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The Book Corner
lWe thought we would introduce a book corner for readers of The Dental Technician Magazine.
We want to invite fellow Technicians to share your reading interests with us.
Have you read a good business book, do you have a favourite author, have you read a great fictional book that you just couldn't put down?
To start things off, I wanted to share a book that I just could not put down, it is quite a small book and a relatively quick read.
I picked up this book on recommendation after attending a Dental lecture. The book has nothing to do with Dentistry I may add! The book is called The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom. The author, Don Miguel Ruiz writes about limiting self-beliefs and how we can easily and rapidly change our negative thoughts and transform our lives.
Now, ‘transforming our lives’ by reading a ‘small book’ sounds a bit crazy! Trust me I wouldn’t blame you for thinking I was a bit whacky! I started reading the Four Agreements at a time when I was going through some difficult times personally.
First Agreement Be impeccable with your words After reading the first agreement I was totally hooked and I cannot tell you the weight that was lifted off of my shoulders. I stopped with the ranting and wasting my time with moaning about others on which I have no control and only use my words in a good way and with love. Second Agreement Don’t take anything personally This was a huge life lesson for me. I had been suffering and was incredibly angry by a few things that had been said to me by someone quite close to me. I took this so personally, it was making me rage and each day just seemed to be consumed by constantly over thinking and trying to understand why someone would be so hurtful. Then this section of the book just released me from this negative thinking. I cannot and don’t have to change the way people think or portray themselves, if they want to spend their days being bitter, resentful or jealous and say horrible things, then that’s up to them. I just chose not to listen and not to take anything personally. After all, they see the world the way they want to see it. This was life changing, truly!
Third Agreement Don’t make assumptions It is so easy to make assumptions and so easy to wrap yourself up in knots by second guessing situations, circumstances and what people are saying. This section of the book really helped me gain the courage to ask questions and to communicate better. Things just get resolved quicker if we communicate and stop assuming. Fourth Agreement Always do your best Another great piece of advice. I am one for self-deprecating talk, ‘am I doing my best?’, ‘I could have done that better’ or ‘I’m not quite at my best today’. This is OK, ‘our best’ changes from time to time. When you’re ill, your best might be ‘just getting up, having a shower and opening the curtains’ or you might be having a tough time at work but you manage to get through the day and look forward to cuddling up to your spouse in the evening, you got through the tough day and enjoyed the evening with your spouse. Just do your best, whatever the circumstances, don’t beat yourself up and fill yourself with regrets.
I can hand on heart recommend this book to everyone, whatever your background, age, sex, religion. It has some gems of advice that are just gold dust and can be helpful in your personal life as well as your working life. I bought the book on Amazon for about £5, I downloaded the audible version too. I pick it up from time to time and have a little read, just when I need a few reminders.
I hope you manage to pick it up and have a read, please let me what you think, drop me an email editor@dentaltechnician.org.uk

If you would like to share a book with us, please drop us an email to: editor@dentaltechnician.org.uk Please tell us the title, author, date it was published and a bit of blurb about the book and why you wanted to share it with us.