NEW YEAR, SAME SPOT Terps are in a position to dispute the theory that history repeats itself at Virginia SPORTS | PAGE 8
Univ. warns against travel to Mexico Santa Fe Rise in violent crime, kidnapping deters some Spring Break plans BY DANA CETRONE AND JEFF NASH For The Diamondback
Drug cartel-related violence in Mexico has prompted the U.S. federal government and the university to warn students about studying abroad and traveling there. The university issued a travel
alert for students, faculty and staff warning of increased crime and violence in Mexico and urged travelers to “avoid dangerous situations.” The alert followed one release by the U.S. State Department on Feb. 20 that warned travelers of the risks involved with traveling to Mexico because of
Athletics to receive more money from event parking
the recent growth in crime, especially near the United States border, and several unresolved kidnapping cases of U.S. citizens. The violence has caused some students to reconsider or cancel their spring break or study abroad plans. But travel agency executives and university offi-
cials said their programs go to safe areas in the country. After Neil Rebele, a senior accounting major, read several government releases and news articles on traveling to Mexico and heard the Mexican government
Please See MEXICO, Page 2
City Council could ask for ‘default judgment’ in sprinkler lawsuit BY BRADY HOLT Senior staff writer
The owner of the Santa Fe Cafe has ignored a city lawsuit that is trying to force him to install a sprinkler system in his bar, city officials said. The city sued Mark Srour — who owns Santa Fe, The Mark and Cornerstone Grill and Loft — last year to enforce an agreement in which he said he would install the sprinklers by March 2006. Srour did not file a written response to the lawsuit within the required 30 days of being served with paperwork from the Prince George’s County Circuit Court on Jan. 14, the College Park Gazette reported yesterday. Without the required response from Srour, the city could request a “default judgment” in its lawsuit, officials said, meaning a judge could rule on the issue without waiting more than a year for a trial.
DOTS intends to recoup lost revenue when visitor parking, meter fees rise BY RICH ABDILL Staff writer
DOTS will owe the Athletics Department an extra $53,000 next year, after the two departments revised the way parking revenues from sporting events are divvied up, DOTS Director David Allen said. Allen said the Department of Transportation Services will recoup that money when they increase fees for meters and visitor parking, which was already planned to take effect next year. Under the original plan, which has been in place for about five years, DOTS kept all revenue from basketball parking and split the net profits of football parking with Athletics . The new plan, which takes effect July 1, will split both sports’ parking fees evenly between the two departments, said Pat Mielke, assistant vice president for student affairs. Allen said DOTS had no voice in the negotiations, but Mielke, who oversees DOTS, said the process was a three-way conversation between Student Affairs and the two departments. DOTS will make up for the revenue lost under the new agreement with a portion of the July 1 parking increase, in which parking meters are slated to increase from $1 to $2 per hour and hourly visitor parking fees will increase from $2 to $3. The remainder of the revenue from the
owner has ignored city case
Please See SPRINKLERS, Page 3
The landlord of this Calvert Road apartment complex told the county he did not need updated permits. MATTHEW CREGER/THE DIAMONDBACK Marissa Coleman has won a National Championship and an ACC regular season title, as well as 200 games as a Terp. Starting this afternoon, she begins her final attempt at winning an ACC tournament title. ADAM FRIED/THE DIAMONDBACK
Landlord says permits issued School of Public Health undergoes $15M facelift decades ago Officials say 35-year-old building needs upgrades as are still valid Please See ATHLETICS, Page 2
program enrollment climbs BY DIANA ELBASHA Staff writer
After nearly a year of extensive planning, the university’s School of Public Health building has begun a much-needed, $15 million renovation project scheduled to be complete next January, department officials said. The 35-year-old building, formerly the home of the health and human performance college, became home to the school in Oct. 2007. The need for an upgrade less than two years later is indicative of the department’s tremendous growth since moving into the building, both in the number of students and the school’s expanding graduate programs, said Robert Gold, the school’s dean. “We have grown from about 800 undergraduate majors to 1, 700 in four years, with comparable sized growth in our graduate
A College Park landlord who attempted to evict all his tenants, including several students, from a 32-unit apartment building in December told the county Wednesday that he did not need updated permits for that property or any of the others he operates in College Park. The city of College Park cited James L. Kane Jr. in late November for operating apartment buildings with use and occupancy permits that were issued decades ago in the names of his deceased parents. County code requires occupancy permits to be updated when properties change ownership, and could force Kane to meet requirements
Please See RENOVATION, Page 3
Please See HEARING, Page 2
The School of Public Health is making renovations, such as adding a wheelchair ramp to its building. The overall upgrades carry a price tag of $15 million. VINCE SALAMONE/THE DIAMONDBACK
Partly Cloudy/60s
New occupancy permits may demand stricter requirements
NEWS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 OPINION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
FEATURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 CLASSIFIED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
BY BRADY HOLT Senior staff writer
DIVERSIONS . . . . . . . . . . . .6 SPORTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
WE WANT YOU Story ideas? News tips? E-mail them to The Diamondback at
NEWSMAKERS BRIEFS Dorchester deputy kills man armed with shovel
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@M GSG president voted to cut Zipcar Hearing ARYLAND
doesn’t resolve issues
ATHLETICS, from Page 1
Heroin found in pregnant woman’s pants NEW CASTLE, Del. – New Castle County police say they’ve arrested a pregnant Wilmington woman who had 73 bags of heroin stashed in the waistband of her pants. New Castle County Police say 31-year-old Shawnett Backus was a passenger in a car stopped by officers on Rogers Road on Wednesday because they believed it had illegal window tint. In the car police say officers found six bags of heroin, a loaded gun and a stun gun in the trunk. When officers took Backus to police headquarters, they found the 73 bags of heroin in her waistband. The driver, 27-year-old Jeron Johnson of Wilmington, was charged with drug and weapons offenses. Both are being held on bail.
— Compiled from wire reports
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“I’m really nervous about the situation in Mexico,” Zionts said. “But I already paid, so I’m going to go.” Similarly, Brian Canell, sophomore letters and sciences major, has already booked a trip to Acapulco and is going because the money is non-refundable. “I had reservations because I got e-mails from the government and [the university] about crime, and my parents were afraid that I’d get robbed or kidnapped, but the fact that I’m going with 15 other people makes me still want to go,” Canell said. Joy Lee, a senior communication major, traveled to Puebla and Mexico City in Jan. 2007 for her College Park Scholars American Studies program. She said she was not warned by the program of any dangers specifically relating to Mexico, but was given basic travel tips. “The students traveling to Mexico for spring break may be in more danger, only because they will be going to touristy locations where it’s known that they’ll have large sums of money with them,” Lee said. “There may be a lot more Americans around, but at the same time, everyone will be sharing the same target on their backs,” she added.
