North West TUC Annual Report 2013/14

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North West TUC



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A Future



NWTUC Annual Report Contents

Regional Secretary


Chairs Introduction


Our work 2013/14


Jobs, growth & a new economy


Fair pay & a living wage


Good services & decent welfare


Respect & a voice at work


Strong unions


Unionlearn with the North West TUC


Trade union education


Sector meetings


Our wider trade union community


A year in pictures


NWTUC Annual Report Regional Secretary

I’m delighted to present this report to you summarising the work of the North West TUC in 2013. Representing almost one million workers, in over 50 different trade unions, the North West TUC has rightly shown that it can be a strong, campaigning voice for working people, with a real interest in building a fair society. Throughout 2013, our events and campaigns have had a focus on challenging the rhetoric that says austerity is an economic necessity and we have sought to continuously and vigorously expose the reality of its impact on working people. Whether this has been by taking our ‘Austerity Uncovered’ bus around North West communities, talking to trade unionists on picket lines or leading 60,000 people through the streets of Manchester, our message throughout 2013 has been clear – austerity is an ideological choice by a government of the rich for the rich, and it’s only by organising in our workplaces and communities that we will be able to mount a credible challenge to the attacks on our jobs, wages and services. Throughout 2014 our message must be that there is an alternative, one that it is being made clear by trade unions that will make for a fairer society.

“2014 will be a vital year as we argue for better pay and seek to challenge the swingeing cuts to jobs and services that this government continues to drive through the heart of our region.” I’ve been privileged to have been supported throughout the year by our Executive Group, and would like to record my thanks to them for their contribution to our work. In particular, a special mention must go to our treasurer Andy Warnock-Smith, of the RMT, who retired from the RMT last year and retires as our Treasurer at this year’s Conference.

The first year in a new job is always challenging but every challenge has been matched by the opportunity to speak up for workers, to encourage and develop trade union activism in the region and to share the wealth of experience we have in the trade union movement here in the North West. It’s been an honour and a privilege

Our small team of TUC staff have worked tirelessly to deliver our meetings, our events and our campaigns throughout 2013, and thanks must go to Kara Stevens and Jay McKenna who have supported our work with the perfect mix of diligence and enthusiasm. The wider TUC team in the region, in Unionlearn and in TUC Education, have helped deliver much of our work plan, and despite cuts in their funding for 2014 I know they will continue to support workers, reps, activists and learners with their full commitment.

2014 will be a vital year as we argue for better pay and seek to challenge the swingeing cuts to jobs and services that this government continues to drive through the heart of our region. Trade Union solidarity, organisation, education and agitation will be at the heart of what we do in 2014 and we look forward to working with all of those who share our vision of a better society. Lynn Collins


NWTUC Annual Report Chairs Introduction

2013 has been a year of change and extensive activities. We have seen the retirement of Alan Manning and the appointment of Lynn Collins as the NWTUC Secretary. Lynn brought her own approach to the work of the NWTUC but the objectives of improving and protecting the interests of working class people are ones shared by both Alan and Lynn. We have held an annual meeting of the Trades Union Councils, refocused and re-launched our Equality Networks, supported and sought to develop our Green representatives network and campaigned with Unions on a number of issues including trade union freedom, attacks on facility time, victimisation of trade union reps, and the fight against job cuts, pay restraint and attacks on pensions and other hard fought for conditions of service. Major initiatives in the North West included the launch of the NWTUC Economic Forum with a ‘price of a pay rise’ event, coordination of the Not Welcome Here campaign targeted at Government Ministers and a hugely successful demonstration at the Tory Party conference in Manchester.


