The University of Maryland’s Independent Student Newspaper 2016
Univ Salaryersity guide I NS I
T H U R S DAY, A P R I L 2 1 , 2 01 6
U Police sued by former student Officers did not have warrant, claim states UNIVERSITY PRESIDENT WALLACE LOH speaks at the University Senate meeting yesterday in the Stamp Student Union Atrium. ornelle chimi/the diamondback
By Michael Brice-Saddler @TheArtist_MBS Staff writer
New public policy major approved by Univ Senate
T hough Sa nders ca n tha n k large numbers of college student supporters for success, Terps for Hillary co-president Allyson Winburn said the group shows that not all students are behind him. “She’s the most experienced candidate by far in the field, and that is most compelling to me,” the senior government and politics major said. Trump’s high polling among this state’s Republicans could be due to a frustration with federal
A former university student is suing University Police for more than $1 million, claiming that two of its officers unlawfully seized him from his dorm and held him inside an interrogation room for more than three hours, according to a document from the U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland. The lawsuit, which was filed by Ronald H. Posyton III on March 31, is against University Police Officers William L. Mable III and Michael Thomas, as well as this university and the state, according to the document. On Sept. 18, at 7 p.m., a student not identified in the document informed Thomas that an unknown person had made “brief contact” with their leg without permission and that they had not suffered any physical injury, according to the document. Thomas and Mable, who were tasked with investigating the case, arrived dressed in suits and armed at Posyton’s on-campus dorm Sept. 23 at 9 a.m. after receiving information about him being a person of interest, according to the document. Without a warrant, the two officers allegedly forced Posyton to go to University Police headquarters for questioning, even though he was still wearing pajamas. “The UMPD officers neither possessed a warrant, nor had probable cause to seize me from my dorm,” Posyton wrote in an email. “I had neither been accused of having committed a crime, nor had committed a crime, but sadly, the UMP officers had decided to abuse their power and simply seized me from my home.” While being held in an interrogation room, Posyton said he repeatedly exclaimed, “I’m really scared,” and was concerned that this incident could lead to his expulsion from the university, according to the documents. Posyton claimed that for roughly three and a half hours, he was unlawfully questioned by Thomas and Mable without ever being read his rights, according to the document. During his attempt to contact University Police after the incident, Posyton was allegedly laughed at and threatened with harassment charges if he were to contact University Police again, according to the document. Police allegedly refused to provide Posyton with a police report. Both university officials and the University Police department have acknowledged receipt of the lawsuit but will not provide comment at this time, said police spokeswoman Sgt. Rosanne Hoaas and university spokeswoman Crystal Brown. The incident caused Posyton to “suffer injuries of both body and mind,” lose a semester of school and face emotional distress, depression and loss of
See PRIMARY, Page 2
See LAWSUIT, Page 2
josh loock/the diamondback
‘I WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO SEE MY FAMILY’ Laila, a freshman biology student protesting Israel Fest with a group of fellow pro-Palestine students, faces off with University Police Lt. Lisa Payne on McKeldin Mall on Tuesday. “I will never be able to go to where I’m from. No, you don’t understand,” she shouted at Payne. STORY ONLINE
Bachelor’s degree first of its kind in DC region
By Grace Toohey @grace_2e Senior staff writer
Swanson outlines Bold Party platform
The University Senate approved yesterday a new undergraduate public policy major as well as the Undergraduate Policy on the Conduct of Undergraduate Courses and Student Grievance Procedure, which would prevent professors from requiring activities during reading day. It also approved an updated policy and procedures on academic clemency. The three bills will move forward to university President Wallace Loh’s office and, if approved, will then require approval by the University System of Maryland Board of Regents. The new bachelor of arts in public policy, proposed by the public policy school, would be the first of its kind for a university in the Washington metropolitan region and would put this university at a clear advantage, said Robert Orr, the school’s dean. “This is about much more than just an undergraduate degree,” Orr said. “It will significantly help this university become a top-10 school, expand opportunities and maximize synergies.”
3-year SGA member hopes to tackle assault, mental health services By Lexie Schapitl @lexieschapitl Staff writer Before she even started class at this university, Katherine Swanson knew she wanted to be involved in student government, she said. The summer after she graduated high school in Fort Worth, Texas, Swanson started looking into the Student Government Association online and applied for an opening on the Finance Com m ittee she found on the behavioral and social sciences college blog. Now, a f ter t h re e ye a rs of serving on the SGA, Swanson said she is running for student body president — a position she will assume, as the only candidate — to continue her work to improve the lives of students and make sure the administration hears their concerns.
See SENATE, Page 3
Katherine Swanson, the Bold Party’s candidate for Student Government Association president, aims to improve resources available to students on the campus. tom hausman/the diamondback “I knew this was something I wanted to do,” Swanson said. “It was a goal of mine because I felt like something I was really passionate about was helping students on this campus … really be the best person they can be.” Swanson, a junior government a nd pol it ics m ajor, is r u n n i ng on the Bold Pa rty ticket. A fter serving on the Finance Committee, Swa nson beca me d i rector of student groups and current-
ly serves as vice president of student affairs. J.T. Stanley, a senior individual studies major, also planned to run for student body president but missed the deadline to file for candidacy for himself and the rest of his Voice Party. He u nsuccessf u l ly fi led a n appeal, accusing the Elections Board of misconduct, and was See SWANSON, Page 3
Students aim to rally peers as primary draws near Groups supporting Clinton, Sanders, Trump encourage students to register to vote Tuesday By Lexie Schapitl and Grace Toohey @lexieschapitl, @grace_2e Senior staff writers Across the campus, sidewalk chalkings proclaim “Trump 2016,” stickers state “Ready for Hillary” and T-shirts read “Feel the Bern” as university students from across the political spectrum prepare for Tuesday’s primary ballot battle. Though New York’s primary this week marked another success for front-runners Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, their challengers — Bernie Sanders, Ted Cruz and John Kasich — will have the chance Tuesday to pick up delegates from this state, along with Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Delaware and Rhode Island. Students registered with a party in this state can vote in the state’s primary in Stamp Student Union
if they are registered from their local address with a zip code on the campus. Local off-campus residents can vote in Ritchie Coliseum. “Students need to get involved in the political process; they need to get out and vote,” said Terps for Bernie President Christopher Walkup. “That’s ultimately what we’re trying to do … to inspire people to make the change they want to see.” Students encouraged peers to register to vote leading up to the state primary through the Student Government Association’s Terps Vote Coalition and MaryPIRG’s New Voters Project. In total, the two initiatives accrued about 2,000 new student-voter registrations, said Andrea Holtermann, a junior government and politics major who serves as campaign director of Terps Vote and campaign coordinator for the New Voters Project.
T houg h th is state’s pri ma ry typically falls too late in the election season to have a large impact, this year the front-runners have not yet clinched the nomination, said Michael Hanmer, government and politics professor and research director of the Center for American Politics and Citizenship. A recent Washington Post-University of Maryland poll found that among likely Democratic voters, 55 percent of Marylanders are likely to support Clinton and 40 percent to support Sanders — giving Clinton a predicted 15-point lead. Among Republicans, Trump holds a 10-point lead over Kasich and an almost 20point lead over Cruz, according to the poll. This state’s proximity to Washington — where Clinton worked as a senator representing New York and as Secretary of State — and relatively large, politically active black population likely help to explain her popularity in the state, Hanmer said.
A T H R E E - PA R T D I S C U SS I O N A B O U T I N D I G E N O U S R I G H TS A N D O P P R E SS I O N APRIL 19 - 21
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DUELING ACES Maryland pitchers Brian Shaffer, Taylor Bloom battling for rotation’s top spot P. 20
A president-to-be’s goals P. 4
A SpongeBob musical is on the way P. 18
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CRIME BLOTTER Un iversity Pol ice responded to reports of stalking, suspicious activity and trespassing, among other incidents, this past week, according to reports.
HARASSMENT/ STALKING A female student met with University Police on April 14 at 1:59 p.m., reporting that a male student had been following her on the campus at 12:30 p.m. that day, police spokeswoman Sgt. Rosanne Hoaas said. Later, a second female student reported to University Police that the same man had sent her unwanted mes-sages between the months of March and April and had also tried to initiate conversations with her in various places on the campus, making her feel uncomfortable. Police were able to locate the man and charged him with harassment and stalking. This case is closed. Police cannot confirm the man's affiliation with the university.
a female student. Officers contacted the woman and told her to stop sending the messages, Hoaas said. This case is now closed.
SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY A male student reported that someone had unlawfully entered his Harford Hall apartment while he was sleeping at 3:30 a.m. on April 14, and he met with University Police at 10:30 a.m. With the victim’s assistance, police were able to locate the perpetrator, who had been intoxicated during the incident, Hoaas said. Police referred the student to t he O f f ic e of St ud ent Conduct, Hoaas said. This case is now closed. On April 14 at 11 a.m., Police responded to Stamp Student Union to meet with a male student who reported that someone came into his class on April 12 at 12:30 p.m. in the Chemistry Building and began selling tickets to a comedy show. Police are investigating the incident and encourage anyone with more information to contact them, Hoaas said.
TRESPASSING On April 14 at 9:35 p.m., University Police cameras found a man who had been denied access to the campus in March 2013. Officers located the man, who was walking across Fraternity Row, and charged him with school trespassing and refusing to leave a building, Hoaas said. Police identified him as Stephen Martin Coffey, 56, of Silver Spring, Hoaas said. This case is closed.
University Police responded to Commons 1 on April 13 at 10:47 a.m. for a vandalism report. Someone had used a black marker to write incomplete statements on a window, Hoaas said. Police took photos and TELEPHONE/ documented the evidence, EMAIL MISUSE and building personnel On April 13 at 6:58 p.m., a removed the marker. This male student met an officer at case is active, and police will University Police headquarters review area cameras for evito report that he was receiving dence, Hoaas said. unwanted texts, emails and other online messages from
an effort for the University to avoid taking responsibility for the actions of its employees,” Posyton wrote in an email. “If the University places monetary value over the [principles] for which it stands for, then it really stands for nothing at all.”
$1 million, or whatever amount is proven at trial, according to the document. Posyton also is asking From PAGE 1 for compensation for court costs, enjoy ment of l ife, a mong fees and other expenses. Posyton other grievances, according is currently demanding jury trial. “It would be an absolute to the document. shame for the University of As a result, Posyton is seeking Maryland to take the low road, nominal damages of $10,000 and compensatory damages of and use its team of attorneys in
politics — a trend that has been seen nationwide, Hanmer said. “With so much of our population in the D.C. media market, I think people are well aware of some of the problems that have been occurring in terms of national legislative politics … things like the shutdown and just general lack of productivity,” he said. Walkup credits both Trump’s and Sanders’ success this election cycle to being political outsiders, capitalizing on Americans’ frustrations with the current system. “We have Bernie Sanders on our side and [Republicans] have Donald Trump on their side,” said Walkup, a senior government and politics and theatre major. “That surge of populism across the country that is providing some light at the end of the tunnel.” Many of the campus Terps for Trump members support the candidate on immigration, trade reform and national security policies, said organization President Matt Morris, but many are also excited that he is almost entirely financially independent. Trump, like Sanders, has not used financial support from super PACs and has steered away from large donors. “A lot of people are concerned about a leader who is for the people, someone who isn’t owned by big corporations or backed by lobbyists,” said Morris, a sophomore chemical engineering major. “It’s really a political awakening in the U.S., so many people
said U M D Col lege Democrats President Jake Polce, a sophomore government and politics major. Sanders’ concern with “fairness” in the financial sector and education, as well as his platform of political revolution, resonates with many college students, Hanmer said. “He presents the opportunity for large-scale change, which I think is exciting to a lot of young people,” he said. “Certainly more exciting than ‘We’re going to continue along the same path.’” T he excitement leading up to next week’s voting has not reached everyone on the campus, though. Freshman public health science major Ashley Ellis, who plans to vote in the November general election, said she hasn’t closely followed the primaries and was “not really that into it.” “I just don’t really have time for it,” Ellis said. “I just see funny things on Twitter about it.” This Tuesday’s surge of Northeast primaries could heavily impact the candidates’ pursuit of the party nomination, and university students could play a large role in that process, Holtermann said. “Students have a wide range of issues that they care about, and those vary across the spectrum,” she said. “We’re part of the largest voting bloc in the country, so no matter what you care about as a student … it really won’t matter until you actually get out there and exercise your right to vote.”
By Michael Brice-Saddler @TheArtist_MBS Staf f writer
From PAGE 1
are acting in politics.” Despite Trump’s place in the polls, Hanmer suggested Kasich might appeal to state voters who supported Gov. Larry Hogan in his 2014 gubernatorial victory. Hogan’s high approval rating, even among state Democrats, suggests that this state’s residents appreciate people who can get things done, he said. Kasich “presents himself as someone who … will compromise to get things done because he’s more concerned about solving a problem than worrying about partisan politics,” Hanmer said. Kasich has won the personal support of senior Skyler Golt, president of UMD College Republicans, but the organization won’t endorse a candidate ahead of the state primary, he said. UMD College Democrats will also wait to endorse a candidate until after the primary season. “[Kasich] seems like somebody who could bring both parties together,” said Golt, an environmental science and policy major. “At this moment, when we’re so divided, he seems like the best choice.” T he presidents of UMD College Democrats and Progressive College Republicans Club agreed that two of the most important issues for college students in this election are college affordability and climate change. “Every time you watch a presidential debate on TV, you know, the Democrats talk about making college more affordable and the Republicans don’t. To me, that really speaks volumes about which party is going to best represent people our age,”
23 S A T U R D A Y
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24 S U N D A Y
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22 S U N D A Y
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THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 2016 | NEWS | The Diamondback
SWANSON From PAGE 1 not granted his request for a three-week extension. The election is open today and tomorrow on the Testudo website, although all positions are uncontested. As its members prepare to take over for next academic year, the Bold Party wants to create a more transparent SGA that better informs and listens to students, Swanson said. Swanson said she would prefer a contested election to bring about more student engagement and new ideas. She plans to establish new guidelines to select Elections Board members and ensure the board advertises properly. “I wish it was contested,” Swanson said. “Contested elections bring about more student engagement so more people know what’s going on, they bring about way more new ideas because there are two people throwing new things out for what we should be doing, and frankly they’re more fun.” She added, “We want to be better resources for the students, because we really are the link between them and the administration.” In addition to promoting transparency, Swanson said her top priorities for next year are preventing sexual assault and improving mental health resources. While the university and University Police try to combat sexual assault, not enough is being done, she said. She suggests the University Health Center expand its weekend hours to ensure t h at v ict i m s ca n receive treatment on the campus in a timely manner. Swa nson a lso hopes to expand mental health services on the campus by securing more funding for the Counseling Center and increasing
the number of times a student can see a counselor, which is currently eight free visits. The Bold Party’s academic platform includes plans to better support students with i nternsh ips, prov ide 200 pages of free printing to every student and create a database so students can see course syllabi before they register for classes, Swanson said. Swanson also said she wants to establish a women’s center and a Latinx cultural center to create more spaces where students feel comfortable. “In a perfect world, you would feel comfortable on this campus, right?” Swanson said. “But we need places where people can feel safe being themselves all the time.” Cu rrent SGA P resident Patrick Ronk said he was on the search group reviewing candidates when Swanson applied for the Finance Committee. Ronk and other SGA members knew they wanted her to be a part of the organization, and she has lived up to their expectations ever since, he said. “She’s probably the single most qualified person we’ve had run [for president] in four or five years,” he said. “I n ter m s of b ei ng a V P, being on cabinet, being a representative, you know, knowing how the university works, knowing how the SGA works and being able to get real things done. I certainly wasn’t as qualified as her when I ran the first time.” In high school, Swanson worked for the district office of Texas Sen. Wendy Davis in a position that was created for her and that she set the standard for, said Kam Phillips, a former outreach coordinator for Davis. Swanson “really truly is absolutely unparalleled in her critica l th in king, her communication abilities, her thoughtfulness and her ability
to take initiative and really do things in a way that she really cares about,” Phillips said. Jacob Kotler, who is managing the Bold Party ticket, said Swanson has a record of experience and success, as well as the skills needed to lead other students. “It’s difficult to shine somet i me s i n t he SGA because you’re working with so many other people that have the same types of qualities as you,” the ju n ior govern ment a nd politics major said. “But she’s really the last three years been successful in doing all the things that she wanted to do.” A s v ic e pre sid e nt of student affairs, Swanson worked to establish new guidelines for membership on student advisory boards, an effort to promote diversity and bring more student voices to the administration. The SGA passed a resolution in December urging the University Senate to pass legislation regarding student advisory board requirements. Her committee is also working to use leftover SGA funds to establish grants for student leaders with financial need. She said this initiative, which would allow students to devote more time to campus organizations and less time working paying jobs, is particularly important to her. A fter graduation, Swanson plans to work for a year and then attend graduate school, but she said she hopes to get back into elected office. “I wa nt to f i nd a job where I feel like every day, at the end of the day, I’m making a positive impact on somebody,” she said.
Senate From PAGE 1 The proposal received widespread support from students, including current Student Government Association President Patrick Ronk and his future successor, Katherine Swanson, who is running uncontested in the upcoming SGA elections. “I’m originally from Texas, and I came to UMD to be close to D.C. but was disappointed when I found out there was no public policy major offered here,” said Swanson, a junior government and politics major. “This major and our school’s location is the perfect combination to draw many other out-of-state students like myself.” However, the proposal faced some criticism — mainly from the government and politics and psychology departments — for the program’s lack of interdisciplinary collaboration, specifically the lack of required or recommended courses outside of the public policy school. “My issue is what kind of public policy major and what kind of relationships we can build along the way,” said Karol Soltan, faculty senator for the government and politics department. “My main hope is that the public policy major that comes out eventually is one that isn’t limited by difficulties of collaboration.” Public policy school faculty assured the Senate at the meeting today that they would be open to future collaboration, and highlighted that their professors already encompass an interdisciplinary background, including political science, philosophy, economics and physics.
The new policies and procedures for undergraduate
courses and student grievances updates the policy from its last revision in 1991 under a new name: University of Maryland Policy on the Conduct of Undergraduate Courses and Student Grievance Procedure. The approved version requires that reading day, the no-class day before final exams, remains a day free from required academic obligation — restricting class meetings or required activities. Only individual meetings and makeup exams may be scheduled at the “explicit request of the student,” the policy stated.
Educational Affairs Committee chairwoman
The policy also eliminates a clause that Simon said gave students grounds to present a grievance about lack of time spent on different points of view, such as creationism in a science course or climate change skepticism in an environmental course. However, telecommunications engineering graduate student senator Chuck Englehart said this elimination gives professors the opportunity to shut down different ideas, which happened to him as an undergraduate at this university. He was able to use the grievance policy. “I wouldn’t have had recourse in that situation,” he said. He proposed an amendment to keep the clause, but it failed.
The updates to the clemency policy helps streamline the process for students to get a fresher start on their GPAs after they have not been at the university for five years, said Charles Delwiche, chairman of the Academic Procedures & Standards Committee. A student can be granted clemency only for up to 16 credits of grades at or below a “D-plus,” but the policy states that those grades will remain on the student’s transcript but will not be factored into the cumulative GPA, and will not be used to satisfy degree requirements. The failing grades will remain in the calculation of grades for Latin honors. “The critical change is that it takes the process away from individual colleges and programs and centralizes it in the office of undergraduate studies,” Delwiche said. “It helps a student who has tried at the university and was not successful [to come back], without getting caught in this trap of GPA.”
The Educational Affairs Committee opted not to explicitly limit review sessions from being held on reading day after consulting student opinion, committee chairwoman Madlen Simon said. “The committee recognized that reading day often prevented students from being able to prepare for final exams. … The proposed language attempts to strike a balance,” Simon said. Junior bioengineering major Adam Berger, chairman of the Student Affairs Committee, expressed his support for the new changes based on a survey he took of about 30 students. “The majority of respondents agreed that reading day should be free of all required activities,” Berger said, “but not [limit] review sessions.”
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CONTACT US 3120 South Campus Dining Hall | College Park, MD 20742 | | PHONE (301) 314-8200
Salary Guide serves as record of U growth Why the SGA election should matter to you
ifteen months after university President Wallace Loh announced a 2 percent midyear tuition increase, a construction freeze and this campus’s slice of a $40.3 million cut to the University System of Maryland’s budget, much has changed. In Gov. Larry Hogan’s second year in the state’s highest office, the General Assembly passed a $42.3 billion budget for fiscal year 2017 that boosts higher education spending by $78 million and limits tuition hikes at system schools to 2 percent. The state budget — a 5 percent increase from the current fiscal year — includes an almost $450 million surplus and about $1.1 billion for a rainy day fund, representing continued progress in balancing state spending. After two years of hacking away at $5.1 billion in inherited structural deficits, Hogan and the state legislature have eliminated almost 90 percent of that sum. That’s good news for this university, which during Loh’s tenure has embarked on a path of aggressive
development in an effort to raise its profile as a top-tier research university. This year’s budget, in the wake of January 2015’s unprecedented squeeze, allows for responsible (if leaner) growth for a university still on the rise. It seems we’re back on the right track. The buzz surrounding this university owes itself to a number of factors: newfound economic interest in College Park, generous targeted donations by former students and innovative partnerships with federal agencies, among others. In light of all the headlines, though, it’s also important to remember that this university’s growth marks a united push from its more than 10,000 employees, who devote their professional lives to educating students and keeping a campus of tens of thousands running day in and day out. This year, as it does every year, The Diamondback has requested and published data on these employees’ names, departments and salaries, compiling a living record of those who serve the campus. In this year’s salary guide, readers can
find every person in the employ of the university, from ShuttleUM instructors to Maryland men’s basketball coach Mark Turgeon. Online and in print, without altering the information provided to us by the university in a basic Excel spreadsheet, we’ve arranged this public data in an easily digestible format. If motivated to do so, readers could file a request to the university for the same information presented here by The Diamondback. As with all of our news coverage, this year’s salary guide upholds our commitment to objectivity. We won’t suggest what conclusions readers should draw from the data, but we will provide it for the university community to browse and analyze as members see fit. As this university continues to strive for excellence, The Diamondback will continue to record the employment of those who helped it along the way. Matt Schnabel, editor in chief, is a senior journalism major. He can be reached at
have spent my entire time at this university involved in the Student Government Association in different capacities. I started out on the finance committee, became the director of student groups the following year and now serve as the vice president of student affairs. This year, I am running for student body president with the Bold Party. As The Diamondback editorial board wrote in its column, I am running unopposed. The board seems to think this means this election doesn’t matter. I respectfully disagree. For me, this election season is about making students aware of who I am, what I want to do and how I can help them. Student advocacy is truly important. Far too often, I watch students on our campus struggle because they have not been given the resources they need to succeed at our university. I want to make life on this campus better for students. I want to make our school one that truly builds its students up to be their best selves, which I believe should be the primary goal of an institution of higher education. I firmly believe that we are here to learn not only about government, economics, engineering or any other academic subject, but also about how to build relationships, learn self-care and understand the world around us. I have worked with my ticket to build a platform around this belief. Among the many pages, you will find projects like the Student Leadership Grant, a proposal to use part of SGA’s legislative reserves to fund scholarships for student leaders who may be financially in need so that they may be able to work fewer
hours and focus more on pursuing leadership positions and their own professional development. You will find plans to expand the number of free counseling sessions students are provided each semester, so that you may be fully treated for any mental health issues you may face while on our campus. You will find plans to create a UMD Latinx Cultural Center, so that we may create more spaces on the campus for all members of our student body. These are just a few of the things we hope to make a reality at this university. My ticket and I had always intended to run a positive campaign and looked forward to the meaningful discourse a contested election provides. However, we don’t need competition to make this election season meaningful. We still have the opportunity to talk to students and discover what issues matter most to them. To me, that makes this election season important. Campaigning gives us the opportunity to connect with students and begin to create a better relationship between them and the SGA. That is why we are still out on the campus every day canvassing and actively participating in town halls and open forums. I believe in making our campus a better place, and I am dedicated to ensuring more voices on this campus are heard and empowered by the SGA. Whether you’re voting for me or not, I hope you’ll get to know me and my ticket. We want to hear your voices, and we’re ready to make the SGA and our campus the absolute best it can be. Katherine Swanson, Bold Party candidate for student body president, is a junior government and politics major. This column was written on behalf of the Bold Party. She can be reached at kswanson@
Alex chiang/the diamondback
Want to be a columnist for The Diamondback? We are looking for new columnists for the fall 2016 semester. Columnists write weekly columns on a relevant university, local, state or national issue. If interested, please send a sample column (between 500 and 600 words) to Patrick An and Matt Dragonette at Please provide your full name, year, major and phone number.
Make the SGA Great Again
f you listen to the way SGA presidential candidates usually talk, the governing body can singlehandedly solve climate change, increase college affordability and raise the campus GPA in a matter of months. The elections are stale affairs because the policies proposed between two nascent political parties are often the same. Students are rarely engaged before, during and after an election. In 2016, the Student Government Association has somehow sunk to new lows in its electoral process. Previous campaigns had mostly been practice political campaigns, which emphasized “turnout” and “platforms.” I emphasize these two points because there was hardly any turnout (900 students in 2014 and just more than 4,200 in 2015 for an online election) and little substantial difference in platforms. But this year, the SGA elections feature only one political party and fewer candidates than elected positions. In most years, the SGA can hardly be called representative. Few students vote, fewer care and only a few activists and students looking to pad their resumes are actually involved. As The Diamondback’s staff editorial explained last week, the SGA did little to help the democratic process. There was a despicable lack of advertising and information about the elections or candidate nominations, laziness by a would-be opposition party and a self-righteous panel that chose arcane rules over getting a choice in a student-body election. It’s an elitist “old boys’ club” (fortunately, it doesn’t discriminate by race or gender) that is disconnected from the university at large. The
SGA is widely perceived (probably accurately) as not doing much. It goes through the motions of a government, makes headlines more for its show votes than anything else and tackles a lot of broad problems a student government shouldn’t be worried about. Student safety and students’ university rights should be the most important things on a student government’s list. Combating sexual assault (and other crimes against students) should be the primary focus of a student government. The student government has found itself in a malaise, with little incentive to change or focus on solving problems in detail. So we need to Make the SGA Great Again. The first step is to dismantle the SGA in its entirety and restart. No, the world won’t fall apart. It’s student government. Make the SGA an interest group that all students are members of, not a government. This will change the mindset of the group and eliminate many of the burdensome and arcane rules the organization worries about. The second is to allocate funding for various groups through an independent commission in conjuncture with computer-based algorithms (using factors such as active membership, types of events, etc.). Student money goes to these groups, so this should be an efficient, transparent process separate from the legislative roles the SGA loves to adopt. The third is to democratize and be transparent. Actually advertise your elections. Tell us what you actually do. We all have university emails —
use them. To be fairer and drive engagement, let students vote on more issues that matter. No one wants to go to a town hall because most of us find the SGA irrelevant. Instead, ask students to prioritize issues on the ballot (by ranking various choices). The SGA isn’t Congress. Remember that. Finally — and most importantly — the SGA needs to focus on the most imperative issues and lobby the appropriate groups to make the necessary changes. The SGA isn’t a true government because it can’t solve problems, so it should ask others to solve them. Focus on student safety (such as stopping assault) and student rights (such as freedom from discrimination) first and foremost. Many of the SGA’s goals or party platforms should be addressed by independent student groups. Let people who specialize in environmental policy — think MaryPIRG — work on that and leave things that are most impactful for students to the SGA to badger the appropriate authorities. We need an anti-establishment, anti-cronyism mentality. We need to reprioritize. Why are we making a “government” when we ought to be making the most democratic lobbying group possible? Let’s quit playing games with issues such as student safety and remake the SGA. Right now, we students just don’t care about what the SGA has to offer. Send that message to the SGA in the only way possible: Don’t vote. Matt Dragonette, opinion editor, is a senior accounting and government and politics major. He can be reached at
What will Obama’s higher education legacy be?
hroughout the 2016 campaign trail, candidates have hammered the issue of higher education, particularly on the Democratic side. Hillary Clinton’s plan is a debt-free promise for students at public universities, while Bernie Sanders offers the radical and muchheralded proposal of completely free public university education. More than likely, these plans will be nonstarters in a Republican-controlled House of Representatives. There is little reason to believe that the congressional climate that stymied President Obama will be any different for the next president if he or she is a Democrat. However, despite criticism from all sides, Obama is not a complete failure on higher education just because his administration did not achieve any proposals that are as radical as those discussed in this election cycle. One achievement that can be built upon in the future is the Education Department’s College Scorecard. The website is intended to disseminate honest and reliable financial outcome information to students and families making decisions about what college to attend. First launched in February 2013, College Scorecard has the potential to grow and be a significant tool in the future. Having good information is crucial to making a good decision. The horror stories that are discussed in a rhetorical setting could involve debt burdens of more than $100,000 following undergraduate study. These calamities are first and foremost a decision-making error. There is no reason for families of modest means to send their students to the most costly options if there are smarter investments available. If College Scorecard can serve as a free financial adviser to students and families, it will be successful. While proposals to make university education completely free are a massive overstep, it is clear that past policies have been ineffective or counterproductive. In 2015,
economists Grey Gordon and Aaron Hedlund found that the main driver of rising college tuition costs was federal student loan subsidies. While individually, the federal government helping a student finance their education sounds good, colleges know that this financing is available and raise their rates accordingly. This vicious cycle has seemingly played out for decades now. That is what makes more modest programs like College Scorecard smart. Large government programs such as loan subsidies or the theoretical Sanders plan for free education will suffer from unintended consequences due to their overstep. Helping decision-making by solving an information problem is a more narrowly tailored solution. Sometimes, a less exciting solution is the best option instead of pouring more money into a problem the government helped worsen. The next president has an opportunity to take College Scorecard further. A standardized annual report, similar to the 10-K that corporations are required to file with the Securities and Exchange Commission, should be the next step. When information about a college’s offerings, true costs and career and graduate school outcomes is presented in an unbiased fashion to stakeholders, a number of positive outcomes can result. These schools will compete harder on price and quality for those families who think of education as an investment. It will pressure schools to think before adding unnecessary administrative programs and passing on the cost to students. As the Democratic candidates continue to squabble among themselves about how to expand the federal government’s spending on higher education, they should take a minute to appreciate the elegance of the College Scorecard program. It might not be a glamorous program that makes the budget deficit skyrocket, but it has the potential to make a difference. If so, it can be considered a feather in Obama’s oftencriticized cap. Daniel Galitsky is a senior economics and finance major. He can be reached at
POLICY: Signed letters, columns and cartoons represent the opinions of the authors. The staff editorial represents the opinion of The Diamondback’s editorial board and is the responsibility of the editor in chief.
THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 2016 | The Diamondback
ACROSS 1 Bard’s forte 6 “Hot Lips” series 10 Freighter locales 14 Specks 15 Mighty Dog rival 16 Bottom feeder 17 -- raving mad 18 Wedge driver 19 Hydrox rival 20 Fishing float 21 Bread at the beach? (2 wds.) 23 Uses a compass 25 Most ancient 26 How cacti like it 27 Swings around 29 Grid coach Don -32 Makes small talk 33 Except 36 Word before meeny 37 Hilarious people 38 Twist-offs 39 Koppel or Knight 40 Muscle injuries 41 Swat
42 -- -- the run (grab a bite) 43 Fair-hiring abbr. 44 Seafood dish 47 All thumbs 51 Near 12,000 feet in the Rockies 54 Chills 55 Jellybean shape 56 Franc’s successor 57 Disparage 58 Port or sherry 59 Oklahoma town 60 Pilot 61 Close violently 62 Return env. 63 Uptight
8 Future fries 9 Not the “me too” type 10 Viragos 11 Bogart in “High Sierra” 12 Territories 13 Good loser 21 Hog haven 22 Cheers for toreros 24 D.C. lobby 27 Fleeced 28 Back muscles 29 Collection 30 Laugh syllable 31 Sturm -- Drang 32 Luigi’s farewell 33 Meadow murmur DOWN 34 Checkout ID 1 Music with a beat 35 My, my! 37 Condo buyers, 2 Helicoptor part maybe 3 Nintendo forerunner 38 Beef jerky, just 4 Drastically 5 Say please barely 40 First-aid kit item 6 Half the parents 41 Stir-fry pan 7 Astronaut -42 Logo Shepard
43 44 45 46
Lamb’s dam Tucks away Polite Freezer name
47 48 49 50
Battery post 52 The Moon A second time 53 Rainbow goddess Clever ploys 57 Rudder’s place Steel plow inventor
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Each year, The Diamondback receives the name, title and salary of each university employee and publishes it in print and online in an easily digestible format. Here, you can find this data sorted by division and department.
2016 Salary Guide
graphics by evan berkowitz, shannon gallagher, julia lerner and matt schnabel/the diamondback. photo via wikimedia commons A. James Clark School of Engineering ENGR-A. James Clark School of Engineering
Admin Asst II Brown, Larniece Renee Admin Asst II Fakinlede, Temitope B. Admin Asst II Gay, Nancy Elizabeth Assoc Dir Bell, Mary Assoc Dir Grubb, William F. Assoc Dir Kamalidiin, LaWanda S. Asst Dean Meyer, Maureen L. Asst Dean Morse, Pamela R. Asst Dir Andreychek, Melissa Asst Dir Barry, Bria Asst Dir Berhane, Bruk Tesfai Asst Dir Jabaji, Ramsey G. Asst Dir Perrigan, Veronica A. Asst Dir Roop, Nicole P. Asst Dir Simpson, Taifa Nadine Asst Dir Vidmar, Deborah Asst to Dean Williams, Sheron Yvonne Coordinator Alexander, India T Coordinator Beaver, Paula K Coordinator Briscoe, Aishah Coordinator Fuller, Tamara LaShay Coordinator Hicks, Diane E. Coordinator Hosten, Rebeca Coordinator Murphy, Janet M. Coordinator Perez, Lisa Diane Coordinator Rooks, Jennifer Figgins Coordinator Tangarone, Jessica Rose Coordinator Udeli, Michelle Nkechi Coordinator Wachsman, Nelpe P. Coordinator Wolice, Alyssa Director Bucci, Jenna Director Fines, Jane Frances Director Gibson, Kathleen A. Director Parker, Rosemary L. Director Sauber, Heidi Winick Director Smith, Paige Elizabeth Exec Adm Asst I Berry, Julie Elizabeth Fac Asst Kamakaris, Stephen M. Lecturer Aruch, Matthew Ian Lecturer Azarm, Mira Lecturer Donohoe, Catherine L. Lecturer Galczynski, Michael Christopher Lecturer Hines, Kristen M. Lecturer Lopez Roshwalb, Jackelyn Raquel Lecturer McAvoy, Patrick Charles Lecturer Mogul, Nicole F. Lecturer Tomblin, David LecturerValente, Evandro Gurgel Do Amaral Manager Bell, Richard E. Sr. Manager Mixa, Peter M. Prof & Assoc Dean Briber, Robert M. Prof & Assoc Dean Fourney, William L. Prof & Assoc Dean Kofinas, Peter Prof And Dean Pines, Darryll J. Program Dir Donohoe, Catherine L Senior Lecturer Beigel, Thomas Howard Senior Lecturer Calabro, Kevin Michael
$36,000.00 $40,000.00 $39,729.00 $74,000.00 $102,373.77 $89,469.81 $204,617.89 $142,800.00 $87,000.00 $61,126.09 $68,768.23 $68,461.22 $72,203.61 $78,810.87 $64,612.12 $73,368.18 $70,549.58 $45,840.00 $62,304.73 $56,100.00 $57,116.92 $71,044.65 $55,916.73 $72,401.91 $56,370.95 $79,299.29 $48,800.00 $45,186.00 $44,880.00 $68,340.00 $90,159.05 $98,513.32 $102,618.23 $95,360.54 $111,915.59 $101,900.26 $46,798.45 $62,526.56 $62,305.83 $5,000.00 $4,000.00 $65,000.00 $65,661.58 $59,227.32 $70,000.00 $24,134.41 $85,939.08 $56,206.19 $81,457.52 $80,422.99 $61,177.50 $161,466.98 $67,303.77 $314,858.00 $45,479.25 $62,000.00 $110,000.00
ENGR-Aerospace Engineering
Admin Asst I Broome, Aaron Alexander $23,270.53 Assoc Dir Pucciarella, Anthony Joseph $158,100.00 Assoc Prof Akin, David L. $170,781.87 Assoc Prof Cadou, Christopher $138,623.77 Assoc Prof Martin, Pino $86,217.80 Assoc Prof Paley, Derek A. $76,336.80 Assoc Prof Sanner, Robert Michael $96,871.56 Assoc Prof Sedwick, Raymond John $108,035.24 Assoc Prof Winkelmann, Allen E. $83,979.98 Assoc Prof Yu, Kenneth H. $143,236.23 Assoc Res Sci Choi, Young Tai $98,560.17 Assoc Res Sci Na, Suok-Min $68,869.27 Asst Dir Hentz, Aileen Naoko $70,220.02 Asst Dir Howard, Elton W. $80,357.64 Asst Dir Hurst, Thomas Daniels $50,665.90 Asst Dir Kassaee, Ahmad $110,062.18 Asst Prof Hartzell, Christine M $92,718.00 Asst Prof Jones, Anya $90,213.90 Asst Prof Laurence, Stuart $91,533.78 Asst Prof Xu, Huan $45,000.00 Asst Res Eng Leiste, Ulrich H $87,152.88 Asst Res Sci Houim, Ryan W. $91,533.53 Asst Res Sci Hrishikeshavan, Vikram $70,616.00 Asst Res Sci Keshavan, Jishnu $65,134.40 Asst Res Sci Kwon, Soonwook $69,071.66 Asst Res Sci Park, Jung Jin $31,374.97 Asst Rsch Prof Faruque, Imraan A $65,134.40 Business Manager Thorsen, Laura Ann $47,769.51 Business Serv Spec Williams, LaVita $42,279.00 Coordinator Jones, Michael L. $59,400.92 Coordinator Lloyd, Sara $56,000.00 Coordinator Martin-Hannibal, Jeryl $58,000.00 Coordinator Rose, Sherrita $58,400.00 Dir Admin Srv Fandino, Otto Eduardo $122,421.17 Director Barlow, Jewel B. $48,613.46 Director Scassero, Matthew T. $168,300.00 Dist Univ Prof Chopra, Inderjit $308,532.28 Eng Tech III Rahimi, Navid $24,925.50 Engineer Lewy, Kevin $91,892.44 Fac Asst Beekman, Izaak Bedloe $33,389.12 Fac Asst Grube, Nathan Elias $33,389.12 Fac Asst Moschler, Jacob D. $68,000.00 Fac Res Asst Grossenbacher, Howard Paul $74,521.55 Fac Res Asst Perna, Michael $93,152.23 Fac Res Asst Ratushny, Alex $64,611.90 IT Programmer IKostreski, Edward Alexander $44,235.00 Lecturer Barbee, Brent William $14,502.30 Lecturer Bechara, Nizar $10,876.00 Lecturer Becnel, Andrew Craig $76,500.00 Lecturer Nedungadi, Ashish $14,928.00 Lecturer Palumbo, Dominic J. $15,376.50 Pilot Miller, Ronney B $70,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Aguilera Munoz, Camilo $30,600.00 Post-Doc Assoc Castano, Lina Maria $60,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Geerts, Jonathan Simon $60,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Ghosh, Amardip $40,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Hasnain, Zohaib $56,100.00 Post-Doc Assoc Lind, Andrew Hume $60,000.00 Post-Doc AssocMadapusi Govindarajan, Bharath $56,100.00 Post-Doc Assoc Maqbool, Daanish $60,000.00 Post-Doc AssocSonneville, Valentin Stephan Patrice $60,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Sridharan, Ananth $61,200.00 Post-Doc AssocUgarte Almeyda, Orlando Jesus$62,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Xiao, Huahua $68,359.62 Post-Doc Assoc Zhang, Feitian $51,000.00 Prof Baeder, James D. $152,812.00 Prof Bauchau, Olivier $150,000.00 Prof Celi, Roberto $125,700.87 Prof Flatau, Alison $207,740.00 Prof Fourney, William L. $80,733.49 Prof Hubbard, James E. Jr. $253,448.12 Prof Lee, Sung W. $146,699.96 Prof Oran, Elaine S $221,020.23 Prof & Chair Wereley, Norman M. $211,342.53 Proj Mgr Alexander, James Edwin $93,000.00 Res Assoc Yoo, Byungseok $69,996.48 Senior Lecturer Healy, Liam $20,369.20 Sr Res Sci Nagaraj, Vengalattore T $101,533.72 Visit Assoc Prof Datta, Anubhav $114,000.00 Visit Asst Prof Bowden, Mary L. $73,192.40 Visit Prof Schmitz, Fredric H. $70,635.00 Visit Assoc Res Prof Kaplan-Solomond, Carolyn $60,000.00
ENGR-Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
ENGR-Fire Protection Engineering
Assoc Prof Marshall, Andre Wendell Assoc Prof Stoliarov, Stanislav I. Assoc Prof Sunderland, Peter B. Asst Dir Hollywood, Nicole L. Asst Prof Gollner, Michael J. Clin Prof Isman, Kenneth Edward Coordinator Holt, Mary L. Dir Admin Srv Hodgson, Sharon Ann Eng Tech III Zeller, Olga V Lecturer Ryder, Noah Lael Prof diMarzo, Marino Prof Trouve, Arnaud C. Prof & Act Chair Milke, James A. Prof Emeritus Quintiere, James G. Prog Mgmt Spec O’Brien, Christine Res Prof Baum, Howard
ENGR-Fischell Department of Bioengineering Adjunct Prof Andrews, Peter Michael Admin Asst II Noble, Ron G. Assoc Prof Aranda-Espinoza, Jose Helim Assoc Prof Herold, Keith E. Assoc Prof Hsieh, Adam H. Assoc Prof Montas, Hubert J. Assoc Prof Muro, Silvia Assoc Prof Assoc Chair Chen, Yu Assoc Prof Assoc Chair White, Ian Assoc Res Prof Abts, Leigh R Asst Dir Carroll, Catherine M. Asst Prof Jay, Steven M. Asst Prof Jewell, Christopher M. Asst Prof Matysiak, Silvina R. Asst Prof Scarcelli, Giuliano Asst Prof Stroka, Kimberly Murley Asst Res Sci Chen, Xin Asst Rsch Prof Atencia-Fernandez, Javier Asst Rsch Prof Lamichhane, Tek Coordinator Agustin, Carol-Ann Wood Coordinator Hill, Melvin Coordinator Lasher, Karen A. Director Chung, Tracy Director Moore, Teresa Susan Fac Asst Kanniyappan, Udayakumar Fac Asst Kim, Hyunchul Fac Asst Roki, Niksa Fac Asst Zeng, Xiangbin Lab Res Tech AsstBorenstein, Stacey Penina Lecturer Jones, Angela R. Lecturer Ma, Lan Lecturer Rahmoeller, Glenn A. Lecturer Vossoughi, Jafar Post-Doc Assoc Ayyub, Omar B Post-Doc Assoc Baker, Hannah Besser Post-Doc Assoc Kang, Mijeong Post-Doc Assoc Lembong, Josephine Post-Doc Assoc Luna Lopez, Carlos Post-Doc Assoc Placone, Jesse Kenneth Post-Doc Assoc Su, Johnny Post-Doc Assoc Tsai, Yu-Cheng Post-Doc Assoc Zeng, Qin Post-Doc Assoc Zhang, Jitao Post-Doc Assoc Zhang, Peipei Prof Kofinas, Peter Prof Shapiro, Benjamin Prof Tao, Yang Prof & Chair Fisher, John P Prof & Dir Bentley, William E. Prog Mgmt Spec Thompson, Deborah Marie Res Coor Anonsen, Ann M. Res Prof Schultheis, Lester W
ENGR-Institute for Systems Research
Accounting Assoc Stokes, Toye Lynn Assoc Prof Abshire, Pamela A. Assoc Prof Austin, Mark A. Assoc Prof Bergbreiter, Sarah E Assoc Prof Horiuchi, Timothy Assoc Prof Khaligh, Alireza Assoc Prof La, Richard J. Assoc Prof Lovell, David J. Assoc Prof Martins, Nuno Miguel L C Assoc Prof Paley, Derek A. Assoc Res Sci Depireux, Didier Andre Assoc Res Sci Fritz, Jonathan Asst Dir Wheeler, Dawn V. Asst Prof Rotkowitz, Michael Charles Asst Prof Xu, Huan Asst Res Sci Sterbing-D’Angelo, Susanne Asst Res Sci Winkowski, Daniel E. Coordinator Barrett, Vicci Coordinator Edwards, Kimberly M. Coordinator Jenkins, Alexis M. Coordinator King, Regina M Coordinator Mobaidin, Alice W. Coordinator Scarbor, Carla E. Director Copeland, Rebecca E. Director Coriale, Jeffrey A. Director Strahan, Jason Michael Dist Univ Prof Ephremides, Anthony Fac Asst Corrigan, Kristen Beth Fac Asst Heil, Martha Fac Mgr Fickes, Shawn Richard Bacon Lecturer Beaton, Robert J. Lecturer Sumrean, Nidak A. Post-Doc Assoc Francis, Nikolas Alejandro Post-Doc Assoc Gregorczyk, Keith Edward
engr average salary
$8 2,7
$8 54
$7 .36
0 87
1.2 $7
$6 8.3
m 4.3
85 14,
$3 $2 5.2
3 ,01
,33 0
$32,598.15 $40,140.30 $107,899.68 $52,617.58 $101,731.40 $97,584.15 $102,598.62 $96,588.90 $104,825.29 $52,209.36 $153,501.61 $152,876.39 $163,595.95 $89,255.16 $63,750.00 $88,686.96 $82,000.00 $87,461.74 $153,631.44 $100,000.00 $56,100.00 $49,980.00 $58,500.00 $50,000.00 $36,720.00 $103,713.50 $143,985.40 $83,652.13 $180,000.00 $107,000.00 $67,000.00 $72,000.00 $103,000.00
$50,000.00 $26,776.08 $45,458.17 $41,544.32 $36,748.14 $115,625.60 $64,542.27 $148,458.00 $53,562.00 $97,819.77 $92,559.57 $101,298.31 $107,908.78 $87,141.11 $57,863.29 $115,092.37 $13,378.66 $62,220.00 $96,900.00 $62,000.00 $126,072.00 $114,650.55 $50,601.10 $32,313.09 $132,242.44 $123,445.53 $50,724.46 $80,787.18 $100,075.00 $5,057.26 $47,479.91 $8,729.16 $117,164.17 $90,000.00 $105,000.00 $58,275.00 $69,171.85 $51,618.12 $58,390.93 $51,000.00 $66,751.11 $67,657.50 $56,021.00 $86,630.65 $74,376.56 $136,723.47 $179,930.55 $86,597.10 $135,686.66 $86,927.16 $148,378.07 $98,940.00 $116,140.35 $88,791.17 $111,647.45 $97,283.00 $46,675.20 $92,537.17 $98,918.35 $66,137.84 $99,357.72 $63,291.57 $50,000.00 $104,063.04 $20,067.48 $25,271.16 $18,953.38 $20,067.48 $40,134.96 $77,367.00 $20,067.48 $20,067.48 $20,067.48 $74,796.17 $68,340.00 $55,000.00 $76,399.63 $51,000.00 $67,000.00 $41,414.00 $233,912.35 $57,811.79 $107,451.06 $67,031.98 $168,521.36 $53,888.53 $204,045.04 $255,780.36 $70,707.80 $50,296.67 $178,974.69 $129,683.57 $146,884.29 $181,685.36 $83,271.88 $93,092.99 $190,849.35 $239,498.25 $178,748.12 $109,484.46 $294,387.44 $47,171.73 $110,647.81 $103,332.14 $71,935.00 $106,662.86 $99,151.70 $106,928.72 $36,510.14 $212,175.85 $84,731.61 $28,419.15 $76,934.00
Admin Asst II Barnhart, Gabrielle A. Asst Dir Ronning, Marty Asst Dir Shalini, Lalitha M. Coordinator Lee, Edward Y Coordinator Truedson, Catherine Marie Coordinator Yu, Sherrie Engineer Adams, Douglas J Engineer Kelley, Adam L. Exec Dir Zahniser, Jim Fac Res Asst Morey, Dale IT Coor Ayensu, Kenneth M. IT Coor Campbell, Glenn L. IT Coor Richmond, Jeffrey K. Manager Bentley, Kenneth SR Manager Hammad, Naji S. Manager Howe, Woodson Manager Pelletier, Robert J. Tech Coor Siddique, Omar Web Svcs Dev Sr Wang, Poshen
Account Clerk III Wong, Kevin G. Admin Asst II Trainum, Marc A. Assoc Dir Nobleman, Christina Renee Assoc Prof Austin, Mark A. Assoc Prof Brubaker, Kaye L. Assoc Prof Chang, Peter C. Assoc Prof Cirillo, Cinzia Assoc Prof Cui, Qingbin Assoc Prof Goulias, Dimitrios Assoc Prof Lovell, David J. Assoc Prof Zhang, Lei Assoc Res Eng Pack, Michael L. Assoc Res Sci Jacobs, Thomas H. Asst Dir Paszkiewicz, Michael Alexander Asst Dir Wilson, Neela B. Asst Prof Forman, Barton Asst Prof Kjellerup, Birthe Veno Asst Prof Phillips, Brian Asst Res Schl Dye, Richard R. Asst Res Sci Hamedi, Masoud Business Manager Holloway, Theresa Coordinator Lloyd, Pam Coordinator Nye, Laurel Ann Coordinator Phelan, Carly Michelle Coordinator Vaughn, Susan Adams Coordinator Bobich, Angela Director Moscoso, Rodrigo E. Director Santos, Alan P. Director Hendren, Patricia Exec Dir Allen, John C. Fac Asst Brideau, Jeffrey Mitchell Fac Asst Carrion, Carlos Fac Asst Cawley, Christopher J.
Acad Adv Walters, Mary A. Account Clerk I Dong, Qing Accounting Assoc Jean, Ronald Accounting Assoc Wilson, Christina L. Admin Asst II Kirlew, Althia Y. Assoc Dir Mercado, Alejandra Victoria Assoc Prof Abshire, Pamela A. Assoc Prof Franklin, Manoj Assoc Prof Horiuchi, Timothy Assoc Prof Khaligh, Alireza Assoc Prof La, Richard J. Assoc Prof Martins, Nuno Miguel L C Assoc Prof Papamarcou, Adrianos Assoc Prof Silio, Charles B. JR Assoc Prof Waks, Edo Assoc Prof Yeung, Donald Assoc Prof Emeritus Tretter, Steven Alan Asst Dir Churma, William A. Asst Dir Richardson, Jeffrey P. Asst Dir Stewart, Heather B Asst Prof Babadi, Behtash Asst Prof Dachman-Soled, Dana Asst Prof Dumitras, Tudor Asst Prof Hafezi, Mohammad Asst Prof Munday, Jeremy N Asst Prof Pal, Piya Asst Prof Papamanthou, Charalampos Asst Prof Rotkowitz, Michael Charles Asst Res Eng Rzasa, John Robertson Asst Res Sci Akturk, Akin Asst Res Sci Kalantari Khandani, Mehdi Asst Res Sci Plishker, William Lester Asst Rsch Prof Dellomo, Michael R. Asst Rsch Prof Romero, Danilo B. Asst Rsch Prof Thakker, Rikin Business Manager Berry, Victoria L. Business ManagerDevaney, Marion Moore Coordinator Hannah, Paul Coordinator Hilmer, Carrie Anne Coordinator Irwin, Emily M Coordinator Kselman, Joseph Coordinator Lu, Yuan Coordinator Moyseenko, Kerrie A. Coordinator Renner, Jay F. Coordinator Tarter, Jeanette M. Director Little, Kristin E. Director McKinney, Jeffrey A. Director Prange, Melanie Louie Director Quinn, Bryan Stephen Director Ramirez, Neruh Director Safar, Zoltan Director Stein, Amanda Director Young, LaShanna Lee Dist Univ Prof Ephremides, Anthony Dist Univ Prof Ott, Edward Fac Asst Fogleboch, James B. Fac Asst Kornacki, Lauren E. Fac Spec Basu, Debtanu Fac Spec Brown, Steven E. Fac Spec Crouse, Donald Fac Spec Gutierrez, David Fac Spec Walsh, Curt Alexander IT Coor Monson, James Philip IT Sys Mgr Thornton, Mark Allen Lecturer Balakrishnan, Krishnan Lecturer Bowen, David Lecturer Burke, David Lecturer Eftekari, Reza A Lecturer Etemad, Kamran Lecturer Hawkins, William Lecturer Mogul, Nicole F Lecturer Peckerar, Martin C. Lecturer Raissi-Dehkordi, Majid Manager Mehrotra, Shyam K. Manager Wood, Jonas Wayne Post-Doc Assoc Akram, Sahar Post-Doc Assoc Gueye, Assane Post-Doc Assoc Kim, Jehyung Post-Doc Assoc McSkimming, Brian M Prg Admin Spec Wilson, Michelle Dione Prof Abed, Eyad H Prof Antonsen, Thomas M. JR Prof Baras, John S. Prof Barg, Alexander Prof Barua, Rajeev K. Prof Bhattacharyya, Shuvra S. Prof Dagenais, Mario Prof Davis, Christopher C. Prof Espy-Wilson, Carol Y. Prof Ghodssi, Reza Prof Goldhar, Julius Prof Goldsman, Neil Prof Iliadis, Agisilaos Prof Jacob, Bruce Prof JaJa, Joseph F. Prof Krishnaprasad, Perinkulam Prof Lawson, Wesley Grant Prof Liu, KJ Ray Prof Makowski, Armand M. Prof Marcus, Steven I. Prof Mayergoyz, Isaak Prof Milchberg, Howard M. Prof Murphy, Thomas E. Prof Nakajima, Kazuo Prof Narayan, Prakash Prof Newcomb, Robert W. Prof Oruc, Yavuz A. Prof Qu, Gang Prof Shamma, Shihab Prof Shayman, Mark A. Prof Simon, Jonathan Z. Prof Sprangle, Phillip A. Prof Tits, Andre L.
ENGR-Engineering Information Technology
ENGR-Civil & Enviromental Engr
$107,001.74 $120,495.38 $111,326.41 $149,000.58 $93,501.36 $85,800.36 $92,973.00 $93,725.76 $79,239.71 $129,202.38 $40,520.74 $16,336.00 $16,004.36 $44,880.00 $43,000.00 $46,935.56 $43,000.00 $35,000.00 $43,000.00 $100,586.28 $53,451.06 $130,841.93 $178,345.98 $166,511.94 $180,452.71 $203,697.91 $36,989.00 $60,000.00 $58,821.43 $37,199.32 $6,951.66
ENGR-Electrical & Computer Engineering
Prof Ulukus, Sennur $117,048.90 Prof Vishkin, Uzi $113,514.00 Prof Wu, Min $63,776.05 Prof & Assoc Chair Blankenship, Gilmer L. $116,629.52 Prof & Assoc ChairGomez, Romel Del Rosario$184,400.70 Prof & Assoc Chair Srivastava, Ankur $171,240.15 Prof & Chair Chellappa, Ramalingam $304,720.64 Prof Emeritus Lee, Chi Hsiang $5,758.60 Prof Emeritus Taylor, Leonard S. $20,067.48 Prog Mgmt Spec Cooper, Jasmine $42,813.72 Prog Mgmt Spec Hoo, Maria C. $46,912.59 Res Coor Edgerton, Kristi A $60,277.24 Res Prof Levine, William S. $20,067.48 Res Sci Leavitt, Richard P. $94,919.08 Research Mach III Brun, Ruben D $52,500.00 Sr Fac Spec Olver, Laurence $124,343.28 Storekeeper II Pryor, Charla M $32,075.94 Systems Analyst Flasinski, Gwen Bush $90,000.00
$64,500.00 $78,981.26 $75,000.00 $109,000.00 $109,000.00 $56,100.00 $34,272.00 $71,148.35 $65,000.00 $78,000.00 $50,000.00 $74,000.00 $40,000.00 $65,000.00 $79,968.00 $98,000.00 $35,000.00 $76,000.00 $75,000.00 $69,484.06 $97,891.76 $62,415.50 $64,937.23 $76,500.00 $78,795.00 $40,554.56 $63,240.00 $114,489.86 $59,314.24 $41,900.01 $52,856.44 $63,240.00 $86,405.96 $55,881.21 $86,076.41 $62,824.18 $160,895.01 $107,393.41 $61,548.70 $71,936.85 $50,643.00 $48,493.95 $48,493.95 $57,725.22 $91,198.14 $78,233.69 $78,403.32 $102,212.28 $138,077.78 $67,851.40 $82,591.67 $26,809.17 $85,680.00 $30,104.00 $70,000.00 $5,057.49 $15,052.00 $15,052.00 $13,936.00 $15,052.00 $4,997.27 $30,104.00 $15,052.00 $4,997.28 $30,104.00 $15,052.00 $12,600.00 $121,281.26 $71,597.75 $85,000.00 $125,744.33 $160,251.07 $115,387.67 $127,959.88 $180,085.61 $211,478.20 $177,073.19 $63,438.41 $229,224.65 $142,334.29 $179,981.20 $134,713.56 $164,527.76 $175,708.86 $129,872.56 $187,731.00 $58,654.63 $43,400.00 $38,274.07 $136,320.82 $111,271.80 $51,892.50 $122,263.69 $91,800.58 $35,750.97 $60,000.00 $150,354.95 $61,200.00
Assoc Prof Dimitrakopoulos, Panagiotis Assoc Prof Klauda, Jeffery B. Assoc Prof Sriram, Ganesh Assoc Prof Wang, Chunsheng Assoc Prof Wang, Nam Sun Asst Dir Gardinier, Kathleen A. Asst Prof Karlsson, Amy J. Asst Prof Liu, Dongxia Coordinator Morris, Nina K. Dir Admin Srv McNicholas, Michael J. Exec Adm Asst I Lorenzana, Patricia C. Lecturer Pereira, Carmo Joseph Lecturer Yang, Xiaochuan Post-Doc Assoc Fan, Xiulin Post-Doc Assoc Ma, Zhaohui Post-Doc Assoc Suo, Liumin Post-Doc Assoc Wang, Fei Post-Doc Assoc Wang, Haiyang Post-Doc Assoc Yang, Chongyin Prof Adomaitis, Raymond A. Prof Anisimov, Mikhail A. Prof Calabrese, Richard V. Prof Choi, Kyu Yong Prof Raghavan, Srinivasa R. Prof Zachariah, Michael R. Prof & Chair Ehrman, Sheryl H. Prof & Dir Wachsman, Eric D. Res Assoc Yi, Hongming Res Sci Semerjian, Hratch Gregory Senior Lecturer Soltanieh, Mohammad Visit Prof Mulholland, George William
Fac Asst Choy, David Frederick Fac Asst Funk, Donald Anthony Jr. Fac Asst Ji, Ya Fac Asst Jones, Thomas Andrew Fac Asst Jordan, Gregory Wayne Fac Asst Kyaw, Pyae Arkar Fac Asst Lachance, Taylor Elaine Fac Asst Lucman, Walter Fac Asst Malik, Mudit Fac Asst Markovic, Nikola Fac Asst Mohondro, Quianna Minyon Fac Asst Mustakim, Shahrukh Fac Asst Napolitano, Julie Ann Fac Asst Prieto, Ana L. Fac Asst Redding, Patrick R. Fac Asst Roush, Paul A. Fac Asst Sanchez, Alterra Ellen Fac Asst Tai, Anthony Fac Asst Xiong, Chenfeng Fac Asst Anderson, Marya Orf Fac Res Asst Arshavskiy, Nadya Fac Res Asst Bituin, Alfredo L. Fac Res Asst Chang, Benjimin C. Fac Res Asst Eshragh, Sepideh Fac Res Asst Franz, Mark Fac Res Asst Fu, Chauling Fac Res Asst Hoang, Thach Ngoc Fac Res Asst Hutchinson, Taran Lee Fac Res Asst Keane, Carly Fac Res Asst Kline, Amy Elizabeth Fac Res Asst Lees, Jenny Fac Res Asst Lees, Todd Fac Res Asst Lund, Andrew Scott Fac Res Asst Minisi, John Anthony Fac Res Asst Mushi, Andrew Fac Res Asst Nasir, Syed Maalik Fac Res Asst Pansare, Manoj Fac Res Asst Parker, Marygrace M. Fac Res Asst Parnian, Dorothy Brown Fac Res Asst Pearce, Duane W. Fac Res Asst Sharifi, Elham Fac Res Asst Stellfox, Edwin Fac Res Asst Stellfox, Edwin Fac Res Asst Taylor, Kelly Fac Res Asst Thomas, Marvin E. Fac Res Asst Truong, William Fac Res Asst Van, Kevin Fac Res Asst VanDaniker, Michael Robert Fac Spec Frankle, Kathleen M. Fac Spec Lin, Cheng Fac Spec Twisdale, Denise H. Fac Spec Young, Stanley Ernest IT Sys Analyst Bhende, Ameya R. Lecturer Anderson, Russell Edwards Lecturer Andrade, Natasha Almeida Lecturer Barham, Thomas William Ault Lecturer Brantley, William Lecturer Britton, Kathryn Lecturer Carvalho, Regis Luis Lecturer Dreher, Jason Terry Lecturer Groff, Mark J. Lecturer Link, Lewis E. Jr. Lecturer O’Connell, Kenneth J. Lecturer Powell, Thomas J. Lecturer Schulman, Neil R. Lecturer Stoll, Emily Lecturer White, Frank F. Manager Biel-Goebel, JJ Manager Prince, Janette Post-Doc Assoc Farokhi Sadabadi, Kaveh Prof Aggour, Mohamed Sherif Prof Amde, Amde M. Prof Aydilek, Ahmet H. Prof Ayyub, Bilal M. Prof Baecher, Gregory B. Prof Chang, Gang-Len Prof Davis, Allen P. Prof Gabriel, Steven A. Prof Haghani, Ali McCuen, Richard H. Prof Prof Miller-Hooks, Elise Prof Schonfeld, Paul M. Prof Skibniewski, Miroslaw Jan Prof Torrents, Alba Prof Zhang, Yunfeng Prof & Chair Schwartz, Charles W. Prog Coor Behlin, Wanda M. Prog Mgmt Spec Awe, Blessing E. Prog Mgmt Spec Neal, Ellen Marie Proj Mgr Ivanov, Nikola Proj Mgr Reich, Patty Res Assoc Baklanov, Ilya Andreyevich Res Prof Fu, Chung C. Res Prof Galloway, Gerald E JR Res Prof Milner, Stuart Dennis Sr Fac Spec Wu, Jungmi Jun Sr Res Eng Cable, John Hart Sr Res Eng Knight, Sandra
$48,422.96 $99,322.50 $73,185.00 $48,300.00 $60,639.00 $57,007.80 $73,185.00 $85,731.00 $193,758.33 $104,550.00 $46,563.00 $78,837.84 $69,003.00 $88,867.50 $94,095.00 $108,732.00 $83,640.00 $98,353.50 $86,700.00 $96,630.53 $113,379.31 $141,520.94 $69,923.87 $95,602.20 $95,880.00 $53,854.37 $102,538.49 $54,051.94 $10,506.00 $75,128.79 $116,720.94 $168,828.82 $43,422.80 $39,532.44 $21,968.05 $11,893.50 $39,236.31 $102,020.13 $99,988.19 $53,622.56 $95,054.04 $52,872.77 $142,181.77 $141,853.10 $118,480.44 $91,122.37 $124,138.90 $135,243.00 $94,291.46 $93,000.00 $92,000.00 $3,499.95 $100,764.69 $62,000.00 $60,543.94 $65,395.59 $64,825.25 $105,755.58 $151,028.97 $40,000.00 $43,729.85 $30,000.00 $46,000.00 $39,000.00 $74,298.43 $70,000.00 $15,858.96 $15,858.00 $15,000.00 $45,000.00 $37,000.00 $47,000.00 $42,840.00 $48,458.93 $49,000.00 $66,900.00 $40,000.00 $51,000.00 $44,553.60 $134,102.29 $96,111.86 $167,063.07 $205,000.00 $231,591.00 $44,036.98 $70,929.33 $262,229.76 $36,592.50 $91,180.36 $54,075.54 $55,153.65 $88,955.31 $57,505.66 $54,154.92 $50,015.70 $60,928.85 $76,158.30 $53,082.09 $110,405.01 $83,961.87 $48,381.15 $45,000.00 $87,648.39 $59,566.05 $64,260.00 $83,146.12 $66,269.72 $49,861.72 $62,000.00 $54,513.51 $94,926.48 $124,548.89 $123,774.48 $92,558.03 $50,438.63 $63,048.29 $68,835.31 $21,003.60 $17,042.92 $48,424.26 $62,220.00
Post-Doc AssocLakshmanrao Anantha, Prashanth $70,741.00 Post-Doc Assoc Lin, Chuan-Fu $50,563.28 Post-Doc Assoc Lu, Kai $42,024.00 Post-Doc Assoc Noked, Malakhi $61,200.00 Prin Fac Spec MacCarthy, John Edward $122,400.00 Prof Adomaitis, Raymond A. $59,705.89 Prof Ball, Michael O. $99,378.84 Prof Baras, John S. $213,926.01 Prof Barg, Alexander $110,945.01 Prof Cleaveland, Walter Rance II $39,661.62 Prof Espy-Wilson, Carol Y. $70,547.10 Prof Fu, Michael C. $55,291.11 Prof Herrmann, Jeffrey W. $105,780.00 Prof Krishnaprasad, Perinkulam $154,295.90 Prof Makowski, Armand M. $9,775.91 Prof Marcus, Steven I. $180,577.79 Prof Narayan, Prakash $120,979.36 Prof Nau, Dana S. $72,234.59 Prof Qu, Gang $58,348.63 Prof Raghavan, Subramanian $82,467.49 Rubloff, Gary W. $100,872.14 Prof Prof Shamma, Shihab $176,955.30 Prof Shapiro, Benjamin $59,373.08 Prof Simon, Jonathan Z. $39,747.20 Prof Smela, Elisabeth $64,028.82 Prof Srivastava, Ankur $7,513.05 Prof Tits, Andre L. $122,800.85 Prof Ulukus, Sennur $69,735.03 Prof & Dir Ghodssi, Reza $201,187.05 Sr Fac Spec Lathrop, Elizabeth Juiping $75,365.84 Sr Fac Spec Yin, Ping-Bo $64,159.35
ENGR-Maryland Technology Enterprise Institute
Admin Asst I Pair, Chaunda D Analyst Dawood, Akbar Assoc Dir Gist, Ronnie Assoc Dir Schurr, Eric L. Assoc Dir Smith, Jay Andrew Asst Dir Pendleton, Edmund S. Asst to Dir Thornton, Candace P. Coordinator Cohen Sherman, Alyssa E. Coordinator Davis, Morgan Coordinator Sten, Elena Coordinator Young, Jonathan T. Director Carafelli, Daniel J. Director Connolly, Martha J. Director Dye, Craig Wallace Director Green, James Vaughn Director Naft, Joseph IT Support Assoc Kopanko, James Michael IT Support Assoc Sullivan, Kathleen A. IT Support Asst Belew, Joseph A. Lecturer Bewick, Andrew Thomas Lecturer Jabara, John Lecturer Koiki, Olufunlola D Lecturer Pratt, Michael Reed Lecturer Thompson, Le-Marie Vanessa Joan Lecturer von Schnetlage, Cait Margaret Manager Chapman, Ashley Noelle Manager Duh, Kai Y Manager Kerwin, John Manager Lawal, Olusola R Manager Russo, Karen L. Manager Woodard, Ben Prg Admin Spec Pekny, Jeanne M. Prof & Act Dir Sandborn, Peter A. Prog Mgmt Spec Black, Ericka P Prog Mgmt Spec Elza, Ryan Neil Prog Mgmt Spec Gilbert, Cindy L. Proj Mgr Unal, Onur Specialist Britton, Douglas Campbell Specialist Knapstein, Kevin Matthias Specialist Rich, Jahmal D. Specialist Tamboli, Satish
$32,268.00 $62,550.55 $106,946.67 $110,520.99 $113,590.87 $128,593.44 $84,564.67 $66,234.07 $45,000.00 $62,000.00 $62,000.00 $170,850.00 $196,230.94 $143,424.55 $159,129.40 $132,835.83 $64,203.56 $53,725.21 $47,991.46 $11,892.00 $11,892.00 $16,724.00 $71,400.00 $11,892.00 $17,838.00 $71,808.00 $134,651.48 $92,362.23 $105,478.77 $86,697.86 $126,072.00 $51,502.46 $182,001.00 $39,714.20 $37,842.00 $51,358.46 $91,800.00 $120,360.00 $65,556.42 $52,492.91 $120,360.00
ENGR-Materials Science & Engineering Adjunct Prof Foecke, Timothy Jerome $14,636.22 Assoc Dir Hart, Kathleen C. $95,509.74 Assoc Dir Noble, Olivia G. $90,113.94 Assoc Prof Cumings, John $146,819.91 Assoc Prof Lloyd, Isabel K. $106,414.56 Assoc Prof Martinez-Miranda, Luz J $98,124.00 Assoc Prof Rabin, Oded $91,501.58 Assoc Res Sci Chen, Wangchun $119,836.00 Asst Prof Hu, Liangbing $101,822.52 Asst Prof Leite, Marina Soares $47,016.90 Asst Prof Mo, Yifei $96,208.44 Asst Res Sci Adel Hadadi, Mohammad $30,000.00 Asst Res Sci Azuah, Richard Tumanjong $96,482.82 Asst Res Sci Bleuel, Markus $86,700.00 Asst Res Sci Gao, Tieren $54,575.48 Asst Res Sci Gladchenko, Sergiy $81,167.52 Asst Res Sci Han, Xiaogang $58,879.78 Asst Res Sci Rodriguez, Jose Abelardo $77,462.88 Asst Res Sci Tyagi, Madhu Sudan $87,044.76 Asst Res Sci Vekhov, Yegor $74,000.00 Asst Res Sci Ye, Qiang $79,550.82 Asst Res Sci Zhang, Xin $64,283.05 Asst Res Sci Zhao, Yang $81,300.12 Coordinator Adams, Vincent G. $102,079.56 Coordinator Bishop, Jenna Star $61,764.06 Coordinator Bonenberger, Robert Joseph JR $97,425.38 Coordinator Kagle, JoAnne $48,454.08 Fac Asst Brocker, Christoph W. $104,505.12 Fac Asst Chabot, Jean Philippe $105,000.00 Fac Asst Gagnon, Cedric Victor $67,613.76 Fac Asst Johnson, Amber Sabrina $70,000.00 Fac Asst McCrum, Amanda $57,120.00 Fac Asst Osheroff, Jason Michael $76,500.00 IT Coor Mateus, Annette B. $60,676.74 Lecturer Josell, Daniel $14,200.00 Lecturer Liu, Yun $15,000.00 Lecturer Ponce, Audaldo $69,996.48 Post-Doc AssocAbdul Jabbar, Mohammed Hussain$79,299.90 Post-Doc AssocAhure Powell, Louise Aminata $68,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Brok, Erik $66,300.00 Post-Doc Assoc Cohn, Gil $66,300.00 Post-Doc Assoc Fu, Kun $51,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Gong, Amy $42,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Gong, Yunhui $56,100.00 Post-Doc Assoc Huang, Yi-Lin $55,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Lee, Seunghun $43,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Li, Tian $50,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Mao, Yimin $77,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc McOwen, Dennis Wayne $56,100.00 Post-Doc Assoc Pazos, Ileana Marquez $70,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Senses, Erkan $65,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Shen, Hao $65,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Suzuki, Ippei $43,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Tang, Wan Si $64,821.00 Post-Doc Assoc Tsyshevskiy, Roman $50,910.24 Post-Doc Assoc Wang, Chengwei $42,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Wang, Fenggong $55,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Wen, Yang $56,100.00 Post-Doc Assoc Wu, Wei $45,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Zhang, Xiaohang $55,156.50 Prof Al-Sheikhly, Mohamad I. $169,784.82 Prof Ankem, Sreeramamurthy $143,548.68 Prof Briber, Robert M. $183,532.00 Prof Christou, Aristos $128,718.00 Prof Oehrlein, Gottlieb $172,655.40 Prof Roytburd, Alexander $125,702.76 Prof Rubloff, Gary W. $168,330.35 Prof Salamanca-Riba, Lourdes G. $129,921.48 Prof Takeuchi, Ichiro $202,159.93 Prof Wuttig, Manfred R. $221,101.00 Prof & Act Chair Phaneuf, Raymond J. $175,585.00
Prof & Dir Wachsman, Eric D. Res Assoc Jaiswal, Abhishek Res Assoc Wu, Zeyun Res Coor Choi, Novy Visit Asst Prof Omar, Shobit Visit Asst Res Sci Kolli, Ratna Prakash Visit Res Prof Wang, Hao Visiting Assoc Res Prof Zhu, Mingwei
ENGR-Mechanical Engineering
$226,044.00 $84,150.00 $69,870.00 $73,916.34 $75,000.00 $24,071.33 $65,000.00 $32,699.00
Accounting Assoc Anderson, Ruth Angela $38,683.50 Adjunct Assoc Prof Barrett, David John $16,395.66 Adjunct Assoc Prof Findlay, David B. $65,451.47 Adjunct Assoc Prof Hamilton, Leonard Joseph $53,843.25 Admin Asst II Pringle, Tanya Michelle $40,943.11 Advisor Walker, Fitzgerald $59,833.71 Assoc Dir Chen, Erin $79,159.87 Assoc Dir Island, Terry L. $85,058.33 Assoc Dir Poppler James, Kerri $84,048.00 Assoc Prof Bergbreiter, Sarah E $55,399.26 Assoc Prof Bigio, David I. $133,594.45 Assoc Prof Chopra, Nikhil $103,298.46 Assoc Prof Chung, Peter W $125,588.00 Assoc Prof Cukier, Michel $135,763.60 Assoc Prof Li, Teng $106,050.91 Assoc Prof Pertmer, Gary A. $159,084.75 Assoc Prof Schmidt, Linda C. $146,043.36 Assoc Prof Yang, Bao $137,322.67 Assoc Prof Yu, Miao $153,603.41 Assoc Prof Zhang, Guangming $151,339.13 Assoc Res Prof Dessiatoun, Serguei V. $140,741.66 Assoc Res Prof Haslach, Henry W. JR $41,914.91 Assoc Res Prof Liu, Xinan $79,376.01 Assoc Res Sci Aute, Vikrant C. $123,479.00 Assoc Res Sci Christian, Beverley Howard $150,000.00 Assoc Res Sci Shooshtari, Amir H. $90,997.00 Asst Dir Morris, N’kola Kirhene $73,930.30 Asst Dir Picard, Ania $75,281.92 Asst Dir Wysling, Daniel $70,889.72 Asst Editor Wurzbacher, Cheryl R $46,000.00 Asst Prof Fuge, Mark D $91,800.00 Asst Prof Hahn, Jin-Oh $91,697.18 Asst Prof Larsson, Johan $90,625.57 Asst Prof Riaz, Amir $92,232.99 Asst Prof Sochol, Ryan Daniel $93,000.00 Asst Prof Vaughn-Cooke, Monifa $94,602.35 Asst Res Sci Azarian, Michael H. $142,599.68 Asst Res Sci Kootbally, Zeid $79,084.97 Asst Rsch Prof Chen, Yongyao $56,584.00 Asst Rsch Prof Kaipa Narasimha, Krishnanand $77,954.52 Asst Rsch Prof Kendall, Eric $68,340.00 Asst Rsch Prof Ling, Jiazhen $87,416.00 Asst to Dir Collins Baugher, Mary E. $63,355.85 Business Manager Brown, Isabelita S. $57,049.20 Business Manager Komsat, Penny $53,868.13 Comp Eng Hazelwood, Dylan Anthony $99,182.93 Coordinator Arunkumar, Roy B $51,537.04 Coordinator Boggs, Tameka $50,000.00 Coordinator Frye, Kimberley Lavin $84,439.68 Coordinator Irvin, Juanita D. $67,938.35 Coordinator Stein, Jessica L $51,000.00 Coordinator Wonning, Tammie S $65,688.77 Director Grandison, Natalie Francesse $98,940.00 Director Schuetz, Lisa K. $130,105.75 Dist Univ Prof Bar-Cohen, Avram $281,911.68 Dist Univ Prof Gupta, Ashwani K. $231,925.99 Editor Zimmerman, Mark A $53,777.78 Exec Adm Asst I Russo, Christopher Glen $39,896.28 Fac Asst Aroom, Majid Reza $78,810.36 Fac Asst Flores, Giovanni G $38,569.45 Fac Asst Kang, Myeongsu $42,000.00 Fac Asst Khalil, Ahmed Essam Eldin $21,848.40 Fac Asst Lee, Seung-Hwan $42,000.00 Fac Asst Mattise, Nicholas W $47,940.00 Fac Asst Muehlbauer, Jan $79,396.72 Fac Asst Naraharishetty, Yesu Prasad $98,940.00 Fac Asst Ren, Xumei $48,540.00 Fac Asst Vemulapalli, Lopamudra $87,817.27 Fac Res Asst Eisner, David $91,054.94 IT Coor Fields, Melvin $66,214.19 Lecturer Arul, Senthil $11,037.60 Lecturer Balint, Jean-Louis $12,859.33 Lecturer Boehmer, Christina Anne $13,770.00 Lecturer Burke, David $16,074.18 Lecturer Cleanthous, Aris Costaki $14,045.40 Lecturer Forsythe, James R $17,542.04 Lecturer Golladay, Corey $17,686.53 Lecturer Hasouneh, Monther A. $17,166.60 Lecturer Kazemi-Tabriz, Reza $10,506.00 Lecturer Kweon, Chol-Bum M $15,600.00 Lecturer Mitchell, Steven Edward $75,000.00 Lecturer Nguyen, Vincent Phuc $81,600.00 Lecturer Scherbarth, Eric Douglas $13,770.00 Lecturer Schug, David Albert $17,104.18 Lecturer Teitelbaum, Gregory Allen $14,145.28 Manager Wicker, Steven R $74,704.96 Post-Doc Assoc Bae, Hyung Dae $47,749.78 Post-Doc Assoc Brookshaw, Iain James $55,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Goudarzi, Navid $51,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Heidarinejad, Mohammad $52,275.00 Post-Doc Assoc Kahirdeh, Ali $53,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Luo, Wei $42,840.00 Post-Doc Assoc Narayanan, Anantha $90,456.66 Post-Doc Assoc Perkins, J Edmon Lee $60,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Singer, Farah $48,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Tiwari, Ratnesh $95,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Xing, Yinjiao $42,000.00 Post-Doc Scholar Kim, Chang Sei $44,880.00 Prof Azarm, Shapour $104,991.08 Prof Baz, Amr M. $237,582.95 Prof Bernard, Peter S. $90,726.31 Prof Bruck, Hugh Alan $182,235.96 Prof Christou, Aristos $67,019.10 Prof Dasgupta, Abhijit $190,895.40 Prof Desai, Jaydev Prataprai $207,422.90 Prof diMarzo, Marino $75,128.79 Prof Duncan, James H. $145,368.26 Prof Fourney, William L. $80,733.48 $63,438.41 Prof Gabriel, Steven A. Prof Han, Bongtae $180,574.19 Prof Herrmann, Jeffrey W. $63,468.00 Prof Kiger, Kenneth T. $168,479.17 Prof Kim, Jungho $166,760.02 Prof McCluskey, Patrick $170,213.79 Prof Modarres, Mohammad $235,460.03 Prof Ohadi, Michael M. $209,860.94 Prof Pecht, Michael G. $93,596.05 Prof Radermacher, K Reinhard $228,774.77 Prof Smela, Elisabeth $105,353.26 Prof Srebric, Jelena $131,286.75 Prof & Assoc Chair DeVoe, Don L $198,877.52 Prof & Chair Balachandran, B $222,766.46 Prof Emeritus Anand, Davinder K. $55,698.84 Prof Emeritus Dally, James W. $4,965.44 Prof Emeritus Dieter, George E. JR $32,688.48 Prof Emeritus Magrab, Edward B. $17,478.16 Prof Of Practice Firebaugh, Millard $18,141.08 Res Assoc Das, Diganta $126,457.15 Res Assoc Kapilashrami, Mukes $61,200.00 Res Assoc Morillo Silvera, Carlos Gabriel $50,416.67 Res Prof Gupta, Satyandra K. $4,600.00 Res Prof Hwang, Yunho $131,254.82 Senior Lecturer Sanders, Robert C $37,569.30 Senior Lecturer Thamire, Chandrasekhar $102,000.00 Sr Res Sci Osterman, Michael David $186,220.72 Visit Prof Short, James M $100,745.00 Visit Res Prof Zhang, Dan $6,000.00
THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 2016 | SALARY GUIDE | The Diamondback
ENGR-Office of Advanced Engineering Education Admin Asst I Obregon, Lisa M Asst Dir Brown-Darlington, Vinette Asst Dir Dietrich, Sonja Asst Dir Mayo-Brown, Adrienne Jene Exec Dir Syrmos, George Fac Spec Janssens, Marc Leon Fac Spec Roy, Anindo Fac Spec Schaff, Josef B Fac Spec Sofge, Donald A Fac Spec Wilson, William Harvey Fac Spec Zachary, Justin Lecturer Bahari, Seyed Farshad Lecturer Caton, Patrick A Lecturer Dubrawsky, Ido Lecturer Ganesan, Dharmalingam Lecturer Haghani, Sasan Lecturer Hines, Kristen M. Lecturer Lindvall, Mikael Lecturer Mani, Mahesh Lecturer McAllister, Jamie Lynn Lecturer Qureshi, Salman Haseeb Lecturer Ravishankar, C Lecturer Sharon, Gilad Lecturer Sutula, Jason Anthony Lecturer Valentine, Brian G. Prog Mgmt Spec Berry, Brittani
$33,500.00 $75,596.80 $65,280.00 $71,400.00 $157,464.02 $7,500.00 $13,000.00 $13,000.00 $13,000.00 $13,000.00 $13,000.00 $16,564.00 $16,564.00 $16,564.00 $16,564.00 $16,564.00 $16,564.00 $33,128.00 $16,564.00 $8,230.64 $16,564.00 $16,564.00 $16,564.00 $16,461.28 $16,564.00 $38,000.00
College of Agriculture & Natural Resources AGNR-AES-Agriculture Experiment Station
Accounting Assoc Michael, Clair Admin Asst II Dawkins, Linda C. Admin Asst II Oscar, Sheila H. Agric Tech Almario, Theresa M. Agric Tech Calder, Vivian A. Agric Tech Cline, Roni A Agric Tech Conover, Theodore Agric Tech Miller, Robert Jordan Agric Tech Ovando, Jorge Adalberto Agric Tech Poet, Daniel E. Agric Tech Lead Bowman, David W. Agric Tech Lead Cline, Ronald Jason Agric Tech Lead Dulin, John W. Agric Tech Lead Eason, Thomas Lloyd Agric Tech Lead Gray, Michael William Agric Tech LeadHarrison, Raymond Thomas Agric Tech Lead Katsuleres, Matthew N. Agric Tech Lead Long, David Franklin Agric Tech Lead Morrissey, Mary C. Agric Tech Lead Reiff, David JR Agric Tech Lead Riggs, Hunter Allen Agric Tech Lead Stephens, David Quincy Agric Tech Lead Wood, Ronald K Agric Tech Lead Yurchak, Kristopher B. Agric Tech Supv Carignan, Christa Agric Tech Supv De Rico, Joseph W. Agric Tech Supv Hawkins, Alfred Edward Agric Tech Supv McDonald, Ryan James Agric Tech Supv Morgan, Kevin W. Agric Tech Supv Price, Douglas A. Agric Tech Supv Senkbeil, Fred Adolph Agric Tech Supv Snyder, Caleb Leighton Agric Tech Supv Streett, Joseph I. Agric Tech Supv Welsh, G R Agric Tech Supv Wyand, David L. JR Assoc Res Sci Staver, Kenneth W. JR Asst Dir Keshavarz, Hossein Asst Dir Taylor-Rogers, Sarah Jane Asst Res Sci Singh, Shardendu K Auto Serv Mech North, John W. JR Auto Shop Supv Kelley, Michael L. Business Manager Corbin, Sherry L. Business Manager Gomez, Richard W. Business Serv Spec Hill, Carol Ann Coordinator Massey, Abigail Ann Coordinator Nunn, Nancy K Coordinator Simmons, Theresa M. Coordinator South, Barbara D. Engineer Pinkard, Adam A. Fac Asst Friedel, Elizabeth Anne Fac Mgr Dwyer, Michael E. Fac Res Asst Allnutt, Francis J. Fac Res Asst Bassler, Robert E. JR Fac Spec Draper, Edward C. Fac Spec Friedman, Diana Fac Spec Reeser, Vara J. Fac Spec Ross, Marylee Manager Armentrout, David K. Manager Conover, Kevin J. Manager Draper, John Willis Manager Funk, David H. Manager Justice, David M. Manager Killen, William D. JR Manager Muhleman, David R. Manager Murphy, Donald Lawrence Manager Spielman, Brian Scott Post-Doc Assoc Kang, Kwangmin Prof & Assoc Dean Shirmohammadi, Adel Prog Mgmt Spec Mason, Cindy L. Prog Mgmt Spec Yoash, Lisa M. Res Assoc Clark, Andrew Joseph Res Assoc Hall, Lenwood W. JR Res Assoc Kroll, Kim S. Res Sci Burton, Dennis T. Res Sci Fisher, Daniel J. Sr Fac Spec Anderson, Ronald David Sr Fac Spec Newell, Michael J. Sr Fac Spec Turley, Steven D. Sr Fac Spec Ziegler, Gregory P.