that are stricter than when the buildings were built, city attorney Suellen Ferguson said. In response to the city citation, Kane sent a notice to tenants of one of those buildings instructing them all to leave by Christmas Eve. The notice said he was abiding by instructions from the city, but most tenants have remained in their apartments while Kane appeals. But while the notices for the properties ordered Kane to “cease use of the premises” until he had an updated permit, city officials said standard practice is to back off if a property owner applies for the permits or appeals the violation. “That’s not what their notice said. And their notice was very clear,” Kane said in a brief telephone interview Wednesday before his hearing with the Board of Appeals. “The ball’s in the city’s court. I don’t know what the city’s doing.” “[Kane] is an attorney and a property owner. I think he’s quite familiar with permit processes,” countered city Public Services Director Bob Ryan. Ryan also attributed the timing of Kane’s appeal — Dec. 23, the last day before the deadline — to his understanding of county policy. The city must use the county’s wording in issuing county zoning violations, Ferguson said, but added that even confusion shouldn’t have caused any evictions. “Mr. Kane’s claim is he has a valid use and occupancy permit,” Ferguson said. “So why would he ask people to leave and quit tenancy if he said he had a permit?” Kane didn’t answer calls seeking comment yesterday. In an interview on Wednesday, he accused Ryan of providing misinformation on the issue, but declined to elaborate. “It’s not my job to correct Mr. Ryan,” Kane said. “It’s his job to be correct when he deals with people.” In a motion filed with the Board of Appeals, Kane argued his name does not need to appear on a use and occupancy permit. “The use [of a property] is the critical element, not the owner,” the motion said, which also says the city took too long to cite Kane. The city became responsible for enforcing county zoning code several years ago but needed time to get through a backlog of inspections, Ryan said. Kane has also refused to pay separate city occupancy permit fees, he added. Wednesday’s four-hour hearing produced lively discussion but no immediate outcome, Ferguson said, with the Board of Appeals granting an extension so the attorneys could re-evaluate new briefs. District 2 Councilman Bob Catlin — who has clashed with Kane in the past — had his own suggestion for dealing with unlicensed apartment buildings. “We could bomb them,” he said, jokingly. “If you don’t pay your fees, we’re going to bomb your apartments.”
74.1% Friendly Ticket program
Revenue from $1 increase in both parking meters and visitor parking emissions cars for hourly or daily use. A committee to review student fees convened earlier in the semester and recommended the program be cut. Graduate Student Government President Anu Kothari, who was on the committee, voted for the cut to keep meter costs down, but said she was also against the green permit program. The committee recom-
Association President Jonathan Sachs was on the committee and also voted for the cut. “My only intention was to bring down the cost of meters,” he said. “They’re three dollars in New York City, and that’s an urban area with a real congestion problem. Two dollars an hour is excessive.”
mended to keep the permit program, but Kothari thought it was unfair to keep a program she feels benefits mostly faculty and slash one that supports grad students. “The undergrads said we had to be part of the campus community and work together on the green permits, but why can’t we extend that to the Zipcar?” she said. Student Government
Official: University’s programs in Mexico safe MEXICO, from Page 1 was prone to a sudden collapse, Rebele decided to forgo his trip. “I went through StudentCity to see if they changed their refund policy, but I’m not hopeful and I spent over $1,500 on the trip,” Rebele said of his experience with a student travel website. “I thought it was unnecessary to take the risk of going there. I suggest that anyone who does go to check in with the U.S. [Embassy] in case anything happens.” The violence has been particularly intense in certain areas of Mexico and has involved both drug cartels and Mexican police forces, which some believe to be corrupt. In Cancun, a 4-star retired Mexican Army General was appointed as the region’s anti-drug czar last month. Shortly after, he was found on the side of the highway, his arms and legs broken from torture and riddled with bullets. In Ciudad Juarez, across the border from El Paso, Texas, more than 1,600 murders were committed last year. But Todd Steinberg, the owner of Xtreme Trips, a travel agency geared toward college students, said he doesn’t think the increasingly unstable situation in Mexico is unusual or will cause students to change
their plans. “These warnings are issued with regularity on a seasonal basis,” Steinberg said. “Every year we receive a moderate influx of questions and concerns from parents and students, however the nature of these calls is purely informational. Students rarely ever cancel their trip.” Yet one of the students deciding to forgo his trip is senior communication major Paul Friedman, who said safety is his top priority. “Regardless of how much I’d be paying, safety is more important,” Friedman said. “While it doesn’t seem to have affected tourists that much yet, the fact is, at any moment Mexico’s government could be toppled and drug lords are in control.” Student-aimed websites such as and have posted the travel alerts, as well. The alert on StudentCity’s website said travel alerts have not specifically been issued for areas where they offer spring break trips. Senior economics major Mike Martorella had planned to vacation in Acapulco, Mexico, this spring, but because of the violence, he decided to cancel his plans even after paying more than $1,000 for his trip. “I just don’t think it’s worth the trouble,” Martorella said. “I mean, if I’m
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“I’m really nervous about the situation in Mexico. But I already paid, so I’m going to go.” MIKE MARTORELLA SENIOR ECONOMICS MAJOR
thinking about the dangers while I’m vacationing, I won’t be able to relax, and that’s the point of a vacation, isn’t it?” Catherine Donohoe, the university’s study abroad adviser for Spain and Latin America, said many students are still choosing to travel to Mexico, even despite the alerts. “In our experience, wellestablished university-based study abroad programs do a very good job of addressing safety concerns. ... We must keep in mind that Mexico is a very large country,” Donohoe said. “Puebla is located over 1,000 miles from Ciudad Juarez, so we cannot easily reach conclusions about what happens in Puebla based on what happens near the U.S. border.” Sophomore psychology major Kayla Zionts is one of the students Donohoe described: Though Zionts is aware of the risks involved, she’s sticking with her spring break plans.
Academy Stadium Theatre Week of March 6th 6198 Greenbelt Rd. Center Court of Beltway Plaza Mall
Paul Blart Mall Cop 11:00 1:15 Taken 11:00 1:15 Madea Goes to Jail 11:45 2:20 Watchmen 11:00 2:30 Madea Goes to Jail 12:15 2:50 Watchmen 11:30 3:00 Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun 11:50 2:00 Friday the 13th 11:45 2:00
ELKTON – A Cecil County judge has sentenced an Elkton man on disorderly conduct and alcohol charges after he walked around a truck stop with his pants down. Court records show administrative Judge Stephen Baker sentenced 45-year-old Kevin Truehart on Tuesday after he pleaded guilty. He was sentenced to a suspended 60-day sentence with credit for 25 days he was in jail. A separate indecent exposure charge was placed on the inactive docket, meaning prosecutors could pursue the case within the next three years. In February, Truehart allegedly roamed the aisles of the TA Travel Center on Route 279 in Elkton with his pants around his ankles. Police said he was highly intoxicated during the alleged indecent exposure.
“The undergrads said we had to be part of the campus community and work together on the green permits, but why can’t we extend that to the Zipcar?”
