Women’s basketball overcomes 21-point deficit to beat ACC bottom-dweller Hokies
Lenny Kravitz’s lastest album is one boring revolution
SUPERDECISIONS After tonight’s results, Clinton, Obama campaigns may look to Feb. 12 Md. primary BY CASSIE BOTTGE Staff writer
In the dizzying calculus of the presidential nomination contests, Maryland voters are usually an afterthought. During most election cycles, the front-runner has the nomination wrapped up after Super Tuesday, when a flood of states across the country assign their delegates. Now, with races in both parties that could be too close to call, Maryland voters could play a rare key role in the national primary race when they head to
the polls Feb. 12. Both Democrat and Republican campaign organizers from Maryland are predicting results tomorrow night will not reveal clear nominees, giving Maryland’s primary a pivotal role in the quest for the nomination. “I think you’ll see for the first time in a long time the region will be a battleground state,” said government and politics professor Peter Shapiro. “According to the polling, especially on the Democratic side, things are looking pretty tight and no one is going to have
For some students, a diverse field of candidates presents some tough choices BY CHIDINMA OKPARANTA Staff writer
Freshman economics major Donna Harris will be voting in her first primary and presidential election this year. She is black and a Democrat, and confronted with a decision between two firsts: Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, both vying to tear down barriers that have held women and blacks from attaining their country’s highest office. And like many others, it’s not the thought of watch-
ing those historic precedents shattered that is animating her decision. “I don’t really feel obligated to vote based on either race or gender,” Harris said, “because based on that, either candidate would be a good choice for me as an African American woman.” Instead, Harris, like many other young people, will be voting for change. “While Hillary could be the first female president, her last name is still Clinton,” Harris said. “I think young people want something new.”
Presidential campaigns proving attractive to professors, higher education officials BY KEVIN ROBILLARD Staff writer
Much has been made of the newly mobilized youth vote this election season. But recent research shows administrators and faculty may contribute even more to the political buzz around the campus. Whether they’re advising campaigns, acting as bundlers or just donating money, Maryland administrators and academics are heavily involved in this year’s presidential race — more involved than they have been in years, analysts say. A review of campaign
finance reports shows that professors at Maryland gave close to $19,000 to presidential campaigns with most of the money going to Democrats. “It’s sort of exciting to see how much cutting-edge academic research is influencing the campaign,” said economics professor Melissa Kearney. “Both McCain and Obama have really prominent academics advising them.” Kearney is one of those academics. She was recruited to Republican Sen. John McCain’s campaign
Univ. System endowment target of investigation
After years of uneven service, Insomnia Cookies lies down
Congress probing investment accounts nationwide
Business is the latest in string of closures downtown
BY MEGAN ECKSTEIN Senior staff writer
The university, along with dozens of others across the country, has found itself the target of a congressional investigation into whether it is too stingy with its savings account at the expense of students — even though the school has little cash saved up compared to its peer institutions. University administrators expressed irritation in interviews at new scrutiny from the U.S. Senate Finance Committee, which began
Tomorrow’s Weather:
demanding detailed information from universities with endowments of $500 million or more. In fact, the university has only $420 million in the bank, but its association with the University System of Maryland pushes it over the threshold. That means it will have to disclose spending and enrollment records along with schools more than 50 times richer. “We’re going to have to spend a lot of time
Please See ENDOWMENT, Page 2
Repeated assurances by new management that the routinely tardy late-night dessert delivery business Insomnia Cookies had changed its ways turned out to be halfbaked. And we don’t just mean the cookies. After three years of supplying decadent delights to the hungry night owls of College Park, Insomnia Cookies has closed following a string of bad managers that developed the
News . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Opinion . . . . . . . . . . . .4
Features . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Classified . . . . . . . . . . . .6
cookie café a reputation for notoriously late delivery times. District 2 Councilman Bob Catlin was not surprised to see the business go under, considering its property’s high rent and that it never seemed to be open, he said. “I don’t know why Insomnia stayed in the first place,” Catlin said. “It was never much of a business as far as I saw.” Students, however, remain disappointed. “I liked having option of fresh cookies or
Diversions . . . . . . . . .7 Sports . . . . . . . . . . . .10
Please See INSOMNIA, Page 3
Page 2
Your Sexual Health: What’s Up Down There?
Free Beginner's Salsa Dancing Classes
The Center for Health and Wellbeing presents: Wellness Matters: Live Young. Live Healthy. Live Strong., 6:30 p.m., 0121 Eppley Rec Center.
sponsored by Computer Science Latino Student Group, 5 p.m., 1122 Computer Science Instructional Center .
SOME PROFESSOR: “I spent most of the holiday on my back and on the toilet dealing with an insurgency in my digestive system.” OVERHEARD BY ANONYMOUS
Tell us what you overheard at www.diamondbackonline.com/interact ONLINE POLL Which presidential candidate are you pulling for on Super Tuesday? 6.2% 7.2% 13.1%
14.5% 15.4% 43.6% Barack Obama 15.4% John McCain 14.5% Hillary Clinton 13.1% Ron Paul 7.2% Mitt Romney 6.2% Couldn't care less TOTAL RESPONSES: 688
State blue crab catch declines ANNAPOLIS – A new state estimate says the blue crab harvest in Maryland dropped by 6 million pounds last year compared to the year before, and was only slightly above the state's lowest recorded harvest in 2000. The Maryland Department of Natural Resources estimated the 2007 harvest was 21.8 million pounds, compared to the lowest recorded harvest of 20.2 million. The state will rely on scientific assessments of crab management options before implementing any restrictions, which state officials say could happen as early as April.
— Compiled from wire reports
Univ. says federal bill won’t affect spending ENDOWMENT, from Page 1 and energy putting together our responses,” said Leonard Raley, president and CEO of the University System of Maryland Foundation, Inc., a system-wide pool of public higher education endowment money. “If this legislation goes anywhere, it will affect about two dozen universities across the country.” The Senate Finance Committee Chairman, Sen. Chuck Grassley (RIowa), is pushing for legislation that will require universities to spend a percentage of their endowments each year, probably around 5 percent. But university President Dan Mote said the school already spends a higher percentage and more than likely won’t be affected by any new regulations. Grassley launched an investigation into universities’ endowments two weeks ago, questioning why schools increased tuition last year even as they averaged a 17.2 percent return investing their endowments. “Tuition has gone up, college presidents’ salaries have gone up,and endowments continue to go up and up,” Grassley said in a statement. “We need to start seeing tuition relief for families go up just as fast. It’s fair to ask whether a college kid should have to wash dishes in the dining hall to pay his tuition when his college has a billion dollars in the bank.” The System as a whole has only about $860 million, leaving officials curious as to why they are being forced to put in so much time answering his questions. Administrators also cited statistics showing the university’s investment returns actually shrunk in 2001 and 2002 during an economic downturn. In fact, school officials argue the endowment needs to grow. The university is in the middle of its Great Expectations fundraising campaign, scheduled to raise $1 bil-
lion by 2011. If successful, this university’s $1.5 billion endowment would still pale in comparison to other universities around the country. Harvard University’s endowment totals a stunning $34.6 billion, followed by Yale University’s $22.5 billion and Stanford University’s $17.2 billion. The USM Foundation ranked 93rd. Most private foundations are required by law to spend 5 percent of their endowments each year, and the Senate Finance Committee has considered the possibility of requiring universities to do the same. Raley said he and the system would comply with the Senate’s request despite not being given much time to gather the records. He said his hope is that the investigation “will serve to educate our leaders in Washington so they can understand that our endowment is not just a magic pot of gold sitting at the end of the rainbow.” Mote said the university’s endowment would need a minor miracle before it could be used to bring tuition down. Mote said if the university had $28 billion of unrestricted funds in its endowment, spending 5 percent each year would allow the university to cover its entire operating budget without charging any tuition or student fees. As it stands, just over 98 percent of the university’s endowment is made up of restricted funds — money earmarked by donors for specific uses. That means members of Congress couldn’t regulate it if they wanted. Administrators also countered Grassley’s concern that students are not benefiting enough from endowments. Raley said about two-thirds of the university’s endowment donations fund student scholarships. ecksteindbk@gmail.com
With a water main broken in front of Francis Scott Key Hall, the last thing university maintenance crews needed was more of the wet stuff. But heavy rains Friday created areas of flooding, with back-ups reported in Symons and Marie Mount Halls, the Benjamin Building and in the Computer and Space Sciences Building, said Jack Baker, director of operations and maintenance. Crews were attempting to open drains and vacuum up excess water indoors while excavators worked on McKeldin Mall to reach the burst water line, the second break in that spot in a week. “We have natural water causing problems today and domestic water also,” Baker said Friday.
