March 11, 2014

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The University of Maryland’s Independent Student Newspaper

T U E S DAY, M A R C H 1 1 , 2 01 4

Tax credit could help recent graduates Presidential proposal would increase eligible age range, focus less on tax filers with children

However, the current law extends on ly to individuals between 25 and 65 years old, and the benefits heavily favor tax filers with chilBy Jim Bach credits, but President Obama’s recent dren. The new law would allow non@thedbk proposal to expand a tax law could student workers as young as 21 years Senior staff writer nonetheless provide a boost for un- old to claim the credit, while also increasing the income a filer could deremployed graduates. The Earned Income Tax Credit earn before the benefits phase out. College students might not be For example, the highest ta x eyeing the types of low-paying allows low-income workers to claim jobs that qualify for federal tax a tax credit based on their income. credit a single filer with no chil-

the green tidings food truck sits unattended near North Campus Dining Hall. james levin/the diamondback

dren can claim is $503, and the benefit begins to phase out when income reaches $8,220, completely phasing out at $14,790, according to a report by the White House Council of Economic Advisers. Und e r O ba m a’s prop o sa l , t he maximum credit would increase to $1,005, and phase-out wouldn’t See tax, Page 3

‘Nothing is only trouble’

Food truck fire injures 4 employees Friday incident closes Green Tidings for now

Alumnus reads from semiautobiographical book

By Holly Cuozzo @emperorcuozzco Staff writer

By Grace Toohey @grace_2e Staff writer

Four employees suffered injuries when the Green Tidings food truck caught fire Friday afternoon. They went to the University Health Center and were later transported to a hospital to treat their burns, Dining Services spokesman Bart Hipple wrote in an email. Three of the employees were released, as of last night. “We are all sending our best hopes and wishes for speedy recovery to the staff of the truck,” he wrote. “We are firstly worried about the people who have been injured and then will focus on possible next steps for the food truck.” The nonstudent employees were cleaning up after the truck closed when a grease fire ignited at about 3:20 p.m. Friday, Hipple wrote. The truck sits behind the North Campus Dining Hall so a fire marshal can assess the situation. The university fire marshal said the fire started from a cooking accident and did not damage the truck.

Jason Reynolds almost gave up on writing — twice. The first time was when an English professor at this university crushed him by responding to a collection of his poems with, “Hope you’re still practicing.” The second time was after his first published work, My Name is Jason. Mine Too., tanked, and he had to leave New York and head home, broke. But both times, someone gave him the push he needed to try again. jason reynolds, alumnus and author, signs a copy of his book When I Was the Greatest at the University Book Center last night.

Police search for Marie Mount Hall groping suspect By Laura Blasey @lblasey Senior staff writer University Police are searching for a male suspect after a female

See Fire, Page 2

student reported being groped yesterday afternoon in Marie Mount Hall. The student was walking up the stairs from the first floor at about 3:30 p.m. when the suspect allegedly reached between her legs and groped

Gun violence discussed in social change lecture series

Bioengineers aid fight against neuroblastoma By Joe Antoshak @Mantoshak Senior staff writer

christian heyne, Coalition to Stop Gun Violence legislative director, speaks last night. sung-min kim/the diamondback

Nearly nine years ago, Christian Heyne’s parents were shot in Ventura County, Ca., while returning a boat from a holiday vacation. His father survived three bullet wounds, but his mother was killed. Heyne’s parents were two of the nine people killed or injured by Toby

Whelchel, including himself, when he went on a 16-hour shooting spree in May 2005. Whelchel was able to obtain a handgun despite a history of arrests, Heyne said. “My story is not a unique one,” said Heyne, who has been actively fighting gun violence since losing his mother


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her genitals over her pants, according to a safety notice sent out last night. The suspect is described as a white man with brown curly hair in his late 20s or early 30s, wearing a purple button-down shirt, gray pants and

glasses, according to the release. Those with information are encouraged to contact University Police at (301)-405-3555.

Univ researchers developing cancer vaccine prototype

Talk focuses on legal background of violence By Abby Burton @thedbk For The Diamondback

See REYNOLDS, Page 2

rebecca rainey/the diamondback



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nearly a decade ago. Heyne, the legislative director of the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence, spoke to a group of about 15 students and faculty members in South Campus Commons last night about See violence, Page 2

If Christopher Jewell’s research goes according to plan, the treatment for the most common form of cancer in infants will be almost as simple as getting a flu shot. The bioengineering professor and his assistants in the Jewell Research Lab are developing a cure for neuroblastoma — a disease that kills one child worldwide every 16 hours — that would come in the form of a therapeutic vaccine. “We’re working in a really

exciting area,” Jewell said. “The idea of applying engineering to immunology is something that, over the last couple years, has exploded. I’m really happy with how it’s going, and hopefully it keeps going that way.” Jewell and his assistants are developing the prototype of a vaccine that will have two functioning parts: One would encourage idle immune cells, or T cells, to fight off the neuroblastoma, and another would equip the cells with a memory of the cancer if it crops up again. “You’ve got one signal to say, ‘OK, this is part of a tumor here, generate cells specific for that,’” he said. “You’ve got another signal to say, ‘Make these cells differentiate to be memory cells.’”




STAFF EDITORIAL: Backing the ‘bathroom bill’

Guard Seth Allen’s play in overtime helped the Terps earn a 75-69 victory over the No. 5 Cavaliers on Sunday afternoon P. 8

Opponents of transgender fairness legislation have no case P. 4 DIVERSIONS

BACKYARD FREESTYLE House shows provide intimate access as music venues P. 6

Started at EY. Went everywhere. “I may have started small. But the future’s looking big.” © 2014 Ernst & Young LLP. All Rights Reserved. ED None.

See cancer, Page 3

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THE DIAMONDBACK | NEWS | TuesDAY, MArch 11, 2014

Commemorative book to return to orientation After absence, ‘M Book’ will be given out free to incoming freshmen this summer By Morgan Eichensehr @MEichensehr Staff writer A project headed by the SGA a i ms to rev ive a 100-year-old tradition in the form of an informative guide called the “M Book.” These handbooks were distributed to freshmen as they came to this university to help them acclimate to and understand the school better, said Kevin LaCherra, the Student Government Association’s chair of traditions and programming commission, but were phased out due to organizational issues. LaCherra said the M Book can be a vital resource for freshmen, however, and it should be brought back. He said the campus can be overwhelming and confusing for students in transition during their first year. “Anything that this university can do to make that easier or better, we should be doing,” LaCherra said. “I think we have a responsibility in some ways to do that.” The first M Book, which is kept i n the a rch ives of H o r n b a k e L i b r a r y, w a s distributed in the 1901-02 school year by the YMCA at this university, according to research conducted by the journalism college’s senior communications manager Dave Ottalini. “These student handbooks

were small – designed to fit easily into a pocket, and as the campus grew, so did the number of pages,” Ottalini wrote in one of the research documents. The University Libraries database website states that 2001-02 was the last year to feature a version of the M Book, a void that some students said they want filled again. Freshman computer science major Nathaniel Foote said he remembers feeling a little overwhelmed when first moving to the campus. “I d id n’t k now my way around at all,” Foote said. “It took several weeks for me to even be familiar enough with the campus to find a building based on an upperclassman’s directions.” Foote said having a list of traditions and history points could make freshmen feel more like part of the student body. He said he wished he’d had a similar guide to help find services such as computer labs and convenience stores around the campus when he first arrived. LaCherra hopes to address such issues along with other freshman concerns in the M Book. He said he also has plans to create a freshman sports guide aimed at increasing “athletics literacy” among freshmen. Encouraged by the success and circulation of university libraries’ Get it Done Guide,

