About this issue:
As anticipated, 2019 has started with much more gusto than 2018 ended, though on a personal level, I finally wed my beautiful bride Kelli in December.
We have certainly seen a huge uptick in activity in the higher price ranges and I think that we will see that trend continue in the coming months with the number of showings and ultimately sales way up.
I’m delighted with the exceptional inventory that we have to offer. I’m lucky enough to have some incredible homes for sale at the moment, some of which are featured in this edition of Vegas Dreams. Our feature homes are both in MacDonald Highlands and showcase the very best of what is on offer in the market at present.
Also in this edition is an article about Dream Racing who are located at Las Vegas Motor Speedway – take time to read it. Dream Racing is a fantastic facility and is filled with some of the greatest cars on the road today. Those who know me know that along with selling magnificent homes, cars are my passion. I’ve had