AGNR-Agricultural & Resource Economics
Assoc Dir Faulkner, Katherine Elizabeth Assoc Prof Leathers, Howard D. Assoc Prof Leonard, Kenneth L. Asst Dir Parker, N Adaire Asst Prof Gunnsteinsson, Snaebjorn Asst Prof Holzer Bilbao, Jorge G. Asst Prof Houde, Sebastien Asst Prof Jakiela, Pamela Asst Prof Newburn, David Allen Asst Prof Zaki, Mary Coordinator Burns, Dany T.
$19,084.00 $38,080.66 $16,916.50 $45,049.88 $44,050.50 $35,613.67 $35,430.67 $32,741.04 $37,009.92 $46,894.81 $47,688.61 $40,295.28 $47,291.08 $41,000.00 $39,105.21 III $39,714.20 $42,881.84 $37,531.63 $52,102.54 $42,811.59 $36,178.00 $36,548.20 $36,548.19 $37,082.45 $49,642.00 $51,679.87 $58,530.36 $41,368.00 $58,354.48 $56,300.08 $47,950.68 $41,368.00 $50,580.00 $57,674.48 $51,788.88 $96,998.57 $90,640.19 $93,787.29 $53,044.79 $47,036.46 $58,428.78 $70,232.06 $65,593.68 $39,081.54 $45,517.80 $49,541.46 $59,741.09 $59,877.72 $51,733.21 $32,253.01 $68,075.34 $109,477.19 $95,451.64 $64,783.77 $47,944.75 $49,290.97 $70,000.00 $65,653.59 $72,692.14 $61,000.00 $61,131.81 $58,886.48 $57,234.26 $62,462.43 $55,200.00 $56,479.44 $51,000.00 $190,889.95 $51,172.14 $51,171.89 $100,146.66 $103,990.13 $126,242.37 $55,759.40 $34,191.49 $49,882.44 $65,727.84 $53,746.35 $51,144.05 $66,852.84 $94,976.69 $149,867.58 $61,580.98 $122,933.97 $112,243.86 $122,933.46 $136,976.82 $119,939.76 $108,630.00 $51,000.00
Coordinator Delgado, Ally Coordinator Devereux, Taryn Coordinator Lin, Pin-Wuan Coordinator Shelton, Sheri Dir Admin Srv Truneh, Melekte Director Cunningham, Jeffrey Joseph Director Koch, Liesl J. Dist Univ Prof Nerlove, Marc L. Fac Spec Ellixson, Ashley C Lecturer Gottwals, James Phillip Prof Alberini, Anna Prof Chambers, Robert G. Prof Lichtenberg, Erik Prof Lynch, Lori Prof Olson, Lars J. Prof Williams, Roberton C III Prof & Chair Hanson, James C. Sr Fac Spec Goeringer, Paul Sr Fac Spec Wilcox, Clair
AGNR-Animal & Avian Sciences
Agric Worker II Buddenbohn, Jonathan M Assoc Prof Burk, Amy O. Assoc Prof Song, Jiuzhou Assoc Prof Stricklin, William Ray Assoc Prof Taneyhill, Lisa Anne Assoc Prof Woods, L Curry III Assoc Prof Xiao, Zhengguo Assoc Prof Yu, Liqing Assoc Prof Zimmermann, Nickolas G. Asst Dir Dufour, Libby C Asst Prof Biswas, Debabrata Asst Prof Dennis, Rachel Lynn Asst Prof Kim, Byung-Eun Asst Prof Ma, Li Asst Prof Moyes, Kasey M Asst Prof Orlando, Edward F Asst Prof Telugu, Bhanu Asst Rsch Prof Proszkowiec-Weglarz, Monika Asst Rsch Prof Wu, Chyong-Yi Business Serv Spec Barber, Janice R. Business Serv Spec Grey, Sheryl A. Coordinator Black, Angela Coordinator Caldwell, Crystal Coordinator Reynolds, Jennifer A. Coordinator Stepp, Emily Elizabeth Yeiser Dir Admin Srv Nola, Sandra A. Fac Asst Escribano Saez, Fernando Fac Asst Garcia Orellana, Miriam Fac Asst Joo, Jungsoo Fac Asst Kim, Seon Woo Fac Asst Nandal, Anjali Fac Asst Padhi, Abinash Fac Asst Park, Chi-Hun Fac Asst Park, Ki-Eun Fac Asst Sharma, Pooja Fac Res Asst Theisen, Daniel D. Fac Res Asst Thompson, Nichola E. Fac Spec Kwong, Elda Fac Spec Li, Lei Fac Spec Martin, Jessica J Fac Spec Penaso, Joy S Fac Spec Pinter, Katherine IT Coor Eigmina-Chemali, Kintija Lab Animal Tech Diallo, Modibo Lab Animal Tech Guillen, Mariana A Lab Animal Tech Asst Johnson, Junius Dmitri Lecturer Apter, R Charles Manager Mobley, Michael W Post-Doc Assoc He, Yanghua Post-Doc Assoc Sharma, Anuj Kumar Post-Doc Scholar Patt, Antonia Anne Kathrin Post-Doc Scholar Yuan, Xiaojing Post-Doc Scholar Zhang, Wei Prg Admin Spec Montague-Smith, Kimberly Prof Angel, Clara Roselina Prof Erdman, Richard A. Prof Hamza, Iqbal Prof Keefer, Carol L Prof Kohn, Richard A. Prof Peters, Robert R. Prof Porter, Tom E. Prof & Chair Stahl, Chad H Prog Mgmt Spec Capotosto, Clare Prog Mgmt Spec Lake, Victoria A Res Spec Ellestad, Laura E. Res Spec Shellem, Timothy A. Senior Lecturer Balcom, Sarah Anne Senior Lecturer Hakenkamp, Christine Claire
$50,000.00 $50,000.00 $55,692.51 $66,334.68 $96,391.01 $118,828.12 $86,536.97 $95,487.54 $75,000.00 $17,000.00 $181,624.26 $226,093.00 $158,810.63 $150,564.67 $164,439.30 $191,974.20 $212,462.00 $105,000.00 $110,912.00
Coordinator Roberts, Hollin Claire $55,000.00 Coordinator Stanley, Daphne G. $64,223.33 Coordinator Stoney, Dara Lynn $59,116.34 Coordinator Wychgram, Cara Emily $50,400.00 Director Duncan, Barbara V. $114,658.20 Fac Ext Asst Remsberg, Edwin Harlan $29,931.48 Fac Spec Rushing, James W. $92,265.79 IT Programmer INg Kwing King, Wayne Voon Van$44,235.00 IT Support Assoc Shaffer, Timothy Zane $49,628.10 IT Support Asst Guevara, Paul Alejandro $42,390.97 IT Support Asst Yang, Ka $43,000.00 IT Sys Mgr McKillop, Kyle Allen $74,907.66 Lab Res Tech Merchlinsky, Joseph C $40,000.00 Manager Morales, Margarita R. $87,995.34 Post-Doc Assoc Worley, Jay Norboru $48,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Yan, Qiongqiong $46,000.00 Prg Admin Spec Carroll, Janet M. $60,565.13 Prof & Dir Buchanan, Robert L. $229,112.40 Prof & Dir Wei, Cheng-I $277,697.66 Prof And Dean Beyrouty, Craig $335,000.00
$15,393.00 $120,360.08 $104,495.31 $124,919.79 $117,000.00 $113,315.54 $94,810.02 $120,913.86 $99,446.71 $55,944.18 $91,329.98 $83,640.00 $89,289.98 $87,027.42 $91,434.00 $92,607.64 $89,787.55 $56,547.92 $48,420.60 $50,468.38 $55,336.87 $90,981.69 $47,892.57 $48,329.44 $48,000.00 $106,225.81 $65,000.00 $42,432.00 $45,926.00 $53,060.40 $45,900.00 $45,900.00 $43,000.00 $49,670.00 $32,000.00 $57,097.16 $29,164.35 $41,000.00 $46,000.00 $38,000.00 $31,620.00 $45,680.61 $64,260.00 $32,598.10 $34,688.00 $16,126.00 $76,925.34 $71,693.76 $35,290.56 $48,960.00 $42,000.00 $43,936.09 $40,000.00 $54,679.32 $131,402.06 $164,583.44 $151,105.15 $133,422.47 $130,587.70 $109,384.87 $185,686.62 $180,000.00 $49,755.61 $38,279.34 $55,978.37 $63,010.51 $72,440.58 $30,728.00
AGNR-Communiation & Info. Technology-Administration
AGNR-College of Agriculture & Natural Resources Accounting Assoc Fagan, Aisha Danielle Accounting Assoc Thomas, Sylvia Joyce Admin Asst I Fleming, Judy Admin Asst I Sapp, Sabrina D. Admin Asst II Joseph, Eslyn L. Admin Asst II Monnity, Tyra C. Asst Clin Prof Winslow, Angela R. Asst Dean Cooper, Evelyn E. Asst Dean Kugler, Daniel E Asst Dean Ramia, Daniel W. Asst Dir Aubry, Christopher P. Asst Dir Nitowitz, Patricia M. Asst Dir Vernon, Jessica A. Asst Res Sci Dubois, Janie Asst Res Sci Narrod, Clare Asst to Dean Canales, Glenda E. Asst to Dean Yeiser, Gail P. Asst to Dir Petty, Vernora R Business Manager Evans, James A. Business Serv Spec Biery, Pamela K. Cont Admin Hsu, Yi Yao Gina Cont Admin Legall, Ann C. Cont Admin McCree, Kirsten Cont Admin White, Princess Coordinator Bandy, Rashida Coordinator Brohawn, April E. Coordinator Brown, Laurie C. Coordinator Cooper, Judy K. Coordinator Grimley, Mary Coordinator Leger, Ann J. Coordinator Mazur-Gray, Angela Coordinator Ode, David
$33,833.00 $39,689.00 $21,942.24 $40,075.27 $45,335.43 $34,217.39 $80,733.70 $112,997.07 $191,919.12 $223,579.89 $107,305.85 $122,041.77 $100,000.00 $115,034.58 $112,254.06 $70,000.00 $89,360.29 $52,423.92 $56,712.00 $46,257.17 $68,340.00 $68,340.00 $67,500.00 $68,340.00 $53,000.00 $53,581.52 $55,000.00 $61,333.42 $74,395.56 $49,911.86 $54,701.38 $82,051.50
Director Hoang, Loc K. IT Coor Asikin, Sjafrizal IT Coor Coates, Susanne D. IT Coor Hoy, Valerie IT Coor Nguyen, Vinh-Bao Dang IT Sys Analyst Hammond, Tim Prog Mgmt Spec Smith, Teri Leigh Systems Analyst Paleg, Brad Systems AnalystStavish, Koralleen Dolecek
Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer
Accounting AssocVinogradova, Margarita $49,773.94 Admin Asst IPandian, Marythai Hepzibah Yesudian $48,147.74 Assoc Prof Wang, Qin $89,730.32 Asst Dir Kao, Sara $61,065.62 Asst Prof Lee, Seong-Ho $93,587.04 Asst Prof Pradhan, Abani K $90,892.71 Asst Prof Rahaman, Shaik Ohidar $81,600.00 Asst Prof Song, Hee-Jung $85,115.74 Asst Prof Tikekar, Rohan $104,000.00 Asst Res Sci Sharma, Shweta $35,000.00 Asst Res SciViswanathan Bhagavathy, Ganga $65,000.00 Coordinator Ashburn, Linda $64,695.89 CoordinatorBenoit-Moctezuma, Denise Ann $66,577.99 Coordinator Brute, Maribet $56,000.00 Coordinator Harris, Nenita R. $78,274.86 Coordinator McShane, Phyllis Elizabeth $78,875.06 Coordinator Sankavaram, Kavitha $53,519.40 Ext Assoc Mehta, Mira $83,515.69 Ext Prog Asst Allison, Imani Louise Allene $26,775.00 Ext Prog Asst Bland, Monica R. $28,681.60 Ext Prog Asst Bryan, Kimberly D. $28,682.59 Ext Prog Asst de Perez, Ellen Howard $36,577.85 Ext Prog Asst Fernandez, Krizia Delmar $16,972.80 Ext Prog Asst Lewis, Sydney Dianne $26,775.00 Ext Prog Asst Long, Karlene Edris $27,321.06 Ext Prog Asst Mendoza, Norma L. $36,577.85 Ext Prog Asst Orantes, Marlene L. $41,498.70 Ext Prog Asst Saunders, Elizabeth L. $36,577.85 Fac Asst Andrews, Karen W. $114,778.73 Fac Asst Dang, Phuong-Tan V $46,629.26 Fac Asst Daniel, Marlon Gene $86,706.93 Fac Asst Do, Truc-Phuong Pham $34,891.69 Fac Asst Gusev, Pavel A. $75,012.84 Fac Asst Khan, Monazzaha A. $71,337.54 Fac Asst Leger, Jayme L $44,486.90 Fac Asst Nguyen, Quynhanh Vu $45,007.70 Fac Asst Rawal, Rita $50,014.39 Fac Asst Sanders, Kathleen Suzanne $50,047.76 Fac Asst Solverson, Patrick $54,518.27 Fac Asst Somanchi, Meena $66,947.86 Fac Asst Stevens, Michelle M. $60,117.43 Fac Asst Switzer, Elise Kathryn $6,000.00 Fac Asst Walker, Caitlin J $51,000.00 Fac Asst Wasswa-Kintu, Shirley Irene $52,070.00 Fac Spec Islam, Nazrul $51,000.00 Food Serv Spec Clark, Clifford Rusell $45,900.00 Food Serv Spec Schwab, Peter $42,500.00 Food Serv Spec Storey, William $43,350.00 Lecturer Akobundu, Ucheoma Onyinyechi $10,000.00 Lecturer Roberts, Melissa Ann $7,000.00 Lecturer Rocourt, Caroline $11,000.00 Lecturer Udahogora, Margaret $72,354.61 Post-Doc Assoc Li, Ying $42,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Lu, Yingjian $51,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Savarala, Sushma $65,137.20 Post-Doc Assoc Teng, Zi $42,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Zhao, Yang $51,000.00 Post-Doc Scholar Alborzi, Solmaz $40,000.00 Post-Doc Scholar Bastarrachea, Luis $40,000.00 Post-Doc Scholar Guan, Yongguang $40,000.00 Post-Doc Scholar Huang, Haiqiu $70,000.00 Prof Castonguay, Thomas W. $108,634.28 Prof Lei, David K. Y. $161,864.90 Prof Sahyoun, Nadine R. $122,615.59 Prof Yu, Liangli $119,678.44 Prof & Act Chair Jackson, Robert T. $164,477.32 Prof & Dir Meng, Jianghong $206,855.84 Res Assoc Anderson, Amy Louise $55,581.30 Res Assoc Han, Fei $63,240.00 Res Assoc Khan, Saira A $66,300.00 Res Assoc Lambertini, Elisabetta $50,526.51 Res Schl Mishra, Suruchi $66,300.00
$116,810.16 $69,040.74 $66,300.00 $64,856.90 $64,611.90 $83,683.86 $41,544.32 $107,998.84 $63,797.46
Admin Asst I Abebe, Elsabeth $37,738.04 Admin Asst II Scites, Tina M. $41,804.38 Agric Tech Supv Schlosnagle, Stanley Paul $59,087.42 Assoc Prof Felton, Gary Kent $112,966.63 Assoc Prof Kangas, Patrick C. $101,875.90 Assoc Prof Leisnham, Paul $93,884.54 Assoc Prof Momen, Bahram $101,505.08 Assoc Prof Needelman, Brian A. $99,293.57 Assoc Prof Tilley, David R. $99,486.71 Asst Dir Knight, Timothy Raymond $47,047.50 Asst Dir Whittemore, Wendy L. $86,476.86 Asst Prof Lansing, Stephanie Anne $88,650.24 Asst Prof Negahban-Azar, Masoud $80,000.00 Asst Prof Pavao-Zuckerman, Mitchell Adam $85,000.00 Asst Prof Peer, Wendy Ann $88,667.97 Asst Prof Yarwood, Stephanie A $84,899.70 Asst Prof Yonkos, Lance T. $83,298.30 Asst Res Sci Mironenko, Eugene V. $75,781.95 Business Serv Spec Koster, Elma Ruth $46,160.37 Coordinator Adams, Sharon S $61,932.30 Coordinator Anderson, Ina J. $58,229.82 Coordinator Conley, Eric Shuan $39,000.00 Coordinator Dell, Sara Jane Lyons $40,771.88 Coordinator Dowell, Christopher S. $46,722.97 Coordinator Fennelly, Nicole Saundra $37,166.00 Coordinator Foreman, Casey Nicole $38,000.00 Coordinator Hauser, Jill S. $38,818.61 Coordinator Hoopes, Patricia Ann $40,865.40 Coordinator Kalmbach, Brian Michael $44,000.00 Coordinator LaComb, Caitlin C $38,000.00 Coordinator Laudwein, Amanda Lee $43,894.55 Coordinator Lucas, Emileigh Rosso $21,675.00 Coordinator McClurg, Jessica M $42,000.00 Coordinator Mitchell, Krista Beth $24,998.19 Coordinator North-Staves, Amber Lee $38,322.42 Coordinator Perdue, Maegan A $39,024.03 Coordinator Prieto- Figueroa, Jose Angel $46,359.04 Coordinator Stevens-Travis, Ashley Janelle $38,818.61 Coordinator Talbot, Jenna $44,000.00 Coordinator Vvedenskaya, Anastasia $50,663.81 Coordinator Warring, Francis E. $40,771.89 Coordinator Yohn, Craig William $42,782.77 Dir Admin Srv Carter, Robert D. $102,216.51 Eng Tech III Djamshidi, Ali A. $58,380.91 Engineer Seibel, Gary Edward $78,356.54 Exec Adm Asst I Robey, Maria L. $44,403.96 Ext Assoc Steinhilber, Patricia M. $98,926.68 Fac Asst Fisher, Kristin Annette $60,500.00 Fac Ext Asst Dubin, Mark Phillip $96,902.31 Fac Ext Asst Johnston, Matthew E. $68,954.69 Fac Ext Asst Shipley, Paul Richard $72,231.25 Fac Res Asst Bejleri, Kreshnik $52,820.09 IT Coor Bondar, Alexei $80,450.83 Lecturer Archer, Becky G. $37,999.22 Lecturer Browne, Shannon Pederson $72,000.00 Lecturer Goger, Joanna B. $77,115.76 Lecturer Iannuzzi, Timothy J $4,822.56 Lecturer Karetnikov, Daria Alexia $15,300.00 Lecturer Lynn, Scott G. $4,822.56 Lecturer May, Peter Ian $13,421.99 Lecturer Murrow, Jennifer L $77,115.76 Lecturer Schnaar, Gregory $71,400.00 Post-Doc Assoc Bean, Thomas George $45,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Bohannon, Meredith Ena Barton $45,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Fiorellino, Nicole Marie $45,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Li, Ji $48,865.17 Post-Doc Assoc Sharifi, Amirreza $57,120.00 Post-Doc Assoc Witarsa, Freddy $43,571.18 Principal Agent Tjaden, Robert L. JR $139,851.68 Prof Baldwin, Andrew H. $121,299.54 Prof Hill, Robert Lee $123,352.60 Prof Kearney, Michael S. $91,247.31 Prof Rabenhorst, Martin C. $123,992.27 Prof Weil, Raymond R. $128,597.14 Prof & Chair Bowerman, William W $201,172.56 Prof & Dir Harrell, Reginal M. $155,027.60 Res Assoc Riter, Joyce Christine Alexis $73,542.00 Res Prof Fisher, Daniel J. $70,454.88 Business Serv Spec Dingess, Carole A. Coordinator Hovatter, Randie Inst Walls, Roy Smith JR Lect & Dir Hyman, Glori D. Lecturer Ballenger, Robert M Lecturer Barnhart, JoEllen M. Lecturer Cioaca, Larisa Cristina Lecturer Dunning, Eric M Lecturer Epstein, Meredith Brooke Lecturer Fisher, Amy L.
AGNR-Plant Science & Landscape Architecture
$53,478.62 $45,766.00 $88,633.93 $119,000.00 $51,000.00 $52,020.00 $56,700.00 $52,020.00 $63,036.00 $52,020.00
$6 3,9
$6 25
0,8 .54
Healthy Adult?
Participants must be: • 18 to 50 • free of psychiatric disorders and certain medical conditions Research may include: • 1-4 outpatient visits • computer tasks • exposure to unpleasant stimuli • brain scan To find out if you qualify, call...
301-451-5087 (TTY:1-866-411-1010) Email: Refer to studies 01-M-0185 or 02-M-0321. Se habla español.
These studies explore how the brain and body work when people feel anxious. Studies are conducted at the NIH Clinical Center, Bethesda, MD. Compensation is provided.
Join A Study on Anxiety
$6,344.00 $72,714.78 $107,418.42 $52,020.00 $58,680.60 $52,020.00 $59,190.60
AGNR-Nutrition and Food Science
AGNR-Environmental Science & Technology
AGNR-Institute of Applied Agriculture
Grady, Michael J. Ingram, Kenneth B. Mathias, Justin K. Molinaro, Michelle Laura Pagnotti, Anthony C. Powell, Gerald A JR Priola, Edward J.
Agric Tech Lead Islam, Moynul M $38,560.36 Agric Tech Supv Holbert, Meghan Fisher $47,954.01 Agric Tech Supv Thorne, Louis A $41,368.00 Assoc Prof Carroll, Mark J. $90,929.66 Assoc Prof Chaverri, Priscila $48,446.74 Assoc Prof Coleman, Gary D. $95,508.74 Assoc Prof Ellis, Christopher D. $96,711.50 Assoc Prof Kratochvil, Robert James $104,480.50 Assoc Prof Myers, David N. $84,957.02 Assoc Prof Neel, Maile C $68,215.45 Assoc Prof Sullivan, Jack $88,362.06 Assoc Prof Turner, Thomas R. $74,754.65 Assoc Prof Zhu, Jianhua $87,204.90 Asst Clin Prof Phillips, William H II $81,600.00 Asst Dir Nola, Dennis R. $102,985.92 Asst Prof Chanse, Victoria $82,020.75 Asst Prof Cook, Kelly Dianne $78,686.06 Asst Prof Johnson, Lea R $78,540.00 Asst Prof Kweon, Byoung-Suk $83,887.86 Asst Prof Micallef, Shirley Ann $84,930.30 Asst Prof Roberts, Joseph Anthony $88,000.00 Asst Prof Schulz, Burkhard $91,800.00 Asst Prof Swett, Cassandra Lynn $86,700.00 Asst Prof Tully, Kate $78,540.00 Business Manager Fan, Yifei $52,020.00 Clin Prof Cohan, Steven M. $86,092.26 Coordinator Cortez, Dora Diana $49,949.00 Coordinator Trotta, Jessica Rose $39,813.00 Director Pridmore, Michelle Louise $76,051.20 Exec Adm Asst I Harrison, Monica J $41,088.00 Fac Asst Callahan, Mary Theresa Louise $43,000.00 Fac Mgr Faulkner, Shaun Selby $65,132.90 IT Support Assoc Behnke, Christopher L $56,154.49 Lab Res Tech Anderson, Nikolaus George $42,744.14 Lab Res Tech Koivunen, Emmi Elina $36,178.00 Lab Res Tech Korir, Robert C. $41,701.60 Lecturer Anderson, Ann Slovak $9,180.00 Lecturer Burkhardt, Joseph $9,180.00 Lecturer Ison, Arlie Marion JR $9,180.00 Lecturer Spigle, Meghan E $15,300.00 Manager Wallace, Sydney F. $60,708.36 Post-Doc Assoc Del Castillo-Munera, Johanna Marcela $50,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Dev Kumar, Govindaraj $45,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Hall, John David $64,260.00 Post-Doc Assoc Hsu, Chiun-Kang $45,000.00 Prof Everts, Kathryne L. $115,916.33 Prof Lea-Cox, John D. $118,343.80 Prof Sullivan, Joseph H. $113,057.33 Prof Walsh, Christopher S. $124,460.24 Prof & Chair Murphy, Angus $192,231.46
Admin Asst I Jones, Dominique $32,268.00 Admin Asst II Mbye, Ida F. $40,682.68 Agent Assoc Koller, Jocelyn C. $47,856.36 Assoc Prof Zoumenou, Virginie $65,194.81 Asst Prof Naveen-Kumar, Fnu $32,500.00 Asst Prof & Asst Dir Escobar, Enrique Nelson Sr. $103,275.00 Coordinator Mattox, Erroll A. $19,828.80 Coordinator Rogers, Berran L. JR $58,854.12 Coordinator Street, Suzanne T. $36,608.06 Exec Adm Asst I Hudson, Hermetta Olivia $50,509.01 Ext Prog Asst Escobar, Ana-Luz Mercedes $16,640.00 Ext Prog Asst Jayne, Susan Brown $17,363.50 Ext Prog Asst Johnson, NaKisha N. $16,640.00 Fac Ext Asst Murphy, Lisa B. $41,105.18
AGNR-UME-East Region Admin Admin Admin Admin Admin
Asst Asst Asst Asst Asst
DiBastiani, Lynne W. Fitzhugh, Norma H. Germuth, Christie K. Mack, Doris Pamela Mohler, Donna L.
$39,706.73 $33,395.87 $36,896.50 $36,616.90 $17,051.82
Admin Asst I Rich, Theresa A. Admin Asst I Solis-McGarry, Elizabeth A. Admin Asst II Barnhart, Rhonda R. Admin Asst II Bevan, Carole W. Admin Asst II Chollet, Pamela Sue Admin Asst II Dant, Deborah D. Admin Asst II Decker, Kathleen Joanne Admin Asst II Dorr, Jennifer Kate Admin Asst II Fleming, Jamie L. Admin Asst II Harrison, Alicia P. Admin Asst II Littlefield, Jo Ann Admin Asst II Milligan, Martha L. Admin Asst II Potter, Wendi L. Admin Asst II Preston, Michele Admin Asst II Riall, Kay A. Admin Asst II Shorter, Shelia Rena Admin Asst II Taylor, Carol M. Admin Asst II Trice, Lisa Lynn Admin Asst II Wigley, Robin S. Admin Asst II Witkowski, Donna E Admin Asst II Wolff, Susan C. Agent Bright, Vanessa Francine Agent Dindinger, Jennifer Agent Miller, Jarrod O. Agent Moyle, Jonathan R. Agent Patel, Dhruti U. Agent Wahle, Amanda Marie Agent Welsh, Melissa Leiden Agent Assoc Almond, Lyle Edward Agent Assoc Harrison, Susan R. Agric Tech Breeding, Francis A. Business Manager Thomas, June T. Coordinator Morris, Cindy D. Coordinator Nelson, Michelle A. Director Reddersen, Karen D. Director Seubert, Chris Director Valentine, Aly J. Ext Prog Asst Barga, Barbara J. Ext Prog Asst Basenback, Nicole Ext Prog Asst Bowling, Dale Ext Prog Asst Browning, Joyce S. Ext Prog Asst Carroll, Kelly Ann Ext Prog Asst Dobbins, Barbara L. Ext Prog Asst Harvey, Sabine Ext Prog Asst Horton, Jennifer L. Ext Prog Asst Murphy, Patricia H. Ext Prog Asst Porcella, Kathleen Ext Prog Asst Pryor, Tammy L. Ext Prog Asst Schwinn, Ruby J. Ext Prog Asst Skorobatsch, Nicole Ramirez Ext Prog Asst Stone, Victoria E. Ext Prog Asst Strahl, Ariana R Ext Prog Asst Turner, Kerry M. Ext Prog Asst Whitney, Alice Gail Fac Ext Asst Behnke, Doris Ann Fac Ext Asst Boley, Mikaela Fac Ext Asst Ensor, Donald Michael Fac Ext Asst Flores, Jessica Lynn Fac Ext Asst Garrett, Molly W. Fac Ext Asst Gustafson, Luke N. Fac Ext Asst Guy-Dixon, Nikki S. Fac Ext Asst Hill, Elizabeth M.S. Fac Ext AsstHorton-Maynard, Patricia Marie Fac Ext Asst Owen, Navonne M. Fac Ext Asst Richards, Nate P Fac Ext Asst Rosenkranz, Virginia L. Fac Ext Asst Rush Lynch, Kim Fac Ext Asst Simpkins, Deborah K. Fac Ext Asst Zobel, Emily Suezanne IT Coor Stenzel, Nanarelle Z. Principal Agent Dill, Shannon Potter Principal Agent Myers, Ronald David Prog Mgmt Spec Boyden, Bonnie K. Sr Agent Bailey, Elaine Long Sr Agent Barczewski, April Dawn Hall Sr Agent Beale, Benjamin Sr Agent Harley, Thelma Lorraine Sr Agent Hutson, Thomas Lee Sr Agent Johnston, Christine M. Sr Agent Lewis, James William JR Sr Agent Mackey, Liat L. Sr Agent Reed, Herbert E. Sr Agent Rhodes, Amy Lynn Sr Agent Rhodes, Jennifer Lynn Sr Agent Ristvey, Andrew George Sr Agent Warner, Cynthia L. Sr Agent Webster, Donald W. Sr Agent & Dir Dyson, Karol W.
AGNR-UME-Home and Garden Agent Assoc Business Manager Coordinator Ext Prog Asst Prin Agent & Dir Principal Agent Principal Agent Prog Mgmt Spec
Tangren, Sara Ann Malloy, Ria Bembenek, Alicia F Ricigliano, Debra A. Traunfeld, Jon H. Clement, David L. Malinoski, Mary K. Adler, Dan
AGNR-UME-University of Maryland Extension
$35,399.62 $33,859.02 $39,934.51 $41,735.88 $41,059.55 $41,737.35 $37,400.00 $40,600.00 $37,523.60 $38,298.85 $16,916.50 $37,294.74 $42,367.12 $35,345.89 $47,156.13 $48,379.07 $44,745.03 $36,000.00 $51,081.14 $33,833.00 $40,593.30 $57,732.00 $61,575.82 $63,546.00 $70,712.53 $53,986.00 $54,672.00 $68,446.00 $41,820.00 $61,156.29 $45,862.03 $64,691.17 $46,978.47 $44,599.50 $88,505.63 $79,787.46 $85,381.04 $38,249.84 $16,444.84 $39,045.31 $27,251.02 $16,134.00 $33,395.90 $16,134.00 $16,616.48 $34,364.30 $38,244.41 $38,430.89 $36,741.89 $36,890.74 $35,395.98 $21,565.37 $35,684.69 $33,232.95 $40,858.75 $30,328.52 $38,199.00 $42,067.86 $38,493.98 $38,862.00 $45,725.00 $42,476.57 $46,356.96 $42,275.00 $37,775.00 $55,698.54 $52,000.00 $45,145.20 $39,275.00 $59,085.52 $80,184.24 $81,044.89 $44,128.63 $72,324.98 $60,118.48 $67,083.75 $68,646.96 $71,053.48 $73,427.18 $82,322.16 $70,076.58 $72,696.97 $60,948.05 $60,034.44 $82,539.09 $63,594.81 $83,245.78 $86,140.61 $51,801.72 $55,370.02 $50,000.00 $27,942.43 $91,769.51 $85,379.65 $81,159.37 $21,372.18
Admin Asst II McIntee, Nancy W. $23,143.30 Adv Consul Meritt, Donald W. $34,122.48 Agent Liu, Chengchu Catherine $72,693.36 Agent Assoc Archer, Deborah $63,714.87 Agent Assoc Bratko, Nathan $52,000.00 Agent Assoc Buehl, Eric Helm $56,610.00 Agent Assoc Buritsch, Heather C $63,634.33 Agent Assoc Carlson, Chrissa Erin $69,000.00 Agent Assoc Coleman, LaTasha Denise $53,690.19 Agent Assoc Conjour, Jessica Mae $48,000.00 Agent Assoc Duru, Erin Michelle $82,356.84 Agent Assoc Finkbeiner, Nicole Marie $71,400.00 Agent Assoc Gray, Jacqueline C. $37,943.65 Agent Assoc Harris, Charae M. $50,400.00 Agent Assoc Humberson, Tammy Sue $52,017.65 Agent Assoc Kane, Jenn $54,400.00 Agent Assoc Kostenko, Jane Frances $43,924.06 Agent Assoc Lachenmayr, Lisa A. $109,610.83 Agent Assoc McLaughlin, Ashley Kaye $47,000.00 Agent Assoc Miller, Carol R. $51,583.15 Agent Assoc Morgan , Erin Elizabeth Sill $54,000.00 Agent Assoc Parker, Matt $66,509.10 Agent Assoc Rubin, Lynn R. $62,470.21 Agent Assoc Serio, Theresa L. $54,309.79 Agent Assoc Spiker, Kristin L. $58,023.11 Agent Assoc Staruk, Haylee Nicole $61,501.53 Agent Assoc Turner, Karen E. $53,522.27 Agent Assoc Varsa, Krisztian Gabor $55,606.32 Agent Assoc Vogin, Joi $54,050.11 Agent Assoc Williams, Lauren A. $59,160.00 Agent Assoc Wolpert, Amy E $46,500.00 Agent Assoc Worthington, Laryessa D $65,600.00 Agent Assoc Zabala Sanabria, Virgilia Del Carmen$49,400.00 Asst Dir McCoy, Teresa K $94,610.53 Business Manager Edwards, Dennett D. $60,000.00 Business Serv Spec Botlero, Lucinda $35,060.85 Business Serv Spec Maksim, Dan $46,160.37 Clin Prof Wright, Stephen E $155,677.50 Coordinator Boone, Constance $63,676.56 Coordinator Dawson, Nevin S. $43,976.65 Coordinator Hoffman, Brittany R $44,600.00 Coordinator McCullough, Michal J $48,640.00 Coordinator Porterfield, Catherine A $46,920.00 Coordinator Ritchie, Stephanie Mary $64,537.23 Coordinator Wang, Chenzi $51,000.00 Coordinator Wight, Jason P. $66,810.00 Coordinator Wilkins, Sarah Elizabeth $52,000.00 Dev Ofc Clougherty, Amanda Brown $64,889.19 Dir Admin Srv English, John P. $88,771.97 Fac Ext Asst Carrasco, Virginia $53,865.37 Fac Ext Asst Zemeir, Lindsey A. $45,900.00 IT Support Asst Arraiz, Maria J. $43,911.00 Library Tech II Largess, Mariette V. $34,063.79 MT Mlt Td Chf II Brady, George Michael $42,615.35 Prin Agent & Asst. Dir. Lazur, Andrew M. $151,855.74 Sr Agent Anderson, Christopher $82,888.00
THE DIAMONDBACK | Salary Guide | THURSDAY, April 21, 2016
Sr Agent Corridon, Cassandra S. Sr Agent Takacs, Jacqueline Urban Sr. Agent & Asst Dir Ezell, Patsy A Sr. Agent & Asst Dir Howard, Jeff W.
$94,525.24 $66,961.39 $134,044.32 $133,333.18
Asst Dir
Admin Asst I Morse, Theresa Bernadette Admin Asst II Down, Deborah A. Assoc Prof Ater, Renee D. Assoc Prof Shannon, Joshua A Assoc Prof Suzuki, Yui Assoc Prof Volk, Alicia Asst Prof Gensheimer, Maryl B Asst Prof McEwen, Abigail Director Gregory, Henry Duval Director Waller, Anna M. Lecturer Bland, Beryl Curry Lecturer Georgievska-Shine, Aneta Lecturer Martinez, Louise Elizabeth Lecturer Metcalf, Greg Prof Colantuono, Anthony Prof Hargrove, June E. Prof Kuo, Jason C. Prof Mansbach, Steven Prof Wheelock, Arthur JR Prof & Chair Gill, Meredith Jane
AGNR-UME-West Region
Admin Asst I Abbott, Melanie J. $41,885.50 Admin Asst I Brueckmann, Amy R. $33,395.84 Admin Asst I Kulp, Carolyn A. $42,314.67 Admin Asst I Scarlett, Barbara L. $44,530.46 Admin Asst I Schiazzi, Jennie P. $34,924.42 Admin Asst I Shriver, Jeannine I. $29,154.47 Admin Asst I Simmons, Amy $33,395.87 Admin Asst I Waters, Linda N. $21,865.76 Admin Asst I Weiner, Debra A. $34,063.77 Admin Asst II Barnes, Susan L. $34,972.44 Admin Asst II Campbell, Portia M. $47,360.44 Admin Asst II Cocoros, Kriss $18,647.37 Admin Asst II Coddington, Susan B. $40,840.14 Admin Asst II Dilworth, Wendy M. $38,504.65 Admin Asst II Guard, Wanda Marie $36,107.62 Admin Asst II Jagat, Wendy $36,000.00 Admin Asst II Marsh, Jaclyn A. $21,562.68 Admin Asst II Parrish, Jody A. $43,273.61 Admin Asst II Smith, Linda L. $48,328.95 Admin Asst II Thomas, Pamela K $36,590.36 Admin Asst II Woodring, Diane Montgomery $35,399.61 Agent Brown, Virginia Lee $67,113.25 Agent Dixon, Kimberly Ann $51,850.68 Agent Gonzalez, Lisa Carolina $53,652.00 Agent Henley, Shauna C. $58,446.00 Agent McCoy, Lisa H. $64,457.88 Agent McKinney, Todd $59,075.00 Agent Rockler, Amanda Katherine $67,750.13 Agent Russell, Mia Baytop $66,985.49 Agent Assoc Myers, Ginger Secrist $61,375.09 Agric Tech Lead Klick, Suzanne $48,726.62 Business Manager Cunningham, Debby G. $64,069.11 Business Serv Spec Hill, Cheryl L. $46,626.94 Director Myers, Jeffrey D. $81,073.88 Director Walter, Richard M. $81,459.44 Ext Prog Asst Barnard, Sara A. $40,166.19 Ext Prog Asst Fisher, Barbara A. $41,843.04 Ext Prog Asst Hartle, Bradley David $37,000.00 Ext Prog Asst Huertas-Miranda, Diana I. $41,909.23 Ext Prog Asst Kinsman, Katheryn G. $42,828.73 Ext Prog Asst Laudwein, Michael Joseph $32,268.00 Ext Prog Asst Manfull, Lois J. $44,515.82 Ext Prog Asst Matthews, Terry R. $34,200.00 Ext Prog Asst Wood, Karen B. $39,097.82 Fac Ext Asst Allgeier, Stephen D. $44,059.98 Fac Ext Asst Axline, Donielle R $43,275.00 Fac Ext Asst Basinger, Karen Lynn $30,144.27 Fac Ext Asst Blank, Leta S. $73,168.08 Fac Ext Asst Bodkins, Ashley D $37,641.26 Fac Ext Asst Cormany, Annette E. $40,998.90 Fac Ext Asst Dicke, Ann Namara $35,275.00 Fac Ext Asst Eacker, Georgia L. $50,143.60 Fac Ext Asst Frick, Sherry L. $39,882.00 Fac Ext Asst Glenn, Anna Mae $36,312.00 Fac Ext Asst Gordon, David Glenn $51,780.95 Fac Ext Asst Kayrish, Ann $30,152.22 Fac Ext Asst Kenton, Jamie L. $40,996.25 Fac Ext Asst Lewis, Albert T $46,000.00 Fac Ext Asst Mellon, Jessica Johnston $39,275.00 Fac Ext Asst Murphy, Dwayne S. $39,988.07 Fac Ext Asst Rhoades, Deborah $47,090.98 Fac Ext Asst Ridgeway, Becky $38,715.53 Fac Ext Asst Trice, Susan $47,609.68 IT Coor Rogowsky, Steven M. $56,531.23 IT Coor Ross, Debbie $63,523.07 IT Support Asst Kinnamon, Brett D $44,554.33 Principal Agent Butler, Bryan R. SR $86,499.97 Principal Agent Fiola, Joseph A. $109,005.90 Principal Agent Gill, Stanton Andrew $98,828.99 Principal Agent Johnson, Dale Maurice $97,246.37 Principal Agent Kays, Jonathan S. $97,070.74 Principal Agent Schoenian, Susan $86,999.55 Principal Agent Semler, Jeffery W. $80,700.15 Principal Agent Sherrard, Ann Carroll $91,222.94 Prog Mgmt Spec Allen, Dee Dee $40,814.59 Sr Agent Ashby, Lacie $54,580.44 Sr Agent Bennett-Dowdy, Sheryl $68,740.12 Sr Agent Brust, Gerald Edward $90,062.32 Sr Agent Elonge, Michael N. $66,478.14 Sr Agent Fields, Nia Imani $64,512.28 Sr Agent Lantz, William D. JR $69,213.46 Sr Agent MacLachlan, Wanda $74,843.61 Sr Agent Martin, David A. $74,226.21 Sr Agent Piechocinski, Alganesh T. $71,715.35 Sr Agent Schuster, Charles $73,064.94 Sr Agent & Dir Bentlejewski, Jennifer Thorn $86,752.14 Sr Agent & Dir Brown, Manami J. $86,170.04
AGNR-Veterinary Medicine Program
ARHU-Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center
Assoc Dir Knapp, Ryan Nathaniel Assoc Dir Pagado, Megan K. Assoc Dir Patel, Akta Assoc Dir Rapach, Erica Bondarev Asst Dir McTamney, Michele M. Asst Mgr Ettabbakh, Laura E Smith Asst Mgr O’Connell, James Richard Asst Mgr Snyder, Sarah K. Asst Mgr Yarwood, Leighann Business Serv Spec Gutrick, Jacquelyn Yvette Coordinator Andrus, Ryan C. Coordinator Barr, Lindsey R. Coordinator Burgess, Lisa Parkel Coordinator Chiang, Susan K. Coordinator Chismar, Ann Coordinator Friedman, Amy Candace Coordinator Giza, Andrew Coordinator Goren, Reuven Coordinator Grims, Eric Coordinator Harris, Anna McKearn Coordinator Kelchner, Stephanie T. Coordinator Lew, Tessa Coordinator McAllister, Beth Marie Coordinator Moore Turner, Kimberly Coordinator Olsen, Kristen Coordinator Reckeweg, Jeffrey David Coordinator Smith, Angela Denise Coordinator Wharton, Kara M Coordinator Wright, Sara Director Evans, Cornie Lorenzo III Director Scerbo, Richard A. Exec Dir Wollesen, Martin A Graph Art Design Wheatley, Eric Manager Barber, Amanda Lee Manager Brandwein, Bill Manager Daszczyszak, Jennifer Manager Driggers, Michael Thomas Manager Habibullah, Piama Manager Hirshberg, Jane Manager Jones, Timothy Jerome Manager Lanks, Mark Manager Pile, Alexander W. Manager Wharton, Matthew D Sr Assoc Director Asher, Bobby D. Tech Dir Rapach, Mark
Assoc Prof Adler, Eric Asst Prof Barrenechea, Francisco Asst Prof Bravo, Jorge J. III Lecturer Palmer, Morgan Elizabeth Prof Hallett, Judith P. Prof Staley, Gregory A. Prof & Chair Doherty, Lillian E. Prog Mgmt Spec Rhodes-Kelly, Patricia A. Visit Asst Prof Parara, Polyvia
Assoc Prof Farman, Jason A. Assoc Prof Hanhardt, Christina B. Assoc Prof Mirabal, Nancy Raquel Assoc Prof Sies, Mary C. Assoc Prof & Chair Williams-Forson, Psyche A Asst Prof Bruce, La Marr Jurelle Asst Prof Guerrero, Perla M Asst Prof Padios, Jan M. Coordinator Archer, Tammi M Coordinator John, Julia C. Lecturer Chester, Robert Keith Lecturer Gordon, L Suzanne Lecturer Pramschufer, Susan Lecturer Wooten, Terrance Prof Paoletti, Jo B. Prof Struna, Nancy L. Admin Asst I Admin Asst II Assoc Prof Assoc Prof Assoc Prof Assoc Prof Assoc Prof Assoc Prof Assoc Prof Assoc Prof Assoc Prof Asst Prof Asst Prof Coordinator Coordinator Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Prof Prof Prof & Chair Senior Lecturer Senior Lecturer Senior Lecturer Sr Art-In Res
Prog Mgmt Spec
Curtis, Danielle M. Boyle, Kathleen M Buck-Coleman, Audra K Craig, Patrick M. Elahi, Hasan Humphrey, Margo Kehoe, Patrice I. Klank, Richard E. Morse, Brandon Strom, Justin Thorpe, James G. Collis, Shannon Leah Zahabi, Liese Liann Montgomery, Jojo E. Romanow, Jerry Peter Berns, Leslie A Cheng, Cindy H Conover, Emily Susan Hackett, Robert Clark Hamami, Aydin Eric Hildebrand, Tyler D Hoover, Lillian Bayley Jones, Steven Robert McLaughlin, Matthew Ratnapala, Narendra D Ruppert, John H. Sham, Foon V. Richardson, William C. Jacobs, Wendy A. Weil, Rex Weil, Rex Holton, Curlee
$87,640.00 $86,416.03 $112,200.00 $45,285.29 $151,722.00 $76,500.00 $77,853.54 $77,853.54 $46,500.00 $50,663.81 $31,977.00 $11,034.24 $11,034.23 $10,000.00 $100,634.66 $138,156.65 $34,063.77 $37,294.75 $71,389.80 $81,783.76 $151,776.00 $74,505.23 $75,669.99 $78,342.01 $74,347.60 $70,721.96 $67,327.13 $64,962.58 $73,000.00 $67,658.65 $53,105.22 $16,460.80 $14,000.00 $16,906.26 $28,000.00 $7,000.00 $14,000.00 $15,002.57 $16,905.75 $22,062.60 $18,364.49 $124,309.09 $90,214.40 $131,786.67 $100,925.22 $27,474.00 $10,000.00 $142,800.00
ARHU-Art Gallery
Sullivan, Lillie M.
ARHU-Consortium on Race, Gender & Ethnicity
$35,332.82 $39,193.20 $90,695.38 $82,463.20 $81,169.42 $81,711.03 $71,229.66 $73,910.42 $83,784.00 $73,439.62 $10,552.00 $21,104.00 $10,552.00 $21,105.84 $110,040.32 $134,160.92 $105,049.65 $152,088.45 $53,309.04 $149,246.92
Prog Mgmt Spec
Asst Dir Yaron, Dorit Business Manager Dawson, Abimbola S. Proj Mgr Smith, Stephanie L
$85,907.64 $53,000.00 $50,224.43
Acad Prog Spec McClung, Helen J. Acad Prog Spec Nance, Phylicia J Assoc Dir Nelson, Karen L. Assoc Dir Sommer, Rebecca Assoc Prof Bailey, Amanda Assoc Prof Bauer, Ralph Robert Assoc Prof Chico, Tita Assoc Prof Coleman, Linda K. Assoc Prof Coles, Kimberly Anne Assoc Prof Enoch, Jessica Assoc Prof Gaycken, Oliver Assoc Prof Israel, Michael Assoc Prof Jelen, Sheila Elana Assoc Prof Kirschenbaum, Matthew G. Assoc Prof Kraus, Kari Assoc Prof Mallios, Peter Lancelot Assoc Prof Moser, Thomas Colborn JR Assoc Prof Nunes, Zita Cristina Assoc Prof Ontiveros, Randy James Assoc Prof Passannante, Gerard Assoc Prof Robertson, Kellie Assoc Prof Rudy, Jason R Assoc Prof Valiavitcharska, Vessela Assoc Prof Walter, Christina Assoc Prof Wible, Scott Andrew Assoc Prof Wong, Edlie L. Asst Dir Drummond, Michele Dexter Asst Dir Lewis, Karen E. Asst Prof Adsanatham, Chanon Asst Prof Balachandran Orihuela, Sharada Asst Prof Fleming, Julius B JR Asst Prof Konstantinou, Lee Asst Prof Mitchell, Emily Asst Prof Trudell, Scott A. Business Serv Spec Houchens, Jessica Coordinator Bernal, Lindsay Anne Coordinator Crussiah, Grace Juliet Coordinator Eklund, Scott Colin Director Nesline, Kevin R. Dist Univ Prof Levine, Robert S. Dist Univ Prof Plumly, Stanley Inst Robinson, Eugene S. IT Coor Saremi, Shawn Jr Lecturer Colson, Michael James Jr Lecturer Cote, Paul Jr Lecturer Ellis, Elizabeth Anne Jr Lecturer Hoffman, Nicholas D Jr Lecturer Okereke-Beshel, Uchechi Ada Jr Lecturer Penman, Rachel Vorona Jr Lecturer Perez, Emily Yoon Jr Lecturer Price, Anne Michelle Jr Lecturer Underland, Nathaniel John Lecturer Allen-Klein, Robin Lecturer Allen, Amanda Marie Lecturer Allen, Stephanie T. Lecturer Angelella, Joseph Ross Lecturer Angeline, Karen e. Lecturer Bayly, Catherine Angelina Lecturer Berger, Elliot Joseph Lecturer Blumner, Ellen L. Lecturer Boutla, Mrim Lecturer Bracken, Ann C. Lecturer Brooks, Jesse Lee Lecturer Brookshire, David J. Lecturer Bujak, Nicholas A Lecturer Buursma, Joshua Graham Lecturer Calloway, Alexandra Lecturer Clements, Roxanne S Lecturer Conroy, Marianne Lecturer Crane, Christopher E Lecturer Dammeyer, Sarah Lucile Lecturer Delfino, Andrew S Lecturer Earles, Thomas Lecturer Earnest, Robin Lecturer Faith, Melanie Lecturer Fiore, Amanda Jayne Lecturer Fitzgerald, Mark T Lecturer Fixsen, Elizabeth Anne Lecturer Foehl, Stewart L Lecturer Goldberg, Ceil Lecturer Goodwin, James Michael Lecturer Greenwood, Kirk Andrew Lecturer Grybauskas, Peter W Lecturer Hilliard, Lyra Pamela Lecturer Hinc, Danuta Lecturer James, Tania R Lecturer Kern, Douglas Sherman Lecturer Kerr, Kelsey Ann Lecturer Kim, John J Lecturer Kipp, Katherine Lecturer Kolakoski, Michael K Lecturer Kriesberg, Caleb Munchick Lecturer Lalwani, Sheila B. Lecturer Landrus, Lea Alexa Lecturer Lape, Kisa Marie Lecturer Levine, Peter B Lecturer Lohr, Justin Charles Lecturer Lyons, Emily Kathryn Lecturer Matthews, John Rosser III Lecturer Mattson, James H Lecturer McClure, Elizabeth Ann Lecturer McHale, Heather Moreland Lecturer Miles, David Scott Lecturer Mooney, Joan H Lecturer Moses, Phillip Scott Lecturer Nelson, Patrick R. Lecturer O’Brien, Daune Marie Lecturer Olson, Amanda Lecturer Oneill, Katherine Anne II Lecturer Orel, Pamela A Lecturer Orsetti, Candace Green Lecturer Parsons, Clare Lecturer Pittman, William Francis JR Lecturer Pramschufer, Susan Lecturer Ray, Maggie Ellen Lecturer Reynnells, Richard D Lecturer Rick, Jonathan Lecturer Ritzel, Rebecca Joy Lecturer Robinson, Katherine Julia Lecturer Saalfeld, Daniel A Lecturer Saunders, Noa Rheva Lecturer Schatz, William John Lecturer Schmidt, Michael D Lecturer Schutt, William C Lecturer Skudrna, Radford Joseph Lecturer Smith, Holly Christine Lecturer Stanutz, Katherine Anne Lecturer Szczepaniec-Bialas, Anna Lecturer Thiel, Eric S Lecturer Thomas, Martha J Lecturer Todd, David Y Lecturer Turner, Mary D. Lecturer Vaghela, Kshiti Madansinh Lecturer Von Euw, Michelle Helene Lecturer Walsh, Cherie Thompson Lecturer Weiss, Joshua J Lecturer Williams, Laura Camille Lecturer Wilson, Katherine McGann Lecturer Witte, Peter Henri Lecturer Yaqub, Sajeela Prin Lecturer Ryan, Leigh Prof Arnold, Elizabeth Prof Auchard, John Prof Auerbach, Jonathan D. Prof Carretta, Vincent Albert Prof Casey, Maud Prof Coletti, Theresa M. Prof Collier, Michael R. Prof Collins, Merle Prof Donawerth, Jane L. Prof Hamilton, Donna B. Prof Kauffman, Linda S. Prof Leinwand, Theodore B. Prof Logan, Shirley W. Prof Norman, Howard Prof Pearson, Barry L. Prof Ray, Sangeeta Prof Richardson, Brian E. Prof Rosenthal, Laura J Prof Smith, Martha Nell Prof Wang, Orrin Prof Washington, Mary Helen Prof Weiner, Joshua Prof Wyatt, David M. Prof & Chair Cartwright, Kent Prof & Dir Fraistat, Neil R. Prof Of Practice Olmert, Michael Prog Mgmt Spec Cerullo, Michelle Marie Prog Mgmt Spec Moulton, Isabella Senior Lecturer Cresap, Kelly Mark Senior Lecturer Forrester, Mark A. Senior Lecturer Gerhardt, Pamela Jean Senior Lecturer Holden, Rebecca J Senior Lecturer Lowderbaugh, Thomas E. Senior Lecturer Mason, Ann Michele
$85,861.00 $70,000.00 $79,700.67 $125,256.00 $70,253.00 $51,000.00 $53,118.73 $57,539.00 $55,174.00 $51,970.00 $52,000.00 $45,900.00 $42,606.65 $44,513.28 $53,787.99 $53,000.00 $45,000.00 $48,450.00 $48,450.00 $48,450.00 $39,168.00 $41,565.00 $50,270.00 $52,294.93 $45,900.00 $48,660.19 $47,000.00 $48,450.00 $45,900.00 $102,000.00 $73,785.87 $226,142.16 $55,000.00 $51,000.00 $54,473.16 $58,140.00 $56,100.00 $75,000.00 $67,562.35 $58,478.24 $65,125.00 $68,046.82 $59,160.00 $92,430.36 $68,707.48 $82,934.74 $77,196.66 $77,196.66 $50,000.00 $122,620.94 $96,837.15 $120,069.38 $39,477.86 $55,000.00
Acad Adv Leathers, Tanesha Anne $50,236.63 Acad Adv Lowe, Tiara L. $57,089.40 Advisor Bachert, Amanda L $51,230.01 Assoc Dean Jacobs, Wendy A. $35,132.38 Assoc Dir Greene, J Darius $72,015.58 Assoc Prof & Assoc Dean Parks, Sheri L. $134,321.85 Assoc Prof & Assoc Dean Williams, Daryle $138,918.90 Asst Dean Cavanaugh, Kathleen R. $139,995.58 Asst Dean Downing, Audran M. $121,818.10 Asst Dean Wright, Julie O. $157,641.00 Asst Dir Boone, Jon K $95,431.93 Asst Dir Crane, Robert Edward $61,232.88 Asst Dir Kuhn, Nathaniel $75,744.08 Asst Dir Nadler, Paula F $66,235.55 Asst Dir Patterson, Jennifer Lyn $66,911.69 Asst Dir Weng, Megan S.J. $103,504.53 Asst Rsch Prof McKinnon, Timothy Andrew $78,000.00 Asst Rsch Prof Pedro, Pedro Mateo $15,000.00 Asst Rsch Prof Wood, Tess $88,217.25 Asst to Dean Owen, Lori $110,564.53 Coordinator Baker, Cristina J. $35,700.00 Coordinator Crawford, Brian H. $54,337.59 Coordinator Fenlon, Matthew Edward $59,933.28 Coordinator Filteau, Joseph Charles $49,246.28 Coordinator Herrera-Osorio, David $52,703.40 Coordinator McDougal-Bartholomew, Veronica C $51,386.48 Coordinator Miller, Ashley Richerson $56,853.78 Coordinator Milstead, Monica Lynn $44,136.49 Coordinator Robinson, Victoria $61,200.00 Coordinator Sanchez, Jennifer $45,900.00 Coordinator Watkins, Christopher J. $68,440.58 Coordinator White, Jessica Carmel $60,061.36 Coordinator Yuen, Manwah Betsy $53,500.00 Dir Admin Srv Gray, Heather $84,647.06 Director Adams, Jacqueline T. $98,973.66 Director Everette, Monique Sheree $94,571.75 Director Schmidt, Johnna Marie $63,954.00 Lecturer Burgess, Harold F. II $61,712.04 Lecturer Caballero, Krista L. $63,756.12 Lecturer Grinnell, Lucinda Conant $20,000.00 Lecturer Gustafson, Reid Erec $20,000.00 Lecturer Salgado, Vivianne Alejandra $42,840.00 Manager Briscoe, Chanel A. $60,078.22 Multi media Asst Bleach, Alexa Katia $36,212.00 Prof & Assoc Dean Moyer, Alene $133,781.98 Prof & Dir Phillips, Colin $222,321.24 Prof And Dean Dill, Bonnie Thornton $259,529.96 Prog Mgmt Spec Jones, Karen Denise $42,364.19 Specialist Kennedy, Cara $90,780.00 Acad Adv LaFortune, Elizabeth Murdock $52,020.00 Assoc Prof Aldoory, Linda $100,000.00 Assoc Prof Khamis, Sahar Mohamed $69,235.28 Assoc Prof Liu, Brooke Fisher $80,245.32 Assoc Prof Maddux, Kristjana Lyn $71,178.07 Assoc Prof Nan, Xiaoli $79,954.78 Asst Clin Prof Pombo Lopez-Barron, Esperanza $136,490.00 Asst Dir Baltz, Lindsi $64,309.25 Asst Prof Anderson, Lindsey B $66,300.00 Asst Prof Joyce, Nicholas M $66,300.00 Asst Prof Seate, Anita Atwell $71,986.58 Asst Prof Sommerfeldt, Erich $69,251.93 Asst Prof Westcott-Baker, Amber $67,329.20 Asst Prof Yang, Michelle M. $70,379.55 Asst to Dir Bokal, Carlin Ellen $61,922.43 Business Manager McDuffie, Renee Denise $61,922.43 Business Serv Spec Castle, Christina Cheryl $39,696.59 Coordinator Anthony, Tamara C $50,000.00 Coordinator Gowin, Julie S. $65,971.84 Director Waks, Leah $97,276.91 Lect & Dir Gardner, Elizabeth Ellen $52,734.00 Lecturer Anagondahalli, Deepa $52,673.62 Lecturer Bae, Soyoung $48,093.00 Lecturer Coleman, Robert Richard $27,616.62 Lecturer Edelstein, Lauren Michelle $19,697.02 Lecturer Gordon, L Suzanne $36,414.00 Lecturer Grant, Pamela $40,800.00 Lecturer Hahn, Taylor Ward $36,000.00 Lecturer Hoffman, Jon Brian $49,038.54 Lecturer Hollenczer, Lara Lynne $38,000.00 Lecturer Hubbard, Susan Elizabeth $26,126.69 Lecturer Kaufer, Mollie Rachel $50,000.00 Lecturer Kirby-Straker, Rowena Rowie Jean Louise $51,816.00 Lecturer Lamb, Karen Elizabeth $40,722.80 Lecturer Mends-Cole, Victoria $18,360.00 Lecturer Nelson, Sarah J $36,720.00 Lecturer Nixon, Adam Wayne $51,000.00 Lecturer Pope, Cassondra N $36,000.00 Lecturer Rubin, Samuel Bruce $39,394.03 Lecturer Schwartz, Rodney Burgess $38,637.60 Lecturer Simon, Susan Whyte $53,089.24 Lecturer Swift, Christopher Noel $55,000.00 Lecturer Tenney, Judith Barbara $22,512.68 Lecturer Vandenbosch, Jean $29,545.51 Lecturer Volker, Christopher Andrew $36,000.00 Lecturer Wang, Peng $66,496.86 Prof Parry-Giles, Trevor S. $9,148.46 Prof Toth, Elizabeth L. $144,963.10 Prof Wolvin, Andrew D. $128,344.09 Prof & Chair Parry-Giles, Shawn J. $139,443.00 Prog Mgmt Spec Chang, Raymond $40,707.05 Prog Mgmt Spec Malliakos, Elizabeth Marie $38,056.20
Hall, Wendy
ARHU-David C. Driskell Center
ARHU-American Studies
ARHU-College of Arts & Humanities
Assoc Prof Pal, Utpal $93,209.84 Assoc Prof Tablante, Nathaniel L. JR $108,086.34 Assoc Prof Zhang, Yanjin $88,831.74 Asst Prof Belov, Georgiy A. $83,931.72 Asst Prof Shi, Meiqing $83,412.54 Asst Rsch Prof Khattar, Sunil K. $75,669.34 Asst Rsch Prof Kim, Shin-Hee $76,501.60 Asst Rsch Prof Viktorova, Ekaterina G. $50,000.00 Asst Rsch Prof Yang, Xiuli $27,981.72 Business Manager Morales, Ricardo M. $69,802.90 Business Serv Spec Knight, Judy M $40,477.43 Coordinator Wang, Yunsheng $67,222.08 Dir Admin Srv Lepley, Kevin E. $101,328.83 Fac Mgr Araya, Yonas Z $58,499.81 Fac Spec Patton, John T. $117,000.00 IT Coor Ong, Tam Nhut $63,379.04 Lab Res Tech Davis, Kaitlin Alexandra $39,500.00 Lab Res Tech Lavigne, Johanna $36,972.23 Post-Doc Assoc Bernard, Quentin Vianney Patrick $40,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Franca de Assumpcao, Teresa Cristina $46,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Gridley, Chelsea Lynne $50,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Koci, Juraj $45,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Li, Chang $40,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Li, Weizhong $45,900.00 Post-Doc Assoc Palaniyandi, Senthilkumar $48,034.82 Post-Doc Assoc Paldurai, Anandan $43,668.00 Post-Doc Assoc Singh, Preeti $42,812.22 Post-Doc Assoc Smith, Alexis $40,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Thakur, Meghna $45,900.00 Post-Doc Assoc Yoshida, Asuka $41,972.82 Prof Zhu, Xiaoping $150,000.00 Prof & Chair Samal, Siba K. $230,668.13 Res Spec Gebreluul, Girmay Tekle $37,165.74 Res Spec Sanglas Crespi, Laura $51,000.00 Visit Asst Res Sci Naranjo Aranda, Maria Victoria $45,000.00
College of Arts & Humanities
Matla, Taras W
ARHU-Art History & Archaeology
with your UMD ID on Tuesdays.* (Add $2 for 3D!)