$505,000 total
Children $6.00, Seniors $6.50 Adults $8.50, Students $7.50 Paul Blart Mall Cop PG Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun Li PG Taken PG-13 Tyler Perry’s: Madea Goes to Jail PG-13 Watchmen R Friday the 13th R
Elkton man sentenced for drunken nudity
parking hike, which is expected to net DOTS more than $500,000, will be split between the “green” permit program, the “friendly ticket” program, and funding for on-campus Zipcars. The permit program will receive $18,000 — equivalent to the cost of a 20 percent discount to an expected 220 qualifying fuel-efficient cars. The bulk of the funding, $374,000, will go to the ticket-forgiveness policy that negates every driver’s first ticket for not having a valid permit. The Zipcar program is slated to receive $60,000 in subsidies from DOTS to reduce costs for students and faculty using the service, which rents out the low-
land State Police say a Dorchester County deputy fatally shot a man who attacked the officer with a snow shovel. Troopers say 37-yearold Demetrius Butler of no fixed address was shot twice in the chest in a hotel lobby in the 2900 block of Ocean Gateway. Around 2:30 a.m. Thursday, police went to the hotel to investigate a suspicious person and asked Butler to leave. At 6:45 a.m., the hotel said Butler was behind the reception desk in the lobby, acting in a disorderly manner. When a deputy arrived, Butler threw an apple at the officer before grabbing a snow shovel and hitting the deputy in the back, arms and head. The deputy tried to retreat, pulling his gun and shooting Butler. He was pronounced dead at 7:30 a.m. at Dorchester County General Hospital.
At 10.5 hl % et ics
3:50 5:50 8:00 3:50 5:50 8:00 4:45 7:10 6:00 5:15 7:35 6:30 Li 4:20 6:30 4:15 7:30
10:10 10:10 9:30 9:30 10:00 10:00 10:20 10:20
Paul Blart Mall Cop 11:00 1:25 3:50 Taken 11:00 1:25 3:50 Madea Goes to Jail 11:45 2:20 Watchmen 11:00 2:30 Madea Goes to Jail 12:15 2:50 Watchmen 11:30 3:00 Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun Li 11:50 2:00 Friday the 13th 11:45 2:00
5:50 8:00 5:50 8:00 4:45 7:10 6:00 5:15 7:40 6:30
Paul Blart Mall Cop 1:00 3:00 Taken* 1:00 3:00 Madea Goes to Jail* 1:30 Watchmen* 2:30 Madea Goes to Jail* 1:00 Watchmen* 1:00 Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun Li* 1:00 3:05 Friday the 13th* 1:00 3:05
5:15 7:40 5:15 7:40 5:00 7:30 6:45 4:20 6:45 5:30
4:20 6:30 4:15 7:30
5:20 7:45 5:30 7:50
University to begin Rome study abroad program Students no longer have to register to take overseas classes with Towson or pay administrative fees to both schools response from students to that program, the university decided to start its own, said Ulrich. “Study Abroad at University of Maryland is committed to expanding our own offering of Study Abroad programs to students,” Ulrich wrote in an email message. “A Maryland-inRome program is a logical next step in that direction. University students request that we sponsor more of our own programs, and they are more likely to enroll in these when a more direct level of administration and advising by our office is realized.” In the resident program, students will be billed directly to their student account, receive university credit and take uni-
BY TIRZA AUSTIN Staff writer
When in Rome, do as university students do. For the first time, the university will launch its own Maryland-in-Rome program beginning next fall. While university students have been able to study in Rome through a Towson University program in the past, next year students will be able to get university credit through a partnership with the American University of Rome, according to Michael Ulrich, the associate director of international studies. More than 50 students from the university already study in Rome annually. Because of the
versity courses, said Catherine Donohoe, the coordinator of the Maryland-in-Rome program. The program is the university’s fifth resident program, after ones in London, Nice, Alcala and Berlin. The program somewhat simplifies the process for university students who previously had to go through Towson. Students will also no longer have to pay fees to both Towson and the university Study Abroad Office, said Shoshana Griffith, a program assistant and adviser in the office. The program will offer courses that can fulfill major, minor, CORE and honors requirements. Griffith said the program doesn’t have an Italian language
requirement, which makes it more welcoming for students from all majors, but the program is aimed toward students studying business, anthropology, classics and government and politics. While students will receive university credit, university faculty won’t be teaching courses, according to Robert Marino, the president of AUR, although the two schools may exchange faculty. AUR has partnerships with almost two dozen institutions, according to Marino, including Boston College, schools in the State University of New York system and Northeastern University. Programs at the university allow students to stay with a
core group of people from their university while also meeting international students. Half of resident students are American, a quarter are European, and a quarter are from the rest of the world, Marino said. Lauren Grossman, a university alumna who studied in Rome in spring 2005, said the international school’s English flavor made it easier to fit in. Grossman said that as a Jew who lived in Maryland it was “mind-blowing” to experience Catholicism in Rome. She was especially thankful to witness the ascension of the new pope, she said. The deadline for the program isn’t until March 25, but the university has already received
more applicants than the number of students who participated in the Towson trip last year, Griffith said. “While the campus itself is intimate and fosters a sense of community, students can also consider all of Rome their classroom, and are encouraged to make the most of their time in one of the world’s oldest and most culturally rich cities,” Ulrich wrote in the e-mail. “Ancient history, architectural wonders, dazzling art, exquisite cuisine, world class opera and theater — Rome has something for everyone and provides students studying abroad with an unforgettable experience.”
Upgrades will make new home for Family Studies RENOVATION, from Page 1 programs,” he said. The space is also necessary for the school can better implement its six new graduate programs, including four masters’ and two doctoral programs, in addition to renovations to the research lab and new faculty. To help alleviate the space concerns, the renovation plans include building over a basketball court and several racquetball courts. “A sizable amount of recreational space has been underutilized for several years,” Gold said. “All of that is going to be renovated into office, research and student space to accommodate our growth.” The school’s renovations have been in planning for more than a year. While the anticipated start date was Feb. 10, construction only began a few days ago. Facili-
ties officials are anticipating completion in January 2010, 10 months from now. “Because it’s just renovation, certain activities that you would need to do for new constructions aren’t required,” said Carlo Colella, Facilities Management’s director of architecture, engineering and construction. “We save some time that way,” He said the basic structure of the building, such as the roof and the foundation, will be left untouched. The college will finance the $15 million project through state and university funds, in addition to money raised by the college itself. “The biggest chunk of money is coming from the state, which was allocated a year ago,” said Gold, adding the school plans to pay off the remaining costs in eight to 10 years. Another result of the reno-
vation is that the school and the family science department, which is now separate from it, will be able to share a building. The housing will be beneficial to the program’s students and faculty, Gold said, and will also create extra space in Marie Mount Hall, where the family science department currently is. Gold and Colella both noted that access to the building will not be affected, because detours will be created to redirect students to entrances that are not under construction. “We’re really excited about it, we think it will make this building make it look like it belongs to the SPH, and hope that it will be more energy efficient as a result,” Gold said. “We’re looking at design principles that will help in this regard.”
Council has hopes Srour will be cooperative in court case SPRINKLERS, from Page 1 City officials said they had not decided whether to request a default judgment and would not say what would be holding them back. City attorney Suellen Ferguson described default judgment to the Gazette as “the normal route” in such a case. “I don’t think it’s something we’d want to do right away,” said District 2 Councilman Bob Catlin, although he declined to
Maryland Students for Life put up signs near the sundial on McKeldin Mall showing the stages of development of a fetus. JACLYN BOROWSKI/THE DIAMONDBACK
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have a lease agreement with his landlord for the Santa Fe property. He said last summer he would install the sprinkler system as soon as he had a new lease on the property, but has not commented more recently. “Hopefully, Mr. Srour will be cooperative,” said District 1 Councilman Patrick Wojahn, an early supporter of the lawsuit last summer. “He hasn’t been in the past though, so I don’t know what to tell you.” The council unanimously voted Feb. 24 to voice no objection to the county liquor board about Santa Fe’s upcoming liquor license renewal. The council then discussed the sprinkler lawsuit in a closed session following that night’s council meeting, officials said. Wojahn said the council decided to pursue the sprinkler issue only in court rather than to the liquor board because no county law is involved. The city will make a public announcement about its lawsuit with Santa Fe later this month, Catlin said.