“The one change we need to see is the removal of this Government and its replacement with one that recognises that working people did not create this financial crisis and we should not be expected to pay for it.” A number of unions have been involved in industrial action and the NWTUC and all its affiliates have provided practical support to unions and promoted solidarity during disputes. Working with affiliates we have championed the Living Wage and fair pay, supported credit unions and opposed pay day loans, and developed a wider message about living standards, supporting the TUC national campaign on fair pay and living standards. The promotion of public services delivered by public servants, positive campaigning on the Welfare State, opposition to the continuing privatisation of the NHS, supporting public service unions in rail, education and health sectors, exposing the lies of racist and fascist organisations and combating racism and fascism in the NW, working closely with Unemployed Workers centres and promoting trade union education and union learning have all been key issues for the NWTUC.

The effort and commitment of the NWTUC and all its affiliates in supporting, defending and promoting the interests of working class people has been tremendous and, at times, awe inspiring. Extensive activity and change marks out 2013. The one change we need to see is the removal of this Government and its replacement with one that recognises that working people did not create this financial crisis and we should not be expected to pay for it. There is an alternative to austerity. The Trade Union movement has set out this clear alternative, and I commend our annual report of work to you as a testament to our determination to fight for working people. Steve Farley

2 2013/14 OUR WORK

The North West TUC Executive agreed a workplan for 2013–14 and this report provides an overview of the work we have carried out.


Jobs, growth & a new economy Fair pay & a living wage Good services & decent welfare Respect & a voice at work Strong unions Unionlearn with the North West TUC Trade union education Sector meetings Our wider trade union community

6 8 10 12 14 15 16 17 18


Our Women and Children First panel featuring Frances O’Grady (TUC General Secretary), Lynn Collins (NWTUC Regional Secretary), Dr Steph Petrie (University of Liverpool) and Vicky Knight (TUC Women’s Committee). North West TUC

What we said we would do: ȓȓ Continue to develop

relationships with Local Enterprise Partnership’s and North West Leaders Board, and share any industrial, jobs and economic data and information, seeking to develop the NW TUC Regional Industrial Policy

ȓȓ Support the TUC “Austerity

Uncovered” tour scheduled for June 2013, organising a range of events and activities across the region during the two weeks of the tour

ȓȓ Launch the NW TUC

Economic forum with an “Alternative to Austerity” event, based on the People’s Charter, with the aim of developing a narrative, and incorporating the ‘One Million Climate Jobs’ work

ȓȓ Co-ordinate the “Not Welcome Here” campaign, targeted at government ministers, including an event around the Conservative Conference, Manchester, September 2013

ȓȓ Be ready to co-ordinate

and publicise and support industrial action throughout the year, where requested to by unions and/or the General Council

What we have done: ȓȓ Representation has now been

secured on all four of the Local Enterprise Partnership’s in the region. Our input is focusing on Employment and Skills, Social Inclusion, Fairness, and European funding groups. The TUC has had an input into shaping the framework for European funding from 2014, and is currently involved in a consultation about allocation for funding for projects which seek to tackle youth unemployment. A TUC submission was made supporting the application for a combined authority for Liverpool City Region. The Regional Secretary represents the TUC on the North West Leaders Board

ȓȓ We have developed a media

strategy focusing on jobs and the economy and ensuring a North West TUC comment and voice is provided on all economic reports and statistics

“A hugely successful 2 days of the tour included a meeting on the impact of austerity on women and young people featuring an all women panel, and visits throughout Merseyside and Greater Manchester.”


ȓȓ A hugely successful 2 days of

the tour included a meeting on the impact of austerity on women and young people featuring an all women panel, and visits throughout Merseyside and Greater Manchester to meet with councillors, organisations, community groups and the general public to talk about the impact of austerity for them. This has helped influence our discussions and provided evidence for our arguments against austerity. A documentary has been produced which was launched at Congress last year, and is available via the TUC website

ȓȓ Planned and held the first of

our NWTUC Economic Forum events, with academics from across the region and UK to discuss ‘The Price of a Payrise’ for workers. We’ve had more speakers at Regional Council, to talk about specific issues including a speaker on the People’s Charter / Peoples Assembly. We are continuing to make contacts with academics in the North West universities with a view to building better relationships and progressing future work