Ready, set recycle D.C. area could be a battleground in election University faces ELECTION 2008 | SUPER TUESDAY
MARYLAND, from Page 1
things wrapped up Tuesday. McCain seems to be surging a bit and it’s certainly possible that the Republican primary will be virtually decided after Super Tuesday, but it’s harder to see that on the Democrat side.” David Paulson, communications director for the Maryland Democratic Party, said campaigners for both Obama and
Clinton are setting up multiple offices around the state to compete for Maryland’s delegates. “You don’t spend budget money and send people into the state unless you anticipate a need for those state delegates,” Paulson said. “We have a highly contested race in the Democratic primary between two candidates who appear to be running closely together, making the Feb.12 Chesapeake primary matter ... Apparently it
Profs struggle to make lectures non-partisan ACADEMICS, from Page 1 a year and a half ago by the presidential hopeful’s chief economic advisor. Though she has never met the Arizona senator, she has given the campaign advice on income inequality and worked with the rest of McCain’s economic advisory team. On the Democratic side, Regent Orlan Johnson, who was appointed by former Democratic Gov. Paris Glendening, has raised more than $200,000 as a bundler for Sen. Barack Obama’s (D-Ill.) presidential campaign. Maryland’s academics are not unique in the nation — college professors and administrators are donating more money to campaigns than ever before, according to research by the Center for Responsive Politics, a non-partisan think tank based in Washington. In 2004, academics donated double the amount to campaigns that they did just four years earlier. Universities are now the 12th largest industry for political donations. Nationwide, academics have given more than $6.2 million to campaigns this election season, according to The Chronicle of Higher Education. It’s not unusual for academics to be involved in politics. Professors are protected by tenure and can’t be fired for their views. Regents, as political appointees, are almost expected to have strong beliefs. Administrators, on the other hand, are caught in the middle. They rely on the state for funding, and because they are not protected by tenure, many tend to keep their political beliefs to themselves. University President Dan Mote, for one, is reluctant to make enemies in Annapolis from either party. That, he said, would put the university’s funding at risk. Professors who are involved with campaigns face an ethical quandary — keeping partisan politics out of the classroom.
Kearney doesn’t mention her work on the McCain campaign in the classroom. “Unless they follow political blogs, I don’t think they would know [of her job],” she said. Before coming to Maryland, Kearney worked at Wellesley College in Massachusetts, where she said she saw professors who let political views creep into their teaching. She’s careful not to fall into the same trap, she said. “I’m not very ideological,” Kearney said. “Faculty are free to be active,” said Linda Clement, vice president for student affairs. But she agreed they shouldn’t be biased in the classroom. “It makes people uncomfortable,” Clement said. David Falk, a public policy professor who gave $1,000 to the Obama campaign, also takes pains to remain neutral in the classroom. He said he believes donating is the best way to impact the campaign. “I think the system we have now, if you want to support a candidate, you have to give him money,” he said. Members of the Board of Regents, which sets policy for the University System of Maryland, are usually appointed by Maryland’s governor along party lines and face a different set of rules. They aren’t allowed to raise funds for candidates at the state level, but Johnson said he doesn’t see any conflict of interest in raising money for presidential candidates. In addition to Johnson’s work for Obama, Regent Robert Pevenstein’s wife, Elaine, worked as a bundler for former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani’s (R) now-defunct campaign. Regardless of their beliefs, academics say they hope to motivate students to become politically involved. “Apathy is one of the dangers of democracy,” Falk said. robillarddbk@gmail.com
primary voters will likely play more of a role this year. “We’re trying to get a lot of people from other states to come and help us after Feb. 5,” he said. “The only thing that would prevent that [from happening] is if McCain captures enough delegates to win the nomination and the other three candidates drop out.”
would be a miracle if it were over by Tuesday.” Executive Director of Maryland Republican Party John Flynn agreed there should be no clear winners after the results from Super Tuesday are tallied. “Mathematically, the Democrat vote will not be wrapped up by Tuesday and I think the Republican vote, too,” he said. Jim Shalleck, Maryland’s campaign director for McCain, agreed that Maryland’s
Staff writer
put forward a vision of what is possible.” For sophomore American studies major Jenna Brager, who is not black and is a member of Feminism Without Borders, the decision might seem more clear cut, but it’s not. “I’m a feminist and I think it’s important for women to be active in all sectors of society and having women in power is very important,” she said, “but to embrace Clinton as a candidate because she’s a woman would be tokenizing.” In fact, recent polls point to similar sentiments. Based on CNN exit polls from the South Carolina primary, Obama beat Clinton among women by a margin of 24 percentage points, a margin that increases as age decreases. Brager said her dream ticket would be Obama and Edwards, although she is not completely satisfied with either one alone. “I think [Obama] does inspire young people, and I really like Edward’s stance on labor issues,” she said. “If I were to vote right now, I would vote for Obama.” Brager said although nobody can completely transcend race or gender, it’s the issues that matter. “As important as specific women’s issues are, I think that all issues are women’s issues and that people should vote based on that,” she said. Daniela Vann, a Maryland alumna and member of Feminism Without Borders, feels similarly. “I don’t even know if I’m going to vote yet,” she said, expressing dissatisfaction with both remaining democratic candidates, “but if I did it would probably be for Obama, because even though Clinton is a woman, she’s a white upper-class woman who sat on the board of Wal-Mart, and I’m not sure she would actually fight on behalf of all women.” okparantadbk@gmail.com
Students: issues matter more than race, gender She’s not alone. Harris is, after all, part of a new generation of voters who have seen only a Bush or Clinton as president for nearly the last two decades. “Obama is the first post-baby boomer candidate,” said communication professor and campaign expert Shawn J. ParryGiles, “which makes the older generation nervous and gets the younger generation excited, regardless of race or gender.” Senior sociology major Darla Bunting, who supports Barack Obama, feels the same. “It would be a misconception to say that Barack Obama’s support among blacks is based solely on race because he has a high level of support among young people of all persuasions,” Bunting said, recalling an Obama rally she attended recently at American University. “The crowd was made up of white people and black people, both women and men.” Race and gender have both played prominent roles in the nominating contest. Female voters are widely credited with giving Clinton a win in New Hampshire, and blacks came out strongly for Obama in South Carolina, where he won by a wide margin. Still, government and politics professor Ronald Walters said the picture is more complicated. “Although race might play a role in the reasons why some African Americans support Obama,” Walters said, “many will support him for his war stance or his stance on health insurance and education.” Walters also noted differences within the black female demographic along generational lines. “Older black women are more likely to support Clinton because they are familiar with her,” Walters said. “Meanwhile young people are looking for someone who can
BY JAD SLEIMAN The university last week entered a test of discipline, restraint and ingenuity that last year left it straggling behind top-ACC rivals. Let the recycling begin. In its second go at a national sustainability contest that pits 400 colleges and universities against each other to step up recycling and minimize waste, the university will look to surpass a 90thplace showing last year. It’s a competition officials hope will galvanize the campus community around the cause, but also serve as a key component to university President Dan Mote’s plan to reduce carbon emissions and waste. During last year’s competition, the university increased its weekly recycling rate to 91 percent and composted 8,600 pounds of food waste each week. Still, sophomore environmental science and policy major Joanna Calabrese, a student coordinating the event, said “we didn’t do that impressive.” As the university enters its second week of the 10-week competition, Maria Lonsbury, a project coordinator in the Office of Vice President for Student Affairs, said the key to the university’s success would be reaching out to students after officials failed to mobilize them last year. “We need to engage the student body a little more,” Calabrese said. Last year’s competition left students hungry. During the event, students would flood her with e-mails asking about what could be recycled and sent in tips to make the program more effective. “I think the campus knows a lot more about recycling now than a year ago,” Lonsbury said. Programmers will carry over popular recycling relays during basketball games, and Calabrese said they are also considering emptying a full dumpster on the mall to demonstrate the university’s waste.
CHOICES, from Page 1
rivals in national sustainability contest
Insomnia Cookies latest casualty in late-night munchies scene INSOMNIA, from Page 1
The former site of Insomnia Cookies, known for catering to sweet tooths during the small hours, remains vacant.
An Invitation To Have Lunch with President Mote
President Mote would be pleased to have students who would like to talk with him about their interests and ideas join him for lunch at Adele’s. Eight students will be invited to a group lunch on a first come, first served basis. Lunches will be scheduled either Monday, Wednesday, or Friday at noon, or Tuesday or Thursday at 12:30 p.m.
If you are interested, please contact Teresa Crawford by phone at 301-405-5796.
fresh baked brownies,” sophomore French and journalism major Shauna Stewart said. “It was a really nice, creative service to college students. Plus, I always got tired of Diner cookies because they are not hot and fresh.” In the wake of Danny’s and Wawa closing, Insomnia Cookies becomes the latest casualty on the late-night munching scene. As downtown snacking institutions disappear, students are left with fewer and fewer options for their early-morning food cravings. College Park Economic Development Coordinator Chris Warren blamed the increasing restaurant turnover in downtown on the high rent prices and stiff competition. “There are a lot of different eateries, and it’s really competitive,” Warren said. “It takes an experienced, savvy person with experience in the food industry and these places that leave don’t have right product. People are finding that they can’t expect to get all the traffic.”
