2013 National Holstein Convention Farm Tours

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Saturday, April 13th, 2013 • Bus leaves hotel at 7:00am Dave & Marlene Vellenga and Family The Vellenga family milks 40 cows in a tie-stall barn. The herd is 90% VG or EX with a classification of 5 ME, 2 EX, 29 VG, 7 GP. Focusing on type and production, Vellhaven’s current herd average is 11,000 kg with a BCA of 245-256-254. They currently work with prominent cow families such as the Lila Z’s, Raven’s and have over 90 head from their own Ali Sheik Select EX-8* family.


Len and Tracy Vis and Family Two-time Master Breeder herd, the Vis family milks 75 cows in a tie-stall barn. Production is a priority at Mapel Wood with a 10,900 kg of milk, 4.0 fat, and 3.3 protein while not compromising on type. Their herd classification stands at 5ME, 11 EX and 55 VG cows. Mapel Wood is on an extensive flush program and is the home of Mapel Wood Lee Diamonds (VG-87 20*). Mapel Wood is also home to many great representatives from well-known cow families including Comestar Goldwyn Lilac, Gen-I-Beq Shottle Bombi, Wiamy Bolton Kyana, Regancrest PR Barbie, Longhaven Gold Rochelle, Idee Lustre and Comestar Lautama Goldwyn to name a few.


Doug, Joan & James Cranston Located in rural Ancaster, Doug, Joan and James Cranston own and operate Cranston Farms and Cranholme Holsteins, a third generation family farm. This Master Breeder herd consists of 80 cows, milked twice a day, producing 35kg/day with 4% fat and 3.3% protein for a current herd average BCA of 226-226-221. The cows are housed on a composting bedding pack in a CoverAll built in 2007. Type is of great importance when making mating decisions and this is reflected with a herd classification of 6 ME, 4 E, 39 VG and 28 GP. The herd is home to members of many prominent cow families including the Alicia’s, Splendors, BStar Ravens, Whittier Farms Lead Mae, Penngate Skychief Finesse and our homebred Tereza’s. Cranston Farms is very excited to be hosting the Taste of Ontario Convention Sale.


Allan Parke with herdsman Tom Mantle Two-time Master Breeder herd, the Parke family farms 275 acres while milking 50 cows in a tie-stall barn with a RHA of 10,650 kg and BCA of 234-224-232. Conformation is a main focus at Parklea with a classification of 6 ME, 32 VG and 19 GP. The milking line-up includes daughters from Gibson, Terrason and Goldwyn while sires in use are Sanchez, Final Cut and Lauthority. Parklea Farms exhibited the Grand Champion at the 2012 Haldimand-Norfolk Holstein Show and they also won the Breeders Herd class as well.


Joe Loewith & Sons Ltd. Carl, Dave & Ben Loewith A Master Breeder Herd milking 350 cows three-times daily, Summitholm’s production is at an amazing 12,300 kg’s with a low somatic cell count of 130,000. Conformation is not compromised with a classification of 3 ME, 6 EX, 65 VG, 203 GP. Highly recognized for receiving the DHI Top Management Herd in Western Canada for the past four consecutive years, Summitholm exudes the Canadian way of making quality milk. The family crops 850 acres of land and in their spare time, all three partners sit on the Progressive Dairy Operators with Ben Loewith as Chair.


David & Dale Lang with herdsperson Christine Armstrong Earning their Master Breeder shield in 2000, this 90-cow herd includes 7 MEX, 4 EX, 48 VG, 57 GP, and 5 G. The herd is milked in a tie-stall barn and they added an addition in 2005. Ardross has bred and owned animals that have been nominated All-Ontario, All-Canadian, and All-American. At the 2011 Royal Winter Fair, they co-owned the Jr. Champion female. The Lang brothers cash crop 3,000 acres of land consisting of wheat, soybeans, corn, and hay. They currently have 3 VG 2yr old daughters from Misty Springs Shottle Silk EX by Planet, Alexander, and Atwood. Ardross is extremely proud of their first homebred Class Extra bull – Ardross Sterling *RC, a Mr. Burns son of Shottle Silk.



Saturday, April 13th, 2013 • Bus leaves hotel at 8:00am

Ingrid & Dick & Kristen DeVries


50 head of cattle are milked in a tie-stall barn with a rolling herd average of 200–197–200. Type is a main focus at Luxury rounding out their classification at 7ME, 2 EX, 27 VG, 22 GP. Ingrid and her family are very active in the County. A highlight for the DeVries family came in 2010 when Luxury Attic Jamie was named Reserve Junior Champion at the Niagara County Holstein Show.

Gerald, Bob, Ralph and Chris Freure


The men at Freurehaven keep busy cropping 375 acres of land, raising broiler chickens, along with managing a top notch Master Breeder herd in Wellandport. Freurehaven is milking 20 cows with a classification of 1 EX and 15 VG. Genomics has been a huge success for Freurehaven with families such as Laurie Sheik, Glen Drummond Splendor, and the Markwell Bstar Ravens included in their herd. Come and see two new VG 2yr-olds by the hot new Genervations Sire, Freurehaven Niagara EX-91.