Austerity Uncovered on Merseyside – The start of our tour at UNISON Annual Conference, launched by Dave Prentis (UNISON General Secretary), Frances O’Grady (TUC General Secretary), Joe Anderson (Mayor of Liverpool), Chris Tansley (UNISON President). Liam Deveney/LD Photo

ȓȓThe huge demonstration on

29th September, which saw 60,000 people take to the streets of Manchester, had a ‘Not Welcome Here’ section. We are looking at how we can co-ordinate action when Government ministers visit to mobilise at short notice. Recent ministerial visits to Liverpool and Wigan have been publicised

ȓȓ We’ve supported and

publicised union action across the region. We have provided solidarity speakers and support for action by teaching unions, PCS, UCU, BFAWU, FBU and CWU. Regular updates are sent to all unions providing details of industrial action, and promoting solidarity

What we plan to do next: ȓȓ We will continue to lobby

via the Local Enterprise partnerships for investment in jobs and skills throughout the North West and to ensure that Green Growth is at the heart of rebuilding the North West Economy

ȓȓ We will plan further North West TUC Economic Forum events, with the idea for one on zero hour’s contracts and another on debt/payday lenders and credit unions

ȓȓ Continue to oppose austerity and make the case for an alternative model

ȓȓ Build relationships with like

minded organisations and partners across the region to campaign against austerity and for a new economic model

ȓȓ Build a campaign around “Not

Welcome Here” to mobilise the public to oppose visits that promote the government’s ideological agenda



Living Wage Celebration – Lynn Collins joins Angela Rayner (UNISON) and UNISON reps at the Living Wage Foundation celebration at The Manchester College, November 2013. North West TUC

What we said we would do: ȓȓ Work with affiliates to map progress on securing the Living Wage in the region

ȓȓ Work with affiliates to consider ‘naming and shaming’ those who won’t pay living wage, including applying pressure on local authority contractors

ȓȓ Ensure policies on living

wage, living standards and fair pay form part of our response and input to regional commissions on poverty and our campaigning work with MP’s and local authorities

ȓȓ Develop a wider message

about living standards, supporting the TUC’s national campaign on pay and living standards to be launched in 2013 incorporating into media and campaigning work

ȓȓ Consider ways of tackling

the debt taboo in workplaces, supporting credit unions, and opposing pay day loans

ȓȓ Work with Trade Union

Education to ensure reps training programme tackles pay bargaining, different types of employment contracts, and trade union recognition

“There are now 50 employers in the North West who are accredited to the Living Wage foundation, and many more paying it.” What we have done: ȓȓ We have written to all affiliates

in July to get information about where Living Wage has been agreed. We have followed this up with a letter to all Labour MP’s in the North West asking them to support our campaign for a Living Wage


ȓȓ Living Wage week took place

in early November and we spoke at a number of events. There are now 50 employers in the North West who are accredited to the Living Wage foundation, and many more paying it. Of significance is the approach taken by The Salford Mayor to embed the Living wage in both procurement and in an employment standards charter for local employers, and Preston City Councils work on the living wage as part of its social forum

Salford pays a Living Wage launch – Lynn Collins, Mick Whitley (Unite Regional Secretary) and Cllr Paul Dennett join Salford employers to celebrate the launch of the Living Wage being paid. Salford City Council

ȓȓ Greater Manchester Poverty

Commission, Liverpool City Region Child Poverty and Life Chances Commission and Liverpool Mayor Action Group on Poverty now all recommend the Living Wage as part of a strategy to combat poverty. Our Regional Secretary has now become a Commissioner on the Greater Manchester Poverty Commission and we have representatives on the both Liverpool and Manchester commissions. We are also represented on the Greater Manchester Living Wage Campaign

ȓ“Britain ȓ Needs a Pay Rise”

What we plan to do next: ȓȓ Support Living Wage City

campaigns, by hosting a Living Wage Summit in April with MP’s and Local Authority Leaders

ȓȓ Deliver a fortnight of activities

on pay in March/April with events aimed at a wide range of audiences

ȓȓ Look to work with large

employers, organisations and leaders in the North West to encourage them to be Living Wage employers