jingling keys is one of the sports traditions student leaders hope to explain to incoming freshmen in the revived “M Book,” a guide to the university. file photo/the diamondback LaCherra said he was confident that a well-designed, well-marketed project could get f re sh men to u se a nd benefit from these guides. Still in the early stages of the project, LaCherra said he has been reaching out to student groups to get their approval and ideas about the appearance of the M Book and sports guide. LaCherra presented his M Book proposal to the Residence Hall Association representatives at their senate meeting last month. R H A President Omer Kaufman said he was very interested in the project and thought t h at it h ad “ t remendou s potential.” Some of the elements LaCherra said could end up in the M Book include important historical events of the university, landmarks and traditions, resources such as NITE Ride and Help Center phone numbers, and some other “fun stuff” such as haunted

building myths or a guide to campus lingo. T he fresh ma n sports guide’s contents are still in contention, but will likely include information on team histories, notable players and coaches and game traditions, among other subjects, LaCherra said. Freshman electrical engineering major Eliza Yang said when she first attended a Terrapins football game, she didn’t understand why people were jingling their keys. She said she could see how a sports guide including some traditions and explanations could be helpful. “As it stands now, we’re working with upper-level administration and university marketing to make this happen,” LaCherra said. S e n i o r s t a f f w r i t e rs Jo e Antoshak and Jenny Hottle contributed to this report.

fire From PAGE 1 “I think this is tragic,” Hipple wrote. “The staff of the truck is a skilled, energetic, capable group of people who have worked very hard to make every meal great; not just the food but also the whole experience. We don’t yet know exactly what happened and so can’t know how it could have been prevented.” Green T id i ngs’ T w itter account and website states the truck will remain closed until further notice, but Hipple anticipates the truck will reopen after spring break. “I’m actually so devastated about Green Tidings being out of business, even for a little while,” said Nazar Bedi, a freshman economics major. “I found myself going there so often this semester. It’s going to be weird not seeing the truck around for a while, but I just hope … the truck recovers quickly so I can eat there again soon.” Even students who do not frequent the truck were saddened by the accident. “I just got food from Green Tidings for the first time on Friday, and I thought it was really good, so I was planning on trying more food from them this week,” said Lara Fu,

guns From PAGE 1 g u n laws i n the U.S., the effects of gun violence and what can be done to make a difference. The talk was part of Beyond the Classroom’s “People Power: Activism for Social Change” series. Heyne drew on incidents of gun violence such as the Navy Yard shootings, the Virginia Tech massacre and the Newtown tragedy to emphasize what he said are the problems with current gun laws. “It’s not the same debate that it was two years ago,” Heyne said, referring to the fact that his organization is not trying to eliminate guns completely — rather, the goal is to keep guns

The Green Tidings Food truck awaits repairs behind the North Campus Dining Hall. A grease fire broke out inside the vehicle Friday afternoon, putting the truck out of commission indefinitely and sending four employees to the hospital. james levin/the diamondback a freshman government and politics major. Many other students were food truck enthusiasts, such as Josef Danczuk, who became a fan when the truck first opened this summer. “I love how t he menu s

cha nge every two weeks, a nd t h i s we e k’s m e nu looked particularly tasty,” the junior government and politics major said. “Last week, I had the beef tacos, donuts and clam chowder, but it looks like I won’t be

getting those for a while … I’ll survive without Green Tidings, though. I just hope everyone is OK from the fire and that there’s no permanent damage.”

out of the wrong hands. Heyne hopes to implement change by improving gun laws while protecting gun rights for lawabiding citizens, he said. Aaron Alexis, who was responsible for the Navy Yard shootings, and Seung-Hui Cho, the Virginia Tech shooter, both legally obtained firearms despite their backgrounds of violence and mental illness. However, Alexis and Cho’s violent pasts were overlooked during background checks because they were only convicted of misdemeanors, Heyne said. “Just because guns don’t kill people and people kill people doesn’t mean there’s nothing we can do to prevent guns from getting into the hands of those people,” he said. Improvements in gun policy

should include an expansion of who is prohibited from purchasing weapons, background check requirements for gun purchases, bans on militarystyle assault weapons and laws that prevent and punish adults who make guns readily accessible to children, Heyne said. Senior family science major Jona Koplow said the idea that it is easy to obtain a gun surprised her. “That was just terrifying … It was crazy to me that [the shooters] were able to get guns after having committed other crimes,” she said. Heyne said 92 percent of A mericans support background checks for all buyers, a nd 86 percent of N R A m e m b e rs a n d o t h e r g u n owners agree more can be

done to prevent guns from getti ng i nto the ha nds of criminals while still protecting gun rights. Heyne also addressed the common notion that more guns equate to less crime, because guns give people the means to protect themselves. “If more guns equaled less crime, America would be the safest country in the world,” he said. Jim Riker, Beyond the Classroom’s director, said his biggest takeaway from the talk was that other nations are doing better than the U.S. in terms of gun violence, and there are other countries the U.S. can model its gun policies on. Heyne said the gun homicide rate in the U.S. is seven times that of Canada and 47 times that of Great Britain.

jason reynolds, a university alumnus, speaks about his journey as an author and his new book in the University Bookstore on Monday night. rebecca rainey/the diamondback

Reynolds From PAGE 1

ed in the characters.” The writing process and his journey to the shelves has not been an easy road for Reynolds, though he does credit this university for improving his social skills and giving him the confidence he needed. “[The University of] Maryland forces you, if you’re open to it, into circles that you normally wouldn’t feel comfortable existing in, and I think that was a very important thing for me,” Reynolds said. He said he scraped by in his classes and switched majors at least four times, but he was inspired by his poetry. He was one of the first performers at the now-annual Juke Joint, a gig that gave him a “certain amount of confidence” by allowing him to practice spoken-word poetry. But that confidence was shot down many times, especially when agents told Reynolds his work was terrible. If not for his mentor, children’s author Christopher Myers, telling him to give it one more try, Reynolds would not have written his book. Above all, Reynolds said he tried to write a snapshot of normal teenage life. His mother, Sabell Reynolds, said this came across truthfully, especially in his depiction of her as the mother character in his book: stern, but gentle. “He’s accomplished that dream, and I’m proud of him,” Sabell said. “The book surprised me because I was accustomed to reading his poetry; I didn’t know it would be that way, and I like it. I’m hoping that the others will be just as successful.” One of Reynolds’ friends from middle school, also an alumnus of this university, showed up at the event. “He’s probably the most genuine person from that era of my life,” said Steven Kemp, a warfare specialist for the Army and 2006 alumnus. “He was always just a fun-loving, genuine person.” When I Was the Greatest has been out for a little more than two months, and Reynolds said it is doing far better than he expected. “It took me a decade for me to have an opportunity to stand up here like this,” he said. “I’m not dunking a basketball. I’m not a musician. I’m a writer, and people are excited about it.”