*After the first 7 days
ADD $2.00 FOR 3D to all prices • MORNING SHOWS: 10am-11:59am – $5.50 Per Guest MATINEE SHOWS: 12pm-4:59pm – $7.50 Adults, $7.00 Seniors, $6.50 Children EVENING SHOWS: 5pm-Closing – $9.25 Adults, $8.50 Students & Military, $7.00 Seniors, $6.50 Children
Academy Stadium Theatre
$46,912.59 $36,976.86 $78,388.01 $92,108.99 $86,863.84 $121,147.89 $87,535.27 $77,405.15 $79,280.84 $93,011.96 $85,939.35 $78,298.79 $43,581.38 $133,895.36 $39,725.92 $104,141.58 $77,018.54 $102,806.89 $78,383.18 $81,793.28 $102,706.73 $79,425.31 $78,719.79 $78,436.81 $87,699.26 $117,125.18 $58,000.00 $58,500.69 $74,460.00 $72,321.11 $75,480.00 $73,740.05 $72,451.95 $73,745.70 $44,151.47 $43,991.42 $70,453.08 $48,093.00 $86,649.00 $168,101.13 $156,814.43 $65,872.13 $66,057.26 $17,899.16 $35,798.32 $17,899.16 $17,899.16 $17,899.16 $17,899.16 $17,899.16 $17,899.16 $17,899.16 $19,404.92 $35,798.32 $17,899.16 $26,848.75 $38,809.85 $35,798.33 $26,848.74 $29,107.39 $19,404.92 $19,404.93 $26,848.74 $38,809.87 $19,404.92 $38,809.85 $9,702.46 $8,949.58 $13,148.68 $19,404.92 $17,899.16 $26,848.75 $38,809.85 $20,628.40 $29,107.39 $26,848.75 $19,404.93 $8,949.58 $17,899.16 $29,107.39 $29,107.40 $17,899.17 $26,848.74 $35,394.58 $38,809.85 $24,000.00 $38,809.85 $17,899.16 $29,107.38 $35,798.32 $38,809.84 $29,107.40 $26,848.75 $17,899.16 $17,899.16 $12,000.00 $26,848.75 $26,848.75 $38,809.85 $19,404.93 $29,107.39 $29,107.40 $26,848.74 $19,404.93 $38,809.86 $17,899.16 $26,848.74 $19,404.93 $29,107.40 $38,809.86 $8,949.58 $29,107.39 $19,404.92 $9,702.46 $38,809.86 $19,404.92 $8,949.58 $19,404.93 $29,107.40 $38,809.86 $17,899.16 $20,628.40 $17,899.16 $12,000.00 $35,798.33 $17,899.16 $19,404.92 $17,899.16 $26,848.75 $17,899.16 $29,107.38 $30,942.60 $35,798.32 $29,107.40 $17,899.17 $19,404.92 $19,404.93 $19,404.93 $17,899.16 $8,949.58 $86,728.67 $92,418.87 $97,332.80 $117,294.08 $144,242.98 $44,873.46 $128,960.85 $144,983.91 $116,477.59 $105,373.99 $239,000.84 $67,058.23 $104,670.46 $108,551.21 $121,569.61 $108,872.05 $145,440.38 $102,086.07 $104,362.37 $146,204.62 $112,019.59 $145,354.18 $59,486.40 $105,087.58 $155,206.00 $208,175.39 $65,291.21 $41,686.35 $48,838.92 $21,968.20 $32,952.28 $43,936.40 $21,968.20 $32,952.28 $43,936.40
Senior Senior Senior Senior
Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer
Shea, Mary E. Wappel, Joseph F. Wilkins, Caroline A. Winett, Michael S.
$32,952.28 $43,936.38 $21,968.20 $43,936.38
Adjunct Assoc Prof Cantor, David Assoc Prof Barkley Brown, Elsa Assoc Prof Bell, Richard James Assoc Prof Bianchini, Janna Assoc Prof Borrut, Antoine Assoc Prof Brewer, Holly Assoc Prof Caneque, Alejandro Assoc Prof Cooperman, Bernard D. Assoc Prof Dolbilov, Mikhail Assoc Prof Freund, David Assoc Prof Gao, James Z. Assoc Prof Giovacchini, Saverio Assoc Prof Lyons, Clare A. Assoc Prof Ridgway, Whitman H. Assoc Prof Rosemblatt, Karin Assoc Prof Rowland, Leslie S. Assoc Prof Sartorius, David A. Assoc Prof Sicilia, David B. Assoc Prof Villani, Stefano Assoc Prof Zeller, Thomas Assoc Prof Assoc Chair Wien, Peter Assoc Res Prof Taddeo, Julie Asst Dir Keane, Katarina Asst Prof Bonner, Christopher James Asst Prof Bradbury, Miles L. Asst Prof Cameron, Sarah Asst Prof Kosicki, Piotr H Asst Prof Rodriguez, Chantel Asst Prof Woods, Colleen Asst Prof Zhang, Ting Asst Res Schl Illingworth, James Asst Res Schl Verboon, Caitlin E Coordinator Hall, Jodi L Coordinator Pickles, Catherine Ann Director Klein, Lisa S Dist Univ Prof Berlin, Ira Dist Univ Prof Herf, Jeffrey C Fac Res Asst Miller, Steven F. Lecturer Chiles, Robert Elliot Lecturer Conner, Elizabeth Mattingly Lecturer Corcoran, Vanessa R. Lecturer Ho, Colleen C. Lecturer Ito, Marie Lecturer Lilley, Charles R. Lecturer Moore, Scott Olen Lecturer Rush, Anne Spry Lecturer Smead, Edwin Howard JR Prof Eckstein, Arthur Prof Friedel, Robert D. Prof Greene, Julie Prof Karamustafa, Ahmet Targon Prof Landau, Paul S. Prof Lapin, Hayim Prof Price, Richard N. Prof Ross, Michael Prof Rozenblit, Marsha L. Prof Sumida, Jon T. Prof Sutherland, Donald Prof Zilfi, Madeline C. Prof & Chair Soergel, Philip M Visit Asst Prof Baron, Sabrina Alcorn
$10,689.60 $53,279.16 $86,282.27 $80,011.76 $96,240.69 $114,559.25 $83,844.18 $96,089.36 $83,069.82 $86,921.73 $83,640.00 $89,013.09 $86,330.19 $80,322.93 $112,742.44 $87,939.26 $80,002.72 $81,869.73 $98,844.12 $90,008.48 $95,754.54 $64,596.02 $71,400.00 $81,600.00 $47,938.26 $76,032.84 $80,019.00 $85,000.00 $79,815.00 $77,520.00 $60,000.00 $60,000.00 $50,634.50 $45,900.00 $90,000.00 $192,197.44 $139,489.29 $68,320.33 $42,758.40 $60,000.00 $10,689.60 $21,379.20 $10,689.60 $21,805.68 $10,689.60 $10,689.60 $22,243.59 $115,131.86 $108,736.67 $160,000.00 $145,891.62 $97,949.10 $51,330.26 $82,027.03 $103,311.04 $114,634.87 $102,281.52 $108,729.41 $116,873.03 $159,498.83 $50,864.22
Assoc Prof Hacquard, Valentine C Assoc Prof Williams, Alexander Asst Prof Feldman, Naomi Hannah Asst Prof Lau, Ellen Asst Prof Preminger, Omer Asst Res Sci Zukowski, Andrea L. Business Serv Spec Best, Denise M. Dir Admin Srv Kwok, Kimberly C. Dist Univ Prof Lasnik, Howard B. Fac Asst Baron, Christopher Fac Asst Buffinton, Julia Fac Asst Hirzel, Mina Fac Res Asst Mease, Tara M. Fac Res Asst Namyst, Anna Marie Fac Spec Lapinskaya, Natalia Post-Doc Assoc Levin, Theodore Frank Prof Hornstein, Norbert R. Prof Lidz, Jeffrey Prof Pietroski, Paul M. Prof Polinsky, Maria Prof Resnik, Philip S. Prof Uriagereka, Juan Prof Weinberg, Amy S. Prof & Chair Idsardi, William James Res Assoc Matchin, William G Senior Lecturer Antonisse, Margaret J. Senior Lecturer Bleam, Tonia
$83,895.00 $38,459.39 $54,936.59 $83,838.90 $75,480.00 $64,630.18 $59,143.31 $78,810.36 $179,445.50 $28,000.00 $30,600.00 $28,000.00 $29,398.72 $30,466.38 $35,640.00 $42,000.00 $73,213.42 $133,013.65 $78,114.79 $200,000.00 $61,963.85 $171,638.54 $202,500.00 $168,442.98 $42,840.00 $51,634.99 $51,680.67
ARHU-MD Institute for Technology in the Humanities Asst Dir Fac Res Asst Fac Spec Fac Spec Programmer
Babukiika, Grace Summers, Edward Hugh Keister, Kirsten Sapienza, Stephanie Lynn Viglianti, Raffaele
$73,644.00 $112,200.00 $31,414.31 $68,289.00 $79,364.97
ARHU-Meyerhoff Program & Center for Jewish Studies Admin Asst II Kirsch, Debra Ann Assoc Prof Grossman, Maxine Assoc Prof Jelen, Sheila Elana Assoc Prof Manekin, Rachel Assoc Res Prof Feuer, Avital Assoc Res Prof Scham, Paul Asst Prof Suriano, Matthew Business Manager Hopkins, Jaclyn K Coordinator Feingold, Rachel Miranda Prof Lapin, Hayim Prof & Dir Peri, Yoram Visit Assoc Prof Mahalel, Adi Visit Asst Prof Peri, Pnina Visit Asst Prof Zisenwine, Daniel Robert Visit Lecturer Sahar, Zvi Visit Prof Doughty, Shirelle Maya
$42,228.08 $77,213.02 $40,630.82 $73,879.42 $53,580.60 $58,986.89 $74,541.04 $56,000.00 $52,000.00 $46,928.50 $212,412.12 $61,200.00 $17,142.22 $11,000.00 $20,349.91 $10,000.00
ARHU-National Foreign Language Center
Admin Asst I Delgado, Yasmin Y $32,500.00 Admin Asst II Shameem, Naima Ben Ali $41,890.53 Analyst Lonon, Lorie A. $60,000.00 Analyst Wong, Julia Jian Pei $60,000.00 Asst Dir Aguayo, Natalie $94,860.00 Asst Dir DiJohnson, Constance May $97,950.04 Asst Dir Ford, Thomas W $94,529.95 Asst Dir Khan, Taimur $103,600.73 Asst Dir Kilday, Kathleen Anne $101,327.61 Asst Dir Nganga, Stephen G. $101,714.21 Coordinator Biggins, Marcella $50,000.00 Deputy Dir Ellis, David P $152,054.00 Director Anderson, Bryan D. $109,096.03 Director Grover, Deborah E $134,598.20 Director Hart, Mary Elizabeth $151,767.05 Fac Asst Andrews, Gretchen $64,000.00 Fac Asst Buckhout-White, Michael John $72,000.00 Fac Asst Delfosse, Pamela J $98,000.00 Fac Asst Klobucar, Francis Thomas $52,000.00 Fac Asst Lipsy, Shaina C $50,000.00 Fac Asst Martin, Amy Michele $33,600.00 Fac Asst McMenamin, Mary Kathleen $58,000.00 Fac Asst Moise, Marjorie $52,000.00 Fac Asst Moore, Cassie $58,000.00 Fac Asst Oluoch, Florence K $48,000.00 Fac Asst Paradies, Michelle L $72,000.00 Fac Asst Rishel, Karen L. $64,000.00 Fac Asst Rodriguez, Eunice $49,000.00 Fac Asst Roe, Danielle M $53,000.00 Fac Asst Sanchez, Olga Biviana $95,000.00 Fac Asst Stringer, Mike $56,000.00 Fac Asst Talley, Wayne M $56,000.00 Fac Asst Tregoning, Kira R $58,000.00 Fac Asst Wilkerson, Molly E $54,000.00 Fac Asst Williford, Lauren Lenore $64,000.00 Fac Res Asst Abadir, Miranda $78,810.37 Fac Res Asst Farina, Domenique Taylor $65,280.00 Fac Res Asst Gaiazova, Kamilla Tahirovna $56,100.00 Fac Res Asst Ly, Nhan $88,302.93 Fac Res Asst O’Dell, Jeffrey S. $56,100.00 Fac Res Asst Roby, Joanne Willen $48,960.00 Fac Spec Chiabolotti, Holly $40,000.00 Fac Spec Haight, Emily J $53,000.00 Manager Cords, John $74,307.00 Manager Dockendorf, Jeffery S. $86,536.86 Manager McRoy, Tavia $66,377.23 Manager Rumeau, Nicole Vernice $88,811.33 Office Assistant Logan, Ashley $26,200.00 Prog Mgmt Spec Lewis, Mary D B $43,400.00 Prog Mgmt Spec Richardson, Kyran I $43,400.00 Program Dir Kirkbride, Jenny Renee $101,327.63 Proj Mgr Matterson, Mujgan O. $94,572.44 Specialist Brown, Daniel Lawrence $74,307.00 Sr Fac Spec Callaghan, Michele $55,000.00 Sr Fac Spec Collinge, Maura Elford $70,500.00 Sr Fac Spec Corbin, Natalie Denae $74,000.00 Sr Fac Spec Halladay, Danielle D. $74,000.00 Systems Analyst Salaam, Olubukola Adebamike $82,187.95 Web Svcs Developer Poedjosoedarmo, Krisnadi $75,545.00
ARHU-Philosophy Assoc Prof Assoc Prof
Moller, Dan Singpurwalla, Rachel
$75,705.30 $72,865.30
Assoc Prof Williams, Alexander Asst Prof Lyon, Aidan Asst Prof Pacuit, Eric Business Manager Allen, Antoinette Simone Coordinator Gilman, Louise H. Dist Univ Prof Bub, Jeffrey Dist Univ Prof Levinson, Jerrold Lecturer Vogel, Christopher Lecturer Woo, Sungwon Prof Carruthers, Peter M. Prof Darden, Lindley Prof Greenspan, Patricia S. Prof Horty, John Prof Kerstein, Samuel J. Prof Pietroski, Paul M. Prof Rey, Georges Prof & Assoc Chair Stairs, Allen Prof & Chair Morris, Christopher W. Prof & Dir Manekin, Charles H. Senior Lecturer Maffie, James
$37,423.95 $42,030.94 $70,052.49 $46,996.50 $52,660.09 $147,813.39 $146,440.25 $20,000.00 $20,000.00 $159,043.42 $93,236.31 $124,986.59 $159,619.78 $122,081.58 $75,135.42 $121,235.87 $98,532.65 $188,850.05 $111,481.92 $72,020.00
ARHU-School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures Asoc Prof & Assoc Dir Scullen, Mary Ellen Assoc Dir Clough, Lauretta Catherine Assoc Dir Goebeler, Claire E. Assoc Prof Abasi, Ali Reza Assoc Prof Baer, Hester Assoc Prof Benharrech, Sarah Assoc Prof Demaria, Laura Assoc Prof Eades, Caroline Assoc Prof Falvo, Joseph D. Assoc Prof Frisch, Andrea Marie Assoc Prof Gor, Kira Assoc Prof Jiang, Nan Assoc Prof Koser, Julie Assoc Prof Lacorte, Manel Assoc Prof Lavine, Roberta Z. Assoc Prof Lekic, Maria D. Assoc Prof Long, Ryan Assoc Prof Martin, Cynthia L. Assoc Prof Mason, Michele Marie Assoc Prof Merediz, Eyda M Assoc Prof Naharro-Calderon, Jose M. Assoc Prof Papazian, Elizabeth A. Assoc Prof Penrose, Mehl A. Assoc Prof Rodriguez, Ana Patricia Assoc Prof Sanchez, Hernan Assoc Prof Yotsukura, Lindsay A. Assoc Prof Zakim, Eric Assoc Prof Zhou, Minglang Asst Prof Anishchenkova, Valerie Asst Prof Arsenjuk, Luka Asst Prof Baillargeon, Mercedes Asst Prof Elsisi, Sayed A Asst Prof Glanville, Peter Asst Prof Hashimoto, Satoru Asst Prof Landa, Marianna Asst Prof Lima, Thayse Asst Prof Schonebaum, Andrew Asst Res Schl Akbari-Saneh, Nahal Business Manager Yen, Mildred P. Business Serv Spec Tai, Yuk Fan Coordinator Brennan-Tillmann, Janel Coordinator Chambers, Josiland Coordinator Deane, Pamala S. Coordinator Graham, K Lorraine Coordinator Guy, Margaret M. Coordinator Humphrey, Debora Coordinator Maurer, Jeffrey Daniel Coordinator Yaramanoglu, Naime Director Liu, Phoenix F. Fac Asst Miller, Matthew Thomas Jr Lecturer Glynn, Douglas Michael Jr Lecturer Lewis, Matthew Christopher Lecturer Akikawa, Kumiko Lecturer Alkebsi, Lutf Y. Lecturer Amodeo, Stefania R. Lecturer Cefalo, Erica Maria Lecturer El-Amine, Zein Lecturer Faccio, Fabian Lecturer Fradkin, Robert A. Lecturer Galledari, Manizhe Lecturer Gazit-Rosenthal, Aharona Lecturer Gerus-Vernola, Zhanna R Lecturer Hidalgo, Chila Beatriz Lecturer Ianozi, Regina Lecturer Lozinsky, Elena Lecturer Moinfar, Susan Lecturer Onate, Carla Patricia Lecturer Resmini, Mauro Lecturer Salem, Hebatalla Lecturer Wang, Yuli Prof Beicken, Peter U. Prof Benito-Vessels, Carmen Prof Brami, Joseph Prof Campangne, Herve T. Prof De Keyser, Robert M. Prof Frederiksen, Elke P. Prof Igel, Regina Prof Karimi-Hakkak, Ahmad Prof Long, Michael H Prof Mossman, Carol A. Prof Orlando, Valerie K. Prof Oster, Rose-Marie G. Prof Quintero-Herencia, Juan Carlos Prof Ramsey, Samuel Robert Prof Ross, Steven J Prof Sosnowski, Saul Prof & Dir Keshavarz-Karamustafa, Fatemeh Prog Coor Berne, Lianne M Prog Coor Robertson Collado, Hilary Senior Lecturer Acedo Garcia, Ana Isabel Senior Lecturer Canabal-Torres, Evelyn Senior Lecturer Deigan, Federica Brunori Senior Lecturer El-Hefnawy, Dina A Senior Lecturer Inoue, Makiko Senior Lecturer Kong, Mei Senior Lecturer Lee-Heitz, Jungjung Senior Lecturer Ramsey, Younghi K. Senior Lecturer Yamakita, Etsuko Visit Asst Prof Bazargan, Navid Mohammad Visit Asst Prof Hu, Guiling Visit Asst Prof Meftahi, Ida
ARHU-School of Music
Accompanist Guerrant, Theodore Mikell Admin Asst II Hoitt, Tina M. Asoc Prof &Assoc Dir Warfield, Patrick R. Assoc Art-In-Res Gilliam, Jauvon Assoc Art-In-Res Guilford, Matthew T. Assoc Art-In-Res Heineman, Susan Assoc Clin Prof Montgomery, Janet Assoc Prof DiLutis, Robert Assoc Prof Fry, James H. Assoc Prof Gowen, Bradford P. Assoc Prof Haldey, Olga Assoc Prof King, Richard G. Assoc Prof Murdock, Katherine H. Assoc Prof Tsong, Mayron Kacy Assoc Prof Wilson, Gran Assoc Prof Wilson, Mark E. Asst Dir Arnold, Craig Scott Asst Dir Fleck Plewinski, Cara Natalie Asst Dir Lang, Jenny Louise Asst Dir Muller, Aaron D. Asst Prof Elpus, Kenneth Asst Prof Kier, Craig Asst Prof Kutz, Eric Asst Prof Muresanu, Irina Asst Prof Prichard, Stephanie Asst Prof Rios, Fernando Business Manager Oliver, Jeannette Lee Coordinator Johnson, Laurinda Ann Coordinator Li, Ming Coordinator Pollard, Ashley J. Coordinator Powell, David G. Director DeBoy, Lori Johnson Lecturer Alvi, Diba Naureen Lecturer Ames, Frank Anthony Lecturer Arsenault, Leah Lecturer Baldwin, Thomas R. Lecturer Barber, Richard C. Lecturer Cigan, Paul Lecturer Crowne, Scott Francis Lecturer Evans, William C. Lecturer Fedderly, David T. Lecturer Foster, Daniel H. Lecturer Froom, David Lecturer Fuller, Sarah Lecturer Goldman, Aaron Lecturer Goldman, Dianne L. Lecturer Hayes, Corinne Lecturer Hearn, Barry Lecturer Heckscher, Erich Lecturer Hendrickson, Steven E. Lecturer Hinkle, Lee Wilkerson Lecturer Jones, David W. Lecturer Kellner, Paul Steven JR Lecturer Kunkel, Gerard F. Lecturer Layton, Richard Douglas Lecturer Lederer, Doris Lecturer Lee, Justina Lecturer Manzo, Anthony L Lecturer McKee, Jessica Lecturer McReynolds, Robert T. Lecturer Mulcahy, Craig Charles
$79,560.00 $103,153.37 $103,268.14 $75,005.26 $79,537.56 $73,000.24 $78,686.40 $79,536.87 $82,976.22 $76,241.63 $81,063.15 $77,860.68 $72,000.34 $76,365.26 $88,221.02 $79,633.78 $79,414.14 $83,096.32 $73,999.63 $76,365.09 $41,501.66 $76,019.69 $73,000.03 $76,366.28 $76,365.46 $73,534.69 $79,406.28 $91,950.35 $71,375.52 $66,660.06 $64,770.00 $67,454.84 $67,838.36 $63,500.00 $68,000.22 $63,500.00 $74,514.88 $91,822.44 $93,996.11 $42,725.93 $73,510.25 $47,200.00 $57,941.43 $58,140.00 $47,322.08 $51,000.00 $53,520.10 $49,774.15 $77,274.71 $50,000.00 $23,500.00 $23,500.00 $39,036.42 $48,987.54 $58,870.94 $12,310.64 $49,242.54 $48,500.00 $31,500.00 $45,900.00 $43,884.48 $53,550.00 $39,000.00 $48,000.00 $23,394.00 $35,700.00 $37,663.98 $26,027.87 $83,960.00 $18,831.99 $117,116.42 $99,999.57 $105,464.44 $98,514.64 $115,000.14 $58,769.78 $97,999.83 $55,721.12 $140,131.78 $136,923.78 $97,999.74 $111,062.03 $99,999.74 $118,882.43 $112,652.88 $180,217.15 $194,310.00 $45,000.00 $48,386.76 $40,000.32 $40,000.32 $40,000.32 $41,310.22 $40,108.44 $43,175.03 $47,701.61 $41,835.51 $40,108.03 $65,000.00 $41,019.04 $63,240.00 $30,032.00 $44,699.79 $76,474.50 $18,466.01 $22,536.80 $21,036.52 $85,052.72 $85,000.27 $121,318.71 $89,965.01 $77,678.02 $87,217.89 $86,050.87 $92,743.91 $82,194.05 $90,165.28 $68,667.76 $60,016.73 $68,408.98 $63,196.43 $71,275.36 $80,580.00 $75,000.00 $76,000.00 $64,833.24 $67,246.56 $71,975.37 $49,978.65 $66,059.64 $51,946.15 $44,599.50 $111,179.00 $13,962.39 $4,320.74 $16,479.93 $10,415.87 $4,120.13 $3,101.67 $7,000.00 $5,358.06 $15,874.30 $6,841.17 $10,276.75 $6,892.61 $13,733.78 $47,000.00 $7,000.00 $9,258.72 $9,258.73 $13,733.78 $31,535.74 $12,360.39 $2,757.04 $17,295.65 $17,990.00 $27,775.08 $52,813.56 $946.45 $6,001.02 $50,397.18 $12,360.40
THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 2016 | salary guide | The Diamondback
Lecturer Munds, Philip Charles Lecturer Okamoto, Kyoko M. Lecturer Olcott, Nicholas I.J. Lecturer Oppelt, Robert J. Lecturer Osterloh, Elijah Rael Lecturer Ozment, Jon David Lecturer Patterson, Benjamin Lecturer Pohl, Gene Lecturer Potter, Craig Garrett Lecturer Powell, Timothy John Lecturer Randall, Martha Lee Lecturer Redd, Charles R. Lecturer Shaw, Lewis Lecturer Shin, Eric Lecturer Slowik, Kenneth Lecturer Suadin, I Ketut Lecturer Teie, David E. Lecturer Tochka, Nicholas Lecturer Trahan, Kathleen F. Lecturer Vergara, Patricia Schone Lecturer Volchok, Mikhail Lecturer Wang, Sebastian S Lecturer Wiltz, Alcine J. Lecturer Zimmerman, Daniel J. Manager Wakefield, Mark E. Prof Balthrop, Carmen A. Prof Cossa, Dominic F. Prof Dedova, Larissa Prof DeLio, Thomas J. Prof Gekker, Paul C. Prof Haggh-Huglo, Barbara H. Prof Hanninen, Dora A. Prof Hewitt, Michael P. Prof Hill, Mark D. Prof Mabbs, Linda Prof Maclary, Edward Prof Miller, Gregory E. Prof Montgomery, William L. Prof Page, Cleveland L. Prof Ross, James E. Prof Salness, David Prof Sloan, Rita Prof Stern, James Prof Vadala, Christopher J. Prof Votta, Michael JR Prof Witzleben, John Lawrence Prof Ziegler, Delores Prof & Dir Gibson, Robert L. Prog Mgmt Spec Griggs, Edward
$15,431.21 $10,716.12 $33,654.37 $11,419.11 $52,194.42 $7,228.32 $2,412.41 $7,001.02 $45,000.00 $18,615.17 $72,741.30 $11,759.30 $6,120.00 $7,715.61 $7,516.55 $5,358.07 $11,295.65 $47,000.00 $11,892.33 $7,501.28 $11,013.48 $5,358.05 $17,145.79 $20,928.75 $56,553.07 $100,626.80 $109,264.12 $98,253.64 $98,119.10 $127,442.88 $102,027.21 $94,174.60 $101,990.62 $98,644.84 $118,265.76 $114,020.77 $96,882.61 $103,601.06 $117,082.33 $108,860.80 $104,817.60 $98,509.54 $97,632.25 $113,031.61 $104,373.95 $99,489.57 $110,685.62 $164,307.79 $43,563.15
ARHU-School of Theatre, Dance & Performance Studies Accompanist Johnson, Isiah Oscar Accompanist Novak, Robert Assoc Prof Bradley, Karen Kohn Assoc Prof Carpenter, Faedra C Assoc Prof Felbain, Leslie C Assoc Prof Harding, James M. Assoc Prof Kachman, Mikhail Assoc Prof Lee, Esther Kim Assoc Prof MacDevitt, Brian Assoc Prof Mansur, Sharon F. Assoc Prof Pearson, Sara R Assoc Prof Widrig, Patrik Assoc Prof & Dir Frederik Meer, Laurie A Assoc Prof & Dir Smiley, Leigh Wilson Asst Art-In-Res Morgan , Christopher K Asst Prof Barclay Newsham, Jennifer Asst Prof Fang, Adriane Asst Prof Mezzocchi, Jared Martin Asst Prof Phillips, Miriam Business Serv Spec Schlegel, Camilla P. Coordinator Barger, Cate OBrien Coordinator Bergwall, Stephanie S Coordinator Gillett, Cary L. Coordinator Miller, Susan L. Coordinator Spanos, Kathleen Aurelia Director Jackson, Sandra S. Lecturer Cissna, Andrew Robert Lecturer Coy, Mary A. Lecturer Jackson, Paul D. Lecturer Posner, Aaron C. Lecturer Price, Lynne Andrea Lecturer Rebelo-Plaut, Mane Lecturer Ring, Jennifer Rabbitt Lecturer Sopoci Drake, Katie C Prin Lecturer Mayes, Alvin Prof Conway, Daniel Prof Hebert, Mitchell Prof Hildy, Franklin J. Prof Huang, Helen Q. Prof Reese, Scot M. Visit Asst Prof Rothman, Korey R.
ARHU-Women’s Studies
Assoc Prof Barkley Brown, Elsa Assoc Prof Horton-Stallings, Lamonda Assoc Prof Rowley, Michelle V Assoc Prof Schuler, Catherine A. Assoc Prof Tambe, Ashwini Asst Dir Sapinoso, JV Asst Prof Benedicto, Roberto Manuel Asst Prof Lothian, Alexis Business Manager Toala, Catalina Lecturer Doster, Dennis Anthony Lecturer Enszer, Julie R. Prg Admin Spec Pryor, Cliffornia Royals Prof King, Katie Prof Zambrana, Ruth Enid Prof & Chair Muncy, Robyn Leigh
$52,467.99 $52,109.73 $78,181.45 $73,072.71 $71,855.20 $94,350.00 $72,280.83 $78,169.03 $46,229.82 $71,375.11 $49,547.11 $78,149.06 $78,100.38 $123,064.53 $51,000.00 $69,764.23 $64,897.81 $66,300.00 $71,489.05 $43,483.00 $46,843.50 $51,629.66 $86,907.06 $57,641.22 $51,200.00 $82,891.89 $30,000.00 $8,000.00 $66,604.37 $10,000.00 $8,000.00 $10,600.00 $8,000.00 $60,000.00 $69,602.00 $92,089.41 $93,840.29 $105,979.33 $96,327.44 $95,788.51 $26,638.68 $51,490.91 $120,000.00 $90,512.37 $86,866.22 $94,973.53 $61,418.28 $70,000.00 $71,400.00 $70,000.00 $10,700.00 $20,000.00 $46,950.80 $95,033.68 $159,303.73 $143,078.00
College of Behavioral & Social Sciences BSOS-African American Studies
Admin Asst I Anderson, Sharon Y. Assoc Prof Harley, Sharon Assoc Prof Madhavan, Sangeetha Assoc Prof Richardson, Joseph B JR Asst Prof Dinwiddie, Gniesha Yvonne Asst Rsch Prof Aiyer, Sophie Malini Asst Rsch Prof Hitti, Aline A Coordinator Deloatch, Marci G Dir Admin Srv Skeeter, Valencia L.
$24,822.40 $134,183.21 $94,965.95 $97,295.30 $84,262.07 $55,000.00 $20,000.00 $48,213.76 $96,419.44
Fac Asst Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Prof & Chair
Washington, Marshal F. Batties, Leila M Jackson Clark, Joseph W. Clarke, Tainya England, Jonathan William Hall, Ricco Kargbo, Ibrahim Nichols, Jason Anthony Semper, Jerry L. Barbarin, Oscar
Advisor Hanson, Erik Assoc Prof Brighton, Stephen Anthony Assoc Prof Pavao-Zuckerman, Barnet Asst Prof Downey, Sean Samuel Asst Prof Getrich, Christina Marisa Asst Prof Hambrecht, George N. Asst Prof Lafrenz Samuels, Kathryn Asst Prof Sangaramoorthy, Thurka Asst Prof Shaffer, L Jen Asst Prof Stuart, William Taft Asst Prog Dir Dangerfield, Nadine Yvette Dir Admin Srv Paige, Sybil A. Lecturer Alexander, Mary S. Lecturer London, Marilyn R. Prof Chernela, Janet Prof Freidenberg, Judith N. Prof Leone, Mark P. Prof & Assoc Chair Paolisso, Michael J. Prof & Chair Shackel, Paul A. Prof Emeritus Whitehead, Tony L. Res Prof Fiske, Shirley J.
BSOS-Center for Safe Solutions
Asst Graham, Stephanie I. Business Manager Johnson, Amy Elizabeth Coordinator Atkinson, Annetta D. Coordinator Carroll, Kimberly R. Coordinator Newson, Shawn A. Coordinator Pallutch, Veronica Ann Exec Dir Carr, Thomas H. Fac Asst Alston, Ora L. Fac Asst Berruz, Edwin Fac Asst Brady, James M. III Fac Asst Canterbery, Adam K. Fac Asst Cassell, Richard Joseph Fac Asst Chaungoc, Dangkhoa Fac Asst Cheek, James D. JR Fac Asst Choi, Wesley Fac Asst Cibor, Jacek Fac Asst Clahane, James H. III Fac Asst Cotton, Joseph B Fac Asst Cox, Russell Alden JR Fac Asst Crossley, David D Fac Asst Curtis, Jessica M. Fac Asst Eppley, Stephen Fac Asst Fax, Bethany Mae Fac Asst Ferrer, Frederick John Fac Asst Gordon, Carolyn Fac Asst Green, Robert J. Fac Asst Herold, Carroll W. Fac Asst Ilori, Philip Yomi Fac Asst Jahromi, Kurosh Fac Asst Jennings, Jamila Fac Asst Jew, William R. Fac Asst Jones, Ronald E. Fac Asst Lofton, Stanley Lee Fac Asst Meyer, Gregory Louis Fac Asst Nabors, James E. Fac Asst Newcamp, Jessica A. Fac Asst Nugent, James M. Fac Asst Parker, Linda D. Fac Asst Phillips, Ruth Ann Fac Asst Schaefer, Lorenz W. JR Fac Asst Slipstiene, Ted Solomon Fac Asst Sunukjian, Lacy Detwiler Fac Asst Tran, Bau N. Fac Asst Vaughn, Lori M Fac Asst Velayudham, Paul Reddy Fac Asst Williams, Victor C. Fac Asst Wilson, Yvette Marie Fac Asst Witenstein, Shelley L. Fac Asst Wood, Clifton Bryant IT Coor Strauss, Eric F. IT Coor Williams, Rita M. IT Op Mgr Shumaker, Erik A. Manager Lonick, Sherae Res Assoc Engelmann, Brian Michael
BSOS-College of Behavioral & Social Sciences
Admin Asst I Brooks, Emerald Sharnice Administrator Bandyopadhyay, Sarbartha Advisor Boyle, Christopher Ryan Advisor Clark, Brandon M. Advisor Lloyd, TC Assoc Dean Russell, Katherine Ford Assoc Dir Izsak, Katherine Worboys Assoc Dir Pettus, Brandee A Assoc Dir Roberts, Andrew B. Assoc Dir Serrano, Malaika Marable Assoc Res Prof Koulish, Robert E. Asst Dean Holmes, Ann M. Asst Dean Nickerson, Kim J. Asst Dir Anderson-Howell, Rosalyn E. Asst Dir Bethke, Kimberly Anne Asst Dir Callis, Julie M. Asst Dir Gavin, Sara Lynn Asst Dir Hall, Kristi Lyn Asst Dir Hunsaker, Rebecca I Asst Dir Kilberg, Jennifer E Asst Dir Komarek, Pam Asst Dir Matthews, Rebecca Leffson Asst Dir Pie, Michael T. Asst Dir Randolph, Julie Lynn Asst Dir Smith, Erica C Asst Res Schl Davenport, Cory Asst Res Schl Hodwitz, Omi Morning-Song Asst Res Sci Sawyer, John Paul Asst Rsch Prof McLaughlin, Amy Elizabeth Asst Rsch Prof Moseley, Kristen Hamilton Asst Rsch Prof Zhan, Wang Asst to Dean Goff-Tlemsani, Sarah E.
$27,200.00 $10,200.00 $10,716.12 $10,000.00 $58,890.26 $10,000.00 $17,145.79 $58,282.92 $9,644.51 $280,000.00 $47,423.74 $80,640.35 $93,000.00 $81,350.10 $71,400.00 $70,924.68 $73,950.00 $80,010.84 $73,674.60 $38,144.22 $60,332.24 $76,473.12 $10,716.12 $10,716.12 $112,198.98 $107,332.40 $163,906.69 $120,760.36 $198,899.96 $30,482.67 $14,300.00 $37,371.83 $50,741.07 $45,660.07 $45,660.07 $45,704.65 $66,945.37 $222,330.66 $96,850.02 $109,096.07 $71,047.88 $83,617.89 $81,600.00 $65,582.65 $69,654.78 $73,000.00 $65,272.34 $92,605.34 $86,962.60 $92,249.91 $73,538.03 $56,293.12 $100,690.89 $44,151.47 $91,533.53 $101,765.96 $112,997.87 $43,142.15 $70,000.00 $91,800.00 $65,000.00 $87,443.54 $96,861.84 $85,000.00 $72,420.00 $94,451.46 $53,106.67 $100,690.53 $45,543.11 $116,206.20 $81,978.32 $81,600.00 $67,222.22 $70,653.98 $52,291.23 $81,978.32 $97,094.36 $80,000.00 $87,909.37 $72,420.00 $65,757.27 $56,202.53 $96,065.63 $91,188.81 $76,399.63 $31,803.06 $112,990.79 $50,612.66 $49,470.00 $51,812.32 $156,581.42 $90,696.86 $71,971.20 $81,090.00 $78,851.46 $114,919.62 $198,047.57 $132,096.95 $76,500.28 $68,237.67 $63,240.00 $72,500.00 $68,340.00 $86,020.68 $68,674.44 $69,015.24 $67,116.16 $69,161.01 $61,020.74 $61,200.00 $85,000.00 $70,000.00 $104,123.23 $32,500.00 $64,571.51 $92,320.71 $100,273.95
Business Manager Middledorf, Donna Jean Business Serv Spec Cotsalas, Abigail L Coordinator Aduba, Maya O Coordinator Bynoe, Julianna Coordinator Cooper, Christa L Coordinator Fennie, William Coordinator Goebel, Sheila M. Coordinator Kasnadi, Asdie Coordinator Kier, Bailey M Coordinator Marks, Peggy L. Coordinator Marth, Ellen Fitzsimmons Coordinator Martinez, Elizabeth Coordinator Menjivar, Cindy S. Coordinator Showerman, Stacey L. Coordinator Sitka, Betty J Coordinator Vinski, Natalie A. Coordinator Ye, Yeats Dir Admin Srv Sewlall, Grace Pamela Director Cradock, Christie S. Director Morgan, Dona-Leigh Director Navarro, Dan Director Ours, Laura E. Director Schupbach, Carolyn A. Exec Adm Asst I Joseph, Djuana Makeba Exec Dir Braniff, William Fac Asst Backstrom, Jeremy R. Fac Asst Behlendorf, Brandon Paul Fac Asst Beutel, Alejandro Fac Asst Binder, Markus Karl Fac Asst Blake, Elizabeth Lynn Fac Asst Bouziani, Salma Fac Asst Boyd, Marcus Allen Fac Asst Collier-Murayama, Meredith Fac Asst Collier, Sandra S. Fac Asst DaBell, Bijan Fac Asst Day, Liberty Fac Asst DeVore, Jacqueline L. Fac Asst Dravis, Michael Fac Asst Ellis, Devin Hayes Fac Asst Fishering, Sarah Fac Asst Flint, Genessey R. Fac Asst Halverson, James Carver Fac Asst House, Joshua Michael Fac Asst James, Patrick Andres Fac Asst Jensen, Michael Fac Asst Johns, Mila Ashley Fac Asst Jonas, Alexander Robert Fac Asst Knight, Ted Fac Asst Li, Alexis Fac Asst Matuzsan, Gabrielle Elissa Fac Asst Miller, Erin Elizabeth Fac Asst Nucete, Jayne T. Fac Asst Oudin, Joseph Donahue Fac Asst Oyinloye, Babatunde Adekunle Fac Asst Quinlan, Kieran Birecree Fac Asst Rebsch, Christine Louise Fac Asst Schulz, Ingrid Marie Fac Asst Schwartz, Beth Fac Asst Smith, Daniel Steven Fac Asst Szmania, Susan Fac Asst Taylor, Katherine Fac Asst Tinsley, Herbert Ferguson Fac Asst Tippin, Garett Brooke Fac Asst Weinberger, Peter Ezra Fac Asst Williams, Lauren Grosso Fac Asst Woods, Brady Lawrence Fac Res Asst Chen, Aizhen Fac Res Asst Jacome, Michelle Fac Res Asst Kammerer, William Joseph Fac Res Asst Kane, Sheehan Elizabeth Fac Res Asst Kinnison, Joshua Andrew Fac Res Asst Morris, Marcella Fac Res Asst Sin, Steve S. Fac Res Asst Stevenson, John Fac Res Asst Wingenroth, Brian Lee Fac Spec Capps, Ron Fac Spec Kolb, Gaelle F IT Com Op Lawson, Katey M IT Coor Villas, Christopher James IT Sr. Network Engineer Luzin, Dmitri A. IT Support Assoc Wildemann, Philip B IT Support Asst Clark, Luther Richard JR IT Sys Prog/Net Supp Diab, Eamon Lecturer Briggs, Sue Manager Gates-Liden, Marie Nicole Manager Khoury, Bernard Charles Manager Rivinius, Jessica Stark Office Clerk II Turner, Clarence Ellis JR Post-Doc Assoc McGrath, Erin C Prg Admin Spec Brooks, Tria Farrar Prg Admin Spec Pickles, Amanda Jaye Prof Moaddel, Mansoor Prof & Assoc Dean McIntosh, Wayne V. Prof And Dean Ball, Gregory F. Prof Emeritus Falk, William W. Prog Mgmt Spec Allen, Amanda Roxanne Prog Mgmt Spec Pittman, Tiffany L Program Dir Hopps, Kathryn Res Assoc Ackerman, Gary A Res Coor Harper-Hicks, Thandika Starr Res Prof Mahmoudi, Hoda Sr Fac Spec Pimpawathin, Apitchaya Sr Fac Spec Tetteh, Audrey R Sr Fac Spec Zacharie, Erica Marie
BSOS-Criminology & Criminal Justice
$66,974.15 $42,154.56 $46,520.57 $60,793.24 $48,233.97 $63,317.52 $64,021.91 $59,914.56 $50,184.10 $58,842.61 $57,844.20 $74,470.30 $59,160.00 $50,000.68 $71,500.00 $57,699.66 $74,959.93 $79,906.89 $90,287.25 $86,700.35 $146,370.66 $105,570.61 $125,001.03 $46,000.00 $145,447.97 $45,000.00 $93,636.00 $55,000.00 $58,938.66 $53,552.55 $59,227.58 $86,700.00 $40,500.00 $94,764.12 $31,200.00 $75,000.00 $24,207.15 $53,289.00 $77,520.00 $62,474.98 $30,000.00 $45,000.00 $58,000.00 $51,059.16 $73,909.71 $50,067.72 $76,806.00 $112,500.00 $45,000.00 $48,458.91 $94,554.00 $63,526.60 $45,000.00 $69,000.00 $43,860.00 $52,000.00 $45,000.00 $43,860.00 $47,500.00 $84,000.00 $55,000.00 $53,580.60 $66,300.00 $80,000.00 $100,237.76 $42,500.00 $44,149.68 $70,577.49 $45,627.56 $43,860.00 $27,315.60 $40,800.00 $81,600.00 $76,500.00 $101,956.26 $68,000.00 $80,000.00 $37,440.00 $57,835.03 $62,609.74 $49,622.39 $42,024.00 $60,749.89 $105,076.14 $91,443.52 $99,014.30 $71,414.79 $28,080.00 $60,000.00 $46,359.05 $40,933.98 $160,905.00 $211,858.08 $290,600.00 $45,566.31 $42,814.32 $41,724.71 $70,316.92 $150,018.29 $58,760.52 $166,344.05 $70,000.00 $73,000.00 $71,000.00
Advisor Hou, Diane Siyi $45,000.00 Assoc Prof Johnson, Brian D $116,493.16 Assoc Prof Loughran, Thomas A. $115,000.00 Assoc Prof Maimon, David $97,748.07 Assoc Prof Xie, Min $112,200.00 Asst Dir Jackson, Nicole $55,421.90 Asst Prof Nakamura, Kiminori $80,542.42 Asst Prof Porter, Lauren Caroline $72,420.00 Coordinator Grant, Lauren Alexis $46,920.00 Coordinator Johnson, Rebecca Linn $55,157.58 Coordinator Nuredini, Raimonda $53,902.09 Coordinator Pembroke, Katharine Beall-Bentley $49,750.00 Director Werner, Charlene Kay $76,603.98 Dist Univ Prof Laub, John H. $97,834.09 Dist Univ Prof Sherman, Lawrence William $113,159.20 Dist Univ Prof Thornberry, Terence P $228,968.69 Fac Res Asst Bowles, Sarah Elizabeth $58,505.29
Porter, Pamela K. Fac Res Asst Inst Brooks, Laure Weber Lecturer Alexander, Thomas Stanley Lecturer Bierie, David M. Lecturer Daggett, Dawn Marie Lecturer Davis, Samantha Yvette Lecturer Drew, Alan C Lecturer Eastman, Shawn D Lecturer Fisher, Cortney Lyn Lecturer Hamill, Russell E. III Lecturer Jordan, Charles Thomas II Lecturer Korossy, Laszlo Lecturer Lehman, Alan Robertson Lecturer Madoo, Justine McDavid Lecturer Mauriello, Thomas P. Lecturer Morlier, louis H III Lecturer Morse, Rebecca Susan Lecturer Roberts White, Christine A Lecturer Romeiser, Nicole Lecturer Salem, David Ira Lecturer Shusko, Robin A. Lecturer Stickle, Wendy Lecturer Tenney, Judith Barbara Lecturer Tosouni, Anastasia Lecturer Trusty, James M. Lecturer Wallenstein, Arthur M Prin Fac Spec Smith, Jinney S. Prof Dugan, Laura J. Prof Gottfredson, Denise C. Prof LaFree, Gary D. Prof McGloin, Jean M Prof Paternoster, Raymond Prof Reuter, Peter H. Prof Simpson, Sally S. Prof & Chair Lynch, James Res Assoc Najaka, Stacy Brooke Res Assoc Soule, David Alan
BSOS-Ctr for Substance Abuse Research
Assoc Prof & Dir Wish, Eric D. Business Manager Carcamo, Sandra I. Director Blevins, Robert Lance Director Griffith, Debra D. Fac Res Asst Al-Nassir, Marwa Fac Res Asst Artigiani, Eleanor E. Fac Res Asst Barnard, David Fac Res Asst Billing, Amy S. Fac Res Asst Hauser, Wanda Fac Res Asst Hsu, Margaret H. Fac Res Asst Khalil, Karim Fac Res Asst Kuhafa, Mashish T. Fac Res Asst McCandlish, David Fac Res Asst Spriggs, James Edward III Fac Res Asst Suskey, John Fac Res Asst Vennie, Imetrea Res Assoc Wagner, Michael A.
$105,768.10 $94,994.69 $16,320.00 $8,404.80 $8,000.00 $7,354.20 $7,000.00 $7,354.20 $8,000.00 $7,501.31 $7,501.39 $7,000.00 $25,718.75 $46,000.00 $22,588.92 $7,354.20 $17,145.80 $45,997.62 $7,501.31 $7,501.28 $7,140.00 $76,623.94 $7,140.00 $50,000.00 $7,000.00 $7,000.00 $110,000.00 $134,000.00 $171,542.19 $283,960.83 $128,118.99 $220,644.91 $42,352.70 $144,835.44 $257,307.02 $81,338.07 $119,444.79 $229,441.52 $59,464.00 $104,560.78 $104,181.36 $37,900.14 $123,960.05 $66,409.76 $78,432.55 $65,023.15 $82,442.44 $68,340.44 $74,604.84 $53,954.35 $59,212.87 $68,626.45 $55,000.00 $114,342.40
Advisor Scarcia, Kassandra Val $46,410.00 Assoc Prof Aruoba, Sadik Boragan $178,652.08 Assoc Prof Coughlin, Peter J. $77,939.61 Assoc Prof Filiz Ozbay, Emel $132,600.00 Assoc Prof Kaplan, Ethan Daniel $144,482.89 Assoc Prof Ozbay, Erkut Yusuf $172,327.08 Assoc Prof Shea, John $127,622.42 Assoc Prof Sweeting, Andrew Thomas $232,152.00 Assoc Prof Urzua, Sergio $163,200.00 Asst Dir Geraghty, Lisa A. $69,849.60 Asst Dir May, Shanna $62,426.20 Asst Prof Goldberg, Jessica $131,348.09 Asst Prof Guiteras, Raymond $110,324.42 Asst Prof Saffie, Felipe Eduardo $132,600.00 Asst Prof Turner, Lesley Jeanne $128,511.01 Coordinator Davis, Theresa V $50,016.52 Coordinator Fletcher, Vickie A. $67,547.34 Coordinator Harmon, Angela Lynn $58,276.72 Coordinator Kramer, Eileen Ecker $25,000.00 Coordinator Statland, Amanda N. $51,000.00 Coordinator Wilkerson, Mark S. $52,209.26 Dir Admin Srv Nalley, Heather M $97,390.62 Director Singh, Veer $85,759.62 Dist Univ Prof Haltiwanger, John C. $281,246.25 Dist Univ Prof Prucha, Ingmar R. $242,122.07 Dist Univ Prof Chair Cropper, Maureen L. $320,552.32 Fac Asst Barber, Kendra Hadiya $50,000.00 Fac Res Asst Wittek, Troy Anthony $25,897.12 IT Coor McLoughlin, Brian Patrick $47,382.06 Lecturer Abbasi Alikamar, Hossein $69,360.00 Lecturer Copelman, Martina $69,360.00 Lecturer Dayaratna, Kevin $15,300.00 Lecturer Montgomery, Nicholas James $63,240.00 Lecturer Moody, Erin Elizabeth $53,550.00 Lecturer Sabelhaus, John $20,400.00 Lecturer Sarna, Naveen $67,349.75 Lecturer Scandizzo, Stefania $64,416.57 Lecturer Straub, John $117,289.80 Lecturer Verma, Satyendra Kumar $42,864.46 Prof Abraham, Katharine G. $93,127.39 Prof Ausubel, Lawrence M. $133,360.79 Prof Chao, John C. $178,296.00 Prof Drazen, Allan $230,728.90 Prof Galiani, Sebastian F. $273,178.63 Prof Hellerstein, Judith K. $189,584.90 Prof Jin, Ginger Zhe $230,666.94 Prof Kalemli-Ozcan, Sebnem $275,000.00 Prof Kearney, Melissa Schettini $217,096.44 Prof Kuersteiner, Guido Markus $258,417.00 Prof Limao, Nuno $227,166.60 Prof Murrell, Peter $209,276.27 Prof Vincent, Daniel R. $158,283.10 Prof Wallis, John Joseph $154,178.30 Prof Emeritus Schwab, Robert M. $140,000.00 Res Assoc Horst, Ronald Lee $42,845.55 Res Assoc Meade, Douglas Shannon $63,264.84 Senior Lecturer Clement, Cindy $139,722.31 Senior Lecturer Neri, John $78,155.38 Visiting Asst Rsch Prof Opromolla, Luca David $64,286.00
BSOS-Geography Admin Asst I Administrator Assoc Prof Assoc Prof
Johnson, Wilhelmina Hu, Jenny Yanwen Baiocchi, Giovanni Geores, Martha E.
$39,338.86 $100,085.77 $112,924.20 $87,032.03
Assoc Prof Loboda, Tatiana V. Assoc Prof Stewart, Kathleen E Assoc Res Prof Bandaru, Varaprasad Assoc Res Prof Becker-Reshef, Inbal Assoc Res Prof Brown, Molly Elizabeth Assoc Res Prof Feng, Kuishuang Assoc Res Prof Guillevic, Pierre Assoc Res Prof Li, Mengxue Assoc Res Prof Potapov, Petr V. Assoc Res Prof Schroeder, Wilfrid Assoc Res Prof Sexton, Joseph Owen Assoc Res Prof Steininger, Marc K Assoc Res Prof Vadrevu, Krishna Prasad Asst Dir Bobbitt, Shannon Renee Asst Dir Williams, Mona Lisa Asst Prof Silva, Julie Ann Asst Rsch Prof Chini, Louise Parsons Asst Rsch Prof Dempewolf, Jan Asst Rsch Prof Ellicott, Evan Andrew Asst Rsch Prof Feng, Min Asst Rsch Prof Hancock, Steven Asst Rsch Prof He, Tao Asst Rsch Prof Jones, Kevin Dewitt Asst Rsch Prof Lim, Eunjung Asst Rsch Prof Nackoney, Janet Ruth Asst Rsch Prof Nagol, Jyoteshwar R Asst Rsch Prof Sahajpal, Ritvik Asst Rsch Prof Sedano, Fernando Asst Rsch Prof Skakun, Sergii Asst Rsch Prof Swatantran, Anuradha Asst Rsch Prof Wang, Dongdong Asst Rsch Prof Whitcraft, Alyssa Kathleen Asst Rsch Prof Yeo, In-Young Asst Rsch Prof Zhang, Rui Asst Rsch Prof Zhang, Xiaotong Asst Rsch Prof Zhao, Feng Aron Asst Rsch Prof Zhao, Maosheng Business Manager Smith, Liz A. Coordinator Doyle, Katie Holland Dir Admin Srv Bell, Vivre A. Director Luna, Ronald W. Director Ma, Jianguo Fac Asst Dolan, Katelyn Anne Fac Asst Fan, Junchuan Fac Asst Kommareddy, Indrani Fac Asst Nakalembe, Catherine Lilian Fac Asst Pickering, Jeffrey Fac Asst Rybock, Demian Fac Asst Sanchez Galvez, Antonio J Fac Asst Song, Zhen Fac Res Asst Chung, Caspar J Fac Res Asst Goja, Priyanka Fac Res Asst Hudson, Amy L Fac Res Asst Kelly, Maureen Elizabeth Fac Res Asst Khan, Ahmad Fac Res Asst Krylov, Alexander Fac Res Asst Lola Amani, Patrick K. Fac Res Asst Noel, Jacob Alexander Fac Res Asst Reddy, Ashwan Daram Fac Res Asst Talero, Yamile Fac Res Asst Walsh, William Robertson Fac Spec Adusei, Bernard Fac Spec Jantz, Samuel Martin Fac Spec Justice, Christina Jade Fac Spec McDonough, Patrick M IT Sys Analyst Kommareddy, Anil Lecturer Berndtson, Rachel Elise Lecturer Eney, Allen B. Lecturer Han, Ruibo Lecturer Miller, Seth Haylen Lecturer Resop, Jonathan Patrick Lecturer Yearwood, Keith Lecturer Zhou, Naijun Lecturer Zlatic, Mila Post-Doc Assoc de Lima, Andre Post-Doc Assoc DeVries, Ben Post-Doc Assoc Huang, Wenli Post-Doc Assoc Jin, Huiran Post-Doc Assoc Kim, Dohyung Post-Doc Assoc Song, Xiaopeng Post-Doc Assoc Tanaka, Tetsuji Post-Doc Assoc Tang, Hao Post-Doc Assoc Tao, Xin Post-Doc Assoc Tyukavina, Alexandra Yurievna Post-Doc Assoc Zhao, Feng Robin Prin Fac Spec Altstatt, Alice Louise Prin Fac Spec Channan, Saurabh Prin Fac Spec Dimiceli, Charlene M. Prin Fac Spec Sohlberg, Robert Allen JR Prin Fac Spec Sullivan, Mark Brandon Prof Hansen, Matthew C. Prof Hubacek, Klaus Prof Hurtt, George C. Prof Kasischke, Eric S. Prof Liang, Shunlin Prof Sun, Laixiang Prof Torrens, Paul Prof & Assoc Chair Dubayah, Ralph O. Prof & Chair Justice, Chris Prof Emeritus Goward, Samuel N. Res Assoc Claverie, Martin Res Assoc Jones, Curtis Dinneen Res Assoc Margono, Belinda Arunarwati Res Assoc Oliva Pavon, Patricia Res Assoc Turubanova, Svetlana Res Assoc Wang, Lei Res Coor Ma, Meei Ching Res Prof Giglio, Louis Res Prof Hofton, Michelle Res Prof Huang, Chengquan Res Prof Izaurralde, Roberto Cesar Res Prof Prince, Stephen D. Res Prof Sun, Guoqing Res Prof Townshend, John R. Sr Fac Spec Barker, Brian Strahan Sr Fac Spec Bergery, Kristen A Sr Fac Spec Gost, Allison R Sr Fac Spec Humber, Michael Laurence Sr Fac Spec Kang, Christine Sr Fac Spec McGaughey, Katie Rae Sr Fac Spec Molinario, Giuseppe Sr Fac Spec Murphy, Emilie Fedele Sr Fac Spec O’Bannon, Jack
$109,942.74 $125,000.00 $85,000.00 $128,832.40 $77,000.00 $83,288.61 $130,000.00 $103,785.87 $129,687.90 $100,827.00 $102,970.02 $33,000.00 $92,929.14 $75,000.40 $76,148.70 $102,309.95 $87,955.62 $90,056.62 $70,493.37 $80,000.00 $70,000.00 $70,702.32 $22,708.63 $83,833.58 $80,573.00 $80,000.00 $87,500.00 $81,465.36 $90,000.00 $3,560.51 $79,744.21 $75,174.00 $19,263.72 $73,312.50 $7,470.00 $70,002.84 $86,424.60 $49,775.68 $55,740.96 $116,047.74 $80,497.71 $98,059.15 $60,000.00 $65,000.00 $70,000.00 $59,000.00 $55,000.00 $70,000.00 $60,180.00 $23,171.20 $25,500.00 $59,078.40 $40,800.00 $42,549.30 $59,078.40 $66,396.90 $45,900.00 $47,277.00 $51,000.00 $47,277.00 $79,560.00 $65,000.00 $53,000.00 $55,000.00 $48,000.00 $137,000.00 $64,260.00 $14,329.40 $81,600.00 $10,000.00 $74,116.26 $49,680.63 $72,613.07 $26,241.00 $65,000.00 $58,000.00 $60,000.00 $57,783.00 $60,000.00 $61,000.00 $58,833.60 $61,500.00 $57,500.00 $65,000.00 $62,000.00 $76,262.35 $149,509.31 $129,573.83 $101,079.75 $127,904.88 $188,440.51 $142,884.66 $208,407.19 $173,931.03 $178,341.10 $144,426.90 $107,090.85 $200,676.33 $280,500.00 $21,373.94 $69,654.78 $70,915.50 $56,100.00 $66,187.80 $65,831.82 $54,570.00 $66,300.00 $128,314.47 $127,419.82 $142,079.88 $47,277.00 $26,768.88 $131,788.08 $27,605.57 $70,000.00 $58,398.59 $53,143.07 $70,203.81 $59,294.69 $56,536.03 $64,918.86 $71,661.72 $112,653.23
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Sr Fac Spec Puricelli, Estefania Ines Sr Fac Spec Ramirez, Fernando Andres Visit Res Prof Roger, Jean-Claude Visiting Asst Rsch Prof Franch, Belen
BSOS-Government & Politics
Acad Adv Santos, Jillian A Acad Adv Weiland, Kathryn Lynn Assoc Prof Banks, Antoine Jevon Assoc Prof Birnir, Johanna K Assoc Prof Cunningham, David E. Assoc ProfCunningham, Kathleen Gallagher Assoc Prof Hanmer, Michael J. Assoc Prof Haufler, Virginia Ann Assoc Prof Karol, David Assoc Prof Kastner, Scott Assoc Prof Reed, William Lawton III Assoc Prof Rouse, Stella Assoc Prof Soltan, Karol E. Assoc Prof Swistak, Piotr T. Assoc Res Prof Backer, David A Assoc Res Sci Atwood, David A. Assoc Res Sci Reintsma, Curtis A. Asst Dir Cortes, Karmin Asst Prof Alcaniz, Isabella Asst Prof Allee, Todd Asst Prof Bond, Kanisha De Ann Asst Prof Croco, Sarah Elizabeth Asst Prof Jones, Calvert W Asst Prof Mason, Lilliana H Asst Prof McCauley, John F. Asst Prof Miler, Kristina Asst Prof Simmons, Joel Asst Prof Ward, Ian Asst Prof Wohlfarth, Patrick Charles Asst Res Sci Wong, Kelly Asst Rsch Prof Kosko, Stacy Jeanne Business Manager Wist, Denise E. Coordinator Clark, Ann M. Coordinator Roberts, Cissy Coordinator Wise Oh, Andrea Dir Admin Srv Mansfield, Michael Thomas Fac Asst Aronson, Jacob Fac Asst Hosam, Christian M Fac Asst Patch, Allison Kathryn Fac Res Asst Kyser, Brittany Paige Lecturer Maksad, Firas S Lecturer Spivey, Michael Odell Lecturer Turner, Paul F Lecturer Wallace, Jennifer Loy Lecturer Ziv, Guy Prof Alford, Charles Frederick Prof Gimpel, James G. Prof Glass, James M. Prof Huth, Paul K. Prof Lee, Frances Prof Lichbach, Mark Prof Pearson, Margaret M. Prof Telhami, Shibley Prof Tismaneanu, Vladimir Prof Uslaner, Eric M. Prof & Assoc Chair Calvo, Ernesto F. Prof & Chair Morris, Irwin Lester Res Prof Wilkenfeld, Jonathan
$32,678.50 $73,271.05 $112,200.00 $71,440.80
Res Res Res Res
Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc
Bissonette, Gregory Buttaccio, Daniel Milyavsky, Maxim Mu, Yan
$50,522.11 $45,911.22 $42,864.48 $43,074.60
Admin Asst II Prendergast, Taylor L Assoc Prof Kestnbaum, Meyer Assoc Prof Kleykamp, Meredith A. Assoc Prof Marsh, Kris Assoc Prof Neustadtl, Alan Assoc Prof Park, Julie Assoc Prof Assoc Chair Pease, John Asst Prof Prell, Christina Asst Prof Ray, Rashawn Coordinator DeLoatch, Nicole T. Coordinator Havrilla, Karina J. Coordinator Rajan, Mini P. Dir Admin Srv Bugenhagen, Gaye Dist Univ Prof Collins, Patricia Hill Dist Univ Prof Presser, Stanley Dist Univ Prof Ritzer, George Jr Lecturer Clark, Jenelle Noelani Jr Lecturer Strohecker, David Paul Jr Lecturer Swann, Daniel Bart Jr Lecturer Wanenchak, Sarah Lecturer Forsythe, Ann E. Lecturer Moghadam, Linda L. Lecturer Pernick, Robert Lecturer Thompson, Willie J Lecturer Yu, Yan Prof Chen, Feinian Prof Cohen, Philip N. Prof Desai, Sonalde B. Prof Finsterbusch, Kurt Prof Fisher, Dana R Prof Kahn, Joan R. Prof Lucas, Jeffrey W. Prof Rendall, Michael S. Prof Sayer, Liana C. Prof Vanneman, Reeve Prof Villarreal, Andres Prof Yu, Wei-hsin Prof & Chair Korzeniewicz, Roberto Patricio Res Assoc Crosbie, Thomas A
$33,900.00 $81,250.86 $98,013.93 $90,328.47 $83,881.31 $43,932.14 $86,121.50 $75,693.76 $110,743.24 $47,277.00 $51,000.00 $54,300.62 $96,917.85 $92,237.78 $174,995.68 $87,908.54 $40,800.00 $20,400.00 $20,400.00 $20,400.00 $10,506.00 $71,829.29 $22,440.00 $22,000.00 $11,000.00 $153,062.63 $136,691.75 $168,834.52 $93,364.55 $148,420.71 $103,524.79 $134,637.14 $209,165.13 $126,912.19 $140,658.74 $157,600.00 $157,600.00 $195,839.97 $42,840.00
$45,000.00 $47,258.84 $131,529.00 $108,382.34 $119,850.00 $119,850.00 $130,152.00 $94,495.25 $104,021.64 $97,672.46 $127,671.36 $117,074.62 $91,352.58 $88,151.01 $97,418.89 $151,471.82 $140,898.72 $64,900.00 $88,261.62 $104,649.96 $88,261.62 $110,713.58 $84,000.00 $84,000.00 $105,187.50 $95,984.55 $90,940.65 $67,143.54 $108,113.63 $54,325.42 $76,500.00 $62,328.22 $67,819.99 $62,845.69 $69,656.22 $91,800.00 $40,000.00 $47,000.00 $17,744.94 $53,040.00 $5,377.42 $43,936.08 $5,377.42 $21,509.72 $10,506.00 $135,425.76 $120,656.04 $149,172.53 $241,939.91 $158,401.92 $200,428.93 $124,950.00 $245,216.15 $123,797.79 $139,881.57 $133,962.64 $193,910.16 $233,529.40
College of Computer, Math & Natural Sciences CMNS-Astronomy Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc Assoc
Dir Prof Prof Res Sci Res Sci Res Sci Res Sci Res Sci Res Sci
McKenzie, Eric Howie Bolatto, Alberto Ricotti, Massimo Arnaud, Keith A. Chen, Li-Jen Feaga, Lori M. Golla, Thejappa Immler, Stefan Max Kelley, Michael S.