The strip of properties past Liberty Books and Comics known as Terrapin Station — which includes restaurants like Eats, the former Insomnia space and South Street Steaks — charges $50 per square foot a month, a sharp rise from the $35 per square foot for Campus Village, the strip across from University View, Warren said. Insomnia Cookies’ corporate office did not return repeated calls for comment. Warren saw the landlords as the “biggest villains,” often doubling and tripling rent prices in these spaces. “There are even more landlords with empty storefronts for months or years,” Warren said. “They try to find some sucker to come along.” He added that the problem could run deeper, as the proliferation of franchises have taken over the area since the ’90s, he said. “[Franchises] are not going to get any support from the community,” Warren said. “People don’t want franchises. They must have the right product — something unique or people are
READER INFORMATION EDITORIAL OFFICE: 3150 South Campus Dining Hall, University of Maryland, College Park, Md., 20742 HOURS: Noon to midnight, Sunday through Thursday PHONE: (301) 314-8200 FAX: (301) 314-8358 E-MAIL: newsdesk@dbk.umd.edu CONTACTS: News: Ben Slivnick Opinion: Stefanie Williams and Ben Johnson Sports:Jeff Amoros Diversions: Roxana Hadadi Comments, complaints and corrections: Kevin Litten, editor in chief.
ADVERTISING: OFFICE: 3136 South Campus Dining Hall, University of Maryland, College Park Md., 20742 HOURS: 9:30 a.m.to 4:30 p.m.,
Monday through Friday PHONE: (301) 314-8000 FAX: (301) 314-8358 NATIONAL: The Diamondback is represented nationally by 360 Youth. CONTACTS: Advertising: Chelsea Madden, advertising manager Billing: Maggie Levy, business manager
CIRCULATION: COST: Free on campus; $1 each when taken in quantities of five or more.
SUBSCRIPTIONS: COST: Available by first-class mail for $210 per year PHONE: (301) 314-8000 CONTACT: Maggie Levy, business manager.
PRINTING SCHEDULE: The Diamondback is published
five times a week during the academic year and once a week during the summer sessions.
POLICIES: The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use or reproduction of all materials as well as all AP dispatches. To obtain permission to reprint an article, fax your request to Kevin Litten, editor in chief, at (301) 314-8358.
ABOUT: The Diamondback is an independent student newspaper, in no way affiliated with the campus or state. Maryland Media Inc. is a nonprofit organization of student publications at the University’s College Park campus.
not going to shop there. These places can’t just expect walk-in traffic. They have to think outside the box.” Catlin, however, was not sure that franchises were the problem. He rather proposed a business’ success merely depends on its product. “I think probably in the Terrapin Station, the busiest place in there is Quiznos,” Catlin said. “A majority of people are heading to Quiznos, and you can’t get more franchise-y than that.” Senior journalism major Aaron Chester echoed Warren’s dissatisfaction. “The city’s a lost cause as it is,” Chester said. “What can they do other than tear down and rebuild some decent places? There is no character to this town, period.” Chester relied on the Insomnia’s late-night desserts to satisfy his sweet tooth while hanging out with friends, often ordering the large combos several times a week. “I used to partake in a certain activity when we ordered the cookies,” Chester said. “That was the primary purpose for the establishment [for me]. They were delicious at the time. I did not have to leave my apartment, though the service was not the greatest.” Chester felt Insomnia, though still a franchise, offered a unique option to students and strayed from the other obvious options. “ They’ll probably put some chain in like they always do,” Chester said. “ This was a chain, but it was a cookie place, which was different from a lot of others. I had never heard of it before I came here. If an interesting place came that was not a chain, that would be cool.” tousignantdbk@gmail.com
Staff Editorial
Nikhil Joshi
“Bad officials are elected by good citizens who do not vote.”
The road less traveled
year ago today, I was in Bill Higgin’s mammalian physiology lecture. Today, I’m in L’Enfant Plaza attending meetings to improve the efficiency of international mail transport. My switch from biology to business seems peculiar to a lot of my friends, who ask me, “How are you using your degree in biology?” I usually have no recourse but to answer, “I’m not.” I know they all silently judge me, thinking I wasted my four years in college, memorizing chemical structures and nervous system receptors, but they couldn’t be more wrong. I truly enjoyed studying biology in college, and I am truly enjoying my current career in management consulting. Current students should not shy away from the chance to be different from their peers. During my junior year, I was certain I was going to pursue a doctorate in biology after college. I did not consider any other career, as I was so deeply involved in the study of the sciences. Most of my peers in the chemical and life sciences college were actively thinking about medical, dental or graduate school. Not until the summer before my senior year did I decide I wasn’t ready for seven years of research. I also did not want to find a job performing perfunctory work as a technician. I entered my final year unsure of where I would go the following year, but sure that I did not want to commit to a career I would not love. Near the end of your college career, you may find yourself sitting in class one day, wondering why you ever decided to major in a specific subject. Perhaps there comes a point when the subject matter is so esoteric it ceases to engage your interest. Alternatively, you could be turned off by the few traditional career choices offered to graduates with the degree you are pursuing. Even if you think you are resigned to live handcuffed to your major choice, you are not. My current firm stresses the mantra “you control your career” to all its employees. Needless to say, I haven’t been afraid to follow a distinct path. I majored in biology because I was genuinely interested in it, but I chose management consulting after college due to a yearning to enter the world of business. My preferences changed once I was exposed to a great wealth of knowledge. The best teammates in any field are those who work diligently and passionately. If you find yourself unmotivated, you will be doing a disservice to yourself and your coworkers if you continue to pursue a career that you do not enjoy. It doesn’t matter if you spent your college days in the laboratory or in the library: The skills you honed as an undergraduate can be applied to a number of different fields. In fact, few of my current co-workers even know I majored in biology instead of a businessrelated field. There is nothing shameful about blazing a new career path that seems illogical. As long as it makes sense to you, it is perfectly fine. For all the students who might be having cold feet before leaving college, you are not alone. I would encourage you to explore your resources: the Career Center, your professors and your older peers. One or more of these individuals might encourage you to restrict yourself to a career you have already spurned. This is illadvised, though, and the worst thing you can do is lie to yourself and make yourself think you agree. The point here, really, is to always do something you love. There will always be a pragmatic route — the easy way, to work until retirement and earn enough to live comfortably. But the benefits of such a career to your mind and heart are few. Don’t be afraid to take risks. The doors are there; you just have to walk up and knock.
Nikhil Joshi graduated in 2007. He can be reached at joshidbk@gmail.com.
- George Jean Nathan
United union
he proposals put forth by the Union Advisory there to witness what students have described to DiamondBoard for controlling events at the Stamp Stu- back reporters, but their complaints about a lack of vigilant dent Union fail to acknowledge what some stu- policing at events doesn’t seem implausible given some atdents have said is a central cause of the chaos — tendees’ apparently brazen behavior, whether it was vioa lack of adequate supervision. The stories are lent or lewd. Black Student Union Vice President of Stunumerous and scary: at a go-go party on Nov. 17, one stu- dent Affairs James David, in an interview with The Diadent was hospitalized for alcohol poisoning and two were mondback’s Ben Slivnick yesterday, said, “I don’t really ejected from the building for having sex in a ballroom. see what the police are doing. I see them sitting down at a Other events have had similarly wild, out-of-control sce- gathering just chatting with each other.” We acknowledge the Student Union building itself pronarios. Yet the only solutions put forward seem to center vides unique architectural challenges — most nightclubs around banning events completely, if only temporarily. Although we realize the current ban appears to be only have one main entrance to guard, while the Union has 13 entrances scattered on all sides — but temporary, Student Union officials have this is an obstacle that can and should be not offered anything more permanent overcome for the safety of students. that indicates they are willing to do anyAnyone who has ever attended a club thing more than give up on a problem The Stamp Student anywhere also knows that vigilant secuthat deserves careful study and longUnion officials need to rity means careful indoor patrols are term solutions. Without permanent solutions, Union officials could fail in their realize the issues regard- ubiquitous at events where trouble could break out, and club owners would acstated mission “to create and sustain a ing gatherings at the knowledge that uniformed police with student-centered environment” that “serves as a safe and inviting campus union and address them. arrest powers create an even more powerful deterrent to troublemakers than center” and on a larger scheme, are failbouncers do. ing to protect the students of this university. So why have Union events been so troublesome, even For better or for worse, the notion of partying in college is seared into the American psyche. Most alarming is the given their lack of alcohol service? Something isn’t adding temporary solution of a curfewaimed at protecting stu- up. It’s worth noting that University Police, unlike their dents. It simply won’t protect anyone. It will only endan- counterparts in the county, aren’t allowed to provide secuger students further as events are pushed off the cam- rity at off-campus events or nightclubs. Instead, much of pus,, where it won’t be possible for officials to prevent al- the University Police force’s experience with large gathercohol consumption or to protect students from the securi- ings appears to be at sporting events. Different events have ty threats that exist off the campus. The Union needs to different needs, and one wonders whether hiring security be there to serve as a venue for student events and to pro- that have more experience handling nightclub-style events vide a safe alternative to the current nightlife options in could make a difference. Whatever the solution is, Stamp officials need to wake up College Park. It’s worth noting that many nightclubs in Washington are and hear the needs of the student body or we will lose a able to host larger gatherings, edgier acts and more di- place central to the character of the university and lives of verse crowds, and serve alcohol on top of it all. We weren’t its students.
