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Nicki Rowland: An Executive Role




By Nicki Rowland

Don’t we know that our ‘Covid World’ has taken its toll on all of us in some way? The impact on dentistry has been immeasurable. The one thing that is certain though is that we all need to adopt a growth mindset to adapt and thrive.

In a series of 12 articles in 2022, Nicki Rowland, Director of The Exceptional Leadership Academy, will explore what it takes to be a ‘new-world’ business leader and ensure that your company stands out in the marketplace. In this article, she introduces us to the concept of being an ‘Executive Leader’.


I have been banging on for years about working in an ‘executive capacity’. However, there has never been a better time to embrace this concept. The role of managing a business has evolved from a straightforward leadership and management function into a complex, executive position. So, what does that mean to us exactly? Well, as Covid-19 has deflected us away from our everyday work, other activities within business have become a focus area. On a daily basis, posts on my Facebook group, Leadership in Dentistry, flag up issues with demotivated team members who are turning to dysfunctional behaviour in response to the pressures that Covid has brought in its wake. Great leadership has never been more vital.

However, ‘leading’ is only one of the ‘activities’ that sits under the executive umbrella. Alongside, stand ‘managing’, ‘strategic thinking’, ‘accountability’ and ‘representation’ of our businesses. This might sound quite profound, but read on and it will all make sense. In essence, the Covid crisis has enhanced the aspects of business that we should be laser-focused on to survive.


Have you heard of the leadership versus management debate? This implies that leaders and managers fit neatly within two separate categories.

Leading is about aligning your team to your purpose, vision, achieving staff ‘buy in’ and communicating, motivating and inspiring your staff to reach their full potential. Your vision as a leader essentially expresses the optimal goal of your Laboratory and what you want to happen in the future.

Managing is a set of processes that keep your Laboratory functioning, for example, strategy, planning, budgeting, staffing, measuring performance and problem-solving. Your mission as a manager is to take your team on a journey to fulfil your business’s purpose and achieve its vision. The bottom line is that leading and managing must go hand in hand and be synergistic with one another to achieve an essential blend that is key to the success of any Laboratory.


As an executive, you are representing your Laboratory whenever or wherever you are. Therefore, it is essential to bear a few key points in mind:-

1. Be careful of the words you use. 2. Be mindful of what you wear. 3. Your behaviour and actions can say a lot about who you are too. 4. The places you visit could be damaging as well.

By taking these points into account, and by being on your best behavior, it means that you do not need to worry about who is looking. You will be representing your Laboratory in a professional manner at all times and your business name will always precede you.


The main difference between responsibility and accountability is that responsibility can be shared while accountability cannot. Being accountable not only means being responsible for something but also ultimately being answerable for your actions. Also, accountability is something you hold a person to only after a task is done or not done. Responsibility can be before and/or after a task. For example, you may be responsible for stock control but become accountable (answerable) if supplies run out.

Accountability in your business has to be created. It is a culture that has to be cultivated. Fortunately, there’s a simple acronym for doing so, SIMPLE.

• Set expectations

• Invite commitment

• Measure progress

• Provide feedback

• Link to consequences

• Evaluate effectiveness


A strategic plan is a road map that describes how your Laboratory is going to get from A to B. It assists you in navigating your chosen route to success and keeps you heading in the right direction. Strategic planning is a management tool that focuses your team’s energy and attention on achieving the specific business objectives. It also helps to:

• Grow your competitive advantage.

• Communicate your strategy to your team.

• Prioritise and direct your financial resources.

• Provides motivation and direction to transpose your plan into action


So, moving forwards into 2022, I will be exploring the evolving role of ‘The Executive Leader’ but most importantly, the value of great leadership. Leadership is crucial. It is the leader who steers the ship in any business. If the captain goes down, more often than not, the crew will as well!

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