$101,443.08 $161,211.57 $122,284.07 $124,586.18 $132,600.00 $88,831.80 $108,650.41 $92,675.57 $89,109.02
BSOS-Hearing & Speech Sciences
$7 9,6 78 .25 $7 9,6
82 .68
CMNS Employees
7,8 95
CMNS Total Salaries
12. 4M
CMNS Dean Salary
0 ,98
72 $3
,74 56
$3 0 ,62
37 $3
$38,632.53 $43,309.66 $45,963.37 $20,759.63 $50,796.98 $50,505.14 $98,123.21 $121,391.22 $100,000.00 $109,776.13 $125,111.64 $154,176.75 $87,121.80 $111,025.05 $104,195.50 $139,961.85 $110,039.24 $69,996.23 $60,869.89 $71,087.65 $61,551.06 $84,852.21 $98,232.58 $86,780.16 $83,130.00 $92,918.92 $95,069.27 $87,588.63 $99,015.90 $89,618.00 $85,643.95 $83,130.00 $99,241.46 $75,000.00 $49,772.54 $41,770.13 $41,590.48 $62,044.04 $49,364.89 $69,603.15 $111,747.28 $289,244.91 $56,865.89 $31,806.92 $30,000.00 $29,000.00 $30,000.00 $35,000.00 $32,000.00 $22,965.12 $31,806.66 $53,000.00 $34,459.68 $66,227.20 $31,110.00 $26,134.73 $16,320.00 $28,560.00 $33,660.00 $45,045.16 $32,640.00 $74,596.17 $9,834.22 $98,000.00 $55,724.45 $55,740.85 $44,000.00 $42,840.00 $42,840.00 $44,553.60 $44,000.00 $42,864.48 $42,864.48 $146,694.25 $173,104.90 $126,952.23 $169,812.10 $223,009.56 $144,997.53 $73,112.95 $141,672.89 $241,575.60 $126,247.02 $125,186.51 $234,599.97 $21,012.00
Acad Prog Spec Garcia, M. Cristina Admin Asst II Coldren-Walker, Julia D. Admin Asst II Lockwood, Ellen R. Admin Asst II Verdugo, Carmen B Advisor McGann, Kevin Advisor Young, Steven D. Assoc Clin Prof Byrne, Mary Colleen Assoc Prof De Los Reyes, Andres Assoc Prof Dougherty, Lea Rose Assoc Prof Herberholz, Jens Assoc Prof Lemay, Edward Assoc Prof MacPherson, Laura Assoc Prof Norman, Kent L. Assoc Prof Roesch, Matthew Ryan Assoc Prof Assoc Chair Yager, David D. Assoc Res Prof Yi, Richard Asst Clin Prof Felton, Julia W Asst Clin Prof Vijay, Aditi Asst Dir Kader, Lori J. Asst Dir Leffson-Bryant, Joanne Asst Dir Tablada, Archilline R. Asst Prof Beier, Jonathan Asst Prof Bernat, Edward Asst Prof Glasper Andrews, Erica Asst Prof Grand, James Andrew Asst Prof Iwamoto, Derek Asst Prof Mohr, Jonathan J. Asst Prof Redcay, Elizabeth Asst Prof Riggins, Tracy Asst Prof Shackman, Alexander Joseph Asst Prof Slevc, Robert Asst Prof Wessel, Jennifer Leah Asst Res Eng Smith, Edward Wilson Asst Rsch Prof Madison, Farrah N Business Manager Liden, William Harper Business Serv Spec Henry, Merle A. Business Serv Spec Tabor, Dana L Coordinator Haque, Enamul Coordinator Johnson, Robeya B. Coordinator Tabor, Meredith Dir Admin Srv Schmidt, Kimberly J. Dist Univ Prof Kruglanski, A W. Elect Tech III Chan, Anthony H Fac Asst Bounoua, Rabea Nadia Fac Asst Clark, Marissa D. Fac Asst Exum, Alexis Camille Fac Asst Ingram, Katherine Mariah Fac Asst Ludlum, Ruth Suzanne Fac Asst Meyer, Christian T Fac Asst Slim, Deema Fac Asst Soldinger, James L Fac Asst Teetsel, Rebekah Nicole Fac Res Asst Bachman, Matthew Fac Res Asst Gorham, Carol Fac Res Asst Jackson, Joshua Conrad Fac Res Asst Kinnison, Joshua Andrew Fac Res Asst Larson, Emma Grace Fac Res Asst Lawson, Shelby Louise Fac Res Asst Lee, Brian Fac Res Asst Malik, Asia Fac Res Asst Mulligan, Elizabeth Marie Lecturer Curtis, Ryan Dean Lecturer Lee, Susan Lecturer Salahuddin, Nazish M. Lecturer Selterman, Dylan Faulkner Lecturer Tomlinson, Tracy Darlene Post-Doc Assoc Alward, Beau Andrew Post-Doc Assoc Bryden, Daniel William Post-Doc Assoc Danko, Christina M Post-Doc Assoc Geng, Fengji Post-Doc Assoc Iyilikci, Onur Post-Doc Assoc Jasko, Katarzyna Beata Post-Doc Assoc Webber, David E Prof Brauth, Steven E. Prof Cassidy, Jude Anne Prof Chronis-Tuscano, Andrea Prof Dooling, Robert J. Prof Gelfand, Michele Joy Prof Hanges, Paul J. Prof Hill, Clara E. Prof O’Brien, Karen Mary Prof Pessoa, Luiz Prof Stangor, Charles G. Prof & Assoc Chair Dougherty, Michael R Prof & Chair Blanchard, Jack J. Prof Emeritus Gelso, Charles J.
$103,839.06 $64,887.50 $84,521.65 $38,760.00 $68,115.60 $84,048.00 $79,560.00 $94,225.86 $62,063.04 $188,451.70
Assoc Prof Li, Yan Asst Dir Williams, Jody Derezinski Director Jethwa Eapen, Rupa Fac Asst Sokel, Ricky Lee Manager Rollins, Holly Post-Doc Assoc Bonnery, Daniel B. Post-Doc Assoc Sinibaldi, Jennifer J Prof Abraham, Katharine G. Prof Kreuter, Frauke Prof Lahiri, Partha
BSOS-Joint Program in Survey Methodology
CMNS Average Salary
Assoc Prof Shah, Yasmeen Faroqi $86,976.48 Asst Clin Prof Dow-Burger, Kathryn Margaret $62,538.44 Asst Clin Prof Lower, Rebecca A $58,225.17 Asst Clin Prof Mont, Eusabia Victoria $62,346.68 Asst Clin Prof Palmer, Sharon S. $62,774.89 Asst Clin Prof Rickard, Lisa $71,838.07 Asst Clin Prof Schauer, Paula Christine $61,920.59 Asst Clin Prof Slawson, Kristin Kay $62,135.54 Asst Prof Anderson, Samira Brake $79,485.34 Asst Prof Goupell, Matthew Joseph $79,595.70 Asst Prof Huang, Yi Ting $72,248.64 Asst Prof Novick, Jared M $73,506.30 Clin Prof McCabe, Margaret M. $98,285.56 Clin Prof Sisskin, Vivian D. $77,500.20 Clin Prof Worthington, Colleen K. $97,588.63 Clinic Coord Lopez, Kay Calaro $40,840.11 Coordinator Brownlee, Valerie S. $47,852.42 Dir Admin Srv Beasley, Rachelle L. $70,932.14 Fac Asst Shroads, Emily $38,000.00 Lecturer Brewer, Carmen C. $5,391.56 Lecturer Caruso, Rachael Alison $8,600.00 Lecturer King, Kelly Anne $4,532.92 Lecturer Sherlock, LaGuinn Parsons $4,565.36 Lecturer Skinker, Kathleen Battles $56,352.24 Lecturer Williams Walker, Tonya L. $8,572.92 Post-Doc Assoc Erickson, Lucy Claire $50,000.00 Prof Gordon-Salant, Sandra $155,721.99 Prof Ratner, Nan Bernstein $139,426.37 Prof & Chair Newman, Rochelle S. $188,700.00 Prof Emerita Yeni-Komshian, Grace H. $8,414.26 Res Prof Fitzgibbons, Peter J. $54,320.31
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Assoc Res Sci Kutyrev, Alexander S $131,387.51 Assoc Res Sci Loewenstein, Michael $119,236.95 Assoc Res Sci Richardson, Ian G. $117,239.62 Assoc Res Sci Shaya, Edward J. $82,939.17 Assoc Res Sci Teuben, Peter J. $106,713.60 Asst Prof Gezari, Suvi $125,234.45 Asst Res Eng Chornay, Dennis J. $126,982.86 Asst Res Eng Rauch, Kevin P. $91,284.90 Asst Res Sci Achterberg, Richard K $113,889.03 Asst Res Sci Bodewits, Dennis $75,567.37 Asst Res Sci Buzulukova, Natalia $79,684.03 Asst Res Sci Ferrara, Elizabeth C $135,660.41 Asst Res Sci Grubisic, Andrej $84,000.00 Asst Res Sci Guiriec, Sylvain $76,459.20 Asst Res Sci Hesman, Brigette E $88,110.15 Asst Res Sci Hewagama, Tilak $96,443.66 Asst Res Sci Huard, Tracy L $90,886.43 Asst Res Sci Jian, Lan $88,321.81 Asst Res Sci Livengood, Timothy A. $119,203.93 Asst Res Sci Protopapa, Silvia $72,669.90 Asst Res Sci Sasaki, Makoto $98,476.41 Asst Res Sci Shao, Xi $54,900.51 Asst Res Sci Shaposhnikov, Nikolai V $82,000.00 Asst Res Sci Tombesi, Francesco $74,517.12 Asst Res Sci Troja, Eleonora $80,000.00 Asst Res Sci Tyler, Robert H $108,084.03 Asst Res Sci Yamaguchi, Hiroya $79,000.00 Business Manager Cortes Mora, Luisa Fernanda $64,532.85 Business Manager Rowe, Natalie Ann $64,953.12 Business Manager Susanto, Yovita Mona $76,995.92 Comp Eng Sebok, William L. $85,552.84 Coordinator Hansborough, Barbara A. $57,060.95 Coordinator Newman, Adrienne M. $60,267.88 Coordinator Phillips, MaryAnn $69,855.20 Dir Admin Srv Kimbrell, Dorinda K $108,763.62 Fac Asst Cea, Donatella $32,000.00 Fac Asst Fuentes, Javier Antonio $33,660.00 Fac Spec Barnes, Tilden Fletcher IV $49,704.68 Fac Spec Castillo, Marco Eduardo $42,500.00 Fac Spec Holt, Carrie $35,000.00 Fac Spec Knudson, Christine $46,000.00 Fac Spec Nagdimunov, Lev $42,408.39 Lecturer Hoban, Susan Mary $13,200.00 Lecturer Miller, Benjamin Hatch $12,600.00 Lecturer Peel, Alan C $66,746.91 Post-Doc Assoc Blecha, Laura Elizabeth $66,500.00 Post-Doc Assoc Elrod, Meredith K $63,240.00 Post-Doc Assoc Fang, Ke $63,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Giacintucci, Simona $43,828.32 Post-Doc Assoc Gruesbeck, Jacob $57,500.00 Post-Doc Assoc Gutynska, Olga $62,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Hellio, Gabrielle Charlotte $56,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Henning, Wade G $65,106.00 Post-Doc Assoc Kara, Erin Amira $67,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Kim, Kyowon $58,500.00 Post-Doc AssocPasham, Dheeraj Ranga Reddy $58,140.00 Post-Doc Assoc Randol, Brent Matthew $73,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Ryan, Erin Lee $64,260.00
Post-Doc Assoc Temim, Tea Post-Doc Assoc Tsang, David Post-Doc Assoc Wang, Shan Post-Doc Assoc Young, Kelsey Evans Prin Fac Spec Raugh, Anne Catherine Prin Fac Spec Samuelson, Robert E. Prin Fac Spec Segura, Marcia E Prin Fac Spec Warner, Elizabeth M. Prin Fac Spec Wellnitz, Dennis D. Prof Deming, Leo Drake Prof Hamilton, Douglas P. Prof Harris, Andrew I. Prof Miller, Michael Coleman Prof Mushotzky, RIchard Prof Papadopoulos, Konstantinos Dennis Prof Reynolds, Christopher S. Prof Richardson, Derek Charles Prof Sunshine, Jessica M Prof & Chair Vogel, Stuart N. Prof & Dir Mundy, Lee G. Prof & Dir Veilleux, Sylvain Prog Mgmt Spec Lehr, Susan Program Dir Holdridge, David Vance Res Assoc Becerra Gonzalez, Josefa Res Assoc Kowalski, Adam Francis Res Assoc Morsony, Brian James Res Assoc Tan, Lun-Chang Res Prof A’Hearn, Michael F. Res Sci Fixsen, Dale J Res Sci Moiseev, Alexander Res Sci Sharma, A Surjalal Senior Lecturer Hayes-Gehrke, Melissa N Sr Fac Spec Bai, Yan Sr Fac Spec Watanabe, Tomomi Sr Res Eng Avanov, Levon Albertovich Sr Res Sci Farnham, Tony L. Sr Res Sci Kolokolova, Lioudmila Sr Res Sci Milikh, Gennady M. Sr Res Sci Pound, Marc William Sr Res Sci Wolfire, Mark G. Visit Assoc Res Sci Edelson, Rick Visit Assoc Res SciKnight, Matthew Manning Visit Asst Res Sci Bessho, Naoki Visit Asst Res Sci Bonnell, Jeremiah T. Visit Asst Res Sci Bower, Dina Marie Visit Asst Res Sci Boyer, Martha Lynn Visit Asst Res Sci Che, Haihong Visit Asst Res Sci Cottini, Valeria Visit Asst Res Sci Gershman, Daniel Visit Asst Res Sci Hicks, Brian Andrew Visit Asst Res Sci Keek, Laurens Visit Asst Res Sci Kopparapu, Ravi Kumar Visit Asst Res SciMcConnochie, Timothy H Visit Asst Res Sci McLain, Jason Lee Visit Asst Res Sci Michell, Robert Gregory Visit Asst Res Sci Soobiah, Yasir Ibn Jilani Visit Asst Res Sci Timokhin, Andrey Visit Asst Research Engineer Noroozian, Omid
$65,953.20 $65,000.00 $53,000.00 $57,120.00 $131,147.29 $40,614.69 $149,911.16 $43,498.34 $41,859.04 $196,970.20 $139,010.54 $154,180.84 $141,152.70 $203,111.52 $106,593.41 $181,213.40 $137,000.08 $173,366.53 $199,497.49 $200,723.64 $182,459.10 $54,609.68 $150,972.10 $63,423.60 $64,005.00 $64,260.00 $36,184.40 $155,925.01 $169,387.78 $157,441.08 $76,537.12 $66,112.49 $66,300.00 $70,000.00 $123,770.88 $112,001.45 $120,979.54 $68,633.96 $109,840.96 $106,257.52 $53,580.60 $87,500.00 $80,274.00 $102,791.99 $72,000.00 $74,000.00 $76,124.99 $68,837.76 $97,500.00 $75,000.00 $74,000.00 $81,500.00 $83,487.20 $73,440.00 $112,200.00 $66,000.00 $77,492.46 $76,000.00
Visit Prof Visit Res Sci Visit Sr Res Sci
Behar, Ehud Statler, Thomas S. Share, Gerald Harvey
CMNS-Atmospheric & Oceanic Science
$71,050.00 $155,000.00 $72,855.76
Assoc Prof Ide, Kayo $59,103.75 Assoc Res Prof Ruiz-Barradas, Alfredo $72,817.15 Assoc Res Sci Allen, Dale John $114,479.11 Assoc Res Sci Chai, Tianfeng $109,198.96 Assoc Res Sci Chepurin, Gennady A. $96,285.96 Assoc Res Sci Tong, Quansong $85,844.12 Assoc Res Sci Warner, Juying Xie $131,030.77 Assoc Res Sci Yang, Kai $144,151.50 Asst Prof Kleist, Daryl T $102,000.00 Asst Prof Lampkin, Derrick $106,606.99 Asst Res Sci Tang, Youhua $96,900.00 Asst Res Sci Wei, Zigang $75,515.50 Asst Rsch Prof Canty, Timothy $110,009.55 Asst Rsch Prof Penny, Stephen Gregory $73,108.50 Business Manager Gatewood, Bernadette Apolo $54,206.33 Business Manager Shan, Siyu $47,923.49 Coordinator Jones, Tameka I $54,651.60 Dir Admin Srv Sherer, June S. $117,357.02 Dist Univ Prof Kalnay, Eugenia E. $129,657.98 Fac Asst Crawford, Alice Margaret $71,400.00 Fac Asst Li, Yan $28,740.00 Fac Asst Tribett, Walter R $44,000.00 Fac Spec Henrikson, Jeffrey Wayne $94,999.74 Fac Spec Kelley, Paul $69,423.17 Fac Spec Kim, Hyun Cheol $95,509.74 Lecturer Jin, Menglin $15,000.00 Lecturer Rudlosky, Scott D. $16,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Chen, Ligang $67,016.30 Post-Doc Assoc Chen, Wen $50,357.00 Post-Doc Assoc He, Hao $55,080.00 Post-Doc Assoc Liu, Yun $57,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Ngan, Fong $81,815.22 Post-Doc Assoc Pan, Li $85,308.92 Prof Busalacchi, Antonio J. $110,143.82 Prof Dickerson, Russell R. $159,755.01 Prof Li, Zhanqing $65,594.16 Prof Liang, Xin-Zhong $78,595.87 Prof Miralles-Wilhelm, Fernando R. $81,247.08 Prof Murtugudde, Raghu $58,881.69 Prof Nigam, Sumant $121,870.49 Prof Pinker, Rachel T. $104,533.76 Prof Salawitch, Ross J. $89,515.77 Prof Zeng, Ning $92,072.37 Prof Zhang, Da-Lin $132,673.43 Prof & Chair Carton, James A. $144,794.67 Prog Coor Hendershot, Tamara Elizabeth $61,175.52 Sr Res Sci Grodsky, Semyon A. $115,918.89 Sr Res Sci Ren, Xinrong $117,580.03 Sr Res Sci Vinnikov, Konstantin $31,580.48 Visit Assoc Prof Jin, Menglin $41,616.00 Visit Asst Res Sci Shou, Yixuan $51,000.00 Visit Sr Res Sci Susanto, Raden Dwi $77,219.10
THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 2016 | Salary Guide | The Diamondback
Account Clerk III Mealo, Jo Anne $19,360.80 Accounting Assoc Wanenchak, Robert JR $35,399.63 Assoc Prof Ades, Ibrahim Z. $149,223.01 Assoc Prof Araneda, Ricardo C. $95,112.61 Assoc Prof Bely, Alexandra E. $89,141.83 Assoc Prof Carleton, Karen $95,813.18 Assoc Prof Cummings, Michael P. $60,910.79 Assoc Prof Haag, Eric S $95,035.54 Assoc Prof Kanold, Patrick $125,000.14 Assoc Prof Machado, Carlos A. $113,562.72 Assoc Prof Singer, Joshua $101,869.44 Assoc Prof Swenson, Nathan G. $103,000.00 Asst Dir Brown, Janie L. $72,948.52 Asst Prof Butts, Daniel A. $85,744.26 Asst Prof Fisher, Heidi S $114,667.00 Asst Prof Gaudry, Quentin $84,048.00 Asst Prof Johnson, Philip Lee Falk $113,400.00 Asst Res Sci Anishkin, Andriy $56,100.00 Asst Res Sci MacLeod, Katrina M. $70,824.92 Business Manager Doerfler, Patricia Lynn $49,375.94 Coordinator Gouker, Jennie Elizabeth $50,000.00 Coordinator Harper, KeCia L. $66,162.86 Coordinator Lemke, Hans D. $54,422.08 Coordinator Maugel, Timothy K. $101,324.72 Coordinator Miranda, Bonnie $49,114.62 Coordinator Odim, Tracy $48,506.26 Director Grimes, Amanda C. $128,520.00 Dist Univ Prof Carr, Catherine Emily $169,521.96 Fac Asst Armengol, Kevin $30,000.00 Fac Asst Eberly, Christian Lewis $27,732.34 Fac Asst Henricks, Jonathan Clement $17,850.00 Fac Asst Soueidan, Sara Elizabeth $36,000.00 Fac Asst Syed, Shahzeib Waseem $27,450.00 Fac Asst Tong, Min $25,500.00 Fac Asst Tran, Douglas Huu $35,700.00 Fac Asst Walton, Russell Izaak $50,000.00 Fac Asst Yasmann, Anthony $35,720.40 Fac Res Asst Shi, Qing $40,800.00 Fac Spec Krahe, Krista $40,800.01 Inst Opoku-Edusei, Justicia $62,835.27 Lab Animal Tech Greene, Cecily Tenisha $36,027.59 Lecturer Bierman, Hilary Susan $63,174.92 Lecturer Dunlap, Lucas $11,000.00 Lecturer Gedan, Keryn Bromberg $62,916.86 Lecturer Lombardi, Sara Ann $62,628.00 Lecturer Sandstrom, David J. $63,422.78 Lecturer Woodham, Hadiya Atasha $63,408.30 Manager Chan, Wan $82,488.40 Post-Doc Assoc Bilandzija, Helena $43,020.32 Post-Doc Assoc Brush, Eleanor Redstart $60,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Dalton, Brian $43,680.00 Post-Doc Assoc Fleming, Christen Herbert $60,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Howard, Allison Marie $45,900.00 Post-Doc Assoc Kettler, Lutz $42,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Lantz, Crystal $41,453.45 Post-Doc Assoc Meng, Xiangying $44,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Nyberg, Kevin Glenn $44,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Staniczenko, Phillip Pandji Adam $61,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Suzuki, Yoshinori $42,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Sylvester, Sherika $44,556.00 Post-Doc Assoc Weng, Mao-Lun $49,000.00 Prg Admin Spec Parker, James Richard $41,368.00 Prin Fac Spec Bewick, Sharon Anne $56,165.16 Prin Fac Spec Gurarie, Eliezer $48,960.00 Prin Fac Spec Ke, Jiangbin $51,954.43 Prin Fac Spec Murase, Sachiko $81,946.80 Prin Fac Spec Van der Weele, Cornelia Maria $44,000.00 Prin Fac Spec Zhang, Lei $26,790.30 Prof Borgia, Gerald $104,674.07 Prof Colombini, Marco $135,182.06 Prof Fenster, Charles B. $101,944.62 Prof Jeffery, William Richard $203,753.72 Prof Kocher, Thomas David $170,258.87 Prof Lips, Karen R. $121,592.52 Prof Payne, Richard $143,160.38 Prof Quinlan, Elizabeth M. $120,000.14 Prof Reaka, Marjorie L. $102,526.86 Prof Simon, Jonathan Z. $40,133.50 Prof Sukharev, Sergei I. $114,645.48 Prof Via, Sara $98,226.97 Prof Wilkinson, Gerald S. $138,559.15 Prof & Chair Fagan, Bill $216,180.00 Res Assoc Hu, Shuang $40,800.00 Res Assoc Zhang, Xiaonan $43,074.60 Senior Lecturer Compton, Reid S. $99,577.59 Senior Lecturer Parent, Beth $75,476.12 Sr Fac Spec Conte, Matthew $79,084.88
CMNS-Cell Biology & Molecular Genetics
Admin Asst II Jenkins, Margaret J. Admin Asst II Lord, Victoria G. Assoc Prof Briken, Volker Assoc Prof Cao, Kan Assoc Prof El-Sayed, Najib M. Assoc Prof Lee, Vincent T. Assoc Prof Mount, Stephen M. Assoc Prof Stewart, Richard C. Assoc Prof Straney, David C. Assoc Prof Winkler, Wade C. Assoc Res Prof Jones, John Edward Asst Prof Dwyer, Daniel John Asst Prof Jose, Antony Merlin Asst Prof Roy, Sougata Asst Res Sci Chen, Bin Asst Res Sci Gao, Feng Asst Rsch Prof Chandrasekaran, Prabha Asst Rsch Prof Corrotte, Matthias Jurgen Asst Rsch Prof Le Breton, Yoann Stephane Asst Rsch Prof Mittra, Bidyottam Asst Rsch Prof Wang, Yan Business Manager Thompson, Teresa M. Business Serv Spec Chow, PeiLei Coordinator Burke, Molly M. Coordinator Chelliah, Nalini Coordinator Fabricante, Sharon Coordinator O’Toole, Dorothea Coordinator Philpott, Errica D. Dir Admin Srv Moffett, Pamela A. Director Beaven, Amy Elizabeth Director Class, Kenneth Exec Adm Asst I Stover, LaJeune P
$46,785.53 $48,305.68 $95,747.39 $102,324.90 $62,128.44 $93,256.05 $96,541.94 $94,791.35 $105,626.85 $106,457.40 $92,000.00 $58,956.17 $90,087.42 $119,679.66 $45,007.70 $48,465.00 $50,796.00 $51,828.00 $50,289.98 $63,121.67 $85,899.10 $58,140.00 $45,169.78 $57,120.00 $52,393.33 $46,410.00 $72,913.68 $67,053.78 $94,740.06 $66,975.68 $76,574.07 $45,509.80
Fac Asst Knotts, Zachary D $32,000.00 Fac Asst Leung, Megan K $30,000.00 Fac Asst Lizzio, Michael Anthony JR $47,424.90 Fac Asst Ott, Brittany Maree $42,000.00 Fac Asst Rashed, Shah Manzur $33,201.00 Fac Asst Trappio, Mason Olonade $35,000.00 Fac Spec Edwards, Lanelle Oni $33,474.87 Lecturer Buchner, John $67,414.86 Lecturer Frauwirth, Kenneth $67,412.82 Lecturer Keller, Michael John $64,260.00 Lecturer Moctezuma, Edgar $69,555.84 Manager Lord-Attivor, Simone $85,170.00 Post-Doc Assoc Caruana, Julie Christine $43,680.00 Post-Doc Assoc Chamanrokh, Parastoo $42,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Cole, Stephanie Joy $43,680.00 Post-Doc Assoc Costa da Silva, Ana Caroline $4,800.00 Post-Doc Assoc Du, Lijuan $42,840.00 Post-Doc Assoc Galimba, Kelsey Diane $45,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc May, Jared Paul $40,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Moncelet, Damien $42,840.00 Post-Doc Assoc Portes, Maria Teresa $46,069.36 Post-Doc Assoc Poubel, Saloe Domingues Bispo $4,800.00 Post-Doc Assoc Srinivasan, Lalitha $39,264.00 Post-Doc Assoc Sun, Linlin $40,800.00 Post-Doc Assoc Vega, Luis Alberto $42,330.00 Post-Doc Assoc Wafula, Denis Nyongesa $40,800.00 Post-Doc Assoc Wudick, Michael Markus $46,069.36 Post-Doc Assoc Zhou, Junhui $40,000.00 Post-Doc Scholar Kim, Joonyup $36,990.72 Post-Doc Scholar Laranjeira Da Silva, Maria Fernanda $43,347.22 Post-Doc Scholar Santa Cruz Damineli, Daniel $42,000.00 Prin Fac Spec Jack, Lucinda J. $44,650.68 Prof Allewell, Norma M. $204,500.66 Prof Andrews, Norma Windsor $273,286.56 Prof Cooke, Todd J. $122,221.28 Prof Delwiche, Charles Francis $116,843.48 Prof DeStefano, Jeffrey J. $100,049.90 Prof Feijo, Jose A. $211,800.96 Prof Hannenhalli, Sridhar $72,298.71 Prof Hutcheson, Steven W. $119,804.36 Prof Liu, Zhongchi $111,318.72 Prof McIver, Kevin S. $111,781.08 Prof Mosser, David M. $174,370.25 Prof Simon, Anne Elizabeth $135,990.95 Prof Song, Wenxia $109,936.97 Prof Stein, Daniel C. $116,512.41 Prof Wolniak, Stephen M. $136,735.87 Prof & Assoc Chair Chang, Caren $111,349.77 Prof & Chair Dinman, Jonathan D. $193,505.00 Prog Coor Warman, Gwen $50,052.32 Res Coor Amsalu, Firew T. $50,020.80 Res Coor Stupina, Vera A $62,245.50 Res Prof Huq, Anwar $126,602.73 Res Prof Sze, Heven $28,200.00 Senior Lecturer Shields, Patricia Ann $71,987.52 Storekeeper II Dunton, Jeffrey J $37,402.01 Storekeeper III Downing, Douglas D. $35,671.68 Visit Asst Res Sci Michard, Erwan $46,069.36 Visiting Assoc Res Prof Du, Zhiyou $45,000.00
CMNS-Chemistry & Biochemistry
Assoc Prof Dayie, Theodore Kwaku Assoc Prof Julin, Douglas A. Assoc Prof Kahn, Jason D. Assoc Prof LaRonde, Nicole A. Assoc Prof Lee, Cheng S. Assoc Prof Wang, YuHuang Assoc Res Sci Gaskell, Karen Asst Wang, Yinde Asst Prof Nie, Zhihong Asst Prof Paukstelis, Paul Asst Prof Rodriguez, Efrain E. Asst Res Sci Singh, Rajesh Asst Res Sci Yang, Qiang Asst Rsch Prof Klos, Jacek Antoni Business Serv Spec Borromeo, Joseph Business Serv Spec Espinal, Sandra Evelin Business Serv Spec Prince, Monique D Coordinator Chick, Krystle E. Coordinator Mahaffy, Judith Coordinator Phelps, Shirl A. Director Jackson, Dolores E. Director Li, Yue Director Walters, Caedmon W Director Womack, Carl A Director Zhang, Daoning Dist Univ Prof Alexander, Millard H. Dist Univ Prof Lorimer, George H. Dist Univ Prof Weeks, John D. Eng Tech III Taylor, Scott A. Exec Adm Asst I Fisanich, Catherine Clark Fac Asst Giddens, John Patrick Fac Asst Robinson, Elizabeth Fac Asst Sethi, Jasmine IT Support Assoc Grant, Angel Alfredo Lecturer Addei-Maanu, Christiana Adwoa Lecturer Capp, Christopher L Lecturer Friedman, Lee Lecturer Griffith, Elizabeth Campbell Lecturer Houck, Joseph Lecturer Koppel, Monique Lecturer Rastogi, Soumya Lecturer Stocker, Lenea Hope Lecturer Stone, Earle Lecturer Walters, Barbara S. Lecturer White, Natalia L. Manager Lam, Yiu-Fai Manager Palmer, Andrew Manager Zavalij, Peter Y. Post-Doc Assoc Cai, Hui Post-Doc Assoc Chen, Dapeng Post-Doc Assoc Decarlo, Samantha Post-Doc Assoc El Hadri, Hind Post-Doc Assoc Huang, Zhongjie Post-Doc Assoc Hurley, Matthew Thomas Post-Doc Assoc Jarry, Angelique Jacqueline Post-Doc Assoc KC, Chandra B Post-Doc Assoc Li, Chao Post-Doc Assoc Li, Sheng-Yen Post-Doc Assoc Li, Tiezheng Post-Doc Assoc Lindwall, Greta Karolina Post-Doc Assoc Mukherjee, Arnab Kumar
$106,186.69 $88,314.26 $86,420.67 $92,914.31 $131,688.54 $99,807.82 $90,916.68 $64,786.41 $87,261.82 $80,795.63 $86,564.14 $40,920.87 $60,000.00 $60,412.13 $42,652.16 $41,166.83 $45,237.16 $48,036.70 $44,094.60 $45,899.15 $129,261.78 $79,443.07 $88,658.43 $103,020.00 $79,953.73 $136,726.98 $150,808.57 $46,632.49 $53,435.04 $47,881.95 $28,560.00 $40,000.00 $52,000.00 $48,722.39 $58,000.00 $62,730.00 $70,043.40 $58,000.00 $60,093.30 $62,000.00 $41,010.00 $60,093.30 $70,852.26 $7,868.80 $59,955.60 $120,460.88 $75,000.00 $114,917.06 $42,000.00 $50,000.00 $45,000.00 $66,912.00 $41,000.00 $48,960.00 $67,000.00 $41,000.00 $42,000.00 $68,919.36 $42,840.00 $65,600.00 $66,919.00
Post-Doc Assoc Orwenyo, Jared Post-Doc Assoc Peng, Zhiwei Post-Doc Assoc Samanta, Soumen Kumar Post-Doc Assoc Sudusinghe, Kishan P. Post-Doc Assoc Sun, ChuanFu Post-Doc Assoc Sun, Xiaoyu Post-Doc Assoc Uzdin, Raam Post-Doc Assoc Wang, Yongxin Post-Doc Assoc Yi, Chenglin Post-Doc Assoc Zhu, Shilei Post-Doc Scholar Gibbons, William Post-Doc Scholar Hu, Junkai Post-Doc Scholar Lu, Xiaoyong Post-Doc Scholar Subasi, Yigit Post-Doc Scholar Wang, Yi Post-Doc Scholar Yu, Yi Prof Beckett, Dorothy Prof Blough, Neil V. Prof Cotter, Catherine Fenselau Prof Davis, Jeffery T. Prof DeShong, Philip R. Prof Eichhorn, Bryan W. Prof Falvey, Daniel E. Prof Fourkas, John T. Prof Fushman, David Prof Isaacs, Lyle D. Prof Jarzynski, Christopher Prof Lee, Sangbok Prof Mignerey, Alice C. Prof Mullin, Amy S. Prof Ondov, John M. Prof Papoian, Garegin Prof Salawitch, Ross J. Prof Sita, Lawrence R. Prof Vedernikov, Andrei Prof Walters, William B. Prof Wang, Lai-Xi Prof Zachariah, Michael R. Prof & Chair Reutt-Robey, Janice Prog Mgmt Spec Cade, Chirice Prog Mgmt Spec Canter, Diane F. Prog Mgmt Spec Hontz, Elizabeth Ann Prog Mgmt Spec Rosenfelder, Catherine G. Res Assoc Baskaran, Arvind Res Assoc Liaros, Nikolaos Res Assoc Liu, Jingyu Res Assoc Ouyang, Jun Res Assoc Raz, Oren Res Assoc Singh, Arunima Senior Lecturer Dixon, Bonnie Lynn Senior Lecturer Montague-Smith, Michael P Storekeeper II Robinson, LaVelle Vatelle Storekeeper III Griffin, William A Teaching Lab Tech Miller, Adrienne Teaching Lab Tech Sitnova, Vera A. Visit Prof Okada, Morihiro Visiting Assoc Res Prof Deng, Shunliu
$42,840.00 $45,000.00 $39,264.00 $65,600.00 $43,000.00 $45,000.00 $45,000.00 $45,360.00 $34,000.00 $44,370.00 $33,160.00 $53,760.00 $43,326.00 $45,000.00 $45,000.00 $60,000.00 $117,036.52 $116,435.96 $188,825.26 $118,435.71 $137,990.85 $168,653.06 $142,755.10 $133,384.85 $153,320.42 $119,586.83 $107,879.18 $132,600.00 $113,720.90 $156,401.36 $111,069.96 $134,547.84 $42,382.79 $140,589.34 $106,297.72 $157,705.26 $175,000.00 $58,742.46 $190,887.90 $44,669.40 $54,706.57 $40,967.32 $44,200.20 $66,912.00 $45,600.00 $70,297.75 $66,912.00 $59,160.00 $66,912.00 $81,032.00 $108,410.70 $30,000.00 $40,011.14 $42,000.40 $42,134.88 $49,000.00 $12,000.00
CMNS-College of Computer, Math & Natural Sciences Acad Adv Celedon, Nicholas E Acad Adv Ezzat, Kasey Admin Asst II Grunberg, Michael Assoc Dean Infantino, Robert L. JR Assoc Dir Brooks, Michelle Mac Assoc Dir Campbell, Anisha M Assoc Dir Leung, Judy H.C. Assoc Dir Quimby, Byrn Booth Assoc Dir Wise, Elizabeth R. Assoc Res Prof Ad-Marbach, Gili Assoc Res Prof Paynter, Kennedy T. JR Asst Clin Prof German, Jennifer Rebecca Asst Dean Bradley-Klemko, Lisa D. Asst Dean Hollister, Olcan C. Asst Dean Kitchen, Dean W. Asst Dean Presson, Joelle C. Asst Dir Andres, Zabrina Stacia Asst Dir Davis, Sandra L. Asst Dir Lontok, Al Asst Dir Nero, Justin R. Asst Dir Thomas, Alicia Nicole Asst Dir Wilke, Jessica Asst Res Sci Jones, Kristal Lynn Asst Rsch Prof Magliocca, Nicholas Coordinator Carrington-Brown, Stephanie Coordinator Dalo, Linda A. Coordinator Farrell, William Burch Coordinator Garosi, Eden Michelle Coordinator Gilliam, Curtis S. Coordinator Holder, Lisa Ann Coordinator Kearney, Mary Coordinator Levine, Faye Coordinator Manguiat, Arlene T Coordinator Mijares, Fabiola N Coordinator Whitney, Mary P. Coordinator Wright, Matthew Early Director Alexander, Amy Ginty Ryan Director Davis, Sean Director Ferrick, Gene Director Kramer, Jonathan G. Director Landavere, Mike Director Loughlin, Wendy Richards Director Robinson, Abby Director Thompson, Katerina V. Director Woycheck, Stacy E. Dist Univ Prof & Dir Palmer, Margaret A. Fac Asst Marchand, Philippe Fac Asst Palmer, Lisa Lesch Fac Asst Weiss, Katherine C.B. Fac Spec Burrell, Travis J. Fac Spec Hondula, Kelly Lynn Fac Spec Marx, Jessica Fac Spec Purdy, Sabrina L Fac Spec Schenk, William R Fac Spec Shelley, Mary Katherine Fac Spec Smorul, Michael A. Fac Spec Wei, Cynthia A IT Sys Mgr Camacho, Christopher Lecturer Henson-Darko, Sarah Lecturer Kirschtel, David Bruce Lecturer Saavedra, Francisca Lecturer Sanyal, Anita Lecturer VanNetta, Catherine M.
$56,632.56 $35,904.00 $36,107.93 $169,464.33 $84,214.77 $91,800.00 $90,628.02 $85,675.72 $79,626.38 $72,942.99 $102,009.18 $55,000.00 $122,400.00 $130,105.25 $230,350.03 $111,165.89 $60,000.00 $74,460.00 $70,486.08 $52,383.58 $49,938.26 $58,151.22 $62,000.00 $87,196.74 $43,241.03 $61,266.81 $41,469.12 $70,000.56 $50,654.22 $65,305.30 $79,485.54 $80,000.00 $89,000.00 $65,456.46 $58,819.32 $75,990.00 $77,659.28 $124,448.82 $108,120.78 $169,350.35 $136,680.00 $90,440.00 $96,487.10 $100,920.28 $76,783.75 $121,815.64 $60,000.00 $58,400.00 $36,500.00 $66,478.30 $61,232.64 $51,000.00 $45,058.09 $54,726.57 $102,873.12 $119,158.84 $76,236.84 $79,195.28 $68,000.00 $66,300.00 $67,694.95 $82,000.00 $75,990.00
Manager Gray, Magna S. $89,545.91 Post-Doc Assoc Alexander, Steven Matthew $56,500.00 Post-Doc Assoc Avolio, Meghan Lynn $57,750.00 Post-Doc Assoc Beckman, Noelle Gabriele $57,750.00 Post-Doc Assoc Burnside, William Roy $61,488.66 Post-Doc Assoc Daut, Elizabeth Frances $56,500.00 Post-Doc Assoc Dell’Angelo, Jampel $58,905.00 Post-Doc Assoc Gill, David Antonio $60,213.66 Post-Doc Assoc LaFevor, Matthew Cole $57,630.00 Post-Doc Assoc Larsen, Elise Anne $22,613.40 Post-Doc Assoc Maher, Joseph Andrew $63,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Randell, Heather $56,500.00 Post-Doc Assoc Trisos, Christopher Harry $56,500.00 Post-Doc Assoc Yeager, Lauren A $58,905.00 Post-Doc Assoc Zambrano, Jenny Maritza $57,712.00 Prof & Act Assoc Dean Losert, Wolfgang $40,800.00 Prof And Dean Banavar, Jayanth R. $375,000.00 Prog Coor Kenemuth, Rebecca Z. $63,250.00 Prog Mgmt Spec Brooks, Charlene $42,768.31 Prog Mgmt Spec Patel, Shyam Gaurang $38,683.50 Prog Mgmt Spec Petersen, Moriah Harris $43,050.00 Res Assoc Volkov, Igor $41,616.00 Res Prof Popper, Arthur N. $59,976.00 Visit Assoc Prof Pulver, Simone $138,696.48
CMNS-Computer Science
Acad Adv Johns, Andrea M Acad Adv Kassir, Charles Mark Acad Adv Vaillancourt, Amy W Accounting Assoc Boykin, Regis D. Assoc Dir Adams, Brandi Kristine Assoc Dir McElroy, Sharron D. Assoc Dir Renehan, Savannah OToole Assoc Prof Childs, Andrew M Assoc Prof Daume, Hal III Assoc Prof Deshpande, Amol Assoc Prof Hajiaghayi, Mohammad Taghi Assoc Prof Keleher, Peter J. Assoc Prof Kruskal, Clyde P. Assoc Prof Pop, Mihai Assoc Prof Purtilo, James M. Assoc Prof Spring, Neil Asst Dir Nolan, Andrew Joseph Asst Prof Carpuat, Marine Asst Prof Corrada Bravo, Hector Asst Prof Froehlich, Jon Edward Asst Prof Goldstein, Thomas Aaron Asst Prof Khan, Zia Asst Prof Mazurek, Michelle L. Asst Prof Van Horn, David Coordinator Chick, Brenda K. Coordinator Friedman, Miriam Annette Coordinator Horton, Jennifer Coordinator Story, Jennifer Director Peters, Stephanie L. Director Worden, Jeanine E. Dist Univ Prof Samet, Hanan Dist Univ Prof Shneiderman, Ben A. Fac Asst Alperin-Sheriff, Jacob Fac Asst Chen, Ray Sun Fac Asst Mardziel, Piotr IT Sys Analyst Ivanov, Sergey Joseph IT Sys Analyst Lauer, Marcus E Lecturer Ai, Niwaer Lecturer Dixon, Colin Kimm Lecturer Emad, Fawzi JR Lecturer Herman, Laurence Alan Lecturer Hugue, Michelle M. Lecturer Juba, Derek Christopher Lecturer Padua-Perez, Nelson Lecturer Reinhardt, Thomas John Lecturer Sadeghian, Pedram Lecturer Sazawal, Vibha Lecturer Song, Charles Post-Doc Assoc Fellegara, Riccardo Post-Doc Assoc Iuricich, Federico Post-Doc Assoc Nguyen, ThanhVu H Prof Agrawala, Ashok K. Prof Aloimonos, John Prof Bhattacharjee, Samrat Prof Cleaveland, Walter Rance II Prof Davis, Larry S. Prof Duraiswami, Ramani Prof Elman, Howard C. Prof Gasarch, William Prof Hicks, Michael W. Prof Hollingsworth, Jeffrey K. Prof Jacobs, David Prof Memon, Atif M. Prof Mount, David M. Prof Nau, Dana S. Prof Perlis, Donald R. Prof Porter, Adam A. Prof Reggia, James A. Prof Roussopoulos, Nicholas Prof Shankar, A.U. Prof Srinivasan, Aravind Prof Subrahmanian, Venkatramanan Prof & Assoc Chair Foster, Jeffrey S. Prof & Assoc Chair Sussman, Alan L. Prof & Chair Khuller, Samir Prog Coor Gray, Jodie M. Prog Mgmt Spec Findlay, Adelaide B. Proj Mgr Gerber, Richard R Res Coor Guloy, Ellen G. Senior Lecturer Golub, Evan B. Senior Lecturer Plane, Jandelyn Dawn Specialist Holden, Todd J
$53,600.00 $45,696.00 $48,960.00 $35,128.00 $81,256.26 $83,097.02 $77,683.20 $63,750.00 $81,602.14 $120,981.79 $124,502.38 $167,762.10 $81,386.17 $71,131.72 $241,498.84 $117,281.06 $60,018.99 $51,000.00 $51,270.86 $87,273.32 $84,999.66 $52,113.04 $49,725.00 $89,527.54 $55,526.07 $46,000.00 $48,000.00 $77,105.88 $98,940.00 $117,197.26 $86,170.17 $144,253.35 $60,000.00 $90,253.24 $32,500.00 $84,377.08 $76,000.00 $72,000.00 $16,000.00 $75,960.93 $76,482.92 $84,445.86 $15,000.00 $75,106.55 $71,765.19 $72,000.00 $24,000.00 $16,000.00 $45,000.00 $48,960.00 $71,400.00 $110,794.34 $78,880.98 $149,236.70 $151,271.72 $121,506.78 $69,354.52 $143,719.59 $64,006.31 $123,018.72 $143,605.92 $49,108.71 $128,208.95 $98,069.84 $151,470.56 $76,736.84 $103,327.62 $120,987.67 $178,680.48 $63,284.09 $143,299.73 $118,468.87 $152,037.73 $165,697.20 $202,375.15 $61,835.77 $41,738.13 $85,000.00 $60,000.00 $79,167.68 $118,144.84 $72,607.70
CMNS-Ctr for Scientific Computation and Math Modeling Assoc Prof Ide, Kayo Asst Prof Bedrossian, Jacob Philip Coordinator Moran, Sara B. Coordinator Zenginoglu, Anil Colpan Dir Admin Srv Alipio, Jolanta Agatha Dist Univ Prof & Dir Tadmor, Eitan Prof Balan, Radu Victor Prof Jabin, Pierre-Emmanuel Prof Levy, Doron Visit Prof Ariel, Gil Visit Prof Fibich, Gadi
$23,880.80 $48,960.00 $53,000.00 $56,000.00 $97,550.00 $194,001.77 $107,795.78 $109,789.23 $65,095.90 $30,106.49 $30,600.00
CMNS-Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center Admin Asst I Ridore, Yolande M. Assoc Dir Drame, Stefanie M. Assoc Prof Evans, Michael N. Assoc Prof Ide, Kayo Assoc Prof Kaushal, Sujay Assoc Res Prof Tzortziou, Maria A. Assoc Res Sci Birkett, Charon Melissa Assoc Res Sci Farrell, Sinead Louise Assoc Res Sci Gu, Guojun Assoc Res Sci Kidd, Christopher Assoc Res Sci Kongoli, Cezar Assoc Res Sci Lee, Seoung Soo Assoc Res Sci Li, Can Assoc Res Sci Mao, Jianping Assoc Res Sci Matsui, Toshihisa Assoc Res Sci Molod, Andrea Mara Assoc Res Sci Tian, Yudong Assoc Res Sci Wang, Jian-Jian Assoc Res Sci Wang, Likun Assoc Res Sci Weaver, Clark Jay Asst Res Eng Chen, Li-Chuan Asst Res Eng Jiang, Liqing Asst Res Eng Lee, Hai-Tien Asst Res Eng Yatheendradas, Soni Asst Res Eng Zhang, Yongsheng Asst Res Sci Brunt, Kelly M. Asst Res Sci Casey, Kimberly Ann Asst Res Sci Chen, Yong Asst Res Sci Cullather, Richard Ian Asst Res Sci Del Vecchio, Rossana Asst Res Sci Elshorbany, Yasin Fathy Asst Res Sci Getirana, Augusto Cesar Vieira Asst Res Sci Guimond, Stephen Richard Asst Res Sci Hain, Christopher Ryan Asst Res Sci Harris, Andrew Robert Asst Res Sci Harrison, Kenneth W. Asst Res Sci Huang, Jingfeng Asst Res Sci Lee, Jaehwa Asst Res Sci Liu, Jicheng Asst Res Sci Liu, Yuling Asst Res Sci Loughner, Christopher Paul Asst Res Sci McPartland, Linette Nicole Asst Res Sci Mishonov, Alexey V. Asst Res Sci Moradi, Isaac Asst Res Sci Pan, Xiaohua Asst Res Sci Ramanathan, Anand Krishnan Asst Res Sci Sutton-Grier, Ariana Asst Res Sci Vintzileos, Augustin Asst Res Sci Walker, Ryan T Asst Res Sci Wang, Zhuosen Asst Res Sci Wu, Huan Asst Res Sci Yang, Hu Asst Res Sci Yang, Wenze Asst Res Sci Yu, Peng Asst Res Sci Zhang, Ping Asst Res Sci Zhang, Yan Asst Rsch Prof Kenney, Melissa Anne Business Manager Mattern, Heather Michelle Business Serv Spec Shi, Wei Coordinator Boutaugh, Scott Andrew Coordinator Carter, Linda M. Coordinator Gonsalves, Monica Dir Admin Srv LaFonta, Jean Director Brewer, Victoria Lea Dist Univ Prof Kalnay, Eugenia E. Fac Asst Biddle, Mathew Fac Asst Blohm, Andrew John Fac Asst Duncan, Kyle Adam Fac Asst Haq, Shahan Fac Asst Hoffmann, Janosch Fabian Fac Asst Katz, Frederic Mitchell Fac Asst Kennedy, Jennifer Anne Fac Asst Noojipady, Praveen Fac Asst Roshchanka, Volha Fac Asst Stauffer, Ryan M Fac Asst Stevens, Alison W Fac Asst Wu, You Fac Res Asst Baker, Debra Ratterman Fac Res Asst Hackert, Eric C. Fac Res Asst Lloyd, Ainsley Fac Res Asst Stephens, Catherine OBrien Fac Spec Bali, Manik Fac Spec Beauchamp, James G. Fac Spec Beaudoing, Hiroko Kato Fac Spec Casey, Sean Patrick Fac Spec Chong, William Fac Spec Cribb, Maureen C. Fac Spec Folmer, Michael Jason Fac Spec Meyers, Patrick Charles Fac Spec Reagan, James Richard Fac Spec Robjhon, Miliaritiana L. Fac Spec Su, Shenjian Fac Spec Swaim, Travis Lester Fac Spec Zhang, Xiaoyan IT Admin & Plan Mgr Baith, Mark R. IT Coor Maddox, Michael Charles IT Sys Analyst Reese, James Robert Manager Junek, Sonja C. Post-Doc Assoc Beck, Brian Robert Post-Doc Assoc Bliss, Angela Christine Post-Doc Assoc Buban, Michael Post-Doc Assoc Cao, Fang Post-Doc Assoc Comarazamy, Daniel Post-Doc Assoc Crawford, Christopher John Post-Doc Assoc Dong, Jun Post-Doc Assoc Duan, Shuiwang Post-Doc Assoc Fang, Li Post-Doc Assoc Kollonige, Debra E Wicks Post-Doc Assoc Koner, Prabhat K. Post-Doc Assoc Lee, Temple Post-Doc Assoc Liu, Jianjun Post-Doc Assoc Ma, Yuan Post-Doc Assoc Narapusetty, Balachandrudu Post-Doc Assoc Newman, Thomas Post-Doc Assoc Petrenko, Mariya Post-Doc Assoc Petty, Alek Post-Doc Assoc Shahroudi, Narges Post-Doc Assoc Tao, Jing Post-Doc Assoc Wang, Heshun Post-Doc Assoc Yin, Jifu Post-Doc Assoc You, Yalei
$32,268.00 $76,500.00 $22,947.17 $25,757.09 $89,142.24 $20,583.66 $106,362.84 $117,741.66 $114,742.56 $141,885.73 $117,300.00 $55,001.56 $86,634.77 $132,347.93 $100,852.15 $108,312.89 $129,057.00 $105,058.52 $102,000.00 $102,549.37 $85,769.51 $85,010.22 $44,738.35 $80,098.10 $114,167.22 $85,680.00 $91,927.50 $86,896.97 $80,411.45 $30,130.63 $81,600.00 $86,700.00 $87,000.00 $91,982.23 $129,359.63 $122,284.39 $88,488.07 $79,654.20 $87,720.00 $74,798.85 $78,540.00 $63,036.00 $95,079.30 $91,443.01 $76,000.00 $87,950.85 $107,100.00 $111,128.83 $83,932.12 $95,000.00 $99,427.66 $96,651.33 $84,017.04 $88,000.00 $44,285.85 $78,750.00 $135,905.32 $65,900.00 $41,000.00 $58,140.00 $63,983.44 $51,000.00 $131,260.80 $96,884.41 $49,789.08 $62,506.37 $58,956.00 $52,000.00 $33,000.00 $63,750.00 $50,000.00 $35,000.00 $65,000.00 $63,036.00 $36,500.00 $64,650.00 $50,490.00 $60,631.97 $115,129.91 $29,461.26 $97,596.77 $69,188.18 $74,323.23 $65,509.96 $67,552.10 $49,647.02 $72,639.78 $74,363.00 $72,732.00 $67,552.10 $81,000.00 $33,750.00 $70,543.56 $91,776.08 $123,442.82 $67,709.80 $73,440.00 $73,440.00 $86,000.00 $60,000.00 $70,000.00 $20,777.14 $68,340.00 $72,000.00 $59,919.73 $29,374.63 $65,721.20 $64,460.48 $67,864.43 $70,000.00 $59,466.20 $65,000.00 $83,884.80 $61,075.39 $34,300.00 $61,200.00 $60,000.00 $60,000.00 $55,000.00 $53,888.64 $66,300.00
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Post-Doc Assoc Zhou, Jun $65,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Zhou, Yan $60,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Zhuge, Xiao-Yong $55,000.00 Prg Admin Spec Holm, Cathy $43,607.76 Prof Carton, James A. $44,440.43 Prof Dickerson, Russell R. $53,251.96 Prof Farquhar, James $75,819.33 Prof Li, Zhanqing $108,769.36 Prof Liang, Xin-Zhong $130,932.53 Prof Murtugudde, Raghu $128,648.32 Prof Nigam, Sumant $71,571.49 Prof Pinker, Rachel T. $34,844.40 Prof Salawitch, Ross J. $42,672.80 Prof Zeng, Ning $30,690.88 Prof Zhang, Da-Lin $44,224.48 Prof & Dir Busalacchi, Antonio J. $314,780.23 Prof & Dir Miralles-Wilhelm, Fernando R. $135,412.02 Prog Mgmt Spec Gray, Donna E $38,000.00 Res Assoc Borak, Jordan S. $95,543.41 Res Assoc Chafik, Leon Martin Oussama $73,440.00 Res Assoc Iguchi, Takamichi $63,126.97 Res Assoc Kroodsma, Rachael $71,400.00 Res Assoc Li, Bailing $102,601.95 Res Assoc Loftus, Adrian M. $73,440.00 Res Assoc McNally, Amy L. $59,160.00 Res Assoc Narayan, Ujjwal $61,200.00 Res Assoc Saha, Korak $63,240.00 Res Assoc Spinei, Elena $74,966.48 Res Assoc Wang, Chenxi $63,036.00 Res Assoc Zhang, Bin $30,391.70 Res Coor Flowers, Carolyn M $53,000.00 Res Prof Berbery, Ernesto H. $153,789.79 Res Sci Adler, Bob $130,291.32 Res Sci Lau, William K.M. $183,600.00 Res Sci Yu, Hongbin $145,000.00 Res Sci Zwally, Henry Jay $16,320.00 Sr Fac Spec Grassotti, Christopher $111,280.00 Sr Fac Spec Negri, Andrew John $127,954.77 Sr Fac Spec Pan, Chunhui $125,012.74 Sr Res Sci Arkin, Phillip Alan $98,302.50 Visit Assoc Res Sci Auligne, Thomas Damien $165,000.00 Visit Assoc Res Sci Chern, Jiun-Dar $107,541.66 Visit Assoc Res Sci Kuo, Kwo-Sen $62,329.94 Visit Assoc Res Sci Yang, Shengpeng $75,000.00 Visit Assoc Research Engineer Blonski, Slawomir$124,162.63 Visit Asst Res Sci Baker-Yeboah, Sheekela $115,000.00 Visit Asst Res Sci Egido, Alejandro $80,000.00 Visit Asst Res Sci Ge, Xuyang $70,000.00 Visit Asst Res Sci Mladenova, Iliana $77,133.42 Visit Asst Res Sci Wang, Nai Yu $109,557.00 Visit Asst Res Sci Wang, Zhankun $87,000.00 Visit Asst Res Sci Wang, Zhuo $76,500.00 Visit Res Prof Zou, Xiaolei $191,888.52 Visit Sr Res Sci Lord, Stephen J. $88,223.00 Visiting Asst Rsch Prof Gerst, Michael David $82,365.00
Accounting Assoc Jewison, Eileen Adv Consul Dively, Galen P. II Assoc Prof Gruner, Daniel S. Assoc Prof Hawthorne, David J. Assoc Prof Hooks, Cerruti RR Assoc Prof Lamp, William O. Assoc Prof Neel, Maile C Assoc Prof Shrewsbury, Paula M. Assoc Prof Shultz, Jeffrey W. Assoc Prof Wang, Jian Asst Prof Hamby, Kelly Anne Asst Prof vanEngelsdorp, Dennis Asst Res Sci Graham, Patricia L Business Manager Carrigan, Jamie A. Coordinator Kiner, Joshua Aaron Coordinator Rane, Karen K. Coordinator Smith, Jo Ann Director Katsereles, William C. Dist Univ Prof StLeger, Raymond J. Dist Univ Prof & Dir Palmer, Margaret A. Fac Asst Brandt, Elizabeth Fac Asst Deckert, Brooke Glenn Fac Asst Lewis, Margaret Theresa Fac Asst Madella, Shayne Fac Asst Mitter, Kim T Fac Asst Nearman, Anthony James Fac Asst Reding, Katie Kolb Fac Asst Reynolds, Daniel C Fac Asst Waters, Todd Alan Fac Spec Abban, Samuel O. Fac Spec Eversole, Heather K Fac Spec Fahey, Rachel Anna Fac Spec Harding, Nancy Marie Fac Spec Rennich, Karen Denise Fac Spec Sargent, Chris Inst Kent, Bretton W. IT Sys Mgr Hess, Gregory Adam Lecturer Shapiro, Leo H. Lecturer Shofner, Marcia A. Post-Doc Assoc Boncristiani, Humberto Freire Post-Doc Assoc Breisch, Nancy L. Post-Doc Assoc Chen, Guihua Post-Doc Assoc Jarvela, Alys Marie Post-Doc Assoc Jennings, David Edward Post-Doc Assoc Leslie, Alan William Post-Doc Assoc Lu, Hsiao-Ling Post-Doc Assoc Martinson, Holly Marie Post-Doc Assoc Skvarla, Michael Joseph Post-Doc Assoc Traynor, Kirsten Shoshanna Post-Doc Assoc Waterworth, Rebeccah Anne Prof Brown, Amy Prof Mitter, Charles Prof Raupp, Michael J. Prof Via, Sara Prof & Chair Pick, Leslie Senior Lecturer O’Brien, Tammatha
$27,336.37 $22,428.78 $97,398.62 $90,054.77 $104,529.15 $105,006.77 $32,794.71 $103,004.85 $108,658.21 $92,918.11 $81,600.00 $90,780.00 $51,000.00 $69,000.00 $49,141.00 $84,479.51 $56,788.26 $118,785.86 $134,957.30 $61,024.56 $32,000.00 $32,007.07 $34,000.00 $38,760.00 $21,000.00 $39,000.00 $32,000.00 $39,000.00 $39,000.00 $48,982.44 $43,408.85 $39,981.85 $34,291.59 $69,199.35 $22,517.25 $82,228.20 $93,447.10 $62,730.00 $64,260.00 $47,000.00 $55,560.31 $52,723.31 $42,000.00 $43,906.54 $48,000.00 $40,411.97 $31,202.82 $44,000.00 $47,940.00 $38,000.00 $58,104.61 $151,111.70 $177,014.14 $33,586.48 $165,549.16 $72,194.58
$11,586.86 $15,000.00 $39,577.60 $41,712.90 $48,311.32 $83,367.90 $98,673.93 $139,376.54 $88,372.34 $74,230.53 $115,670.99 $81,600.00 $105,264.20 $100,572.20 $130,560.00 $100,576.08 $96,000.00 $129,200.01 $135,592.67 $55,883.66 $59,827.66 $70,791.77 $65,766.99 $55,388.31 $58,431.37 $89,280.64 $76,434.93 $52,815.66 $105,294.60 $125,348.82 $212,339.30 $40,516.47 $73,357.58 $78,425.76 $30,939.58
Lecturer Chadwick, Steven Greg $61,615.24 Lecturer Das, Suddhasattwa $26,520.00 Lecturer Ebrahimian, Roohollah $61,615.24 Lecturer Hamilton, Eric $28,764.00 Lecturer Kcenich, Stephen P. $15,468.00 Lecturer Long, Terence Dyer $39,780.00 Lecturer Manning, Nathaniael Jared $61,615.24 Lecturer Mazzullo, Susan Claire $64,611.90 Lecturer Orsetti, Santuria $30,939.58 Lecturer Rosca, Raluca I. $54,200.00 Lecturer Sanders, Bradford Alexander $35,088.00 Lecturer Stepanov, Alexey $26,520.00 Lecturer Tchetcherina, Natalia F. $43,260.00 Lecturer Terpos, Colleen Marie $25,650.10 Lecturer Truman, Kathryn E. $56,440.68 Lecturer Wong, Wiseley $61,615.24 Post-Doc Assoc Bao, Huanchen $63,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Cho, Heyrim $63,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Nandori, Peter $63,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Wei, Qiaoling $58,000.00 Prof Balan, Radu Victor $65,658.56 Prof Benedetto, John J. $231,790.60 Prof Boyle, McBlaine Michael $128,104.86 Prof Brosnan, Patrick $165,582.30 Prof Cerrai, Sandra $168,796.14 Prof Cohen, Joel M. $117,370.55 Prof Czaja, Wojciech $163,744.59 Prof Dolgopyat, Dmitry $177,031.92 Prof Fitzpatrick, Patrick M. $170,856.63 Prof Forni, Giovanni $195,299.88 Prof Glaz, Harland M. $104,509.20 Prof Goldman, William M. $221,009.62 Prof Grillakis, Manoussos $133,652.10 Prof Gulick, Denny $134,645.16 Prof Haines, Thomas J. $156,142.49 Prof Halperin, Steve $278,930.03 Prof Hamilton, David H. $106,798.67 Prof He, Xuhua $127,500.00 Prof Jabin, Pierre-Emmanuel $77,172.69 Prof Jakobson, Michael $78,931.43 Prof Kagan, Abram $85,451.17 Prof Kaloshin, Vadim $168,756.42 Prof Kedem, Benjamin $166,464.37 Prof Koralov, Leonid $121,228.00 Prof Laskowski, Michael C. $131,384.60 Prof Levermore, Charles D. $80,676.90 Prof Machedon, Matei $118,685.21 Prof Margetis, Dionisios $122,211.74 Prof Mellet, Antoine $149,440.21 Prof Millson, John J. $160,173.74 Prof Nochetto, Ricardo H. $219,406.45 Prof Okoudjou, Kasso A. $131,380.79 Prof Ren, Joan JianJian $139,613.11 Prof Rosenberg, Jonathan M. $98,559.50 Prof Schafer, James A. $99,815.85 Prof Slud, Eric Victor $59,596.64 Prof Wentworth, Richard Alan $180,358.42 Prof & Assoc Chair Adams, Jeffrey D. $156,357.95 Prof & Assoc Chair Levy, Doron $74,327.00 Prof & Assoc Chair Tamvakis, Harry $147,118.57 Prof & Assoc Chair Washington, Lawrence C. $127,133.83 Prof & Chair Wolpert, Scott A. $219,048.50 Prof & Dir Trivisa, Konstantina $162,510.17 Res Assoc Coti Zelati, Michele $61,200.00 Res Assoc Darvas, Tamas $61,200.00 Res Assoc Huang, Guan $53,040.00 Res Assoc Manning, Benjamin $52,020.00 Res Assoc Mukhopadhyay, Swarnava $63,036.00 Res Assoc Yancey, Kelly Brooke $48,012.42 Res Assoc Zhang, Wujun $48,222.55 Senior Lecturer Cremins, Casey $66,204.12 Senior Lecturer Daberkow, Julie A. $59,500.68 Senior Lecturer Franklin, Debra Gray $55,733.82 Senior Lecturer Gulick, Frances F. $72,225.18 Senior Lecturer McLaren, Karen $57,491.28 Senior Lecturer Pilachowski, Timothy John $57,405.60 Senior Lecturer Stone, Jacqueline $57,405.60 Senior Lecturer Wyss-Gallifent, Justin Olav $85,228.14 Visit Asst Prof Macasieb, Melissa $52,530.00
Acad Adv Anbinder, Logan Corday Accounting Assoc Megonigal, Sarah W. Assoc Dir Conners, Mark Assoc Dir Dooley, Cynthia M. Assoc Dir Gleason, Thomas Assoc Dir Hammer, Donna Assoc Prof Agashe, Kaustubh Sadanand Assoc Prof Appelbaum, Ian Assoc Prof Chacko, Zackaria Assoc Prof Girvan, Michelle Assoc Prof Hall, Carter Assoc Prof Kim, Ki-Yong Assoc Prof Ouyang, Min Assoc Prof Upadhyaya, Arpita Assoc Prof Assoc Chair Shawhan, Peter Assoc Res Prof Smith, Andrew W Assoc Res Sci Blaufuss, Erik K. Assoc Res Sci Smith, Andrew James Asst Dir Anderson, Jesse James Asst Dir Monroe, Allen R. Asst Dir Rirksopa, Pornshuda Asst Mgr Wang, Zeng Guang Asst Prof Belloni, Alberto Asst Prof Manucharyan, Vladimir Asst Prof McKinney, Jonathan C Asst Prof Sau, Jay Deep Asst Prof Williams, James Asst Res Sci Cetina, Marko Asst Res Sci Hudek, Kai M. Asst Res Sci Jenkins, Gregory S. Asst Res Sci Klimov, Nikolai N Asst Res Sci Li, Pengke Asst Res Sci Mizrahi, Jonathan Asst Res Sci Saha, Shanta Ranjan Asst Res Sci Sushkov, Andrei B. Asst Res Sci Vispute, Ratnakar D. Asst Rsch Prof Gupta, Ayush Asst Rsch Prof Jabeen, Shabnam Business Manager Ekstrom, Cheryl A. Business Serv Spec Dudley, Jean E. Business Serv Spec Godinez, Alvaro N.