Our View
Editorial Cartoon: Scott Kaptur
The Lite Fare
Appropriate inappropriateness Yesterday’s front page of The Diamondback displayed a most salacious image. It was of a woman, undoubtedly of ill-repute, brandishing an implement whose purpose must never be mentioned in polite company. Such a grotesque insult to public decency ought to provoke most sober reflection on the various moral outrages that sully the good name of our university on a daily basis. It is high time decent students avowed the moral sickness of their college and rediscovered the wondrous powers of guilt and shame. We can start by putting an end to the seemingly harmless practices that put our souls in jeopardy on a daily basis.
Inappropriate! Many students will be appalled to learn that our very own McKeldin Library houses books containing nothing but filth. I speak of obscene works such as Lady Chatterley’s Lover by that eternal reprobate, D.H. Lawrence. Perhaps even more concerning are the works of scientific nature that deal with such normally unmentionable subjects as sexual intercourse. The character of a person is undoubtedly shaped by what one reads, so it is time such books were expurgated from our library and replaced by tasteful Victorian romances and mild euphemisms used to make science texts suitable for consumption.
Gentleman’s Pursuit While the inns and taverns in the borough of College Park have been largely quiescent of late, we have periodically seen outbreaks of fisticuffs. Such events, while of little concern by themselves, are marred by the fact that participants act with almost no regard for the rules of combat. There are no agreed-upon results, frequent interruptions by legal authorities and, perhaps worst of all, there exists no practice of formal challenges. While it is fully understandable that there come times when a
man must defend his honor, it must be stressed that such defense must be tempered by rules of gentlemanly conduct.
Teetotaling The relationship between consumption of alcohol and loosening of morals is as ancient as shame itself. Man no sooner fermented his first grape than he began to lose his inhibitions. Shockingly, our university is a coven of intemperance. Many students go out from the campus with the sole aim of becoming intoxicated. The drink is the greatest enemy of the honor of our men and of the chastity of our women. If we hope to reach a state of moral rectitude, we should, nay we must, replace all alcoholic beverages with O’Doul’s.
Crack that whip The age of most students presents many challenges. Most of us are in a stage of “emerging adulthood,” wherein we act like moronic kids with the license of adults. Why then are we treated like adults? Professors should once more be given the authority to respond to student idiocy or insubordination with swift violence. Suspected of cheating? Why resort to honor councils and judicial procedure when a simple cane-thrashing will get the same point across? An incorrect response in class ought to merit a sound rap on the back, in addition to demerits on one’s transcript.
The Devil’s Shorts Spring will soon be upon us, and with it, the rush of feelings of lust. Undoubtedly, the problem will be compounded by the adoption of loose and revealing attire by both sexes. In March, every student must look in the closet before leaving for class and reject unequivocally the temptation to bare the skin. Who wears short shorts? Not the Terps, that’s for sure.
Presidential possibilities
poll on The Diamondback’s website last weekend asked readers which presidential candidate they are rooting for in today’s Super Tuesday set of 24 state primaries and caucuses. Unsurprisingly, 44 percent responded in favor of Sen. Barack Obama, while no one else in either party earned more than 15 percent. Obama has managed to capture the attention of college students and young adults in an almost unprecedented way. Moreover, his rapid political ascendancy has captured the attention of the nation. It is startling to consider the Obama phenomenon has taken place entirely in the interval of my college experience. He was elected a senator when I was a freshman. By tonight, in the second semester of my senior year, he could be the front-runner for president. The two questions to answer now are “Can he win?” and “Should he win?” Obama’s lack of experience is seen by his detractors as a serious shortcoming, and they cannot fathom how his supporters overlook that. There are several reasons Obama’s deficiency in experience does not matter. First, no one doubts he is competent. He is smart, charismatic and eloquent. As a columnist whose job it is to write articulately and persuasively, I especially admire someone who can speak in that manner. Great oratory used to be a staple of the American political landscape, and it is an old-fashioned tradition, the return of which I would welcome. Second, he is not using his personal background to attract one group of voters but rather to be broadly appealing. References to Obama as the “black candidate” and race-based speculation (“Is he black enough?” “Will whites like him?”) miss the point entirely. Obama is not running as a racial candidate, and his supporters see him as someone who has transcended the race issue. Third, a combination of Obama’s personality, his candor and his life story has convinced millions he is the candidate who can most relate to them as ordinary people. The majority of politicians seem to live in a different world from the average American; Obama comes from ours. Most importantly, he represents a new generation’s values and a young person’s vision of the future. After two decades of dynastic rule in the White House and an all-time high in cynicism and partisanship in government, there is hunger for a different approach. So yes, Obama can win. Given all the praise I have just heaped on Obama, it is probably surprising to learn I am yet unsure whether I will vote for him. If it were about picking the best personality or making a great symbolic statement about how far America has come, then I would embrace Obama wholeheartedly, but one must still consider the issues. As much as I like Obama, he is a solid liberal across the board, and no one has any idea whether he could push a centrist agenda as presidentor even if he would want to. Meanwhile, the Republican Party will likely field a very attractive candidate in Sen. John McCain, whom I have long admired. McCain, the former VietnamP.O.W.-turned-statesman, is an unorthodox politician who could potentially shake up the status quo. He almost did so in 2000 when he was the Obama-like maverick. Since then, he has continued to preach fiscal responsibility, opposed the Bush administration on torture, created a bipartisan group that averted a crisis over judicial nominations and emerged as a leading moderate voice on immigration and climate change. I also agree with his forceful support for continued military involvement in Iraq. As an independent voter, I have been attracted to both McCain and Obama for months. I would love to see a general election between these two candidates, both of whom have bipartisan appeal and a compelling message to take to voters.
Jay Nargundkar is a senior finance major. He can be reached at terpnews@gmail.com.
Best of the week “It’s OK to be sexual, and a lot of it is promoting safe sex, and it’s just a fun way to get together with your friends.”
“It has affected all of the bars, not just mine.”
“This was a suspenseful game — too close for comfort.”
-An anonymous student on sex toy parties. From the Feb. 4 Diamondback
- Senior forward James Gist on the game against Georgia Tech. From the Feb. 4 Diamondback
- Mark Srour, owner of Santa Fe Cafe, Cornerstone and The Mark, on the booming business of Thirsty Turtle. From the Feb. 4 Diamondback
Stefanie Williams
John Raderman
Wicked awesome rivalry
Content of their characters
f any of you know me, you probably know that I am easily the biggest New York Yankees fan known to mankind. However, a lot of you might not know that my love for New York baseball of the pinstripe persuasion carries over in my immense hatred for all things Boston and, thus, all things New England. Spending the weekend up in Providence, R.I., at Brown University during a clash of two teams of the respective regions that loathe each other was a ridiculous experience. Visiting one of my buddies, I was slated to pick some fights simply out of my dislike for Red Sox fans. Apparently, I’m argumentative and stubborn or something. I’ve never been a diehard football fan; I’ve maybe cheered for the Jets only because I’ve been to training camp a few times when I was little, but otherwise, it never really mattered. Suddenly, this game became the single most important moment of my life. I had this unnerving urge to just go off on the girls sitting behind us in the bar with Brady jerseys on, and I couldn’t have been more pumped about being the only person at a table of 11 to pick the Giants to win and Eli Manning to be MVP. I believe in underdogs, even if I know nothing about them. That’s something some of my buddies, even those claiming to be Giants fans, couldn’t bring themselves to do last night. A couple beers, a few mini hamburgers and a plate of wings later, I was beyond ready to get into a screaming match. With what ammunition, I’m not even sure, because I don’t even know that much about the Giants. Regardless, I had a backup plan of insulting Brady and moving on to the Red Sox. A low blow, perhaps, but a girl’s gotta do what she’s gotta do to defend her home state. Even thought the Giants play in New Jersey. Erroneous. There was such a sick atmosphere at the bar, it was almost frightening. When I walked in with my New York T-shirt on, I got death stares. I know them well: the same death stares I give to people wearing an Ortiz or Papelbon jersey in New York. There were definitely some insults exchanged as I walked to the bathroom, but for the first time ever, it wasn’t about the Red Sox — or as New Englanders fondly call them, The Sawks. I wanted nothing more than to rip into anyone who dared insult New York. It was probably a highlight of my life to see some obnoxious Pats fans cry, particularly because they were 20-year-old guys. Even more so because I was in enemy territory celebrating their demise. Some hid in their dorms sulking, and others talked a lot of trash as though the greatest team in football history didn’t just get their asses handed to them by a team with a quarterback who had tied for the most interceptions thrown in the NFL this season. None of them could change the fact that it happened. Some may call me psychotic for enjoying their pain as much as I did, but after watching the Red Sox win a World Series for the second time in three years, I felt like I got a little something back from them. My broken heart seemed somewhat repaired. I’m not going to lie to you: I’m lucky I can distinguish Eli from Peyton, Brady from Romo, Giselle from Jessica. I’m not going to sit here and pretend that I completely believed the Pats weren’t going to go 19-0, nor will I tell you I live, breathe and sleep the New York Giants. But there is something insanely addicting about New York/New England rivalries, particularly when the game on the line is a ticket, a World Series or a Super Bowl win. It’s contagious, and whether it’s the Sawks or the Pats (or the Bruins or the Celtics), it’s a mutual loathing that will last a lifetime. I couldn’t be happier to have witnessed NFL history in the heart of the lion’s den and come out unscathed (give or take a few bruises from some random flying beer cans) to tell the tale. Wicked awesome. Hey Yankees, take a cue from Eli Manning and get your act together. The bragging rights for this Super Bowl will only last so long. Stefanie Williams is the Diamondback’s opinion editor. She can be reached at swills25@umd.edu.
