today and show them something a little bit different.” The No. 15 Longhorns will try to checkmate UTSA in a doubleheader tonight. Clark believes her players have psyched themselves out at times, worrying too much about their mechanics. “We have to stay in the present moment,” Clark said. “When you get to thinking about mechanics, you can put your body on freeze.” Morale is high in the Longhorn clubhouse after two solid wins against Nebraska to Loryn Johnson prepares for an at bat in the Longhorns’ 6-0 win against Centenary on Feb. 16.

Bobby Longoria Daily Texan file photo

Go, Gilbert, go Fozzy Whittaker and Tre’ Newton have separated themselves from the rest of the pack as the starting running backs, but Texas is learning that it may have another running threat — Garrett Gilbert. While the zone read will not be a featured play, Texas will still use it, and Gilbert’s speed, sparingly. In Satur-

day’s practice, Gilbert ran for a 20-yard touchdown. “Garrett may not be quite as quick as Colt, but he can really run, and he’s big and strong. We can still run with him,” Brown said. “He’ll still run quarterback draw.”

Weight of the world Most football programs see the 10-win season as an extremely successful year. Texas sees it as a mediocre one. “Ten is the bottom [number of wins] that you can even consider. Period,” Brown said. “For 10 years, not one player on this team has won

FOOTBALL continues on page 8


No. #15 TEXAS at UTSA

Texas returns to nonconference schedule after sweeping Huskers

be one of those having his own combine because he wasn’t invited to the NFL’s. Nearly everyone who is expected to participate in Wednesday’s pro day is already back on campus to get re-acquainted with Texas’ facilities, where all the action will take place.

open up conference play. “It’s always good to start off 2-0 in conference play,” Clark said. “I think, in our conference, there’s so much parity. You definitely want to try to take care of business when you’re at home.” The Texas offense has been strong of late, showing it can play small ball as well as power ball. “We’ve been producing a lot — not just getting hits, but advancing runners, and getting our bunts down has been really crucial to us,” first baseman Lexy Bennett said. “We’ve been doing a really good job with that.” Pitcher Blaire Luna has done a lot of the heavy lifting for the pitching staff, but as a freshman, she still is learning as the season progresses. “It’s challenging because it’s the fine line of not wanting to go away from what her best stuff is and yet showing them something that they didn’t necessarily see yesterday,” Clark said. “We took that game plan in, and she was brilliant with it. I’m very

excited. She applied that like a veteran.” Luna has put all of Clark’s points of emphasis into action. “Maintaining my focus throughout the game, pitchto-pitch, is something that I have been working at all year,” Luna said. “And I have definitely improved and definitely will continue to improve at that.” While Luna has been stealing the spotlight, Clark knows softball is a team game, and her Longhorns need to be ready to step up at the right moment. “We’ve got a lot of people who step up at different times,” Clark said. “We’re interchangeable in the lineup. It’s fun. It keeps everybody motivated. It’s a total group to be reckoned with.” TODAY: No. 15 Texas (26-8) at UTSA (10-21) WHERE: San Antonio WHEN: 4 p.m., 6 p.m.


Bobby Longoria | Daily Texan file photo

Russell Moldenhaur finds his grip on the bat between pitches.

Streaky Moldenhaur looks to keep hot bat By Chris Tavarez Daily Texan Staff Texas will look to continue its newfound offensive production when it hosts surging Oral Roberts on Tuesday at UFCU DischFalk Field. In the first 15 games of the season, the Longhorns were hitting a measly .246, but in the nine games since, Texas has notched a .315 batting average. Most of that production has come from designated hitter Russell Moldenhauer, who struggled to start the season but has since bounced back. Moldenhauer led Texas in its 17-5 win over Texas Tech on Sunday with a 3-for-5 performance that included his second home run of the season, three RBI and two runs. The biggest surprise for Texas has been its newfound outfielder, freshman Cohl Walla. Walla leads the team with a .385 average, while adding a .558 slugging average and a .400 on-base average. Kyle Lusson’s recent struggles and Connor Rowe’s injury have helped Walla earn a spot in the starting lineup, and the freshman has taken advantage of the opportunity. The Horns’ offensive surge has come courtesy of the long ball, too. Instead of using head coach Augie Garrido’s patented “small ball”