Now, the 30-year-old Reynolds, a 2004 university alumnus, plans to continue writing for the rest of his career. Reynolds’ latest book, When I Was the Greatest, was published in January to generally positive reviews, and he has at least four more in the works — despite barely passing ENGL 101: Academic Writing with a D-minus. Last night at the University Book Center, Reynolds spoke to about 50 people about his writing process, read an excerpt from the novel, signed copies and discussed some of his goals for the book. The book’s story is set in the historically black Bed-Stuy neighborhood in Brooklyn, New York, and follows three teenage boys and their friendship. Most of the characters are based on people from Reynolds’ life. Reynolds grew up in Oxon Hill — also a historically black area — with dreams of attending this university after coming to a summer basketball camp here when he was 11 years old. He said his mother is practically the mother in his book, the father is based on his father and the brother is like his brother. “I wanted to sort of shine some light on what these neighborhoods look like,” Reynolds said. “The literary industry is extraordinarily imbalanced when it comes to people of color. I think last year, 1.8 percent of all books published were about or by people of color. I’m not trying to prove any points, I’d just like to expose some of the beauty in these neighborhoods because they are just seen as trouble, and nothing is only trouble.” Reynolds said he chose to use inspiration from his life because he wanted the story to be real. He didn’t want to write about characters. “I wanted to write about people that people could care about, that people felt like there was breath coming off the page,” Reynolds said. “It’s not a plot-driven story, it’s a character-driven story, so I need people to be invest-

jim riker, Beyond the Classroom director and an event organizer, shared his thoughts with attendees about gun violence during Monday night’s event. sung-min kim/the diamondback Heyne said citizens can take small steps to “overcome the mountain in front of us” and help reduce incidents of gun violence — a notion senior finance major Rebecca Sloyer said she didn’t previously realize.

“Our voice really does and can matter,” she said. “That’s really hard to remember, just because you feel like you’re one of so many.”

tuesday, March 11, 2014 | news | the diamondback


Exhibit features cardboard chairs Student-built structures teach fundamentals, professor says By Elena Baurkot @thedbk For The Diamondback Architecture usually inspires images of permanent structures made from concrete, glass or wood. But one class has challenged this notion by constructing chairs made from an unconventional material: cardboard. University professor Madlen Simon and students from ARCH 270: Design in Practice presented an exhibit on Friday called “Slots, Slats, Tubes, Tabs, Lacing, Bracing: 9 Explorations in Cardboard Chair Design.” The exhibit, located in the architecture building’s Linear Gallery, includes chairs students created out of cardboard in the class last semester. The chairs’ designs focus on “how the built environment came to be the way it is,” Simon said. Students were given four sheets of cardboard, each 30 by 40 inches, to construct their chairs, Simon said. They were not allowed to work with any other materials. “There are no fasteners involved, no glue, no clips, no tape, no nothing,” she said. The 84 students in the class worked in groups of four and five during the first half of the fall semester to construct 18 chairs, 10 of which — despite the exhibit’s name — will be on display in the gallery until March 22. Simon said students spent the latter half of the semester designing environments in which their chairs could fit. Several students presented their chairs and described the trial-and-error process of their

Zest tea drinks hope to offer an alternative method to those looking for more caffeine than coffee by offering up to 160 milligrams per cup. The company was founded by James Fayal, a 2012 university alumnus, after tea stopped working for him. photo courtesy of zest tea Cardboard Chairs built as part of a university architecture course are displayed in the Linear Gallery. The structures will be showcased until March 22. james levin/the diamondback construction, discussing their failures and successes. One presenter stood on top of a cardboard chair and jumped on it to demonstrate its sturdiness. “I see a lot of the same intuitive design in some other chairs that are shared by our group, yet the form and the ideas behind the chair and how they go about solving problems was very unique,” said freshman bioengineering major Michael Dunkelberg, who gave a presentation about his project at the exhibit. “I thought it was brilliant.” One chair was modeled after a wooden beach chair; another looked like a whale’s tail and featured curved edges. Other designs were inspired by trees and triangles. Many students involved in creating chairs for the class were not architecture majors, as the course also fulfills other colleges’ requirements. Simon said the project was unique because many of the students lacked architecture experience. “That was the somewhat fearless idea involved here because these were students who didn’t have the training

that the typical architecture student has, so we turned them loose on something really truly unfamiliar,” Simon said. Rebecca Grissom, a freshman education and Spanish major who worked on a chair on display in the gallery, said she enjoyed seeing the diverse approaches her classmates took in their designs. “My favorite part about the presentation was just getting to see other people’s designs because we didn’t actually get to work together,” she said. “We worked in different sections, so I didn’t even get to see the really cool tree chair or the whale chair.” N e x t s e m e s te r, S i m o n plans to add an entrepreneurial element to the class and have students attempt to sell their chairs. They will either be able to stick to the fall semester’s model — designing the chair and environment — or spend the second half of the class designing a business model to take their chair to market, she said.

The second sum for this particular research will total nearly $500,000, from an orFrom PAGE 1 ganization Jewell requested to This memory function is be kept anonymous because the particularly important in award has yet to be officially victims of relapsed neuro- announced. “[Jewell’s] ideas are very blastoma, for whom there is novel, and he works really no cure, Jewell said. In January, the Jewell Lab hard,” said Yu-Chieh Chiu, one received $375,000 as part of of two postdoctoral students a three-year grant program working in the Jewell Lab. “I from Alex’s Lemonade Stand guess we all have pretty much Foundation. The charity orga- the same cause.” Jim Andorko, a second-year nization has raised more than $75 million for cancer research doctoral candidate in the biosince Alexandra Scott, a girl engineering department, works who died from neuroblastoma with Chiu and Jewell in the lab. in 2004 at 8 years old, opened a Andorko was one of the first lemonade stand in 2000 to help students to join the research finance doctors and scientists project in 2012. “That was something that who fight childhood cancer. really kind of spurred me, “That was the first large grant looking back,” Andorko said. we got,” said Jewell, who joined the university in August 2012. “I didn’t really think about this

field of research before I came to this university. Dr. Jewell and I seemed to get along pretty well, so it’s a good working relationship.” He said the thought that the team’s efforts might save lives in the future is one that doesn’t usually emerge during the average workday. “It’s not something that we’re always dwelling on,” Andorko said. “In the back of my mind, I do know that hopefully this research will help out somebody, but that’s not always right there in front of us.” Beginning tomorrow, the lab will start inducing tumors in mice to begin their initial subject testing, during which they will inject the vaccine directly into the lymph nodes and observe the results, Andorko said. The research is off to an



Alum jumpstarts tea company Zest Tea to sell drink more caffeinated than one cup of coffee By Kofie Yeboah @KofieKofie Staff writer When James Fayal started working at a venture capitalist firm in Cincinnati, he realized he needed either coffee or an energy drink to keep him alert throughout the day — his drink of choice, tea, wasn’t cutting it. In response, the 2012 alumnus and his roommate Rickey Ishida founded Zest Tea, a company that produces tea with up to 160 milligrams of caffeine per cup, as opposed to the 135 milligrams in a typical cup of coffee. “We’ve been tea-heads (sorta like deadheads but with different plants) long enough that we knew how to blend a great tea, but to start it was only for ourselves,” the co-founders wrote on Zest Tea’s website. “Then our friends heard about what we were doing. They loved the idea and when they tasted the teas they had to

optimistic start, Jewell said, but obstacles remain. “Are we really going to have a strong enough specific function to cause the tumors to go away or to slow them down?” Jewell said. “That’s one challenge.” The team will also research improved compositions for the synthetic vehicle that will hold the vaccine, he said. In the end, the final product could be very different from the model. “You rarely start a project and it finishes exactly as planned,” he said. “Sometimes you reach an end point, which is great, but rarely is it the way you thought you would get there.”


STUDENTS! Want to Get Involved?

