February 25, 2008

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Five seniors recognized at Comcast on Saturday as Terps beat Florida State

PostSecret creator Frank Warren discusses coming to the campus Tuesday






Housing GOP threatens immigrant tuition bill master In Senate, plan to give illegal immigrants in-state tuition may prompt filibuster plan in theworks ANNAPOLIS | ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT TUITION DEBATE

BY MEGAN ECKSTEIN Senior staff writer

ANNAPOLIS – A partisan battle began brewing in the General Assembly Thursday as Republicans and Democrats clashed on whether state univer-

sities can grant in-state tuition to the children of illegal immigrants. One of the most controversial proposals the General Assembly has seen in recent years, the issue passed in the House of Delegates but narrowly fell short in the Senate last year, and in

2003 a similar bill passed both houses before then-Gov. Robert Ehrlich vetoed it. On Thursday, the Senate debated three bills regarding the in-state status of illegal

Please See TUITION, Page 3

Plan could change face of city, campus BY CARRIE WELLS Staff writer

University administrators have been quietly moving for the past six months to create a new “housing master plan” in an effort to consolidate all future projects into a single document. With seniors banned from on-campus housing this year and many juniors being kicked out next year, both the university and private developers have scrambled to put up as many new housing units as possible.

Please See PLAN, Page 2


# of beds*

1. South Campus apartments

Jan 2010


2. South Campus apartments

Fall 2011


3. North Campus dorm

Fall 2011


4. Carroll, Caroline and Wicomico renovations

Fall 2013




# of beds*

1. Second building at University View

Fall 2010


2. Third building at University View

Fall 2011


3. Knox Box Redevelopment (Phase 1)

Fall 2010


4. Knox Box Redevelopment (Phase 2)

Fall 2012


5. Route 1 apartments (on the location of Jerry’s Subs)

Fall 2012








MTV representatives interview reality TV hopefuls for the next season of The Real World at The Mark Saturday morning.

THIS IS THE A TRUE STORY... ...Of 400 Real World hopefuls who told all of life’s juicy details to get on television


lcohol-induced fights, regrettable one-night stands and unnecessary drama may conjure up memories of your freshman dorm, but throw cameras into the mix and you could be MTV’s next pseudo-celebrity. About 400 people from as far away as New York and North Carolina gathered at Santa Fe Café on Saturday to audition for MTV’s classic show, The Real World. While many claimed to be a perfect candidate for the notoriously debaucherous reality show, most

Please See AUDITION, Page 3

6. Route 1 apartments (north of University View) 7. Apartments (corner of Mowatt Lane and Campus Drive) * Number of beds is approximate

Two men try to rob student on Fraternity Row BY BEN WORSLEY

Textbook bill hearing provokes tense debate

Please See ATTEMPT, Page 3

Tomorrow’s Weather:


High stakes for faculty, booksellers and students underscores heated day of testimony in Annapolis

Staff writer

A male student was assaulted by two men early Sunday morning after a fight that began at Santa Fe Café turned into an attempted strong-arm robbery just outside of a fraternity house, police said. The incident occurred outside of the Kappa Alpha Order house at 1 Fraternity Row. Members of the fraternity said that the victim came to the house and banged on the door after the incident occurred. Members of the fraternity called police, and the victim waited at the house until they arrived, they said. University Police Spokesman Paul Dillon could not comment on whether a verbal or physical altercation took place at the bar or whether any other people were involved. Members of the fraternity said the victim claimed the altercation began as a verbal disagreement at Santa Fe.


BY MEGAN ECKSTEIN Senior staff writer

ANNAPOLIS – A state Senate committee hearing Thursday turned a plush meeting room full of typically well-mannered lawmakers and top administrators into the scene of a verbal brawl, where senators took jabs at each others’ knowledge of Maryland law and harrassed the visitors who came to testify. Even the spectators got in on the action, murmuring along with the debate and whispering comments ranging from, “Oh, I know what he’s talking about,” to, “Does that man even know what he’s talking about?” The subject that put everyone on edge: textbooks. The Senate Education, Health and Environmental Affairs Committee is considering two bills that aim to increase



competition in the textbook market and ultimately make purchasing books cheaper and simpler for students. There was no debate Thursday over whether textbook regulations should be passed, but agreeing on how to do so is proving difficult. Because so many parties would be affected by potential changes — students, professors, campus bookstores, outside bookstores, publishers and more — the Senate is undertaking the arduous process of listening to their concerns and attempting to find a solution to the textbook problem. The Textbook Fairness Act would require that textbooks’ ISBNs be posted online along with other information, such as the author and edition number, a specified number of weeks before classes

News . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Opinion . . . . . . . . . . . .4


The Terps’ NCAA Tournament hopes suffered another blow with their Saturday loss to Miami, falling to 7-6 in the ACC.

Please See HEARING, Page 3

Features . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Classified . . . . . . . . . . . .6

Diversions . . . . . . . . .7 Sports . . . . . . . . . . . .10




Page 2



Winter Concert

Conversations in the Humanities

Film screening

The Repertoire Orchestra performs, 8 p.m., CSPAC

Seminar featuring William Cohen from the English department, 12 p.m., Francis Scott Key 2110

Beyond the Classroom presents Amandla! A Revolution in Four-Part Harmony 7 p.m., 1102 South Campus Commons






HOUSING, from Page 1

36.5% 63.5%





Raul Castro succeeds brother Cuba's parliament named Raul Castro president on S u n d a y, ending nearly 50 years of rule by his brother Fidel but leaving the island's communist system unshaken. The succession is not likely to bring a major shift in the policies of the communist government that have put it at odds with the United States, but many Cubans were hoping it would open the door to modest economic reforms that might improve their daily lives. In another sign that major change was not afoot, Raul Castro, 76, said he would consult with the ailing 81-year-old Fidel on all major decisions of state, and parliament approved the proposal. The vote came five days after Fidel said he was retiring, capping a career that spanned those of 10 U.S. presidents.

Nader announces run for president

Ralph Nader yesterday announced a fresh bid for the White House, criticizing the top contenders as too close to big business and dismissing the possibility that his thirdparty candidacy could tip the election to Republicans. The longtime consumer advocate is still loathed by many Democrats who accuse him of costing Al Gore the 2000 election. Nader said most people are disenchanted with the Democratic and Republican parties because of a prolonged Iraq war and a shaky economy. He also blamed tax and other corporate-friendly policies under the Bush administration that he said have left many lower- and middle-class people in debt. Nader, who turns 74 later this week, announced his candidacy on NBC’s Meet the

Clinton charges Obama plagiarized Hillary Clin ton angrily accused her Democratic rival Saturday of deliberately misrepresenting her positions on NAFTA and health care in mass mailings to voters, adding, “Shame on you, Barack Obama.” Clutching two of Obama campaign mailings in her hand for emphasis, the former first lady said, “Enough with the speeches and the big rallies and then using tactics that are right out of Karl Rove’s playbook.” Obama defended the mailings as accurate and rejected Clinton’s complaint as a political ploy. He said that despite her current criticism of NAFTA, she supported the trade agreement when it passed during her husband’s administration. The long-distance clash erupted as the two Democrats campaigned separately across Ohio, one of two big states with primaries on March 4.


Plan includes many uncertainties

Have you ever been present when, fearing punishment, students hesitated calling 911 to get help for someone dangerously intoxicated?




A statue under construction outside the business school will soon become a clock tower.

Clock tower construction confuses passersby BY KEN PITTS Staff writer

Students sauntering near Mowatt Lane Garage recently may have been asking themselves, “What the heck is that thing?” A skinny, brick-clad tower roped off by a chain-link fence jutting from a murky pool of standing rainwater now stands between a criss-cross of walkways between the garage and Van Munching Hall. On a recent day, a ladder leaned awkwardly against one side. “I walk by it every day and I have no clue what they’re actually building here,” said Anthony Ruiz, a junior finance major. “I’m hoping it’s at least something ... purposeful,” said Paul Lehmbeck, a junior economics and marketing major. “It kind of looks like a poor attempt at being a little monument on campus.” But in whose memory? “That’s where I’m drawing a blank,” Lehmbeck said. Gwen Gardner, a post-baccalaureate pre-med student en route to her nearby parking spot, puzzled for a moment. “I’m assuming it’s going to be some kind

of ... obelisk,” she said. An obelisk? “But it’s undefined as yet,” she added. “That’s what I would guess, though, something like the Washington memorial or something ... except, it looks like it’s got space in the top for something, so it could be a light tower or a bell tower — one of those.” They can all stop scratching their heads now. Carlo Colella, director of the university’s department of architecture, engineering and construction, was a bit puzzled when first asked about the odd bit of construction. But then he realized what the reporter was asking. “Are you referring to the clock tower?” he asked. Yes, the clock tower! When completed, the clock will be the second-largest timepiece on campus (after Memorial Chapel) and will stand some 32 feet high. The tower, which is scheduled to be completed next month, will be trimmed in brick, limestone and granite, with landscaping to complement its north and south faces, Colella said. pittsdbk@gmail.com

This year alone, the university spent innumerable hours outlining its long-term goals, including an update to the Facilities Master Plan that was released in January and a revised Strategic Plan said to be unveiled in the next couple of weeks. However, this is the first time administrators have included ideas for both on-campus and off-campus housing into a single document. “The housing has gotten tighter and tighter and tighter,” said Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs Pat Mielke, the main creator of the plan. “It was an obvious next step.” But while the project should make proposed housing information more accessible, it might not bring about an end to the housing crunch. A noticeable trend in the housing proposals is that few contain concrete plans. For example, a copy of the plan provided to The Diamondback lists two buildings to be constructed in lots U4 and U5 on South Campus. So far, it has only been approved by a Facilities Management committee; it has yet to be voted on by the full facilities council. University administrators also want to increase the number of beds in Carroll, Caroline and Wicomico halls when the buildings undergo a long-needed renovation in fall 2013, but officials are still not sure of where the extra bedrooms would go. Also included in the plans are StarView Plaza, which has been

in the works for the past six years and still is far from being built, and a plan to tear down the Knox Boxes and construct two 800-bed housing units even though the apartments are owned by many different landlords who have not yet given their consent. Janet Firth, who owns a majority of the buildings, has not come to the university with any proposals yet to tear down her apartments and build new housing. Resident Life Director Deb Grandner explained that the plan isn’t more concrete because, as is the case with the university’s other long-term plans, it is “really a guide.” The document is broken into two sections, one for university-affiliated housing and the other for private off-campus housing. The on-campus section includes 1,468 beds. There will be 4,835 new off-campus beds if all these projects go according to plan. Vice President for Administrative Affairs Doug Duncan said that university officials also wanted to consider faculty and staff in its plans for new housing. A new unit at the corner of Mowatt Lane and Campus Drive would house 600 students, faculty and staff. Duncan also mentioned building a new unit near the College Park Metro Station for faculty and staff — not listed in the housing master plan. Duncan said he had “no idea”

why the university never put together a housing master plan before. Grandner explained that prior to 1999, there was not enough demand for housing to warrant all the time it would take to create a master housing plan. “There have always been longterm plans for renovations, but for a long time we had too much housing so we didn’t need a plan,” she said. Despite the expected housing, university President Dan Mote said he actually hopes enrollment in College Park will decrease slightly, adding that the ideal student body would be about 25,000 undergraduate students and about 10,000 graduate students. The new housing has nothing to do with enrollment, but rather making housing more accessible to students who are currently being excluded. “It’s not just that seniors as asked to move off campus and juniors are kicked off campus, but transfer students are never even offered housing,” he said, adding that he hoped the new housing units would better serve upperclassmen, transfers and graduate students. Asked whether there would ever be a housing glut, Duncan said, “I don’t think we’ll ever get to that point.” cwellsdbk@gmail.com