approach to put runners in scoring position through bunts, Texas has been launching the balls deep to bring runners home. Texas has 26 homers in 24 games this season, whereas last season, it didn’t reach that number of taters until May 3. Sophomore Jordan Etier leads the way with six long balls. “I’m just trying to put the ball in play, hit line drives and do my job,” Etier said. The Golden Eagles enter this game with a season-high fivegame win streak. The Eagles’ streak has been fueled by strong offense and stingy defense: Four of those five games saw ORU post at least seven runs and give up four runs or less. The task of holding off Oral Roberts’ strong offense will fall to sophomore Sam Stafford, who will be getting just his second career start. Stafford was pulled after three perfect innings in his first start. “If you push the envelope, there is a tendency for it to unravel, and you defeat what you are trying to accomplish,” Garrido said. TODAY: Oral Roberts (10-10) at No. 7 Texas (18-6) WHERE: UFCU Dsich-Falk Field WHEN: 6:05 p.m.

3 Xavier 53 1 Stanford 55 4 Baylor 51 2 Duke 48


Nets avoid worst season in NBA history by beating Spurs The roars of the crowd and the shouts from the public address announcer made it feel like this was a huge win. For the New Jersey Nets, though, there wasn’t much celebrating. Just relief. Relief at having removed their name from the line in the record book no team wants to be on. The Nets notched their 10th victory Monday night, avoiding any chance of tying for the worst record in NBA history by beating the shorthanded San Antonio Spurs 90-84. “You don’t thank God, but you don’t want to go down as the worst team in the history of the game,” reserve guard Keyon Dooling said. “Absolutely it’s a relief, you don’t want to go down in history as the worst team ever.” Brook Lopez had 22 points and 12 rebounds for the Nets, who grabbed control with a 15-4 run late in the fourth quarter to improve to 10-64. The 1972-73 Philadelphia 76ers, who went 9-73, will remain in the books as the league’s worst team. Public address announcer Gary Sussman shouted “We got 10! The Nets win!” after New Jersey snapped a 14-game losing streak in the series, committing a franchise record-low four turnovers — none in the second half — in beating San Antonio for the first time since the 2003 NBA finals. “It’s a big relief. It’s a big relief,” guard Courtney Lee said. “Now we can go out and ball and have fun and play.”

Baylor women advance to Final Four after win over Blue Devils Baylor’s youth nearly cost the Lady Bears a trip to Final Four, but ended up saving the day. Phenomenal freshman Brittney Griner caught a pass, spun around and hit a short jumper with 45 seconds left to propel fourth-seeded Baylor to a 5148 win over No. 2 seed Duke on Monday night for its second trip ever to the Final Four. “I knew we needed that bucket so I did everything I could to get position and to have (the defender) pinned behind me and step through and go up strong,” Griner said. The 6-foot-8 Griner and her teammates hoisted Kim Mulkey onto their shoulders so the coach could cut down the net. Mulkey led the Lady Bears to their only other appearance in the national semifinals in 2005 en route to the national championship. “I’ve never had players tall enough to lift me to cut the net so that’s a first,” Mulkey said. Baylor’s men’s team lost to Duke 78-71 on Sunday in the South Regional final. It was the first time ever that there had been the same regional final matchup in both brackets since the women’s tournament began during the 1981-82 season, according to STATS LLC. The Blue Devils held a 46-38 advantage with 4:59 left before a pair of free throws by Kimetria Hayden launched a 13-2 run for the Lady Bears. Compiled from Associated Press reports




Tuesday, March 30, 2010

football: Work

international soccer

Important games loom for ManU ethic remains high

By Manesh Upadhyaya Daily Texan Staff Premier League leader Manchester United has depended heavily on forward Wayne Rooney this season, a little more than most fans would like. But the Red Devils showed what they’re capable of without the services of their superstar striker this weekend. Ruled out with a bruised foot, Rooney didn’t even make the bench for the trip to Bolton. Manager Sir Alex Ferguson did not want the player to take any risks with Tuesday’s UEFA Champions League quarter-final against Bayern Munich and a title-decider against Chelsea on Saturday in mind. With the title race so close, some say it may come down to goal difference to decide where the Premier League trophy goes. Rooney has bagged 26 of

