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Dental Application
High detailed 3D printed models with Cosmos Dental Model. Available in plaster colour to guarantee high aesthetic results, Cosmos Dental Model is indicated to print prosthodontics dental models allowing high accuracy work

Universal Resin for Dental Model,Beige,DLP,1L
Gingiva Mask

Con dence on implant & prosthetics checking. Cosmos Gingiva mask resin is speci c to print arti cial gingiva models due to the proper colour and exible aspect, which can be combined with model material.
- 500mL bottle

Universal Resin for Gingiva mask,DLP,500mL
Easiness in casting process. Casting material for cropings, crowns, bridges and general frameworks. This 3D printing resin can go directly to the foundry. Easy to use due to the formulationdesigned to leave no residue after casting.
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