Bar fight victim flees to frat ATTEMPT, from Page 1 After leaving the bar, the two men followed the student to Route 1, where they started to punch and kick him. One of the men then attempted to remove the victim’s wallet from his pocket but was unsuccessful. The two men then fled toward College Avenue, according to the crime alert. The victim suffered cuts to his face and was transported to Washington Adventist Hospital in Takoma Park, where he was treated and released, Dillon said. Dillon could not release any more information about the incident because the investigation is ongoing. He mentioned, however, that the victim was walking alone when he was attacked, and that no weapons were used in the assault.


Textbook regulation bills prove contentious HEARING, from Page 1 start. The bill would also prevent professors and universities from receiving kickbacks for choosing certain textbooks over other, possibly cheaper, books. The second bill under consideration, the College Textbook Competition and Affordability Act of 2008, is more comprehensive. In addition to the rules in the first bill, it would also require the following: a book can only be required if the professor intends to use at least 50 percent of the material; teachers must allow students to use a prior edition if less than 30 percent of the educational content has changed in the new edition; a method would have to be designed to alert teachers about the options they have in choosing textbooks, as well as how much the books they assigned cost; when books are sold in bundles — where a textbook is packaged with a CD, online code or other type of supplemental mate-

rial — the teacher must affirm that all the bundled items will be used; the practice of bookstores and universities profiting from selling textbooks would be regulated. The General Assembly has been tackling the textbook issue for the past several years, and the only real progress it has made was voting last year to put together a task force to study the textbook industry and how it affects students, faculty, bookstores, publishers and other interested parties. Rather than placing the blame on any one party, the study ended with a long day of testimony in January, allowing all sides to make their views well-known and informing the lawmakers so they would be in the position to pass legislation this year. Several senators expressed hope that they would pass some sort of textbook regulation, even if it didn’t solve the entire problem or satisfy everyone’s concerns. “We’re never going to make everyone completely happy, but if

we can save students some money along the line then that’s what we need,” said Sen. Katherine Klausmeier (D-Baltimore County), the Textbook Fairness Act sponsor. Sen. Jim Rosapepe (D-Anne Arundel and Prince George’s) echoed her sentiment, noting that “[this] is a starting point. I repeat, it’s a starting point.” The senators heard from many interest groups during the hearing, though the student voice was largely left out of the conversation. The only student to speak was Devin Ellis, a graduate student and chairman of the University System of Maryland’s student council. He admitted that he was in the unique position of seeing the textbook issue from a student’s perspective and understanding the need to protect the system’s best interests. Though he vowed to eventually disagree with the system’s lobbyist, P.J. Hogan, Ellis did nothing of the sort on Thursday. The senators themselves were the only ones to fight for students’

interests in the debate. Sen. Joan Conway (D-Baltimore City), the Education, Health and Environmental Affairs Committee chairwoman, reminisced about a class she took in which many books were assigned but students were only expected to read a few chapters from each book — a practice she said is unacceptable. If a teacher wants the students to read the book, the teacher should assign a bigger chunk of it. If the teacher only wants them to read a few pages, then there should be alternate ways of getting the reading to the students, Conway said. Rosapepe blamed the faculty for making students spend more money than necessary, likening it to the health care industry. Just as it is doctors, not patients, who decide whether to prescribe expensive medicines or cheaper ones, the faculty is responsible for “prescribing” textbooks, leaving them in a similar position of power. The students have little say in the matter.

The faculty representatives complained that the “arbitrary percentages” in this bill would “infringe upon the freedom” for professors to construct their syllabi to their liking. Hogan argued that the bundling issue was beyond state jurisdiction and needed to be dealt with on the federal level. He also defended the university’s ability to make a profit from textbooks, saying that at this university the profits go toward paying for student services and paying off the bonds bought when the Stamp Student Union needed to be renovated several years ago. Ultimately, the faculty blamed the publishers for high prices, senators retorted that faculty always have the option of assigning cheaper and fewer books, the bookstore representatives lamented that students hate them even though the fault lies with teachers and distributors, and Rosapepe squabbled with all of them. ecksteindbk@gmail.com

Real World fans flock to tryouts AUDITION, from Page 1 left with their dreams of reality stardom scattered along Route 1. Real World hopeful Erinn Mahony, a sophomore athletic training major from George Mason University, made the trek from Washington to feed her MTV addiction firsthand. “I’m, like, obsessed with MTV, basically, and it’s pretty much what is always on my television,” Mahony said. “I’d just love to live in a big-ass house and party and get paid to do it.” Mahony said she fits a mold that so many Real World housemates created in earlier seasons, making her the perfect applicant. “I’m not saying I’m a slut, but I’d say I’m, like, nice and outgoing,” Mahony said. And while cast members of The Real World are famous for drama, drinking and sex, supervising casting director Damon Furberg said he looks for applicants who represent modern-day issues in society. “We’re looking to get back to the

roots of the show, where you have a few people in the cast that really stand for something,” Furberg said. “The gold standard for a cast member is Pedro from the San Francisco season. He was an HIV educator who happened to be HIV-positive; he not only had this issue that he cared about, but also shared it with the viewers in a very personal way.” Furberg said Real World’s young cast members are “a reflection of what a lot of people that age do.” “We’re casting regular human beings, so they do all the things that regular human beings do, and that includes drinking and having sex,” Furberg said. After completing a two-page application that included personality and background questions, casting directors interviewed candidates in groups of 10 at The Mark. “Everyone overexaggerates everything,” said Santa Fe manager Geoff Rifkin, who supervised the event. “It’s hilarious.” Casting directors selected about

30 candidates to continue to round two, where they completed a 30page questionnaire. Sophomore kinesiology major Tyler Handley was one of those contestants who made it past the initial round. “It took forever,” Handley said. “They said, ‘Keep your phone on and be ready.’” Contestants are often more honest when answering the questionnaires than they are during the first round, said casting director Martin Booker. “That’s where we really find out about people and see if they were faking,” said Booker, who has been with The Real World for five seasons. “From there we’ll do the oncamera interviews.” Freshman education and mathematics major Joshua Jacoby, who also works as a go-go dancer at the Washington club Apex, was one of about two dozen applicants to reach the hour-long video interview. “I think some people were definitely putting on a show, but I was being how I am because it’s going

to show when you’re on TV,” Jacoby said. “It seemed like people were saying the best answer so they would get a callback, and not how they really act or feel.” Applicants said their name and a quick description of themselves before Booker initiated a conversation that usually led to a debate about politics, race or student life. “[Booker] started asking questions about what you would think if Real World geared toward politics,” Handley said. “I said, ‘F--that.’ Why would you want to sit around and watch people talk about politics? People pay to see drama, and that sort of thing.” Most students bragged about their partying, but when one Howard student refused to say he enjoys getting out of control, Booker had a response ready. “If we were to lock the doors and start filming right now, I guarantee by 9 [p.m.] you’d be blackout drunk,” Booker said as he pointed to the bar behind him. But junior marketing and logistics major Malika Waller was


Freshman mathematics and secondary education major Josh Jacoby, who works as a go-go dancer at the Washington club Apex, auditions to be a part of MTV’s next season of Real World. not motivated to try out for the reality show. “Any type of reality TV is extreme cases,” she said. “I don’t

think I’m crazy enough and have enough problems.” cbottge@gmail.com

Senators spar over immigrant benefits TUITION, from Page 1 immigrants’ children. At the heart of the debate, senators argued about whether a child who moved to Maryland from another country at a young age and attended Maryland public schools, and whose parents pay state taxes and work in Maryland, ought to receive the same benefits as a child

with the same history but whose parents are legal U.S. citizens. Illegal immigrants can attend Maryland state universities but must pay the out-of-state price: about $11,000 per semester. Instate tuition is about $4,000. Sen. Paul Pinsky (D-Prince George’s) called the price difference “a matter of fairness.” The senator introduced a bill that would

allow residents to get in-state tuition regardless of citizenship status as long as they attended Maryland high schools for two years. He asserted that children cannot be held responsible for their parents’ decisions to illegally move to the United States, and therefore they should not be denied access to education. “Are we limiting our best students based on their origin of birth?” he asked the Senate at Thursday’s hearing. Many immigrant families cannot afford this high cost, he said, and so their children end up not receiving the education they need to become a productive part of Maryland society. On the other hand, Sen. Andrew Harris (R-Baltimore and Harford counties) introduced legislation banning state colleges from granting the children of illegal immigrants in-state tuition. He explained there are a limited number of slots for the state-subsidized tuition, and he said he doesn’t think it is fair to allow illegal immigrants to take these slots away from legal citizens. “We’re in a world of limited resources and limited in-state tuition slots,” Harris said. A third bill mandates that an outof-state student would not pay higher tuition than an illegal immigrant. Eleven states have laws that allow illegal immigrants’ children to receive in-state tuition, but Republicans in this state have recently built momentum against the proposal and have threatened to filibuster it, which they also used last year to successfully prevent a Senate vote. The bills incited strong feelings, as they had in years past. Students testified on both sides of the issue. “That’s what I’m afraid of, that I won’t be able to go to school,” said Edgar Mondragon, a senior at Bladensburg High School who wants to study computer science but doesn’t qualify for in-state tuition because he is not a citizen. But Ryan Zick, a sophomore at this university, said granting illegal immigrants in-state tuition would be unfair to legal citizens. “This is an institution that must be safeguarded for the citizens of Maryland,” he said. The University System of Maryland, which has the power to decide who is eligible for in-state tuition, has not taken a stance on the issue. The Associated Press contributed to this report.




















