Best Way To Manage The Facebook Activity Log?
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Activity Log help people in handling the content they share on Facebook. It shows the latest events on the top. So today we will discuss steps to use and manage the activity log of our Facebook account.
Activity Log is a form of a history of your Facebook account. It helps in managing your account activities like managing the shared content, altering posts, deleting comments, subscribed pages, liked apps, etc. All the events shown in the Log contain the most recent ones at the top, and the older ones are displayed under them according to the decreasing time stamp.
You can only view the activity in this Log whereas the actual story may be located under different options on Facebook. For example: on your timeline, friends timeline, gallery, etc.
Go through the following steps to view the Activity Log ▪ Click on the arrow like icon present on the upper right side of your Facebook home page. ▪ It will display you the list of options, so select the option for “Activity Log.” It will show you all the event history of your facebook account. To view a particular kind of event, you can apply a filter to the Activity Log. Click on the option for Filter and type the thing you want to look for in the Log. You can also search the events according to their date and time.
You can also view logs for your public photos and the tagged content. Following are the steps to see the pictures that are publically shared: ▪Open the Activity Log for your Facebook account. ▪Select the option for Photos present on the extreme left side. ▪Now click on the option for “Filter” present on the top of the Log and choose the option for “Public.” ▪It will now filter the public pictures and display the result in front of you.
Although the steps are very simple and easy to follow still if you find any problem in between these steps or any other Facebook issue then feel free to contact Contact Facebook Support for more help options.
Activity Log can be used to Hide or delete the content from your Facebook timeline. Following are steps you need to follow for hiding or removing the content. ▪Open the Activity Log of your account. ▪Locate the event you want to delete or hide. You can even find it by typing the event name in the search field or by applying the appropriate filter. ▪Once you locate the event, then click on the option for “Audience selector” present under it. ▪It will show you the list of people with whom that content is shared. You can select the option to “Delete” or “Hide” that event from your timeline.
In case you encounter any other Facebook issue then you can call on Facebook Help Number to get help from specific domain experts. You can use Activity Log to remove the search history or the names you look for from your Facebook account.
Following are the steps to delete the search history 1. Open the Activity Log for your Facebook account. 2. Once the Activity Log is opened, click on “More” and choose the option for “Search” present on the extreme left side. 3. Click on the icon that is present in front of each search event you want to delete. 4. Now click on Delete. It will delete the selected search history of your Facebook account.
So these were few everyday tasks you can do with the help of your Facebook Activity Log. You can explore more ways to manage more Facebook options once you start using the Activity Log. Hope the steps proved to be useful else get Facebook Tech Support help for more advanced troubleshooting steps.