e hear a lot of stories about our presidential nominees whether they are Republicans or Democrats. Some of these stories show the candidate in a particularly good light, demonstrating them to be a “family man” or “tough on crime” or something. Others are far more negative, ranging from the deadly serious (Clinton ordered the death of a man) to the downright silly (Edwards pays $400 for a haircut). Whether or not they are true is actually irrelevant as supporters will inevitably ignore the negative stories while detractors cite them at every available opportunity, regardless of the truth. Of course, this trend is nothing new. We see negative stories and labels floating through the last fifty years of history: JFK (womanizer), Johnson (angry), Nixon (corrupt), Ford (bumbling), Carter (incompetent), Reagan (vapid), George H. W. Bush (out-of-touch), Bill Clinton (back to womanizer). They all have characteristics or events, both real and false, associated with their names that give shape to their public images. Because the stories tend to take on a life of their own, they are difficult to stop or even clarify, so the next question is: To what extent should these stories affect our vote? At one extreme is the Machiavellian approach: We ignore every detail of a person’s personal life and make a decision based solely on the politics. So what if a candidate is a twice-convicted rapist? He has a plan for universal health care. Who cares if a candidate is practically owned by a corporation? He has a
plan that will drop the price of gas back down to $1. On the opposite extreme, we have what I like to call the “beer-buddy” approach: Based on the stories and without regard to positions, would I like to have a beer with this guy? Unfortunately, this method has just as many problems as the Machiavellian approach, and even more unfortunately, some people actually use this standard to choose a candidate. To demonstrate why this method doesn’t work, you need only think about your favorite drinking buddy. Would you put that person in charge of a country? How about a state? A county? A barbecue? Personally, I would only say “yes” to the last question, and even then I would worry he might forget the hamburger buns. I think most people use methods somewhere between the two listed above; they use the stories to some extent as indicators of a candidate’s character, but they also look at the policies that person supports before casting their vote. But with so many stories floating around, it becomes difficult to decide which stories are actually important and which ones are irrelevant to your choice. Some are obviously important, like Bill Clinton’s choice to renege on his deal to serve in the armed forces, while others are obviously stupid, like Jimmy Carter’s run-in with a “killer rabbit,” but there are many stories that fall in the gray area in between. For instance, how should I regard the story that Mitt Romney thinks his sons have no obligation to serve in the armed forces? Part of me sees hypocrisy, because Romney supports the war and risking lives that don’t belong to his family, while another part of me understands that
when we have a volunteer army, there is no obligation to enlist — at least not technically. Of course, where a person would draw the line on this issue is a personal choice, as are most of our decisions on how to regard these stories. I do see a problem. It happened in the 2004 election and most likely in every election preceding it, but I see far too many stories from the “stupid” end of the spectrum being held up as though they were actually issues. One of my favorites is the claim that Barack Obama is actually Muslim. Even if we were to ignore the fact that it’s blatantly false, we are still left with a story that has no importance compared to other, more pressing issues in America — like setting up a health plan under which we won’t see another story of death from an abscessed tooth. Another one of my favorites goes back to the 1960s: Nixon was a prolific sweater. He sweated so much, in fact, that he looked terrible on TV and lost a presidential race to JFK. I’m no fan of Nixon, and I got no beef with JFK, but how the hell does sweat make you a less effective leader? The proliferation of the Internet means that any funny goof or slip-up made by a candidate will be posted instantly on numerous websites for us to enjoy. Believe me, I like them as much as anyone, but it’s important to recognize which ones are important and which ones are just amusing. Sometimes you need the sweaty guy in charge. John Raderman is a sophomore journalism major. He can be reached at raderman@umd.edu.
Air Your Views The Diamondback welcomes your comments. Address your letters or guest columns to the Opinion Desk at opinion@dbk.umd.edu. All letters and guest columns must be signed. Include your full name, year, major and day- and nighttime phone numbers. Please limit letters to 300 words. Please limit guest columns to between 550
and 700 words. Submission of a letter or guest column constitutes an exclusive, worldwide, transferable license to The Diamondback of the copyright in the material in any media. The Diamondback retains the right to edit submissions for content and length.
POLICY: The signed letters, columns and cartoon represent only the opinions of the authors. The staff editorial represents the opinion of The Diamondback’s editorial board and is the responsibility of the editor in chief.
Letters to the Editor No place at games I was appalled by Tom Millet’s Feb. 1 letter to the editor. If ESPN came up with the gimmick of “Spirit Week,” they definitely know how to market and explain it. I think it took a lot of guts for one student to stand up and tell the truth: “Hey, you Suck!” It took another student even more courage to stand up and scream, “Bulls---.” I don’t understand how telling a referee that he’s a “Carolina ref ” will improve his play calling. If geographic location determines an individual’s level of skill, then you, Mr. Millet, are a Carolina writer. With that said, I’m sure you’ll drastically change the way you write, just like ACC referees now call clean games in fear of your generation’s fiery chants. Mr. Millet, you obviously haven’t heard of separation of church and state. Chanting, “amen” at any basketball game would give ESPN spectators the idea that we are a university of radical Christians who binge drink, get wild and then praise a heavenly/divine power. You remind me of one memorable game back in 2002 with the eventual national champions — this university. Where was your letter to the editor when raucous students rioted in downtown College Park? I’ll tell you where it was — it was burning somewhere in the parking lot where Wawa used to be. C HRIS A MERASINGHE J UNIOR E CONOMICS
Not appropriate for news Implementation of tact is very important when dealing with a very diverse university. Tact is dealing with a situation in a delicate and non-offensive way in order to get a message across. Tact is not printing a woman holding a vibrating dildo that takes up two thirds of the front fold. This is not a matter of free speech or censorship. The Diamondback is free by our Constitution to print whatever its editors and staff desire. However, with this freedom comes responsibility. Consideration of the audience is paramount. With 25,000-+ undergraduates on this campus, there is a wide variety of opinions and values. Not all students want to see such garbage on the front page. We see this for what it is: a sex party for marketing various sex products for profit, not an intellectual discussion on sexuality. There were five
other stories that were more newsworthy on the front page. Why weren’t they given more weight? If The Diamondback wanted to print this garbage, the least they could have done was print it in the Diversions section, and there would have to be considerable changes to the article, including an alternative point of view. Printing this on the front page produces a shock value from which very little positive can come. It is simply tabloid behavior, and I and many others on the campus are disgraced by seeing our paper print such offensive articles and images. CHARLES FABBRI JUNIOR SOCIOLOGY
Ensuring student safety The Stamp Student Union placed a “temporary moratorium” last month on scheduling any additional late-night “socials”— defined as large-scale events in either the Colony or Grand Ballrooms lasting past midnight — in the building. This was in response to continued safety concerns, which were renewed in November when an event got out of hand. As a result, Student Union officials decided it would be best to place a temporary hold on any future reservations for such large-scale events until these hefty safety concerns could be addressed. Any previously scheduled events will go on as planned. While the timing is regrettable, the move is ultimately an attempt to ensure student safety on the campus. There is no intention for this moratorium to be anything but temporary, and we will make every attempt to find an expedient solution — one that will both allow continued student group events and ensure safety. As the Union Advisory Board, a group composed of students, faculty, staff and union administrators, we have been tasked to help advise the union on potential solutions. Because this is a community issue, we will be holding a forum to gather input and hear your concerns. It will be held tomorrow at 6 p.m. in the Grand Ballroom Lounge. If you can’t make it then, feel free to e-mail me at tadpole@umd.edu with your concerns. TAD GREENLEAF CHAIR, UNION ADVISORY B OARD ADELE H. STAMP STUDENT UNION
Memories from abroad
never thought I’d be guilty of writing one of those sappy columns about “personal reflection” or any other piece instructing readers to “get involved” and to “treasure every moment” before graduation. The study-abroad trip I just returned from is making it awfully tough for me to keep that promise I made to myself last semester when I took this job. I’m interested in development economics, which should come as a shock to anybody who remembers my last column where I argued that student groups should stop trying to “save” Darfur. So I applied to Patricio Korzeniewicz’s LASC 458A/SOCY 498W: Argentina: The Politics of Globalization course for the winter term. While development economics hardly made the agenda, I really can’t complain, because I learned more than I ever thought I would. I learned we should be grateful for our government and our university. I know it’s been said a million times, but the lousiness of our own government does not compare to the lousiness of most others. And while I’ve had a bone to pick with this university’s services for over three years now, I’ve come to realize many foreign universities do nothing to accommodate students. There are no dining halls, no dormitories, no help centers and no student unions. Student loans are scarce. I unfortunately met a few taxi drivers who were top students in high school but could not afford the extra cost of attending a university and had to drop out. I’m not exactly sure how I would have handled finding a place to live and cooking my meals when I came to college at age 17. I learned we have no reason to lose faith when the poorest people in the world are full of hope and happiness. How important are the things we fret over every day? I can assure you, while you worry about what to wear or how to find or keep a significant other, there is a goat farmer and charango virtuoso named “Most Oscar living in hills of importantly, the Humahuaca a care I learned without in the world. friendships A n o t h e r farmer, Hector arise among Lamas, would you why the most ask you live in Colunlikely lege Park when his village, people.” Hornaditas, has everything you need: clean air to breathe and time to relax. I learned you should never expect to get what you ordered at an Argentine restaurant. But if you think the waitress will listen to what you ask for, you should certainly never ask for a matahambre (“hunger killer”), milanesa probably isn’t a safe bet, and definitely don’t get a burger called Molotov. Most importantly, I learned friendships arise among the most unlikely people. Actually, this is at least the fourth significantly memorable time I’ve been clobbered over the head with this lesson, and I’m not sure why, every time, it still shocks me. Yet it’s so important at a place where I feel more like a UID than a name. Our trip was not memorable because we visited Eva Peron’s gravesite or some large salt flats or the Buenos Aires Hard Rock Café. I won’t miss empanadas de carne picante or queso de cabra as much as I’ll miss my 18 incredible friends. But what’s most important is this could have happened anywhere. So go ahead and strike up a conversation with that person next to you before class starts. You just might be their best friend in three-and-ahalf weeks. Daniel Marcin is a senior economics and mathematics major. He can be reached at dmarcin@umd.edu.