John Raderman

Staff Editorial

Gina Sagar

Apocalypse ... how?

“Efficiency is doing better what is already being done.” - Peter F. Drucker

Embrace the rainbow


’m told that we are all directly contributing to the downfall of Western civilization. Every time you visit YouTube, play a video game or download a song, you become part of the great conspiracy to thwart and confuse everyone older than the age of 40. Why don’t we read a book or a newspaper, like they used to back in the day when all of the Beatles were still alive and laptop computers were just a dream? Those were the days: government scandals, unpopular wars and a general outcry among the older generation that the newest one was going to put an end to American values. Yeah, nothing like today. What bothers me so much is not that previous generations don’t like what we do — that seems inevitable — but that they think we’re downright stupid. They think we don’t know our ass from a hole in the ground just because we don’t know and don’t care to know when the Korean War ended. You can call it anti-intellectualism and decry the state of intellectual curiosity, or you can remember we didn’t live through that particular war and have other, more interesting wars that capture our attention. You might say we’re ignorant because we don’t read The Washington Post every day, but at least we know how to get rid of all those viruses you’re stupid enough to download. You might even think MySpace rots our minds, but I say you’re just jealous because you only have six friends, including Tom. If there is anything I like hearing more than how stupid we are, it’s why we’re so stupid. I’ve heard it’s because we watch too much television. It rots your brain, you know. It also delivers news and Sesame Street. Someone else told me that Wikipedia makes us dumb because it renders libraries obsolete. I don’t quite get that leap in logic, but I’ve been assured it’s there. Video games are another favorite target. Violent games make kids more aggressive, which is bad ... unless you’re playing youth soccer, then thousands of mothers in minivans say it’s good. Instant messaging causes problems, too: We don’t write too good. It’s b/c we write in shorthand just 4 lolz and w/e. I’ll admit it’s different, but English has changed a lot since Shakespeare’s time and even the best technical writers of today don’t sound anything like the Bard. Some people worry that writing itself will die out as an art form, but I don’t see it. Reading is simply too efficient for us to ignore it entirely. Novels might go the way of the dodo, but so long as we can read faster than we can hear, writing — in some form — will persist. If nothing else, someone has to write the scripts for our brain-rotting television shows. The most insulting accusation made against our generation concerns our priorities. Apparently, they’re all wrong. Philosophers have been grappling with the idea of right and wrong for years, but they might as well stop, because Grandma and Grandpa have it all figured out. We’re wrong because we worry more about paying for college than about getting Social Security. We’re wrong because we’re more worried about Lindsay Lohan than Iraq (in our defense, Lohan is hotter — and crazier — than Hussein ever was). In reality, priorities arrange themselves in a very predictable manner, and this formula doesn’t change with age: If it affects me, it’s suddenly a priority. We don’t care as much about Iraq as our parents did about Vietnam or their parents did about World War II because no one is getting drafted. We’re told to serve our country by spending more money, which we do by buying copies of New York Magazine featuring Lindsay Lohan. I’ll be the first to admit that I don’t know much about psychology. I don’t know if watching TV decreases attention span, or if kids are really are disinterested in politics because of an Xbox, but I do know history tends to repeat itself. Thousands of years ago, people thought the written word was bad because it would cause us to rely less on our own memory. They were right, but I would hardly call the advent of writing a step in the wrong direction. What we see happening now is something different from what we’re used to, and that scares people. I’ll admit it worries me sometimes, too, but that hardly makes it bad or wrong or evil — just different.

John Raderman is a sophomore journalism major. He can be reached at raderman@umd.edu.

Keep College Park rich


ast week, College Park City Council mem- independent business association. Austin, Texas, is bers called for the city to place rent caps home both to the University of Texas and the “Keep on the retail space slated for construction Austin Weird” campaign, which was adopted by under the city’s parking garage. The move Austin Independent Business Association (AIBA) to may have been motivated by a general promote locally owned businesses. Nonprofit groups feeling of malaise towards the relentless march of such as AIBA help locally owned businesses take chain stores into the area, but it makes sense in root in communities by allowing merchants to compete with their corporate counterparts by compenmore ways than one. Aside from allowing the city to actively promote a sating for many of the advantages held by chain stores. unique college-town atmosphere Independent business associaand escape the anonymity of comtions make cooperative media buys, mercialization, promoting indecoordinating their advertisements pendent business makes sound ecoThe College Park City make purchases in bulk to nomic sense, as local merchants Council should actively to decrease their marketing costs. increase tax revenues and promote promote local business They host trade shows together, greater economic vitality. Independent businesses have ownership by creating an bringing in continuing education speakers to teach merchants how to been found to have three times the independent business improve the efficiency of their economic impact on a region than businesses. Many associations have analogous chain stores. A typical alliance. also created branding campaigns to chain bookstore returns about $13 to the local economy for every $100 spent at the make independent businesses distinctive from chain store, whereas independent booksellers have been stores and educate the public about the businesses of buying locally. shown to return $45 out of every $100. The best part of such a plan is that it would come This may seem startling, but the causes behind the staggering disparity are quite simple. Indepen- at a very low cost to taxpayers. The association dent businesses tend to have smaller reach in terms would be inexpensive to start and would be self-susof their employment pools and tend to hire local taining, as it promotes efficiency rather than relying labor; be owned by people who live in the area and on subsidy. Over the years, a comprehensive camkeep the profits within the regional economy; and paign to promote independent merchants could cresupport secondary employment of artists and ate such a resilient community of locally owned businesses that the city may find it unnecessary to authors. Instead of stopping merely at a rent subsidy, the rely on taxpayer support of rent caps altogether. That doesn’t sound too weird, does it? city should consider promoting the creation of an

Our View

Editorial Cartoon: Mike O’Brien

Letters to the Editor High prices, empty stomachs

Greening Washington Quad

While eating meals used to be the highlight of my day, I’m now too scared to even step foot into The Diner. I’m just thankful my dining hall days are well behind me, and I no longer have fear of being labeled a criminal. When I used to pay more than $1,600 on the biggest meal plan Dining Services has to offer, I expected to indulge and eat until my stomach was content. It didn’t take long before I realized that even as a lean fellow, this would not be the case. I gave up drinks, dessert became a luxury, and even cream cheese was saved for the holidays. Still low on points, I had to find a way to beat the system if I wanted to make it to Thanksgiving break alive. While I never outright stole anything from The Diner, I had no choice but to pinch every penny I had. Whether it was eating a few bites of stir-fry before I made it to the cash register or transferring a Saladsational salad into a different bowl to save a dollar, I was left with no choice. When I hear the words “freshman fifteen,” I can’t help but laugh. I finished my first year of college five pounds lighter than when I started, so I ask the Dining Services Advisory Board members to think long and hard when they ask themselves who they really think the culprit is behind the theft.

Kudos to the university for installing the ecofriendly drain system on the Washington Quad! As a board member of Friends of Still Creek, a sister stream to Paint Branch, I was pleased to see the article on the storm water irrigation and recycling system. Storm water runoff is a huge problem in our watershed, and we need to educate people about the environmental impact of uncontrolled runoff. Still Creek (www.stillcreekwatershed.org) is affected by runoff from the residential and commercial areas surrounding Greenbelt National Park and the Baltimore-Washington Parkway that bisects the watershed. Increased storm-water runoff from developed areas and the pollutants in the runoff cause erosion and water-quality problems, which then cause issues for the fish and macroinvertebrates. The banks of many of our local streams are severely eroded. Thank you to the university for being dedicated to caring for and protecting our local watershed.




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limit guest columns to between 550 and 700 words. Submission of a letter or guest column constitutes an exclusive, worldwide, transferable license to The Diamondback of the copyright in the material in any media. The Diamondback retains the right to edit submissions for content and length.

POLICY: The signed letters, columns and cartoon represent only the opinions of the authors. The staff editorial represents the opinion of The Diamondback’s editorial board and is the responsibility of the editor in chief.


elieve it or not, your parents were wrong. Looks do matter — just not in the way you may (or may not) want them to. Because even though universities and employers might very well look right past those striking blue eyes or tall, trim legs, it’s the color of your skin that may just make all the difference. But, before you get out your pitchfork and flamethrower, realize that it’s not the discrimination Malcolm X and Martin Luther King fought to abolish, but rather, a way to compensate for what historical stupidity has caused. And even though we’re all well aware of the bigotry that existed in our own country, we must also acknowledge similar bigotry seen in foreign lands, bigotry that has forced refugees to migrate to America. If our past molds our future, then the effects of prejudice are endless. Unless, of course, we reverse the causes. Affirmative action: two words you love, or two words you hate. Nevertheless, for the sake of liberalism (or for the sake of this column), let’s pretend, for a few minutes, that you’re actually indifferent. After school, it’s first off to Little League, then over to Jimmy’s house, back home for dinner, and finally some cartoons; the boy’s anticipation swells and his insides implode with excitement. After his last agonizing hour at school, the bell finally rings and his day is over. The boy sitting next to him, however, sighs at the thought of leaving this sanctuary; his day has only begun. The latter is a minority: a first-generation Afghan-American. Fortunately for him, he has yet to recognize any discrepancies between himself and his friends. Don’t all kids wistfully exist as he does? Even though his father graduated first in his class at the relatively prestigious Kabul University, was it atypical that the alumnus worked at a gas station? Although the boy’s obligations are as foreign to the other kids as he is, he accepts them as routine. Taking care of his sister, taking care of the house, and least of all taking care of himself, the soon to be 8year-old boy emulates an adult. As his parents work day in and day out, he wonders, “How exactly do other parents manage to spend so much time with their kids?” After years of taking on more responsibility and straying further away from childhood, the boy accepts his B-average GPA as a great accomplishment. So he makes the honor roll, gets his bumper sticker and stands on the stage among his fellow honors students. Of course, as the other students step down thinking of the homework they robotically completed after hours of video games and television, the thoughts that stream through this boy’s mind carry only floating responsibilities. The boy, now a senior in high school, finally applies to the college of his choice, and neatly shades the box marked Asian-American. Logically, the university is committed to its attempt at equal opportunity. It recognizes the considerable weight the shaded box holds; this boy has a concealed superiority nurtured by his past. Within months, the boy’s mailbox holds the large envelope. Are the school’s assumptions of the boy’s capabilities unjustified? Is the boy undeserving? As the Soviet Union invaded the then-prosperous Afghanistan, many natives escaped to America. In efforts to spread communism, numerous Afghans were killed, and, needless to say, the country has never been the same. OK, so bomb what you will for the sake of peace (ironic, yes), but what happens to those who were forced to abandon their stable lives and start over? Even worse is the fact that natives of other third-world countries join Afghan-Americans in their turmoil, through no fault of their own, and are forced to compete with those in our country that have, fortunately, never been affected by such hatred. In retrospect, affirmative action is almost an obligation. Obviously though, like any idealistic initiative, there are problems with its execution. Affirmative action doesn’t always prove fair; it would be hypocritical of me to say that it does. But rather than crushing the effort altogether, fix the mistakes! Sheer laziness shouldn’t be the reason for killing diversity. Gina Sagar is a freshman fire protection engineering major. She can be reached at gsagar@umd.edu.