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elaborate. Srour said he had no comment on the issue, saying “that’s not anybody’s business.” Srour had signed a property use agreement with the city six years ago promising to put in sprinklers within three years, but later said he couldn’t afford to do so. County law requires only new buildings to install sprinkler systems, limiting Santa Fe’s legal troubles to its agreement with the city. The city council had threatened to challenge Santa Fe’s liquor license a year ago, in part because of the sprinkler issue, but backed off when Srour asked for more time to negotiate the lease on his property. Unsatisfied with continual delays, the council asked the city attorney to file suit against Srour last summer when he asked for another extension. If the city does not request default judgment, Srour will stand trial April 2010. In an interview in January, Srour had said he did not yet
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Staff Editorial
Letters to the editor
The peace process
n 1991, a Harvard University student hung a Confederate flag from conflict. Only the most blindly dogmatic hard-liners can pretend that her dorm room window. Uproar ensued as students lambasted the there isn’t inflammatory and ignorant propaganda used on both sides of insensitive display of a symbol linked to a legacy of racism and the conflict. Students don’t have to agree which side resorts to misinslavery. Despite the criticism, the student kept the flag. Then, a sec- formed propaganda more, or where the line of truth versus offensive ond student put up a Confederate flag in a show of support, while a third propaganda falls. But here’s a point of departure that everyone should student hung a swastika from her window in protest. Tensions were run- agree on: the basic humanity of everyone involved, regardless of race, ning high, as students pressured administrators to take down the offend- religion or political screed. At that point, there can be a discussion of the effects of extreme rhetoric on the peace process. Stuing flags. In an open letter, Harvard’s president at the dents should analyze how propaganda polarizes the distime, Derek Bok, called the flags on display “insensitive cussion and can lead to the dehumanization of political and unwise” — but he also recognized that they were opponents. exercises of protected symbolic speech. The solution The best response to At the end of the day, as many have already noted, wasn’t to force the students to take the flags down, Bok offensive speech is more this is about far more than Middle Eastern politics. As argued, but instead to persuade students to better cona university, we can only educate when open inquiry sider others’ feelings. talking, not less. and argument is possible. It’s important to realize that On Tuesday, students left a Palestinian Solidarity Week lecture to find virulently anti-Palestinian posters hanging outside parading police around can hurt that process as much as inflammatory Jimenez Hall. Students and administrators have described the posters as speech. It can be difficult to draw a clear line dividing truly dangerous threatening, hurtful and menacing. Administrators have been especially speech from unpopular opinions. And there’s no question that robust provocal about the signs’ anonymous posting, and the University Police have tection of freedom of speech brings out some ugly words. In 1983, Hustler magazine published a parody describing the Rev. begun collecting information about the event. But there’s a lesson to be learned from Harvard’s experience. The answer to irresponsible expres- Jerry Falwell’s first sexual encounter as a drunken misadventure with sion isn’t to just hunt down the fringe group espousing it — it’s to open his own mother in an outhouse. Falwell sued Larry Flynt, Hustler’s creator, for the intentional infliction of emotional stress. In 1988, the and strengthen dialogue. We absolutely denounce the use of intimidation as a strategy. In a soci- Supreme Court ruled in Flynt’s favor, ruling that the parody was proety founded on freedom of speech, there will always be a fringe element tected under the First Amendment. There are already signs that members throughout the university comwhose messages skirt the line of scare tactics. Inflammatory speech is unproductive and harmful, but this problem can’t be policed out of exis- munity are gathering to push dialogue further. And to all you cynics who tence. The university needs to foster strong dialogue so that when the think people are blindly entrenched in their opinions, who think any call for dialogue is a bunch of naive, lefty blathering without a chance to fringe is encountered, it seems more ridiculous than frightening. To start, we recommend pro-Israel and pro-Palestinian groups hold a change facts on the ground, consider the following fact: Flynt and Faljoint forum dealing directly with questions of the rhetoric used in the well went on to become good friends.
Our View
Editorial Cartoon: Jenna Brager
A call for tolerance The university’s chapter of Hillel is proud of the role that it has played, in collaboration with other faith groups, in fostering a campus environment that is tolerant of freedom of expression. Initiatives like the Interfaith Dialogue Project, of which Hillel is a co-sponsor, have been important in creating a community where students can engage with one another constructively. Almost 30 students from diverse religious and cultural backgrounds meet regularly to learn ARI from and about ISRAEL one another. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR While many of the HILLEL themes and presentations that constitute part of Palestinian Solidarity Week differ from the views espoused by Hillel, including offensive misappropriation of the Holocaust, we are supportive of the fact that the campus can host such an event without major confrontation. The ability of students to stage such an event peacefully bespeaks the long-standing efforts of all faith communities at the university. Despite the overall culture of tolerance for which students should be applauded, there have unfortunately been isolated confrontational incidents perpetrated by a handful of individuals, acting of their own accord and without organizational affiliation. Hillel unconditionally condemns all acts of intolerance, whether questioning Israel’s legitimacy or promotion of Islamophobia and remains wholeheartedly committed to building a peace-loving environment where constructive and open dialogue about important issues can occur.
“Hillel unconditionally condemns all acts of intolerance.”
Protect anonymity
Jordanian society: The university of love
ove is in the air. With spring just around the corner, relationships are beginning to bloom, Jordanian style — especially at the University of Jordan. With 38,000 students (myself included), the University of Jordan may seem like an average size for a public American university, but here, it represents Jordan’s largest and most prestigious institute for higher learning. Because almost everyone commutes to JU, the university does not have a very strong campus identity, and it serves as a decent reflection of Jordanian society, especially with regard to male-female relationships. Jordan is a traditional society; people tend to dress and think more conservatively. In this kind of society, male-female interaction is relatively limited. Because the national grade and high schools which most Jordanians attend are separated by sex, most people only begin to interact with the other sex at the university level. That being the case, most Jordanians don’t
GORE have platonic friendships with the opposite sex. In fact, the concept of a platonic relationship is widely dismissed and frowned upon. When a Jordanian guy and girl are seen gallivanting off by themselves, everyone notices, and you can bet that they’re trying to find a private spot to talk so their families don’t start asking questions. Not a day goes by when I don’t question whether I’m reliving high school. Male-female relationships are largely understood and accepted in one context only: marriage. The family is a central pillar of Arab society. Because this culture is focused on the community instead of the individual, marriage is not seen as the union of two separate
individuals, but rather as the merging of two families. Therefore, marriage is taken very seriously. Most young adults find their significant others through a traditional Arab marriage, though the degree of tradition can vary between families and villages. (If you’ve ever seen Fiddler on the Roof, think of the character Yenta. It’s kind of like that.) Depending on the situation, the young woman’s parents meet with an interested suitor and close members of his family or friends. If both sides are pleased, the process may continue. If all goes well, an engagement is announced. There are many cases in which the bride and the groom never meet before the engagement. During the engagement process the bride and groom actually meet and spend time together — though still in the company of others. They will eventually marry and begin their new lives together. Still, the experience is not as cookie-cutter as it may seem to be. I recently attended a discussion on
traditional marriages in the Jordanian context. During the discussion, two young women got in a heated talk about what they thought was more important when choosing a husband for marriage — family approval or real love. One girl wore a hijab, a religious head covering, but was also wearing western clothing. The other girl was wearing the niqab, a garment that covers all skin, leaving only the eyes visible. I expected the modernly dressed girl would argue for love — understanding freedom of individual choice as something inherently western and seeing the collective decision of a family as a stronger part of a more conservative Arab culture. In fact, the girl wearing the niqab argued that love should be the deciding factor. I guess the old saying is true — love works in mysterious ways. Ari Gore is a junior government and politics major. He can be reached at
POLICY: The signed letters, columns and cartoon represent only the opinions of the authors. The staff editorial represents the opinion of The Diamondback’s editorial board and is the responsibility of the editor in chief.