Dave and Pat Evans


Devans Holsteins is the home of 6 All-Ontario nominations with cows such as Devans Outside Adrian (All-Ontario 3-Year-Old 2007) and Devans Stormatic Lola (Honourable Mention All-Ontario Five-Year-Old 2009) originating right from this new 46 cow tie-stall barn. Incorporated under the same roof of the main barn is the heifer barn. Classification currently sits at 3ME, 2EX, 21 VG with the remaining animals classified at GP. Total production stands at 10,400 kg.

Fred, Andrew and Alison Topp


A prominent herd in Haldimand County, the Topps milk 40 cows in a tie-stall barn, crop 350 acres, and raise broiler chickens. The current herd classification is 3 ME, 1 EX, 29 VG and the remainder GP. Production is at a BCA of 221-218-219 with sires such as Fever, Stanley Cup and Windbrook in use. One of the herd favorites is an 85-point 2-year-old old by BWM Leader with a Projected Comp of 271 BCA.

Albert, Hannie, & Brad Fledderus


Operated on 450 acres where they grow most of their own feed, the Fledderus family milk 70 cows in a tie-stall barn. Breeding is a balance of production and type with a BCA of 233-239-231 and production at 10,400 kg. Herd classification is 4 EX, 38 VG, 32 GP. The herd currently has 30 Goldwyn daughters in milk and close to 40 Shottle daughters in the heifer barn. Herd favorites include Willowholme Outside Novena (EX-2E) and Abbylayne Goldwyn Tia (VG-86-3yr).

Ron, Kim, & son Steve and Terry & Bev Yungblut


Together, the Yungblut family manages 750 acres of hay, soybeans, corn, wheat and grapes. Greenview Farms is home to 100 head with 35 milking in a tie-stall facility. Production averages 10,390 kg with a BCA of 232-232-228 with a classification of 3 EX, 22 VG, 20 GP. Herd favourite is Greenview Outside Joking (VG-87-3yr) who is currently on the flush program with a production of 11,900 kg and a BCA of 264-353-265.


Saturday, April 13th, 2013 • Bus leaves hotel at 8:30am

Adrian and Frank Stoop and Families Spierdyke Farms runs on 565 acres of owned and rented land milking 45 cows in a tie-stall operation on a TMR feeding program. Balanced breeding gives Spierdyke a herd production of 210-178-205 with a classification of 1 ME, 2 EX, 19 VG with the remainder classified GP. Show cows are a highlight in the Spierdyke herd, specifically Spierdyke Madame Wyn who was 3rd at World Dairy Expo in 2010 and Reserve All-American 4-Year-Old.


Howard and Ineke Augustine A Master Breeder herd, Whitnell is situated on beautiful Lake Erie. Milking 35 cows in a straw-pack barn, the herd has a rolling herd average of 228-234-234. Classification stands at 1 ME, 2 EX, 20 VG, with the rest classified GP. Sires in use today in the herd include Lauthority, Alchemy, Steady and Sudan. They are the proud breeders of Whitnell Inquirer Lola EX-95 (Reserve All-Canadian 5-Year-Old 2007) and are currently working with great cow families such as Lavender Ruby Redrose, Red Roxy’s, Ashlyn’s and still have many granddaughters from Lola herself.


Lloyd, Bev, & Greg Roseboom Rosetone Holsteins is situated on 250 acres, land that is both owned and operated by the Roseboom family. Milking 45 cows in a tie-stall operation, they currently have a production of 8,500 kg with a total of 5 EX and 21 VG cows. Be sure to stop and view the offspring from their herd favourite, Rosetone Lindy Rosina EX-92-5E-8*, who was a four-time Grand Champion cow at the Niagara Holstein show. At the 2012 Niagara County Show, Rosetone Holsteins captured the Grand Champion, Breeders Herd & Junior Breeders Herd awards.


Ken & Dana Huizinga & Family Milking 100 cows in a tie-stall barn, production is at a 9,500 kg average with a 4.0 fat, 3.3 protein and a BCA of 210-219-214. Classification on the herd is 2 ME, 2 EX, 45 VG, 60 GP, 10 G while focusing on two main cow families that complete 10 generations of VG or EX cows. The Huizingas are currently finishing a large barn addition of 40 tie-stalls, bringing total milking stalls to 140, and this will join to their heifer barn built in 2001. A prominent cow family being developed within their herd is the Regancrest PR Barbie family.


Don & Linda Green, Ken Green, Brent & Brenda Roszell & family The Green family milk 70 cows in a new pack barn built in 2010, which includes a double-eight Parabone parlour. The current herd classification is 1 ME, 2 EX, 42 VG, 31 GP and 2 G; the herd BCA is 220-210-215. In 2011, Feederlane/Mottle took home both Grand and Reserve Champion cow at the Niagara County Holstein Show. Also standing in the barn is an Ardross Sterling daughter who is a grand-daughter of Feederlane Senat Nanette (Red), the 3rd 5-Year-Old Red and White at World Dairy Expo in 2002.


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