$43,350.00 $33,592.84 $116,842.68 $112,347.01 $73,541.26 $108,443.57 $143,673.99 $161,683.66 $143,909.62 $91,761.81 $139,688.93 $135,721.89 $140,469.57 $56,612.20 $127,785.18 $102,000.00 $113,437.23 $108,891.96 $77,205.63 $96,543.29 $70,386.61 $53,942.59 $126,721.73 $133,076.34 $126,723.94 $135,519.23 $133,076.34 $110,000.00 $110,000.00 $70,017.43 $84,000.00 $61,269.44 $120,000.00 $76,856.31 $60,623.58 $23,860.51 $97,977.12 $26,160.00 $51,300.96 $27,801.02 $43,303.87
College Park Professor Buonanno, Alessandra $27,720.42 CoordinatorAlejandro, Paulina Candelaria $52,483.35 Coordinator Bensen, Douglas M. $95,515.77 Coordinator Britton, Melissa $51,427.97 Coordinator Crosby, Jessica Renee $46,000.00 Coordinator Grant-Paterniti, Joeleen A. $47,399.40 Coordinator Key, Claudia S. $63,110.05 Coordinator Kiger, Carole Cuaresma $50,193.60 Coordinator Norwood, Billy D. $64,156.84 Coordinator Rowley, Bruce Lee $60,395.15 Coordinator Sickles, Kathryn Denise $45,401.02 Coordinator Stenson, Kristin A. $50,000.00 Coordinator Straughn, Brian L $105,646.60 Coordinator Sullivan, Brian G $47,428.98 Coordinator Sutton, Mary B. $43,427.66 Coordinator Uher, Timothy $47,940.00 Director DeSalvo, Lorraine C. $126,398.04 Director Myers, Dawn Gough $144,216.58 Director Suplee, Anne $77,242.23 Dist Univ Prof Drake, James F. $162,374.74 Dist Univ Prof Goodman, Jordan A. $255,067.30 Dist Univ Prof Jawahery, Abolhassan $228,991.35 Dist Univ Prof Monroe, Christopher $369,378.32 Dist Univ Prof Ott, Edward $153,073.73 Dist Univ Prof Sundrum, Raman $314,613.50 Dist Univ Prof & Dir Das Sarma, Sankar $403,915.92 Dist U Prof, Rgnts Prof, Dir Gates, Sylvester James JR$339,254.78 Elect Tech III DeLay, Robert S $36,592.50 Eng Phys Touart, John R. $76,988.54 Exec Adm Asst II Noel, Stephanie Jane $53,051.09 Fac Asst Aycock, Lauren M. $33,619.20 Fac Asst Bard, Robert L. $22,800.28 Fac Asst Edberg, Timothy $71,400.00 Fac Asst Hickman, Kelly E. $39,189.47 Fac Asst Kelley, Sean Michael $45,900.00 Fac Asst Kunkle, Joshua $55,681.80 Fac Asst Link, Martin $15,685.71 Fac Asst Magnan, Eric Marie Pierre $17,459.18 Fac Asst Mariano, Joseph Patrick $26,159.04 Fac Asst Omidvar, Ava Toosi $24,000.00 Fac Asst Payagala, Shamith Udayanga $60,000.00 Fac Asst Radic, Juraj $13,185.00 Fac Asst Russo, Naomi $51,025.70 Fac Asst Tian, Zhongzheng $17,140.50 Fac Asst Zhao, Yong $29,515.09 Fac Res Asst Das Sarma, Janet $44,793.38 Fac Res Asst O’Bannon, Thomas E. $144,570.95 Fac Res Asst Saraswat, Prashant $57,783.00 Fac Spec Cesare, Chris $70,000.00 Fac Spec Goswami, Pallab $61,200.00 Fac Spec Guchhait, Samaresh $61,000.00 Fac Spec Guzman Cervantes, Felipe $81,600.00 Fac Spec Higgins, Joshua Scott $47,600.00 Fac Spec Hu, Binhui $69,763.00 Fac Spec Kargarian, Mehdi $53,000.00 Fac Spec Markle, Heather G $42,508.50 Fac Spec Nakajima, Yasuyuki $61,202.64 Fac Spec Olivas, Alexander R. $103,857.42 Fac Spec Wang, Kefeng $50,000.40 Fac Spec Wayne, Michael A. $20,224.15 IT Coor Hurley, Ayla L $65,000.00 Lecturer Dreyfus, Benjamin William $13,395.15 Lecturer Jabeen, Shabnam $26,790.30 Lecturer Picozzi, Sergio $84,731.40 Lecturer Severson, Matthew Michael $13,395.15 Lecturer Tonjes, Marguerite $13,395.15 Lecturer Tonwar, Suresh Chandra $13,395.15 Manager Baldwin, Thomas M. $71,382.87 Manager Owens, Harold L. JR $79,201.05 Manager Seal-Filiatreau, Bonnie Jean $69,261.67 Manager Zhao, Xiao Ning $63,519.18 Phys Sci Tech I Schmadel, Don Cronin JR $38,624.95 Phys Sci Tech II Daetwyler, Clay M. $39,081.56 Phys Sci Tech III Lynch, Donald $51,097.82 Post-Doc Assoc Anderson, Brian Eric $68,919.36 Post-Doc Assoc Boulier, Thomas Louis Roger $56,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Breffke, Jens $61,200.00 Post-Doc Assoc Budoyo, Rangga Perdana $50,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Burenkov, Ivan $57,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Cheng, Yu-Hsiang $54,631.20 Post-Doc Assoc Chiu, Ching-Kai $55,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Cole, William Scott JR $53,040.00 Post-Doc Assoc Cui, Yanou $9,269.44 Post-Doc Assoc Curtin, David $53,040.00 Post-Doc Assoc Dai, Lixin $66,300.00 Post-Doc Assoc Deng, Dong-Ling $67,570.00 Post-Doc Assoc Dreyfus, Benjamin William $47,940.00 Post-Doc Assoc Eckel, Stephen P. $60,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Edwards, Emily Elisa $90,084.75 Post-Doc Assoc Efimkin, Dmitry Kirillovich $45,226.80 Post-Doc Assoc Faghfoor Maghrebi, Mohammad$58,833.60 Post-Doc Assoc Felde, John $60,802.20 Post-Doc Assoc Fiorino, Daniel William $52,500.00 Post-Doc Assoc Gazzano, Olivier $55,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Glebov, Boris L. $60,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Gold, Roman $66,300.00 Post-Doc Assoc Gong, Jianxiao $43,074.60 Post-Doc Assoc Gong, Zhexuan $58,833.60 Post-Doc Assoc Griggs, Cornelius Edward $67,944.14 Post-Doc Assoc Hermann Avigliano, Carla Andrea$56,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Hess, Paul William $66,912.00 Post-Doc Assoc Hinderer, Tanja $54,001.66 Post-Doc Assoc Hodovanets, Halyna $45,900.00 Post-Doc Assoc Horrom, Travis Scott $56,732.40 Post-Doc Assoc Hu, Jiuning $55,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Huang, Peihao $60,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Jeng, Geng-Yuan $53,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Kagalwala, Kumel Huned $55,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Kim, Hyunsoo $55,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Kolberg, Ted Ritchie $56,795.44 Post-Doc Assoc Kuzmin, Roman $42,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Li, Geng $40,800.00 Post-Doc Assoc Li, Kai $48,329.70 Post-Doc Assoc Li, Xiao $58,938.66 Post-Doc Assoc Li, Xiao $52,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Li, Xiaopeng $68,919.36 Post-Doc Assoc Lichtman, Martin Tom $65,600.00 Post-Doc Assoc Lin, Yen-Hsiang $42,840.00 Post-Doc Assoc Linke, Norbert Matthias $56,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Liu, Tung-Chang $36,592.50 Post-Doc Assoc Liu, Xiaohui $50,999.98 Post-Doc Assoc Lu, Hsin-I $56,100.00
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$49,407.91 $93,485.00 $106,249.32 $99,768.73 $54,514.47 $46,339.28 $57,706.99 $38,250.00 $54,094.14 $28,739.27 $106,906.31 $43,590.64 $116,801.22 $139,992.32 $129,550.39 $49,249.85 $85,000.00 $17,035.85 $102,957.88 $14,430.96 $83,678.72 $23,544.05 $32,284.70 $55,132.96 $51,000.00 $86,855.07 $82,875.00 $83,719.53 $45,445.39 $53,716.53 $108,524.94
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$135,104.11 $107,714.95 $57,120.00 $49,000.00 $56,674.77 $50,000.00 $77,544.66 $62,028.99 $150,564.92 $133,740.40 $99,091.99 $216,838.41 $35,394.20 $108,128.80 $62,500.00 $75,000.00 $18,822.86 $70,000.00 $45,000.00 $62,500.00 $18,105.00 $45,390.00 $87,713.88 $113,041.86 $60,414.60 $50,663.40 $66,778.99 $96,978.98 $70,327.56 $137,407.63 $45,474.70 $93,622.41 $75,000.00 $48,960.00 $50,000.00 $76,500.00 $70,000.00 $50,000.00 $70,000.00 $60,000.00 $75,000.00 $35,000.00 $73,762.24 $68,313.01 $36,830.22 $59,289.91 $22,885.22 $203,561.92 $72,262.35 $78,116.80 $36,854.00 $110,011.41 $67,966.22 $50,675.79 $80,502.64 $202,113.19 $35,334.22 $35,834.18 $46,677.24 $38,029.32 $48,668.74 $37,993.74 $47,151.30 $40,969.41 $49,248.31 $51,030.80 $198,638.81 $25,607.98 $37,928.96 $75,373.97 $26,502.87 $221,666.67 $238,000.00 $302,031.43 $68,289.00 $72,420.00 $49,428.18 $102,000.00 $51,000.00 $76,500.00 $45,900.00 $66,300.00 $171,897.96 $68,431.67 $134,786.04
Admin Asst II Perrone, Janice M. Assoc Dir Valenzuela, Yerty D. Assoc Prof Childs, Andrew M Assoc Prof Cummings, Michael P. Assoc Prof Daume, Hal III Assoc Prof Deshpande, Amol Assoc Prof El-Sayed, Najib M. Assoc Prof Elmqvist, Niklas E Assoc Prof Hajiaghayi, Mohammad Taghi Assoc Prof Martin, Pino Assoc Prof Pop, Mihai Assoc Prof Spring, Neil Assoc Res Sci Fermuller, Cornelia M. Assoc Res Sci Selengut, Jeremy D. Assoc Res Sci Yacoob, Yaser Fahim Assoc Res Sci Zotkin, Dmitry Nikolaevich Asst Prof Carpuat, Marine Asst Prof Chetty, Marshini Asst Prof Corrada Bravo, Hector Asst Prof Dachman-Soled, Dana Asst Prof Dumitras, Tudor Asst Prof Feldman, Naomi Hannah Asst Prof Findlater, Leah Asst Prof Froehlich, Jon Edward Asst Prof Goldstein, Thomas Aaron Asst Prof Khan, Zia Asst Prof Mazurek, Michelle L. Asst Prof Papamanthou, Charalampos Asst Prof Rand, William Michael Asst Prof Van Horn, David Asst Res Sci Cardone, Antonio
Adjunct Prof Bhatia, Manjit S Adjunct Prof Xu, Jian Lun Admin Asst II Berry, Linette Denise Admin Asst II Hidalgo, Haydee V. Admin Asst II Hopkins, Martha R. Assoc Prof Melnick, Karin Hanley Assoc Prof Ramachandran, Niranjan Assoc Prof Rubinstein, Yanir A. Assoc Prof von Petersdorff, Tobias Assoc Prof Winkelnkemper, Horst E. Assoc Prof & Dir Smith, Paul J. Asst Prof Bedrossian, Jacob Philip Asst Prof Cameron, Maria K. Asst Prof Gholampour, Amin Asst Prof Hein, Hans-Joachim Asst Prof Liao, Yuan Asst Prof Saegusa, Takumi Asst Prof Sun, Tingni Asst Prof Zickert, Christian Krogager Business Manager Welton, Sharon D. Coordinator Allen, Sandra Coordinator Chan, Ida Kalai Coordinator Gonzalez, Liliana S. Coordinator McCoy, Alverda G. Coordinator Regalado, Milagro Celeste Coordinator Schildknecht, William R. Coordinator Smith, Stephanie M. Coordinator Wincek, Elizabeth A. Dir Admin Srv Fleming, Rhyneta Director Katz, Rachel D. Dist Univ Prof Freidlin, Mark I. Dist Univ Prof Novikov, Sergei Dist Univ Prof Tadmor, Eitan IT Sys Analyst McQueen, Aaron Lee Lecturer Bezejouh, Ben Nkafu
$36,300.00 $50,437.96 $24,645.80 $51,893.80 $68,154.36 $56,905.94 $56,643.83 $130,956.39 $60,182.01 $56,292.02 $104,997.35
CMNS-Institute for Advanced Computer Studies
Balde, Kumbhel D Girvan, Michelle Ide, Kayo Upadhyaya, Arpita Zimin, Alexey V. Min, Sokhan Dwyer, Daniel John Korotova, Galina Abu-Laban, Denise Montelara, Maritza A. Lauer, Albert L.
Assoc Dir O’Connor, James M. $177,777.90 Assoc Prof Rabin, Oded $33,563.84 Assoc Prof Waks, Edo $96,684.21 Assoc Res Sci Agrawal, Amit Kumar $129,540.00 Assoc Res Sci Bernal, Santiago $77,368.05 Assoc Res Sci Cullen, William G $92,465.04 Assoc Res Sci Swisdak, Michael M III $130,000.00 Assoc Res Sci Wahlstrand, Jared K. $69,319.71 Asst Dir Delabar, Leslie A $76,705.84 Asst Prof Hafezi, Mohammad $96,939.28 Asst Prof Leite, Marina Soares $75,715.06 Asst Res Sci Beaudoin, Brian Louis $78,540.00 Asst Res Sci Landreman, Matt $76,500.00 Asst Res Sci Montgomery, Eric John $78,540.00 Asst Res Sci TenBarge, Jason M. $76,500.00 Asst Rsch Prof Koeth, Timothy W. $145,821.13 Coordinator Boone, Nancy L. $54,940.68 Coordinator Defendini, Roxanne $67,289.20 Coordinator Tracey, Kathryn Elizabeth $53,843.76 Dir Admin Srv Gorski, Judi Cohn $112,000.00 Fac Asst Baumgartner, Heidi $30,155.00 Fac Asst Doan, Minh Nhat $40,000.00 Fac Asst Gruss, Daniel S. $35,000.00 Fac Asst Sahu, Subin $35,000.00 Fac Asst Shani, Itamar $66,919.00 Fac Asst Teperman, Matthew $26,370.00 Fac Asst Walkup, Daniel $66,919.00 Fac Asst Wang, Canhui $66,919.00 Fac Res Asst Abrahams, John Henry III $81,540.62 Fac Res Asst Ballew, Nolan Alexander $72,287.60 Fac Res Asst Condon, Edward Michael $77,644.08 Fac Res Asst Davis, Matthew Scott $35,000.00 Fac Res Asst Hummel, Jonathan A. $81,540.76 Fac Res Asst Liou, Sz-Chian $51,000.00 Fac Res Asst Loughran, Thomas C. $88,310.89 Fac Spec Lecates, Mark $81,542.06 Fac Spec Ray, Valery $72,215.39 IT Coor Brosius, Dorothea F. $63,210.50 IT Sys Mgr Cleveland, Ernie $68,463.42 Manager Chiou, Wen-An $110,025.21 Post-Doc Assoc Algarin Guisado, Jose Miguel $50,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Brown, Lisa Victoria $66,265.00 Post-Doc Assoc Cardiel Rivera, Joshua Jeremy $66,919.00 Post-Doc Assoc Dahlin, Joel Timothy $55,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Das, Tamoghna Kanti $66,919.00 Post-Doc Assoc DeGottardi, Wade $70,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Donohue, Matthew $67,590.30 Post-Doc Assoc Gaury, Benoit Herve $66,265.00 Post-Doc Assoc Ghahari Kermani, Fereshte $66,919.00 Post-Doc Assoc Goers, Andrew James $75,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Guo, Hongxuan $67,590.30 Post-Doc Assoc Gutierrez, Christopher $66,919.00 Post-Doc Assoc Kim, Kyoungwhan $66,265.00 Post-Doc Assoc Li, Qing $70,642.14 Post-Doc Assoc Marr, James M. $66,919.00 Post-Doc Assoc Mittendorff, Martin Herbert $61,200.00 Post-Doc Assoc Rebello de Sousa Dias, Mariama $40,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Shuai, Yi Chen $58,140.00 Post-Doc Assoc Sil, Devika $66,919.00 Post-Doc Assoc Srivastava, Sunita $67,590.30 Post-Doc Assoc Stone, Douglas Robert $70,040.00 Post-Doc Assoc Velmurugan, Jeyavel $76,500.00 Post-Doc Assoc Wallin, Christopher Benjamin $66,919.00 Post-Doc Assoc Yang, Wei-Chang David $66,919.00 Post-Doc Assoc Zhu, Wenqi $67,590.30 Prof Dorland, William Douglass $137,881.51 Prof Oehrlein, Gottlieb $59,224.98 Prof Sprangle, Phillip A. $117,052.85 Prof & Dir Murphy, Thomas E. $89,684.16 Res Assoc Amin, Vivek Pravin $67,590.30 Res Assoc An, Sangmin $66,912.00 Res Assoc Balk, Andrew $74,941.81 Res Assoc Chae, Jungseok $72,843.12 Res Assoc Coimbatore Balram, Krishna $70,642.14 Res Assoc Copeland, Craig $67,590.30 Res Assoc Kuk, Donghoon $53,040.00 Res Assoc Li, Junwen $67,590.30 Res Assoc Liao, Kuo-Tang $71,331.66 Res Assoc Liu, Jin $66,265.00 Res Assoc Mittal, Sunil $53,040.00 Res Assoc Natarajan, Bharath $70,642.14 Res Assoc Schiffels, Daniel Robert Paul $67,590.30 Res Assoc Serrano, Daniel E $67,590.30 Res Assoc Stevanovic, Ana $67,590.30 Res Assoc Yoon, Yohan $70,642.14 Res Prof Kishek, Rami Alfred $142,279.11 Sr Res Sci Nusinovich, Gregory S. $115,674.01 Tech Coor Schuster, William C. III $76,000.00 Visit Asst Res Sci Elliott, Lindsay C.C. $85,000.00 Visit Asst Res Sci Strelcov, Evgheni $85,000.00
Admin Asst I Assoc Prof Assoc Prof Assoc Prof Assoc Res Sci Asst Dir Asst Prof Asst Res Sci Coordinator Coordinator Dir Admin Srv
CMNS-Inst for Research in Electronics & Applied Physics
CMNS-Inst for Physical Science & Technology
Asst Res Sci Levin, David Michael Asst Res Sci Morariu, Vlad Ion Coordinator Bogan-Phillips, Christine Coordinator Caceres, Javiera Paz Coordinator Gedra, Margit S. Coordinator Purcell, Dana Coordinator Schenk, Arlene E. Coordinator Walker, Edna Gallardo Director McCall, Frederick J. Director Weinstein, Johanna C. Director Zapf, Petra Susanne Dist Univ Prof Samet, Hanan Dist Univ Prof Shneiderman, Ben A. Dist Univ Prof Emerita Colwell, Rita R. Fac Asst Bobbin, Shawn A Fac Asst Kancherla, Jayaram Fac Asst Lawrence, Chris Fac Asst Roy, Julien Emerson Fac Asst Sweet, Ian Nicholas Fac Asst Webster, Joseph R II Fac Res Asst Axelrod, Amittai Fac Res Asst Brachfeld, Melissa Jamie Fac Res Asst Brawn-Cinani, Barbara Ellen Fac Res Asst Erdman, Bradley A. Fac Res Asst Gray, Timothy Fac Res Asst Lewis, Barbara Fac Res Asst Ritter, Michael J Fac Res Asst van Opstal, Mike J Fac Res Asst Ventsias, Tom Fac Res Asst Yarnell, Derek T. Fac Res Asst Zotkina, Elena IT Op Mgr Ridge, Edward Joseph Post-Doc Assoc Alavi, Azadeh Post-Doc Assoc Basu, Mahashweta Post-Doc Assoc Chakraborty, Tanmoy Post-Doc Assoc Chen, Jianxin Post-Doc Assoc Lin, Cedric Yen-Yu Post-Doc Assoc Nair, Nishanth Ulhas Post-Doc Assoc Ross, Neil Julien Ronald Post-Doc Assoc Wang, Guoming Post-Doc Assoc Wei, Shiyi Post-Doc Assoc Yang, Yezhou Prof Agrawala, Ashok K. Prof Aloimonos, John Prof Bhattacharjee, Samrat Prof Bhattacharyya, Shuvra S. Prof Cleaveland, Walter Rance II Prof Davis, Larry S. Prof Duraiswami, Ramani Prof Elman, Howard C. Prof Foster, Jeffrey S. Prof Hannenhalli, Sridhar Prof Hicks, Michael W. Prof Hollingsworth, Jeffrey K. Prof Jacobs, David Prof JaJa, Joseph F. Prof Khuller, Samir Prof Memon, Atif M. Prof Mount, David M. Prof Oard, Douglas William Prof Perlis, Donald R. Prof Porter, Adam A. Prof Raschid, Louiqa Prof Reggia, James A. Prof Resnik, Philip S. Prof Srinivasan, Aravind Prof Subrahmanian, Venkatramanan Prof Sussman, Alan L. Prof Torrens, Paul Prof Vishkin, Uzi Prof Wu, Min Prof & Dir Katz, Jonathan Prof & Dir Ruppin, Eytan Prof & Dir Varshney, Amitabh Res Assoc Almeida, Mathieu Joaquim Res Assoc Amiriebrahimabadi, Hadi Res Assoc Belew, Ashton Trey Res Assoc Castillo, Carlos Res Assoc Fefferman, William J. Res Assoc Hess, Shelby Kimmel Res Assoc Karathia, Hiren Mahendrabhai Res Assoc Lee, Joo Sang Sr Res Sci Doermann, David Scott Sr Res Sci Gumerov, Nail Sr Res Sci Plaisant, Catherine
Admin Asst II Van Valkenburgh, Anna $18,822.86 Assoc Prof Evans, Michael N. $24,464.34 Assoc Prof Kaushal, Sujay $55,334.64 Assoc Prof Montesi, Laurent G. $122,216.52 Assoc Prof Penniston-Dorland, Sarah C $48,097.58 Assoc Prof Prestegaard, Karen L. $86,706.63 Assoc Prof Zhu, Wenlu $140,420.34 Assoc Res Sci Ash, Richard $73,785.37 Asst Prof Lekic, Vedran $136,235.20 Asst Prof Schmerr, Nicholas C. $122,400.00 Business Serv Spec Patterson, Joanna Lynn $40,951.11 Fac Asst Moulik, Pritwiraj $50,000.00 Fac Res Asst Karwoski, Todd M $39,687.26 Fac Res Asst Plummer, Rebecca E. $72,330.24 Lecturer Centorbi, Tracey Lynn $46,888.12 Post-Doc Assoc Bermingham, Katherine Russell $56,292.78 Post-Doc Assoc Duan, Shuiwang $29,374.45 Post-Doc Assoc Hoek, Joost $62,872.39 Post-Doc Assoc Mundl, Andrea $50,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Olugboji, Tolulope Morayo $51,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Rodriguez Gonzalez, Juan $52,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Waszek, Lauren $50,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Wu, Nanping $52,500.00 Prg Admin Spec Brown, Dorothy A. $56,549.71 Prof Brown, Michael $191,336.09 Prof Candela, Philip A. $137,980.42 Prof Farquhar, James $80,509.19 Prof Kaufman, Alan Jay $114,249.58 Prof Lathrop, Daniel Perry $17,006.46 Prof McDonough, William F. $155,297.04 Prof & Chair Walker, Richard J. $196,970.00 Prog Coor Martin, B Suzanne $79,271.98 Prog Coor Montero, Michelle $66,425.87 Res Prof Tucker, Robert David $120,000.00 Res Sci Piccoli, Philip $92,649.93 Res Sci Puchtel, Igor S. $83,233.00 Senior Lecturer Holtz, Thomas Richard JR $92,668.02 Senior Lecturer Merck, John W JR $68,639.88
Dist Univ Prof Alexander, Millard H. $15,465.36 Dist Univ Prof Drake, James F. $74,871.20 Dist Univ Prof Kalnay, Eugenia E. $19,709.23 Dist Univ Prof Lorimer, George H. $38,470.21 Dist Univ Prof Novikov, Sergei $79,334.65 Dist Univ Prof Tadmor, Eitan $73,357.58 Dist Univ Prof Weeks, John D. $133,196.35 Dist Univ Prof & Dir Jarzynski, Christopher $75,720.80 Eng Tech III Putnam, Lester $57,502.50 Fac Res Asst Ofoha, Oluchi R. $30,298.41 Fac Res Asst Wu, Jayoung $37,322.67 Lab Assistant Copley, Michael A $23,307.00 Lab Assistant Weinmann, Ryu-Sung Peter $27,420.00 Post-Doc Assoc Das, Satarupa $77,364.00 Post-Doc Assoc Huh, Hyun-Gue $47,047.70 Post-Doc Assoc Kim, MunHwa $27,500.00 Post-Doc Assoc Schmidt, Bernd Ulrich Sebastian $60,000.00 Prg Admin Spec Bremerman, Stacey L. $56,181.00 Prof Anisimov, Mikhail A. $6,497.65 Prof Fourkas, John T. $44,533.01 Prof Hill, Wendell T. III $131,301.99 Prof Kaloshin, Vadim $41,426.45 Prof Kirkpatrick, Theodore R. $98,722.59 Prof Lathrop, Daniel Perry $12,147.18 Prof Levermore, Charles D. $78,756.24 Prof Margetis, Dionisios $31,516.88 Prof Papoian, Garegin $75,309.66 Prof Roy, Rajarshi $233,456.00 Prof Seo, Eun-Suk $97,827.00 Prof & Assoc Dir Trivisa, Konstantina $36,765.83 Prof & Dir Losert, Wolfgang $30,560.84 Prog Coor Jackson, Star $60,671.90 Prog Coor Jenkins, Debbie A. $52,744.12 Prog Mgmt Spec Stewart, Catha Marie $41,172.78 Res Assoc Kim, Ki Chun $47,359.62 Res Assoc Nava-Tudela, Alfredo $87,777.68 Res Assoc Picot-Clemente, Nicolas $55,722.60 Res Assoc Smith, Jacob Russell $53,652.00 Res Prof Yorke, James A. $26,200.00 Sr Res Sci Yoon, Peter H. $118,479.52 Visit Prof Wallace, James M. $18,910.80
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Post-Doc Assoc Lyon, Mary Elizabeth $56,000.00 Post-Doc AssocMaldonado Trapp, Alejandra Marcela$52,740.00 Post-Doc Assoc Miyake, Hirokazu $67,570.00 Post-Doc Assoc Mohd, Arif $52,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Murray, Roy E. $60,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Nagornykh, Pavel $61,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Parker, William C $52,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Pixley, Jedediah Harris $53,040.00 Post-Doc AssocRamanayaka, Aruna Niresh $60,000.00 Post-Doc AssocRiviere, Colas Marius Bernard $55,080.00 Post-Doc Assoc Rosen, Yaniv $62,458.68 Post-Doc Assoc Roy, Bitan $56,732.40 Post-Doc Assoc Ruzic, Brandon $56,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Sarabi, Bahman $60,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Shakeel, Hamza $60,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Shim, Yun Pil $69,803.32 Post-Doc Assoc Siverns, James David $56,100.00 Post-Doc Assoc Song, Yang $55,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Srinivasa, Vanita $64,260.00 Post-Doc Assoc Stirling, Julian $60,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Sugawa, Seiji $56,181.60 Post-Doc Assoc Throckmorton, Robert Emil $54,631.20 Post-Doc Assoc Trypogeorgos, Dimitrios $56,100.00 Post-Doc Assoc Tsai, Yuhsin $52,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Turpen, Chandra Anne $40,216.97 Post-Doc Assoc Wang, Limin $44,553.60 Post-Doc Assoc Wang, PengPeng $41,820.00 Post-Doc Assoc Wang, Xiangfeng $50,021.90 Post-Doc Assoc Wang, Yang $56,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Wilson, Justin Howard $55,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Wong, Clement Hang-On $65,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Wu, Yang-Le $68,921.40 Post-Doc Assoc Xu, Peng $61,200.00 Post-Doc Assoc Yang, Yanfei $63,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Yeh, Jen-Hao $59,160.00 Post-Doc Assoc Yu, Yinan $56,100.00 Post-Doc Assoc Zhang, Jiehang $60,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Zhou, Zichao $55,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Zhu, Eric $55,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Zhu, Guanyu $55,000.00 Prof Anlage, Steven Mark $143,474.35 Prof Antonsen, Thomas M. JR $161,682.44 Prof Bedaque, Paulo Sergio Fortes $149,575.94 Prof Dorland, William Douglass $82,728.90 Prof Einstein, Theodore L. $127,220.95 Prof Ellis, Richard F. $115,295.27 Prof Eno, Sarah C. $169,372.17 Prof Galitskiy, Victor M $199,740.45 Prof Greene, Richard L. $259,175.58 Prof Hadley, Nicholas J. $177,945.30 Prof Hassam, Adil B. $156,656.83 Prof Hoffman, Kara $177,559.11 Prof Hu, Bei Lok Bernard $133,729.48 Prof Jacobson, Theodore A. $178,610.32 Prof Ji, Xiangdong $200,231.02 Prof Kirkpatrick, Theodore R. $52,372.05 Prof Lathrop, Daniel Perry $213,796.08 Prof Losert, Wolfgang $85,879.92 Prof Milchberg, Howard M. $165,313.34 Prof Mohapatra, Rabindra N. $195,135.08 Prof Orozco, Luis A. $178,931.73 Prof Paglione, Johnpierre $220,094.67 Prof Papadopoulos, Konstantinos Dennis $65,074.16 Prof Redish, Edward F. $140,834.70 Prof Roy, Rajarshi $40,175.00 Prof Seo, Eun-Suk $60,999.78 Prof Skuja, Andris $136,630.13 Prof Sprangle, Phillip A. $27,022.86 Prof Sullivan, Gregory W. $264,662.00 Prof Wellstood, Frederick C. $161,241.89 Prof Yakovenko, Victor M. $52,231.84 Prof & Assoc Chair Cohen, Thomas D. $188,340.12 Prof & Chair Baden, Andrew R. $256,150.47 Prof & Dir Lobb, Christopher J. $202,059.96 Prof & Dir Rolston, Steven $246,592.37 Prof Emeritus Currie, Douglas George $12,269.71 Prog Mgmt Spec La, Anh L. $44,397.15 Res Assoc Basar, Kemal Gokce $51,000.00 Res Assoc Dreyer, Michael $81,916.89 Res Assoc Hamilton, Brian Keith $54,921.90 Res Assoc Hristov, Rousko T. $73,181.14 Res Coor Lukomska, Margaret B. $74,134.34 Res Prof Coplan, Michael A. $14,664.55 Res Prof Fuhrer, Michael Sears $20,528.08 Res Prof Hamilton, Douglas C. $36,275.39 Res Prof Paik, Ho Jung $42,503.70 Res Prof Wallace, Stephen J. $17,633.26 Res Prof Emeritus Drew, H Dennis $18,743.10 Res Sci Ipavich, Fred M. $23,121.38 Res Sci Kellogg, Richard G. $109,945.68 Senior Lecturer Buehrle, David C. $121,558.50 Specialist La Dieu, Donald V JR $94,147.02 Sprv Tech Supp Srv Cogswell, David R. $71,103.05 Sr Fac Spec Clarke, David J $56,000.00 Sr Fac Spec Dutta, Sudeep Kumar $53,000.00 Sr Fac Spec El Haddad, Darine $101,508.51 Sr Fac Spec Seifert, Frank Christian $85,415.82 Sr Res Assoc Restelli, Alessandro $90,177.41 Sr Res Sci Kane, Bruce E. $126,005.90 Storekeeper II Lonon, Brylan Ternell $32,810.05 Visit Prof Doran, Charles F. $50,000.00 Visit Res Prof Rodgers, Vincent G. J. $52,285.71 Visit Res Sci Dudnikova, Galina Ilinichna $20,000.00 Visit Res Sci Su, Jao Jang $44,470.98 Visit Res Sci Tonwar, Suresh Chandra $10,206.74 Visit Asst Rsch Prof Barkeshli, Mohammad Maissam$120,000.00 Web Svcs Developer Thomason, Maria $66,300.00
Lecturer Luedtke, Emily Morgan $10,348.00 Lecturer Mehrtens, Heather A. $40,800.00 Lecturer Norris, John $5,000.00 Lecturer Richardson, Patricia M. $7,000.00 Lecturer Smith, Raymond $62,889.63 Lecturer Upshaw, Natalie $40,000.00 Lecturer Wagner-Loera, Daniela $46,944.48 Lecturer Walker, Eric Snow $46,172.20 Lecturer Williams, Kathryn $7,400.00 Lecturer Yanisko, Emily Joy $5,333.32 Manager Montgomery, Tamika $61,723.49 Manager Robertson, Joseph C. $66,822.92 Prof & Assoc DeanMcLaughlin, Margaret J. $192,039.11 Prof & Assoc Dean Rice, Jennifer K. $85,527.74 Prof And Dean Wiseman, Donna L. $249,660.95 Prog Mgmt Spec Fleming, Rhonda C. $50,093.05 Prog Mgmt SpecIzursa, Maria Concepcion Sian $42,935.87 Prog Mgmt Spec Moore, Jennifer J. $46,674.29 Res Assoc Brown, Stephanie Timmons $87,703.28 Specialist Reyes-Webb, Rosalia K. $73,583.74 Sr Fac Spec Cohen, Helene Kalson $85,325.22 Visit Prof West, Jane Ellen $25,500.00
Acad Prog Spec Acevedo, Amparo M. Assoc Dir Altshuler, Andrew B. Assoc Dir Malone, Jonathan E. Asst Dean Angeletti, Kathleen Ann Asst Dean Bennett, Suprena D. Asst Dir Walukonis, Robin L. Business Manager Poore, Dian F. Business Serv Spec Foster, Valerie Coordinator Davis, Sarah Holmes Coordinator Lavender, Joshua Coordinator McKoy, Rochella Katrina Coordinator Wade, Kevin T. Coordinator Yerby, Ronald L JR Director Driver, Elizabeth Director Pragel, Steven B. Lecturer Abbas, Nasreen Lecturer Austria, Maria Dolores Nones Lecturer Barnes, Saroja R Lecturer Brellenthin, Cornell M. Lecturer Bushey, Caralyn Lecturer Draganescu, Marilena Lecturer Duquette, Charles Medard Lecturer Eacho, Thomas Christopher Lecturer Fox, Emily W. Lecturer Galletta, Annelies Z. Lecturer Geense, Jonathan K. Lecturer Gould, Susan Lecturer Jamison, Patricia
Post-Doc Assoc Duchene, Melissa Sandra Post-Doc Assoc Martoccio, Tiffany L Prg Admin Spec Haislip, Jennifer Lynn Prof Alexander, Patricia A. Prof Cabrera, Natasha J. Prof Dunbar, Kevin N. Prof Hancock, Gregory R. Prof Killen, Melanie A. Prof Rubin, Kenneth H. Prof Wang, Min Prof Wentzel, Kathryn R. Prof Wigfield, Allan L. Prog Mgmt Spec Mudd, Charm Kinya
EDUC-Student Services
Acad Adv Chew, Jessica L. Acad Adv Froh, Jennifer C Acad Adv Hayes, Shannon Leigh Admin Asst II Morton, Derrick A. Assoc Dir Dowdell, Patricia Ann Asst Dir Cooks, Christopher Alphonse Asst Dir North, Donna Noel Coordinator Coughlin, Clarissa Coordinator Wedge, Valerie C. Director Cornell-DeMoss, Janis Prog Coor Foster, Judy A.
EDUC-Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education
Assoc Prof De La Paz, Susan Assoc Prof Gold, Paul B. Assoc Prof Griffin, Kimberly Anne Assoc Prof Kohl, Frances L. Assoc Prof Miller, Matthew J. Assoc Prof Shin, Richard Quentin Assoc Prof Silverman, Rebecca Assoc Prof Taboada Barber, Ana M Assoc Prof Titus, Marvin A. Assoc Res Prof Abts, Leigh R Asst Clin Prof Hessong Grove, Rebecca Asst Clin Prof Jacobson, Jill Berger Asst Clin Prof Mallory, Sarah Beth Asst Clin Prof Mitchell, Natasha A Asst Prof Cummings, Kelli Dawn Asst Prof Espino, Michelle M Asst Prof O’Neal, Colleen R. Asst Prof Park, Julie J. Asst Prof Phillips, Pepper E. Asst Prof Wang, Cixin Asst Prof Wexler, Jade Asst Rsch Prof Danehey, Agnesanne J. Business Serv Spec Henry, Elaine B. Business Serv Spec James, Ylesia Stefanie Coordinator Scott, Caroline Ordiales Coordinator Teklegiorgis, Amleset Director Lim, Blesilda L. Fac Asst Triulzi, Laura L. Fac Res Asst Riccobono, Donna J Fac Spec Kurz, Leigh A Fac Spec Morrison, Colleen Isabel Lecturer Dunham, Michael Lecturer Fink, Carolyn Molden Lecturer Flook, William M. III Lecturer Ulf, Patricia S. Lecturer Williams, Stacey C. Prof Beckman, Paula J. Prof Burke, Philip J. Prof Cabrera, Alberto F. Prof Fabian, Ellen S. Prof Fries-Britt, Sharon LaVonne Prof Hoffman, Mary Ann Prof Kivlighan, Dennis M. JR Prof Klees, Steven J. Prof Lent, Robert W. Prof Leone, Peter E. Prof Lieber, Joan Prof Lin, Jing Prof Neubert, Debra Ann Prof O’Meara, KerryAnn Prof Stromquist, Nelly Prof Teglasi, Hedwig Prof & Chair Worthington, Roger L. Res Assoc Newcomb, Sandra O Res Assoc Page-Voth, Leslie V. Res Assoc Stepanek, Jennifer S. Res Prof Luecking, Richard G.
$95,978.82 $96,425.22 $100,020.93 $109,301.39 $91,318.94 $95,001.78 $107,100.83 $91,800.00 $94,433.54 $38,923.93 $50,400.00 $69,360.00 $64,260.00 $81,600.00 $81,600.00 $85,833.61 $84,516.12 $82,770.82 $17,216.27 $79,000.00 $81,932.51 $51,437.38 $47,773.49 $41,904.36 $54,868.89 $49,299.77 $123,132.58 $13,068.65 $76,949.45 $47,000.00 $45,000.00 $27,433.28 $8,568.00 $6,000.00 $54,652.21 $54,652.21 $107,023.51 $192,370.79 $138,883.87 $109,590.27 $113,898.00 $117,560.50 $197,607.74 $132,282.25 $144,038.28 $112,550.28 $112,100.82 $108,868.81 $110,099.40 $110,875.66 $139,873.20 $108,791.13 $185,334.00 $62,650.32 $92,595.60 $34,183.57 $56,876.00
EDUC-Teacher Education/edTPA Coordinator Lecturer
Assoc Clin Prof Tirrell-Corbin, Christy Assoc Prof Bolger, Donald Joseph Assoc Prof Harring, Jeffrey Assoc Prof Jiao, Hong Assoc Prof Jones Harden, Brenda P. Assoc Prof Klein, Elisa L. Assoc Prof Marcus, Robert F. Assoc Prof Ramani, Geetha B Assoc Prof Stapleton, Laura M Asst Dir Daniel, Anne Williams Asst Prof Butler, Lucas Payne Asst Prof Prather, Richard William II Asst Prof Sweet, Tracy Morrison Asst Prof Yang, Ji Seung Asst Res Sci Romberg, Alexa Asst Rsch Prof Cannon, Erin Asst Rsch Prof Gupta, Sarika S Business Serv Spec Snowden, Cornelia Coordinator Graham, Jannitta CYC Teacher Aquino, Julia Marie CYC Teacher Blorstad, Kelsey Elizabeth CYC Teacher Bowman, Kristen Klotz CYC Teacher Ciardi, Lorelei CYC Teacher Denaro, Michela CYC Teacher Donn, Erin Patricia CYC Teacher Fowler, Cecilia Ramos CYC Teacher Hart, Sarah Elizabeth CYC Teacher Holliday, Amanda Jean CYC Teacher Hurst, Alison Jane CYC Teacher Kain, Stefanie Rose CYC Teacher Laakso, Amelia Claire CYC Teacher Miller, Danielle Marie CYC Teacher Oppenheimer, Leslie C. CYC Teacher Person, Sara Lehman CYC Teacher Wiest, Vera CYC Teacher Young Gonzalez, Janice H Dir Admin Srv Peng, Tung L. Director Battle, Ann Arlene Director Guha, Mona Leigh Dist Univ Prof Chair Fox, Nathan A. Fac Asst Alfaro, Nancy Aracely Fac Asst Brown, Shelby Fac Asst Cash, Sadiqa Fac Asst Harris, La Trista Fac Asst McMahon, Maureen Bridget Fac Asst Novick, Danielle Ruth Fac Asst Sand, Lesley Ann Fac Res Asst Croce, Rachel Catherine Fac Res Asst DeVries, Brittany Fac Res Asst Jimenez Parra, Laura Fernanda Fac Res Asst Papp, Leanna Fac Res Asst Staples Watson, Julie L. Lecturer Hurley, Megan McCale Lecturer Lee-Kim, Jennie Hyun Chung Lecturer McPherson, Renae Michelle Lecturer Williams, Daphne Marie
$46,214.96 $69,996.23 $62,730.00 $151,268.79 $141,142.50 $82,511.30 $70,465.84 $45,743.12 $64,611.90 $38,760.00 $51,863.99 $44,600.00 $54,898.14 $98,589.84 $97,423.27 $10,200.00 $8,000.00 $6,336.16 $40,000.00 $43,884.48 $45,618.48 $51,277.24 $8,160.00 $17,145.80 $46,781.77 $9,000.00 $21,012.00 $10,011.76
Assoc Clin Prof Blejer, Perla Assoc Clin Prof Bote, Lisa A. Assoc Clin Prof Hendricks, Susan M. Assoc Clin Prof Travers, Kathleen A. Assoc Prof Brantlinger, Andrew Morgan Assoc Prof Clark, Lawrence Assoc Prof Croninger, Robert G. Assoc Prof Elby, Andrew Assoc Prof Ketelhut, Diane Jass Assoc Prof Martin-Beltran, Melinda Assoc Prof McCaleb, Joseph L. Assoc Prof O’Flahavan, John F. Assoc Prof Peercy, Megan Madigan Assoc Prof Slater, Wayne H Assoc Prof Turner, Jennifer Danridge Asst Clin Prof Baccus, Ayanna Asha Asst Clin Prof Eaker, Lisa Asst Clin Prof Fagan, Drew S. Asst Clin Prof Fredricks, Daisy Asst Clin Prof Gutierrez, Rodrigo Jorge Asst Clin Prof Landa, Melissa Simone Asst Clin Prof Levin, Daniel Matthew Asst Clin Prof Napp-Avelli, Carolina Asst Clin Prof Peterson, Margaret Polizos Asst Clin Prof Quintos, Beatriz Eugenia Asst Clin Prof Shockley, Ebony Terrell Asst Clin Prof Walker, Margaret Anne Asst Clin Prof Wilson, Peggy Lynn Asst Prof Ahn, June Asst Prof Brown, Tara Asst Prof Clegg, Tamara Lynnette Asst Prof Hutt, Ethan Asst Prof Jackson, Taharee Apirom Asst Prof Walkoe, Janet Business Manager Hall, Lattisha Business Serv Spec Somarriba, Maria O Coordinator Jones, Joy A. Coordinator Moon, Kay Coordinator Stradley, Penny Marie Director Goodwin, Stephanie D. Fac Res Asst Drusjack, Eileen S. Lecturer Barnes, Saroja R Lecturer Coogan, Katherine Susan Lecturer Denvir, Susan S. Lecturer Dunheimer, Tracy Lynn Lecturer Gettier, Leslie Ellen Lecturer Hessong Grove, Rebecca Lecturer Johnson, Tranae Lecturer Jovanovic, Alison Leigh Lecturer Lewin, Deborah Lillian Lecturer Little, Susan Buckner Lecturer McCall, Catherine Elizabeth Lecturer Phillips, Donna Paoletti Lecturer Pritchett, Stacy Renee Lecturer Rehder, Karen Lecturer Rivera, Jason Lecturer Rose, Sandra Lecturer Seelke, John Louis Lecturer Shindel, Kevin Matthew Lecturer Smallwood, Jo Ellen Lecturer Stakland, Steven Keyes Lecturer Taylor-Thoma, Marcie Lecturer Zhang, Ying Alice Prg Admin Spec Pratt, Elsie Prof Afflerbach, Peter P. Prof Campbell, Patricia F. Prof Chazan, Daniel I. Prof Dreher, Mariam Jean Prof MacSwan, Jeff Prof Malen, Betty L. Prof McGinnis, James Randy Prof Rice, Jennifer K. Prof Saracho, Olivia N. Prof Sullivan, Denis F. Prof Valli, Linda R. Prof & Chair Hultgren, Francine H. Prof Of Practice Imig, David Cole, Regina Lynn Prog Mgmt Spec Res Assoc Breslyn, Wayne G. Senior Lecturer Davis, Thomas Edward Sr Res Sci Sunderman, Gail Visit Assoc Prof Rolstad, Kellie
$89,760.05 $95,000.00 $90,368.88 $88,878.72 $103,860.74 $90,106.36 $84,265.73 $88,030.00 $93,253.70 $73,491.56 $73,000.00 $80,580.00 $78,089.16 $75,727.86 $71,400.00 $55,000.00 $78,000.00 $44,239.95 $45,000.00 $38,000.00 $36,950.62 $35,700.00 $28,797.13 $42,035.55 $38,000.00 $37,401.24 $36,000.00 $47,940.00 $37,868.72 $33,760.10 $38,791.83 $47,000.00 $63,660.50 $44,543.68 $36,921.95 $23,742.05 $137,748.45 $136,403.11 $105,000.00 $374,371.62 $22,500.00 $33,000.00 $14,000.00 $33,000.00 $70,000.00 $30,000.00 $49,500.00 $32,000.00 $32,640.00 $36,592.50 $35,700.00 $70,497.61 $25,214.40 $17,054.40 $8,527.20 $8,527.20
INFO-College of Information Studies
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Business Total Salaries
Please send résumé & cover letter to: Matthew Werth Operations Director Columbia Country Club
Business Dean Salary
Acad Prog Spec Marciano, Fernando S Adjunct Prof Kurtz, Michael J. Admin Asst II Mason, Daisy Cristina S Advisor Snyders, Lissa N Assoc Dean Weeks, Ann Carlson Assoc Prof Elmqvist, Niklas E Assoc Prof Golbeck, Jennifer Ann Assoc Prof Kraus, Kari Assoc Prof Subramaniam, Mega M Assoc Prof Wang, Ping Asst Dean Fominaya, Kathleen M Asst Prof Ahn, June Asst Prof Chetty, Marshini Asst Prof Clegg, Tamara Lynnette Asst Prof Findlater, Leah Asst Prof Frias-Martinez, Vanessa Asst Prof Punzalan, Ricardo Laquilac Asst Prof Shilton, Katie Asst Prof St Jean, Beth L Asst Prof Tausczik, Yla Asst Prof Vitak, Jessica Asst Prof Wiggins, Andrea Coordinator Abbas, Hussain Coordinator Rodriguez, Margarita Yochabel Coordinator Waters, Jeff Director Briscoe, Joanne Fac Asst Holl-Jensen, Carlea Cassyl Fac Asst Lewittes, Becky Tamar Fac Res Asst Boston, Carol L. Fac Res Asst Jansen, Gregory Neil Fac Res Asst Kettnich, Karen Marie Fac Res Asst Ramos, Mary Anne Fac Res Asst Sarin, Lindsay C. Fac Res Asst Taylor, Craig Allan Fac Res Asst Travis, Diane M. Fac Spec Donovan, Tricia IT Support Asst Oliveros, Allan R Lecturer Astroff, Roberta J Lecturer Bradley, Lynne Elizabeth Lecturer Butler, Michelle Markey Lecturer Dearstyne, Bruce W. Lecturer Debonis, Rocco Daniel Jr Lecturer Gorham-Oscilowski, Ursula Lecturer Heger, Kenneth William Lecturer Kamt, Christine Joy Lecturer Kules, William M. III Lecturer Larson, Elizabeth Lecturer Lawley, Katy Lecturer Mitchell, Erik Thomas Lecturer Owens, Trevor Lecturer Rhoads, Vera T Lecturer Sahasrabudhe, Vikas M Lecturer Seyed, A Patrice Lecturer Spangler, Robert K Lecturer Sullivan, Maureen E Lecturer Summers, Timothy C Lecturer Taylor, Natalie Greene Lecturer Weaver, Kathy E Lecturer Wiggins, Everett W Lecturer Winter, Susan J Post-Doc Scholar Kriesberg, Adam M Post-Doc Scholar Proferes, Nicholas J Prof Druin, Allison J. Prof Jaeger, Paul T. Prof Marciano, Richard Prof Oard, Douglas William Prof Preece, Jennifer J. Prof And Dean Butler, Brian Prog Coor Bezbabna, Tetyana Res Assoc Barlow, Diane Ledbetter Senior Lecturer Diker, Vedat Guclu Tech Coor Baugh, David Steven Visit Prof Srikantaiah, Taverekere Web Svcs Developer Goodwin, Rob E
78 $3
47 $3 ’13
$44,600.00 $56,115.36 $44,600.00 $35,431.05 $80,258.66 $71,294.73 $49,952.00 $55,745.25 $58,527.61 $90,744.99 $56,155.81 $60,523.70 $29,921.70 $72,854.81 $61,234.44 $84,340.47 $80,782.13 $80,373.55 $83,257.34 $97,087.92 $86,369.53 $90,204.72 $88,109.57 $82,040.08 $85,967.08 $83,921.18 $87,384.85 $86,538.08 $58,716.66 $56,397.67 $73,232.99 $56,423.39 $45,248.16 $58,651.50 $70,396.37 $56,100.00 $54,060.00 $73,232.99 $86,521.22 $55,237.56 $53,080.39 $41,394.15 $83,317.68 $62,850.87 $75,186.24 $76,000.00 $76,500.00 $54,277.87 $43,000.00 $58,019.97 $45,034.50 $48,515.00 $110,562.60 $63,036.00 $6,335.18 $14,000.00 $53,239.34 $52,358.03 $22,305.54 $8,000.00 $52,530.00 $20,574.95 $7,000.00 $7,000.00 $30,862.43 $8,160.00 $54,106.20 $54,472.30 $8,000.00 $4,690.00 $72,141.81 $7,140.00 $53,837.47 $7,956.00 $16,000.00 $69,654.78 $42,615.33 $116,184.43 $119,473.19 $116,866.00 $120,702.84 $125,154.00 $132,921.40 $112,921.28 $48,722.41 $102,429.89 $86,666.22 $59,267.14 $196,924.17 $113,051.56 $36,592.50 $26,790.30 $71,245.06 $113,815.00 $91,828.61
College of Information Studies
Business Employees
MON.-FRI. 10AM-7:30PM • SAT. 10AM-7PM • SUN. 11AM-4PM
Johnson, Elizabeth E. DePlatchett, Susan E.
$33,600.00 $20,000.00 $46,646.73 $164,007.99 $102,393.19 $162,463.56 $138,814.20 $178,500.00 $187,894.30 $103,327.84 $170,781.66 $179,026.71 $38,025.44
EDUC-Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership
EDUC-Human Development and Quantitative Methodology
College of Education EDUC-College of Education
$34,000.00 $66,239.68 $37,716.39 $47,500.00 $167,234.79 $89,250.00 $107,578.93 $50,307.03 $98,365.88 $100,243.99 $117,599.37 $41,726.35 $83,481.74 $13,833.84 $75,330.97 $102,000.00 $97,325.48 $96,011.74 $94,302.40 $95,000.00 $98,373.98 $98,940.00 $54,149.18 $48,960.00 $49,000.00 $84,193.43 $48,960.00 $50,000.00 $56,387.52 $76,500.00 $16,389.36 $59,720.21 $52,400.23 $46,642.55 $52,000.00 $57,000.00 $45,000.00 $8,572.90 $4,286.45 $8,572.90 $8,572.90 $8,572.90 $74,000.00 $80,000.00 $8,572.90 $8,572.90 $8,572.90 $72,156.52 $8,572.90 $8,572.90 $8,572.90 $8,572.90 $8,572.90 $8,572.90 $4,286.45 $125,000.00 $8,572.90 $76,500.00 $8,572.90 $80,726.66 $65,000.00 $50,000.00 $168,000.00 $118,330.32 $153,000.00 $146,143.21 $201,310.80 $223,085.00 $48,960.00 $79,378.58 $108,717.57 $78,658.58 $81,843.44 $71,966.07
White line represents dean change Division of Information Technology DIT-Division of Information Technology
Business Manager Lin, Yen Business Manager Woolery, Janet Marie Coordinator Allen, Madeleine Marie Coordinator Ginther, Amy Coordinator Hoffman, Cynthia M. Coordinator Kernan, Chris Coordinator Pan, Huifang Coordinator Redd, Wes
$61,200.00 $64,260.00 $48,687.89 $75,893.73 $89,526.17 $102,696.62 $62,326.80 $46,404.90
Coordinator Saunders, Latoya Jovena Coordinator White, Thomas C II Director Brown, Willie L. Director Drasin, Joseph Director Eismeier, Michael Director Lee, Meredith P. Director Sneeringer, Gerry Exec Asst to VP Petersen, Amanda IT Coor Amoonarquah, Jonas IT Coor Fedd, Suzette J. IT Coor Lillibridge, Jeffrey Alan IT Coor Winter, Lauren Anne Manager Arsenault, David Manager Hooker, Michael Alan Manager Taylor, Erin A. Manager Walker, Angela A. Prog Mgmt Spec Bui, Kim Bao Public Rel AssocSpeakes, Megan Elizabeth Specialist Gunzburg, Steven M. Specialist Shivers, Kevin T. Specialist Sobesto, Bertrand Sr Graph Art Design White, Cheryl L. Tech Consult Nathanson, Mark Todd Tech Coor Maphis, Kristine VP & CIO Denna, Eric L
$43,200.53 $44,801.25 $147,352.77 $163,925.04 $160,890.01 $152,500.00 $164,051.19 $71,600.00 $69,751.73 $65,000.00 $65,000.00 $61,877.57 $93,859.59 $45,527.49 $88,004.64 $90,163.92 $36,178.00 $51,514.47 $78,753.17 $100,005.52 $85,000.00 $69,099.90 $70,000.00 $90,000.00 $331,500.00
DIT-EE-Enterprise Engineering
Asst Dir Bredenkamp, Carrie F $142,489.10 Asst Dir Fell, Charles Laurence $118,830.21 Asst Dir Warnick, Skip $122,492.88 Asst VP Phillips, Sean $190,444.23 Coordinator Almaw, Elias Fantahun $83,879.13 Director Brown, Michael A. $163,265.31 Director Gibson, Scott W. $149,142.36 Exec Adm Asst II Gray-Upson, Cherry I $39,169.10 IT Architect Symms, Lawrence Conrad $113,307.72 IT Coor Lam, Dolores $101,294.93 IT Sys Analyst Bergsten, Jeffrey A. $76,887.64 IT Sys Analyst Chen, Johnny Ping $81,232.32 IT Sys Analyst Cronauer, Patricia S. $95,312.53 IT Sys AnalystGnanasekaran, Rajesh Kumar $86,700.00 IT Sys Analyst Hauser, Carl Tedder $86,531.02 IT Sys Analyst Hoke, William G. $93,956.27 IT Sys Analyst Palaniraja, Kishore A $96,900.00 IT Sys Analyst Parameswaran, Ramakrishnan $79,003.06 IT Sys Analyst Scenna, Josie $80,784.83 IT Sys Analyst Shankarakrishnan, Suresh $80,177.59 IT Sys Analyst Taylor, Martin Anthony $94,457.10 IT Sys Analyst Yun, Sarah Yunhi $64,993.38 Manager Gomes, William J. $111,486.00 Manager Jeng, Jing $104,059.84 Manager Lentz, Paul H. $99,117.23 Manager Mann, Christopher David $109,564.64 Tech Consult Phelan, Sean Joseph $84,096.20 Web Svcs Dev Sr Baldwin, Yang Wei $107,478.49 Web Svcs Dev Sr Epstein, Daniel S $102,571.26 Web Svcs Dev Sr Gadiyak, Valeriya G. $89,629.42 Web Svcs Dev Sr Lin, Charles $97,568.47 Web Svcs Developer Crowell, Robert John $72,420.00 Web Svcs Developer Deshpande, Neha $81,600.00 Web Svcs Developer Hendershot, James Lee $85,000.00 Web Svcs Developer McDonald, Michael Craig $73,537.80 Web Svcs Developer Moyer, Rick $112,336.15 Web Svcs Developer Muller, Christopher Scott $70,024.12 Web Svcs Developer Nacion, Noel R $68,293.57 Web Svcs Developer Parmar, Ankit $75,000.00 Web Svcs Developer Recto, Ellysha Raelen Caunte$64,260.00 Web Svcs Developer Sahu, Archana $76,500.00 Web Svcs Developer Sazama, Stephen A $77,625.06 Web Svcs Developer Spinks, Gordon B $85,918.23 Web Svcs Developer Yakimovich, Daniil $82,581.82 Web Svcs Developer Yang, Chulho $87,601.68
DIT-SSOBS-Service Strategy Operations & Business Support
Admin Asst I Lardner, Patricia Ellen Asst Dir Barks, David Asst Dir Cooper, David L. Asst Dir Gopalaswami, Sridhar Asst Dir Gregor, Jeanne Asst Mgr Fuentes, Sergio O. Asst VP Oliveira, Marcio A. Asst VP Robinson, Alison Comp Spec Sawhney, Jyoti Coordinator Cook, Suzanne Jummai Coordinator Cosby, Tracey Leigh Coordinator Hutchinson, Lisa Lorraine Coordinator Kasamatsu, Lori M. Coordinator King, Tracy Irvin Coordinator Morris, Fred Coordinator Tony, Michael Director Denman, Chip Director Mateik, Deborah J. Director Rudolph, Emery Director Saxton, Wayne C. Inst Developer Wadadekar, Ruddhi IT Architect Pfeifer, John C. IT Com Op Lead Kitchen, David B. IT Com Op Sh Supv Sanders, Cleveland IT Coor Al-Ahmary, Judy Talat IT Coor Byrd, Eric Andrew IT Coor Clark, Ian IT Coor Corrigan, Andrew C IT Coor Ellis, Leighanne Erica IT Coor Fields, Adrienne Y IT Coor Folkee, Tyler J IT Coor Galan, Leeroy Armstrong IT Coor Griffie, Daniel IT Coor Henry, Russell IT Coor Howitt, Charles IT Coor Jackson, Akilah C. IT Coor Johnston, Susan B. IT Coor Kavoosi, Sussan IT Coor Laborde, Guehenno IT Coor Lyons, Teri L. IT Coor Maruyama, Ryoji IT Coor Neimeyer, Lauren IT Coor Oscal, Fredy B IT Coor Pasquini, Walter Mauro IT Coor Porter, Samuel Langford IT Coor Schilingno, Michael Joseph IT Coor Taylor, Schelly William IT Coor Warrington, Carol L. IT Coor Wildy, Caron Maurice IT Data Base Admin Guan, Qing IT Data Base AdminLien, Shih-Chun Wang IT Data Base Admin Lin, Ai-Chu IT Data Base Admin Rahim, Khalid IT Data Base Admin Sokolov, Irina IT Data Base Admin Wu, Fang IT Support Assoc Bhuiyan, Rajib Raihan IT Support Asst Breiding, Alex IT Support Asst Deaton, Megan IT Support Asst Flory, Caitlin IT Sys Analyst Arensburger, Andrew IT Sys AnalystAughenbaugh, Ronald Lee II IT Sys Analyst Beckham, Debra Malia IT Sys Analyst Bulka, Thomas M. IT Sys Analyst Dharmasena, Prasad K. IT Sys Analyst Dufresne, Chadd R IT Sys Analyst Fowkes, Laurie L. IT Sys Analyst Hildebrand, Kevin M. IT Sys Analyst Hsu, Shu-Ching Joseph IT Sys Analyst Kaplan, Daniel M. IT Sys Analyst Kaur, Prabhjot IT Sys Analyst Kovarik, Thomas IT Sys Analyst Lee, James T. IT Sys Analyst Mudimbu, Reginald M IT Sys Analyst Payerle, Thomas M. IT Sys Analyst Rick, Daniel B IT Sys Analyst Shah, Mehul J IT Sys Analyst Stark, Chris IT Sys Analyst Sturdivant, Eric Ransom IT Sys Analyst Vechery, Robert D. IT Sys Prog Blumgart, Ian L. IT Sys Prog Leung, Roger K Manager Bass, Francis G. Manager Burke, John L. Manager Cavanaugh, Christopher V. Manager Daviage, Everett A. Manager Hamilton, Adam Clay Manager Langford, Kyle W. Manager Madarang, Antonio M. SR Manager Martinez, Jorge L Manager Rossi, Linda Manager Tender, Steven Manager Townsend, Laura L. Office Clerk II Baum, Robert B. Office Clerk II Franchi, Julia Maria Prog Mgmt Spec Hyman, Shirley Jean Prog Mgmt Spec Morgan, Cherry J. Specialist Arnold, David Specialist Best, Wesley W Specialist Jenets, James Louis II Specialist Kot-Jansen, Mary Specialist Schrecengost, Harry Allen IV Specialist Wilkins, Matthew W. Specialist Williams, Robert O. Specialist Winston, Kimberly Specialist Winters, Francis Jerome Specialist Yang, Jun Specialist Zhu, Li Sr. Engineer Bucalo, Zoran Tech Consult Johnson, Craig E. Tech Coor Davies, John Tech Coor McDaniel, Allen F. Tech Coor Newlin, Thomas J.
IT-NCT-Networks & Communication Technologies Admin Asst I Bracaglia, Krysten N Asst Dir Harrison, Todd Asst VP Sinha, Tripti Business Manager Charlery, Tessa D. Coordinator Faulkner, Tania A Coordinator Hawkins, Francis Xavier Coordinator Holliday, Maria S Coordinator Hurd, Tiombe J. Coordinator Marcher, Karen E. Coordinator Nicholas, Cheryl P. Coordinator Pearson, Nuray K. Coordinator Phillips, Lee A. Coordinator Stevens, Jeshawna J. Coordinator Tabili, Kristine Joy Director Azarsa, Ardavan Director Wolfe, Don Engineer Adams, Zachary William
$34,228.84 $143,408.94 $116,280.00 $148,144.80 $95,109.89 $108,065.94 $176,528.00 $220,832.47 $88,388.10 $45,900.00 $76,247.04 $51,056.10 $91,842.84 $59,845.44 $90,178.20 $70,585.71 $134,338.08 $114,597.28 $148,497.82 $127,609.85 $75,200.00 $120,539.52 $53,190.85 $59,604.77 $62,210.82 $74,141.76 $57,898.26 $49,980.00 $48,000.00 $49,980.00 $49,911.66 $69,222.30 $63,256.32 $73,902.06 $48,000.00 $67,757.93 $73,034.04 $40,838.76 $55,293.18 $59,840.34 $47,940.00 $71,118.48 $56,730.53 $95,821.86 $56,767.08 $84,201.00 $78,160.56 $76,621.38 $64,211.04 $75,242.34 $94,258.31 $94,258.20 $94,534.62 $97,996.50 $86,440.92 $56,975.63 $42,865.50 $44,673.29 $43,852.34 $90,759.60 $108,978.84 $117,383.64 $101,653.20 $111,599.22 $87,376.26 $100,231.32 $125,362.08 $95,702.52 $95,880.00 $85,727.94 $107,725.26 $101,966.34 $90,780.00 $96,912.24 $103,852.32 $61,500.00 $85,637.16 $114,738.78 $109,811.16 $94,209.24 $94,312.26 $86,909.10 $104,207.28 $122,703.96 $128,210.94 $121,235.16 $129,991.86 $90,170.04 $99,726.42 $106,300.32 $100,975.92 $88,240.20 $39,546.42 $38,970.81 $36,548.59 $55,782.66 $93,279.00 $73,000.00 $57,120.00 $86,986.62 $54,587.34 $54,587.34 $86,200.20 $54,825.00 $57,131.62 $84,633.48 $70,392.24 $120,000.00 $109,817.28 $65,695.14 $71,353.08 $84,975.18 $34,292.40 $142,879.56 $221,598.96 $91,097.22 $68,870.40 $60,943.98 $37,536.00 $56,457.00 $53,550.00 $85,866.39 $59,920.92 $49,452.66 $41,632.32 $41,073.36 $145,949.65 $146,168.04 $80,688.12
Engineer Amare, Ebenezer Engineer Chew, Lip Jen Engineer Dadvar, Puyan Engineer Gregory, Eric Engineer Hopkins, Jane Lisa Engineer Jimenez, Alberto E Engineer Johnson, Duane L Engineer Juba, Cheryl-Anne Engineer Marashi, Amir Engineer Park, Jung Suk Engineer Reuss, Karl Engineer Wicker, David Fac Res Asst Lehman, Tom Fac Res Asst Yang, Xi IT Coor Thompson, Richard E IT Coor Tirdil, Alex J IT Coor Ward, Donald W. IT Network Engineer Bartlett, Scott J. IT Network Engineer Willett, Steven Thomas IT Sr. Network Engineer Bach, Quang K. IT Sr. Network Engineer Diller, Dave IT Telecom Asst Beasley, Lance P IT Telecom Asst Hall, Damien G. IT Telecom Spec Adams, Garry D IT Telecom Spec Archer, S. Brian IT Telecom Spec Brittain, James Franklin JR IT Telecom Spec Fisher, Anthony J. IT Telecom Spec Folkee, James E. IT Telecom Spec Jones, Thomas F SR IT Telecom Spec Mast, Thomas K. IT Telecom Spec Moore, Gary Alexander IT Telecom Spec VanHouten, Jonathan T Manager Alexander, Colleen M. Manager Davila, John M. Manager Jernigan, Brian D Manager LaRosa, Joseph A. Manager Wagner, David Allen Prog Mgmt Spec Mast, Cynthia L Proj Mgr Warwick, Raymond L. II Sr. Engineer Crabill, Bruce E. Sr. Engineer Groves, Wes Storekeeper III Steinfuhrer, Judith R.