CROSSWORD 65 Opera manager ACROSS 68 Downy fungi 1 Hill builder 69 Pilot’s aid 4 Twig shelter 70 MGM mascot 8 Feelings 71 Ages 13 Between ports 14 Not sunnyside up 72 Oar pin 73 Jiffies 15 Love madly 16 Use the overhead 74 Workout facility 17 Roman holiday DOWN 19 Start a fire 1 — spumante 21 Look at 2 Gaudy sign 22 Loaf end 3 Sleazy 23 Cook shack 4 Oats holders specialty 5 Ms. Longoria 25 Gambler’s town 6 Cliques 27 Not cheat 7 More accurate (2 wds.) 8 Minibus 31 Sumptuous 9 Potato growers? repasts 10 Tree trunk 35 Poetic adverb 11 Buffalo’s lake 36 Spurred on 38 World-weariness 12 Close off 39 With, to Maurice 13 Try to find out 41 Divvy up 18 Yachting 43 River sediment hazard 44 “Walk Away —” 20 Precious thing 46 Downgrade 24 Yearning sounds 48 Apple goody 26 Maiden-name 49 Annually indicator 51 Blunders 27 Polar explorer 53 Barely managed 28 Embankment 55 Type of antenna 29 Stadium 56 Apply a mudpack 30 Domain 59 Pen part 32 Take potshots at 61 Sports division 33 Red flower

Previous Day’s Puzzle Solved: E Y E S








34 37 40 42 45 47












25 30
















43 47

48 52


























20 23



63 Bone below the elbow 64 Newsroom VIPs 66 Previously 67 Winter Games org.

57 Delhi nursemaid 58 Salon creation 60 Party cheese 62 Sticky stuff

50 Urges 52 London’s river 54 Makes a phone call 56 Soap target

Locations Robot Of the brain Before zetas Taiga denizen Latin I verb

55 60


















someone in need is a test of character — and you can pass with flying colors. Get the lay of the land. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) — You’ll find yourself wishing for more — and now all you need is to gather the strength and willpower to make it all come true for you. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) — You’re going to have to keep your confidence in check if you don’t want to get carried away and find yourself in over your head. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) — You’re going to want to get an early start, as your docket is full and you cannot afford to skip over any responsibilities. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) — You’re in the mood for a little romance, and you can have it — provided you set the stage in such a way that your intended gets the message. Copyright 2008 United Feature Syndicate, Inc.


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TAURUS (April 20-May 20) — Jealousy, while unbecoming to anyone, is certainly not for you. Do what you can to keep an open, accepting mind at all times. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) — You may be taking things far too personally. Take care that you don’t misinterpret another’s words or actions. CANCER (June 21-July 22) — You will be pleased with your own progress, provided that you stick to the game plan and avoid improvising needlessly. Be disciplined. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) — You’re likely to find the hint of what is to come rather exciting — and quite motivating, as well. Energy is running high. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) — Give yourself more of an opportunity to realize your wishes. You have more personal power than you think; you can use it more wisely. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) — How sympathetic you can be toward

TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 26 PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) — You’re likely to assume a more dominant role, little by little, throughout the day. After dark, others may be surprised by your prominence. ARIES (March 21-April 19) — If at first you don’t succeed, you may have to move on to something else — as you’re not likely to get a second chance this time around.


orn today, you are hardworking and eager to please, and you will do anything you can to maintain your good standing throughout the years. It can be said that you make it look easy — be it at work, at play or in your closest relationships. If at first you don’t succeed, however, you are not always willing to try again — but that does not mean you give up entirely and fade away. You may simply go into a kind of lull that affords you the time to rethink your efforts and come out later with a greater chance for success. In the tricky arena of love, you may well prove yourself a master of long-term contentment. In your professional life, you are not above the kinds of winnings that lure others — but you go about getting those things in a way that is truly your own, no matter what. Also born on this date are: Sally Jesse Raphael, talk-show host; George Harrison, singer, songwriter, musician; Jim Backus, actor; Pierre-Auguste Renoir, painter; Anthony Burgess, writer; Carrot Top, comedian. To see what is in store for you tomorrow, find your birthday and read the corresponding paragraph. Let your birthday star be your daily guide.




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Galaxy Billiards Cafe

Mad Scientists!

In Silver Spring. Nice, friendly servers needed. Outgoing personality. Come into store to apply after 4 p.m. 8661 Colesville Road, Silver Spring, MD 20910. 301-495-0081.

Part-Time Position Microsoft Office and Publisher skills necessary. Graphics, marketing, merchandising involved.

Mad Science 301-593-4777 www.madscience.org/DC

Call 301-476-8608

HTML/CSS Programmer Wanted $12/hr. FLEXIBLE HOURS. 5 min. walk from campus. Call Jonas, 301-985-1551. TERRAPINSNEEDJOBS.COM paid survey takers needed in College Park, 100% free to join. Click on Surveys.

Engineers College Park company seeks FT/PT for Card Level Design, and Cabling. Pro E/US Citizen. Start immediately. Some travel. Email resume to resume@design.techpromotion.com. Undercover Shoppers. Earn up to $70 per day. Undercover Shoppers needed to judge retail and dining establishments. Experience not required. Call 800-722-4791.

Greater Washington Orthopedic Group Physical Therapy Dept. in Silver Spring seeks physical therapy aide for p/t position. No experience required. Call Barbara Hart, 301-681-6061.

EXOTIC DANCERS Wanted for Gentleman’s Club (PG County). $300-500/night. No exp. needed. 240-286-3660 or 301-568-8500


CAMP PONTIAC Located in NY State

Is coming to University of Maryland! Camp Pontiac, a premier co-ed overnight camp in New York, is looking for fun, enthusiastic and mature individuals who can teach and assist in all areas of athletics, aquatics, the arts, or as a general bunk counselor. Interviews will be held on Thursday, February 28, 2 pm-5 pm, Edgar Allen Poe (Room 2101) Stamp Student Union Please email: stefanie@camppontiac.com or call Stefanie at 516-626-7668 to set up an interview. VIDEO/RENTAL CLERK- Laurel area, M-Th days, gd. pay, pref. retail exp. 301-332-6260 lv msg Internship/Paid Wanted: Aggressive, outgoing go-getter to work with Senior Vice President at Wachovia Securities. Call Bill Flanigan, Senior Vice President. 301-961-0131 Earn $800-$3200 a month to drive brand new cars with ads placed on them. www.AdCarClub.com.


Now Hiring Energetic and Friendly Servers! We’re only a few miles away from the University of Maryland College Park. Please apply in person at 3480 East West Highway, Hyattsville, MD 20782 (best time is Monday-Friday 2pm-4pm). Come be a part of our team!

Nanny/Housekeeper Wanted An adorable 3 year old needs a loving nanny in Greenbelt, MD. Tuesday-Saturday, English speaking and references req’d. Good pay.

301-502-8626 CAMP COUNSELORS needed for great overnight camps in NE Pennsylvania. Gain valuable experience while working with children in the outdoors. Teach/ assist with waterfront, outdoor recreation, ropes course, gymnastics, A&C, athletics, and much more. Office & Nanny positions also available. Apply on-line at www.pineforestcamp.com.

Veterinary Receptionist Seeking individual with good customer service skills and is ready to learn. Must love animals and people. Flexible hours, some Saturdays required. Silver Spring/Aspen Hill area. Fax resume to 301-603-9419.

Attn: Ladies Be Your Own Boss Tired of working a set schedule? Need more cash? Earn a 40% commission being a romance products consultant for Campus Delights. For information email contact@campusdelights.com or call 410-945-8164

LIFEGUARDS Now hiring lifeguards, pool managers, and supervisors. Full and part time positions. Free training. 1-877-540-7665 or www.americanpool.com.

Appointment Setter Looking for enthusiastic, outgoing, hardworking people to join a strong office team! We’re currently considering applicants for telemarketers looking to grow within the company. Positions available immediately. Flexible schedules, part time, full time, and weekends available. $10-15 per hour. Contact Patricia at 301-963-4135 or email resume to jobs@jrpmn.com.

FOR RENT One bedroom apartment. Kitchen, living room, bedroom, CAC. Private entry, washer, dryer, dishwasher, carpet. One half mile to UM. On shuttle. Randall: 202-526-4693.

Up to $35/Class Hr. Instructors needed to lead fun after-school science clubs for kids in Metro area elementary schools. Experience working with kids a plus and MUST HAVE A CAR. Flexible PT opportunity. Must be available at least 2 days/ week (M-F) by 2 p.m. Paid training. Science background NOT required. $25-$35 per program hour.

9:30AM – 4:30PM Monday – Friday 3136 South Campus Dining Hall

DEADLINES The deadline for all ads is 2PM, two business days in advance of publication.

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10739 Colesville Road Silver Spring, MD 20901 301-593-8081 www.alchemyhairsalon.com

NOW HIRING: Front Desk and Customer Service Rep. Looking for individuals who are outgoing with strong communication skills and with multi-tasking abilities. One must be able to handle working in a fast-paced and demanding environment. Pay starts at $10/hr. Part time hrs. To apply, please come in and fill out an application or email your resume to AlchemySalon@verizon.net. Bartending! $250/Day Potential. No Experience Necessary. Training Provided. 1-800-965-6520 x116 Chevy Chase, MD family seeks driver/homework monitor for boys ages 13, 16, $15/hour; our van and gas. 3-6 PM weekdays, 3-5 days/week. Wednesday & Thursday a must this semester. Summer job opportunity. E-mail interest to seibros@aol.com with name, phone, days available and graduation date.