STUDENT PUBLICATIONS’ BOARD NEEDS TWO NEW MEMBERS Maryland Media, Inc., publishing board for the Diamondback, Terrapin, and Mitzpeh, has openings on its board of directors for two full-time students. No publication experience necessary, we just want students who want to be involved. The Board of Directors sets general policy, approves budgets and selects the Editors-in-Chief for the student publications. The term of office is one year and begins in May, 2014. The board meets about once a month during the school year. For an application, stop by room 3136 South Campus Dining Hall and ask for Maggie Levy.

Applications are due by Thursday, March 13th at noon.

have it for themselves. Eventually we succumbed to our [friends’] pleas and decided to make our blends available to the masses.” To help fund their company, Fayal and Ishida worked with Venture for America, a program that recruits top college graduates and sends them to startups in lower-cost cities such as Baltimore and Detroit to teach them how to become entrepreneurs. “We were absolutely impressed w ith Ja mes from the first time we met him. The chairman of our board, Cameron Breitner, ended up being his mentor because he saw James on our selection day and saw a lot of himself in him,” said Mike Tarullo, vice president of corporate development. “We recognized that James had a lot of experience in finance, but he also had the aptitude of someone who could be the CEO of a company.” With four flavors of Zest Tea on the ma rket, Faya l h a s fo u n d s o m e s u c c e s s

with the company — even while balancing day-to-day operations and work at his full-time job. “Right now, I am not really interested in having our own retail locations,” Fayal said. “That being said, we want to work with distributors to distribute to retail shops, grocery stores, small local coffee shops. So we want our products being all over the place, but right now we have no interest in our own retail locations yet.” Fayal’s father, who earned a master’s degree in business from Harvard University, has served as a mentor to his son in terms of manufacturing the product. “I am proud beyond words,” James Fayal Sr. said. “He has done an incredible job of conceiving the product, putting packaging together, sourcing the materials, the marketing he has done. Everything he has done has been absolutely marvelous.”


Priorities federal tax policy director, said Republicans have been looking to rebrand themselves since the 2012 election, when then-Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney was portrayed as out of touch for his remarks disparaging the “47 percent” of American workers who don’t pay income taxes. This attempt to reinvent their image has party leaders more supportive of measures such as an extension of the EITC, Marr said. “Right now, you see this shift,” Marr said, adding that the Republican reception to low-income workers “is a bit more favorable than it was just six months ago,” partly as a result of the backlash Romney faced for his “47 percent” remarks. I n Ja nua ry, Sen. Ma rco Rubio (R-F l a .) cr it ici zed O ba m a’s s up p or t of a pla n that wou ld ra ise the minimum wage to $10.10 and instead suggested a reworking of the EITC. “R a isi ng the m i n i mu m wa ge m ay p ol l we l l , b ut having a job that pays $10 an hour is not the American Dream,” Rubio wrote in a release. “And our current government programs, offer at best only a partial solution. They help people deal with poverty, but they do not help them escape it. We should pursue reforms that encourage and reward work. That’s why I am developing legislation to replace the earned i ncome ta x cred it w it h a federal wage enhancement for qualifying low-wage jobs.” Swagel said that while Congress is prone to infighting and partisan battles, the EITC might be different. “It’s one of those rare policy issues on which there is some agreement between the two sides to broaden the EITC and provide greater incentives for work,” Swagel said.

From PAGE 1

begin until $11,500, with the credit completely phasing out at $18,070. The extension of the EITC w o u l d m a k e 7.7 m i l l i o n workers eligible for a larger benefit under the credit and make 5.8 million workers eligible. This state would see the benefits expanded to an estimated 210,000 workers, according to the report. A nd while graduates of this university aren’t likely looking for such low-income level jobs — the median starting salary for graduates of this university across all majors is almost $50,000, according to — there are some direct and indirect benefits for recent graduates. Phillip Swagel, a university public policy professor, said the most direct benefit is that it could help hold over students who don’t immediately get a high-paying job out of college by providing them a higher income. Indirectly, an expansion of the credit could persuade more workers to join the labor force, he said, wh ich wou ld b enef it t he economy as a whole. Part and parcel to the discussion over the extension of the EITC is the debate about raising the federal minimum wage. Since the president’s State of the Union Address last year — and his reaffirmation in his address this year — Obama has pledged suppor t for i ncreasi ng minimum wage. However, an increase in the wage has its detractors, as conservative leaders said they believe the measure could force businesses to absorb larger overhead costs and shed workers on the payroll. T he EITC however, has broader support from both sides of the aisle. Chuck Marr, Center on Budget and Policy

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CONTACT US 3150 South Campus Dining Hall | College Park, MD 20742 | PHONE (301) 314-8200


wo weeks removed from graduation at this university, you apply for an apartment near Baltimore. You’re rejected. The justification? Not poor credit history or employment prospects, not mistakes in the application or a missed security deposit. You’re rejected because of the gender with which you identify. The landlord’s decision is fully protected under this state’s laws, and you’re stuck with no place to live. For almost one in five transgender residents of this state, that is the perverse reality of living in a state not protected by anti-discrimination laws. Seventeen percent of transgender residents in this state reported being denied housing because of their identities in a National Transgender Discrimination Survey. But the General Assembly seems poised to change that. After the state Senate voted 32-15 to pass the Fairness for All Marylanders Act of 2014 last Tuesday, transgender individuals could soon receive legal protection in housing, employment and public accommodations after a vote in the House of Delegates. There is no reason this shouldn’t happen. Prominent politicians, including Gov. Martin O’Malley and the top three Democratic candidates vying to replace him, have backed the bill. And as illustrated in the 2012 statewide referendum that passed samesex marriage, residents are pushing progress and equality as well. If policymakers in Annapolis and presidential hopeful O’Malley want to continue their self-congratulatory claims of this state’s commitment to equality, this law needs to be


enacted. As with similar commonsense reforms recently enacted in the state, FAMA faces vocal opposition with incendiary arguments — unfortunately spearheaded in the House by obstructionist Del. Neil Parrott (R-Washington). Parrott created, which has helped put same-sex marriage to referendum and attempted to block recent gun control measures, among other reforms. In a petition Parrott created, he said OUR VIEW

Transgender state residents are close to equal protection in housing, employment and public accommodations, and the General Assembly needs to make sure they obtain it. FAMA would “put our families and children at risk,” echoing the paranoid and absurd argument that fighting transgender discrimination is a free pass for sex offenders in public places. He and other opponents have f l i p p a n t l y d u b b e d FA M A t h e “bathroom bill.” “The problem is you send your daughter into the bathroom, and you expect it’s going to be girls and women in the bathroom,” Parrott told The Washington Post. “And instead you find out there’s a 45-year-old man in the bathroom with them.” Beneath the hateful, irresponsible and small-minded insinuation that nontraditional gender identity is connected to sex offense — one that

deserves no place in public discourse — Parrott accidentally stumbled upon some truth. Administrative and logistical accommodations for the transgender population, such as gender-neutral restrooms and housing, will not be easy. Our culture and public places are structured largely on a strict dichotomy between men and women. But the presence of a variety of small groups with the power to help get rid of this dichotomy will hopefully help the state take a step in the right direction. For example, this university’s Department of Resident Life has made gender-neutral housing available to students who want it on the campus. This simple change speaks volumes to how highly the university values students’ comforts, regardless of gender identity. Making the proper changes to ensure feelings of security for transgender individuals might result in steep financial costs and stubborn resistance from some in the state. But in our society’s continuing endeavor to eliminate discrimination, “not easy” is not an acceptable excuse. It was not easy to desegregate schools in the 1950s and ’60s or end slavery a century earlier, nor was it easy to pass same-sex marriage in this state two years ago. To this day, it is not easy to fight the de facto segregation that marginalizes so many minorities — both racial and gender. Fully eliminating discrimination of transgender people and the rest of the LGBT community in this state won’t be easy, and this bill is merely a stepping stone toward a greater end. But that’s no reason not to try.