United’s 76 goals this season and is the league’s top scorer, two ahead of Chelsea’s Didier Drogba. Currently, the Red Devils are two goals adrift of second-place Chelsea in the goal difference battle, as the Blues thumped Aston Villa 7-1 at Stamford Bridge to put pressure on the Old Trafford outfit. One would think the top goalscorer would always be in the squad at this time of the year. But there was no Rooney needed. It was Bolton’s own doing that gave United the spark. A horrendous own-goal from Jlloyd Samuel was the first of a four-goal thrashing. United’s Dimitar Berbatov, who many consider a flop $57-million buy, proved his critics wrong on that day, at least, scoring two goals. The first came off a rebound from a Darren Fletcher shot and another from the influential Luis Nani’s cross. Both were examples

of the clinical finishes the Bulgarian is known for but not something United fans are used to seeing. United’s depth stretched far into its bench. Twenty-two-yearold midfielder Darron Gibson struck minutes from time, coming on as a late substitute to cap off a scintillating performance. United going into a European tie on that big of a high must be worrisome for Bayern Munich. The German outfit hosts United in the Champions League on Tuesday, and that a team is performing this well without their main man must be troubling. Nani is hitting his peak, contributing only one goal but providing nine assists. He will be an important figure in United’s attack. Ji-Sung Park is also blossoming. He has always been on the fringes of the first 11, but in his fifth season at Old Trafford, he has made a name for himself.

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Scoring vital goals against Arsenal, A.C. Milan and rival Liverpool has given Ferguson another attacking option. B u t o n M o n d a y, R o o n e y was able to train, bolstering United’s front line ahead of Tuesday’s clash. German legend and Bayern Munich President Franz Beckenbauer told BBC Sport he admires Rooney and expects United to be a difficult test, just as they were in the unforgettable 1999 Champions League final in Barcelona. “He is a brilliant player who is playing better than ever. We at Bayern will fear him when we play United in the Champions League quarter-finals,� Beckhenbauer said. “Of course we would like to knock them out for revenge for losing the 1999 final, but it is going to be tough. And, of course, United have Rooney.�

as spring concludes From page 7 less than 10 games.� Those kind of expectations have put a solid amount of pressure on next year’s team, which has lost the marquee names — McCoy, Shipley, Kindle and Houston — that carried the team for the past four years. But this new team still has high expectations for next year. “They want to win the South, and then they want to win the Big 12,� Brown said. “And then they want to win a bowl game. But I think this group understands, like [the team of] ’08, that there’s nothing going to be given to them and a lot of

people are going to have question marks. They’re going to have to work for it.� That work ethic isn’t the only similarity Brown sees between this team and that Fiesta Bowl team in ’08. “We weren’t supposed to be very good [in ‘08], but they were all trying, They were all really good. They didn’t have any of the celebrities that the teams a few years back had,� Brown said. “But they fought, and they became more blue-collar. I saw that with last year’s team as well, and I’m feeling that with this team even more so than last year’s because the offense has become more blue-collar as well.�

Reese: NCAA titles make coach’s case Augie Garrido. He’s the only Texas coach who can even come close to since his first season in 1979. matching Brown in terms of pres-Coached 26 Olympians who tige and holiness. have won 29 gold medals. -Coached the U.S. Olympic team three times, most recently in 2008. Reese has built the And yet, how many students best program on could pick Reese out of a lineup, much less know his name? campus without At Texas, fans and alumni are anyone noticing. quick to enshrine their coachLet’s hope it won’t es and even quicker to kick them to the curb when championships take another 10 aren’t won. I bet they’ll already championships for have Mack Brown’s bronze statue him to grab the ready to go the day he steps down as head coach, and he’s only won attention he deserves. one national title. And for the sake of entertainment, consider these numbers. And Reese can match him in the Brown earns $5.1 million a year. Reese earns $170,000. That’s about philosophy department. If Garrido 3 percent of Brown’s salary, but is the Yoda of collegiate sports, Rehe’s won 10 times the number of ese is the Obi-Wan. Want to talk the Tao of Swim? Reese is your guy. national titles. My first encounter with ReOf course, football reigns suese came during a sports journalpreme here. No question. Still, look at baseball coach ism class. We were scheduled to