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CROSSWORD 53 Northern Iraqi 40 Reveals 30 Curio 56 Sparkling drink ACROSS 54 Met highlight 31 Basketball venue 43 Detect (2 wds.) 1 French wines 55 Sari sporter 45 — lang syne 32 Four-door car 60 Caspian Sea 5 “The Three 56 Expense 48 Constructs 35 Map tributary Musketeers” 57 Golden Rule 50 Window sills 61 Cheech’s partner 38 Pregame author word speeches (2 wds.) 52 — Carlo 10 Rookie socialites 63 Eat away at 64 Ice palace 14 What Hamlet 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 65 Likes and dislikes smelled (2 wds.) 66 James or Kett 15 Ham it up 14 15 67 Raised platform 16 Buffalo’s lake 17 18 68 Locations 17 Bump or knot 69 Within a short 18 Terra — 20 21 22 23 period 19 Caesar’s farewell 20 Garden veggie 24 25 DOWN (2 wds.) 1 Delivery trucks 22 Played hockey 26 27 28 29 2 Hematite yield 24 Spiky hair style 3 Zip 25 Smudge 33 34 35 36 4 Treeless plain 26 Frolics 5 Safeguards 29 Guatemala 37 38 39 40 6 Kayak’s kin neighbor 7 Dawn, to a poet 33 Take out a loan 42 43 44 45 8 Midnight teller 34 Happen again 47 48 49 36 Name in tractors 9 Time of year 10 Lowers the 37 Coarse file 51 52 exchange rate 39 Make coleslaw 11 Q.E.D. part 41 Malamute’s load 53 54 55 56 42 — Park, Colorado 12 Ill humor 44 Open-air lobbies 13 Nut, actually 60 61 62 21 Laird’s accent 46 — — jiffy 23 Notorious pirate 47 Bargain hunters 64 65 49 From Mr. Spock’s 25 More achy 26 Apple leftovers planet 67 68 27 Overflowing 51 Civil offense 28 Basil sauce 52 Pack animal © 2008 UNITED FEATURES SYNDICATE 29 Injures 53 Kind of chop
41 46 50
57 63 66 69
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orn today, you have a lot more going for you than meets the eye, and you are a continual source of surprise to those who pay attention to you over time. You are a talented, versatile and ever active individual with a great deal of vitality and verge. You also have a noble character, and an interest in doing things that can truly benefit those who are less fortunate than yourself. Indeed, you are a truly benevolent soul, and you’re never one to do things merely for your own sake. You thrive on doing good deeds for others. You’re likely to attract a great deal of attention to yourself throughout your lifetime, not just through your endeavors but also because you have an attractive, likable personality and you are quite approachable. You are in no way aloof or standoffish, and you enjoy the society of others. Also born on this date are: Jennifer Jason Leigh, actress; Barbara Hershey, actress; Henry Aaron, baseball player; Red Buttons, actor; Bobby Brown, singer. To see what is in store for you tomorrow, find your birthday and read the corresponding paragraph. Let your birthday star be your daily guide.
WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 6 AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) — You mustn’t be looking for rewards as the result of a good deed. You can learn that the value of a good deed is in the deed itself. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) — You have an important secret to tell, but it may prove quite difficult to pinpoint just who should benefit from being told such key information.
ARIES (March 21-April 19) — You may be tempted to skirt an issue that someone else thinks is important. Take care that you’re not trying to ignore a problem of your own. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) — Your energy may be low, but you can still accomplish something that is quite important to you and to others. You needn’t work at a frantic pace. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) — A door is likely to open for you unexpectedly, and through it you will find a cornucopia of opportunity that is right up your alley. CANCER (June 21-July 22) — A little adventure adds the right amount of spice to a certain relationship. What you do together can provide greater respect, understanding. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) — You can keep a situation from developing past the point of no return, and keep others from expecting the worst as well. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) — You can play a key role in someone
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else’s affairs — but first you must be willing to dedicate time and energy to your own duties. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) — Your drive to succeed is on the rise, and may actually introduce you to some danger as you refuse to recognize one important limitation. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) — Opportunities are likely to present themselves throughout the day, but in a disguised fashion. Nothing is likely to be just what it seems. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) — Self-control is the key to a successful day, but you may have to cut loose just a bit later on in order to keep up with friends. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) — Try to understand yourself better, and you’ll be better equipped to understand others. You have much in common with a rival.
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Kravitz no revolutionary The singer/songwriter’s latest album, It Is Time for a Love Revolution, fails to live up to the rocker’s past successes BY TRIPP LAINO Staff writer
With the appropriately titled It Is Time for a Love Revolution, Lenny Kravitz wants to change the way you look at love. But unfortunately for the 43-year-old musician, the album doesn’t exactly spark the seeds of change. Instead, it inspires listeners to switch CDs (or iPod albums, whatever). Recent years have been tough for Kravitz. After his 1998 album, 5, went double platinum, it was followed by a triple-platinum greatest-hits package. But after that, his sales began to drop: 2001’s Lenny only went platinum once, and 2004’s follow-up, Baptism, only made it to gold. It Is Time for a Love Revolution aims to regain success for Kravitz, but it doesn’t hit the mark. With this album, Kravitz takes a seat in the producer’s chair, in addition to his place in front of the microphone. Though the move does create a handful of successes, there is
an overall lack of consistency here. “Love Revolution” is a classic Kravitz track — after all, he’s been around for almost two decades at this point. Think “Are You Gonna Go My Way,” ramped up a notch or three. The power-charged guitars and driving drumbeat are the backbone of almost every rock song Kravitz has ever written, and it’s a formula the man has ridden to enormous commercial and critical success. “Love Revolution” is no different. But the rest of the album’s 14 tracks aren’t as exciting — slower, ballad-style songs are the bulk of It Is Time for a Love Revolution, and unfortunately, that isn’t where Kravitz shines. In fact, these songs pale in comparison to their rocking counterparts. Thankfully, though, when the album does venture into high gear, it is clearly derivative of ’70s era classic rock, borrowing beats from many of the major players of that period. These songs are well-written love letters to a bygone time and are the definitive highlight of It Is Time for a Love Revolution. For example, “Bring It On” opens with roaring guitar and pounding drums that could have been written by Jimmy Page and the late John Bonham. It’s a fun track on the musical side, but lyrically, it doesn’t offer much substance. Borrowing from another band of that era, “Dancin’ Till Dawn” copies the opening riff of the Rolling Stones’ disco experimental “Miss You.” Kravitz keeps the staccato dance-style rhythm going for the length of the five-minute-plus song, but it just might be too much of a good thing. The song is enjoyable, and the beat might be good for dancing, but the track drags in its latter half — perhaps a little trimming was in order.