SATs devalue creative, favor left-brains papers or even lab reports, students are always required to write something — especially a resume. Even here at the university, fields involving writing are given the backseat. With General Education requirements, students must take two science courses and two math-like classes but are only required to take two writing English classes. Also, the university didn’t even accept the writing score of the SAT when I applied here. Right from the application process, this university is devaluing the ability to write well in high school. By not accepting the writing portion, the university severely limits the kind of raw talent found in prospective students who are better at writing than they are at calculus. Wouldn’t it be better for the university to have a Pulitzer Prize-winning author than someone who can do the order of operations a bit quicker than more right-brained people? The choice to omit the required essay not only demeans writing but also has a trickle effect that can eventually lead College Board not to require the critical reading portion, and then only to have a math portion cleverly titled “Cognitive Ability Assessment” or something that will highlight the overly venerated math and science fields. As an English major who loves writing, writes frequently and hopes to build a career on writing, I’m terrified by College Board’s decision. This decision sends the message to high school students that writing is not an academic skill that you can build a life on, but a folly skill that serves as a novelty to a society incredibly focused on STEM fields. College Board’s decision illustrates how we live in a world in which the arts and humanities are devalued completely while the more cognitive fields are glorified.


L a s t we e k , t h e n o to r i o u s College Board — you know, the one responsible for putting you through the ringer of standardized tests back in high school — yet again made a terrible decision in how to judge a student’s knowledge. It announced it plans to eliminate the writing portion of the test and returning the test to its original scale of 1600 points, as opposed to the current 2400-point scale. Previously, the SAT required students to identify those infamous vocabulary words that sou nd like th ey b elo ng in a Latin dictionary in addition to spending 25 minutes composing a brief essay. However, starting in 2016, College Board will change the vocabulary section to test students on words they are more likely to encounter in the college and career fields. As for the essay? It will be completely optional, but the time limit will be extended to 50 minutes for those who choose to show off their writing abilities. David Coleman, president of College Board, said the SAT should not be separate from everyday high school learning but should work in tandem to access a student’s academic prowess. And Coleman believes the way to combine the two is to eliminate the writing portion. Coleman is right in that the SAT should be based more on the knowledge acquired from school as opposed to expensive tutors. But since when does essay writing not fit into high school curriculum or even college-level curriculum? Last I checked, students were still writing academic pieces of some Maggie Cassidy is a sophomore sort. Whether close readings of English major. She can be reached at a Walt Whitman poems, history GUEST COLUMN

Protect all people, not just US citizens


BEN STRYKER/the diamondback

How women should take compliments TIFFANY BURBA When it comes to the role of women, and even the topic of compliments toward women in society, there appears to be a significant generational gap. What seems equally prominent is the cultural and regional gap about complimenting women. If an urban female student had the misfortune of needing to take a pit stop on Interstate 70 in my town, she would be shocked. Young men in greased clothes (and some with questionable dental hygiene) would whistle at her, call her pet names and openly gawk at her figure as she tried to pump gas at our main station. Disgusted, she would return home to her feminist book club and tell stories of the primal men who objectified her and cared little for her intellect. She would call them “animals governed by their sexual urges,” or she might simply say they were rude and uncouth. At the same time, the men at the gas station would return back to the garage or the farm and tell their buddies about some “stuck-up yuppie” who couldn’t take a compliment and who was probably “one of them damn hippies down in Warshington who’s ruinin’ America.” Growing up in one of this state’s northern and traditionally conser-

vative districts, I have the best of both worlds. Many of my childhood neighbors, friends and colleagues embody the behaviors of the young men from the gas station. We drive pickup trucks, host bonfires and see more cows than people on a daily basis. Our men compliment our women on their physical attributes, and every interaction has a flirtatious air. Here in College Park and throughout the Washington area, people drive sleek luxury sedans and eco-friendly compacts, host uptown rages and see more concrete than blades of grass. Here, we are educated on issues such as gender identity and sexual harassment and tip-toe around gender or appearance-based compliments for fear of political backlash. I think there should be an inbetween. Back home, women enjoy being complimented. When I visit, both neighbors and strangers call me “young lady,” “ma’am,” “doll” and “sweetheart.” These are terms of endearment, friendship and respect. “Sweetheart” especially wouldn’t fly down here in the city because some women may perceive it as an unwelcome sexual advance. This conduct often seems to be misinterpreted. The men in my town are good ol’ boys who enjoy the simple pleasures in life. They respect women who carry themselves in a confident way, and they notice this in their body

language. They whistle at women not to degrade them, but to show them they like something about how they conduct themselves — whether that is their bodies, professional reputations in the town or famous apple pie. That is not to say sexism does not exist back home, but that many flirtatious actions in my local culture are purely innocent ways to let women know that something about them is beautiful. Obviously, such behavior is not acceptable if someone constantly makes unwelcome sexual comments toward women that interfere with their daily activities. Especially if that person has been asked to stop making such advances before it’s time to see third party intervention. Otherwise, women should lighten up when it comes to flirting and compliments from men. Our bodies are beautiful, and it is a widely accepted notion of feminism that women should love and their bodies the way they are. There is no reason men shouldn’t similarly love women’s bodies. So ladies, if a man compliments you and calls you “doll,” be flattered. Do not automatically assume malintent, and do not confuse feminism with sexism. Tiffany Burba is a senior government and politics major. She can be reached at

n 2011, Anwar al-Awlaki, a dual Yemeni-U.S. citizen, was killed in a drone strike in his ancestral home of Yemen, as was his 16-year-old son Abdulrahman al-Awlaki days later. A controversial Muslim cleric for many years, al-Awlaki was accused by the U.S. government of recruiting soldiers for al-Qaida. President Obama authorized the assassination and boasted it was “a major blow to al-Qaida’s most active operational affiliate.” What the public needs to understand is that a U.S. citizen, under the protection of the Constitution, was denied due process despite criminal accusations. Instead of going through the justice system like any other alleged criminal, the government found it more convenient to use a killing machine as judge, jury and executioner. The president of the United States is tasked with upholding the Constitution, not throwing it away when it suits him or her. About two years later, a wedding party in Yemen was pulverized as a result of yet another drone attack. This act of state-sanctioned murder caused 17 deaths, only five of which were suspected to be linked to terrorism. Needless to say, this event has probably become a major recruitment tool for the terrorists the U.S. government wants to eradicate. Again, the concept of justice was thrown out the window for the sake of the honorable War on Terror. People who hold a U.S. passport expect to be treated in a somewhat humane manner when it comes to alleged crimes. We expect to be tried before a jury of our peers, refuse to accept cruel and unusual punishment (or at least, we think

we do) and so on. But apparently al-Awlaki deserved no such thing, for how could the United States treat one of its citizens with the rights that he or she is entitled to have? Why bother putting him on trial when it’s much easier to murder him and his son from the skies above? Timothy McVeigh, who committed an act of terrorism on U.S. soil, was granted the aforementioned legal privileges and never had the bad luck of meeting a drone. No matter how savage or vicious a person’s alleged crimes are, he or she is entitled to the same rights that protect the most innocent. Since when did it become moral for basic freedoms to be discarded because they became too inconvenient? Is it “unpatriotic” to suggest that maybe, just maybe, the U.S. should actually care about the Constitution and history of freedom it is obsessed with? Let us remember that the killing of U.S. citizens is only part of the drone problem; what about non-U.S. citizens who have been killed as a result of drone strikes? Don’t they also have dreams, desires, fears, wishes and worries like Americans do? They can’t just be collateral damage to be forgotten and turned into statistics. We wouldn’t accept it if a foreign country treated us the same way. We wouldn’t simply nod and accept our fates. Do these victims of U.S. foreign policy who were simply at the wrong place at the wrong time, have any legitimate grievances as a result of drones? You, as a voter in the most powerful country in the world, will be the one to decide. Gonzalo Molinolo is a junior history major. He can be reached at

