Weekly Issue 13 - 01.13.20

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Monday-Friday, January 13-17, 2020

Vol. 128, Issue 13

THE DAILY of the University of Washington | since 1891 | dailyuw.com

Pro gamer turned programmer Pg. 2


Campus Sketcher Sweet life on deck


To snow or not to snow That is the question




Monday-Friday, January 13-17, 2020

ROOTS receives $1.5M grant from the city, set to open fall 2020 By Beth Cassidy The Daily ROOTS Young Adult Shelter, which has been running for the last 20 years in the U-District and currently has 45 beds, recently received a $1.5 million grant from the city to fund its move to Greek Row. After 16 months of searching for a new safe haven, the landlord of the old Alpha Epsilon Pi frat house on 19th

and 45th reached out to ROOTS (rising out of the shadows) about the space for sale. Some public funding from King County and private donations saved ROOTS from closure and allowed it to acquire the new property. The emergency shelter serves people aged 18 to 25 and provides them with resources like breakfast and dinner while also connecting them with mental health services.

With the $1.5 million grant from the City of Seattle, ROOTS can pay off the majority of the house as well as upgrade the facility with an elevator, extra hygiene resources, and day services, according to ROOTS executive director Jerred Clouse. “We have a crisis right now and there are not enough solutions on where [homeless youth are] going to be long term,” Clouse said.

This is not the first time that ROOTS has been the beneficiary of grants, including money in 2011 from the Raynier Foundation that allowed the shelter to go from 23 beds to 45. The city grant is set to allow the new shelter to open fall 2020, according to ROOTS publicist Amanda Bedell. Clouse, who began working at ROOTS in November, shared his excitement and anticipation for the new facility. “What I’m most excited about is that we have the opportunity to reimagine who we want to be based on the needs of the community,” Clouse said. “Additional office space will allow us to work with our service partners to work side by side with us to create a unified and integrated hub of resources for people seeking shelter.” The new location on the edge of the Greek system has raised some controversy. Clouse, meanwhile, emphasized the importance of Alex Nagode The Daily

creating a “unified community.” “There are a lot of different narratives that people experiencing homelessness are ‘different,’” Clouse said. “ROOTS is a really natural place. People living on Greek Row are young adults who are figuring things out, and the only difference between them and our clients is the network around them and we’re trying to be that network.” ROOTS is working to do community outreach. Clouse is envisioning a monthly forum where the community can be involved and discuss in realtime what’s going on with the progress of the organization. Reach reporter Beth Cassidy at news@dailyuw.com. Twitter:@ _BethCassidy_


Former pro gamer takes on computer science at UW By Amber Hsu The Daily Kevin Ryoo is well-known in the gaming community by his screen name “SeleCT.” Following an illustrious 10-year professional gaming career playing multiplayer online battle arena and real-time strategy games such as Warcraft 3, Starcraft 2, and DOTA 2, Ryoo is now pursuing a computer science (CS) degree at the UW. Ryoo can trace his love of gaming back to his childhood years when he would play games like Bubble Bobble, an online Japanese arcade game. He started playing Warcraft 3 in middle school and gradually grew in ranking until he reached the top four on the leaderboard. Soon after, his gaming career took off when he was approached by a Korean pro-gaming team with an offer to compete professionally under them. In the following years, Ryoo took part in global competitions for Warcraft 3 and Dawn of War. In both 2005 and 2006, he won two first-place championships at the World Cyber Games for Dawn of War. After Ryoo’s family emigrated from South Korea to the United States and after graduating from high school, he began competing in the game Starcraft 2 as a member of the gaming team Dignitas for seven years and in the game DOTA 2