To university President Dan Mote: You recently sent us an e-mail condemning some anonymous posters and images protesting Palestinian Awareness Week. We were told only that they were “disparaging” and “anonymous.” With so little information given, I was disturbed to hear you speak for all of us in “expressing outrage about this circumstance,” especially as speech which is merely “disparaging” is not only allowed but protected by the university. True, posting anonymous advertisements violates university policy — a rule I was previously unaware of but discovered after half an hour of rummaging through the university’s website. This rule might be justified by the limited space on the campus for advertising, and I do not condone these students for breaking it. But it is malum prohibitum, wrong because it is prohibited, not malum in se, wrong because it violates society’s moral standards. There is nothing intrinsically wrong with expressing political dissent anonymously simply because some opportunities for direct discussion are thereby lost. Thus I cannot share in your deep outrage. Your suggestion that stifling anonymous protesters is required by values without which the “community of scholars crumbles” seems overblown. And I find it ironic — even a little Orwellian — that the values of “tolerance” and “dialogue” are being used to crack down on the political speech of students whose only sin, as far as I know, is to register disagreement without signing their names. It may well be, of course, that the content of these posters was offensive in other ways besides simply being “disparaging.” But if so, we have yet to be told how. ARON WALL GRADUATE STUDENT PHYSICS
AIR YOUR VIEWS Address your letters or guest columns to the Opinion Desk at All letters and guest columns must be signed. Include your full name, year, major and day- and nighttime phone numbers. Please limit letters to 300 words. Please limit guest columns to 600 words. Submission of a letter or guest column constitutes an exclusive, worldwide, transferable license to The Diamondback of the copyright in the material in any media. The Diamondback retains the right to edit submissions for content and length.
CROSSWORD ACROSS 1 Gullets 5 Hockey gear 10 Tip one’s hat 14 Mr. Greenspan 15 Violinist’s need 16 Sheik colleague 17 Running shoe name 18 Hogs 19 Livy’s year 20 Stand in good — 22 Young plant 24 Baby foxes 27 Deli salad 28 Lift locale (2 wds.) 32 Nouveau — 36 Ingenuity 37 Slants 39 Ms. Merman 40 Struck silent 42 Hindu lute 44 Upgrade 45 Maximum 47 Defiant reply 49 Recline 50 Theme 51 Planet’s movement 53 Zoo transport 56 TKO officials 57 Okays 61 Loud noises 65 South Seas paradise
66 69 70 71 72 73 74 75
Cul-de-sac Flapjack chain Splotch Helen of Troy’s story Viking letter Cry of dismay Pond blossom Soften up
DOWN 1 Occupies, as a post 2 Found a perch 3 Boat’s trail 4 Smuggles 5 Almost grads 6 Wrecker’s job 7 Osiris’ beloved 8 Movies 9 Pay homage 10 Take action (2 wds.) 11 Science magazine 12 Helsinki native 13 Tadpole, once 21 Pickling herb 23 Have the nerve 25 Some little piggies 26 Most of Iberia 28 Marshy hollow 29 Fruits or birds 30 Components of a list 31 Gain admission
55 — Yello (soft drink) 57 Advice columnist 58 Sanskrit dialect 59 Dripping sound 60 Gill opening
43 46 48 52
Solar plexus Amateur Ride the rapids Souvenir buy (hyph.) 54 Be of use
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22 25
42 47
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39 43
32 38
62 Slangy refusal (hyph.) 63 Lisbon lady 64 Gush forth 67 — de cologne 68 Many ft.
49 52
56 60
61 67
orn today, you can very easily behave in a most unusual manner, dressing strangely, acting in unconventional and unpredictable ways, and promoting ideas that are not widely embraced. You do this mostly for fun, of course, because you recognize that being noticed is one of the most enjoyable things that can happen to you in life. The truth is that you can be quite conventional, and indeed in the privacy of your own home, you espouse values that are common, conventional and normal. Indeed, you require an normal and stable home life, no matter how unusual things may be for you on the outside.
You will demonstrate unique and remarkable talents when quite young, and it is likely that one of these will prove most profitable to you later in life, when you develop a strong and lasting career. You have what it takes to enjoy long-term success — and, yes, fame. Also born on this date are: Mary Wilson, singer; Elizabeth Barrett Browning, poet; Kiri Te Kanawa, soprano; Shaquille O’Neal, basketball player; Tom Arnold, actor; Alan Greenspan, Federal Reserve Board chairman; Rob Reiner, actor and director; Lou Costello, comedian.
way. You know how to get around them.
ARIES (March 21-April 19) — A new project may be quite attractive to you, but do all you can to tie up any loose ends before turning to something new.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) — To some, you may seem rather unfocused or unrealistic in your approach to current issues. There is method to your madness, however.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20) — Your determination is sure to be something for others to reckon with. Are you sure you know precisely where you are headed, however?
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) — Strike while the iron is hot. Any delay, whether intentional or unintentional, can prove hazardous at this time.
GEMINI (May 21-June 20) — There is no room in your day for self-doubt. Whether at work or at play, approach every endeavor with confidence and certainty.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) — The odds of success are with you at this time, but you have a very small margin for error. Use care; make a thorough, detailed plan.
CANCER (June 21-July 22) — You’re likely to benefit greatly from an analysis of those who have gone before. Indeed, your heroes can serve you quite well.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) — They may say that talk is cheap, but it can also prove unexpectedly valuable to you and those who share your ideals.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) — Connect with the right people, and your gains can be considerable — but don’t expect the greatest rewards to come your way immediately.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) — You may grow impatient with those who want to move forward more slowly than you had planned. They are merely being cautious, however.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) — You can push forward with confidence, even though one or two major obstacles stand in your
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SATURDAY, MARCH 7 PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) — Don’t let yourself get tangled in the web of emotions that is bringing certain other people down at this time. Stay above the fray.