TUESDAY, MARCH 11, 2014 | The Diamondback


FEATURES CROSSWORD ACROSS 1 Libra’s stone 5 Fast-food acronym 8 Term paper abbr. (2 wds.) 12 Hotel employee 14 Waterproof 15 Exploding star 16 Helen, in Madrid 17 Pakistan’s language 18 Network 19 Type of flute 21 Frame of mind 23 In vogue 24 Annapolis org. 25 “I’ve been --!” 26 Vacillate 30 Haggling point 32 Field glass’s lens 33 Xenon or krypton (2 wds.) 36 Ding-a- -37 Raid 38 Felt bad about 40 Stump 42 Whodunit or romance 43 -- -craftsy 44 Teen occupation 45 Oola’s guy 48 Corroded, as acid 49 Dune buggy kin

50 Seven-veil dancer 52 Squad cars 57 Fermi split it 58 Obscure corner 60 Prickly pear 61 Military cap 62 Joule fractions 63 Ms. Garbo 64 Helper, briefly 65 Old PC system 66 Pair of mules

30 “-- and Bess” 31 Long-plumed heron 33 Unwanted sound 34 First cousin’s mom 35 Withered

37 Ready for market 39 “The,” to Freud 41 Wheels for nanny 42 Open-hearted 44 Good name for a cook?

45 46 47 49 51 52 53

Honshu port Joyce Carol -Falls softly Havens Exclude Machine teeth Variety

54 “En garde” weapon 55 Pro -(in proportion) 56 Criticize harshly 59 Spanish gold

DOWN 1 Done with 2 Turn white 3 Obi-Wan player 4 Late-night Jay 5 “The Galloping Gourmet” 6 Brief craze 7 Awkwardly 8 Bridge bldr. 9 Rabbi’s reading 10 St. Teresa’s town 11 Took on cargo 13 Landing strip 14 Hired a lawyer 20 Big name in chemicals 22 A single time 24 Kind of sprawl 26 Roman sun god 27 Saga 28 Vulcan’s forge 29 Sweater letter




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orn today, you are quick to take the initiative when something captures your interest, or when a job or project is in your “sweet spot.” Most things, however, leave you unimpressed, and you are not quick to take action even when action is required. You are a self-motivated, self-driven, self-made individual, eager to follow your own path without being responsible for anyone else at any time. Of course, this attitude will change some as you grow older and surround yourself with more people who are dear to you. For the most part, however, you are known as a loner. You are quite energetic when it comes to love and courtship. Indeed, when it comes to winning someone you’ve set your sights on, you can be quite creative and tenacious. You may not always be as eager to maintain a lasting relationship, however, as you were to get it started in the first place -- but that, too, is something that can change. Also born on this date are: Terrence Howard, actor; Shemp Howard, actor; Lawrence Welk, bandleader and TV personality; Rupert Murdoch, media mogul; Bobby McFerrin, vocalist; Sam Donaldson, journalist. To see what is in store for you tomorrow, find your birthday and read the corresponding paragraph. Let your birthday star be your daily guide.

WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12 PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) -- Avoid getting too emotional, especially when others are hurting. You’re feeling sympathetic, but don’t overdo it. ARIES (March 21-April 19) -- You can expect something to change that provides you with a great deal of inspiration and creative fuel. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) -- You may be called upon to do something that you don’t really enjoy doing -- but this time, for some reason, it’s likely to be different. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) -You may have to wait longer than expected for something that you consider routine. You may want to take a close look behind the scenes. CANCER (June 21-July 22) -You cannot control all key issues, but those you can control will surely combine to create a situation that gives you the advantage. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) -- You’ll have to adjust to certain changing circumstances throughout the day. Focus on those who seem to have more know-how than others. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) -You’re seeing things in a different

light. As a result, you may be drawing very different conclusions for yourself. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) -You’ll find yourself in charge of something that doesn’t matter to everyone, but those who do find it important will look to you for much. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) -- It won’t matter which side you’re on. If you see someone performing well, you’ll want to give him or her the credit he or she deserves. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) -- Things are lining up in your favor, yet you don’t want to take anything for granted. Stay focused and ready to work. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) -- You won’t receive any guarantees, but things are beginning to look like you can, in the end, come out the winner. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) -Unfamiliar territory is nothing to worry about; your past experience will come in handy regardless. You’re equipped for any terrain.








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TRIPOD Neil Young, your dad’s favorite folk-rocker, is ready to step to Apple. Young is selling the bulky, triangular Zune knockoff (which promises to deliver digital music at the highest fidelity possible because Young can tell the difference) through Kickstarter. It’s $400.


BASEMENT SCENE The low-rent charm of house concerts, where Third Eye Blind covers and noise punk can happily coexist and the artists always play requests By Dean Essner @daesayingstuff Senior staff writer T h e b e s t l ive m u s i c a l m os t a lways h a p p e n s i n t h e s m a l l e s t p l a ce s : t i n y c l u b s , b e d ro o m s , basements. If you’re not pressed against a speaker o r c l o s e e n o u g h to t h e guitarist that he or she can hear you request that same deep cut over and over again between songs, then the atmosphere isn’t quite right. S a t u rd a y n i g h t , i n a house just a few blocks f ro m t h e C o l l e ge P a r k Marriott Hotel & Conference Center on the western edge of the campus, I was privileged enough not only to experience one of these intimate shows but also to observe a crop of musicians in creative transition. Nearly a year ago, I wrote an extensive profile on Sam Ray, a College Park-based a r t i s t wh o wa s m a k i n g ambient music as Ricky Eat Acid and fronting his newly conceived indie-pop band Julia Brown. It was a transitional time in Ray’s life — he had just disbanded his acclaimed punk outfit Teen Suicide to focus on crafting quieter, prettier songs. But Saturday, backed by a slightly different rotation of musicians, Teen Suicide

performed its first proper reunion set in College Park since retiring the name in January 2013, featuring a sound that’s tighter and noisier than ever. The set, which lasted just more than 30 minutes, was full of essential cuts — “Everything Is Fine,” “Oh My G o d ” a n d “ G o b l i n s Cry Too,” to name a few. However, the band’s mus i c i a n s h i p h a s evo lve d and matured: The drum f i l l s h a ve g ro w n m o re complex, the guitar lines now rounded out by selfassured bursts of nomadic n o o d l i n g a l a S te p h e n Malkmus. T h o u g h m a i n ly s u p ported by punk fans, Teen Suicide came across more like a well-seasoned rock band that night, with a refreshing confidence and conviction in its sound that may not have come to fruition during its initial incarnation. The show’s headliner, Alex G, who traveled down from Philadelphia, oozed effortlessness. He had a touch of dry, almost hilarious self-confidence in the way he and his band — who make catchy, guitar-heavy pop music in the style of The Modern Lovers and Weezer — were able to meticulously reproduce their music in the live setting

without breaking a sweat, as if all of the songs were hardwired into their DNA. By the time they started playing at 10:30 p.m., the house was emptier than during Teen Suicide, inspiring a loosey-goosey sense of spontaneity in Alex G. The band treated those who stuck around to a few new songs off its upcoming album, as well as a cover of Third Eye Blind’s i co n i c “ Se m i - C h a r m e d Life,” which had the entire basement singing along to the chorus. The night peaked, though, with G’s perform a n c e o f “ Me s s a ge ,” a languid, Southern rockleaning cut off his best album, RULES. “Every year I’m getting older/ But every day I feel the same,” he sang in unison with the remaining spectators. There’s a shred of melancholy in that line, the idea that we may grow and evolve yet achieve no greater sense of overarching clarity. Then again, that’s why we need live music: Artists e vo l ve , ta s te s c h a n ge , scenes grow and die, but the best concerts will always be centered around intimacy. And it was me who requested “Message.”