as a member of the team QPad for one year before he retired from his gaming career in 2015. Prize money from placing in competitions made up a large portion of his income and the pressure to perform well grew as he got older. The lack of financial stability in a gaming career at the time was what finally pushed Ryoo to move on to other career options. During competitions, he started limiting himself to cut down on strategies with high risk. Though they could bring big wins, they could also result in larger losses. In the one or two years before the end of his career, he decided that if he didn’t make money, he needed to move on to something else and to live a life outside of gaming. “I couldn’t play risky because I had more on the line and a limited number of tries compared to those younger than me,” Ryoo said. “It was giving me a lot of stress when I was not winning as much as I was when I was younger.” Ryoo lists his appreciation of diversity and his rigorous work ethic as two of the biggest takeaways from his gaming career. His craft gave him a chance to visit countries like Italy, Singapore, Finland, Sweden, England, and Germany as well as the opportunity to meet people from around the world. The work ethic he

developed as a result of his gaming training is a skill he still applies to his everyday life, including his college classes. “When I had a match I had to be perfect every time in order to win, and I gained a good habit of working really hard to prepare for something to be perfect,” Ryoo said. “[When I trained], I studied my opponents for their weaknesses and strengths, and [in the same way], when I study for an exam, I study my instructor to know how they make an exam.” Ryoo’s love of gaming was also what influenced him to pursue CS at the UW. “I first got really interested in the hardware [side of CS], so I built my own computer,” Ryoo said. “I studied things like what the CPU, memory, hard disk, and motherboard do and I put them all together to make my computer.” Later on, he became interested in the code behind the games he interacted with every day. He is still exploring the different concentrations of computer science through his classes at the UW, but he finds the fields of machine learning, security, and database to be particularly interesting. Ryoo’s short-term goals may sound typical to your everyday college student: he plans on finishing his internship this coming summer with Shopify,

Hannah Sheil The Daily graduating from the UW, and finding a full-time job. In 10 years, he aims to be working at a big tech company as a full-stack software engineer. In 20 years, he hopes to be an executive officer managing his own tech company. When asked about the possibility of becoming involved in the gaming community again, Ryoo also showed interest in working for a gaming company in the future, especially at the companies that have produced the games he has played competitively in the past.

“I know more about the game than the other software engineers,” Ryoo said. “I could catch things that [other engineers] don’t know how to; I know the things that make people get into a game … and what people like about games.” Ryoo ended the interview with a message familiar to his fans: “Sup son ¯\_( )_/¯.” Reach writer Amber Hsu at science@dailyuw.com. Twitter: @ambrhsu

The Daily Health & Wellness // 3


‘Survive and thrive’: How ECANA is saving black women’s lives in the face of a statistic By Jaiden Feldman Contributing writer Every one of us has life-altering moments — moments we all can look back on and remember when we could feel the Earth shift, feel our own selves shift, and remember those moments before as just that: “before.” For those living with cancer, a diagnosis is the beginning of “after”: a race to survival, filled with fear, depression, anxiety, and other complicated emotions. But confusion is what Dr. Kemi Doll, a gynecologic oncologist in the department of obstetrics, describes the women she treats as they grapple with a diagnosis of endometrial cancer. Though this is the most common gynecologic cancer, affecting one in 37 women, most people have not heard of it. This cancer, if diagnosed at a stage of localization, has a five-year relative survival rate of 95%, but studies conducted by Doll have shown that black women have a 90% higher mortality rate than any other group of

Though this is the most common gynecologic cancer, affecting one in 37 women, most people have not heard of it.