$53,000.00 $93,593.08 $75,000.00 $121,618.68 $72,876.96 $60,000.00 $112,271.38 $106,164.76 $98,000.00 $83,640.00 $144,844.08 $100,315.98 $190,977.66 $157,332.96 $59,396.64 $72,614.12 $80,112.84 $101,877.60 $124,529.76 $149,613.60 $138,633.30 $38,398.63 $44,036.46 $55,189.33 $62,643.68 $61,141.58 $62,643.68 $64,323.94 $55,189.33 $75,421.05 $67,112.20 $58,555.03 $76,669.32 $97,101.40 $93,840.00 $118,386.91 $103,735.63 $38,631.27 $90,676.20 $112,200.00 $99,960.00 $36,296.54
Facilities Management VPAF-FM-AVP Facilities Management Assoc Vice Pres Asst Dir Asst Dir Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Director Prog Mgmt Spec Prog Mgmt Spec
Reuning, Charles Robert Bagley, Charles A. Simmons, Sharon D. Bowling, Sheila S Carman, Terry L. Kromkowski, Julie A. Miller, Stephanie C Payne, Jeanette M. Thompson, Vandaliah J Yeroshefsky, Nancy L. Gutierrez, Jennifer Lynn Martinez, Melissa Victoria
$239,700.00 $90,560.50 $95,582.52 $62,000.00 $70,529.95 $104,660.91 $60,876.60 $51,999.08 $60,681.81 $118,033.49 $39,000.00 $40,950.48
VPAF-FM-B&LM-Building & Landscape Maintenance-Exec Dir Admin Asst II Baker, Yasmine $38,632.53 Assoc Dir Dykes, Sandra B. $125,746.43 Assoc Dir Monan, William F. $113,249.03 Asst Dir Petroff, Karen A $104,904.67 Asst Dir Pils, Bob $110,000.00 Asst Dir Ross, James L. $99,413.92 Asst Mgr Abell, Thomas C. $73,072.26 Asst Mgr Clatterbuck, Alvin L. $64,909.82 Asst Mgr Farrell, Mark E. $68,944.63 Asst Mgr Moore, Jessica E $66,017.24 Asst Mgr Prince, Romie D $70,000.00 Asst Mgr White, Joseph A. $71,242.82 Auto Serv Tech Lepore, Mary Louise $60,735.90 Auto Serv Tech Perera, Suneth M $56,024.40 Auto Serv Tech Schweiss, Anthony J. $56,024.40 Auto Serv Tech Sloan, Alonzo L. $49,622.39 Brick/Stone mason Brown, Kevin P. $52,053.30 Carpenter Aranda, Jose C $38,683.50 Carpenter Rewers, Sean M $38,683.50 Coordinator Carmichael, Michael $62,000.00 Coordinator Guididas, William P. $109,037.15 Coordinator Stewart, Anthony R.L. $80,237.03 Driver Waste Mgmt Bell, Renay A. $42,644.28 Driver Waste Mgmt Franklin, Gregory G $40,350.90 Driver Waste Mgmt Smith, Jay Carter $47,047.50 Eng Tech III Coleman, Michael E. $50,581.00 Eng Tech III DuBois, Eric S $53,846.83 Eng Tech III McAlister, Kasper B. SR $54,064.54 Exec Adm Asst II McNair, Karen S. $56,902.32 Exec Dir Teabout, Harry A. III $170,336.00 Grounds Supv Addison, Steven D $31,078.62 Grounds Supv Clark, Morey L $31,397.80 Grounds Supv Cross, Vascoe R. $38,846.94 Grounds Supv Kyle, Anthony $40,169.36 Grounds Supv Nana, Jean G. $31,078.62 Grounds Supv Perez, Miguel Angel $33,782.46 Grounds Supv Ramos, Carlos F. $36,389.27 Grounds Supv Stroman, Anthony $41,892.71 Grounds Supv Sullivan, Paul L. $43,608.06 Grounds Supv Villatoro, Julian $35,553.94 Groundskeeper Batchaji Kouatchoua, Rabelais $24,557.31 Groundskeeper Bowling, Keith $25,687.63 Groundskeeper Coleman, Adrian R. $23,826.00 Groundskeeper Ennis, Jermaine A $23,826.00 Groundskeeper Green, Derrick E. SR $24,557.31 Groundskeeper Lisier, Marcus H. $24,558.80 Groundskeeper Luftman, Robert Evan $26,318.12 Groundskeeper Mason, Anthony $24,558.80 Groundskeeper Nono, Andre D. $24,557.31 Groundskeeper Pearson, Reginald $25,060.89 Groundskeeper Simons, Donnell H. $25,060.89 Groundskeeper Tchaba, Bienvenu $24,557.31 Groundskeeper Tchana Nana, Licky A. $24,557.31 Groundskeeper Yanze, Francois T $24,557.31 Groundskeeper Ld Bautista, Sixto D $26,622.99 Groundskeeper Ld Garner, Keith Y. $29,088.06 Groundskeeper Ld Kuiken, Bleriot M. $26,805.11 Groundskeeper Ld Kwali, Jules Bertrand $26,622.99 Lipson, Paul I. $33,838.80 Groundskeeper Ld Groundskeeper Ld Stoute, Daniel L. $33,838.80 Groundskeeper Ld Tapet, Fidele $26,030.98 Horticulturist Alfonzo, Luis Jose $63,757.87 Horticulturist Bahr, Sam A $68,044.41 Horticulturist Jones, Richard E $60,000.00 Horticulturist Weiser, Jeffrey W. $70,312.57 Housekeeper Aguila, Cristela del Carmen $28,212.15 Housekeeper Aguilar, Adelina $25,676.23 Housekeeper Aguilar, Ana C. $27,828.54 Housekeeper Aguilar, Ena E $25,172.74 Housekeeper Aguilar, Eva Lidia $25,676.23 Housekeeper Alarcon, Heladia R. $24,077.24 Housekeeper Alfaro-Paz, Nery Yolanda $25,172.74 Housekeeper Alvarenga, Maria I $25,172.74 Housekeeper Alvarez de Flores, Fredesvinda $25,676.23 Housekeeper Ascencio Hernandez, Lorena D $25,676.23 Housekeeper Aviles, Alejandra $28,212.15 Housekeeper Ayala, Maria M $25,676.23 Housekeeper Barnett, Aaron Lamont $23,826.00 Housekeeper Beltran, Sonia $24,077.24 Housekeeper Bond, Melvin L. $32,032.51 Housekeeper Bonilla, Lucia $25,676.23 Housekeeper Brooks, Antoine G $23,826.00 Housekeeper Calix, Kelly M $24,557.31 Housekeeper Campos, Maria E. $25,687.63 Housekeeper Canales, Maria E $24,077.24 Housekeeper Carbajal, Gilma Arely $25,172.74 Housekeeper Carcamo, Miriam C $25,676.22 Housekeeper Carranza, Maria C $25,676.23 Housekeeper Castro, Iris $24,077.24 Housekeeper Catalan, Angelica E $25,172.74 Housekeeper Chavarria, Bernarda $24,557.70 Housekeeper Corrales, Vilma T $24,077.24 Housekeeper Council, Bertha M. $32,198.87 Housekeeper Cruz, Nora A. $26,879.74 Housekeeper Cubias, Ana D $23,826.00 Housekeeper Dang, Marthe V $24,557.70 Housekeeper De Borda, Juana Gutierrez $25,676.23 Housekeeper DeConstanza, Maria B. $28,863.87 Housekeeper Diaz, Altagracia $24,557.70 Housekeeper Diaz, Juana E. $24,557.31 Housekeeper Diaz, Maria M. $24,077.24 Housekeeper Diaz, Miriam R. $31,193.30 Housekeeper Diaz, Sonia A $25,172.74 Housekeeper Dinkins, Geraldine $32,198.87 Housekeeper Dubon, Zoila R. $27,828.59 Housekeeper Duran, Dora Osbelia $25,676.23 Housekeeper Escobar, Antonia Isabel $25,676.23 Housekeeper Felix, Reynita $25,676.23 Housekeeper Fernandez, Elsa A $24,557.31 Housekeeper Flores Gonzalez, Maria M. $23,826.00 Housekeeper Flores, Maria D. $28,211.76 Housekeeper Flores, William A $24,077.24 Housekeeper Fuentes, Ana E. $28,211.76 Housekeeper Garcia, Faustina $25,172.74 Housekeeper Garcia, Juana $28,212.15 Housekeeper Garcia, Maria Magdalena $25,676.23 Housekeeper Gastanaga Huarayo, Pilar $24,077.24 Housekeeper Gastanaga, Rosario $24,077.24 Housekeeper Giron, Rina M $24,557.31 Housekeeper Goni, Oscar Armando $25,687.41 Housekeeper Gonzalez, Alba M. $32,032.51 Housekeeper Granados, Maria C $24,077.24 Housekeeper Guardado, Yolanda $25,676.23 Housekeeper Guevara, Maria A. $31,193.30 Housekeeper Gutierrez, Anselmo $25,172.74 Housekeeper Gutierrez, Clara $25,687.41 Housekeeper Herder, Ellen M. $31,193.30 Housekeeper Hernandez, Aleyda Z $23,826.00 Housekeeper Hernandez, Santos Isabel $26,840.76 Housekeeper Herrera, Eleazar G $25,687.41 Housekeeper Hilliard, Larry $23,958.74 Housekeeper Ibanez, Manuel D $26,840.77 Housekeeper Ibarra, Benjamin $23,826.00 Housekeeper Ibarra, Rosa M. $25,172.74 Housekeeper Iraheta-Martinez, Anabell $25,172.74 Housekeeper Jefferson, Norma M. $31,037.89 Housekeeper Jefferson, Pamela F. $32,032.51 Housekeeper Johnson, Diane M. $32,198.98 Joly, Symphonie $25,676.23 Housekeeper Housekeeper Joseph, Francisca $27,201.59 Housekeeper Joseph, Sheryl F $24,077.24 Housekeeper Kemmel, Mildred L. $32,198.87 Housekeeper Kenea, Metsihet G $24,557.70 Housekeeper Larios, Natividad I $24,557.31
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One mile north of the University of Maryland (Next to Proteus Bicycles)
Sprv Cnstr Cont Sr. Engineer
Housekeeper Larry, James E. $31,379.92 Housekeeper Lee, Richardine $24,557.31 Housekeeper Lima, Rosalba L $23,826.00 Housekeeper Lopez de Kery, Rosa Virginia $25,676.23 Housekeeper Lopez, Rosa E $24,557.70 Housekeeper Luna De Urrutia, Ruth C $24,557.70 Housekeeper Maldonado, Elizabeth P. $28,212.15 Housekeeper Manzanarez, Felicita $25,676.23 Housekeeper Manzano, Maria A $24,557.70 Housekeeper Maravilla-Angel, Flor Maricela $23,826.00 Housekeeper Martinez, Rosmary D. $26,840.77 Housekeeper Martinez, Zuleima M $25,676.23 Housekeeper Medrano Chavarria, Luz E $24,557.31 Housekeeper Mejia , Sonia Aracely $23,826.00 Housekeeper Mejia Castro, Daysi N $24,077.24 Housekeeper Mejia Gutierrez, Noemy $27,828.57 Housekeeper Melgar, Ana R. $28,212.15 Housekeeper Melgar, Irma D. $27,828.57 Housekeeper Mitchum, Loretta L. $11,913.00 Housekeeper Molina, Lucia A $24,557.70 Housekeeper Molina, Marta J. $28,212.15 Housekeeper Monge, Angela R $25,172.74 Housekeeper Montano, Delma L. $26,840.76 Housekeeper Montano, Dora C. $24,557.31 Housekeeper Moorman, Jacqueline M. $24,557.31 Housekeeper Morales De Caal, Francisca $23,826.00 Housekeeper Njomba Epse Wanteu, Antoinnette B $23,826.00 Housekeeper Perez, Blanca E $23,826.00 Housekeeper Pharr, Timothy E $24,557.31 Housekeeper Portillo, Elsy M $24,077.24 Housekeeper Portillo, Nohemy Dela Paz $25,676.23 Housekeeper Portillo, Xenia L. $25,172.74 Housekeeper Prudencio, Dina M. $28,212.25 Housekeeper Rajo-Aguilar, Silvia Y. $25,172.74 Housekeeper Ramos, Juana $28,211.76 Housekeeper Reyes, Magaly A $24,557.31 Housekeeper Reyes, Petrona D $24,557.31 Housekeeper Reyes, Sebastiana $24,557.31 Housekeeper Rodas, Moreno $24,077.24 Housekeeper Rodriguez, Ana D $26,317.24 Housekeeper Rodriguez, Maria Antonia $25,676.23 Housekeeper Romero de Majano, Rosalina $24,557.31 Housekeeper Rozario, Rebecca $28,212.15 Housekeeper Ruiz, Ignacio $24,557.70 Housekeeper Salguero, Miriam E. $31,379.92 Housekeeper Salmeron, Irma I. $27,828.54 Housekeeper Sam, Anthony K. $30,995.76 Housekeeper Santos, Armida $25,676.23 Housekeeper Shicopena, Rosie M. $24,557.31 Housekeeper Shirley, Hyacinth $24,077.24 Housekeeper Sierra, Nancy $14,106.07 Housekeeper Sneed, Charles $24,557.70 Housekeeper Stevenson, Darlene $31,552.57 Housekeeper Thorne, Frances M. $33,096.47 Housekeeper Tocora, Emiliana $28,211.76 Housekeeper Turcios, Elva M $24,077.24 Housekeeper Turner, Ronnetta M $23,826.00 Housekeeper Ventura de Alvarado, Argentina $25,172.74 Housekeeper Villeda, Maria $28,212.15 Housekeeper Vivar, Rosa I $25,128.37 Housekeeper Zamora de Romero, Yanira Del Carmen $23,826.00 Housekeeper Zelaya de Villalta, Sandra C. $28,212.15 Housekeeper Zelaya, Rosario D $24,557.70 Housekeeper Zelaya, Victor M. $28,212.25 Housekeeping Supv II Argente, Leon B. $35,990.82 Housekeeping Supv II Burgos, Maria J $35,613.67 Housekeeping Supv II Castro, Cesar B. $41,442.09 Housekeeping Supv II Davis, Quintent A. $34,620.27 Housekeeping Supv II Dominguez, Livia M $34,620.27 Housekeeping Supv II Estrada, Mynor E $32,268.00 Housekeeping Supv II Fernandez, Leidy Mercedes $34,915.38 Housekeeping Supv II Feyisa, Gemechis B $32,268.00 Housekeeping Supv II Guevara, Ananias F $32,598.15 Housekeeping Supv II Gutema, Wasihun $33,395.85 Housekeeping Supv II Holmes, Ann R $33,395.87 Housekeeping Supv II Martinez, Edy D. $41,731.43 Housekeeping Supv II Martinez, Griselda L. $36,254.93 Housekeeping Supv II McIlwain, William L JR $32,268.00 Housekeeping Supv II Moore, Tibe Zeggai $35,613.67 Housekeeping Supv II Neal, Keith Melvin $49,379.99 Housekeeping Supv II Ockimey, Marlene P $33,395.87 Housekeeping Supv II Orantes, Ana F $33,395.85 Housekeeping Supv II Perdomo, Vilma I. $34,915.37 Housekeeping Supv II Sosa, Nolvia R. $33,395.87 Housekeeping Supv II Toller, Sylvester $33,413.10 Housekeeping Supv II Vasquez, Maribel $34,915.38 Housekeeping Supv II Webster, Olga D. $35,990.82 Housekeeping Supv II Womack, Joseph A $32,598.15 Landscape Tech Sv Abbey, Penny D. $52,580.06 Landscape Tech Sv Brown, Vincent E. $44,247.32 Landscape Tech Sv Davis, Darrick E. $42,757.71 Landscape Tech Sv Ferrer, Oscar E. $38,686.00 Landscape Tech Sv Hargadon, Raymond F $45,944.15 Landscape Tech Sv Humphrey, Christopher J. $57,219.64 Landscape Tech Sv Mansaray, Bryan C. $48,371.11 Landscape Tech Sv Newman, Craig E. $60,735.73 Landscape Tech Sv Villatoro, Julio C. $44,247.32 Manager Barahona-Roldan, Jose A. $68,561.89 Manager Coleman, Byron E. $68,277.33 Manager Cook, Joseph JR $84,383.21 Manager Gibson, Alvin E. SR $72,713.62 Manager Kerby, Christopher K. $85,675.39 Manager Manspeaker, Joel E. $94,576.88 Manager Purviance, Gabriel A $75,818.12 Motor Equip Op I Graham, Rondel I $27,909.36 MT Maint Aide I Minor, Michael Darnell $28,000.00 MT Maint Aide II Newman, David J. $33,710.89 MT Maint Mech Ld Fenwick, Ronald C. $41,352.26 MT Maint Mech Ld Zabala, Jose M $40,367.23 MT Maint Mech Sr Barnes, Danny C $33,602.20 MT Maint Mechanic Jefferson, Larry P. $46,349.82 MT Maint Mechanic Riley, Nelson $31,532.28 MT Mlt Td Chf I Epps, Kevin $41,881.30 MT Mlt Td Chf II Ankrom, Scott A. $63,562.80 MT Mlt Td Chf II Ballard, Lionel David $43,149.48 MT Mlt Td Chf II Braxton, Michael J. $44,881.92 MT Mlt Td Chf II Clute, James Glenn $42,719.25 MT Mlt Td Chf II Coleman, Tony N. $58,027.71 MT Mlt Td Chf II Ford, Benjamin L $46,160.37 MT Mlt Td Chf II Gaines, Frank J. $49,306.37 MT Mlt Td Chf II Henson, Melvin $42,615.33 MT Mlt Td Chf II Johnson, James W. $53,977.62 MT Mlt Td Chf II Landes, Morris E. $58,966.83 MT Mlt Td Chf II Lapole, Lloyd A. $46,812.07 MT Mlt Td Chf II McBeth, Lewis $60,184.10 MT Mlt Td Chf II Mendenhall, Ronnie A. $58,336.55 MT Mlt Td Chf II Miller, Tracy L $42,865.50 MT Mlt Td Chf II Ober, Jesse M. $56,594.91 MT Mlt Td Chf II Paschall, Paul G. $49,075.22 MT Mlt Td Chf II Quarles, William D $46,160.37 MT Mlt Td Chf II Riley, Kenneth L. $54,361.02 MT Mlt Td Chf II Seifert, Joseph E $43,787.22 MT Mlt Td Chf II Snyder, John H. III $55,745.58 MT Mlt Td Chf II Spero, Laura L. $52,952.64 MT Mlt Td Chf II Steele, James H. $57,174.88 MT Mlt Td Chf II Thomas, Burton A. $47,525.68 MT Mlt Td Chf II Tregoe, Roger M. $51,284.09 MT Mlt Td Chf II Tyson, Jo L $53,977.62 MT Mlt Td Chf II Wagner, Charles L. $59,024.31 MT Mlt Td Chf II Warner, Mark A. $58,797.23 MT Mlt Trd Sv II Barker, Calvin H JR $47,785.39 MT Mlt Trd Sv II Brown, Samuel C $47,302.00 MT Mlt Trd Sv II Chance, Sandra C. $47,785.39 MT Mlt Trd Sv II Chavez, Blanca I. $47,785.39 MT Mlt Trd Sv II Climes, Doris K. $47,785.39 MT Mlt Trd Sv II Martinez, Besi V. $49,571.47 MT Mlt Trd Sv II Moses, Collotta B. $47,824.42 MT Mlt Trd Sv II Newman, Jenifer $47,785.39 MT Mlt Trd Sv II Rich, Vaughn D $52,797.75 MT Mlt Trd Sv II Roundtree, Richard J. $54,226.04 MT Mlt Trd Sv II Shamblee-Carter, Sheryl C. $54,421.83 MT Mlt Trd Sv III Bruce, Michael A. $59,323.33 MT Mlt Trd Sv III Burton, Paul S. $61,619.56 MT Mlt Trd Sv III Roros, James $65,326.77 MT Mlt Trd Sv III Taylor, Donyele DeShawn SR $51,097.82 Pest Control Spec Gholston, James Earl $50,673.70 Pest Control Spec Khoo, Kelvin Teng Jin $48,155.60 Pest Control Spec Kramer, Travis J SR $46,160.37 Pest Control Spec Oliver, Phillip William $60,030.12 Pest Control Spec Wright, Bryan Mckinley SR $48,849.20 Prg Admin Spec Salvatierra-Sinn, Millaray $45,591.89 Prog Mgmt Spec Ayers, Fonytina E. $39,813.49 Prog Mgmt Spec Williams, Edward F. JR $44,277.44 Specialist Small, Adrienne W. $58,585.28
VPAF-FM-E&E-Engineering & Energy-Director
Asst Dir Hermstein, Robert M Asst Dir Hill, Donald L Director Ibeziako, MaryAnn O Elec Eng Flores, Monico L. Elec Eng Santiago, Andre M Elec Eng Thaker, Jagdish R. HVAC Chief Ming, Ty HVAC Chief Newman, William Douglas HVAC Chief Radl, John J. Manager Brevig, Brian J Manager Corry, Susan C Manager Daniel, Isaac I. Manager Jenkins, Chauncey A. SR Manager Propst, Delbert A. Manager Shaughnessy, David S. Mechical Engineer Bhogal, Avninder S Phys Plant Sprint Tiller, Andre W
VPAF-FM-Facilities Planning Admin Asst II Asst Dir Asst Dir Asst Dir Director Manager Manager Manager Manager Manager Planner Planner Planner Specialist Specialist
Lovejoy, Demetrius J. Brenner, Terry P. Mallari, William P. Schuelke, Virginia T. Testa, Brenda D. Bland, Mary Kate Brownlee, Angela Del Pino, Wayne Anthony Keen, Taylor Roerig, Ronnie Becker, Frances E. Hayes, Daniel FC Reid, Stephen Scott Caruso, Geoffrey C Definbaugh, William P.
VPAF-FM-O&M-Operations & Maintenance
$83,851.76 $119,340.00 $132,270.80 $128,000.00 $153,000.00 $105,947.13 $109,680.96 $110,995.75 $56,686.46 $56,417.79 $64,067.68 $105,926.65 $117,680.79 $95,442.00 $91,870.36 $94,415.01 $102,493.83 $108,000.00 $89,629.62 $39,813.31 $105,744.08 $108,362.59 $102,603.48 $159,254.83 $79,465.23 $70,400.52 $65,939.20 $91,302.67 $66,576.77 $59,753.90 $87,926.07 $88,772.64 $61,999.21 $45,000.00
Assoc Dir Kastens, Roxene T. $130,000.00 Assoc Dir Vucci, John I. $148,752.85 Asst Dir Austin, John S $118,792.21 Asst Dir Fahey, James K. $115,508.00 Asst Dir Hogan, James J. JR $119,936.92 Asst Dir Nickels, Richard B. $106,472.55 Asst Dir O’Dea, Christopher M. $116,000.00 Asst Mgr Brotherton, James E. JR $74,056.75 Asst Mgr McNamara, Michael A. $82,187.95 Asst Mgr Nugent, Thomas H. JR $82,641.82 Asst Mgr Wilburn, Charles H. JR $82,852.08 Asst to Dir Cosner, David D SR $108,959.72 Business Manager DeOrnellas, Michelle $70,420.29 Business Serv Spec DiGuiseppe, Michele Jean $52,853.20 Coordinator Ayensu, Francis K. $88,198.35 Coordinator Beard, David W $87,731.59 Coordinator Brown, Clarence L. JR $76,466.99 Coordinator Dallmeyer, Glenn $83,995.47 Coordinator Davis, Alvin Wendell $83,423.76 Coordinator Eller, William J. $87,388.89 Coordinator Fitzhugh, James P. $78,300.14 Coordinator Gentry, Earl Dean JR $97,408.06 Coordinator Hawkins, Nathan O. $75,995.71 Coordinator Henson, Wayne Thomas $95,698.80 Coordinator Howard, Robert J. $84,533.91 Coordinator Ivey, Robert O. $90,000.00 Coordinator Jackson, Donald $78,152.86 Coordinator Jester, Kenneth Edward $73,605.04 Coordinator Joseph, Reuben A $69,803.47 Coordinator Lee, John E. $84,992.97 Coordinator Mechak, Linda C. $83,870.30 Coordinator Pence, James William JR $90,214.23 Coordinator Scali, John T $79,425.08 Coordinator Schaub, Alex G. $90,623.97 Coordinator Schultz, Mark S. $71,094.00 Coordinator Simmons, Tariq M $71,094.00 Coordinator Tuttle, Charles K. $78,152.86 Coordinator Williams, Sheila Dean $65,000.00 Coordinator Worley, Ronald K. $67,694.41 Elec Sys Rel Tech Baldree, Robert Michael $57,361.50 Elec Sys Rel Tech Corbin, John Joseph $56,158.10 Elec Sys Rel Tech Garde, Arthur E III $51,932.24 Elec Sys Rel Tech Hernandez, Larry A. JR $60,308.46 Elec Sys Rel Tech Ivanov, Ivan Mihaylou $58,548.00 Elec Sys Rel Tech Jones, DuRay Lavar SR $51,097.82 Joyner, Bruce A. $56,158.10 Elec Sys Rel Tech Elec Sys Rel Tech Judge, Harold Burke $55,860.79 Elec Sys Rel Tech Miller, Walter Raymond $58,548.00 Elec Sys Rel Tech Mitchell, Alvin $51,815.12 Elec Sys Rel Tech Molina, Erick A $60,308.46 Elec Sys Rel Tech Navarrete, Jose Miguel $51,815.12 Elec Sys Rel Tech Perry, LaShawn $51,170.95 Elec Sys Rel Tech Reardon, Jason D. $60,308.46 Elec Sys Rel Tech Rodriguez, Gustavo Aurelio JR$60,308.46 Elec Sys Rel Tech Rojas, Victor H. $65,653.60 Elec Sys Rel Tech Rose, Derek A $56,626.02 Elec Sys Rel TechRosenfelder, Paul William $60,308.46 Elec Sys Rel Tech Seegobin, Russell D $51,815.12 Elec Sys Rel Tech Sklaroff, David H $50,581.00 Elec Sys Rel Tech Velazquez, Alejandro Manuel $60,308.46 Elec Tech II Nugent, Kenneth Henry $50,922.30 Elec Tech II Pucci, Robert Scott $41,308.70 Elect High Volt Bell, Michael II $48,468.38 Elect High Volt Crews, Hans Richard $47,242.07 Elect High Volt Midgett, Richard R $47,242.07 Elect High Volt Reisler, Philip M $45,804.47 Elect High Volt Sharp, Brian R $47,242.07 Eng Tech III Marsters, William Richard SR $53,447.93 Eng Tech III McMahon, Lawrence K. $67,685.57 Eng Tech III Wilson, Daniel J $57,700.44 Exec Dir Baker, Jack T. $201,017.53 Fac Mgr Brookman, Larry J. $104,444.47 Fac Mgr Johnson, James Charles $128,367.39 Fac Mgr Lurie, Jason Thomas $97,920.00 Fac Mgr Saunders, Thomas P $117,337.89 Graph Art DesignD’Intino, Joseph William Jr $45,900.00 Graph Art Design Juneau, John K. $66,393.31 Graph Art Design Kenealy, Travis $44,880.00 Graph Art Design Vogts, Marc David $56,379.01 Housekeeper Davis, Donnie $31,379.92 Housekeeper Reyes, Reyna $25,172.74 Housekeeper Rodriguez Pinos, Jorge E. $28,212.15 Housekeeper Rodriguez, Ana R. $24,283.30 Housekeeper Rosa, Blanca D $25,843.59 Housekeeper Serpas Moreno, Vilma H $24,557.70 Housekeeper Torres, Maria E. $27,828.54 Housekeeper Vides Prudencio, Mahena A $25,676.23 Housekeeper Lead Marroquin, Yelba C. $33,699.67 Housekeeping Supv I Marroquin, Oscar $39,985.37 Housekeeping Supv II Canu, Jose D. $34,915.38 Housekeeping Supv II Malloy, Dwayne D $34,710.60 Housekeeping Supv II Petaway, Forlinda P. $49,562.82 HVAC Chief Adams, Hank C. SR $74,219.43 HVAC Chief Bennett, Jeffrey $61,812.05 HVAC Chief Breakiron, Julius E. $80,384.22 HVAC Chief Brown, Tyrone Augustis $61,115.78 HVAC Chief Clark, Michael Andrew $74,988.24 HVAC Chief Coffman, Joseph M. $72,454.45 HVAC Chief Czebotar, John Bernard $63,078.74 HVAC Chief Davis, Frank James $75,069.46 HVAC Chief Dickman, Michael J $73,953.70 HVAC Chief Durham, Timothy B. $67,900.98 HVAC Chief Hart, Robert Paul SR $78,381.32 HVAC Chief Hohenshilt, William Alfred $69,634.47 HVAC Chief Ivey, Charles W. $58,804.88 HVAC Chief Jagodzinski, Thomas Gerard $57,676.22 HVAC Chief Janicki, Darrin J. $62,010.77 HVAC Chief Kelly, John J. III $65,472.73 HVAC Chief Larkin, Wesley P. $62,492.86 HVAC Chief Lowe, George L. $65,185.82 HVAC Chief Mack, James V. $54,639.58 HVAC Chief McCormick, Michael Wayne $65,055.15 HVAC Chief McIntire, Robert B $73,953.70 HVAC Chief McQueeney, Jerome Vincent $76,202.49 HVAC Chief Neal, Stewart A. $56,948.73 HVAC Chief Nelson, Scott G. $75,122.68 HVAC Chief O’Keefe, Thomas $61,116.15 HVAC Chief Olds, Ronald W. $61,778.64 HVAC Chief Simmons, Sherwin L. $64,252.28 HVAC Chief Smith, Decarlo E. $59,948.64 HVAC Chief Thews, Steven S. $81,219.14 HVAC Chief Thuya, Moe $58,804.88 HVAC Chief Walters, Patrick W. $65,328.45 HVAC Chief Warner, Michael J. $67,900.97 HVAC Chief Whitaker, Timothy Duane $63,874.23 $58,247.30 HVAC Chief Whitmer, Matthew Carlton HVAC Chief Young, Gerald Lee II $73,800.00 HVAC Mech I George, Michael G. $52,917.80 HVAC Mech I Walker, Clarence E III $56,293.12 Hvac Mech II Bonkosky, Carol Marie $60,177.71 Hvac Mech II Hart, Anthony L. $60,395.10 Hvac Mech II Hart, Renard A. $60,395.10 Hvac Mech II Jabonete, Jeffrey L $49,394.45 Hvac Mech II Loving, Mark A. $60,395.10 Hvac Mech II Montas Montero, Pablo E. $55,189.33 Hvac Mech II Smith, Kenneth R. $60,395.10 HVAC Mech III Adams, Michael Paul $51,097.82 HVAC Mech III Calhoun, Robert B JR $51,580.40 HVAC Mech III Eberhard, Joseph Andrew JR $72,764.86 HVAC Mech III Ho, Sam $56,948.16 HVAC Mech III Johnson, Micheal A. $63,470.50 HVAC Mech III Kaippallil, Joy V. $55,236.12 HVAC Mech III Mackall, George D $54,899.44 HVAC Mech III Mallardi, Robert V. $61,910.60 HVAC Mech III Moran, Byron E $55,046.22 HVAC Mech III Mosely, Donald E JR $50,652.52
VPAF-FM-D&C-Design & Construction-Exec Dir
Office of the President Average Salary
0 9.1
6 1,0
$9 8
8 $8 7 1,0
5 1.7
0 $4
Office of the President Employees
8 1,3
4 2,4
0 35
Office of the President Total Salaries
m 5.1
m 2.0
.9m $18
3.7 $2
Architect Agliata, Allison Elizabeth $66,300.00 Architect Akinola, Olumide A. $68,276.69 Architect Green, Mark W. $97,524.00 Architect Khan, Irfan A. $80,164.87 Architect Munroe, Scott K. $88,602.92 Architect Ossi, Mary D. $100,341.63 Architect Pruitt, Erlie E $67,830.00 Assoc Dir Agorsor, Glenda M. $131,300.03 Assoc Dir Bunting, Thomas A. $133,590.55 Assoc Dir Cleary, James N. $130,560.00 Assoc Dir Fisher, Louis $139,061.94 Assoc Dir Mughal, Arshad M. $132,017.20 Assoc Dir Salvador, Enrique A. $147,620.14 Assoc Dir Still, Brian LeGrand $142,738.29 Asst Dir Clarke, Ben $120,283.19 Asst Dir Feuerstein, Darwin J $98,577.08 Asst Dir Joiner Fleming, Jocelyn $116,695.31 Asst Dir Smedley, Webb L. $120,886.39 Coordinator Hall, Kathleen R. $65,929.00 Coordinator O’Connor, Julie $55,980.55 Coordinator Parvan, Kiavash $81,885.00 Elec Eng Atrifi, Mahmood $107,474.25 Elec Eng Harris, Rajathalal Puthukulangara $100,769.43 Elec Eng Lopez Valle, Oscar $95,880.00 Engineer Grey, John Patrick $103,869.62 Engineer Ho, Christopher Y. $96,382.04 Engineer Jantac, Lubomir $93,050.58 Engineer Qaimmaqami, Sam $92,685.08 Exec Adm Asst II Nogar, Helen L. $56,731.48 Exec Dir Olen, William E. $186,526.82 Manager Meek, Isiah J $75,853.32 Manager Mekkaraparambil, Anitha G. $80,874.14 Manager Saurwein, Susan Kay $84,208.85 Manager Shrader, Martha $59,822.13 Manager Simon, Thomas Carl $95,716.80 Mechical EngineerAlicea-Gonzalez, Pedro J $104,214.27 Mechical Engineer Bustamante, Blasito Atangan $104,769.39 Mechical EngineerMaheshwari, Pramod K $105,365.86 Mechical Engineer Pho, Hoang Tung $99,689.58 Planner Azonobi, Leonard M. $83,685.68 Planner Horwood, Vy L $74,868.00 Planner Kyriacos, Zoe A $89,493.95 Planner Malamud, Susan Schwartz $75,949.20 Planner Roach, Catherine A. $78,055.65 Prog Mgmt Spec Johnson, LaShaun D. $40,277.18 Prog Mgmt Spec McCraith, Mary E. $47,533.56 Prog Mgmt Spec Vaughan, DeChanta S $40,967.32 Proj Coor Benjamin, Kelly J $56,100.00 Proj Coor Duah, Jojo Sarkodie $56,100.00 Proj Coor Lopez, Katherine Diane $56,100.00 Proj Mgr Angelovich, Edward Paul JR $90,270.00 Proj Mgr Bannourah, Marwan I. $109,505.14 Proj Mgr Barry, Michael B $85,299.00 Proj Mgr Campbell, Bill $67,467.42 Proj Mgr Chang, We Lin $106,093.38 Proj Mgr Griffith, David $66,334.89 Proj Mgr Heffes, Ruth G $90,270.00 Proj Mgr Lansberry, Matthew $67,467.42 Proj Mgr Marcu, Valer Larry JR $110,089.74 Proj Mgr Merrill, Chip $109,824.47 Proj Mgr Meske, Philip G. $96,368.53 Proj Mgr Moshogianis, Mike $108,763.37 Proj Mgr Neshati, Al $108,263.82 Proj Mgr Parker, Thomas Andrew $85,299.00 Proj Mgr Pierce, Daniel Raymond $109,824.47 Proj Mgr Shugars, Nathan L $91,830.18 Proj Mgr Tucci, Richard J. $109,669.64 Proj Mgr Vij, Lila K. $109,064.08 Proj Mgr Wu, Lawrence $109,840.23 Project Architect Bechard, Amy D $90,780.00 Project Architect Frazier, Anthony Michael $92,265.79 Project Architect Wegmann, Jennifer L $94,803.10 Specialist Jayawan, Gina L $88,407.99 Specialist Osei, Oswell Imelda $88,407.99 Specialist Romero, Paul Marie D $96,424.51 Specialist Treese, Gregory T $94,000.00 Sprv Cnstr Cont Aponte, Kenneth Edward $81,600.00 Sprv Cnstr Cont Blank, Raymond F JR $79,669.60 Sprv Cnstr Cont Cole, Stephen Edward $87,406.61 Sprv Cnstr Cont Fitrell, Kendall S $83,850.90 Sprv Cnstr Cont Klenner, Daniel B. $90,343.62 Sprv Cnstr Cont Ledbetter, Gregory T $82,000.00 Sprv Cnstr Cont Malcolm, John Leo $87,430.48 Sprv Cnstr Cont McDonald, Paul M. $84,111.80 Sprv Cnstr Cont McNair, Keith L. $80,764.88 Sprv Cnstr Cont Orban, Gabriella $89,002.15 Sprv Cnstr Cont Restivo, Gregory Adkins $85,486.08 Sprv Cnstr Cont Takara, Thierry Tamo $82,000.00 Sprv Cnstr Cont Towns, Lawrence A. $72,488.77
Williams, Woodrow B. Crabb, Andrea
HVAC Mech III Parkar, Zahir N $55,741.23 HVAC Mech III Pearson, Luke A $55,741.23 HVAC Mech III Seibles, Derrick E. $54,899.44 IT Sys Prog Clark, Anthony D $59,936.81 IT Sys Prog Smith, James L. $64,921.36 Manager Brown, Anthony F $125,000.00 Manager Cochran, Michael E $91,533.53 Manager Corrigan, William John $83,158.90 Manager Henson, Michael K. $90,003.97 Manager Kure, Ileana $73,644.00 Manager Narh, Daniel M. $88,740.00 Manager Sallet, Stefan D. $77,251.31 MT Maint Aide I Dunkley, Warren D. $28,304.88 MT Maint Aide II Asgedom, Bana Berhe $31,500.00 MT Maint Aide II Owens, Denishia Antwanette$31,500.00 MT Mec Trd Chf I Thomas, Frank J $47,954.01 MT Mlt Td Chf I Guerra, Guillermo E. $41,573.18 MT Mlt Td Chf II Brooks, John Thomas $54,238.43 MT Mlt Td Chf II Childs, Blair G. $42,835.42 MT Mlt Td Chf II Dudley, Frank Dion $46,024.19 MT Mlt Td Chf II Evans, David A $45,255.25 MT Mlt Td Chf II Frischholz, Dennis A. JR $50,026.29 MT Mlt Td Chf II Grondalski, John C. $44,761.76 MT Mlt Td Chf II Lang, Gary S. $43,607.76 MT Mlt Td Chf II Rayman, James E. $47,314.36 MT Mlt Td Chf II Sullivan, Keith W. $47,314.36 MT Mlt Td Chf II Walker, Daniel S. $50,532.17 MT Mlt Td Chf II Westcamp, Scott T. $46,833.46 MT Mlt Td Chf III Montgomery, Robert A. $60,678.94 MT Mlt Td Chf III Thompson, Brian A $47,771.02 MT Mlt Trd Sv II Howard, Wanda M. $47,785.39 MT Mlt Trd Sv III Mendez, Rolando E. $52,098.43 MT Strc Trd Chf I Dove, Timothy E. $55,576.10 Painter Alvarez, Jose E. $37,477.31 Painter Berned, Joseph W $36,378.18 Painter Butler, Richard L. $43,214.86 Painter Calix, Joel A. $38,843.95 Painter DeFontes, Robert Kirk $45,847.61 Painter Fuentes, Arturo $38,225.14 Painter Gilmore, Clinton Verlon $40,382.11 Painter Oliver, Barbara Jean $45,847.62 Phys Plant Sprint Burcham, James R. $90,498.23 Phys Plant Sprint Coletta, Peter J. $79,744.34 Phys Plant Sprint Contreras, Carlos F. $92,750.65 Phys Plant Sprint Gilmore, James G $100,156.31 Phys Plant Sprint Hartley, Anthony Michael $55,185.65 Phys Plant Sprint Kungis, James M. $89,382.49 Phys Plant Sprint Rivas, Jorge A. $84,439.68 Phys Plant Sprint Taylor, Richard B. $91,215.78 Phys Plant Sprint Wasef, Anton $90,068.99 PL - Piped Sys Tech Banks, Alonzo J. III $55,209.70 PL - Piped Sys Tech Chapouris, Anthony A $54,238.43 PL - Piped Sys Tech Forney, Jim A. $63,029.81 PL - Piped Sys Tech Knox, Roger L $65,151.88 PL - Piped Sys Tech Spivey, John L. $66,932.51 PL - Piped Sys Tech Steinbrenner, Scott A. $70,612.20 Plumber Crutchfield, Damon T. $53,846.84 Plumber Harris, Alonzo L. JR $53,846.84 Plumber Moore, Randy L. $53,846.84 Prog Mgmt Spec Pratt-Istvan, Lisa K. $50,026.11 Prog Mgmt Spec Velasco, Oscar Ernesto $50,317.75 Proj Mgr Cray, Francis E. $85,068.00 Proj Mgr Jones, Cornell Lorenzo $80,000.00 Proj Mgr LeVons, Selvin E. $91,182.25 Proj Mgr Wills-Nyagura, Rita I. $90,000.00 Protective Covering Mech Whiters, Clinton M. $38,935.50 Sprv Cnstr Cont Abresch, Stefan G. $69,706.31 Sprv Cnstr Cont Cooke, Samuel Jennings $89,532.90 Sprv Cnstr Cont Culp, Martin A $84,121.04 Sprv Cnstr Cont Kaskel, Joseph M $88,674.02 Sprv Cnstr Cont Pucci, Andrew Anthony $69,877.49 Sprv Cnstr Cont Sherman, David L. $88,302.93 Sprv Cnstr Cont Smith, John B $55,745.52 Sprv Cnstr Cont Williams, Julius R. $88,586.04 Sprv Cnstr Cont Wilson, Richard H. $95,967.20 Tech Sprv Buchanan, Dawn O. $72,424.69
VPAF-FM-OFA-Office of Facilities Administration
Accountant I Largaespada, Tomasa $47,294.33 Accountant I Osmond, Fatou Danso $38,632.53 Accountant I Wilson, Patricia A. $44,288.79 Accounting Assoc Hedgecoth, Judith A. $49,642.47 Accounting Assoc Wooddell, Rita $41,460.99 Analyst Xu, Jiemin $64,595.06 Asst Dir Coughlin, Mary F $118,284.16 Asst Mgr Beall, David B. $66,779.08 Asst Mgr Franklin, Richard Mark $70,489.03 Asst Mgr Rychwalski, Michele A. $58,945.22 Auto Serv Tech Brown, Larry M $55,392.43 Auto Serv Tech O’Neal, Wilbert $56,024.40 Business Serv Spec Gardner, Patricia A. $57,042.83 Business Serv Spec Hoke-Ludlum, Lelia Pauline $44,841.29 Business Serv Spec Smith-Best, Tia $44,085.91 Coordinator Bundy, Benjamin Joseph $58,544.84 Coordinator Cannon, Joan G. $89,132.48 Coordinator Golden, Jeffrey C $71,910.94 Coordinator Hong, Li Ping $67,220.27 Coordinator Howard, Sheavaun M. $58,544.84 Coordinator Smith, Thomas R. $101,432.44 Director Riebert, Kenneth M. $158,445.31 Engineer Enwesi, Charles $99,004.95 Engineer Ni, Li $121,540.22 Fac Supv Pugh, Michael I. $70,612.52 IT Support Asst Jordan, Robert $50,135.92 IT Support Asst Smith, Ryan R. $41,790.65 IT Sys Analyst Day, Timothy E. $68,955.73 IT Sys Analyst Maisel, Raymond B. $84,647.43 IT Sys Analyst Moomey, James R. $70,575.84 Manager Amos, Quajalyn S. $80,793.28 Manager Dory, Marie A. $88,417.82 Manager Furlong, Cindy L. $99,320.37 Manager Lue, Huey Y. $105,247.82 Manager Oaks, Cathy J. $105,722.87 MT Mlt Trd Sv I White, Cleveland E. $45,172.24 Office Clerk II Doty, Jill C. $18,921.18 Prg Admin Spec Stewart, Audrey A. $51,167.77 Prog Mgmt Spec Blake, John M. $52,002.97 Prog Mgmt Spec Dinterman, Brian M $39,846.70 Prog Mgmt Spec Goodson, KC $45,761.03 Prog Mgmt Spec Messineo, Steve Wayne $48,988.20 Prog Mgmt Spec Purnell, Sherrell C. $41,531.07 Prog Mgmt Spec Rwemera, Alexis Mbagariye $41,198.12 Prog Mgmt Spec Sardelli, Annette J. $54,609.70 Prog Mgmt Spec Thomas, Loretta P. $54,325.17 Prog Mgmt Spec Velazco, Martin E $40,264.69 Storekeeper II Hoke, Alvin L. $32,520.23 Storekeeper II Iwasa, Taku $33,418.89 Storekeeper II Kreilis, Edward Michael $31,291.44 Storekeeper II Ladieu, Richard A $23,456.00 Storekeeper II Logan, Courtenay A. $31,290.56 Storekeeper II Marquez, Edward $30,053.00 Storekeeper II Romero, Roberto A. $37,841.17 Supervisor Griffie, Damian $108,943.90 Work Controller Chin, Chen L. $40,090.93 Work Controller Curtis, Amelia Lucille $24,625.29 Work Controller Flores, Deborah A $34,658.90 Work Controller Hill, Venus T. $35,613.67 Work Controller Marshall-Main, Eric David $35,613.67
Graduate School GRAD-Graduate School
Asst Dean Franke, Jeffrey Allan Asst Dir Kotzker, Robyn Beth Asst to Dean Worthington, Kathleen R. Business Manager Thomas, Maria P Coordinator Ambrosi, Angela Rose Coordinator Carroll-Mason, Mary E. Coordinator Oguntolu, Olutoyin O. Dir Admin Srv Woodwell, Patricia Aileen Director Wu, Teddy ChenTung Fac Asst Perez, Christopher James Fac Res Asst Gharala, Brian IT Support Spec Lindsey, Joseph C Manager Ferguson, Barbara A. Manager van Son, Megan Elinor Prof And Dean Caramello, Charles A. Prog Spec Qualls, Anna De Cheke Res Assoc Macri, Linda C. Sr Res Anlst Akhtar, Shama Yasmin
$161,599.09 $62,058.97 $80,743.82 $71,080.13 $47,000.00 $55,000.00 $62,326.52 $107,096.74 $98,277.00 $50,000.00 $50,901.57 $61,500.00 $84,966.03 $53,548.89 $248,478.21 $70,080.00 $74,460.00 $82,551.39
Libraries LIBR-Libraries
Account Clerk III Kumar, Kesavan Retna Accountant Brooks, Tonita Smith Accounting AssocChadley, Aldrawina Marie Accounting Assoc Thomas, Devan Lanee Admin Asst I Petersen, Kate Michelle Admin Asst II Warner, Lisa M. Asst Dean Rivard, David M Coordinator Alie, Ingrid L. Coordinator Balannik, Alla Coordinator Barnachea, Lutgarda Coordinator Becker, Roselin JoAnn Coordinator Beygo, Mutlu Pinar Coordinator Cleary, Laura Elizabeth Coordinator Eidson, Jennifer G Coordinator Frau-Cortes, Neil Manel Coordinator Garnett, Margaret Elizabeth Coordinator Ginoza, Aaron Kenji Coordinator Hammett, Kevin G. Coordinator Inge, Lindsay Taylor Coordinator Jenkins, Kana K Coordinator Jimenez, Fernando Jose Coordinator Karunwi, Aderinola
$35,613.67 $61,895.95 $40,750.54 $37,528.75 $45,633.34 $43,006.58 $171,966.41 $55,741.22 $50,410.29 $57,693.55 $41,494.24 $48,409.57 $30,583.19 $47,557.50 $48,845.55 $45,124.80 $52,530.00 $60,117.43 $47,500.00 $39,212.96 $40,645.00 $55,156.50
Coordinator Kidd, Judith $51,000.00 Coordinator King, Donna M. $54,906.64 Coordinator Koh, Yeo-Hee $50,921.63 Coordinator Kohl, Amber Marie $46,267.46 Coordinator Leffler, Scott R. $49,706.17 Coordinator Loebe, Margaret $56,259.63 Coordinator Norris, Andrea D. $64,664.50 Coordinator Quintilian, Steven M. $50,652.58 Coordinator Qureshi, Adnan $42,075.21 Coordinator Schnitker, Laura Beth $51,000.00 Coordinator Spring, James VandenBosche $46,000.00 Coordinator Tatum, Loretta L. $46,889.99 Coordinator Wilson, Rebecca $71,616.66 Coordinator Wong, Dun Yee D. $50,000.00 Coordinator Wright, Charles Edward $74,906.34 Coordinator Yocco, Evelyn T. $54,539.86 Director Bartheld, Eric $99,075.88 Director Brown, Phillipa $98,296.84 Director Enwesi, Uche K. $112,087.45 Exec Adm Asst I Wheeler, Lisa M. $43,285.05 IT Architect Chang, Shian-Chih Lin $94,989.93 IT Coor Ayensu, Sandra A $46,000.00 IT Coor Carson, Chamisa I. $64,010.85 IT Coor Tobery, Preston $56,650.72 IT Data Base Admin Hammer, Paul B. $84,843.97 IT Support Asst Chuba, Pancratius N $41,368.00 IT Support Asst Quartey, Victoria $41,588.00 IT Sys Analyst Eldred, Brandon $74,698.64 IT Sys Analyst Walker, William O. $73,223.04 IT Sys Mgr Wallberg, Ben $133,351.39 IT Sys Prog Eichman, Peter Matthew $81,906.00 Librarian I Brown, Felicity Ann $38,964.76 Librarian I Caringola, Elizabeth M $52,835.80 Librarian I Chen, Chin-Yin Audrey $48,044.44 Librarian I Hawk, Amanda Kate $44,880.00 Librarian I Soergel, Elizabeth Lee $48,000.00 Librarian II Akbar-Williams, Tahirah $73,440.00 Librarian II Cartier, Eric S $51,378.20 Librarian II Corlett-Rivera, Kelsey $60,314.49 Librarian II Frank, Cynthia G. $70,262.31 Librarian II Gammons, Rachel $56,100.00 Librarian II Glenn, David B. $50,122.07 Librarian II Horbal, Andrew $62,194.50 Librarian II Koivisto, Joseph Andrew $58,000.00 Librarian II Mallett, Bobbie J. $50,949.60 Librarian II Manildi, Donald E. $66,886.26 Librarian II McDonald, Celina Nichols $65,113.38 Librarian II Munoz, Trevor $97,975.75 Librarian II O’Neal, Kelley J $58,140.00 Librarian II Parker, Bria Lynn $59,160.00 Librarian II Pike, Robin C. $62,612.55 Librarian II Putnam, Nathan B. $81,735.66 Librarian II Sorrell, Cynthia E. $60,549.53 Librarian II Speck, Jason Grant $58,437.69 Librarian II Tatsumi, Yukako $68,850.00 Librarian II Tchangalova, Nedelina $58,757.24 Librarian II Thompson, Hilary H $50,935.93 Librarian II Westgard, Joshua Allan $66,300.00 Librarian III Archer, Joanne $47,589.66 Librarian III Chadley, Otis A. $80,275.83 Librarian III Cossard, Patricia Kosco $83,360.15 Librarian III Dahl, David $90,000.00 Librarian III DePope, Leigh Ann $61,200.00 Librarian III Diaz, Zaida M. $74,287.78 Librarian III Epps, Sharon K. $79,807.06 Librarian III Goldfinger, Rebecca Kemp $67,240.81 Librarian III Griner, Lily G. $79,655.68 Librarian III Guay, Beth $59,327.23 Librarian III Hackman, Timothy $76,638.02 Librarian III Hanson, Heidi $74,242.86 Librarian III Henry, Stephen $66,818.62 Librarian III Herron, Patricia J. $80,333.39 Librarian III Howell, Chuck $58,550.05 Librarian III Jackson, Carleton L. $85,200.17 Librarian III Lindquist, Eric Nils $64,296.83 Librarian III Love, Johnnieque B. $83,256.85 Librarian III Luckert, Yelena $92,444.77 Librarian III Markowitz, Judith S. $74,831.47 Librarian III McElrath, Douglas P. $84,389.82 Librarian III Montori, Carla Q. $88,494.85 Librarian III Novara, Elizabeth A. $63,150.20 Librarian III Novara, Vincent J. $72,690.37 Librarian III Ohler, Lila Angeline $91,748.35 Librarian III Owen, Terry M. $76,582.64 Librarian III Saponaro, Margaret Z $79,894.92 Librarian III Seguin, Linda $71,721.25 Librarian III Turkos, Anne S. $83,499.76 Librarian III Wilt, David E. $76,979.93 Librarian III Zdravkovska, Nevenka $101,724.20 Librarian IV Baykoucheva, Svetla $108,513.57 Librarian IV Glennan, Kathy $81,820.59 Librarian IV Hamidzadeh, Babak $180,137.98 Librarian IV Mack, Daniel C. $146,370.00 Librarian IV Ruschoff, Carlen M. $145,279.39 Librarian IV White, Gary W. $180,379.64 Library Serv Spec Armstrong, Peter V. $39,748.48 Library Serv Spec Bunn, Christopher $28,668.41 Library Serv Spec Carps, Ken $28,942.40 Library Serv Spec Cotton, Jennifer Erin Martens$28,942.40 Library Serv Spec Farmer, Douvonte $36,178.00 Library Serv Spec Guo, Ying $36,178.00 Library Serv Spec Henderson, Kibbi LaShawn $43,400.00 Library Serv Spec Jaleel, Yousuf Mohammed $20,084.85 Library Serv Spec Jeffers, Margaret D. $36,178.00 Library Serv Spec Kulp, Lawrence E. $47,608.00 Library Serv Spec Meekins, Frederick B. $39,126.61 Library Serv Spec Natishan, Arthur Carleton $36,178.00 Library Serv Spec Nguyen, HuyenTran Thi $37,233.30 Library Serv Spec Paul, Yitzhak E $37,082.45 Library Serv Spec Ramsey, George E. $44,091.43 Library Serv Spec Tennant, Bruce $36,178.00 Library Serv Spec Tung, Paul $36,178.00 Library Serv Spec Weber, James David $36,178.00 Library Serv Spec Weiland, Jerome Edmund JR$38,224.53 Library Serv Spec Winters, Christopher A. $44,115.86 Library Serv Spec Witoszka-Swistak, Karyna D.$31,189.05 Library Serv Spec Wu, Jean Y.J. $44,643.87 Library Serv Supv Bushmiller, Paul Manley $41,368.00 Library Serv Supv Caldwell, Nancy A. $53,150.03 Library Serv Supv Contreras Reate, Antonina E.$42,195.09 Library Serv Supv Greenwell, Paula N. $50,883.96 Library Serv Supv Hemsley, Erica $41,492.62 $41,492.62 Library Serv Supv Lee, Tanisha R Library Serv Supv Savage, Lydia V. $41,368.00 Library Serv Supv Scott, Mary C. $52,737.53 Library Serv Supv Taavoni, Shahram $45,536.32 Library Serv Supv Tesfaye, Kebebush $41,368.00 Library Serv Supv Zeliff, Michael Gary $41,368.00 Library Serv Tech Bhagat, Sudesh $40,749.86 Library Serv Tech Choorakuzhy, Joshy P. $36,442.73 Library Serv Tech deLaubenfels, Martha Patricia $45,642.25 Library Serv Tech Gaffke, Kirsten M. $32,819.21 Library Serv Tech Harris, Cynthia R. $18,194.12 Library Serv Tech Hill, Antonio $30,942.15 Library Serv Tech Nabity, Anna $35,000.00 Library Serv Tech Pickard, Kathryn L. $22,742.65 Library Serv Tech Queen, Lealin Rafique $31,200.00 Library Serv Tech Schepers, Robert F. $40,102.26 Library Serv Tech Teo, Lee-Jong $23,008.14 Manager Draper, Bryan L. $56,945.62 Manager Hess, Grant E. III $69,947.68 Manager Pinnock, Aishar $68,289.00 Manager Sarin, Deepshikha $42,024.00 Manager Wasserstrom, Amy $71,615.95 Manager White, Andrea J. $85,847.70 Multi Media Tech Godinez, Juana C. $52,414.38 Prog Mgmt Spec Henry, Michael $44,084.74 Prog Mgmt Spec McFarlane, Kesi $48,468.38 Prog Mgmt Spec Schill, Cheryl J. $40,518.12 Programmer Abdul Rasheed, Mohamed Mohideen$71,910.00 Programmer Steelman, David Patrick $88,000.00 Proj Mgr Brown, Maxwell $37,372.74 Systems Analyst Breitenlohner, Hans J. $128,630.85 Web Svcs Developer Zhao, Cindy $76,816.97
Office of Extended Studies EXST-Office of Extended Studies
Acad Prog Spec DeOrnellas, John Admin Asst II Gregory, Quesada L. Assoc Dir Ross, Susan Teresa Assoc Vice Pres Wilson, Chuck Asst Dir Sazama, Hilary L. Business Manager Boyd, Jennifer Business Manager Ciciliano, Verenice S. Business Manager Soni, Alka D. Coordinator Neuner, Alyssa Marie Coordinator Polser, Minda Coordinator Shay, Victoria Lynne Coordinator Stosch-Most, Sibylle U. Director Hruzd, Terrie Director Leighton, Karl Andrew Manager Baum, Anne Marie Manager LoBiondo, Janet Hannan Prog Coor Fry, Jamie L
EXST-Professional Programs Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer
Abdalla, Hana Khidir Afton, Thomas R Aivaz, Marudeen Andreassier, Brigitte Bao, Handan Becker, Charles J. Behrens, Nina K Boese, Lee Choon Carol-Gizell, Velandia-Pardo
$36,900.00 $41,367.11 $95,000.00 $205,020.00 $74,190.19 $58,650.00 $57,630.00 $67,214.70 $42,840.00 $42,353.85 $47,022.00 $37,454.40 $125,722.56 $119,437.92 $56,710.50 $56,452.89 $47,022.00 $7,566.00 $24,000.00 $7,986.00 $9,000.00 $30,000.00 $4,000.00 $6,000.00 $6,000.00 $12,000.00
Lecturer Chernov, Sergei G Lecturer De Anton, Mariano E Lecturer Dubrovin, Alexander Lecturer Elgibali, Mahmoud A. Lecturer Eu, Min Lecturer Fenstermacher, Hans Ernest Lecturer Fox-Moon, Sandra May Lecturer Francois, Gerard J Lecturer Fribush, Howard M. Lecturer Garcia, Gregory Armando Lecturer Gomez, Iciar Lecturer Gowetski, Daniel Lecturer Green, Mark B Lecturer Henricks, Jonathan Clement Lecturer Higgins, William J. Lecturer Hollinsed, William Christopher Lecturer Hyunju, McDonald Lecturer King, Christopher Jerome Lecturer Knizhnik, Irina Lecturer Kremin, Suha L Lecturer Lank, Stephen Lecturer Lee, Yong-Ha Lecturer Lontok, Erik Tugna Lecturer Luccarelli, Luigi David Lecturer Mazza, Joseph Paul Lecturer Meggers, Ni Yuan Lecturer Meza-Steel, Rosalinda Lecturer Popp, Richard A Lecturer Read-Connole, Elizabeth Lee Lecturer Riechert, Karen A Lecturer Ritzdorf, Jon Matthew Lecturer Robinson, Paul Lecturer Rollins, David M. Lecturer Sadick, Osama Lecturer Salazar, Teresa C. Lecturer Santangelo, M Susana Lecturer Sawyer, David Burton Lecturer Segal, Victoria Lecturer Sniezek, James Henry JR Lecturer Sorokin, Nikolai Vitaliy Lecturer Stanicic, Miriam Lecturer Tang, Yu Mark Lecturer Ullmann, Elisabetta Lecturer Vilarrubi, Eva Spector Lecturer Wright, Jamie K Prof Emeritus Mazzocchi, Paul H.
$12,000.00 $4,000.00 $2,000.00 $8,000.00 $4,000.00 $9,000.00 $11,556.60 $12,000.00 $11,556.60 $4,000.00 $4,000.00 $11,556.60 $4,000.00 $5,000.00 $12,607.20 $11,556.60 $18,000.00 $14,000.00 $8,000.00 $4,000.00 $6,000.00 $6,000.00 $11,556.60 $15,000.00 $4,000.00 $4,000.00 $16,000.00 $4,000.00 $11,556.60 $12,000.00 $14,000.00 $10,000.00 $11,556.60 $4,000.00 $6,000.00 $6,000.00 $12,000.00 $9,000.00 $11,556.60 $8,000.00 $9,000.00 $4,000.00 $6,000.00 $6,000.00 $4,000.00 $27,459.42
Office of the President PRES-Intercollegiate Athletics
Accountant Chung, Monica H Accountant Foster, Brad C Accountant Smale, Matthew R. Admin Asst II Bianchini, Kim Assoc Dir Brown, Kristen D Assoc Dir Fischer, Patrick Assoc Dir Giddings, Kristina V Assoc Dir Klossner, David A Assoc Dir Lofaro, Nicholas B. Assoc Dir Mariucci, Tyler R. Assoc Dir Mehrtens, Kelly L. Assoc Dir Monroe, Matthew J. Assoc Dir Pearman, Donald A. Assoc Dir Sorem, Colleen L Assoc Dir Wainwright, Troy Ellis Assoc Dir Wilson, Marcus M Asst Chepulis, Brian J Asst Hemerka, Danielle R. Asst Mantz, Eric Asst Athletic Dir Baisden, Jason Asst Athletic Dir Blankenship, Carrie L. Asst Athletic Dir Fick, Jodi L. Asst Athletic Dir Sherburne, Sue R Asst Athletic Dir Taylor, Lauren C Asst Coach Balogun, Yewande Asst Coach Barnes, Matthew M. Asst Coach Belanger, James M Asst Coach Berry, Marcus D Asst Coach Bevill, Bryce K Asst Coach Borbely, David Asst Coach Buete, Scott Asst Coach Carey, Lisa Asst Coach Catullo, Michael C. Asst Coach Clark, Dustin Asst Coach Conry, Kevin Asst Coach Cotter, Ryan P Asst Coach de Vries, Joppe H Asst Coach Delmar, Steven Asst Coach Desonier, Roland Asst Coach Dooley, Erinn C. Asst Coach Doria, Esteban R Asst Coach Eiter, Robert L Asst Coach Ellis, Libby Asst Coach Estes, Patrick B Asst Coach Evans, Brawley III Asst Coach Ferreira, John J. III Asst Coach Hill, Jonathan David Asst Coach Holcomb-Jones, Sean K Asst Coach Hughes, Adam N Asst Coach Jelley, Matthew Asst Coach Jurek, Christopher M Asst Coach Kenis, Lauri M. Asst Coach Kenney, Kristin R Asst Coach Kohr, Eric Asst Coach Little, Jamie Lynn Asst Coach Lottman, Luke A Asst Coach MacFarlane, Todd A Asst Coach Nooner, Terry JR Asst Coach Norris, Lisa Asst Coach Omidvar, Nima Asst Coach Palazeti, Nicholas H Asst Coach Phipps, Caitlyn M Asst Coach Phipps, Maggie S. Asst Coach Ranson, Orlando Asst Coach Reppert, J.L. Asst Coach Rizzo, Dina Asst Coach Robinson, Shaylas D Asst Coach Rowland, Brian B. Asst Coach Schaefer, Joseph J Asst Coach Shelby, Betty L Asst Coach Siebert, Danielle Lynn Asst Coach Simpson, Kristen B Asst Coach Swope, Matthew Ross Asst Coach Szemborski, Michael Burton Asst Coach Tarp, Kyle Asst Coach Turner, Antonio T Asst Coach Vaughn, Robert Asst Coach Warren, Cliff Asst Coach White, Eric D Asst Coach FB Abdul-Rahim, Aazaar Asst Coach FB Beatty, Christopher T Asst Coach FB Bell, Walter A Asst Coach FB Lembo, Peter A Asst Coach FB London, Michael W Asst Coach FB Pallante, Daniel M Asst Coach FB Shafer, Scott D Asst Coach FB Tucker, Anthony J Asst Coor Beyers, Samuel W Asst Coor Elkonoh, Jennifer C. Asst Coor Peppard, Annmarie Asst Dir Arianna, Heather I. Asst Dir Criss, Natasha Nicole Asst Dir Fahey, Kelly A Asst Dir Gary, Alex Asst Dir Havas, Nick Asst Dir Semonavick, Dustin S Asst Dir Uchacz, Christopher P. Asst Mgr Ahner, Timothy M. Asst Mgr Ball, William H JR Asst Mgr Brown, Marie E. Asst Mgr Knight, James J. Asst Mgr Nash, Benjamin Levin Asst Mgr Park, Nathaniel Asst Sport Info Dir DiPaula, Rose Asst Sport Info Dir Ellenby, Sean Asst Train Boll, Allison L. Asst Train Charvat, Matthew R. Asst Train McKelvey, Matthew W Asst Train Pruitt, Shanteisha D Asst Train Rogers, Megan Asst Train Sesma, Amelia Rosalita Asst Train Simerville, Brian L Asst Train Worth, Sandra P. Business Manager Reinke, Eric T Coach Szefc, John Coordinator Bialkoski, Mark E Coordinator Bobbitt, John H. Coordinator Brown, William A. Coordinator Casey, John Owen Coordinator Clark, Edward R S Coordinator Clingan, Ryan Coordinator Cristaldi, James M. Coordinator Davis, Colleen M Coordinator Deskins, Beth Coordinator Dixon, Juan A Coordinator Ellis, Patrick J Coordinator Gambler, Cody Coordinator Hall, Allie Coordinator Harris, Michael A. Coordinator Hughes, Whitney R Coordinator Knoche, Kelsey Coordinator Knox, Sebastian Coordinator LaBonte, Anna Coordinator LaFrance, Jacob M Coordinator Looby, Jordan P Coordinator Pazornick, Jason Matthew
$44,826.96 $44,880.00 $54,539.32 $47,067.25 $95,483.32 $71,826.74 $100,000.00 $149,145.81 $107,182.11 $115,000.00 $229,500.00 $102,000.00 $86,788.19 $125,664.00 $124,005.23 $146,569.07 $40,000.00 $59,017.20 $42,000.00 $99,978.36 $114,240.00 $73,812.64 $82,620.00 $65,000.00 $50,000.00 $155,000.00 $101,000.00 $90,000.00 $70,000.00 $240,000.00 $47,940.00 $60,000.00 $53,580.60 $117,810.00 $68,034.00 $45,000.00 $58,833.60 $41,257.06 $32,567.36 $50,208.17 $45,000.00 $59,160.00 $65,000.00 $65,000.00 $50,000.00 $50,208.17 $44,000.00 $42,024.00 $74,340.00 $64,296.72 $70,000.00 $61,180.60 $52,020.00 $35,000.00 $28,554.26 $55,000.00 $60,000.00 $102,560.00 $55,000.00 $102,000.00 $70,000.00 $61,180.60 $40,000.00 $107,100.00 $68,034.00 $52,530.00 $102,560.00 $58,422.54 $50,000.00 $114,560.00 $63,040.00 $42,840.00 $47,000.00 $64,571.52 $126,935.21 $50,000.00 $76,000.00 $127,500.00 $90,000.00 $170,000.00 $220,000.00 $400,000.00 $300,000.00 $100,000.00 $80,000.00 $400,000.00 $185,000.00 $42,000.00 $56,292.78 $56,293.12 $83,205.07 $69,958.74 $62,000.00 $110,160.00 $42,872.85 $67,500.00 $120,439.56 $42,941.62 $43,000.00 $49,603.62 $55,451.28 $45,696.00 $37,740.03 $47,286.22 $50,000.00 $50,438.64 $84,439.68 $52,000.00 $47,000.00 $72,055.19 $47,849.15 $51,689.52 $93,375.20 $67,000.00 $251,000.00 $80,000.00 $57,281.39 $82,750.27 $47,500.00 $67,158.74 $49,951.44 $43,860.00 $63,467.74 $54,753.95 $59,227.32 $73,743.99 $55,948.02 $67,092.54 $79,843.56 $53,843.25 $40,000.00 $55,000.00 $40,200.00 $38,250.00 $50,000.00 $48,243.55
THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 2016 | salary guide | The Diamondback
Coordinator Rezendes, Casey Joseph Coordinator Robledo, Angela M Coordinator Sanders, Michael W. Coordinator Schoen, Joseph Richard Coordinator Shore, Derek W.S. Coordinator Smith, Alison Orr Coordinator Staples, Sharon K. Coordinator Summa, Martin J JR Coordinator Tate, Jauntel C Coordinator Washington, Aja U Coordinator Wilczewski, David K Coordinator Wittenauer, Jennifer L Counselor Brady, Erin T Counselor Lundy, Kristin N Counselor McInerney, Kayley A Counselor Wootten, Matthew Dir of Athletics Anderson, Kevin Director Ebihara, Lori A. Director Glover, Kevin B. Director Kaplan, Joshua H. Director Nordwall, Stephen James Director Shannon, Patrick James Head Coach Aird, Steven A Head Coach Cantu Chapa, Diana Cecilia Head Coach Cirovski, Sasho Head Coach Court, Richard R Head Coach Durkin, DJ Head Coach Leone, Raymond F Head Coach McCoy, Kerry Head Coach Meharg, Missy Head Coach Morgan, Jonathan O. Head Coach Nelligan, Brett Head Coach Panova, Daria Head Coach Reese, Cathy Head Coach Rodenhaver, Jason Barry Head Coach Tillman, John Head Coach Turgeon, Mark Head Coach Valmon, Andrew O Head Coach Wright, Julie Head Coach BB Frese, Brenda S. Head Coach BB Williams, Gary B. Head Train Robinson, William Wesley IT Coor Armstrong, Stephen E Manager Ohringer, Ronald Manager Robinson, Preston B. Manager Russell, Deborah L. Prog Coor Nally, Todd S Prog Mgmt Spec Curran, Patricia Specialist Cousins, Erin W Specialist Harris, Tasha Specialist Reall, Amanda K Sport Turf Tech Franck, James C. Sport Turf Tech Kelly, Neville A. Sport Turf Tech Wallace, McNeciol Sr Assoc Athl Dir Bolno, Zachary T. Sr Assoc Athl Dir Evans, Damon Systems Analyst Sam, Augustus II
PRES-Maryland Fire & Rescue Institute
Accountant I DeFreitas, Delise L Admin Asst II Anderson, Eleanor A Admin Asst II Bennett, Tracy L. Admin Asst II Cornell, Deborah Connally Admin Asst II Desper, Rhonda LaSharn Admin Asst II Gannon, Betty Jane Admin Asst II Love, Holly D Admin Asst II Margolis, Donesia Dofat Admin Asst II Sklodowski, Deborah L. Admin Asst II Snyder, Karen Close Admin Asst II Williams, Jennifer L Auto Serv Mech Poe, Andrew A. Business Manager Logan, Raquel A. Coordinator Bergin, Seth J Coordinator Conover, Mellisa V. Coordinator Dieudonne, Valarie Jewell Coordinator Dwyer, Robyn L. Coordinator Layton, Karen Lee Coordinator Maizel, Ana M Coordinator Moltz, Stacey Taylor Coordinator Robinson, Billy Coordinator Yerby, Patricia Ann Director Edwards, Steven T. Editor Ryburn, Annette M. Eng Tech II Wong, Yun Kit Eng Tech III Hannah, Barry Clifton Fac Supv Delehanty, Timothy S. Inst Levy, Andrew I. Inst Marlatt, F. Patrick IT Coor Fuselier, Brian Riehl IT Coor Sweeting, Thomas G. Lecturer Alexander, John G Lecturer Alvarez, Antonio Lecturer Armstrong, Richard D. Lecturer Bates, Kyle D Lecturer Bilger, Mark A Lecturer Cox, Michael E JR Lecturer Dyche, Stephen Todd Lecturer Edwards, Angela L. B. Lecturer Frye, Steven K. Lecturer Hart, Jonathan David Lecturer Hassan, Ronald George JR Lecturer Hobbs, Edward William JR Lecturer Kernan, Michael S. Lecturer Luck, Sheri J Lecturer McNeece, John T. Lecturer Poist, Leeanne R Lecturer Preston, Lawrence L. Lecturer Radcliffe, James Leroy Lecturer Savoury, Kimberley D Lecturer Sensenig, Daryl D. Lecturer Stevens, Daniel J. Lecturer Ward, Joseph C. Lecturer Wood, Scott J Manager Williams, Audrey E
PRES-Office of Civil Rights & Sexual Misconduct Asst Dir Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Director Manager
Bronson, Josh Barriga Sanchez, Paula Genshaft, Beth McGeeney, Kristen Carroll, Catherine A. Webb, Kevin
PRES-Office of General Counsel
Assoc Dir Krejsa, Diane Coordinator Nolan, Jill Staff Attorney Anderson Wright, Laura Staff Attorney Bedward, Gregory M Staff Attorney Bowden, Anne R. Staff Attorney Gartner, Jen Staff Attorney Skolnik, Carolyn W. Staff Attorney Weiler, Jamie F. VP for Legal Affs & Gen Couns Poterala, Mike
PRES-President’s Office
Asst Dir DeHarde, Amina E. Asst Pres & Chief of Staff Eastman, Michele A. Asst to Pres Edmunds, Cynthia Asst to Pres Granger, Carol Asst to Pres Kennedy, Cornelia Grunwald Asst to Pres Oetken, Albert Stephen Asst to Pres Tickner, Neil A. Asst to Pres Tonggarwee, Kanitta C. Coordinator Viera, Damaris Exec Dir Stern, Ross Allen Housekeeping Supv I Pearson, Marilyn M. Ombuds Ofc Scholnick, Ellin K. President Loh, Wallace
$50,663.81 $49,000.00 $50,169.72 $58,140.00 $47,409.60 $51,000.00 $43,427.52 $50,000.00 $40,800.00 $42,000.00 $45,900.00 $47,500.00 $58,000.00 $66,312.24 $48,960.00 $48,000.00 $481,014.66 $180,137.98 $84,439.68 $112,900.74 $110,731.20 $89,760.00 $168,300.00 $76,500.00 $210,120.00 $285,000.00 $500,000.00 $150,000.00 $136,630.53 $171,125.93 $101,803.14 $99,807.00 $75,012.84 $153,000.00 $74,755.66 $224,422.40 $521,020.44 $113,854.95 $96,900.00 $474,972.54 $428,644.80 $83,200.10 $63,048.29 $81,024.72 $80,414.76 $95,622.82 $43,000.00 $44,191.46 $48,000.00 $50,000.00 $48,000.00 $39,344.73 $39,316.69 $41,700.46 $145,011.08 $219,300.00 $116,018.88 $37,082.45 $34,000.00 $39,848.61 $36,385.12 $37,294.74 $37,294.75 $38,475.73 $38,610.50 $39,135.14 $36,563.49 $35,873.07 $48,260.65 $48,412.09 $53,040.00 $43,425.36 $40,176.47 $44,195.59 $45,147.15 $71,589.44 $50,727.80 $51,155.50 $42,839.54 $174,020.34 $39,725.29 $42,134.88 $50,879.21 $55,934.25 $84,162.48 $140,131.44 $82,553.99 $81,565.21 $63,630.58 $56,895.69 $58,281.67 $56,100.00 $58,000.00 $72,500.00 $60,821.28 $85,279.57 $60,030.11 $73,109.52 $77,700.26 $59,370.34 $67,103.26 $64,455.82 $62,885.88 $57,693.95 $107,100.03 $56,000.00 $55,996.98 $56,100.00 $60,639.00 $55,498.42 $56,858.80 $71,000.00 $76,200.02 $47,940.00 $73,000.00 $63,240.00 $133,824.00 $86,700.00 $195,853.47 $57,000.00 $150,430.70 $150,000.00 $150,430.70 $150,086.19 $150,086.19 $91,800.00 $302,940.00 $78,404.48 $259,050.94 $114,318.69 $75,000.00 $120,360.00 $76,632.57 $98,693.08 $107,776.66 $60,547.20 $205,580.69 $37,650.62 $28,512.89 $526,590.30
Philip Merrill College of Journalism JOUR-Philip Merrill College of Journalism
Acad Adv Pleatman, Rachel Elizabeth Assoc Dean Lorente, Rafael Assoc Dean Reid, Olive D. Assoc Prof Chinoy, Ira H. Assoc Prof Hanson, Christopher T. Assoc Prof Nelson, Deborah J. Assoc Prof Yaros, Ronald A. Asst Dean Hartz, Emily Rachel Asst Dir Mechum, Beth Asst Prof Chadha, Kalyani Asst Prof Diakopoulos, Nicholas A Business Manager Nichols-Holmes, Vanessa E. Coordinator Cosner, Natalie Coordinator Gluck, Shelby Leigh Coordinator Watson, David C. Director Bucco, Clint Director Madden, Joshua Whitney Director Rada, Serap Deniz Fac Spec Bettag, Thomas Raymond Fac Spec Lewis, Neil A Lecturer Abdullah, Halimah Lecturer Alwood, Edward McQueen Lecturer Auster, Bruce B Lecturer Beecher, William Lecturer Brown, Matthew Hay Lecturer Carroll, James Robert Lecturer Ciric Hoffmann, Ljiljana Lecturer Clayton, Cassandra L. Lecturer Cooke Henry, Tamara Maxine Lecturer Cox, Merrilee Lecturer Davidsburg, Joshua Lecturer Denny, Karen Ellen Lecturer Doherty, Robert Lecturer Filburn, Sean Lecturer Flynn, Adrianne M. Lecturer Forzato, Jamie Lynn Lecturer Harvey, Christine D. Lecturer Hess, Sunny Lyn Lecturer Jacobsen, Timothy Lecturer Johnson, Kevin Andrew Lecturer Katcef, Susan Kopen Lecturer Keating, Daniel Lecturer Kliewer, Corey L. Lecturer Lanum, George Calvin III Lecturer Lightman, David Lecturer Linthicum, Thomas G. JR Lecturer MacDonald, Charles Lecturer Meyer, Cheryl Angela Lecturer Mussenden, Sean L Lecturer Nirula, Gagan Lecturer O’Malley, Sharon Rose Lecturer Osorio, Marisa Lecturer Owens, David Lecturer Poussaint, Renee Lecturer Pyles, Alexander Aaron Lecturer Rensberger, Scott A Lecturer Rollins, Luke Alan Lecturer Rosen, Anne Farris Lecturer Sham, Jonathan Aaron Lecturer Smith, Mark W. Lecturer Spivack, Miranda S Lecturer Stepno, Kelly Marie Lecturer Swain, Bethany Lecturer Willis, Derek P Lecturer Wong, Timothy Samuel Lecturer Wright, Cindy Lecturer Yasharoff, Joseph Manager Ottalini, David Guy Manager Perry, Alvin L. Prof Feldstein, Mark Prof Klose, Kevin Prof Moeller, Susan D. Prof Oates, Sarah Ann Prof Priest, Dana Louise Prof Steiner, Linda Prof Stepp, Carl Sessions Prof And Dean Dalglish, Lucy A. Prof Of Practice Solomon, George Prog Mgmt Spec Mookim, Hope Purva Res Sci Stark, Jennifer Supervisor Parker, William D. Visit Prof Banisky, Sandra A. Visit Prof Blackistone, Kevin Visit Prof Walker, Leslie A.