As a completed work, It Is Time for a Love Revolution comes up far short of world changing. When Kravitz turns it up to 11, the album soars. Unfortunately, the volume level on most of It Is Time for a Love Revolution hovers at around a six, and the album suffers greatly for it. Many of the tracks bleed together, creating long lulls in the music. If Kravitz had kept the pace (and volume) up for the entirety of the work, it would have been much better — maybe even enough to vault him back to platinum status. As it is, it’s mediocre at best. tripp.laino@yahoo.com
THE TRIVIA BREAKDOWN: LENNY KRAVITZ AWARDS: Kravitz won the Grammy award for Best Male Rock Vocal performance four years in a row, from 1999 to 2002. NAME-DROP: Mentioned in Adam Sandler’s “The Chanukah Song, Part II” for being halfJewish. See: "Lenny Kravitz is half-Jewish/ Courtney Love is half too/ Put them together, what a f---ing, bad-ass Jew.” ROMANTIC CONQUESTS: Lisa Bonet of The Cosby Show fame (the two have a daughter, Zoë Isabella), Victoria’s Secret model Adriana Lima.
ALBUM: It Is Time for a Love Revolution | VERDICT:
You’ll sleep through Static BY TRIPP LAINO Staff writer
Jack Johnson’s latest album ditches his laid-back sandals-andsurf acoustic rock for … laid-back sandals-and-surf electric rock. Unfortunately, the electric rock sounds just like its acoustic predecessor. Net gain? Zero. Johnson’s latest, Sleep Through the Static, moves along at a uniform, plodding pace. The album’s tracks bleed in and out of each other without offering a whole lot for the listener to take away. While there is far more electric guitar on Sleep Through the Static than any of Johnson’s other works, it doesn’t feel like the singer/songwriter really knows how to use it. Don’t pick up this album expecting to hear him rip through frenetic solos like Hendrix — you’ll be sorely disappointed. “If I Had Eyes” is the fast-paced standout among a sea of dawdling tracks. The bouncy rhythm is a welcome change from the standard guitar melody that fills the rest of the disc. It’s a perfectly catchy pop song, and it represents
the best of what Johnson has to offer — unfortunately, it’s the only one of its kind on this album. On the slower side, “Angel,” a love ballad, is a treat. The track is short but sweet, a loving ode to (presumably) his wife. With sugary lyrics such as “She gives me everything I could wish for/ She gives me kisses on the lips/ Just for coming home,” the song is practically a candy conversation heart. On the lyrical side of things, there are bursts of depth, although they feel forced. For example, when Johnson opens up about his anti-war sentiments, there’s no rush of inspiration for the listener.
And even though the album’s title track itself is a meditation on the war in Iraq, it feels out of place when coming from the guy who has built a career on surfer shtick. Overall, Sleep Through the Static feels like Johnson doing what he is most comfortable with. This isn’t necessarily terrible, as devoted fans will likely devour this work as voraciously as his prior albums, but it would have been nice to see Johnson do a little more than just what he’s most at ease with. Johnson shows a willingness to extend beyond his limits with lyrics, evidenced most obviously by the heavier themes he delves
into, but he doesn’t extend this open-mindedness to his musical side. Because he went to all the trouble of getting an electric guitar, it would be nice to hear him take it for a spin, but it never happens. As it stands, Sleep Through the Static is mostly a ho-hum addition to the Jack Johnson catalog. If you liked his previous efforts, you’ll likely enjoy this, but don’t expect anything special. It’s not there. Instead, you’ll get 14 tracks that would fit in on any of Johnson’s other
Jack Johnson falters with his latest album, Sleep Through the Static. discs. There’s nothing wrong with staying in the edge of the surf, but it would be nice to see Johnson paddle out past the
ALBUM: Sleep Through the Static | VERDICT:
breaker and try to catch a bigger wave. tripp.laino@yahoo.com
Terps take first lead in overtime 2007 collapse HOKIES, from Page 10 hurt us. They did a wonderful job of capitalizing on that.” Though they may not admit it, the Terps looked like they didn’t know what had just happened, how it happened or what they should do next. “They came out extremely inspired,” said junior guard Kristi Toliver, who scored 19 of her game-high 28 points in the second half and overtime. “We get everybody’s best shot, so it was no surprise getting Virginia Tech’s best hit, and they came out on fire.” The Hokies would stretch their lead to 31-10 with 10:13 left in the first half before the Terps mounted the beginnings of their comeback. With Virginia Tech’s shooting starting to go cold — they missed eight consecutive shots and later seven consecutive shots — the Terps began to chip
GAMETRACK TEAM STATS Field Goal % 3Pt % Free Throw % Rebounds Off. rebounds Assists Turnovers
TERPS 45.9 25 78.9 48 9 11 25
VT 34.9 20 71.4 41 16 15 13
FGM FGA PTS 10 16 28 OFF DEF TOT 5 11 16 AST TO 5 6
FGM FGA PTS 10 21 26 OFF DEF TOT 4 10 14 AST TO 8 2
away at the deficit. The Hokies lead was down to 39-29 at halftime. “Sometimes it takes getting hit in the face a few times before you wake up and you start to play with a sense of urgency,” Park said. The teams played evenly for most of the second half, and the Terps didn’t trail by more than 12 or fewer than six until there were six minutes remaining in regulation. That’s when the Terps made their final push. Senior forward Crystal Langhorne’s one-handed floater from inside the paint evened the game at 60-60 with 2:54 remaining, capping a 12-2 run and tying the game for the first time since the Hokies’ opening basket. After the Hokies went back up by two, junior forward Marissa Coleman drove fearlessly to the basket on the Terps’ last possession of regulation, making a tough layup to tie it at 62-62 with 11 seconds left, eventually forcing the overtime. “The play that we originally planned on running broke down, so I just knew we had to get a shot up,” Coleman said. “I had their big girl on me, so I just decided to take it to the basket [and] finished with power.” In the extra period, senior forward Laura Harper’s putback layup after a missed threepointer by senior guard Ashleigh Newman gave the Terps their first lead of the game at 66-64 with 3:12 to go, and the Terps never trailed again. Toliver and Coleman combined to go 6-for-6 from the free throw line in the last 26 seconds to preserve the lead, and the Terps snuck out of town with the win. “We were talking about it in the locker room,” Langhorne said. “If we would have lost, it just would have been very disappointing. Very, very disappointing.” schimmeldbk@gmail.com
not forgotten BY AARON KRAUT Senior staff writer
As the Terrapin baseball team prepares for the start of a new season, lessons learned from last year’s second-half failures have not been forgotten. The Terps started last season with a record of 18-8, including series wins against strong ACC programs N.C. State and Clemson, and the team had even garnered votes in the national polls. But a blown save in a March 30 game at Georgia Tech sent the team into a 8-22 free fall to end the year. “We just never recovered from it,” said eighth-year coach Terry Rupp. “We let one game impact the last third of our season, and you can’t do that in this league.” Rupp says this year’s team, which returns every regular position player except for shortstop Dan Melvin, has learned from that mistake. “I think these guys understand that now because they went through it last year,” Rupp said. “I think we learned a big lesson there, and overall, this team is better.” Rupp’s team will have to cope with the loss of three quality pitchers to the MLB draft, including left-handed closer Brett Cecil, who was taken with the 38th pick by the Toronto Blue Jays.