ȓȓTrial pilot projects with

independent businesses in Liverpool about becoming Living Wage employers, including surveying customers, working with businesses and promoting employers who pay the Living Wage, as a symbol of a good employer

ȓȓ Ensure theme of Fair Pay

and collective bargaining is an integral part of our events, narrative and offer as trade unions

ȓȓ Series of Economic Forum

events to cover the issues of pay, zero hours and debt

campaign launched in June. Regional press releases issued to coincide with the launch and a further press campaign focusing on living standards to take place. Look to widen the discussion from just pay issues, and highlight insecurity of employment issue including the use of zero hour’s contracts, and underemployment



What we said we would do: ȓȓ Continue to convene sector based meetings to support public services unions, including sector groups for education, rail and health

ȓȓ Hold an event on the 65th

anniversary of the foundation of the NHS on 6th July 2013

ȓȓTo consider targeted

geographical campaigning on public services to highlight the cumulative effect of policies on a locality

ȓȓ Work closely with Unemployed Workers Centres in the region

ȓȓ Work to end the stigmatisation

ȓȓ Develop work with Migrant Workers North West

Gail Cartmail (Unite Assistant General Secretary) joins Dave Prentis at our NHS 65th Birthday Celebration in Manchester, July 2013.


ȓȓ Meetings have been held

throughout the year of public sector, education, health and rail unions and programme of further meetings and activities are planned

ȓȓ Action for Rail campaigning has taken place at stations across the North West

ȓȓ NHS 65th Birthday Event

took place on 5th July 2013, featuring trade union speakers and Debbie Abrahams MP

ȓȓ Meetings have been held with

Co-ordinators of Unemployed Workers Centre’s and visits have taken place. We have promoted the work of Unemployed Workers Centre’s were possible, including as part of the Austerity Uncovered tour

ȓȓ Working with Unionlearn to

provide written materials and briefings explaining welfare reform changes, including highlighting changes to In Work benefits

ȓȓ NHS299 Demonstration on

29th September, that saw us mobilise 60,000 to take to the streets of central Manchester, with support from affiliates, celebrities, musicians, the public and local politicians North West TUC

of welfare, including supporting campaigning, and providing briefing and training for trade union reps and members, in conjunction with Unionlearn and Trade Union Education

What we have done:

‘Put your hands up for the NHS’ – Those in attendance at our 65th Birthday celebration make their feelings known. North West TUC

What we plan to do next: ȓȓ Continue sector based

meetings and campaign work around the NHS, Rail and Education

ȓȓ Support the work of

Unionlearn NW in the digital hub expansion across Liverpool

ȓȓ Continue work with the Poverty Commissions to ensure the importance of the welfare system is recognised and challenging the government narrative of shirkers v strivers

ȓȓ Look at a regional event

around Welfare, challenging myths and setting out our position on reforms including Universal Credit and the Bedroom Tax

ȓȓ Commission a report on the

future funding and structure of Unemployed Workers Centres with a view to helping centres maintain their vital role in communities in the North West

“Work with the Poverty Commissions to ensure the importance of the welfare system is recognised and challenging the government narrative of shirkers v strivers.”



Our Equality Conference, in December 2013, brought together a diverse audience for a successful first event.

What we said we would do: ȓȓ Continue to support and

develop NW TUC Equality Structures, co-ordinating work with Unionlearn and TUC Education where appropriate

ȓȓ Consult equality structures about a Regional Equality Conference

ȓȓ Build and co-ordinate TU

work in the run up to the Euro elections to remove Nick Griffin from office

ȓȓ Continue to highlight and

support anti-blacklisting campaigns led by affiliate unions in the sector

What we have done: ȓȓ Meetings of 5 equality for a

(Young Members, LGBT, Black Members Network, Women’s Committee, Disabled Workers) have taken place and further meetings planned, their AGM’s have ensured that all 5 fora will be represented at this year’s conference, with motions on the agenda

“Inaugural Equality Conference took place in December 2013, and was extremely successful with almost 100 registered delegates.”