$47,169.92 $125,402.00 $118,525.02 $113,864.89 $98,871.66 $124,619.52 $108,433.14 $124,495.08 $52,678.48 $84,026.58 $87,720.00 $73,232.90 $54,060.00 $45,000.00 $54,515.43 $105,576.30 $64,221.30 $83,375.60 $30,000.00 $13,867.33 $6,957.62 $6,957.62 $23,017.50 $8,572.90 $6,957.62 $68,000.00 $10,957.62 $92,627.22 $13,915.24 $13,915.24 $69,313.08 $68,289.00 $6,957.62 $6,957.62 $83,130.00 $6,957.62 $116,187.18 $6,957.62 $20,872.87 $6,957.62 $78,633.84 $6,957.62 $6,957.62 $6,957.62 $6,957.62 $6,957.62 $6,957.62 $13,915.24 $105,396.60 $6,957.62 $21,238.00 $50,153.60 $6,957.62 $13,915.24 $6,957.62 $6,957.62 $6,957.62 $6,957.62 $6,957.62 $11,584.44 $6,957.62 $6,957.62 $71,185.80 $6,957.62 $6,957.62 $22,461.42 $6,957.62 $83,028.00 $63,498.62 $160,875.42 $188,320.05 $59,973.33 $117,631.50 $171,360.00 $140,124.27 $127,078.36 $293,425.85 $108,062.52 $38,080.64 $88,358.00 $94,581.91 $122,160.30 $72,109.92 $91,977.99
Robert H. Smith School of Business BMGT-Accounting
Assoc Clin Prof Brown, Stephen Assoc Clin Prof Cantor, Eugene Herschal Assoc Prof Cheng, Shijun Assoc Prof Hann, Rebecca N Assoc Prof Kimbrough, Michael D Asst Prof Lee, Hanna Asst Prof Seybert, Nicholas Andrew Asst Prof Staihar, Jim C Asst Prof Subasi, Musa Asst Prof Zur, Emanuel Clin Prof Basu, Progyan Clin Prof Bulmash, Gary F. Clin Prof McKinney, James J Coordinator Hall, Diane P. Editorial Asst Lewis, Katherine Ann
$199,982.22 $135,000.00 $228,276.10 $233,223.00 $263,510.88 $194,522.16 $227,087.70 $134,425.80 $212,000.00 $214,230.60 $163,030.98 $188,306.28 $142,151.46 $53,073.77 $28,722.03
Lecturer Finch, Michael Lester Lecturer Ford, Peter E Lecturer Handwerger, Samuel David Lecturer Keim, Mary Thomas Lecturer Martin, Rebecca H Lecturer Milton, Jeffrey J Lecturer Mostow, Leslie A Lecturer Rose, Sandra Lee Lecturer Ruygrok, Alexander Lecturer Siegfried, Alan N. Lecturer Weber, David P Lecturer Weiner, Howard J Prof Gordon, Lawrence A. Prof Kim, Oliver Prof & Area Chair Loeb, Martin P. Prof & Dir Loeb, Stephen E. Visit Asst Prof Demirkan, Sebahattin Visit Asst Prof Zhou, Lei
BMGT-Ctrs-Ctr for Executive Education
Assoc Dir Coronado, Humberto Carlos Assoc Dir DeArmond, Holly Noelle Assoc Dir Fine, Elana Rachel Assoc Dir Glinka, Kimberlee Robertella Assoc Dir Herald, Sara Elisabeth Assoc Dir James, Samantha Mae Asst Dean Cohen, Gary A Asst Dir Augoustidis, Marina Asst Dir Boatswain, Kianna Asst Dir Fanarakis, Kristen Asst Dir Nederveld, Allison Brooke Asst Dir Rios, Caela Bryn Asst Mgr Bergman, Nicole Asst Mgr Park, Nina Young Asst Mgr Williams, Brittany Victoria Coordinator Burzenski, Elizabeth Ann Coordinator Klein, Julia Anne Coordinator McPherson, Megan Rose Coordinator Stovall, Lynda Stewart Director Bellinger, Rebecca L Director Elson, Christina Inst Designer Volynskaya, Floria Manager Carter, Alyse Marie Manager Gumminger, Julia Ann Manager McKeown, Christopher Ryan Manager Olson, Christopher Manager Rosenson, Rebecca Galione Prof Lamone, Rudolph P. Prog Mgmt Spec Batten, Aubrey Prog Mgmt Spec Coleman, Katherine M Prog Mgmt Spec Nixon, Aquilah Specialist Zhang, Hongyi
$145,420.38 $15,000.00 $72,612.43 $137,943.78 $44,000.00 $42,864.48 $26,790.31 $41,792.87 $30,600.00 $62,882.20 $45,900.00 $15,000.00 $264,609.35 $176,289.83 $225,014.53 $205,431.06 $132,600.00 $110,929.08 $101,805.18 $100,515.43 $162,213.32 $46,609.72 $96,487.10 $72,994.72 $239,427.66 $72,500.00 $63,500.58 $96,900.00 $69,500.00 $63,548.14 $56,000.00 $49,000.00 $52,000.00 $44,800.00 $51,408.00 $52,000.00 $56,000.00 $120,668.28 $129,000.00 $93,840.00 $59,000.00 $61,500.00 $55,080.00 $56,324.39 $52,177.98 $21,033.01 $43,400.00 $40,500.00 $40,500.00 $98,854.39
BMGT-Decision, Operations & Information Technologies
Assoc Clin Prof Armstrong, Pamela Kay Assoc Clin Prof Corwin, Barnet C. Assoc Clin Prof Ruhi, Kazim Assoc Dir Crowley, Patrick Kenyon Assoc Prof Alt, Francis B. Assoc Prof Elmaghraby, Wedad Jasmine Assoc Prof Gao, Guodong Assoc Prof Gopal, Anand Assoc Prof Hann, Il-Horn Assoc Prof Viswanathan, Sivakumar Assoc Prof Xu, Yi Assoc Res Prof Bailey, Joseph P. Asst Prof Barnes, Sean Louis Asst Prof Bjarnadottir, Margret Vilborg Asst Prof Huang, Peng Asst Prof Ryzhov, Ilya O. Asst Prof Zhang, Kunpeng Clin Prof Ibrahim, Hassan Clin Prof Karake, Zeinab A Clin Prof Lele, Shreevardhan Coordinator Baker, Zanetta F. Coordinator Cavanagh, Janet K Coordinator Johnson, Lindsey E IT Coor Zhang, Tao Lecturer Greenland, Arnold Lecturer Hudson, Scott E. Lecturer Kelley, Ronald J Lecturer Lee, Woei-Jyh Lecturer Martin, Thomas R Lecturer Piety, Philip John Prof Chen, Zhi-Long Prof Fu, Michael C. Prof Golden, Bruce L. Prof Mithas, Sunil Kumar Prof Raghavan, Subramanian Prof Raschid, Louiqa Prof Riley, Donald R. Prof Tunca, Tunay Prof & Area Chair Lucas, Henry C. JR Prof & Assoc Dean Agarwal, Ritu Prof & Assoc Dean Ball, Michael O. Senior Lecturer Lazar, Radu
$131,347.44 $119,352.24 $127,139.94 $134,530.41 $135,615.04 $175,904.31 $170,221.61 $192,168.00 $180,760.32 $192,000.00 $181,616.10 $161,800.12 $163,597.80 $160,186.92 $158,382.54 $169,003.80 $150,000.00 $131,447.40 $117,857.10 $175,540.98 $67,379.78 $59,693.90 $53,951.20 $56,100.00 $86,700.00 $10,728.50 $15,000.00 $107,671.20 $15,000.00 $86,250.00 $233,984.94 $169,586.25 $339,534.93 $192,792.95 $114,715.67 $123,061.22 $256,868.98 $204,245.82 $286,004.03 $300,822.10 $103,490.77 $108,691.20
BMGT-Executive MBA Asst Dir Director Director Director Director Director Director Prog Mgmt Spec
Spriggins, Lakycia $71,037.86 Brookshire, Shelbi N. $116,261.99 Larsen, Christine A. $105,467.18 Mays, Christopher Ken $93,783.96 Sands, Kirsten Lynn $79,050.00 Sheehan, Robert M JR $179,657.02 Wang, Danielle $78,438.32 Landaverde Mrochek, Ignacio $40,500.00
Adjunct Prof Malmquist, David H. Analyst Mann, Michael G Assoc Clin Prof Kiss, Elinda F Assoc Clin Prof Taranto, Mark A. Assoc Dir Daniel, Nicola F Assoc Prof Faulkender, Michael Assoc Prof Loewenstein, Mark V. Assoc Prof Mathews, Richmond David Asst Dir Ma, Pauline Lin Asst Dir Watson, Nicholas Ashford Asst Prof Bustamante, Maria Cecilia Asst Prof D’Acunto, Francesco Asst Prof Fresard, Laurent Asst Prof Mullins, William Asst Prof Rossi, Alberto G. Asst Prof Santosh, Shrihari Asst Prof Wang, Yajun Asst Prof Yang, Liu Clin Prof Kass, David I. Clin Prof White, Susan A. Coordinator Petterson, Lori Donley Lecturer Brodkowitz, Kenneth Ross Lecturer Canzater, Matthew Louis Lecturer Ciafre, Albert A. Lecturer Donovan, Donal J Lecturer Grovic, Mark Lecturer Guttridge, Ryan J Lecturer Hallows, Karen Swenson Lecturer Hewer, Ulrich Lecturer Jain, Bharat A. Lecturer Makaew, Tanakorn Lecturer Pavlovsky, Julie Alex Lecturer Perfetti, Joseph Lecturer Ventoso, Alfonso R. Prof Bakshi, Gurdip S. Prof Heston, Steven Lawrence Prof Kyle, Albert S. Prof Madan, Dilip Prof Unal, Haluk Prof Wermers, Russell R. Prof & Area Chair Maksimovic, Vojislav Prof Of Practice Rossi, Clifford V. Senior Lecturer Kroncke, Sarah H. Visit Asst Prof Bakshi, Xiaohui Gao Visit Asst Prof Padhi, Michael
Assoc Dir Corona, Harold L. JR Asst Dir Gupta, Vinesh Asst Dir LaHaie, Charles Henry Asst Dir Maxson, Mary E. Asst Dir Mazzotta, Michael S. Coordinator Ewing, Theresa Marie Coordinator Zhang, Hua Alice Director Mann, Holly Elect Tech III Pointer, Warren Randall IT Coor Hull, Gregory James IT Coor Hurley, Suzanne Yee IT Coor Twyman, Alexander Houston IT Coor Veihmeyer, Jesse D IT Coor Veihmeyer, Joel Christopher IT Coor Williams, Arimah A. IT Support Asst Rodriguez, Alba Paulina IT Support Spec Mollman, Garrett Manager Marshall, Jo-Ann Althea Manager Rose, Lloyd Benjamin III Specialist Gleeson, Christopher M Web Svcs Dev Sr Officer, Aaron M. II
BMGT-Logistics, Business & Public Policy
Assoc Clin Prof Boroumand, Jahangir Assoc Clin Prof Nelson, Brian L. Assoc Clin Prof Turner, Hugh Stetson Assoc Prof Anenson, T Leigh Assoc Prof Chung, Wilbur C. Assoc Prof Dezso, Cristian Assoc Prof Evers, Philip T. Assoc Prof Mark, Gideon E. Assoc Prof Sampson, Rachelle Assoc Prof Zelner, Bennet Andrew Lecturer Daniels, Richard C. Lecturer Elwakil, Omar Sherif Lecturer Gardner, Leland Lecturer Gillyard, Angelisa Lecturer Hutchins, Richard A. Lecturer Milsom, Geoffrey Nikolai Lecturer Nagata, Koki Lecturer Reyna, Justin Marcos Lecturer Wang, Yanan Manager Fox, Dianne P. Prof Corsi, Thomas M. Prof Grimm, Curtis M. Prof Morici, Peter G. Prof Windle, Robert J. Prof & Area Chair Dresner, Martin E. Prof Emeritus Leete, Burt A. Prof Of Practice Olson, Charles E. Res Prof Boyson, Sandor L. Res Prof Prasad, Kislaya Senior Lecturer McClenahan, William M. JR Senior Lecturer Miller, Jeff
BMGT-Management & Organization
Assoc Prof Braguinsky, Serguey Assoc Prof Ding, Waverly Assoc Prof Goldfarb, Brent Assoc Prof Kirsch, David A. Assoc Prof Seo, Myeong-Gu Assoc Prof Tangirala, Subrahmaniam Assoc Prof Venkataramani, Vijaya Assoc Prof Waguespack, David M. Asst Prof Pitesa, Marko Asst Prof Rozin, Rellie Rachel Asst Prof Starr, Evan Penniman Clin Prof Kudisch, Jeffrey D. Clin Prof Moye, Neta Arlene Clin Prof Prochno, Paulo Clin Prof Russell, Joyce E A Clin Prof Schlake, Oliver Clin Prof Wellman, Mark howard Coordinator Rollason, Tina Marie Lecturer Aberman, Jonathan Moss Lecturer Aelion, Halley Mallama Lecturer Ashery, Elie David Lecturer Ashley, David Lecturer Boutla, Mrim Lecturer Cleveland, Patricia L. Lecturer Coomber, Nicole Marie Lecturer Dastidar, Protiti Lecturer Kressler, David J. Lecturer Langa, Gosia Anna Lecturer Sirola, Nina Lecturer Spina, Lori Lecturer Weiser, Hannah R Lecturer Wesley, Clarence V Prof Beckman, Christine M. Prof Chen, Gilad Prof Gupta, Anil K. Prof Liao, Hui Prof Shapiro, Debra L. Prof Taylor, Mary Susan Prof Tronetti, Rajshree Agarwal Prof & Area Chair Bartol, Kathryn M. Prof Of Practice Suarez, Jose G. Senior Lecturer Spina, James D.
$14,900.00 $75,741.12 $143,990.34 $143,816.94 $137,357.28 $250,966.72 $223,208.68 $230,682.18 $90,400.00 $72,930.00 $214,200.00 $212,000.00 $225,233.34 $216,240.00 $220,442.40 $214,200.00 $213,675.72 $235,383.56 $115,499.88 $160,136.94 $60,476.62 $33,660.00 $24,000.00 $16,000.00 $14,500.00 $50,000.00 $54,000.00 $103,904.34 $14,500.00 $26,000.00 $22,000.00 $103,849.26 $95,947.90 $36,000.00 $345,704.52 $229,135.43 $346,841.59 $162,645.24 $235,869.94 $259,820.70 $397,580.69 $123,658.68 $127,722.36 $117,877.32 $117,877.32 $100,060.44 $114,218.28 $118,475.38 $99,016.90 $102,107.13 $62,265.92 $68,346.63 $129,642.48 $53,477.77 $75,108.67 $58,936.52 $47,382.06 $50,621.11 $55,425.45 $55,587.73 $44,406.26 $50,729.73 $66,300.00 $87,523.37 $126,847.52 $95,880.00 $144,346.32 $122,153.16 $129,643.02 $178,646.88 $175,641.91 $161,886.75 $188,429.94 $156,749.52 $178,283.36 $194,522.16 $14,213.94 $60,000.00 $53,586.50 $15,000.00 $26,322.13 $30,600.00 $39,483.18 $15,300.00 $15,000.00 $63,764.16 $220,712.10 $238,538.65 $165,701.31 $197,682.50 $197,280.51 $37,807.94 $146,530.96 $174,759.57 $131,437.77 $98,679.90 $85,847.00 $225,000.00 $201,730.50 $161,181.25 $184,606.05 $169,843.08 $195,228.00 $185,293.01 $175,243.21 $163,200.00 $166,603.74 $170,000.00 $244,083.96 $173,400.00 $142,001.19 $216,073.74 $175,572.60 $146,438.34 $65,787.82 $45,779.26 $12,360.00 $30,000.00 $20,000.00 $15,000.00 $94,263.43 $100,521.00 $147,475.68 $76,500.00 $83,446.20 $63,225.00 $42,446.42 $15,000.00 $38,250.00 $233,538.14 $276,422.18 $293,615.78 $244,553.16 $232,802.68 $227,892.09 $370,000.00 $239,139.85 $193,636.19 $90,214.92
Assoc Clin Prof Harms, Mary Beukema Assoc Clin Prof Whitney, Diane Assoc Prof Ferraro, Rosellina Assoc Prof Godes, David B Assoc Prof Joshi, Yogesh Vijay Assoc Prof Trusov, Michael S. Assoc Prof Wagner, Janet Asst Prof Chen, Tao Asst Prof Ma, Liye Asst Prof Rand, William Michael Asst Prof Wang, Yajin Asst Prof Zhou, Bo Clin Prof Boyd, Henry Clifford III Clin Prof Frels, Judy K. Clin Prof Lefkoff, Roxanne Coordinator Cron, Carol E. Dist Univ Prof Rust, Roland T. Lecturer Bonavia, Marjorie Lecturer Boyle, Katherine M Lecturer Fardanesh, M Bagher Lecturer Fiddler, Robert S. Lecturer Naithani, Juhi Manager Tyson, Antonio M Prof Khawaja, Amna Kirmani Prof Moe, Wendy W. Prof Ratner, Rebecca K. Prof Srivastava, Joydeep Prof Wedel, Michel Prof Zhang, Jie Prof & Area Chair Kannan, Pallassana K. Res Assoc Berea, Anamaria
BMGT-Other Programs-IBM/Quest Manager Prog Coor Program Dir
Donnelly, Claudia C Macklin, Jessica Rachel King, Kylie Goodell
BMGT-Robert H. Smith School of Business
Acad Adv Merritt, Amy Lynn Account Clerk III Lamon, James A. Accountant Tong, Fuping Accounting Assoc Guloy, Amadeo M. Accounting Assoc Whitfield, Whitney Antonette Analyst Aluthgama, Lahiru Assoc Dean Mullins, Victor Clark Assoc Dir Adams, Dakia Kelly Assoc Dir Bartholomay, Brian Assoc Dir Bigger, Courtney Elizabeth Assoc Dir Conboy, Sarah Elizabeth Assoc Dir Dagnall, LeAnne M. Assoc Dir Daly, Dolores Jacqueline Assoc Dir Dellinger, Julie Assoc Dir Duffy, Kathryn Assoc Dir Heavin, Emily Catherine Assoc Dir Hodgson, Dustin Assoc Dir Loock, Rachel Assoc Dir Lukich, Caroline Coughlin Assoc Dir O’Brien, Cynthia V. Assoc Dir Phillips, Karen R Assoc Dir Stoltzfus, Jeffrey Assoc Dir Strand, Anne Elizabeth Assoc Res Scholar Loughlin, Sandra Michelle Assoc Res Scholar Redding, Peter M Asst Dean Horick, Brian L. Asst Dean Marcellino, Michael Robert Asst Dean Vander Wall, Dale E. Asst Dir Ashton, Melanie Natasha Asst Dir Bennett, Stephen Michael Asst Dir Benton, Allison Davidson Asst Dir Blanco, Justina L Asst Dir Clyburn, Moneca Surida Asst Dir Davies, Joseph M Asst Dir Fullwood, Ebony Asst Dir Harrigan, Erika C Asst Dir Jones, Jason William Asst Dir Krizan, Danielle Leigh Asst Dir LaRiviere, Kristin Elizabeth Asst Dir Leland, Cynthia Denise Asst Dir McKinney, Jeffrey Asst Dir Neill, Julie Joyee Asst Dir Ruggiero, Emily Jean Asst Dir Saddler, Erin Fields Asst Dir Salinas, Gabriele M. Asst Dir Snider, Jeanette Cristine Asst Dir Vaughn, Angela Asst Dir White-Sneed, Donna Marie Business Manager Athey, Jamie Christina Business Manager Geibel, Clarence Charles Business Manager Lewis, Edren Business Manager Lintz, Michele L. Business Manager Merchan, Fernando Joseph Business Serv Spec Bartolome, Lea L Business Serv Spec Bhatt, Karan Deepak Business Serv Spec Zook, Tiffany Ann Coordinator Arnold, Maura Schiller Coordinator Billingsley, Carson Coordinator Broughton, Shannon Denise Coordinator Cabrera, Lindsay C. Coordinator Forsythe, Mary Susan Coordinator Hansard, Kecia Ciana Coordinator Homer, Tricia D. Coordinator Johnson, Monica Coordinator McKutchin, Kelley Diane Coordinator Noguchi, Aki Coordinator Owens, Amy E. Coordinator Richards, Tony M Coordinator Southgate, Jonathan Coordinator Tong, Lufandia Wai Coordinator Van Ness, Brittany Leigh Director Arford, Alissa Ann Director Berberabe Pineda, Maria K Director Claiborne, Darrell J Director Corpus, Rowena Director Davies, Jessica D. Director Decker, Christopher Donald Director Drake, Terrill Lopez Director Glasgow, Luke J. Director Hetherington, John Director James, Daryl Heber Director Jamison, Dori M Director Kerkhoff, Ashlee Marie Director Kinder, Jennifer Director King, Yvette D Director Nichols, Kimberly Director Ophof, Tucker R Director Quintero, Pasquale JR Director Riddle, Evan Director Salters, Bobvita S. Director Steinke, Jessica Whirt Director Strange Lewis, Sharon Director Swann, Amy Marie Director VanLone, David James Director Wagner, Mary Marks Director Williams, Jeffrey Scott Exec Adm Asst II Findlay, Adereme V. Exec Dir McCormick, Clifford T Exec Dir Taylor, Maria Lynn Exec Dir Winner, Rebecca D Lecturer Asikin, Fauzaini Lecturer Bosch, Katherine Elizabeth Lecturer Bradley, Theresa I Lecturer Cherry, Elmer Ray JR Lecturer Doan, Michelle Kimberly Lecturer Gerrity, Kevin M Lecturer Henderson, Rachel Leah Lecturer Johnson, Megan S Lecturer Jones, Jason Bernard Lecturer Maggio, Nina M. Lecturer Poerksen, Michael S Lecturer Powell, Susan Chong Lecturer Snyder, Haley M Lecturer Strzegowski, Dennis John Jr Lecturer Wright, Kevin Manager Berry, Denise Parker Manager Crowe, Mary S. Manager Dieguez, Luke Edward Manager Fall, Lisa Manager Fatah, Daega Salah Manager Fineran, Jeanne M. Manager Gardner, David J Manager Gibson, Gabrielle G. Manager Gonzalez Smith, Ana Lizeth Manager Handwerker, Carolyn Anne Manager John, Kimberly Manager Kautzer, Jacqueline M Manager Keifline, Susan Elizabeth Manager Locke, Millicent Noel Manager McLaughlin, Aubrey A Manager Muraski, Gregory Manager Smith, Jessica Evelyn Manager Sparrow, Michael Steven JR Manager Staub, Sandra Louise Manager Taylor, Amy Michelle Office Clerk II Wilson, Miloyka Yovanna Office Supv I Hagans, Tyrone A. SR Prof And Dean Triantis, Alexander J. Prog Coor Calvin, Malissa Marie Trotta Prog Coor DeJong, Graham Austin Prog Coor Frazier, Sonja T. Prog Coor Jones-Gonzalez, Kimberly Lauren Prog Coor Pickett, Ashley Michelle Prog Mgmt Spec Keen, Michelle R Res Analyst Fisher, Daniel B. Specialist Gunter Robinson, Kasandra S Specialist Sharma, Anitha R Web Svcs Developer De Silva, Suran Writer Shea, Christopher Thomas
$102,343.80 $112,003.79 $179,227.16 $219,128.64 $173,020.67 $187,234.26 $154,627.93 $150,980.40 $161,869.92 $120,266.87 $165,000.00 $163,200.00 $136,128.36 $178,500.00 $127,679.52 $64,253.82 $380,943.75 $14,960.55 $19,261.00 $29,416.80 $45,007.50 $15,000.00 $46,022.40 $234,818.11 $215,659.37 $255,000.00 $232,969.02 $388,057.68 $205,448.73 $283,455.96 $25,500.00 $56,199.59 $45,900.00 $80,840.74 $50,000.00 $22,730.67 $50,552.45 $39,644.99 $37,638.00 $63,240.00 $217,170.24 $67,681.03 $85,421.78 $76,500.00 $64,821.00 $93,625.11 $119,681.39 $76,394.57 $77,928.13 $76,517.88 $77,365.97 $119,102.34 $79,098.57 $102,632.40 $87,006.00 $123,295.56 $108,103.83 $83,395.20 $90,000.00 $144,567.81 $176,070.91 $185,120.46 $58,833.48 $108,006.78 $61,200.00 $78,315.81 $93,867.82 $70,417.74 $58,655.06 $94,066.44 $70,124.59 $41,820.00 $61,812.24 $62,921.76 $102,816.00 $91,800.00 $108,000.00 $59,160.00 $62,800.24 $56,395.36 $102,860.88 $70,380.00 $52,435.35 $77,293.56 $85,129.07 $77,743.58 $51,000.00 $40,951.06 $40,713.30 $44,957.13 $59,813.29 $51,000.00 $46,472.35 $55,484.53 $58,100.22 $79,632.37 $55,000.00 $63,597.61 $47,940.00 $49,875.43 $56,245.78 $61,570.41 $50,000.00 $46,533.99 $45,766.38 $109,431.73 $96,208.44 $105,000.00 $120,283.98 $124,626.31 $102,463.28 $126,591.42 $90,989.83 $109,146.78 $91,800.00 $123,938.16 $104,080.80 $116,510.67 $118,101.52 $151,480.59 $136,331.77 $89,250.00 $88,000.00 $142,241.57 $112,200.00 $111,926.79 $110,160.00 $145,650.12 $73,440.00 $92,000.00 $45,000.00 $133,106.43 $119,340.00 $160,650.00 $3,150.00 $3,150.00 $3,150.00 $6,300.00 $3,150.00 $3,150.00 $3,150.00 $3,150.00 $3,150.00 $3,150.00 $3,150.00 $6,300.00 $3,150.00 $3,150.00 $3,150.00 $63,509.89 $76,485.53 $51,000.00 $76,373.06 $97,169.28 $77,508.23 $61,174.50 $61,524.99 $63,296.37 $36,123.95 $95,575.36 $66,300.00 $62,365.04 $68,715.47 $51,728.28 $71,806.95 $53,873.48 $75,037.13 $107,629.56 $67,968.41 $31,931.43 $43,297.54 $378,407.10 $58,200.18 $63,648.00 $34,321.23 $58,200.18 $58,200.18 $39,780.48 $85,372.66 $114,135.96 $69,741.32 $94,350.00 $53,040.00
School of Architecture, Planning, & Preservation ARCH-School of Architecture, Planning, & Preservation Accounting Assoc D’Apice, Alyson Marie Adjunct Assoc Prof Pogue, Dennis J Admin Asst II Boulin, Gerard K. Admin Asst II Davis-Rogers, Ruth Admin Asst II Simpson, Alysia S Assoc Clin Prof Ambrose, Michael Allen Assoc Prof Bovill, Carl H. Assoc Prof Dawkins, Casey J Assoc Prof Eisenbach, Ronit Assoc Prof Gournay, Isabelle J. Assoc Prof Koliji, Hooman Assoc Prof Simon, Madlen Asst Clin Prof Gardner, Amy E. Asst Dean Farrell, Ingrid Asst Dir Brick, Michael Scott Asst Dir Brown, Paul W. III Asst Dir Hinojosa, Christine Cestello Asst Prof Iseki, Hiroyuki Asst Prof Lamprakos, Michele Asst Prof Lamprakos, Michele Asst Prof Vandergoot, Jana Kristina Asst Res Schl Erdogan, Sevgi Business Manager Green, Dawn Clin Prof McFarland, Margaret Coordinator Mora-Herrera, Monica Coordinator Williams, Cynthia B. Director Nees, Daniel T. Exec Adm Asst I Seaman, MaryLee Fac Asst Bansal, Tanya Fac Asst Engelberg, Daniel Lewis Fac Asst Espinola, Brandy Alexis Fac Asst Hunninghake, Mike Fac Asst Ryder, Jonathan Pinkham Fac Asst Tu, Stephen Fac Asst Young, Naomi Soon Fac Spec Bulich, Heidi Fac Spec Cotting, Jennifer Anne Fac Spec McCloskey, Brenton D Fac Spec Williamson, Sean Russell Lecturer Abrams, Michael Carlos Lecturer Allen, Marisa Ann Lecturer Ambrose, Kristen Marie Lecturer Binder, Michael P Lecturer Buffaloe, Sarah Patricia Lecturer Consoli, Joseph Frank Lecturer Dwyer, Thomas Bernard Lecturer Egelanian, Nick A Lecturer Ezban, Michael Thaler Lecturer Field, Cynthia R Lecturer Konsoulis, Mary Lecturer Lathom, Vivian A. Lecturer Leggs, Brent Lecturer Losada, Andres Lecturer McDonald, Ronald K Lecturer Moreno-Holt, Daniel Jack Lecturer Moss, Daniel R Northen, Elijah Luke Lecturer Lecturer O’Malley, Matthew Daniel Lecturer Pula, Timothy Eugene Lecturer Ramirez, Constance Lecturer Rubeling, Albert William Jr Lecturer Rudow, Stephen L Lecturer Shaughnessy, William D Lecturer Stachura, Frederick C
$41,143.82 $36,771.00 $42,500.00 $41,544.32 $39,729.00 $87,618.00 $94,546.89 $63,416.52 $91,208.98 $90,894.50 $84,150.00 $108,220.44 $9,613.26 $128,344.06 $62,118.00 $81,984.09 $58,750.98 $44,462.24 $10,225.02 $9,902.97 $77,555.15 $83,530.05 $49,275.78 $184,167.68 $61,710.45 $64,865.75 $130,000.00 $44,075.00 $42,994.00 $55,000.00 $60,000.00 $57,502.00 $55,383.08 $53,000.00 $81,600.00 $90,000.00 $83,585.74 $83,974.42 $62,849.83 $38,808.00 $3,984.00 $12,000.00 $39,900.00 $8,400.00 $10,000.00 $20,000.00 $20,000.00 $48,600.00 $29,988.00 $20,400.00 $10,000.00 $13,000.00 $10,000.00 $20,000.00 $16,800.00 $20,000.00 $2,760.00 $20,000.00 $20,000.00 $16,646.00 $14,700.00 $10,000.00 $20,000.00 $15,000.00
Lecturer Tilghman, James W Lecturer White, Brent Lecturer Williams, Brittany L Prof Bell, Matthew J. Prof Ding, Chengri Prof Hurtt, Steven W. Prof Rockcastle, Garth Carl Prof Vann, Robert L. Prof & Act Assoc Dean Knaap, Gerrit J. Prof & Area Chair Kelly, Brian Paul Prof & Area Chair Linebaugh, Donald W. Prof & Assoc Dean Linebaugh, Donald W. Prof & Dir Knaap, Gerrit J. Prof And Dean Cronrath, David Prof Emeritus Bennett, Ralph D. JR Prof Of Practice Noonan, Peter Vincent Prog Coor Burian, Medessa S. Prog Mgmt Spec Ames, Toni K Res Assoc Crase, Kirsten Lee Res Assoc Liu, Chao Res Prof Avin, Uri Specialist Gomez, Fabian Sr Res Sci Ducca, Frederick W.
ARCH-Urban Studies & Planning Program
Assoc Prof Chen, Alexander Assoc Prof Dawkins, Casey J Asst Prof Iseki, Hiroyuki Asst Prof Lung Amam, Willow S. Asst Rsch Prof Dempwolf, Christopher Scott Lecturer Falk, David Lecturer Superczynski, Denis Jon Prof Ding, Chengri Prof Howland, Marie Prof Knaap, Gerrit J. Senior Lecturer Cohen, James R.
$56,281.48 $12,432.00 $26,040.00 $98,125.90 $60,843.03 $83,868.70 $178,699.67 $112,019.88 $41,656.73 $112,262.19 $123,179.23 $41,059.74 $96,829.73 $253,622.41 $24,800.00 $39,283.07 $45,936.00 $40,920.87 $45,900.00 $58,483.71 $119,977.67 $73,301.63 $64,976.72 $111,768.98 $63,416.52 $44,462.24 $82,720.08 $72,448.23 $10,227.08 $15,000.00 $60,843.03 $123,429.18 $83,091.87 $94,198.05
Admin Asst II Monis, Beverly O. Assoc Clin Prof Sharp, Katherine Assoc Prof Arria, Amelia Assoc Prof Desmond, Sharon M. Assoc Prof Green, Kerry M. Assoc Prof Holt, Cheryl L. Assoc Prof Howard, Donna E Assoc Prof Sawyer, Robin G. Assoc Prof Zanjani, Faika Assoc Res Prof Horowitz, Alice Munkhoff Asst Clin Prof Smith, Nancy Gray Asst Prof Butler, James III Asst Prof Fryer, Craig Scott Asst Prof Garza, Mary Alice Asst Rsch Prof Bernat, Debra Asst Rsch Prof Christie, Juliette Asst Rsch Prof King-Marshall, Evelyn Claire Business Manager Dang, Jennie Coordinator Hunter, Prince Clifton Coordinator Kennedy, Tracy Fac Asst Coates, Cindy Karen Fac Asst Havis, Nicole Christine Fac Asst Le, Daisy Fac Asst Nkongho, Lizette Fac Asst Soong, Andrea M Fac Asst Washington-Lewis, Rhonda Deyone Fac Res Asst Bulbulia, Jeannine A Fac Res Asst Caldeira, Kimberly M. Fac Res Asst Kidanu, Azieb W Fac Res Asst Santos, Sherie Lou Zara Fac Spec Bugbee, Brittany A Lecturer Hodgson, Jennifer Roche Lecturer Kerridge, Bradley Townsend Lecturer La Touche-Howard, Sylvette Antonia Post-Doc Assoc Das, Babita Post-Doc Assoc Hamad, Samera Hussein Post-Doc Assoc Mead, Erin Prof Beck, Kenneth H. Prof Boekeloo, Bradley O. Prof Feldman, Robert H. Prof Wang, Min Qi Prof & Chair Curbow, Barbara Ann Res Prof Borzekowski, Dina Res Prof Clark, Pamela Irene Senior Lecturer Anderson-Sawyer, Anne Reynolds, Martha Sue Senior Lecturer Senior Lecturer Zeeger, Tracy Marie Sr Fac Spec Carr, Kathryn Vincent
SPHL-Epidemiology & Biostatistics
Assoc Prof Lee, Sunmin Assoc Res Prof Saksvig, Brit Irene Asst Prof Chae, David H. Asst Prof Chen, Shuo Asst Prof Dallal, Cher M. Asst Prof Dyer, Typhanye V. Asst Prof He, Xin Asst Prof Slopen, Natalie Bea Asst Prof Zhang, Jing Asst Rsch Prof Cruz-Cano, Raul Asst Rsch Prof Jaschek, Graciela Coordinator Mackey, Karen L. Prof Carter-Pokras, Olivia Denise Prof Lee, Mei-Ling Ting Prof Liu, Hongjie Prof & Chair Gold, Robert S.
SPHL-Family Science
Assoc Prof Kim, Jinhee Assoc Prof Leslie, Leigh A. Assoc Prof Mokhtari, Manouchehr Assoc Prof Roy, Kevin M. Assoc Prof Shenassa, Edmond Assoc Prof Smith-Bynum, Mia Anaya Asst Prof Jones, Marian Moser Asst Prof Lewin, Amy B. Asst Prof Mittal, Mona Asst Prof Steinberg, Julia Renee Business Manager Richardson, Doris V. Coordinator Okolo, Zainab Inst Werlinich, Carol A. Jr Lecturer Parker, Elizabeth Ott Lecturer Bernards, Reena Lecturer Blair-Brown, Merlene Lecturer Brooks, Alyssa Todaro Lecturer Livelsberger, Brian Patrick Lecturer Persaud, Ainisha Bikira Lecturer Resnick, Elise M Lecturer Savory, Kara Lee Lecturer Scheiner, Ann Caroline Lecturer Terry, Mary Nicholas Lecturer Wallen, Jacqueline Lecturer Wilcox, Wendy J Manager Grigsby, Nacie Prof Epstein, Norman B. Prof Hofferth, Sandra L. Prof Koblinsky, Sally A. Prof & Chair Anderson, Elaine A. Prog Mgmt Spec Wickham, Jacqueline D Senior Lecturer Knight, William Edward Senior Lecturer Schull, Christine Pegorraro Senior Lecturer Tripp, Kerry W. Senior Lecturer Zeiger, Robyn S.
SPHL-Health Services Administration Assoc Prof Asst Clin Prof Asst Prof Asst Prof Asst Prof Asst Prof Coordinator Fac Res Asst Fac Res Asst Lecturer Lecturer Prof & Chair Prof & Dir Prof Emerita
Simon-Rusinowitz, Lori Fouladi, Negin Boudreaux, Michel Chen, Jie Dagher, Rada Roby, Dylan H. Sanderson, Jennifer L. Siegel, Linda L. Steele, Jack D. Dixon, Diane L. King, Christopher Jerome Franzini, Luisa Thomas, Stephen B. Wilson, Laura B.
$47,319.78 $84,509.32 $117,606.00 $79,853.70 $100,197.64 $150,665.52 $85,213.92 $111,633.51 $94,554.00 $35,211.63 $60,000.00 $84,443.03 $84,443.03 $84,443.03 $109,548.00 $105,000.00 $108,800.00 $67,668.84 $53,040.00 $54,432.07 $62,000.00 $45,000.00 $35,873.07 $17,850.00 $55,800.00 $18,720.00 $33,945.60 $59,909.77 $76,483.68 $80,499.15 $40,112.00 $71,539.94 $10,000.00 $55,141.20 $51,000.00 $50,000.00 $51,000.00 $112,465.54 $123,785.06 $93,316.86 $110,883.47 $217,260.00 $127,602.00 $160,727.79 $54,401.34 $45,000.00 $55,000.00 $76,903.00 $136,320.16 $101,926.37 $94,554.00 $102,874.75 $78,795.00 $81,600.00 $109,818.26 $81,600.00 $81,600.00 $96,445.09 $91,800.00 $61,508.36 $129,438.14 $217,436.46 $169,105.68 $267,329.37 $78,922.84 $82,461.61 $73,421.97 $94,908.79 $97,994.94 $86,708.16 $85,691.22 $84,660.00 $86,700.00 $87,000.00 $67,218.41 $49,060.00 $84,981.82 $8,958.68 $6,330.90 $5,602.85 $8,958.73 $5,666.52 $4,920.00 $17,917.36 $3,780.00 $5,602.85 $5,666.52 $20,000.00 $5,602.85 $59,000.00 $112,773.21 $74,925.84 $188,982.70 $190,786.92 $36,548.00 $11,000.00 $22,440.00 $33,660.00 $22,440.00 $89,760.93 $64,400.00 $81,600.00 $90,897.16 $83,189.43 $110,000.00 $57,680.00 $77,553.10 $96,322.38 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 $270,300.00 $222,482.40 $62,296.35
Assoc Prof McDaniel, Stephen R. $72,687.30 Assoc Prof Rogers, Marc A. $74,297.25 Assoc Prof Shim, Jae Kun $109,112.28 Assoc Prof Smith, J Carson $93,888.96 Asst Prof Gentili, Rodolphe J. $81,600.00 Asst Prof Jette, Shannon Leigh $80,162.62 Asst Prof Miller, Ross Herbert $81,345.00 Asst Prof Roberts, Jennifer D. $84,000.00 Asst Rsch Prof Deglau, Dena A. $102,000.00 Asst Rsch Prof Gomes Santiago De Figueiredo, Pedro A. $28,000.00 Asst Rsch Prof Kiemel, Tim $35,621.46 Asst Rsch Prof Kwon, Hyun Joon $69,930.00 Coordinator Clary, Regina B. $74,300.85 Coordinator Garcia, Bianca Carolina $46,865.29 Coordinator Sebastian Schurer, Polly $69,353.12 Exec Adm Asst I Han, Joanna $42,494.88 Fac Res Asst Koh, Kyung $8,400.00 Fac Res Asst Lo, Li-Chuan $43,500.00 Fac Res Asst Oh, Hyuk $43,500.00 Inst Brown, Elizabeth Y. $91,758.92 Inst Scott, Marvin W. $95,036.64 Lect & Dir Phillips, Jennie A $43,387.74 Lecturer Beissel, Adam $56,259.63 Lecturer Brody, Evan Barrett $30,294.30 Lecturer Collier, Douglas Kurt $8,693.45 Lecturer Contee, Anne A. $6,276.38 Lecturer Derusso, Alicia Lauren $32,016.00 Lecturer Friedman, Michael $20,196.21 Lecturer Ginsberg, Andrew $37,583.11 Lecturer Goldstein, Jay D. $9,395.78 Lecturer Henkel, Timothy Andrew $8,693.46 Lecturer Jordre, Drew James $8,728.36 Lecturer Klossner, Joanne C. $59,500.00 Lecturer Klotz, Kenneth W. $17,386.91 Lecturer Koh, Kyung $13,450.68 Lecturer Lindle, Rosemary Schaffner $13,504.70 Lecturer Lu, Calvin Ming $34,773.81 Lecturer Mateik, Alexander S $2,886.23 Lecturer Palla-Kane, Ana $66,585.60 Lecturer Plotkin, Larry $10,098.10 Lecturer Romeo, Andrea B $34,773.81 Lecturer Rush, Laura A. $11,591.28 Lecturer Sterner, Emily Rose $2,886.22 Lecturer Stone, Eric Alexander $6,276.38 Lecturer Vacante, Dennis F. $12,515.18 Lecturer Weiner, Brad Michael $9,395.78 Lecturer Zimmerman, Jo B. $61,200.00 Prof Andrews, David Lawrence $132,223.00 Prof Hagberg, James M. $159,466.88 Prof Hurley, Ben F. $73,820.99 Prof Iso-Ahola, Seppo E. $95,068.24 Prof & Chair Hatfield, Bradley D. $187,689.69
SPHL-MD Institute for Applied Environmental Health
Assoc Prof Puett, Robin $95,229.24 Assoc Prof Sapkota, Amir $95,229.31 Assoc Prof Sapkota, Amy Rebecca $97,052.55 Asst Prof Payne-Sturges, Devon Corcia $96,900.00 Asst Prof Quiros Alcala, Lesliam $87,720.00 Asst Prof Turner, Paul C. $84,561.06 Asst Prof Wilson, Sacoby $85,065.96 Asst Rsch Prof Grantham, Michael L. $91,161.67 Asst Rsch Prof Jiang, Chengsheng $78,795.00 Clin Prof Haider, Muhiuddin $75,806.81 Coordinator Rocque, Maurice $52,275.41 Fac Asst DeMarco, Joseph A $10,000.00 Fac Asst Niture, Suryakant K $50,000.00 Fac Ext Asst Pee, Daphne G. $34,144.50 Fac Res Asst Boyle, Meleah D $56,100.00 Fac Res Asst Chattopadhyay, Suhana $42,840.00 Lect & Dir Maring, Elisabeth Fost $79,305.00 Lecturer Goldstein, Rachel Elizabeth Rosenberg $10,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Youssefi, Somayeh $50,000.00 Prof Milton, Donald K. $216,872.40 Res Assoc Soneja, Sutyajeet Inderjeet $45,900.00 Acad Adv Padron, Ron Adjunct Assoc Prof Cantor, David Advisor Hull, Zackary William Advisor Low, Felicia H Advisor Oliver, Jaime Asst Dean Farmer, Colleen M. Asst Dir Cipriani, Kristin Asst Dir Prescott, Benjamin Francis Asst Rsch Prof Passmore, Susan R. Business Serv Spec Adedotun, Falade Michael Coordinator DeSimone, Jennifer Ilene Coordinator DeWalt, Skyler C Coordinator Duque, Jessica Coordinator Franzoi, Elena E. Coordinator Hill, Audrey J Coordinator Swartz, Lewis Coordinator Welcome, Rose Creasman
PUAF-Center for Philanthropy & Nonprofit Leadership Meissinger, Katlin Michelle
PUAF-Center for Public Policy and Private Enterprise
SPHL-School of Public Health
$53,295.00 $83,886.84 $63,893.07 $80,360.84 $77,041.24 $80,000.00 $97,465.08 $83,640.00 $70,000.00 $51,437.38 $61,296.20 $72,447.80 $10,200.00 $10,200.00 $10,200.00 $10,200.00 $80,580.00 $71,400.00 $10,200.00 $20,400.00 $10,200.00 $10,200.00 $94,860.00 $10,200.00 $220,030.99 $201,818.20 $170,000.00 $249,272.70 $54,000.00 $32,640.00 $155,170.03 $72,153.17
School of Public Policy Prog Coor
School of Public Health SPHL-Behavioral & Community Health
Dev Assoc Reilly, Ruth Lynne Director Blake, Kelly Elizabeth Director Brenneman, Mark Director Caporellie, Erin Thiel Director Greer, Vanessa Pham Director McClure, Erin Director Montfort, Joshua Lambeth Director Schettino, Dawn R. Fac Asst Jackson, Devlon Nicole Fac Res Asst Maybury, Catherine Fac Spec Casper, Erica T. Fac Spec Jackson, Shawnta Lecturer Bazaco, Michael C Lecturer Boyle, Eric Lecturer Brooks, Alyssa Todaro Lecturer Coleman, Blair Nicole Lecturer Cook, Lynn C. Lecturer De Silva, Gretchen E. Lecturer DeFrancesco, Susan E. Lecturer Jones, Chandria Denise Lecturer Knight, William Edward Lecturer McArthur, Billy Lecturer O’Hara, Jessica K. Lecturer Saperstein, Sandra L. Prof & Assoc Dean Kleinman, Dushanka V. Prof & Assoc Dean Quinn, Sandra Crouse Prof & Assoc Dean Roth, Stephen M. Prof And Dean Clark, Jane E. Prog Coor Peterson, Monique A Proj Coor Radice, Sarah Diane Res Prof Alving, Barbara Marie Specialist McCarty, Andrew
$54,493.73 $10,200.00 $53,470.03 $57,500.00 $58,140.00 $127,825.38 $78,540.00 $57,783.00 $81,283.90 $51,396.72 $49,500.00 $50,000.00 $60,000.00 $49,470.00 $58,140.00 $53,856.00 $44,000.00
Coordinator Director Fac Res Asst Sr Res Schl
Williams, Dionne Pulliam, Caroline Dawn Rigilano, John Paul Lucyshyn, William
PUAF-Ctr for Intl Security Studies at Maryland Asst Res Schl Coordinator Manager Res Assoc Sr Res Schl
Sankaran, Jaganath Perry, Francesca Siegel, Jonas Elliott Jones, Kevin Dewitt Gallagher, Nancy W.
PUAF-Institute for Philosophy & Public Policy Sr Res Schl
Crocker, David A.
PUAF-School of Public Policy
Admin Asst II Milligan, Marie Assoc Dean Powers, William L. Assoc Dir Corvah, Samuel J. Assoc Dir Daigler, Aphi Assoc Dir Hinson, Elizabeth A. Assoc Dir Kempton, Christopher B. Assoc Dir Littlefield, Jennifer Nash Assoc Prof Bies, Angela Assoc Prof Egan, Toby Assoc Prof Hultman, Nathan E Assoc Prof Sprinkle, Robert H. Asst Dean Harris, Nina P. Asst Dean Savia, Anthony Philip Asst Dir Faulkner, Taryn F. Asst Dir Goodhart, Michael Asst Prof Afzal, Madiha Asst Prof Gilmore, Elisabeth Anne Asst Prof St Clair, Travis Asst to Dean Lopez, Mary E. College Park Professor Graham, Carol Coordinator Arndts, Tricia Anne Coordinator Connor, Aria Coordinator Howard, La Kisha J. Director Campbell, Megan Director Kennedy, Thomas Dist Univ Prof Schick, Allen Fac Asst Akramov, Bekzod Fac Asst Stillwell, James Lee Lecturer Busse, Michael D. Lecturer Call, Douglas M. Lecturer Delorenzo, Carl Julian Lecturer Germanis, Peter Lecturer Gonzalez-Marcos, Miguel Lecturer Hall, Ricco Lecturer Jones, Kevin Dewitt Lecturer Kaiser, Anne Ruth Lecturer Mihm, J Christopher Lecturer Nadel, Mark V Lecturer Picon, Mario Giuseppe Lecturer Rudney, Sally Elizabeth Lecturer Schwenke, Chloe Gould Lecturer Shroder, Mark D Lecturer Washburn, Susannah L Lecturer Weissman, Seth Prof Besharov, Douglas J. Prof Bhargava, Alok Prof Destler, I M Mac Prof Foreman, Christopher H. JR Prof Kettl, Donald F. Prof Nelson, Robert H. Prof Patwardhan, Anand Prof Reuter, Peter H. Prof Schwab, Susan C. Prof Swagel, Phillip L. Prof & Assoc Dean Joyce, Philip G. Prof And Dean Orr, Robert C Prof Emeritus Gansler, Jacques S. Prof Of Practice Apfel, Kenneth Stephen Prof Of Practice Grimm, Robert Thornton Prog Coor Lou, Jiehong Prog Coor Washington, Aisha Prog Mgmt Spec Guevara, Nancy A. Prog Mgmt Spec Monroe, Kathleen Marie Res Prof Bierbaum, Rosina Marie Res Prof Nolte, William M. Senior Lecturer Duke, Elizabeth M Senior Lecturer Hilde, Thomas Christian Specialist Ospring, Christopher Todd Sr Res Schl Brown, Marita B. Visit Prof Kapur, Pradeep Kumar
$48,986.72 $90,469.33 $59,612.00 $192,188.40 $85,000.00 $62,737.36 $62,736.13 $37,883.80 $114,556.83 $116,849.73
$33,833.00 $158,100.72 $87,767.08 $80,668.04 $92,171.33 $72,857.41 $75,380.55 $137,700.00 $117,300.00 $115,877.67 $109,131.40 $138,196.93 $139,319.39 $62,916.72 $76,510.79 $97,425.00 $86,998.63 $91,399.58 $63,382.65 $32,571.26 $47,000.00 $53,040.00 $53,570.40 $86,545.28 $117,910.10 $106,551.08 $52,000.00 $58,000.00 $32,150.40 $32,150.40 $10,000.00 $15,300.00 $62,424.00 $10,200.00 $8,418.62 $10,200.00 $16,075.20 $15,300.00 $15,000.00 $10,000.00 $15,300.00 $15,000.00 $61,690.00 $32,150.40 $161,573.94 $199,798.52 $146,704.31 $138,969.60 $231,307.31 $136,861.39 $175,596.88 $105,723.28 $89,777.18 $217,405.66 $239,257.00 $293,100.00 $32,150.40 $45,488.28 $139,984.38 $46,226.79 $54,440.38 $39,729.00 $42,698.33 $110,000.00 $37,679.38 $102,457.83 $74,028.34 $70,000.00 $38,369.20 $20,400.00
Sr VP Academic Affairs & Provost Office of Inst Research, Planning & Assessment Assoc Dir Phillips, Pamela M. Asst Dir Passarella-George, Michael Asst Dir Socha, Alan B Asst VP La Voy, Sharon Anne Coordinator Denz, Kathleen S. Coordinator Snowden, Chardonnay Brooke Coordinator Snyder, Renee Baird Data Scientist Bloomfield, Amber N. Director Appel, Michelle Seibert Info Spec Dobrosielski, Thomas Manager Ellison, Eowyn Susan Res Analyst Edwards, Jamie Res Analyst Foley, Emily W Res Analyst Rojas, Frank Alexander Sr Res Anlst Howard, Kyland W.
SVPAAP-Academic Services Planning Analyst Analyst Asst Dir
Ikpi, Jesam Kibbey, Maribeth Ann Symonds, Daniel Wayne
$95,649.53 $109,208.66 $100,000.00 $137,000.00 $57,149.60 $59,805.41 $71,602.74 $103,000.00 $104,283.83 $43,494.84 $65,680.24 $63,000.00 $65,242.26 $60,000.00 $83,296.73 $76,500.00 $78,500.00 $80,669.90
SVPAAP-Academy of Innovation & Entrepreneurship Assoc Dir Assoc Dir Fac Asst Fac Res Asst Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Manager
Estrada-Liou, Erica Wallace, Kimberlee Solomon, Benjamin Singh, Meenu Kaur Azarm, Mira Hold, Karen Roschuni, Celeste Saxena, Amitabh Sherry, Valerie Lynn Thompson, Rachel Smith, Brooke E
$112,200.00 $128,542.50 $34,529.00 $48,960.00 $19,631.92 $4,199.36 $11,218.24 $6,299.04 $5,609.12 $4,199.36 $60,600.55
SVPAAP-Center for Leadership & Organizational Change Asst Dir Wicker, Adrienne Hamcke Coordinator Masterson, Patrick Prg Admin Spec Smith, Theresa M. Specialist Bailey, Monette Austin
SVPAAP-Enrollment Management
Adm Couns Bradford, Chelsea Elizabeth Adm Couns Harden, Joseph E Adm Couns Johnson, Ashley Adm Couns Kluetz, Kathleen Mae Adm Couns Rodriguez, Adrian A. Adm Couns Smith, Taylor Elizabeth Adm Couns Tanksley, Tia M. Adm Couns Wang, Ran Analyst Jackson, Traci Tillman Assoc Dir Cheah, Stanton Assoc Dir Galve, Jesse A Assoc Dir Heng, Malina Assoc Dir Riggs, Robert Lawrence Assoc Dir Robinson, Michael Anthony Assoc Vice Pres Gill, Barbara Ann Asst Dir Bair, Ashley Asst Dir Bordatto, Jill H. Asst Dir Ford, Jordan Andrew Asst Dir Fox, Sara Josephine Asst Dir Martin, Rosemary Asst Dir Nixon, Michael Joseph Asst Dir Stamps, Lachelle Asst Dir Tomaski, Tamarie Natalie Collections Spec McHale, Brenda M. Coordinator Ayala, Rosalynn Coordinator Beitzel, Zachery M Coordinator Brooks, Kimberly D. Coordinator Chandler, Melody Leigh Coordinator Davies, Lisa Marie Coordinator Dollar, Nicolas Coordinator Gray, Jessica Coordinator Harlow, Julie Ann Coordinator Hess, Rachel Morales Coordinator Kapetanovic, Tijana Coordinator Marmo, Christina JoAnn Coordinator McAndrews, Julianne Marie Coordinator Reid, Karina Lauren Coordinator Wadsworth, Alex Walter Counselor Radden-Lesage, Cheyenne Counselor Rennie, Valerie T. Counselor Wood, Judy F. Director Boyd, Monique Director Gundy, Shannon R. Director Lemma, Dawit Director Reynolds, D Britt Editorial Asst Grzesiak, Kerrie L. Fincl Aid Couns Amorosi, Christeallia M Fincl Aid Couns Brice, Nakeyva E. Fincl Aid Couns Crider, Hudson L Fincl Aid Couns Orgil, Enerel Fincl Aid Couns Perry, Sean M Fincl Aid Couns Prentice, Nicole Desirae Fincl Aid Couns Shinagawa, Sunyong Fincl Aid Couns Williams, Ashley IT Coor Ramos, Henry J IT Coor Viapiano, Kimberly S Manager Tillman, Cheree Walden Office Assistant Washington, James Alvin Office Clerk II Twigg, Thomas E. Prg Admin Spec Adams, Deborah J. Prog Mgmt Spec Smith, Denise M. Sr Adm Couns Orban, Nicholas Paul Sr Assoc Director Massey, James B JR Sr Assoc Director Straughn, Michelle Lee Sr Fincl Aid Couns Bridges, Venesha Sr Fincl Aid Couns Hansberry, Jemika Word Proc Op Gingerich, Catherine L.
$78,070.37 $65,300.01 $62,714.39 $71,349.28
$44,600.00 $44,600.00 $44,599.50 $44,600.00 $44,600.00 $44,600.00 $44,599.50 $44,600.00 $66,888.68 $92,221.67 $80,996.59 $70,462.98 $112,895.30 $85,679.40 $199,410.00 $72,689.45 $52,079.45 $68,340.00 $62,077.99 $60,000.00 $69,000.00 $71,296.35 $61,200.00 $56,072.62 $50,000.00 $55,000.00 $67,569.56 $50,000.00 $51,408.00 $47,047.50 $51,000.00 $55,000.00 $54,000.00 $50,000.00 $50,000.00 $53,040.00 $53,580.60 $54,368.55 $44,600.00 $51,643.15 $52,417.52 $118,700.52 $148,525.17 $117,485.71 $148,459.62 $48,230.05 $44,599.50 $44,599.50 $44,600.00 $44,599.50 $44,599.50 $44,599.50 $44,599.50 $44,600.00 $63,844.96 $66,238.99 $49,835.70 $27,005.78 $39,546.23 $52,443.53 $45,656.23 $47,722.00 $103,841.77 $123,109.36 $48,960.00 $48,960.00 $42,169.79
SVPAAP-Institute for Bioscience & Biotechnology Research Admin Asst II Clinkscales, Cierra Nichole Administrator Daly, Chris Assoc Prof Eisenstein, Edward Assoc Prof Muro, Silvia Assoc Prof Nelson, Daniel C Assoc Prof Wu, Louisa P. Assoc Prof Xiao, Shunyuan Assoc Res Prof Li, Yuxing Assoc Res Prof Silin, Vitalii I. Assoc Res Sci Wang, Ruixue Asst Prof Walsh, Scott Thomas Asst Res Sci Altieri, Amanda Suzanne Asst Res Sci Chao, Kinlin L. Asst Res Sci Galkin, Andrey G. Asst Res Sci Hoopes, James Todd Asst Res Sci Kulakova, Liudmila
$34,000.00 $140,250.00 $152,252.28 $101,275.56 $122,400.00 $87,956.82 $118,066.13 $132,600.00 $85,726.82 $72,500.00 $115,920.16 $102,746.16 $73,541.05 $61,200.00 $88,317.98 $52,483.86
THE DIAMONDBACK | salary guide | THURSDAY, april 21, 2015
Asst Res Sci Marin, Alexander $81,600.00 Asst Res Sci Parsons, James F. $50,000.00 Asst Res Sci Ray, Lipika $62,912.83 Asst Res Sci Royer, John Robert $66,300.00 Asst Res Sci Wu, Liming $51,240.00 Asst Rsch Prof Li, Shuwei $94,961.87 Asst Rsch Prof Mihailescu, Mihaela $89,192.41 Asst Rsch Prof Ofek, Gilad Adi $119,850.00 Asst Rsch Prof Pierce, Brian $112,200.00 Asst Rsch Prof Teodoro, Pricila Hauk $57,120.00 Asst Rsch Prof Tsao, Chen-Yu $78,618.13 Asst to Dir Garlena, Lisa $70,949.99 Business Serv SpecSaunders, Ansonia Lea $46,125.00 Coordinator Coker, Frank A $75,000.00 Coordinator Pereira, Sampad Arnold $54,000.00 Coordinator Saffer, Valeria $39,011.73 Coordinator Varela, Rita Fernandes $59,655.47 Director Presley, David Christian $125,028.96 Fac Asst Chen, Yihong $49,613.27 Fac Asst McCoy, Matthew Dean $50,000.00 Fac Asst Preston, Renae Janell $40,185.45 Fac Asst Sallman, Zahur Fatima $38,250.00 Fac Asst Yandrofski, Katharina Sophie $40,000.00 Fac Spec Kerzic , Melissa Corinne $56,901.05 Fac Spec Pilitt, Kristina Louise $52,192.65 IT Coor Ngo, An T $62,965.60 IT Support Asst Whitehead, Seth Stephen $41,368.00 Lab Animal Tech AsstGebremicale, Yonas T. $34,000.00 Lab Res Tech Aluvihare, Channa U $45,810.45 Manager Diaz, Darwin $82,939.84 Manager Harrell, Robert A. $91,558.71 Manager Kemmerer, Katherine $62,000.00 Manager Leathers, Rochelle L. $77,362.68 Manager Sari, Nese $69,770.97 Manager Zhao, Suwei $69,142.12 MT Maint Mechanic Mark, Ronald A. $35,491.54 Post-Doc Assoc Blanco Medina, Marco A $66,300.00 Post-Doc Assoc Castellanos Mantilla, Maria Monica$65,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Collum, Tamara Diane $45,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Criscione, Frank $41,820.00 Post-Doc Assoc Gowthaman, Ragul $48,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Huang, Beijing $50,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Laughinghouse, Haywood Dail IV$46,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Ma, Xianfeng $42,156.68 Post-Doc Assoc Martinez, Andre P $50,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Perez Herrero, Edgar $45,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Quan, David Nathan $45,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Rangarajan, Sneha $45,935.18 Post-Doc Assoc Solomon, Melani Anita $49,067.00 Post-Doc Assoc Steinhardt, James John $45,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Tullman, Jennifer Anne $51,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Turner, Abigail Haley $65,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Wang, Yimeng $50,000.00 Post-Doc Assoc Zhang, DongXiu $45,034.92 Post-Doc Assoc Zhao, Xuelian $50,000.00 Prof Bentley, William E. $74,725.08 Prof Culver, James N. $116,555.02 Prof Herzberg, Osnat $199,335.52 Prof Mariuzza, Roy A. $271,345.49 Prof Moult, John $205,728.20 Prof O’Brochta, David A. $144,710.90 Prof Orban, John P. $128,948.24 Prof Payne, Gregory F. $176,785.69 Prof & Dir Fuerst, Thomas $369,043.46 Prog Mgmt Spec Kooba, Christy $41,439.31 Prog Mgmt Spec Taylor, Donna M $48,461.27 Proj Dir Aslam, Viqar $160,000.00 Res Assoc Kim, Eunkyoung $51,906.74 Res Prof Andrianov, Alexander $183,600.00 Research Asst Alford, Robert Tillman JR $44,599.50 Specialist Ford, Steven Andrew $60,000.00 Specialist Leser, Mark D. $70,412.65 Specialist Zuhl, Maya $86,268.52 Sr Res Asst Shi, Diane $51,010.64 Sr Sci He, Yanan $61,319.77 Sr Sci Li, Yili $97,218.77 Storekeeper II Zamora, Jorge $33,830.34
Assoc Dir Carswell, Anne Reese Asst Dir Comissiong, Solomon Business Manager Lorick, Valentina L. Coordinator McGrew, Aaron Charles Lecturer Gregory, Dewayne R. Lecturer Phaire, Dorothy Walton
SVPAAP-Office Multi-Ethnic Student Educ
Admin Asst II Tomas, Norma D. Assoc Dir Payne Gold, Shaunna Lynette Asst Dir Osborne Elliott, Miriam V Asst Dir Sawyer, Tunji Director Lester, Christopher
$107,040.37 $59,447.14 $53,868.25 $52,648.48 $11,251.93 $6,732.00 $38,173.10 $80,293.21 $63,750.00 $64,861.44 $121,705.73
SVPAAP-Office of Diversity Education and Compliance Assoc Dir Coordinator
Cohen, Beth Douthirt Graham-Fisher, Mary K.
SVPAAP-Office of International Affairs
Admin Asst II Daisey, Diana Elizabeth Admin Asst II Waldman, Ilana H Advisor Abubakr, Elyas Advisor Carlini, Erin Advisor Frazier, Patrick Advisor Heckman-Bose, Jody S. Advisor Knudsen, Katrina Advisor La Creta, Rebecca L Advisor Lemma, Yetnayet Advisor Manzeske, Louisa Morgan Advisor McDermott, Nicole Advisor Symon, Aviana Advisor Zeutenhorst, Conrad Assoc Dir Dai-Wang, Jeannette Jing Assoc Dir Johnson, Leanne I Assoc Dir Precht, Jennifer Assoc Dir Scholten, Joseph B. Assoc Dir Varsa, Barbara J. Assoc Vice Pres Lewin, Ross D. Asst Dir Hayward, Vivian Chang Asst Dir Jesse Lira, Connie J Asst Dir Nahorniac, Raluca Asst Dir Ruszczyk, Lauren E. Business Manager Biddle, William Business Manager Stoker, Katharine Coordinator Calvin, Brad A Coordinator Covey, Lucie M. Coordinator Lake, Deborah M Coordinator Letang, Niku E.L. Coordinator Sa Carvalho, Majelissa Luna Coordinator Uhrig, Krista Director Ahrens, Nathaniel G. Director Dougherty, Susan-Ellis Director Rogers, Moira IT Coor Peterson, Lisa Office Supv II Hardy, Marvella L Prg Admin SpecRamirez, Jeanette Romero Prog Coor Bao, Lei Prog Mgmt Spec Cortes, Francisca Prog Mgmt Spec Mansaray, Isatta Res Dir Koehler, Laurie J.
SVPAAP-Office of the Registrar
Assoc Registrar Riggs, Jennifer Ann Assoc Registrar Thomas, Katherine Ann Assoc Registrar Vander Velden, Jackie Asst Baer, Suzanne Louise Asst Brooks, Lance Joseph Asst Coates, Tiffany Ashleigh Asst Ferguson, Adina Elizabeth Asst Fletcher, Andre M Asst Leyton, Cynthia Anne Asst Robaina, Samantha Renee Asst Vivian, Michael Patrick Asst Williams, Robyn S. Asst Dir Vander Velden, David L. Asst Dir Yokoi, Linda M. Asst Registrar Gerken, Rebecca J Asst Registrar Gooden, Greg Asst Registrar Tan, Michelle Giok Ling Coordinator Beatty, Addie L. Coordinator Garrett-Williams, Toya V. Coordinator Graddy, Andrew Coordinator Hodges, Edward T. III Coordinator Jewett, Jeffrey S. Coordinator Leak, Brian Coordinator Malone, Timothy G. Coordinator Quinn, Sandra Exec Adm Asst I Clark, Selika P. IT Ctl Ck Lead Marcos, Teresa L. IT PC Spec II Thomas, Debbie Office Supv I Dunbar, Osker Zestolavont II Office Supv I Jones, Kelly Marie Office Supv I Toussaint, Marissa Prog Mgmt Spec Barrett, Dianne A. Prog Mgmt Spec Benjamin, Marah Lee Prog Mgmt Spec Lauer, Kevin Prog Mgmt Spec Toussaint, Sandra R. Registrar Cornelius, Adrian R.