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Legal Aid Internship Considering a law-related career? Interested in gaining hands-on legal experience while earning credit? Apply for a Fall 2009 Internship with the Undergraduate Student Legal Aid Office*! For more information, stop by our office in Suite 1235 of the Stamp Student Union or call 314-7756. Applications will be available in our office beginning March 2, 2009. They are also available via our website: We will begin accepting applications on March 23. Deadline is Friday, April 10. Our informational meeting will be held on: Tuesday, March 24 at 4:00 p.m. in the Nanticoke Room, Stamp Student Union. Interns must be undergraduates and have completed 56 credit hours at the beginning of the internship. *A service of your Student Government Association
Don’t have the energy to trek into Washington for any of the events below? If so, then you picked the perfect weekend to be lazy — the one and only Busta Rhymes will be right here in College Park when he hits Santa Fe Cafe on Sunday. The show is scheduled for 10 p.m. and tickets are $30.
Busta Rhymes
arts. music. living. movies. weekend. FEATURE | DC INDEPENDENT FILM FESTIVAL
best bets KIMYA DAWSON Like much of the talent involved in Jason Reitman’s quick-witted comedy Juno, the former Moldy Peaches member was a known commodity in some circles prior to the film’s debut, but not exactly a recognizable star. A more than $100 million draw at the box office and a Best Picture nomination from the Oscars, however, can change things a bit. The folksy songstress, who provided a slew of tracks for the film’s chart-topping soundtrack at the suggestion of leading lady Ellen Page, is now a hot ticket. You can catch Dawson at Black Cat on Saturday. Doors open at 9 p.m. and tickets are $13.
Cameras, tunes and a vampire Festival brings together seminars, music and screenings for filmmakers
ANI DIFRANCO A visionary artist with a famously tireless work ethic, the politically conscious singer-songwriter and founder of Righteous Babe Records has cranked out more than 20 total albums during her last two decades on the indie rock scene. DiFranco’s appearance tonight at the 9:30 Club may be a sold-out affair, but don’t fret if you aren’t one of the ones with a ticket — the assiduous performer will be back at the same time and place for another goaround tomorrow. Doors open at 8 p.m. and tickets are $40.
SMUCKER’S STARS ON ICE We’re still about a year away from the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver, but if you just can’t make it another 11 months without seeing skaters in sparkling leotards spin through the air, you’re in luck: The Scott Hamilton-produced Stars on Ice tour will stop by the Verizon Center tonight. The performance features a number of worldrenowned figure skaters, including Olympic silver medalist Sasha Cohen and two-time World Figure Skating Championship bronze medalist Michael Weiss. Doors open at 7:30 p.m. and tickets are $22 to $170.
Washington DC Independent Film Festival officials scheduled a second screening ofTwilight star Robert Pattinson’s latest film, How to Be, after the first quickly sold out. COURTESY HOWTOBEMOVIE.COM
BY TRIPP LAINO Staff writer
With many film festivals in the Washington area over the course of a year, it’s hard for any given one to stand out. But to do just that, the Washington DC Independent Film Festival strives to be a “five-ring circus,” according to founder and director Carol Bidault. In addition to the traditional screenings (which include 117 both short and feature-length films during 12 days), the festival also includes seminars on independent filmmaking with industry professionals and a recently added music festival. “Every year, we try to hone in on who is our target audience,” Bidault said. “We found that the music indie scene here in D.C. and our indie scene are the same demographic. We thought, ‘Why don’t we just incorporate it?’ … Barflys, musicians, rockers — everybody is welcome.” That eclectic range the festival strives for also filters over to the films. All manner of genres are covered, from horror films
Classified CALL
to dramas, and the festival in- which focus primarily on the cludes some burgeoning talents screening aspect of movies, the Film Festival both behind and in front of the Independent strives to “work the camera. business side of Bidault said the film,” which inevent is different cludes activities from most festivals such as helping because it chooses filmmakers sell selections based their movies or adentirely on submisvocating for legislasions. A panel then tive changes in the judges the entries, film industry. which numbered Another part of 1,800 this year, bethe business side arfore creating rives in the form of genre-based seminars, which blocks, anchored provide independby a feature film or ent filmmakers with films. the opportunity to One such center learn more about inpiece is the comnovations in the ing-of-age tale craft. These semiHow to Be, starring nars include everyTwilight heart- CAROL BIDAULT thing from topics throb Robert Pat- FOUNDER AND DIRECTOR such as finance and tinson. Bidault said the draw power of the vampire distribution of films to more love interest sold out the first technical innovations, such as screening of the film before they the RED Digital Camera. Bidault said the festival looks had even begun advertising, prompting the addition of a sec- for input from former filmmakers to determine what kind of inond screening. Unlike other film festivals, dustry experts to bring in for
“Every year, we try to hone in on who is our target audience. We found that the music indie scene here in D.C. and our indie scene are the same demographic.’”
discussion. “We’re interested in what they’re doing — we see the films that they’re making and they say things like, ‘We did this on the new RED camera,’” she added. “That’s what this is about: bringing the business together.” The combination of screenings and lectures gives independent filmmakers a unique opportunity among the festivals in the area. “We’re trying as hard as we can to give our filmmakers the tools to really get out there in the world and really compete,” Bidault said. “We’ll attest in what we show you in the festival — the D.C. filmmakers are some of the best in the world.” The Washington DC Independent Film Festival runs until March 15, with screenings taking place around the area. Tickets are sold in blocks of films and cost $11. Seminars are either free or cost $25. Tickets for both events are available through the festival’s website,
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Coleman, Toliver pushing for first ACC tournament title BY AARON KRAUT Senior staff writer
It only takes a few minutes of observing Terrapin women’s basketball seniors Marissa Coleman and Kristi Toliver to sense the two All-ACC First Team members have seen almost everything over the course of their careers. The duo who helped propel the Terps to their only national championship as freshmen in 2006 give off an aura of supreme confidence both on and off the floor. They’ll routinely dominate practice sessions possession after possession without appearing to break a sweat. They didn’t panic when things didn’t go as planned earlier this season, such as after a seasonopening road loss to mid-major TCU, or after the team’s 29point December loss at Pitt. Toliver and Coleman have spent this season leading the No. 4 Terps to the program’s first ACC regular season title since 1989 while earning enough individual accolades to see their jerseys honored in the Comcast Center rafters. At this point, there doesn’t seem to be much left for the pair to do. Coleman and Toliver boast a 120-18 career record. But one glaring omission from their career accomplishment still exists: an ACC tournament title. Today, the top-seeded Terps will face No. 9 seed Wake Forest to begin their attempt for that elusive ACC crown in Greensboro, N.C. “It would mean a lot,” Toliver said. “That’s a goal, especially for [Marissa] and I, two seniors. We don’t have one. We definitely don’t want to graduate without it.” Toliver and Coleman have come close before, falling to North Carolina in the 2006 title game before avenging that defeat by beating the Tar Heels in the NCAA semifinal a month later. The last two years have been more disappointing. The Terps (25-4, 12-2 ACC) lost again to North Carolina in the 2007 semifinals and then to Duke in last season’s semifinals.