HOUSES. Apartments. 2008-2009 school year. Walking distance. 301-431-0067. 301-335-7345. ecb1985@hotmail.com THREE HOUSES AVAILABLE. Adelphi Rd. 1 block from N. Campus Dr. 5+ bedroom house, $3200; 5 bedroom houses $3000/month including a/c, utilities not included. Some off-street parking. Large yards, washer/dryer, lawn care provided. Availble June 1 - early signing bonus. Contact Dr. Kruger - 301-408-4801.

2 Bedroom Apartments One Block from Campus Call Now for Summer or Fall 2008 Availability Limited 301-466-4753 Email: jfirth@pinstripeproperty.com SUMMER HOUSING. Want to live with a friend? Two rooms available this summer in an apartment in Commons 3. E-mail lfrank1@umd.edu or mherman1@mail.umd.edu if interested Nice 2 bedroom Knox Box apartment available for Fall. 301-918-0203

5 BEDROOM HOUSE w/3 FULL BATHS 2 blocks from Metro. 9732 52nd Ave. $2495.


Veterinary Technician


Animal care technician with a great attitude. Love of animals and people. Experience is favorable, but will train the right person. Silver Spring/Aspen Hill area. Fax resume to 301-603-9419.

Two houses available. Walk to campus. Grad students or professional group. One available June. One available August. 301-918-0203


HOUSE BIKE TO CAMPUS. 5718 Fasser Drive. 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, ac, washer, drier, dishwasher. 2.5 miles to north gate of campus. Only 1.5 miles using bike pass. $2500. Call Kay Dunn 301-699-1863.

WANTED PART-TIME SITTER. ISO a sitter for under 3 hours/day- M/W/F - from 9:30-12:15 on March 7th, 10th, 12th, and 14th. The pay is great! Interested? Email rearnes1@umd.edu for details.

NANNY $14/HOUR Live In or Out Close to campus. 20 hours a week/afternoons during school year. 40 hours a week during summer. Homework, drive to activities, children’s laundry. Claire, 301-650-5402 or 202-402-5102. Looking for Marty or Mary Poppins- a fun, energetic nanny to provide support to my son Matthew in our home in Arnold. Matthew is 12 years old, goes to school at Old Mill Middle School in Millersville. He is very affectionate, easy going, likes people, and all seem to like him as well. In his spare time Matt loves playing video games, swimming, watching TV and movies. Matt also happens to be Autistic and has limited verbal skills, but communicates effectively. Duties would include getting, driving Matt to and from school and providing support to him until 6:00 or 6:30 PM in our home. Providing support would entail promoting his independence, encouraging Matt to communicate effectively, and preparing Matt’s snack and meals as needed. Hours while school is in session would be Monday-Friday from 8:00 AM until 9:00 AM and then 3:30 PM until 6:30 PM. Nanny would also be available for full days of support when school is out or Matt is ill. When school is out (summer months), days/hours would be Monday-Friday from 8:00 am until 6:30 PM. Competitive salary, progressive salary based on experience, based on match and retention. Please send resume to jessica@pearsall.com . Must have own transportation, clean drivers license and background check.

House. 3 bedroom. Walk 1 block to UM shuttle. On Route 1. From $1200. 301-753-4301 HOUSES/APARTMENTS. College Park. 2-6 bedrooms. 410-544-4438

Share two bedroom apartment. Private entrance, carpet, big kitchen, dishwasher, washer, dryer, CAC. 5 min walk to UM. On Shuttle. Randall: 202-526-4693. Small apartment in basement for rent. College Park. Bedroom, kitchen, bath, and laundry. $800. Utilities included. 301-906-1599.

ROOMMATES You’re Not Renting a Room, You’re Sharing a Home Lovely Victorian homeshare in old Hyattsville within 1 mile of UMD. Metro and bus accessible, permit and private parking. $800/month includes utilities, cleaning services, wifi, cable, and fully equipped kitchen and laundry with 1-1/2 bath. Furnished or unfurnished. Move in ready March 1st. Call Denise at 240-731-3524.

SERVICES DISSERTATION EDITING — Theses, papers. APA, Turabian, MLA experts. Wordprocessing. Greenbelt. Call 24 hours. 301-474-6000




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FOR RENT HOUSE WALK TO CAMPUS. 7409 Columbia Avenue. 4 bedrooms, ac, washer, drier, dishwasher. $2750. 7007 Dartmouth Avenue. 5 bedrooms, washer, drier, dishwasher. $3350. Call Kay Dunn 301-699-1863.


WANTED FOR STUDENT PUBLICATIONS' BOARD Maryland Media, Inc., publishing board for the Diamondback, Eclipse, Terrapin, and Mitzpeh, has openings on its board of directors for two full-time students. The Board of Directors sets general policy, approves budgets and selects the Editors-in-Chief for the student publications. The term of office is one year and begins in May, 2008. The Board meets about once a month during the school year. For an application, stop by room 3136 South Campus Dining Hall and ask for Maggie Levy. Applications are due by Friday, February 29th at noon.

Photo Reprints of any photo published in

THE DIAMONDBACK Available in full color, any size from 3 x 5 up to poster size. Also mugs, t-shirts, many others! GO TO





Diversions ARTS

Want to learn more about the Aborigine people in Engonnia? The German settlers in South Australia? The history of Berlin? If so, see Shadows, a play about the three groups; Diversions sat down with playwright William Yang to talk about the piece. Just click on the Diversions link at www.diamondbackonline.com to learn more.







Tell me all of your secrets

Britney reunited with kids

Internet sensation PostSecret arrives on the campus Tuesday, bringing strangers’ truths with it


Wednesday Red Terrapins

Thursday Career Center

Friday W





11:30am: Into the Wild 2:30pm: Boyz in the Hood (free) 5:30pm: Into the Wild 9pm: Into the Wild www.thestamp.umd.edu/h off

The Stamp & SEE Sand Mandala Ceremony The Stamp, Gallery 11:30am-7pm www.see.umd.edu

Black Student Union Where Do We Go From Here? Nyumburu Cultural Center, 5-6:30pm www.nyumburu.umd.edu

Eating Disorder Awareness Week

The Stamp & SEE Sand Mandala Ceremony The Stamp, Gallery 10am-7pm www.see.umd.edu

Red Terrapins Blood Drive Stamp, Atrium, 11am-5pm dunaj@umd.edu

Hoff Theater @ The Stamp 12:15pm: Into the Wild 3:45pm: Into the Wild 7:30pm: Boyz in the Hood (free) 10pm: Into the Wild www.thestamp.umd.edu/h off

Baseball Terps vs. Towson 2pm, www.umterps.com

How to Help a Friend with Counseling Center an Eating Disorder Exploring Self Care & 0141 Health Center Wellness 6-7:30pm Shoemaker www.health.umd.edu 2-3:30pm 301-314.7651 Pride Alliance SafeSpace 1131 WDS, 6pm president.pride@umd.edu

TerpZone @ The Stamp Billiard League 7-11pm, 301.314.BOWL

Pride Alliance Bisexuals @ Maryland 2110 TYD, 7-8:30pm President.pride@umd.edu

CSPAC – Dekelboum UM Repertoire Orchestra Winter Concert 8pm, free, 301.405.ARTS

Maryland Rugby Football Team Meeting 0105 ARM, 9-10:30pm sswern@umd.edu

University Senate Campus Safety Forum Stamp, PG Room 3:30-5pm wfennie@umd.edu

Study Abroad Meet & Greet for Honors, Scholars & Civicus Anne Arundel Lounge 4:30-5:30pm dandrea@umd.edu


TerpZone @ The Stamp EA Sports Gaming Lounge 6pm, 301.314.BOWL

Post Secret Project The Stamp, Grand Ballroom, 6:30pm www.see.umd.edu

Impact Movement



Weekly Meeting 3130 S. Campus Diner 7:30pm www.wmucradio.com


Ash Girl 7:30pm, $7, 301.405.ARTS

CSPAC – Kogod

William Hang in Shadows Fire & Ice, Nyumburu 8pm, $7, 301.405.ARTS Cultural Center, 7:30pm Impact_UMCP@yahoo.com Korean Campus National Lampoon Lemmings, Stamp, Hoff Theater, 8:30-10pm www.stamp.umd.edu/hoff


Elijah Open Revival Stamp, Grand Ballroom 8-11pm jisun@gmail.com

Video Game Lounge E 7pm, 301.314.BOWL K

Colleges Against Cancer

E Leap Year Show Main Chapel, 8pm N vmseng@umd.edu

Community Roots

D Cultural Unity Ball The Stamp, Colony S Ballroom, 10pm-2am barrie3@umd.edu W


Brown Bag Lunch: Sexuality in the Black Community Wednesday, Feb. 27, Noon – 1:30pm Stamp, Student Involvement Suite A Contact: 301.314.8600









Sunday E

The Stamp







Men’s Tennis

Mosaic 2008, Diversity Terps v. Louiseville W and Leadership Retreat 11am, www.umterps.com thestamp.umd.edu/mosaic E

Muslim Students Association

Women’s Tennis

Terps v. Miami (OH) MIST Tournament 10am, www.umterps.com The Stamp, Hoff Theater 11am-4:30pm Muslim Students selzaharna@gmail.com Association MIST Tournament Memorial Chapel The Stamp, Pyon Su Black Campus 8am-12:30pm selzaharna@gmail.com Ministries- Worship Service, West Chapel Plant Science and 11am-12:45pm 301.314.9866 Landscape




Wednesday, May 3

Madea’s February Family Reunion25 Monday, International Film Series

5:00 7:00


Baseball Terps v. Hostra 1pm, www.umterps.com W

Congress of Jugglers Ritchie Coliseum 10am-11:30pm admschwa@umd.edu

Hoff Theater @ the Stamp Reel Saturdays 12pm-2pm www.thestamp.umd.edu /weekends


Pi Delta Psi Fraternity


Basketball Tournament CRC Gym, 3pm-6pm liucx@umd.edu


Iranian Students Foundation


Bangladesh Student Association Memorial Campus Muquabla Meeting-BSA Ministry


The Stamp, Nanticoke United Campus Ministry 2pm-6pm, echai@umd.edu Dinner/Worship Chapel Lounge, Main Bangladesh Student Association Chapel 6:30pm-8:30pm Competition: 301.314.9866 Muquabala, The Stamp, Hoff Theater, 7pmMen’s Basketball 10pm, echai@umd.edu Terps v. Clemson

