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lSteve Campbell, President of the Dental Laboratories Association (DLA), will be speaking within the DTS Lecture Theatre programme for 2023.

He says: “The industry is experiencing what will be the biggest transformation in its history. We only have to look at other manufacturing sectors that have already been transformed by the technology and digital workflows that are now starting to dominate our sector in the same way. This will bring both threats and opportunities to the dental lab community.


“My presentation will be an update on the challenges and opportunities that lab owners and dental technicians will soon face. I hope to share some of the good and the bad to help others prepare for the future.

“I have attended DTS for many years now and always find it to be a great event. I would recommend it to colleagues as a means of growing their support network and discovering opportunities to enhance their knowledge and understanding of a rapidly changing industry.”

DTS 2023 will be held on Friday 12 and Saturday 13 May, NEC Birmingham, co-located with the British Dental Conference & Dentistry Show. For more information, visit the-dts.co.uk or email dts@closerstillmedia.com

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