The University of Maryland’s Independent Student Newspaper
M O N DAY, A P R I L 2 1 , 2 01 4
Pedestrian struck Saturday near R.J. Bentley’s Non-university-student pedestrian’s condition unknown; fourth collision on road in 10 months By Laura Blasey @lblasey Senior staff writer
according to witnesses. A car struck the victim in the left southbound lane of Route 1, a Prince George’s County Police spokesman said. County police are handling the A pedestrian was struck while case and confirmed the victim is crossing Route 1 near R.J. Bentley’s early Saturday morning, police said. not a student at this university. The The male victim ran across the spokesman could not confi rm the street after being kicked out of the seriousness of the pedestrian’s inbar at about 12:20 a.m. Saturday, juries Saturday, and police did not
respond to requests for comment yesterday. The collision came a week after a vehicle fatally struck George Washington University student Carlos Pacanins near the Knox Road intersection, and it is the fourth pedestrian incident to occur on the stretch of road in less than 10 months. On July 12, a 54-year-old man attempting to cross Route 1 at the intersection was struck.
See pedestrian, Page 2 emergency personnel respond to a struck pedestrian Saturday morning on Route 1. james levin/the diamondback
Campaign season for SGA begins
Josh Ratner unopposed in race for presidency By Jeremy Snow @JeremyM_Snow Staff writer
Candidates s e e k i n g p o s itions in the SGA executive cabinet or legislature will begin campaigning this week. Those running for spots could JOSH RATNER begin their nine- SGA presidential hopeful day campaigns at midnight today to encourage students to vote for them. Many will use social media, emails, fl iers and face-to-face conversations to promote themselves, said Alex Krefetz, chairman of the Student Government Association Elections Board. “Each candidate largely does PR work and gets their name out either
addy (second from right) and her family (from left), sister Izzi, mother Stacey and father Thomas, pose for a portrait in Comcast Center. james levin/the diamondback
MUSIC TO HER EARS Make-A-Wish Foundation gives child cancer patient music video shoot in Comcast By Talia Richman @TaliRichman Senior staff writer EDITOR’S NOTE: The last names of Make-A-Wish recipients are withheld to protect the families’ privacy. When then-4-year-old Addy was first admitted to the hospital with Stage IV kidney cancer, the bubbly girl known for constantly singing and dancing around her home in Alexandria, Va., wouldn’t even ask to listen to Taylor Swift on the radio.
That’s when her family realized how severe her illness was. One year after doctors told her family she had six days to live, Addy is in remission. Through the Make-A-Wish Foundation, she is starring in her own music video, filmed at Comcast Center on Saturday. “Her wish was to be a pop star,” said Stacey, Addy’s mother. “And I think she’s really rocking it.” The music video, which will be released to the public May 5, also includes See make-a-wish, Page 2
See sga, Page 3
addy (left), in remission from kidney cancer, watches university volunteers dance in the music video filmed as part of her Make-A-Wish gift Saturday. james levin/the diamondback
By Jeremy Snow @JeremyM_Snow Staff writer
Letting themselves be Queer Monologues highlight individuality By Nate Rabner @thedbk For The Diamondback Audience members waited silently in the dark as footsteps echoed from the Hoff Theater stage in Stamp Student Union. Charley Goldman took position behind the microphone and lectern and spotlights shone. “I realized I wasn’t straight in the 10th grade, but this story isn’t about that,” said Goldman, a junior psychology major. “This is the story of a haircut.”
Over the past few months, Goldman has adopted a new hairstyle, a new name, an androgynous wardrobe of button-downs and vests and a gender-neutral third-person pronoun. Goldman, now called “they,” not “she,” by their suitemates and others they’ve come out to as gender queer, has finally found an identity that fits them. Goldman was one of nine people from the LGBTQA community who took the Hoff stage Friday to recite a story or poem in front of about 80 people at The Queer Monologues 2014, organized by the Office of Multicultural Involvement & Community Advocacy. “I can’t really put into words what happened when I got my hair cut,” said Goldman, formerly Rebecca, whose
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Issues disrupt use of campus elevators often
finally just let myself be.” Students shared breakthroughs and despair, stories of summer camp trysts and children driven
Despite regular inspections and maintenance, students living in some university dorms said they frequently fi nd elevators out of order, stuck or otherwise malfunctioning. “They are very sensitive pieces of equipment,” said Jack Baker, Facilities Management director of operations and maintenance. “If an elevator is taken out [of service] for several days, it is because we are doing maintenance to fix them or providing upgrades to them.” If a campus elevator is in use, it’s safe, he added. The elevator malfunctions are often caused when doors or carts
See queer, Page 3
See elevators, Page 3
charley goldman (left) listens as Cal Lynn (center) answers an audience question during this year’s iteration of Queer Monologues in Stamp Student Union’s Hoff Theater on Friday. photo courtesy of kelsey hughes curly hair was cut short and dyed green in the back. “Short hair for me meant freedom — freedom to discover who I truly was. … After 10 years of trying so hard to be something I’m not, it’s nice to finally be able to take a step back to
Men’s lacrosse used a deliberate offense to beat Notre Dame on Saturday and clinch the ACC regular-season title P. 8
Thousands attend Awesome Con in Washington over the weekend, soaking up three days of comics, celebrities and nerdy culture P. 6
Undergraduate Dance Concert
APRIL 24–27
3PM & 7:30PM
(2787) |