From page 7

conduct a group interview with former UT swimmer and Olympian Garrett Weber-Gale. As we filed into a damp classroom in the swim center, Reese was waiting for us. He spent the next half hour or so giving us future journalists life advice instead of talking about swimming or how great WeberGale was. Reese said something along the lines of, “We’re not here to talk about swimming. We’re here to talk about you.� That’s the kind of attitude he takes with his swimmers, and it’s why they’re successful. I’ve heard the argument that there isn’t much coaching actually done in swimming. True, there aren’t many X’s and O’s involved, like in football or basketball. But there is a huge mental aspect to the sport, and it takes a master to keep it going. Reese has built the best program on campus without anyone noticing. Let’s hope it won’t take another 10 championships for him to grab the attention he deserves.


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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Jack Bauer’s adventures to end TV TUESDAY

By Robert Rich

Jack Bauer has had a lot of long days in the past eight years. But, after the end of his current adventure in May, he’ll finally be retiring. “24” will be canceled upon the conclusion of this season, as announced by actress Mary Lynn Rajskub on her Twitter account last week. Word had been circulating that if FOX didn’t renew the real-time series, NBC would pick it up, but now day, month day, 2008 it seems that won’t be the case. Save for maybe a film based on the series, Jack Bauer has run his course. Started in 2001, each season of the show follows Bauer, a counterISE the RTthrough E terrorism D agent, T V N course A DEeach U of a single day, with episode T S ION!one actuOURrepresenting T of theYseries A Z I ANday. It was a fantasal hourOof RGthe tic concept when the series first debuted, one that made “24” intriguing and original throughout its run. That’s not to say there weren’t any faults, such as Bauer being able to get from one side of Los Angeles to the other in only 20 minutes (anyone that went to the national championship game in January knows that’s not possible. But, overall, the show was handled very well. Bauer, played by Kiefer Sutherland, is the quintessential American special agent. He’s aggressive, he’s intense, and he has absolutely no qualms about torturing a suspect to get the information he wants.

The show weathered many controversies throughout its early seasons pertaining to the violent situations it portrayed. When it started, however, it was perfect, beginning only two months after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11. Americans were more than happy to accept a series about counterterrorism and the gory lengths agents would go to protect the country. But as awesome as the fight 1 scenes in “24” were, it is, and has always been, the series’ exploration of ethical issues that makes it stand out. Everything — from LASSIFIEDS public policy to government interference, from torture to interrogational mind tactics — has been addressed at some point by the series. The show has seemed preachy at times, as if it were leaning toward one side, but for the most part, both sides of the issues are showcased, allowing the viewer to make his or her own decision. Later seasons of the show did start to show signs of age, and as the country began to tire of the endless war in Afghanistan, such a violent series was no longer en vogue. Things have turned around this year, though, and it appears that the show will definitely end on a good note, satisfying fans and leaving a legacy of a show, not only fresh and original, but impeccably timed. In many ways, “24” is a perfect example of the 2000s, a commenCourtesy of the Associated Press tary on the time in which it ran. As for what will happen to Jack Bauer, Kiefer Sutherland plays Jack Bauer on FOX’s real-time series “24”, which will be cancelled upon the conclusion of this season. we can only wait and see.