ȓȓ Inaugural Equality Conference

ȓȓ Circulating information to

ȓȓ Working with UAF and Hope

ȓȓ A specific item at the February

took place in December 2013, and was extremely successful with almost 100 registered delegates Not Hate to publicise events and actions to date

ȓȓ NWTUC speaker at the

November UAF event, and a speaker from Hope Not hate at our executive


unions and encouraging unions and trades union councils to invite speakers on the subject to their meetings Regional Council to consider union action in the run up to the European Elections

ȓȓ Supported the national day of action against Blacklisting in November 2013

Cath Roberts

What we plan to do next: ȓȓ Looking at the possibility

of a North West event as part of an EU funded project about the importance of the European elections in May 2014. It will centre on the importance of voting, the importance of the EU for young people and the need to oppose racist, fascist and xenophobic candidates.

ȓȓ Support the work of affiliates ȓȓ Co-ordinate regional work in the run up to the European elections

Ricky Tomlinson signs up to A Future That Works for Young People, with Lynn Collins and Steve Farley (North West TUC Regional Chair).

Kay Carberry (TUC Assistant General Secretary), Lynne Morris (UNISON), Lynn Collins and Kate Green MP (Stretford & Urmston) launch the TUC Working Women booklet. Cath Roberts

North West TUC



What we said we would do: ȓȓ Establish a NW TUC Young

Workers Network and develop an annual work plan, which includes an emphasis on recruitment and organising

ȓȓ Work to strengthen all strands of our movement – including Health and Safety Reps, and Union Learning Reps

ȓȓ Encourage unions to bid for the Union Learning Fund

ȓȓ Hold an annual meeting of Trades Union Councils

ȓȓ Campaign against attacks on facility time

ȓȓ Campaign for collective and

individual trade union rights including ballots and trade union victimisation as key campaigning areas, working with others including IER and Campaign for Trade Union Freedom to achieve this

ȓȓ Run TUC ‘Stronger Unions’ briefings in the region

What we have done:

What we plan to do next:

ȓȓThe NWTUC Young Workers

ȓȓ Launch a revamped website in

forum has been established and started to meet regularly

ȓȓ Meeting with Greater

Manchester Hazards campaign held and closer liaison with Unionlearn to take place

ȓȓThe Annual Meeting of Trades Union Councils took place during November

ȓȓThe Green Working group

has been established and its first meeting focused on the issue of Carbon capture and fracking

ȓȓ Regional briefings on facility time have been held in Liverpool and Manchester.

ȓȓ Increased use of Social Media ȓȓ Developed and discussed

with the Executive a clear and directed media strategy, and begun monitoring closely media opportunities and our presence

Spring 2014

ȓȓ Support young trade unionists

with training and mentoring support from experienced reps

ȓȓ Further stronger unions and

facility time briefings to be held

ȓȓ Publish research into the

state of collective bargaining in the North West and deliver briefings to unions reps based on its findings

ȓȓ Ensure recruitment and

organising are at the heart of our work with affiliates, and provide support for affiliates and trades unions council events that promote and celebrate trades unionism

ȓȓ Consider an annual

“Celebration of Trades Unionism” event in the region

ȓȓ Support Existing Green

Reps Network and consider proposal for a Green Working Group

ȓȓ Develop a clear media strategy to ensure a strong voice for unions in the North West, incorporating a strategy for the effective use of social media and blogging


“The Green Working group has been established and its first meeting focused on the issue of Carbon capture and fracking.”

Unionlearn with the North West TUC

Unionlearn NW regional conference 2014 Award winners – ULR’s of the Year Public and Private Sector and Learners of the Year older and young. Donna Lomax UNISON ULR of the Year Award was picked up by Steve Swift UNISON Learner Organiser, Maurice Soya USDAW Older learner of the Year, Michelle Whitley USDAW ULR of the Year, Rebecca Jarvis BECTU Young Learner of the Year.