sensitive care, and emphasizing research with the goal of improving the lives of black women. This begins with looking at the causes of these racial disparities. The key factor in patient success is the stage at which they receive medical intervention. While intervention at Stage IA for endometrial care results in a success rate of 90%, these rates drastically drop to 40–50% when patients reach stages IIIC and IV. And while time and time again, we see the relationship between patient economic status and survival rates, the National Academy for Medicine (NAM) found that even when insurance, income, age, and severity of illness are accounted for, racial and ethnic minorities overall receive a lower quality of health care than white people. While Latinos and African Americans make up about 30% of the population, these minorities make up only 6% of those participating in federally funded clinical trials of new drugs and treatments. This disproportionate representation of people of color in clinical trials exemplifies a larger theme of black patients having to tackle a multitude of barriers to receive the early detection and treatment needed to survive. While white Greta DuBois @greta.a_art people are easily included in these frontier studies, women. So why does a patient’s survival the exclusion of minorities has led not depend on their race? only to disproportionate access to care The Endometrial Cancer Action but also to potentially skewed or even Network for African-Americans harmful results to a study due to a lack of (ECANA), an organization dedicated racial diversity in the research. to improving the lives of black women In addition to barriers for black affected by endometrial cancer, is working women in accessing treatment, existing to answer this question and exploring standards for diagnosing conditions how we can bridge this gap. ECANA may rely too heavily on symptom maximizes its outreach by functioning reporting without acknowledging the as a 360-degree approach: providing cultural factors that could inhibit full reproductive education and community disclosure. While 92% of diagnoses of for black women, advocating for increased endometrial cancer involve the presence awareness and training among providers of postmenopausal bleeding, national to promote culturally competent and

guidelines of diagnosis require both a patient to report this symptom and a clinician to recognize and act accordingly. However, these guidelines fail to recognize that black women are far less likely to report the appearance of symptoms. This is due to an amalgamation of factors such as the lack of publicly available information on endometrial cancer symptoms, a higher tolerance for symptoms before seeking health care, a deep distrust of the healthcare system due to past experiences, and even the normalization of bleeding in the female black community due to a higher count of fibroids (benign tumors in the uterus that result in heavy periods) in black women. Yet, regardless of the reason, these guidelines for early intervention have the potential to inhibit black women from being recognized for needing treatment. “So I think right now our guidelines have very good intentions,” Doll said. “But they don’t really account for the differential experiences of black women in the United States, and specifically they depend on women themselves to know about endometrial cancer, to have alarm at what can be seen as pretty mild symptoms, and to be reporting to a health care system that has trust in them.” But these assumptions cannot be made, and black women’s negative

I want black women who may face the threat of endometrial cancer or who have faced the threat of endometrial care to survive and thrive.

experiences with the medical system cannot be dismissed. In one study, when physicians were given the Implicit Association Test, physicians were far more likely to associate white faces with pleasant words than black

faces. Investigators using data from the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results programs found that hysterectomy operations — a guaranteed tool for prevention of endometrial cancer — were far less likely to occur in black patients than in white patients simply due to a lack of recommendations by physicians. “Part of the problem is that doctors think [it is possible to] choose between being objective and not,” Doll said. “We need to move away from that language and … move towards recognizing, ‘I am coming in with certain perspectives and biases, so I am going to remain curious about the person in front of me so that I don’t assume things.’” In a perfect world, maybe the objectivity of science could prevail over the undeniable humanity in doctors. But the world can be a dangerous place, and the most dangerous thing these institutions could do is ignore the strides that must be made to allow the healthcare industry to do its job and address an issue that is causing black women to unjustly die. “As providers, we all want to do our best and help patients,” Dr. Emily Fay, a maternal fetal medicine physician at the UW, said. “That is why everyone goes into medicine … to help people. So I think everyone is starting from a really good place … but a lot of these biases are unconscious. So we need to try to bring these to light and make people aware.” ECANA is in the spotlight for these efforts. On its website, ECANA directly empowers prospective members by providing previous participants’ digital testimonies, definitions for “cancer lingo,” event calendars, and downloadable documents detailing suggested treatments as well as informed questions that help create a more collaborative treatment plan. By simply clicking a button, you are invited into a community that emboldens its members through knowledge, storytelling, and activism. “I want black women who may face the threat of endometrial cancer or who have faced the threat of endometrial care to survive and thrive,” Doll said. “I want them to have the same opportunity as any other woman in this country to beat that kind of diagnosis and come out the other side of it and live their full lives.” Learn more about ECANA on its website: ecanawomen.org. Reach contributing writer Jaiden Feldman at wellness@dailyuw.com. Twitter: @sincerelyjaiden

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Monday-Friday, January 13-17, 2020

What is a thirst trap anyway?