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NEWS BRIEFLY Sale of Superman debut comic shatters previous price record

NEW YORK — The record price for a comic book, already broken twice this year, has been shattered again. A copy of the 1938 edition of Action Comics No. 1 sold Monday for $1.5 million on the auction Web site The issue, which features Superman’s debut and originally sold for 10 cents, is widely considered the Holy Grail of comic books. The same issue sold in February for $1 million, though that copy wasn’t in as good condition as the issue that sold Monday. The million-dollar price tag was bested just days later when a 1939 comic book featuring Batman’s debut sold for $75,000 more at an auction in Dallas. There are about 100 copies of Action Comics No. 1 believed to be in existence, and only a handful are in good condition. The issue that sold on Monday was rated slightly higher than the one that sold in February; it had been tucked inside an old movie magazine for years before being discovered. The issue was bought from a private collector and then sold by Stephen Fishler and Vincent Zurzolo, the co-owners of It was bought minutes after being posted Monday at the asking price of $1.5 million by “a hardcore comic book fan,” Fishler said. “There’ve been a lot of attempts to acquire this book over the last 15 years,” he said. “The recent activity, I guess, did the trick.” Fishler speculated that the sudden burst of record-priced sales are

Rapper arrested backstage for assault, domestic abuse CLEVELAND — A rap artist from the group Bone ThugsN-Harmony was arrested during an Ohio concert on 12-year-old charges that he roughed up his mother with a gun. Thirty-six-year-old Stanley Howse — whose stage name is Flesh-N-Bone — was jailed Monday, a day after he was taken into custody during a show in the group’s hometown of Cleveland. Sheriff’s spokesman John O’Brien says deputies didn’t wait until after the show because Howse seemed to notice them, invited audience members onto the stage and tried to slip out. He was arrested backstage. O’Brien says Howse was wanted on domestic violence and felonious assault charges. The rapper is accused of striking his mother with a gun in 1998, leaving a 1-inch gash on her head. Court records do not list an attorney for Howse.


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due to “pent-up demand.” Issues of such prized comic books rarely become available for purchase. Rarer still are issues in such good condition. “I can’t imagine another book coming on the market that exists that would top this,” Fishler said. “This may be the final say — at least for the next 10 or 20 years — for a record price of a comic book.”

Compiled from Associated Press reports

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Men and Postmenopausal or Surgically Sterile Women 18 to 45 Up to $1400 Healthy & Non-Smoking BMI between 18 and 30 Weigh between 132 and 220 lbs. Wed. 31 Mar. through Fri. 2 Apr. Outpatient Visits: 3, 4 & 8 Apr.

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Women 18 to 40

Up to $4000 Healthy & Non-Smoking BMI between 19 and 30 Weigh between 110 and 250 lbs. Two Weekend Stays Multiple Outpatient Visits

462-0492 • All Transportation, Announcement, Services & Merchandise ads are 50% off regular rates and appear online at no charge unless you opt for enhancements which will incur additional nominal charges. For more information or assistance please call Classified Clerk at 512-471-5244 or email





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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

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Taco: Food stand delights

patrons with authenticity From page 12

reward foods at a stand I’m trying for the first time. Make the went for the beef fajita torta, a wrong choice, and you could crispy sandwich layered with be choking on a chunky mix guacamole, shredded lettuce of ground sausage and onions. and melted cheese. Pastor’s bean and chorizo taco Al Pastor opens at 8 a.m. ev- is a blend of spicy ingredients ery day, making it well-posi- that’s not likely to bring tears tioned to catch the morning to your eyes. crowd. Luckily, it also serves I’m a big believer in food throughout the afternoon. stands that fill you up with a I’ve always found chorizo to variety of options under $5. Al be one of those high risk/high Pastor succeeds on all counts.

Jarvis: SXSW artist would rather

play on the street than on stage From page 12 same time that he started writing instrumental music, mainly because he felt lyrics ruined the song. However, he says that, too, was a phase, and it wasn’t long before he started adding in his own lyrics. “A lot of the early shit was about girls and crap when I was 13 or 14,” Jarvis says. “You know, the usual kind of drunk, falling in love with some girl, not working, walking home and feeling sorry for yourself, writing a song about [her] with the hope that she’ll post it on her MySpace page and maybe fuck you.” He relaxes a bit after opening up and slouches back in his chair. He begins to admit that although the subject of his music and movies changes from different stories — from girls or friends to the music industry — he says what brings him back to making movies and music is the question of whether humans are animals. It’s that interplay of the ide-