During the last year the North West team has directly supported over 25 ULF projects attending steering groups, providing support and guidance to ULF project staff, assisting at events, helping projects to introduce new approaches to supporting learning (such as Digital Skill and learning linked to Welfare Reform) and provided information on changes that could impact on their project (eg 24+ Advanced Learning Loans). All of this activity directly assists projects in reaching their ULF targets. In addition the region has directly supported the following activities

ȓȓ We have opened up 54 new

workplace and community learning centres in Liverpool as part of our digital inclusion work.

ȓȓ We have recruited and trained 177 digital champions to support adults wishing to improve their digital skills and have helped over 550 adults improve their digital skills.

ȓȓ We have supported 170

members and ULRS giving advice and support to older members as part of the Mid Life Career Review project.

ȓȓ Unionlearn have supported

over 50 work based activities to engage learners in informal adult learning through Learning at Work day and Celebration of Learning

“We have opened up 54 new workplace and community learning centres in Liverpool as part of our digital inclusion work.”

ȓȓThe team have written 30

ȓȓ Several events were held

ȓȓ 4 new agreements with

ȓȓ We contributed to a range of

new case studies promoting success across key areas of learning and skills.

colleges have been signed and several more are on the process of being agreed giving the opportunity for unions to gain support (and access to funding) across key areas including Functional Skills Level 2 & 3 and CPD.

across the region promoting learning and skills issues to a wider group.

activities across the region promoting apprenticeships.

ȓȓ10 new providers in the region have achieved the quality award.


Trade Union Education

Regional projects & activities

Trade union education in the North West

ȓȓThe Region is leading on the

The NWTUC works closely with the network of 10 college based trade union education departments to deliver a programme of accredited courses for union representatives. Around 10,000 reps are trained every year, with an increasing number of courses being delivered in new ways, utilising on line learning blended with classroom based discussions. Pressures on facility time and difficulties recruiting new reps to replace those who retire or have been made redundant puts a constant pressure on Trade Union Education Units and 2014 will require much more coordinated work to ensure the viability of ur programmes in the region.

Merseyside Digital Inclusion project.

ȓȓ Regional Onwards magazine has been produced and distributed across the region

ȓȓ Meetings with a range of

regional strategic partners and Local Employment Partnerships around issues such as the Atlantic Gateway project, Employer Ownership of Skills and Regional apprenticeship support

ȓȓ We have held meetings with a number of HE and FE providers to look at ways to support unions and ULF projects

2013 has seen he re-launch and refresh of all of the TUC’s equality workbooks which are a valuable resource on courses and for union branches and activists. It has also seen the continuing development of E Notes – short on line courses delivering bite sized education and learning to union representatives. Throughout the forthcoming year we will continue to work with our education units to deliver the TUC programme across the region and ensure that union reps are supported in their role


“Around 10,000 reps are trained every year, with an increasing number of courses being delivered in new ways, utilising on line learning blended with classroom based discussions.”


The North West TUC Executive campaigning for Action for Rail in Manchester, November 2013. North West TUC

Action for Rail

Health Unions

Regular meetings of the regional Action for Rail group have taken place with a focus on supporting campaigning, press and public work highlighting the effects of rail privatisation. In November, the executive Committee joined the rail unions at Manchester Victoria station to leaflet commuters on the 20th anniversary of rail privatisation.

Meetings of health service unions were re-established in 2013, and helped to organise a rally in Manchester for the 65th anniversary of the founding of the NHS. The group was instrumental in its support for the 29th September march and in 2014 plans to increase its work promoting the NWTUC 6 point plan for a future national health service.

Public Services Unions The group continues to meet with a focus on supporting unions taking actions in defence of public sector jobs, pay and services, and on highlighting the impact of austerity on public services. The group is committed to a positive outward facing campaigning focus for 2014, and is drawing together ideas for targeted work across the region.