TerpZone @ the Stamp

7:30pm www.umterps.com

Cosmic Bowling 8pm, 301.314.BOWL

CFC Youth for Christ

Pride Alliance

• W E E K E N

Weekly Meeting Queer Music Riot: The Armory 0103 Shondes, WMUC Radio 7:30pm-10pm Station, 8pm rvgonzaga@gmail.com president.pride@umd.edu W





Colleges Against Cancer Leap Year Show Friday, Feb. 29, 8-10pm • Memorial Chapel vmseng@umd.edu



5:00 7:00 9:30 Mid


Stamp, presents: Food SyrianCourt Bride (FREE!) Match Point

Cozy up with soups, Thursday, May 4and signature salads, Madea’s Family Reunion more! Match Point

Madea’s Family Reunion www.thestamp.umd.edu Match Point


Weekly Meeting The Stamp, Nanticoke 6:30pm-8:30pm nho@umd.edu

Terps v. Hofstra, Noon, www.umterps.com

0126 Stamp Student Union

Memorial Chapel

Juggling Club




Leadership and Development Workshop Catholic Sunday Mass The Stamp, 8am-12:30pm Main Chapel, 12pm1pm, 301.314.9866 scohan@umd.edu




MD Metropolitan Plant Science and Education Expo W Landscape The Stamp, 9am-2:30pm Architecture www.careercenter.umd.edu E Leadership and Phi Sigma Pi Development Workshop Hopscotch Hoff Theater @ The The Stamp, 8am-5pm E Hornbake Mall, 9am-3pm Stamp scohan@umd.edu Jannette.williams@gmail.com 11am: No Country For Old K Pitch Dingman Men The Stamp & SEE Pitch your business idea! 1:30pm: Into the Wild Sand Mandala Ceremony 4:30pm: Boyz in the Hood E Up to $500 awarded The Stamp, Gallery, 10am- (free) weekly. 3570 Van Munch6pm, www.see.umd.edu 7pm: No Country for Old N ing Hall, 11am-1pm pitchdingman@rhsmith.u Men OIT D md.edu 9:30pm: Into The Wild Forum on File Sharing Stamp, Atrium, 11am-3pm www.thestamp.umd.edu/h Weekends at MD off S Cherylw@umd.edu Phat Phridays: Lea The Stamp, Baltimore Black History Month Hoff Theater @ The Room, 12pm-1:30pm Closing Ceremony www.thestamp.umd.edu Stamp Nyumburu Cultural Center • /weekends 11:30am: Into the Wild 5-7pm 2:30pm: Boyz in the Hood www.nyumburu.umd.edu Baseball (Free) Terps v. Hofstra, 3pm, 5:15pm: No Country for MD Students of Ailing W www.umterps.com Old Men www.thestamp.umd.edu/h Mothers & Fathers Hoff Theater @ the General Body Meeting off E Stamp Stamp, EA Poe, 6-7pm Free Friday Film Series: Pride Alliance & The btsui@umd.edu E Mad Hot Ballroom , 5pm Stamp www.thestamp.umd.edu Muslim Women of MD Sexuality in the Black K /hoff Halaqa Community, Featuring Lisa Stamp, Pyon Su, 6-8pm Moore and Ernest Hardy E Juggling Club shamas@umd.edu Congress of Jugglers Stamp, Student InvolveRitchie Coliseum ment Suite, 12-1:30pm N Kappa Lambda Xi 5pm-11:30pm bdula@umd.edu Sweet Dreamz adnschwa@umd.edu D ASY 3203, 7-9pm Softball Muslim Students Anbar.asghar@gmail.com Terps v. UMBC, 2pm & S Association 4pm, www.umterps.com Eating Disorder MIST Tournament • The Stamp, Atrium The Stamp Awareness Week 5:30pm-8:30pm Transfer Student Welcome Free Yoga Class, 3120 Stamp, Grand Ballroom Health Center, 7:30pm W selzaharna@gmail.com Lounge, 3:30pm-5pm www.health.umd.edu TerpZone @ the Jgarland@umd.edu E Stamp

Hopscotch Blood Drive Hornbake Mall Stamp, PG Room, 8amScale Smashing 8pm, dunaj@umd.edu Hornbake Mall, 10am-4pm 9am-3pm silberman@health.umd.edu Jannette.williams@gmail.com

Hoff Theater @ The Stamp

FEB. 25-MAR. 2, 2008

Saturday N



Eating Disorder Awareness Week


asleep one of the postcards will just pop into my mind. It’s almost as though it’s demanding that I go back and get it and put it on the website one Sunday.” While the secrets change from week to week, one thing keeps people coming back for more. “Everyone, whether they want to admit it or not, wants to know other people’s deepest and darkest secrets,” Deutsch said. Frank Warren will be in the Grand Ballroom of the Stamp Student Union on Tuesday night from 6:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. The event is free for students and $10 for non-students. All attendees must pick up tickets before the event.


window into the world. “It’s kind of like a reflection of yourself, as well as society,” she said. “A lot of the secrets are relatable by everyone — like you’ll read it and be like, ‘Wow, me too!’ — or some things are just so scary or so shocking that it just draws you closer — ‘What kind of person would write something like that or do something like that?’ — It kind of makes me feel more connected with people.” Despite Warren’s struggles to narrow down his choices every week, he does have occasional moments of clarity. “Sometimes the secrets will choose themselves,” he added. “I’ll go through a hundred during the day and put them away and then at night, as I’m about to fall



to his site can be a difficult task, Warren said. “I try not to judge the secrets,” he said. “I think they’re all pretty special. But I do select ones that are new or surprising or shocking. I like the funny secrets and the hopeful secrets.” While Warren enjoys the more lighthearted secrets, others — even the intense ones — are similarly interesting, he said. “I like the secrets that seem really heartfelt,” Deutsch said. “It doesn’t seem like they take a long time to make really flowery phrasing. I like the ones that seem more honest and taboo — when they’re not poetic and they’re just kind of out there.” Where the raw honesty draws Deutsch in, Ock sees the site as a

• ••

Lindsay Lohan and I Know Who Killed Me swept the Razzie awards this weekend. Lohan took eight awards, including trophies for Worst Picture, Worst Actress, Worst Screen Couple and Worst Excuse for a Horror Movie.

“Everyone, whether they want to admit it or not, wants to know other people’s deepest and darkest secrets.”


Most of the featured postcards on PostSecret reveal either hopeful or dark truths, creator Frank Warren said.

Friday, May 5


Who killed her career?

Whether it’s a silly story of a drunken goof or a far more serious personal account, we all have our secrets. And when others want to tell you theirs, the notion of knowing that special nugget of truth can send tingles down your spine. Hence the genius of the PostSecret project. Creator Frank Warren started the project as part of Artomatic, a forum for visual artists, musicians and performers. Warren passed out postcards to strangers, told them to write a secret on it and encouraged them to send the cards back to him. But the secret-cleansing process didn’t end there, Warren said. “I reached a point where I stopped passing them out and thought that would be the end of

the project, but the idea spread virally in the real world,” he said. “I started getting postcards on homemade postcards, on these beautifully decorated postcards. ... Today, I receive between 100 and 200 every day from all over the world.” The influx of secrets, which exceeded the Artomatic project and spawned PostSecret.com, has become a major success on the Internet. Warren said the site has had 120 million viewers in the past three years. With those numbers, it’s not hard to see the site has become must-read material for many people, including Shin Ock, a sophomore psychology major. “It’s different every single week,” she said. “It’s like watching a television show — even though sometimes the plot lines are recycled or whatever, you watch because you’re so invested in it. I feel like I am invested in whatever he posts that week.” Freshman journalism major Lindsay Deutsch says she also feels the draw of secrets. “It seems really authentic,” she said. “It doesn’t look like a big production; it looks like actually people are writing these postcards and it’s very personal. It kind of ... puts your life into perspective.” And that perspective can take different forms — secrets on the site are typically either humorous or darkly personal. Choosing which secrets to post


The rumors are true! Finally throwing aside the baggy clothes that bind her, Angelina Jolie confirmed her pregnancy Saturday at the Independent Spirit Awards. Jolie wore a slim-fitting black dress and was with life partner Brad Pitt. Sorry, Jen Aniston.

Staff writer


Brangelina pregnant!


•••••• •• •• • • • • • • ••

After weeks of not seeing sons Sean Preston and Jayden James, Britney Spears was finally granted a threehour visit with them on Saturday. Do you think they remember her? Hmm...


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301.314.HOFF www.recyclemania.umd.edu Submit your events to stampmarketing@umd.edu by noon Monday for inclusion in the following week’s publication. (Please allow 7 days notice.) For a complete calendar of Weekly Events go to: www.union.umd.edu.



Comeback ends with overtime win


No. 1 Terp SELIG, from Page 10

SENIOR, from Page 10

onds left on a backdoor cut after getting a great bounce with 5:39 remaining. Semi- pass from Langhorne, sending noles sophomore guard Alysha the game into overtime. “When Marissa hit that shot Harvin’s two free throws after Harper’s loose-ball foul start- it was just like ‘Thank the ed an 8-2 run that continued Lord,’” Harper said. “We just after Harper returned to the couldn’t buy a bucket to get over that hump, and figame just more than a nally we did.” minute later, and the The Seminoles simSeminoles led 71-63 ply weren’t able to heading into the last keep up with the media timeout with Terps for another 3:42 remaining. five minutes in over“Senior Day is not time, and the Terps going to be Senior had the game. Day if we don’t win The Terps scored this game,” Harper on 15 consecutive said. possessions during With the Seminoles the end of regulation also in foul trouble, and overtime. the Terps inched clos–Crystal After the game, most er in the final few of the fourth-largest minutes, and a drivLanghorne ing layup by junior SENIOR FORWARD crowd in ACC history stayed to see Langguard Kristi Toliver horne’s banner uncut the Seminoles furled in the rafters. lead to 75-74 with 35 Frese and Langhorne each seconds remaining. After Harvin made one of addressed the crowd over the two free throws, the Terps public address system. “That’s going to be really nearly turned it over on their next possession when the weird to see my name and my Seminoles forced a jump ball number up there,” Langhorne but the possession arrow gave said afterward. “I’m just really honored that Maryland wanted the ball back to the Terps. On take two, junior forward to do that for me.” Marissa Coleman scored the game-tying layup with 4.9 sec- schimmeldbk@gmail.com

“That’s going to be really weird to see my name and my number up there.”