Tuesday, March 30, 2010

als of society versus our own animalistic desires that inspired Jarvis to use art as an answer. “I am an animal, so I have to weigh up what society says I have to do or what I want to do because I’m an animal. I think anything that’s an expressive form of some expressive shit is one of the good things about being a human,” Jarvis says. “There’s a gazillion things you can do. Just being here, I’ve seen people do crazy things that I thought you couldn’t do.” After playing in Austin and at SXSW, Jarvis wants to play on the street, avoiding most of the hassle of setting up and trying to get his name out there among the hundreds of other bands. “You need to be able to hear everything, but there’s a lot of instruments and fucking crap,” Jarvis says. “After doing it, I would have rather just played on the street, but you have to get a permit. I would have just done that all day. Yeah, it might just be acoustic stuff, but I don’t know.”

Recycle your copy of the Texan!

Austin style writer gains popularity By Jessica Lee Daily Texan Staff Indiana Adams may not have been born in Austin, but her love for the city is certainly apparent. Adams is the author of adoredaustin. com, a fashion blog that has grown to become popular not only locally, but nationally, as well. The Web site was recently featured on Tommy Hilfiger’s Facebook page as a “digital fashionista to watch for.” “Adored Austin” is not Adams’s first blog, but it is her first fashionfocused blog. “I was falling through some serious wormholes looking for a personal-style journal that was honest but funny and showcased clothes in my price range from shops in Austin,” Adams said. So, she took the initiative and created a blog of her own. The blog follows a photo-a-day concept, displaying Adams in her outfit of the day. She mostly shops at thrift stores, such as Buffalo Ex-

change and Savers, but finds the tage pieces that still look current, hunt involved in estate sales to be even by today’s standards,” Ada special thrill. ams suggested. “Additionally, “Whenever I see a sign for an es- don’t underestimate the clothes tate sale, I start squealing and clap- you already own. The ‘rarely work’ ping my hands ones were bought like a child at for a reason. PerDisney World,” haps just try mixAdams said. ing those things up Like anyone, I just “I’m usually out a bit more.” appreciate good deals with my husAs for fashion band when that trends, Adams has on quality clothes and happens, but a bit of a pet peeve accessories.” thankfully he with a rather comlikes to indulge — Indiana Adams mon look on the this bizarre asUT campus. Fashion blogger pect of my per“I strongly think sonality, and we gym wear should always follow be reserved for gothe signs.” ing to the gym,” Adams has her own suggestions Adams said. “If you have time to for college students hoping to look throw on a pair of shorts and legfashionable while staying within a gings and Uggs, you probably budget. have time to throw on a dress and “Instead of buying a gazillion trendy pieces at Forever 21, invest in some good-quality vin-


Women Ages 18 to 40 PPD conducts medically supervised research studies to help evaluate new investigational medications. PPD has been conducting research studies in Austin for more than 20 years. Right now, PPD is looking for healthy and non-smoking women ages 18 to 40 to participate in a medical research study. The study will require the participants to have a BMI between 19 and 30 and weigh between 110 and 220 lbs. The study will require 2 weekends in our overnight research facility and multiple brief outpatient visits. Study participants will receive up to $4000 upon study completion.

Please call today to find out more.

PPD 462-0492

APPLY THIS SEMESTER The Texas Student Media Board of Operating Trustees has an opening for one at-large student board member to fill an unexpired term from June 2010 to May 2011.


• Adopt annual budget • Review monthly income and expenses • Select KVRX station manager, TSTV station manager, Texas Travesty and Cactus Yearbook editors, The Daily Texan managing editor • Certify candidates seeking election to TSM board and for The Daily Texan editor • Review major purchase requests

Time Commitment?

• About five hours per month (one meeting, reading before meeting, committee work).