SAM RAY (top, bottom) of Teen Suicide and Alex G (middle) performed at a concert in College Park on Saturday in a show that exemplified the sense of intimacy that makes live music so distinctive. photos courtesy of, and


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TUESDAY, MARCH 11, 2014 | sports | The Diamondback



Quarterfinal loss overshadows Thomas’ milestone Forward becomes program’s all-time leading scorer as North Carolina bounces Terps from ACC tournament By Paul Pierre-Louis @PaulPierreLouis Staff writer

GREENSBORO, N.C. — With 11:19 left in the Terrapins women’s basketball team’s 73-70 loss to North Carolina on Friday night, forward Alyssa Thomas dribbled through midcourt on a fast break, stopped near the free throw line and hit a jumper that further solidified her place with the program’s greats. But rather than flash her trademark smile after the basket that made her the program’s all-time leading scorer, Thomas sported a stoic expression. Trailing 52-45, Thomas and the No. 3-seed Terps were focused on preventing an early exit from the ACC tournament courtesy of the No. 6-seed Tar Heels. Despite Thomas’ 16 second-half points, the team’s sluggish start and second-half mistakes at Greensboro Coliseum detracted from her milestone achievement. “[It’s] just a huge honor,” Thomas said. “But we didn’t come up with the win tonight, so [it’s] something I’m not really thinking about.” The three-time ACC Player of the Year has 2,258 career points, 11 more than former forward Crystal Langhorne. But Friday’s slim defeat in the quarterfinals marked Thomas’ earliest exit from the ACC tournament since her freshman year. “I know she’s not going to appreciate it right now because of the competitor and the winner that she is,” coach Brenda Frese said. “She would turn all of that away to be able to get that win.” The Terps had won eight of their past nine games entering the matchup, but their recent form disappeared. They

Forward alyssa Thomas has scored a program-record 2,258 points in her college career, 11 more than former forward Crystal Langhorne. alik mcintosh/the diamondback committed 19 turnovers, 14 of which were in the first half, and shot 1-of-12 from three-point range. The team had moments when it looked poised for a comeback, but foul trouble prevented it from sustaining scoring runs. Center Alicia DeVaughn, forward Brionna Jones and guard Shatori WalkerKimbrough each had three fouls by the 14:57 mark in the second half, forcing

Frese to keep them on the bench for extended periods. With DeVaughn and Jones playing fewer minutes, Thomas played in the post more often. “The way they were calling the fouls, obviously that impacted us being able to play our bigs,” Frese said. “We had to put A.T. inside in a spot that she’s never played in before because of all the fouls that were being called.”

North Carolina shot 11-of-12 on free throws to help weather the Terps’ comeback attempt. “I thought that was very important,” Tar Heels coach Andrew Calder said. “We were very poised down the end, and we just made great plays.” Eventually, the Terps cut the deficit to one point, when Thomas’ step back jumper capped a 9-1 run and made it 71-70 with 1:35 left. On their next possession, she led the team in transition and then attempted a pull-up jumper similar to her record-breaking basket. Guard Allisha Gray tipped the shot, however, and the ball fell short of the basket. About a minute later, Thomas lost her dribble while trying to drive into the lane for a layup, resulting in a turnover. Finally, her open 3-pointer to tie the game at 73 hit off the front rim. “To be able to have a shot with Alyssa with the ball with a three, and it was a great look, that’s the take you want,” Frese said. “Definitely thought it was going in.” Those failed attempts in the game’s final moments ended the Terps’ ACC title hopes, making it difficult for Thomas to appreciate her achievement from the night. With the NCAA tournament looming, Thomas sits 12 points away from passing men’s basketball icon Juan Dixon for the school’s all-time scoring record. But as the team aims to make a deep postseason run after a sobering defeat, Thomas isn’t in a position to think about her individual accolades. “I know Alyssa will after her career is over,” Frese said. “Everything that she’s meant to our program, to our university, it’s only fitting for her to be the all-time leading scorer in Maryland.”

Thomas’ record-breaking 2-pointer midway through the second half made it a seven-point game, and the Terps on the bench jumped out of their seats and cheered in excitement while Thomas clapped her hands. On the Tar Heels’ next possession, though, guard Jessica Washington drew Jones’ fourth foul and hit both free throws, sapping the Terps’ momentum.

orange From PAGE 8

guard seth allen shot 7-of-17 from the field and avoided committing a turnover in the second half and overtime of the Terps’ victory over the ACC regular season champion Cavaliers on Sunday. rebecca rainey/the diamondback


for him. It’s been a process.” Allen appeared to find a successful balance in his offensive role for the final five minutes of Sunday’s win. After scoring the five points in overtime, he helped set up guard Dez Wells at the high post. Wells followed Allen’s lead, driving the ball toward the rim to finish a short floater that helped ice the game. “As the point guard, I always have the ball in my hands,” Allen said. “Our offense has been focusing on getting the best shot. Instead of settling for like a quick three or something, we grinded it and we got a great shot.” Allen set the tone for the Terps offense in overtime. He took control of the game by getting into the lane and finishing high-percentage shots near the basket; he avoided committing a single turnover in the second half and overtime, and he played a major part in the Terps’ biggest win of the season. “He can do it really whenever he wants,” Smotrycz said. “He’s done a good job of picking and choosing his spots. Done a great job just distributing the ball. He’s the guy if you need a bucket, he’ll get a good look for you.”

Terps a four-point lead with 3:12 to play. The pattern continued as Allen, who has a tendency to settle for contested jump shots, attacked the lane for the third straight possession and drew a foul. After Allen made one of two free throws, the Terps had a 69-64 lead with 2:20 to play. “He passed up a couple threes to drive the ball, which I liked,” Turgeon said. “In the overtime, he got all the way to the rim and got fouled or some other times he passed.” The Terps held onto the lead Allen provided, and the sophomore soon was celebrating with a mob of students who rushed the court after the team’s first win over a top-25 team this season. It was a moment Allen said he appreciated after a trying season. Allen spent the first 12 games sidelined with a broken bone in his left foot and experienced mixed results transitioning into his role as floor general. “He’s still learning how to play and learning the game,” Turgeon said. “He has to run the team. It’s not natural

talented at both ends of the field.” After a Syracuse (6-1, 2-1 ACC) goal less than two minutes into the game, the No. 2 Terps (8-0, 2-0) were trailing for the first time since their season opener against UMBC. The Terps were quick to respond, scoring two goals on passes from McPartland in the following two minutes to take their first lead of the contest. For the next 11 minutes, the Terps continued to supply offensive pressure but couldn’t find the back of the net with any of their six shots on goal. Behind its strong goalkeeper play, the Orange added two goals on three shots on goal during that time to regain the lead. “We had a lot of opportunities on goal in that first half,” Reese said. “We were just missing and their goalie was just making some great saves. And so we just got a little frazzled and out of rhythm.” The Terps, who average more than 13 turnovers a game, didn’t turn the ball over until about nine minutes reamined in the first half. Despite the ball security, they led by only one goal at the half after the Orange scored six seconds before the break. After McPartland’s early goal in the second half, the back-and-forth nature of the game continued as Syracuse responded a few minutes later. “They work hard all over the field, and they challenged us everywhere,”