Miami, Terps head in opposite directions MIAMI, from Page 10 and Shane Walker in his absence. Burney, however, did give the Terps some productive minutes off the bench, something they’ve been missing. “I was really pleased with his effort today,” Williams said of Burney. “He picked it up a couple weeks ago and started to play better, and I’ll play him. I always tell the team you earn your playing time in practice.” The Terps had previously separated themselves from the middle of the ACC pack, but with two straight losses, they’re right back in it. They are still in a position where they can finish well, but there’s no guaranteed wins in their final three games. The only thing for sure at this point is the way the Terps feel about the next two weeks: There’s absolutely no more

room for error. “We gotta win these next three games,” Gist said. “It’s gonna take a lot of work, but we gotta work hard. This is what you signed up for. This is what it’s like this time of year.” Unlike the Terps, Miami is playing its best basketball of the season. It has won four impressive games in a row, and that includes a victory over then-No. 4 Duke. Miami improved to 5-1 against the Terps since it joined the ACC, but this Hurricanes squad isn’t like the previous ones the Terps have lost to. In fact, with a strong record, high Ratings Percentage Index and high strength of schedule, Miami appears to be a surefire NCAA Tournament team. Then again, a week ago the Terps did, too. zuckermandbk@gmail.com

Application Forms for the Adele H. Stamp Memorial Award Are Now Available LOCATION 3100 Stamp Student Union DEADLINE Completed applications must be returned by Noon – March 3, 2008

Criteria for selection include affiliation with the Union or student organizations that use the Union, 3.0 GPA for undergraduates or 3.5 for graduates , demonstrated leadership skills , and active involvement in the life of the campus community. The recipient of the award will be recognized at the University Annual Awards program on May 4, 2008, with a plaque and a cash prize and have his/her name inscribed on the permanent plaque in the Union lobby.

was the final official home game for Langhorne and the other seniors. After the game, her name and number, “1,” were unveiled as her jersey dropped from the Comcast Center rafters. It’s only fitting that when people look up at the ceiling, Langhorne’s name will be up there, accompanied by the number one. Because if you look in the Terps’ record books, “one” is the position where you’re most likely to find her. Langhorne is the all-time scoring, rebounding and games started leader. The 6foot-2-inch, headband-donning forward has also taken the most shots in Terps history, of which she has hit a record (and mind-blowing) 65 percent. In addition, she was the No. 1 player on the No. 1 team in 2006, as she led the Terps to their first national championship. With emotions hampering Langhorne from composing a full sentence as she addressed the Comcast crowd, Langhorne said: “To me, there are two impor-

tant decisions in life — where you go to school, and who you marry. I just hope I marry someone who’s as good of a decision Maryland was.” But it’s the university that’s the lucky one for having Langhorne. It’s no coincidence that the Terps’ winningest four seasons are the four that included Langhorne. And it’s no coincidence that over 16,000 people showed up for Senior Day — the fourthlargest crowd in ACC history. That’s because Langhorne was the main factor in shaping the program into what it is today. “She’s been a leader from the minute, from the day she stepped on campus,” coach Brenda Frese said. “Crystal is a winner through and through. We may not ever, ever get an opportunity to coach a player like Crystal again.” Quite simply, Langhorne is the greatest woman to ever grace a basketball court at this university, and grace is exactly how she did it. She had grace on the floor, using a sophisticated set of inside post-moves and cotton-soft touches around the basket to score at will. She also had grace off the court, where she constantly carried herself like a pro.

If I tried to list all of the accolades she racked up in her collegiate career, this column would have to end shortly thereafter for lack of available space. But it’s Langhorne’s personality that those close to her rave about most. Former Terps assistant coach Jeff Walz, who coached Langhorne for three years before taking the head job at Louisville this year, paid the senior forward the ultimate compliment. “Two years ago, I was talking to her parents,” Walz said, “and my wife and I had just had a daughter, and I told them, ‘If my daughter grew up to be like Crystal, I’d be a happy parent.’ She takes care of business in the classroom, and she’s a coach’s dream.” Langhorne also made a quick impression on assistant coach Daron Park, who described the joy of coaching her from a more jealous standpoint. “I’m kicking myself that I didn’t get here three years earlier,” Park said. I covered the women’s team last season and was thankful that the star player, the go-to person for interviews, was so kind and easy to converse with. She was soft-spoken, but wellspoken and tried to respond as directly as possible. After the team unexpectedly lost in the second round of the NCAA tournament last season, several players were crying in the locker room and others gave menacing glares as if to say, “don’t

bother me right now.” Langhorne handled the situation with the utmost class, treating the media the same way she would if the team had just won a regular season game. She always stayed on that even keel. After the hundreds upon hundreds of baskets she scored on the court, Langhorne never resorted to the showmanship or boasting that so many collegiate athletes do today. In fact, the only time she gets really animated on the floor is when one of her teammates makes a big play. “Team achievements are always more important than individual,” Langhorne said. “You may be able to do a lot of stuff on your own, but to win championships, you’ve got to work as a team.” If she can help lead the Terps to another championship, there will be another banner next to Langhorne’s name, and an unmatched legacy for future Terps to live up to. But if you ask those who are close to Langhorne, the legacy of her as a competitor and as a person is already completely built. “I was more impressed with her as a person than I was as a basketball player,” Walz said. “A lot of people get to see how special she is on the floor, but not enough get to see what she’s like as a person.” Maybe now you have a better idea. mseligdbk@gmail.com

OPENINGS FOR EDITORS OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Maryland Media, Inc., the independent publishing board for student publications on campus, is accepting applications for editorships for the 2008-2009 school year. The following positions are open: 1. Eclipse editor-in-chief (salary $2,000) 2. Diamondback editor-in-chief (salary $17,000) 3. Mitzpeh editor-in-chief (salary $2,000)

Application forms may be picked up in the Diamondback business office, room 3136 South Campus Dining Hall. Applicants will be notified of an interview time and date. The deadline for applications is noon on Friday, February 29, 2008.



Terps open season with two wins Women’s lacrosse rolls to victories over UMass, Boston College BY BRIAN KAPUR Staff writer

The winter weather was the only thing in Massachusetts that stopped the Terrapin women’s lacrosse team this weekend. The Terps opened their season by thrashing UMass 18-7 on Saturday after snow in Amherst, Mass., pushed the game back a day. And on Sunday, the Terps notched their first conference win of the season, beating Boston College 23-10. “BC is an ACC team; being undefeated against them in such a tough conference is a great thing,” senior midfielder Kelly Kasper said.

Kasper set a new career high in points against the Minutewomen with seven, and then topped the mark with nine points against the Eagles. “It’s a testament to her overall athletic ability and the work she put in,” associate head coach Jen Adams said. “We were all working very hard and had many opportunities; our cutters were getting open for us,” Kasper added. The schedule change just added to the Terps’ list of challenges; the Terps were also without head coach Cathy Reese, who missed the game because of her pregnancy. While the schedule change could have hurt them, the

Terps took advantage of the extra day. “It was relaxing,” Kasper said. “The team went for a swim; we had a walkthrough. It was a fun time to relax before we played.” Saturday against the Minutewomen, the Terps took more than 15 minutes to score five goals. Despite the slow scoring early on, senior goalie Allie Buote allowed just one goal in that span. In the second half, the Terps found their groove, sealing the win with an 11-5 run. “Against UMass, we were a little sloppy at times; we didn’t come out as strong as we could’ve,” Kasper said. “By the end we were our normal selves.” Against the Eagles, the Terps were anything but sloppy. The team ran out to a 6-0 lead and finished the first

half with a 15-5 lead. The second half was more of the same as the Terps finished off the victory. “We came out very strong and were consistent for most of the game,” Kasper said. In both games, the Terps found different means of production from a balanced attack led by Kasper. Senior attacker Lauren Cohen and senior midfielder Dana Dobbie combined for 10 goals against Boston College. Against UMass, it was sophomore midfielder Caitlyn McFadden who set a career high with five points. “I was very impressed with how the team played,” Adams said. “We really showed up as a complete team and a good showing for our first two games.” bkapurdbk@gmail.com

Defense keeps Hoyas’ offense at bay LACROSSE, from Page 10 “After the first goal, I was just going insane,” Catalino said. “I didn’t really expect to score the first goal of the game, and it was off a ground ball. I just shot it, and hoped it went in.” Georgetown answered back, beating Terp goalie Jason Carter less than a minute later. Carter made six first-period saves to allow the Terps to build the lead in his first career start, before giving way to sophomore Brian Phipps in the second half. After the teams traded goals, Young’s score with 5:31 left in the quarter started the Terps on a 5-0 run. Redshirt junior midfielder Jeff Reynolds’ goal with 15 seconds left in the quarter gave the Terps a 5-2 advantage and

had the Terps jumping around celebrating as the quarter ended, while the Hoyas quietly filed to the sideline. “We were just fired up,” sophomore long-pole Brian Farrell said. “This team has so much heart and so much desire. I’ve never been on a team that gets as motivated and pumped up as we do.” The momentum carried over as Reed netted his first career goal 15 seconds into the second quarter. The Terps took an 8-4 lead into the second half. Young and Reed each scored their second goals of the game early in the second half to put the lead at 10-4, and the Hoya offense could never get going against a Terp defense playing its first game since the graduation of two 2007 All-Americans, Steve Whittenberg and Ray Megill.