By Hannah Krieg The Daily Editor’s Note: Thirst Trap is a weekly column on dating and relationships in college. I am no stranger to slipping out of my day-to-day wear in favor of something a little less comfortable and a lot more sexy to do a mini photoshoot for my Snapchat story. I would be a dirty, dirty liar if I said I hadn’t kept a little too close of an eye to see if a certain someone had seen it. This is a thirst trap. By definition, a thirst trap is when someone posts on social media with the intention of attracting sexual attention, especially from a particular target. This can be on Instagram, Snapchat, or even Facebook if you are especially freaky. The main thing is, thirst traps are public. The goal is to not appear desperate for attention

while still being very much desperate for attention. This is a line I toe often. You want to post it where the object of your horniness can see it, but so can all of your other followers. That way you look effortlessly sexy unlike in a direct message, where the sexiness might be misconstrued as putting effort into interaction. How embarrassing would it be to appear genuinely interested in someone without any games? Direct communication is deadly, avoid it at all costs. Ideally, a thirst trap would lead to your target engaging with you in some way. They will most likely not swipe up on your story, because that would be direct, and of course, being clear with intentions is for weirdos. If your target responds at all, it will be on an entirely different platform, as though your popping booty did not promptly

remind them of your (very hot) existence. Thirst traps are not exactly a unique phenomenon. There are a lot of totally thirsty things we do online without showing any skin. Whether this is done consciously or not, almost everything we post on the internet is to establish our personal branding. This is clear when you consider the differences in someone’s online presence across platforms. The kinds of pictures we post on Instagram are usually more polished and our feeds more curated than what ends up on our Snapchat. What we post on Tumblr is much different — and probably much sadder — than what we post on Twitter. Branding can even shift within platforms with the popularity of second-level social media accounts such as finstas, alt

twitters, and private Snapchat stories. We use our social media to communicate who we are indirectly, and sometimes, we can purposely manipulate that image to send a message to a specific person. If someone blows you off, you might hit Snapchat and have an obnoxiously inflated presence to show the other person how much fun you are to be around. If you want to date someone, you might share all the cute love songs you’ve been bopping to via your Instagram story. If someone pisses you off, you really have no other choice but to subtweet them. Branding is fun. Managing the aesthetic of your Instagram feed and establishing a consistent voice for your Twitter personality is admittedly a good time. We have the ability to market ourselves in certain

ways to tweak our audience’s perception, but you should not treat people you are interested in as a target demographic you hope to hit with subliminal messaging. If you want someone to talk to you, don’t bother looking up how to manifest a direct message, just talk to them. Post your sexy picture and feel hot when you do it, but please don’t thirst trap. If you want to talk to someone, just do it. I know it can be difficult, especially as a woman pursuing a man and battling the expectations that a man must initiate interaction at every step of the way, but using social media to attract someone’s attention will never be as mature, sexy, or powerful as just sending a damn DM. Reach columnist Hannah Krieg at wellness@dailyuw.com. Twitter: @Hannah_krieg

