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A Parallel Connection to My Space Ashley Ontiveros

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Ashley Ontiveros

A Parallel Connection to My Space

The place where I always bought my coffee. Now, I go to my kitchen to make my lattes, black coffees, and grilled sadnwiches.

My room became a parallel to the places that once inhabited precious memories and secrets. Very soon my space adopted the forms of these places that kept me connected to The Design School, which was the place most alive with architecture for me.

The place where I went to admire the models of the ancestors to the architecture program. The smell of books and graphics drew me to preserve my own collection of books.

The place I went to make all of my copies. Architecture came alive on my paper and across printed works that I did. Now, a single printer copies my design just like last year.

The studio where my desk was a place where I designed and drew and revised. Even late at night, studio lit up. My desk adopted one aspect to connect me to the light of architecture.

The Design School. A parallel connection to my space.


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