“We came out strong and played together as a team,” Farrell said. “You can’t really stop a team that’s playing together.” But the story of the game was the freshmen, who accounted for nine goals thanks to midfielder Tony Mendes’ second period tally. Even with 18 true freshmen on the roster, the Terps showed what they are capable of with a road win against a top-five opponent. “It was amazing,” Carter said. “We knew we had a lot of good talent, but I don’t think anybody else really knew it. We wanted to come out and really show it, and I think we did.” In the closing minutes of the game, the Terps’ sideline was once again raucous as they were about to clinch their 15th straight season-opening victory. The silence of the initial

“After the first goal, I was just going insane. I didn’t really expect to score the first goal of the game.” –Grant Catalino FRESHMAN ATTACKMAN

bus ride was long gone on the ride home, and the Terps had earned the celebration. “That’s why you play and you work in athletics, because there’s no feeling better than what just happened for this team,” Cottle said. “They’re so excited in [the locker room]. I hope we just continue to improve.” edetweilerdbk@gmail.com

Errors mark first weekend Defensive mistakes doom baseball BY AARON KRAUT Senior staff writer

The Terrapin baseball team knew it would have to play its best baseball to beat Big South Conference favorite and No. 30 Coastal Carolina in the teams’ two games this weekend. Despite quality starting pitching and their share of offensive opportunities, two Terp defensive miscues led to losses in both games against the Chanticleers, sandwiched around a win Saturday night against Pittsburgh at this weekend’s IMIChotels.com INN-vitational. A rainout Friday night pushed the Terps’ first matchup against Coastal Carolina to Saturday afternoon when, despite getting six hits in a little over five innings against All-America starting pitcher Bobby Gagg, the Terps fell 10-4. Trailing 2-1 with one out and one Chanticleer runner on in the bottom of the sixth inning, shortstop Justin Mayse’s misjudgment of a pop-up off the bat of left fielder Chance Gilmore opened up the flood gates. After walking the next batter to load the bases, Terps starting pitcher Scott Swinson was replaced by Brett Jones, who gave up a grand slam to All-America center fielder David Sappelt, putting the game out of reach at 6-1. The Terps stranded 11 runners in the game. “They’re a good team and they took advantage of a mistake,” coach Terry Rupp said. “But we’ve gotta have someone step up and cut them off before they get out of hand.” Just 30 minutes after the conclusion of that game, the Terps took the field against Pitt, and after starting pitcher Ian Schwalenberg surrendered three solo homers in the first inning, it looked as though it would be a winless night. Down 4-3 in the sixth with runners on second and third, Rupp pinch-hit junior Jensen Pupa, who doubled off the leftfield wall to give the Terps a 5-4

lead they wouldn’t relinquish. Kevin Biringer got the win in relief as the Terps beat the Panthers 10-5. “It taught me a lot about Ian Schwalenberg’s makeup,” Rupp said. “I don’t care what level you’re on, if you give up three home runs in the first inning, it would pretty much shake up anyone. But he was able to give us an opportunity to win.” Catcher Chad Durakis was hit by two pitches in the game, and three total in Saturday’s doubleheader, making him the all-time leader in school history in that category with 37. Yesterday the Terps sent Pupa to the mound for another crack at Coastal Carolina. But a first-inning throwing error by senior second baseman Joe Palumbo with two outs led to four unearned Coastal Carolina runs. Chanticleer starter Austin Fleet shut down the Terps through 6.2 innings, but a Mike Moss pinch-hit two-run homer off reliever Jeremiah Meiners in the seventh cut the lead to 4-3. With men on second and third and two down, Palumbo flied out to left to end the inning, and the Terps would get no closer as Coastal Carolina went on to pick up their fifth run in the bottom of the seventh before winning 5-3. Even with the close calls, Rupp was pleased with his team’s opening weekend, as the Terps showed they could play with a team of Coastal Carolina’s stature. “The thing that was encouraging was we got down in all three games and we battled back in each one and had opportunities to win each game,” Rupp said. “Typically, first weekend out you have to refine some things and understand that when you’re playing good teams it comes down to maybe one or two plays.” akrautdbk@gmail.com



he 2008 TERRAPIN YEARBOOK, in association with Carl Wolf Studios, will be taking graduation portraits the week of February 25–29 2008. Although it is TOO LATE for these pictures to be included in the 2008 TERRAPIN, many of you called to request this portrait session. There is absolutely NO cost or obligation on your part. Several poses will be taken, both with and without cap and gown, if you prefer. You will then have an opportunity to purchase portraits at a reasonable charge. Beginning Monday, Feb. 25th, appointments can be made by calling the Terrapin office at (301) 314-8349 between 11 a.m.–7 p.m.

DATES: February 25–29, 2008 • One Week Only!! TIME: 11am-7pm PLACE: 3101 South Campus Dining Hall (TERRAPIN YEARBOOK Office) PHONE: 1-800-687-9327 or cws.ouryear.com School Code: 87101



Gymnastics wins first meet of season


The Terrapin gymnastics team beat New Hampshire 192.875-192.625 to take home its first meet win of the season. For a full recap of the meet, read gymnastic beat reporter Michael Katz’s story online at www.diamondbackonline.com.

Terps’ tourney hopes on bubble Men’s basketball loss to Miami jeopardizes team’s NCAA chances BY ANDREW ZUCKERMAN Senior staff writer


Freshman attackman Grant Catalino spurred the Terps with four goals in his college debut, helping the Terps knock off No. 4 Georgetown.

Freshmen key men’s lacrosse in win vs. Hoyas Three freshman attackmen combine for eight goals for Terps BY ERIC DETWEILER Senior staff writer

For the Terrapin men’s lacrosse team, one of the most important parts of Saturday’s season opener at Georgetown took place well before the noon start time: the roughly 30-minute bus ride to MultiSport Field. On the bus, Terp coach Dave Cottle made the decision to start three freshmen at attack, and he said the unusually quiet ride told him his young team was focused and ready to play hard against the No. 4 Hoyas. Both the line-up move and the observation proved correct. The rookie attackmen — Grant Catalino, Ryan Young and Travis Reed — combined

to score eight goals as the No. 7 Terps cruised to an 11-6 win. “I thought we had a plan, and we executed the plan,” Cottle said. “When you get a young team, sometimes they don’t follow the game plan, but I think we did.” Cottle, who chose to start senior Max Ritz at midfield to allow for the all-freshmen attack, expressed concern about his team’s inability to score after some closer-thanexpected scrimmages, but the Terps exploded out of the gate, scoring early and often. Catalino, who led the team with four goals in his collegiate debut, got the scoring started when he put back Reed’s miss off the post 5:25 into the game.

Please See LACROSSE, Page 9

CORAL GABLES, Fla. – At this point last week, the thought of the Terrapin men’s basketball team being on the outside of the NCAA Tournament field looking in could have produced some chuckles. Now, though, nothing’s funny about the notion. After the Terps’ third loss in four games — this one a 78-63 offensive train wreck to Miami at the BankUnited Center — the Terps are right back on the bubble. It’s a nerve-racking place to be this late in the season, and it’s especially frustrating for the Terps, given how much it took to turn the season around during the past two months. “Every game from here on is a must-win, I’d say,” senior Bambale Osby said after the game in an eerily quiet locker room. The Terps shot a dismal 37.1 percent from the field and their 63 points scored were the fewest since the Dec. 22 loss to American. “We’ve been a pretty consistent shooting team all year, and I thought we got some looks in the second half that we didn’t convert,” coach Gary Williams said. “We shot 29 percent [in the second half], and we haven’t been doing that. That really hurt us.” For the fourth straight game, the Terps had more turnovers (15) than assists (12). “You have to play really well. You have to make shots,” Williams said. “Miami’s good; they’ve proven how good they are this week. We didn’t play well enough down the stretch.” Sure enough, the Terps fizzled when it mattered most, similar to last Wednesday’s loss to Virginia Tech. After trimming an eightpoint deficit down to 61-58 with 5:26 remaining, the Terps failed to get defensive stops, and Miami ended the game on a 17-5 run. It was similar to the way the rest of the game played out — the Terps (17-11, 7-6 ACC) trailed throughout, and every time they tied it or cut it down to one possession, they couldn’t stop the Hurricanes (19-7, 6-6).


Guard Eric Hayes and the Terps once again struggled to control the ball, finishing with 15 turnovers and 12 assists. The Terps made just nine second-half shots. “We didn’t play hard,” said sophomore Greivis Vasquez. “That was the difference

[down the stretch].” Landon Milbourne, Vasquez and James Gist combined to shoot 13-for-44 (29.5 percent). Gist played just 21 minutes

because of foul trouble, and the Terps got just four points from reserves Jerome Burney

Please See MIAMI, Page 8

Terps come through on Senior Day Women’s basketball recognizes five seniors at final regular season home game, then need overtime to knock off Florida State 92-84 BY GREG SCHIMMEL Senior staff writer

The Terrapin women’s basketball team was not going to lose Sunday. Not after a tear-filled ceremony before the game honoring the winningest senior class in program history on Senior Day. Not when senior forward Crystal Langhorne’s No. 1 jersey was honored with a new banner in the Comcast Center rafters afterward. And not on the day coach Brenda Frese made it back for the festivities, just one week after giving birth to twins. The Terps made a late comeback that they didn’t complete until there was less than five seconds left in regulation and eventually pulled away in overtime for an emotional 92-84 win over Florida State in front of a season-high 16,135 fans at Comcast Center. “I’m just excited we were able to get the win for [the seniors],” Frese said. “[It’s] a phenomenal day for Maryland basketball.” Frese spoke with the media after the game for the first time since she gave birth last Sunday and twice had to pause to regain her composure.


Seniors Jade Perry (55) and Crystal Langhorne played their last regularseason home game at Comcast Center yesterday. “It did take a lot for me to get here today. I’m not going to lie about that,” Frese said

as she began to weep. “But I’m really lucky to have the support from so many great

people to be able to help me get here today.” Emotions had been high since the Senior Day ceremony hours earlier, when forwards Langhorne, Laura Harper and Jade Perry and guards Ashleigh Newman and Christie Marrone were honored before their last regular-season home game. The Terps admitted that emotions may have played a role in the first half, when both teams struggled to find a rhythm offensively. The Terps’ committed 16 of their 23 turnovers before halftime but led 32-31 at the break. “This day just means so much to this program and for us,” Harper said. “There was just so much emotions going into it that sometimes it’s hard to shake those off a little bit.” After the Terps calmed down a bit in the second half and took a 49-38 lead with 15:13 remaining, the Seminoles went on a 14-0 run helped by Terp turnovers on four consecutive possessions. The teams then mostly traded baskets, with neither leading by more than three until Harper went to the bench with her fourth foul

Please See SENIOR, Page 8


Forward Crystal Langhorne is the Terps’ all-time leader in points and assists, and has shot 65 percent from the field during her career.

A true class act


usually don’t like to write glowing stories about somebody without at least adding a critical aspect. It’s a fundamental of proper journalism. But I couldn’t think of, nor could I find anybody who would say anything negative about Crystal Langhorne. Though the Terrapin women’s basketball team will most likely play its first two rounds of the NCAA tournament at Comcast Center, yesterday

Please See SELIG, Page 8

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