Guard Kristi Toliver (center), along with Marah Strickland (left) and Marissa Coleman (right), hopes to lead the Terps to their first ACC tournament win since 1989. ADAM FRIED/THE DIAMONDBACK
Semifinal Saturday could again spell trouble for Frese’s team. They are slated to face the No. 4 seed Tar Heels, winners of four straight tournament championships, if both teams win their quarterfinal matchups tomorrow. But Frese wants her team to rise above past struggles and be mindful of the history at stake: The same 1989 team that won the program’s last previous regular season title also won the school’s last ACC tournament championship. “The history is in our locker room,” Frese said. “We talked about it, being able to leave a legacy. We feel like we’re a red hot team right now and we wanna come out and play our best basketball.” There is also some incentive for Terps other than Coleman and Toliver to back up their senior leaders with a weekend triumph in Greensboro. As early as the team’s media day in October, Coleman was adamant about her goal to win the ACC regular season and ACC tournament crowns, something last season’s now departed duo of Laura Harper and Crys-
Terps vs. Wake Forest Where: Greensboro, N.C. When: Today, 3 p.m. TV: RSN tal Langhorne couldn’t do in their careers. “[We’re] always trying to help out our seniors,” said sophomore guard Marah Strickland. “[They’re] great basketball players. We’ve been playing very well together, just playing as a team, just trusting each other and gaining confidence in each other.” Despite Toliver and Coleman’s propensity to dominate the team’s scoring totals, their growth into selfless team leaders has been important in the Terps’ current nine-game winning streak, according to Frese. During the loss to Pitt on Dec. 7, Frese benched Coleman, later citing a lack of sufficient effort
from the forward. She proceeded to call out both Coleman and Toliver’s for their lack of leadership in her post-game press conference. “We didn’t get it from Marissa and Kristi today,” Frese said after that game. “We’ve got to be consistent in our approach every single day, whether it’s a practice or a game situation. And that’s the level of expectations as a leader. You’ve gotta want that and you’ve gotta be ready to bring that each and every day.” Since February, the two have excelled at that part of the game and the team has progressed enough to position themselves for a title run this weekend. “We did whatever we took to finally learn from the mistakes we were making in games and put things together,” Toliver said. “We lost the first game of the season. We weren’t going to be down and out about it. We knew that this season was going to take time to progress. We’re approaching this as a huge opportunity to make history again.”
No. 1 seed Terrapins (25-4, 12-2) Leading scorer: G Kristi Toliver 18.1 ppg 2008-09 Record vs. Terps: N/A The No. 4 ranked Terps won the regular season tiebreaker as a result of their last-second win at Florida State in February. Toliver hit a buzzer-beating 3pointer to earn a one-point win. Toliver, together with forward Marissa Coleman, have been lighting up ACC opponents of late, averaging 18.1 and 17.1 points for the season, respectively.
No. 6 seed Virginia (23-8, 8-6) Leading scorer: F Lyndra Littles 21.4 ppg 2008-09 Record vs. Terps: 1-1 The Cavaliers have the personnel to make a long surprise run this weekend. Thanks to Littles, guard Monica Wright (21.1 ppg) and center Aisha Mohammed (9.9 rpg), if Virginia gets hot, they can contend with the big four teams. But limited production from anyone else on the squad and problems scoring in a half-court tempo have held the Cavaliers back this season.
No. 2 seed Florida State (24-6, 12-2) Leading scorer: F Jacinta Monroe 13.5 ppg 2008-09 Record vs. Terps: 0-1 On the surface, the Seminoles were the surprise of the ACC this season. But coach Sue Semrau’s team has strong veteran leadership from Monroe and guard Tanae Davis-Cain. Florida State did benefit from an extreme scheduling advantage, as they only had to play the Terps, Duke and North Carolina once each and all at home.
No. 7 seed Boston College (20-10, 7-7) Leading scorer: G Mickel Picco 16.0 ppg 2008-09 Record vs. Terps: 0-2 Need evidence of just how deep the conference was this season? Check out the Eagles, who finished with a .500 ACC record, yet had enough offensive firepower to almost complete two comebacks against the league-leading Terps. Boston College has size in 6-foot-6 center Carolyn Swords and 6-foot-4 forward Stefanie Murphy to go along with Piccco’s outside shooting ability.
No. 3 seed Duke (24-4, 11-3) Leading scorer: C Chante Black 14.8 ppg 2008-09 Record vs. Terps: 1-1 Black, the ACC Defensive Player of the Year, leads a physical, defense-minded Blue Devil attack. In their home game against the Terps in January, they took advantage of an injury to Coleman and an illness to Terp guard Marah Strickland for a three-point win. On Feb. 22, in the rematch at Comcast Center, the Blue Devils couldn’t keep up with the Terps, losing 77-59.
No. 9 seed Wake Forest (19-10, 5-9) Leading scorer: F Corinne Groves 13.6 ppg 2008-09 Record vs. Terps: 0-1 The Demon Deacons beat No. 8 seed N.C. State yesterday to set up today’s matchup with the Terps. Wake Forest actually won its first 12 games of the season and was receiving votes in the AP top 25 poll. The Terps easily handled them 9265 at Comcast Center on Jan. 8 in the two teams’ only regular-season meeting this season.
No. 4 seed North Carolina (25-5, 10-4) Leading scorer: F Rashanda McCants 14.8 ppg 2008-09 Record vs. Terps: 0-1 The media’s preseason pick for first place in the conference has recovered from a three-game January losing streak to re-establish itself as a legitimate ACC tournament contender. The Tar Heels have won four consecutive tournament titles and feature a deep lineup with versatile and athletic players such as McCants, forward Jessica Breland and guard Cetera DeGraffenreid.
No. 12 seed Clemson (14-16, 2-12) Leading scorer: G Lele Hardy 16.5 ppg 2008-09 Record vs. Terps: 0-1 The Tigers, who finished dead last in the regular season standings, inexplicably upset No. 5 seed Georgia Tech 81-69 in yesterday’s opening game of the tournament. That means North Carolina gets a break with an easy matchup. The Tar Heels would otherwise have faced a tough task today against Georgia Tech, who upset the Tar Heels in Atlanta earlier this year.
The wrestling team preps to defend their ACC tournament title ... No. 3 women’s lacrosse faces off with No. 2 Virginia tonight ... The men’s lacrosse team is headed to Towson on Saturday ... Softball returns to Taylor Stadium ... And more on men’s and women’s tennis and gymnastics, all online.
Maryland Terrapins
Virginia Cavaliers
18-11, 7-8 ACC
9-17, 3-12 ACC
RPI: 52, SOS: 23
RPI: 110, SOS: 3
Terrapins @ Virginia
WHEN: Tomorrow, 3:30 p.m. WHERE: Charlottesville, Va.; John Paul Jones Arena TV: ABC DATA: Terps defeated Virginia 84-78 in first matchup on Jan. 20. Now, even more is on the line as the Terps try to get on the right side of the bubble.
