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Welcome from the editor
Welcome TO YOUR MAY 2021 ISSUE
By Matt Everatt F.O.T.A I Editor
Welcome to your May
edition of The Dental Technician Magazine.
As we start the new financial year I am very optimistic about the future. The tone within the industry seems to be a very positive one at present. A recent post within the DTGB facebook group and the very positive responses were of most labs being very busy at the minute. In theory, we should get even busier as there are still lots of dental practices that are not operating at capacity yet. When practices start seeing even more patients and consumer confidence increases with COVID19 restrictions being lifted in June, we should see a further increase in cases arriving at our labs.
I would like to take the opportunity to give a quick mention to The Kingsholm Group (the DLA, the DTA, the OTA and DAMAS). The group has been discussing illegal manufacturers/importers of custom made dental appliances as well as education for the whole dental team. Larry Browne, previous Editor of The Dental Technician Magazine, was a staunch supporter of the group and his investigative journalism led him to report several suspected illegal manufacturers to the GDC. The group are still awaiting an official response from the GDC. I understand there will be more information from the GDC and the group soon. I am keen to carry on Larry’s support of this group and will of course update you all with any news.
I recently asked the DTGB facebook group members for feedback and suggestions for other features and articles. A number of members showed an interest in having a Podcast. After a recent chat with fellow Dental Technician and co-Northerner, Andy Fairbanks, we discussed a few ideas on Podcasts and have hatched up a plan to host a ‘Chat Show’ type Podcast on Friday May 14th. The hope is to get Dental Technicians chatting with each other and helping fellow colleagues. We both felt we are entering a new era for Dental Technology. We really could take a leaf out of other professionals books and begin helping each other out more and being more united. We will share our Dental Technology journeys, discuss working life, education, our fondness for cars, flat caps, ale and life in general. Who knows, it might even be fun!
I wish you all the very best for May and hope that summer brings us lots of sunshine and new hope for the remainder of 2021. Please do keep in touch with us, if you have not already joined the Dental Technicians Great Britain Facebook group, please do. It is becoming a great asset to all of us, lots of great stories being shared and some nice technical pieces too.