Education Unions Throughout 2013 the focus has been on coordinating a response to academies and free schools, with particular successes in obtaining recognition agreements with academy chains based in the North West. The group received presentations on Studio Schools and University Technical Colleges, and in 2014 will seek to continue to coordinate education unions’ work supporting members.

North West Labour History Group This group brings together trade unionists interested in ensuring the history of our movement is written of, spoken of and publicised. Initially focussing on Merseyside, the group will be expanded to cover other parts of the region and will provide a focus for our work in the build up to the 150th anniversary of the TUC. In 2013 the group jointly organised an afternoon of lectures and discussions on the Dublin lockout, in conjunction with the Liverpool Irish Festival, and held the annual Sutcliffe / Prendergast lecture in September.

Green Working group Recently established, the groups remit is to advise the Regional executive on the implementation of green policies. At its first meeting it received an overview of TUC policy in the area and had a focussed look at policy on energy including Fracking.


Our Wider Trade Union Community

NWTUC Equality Networks The NWTUC invites unions annually to make nominations to the 5 equality networks. In recent years there have been varying degrees of success in keeping the networks running due to low numbers of nominees but it is pleasing to report in 2013 that all 5 networks have been meeting. The most recent addition to the networks has been the newly formed Young Workers Forum. It is the intention in future years to invite each of the networks to contribute to the annual report.

Liaison with Unemployed workers centres We also held our first Equality Conference in 2013, attended by around 100 delegates, and facilitated by collaboration between trade union education tutors, Unionlearn and the NWTUC. The feedback from the conference was that it was a huge success and very well received. The executive have confirmed it will become an annual event.

Two meetings were held in 2013 with reps from the Unemployed Workers Centres in the North West. The NWTUC has continued to publicise the good work of the centres and to promote the regional fund, which allows unions to financially support the work of the centres across the region. The NWTUC has assisted a number of individual centres facing difficulty and has more recently commissioned some work to look at future funding and structures for UWC’s.

Equality is at the heart of what we do – Our networks come together for our first conference. Cath Roberts


Lynn Collins joins Kate Richardson (Women’s Officer, Manchester Trades Council) at International Women’s Day, March 2013. Manchester Trades Union Council

Trades Union Councils The NWTUC held an annual meeting with County Associations of Trades Union Councils in March, and an annual meeting of all Trades Union Councils in November. The Regional Chair and Regional Secretary have visited and supported the majority of the regional Trades Union Councils during 2013, and hope to continue this positive engagement through 2014.

“Grants totalling £10,900 have been approved by the Regional Secretary to support Trades Union Councils in their work.”

Grants totalling £10,900 have been approved by the Regional Secretary to support Trades Union Councils in their work.



Liam Deveney/LD Photo

Lucy Powell MP marches with Julie Hesmondhalgh (‘Hayley from Corrie’) to Save Our NHS. Cllr Barry Kushner and community activists from Norris Green get their message across during our Liam Deveney/LD Photo

Austerity Uncovered tour.

Campaigning for Public Ownership of our Railways. All Together to Save Our NHS – The Farm perform at Whitworth Park to Save Our NHS. North West TUC


Hilary Benn MP and Ian Stewart, Mayor of Salford, sign our Charter for A Future That Works for young people. BFAWU make their voices heard on the Save Our NHS march, during their Hovis dispute on zero hour contracts.

M archers make their way, loudly, past Conservative Party Conference during the Save Our NHS march. F rances O’Grady joins Lynn Collins and Steve Farley for our Annual Conference. T he true impact of austerity spelt our during our visit to Bootle. H ands Off Our NHS, a message from those born into it. Liam Deveney/LD Photo

Liam Deveney/LD Photo



“Ministers should try living on the breadline.”


“Representing almost one million workers, in over 50 different trade unions, the North West TUC has rightly shown that it can be a strong, campaigning voice for working people, with a real interest in building a fair society.”

Published by:

North West TUC March 2014 For further information contact:

Lynn Collins, Regional Secretary – Jay McKenna, Regional Campaigns Officer – Kara Stevens, Regional Administrator –

Tel: 0151 236 5432

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