TERPTRACKER TEAM STATS Points/G Field Goal Pct. 3-Point Pct. Free Throw Pct. Rebounds/G Assists/G Turnovers/G
71.9 42.1 32.9 76.9 37.1 14.7 12.7
70.3 41.7 30.7 73.9 36.9 12.4 14.4
34.2 24.4 19.3 28.5 23.0
G. Vasquez A. Bowie S. Mosley L. Milbourne D. Neal
17.0 9.3 5.1 12.3 8.0
5.4 3.1 3.6 5.2 4.3
4.8 2.5 1.3 0.6 0.8
34.2 24.6 19.8 7.3 10.7
S. Landesberg C. Baker J. Jones S. Tat T. Soroye
16.9 6.1 2.7 8.5 2.2 2.5 6.9 2.0 1.0 0.7 1.0 0.3 2.1 2.4 0.1
FACEBOOK INVASION The Terrapin men’s basketball team is just 2-5 on the road this season, so its fans are doing their best to make their season finale at Virginia feel like home. Saturday afternoon, the Cavaliers will host the Terps, as well as many Terp fans, if one university student’s arrangement goes as planned. Marc Berman, a senior at this university, created the Facebook group “Let’s Invade UVA’s Student Section,” persuading Terp fans to make the two-and-a-half hour drive from College Park to Charlottesville, Va., to support their team. Berman could not be reached for comment, but almost 100 people have confirmed online that they will be attending. Virginia’s John Paul Jones Arena, which seats 14,593 for basketball games, figures to be emptier than usual given this weekend’s circumstances. Students from the University of Virginia are currently on spring break and do not resume classes until Monday. Couple that with the fact that the final regular season game cannot affect the Cavalier’s 11th place conference standing, and turnout is expected to be low. Various student section tickets have been opened for public sale.
Terps lead 103-66 Jan. 20, 2009
The Terps have a game with major implications for their NCAA Tournament hopes at Virginia on Saturday.
UP AGAINST HISTORY Terps are in similar position to last year’s NIT team BY MARK SELIG Senior staff writer
The parallels to last season are striking. Now it’s up to the Terrapin men’s basketball team (18-11, 7-8) to make sure they don’t continue. Last season the Terps went into their Senior Night with 18 wins, fresh off a solid road victory, just as they did Tuesday. In the final home game, both in 2008 and 2009, they let a double-digit lead go by the wayside and failed to secure a quality win that could have validated a position in the NCAA Tournament. Here’s where the Terps really can’t afford to let history continue to repeat itself. Once again, their final game will be on the road against a lackluster Virginia (9-17, 3-12) team. A win Saturday will keep the Terps in striking distance for an NCAA Tournament berth. A loss in the finale like the 91-76 defeat they suffered last year will put them in an ever-so-precarious position heading into the ACC Tournament. Coach Gary Williams rebuked the notion that this year’s Terps are in a similar position to last year’s team.
“This is different, this is a different team,” Williams said. “The way we work, the way we go after things, the way we approach things, the way we’ve handled adversity this year. These guys have had my back all year. They’ve been tremendous. And I’m gonna have their back going into this game.” The means have been different, but the results have largely been the same as last season. Yet that late-season push ended ugly with the loss at Virginia and a firstround bouncing out of the conference tournament. With a rotation nearly full of players who were on the team last season, the Terps know they must avoid those previous pitfalls “This year, we have to win at Virginia and play well in the ACC Tournament,” guard Eric Hayes said. “This year, we’re playing very well now, even though we lost to Duke and Wake [Forest] at home. We played well in both those games. We’re playing with the top teams in the nation. If we just keep continuing the way we are, we shouldn’t have a problem.” At John Paul Jones Arena a year ago, Cavalier senior guard Sean Singletary blasted the Terps with
“These guys have had my back all year. They’ve been tremendous. And I’m gonna have their back going into this game.” GARY WILLIAMS MEN’S BASKETBALL COACH
27 points, eight assists and six rebounds after having his jersey retired. It will be a less emotional senior night for Virginia this time around, as Tunji Soroye and Mamadi Diane — two Cavalier role players — will be the only seniors honored. In addition, the game is being played during the University of Virginia’s spring break and many Terps fans are expected to be in attendance. A Facebook group “Let’s Invade UVA’s Student Section” has been created with about 100 people listed as “attending,” as of last night. Virginia has already ensured penultimate status in the regular season conference standings.
“It means more for us than it does for Virginia,” guard Greivis Vasquez said. The Terps are currently in seventh place in the conference. They cannot improve their ACC Tournament seeding with a win, but a loss and Virginia Tech win at Florida State would push Maryland down to eighth. With a seventh-place finish, the Terps would play the loser of the ninth-place showdown between N.C. State and Miami. With an eighth-place finish, they would play the winner of that game. What the Terps do in the next two games will define their 200809 campaign. If they self-combust against Virginia and an ACC Tournament foe, it will be all too reminiscent of last year’s disappointing season. Two wins could be good enough to return to the Big Dance. Williams was adamant in defending this year’s squad in comparison to last. Following the loss to Wake Forest, he ensured the Terps would bounce back and be ready to play at Virginia “We’ll be there,” he said. “Come to the game Saturday, you’ll see.”
RECENT MEETINGS 2009-(H)2008-(A)2008-(H)20047-(H)-
W, Terps 84, Virginia 78 L, Terps 76, Virginia 91 W, Terps 85, Virginia 75 L, Terps 65, Virginia 69
TERPS’ LAST 3 3/3 vs. Wake Forest L 65-63 3/1 @ NC State W 71-60 2/25 vs. Duke L 78-67
CAVS’ LAST 3 3/3 @ Clemson L 75-57 1/28 vs. Wake Forest L 70-60 1/26 vs. Miami L 62-55
1 2 3
Virginia freshmen Sylven Landesberg and Sammy Zeglinski are very capable scorers, but in the Terps’ 84-78 victory over the Cavaliers in January, Landesberg put up seven points while Zeglinski was shut out. Though it is their Senior Night, this year’s Virginia team usually only goes as far as its freshmen guards take them. The Terps’ perimeter defense has been on and off recently, and they’ll need a nice showing tomorrow.
AVOID BEING SHATTERED ON THE GLASS Crashing the boards doesn’t usually suit the Terps’ fast style of play as they like to just get it and go. But getting it was really all they failed to do in their near upset against Wake Forest on Tuesday. The Demon Deacons outrebounded the Terps by 18, and used secondchance opportunities for extra buckets. The Terps don’t have to win the battle of the boards, but they should try to hold their own against Virginia, who had a plus-10 rebounding advantage in the first meeting.
PAGING MR. MILBOURNE AND MR. BOWIE Landon Milbourne and Adrian Bowie were both playing some of the best basketball of their careers in January when the Terps and Cavaliers first squared off. In that game, they led the team with 17 points each. Recently, each player’s production has been erratic. As a tandem, they have totaled just 15 points in the last two games combined. And while Greivis Vasquez has been playing some of his strongest basketball of the season of late, a little help from two other starters would help.
ONE-ON-ONE TERP G GREIVIS VASQUEZ VS. CAV G SYLVEN LANDESBERG By now it’s clear whom the Terps will turn to with its season on the line. Vasquez has earned his role as the team’s go-to-guy and loves being it. Against Wake Forest we saw both good Greivis and bad Greivis. His raw numbers of 16 points and 7 assists that night are about average for him, but the Venezuelan guard struggled from the field, hitting just seven of a season-high 24 field goal attempts. It could very well turn into a one-onone shootout between Vasquez and Landesberg. The skinny 6-foot-6 freshman can shoot as well as put the ball on the deck. He is averaging 16.9 points per game, and has gone off for as many as 32 (in an 80-70 loss vs. Boston College). Vasquez and Landesberg will probably cover one another during parts of the game, although Landesberg may be Sean Mosley’s defensive assignment as well.