shawaryn From PAGE 8 himself in the No. 2 spot in the weekend rotation. It’s a welcome sign for a Terps team that had a reliable No. 1 starter in left-hander Jimmy Reed last season but made numerous rotation changes at the other two spots. While right-hander Jake Stinnett, the Terps ace, won ACC Pitcher of the Week twice and threw a no-hitter against Massachusetts on March 1, Shawaryn has also contributed to the Terps’ success. Shawaryn has held opponents to a .179 batting average and struck out 18 batters in 24 innings, including seven in five innings against UMass. All season, Shawaryn has displayed the potential that helped make him the Kansas City Royals’ 32nd-round pick in the MLB draft

midfielder kelly mcpartland scored the first goal of the second half at Syracuse. chester lam/the diamondback Reese said. “When they had the ball, they found ways to score on offense.” Midfielder Taylor Cummings, the Terps’ leading goal scorer entering the game, scored her first of the contest with 20:23 remaining to give the Terps the first three-goal lead of the night at 10-7. In the ensuing eight minutes, each team turned the ball over three times, with the Orange attempting a lone shot that went wide of the net. After Syracuse cut the lead to two, the Terps’ strong transition game struck when midfielder Zoe Stukenberg found midfielder Erin Collins for the Terps’ 11th goal of the game. Midfielder Beth Glaros’ goal with 2:12 remaining gave the Terps a three-

goal lead, but Syracuse attacker Kayla Treanor scored her third of the contest 10 seconds later. Terps goalkeeper Abbey Clipp made just four saves on the night but made a late stop on a free position shot with 1:24 left. The Terps cleared the ball to run out the remaining minute and secure the victory. For the third time this season, the Terps took down a top-10 opponent. And McPartland’s play, especially right after halftime, was key. “We played them last year in our semifinal game, and that game was really close, so to come out here and have a win against them is really good for us,” McPartland said.

this summer, and he’s pitched especially well with runners in scoring position. In his Terps debut on Feb. 15, Shawaryn allowed a second-inning leadoff double against then-No. 23 Florida but followed it by escaping the inning despite hitting another batter. In his second start against B rya n t o n Fe b. 2 2 , S h awa ry n stranded a runner on third with one out in the fourth to preserve a 1-0 lead. On Saturday, Shawaryn had his deepest outing, topping his previous long by more than an inning against a Seminoles team that leads the conference in on-base percentage. “Just throwing strikes and having the mentality of attacking hitters and not really backing down — that helps with the consistency because you’re always focused,” Shawaryn said. “You’re looking to complete the next pitch.”

The performances Shawaryn has delivered this season will be pivotal if the Terps hope to clinch ACC series victories. Last season, the Terps had 11 conference wins, their most since 1971, but didn’t win a series until the last weekend of April. Shawaryn didn’t expect this start to the season, but he said he focused on a short-term approach — the next pitch, the next batter, the next inning. And he’s not going to abandon it any time soon. “Coming out of the fall practice, I just did my thing and we really worked on consistency and stuff,” Shawaryn said. “As a high school senior going into your freshman year of college, you don’t really know what to expect. Right now, it’s worked out really well, and I’m happy about it.”


“#Mendenhall has no passion. He’s giving up

Brady Kirkpatrick @bkirky3 Terps baseball right-hander

a talent that people would die for because he doesn’t want to get hurt. He’s quiting not retiring”


ROTANZ DAZZLES IN DEBUT Men’s lacrosse freshman atttackman Tim Rotanz scored twice in his first game. For more, visit






McPartland leads Terps to close win at Syracuse Midfielder scores five points in two-goal victory By Ryan Baillargeon @RyanBaillargeon Staff Writer

That wasn’t the only instance last night when McPartland boosted the Terps. Behind the junior’s five-point performance, the No. 2 Terps never surrendered the lead after the The Terrapins women’s lacrosse team break and topped No. 3 Syracuse, 12-10, at exited the locker room at halftime of last the Carrier Dome to earn their eighth straight night’s game at Syracuse with a one-goal victory to open the season. lead, its smallest of the season. “We knew coming in here that this was But then midfielder Kelly McPartland con- going to be a battle and it was going to be trolled the opening draw in the second half, a game that was a lot of fun to play,” coach taking it the distance for her third goal of Cathy Reese said. “Both teams are super the game to give her team a little separation. See ORange, Page 7

Guard seth allen scored the Terps’ first five points of overtime in Sunday’s victory over the No. 5 Virginia. rebecca rainey /the diamondback


Allen’s aggressive play in overtime leads to victory against No. 5 Virginia By Aaron Kasinitz @AaronKazreports Senior staff writer Evan Smotrycz wasn’t too surprised. The Terrapins men’s basketball forward has watched teammate Seth Allen routinely blow past defenders for the past two seasons, so it wasn’t much of a shock that the sophomore guard sliced into the lane, scored the Terps’ first five points in overtime and led the team to a thrilling 75-69 victory over No. 5 Virginia on Sunday afternoon. “Seth’s really good at getting to the rim — can get a good shot any time, really,” Smotrycz said. “He kind of took control in that overtime.” Teammates and coach Mark Turgeon often praise Allen’s driving ability and said the key to Sunday’s victory was the Woodbridge, Va., native taking full advantage of that talent.

While adjusting to a new role as point guard this season, Allen’s often struggled to find a balance between taking outside shots, attacking the rim and distributing the ball to his teammates. But after the Cavaliers’ frantic comeback sent the game into overtime Sunday, Allen decided on a specific offensive strategy for the extra period. “Just attacking, trying to get fouled or trying to get in the paint to make plays for other guys like [forward Jake Layman] and Evan,” Allen said. “We just got to keep driving them.” Allen, who finished with a game-high 20 points, drove to the rim and finished a layup to open scoring 61 seconds into overtime. He attacked the basket again on the next possession and converted another lay-in to give the See Allen, Page 7


Shawaryn provides steady option as Saturday starter Freshman allows one run in win at No. 2 Florida State By Phillip Suitts @PhillipSuitts Staff writer Mike Shawaryn was in a difficult spot Saturday. While the Terrapins baseball team led 3-0, an infield single had loaded the bases with one out in the seventh. So the freshman right-hander followed his routine. He stepped off the pitching rubber, took a deep breath and focused on the next pitch. Shawaryn induced a grounder to third, and the Terps turned an inning-ending double play, throwing runners out at home and then first. Shawaryn’s ability to get out of a tricky situation proved crucial as he continued his

strong start to the season, allowing one run in 7.1 innings in the Terps’ lone victory at No. 2 Florida State. Shawaryn has anchored the pitching staff for the Terps — who face Delaware this afternoon — and won his first four starts while ranking third in the ACC with a 0.75 ERA. “He’s able to make big pitches when he has to,” coach John Szefc said. “When he gets in a rut, he’s able to kind of reach in himself mentally, and he’s very, very tough. … He doesn’t get fazed easily at all.” On a team that relied on pitching to win nine of its first 13 games, Shawaryn has cemented See Shawaryn, Page 7

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