If you need me, I’ll be in the closet By Miranda Milton The Daily Editor’s note: The Gay Agenda is a column about LGBTQ experiences and issues. It might seem odd for me to say that I’m in the closet after starting an LGBTQ column and talking openly about coming out on the Wellness Weekly podcast, but in reality, I am not out to most of my family. That didn’t change for me over winter break, but for some people, it could have. Popular culture has put a lot of emphasis on coming out, with popular TikToks on the subject and even a day dedicated to coming out. And while those things can be empowering for some, coming out does not have

to be an integral part of your LGBTQ life if you do not want it to be. We typically say some form of congratulations when people come out (though no one did to me; they said, “Yeah, I know”). But what are we congratulating? Coming out can be an act of bravery. It’s scary. Your heart races, and you might fumble over your words. Even if you know your family will love and accept you, coming out has the potential to change a lot of things in your life, so it’s scary. Junior Lucas Moody purposefully came out to his parents on a camping trip. “I wasn’t sure if they were going to kick me out or not,” Moody said. “I figured if I did it on a camping trip, they sure as hell couldn’t kick me out of the house because we weren’t there.” Even after I came out, I

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never wanted to talk about my sexuality with my family, partially because of how they responded and partially because it made me uncomfortable to bring it up. I had never talked about my love life before, and I didn’t want to start. So should you come out? It’s up to you. If being in the closet is holding you back from enjoying or experiencing things, sure, come out. If you don’t see the need, then don’t. People stay in the closet for a number of reasons, not one is more correct or legitimate than the others, but if you did decide to come out recently, congratulations! If you want to go crazy with rainbows now, go for it. But if you just want people to leave you alone, I respect that. “I felt like I was walking around with a target on my chest,” Moody said of coming out




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at his high school in Kennewick, Washington. From experience — an experience that is in no way universal — here is what you can expect after coming out. For women-loving women, the men in your life might sexualize other women in front of you in attempts to bond with you. To the men in my life: yes, Florence Pugh is hot, but she, like all women, is more than just her looks. People will ask you questions about your sex life. In response, I typically tell people that they are fetishizing me and queer relationships, but only do that if you feel comfortable. Side note: No matter who you are, please don’t ask a butch lesbian, even as a joke online, to dominate you, step on you, or hit you, unless you are in a consensual relationship with them. You


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Reach columnist Miranda Milton at wellness@dailyuw.com. Twitter: @mirandamilton99


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shouldn’t do this to anyone, but butch lesbians especially. People will send you gay memes or TikToks. I enjoy this one, even if the people sending them to me are straight. Someone inevitably will ask if you think they are hot. Do with this what you will. “I would encourage [people] to know that they don’t have to depend on the other people in their life to know that they are valid, acceptable, and okay and beautiful,” Moody said. “They will be that regardless of what other people say. Love and light, yo.”

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The Daily Opinion // 7

Bark & Bite Bark: For the love of snow

regarding the change in the weather. Dabin Han @dabilicious I, for one, cannot wait to By Ali Heitmann The Daily experience a true winter, and that’s only complete once there Picture this: you wake up one is at least a little bit of snow. morning, light starting to come As a California native, I’ve in through your curtains. You’re never had the chance to step warm and cozy in your bed with outside to fresh snowfall in the blankets all around you, but you morning or have a day off of throw back the comforter ready classes because there is just too to take on the day. much snow on the ground. Even After opening the curtains all the constant rainy days of Seattle the way, you rub the sleep from have been an adjustment for me, your eyes and that’s when you one that I’m already starting to see it: a fresh blanket of snow tire of. covered the city while you were But it looks like a break sleeping. from the rain is in sight. Sadly, It looks as though that will be we won’t be having blue skies all of Seattle starting this week. and 60-degree weather, but The first snowfall of the year this week may turn out to be is on the books, but there may even more fun than that. Snow be some conflicting emotions

is in the forecasts and, especially for those California natives like myself, we may be in for a treat. The snow will give all of us stressed and anxious students a chance to step out of the library and act like young kids again, sledding and throwing snowballs. Even if class isn’t canceled, I plan on taking a nice break after class to have fun in the snow. That fun and relaxing time may even help me and others rid ourselves of some of those Seasonal Affective Disorder symptoms that permeate the winter. While it may not be like last year where it seemed as though all of Seattle shut down, a blanket of snow will hopefully cover the city. My mom always liked to say that when she lived in the PNW, all of Seattle would become quiet under that blanket, the snow muffling the usual hustle and bustle of big city goings-on. I am excited to feel that quiet