APPLICATION INFO Pick up an application at the Hearst Student Media building (HSM), 25th and Whitis Ave, Room 3.304, or print the application from our website: The Board will make the appointment at their meeting at 2p.m. on Friday, April 25, 2010, in the College of Communication (CMA), LBJ Room #5.160, 2600 Whitis Avenue

Deadline is noon on Tuesday, April 20, 2010

tights or a pair of jeans, instead. Right?” Recently, Adams has started a new project — themanmakeover. com — her husband’s new blog in which Adams dresses him for an entire year. “It’s been quite a challenge for me to learn how to mix men’s clothes,” Adams said. “I swear, men do not have as many fun options as women have when it comes to creating new ensembles. So far, I keep dressing him like Alex P. Keaton from ‘Family Ties’ or a backup singer for Keith Urban.” The blogger does not associate herself with labels such as “trendsetter” or “slave to fashion,” but she does appreciate good fashion. “Like anyone, I just appreciate good deals on quality clothes and accessories,” Adams said.


Tuesday, M



Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Life&Arts Editor: Ben Wermund E-mail: Phone: (512) 232-2209


Singer/filmmaker defies norms

Al Pastor stands out for its tasty selection

Catalina Padilla | Daily Texan Staff

The al pastor is a mexican taco made up of pork, finely cut onions and cilantro wrapped in warm corn tortillas. Editor’s Note: This is the second in a weekly series searching for the best undiscovered taco stands in town


By Andrew Kreighbaum

Mary Kang | Daily Texan Staff

Cosmo Jarvis performs at Maggie Mae’s, located on Sixth and Trinity streets, during South by Southwest. The singer/songwriter started delving into music and film at the age of 13 by making movies on his webcam.

Cosmo Jarvis uses film, songwriting to explore themes of human nature Gerald Rich Daily Texan Staff Cosmo Jarvis, a 19-year-old British filmmaker and musician, walks into The Driskill Hotel looking sweaty and knackered after his South by Southwest set at Maggie Mae’s two weeks ago. He’s just finished, and already he’s taken off his plaid button-down and slung it around his neck.

Jarvis orders a water and energy drink at the bar, laughing about how he can’t buy a drink in the U.S., before slouching over the table. “Bad show,” Jarvis admits, slightly out of breath, in a heavy British accent. “Everything just went wrong — an amp exploded.” Jarvis released his newest EP, Crazy Screwed Up Lady, last Tuesday, and topped off at 30 on the CMJ charts. His songs range from a mellow acoustic guitar accompanying his personal lyrics in “Sort Yourself Out” to upbeat

dance singles like “Crazy Screwed Up Lady.” Jarvis says he’s written about 250 songs, some partial and some instrumental. He also tries to channel his creativity through making movies. His movie “The Alleyway” premiered at SXSW but has been met with some opposition. Despite having the creative talent to do both music and movies, he has yet to be able to mix his two passions, saying that “everyone would laugh” if he did. “You can’t experiment like that in the beginning,” Jarvis

says about showing his movies while he’s playing a set. “You can’t do what you want to do unless you’ve made it. There’s a way things are done, and people say there’s a way things are, and there’s no arguing with that.” The singer, songwriter and director started when he was 13 years old, originally making movies off of his webcam before getting a better camera and filming more in the style of “Jackass.” It was around that

JARVIS continues on page 11

Riverside Drive has an unfortunate reputation in the UT community for its relatively high crime rate. Fortunately, it also has some of the best taco stands in town. And it would be a waste for students to allow the area’s bad rep to turn them away. Al Pastor, located on a lot adjacent to the Family Dollar past Lakeshore Boulevard, is one such stand. The stand sits on a hill overlooking a string of Mexican restaurants on the north side of the street, interspersed with check-cashing and payday loan businesses. A parking lot’s length behind the stand is Rosita’s Al Pastor, its parent restaurant. A mural on the side of the

WHAT: Al Pastor WHERE: 1911 E. Riverside Dr. WHAT TO GET: The “al pastor” with a mound of cilantro and onions truck depicts the traditional North Mexican al pastor preparation of vertically marinating pork. You can’t go wrong with the namesake dish here — a plate of tender, brightred pork served on flaky tortillas. The mound of cilantro and onions is a given. The pastor is a perfect wake-up on a lazy Sunday — if you can bring yourself to make the drive. But, it’s an even better option in the weeks leading up to summer, when it finally feels right to sit on a hard metal bench and catch windblown napkins just to feel the warm air on your face. The other big hits on the menu are the “torta” and a catalog of breakfast tacos. I

TACO continues on page 11

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