Two transfers, righthanded Scott Swinson from George Washington and righthander Jensen Pupa from Montgomery College, will fill in the No. 1 and No. 2 spots in the starting rotation, respectively, while the third starting spot is still up for grabs. “We lost three very good pitchers to the draft, but we’ve got a lot of confidence in [Swinson and Pupa] and feel like they can give us a chance to win,” Rupp said. “We feel like our pitching staff is better than last year; overall, we’ve got more quality arms from top to bottom.” Offensively, the Terps will be led by sophomore outfielder A.J. Casario. Casario led the Terps last season with a .331 batting average and is a preseason Wallace Award candidate for the best player in college baseball. Junior third baseman Mike Murphy, the only other Terp to bat over .300 last season, and senior second baseman Steve Braun, younger brother of 2007 National League Rookie of the Year Ryan Braun, provide some of the upperclassman leadership Rupp said is necessary to get over the hurdles of the team’s harsh ACC schedule. “I think we’re right there, honestly,” Braun said. “I think it’s just a matter of mentally getting over the hump. There’s a lot of guys out there
Steve Braun and the Terp baseball team suffered a monumental collapse in the second half of last season, ending the season on 8-22 free fall. who have hype, but once you get out onto the field, hype means nothing.” Rupp says the immediate goal for the team is to finish in the top eight of the ACC and make the ACC tournament, which would virtually assure the team a spot in the NCAA Regional Tournament. But that task won’t be easy for a squad that finished 7-23 in the league last season. The Terps will face six ACC foes ranked in the Collegiate
Baseball Newspaper’s preseason top 25, including No. 5 North Carolina in a March 2123 home series. “I think we learned a lot [from last year], and it’s one of our most versatile teams that we’ve had since I’ve been here,” Rupp said, adding that when it comes to making a mark in league play, “we certainly feel like we’re very capable.” akraut@gmail.com
Young Terps climbing learning curve OFFENSE, from Page 10 that can play offense as good as we are right now.” Sophomore guard Eric Hayes said he believes it was just a matter of the Terps
needing time to gel. “We knew that it was going to be a process of learning,” he said. “We have a lot of new guys in the offense, and I think we’re growing and playing better together, passing
the ball pretty well. We knew that we wanted to have our offense peak when we got into the middle of the ACC schedule, and I think we’re doing a great job of that. We still have some things to work on, but I
think we’re doing a pretty good job so far. “We just have to keep this up and keep getting production from everybody.” zuckermandbk@gmail.com
Dobbie, Kasper lead stacked team LACROSSE, from Page 10 The team is hoping to build off its growing pains from last season, taking advantage of its experience playing together in Reese’s coaching system. “Learning to rely on each other and trust each other has been the big thing headed into this year,” Kasper said. “It’s a big step for everyone to learn we have 11 other people on the field to help you. [The coaching staff] is working as hard as they can to put in a great system for us. They are working on new things to put the best team they can out there. I think they are doing a great job of it, and we are all loving playing for them.” The team will look for cocaptain seniors Dana Dobbie, Katie Pumphrey and Kasper to lead the team through this season. Dobbie and Kasper are both former All-Americans, and they were both ranked among the top-10 players in In-
side Lacrosse. Dobbie is listed as No. 3, and Kasper is at No. 7. “Those three have stepped up to the leadership role and have been voted captains by the team,” Reese said. “We have a great leadership by our senior class. They all bring something different to the team, and they have all stepped up to the role. They lead by example on the field, and they are all hard workers. They are striving to lead this team to the next level.” The veteran leadership will be useful because the Terps will have a degree of uncertainty as the season progresses with their head coach as Reese is an expectant mother, awaiting a baby girl on March 11. While it may turn into a situation similar to the Terp women’s basketball team, with coach Brenda Frese missing road games as her due date nears, the team is optimistic they can manage the situation as it develops.
“I don’t see it impacting our play per se,” sophomore midfielder Caitlyn McFadden said. “I think Cathy has full belief that (assistants) Jen (Adams), (Lauri) Kenis and Katie (Chrest) will be able to coach us just as well. Cathy has prepared us really well; Regardless of who is there, I think we will be able to just play our game, regardless of our situations.” With a year in Reese’s system under their belts and a roster stocked with experienced talent, the Terps appear poised to rectify their disappointing finish from last season. “If we do everything we can and play as we know we can play, I think we can be unstoppable; the sky is the limit for us,” Kasper said. We have a great group of girls and a great group of coaches; if we all work together we can be unstoppable.” bkapurdbk@gmail.com
Associated Press College Basketball Poll Top 10
School 1. Memphis 2. Duke 3. North Carolina 4. Kansas 5. UCLA
Record (21-0) (19-1) (21-1) (21-1) (20-2)
Prev. 1 3 4 2 5
School 6. Georgetown 7. Tennessee 8. Wisconsin 9. Stanford 10. Butler
Record (18-2) (19-2) (18-3) (18-3) (19-2)
Prev. 6 7 13 14 12
Patient Terps find Terps rebound from 21-point deficit offensive rhythm Women’s basketball escapes from Virginia Tech with overtime win Men’s basketball scoring explosion led by frontcourt BY ANDREW ZUCKERMAN Senior staff writer
When it came to the Terrapin men’s basketball team’s offense, coach Gary Williams continually stressed patience. The veteran coach never seemed concerned when the Terps struggled mightily to score points, displaying great confidence that the shots would eventually fall. He was right. The Terps are averaging 79.1 points per game in conference play began, after averaging just 73.1 points per game against non-conference opponents. But more impressively, the Terps have scored at least 80 points in each of their past four games after only doing so once in their first 17 contests. It seems hard to believe the Terps are producing more against the likes of North Carolina and Duke than they were against teams such as Hampton and Northeastern, but as of today, only Duke, North Carolina and Clemson have averaged more points per game in ACC play this season. “I knew we lost a lot of scoring [from last season’s team],” Williams said. “You lose Mike Jones and D.J. Strawberry and Ekene Ibekwe — guys that have played a lot of minutes for four years — it’s going to take time. And it took time; it
probably took a little longer than I wanted, but whatever it is, you can’t change things, and you just have to be as good as you can in February. We’re trying to be a good team.” The biggest reason for the dramatic offensive spike has been the Terps’ frontcourt play. Senior forwards Bambale Osby and James Gist have been forces in the paint, averaging a combined 32.3 points per game during conference play. Osby is second in the conference in field goal percentage (58.1), while Gist is ranked ninth (49.4). When the Terps lost to Ohio, Gist had eight points, and Osby had four. When the Terps lost to American, Gist had three points and Osby had one. In those two games, the duo averaged 57 points. The improved play from Osby and Gist has allowed the Terps to effectively run an inside-out offense, enabling the guards to get better looks from the outside. “Me and Boom get a lot of looks, and now, defenses are playing us more, so it’s leaving our guards open,” Gist said. “Once the ball goes in the post, we can hit cutters, we can hit kickouts, and guys are making shots. Once you play like that, it’s hard to guard any team
Please See OFFENSE, Page 9
BY GREG SCHIMMEL Senior staff writer
BLACKSBURG, Va. — Right before Virginia Tech took the court last night against the heavilyfavored Terrapin women’s basketball team, a fog machine that was part of the Hokies’ pregame introduction blew a heavy steam that wafted over the No. 5 Terps as they were shooting around the hoop near where the Hokies made their entrance. Several Terps had to fan the mist away from their faces as they continued to warm up, clearly annoyed by the situation. Once the game began, the No. 5 Terps (24-2, 8-1 ACC) needed to overcome their biggest deficit of the season and play an overtime game against a team that is winless in the ACC just to avoid getting smoked. Down by as many as 21 points in the first half, the Terps trailed until the final three minutes of the game and didn’t take their first lead until almost midway through the only overtime in a stunningly close 74-71 win. “In our locker room right now, we feel like we lost,” assistant coach Daron Park said. “But obviously at the end of the day, we’re thrilled that we got the W.” The Hokies (13-10, 0-8 ACC) had lost seven of their previous eight games entering last night, but they shocked the Terps with a 22-2 run off the opening tip. The Terps shot 1-for-7 and
The Terps overcame a sluggish start with a surge led by Kristi Toliver’s 28 points, including 19 coming after halftime. committed eight turnovers during the run, while the Hokies scored almost at will, making their first six shots and scoring several times on
easy layups after they beat the Terps down the floor in transition. “They had the effort from the opening tip,” Park said.
“This is probably the first game this year where it seemed like every turnover
Please See HOKIES Page 9
After a disappointing second-round exit in the NCAA tournament last year, Kelly Kasper and the Terp women’s lacrosse team are looking to bounce back in their second year under coach Cathy Reese.
Second year, second chance BY BRIAN KAPUR Staff writer
After the return of Cathy Reese to the Terrapin women’s lacrosse team, the Terps appear poised to build off a successful season that ended in heartbreaking fashion. Last season, Reese’s first as head coach, the Terps roared through the regular season, dropping just two games. But in the postseason, youth caught up to them. The then-No. 3 Terps were upset in the first round of the ACC tournament by No. 6 Virginia. Three weeks later, the Terps lost in the NCAA quarterfinals. After the success of the regular
season and lessons learned during the postseason, the Terps are looking for redemption. “We came up a little short. This season our expectations are so much higher,” senior midfielder Kelly Kasper said. “We believe that we can go so much farther than we did last year. We had a great team last year; we just came up a little short.” Lacrosse Magazine has the Terps at No. 4 in the nation headed into this season. This is familiar territory for the Terps, who were among the top 10 all of last season despite a very young roster. The Terps lost six starters to graduation, but the graduates accounted for just 30 percent of
their scoring in 2007. The biggest hole to fill will be the one created by the loss of their leading scorer and All-ACC player, attacker Krista Pellizzi. While Pellizzi might have left the biggest shoes to fill, she was not the only contributor the Terps lost; All-ACC players midfielders Becky Clipp and Katie Doolittle are also gone. Losing top-notch talent can send a team into a tailspin, but that should not be the case for the talent-loaded Terps. After fielding just six seniors in 2007, along with a new head coach in Reese, the Terps have become a veteran group with 20 upperclassmen on the roster, including 10 seniors.
Please See LACROSSE, Page 9