and to let myself slow down for a moment after the turmoil of the first week of winter quarter; I believe that we can all use that little bit of relief. I say the more the merrier, and we may even find ourselves with a day off of classes and a respite full of snowflakes and fun. Because I mean, if it’s going to be that cold, it might as well snow, right? That way we get to have a little fun as well, not just stay

bundled up inside working to stay dry. We seem to get enough rain the rest of the year, so I’m hoping to switch it up a little bit next week, and the forecast is keeping me excited. So don’t fear the snow, embrace it. Then, we can all have a great time next week in the winter wonderland that Seattle will become. Reach writer Ali Heitmann at opinion@dailyuw.com. Twitter: @aliheitmann

Vivian Mak @vivanlmak

Bite: Forecasted snow is not as glamorous as it seems

Also, snow is pretty cool. Literally. Many Huskies seem to be hoping for an onslaught of snow, much like the “Snowpocalypse” of 2019. Call me a cynic, but if I’m being honest, I’d rather keep our gloomy, wet, windy days as is, despite how ugly it might be. I admit, some things about snow are fun: the heaps of powder on your front lawn, a fluffy white blanket framing the rooftop; the feeling of being in a cheesy Hallmark Christmas movie comes to mind. Finding each unique snowflake fall on your hair and catching one on your fingertips and maybe even being let out of classes to enjoy the snow is a feeling unlike any other.

Vivian Mak @vivanlmak By Deborah Kwon The Daily If you’re anything like me, you check the weather app before heading out the door so that you can gauge what to wear according to the temperature. So, imagine my surprise when seeing a bunch of snow symbols on my weather app for the coming days. This type of weather isn’t anything new; the prospect of snow is the only thing most Seattleites seem to be able to talk about as of late. It makes sense why we’re all raving about it, especially when you consider how Seattle doesn’t typically get much snow.

The keyword is “some.” If school gets let out for the day, or days, due to snow, the first day is fun, and maybe the second too. But after that, it starts to lose its appeal. Maybe I’m biased having grown up in snow-heavy Chicago, but I feel like snow does get tedious after a certain point. You can go sledding, skiing, take advantage of the photo op for your Instagram feed, and relish in the snow for the first days, but then what? It gets boring. You might end up procrastinating even more on studying for that exam you’re thankful to have missed because of the snow days. Or be bored, not sure of what to do now that the shimmering white snow has turned into beige sludge. Once the snow’s not too bad — or if classes end up not being canceled at all — it can be hard for some students to get to class because of the snow. If you’re walking to class, there’s the possibility of accidentally stepping on icier parts of the snow or simply struggling to trudge through. If you’re like me and you commute to school from another city every day, you rely a lot on public transportation, especially the bus system. Seattle’s

streets aren’t particularly designed to handle snow well; there are the hills and steep streets not really built for heavy snowfall. This can result in buses getting delayed and some getting canceled. Commuters wouldn’t have an easy time getting to class — if they can even get to class at all — unless they want to pay for a Lyft, which can be costly for the average college ståudent. If you’re someone who drives a car as part of their commute, it could possibly take another halfhour to even pull the car out of the driveway. The excitement of snow is thrilling at first, but it soon fades away and becomes a bit cumbersome. Managing your way through the snow in the PNW is harder than places like the

East Coast. Once you actually need to get through the snow, it can be a bit of a hassle. Whether Seattle does end up getting snow this week as forecasted or not, I don’t think we’ll have to expect another “Snowpocalypse.” Regardless, I know I’ll opt to stay inside observing with a warm cup of hot cocoa. Reach writer Deborah Kwon at opinion@dailyuw.com. Twitter: @debskwo

Dabin Han @dabilicious

Monday-Friday, January 13-17, 2020

8 // The Daily




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