$81,411.00 $53,291.49
$40,000.00 $40,000.00 $51,000.00 $53,000.00 $58,500.69 $47,121.80 $54,041.40 $47,250.00 $57,073.85 $54,085.54 $47,375.79 $51,000.00 $47,375.79 $67,842.50 $78,072.72 $82,380.30 $86,927.21 $106,522.30 $257,853.13 $65,129.81 $81,382.36 $82,782.03 $72,000.00 $67,000.00 $47,200.00 $50,612.66 $77,369.55 $53,216.61 $57,000.00 $55,000.00 $51,229.50 $119,340.00 $114,837.96 $120,361.53 $77,684.51 $39,573.48 $48,743.43 $51,899.51 $44,036.98 $42,744.14 $96,779.59 $86,287.26 $96,165.12 $98,891.59 $52,468.40 $43,000.00 $43,000.00 $45,676.20 $45,343.61 $42,139.37 $39,212.97 $39,405.19 $50,447.11 $118,379.67 $82,921.45 $68,847.10 $68,047.36 $74,319.86 $61,384.90 $59,118.57 $72,000.00 $64,172.63 $120,510.96 $57,120.00 $53,459.33 $53,125.59 $43,563.84 $20,084.13 $57,294.08 $34,389.46 $35,000.00 $34,389.46 $42,915.38 $41,820.00 $39,626.55 $49,096.65 $144,137.17
SVPAAP-SVP Sr VP Academic Affairs & Provost
Admin Asst II George, Binsy $33,833.00 Administrator Andrews, Sylvia B. $151,608.03 Analyst Khan, Siemy $61,632.37 Assoc Dir Gunter, Derrick L $70,000.00 Assoc Dir Sakurai, Nick $74,759.90 Assoc Prov Fetter, Steve $242,437.69 Assoc Vice Pres Chang, Dean $231,361.60 Assoc Vice Pres Hale, Cynthia R. $242,791.00 Asst Clin Prof Advani, Vivek Manoharlal $55,000.00 Asst Clin Prof Choi, Yun $55,000.00 Asst Clin Prof Egnoto, Michael $61,875.00 Asst Clin Prof Page, Ian B. $66,000.00 Asst Clin Prof Racz, Sarah Jensen $60,000.00 Asst Clin Prof Risco, Cristina Maria $55,000.00 Asst Clin Prof Voltz, Amy Kathryn $55,000.00 Asst Clin Prof Wang, Liang-Chun $55,000.00 Asst Clin Prof Yeo, Derrick Wee-Kian $62,996.00 Asst Dir Bonner, Marla $50,090.36 Asst Dir Gossett, Hilary $79,296.91 Asst to the Senior VP Mullineaux, Lynn $83,640.00 Business Manager Smith, Rhonda L. $67,481.64 Chief Diversity Officer & AVPShorter-Gooden, Kumea$208,451.79 Coordinator Benigno, Grace $49,171.68 Coordinator Colson, Michael D $83,830.06 Coordinator Goltz, Andrea Foster $61,810.58 Coordinator McGinnis, Rebecca W. $55,278.79 Coordinator Ruiz, Isaac E $54,000.00 Coordinator Sweeney, Calvin Kay $45,900.00 Director Arnold, Mark $88,043.65 Director Baker, Dylan R $112,699.80 Director Jensen, Luke S. $107,643.43 Director Killion, Patrick J $134,608.13 Director Lee, Jacqueline Wheeler $91,364.90 Director Marcellino, Michelle Gordon $103,240.85 Director Scott, Laura D. $103,629.00 Director Zeigler, Ronald $107,545.18 Exec Adm Asst II Moore, Donna $46,211.46 Exec Adm Asst II Webster, Timea M $42,005.92 Exec Asst to Prov Rodgerson, Beverly C. $123,826.84 Fac Res Asst Cui, Jianxin $73,419.60 Manager Wineke, Elizabeth Ann $83,931.56 Prof & Assoc Prov Bederson, Ben $204,715.36 Prof & Assoc Prov Beise, Elizabeth Jane $242,582.00 Prof & Assoc Prov Bertot, John $221,505.00 Special Asst to the ProvostMcMullen, Thomas M.$168,000.00 Sr Res Sci Wertheimer, Michael $77,520.00 Sr VP & Provost Rankin, Mary Ann $437,697.74 Web Svcs Dev Sr Follman, Rebecca $70,000.00
SVPAAP-Teaching and Learning Transformation Center Asst Dir Coordinator Director Manager Post-Doc Assoc Res Assoc
Kramer, Sabrina Renee Shaw, Cynthia E Roberts, Scott P. Aarhus, William H Gopal, Anita Williams, Alexis Ymon
SVPAAP-University Senate
Coordinator Heidt, Sarah E Exec Sec & Dir CP Sen Montfort, Reka S. Prog Mgmt Spec Gaida, Jeanette C.
$66,743.50 $55,228.72 $133,280.00 $75,000.00 $45,000.00 $45,000.00 $46,804.97 $112,902.77 $37,925.00
Undergraduate Studies UGST-Academic Achievement Programs
Admin Asst I Amusat, Muniru G. Admin Asst II Compton, Mary Ellen Assoc Dir Beyene, Tilahun Assoc Dir Brown, Stacey Marvetta Assoc Dir Graham, Marcal Andre Assoc Dir Nedd, Rhea Keisha Asst Dir Woods-Suku, Frances Estella Coordinator Duchouquette, Christine Joy Coordinator Kim, Jin Sook Coordinator Sow, Pathe Coordinator Vanwright, Sharon Carmen
$38,966.14 $23,924.58 $93,869.80 $68,850.00 $67,442.94 $74,230.50 $58,140.00 $51,305.20 $64,260.00 $56,257.18 $59,008.54
Couns Adv Corria, Jamila Couns Adv Gonzalez-Velazquez, Edna I. Couns Adv Maldonado, Migdalia Rachel Couns Adv Middleton, Dario Director Lewis, Jerry Lee Prog Mgmt SpecDenbow, Giselle Veronica
UGST-AFROTC-Air Science Admin Asst II
Rich, Yolanda E.
$53,118.72 $53,201.25 $53,000.00 $53,368.14 $143,479.13 $39,729.00 $48,426.06
UGST-Asian American Studies Program
Coordinator Lee, Jessica J. $44,599.50 Jr LecturerSoon-Ludes, Jeannette Irene Kiyoko $45,000.00 Lecturer Davis, Lawrence-Minh Bui $20,400.00 Lecturer Khuc, Thu Thanh $20,658.64 Lecturer Nash, Philip Tajitsu $10,189.80 Lecturer Thammarath, Monica $10,000.00 Prof & Dir Wong, Janelle $172,317.12 Prog Coor Lee, Grace H $57,447.01
UGST-College Park Scholars
Admin Asst II Metrenas, Nancy E. Assoc Dir Eubanks, David Basil Asst Dir Chrapaty, Erin Asst Dir Hernandez, Brent M.W. Asst Dir Parks, Benjamin Business Manager Seward, Carolyn J. Coordinator Cadet, Jeany Exec Dir Lindemann, Marilee Lecturer Garber, Robert M.
UGST-Honors College
Assoc Dir Barks, Cathy W. Assoc Dir Dula, Traci L.M. Assoc Dir Skendall, Kristan Cilente Assoc Dir Wessell, Erin Asst Dir Galvin, Elizabeth Loraine Asst Dir Hebert, Dean Osmar Asst Dir Hill, Vickie Asst Dir Kreimer Tobin, Leah Business Manager Deal, Karen Marie Business Serv Spec Jenkins, Nicole P Coordinator Forbes, Rebecca Jungja Coordinator Lebrun, Liza Coordinator Lee, Jessica Coordinator Milton, Lauren Courtney Lecturer Butler, Michelle Markey Lecturer Deane, Anil E. Lecturer Duffy, Kara Beth Lecturer Evans, William C. Lecturer Grant-Wisdom, Dorith Lecturer Hsieh, Adam H. Lecturer McCarthy, Colman J. Lecturer Mogelgaard, Kathleen Lecturer Nusraty, Temim Hashim Lecturer Pressley, Nelson Lecturer Rothman, Korey R. Lecturer Satelmajer, Ingrid I. Lecturer Schotland, Sara Lecturer Slocum, Tyson T. Prof & Dir Coale, Frank J. Prof & Exec Dir Dwyer, Susan Jane Prog Coor Franze, Damien J. Senior Lecturer Carlson, John B. Senior Lecturer Smead, Edwin Howard JR
UGST-Office of Letters & Sciences
Acad Adv Hyre, Melissa Sue Acad Adv Sass, Julie Advisor Williams, Iceney M Assoc Dir Johnson, Eric Van Asst Dean & Dir Bryant, Deborah Reid Asst Dir Brooks, Miki Yoshioka Asst Dir Brown, Ashleigh Richelle Asst Dir Steen, Thomas Joseph Coordinator Brown, Monique Coordinator Castillo, Thomas A. Coordinator Gebremicael, Sarah Coordinator Guidugli, Kaye E. Coordinator Jacobs, Noah Herbert Coordinator Lewis, Lee Ann Coordinator Pan, Yali Coordinator Phyall, Randall L Coordinator Scheeler, Lisa Jenice Coordinator Sturdavant, Devyn Prog Coor Shaffer, Gregory Jay
UGST-Orientation Asst Dir Coordinator Coordinator Dir Orient
Truesdell, Chelsea E Frey, Deborah Lynn Norris, Lauren Ashley Strumpf, Gerry B.
UGST-Pre-Col Prog in UG Studies
Admin Asst II Hardy, Shauntaye T Assoc Dir Belton, Nicassia R Business Serv Spec Miles, Adrienne M. Coordinator Malcolm, Moya Counselor Arrindell, Janis Counselor Hill, Ryan Christopher Director Hardy, Georgette Res Coor Partlow, Carla Evon
$39,705.44 $81,200.00 $64,611.90 $64,500.00 $62,500.00 $62,000.00 $58,000.01 $114,279.46 $8,000.00 $87,464.75 $86,708.04 $78,810.36 $86,088.00 $63,681.49 $70,834.70 $65,962.38 $58,544.84 $70,371.67 $41,590.00 $54,060.00 $66,126.32 $44,880.00 $52,488.11 $8,404.80 $10,000.00 $5,000.00 $10,200.00 $28,641.60 $5,000.00 $18,860.36 $4,000.00 $26,520.28 $11,220.00 $8,964.78 $9,567.60 $28,611.00 $10,800.16 $174,721.30 $141,245.00 $54,060.00 $21,834.76 $22,134.00 $45,900.00 $47,272.17 $50,734.33 $89,609.35 $153,597.90 $63,550.53 $63,000.00 $77,140.56 $56,467.20 $53,291.10 $55,800.00 $55,110.06 $54,015.12 $55,156.50 $57,762.00 $55,080.00 $56,686.50 $55,000.00 $69,091.91 $64,000.00 $48,547.19 $46,835.87 $137,000.40 $39,405.19 $60,000.00 $47,870.99 $51,425.33 $47,286.21 $43,064.61 $112,059.06 $45,633.00
UGST-Undergraduate Studies
Advisor Cleaver, Megan Forbes $66,029.50 Advisor DeCrescenzo, Peter Jared $56,100.00 Advisor Howell, Leah R $66,029.50 Assoc Dir Branco, Goncagul $120,360.00 Assoc Prof & Assoc Dean Roberts, Douglas A.$169,769.62 Assoc Prof & Assoc Dean Stevens, Cynthia Kay$199,036.09 Asst Dean Kiely, Lisa J. $152,690.74 Asst Dean Robinson, Kathryn T. $123,089.99 Asst Dean Smith, Ann C. $127,794.51 Asst Dir Arasan, Jayakumar $65,116.80 Asst Dir Brice, Leslie Anne $72,865.70 Asst Dir Del Rios, Melissa $61,895.44 Coordinator Beyranvand, Nazanine M. $55,000.00 Coordinator Kurty, Jennifer J. $60,196.34 Coordinator Park, Esther $61,895.44 Coordinator Praniewicz, Lori $60,333.00 Coordinator Stalowski, Nancy Su $56,100.00 Coordinator Tharkur, Sharon Sophia $58,741.80 Coordinator Walker, Paulanne $57,415.80 Director Adkins, Ashley Selfridge $83,153.00 Director Burton, Joan B. $123,392.24 Director DuVinage, Francis P. $123,784.75 Director Kuhn, Mark S. $81,165.94 Director Riker, James V. $108,137.19 Exec Adm Asst II Smith, James R. $46,423.00 Lecturer von Schnetlage, Cait Margaret $16,000.00 Lecturer Wolf, Lisa $16,000.00 Prof And Dean Cohen, William A. $200,000.00
Universities at Shady Grove USG-Shady Grove Center
Admin Asst II Lagowala, Chhaya S. $47,853.42 Admin Asst II Najera, Ruth Salazar $41,143.81 Assoc Dir Goetz, Paul K. $124,470.67 Assoc Dir Schlosburg, Russell $110,912.03 Asst Dir Bradsher, Lindsey A $72,163.00 Asst Dir Camacho, Juan Pablo $104,742.50 Asst Dir Donahue, Wendelin C. $70,380.00 Asst Mgr Mills, Woodrow JR $87,817.27 Business Manager Okoh, Bilky $75,511.49 Business Serv Spec Gary, Taishan $41,093.17 Business Serv Spec Mojtahedi, Amir $46,529.65 Coordinator Akaigwe, Obioma $47,742.02 Coordinator Binkley, Adam Ross $45,900.00 Coordinator Carstens, Rachel $47,000.00 Coordinator Cohen, Jennifer $55,597.75 Coordinator Falk, Nickolas $38,056.21 Coordinator Green, Amandalynn $49,470.00 Coordinator Guzman Aguilar, Laura N $44,000.00 Coordinator Lampos, Maria P $53,741.72 Coordinator Le, Kelly Aileen $46,753.86 Coordinator Lenz, Karen Jane $60,371.08 Coordinator Price, Gordon C $53,000.00 Coordinator Singh, Madhu M $50,061.68 Coordinator Smolen, Brandon $56,255.95 Coordinator Ward, Erin $47,224.41 Coordinator Williams, Troy L $67,413.40 Coordinator Wolohan, Rachel A $54,036.25 Director Briggs, Jane A. $124,916.34 Director Bucci, Joseph C. $118,793.30 Director Dinicola, Robyn M. $139,308.59 Director Edgar, Justin D $80,307.86 Director Foster Ahmed, Annie E. $81,600.00 Director Kandell, Jonathan Jay $117,062.23 Director Lang, Mary C $141,121.62 Director May, Carl F. $94,614.80 Director Milo, Andrea $84,660.00 Director Mirgon-Erb, Joann $62,309.65 Director Mitchell, Karen L. $166,957.55 Director Nardi, Jessica $87,208.84 Director Rader, Julia $94,308.82 Director Schlossenberg, William Morris $114,239.19 $72,386.34 Director Thompson, Steven J Electrician Woods, Brian R SR $55,207.79 Exec Dir Edelstein, Stewart L. $223,516.74 HVAC Mech I Carter, Charles D. JR $54,837.61 HVAC Mech III Goldberg, Lawrence $60,959.25 IT Architect Sarangthem, Sonia $80,000.00 IT Com Op Sr Tetlow, Bill $41,000.00 IT Coor Mantilla, Mauricio $52,334.97 IT Network Engineer Moran, James Kevin $91,757.78 IT Prog Analyst Smith, Roderick E $87,500.00 IT Support Assoc Fuentes, Jose A $48,484.55 IT Support Asst Ajayakumar, Bini $44,429.33 IT Support Asst Varshine, Andrew $43,930.71 IT Support Spec Nguyen, Anh-Khoa P $50,652.52 IT Telecom SpecHaque, Maksudul Mohammad $60,008.46 Librarian I Negro, Antoinette C. $50,262.89 Librarian II Harrington, Eileen $66,868.59 Librarian III Munster, Irene $103,952.80 Library Tech II Salas, Steven German $38,950.00 Manager Brandt, John H. IV $102,316.17 Manager Fisher, Elysa $57,948.80 Manager Gallagher, Mary Jessica $61,651.76 Manager Horodyskyj, Vsev $75,000.00 Manager Jacobson, Jess $70,380.00 Manager Kalotra, Gloria Paguia $65,426.36 Manager Koehler, Kristen $72,930.00 Manager Shields, Edith $52,020.00 MT Mlt Td Chf II Badostain, Michael M $47,943.53 MT Mlt Td Chf IIIIsenburg, Lawrence Arthur $53,698.75 Office Supv I Khan, Rafiq Ahmad $33,131.51 Office Supv I Nguyen, Katie $26,179.46 Prg Admin Spec Faulks, Ilona $45,591.90 Prg Admin Spec Marquez, Melissa $42,952.00 Prg Admin SpecThomas, Neetha Elizabeth $44,350.15 Prog Mgmt Spec Molleur, Emily Sara $41,500.00 Prog Mgmt Spec Vargas, Taz $29,802.86 Sr Accountant Wong, Patricia N. $70,878.73
VP Administration & Finance VPAF-Business Services
Account Clerk III Jenkins, Krystal Lynn $32,268.00 Accounting Assoc O’Meara, Lisa Marie $38,774.00 Assoc Dir Nash, Susan K. $129,118.74 Asst Dir Raeder, Matthew F. $110,003.94 Asst Dir Walsh, Marjorie A. $114,468.48 Asst to Dir Solter Evers, Michelle Renee $39,720.84 Auto Serv Mech Chicas, Hector A. $44,703.36 Auto Serv Mech Le, Andy C. $52,853.20 Auto Serv Mech Nguyen, John Van $52,853.20 Coordinator Baumann, Carol J. $75,211.74 Coordinator Connors, Anna C. $53,407.20 Coordinator Denson, Joseph Otis JR $47,862.48 Coordinator Herget, Jeffrey G $66,000.00 Coordinator Sharpe, Christopher H. $58,377.66 Coordinator Simmons, John R. JR $58,882.56 Coordinator Walsh, Patrick $51,160.14 Coordinator Wilson, Frank E. $53,800.00 Director Breen, Karen T. $147,049.32 IT Coor McGlew, Jeffrey $65,052.54 IT Coor Woodall, Mathew Kenneth $55,448.22 Manager Beasley, Lance Gregory $57,077.16 Manager McHenry, Darius Thomas $102,001.02 Manager Remz, Leigh $106,468.62 Manager Siska, Michael K. $82,108.98 Manager Thacker, Teresa M $90,457.68 Post Serv Supv I Bermudez, Wenceslao Lozano$30,484.86 Post Serv Supv I Biagas, Brian J $30,484.86 Post Serv Supv I Goard, Cynthia Marie $32,763.71 Post Serv Supv I Hill, Ryan Orrete $30,939.14 Post Serv Supv I Kincius, Kevin G. $42,723.17 Post Serv Supv I Krug, Erik D. $34,796.87 Post Serv Supv I Logan, Daniel P. $42,723.17 Post Serv Supv I Stevenson, James L. $41,885.39 Post Serv Supv I Vines, Delvin $30,484.86 Post Serv Supv II Gray, Stephen M. $51,119.67 Post Serv Supv II Newman, James D. $52,779.77 Postal Serv Proc Miranda, Manuel Pavia $26,389.00
Postal Serv Proc Purnell, Brian A $26,389.00 Postal Serv Proc Weiss, Lucas Steven $26,389.00 Prg Admin Spec Dennison, Sarah Jeanne $41,368.00 Prg Admin Spec Gore, Rebecca $48,041.00 Prg Admin Spec Jabonete, Ma Cecilia A $43,608.00 Prg Admin SpecJohnson, Jonathan Shanley $44,227.00 Prg Admin Spec Nguyen, Thai Q. $57,251.00 Prg Admin Spec Weiss, Maureen R. $52,909.90 Prog Mgmt Spec Mate, Laura L. $42,121.89 Prog Mgmt SpecPrentice, Michelle Kristine $41,000.00 Prog Mgmt Spec Prince, John Stephen $38,935.75 Prog Mgmt Spec Weickert, Margaret A. $49,225.41 PS Press Op I Anand, Vishnue $50,350.73 PS Press Oper II Ermer, Thomas F. $53,751.82 PS Print Services Spvsr I Burch, Gregory Robert $40,706.68 PS Print Services Spvsr I Cosbert, Angela Natasha$36,391.49 PS Print Services Spvsr I Kovach, Kenneth P. $54,325.17 PS Prt Serv Sv II Cannon, Sharon L. $52,882.88 PS Prt Serv Sv II Delauter, Sandra $51,758.25 PS Prt Serv Sv II Gregory, Robert D. $54,184.94 PS Prt Serv Sv II Payton, Dennis C. $61,509.72 PS Prt Serv Sv II Rice, Robin D. $50,933.82 PS Prt Serv Sv II Woods, Billy R. JR $59,087.03
Account Clerk III Rajesh, Jeenvasantha P $35,809.21 Accountant Bealle, Jacqueline E $67,300.00 Accountant Belshay, Gail L. $67,920.80 Accountant Li, Johnny $60,000.00 Accountant Zhang, Nan $44,109.20 Accountant I Bowman, Michelle Y. $43,224.95 Accountant I Martin, Pamela Ann $36,178.00 Accountant I McDonald, Jeffery Osborne $37,082.45 Accountant I Mickles, Edna P. $43,224.95 Accountant I Spencer-Smith, Geraldine M. $49,409.72 Accountant I Thaivalappil, Sheeja Radhakrishnan $36,861.00 Accountant I Webster, Sheila F. $32,186.46 Accounting Assoc Downs, Melody M. $49,772.11 Accounting Assoc Grimley, Diana L. $50,490.82 Accounting AssocSpurgeon, Brenda Marie $39,624.45 Accounting Assoc West, Elizabeth M. $41,966.69 Admin Asst II Bishop, Natalie $41,966.69 Assoc Bursar Ryan, Angela D. $115,332.25 Assoc Comptroller Baino, Juancho B. $163,112.74 Assoc Comptroller Patterson, Chenise A. $158,545.00 Assoc Vice Pres Dworkis, Paul S $262,229.76 Asst Bursar Okoro, Adrienne Johnson $96,297.71 Asst Bursar Trangsrud, John $71,994.13 Asst Comptroller Cohen, Jeffery M. $129,085.61 Asst Comptroller Tanner, Trina A $140,425.27 Asst Comptroller Taylor, Frank J. III $126,865.47 Asst Dir Barnes, Cynthia L. $126,605.00 Asst Dir Goebeler, Robert P. SR $124,057.99 Asst Dir Salem, Muddu K. $180,000.00 Asst Mgr Humphreys, Brittany LoBiondo $50,169.53 Asst to Dir Garcia, Josephine $53,519.39 Asst to Dir McTague, Julia A. $64,500.00 Asst VP Farley, John Norman $215,480.79 Business Manager Webster, Tatia S. $54,775.81 Business Serv SpecDougherty, Catherine R $45,583.35 Business Serv Spec Harris, Kathryn L. $58,030.49 Business Serv Spec Pratt, Mary M. $45,816.90 Collections Spec Apkins, Erica $39,653.15 Collections Spec Cutler, Sarah Rice $20,662.88 Collections Spec Harley, William C $42,363.66 Collections Spec Patterson, Adrienne C. $46,423.00 Collections Spec Rivera, Florfina $50,182.94 Collections Spec Roth, Seth J $40,288.22 Collections Spec Shaw, Yvette S. $48,840.06 Collections Spec Sussewell, Camille $47,413.60 Collections Spec Terry, David $40,104.58 Comptroller Auburger, Colleen Dove $203,301.61 Coordinator Coates, Gloria L.R. $54,325.00 Coordinator Damiano, William A. $53,694.98 Coordinator Edwards, O’Juan $50,612.66 Coordinator Estrada, Vito T. $59,516.80 Coordinator Farooq, Umar $66,800.00 Coordinator Mandelblatt, Amy B. $65,114.22 Coordinator March, Zennis L. $51,000.00 Coordinator Poling, Elizabeth D. $59,430.27 Coordinator Robinson, Jacqueline V $55,571.57 $52,044.04 Coordinator Suber-Leach, Tracy Coordinator Walker, Julia D. $57,630.00 Coordinator Young, Trinette $51,326.40 IT PC Spec IOwens, Suzanne Marie Wade $44,543.92 IT Support Spec Montelara, Jehovan A $51,090.54 IT Sys Analyst Vaught, Robert H. $97,171.22 IT Sys Mgr Fleming, Shaun P. $133,164.09 IT Sys Prog Mallari, Alain R $71,562.48 LAN Sys Admin Pacheco, Alfredo Albert Cadigal$68,188.33 Manager Blount, Melvin L $90,288.67 Manager Dowd, Tina Maria $77,556.56 Manager Elliott, Susan H. $109,551.87 Manager Jenkins, David JR $74,150.88 Manager Jin, Yi $86,406.95 Manager Kenney-O’Reilly, Patricia L. $75,650.22 Manager Kilgore-Mattocks, Jacqueline E. $91,886.09 Manager Kirby, Jeffrey T. $114,146.00 Manager Martel, Rachel Anne $79,250.00 Manager Moody, Kathy Lisa $80,500.00 Manager Streicher, Gwen K. $79,070.74 Manager Walker-Reed, Cynthia $71,352.21 Manager Williams, Kimberly Nicole $78,288.00 Manager Yan, Mary Yuet Sheung $81,885.90 Office Clerk II O’Neal, Mona R. $30,004.23 Sr Accountant Thomas, Nurrehan E. $73,198.00 Systems Analyst Ambrose, Russell B. JR $112,995.45 Systems Analyst Henderson, Marc $95,621.20 Systems Analyst Howell, Delonte M $105,975.91 Tech Coor Castillo, Carlos R $60,982.30 Tech Coor Eriki, Narmada Gopalchetty $120,000.00
VPAF-Environmental Safety
Admin Asst II Moore, Tiffany Nicole Assoc Dir Lupin, Richard S. Asst Dir Dorman, Mary J Asst Dir Follum, John Edward Asst Dir Gilson, Susan Asst Dir McMahon, Donna M. Asst Dir Rous, Jennifer S. Asst Dir Sactor, Alan H. Asst Dir Salisbury, Karol A. Budget Analyst I McNally, Pamela Chemist Taylor, Cleveland JR Coordinator Bowen, Lewis E Coordinator Case, Edward Q Coordinator Cavanaugh, Katherine Mary Coordinator Clay, Theresa E Coordinator Grosser, Saul B Coordinator Hatcher, Brandon Coordinator Hicks, Matthew A Coordinator Muir, Andrew S Coordinator Muldoon, Ryan Michael Coordinator Namugayi, Deborah Coordinator Richard, Katherine Cassidy Coordinator Sharp, Miriam Gregoria Coordinator Shirey, Jeffrey Allen Coordinator Spinella Crossan, Stacey M. Coordinator Stubbs, Shantee’ M. Coordinator Stumpo, Michael Patrick Engineer Demarest, Johnathan Gary Engineer Lippincott, Keith Scott Envir Spec Curtis, Charles Kevin Envir Spec Guffey, Bill Envir Spec McMullen, Robert Thomas Exec Dir Kotlas, Maureen M. Health Physicist Hand, Steven Thomas Health Physicist Zidek, Bryan Keith Industrial HygienistBowman, Glynnis Anne IT Sys Mgr Douglass, Gregory Charles Manager Atchison, Kevin James Manager Bohn, Sherry Supernavage Manager Dailey, Phyllis L. Manager Ferreira, Luisa Carlotta Manager Kelley, Karen S Prog Mgmt Spec Boardman, Tracy Proj Mgr Childress, Alisha Jade Proj Mgr DeLeon, Sally Proj Mgr Dreyer, Susan E Proj Mgr Stewart, Mark Proj Mgr Toews, Aynsley Specialist Williams, Keith E.
VPAF-Office of Budget & Fiscal Analysis Analyst Analyst Analyst Asst Dir Coordinator
Boblitz, Susan H. Catalano, Daniel J. Choy, Siu-Fai Beck, Theresa Gill Simms, Michael K.
VPAF-Office of Community Engagement
Director Aparicio Blackwell, Gloria Exec Adm Asst II Bennett, Catherine D.
VPAF-Procurement & Supply
Assoc Dir Leatherwood, Victoria Asst Dir Parker, Jeanne Pierrette Asst VP Haley, James Patrick SR Business Manager Sheets, George H. JR Business Serv Spec Contee, Melvin E. JR Buyer Bean, Margaret P Buyer Elliott, R Denise Buyer Sanchez, Lucy F. Buyer Schlegel, Tracy A Buyer Stoner, Vicki L. Buyer Turner, Jeffrey J Buyer Zimmer, Amy L Buyer I Contreras Cruz, Karen M Buyer I Mauck, Leslie Marie Buyer I Tarr, Alicia Sujin Buyer I Yetman, Michael Guy Coordinator Blanchard, Thomas JR Coordinator Butner, Patricia Coordinator Fitch, Rex N. Coordinator N’Kodia, Kizi Coordinator Ryan, Kelly J. Coordinator Weimer, April D. Coordinator Williams, Yvette Michelle Coordinator Winings, Jason Kyle Coordinator Yanulevich, Tammy L. Director Martinazzi, Robert II Exec Adm Asst II Baney, Annette IT Coor Munn, Carol Janice IT Support Spec Shettle, George M. IT Sys Analyst Jenkins, Josh IT Sys Mgr Lederman, Joseph Philip Manager Elvidge, Karen P. Manager Libby, Kristina M. Manager Painter, Russell Mike Manager Salazar, Sidney Manager Thompson, Lisa L. Manager Underwood, Vickie J. Manager Waterman, Douglas A. Storekeeper II Koehnlein, Charles Allan Storekeeper III Merica, Carl J. Storekeeper III Teabout, Harry Anthony IV Storekeeper III Timmons, Lamont Alphonzo Storekeeper III Williams, George W. JR
VPAF-Public Safety
$37,500.00 $166,785.49 $137,569.44 $119,005.27 $95,156.21 $111,506.85 $108,528.00 $133,013.12 $104,539.80 $46,640.00 $80,373.04 $67,474.99 $98,023.02 $67,320.00 $59,782.15 $71,361.28 $70,000.00 $65,424.84 $56,875.20 $58,410.38 $45,000.00 $40,314.20 $56,100.00 $47,000.00 $42,312.21 $52,989.28 $72,000.00 $76,500.00 $109,512.13 $88,517.35 $75,796.06 $48,500.00 $183,000.00 $97,855.51 $73,623.25 $89,749.80 $106,252.38 $87,440.44 $115,260.00 $91,238.18 $90,870.05 $111,596.36 $45,037.42 $78,129.74 $59,799.54 $100,286.40 $77,232.35 $75,000.00 $62,244.15 $88,943.13 $98,800.00 $88,943.13 $145,000.00 $88,943.13 $128,069.89 $48,145.14 $115,013.16 $113,591.28 $185,000.00 $66,297.27 $58,258.40 $75,000.00 $72,284.72 $69,800.47 $44,202.93 $62,793.03 $45,665.90 $65,000.00 $37,082.00 $37,749.87 $43,050.00 $42,025.00 $100,447.72 $83,640.00 $100,447.45 $71,400.00 $91,800.00 $89,826.19 $100,148.70 $71,400.00 $69,235.00 $155,000.00 $42,000.00 $80,000.00 $63,751.45 $78,540.00 $102,923.73 $102,179.40 $79,342.00 $73,588.01 $62,092.50 $87,961.37 $89,325.48 $81,609.75 $30,863.38 $43,260.31 $34,123.03 $34,177.40 $47,691.25
Asst Dir Consoli, Carolyn Jeanne $99,700.54 Asst Dir Limansky, Marc $115,592.04 Business Serv Spec Wong, Kathy C. $55,525.06 Coordinator Buchanan, Jeffery $86,897.57 Coordinator Fowler, Kenneth Charles $63,048.29 Coordinator Galbraith, Jami Leigh $60,000.00 Coordinator Hall, John E. $65,862.42 Coordinator Kwok, Lisa L.C. $81,797.86 Coordinator Lloyd, David Scott $120,000.00 Coordinator McGuigan, Mark $80,460.55 Coordinator Renner, Deanna Marie $61,939.21 Coordinator Wastler, Franklin E JR $65,794.29 Director Mitchell, David Bruce SR $205,152.83 Elect Tech III Morris, Kyle David $50,581.00 Elect Tech III Parham, Brian Patrick $51,815.12 Elect Tech III Ross, William Parker $50,581.00 IT Com Op Lead Cao, Kien Quang $41,000.00 IT Com Op Sh Supv Arthur, Tiffany Lynn $44,911.77 IT Com Op Sh Supv Asbury, Barbara A $45,456.34 IT Com Op Sh Supv Banks, Denise $53,295.26 IT Com Op Sh Supv Bier, Jaap Benjamin $43,298.39 IT Com Op Sh Supv Gonsales, Kevin M $42,807.35 IT Com Op Sh Supv Long, Adam David $42,026.30 IT Com Op Sh Supv Pedrick, Brian Mark $44,844.12 IT Com Op Sh Supv Walker, Penny $56,952.20 IT Com Op Sh Supv Williams, Sharnette Denise$44,554.33 IT Com Op Sr Choe, Joo Kwang $39,181.35 IT Com Op Sr Travers, Derrick Earl Coleman $39,181.35 IT Ctl Ck Lead Whitley, Courtney Marie $33,693.35 IT Data Base Admin Eskin, Stephen $69,535.30 IT Data Enty Supv Lind, Dorothy $42,134.88 IT Data Enty Supv Wimbish, Dana $41,271.60 IT Dta Enty Sf Sv Hill, Breyanna Karisa $35,926.44 IT Dta Enty Sf Sv Richardson, David Lee $35,399.56 IT Support AssocAnderson, Michael Thomas $58,181.00
IT Sys Mgr Singh, Apaar $104,678.33 IT Telecom Spec Baker, Marco Roshawn $60,277.82 IT Telecom Spec Marinari, Patrick Stephen Sr $64,068.85 IT Telecom Spec Murray, Vincent P. $68,027.25 IT Telecom Spec Wilson, Conrad R.A. SR $60,277.80 Office Supv I Stimpson, Jayne S. $48,204.00 Police Com Op Pippin, Kristi Lynn $32,268.00 Police Comm Op LdMammano, Victoria Lynn $33,833.00 Police Comm Op Ld Myers, Megan B $33,833.00 Prg Admin Spec Breeden, Lisa Church $50,051.61 Prg Admin Spec Lau, Sai Hung $49,850.54 Prg Admin Spec Limansky, Elaine Beth $52,289.05 Univ Pol Off I Bonsib, Matthew Robert $44,176.00 Univ Pol Off I Linehan, Kevin Patrick $44,176.00 Univ Pol Off I Peang, Alexander Sean $44,176.00 Univ Pol Off I Pfau, Matthew Thomas $44,176.00 Univ Pol Off I Sombat, Ted $44,176.00 Univ Pol Off II Adornetto, Matthew John $47,439.84 Univ Pol Off II Barnosky, Jeffrey Simon $47,439.84 Univ Pol Off II Bristol, Tyrone Paul $51,087.53 Univ Pol Off II Fischer, Melissa Angela $51,087.53 Univ Pol Off IIGutierrez-Bautista, Richard Teo $51,087.53 Univ Pol Off II Leader, Daniel Jacob $51,087.53 Univ Pol Off IIMcCready, Raymond Michael $51,087.53 Univ Pol Off II McDermott, Edward James $52,365.06 Univ Pol Off II Meadows, Philip David $51,087.53 Univ Pol Off II Naecker, Brian Christopher $47,439.84 Univ Pol Off II Rideout, Sean Cory $51,087.53 Univ Pol Off II Ross, Andrew Somers $49,841.51 Univ Pol Off II Runaldue, James Richard $51,087.53 Univ Pol Off II Sterner, Daniel James $47,439.84 Univ Pol Off II Thomas, Michael Wayne JR $49,841.51 Univ Pol Off II Thompson, Swen Dennie $51,087.53 Univ Pol Off II Tom Joseph, Jestin $47,439.84 Univ Pol Off II Vu, Tuan V $47,439.84 Univ Pol Off III Bona, Marc Christopher $62,376.22 Univ Pol Off III Bradley, Thjuan Tamika $56,509.67 Univ Pol Off III Brady, Barton Kenneth $57,921.68 Univ Pol Off III Brown, Clayton Paul $56,509.67 Univ Pol Off III Brown, Shawn Zachariah $56,509.67 Univ Pol Off III Culhane, Katherine Maria $72,336.96 Univ Pol Off III Daniels, Sarra Jane $55,131.29 Univ Pol Off III Deere, Vincent C $56,509.67 Univ Pol Off III Diggs, Garwood Anthony $56,509.67 Univ Pol Off III Dykstra, Patrick John $56,509.67 Univ Pol Off III Familia, Sheena F $56,509.67 Univ Pol Off III Feldman, Joshua Bloom $53,786.52 Univ Pol Off III Fitzgerald, John Paul $56,509.67 Univ Pol Off III Forbin, Enoch E $56,509.67 Univ Pol Off III Hampton, John Lawrence JR $63,935.31 Univ Pol Off III Heng, Julia R. $60,853.97 Univ Pol Off IIIIversen, Christopher William $56,509.67 Univ Pol Off III Jones, Scott Nathaniel $63,935.31 Univ Pol Off III Kelly, Garfield $59,370.46 Univ Pol Off III Mable, William Louis III $56,509.67 Univ Pol Off III McCann, Evan M $56,509.67 Univ Pol Off III McLaughlin, Tonya Denise $56,509.67 Univ Pol Off III Mead, David Paul $55,131.29 Univ Pol Off III Miller, Nathan L. $56,509.67 Univ Pol Off III Moser, Daniel J $56,509.67 Univ Pol Off III Ottey, Jason Lee $56,509.67 Univ Pol Off III Pak, Min $59,370.46 Univ Pol Off III Rabold, Sean Wesley $56,509.67 Univ Pol Off III Rodowsky, Michael $56,509.67 Univ Pol Off III Santana Vargas, Zenobia $56,509.67 Univ Pol Off IIISmallwood, Alexander Michael $56,509.67 Univ Pol Off III Stine, Seth Thomas $56,509.67 Univ Pol Off III Suthard, Matthew Fredrick $56,509.67 Univ Pol Off III Swann, Joseph Kennard $56,509.67 Univ Pol Off III Walcott, Kristopher E $56,509.67 Univ Pol Off IV Brown, John Paul $62,468.68 Univ Pol Off IV Chapman, Cassandra L. $68,954.03 Univ Pol Off IV Elliott, Shawn M $65,630.98 Univ Pol Off IV Fields, David Michael $62,468.68 Univ Pol Off IV Hoaas, Rosanne Kathleen $60,945.31 Univ Pol Off IV Jones, Samuel William $62,468.68 Univ Pol Off IVLeadbeter, Michael Reagan $68,954.03 Univ Pol Off IV Lilly, Joseph Clemens $62,468.68 Univ Pol Off IV Miller, Paige H $65,630.98 Univ Pol Off IV Powers, Joel Frederick $62,468.68 Univ Pol Off IV Wehage, Joseph Harry JR $62,468.68 Univ Pol Off IV Weller, Dale Michael JR $67,272.02 Univ Police Admin Calvert, Kenneth E. $110,256.67 Univ Police OfficerArdovini, Joanne O’Hagan $90,042.68 Univ Police Officer Dyer, Laura E. $87,985.38 Univ Police Officer Ecker, Kenneth Eugene $84,250.96 Univ Police Officer Goldsmith, James $97,310.68 Univ Police Officer Jenkins, Barbara E. $94,558.91 Univ Police Officer Jenshoej, Robert E. $71,714.62 Univ Police Officer Kenner, August D. $75,159.31 Univ Police Officer Leonard, Kenneth T. $71,537.96 Univ Police Officer Lintz, Brian K. $108,567.82 Univ Police Officer Moss, Raphael D $69,965.00 Univ Police OfficerPayne, Elizabeth Marie $72,797.52 Univ Police Officer Peters, Jeffrey A. $93,864.39 Univ Police Officer Tou, Philip P $96,275.38
VPAF-University Human Resources
Asst Dir Colbert, Kim L. Asst Dir McDonald, Karen C. Asst Dir Rieger, David R. Asst Dir Trombly Allen, Cynthia Asst VP Washington, Jewel M. Coordinator Adams, Deidra J Coordinator Bellerive Bosworth, Kim M Coordinator Collymore, Coleridge K. Coordinator Dwight, Art Coordinator Ganey, Lori S Coordinator Harkins, Susan M Coordinator Hopkins, LaDonna F. Coordinator Hottel, Christine Marie Coordinator Hunt, Lauren Nicole Coordinator Jackson, Angela Coordinator Laden, Patrick R Coordinator Modeste, Norma C Coordinator Moore, Shirleen S. Coordinator Pazornick, Lauren Faith Coordinator Proctor, Karen R. Coordinator Richmond, Jacqueline R. Coordinator Ruiz, Alesia Marie Coordinator Sims, Stacy L. Coordinator Stachura, M Elizabeth Coordinator Torres, Natalie M. Coordinator Vengroski, John A. III Coordinator Williams, Brinda C. Coordinator Windsor, Joseph A Coordinator Yun, Ruth H Coordinator Zook, Susan M. Director Matthews, Jennifer S Human Res Spec I Rieger, Barbara R. IT Coor Fukui, Christopher D Manager Costello, Sherry L. Prg Admin Spec Smith, Janice D. Prog Mgmt Spec Amparo, Melanie Prog Mgmt Spec Brunson, Dana S
VPAF-VP Administration & Finance
Asst to VP Mulliken, E Jane Asst VP Maginnis, Edward John JR Asst VP Martens, Anne E. Coordinator Lambiase, Tacy Elizabeth Coordinator Schnitzer, Ari David Vice Pres Admin & Finance Colella, Carlo
$116,746.83 $124,347.29 $114,405.40 $99,145.02 $210,000.00 $80,000.00 $55,000.00 $77,000.00 $70,074.00 $52,962.05 $70,000.00 $65,838.59 $61,000.00 $43,093.00 $63,000.00 $86,821.00 $47,801.68 $60,630.79 $46,000.00 $83,700.00 $75,000.00 $69,225.36 $79,496.70 $86,400.00 $57,665.68 $86,013.87 $80,449.04 $59,670.00 $43,093.00 $56,725.28 $130,000.00 $47,958.52 $59,159.82 $90,243.63 $45,388.14 $36,178.00 $42,000.00 $77,721.17 $170,000.00 $174,819.84 $55,000.00 $68,011.73 $335,070.00
VP Research VPR-UM Ctr Applied Pol Studies (UMCAPS)
Admin Asst II Chavez, Ruth E Admin Asst II Jennings, Antonietta Maria Assoc Dir Engstrom, Richard Neal Asst Dir Conaway, Sandra Denise Consultant OMaru, Gabe Coordinator Andrews, Kimberlee B. Coordinator Brown, Alvin Linwood JR Coordinator Cush, Glenna E Coordinator Grantham, Doris A. Coordinator Kucher, Anastasiia Counselor Freeman, William B. Counselor Kolich, Mary Lee Counselor LeFlore, Arthenia J Counselor Paden, Richard C Counselor Radcliff, Candace Christine Counselor Simmons, Benjamin Franklin JR Director Cox, Robin Parker Director Sprow, Renee C. Fac Res Asst Burns-Heffner, Laura E Fac Res Asst Chang, Shinyu Fac Res Asst Cooper, Sharon Gibbs Fac Res Asst Horsey, Tevera Fac Res Asst Mandelcorn, Seymour Fac Res Asst Zhou, Joseph Fac Res Asst Zwiesler, Theodore W Info Spec Robinson, Daniel IT Consult Gonzalez, Otto Raul Program Dir Bayliss, Bret Kyle Program Dir Brown, Lora M Program Dir Warner, Denise Proj Mgr Smith-Funn, Jennifer Louise Pub Rel Spec Weaver, Lamar Jamal Res Assoc Sherman, Stephan A. Res Coor Campbell, Derrick Res Coor Rezai-Zadeh, K Paul Specialist Blakeney, Ralph S. Specialist Dent, Melissa Margo Specialist Panos, Craig J. Specialist Teter , Russell C. Specialist Turner, Henry J. Specialist Villamil, Marisela
VPR-VP Research
Accountant Cornell, Linda S. Accountant Ekwede, Severine Accountant Logan, Gertrude Rosalyn Accountant Mai, Thi Hong Accountant Morrison, Carmen LaRosa Accountant Rodriguez, Silvia N Accountant Wechsler, Diane Sara Accounting Assoc Handy, Vitaline C. Admin Asst II Bracaglia, Rudi M Admin Asst II Eastman, Daniel B. Administrator Grant, Adam F. Analyst Clerveau, Marck-Arthur Analyst Down, John C. Analyst Kahn, Renee Michelle Analyst Mitzelfelt, Jeremiah D Analyst Roy, Dawn Hicks Analyst Skerritt, Mosi A Assoc Res Sci Bloodgood, Michael E Assoc Res Sci Bloomfield, Amber N. Assoc Res Sci Bradley, Petra Anne Assoc Res Sci Brugman, Claudia Marlea Assoc Res Sci Conners, Thomas J. Assoc Res Sci David, Anne Elizabeth Assoc Res Sci Gnanadesikan, Amalia E. Assoc Res Sci Golonka, Ewa Assoc Res Sci Green, Christopher Ryan Assoc Res Sci Harbison, J Isaiah Assoc Res Sci Jackson, Scott Russell Assoc Res Sci Linck, Jared Assoc Res Sci Michael, Erica B. Assoc Res Sci Paletz, Susannah B.F. Assoc Res Sci Saner, Lelyn D Assoc Res Sci Tare, Medha Assoc Vice Pres Clark, Denise J Assoc Vice Pres Gertz, Ken S. Asst Dir Anderson, Monique Asst Dir Crierie, Evan L. Asst Dir Egloff, Sally Asst Dir Frankenfield, Jill A. Asst Dir Murray, Debra Y. Asst Dir Oakley, Janice G. Asst Dir Persaud, Axel S. Asst Dir Prawl-Woods, Keisha Asst Dir Vines, Aye Jamika Asst Dir Ward, Linda M Asst Res Sci Adams, Nikki Asst Res Sci Bonilla, Carrie L. Asst Res Sci Boutz, Jennifer Asst Res Sci Campbell, Susan Grace Asst Res Sci Clark, Martyn Keeler Asst Res Sci Colflesh, Gregory Asst Res Sci Hefright, Brook Emerson Asst Res Sci Kuchinsky, Stefanie E Asst Res Sci Morrison, Michelle Asst Res Sci O’Rourke, Polly Lee Asst Res Sci Rodrigues, Paul Asst Res Sci Rytting, C Anton Asst Res Sci Zajic, David Michael Asst Rsch Prof Brittan-Powell, Beth Asst Rsch Prof Lanford, Pamela Jean Asst to Dir Moore, Melissa E Asst to VP Pesce, Susan M. Asst VP Chapman, Eric Business Serv Spec Lisier, Tracey Renee Business Serv Spec Rodriguez, Lisa R
$33,833.00 $38,274.55 $118,500.00 $56,100.00 $40,800.00 $53,580.60 $49,673.22 $76,806.10 $43,140.50 $49,000.00 $65,582.65 $76,371.00 $76,700.47 $69,000.00 $65,000.00 $43,405.51 $147,379.48 $144,176.30 $68,299.90 $89,725.47 $96,013.89 $50,441.38 $106,019.57 $45,625.72 $80,080.24 $40,290.00 $77,000.00 $87,661.95 $120,006.47 $92,301.89 $73,380.90 $28,945.37 $141,571.14 $81,283.46 $73,950.00 $97,286.60 $75,717.01 $68,850.00 $89,446.18 $75,717.01 $78,828.53 $59,959.70 $52,400.00 $52,480.29 $57,299.72 $57,364.65 $52,227.96 $58,123.33 $51,518.57 $40,000.00 $40,140.30 $135,478.44 $63,036.00 $76,092.00 $70,329.00 $65,178.00 $71,920.20 $64,040.70 $126,203.00 $99,954.63 $98,777.01 $135,723.24 $133,111.59 $99,259.69 $50,585.78 $97,936.46 $96,889.23 $99,533.05 $113,228.45 $103,249.34 $125,699.70 $107,624.28 $90,915.62 $75,410.46 $244,822.93 $208,195.06 $119,438.56 $119,191.31 $111,720.60 $112,831.54 $112,000.00 $119,039.96 $145,082.82 $96,320.00 $90,809.10 $112,000.00 $80,370.90 $80,000.00 $48,222.54 $93,000.00 $85,728.96 $90,000.00 $114,184.92 $89,301.00 $86,508.24 $88,818.74 $111,490.28 $109,786.92 $120,335.16 $129,865.38 $104,040.00 $67,000.00 $69,396.85 $177,490.20 $42,840.00 $42,845.81
Cont Admin Averilla-Chin, Muriel C Cont Admin Bradley, Takeia M. Cont Admin Falasca, Brian W. Cont Admin Gossman, Susan M. Cont Admin Jones, Christopher Michael Cont Admin McKeon, Katie M. Cont Admin O’Malley, Barbara L. Cont Admin Snyder, Marcine D. Cont Admin Swann, Stephanie Cont Admin Swartz, Stephanie Anne Coordinator Auerbach, Debra I. Coordinator Boone, Danette Coordinator Edwards, Jane A. Coordinator Fields, John T. Coordinator Jones, Cheryl Kristina Coordinator Jung, Joyce W. Coordinator Kabashi, Hana Coordinator Kerr, Yolanda Coordinator Lewis, Veronica Teresa Coordinator Lovelace, Danica Marie Coordinator Madoo, Jacqueline Elizabeth Coordinator Mielech, Michal Coordinator O’Brien, Rebecca W Coordinator Renibe, Zanaki Fito Coordinator Reynolds, Diamond Coordinator Salers, Laura J. Coordinator Thangpijaigul, Kobkan Coordinator Veney, Nikeya Coordinator Vernon, Shirley J. Coordinator Walker, Denise Coordinator Walker, Holly Elizabeth Coordinator Whitman, Cory Malcolm Coordinator Zajic, Naomi Chang Director Bauer, Mariah M.L. Director Burke, Tara Director Carbonaro, Elise Director Dowdy, Stephen D Director Elliott, Sharon G. Director Jackson, Marchon John Director Montgomery, Wendy T. Director Powell, Douglas A. Director Romano, John Arthur Director Smith, Joseph M. Director Snider, Jeffrey A. Engineer Bartsch, Gerhard Uwe Engineer Burns, William Carl III Engineer Jaucian, Joe Vincent Yatco Engineer Shaw, Duane Exec Dir May, Michael T. Fac Res Asst Aghajanian-Stewart, Karineh Fac Res Asst Goff, Sara Grace Fac Res Asst Mishler, Alan E. Fac Res Asst Novak, Valerie Lynn Fac Res Asst Rose, Anne Townsend Fac Res Asst Volpe, Andrew G Fac Spec Donohoe, Anna Fac Spec Kim, Sunhee Fac Spec Kiraly, Emily Katharine Fac Spec Lancaster, Alia Katherine Fac Spec Pandza, Nicholas Balint Fac Spec Sumer, Arlouwe F Fac Spec Tseng, Alison Marie Fac Spec van Rossum, Jeremiah Fac Spec Yelle, Julie Anne Fac Spec Young, Jessica Meredith IT Coor Cocchiarella, Dana IT Coor Kroutil, Brian L. IT Coor Sigler, Richard M. IT Coor Zentz, Elizabeth Caralena IT Network Engineer Shoemaker, Brian K Lab Animal Tech Williams, Nathaniel Lab Res Tech Reardon, Timothy Patrick Manager Dragan, Andrea Manager Ferrari, Pasquale Manager Garrett, Carolyn A. Manager Kulczakowicz, Piotr Manager McCoy, Alla Corey Manager Raghavan, Sangeetha Manager Rattler, Jamila A. Prg Admin Spec McLean, Agnes M. Prin Fac Spec England, Michael Paul Proj Mgr Ford, Aynoor Ismailova Proj Mgr Gavin, Thomas Francis Proj Mgr Hamedani, Nina G Res Assoc Buckwalter, Timothy Res Assoc Chambers, Wendy Colleen Res Coor Howard, Bret B. Res Prof Danks, Joseph H. Res Sci Bunting, Michael Francis Res Spec Jackson, Dawn Research Asst Smith, Tikina Specialist Bradley, Lauren Kelly Specialist Metz, Felicia Specialist Miller, Carolyn LaLumiere Sr Accountant Daley, Muriel B. Sr Accountant Nair, Sri Latha Sr Accountant Thompson, Robert S. Sr Accountant Yu, Ying Sr Accountant Zhu, Geshu Sr Fac Spec Benninger, Hannah Sr Fac Spec Bills, Aric Raymon Sr Fac Spec Hughes, Meredith Mislevy Sr Fac Spec Karuzis, Valerie Patricia Sr Fac Spec Strong, Rachel Diane Sr Res Anlst Flick, Paul Kurt JR Sr Res Sci Doughty, Catherine J. Sr Res Sci Haarmann, Hendrik J. Sr Res Sci Maxwell, Michael B Systems Analyst Friedman, Zachary I Vice President O’Shea, Patrick Web Svcs Developer Lee, Jarrett
$72,635.74 $91,264.50 $95,786.82 $84,450.90 $68,780.64 $95,806.06 $104,996.09 $93,563.54 $80,471.93 $64,942.92 $59,395.82 $70,380.00 $58,000.00 $59,313.00 $55,981.38 $64,038.66 $76,809.79 $49,000.00 $54,877.90 $54,371.99 $57,800.00 $61,000.00 $61,414.20 $68,539.35 $56,000.00 $53,357.21 $70,143.85 $49,408.80 $63,346.45 $58,000.00 $76,357.37 $70,597.36 $72,730.08 $140,677.38 $90,000.00 $92,500.00 $185,000.00 $124,959.76 $172,970.78 $172,971.00 $183,110.24 $218,574.50 $114,892.77 $145,000.00 $110,219.82 $113,747.21 $104,582.36 $88,940.05 $270,000.00 $69,000.00 $69,353.20 $58,436.96 $59,880.21 $73,704.79 $64,000.00 $62,000.00 $42,750.00 $50,000.00 $42,026.39 $56,043.00 $53,000.00 $56,100.00 $44,800.00 $56,000.00 $53,000.00 $69,262.05 $81,885.60 $76,150.80 $84,005.38 $91,331.57 $35,326.80 $39,564.66 $70,499.30 $109,170.60 $69,464.32 $85,680.00 $86,598.00 $79,296.84 $91,065.60 $53,593.30 $140,000.00 $72,052.80 $81,600.00 $96,000.00 $114,815.64 $98,000.00 $83,886.02 $126,572.59 $200,000.00 $75,403.32 $59,761.80 $59,695.50 $94,671.14 $56,100.00 $70,315.05 $71,517.66 $85,136.78 $75,000.00 $75,000.00 $64,000.00 $69,114.15 $67,853.62 $57,529.76 $63,770.51 $93,752.15 $188,017.45 $135,075.50 $140,226.27 $110,282.12 $337,758.11 $95,000.00
VP Student Affairs VPSA-Conferences & Visitor Services
Admin Asst II Thornton, Donna Asst Dir Evans, Jean E. Asst Dir Press, Lisa M. Asst Dir Sazama, Christopher Beck Asst Dir Witherspoon, Malia Mariama Business Serv Spec Wilson, Ethel L. Coordinator Criscuoli, Joseph E. Coordinator Hedgepeth, Kelly Marie Director Perfetto, Patrick C. IT Sys Mgr Patel, Mitul C Manager McKinney, Jonathan Ross Manager Nunez, Manuel F Manager O’Rourke, Nancy Lynn Manager Spengler, Betty Sr Assoc Director Flynn, Thomas J.
$48,922.45 $81,005.80 $81,005.80 $77,995.08 $71,284.29 $45,880.80 $65,688.00 $55,212.72 $131,725.90 $63,678.03 $57,500.00 $56,000.00 $59,160.00 $68,264.01 $108,568.63
VPSA-Counseling Center
Account Clerk IIIEvano-Williams, Virginia C. $44,781.44 Admin Asst II Kuhn, Margaret V. $42,136.03 Admin Asst II Phillips, Hannah $38,762.23 Assoc Dir Petersen, David A. $107,565.12 Assoc Prof Wang, Yu-Wei $95,000.00 Asst Dir Bethea, Kimberly A. $95,000.00 Asst Dir Hutchinson, Jo Ann $102,224.95 Asst to Dir Becton, Eugina $65,000.00 Coordinator Adam, Amina $55,050.53 Coordinator Hamilton, Evalyn R. $54,027.96 Coordinator Livingston, Simone Nicole $60,224.88 Coordinator Newsome, William Daniel $65,981.12 Coordinator Tran, Kim $52,020.00 CoordinatorWierzbolowicz, Cassandra Lytle $58,783.91 Counselor Berbery, Maria Luz $68,750.00 Counselor Bledman, Rashanta $72,867.27 Counselor Browner, Shirley C. $58,841.31 Counselor Campbell, Kimberly Y. $63,750.00 Counselor Choi, Na-Yeun $37,166.00 Counselor Collins, Noah Matthew $82,275.08 Counselor Ege, Engin $37,166.00 Counselor Giordano, Nicole Gigi $37,166.00 Counselor Green, Carlton $66,187.80 Counselor Houle, James L $69,496.68 Counselor Hunt, Patricia F. $33,953.89 Counselor Ikizler, Ayse Selin $37,166.00 Counselor Kang, Jinhee $72,318.00 Counselor Lin, Yi-Jiun $74,243.76 Counselor Merson, Erica Shawn $69,496.68 Counselor Ortiz, Yanira Pacheco $59,500.00 Counselor Oslin, Yvonne Delores $96,900.09 Counselor Phillips, Pepper E. $59,261.48 Counselor Pickett, Theodore JR $85,430.10 Dir Counc Cnt Kirkland-Gordon, Sharon $160,140.00 Interpreter Balz, Joanna Cangiano $38,162.16 Interpreter Stilwell, Francy $39,415.12 Manager Mitchell, Alice A $70,174.39 Office Supv I Gibbs, Margaret M. $45,909.25 Specialist DiPerri, Tessa $65,111.00
VPSA-Dining Services
Account Clerk II Cole, Winston J. Account Clerk II Deornellas, Karin Marie Account Clerk II Forney, Sarah K. Account Clerk II Keats, Carol E. Account Clerk II Williams, Brenda Account Clerk III Atkins, Cheryl I. Account Clerk III Bonilla, Zuleima Lissette Account Clerk III Brooks, Margueritte N. Account Clerk IIIFonrose, Marie Bernadette Account Clerk III Hussain, Naila N. Account Clerk III Pineda, Rosa C. Accountant Deornellas, Joseph Michael Accounting Assoc Alburqueque, Virginia Accounting Assoc Harley, Christen Agric Tech Lead Kilpatric, Guy H Assoc Dir DiPrima, Lorraine K. Asst Dir Albright, Kenneth Wayne Asst Dir Bullock, David Michael Asst Dir Chase, Shirlene T. Asst Dir Comoglio, Jason S. Asst Dir Hipple, W Bartram Asst Dir Lilly, Allison Gail Asst Dir Ming, Fuller JR Asst Dir Thompson, Gregory K. Baker Anson, Elaida A. Brick/Stone mason Barrett, George S. Business Serv Spec Dye, Teresa J. Business Serv Spec Keenan, Patricia M. Business Serv SpecMartinez, Emma Isabel Business Serv Spec Orme, Debra Lynn Cabinetmaker Jabe, Wassenu D. Cabinetmaker Molokin, Mikhail Victor Carpenter Barnes, Peter O. Cook Alexander, Mikel A. Cook Alvarado Marquez, Mirian Rosibel Cook Arteche, Reynaldo C Cook Artis, Gina Cook Barker, Leonard Andrew Cook Barksdale, Michael Anthony Cook Belt, Jo Ann Cook Canada, Michelle Esther Cook Cornelius, James Cook Deogracia, Felipe Cook Dorsey, Nelson T. Cook Esser, Anthony J Cook Hernandez, Leydy Griselda Cook Hui, Geoffrey Gan Min Cook Josephs, Genepha E. Cook Kelsey, Whitney Janay Cook Mohammed, Eion M. Cook Mohammed, Nathalie Vanessa Cook Munoz, Aricelda Cook Munoz, Rosa L. Cook Reich, Rajena Merylene Cook Romero, Santos Cecilia Cook Singh, Ranjeet D. Cook Smith, Mary R. Cook Syphus, Dawn M. Cook Tang, Jean Fu Cook Tirado, Valencia Terrell Cook Tucker, Melissa S. Cook Villatoro, Vilma Coordinator Braxton, Corey LaMar Coordinator Kimmel, Karen Kristine Coordinator Manley, Tanika A. Din Serv Coord Bisnath, Robert Din Serv Coord Cadet, Fenol Din Serv Coord Christie, Andre A. Din Serv Coord Curry, Jessica Lynne Din Serv Coord Edwards, Mario A. Din Serv Coord Harris, Brian Din Serv Coord Hawkins, Crefe Aldos Din Serv Coord Inboden, Christopher Din Serv Coord Massiah, Tessa M McFarlane, Andrea Din Serv Coord Din Serv Coord Stone, Denise D. Din Serv Coord Umanzor, Reyna D. Director Wright-Riva, Colleen Elect High Volt Bogale, Tesfaye Electrician Andre, Gethro Electrician Sahiry, Gnahoua G. Exec Adm Asst I Nolan, Kathleen Shipley
$33,781.20 $32,410.50 $42,287.91 $42,288.18 $30,863.38 $34,567.34 $32,268.00 $32,703.61 $39,578.71 $37,337.54 $38,838.82 $72,075.38 $40,023.33 $36,682.00 $36,178.00 $118,499.89 $94,150.08 $104,301.53 $95,999.73 $102,074.66 $92,830.12 $78,500.00 $106,767.07 $96,500.18 $35,501.56 $51,518.57 $53,465.67 $51,284.10 $42,134.88 $46,265.75 $38,942.44 $46,747.25 $37,985.84 $38,224.63 $32,268.00 $33,395.87 $35,240.00 $33,395.87 $33,362.74 $44,987.20 $35,990.82 $43,114.20 $32,598.15 $33,775.87 $34,620.27 $42,954.68 $36,184.90 $42,262.18 $32,268.00 $38,225.14 $36,005.07 $32,598.15 $35,613.27 $32,581.34 $42,954.68 $39,106.19 $31,340.05 $28,395.84 $35,613.67 $32,268.00 $35,445.00 $33,232.97 $51,610.33 $67,974.84 $50,615.46 $45,755.44 $39,316.05 $34,178.80 $33,833.00 $42,212.91 $37,294.75 $37,294.79 $34,679.00 $34,972.25 $43,811.64 $37,305.02 $33,833.00 $183,394.98 $45,171.84 $41,368.00 $42,813.11 $39,714.20
Thursday, April 21, 2016 | Salary Guide | The Diamondback
Fac Supv Cavanaugh, Kevin $54,639.58 Food Serv Aide I Barnes, Faye R. $30,995.76 Food Serv Aide I Boswell, Raynardo A $19,092.00 Food Serv Aide I Brooks, Marquette Anthony $18,316.24 Food Serv Aide I Brutus, Yves Carter $17,869.50 Food Serv Aide I Caminero, Bolivar $20,231.49 Food Serv Aide I Cerna, Maria V. $25,678.06 Food Serv Aide I Chi, Zhongjing $22,979.79 Food Serv Aide I Cohen, Brian M. $31,317.33 Food Serv Aide I Coreas, Concepcion S $19,503.24 Food Serv Aide I Elias Castellon, Mirna C $22,151.74 Food Serv Aide I Escobar, John Gilbert $18,052.53 Food Serv Aide I Euceda, Azucena $19,502.35 Food Serv Aide I Georges, Samuel $18,417.76 Food Serv Aide I Gray, Rita M. $28,826.06 Food Serv Aide I Griffin, Kathlynn D. $32,482.10 Food Serv Aide I Guardado, Marina Ermelinda $17,869.50 Food Serv Aide I Hewitt, Brandon Martin $17,869.50 Food Serv Aide I Howell, Roshanna F. $17,869.50 Food Serv Aide I Huq, Mahbubal $18,316.24 Food Serv Aide I Leveille, Kendal $17,869.50 Food Serv Aide I Lopez, Sara R. $22,833.59 Food Serv Aide I Metis, Sylvie $23,296.21 Food Serv Aide I Morgan, Chenoa Lyneice $17,869.50 Food Serv Aide I Moscoso, Nohemy $25,049.69 Food Serv Aide I Nichols, Shawn Craigg $17,869.50 Food Serv Aide I Orellana, Maria C. $25,676.21 Food Serv Aide I Patrick, Cynthia A. $26,782.32 Food Serv Aide I Ramos, Jose O. $28,731.21 Food Serv Aide I Rawlings, Barbara $28,826.06 Food Serv Aide I Rodriguez, Jaime E $18,417.99 Food Serv Aide I Sanchez, Heidy I $17,869.50 Food Serv Aide I Smith, Miguel Orlando $17,869.50 Food Serv Aide I Vanegas Saenz, Ernestina Y $20,967.00 Food Serv Aide I Warner, Joycelyn Audrey $19,092.00 Food Serv Aide I Worsham, Evelyn Marie $18,433.99 Food Serv Aide I Young, Betty A. $30,995.76 Food Serv Aide II Argueta, Yolanda Margaret $18,703.50 Food Serv Aide II Castro, Manuel Antonio $25,630.04 Food Serv Aide II Garcia, Nora R $27,755.53 Food Serv Aide II Harris, Kelvin D $25,180.00 Food Serv Aide II Menendez, Sandra L. $19,354.09 Food Serv Aide II Palma, Ana Maria $18,895.11 Food Serv Aide II Quartey-Papafio, Regina K. $26,123.78 Food Serv Aide II Simpson, Barbara J. $22,708.79 Food Serv Aide II Velasquez de Garcia, Irma Gloria $18,703.50 Food Serv Aide II Wilson, Obena Lennox $18,703.50 Food Serv Spec Li, Miaolan H. $46,359.65 Food Serv Spec Munoz, Maria J. $37,985.84 Food Serv Sprv Abebe, Selamawit T. $29,726.70 Food Serv Sprv Accus-Nicolas, Marie C $25,801.60 Food Serv Sprv Amaya, Maria J. $25,801.60 Food Serv Sprv Autar, Naresh Paul $27,268.00 Food Serv Sprv Bailey, Dawn Elizabeth $33,073.19 Food Serv Sprv Bangura, Solomon $29,320.00 Food Serv Sprv Beete, Elvis A. $37,457.90 Food Serv Sprv Birch, Nanita L $25,801.60 Food Serv Sprv Bolden, Cynthia J. $37,059.97 Food Serv Sprv Breslin, Kyle G $29,320.00 Food Serv Sprv Brown, Alice L. $25,850.90 Food Serv Sprv Carcamo Rodas, Ana Haydee $28,702.92 Food Serv Sprv Causey, Todd Carter $32,000.00 Food Serv Sprv Cruz, Filimon SR $29,618.99 Food Serv Sprv Davila, Carmen E. $27,268.00 Food Serv Sprv Davis, Sherry A. $30,442.93 Food Serv Sprv Denham, Hillary Gale $37,811.25 Food Serv Sprv Duran, Elba C. $33,131.76 Food Serv Sprv Duron, Edith M. $26,065.45 Food Serv Sprv Funes, Claudia E. $32,734.33 Food Serv Sprv Greaves, Gloria I. $29,726.70 Food Serv Sprv Hailu, Yohannes L. $27,159.76 Food Serv Sprv Lopez, Maria I. $26,497.35 Food Serv Sprv Machado, Digna L. $30,863.35 Food Serv Sprv Manzano, Marta A. $30,863.35 Food Serv Sprv Marousis, Haralambos $35,424.50 Food Serv Sprv Mendez, Vicky Roxana SR $27,546.45 Food Serv Sprv Mentzer, Ronald $27,268.00 Food Serv Sprv Molina, Sonia H. $31,963.92 Food Serv Sprv Negga, Yemenu $27,159.76 Food Serv Sprv Orme, Kyle D $25,801.60 Food Serv Sprv Pierre, Micheline $29,726.70 Food Serv Sprv Reyes, Norma M $29,320.00 Food Serv Sprv Rivera, Violeta D. $30,110.64 Food Serv Sprv Rodriguez, Laura Yaneth $33,132.26 Food Serv Sprv Scott, Priscilla Jean $29,348.01 Food Serv Sprv Washington, Deborah K. $30,442.96 Food Serv Sprv Weir, Kathy A. $34,310.26 Food Serv Sprv Weir, Marva C. $38,241.41 Food Serv Sprv Wolde, Aynalem K. $28,702.92 Food Serv Sprv Zelaya, Dina I. $30,552.68 Food Serv Sprv Zelaya, Jorge A $25,801.60 Food Service Mgr Adams, Robert JR $50,450.22 Food Service Mgr Aldridge, Charles T. $70,550.24 Food Service Mgr Carroll, Beverly Ann $52,999.91 Food Service Mgr Christie, Michael Augustus JR $54,609.88 Food Service Mgr Draley-Coffey, Samantha Lynne $52,750.32 Food Service Mgr Gomez, George $59,500.17 Food Service Mgr Gurganus, Jason Ryan $55,300.03 Food Service Mgr Haqq, Shaikh Abdul $51,580.14 Food Service Mgr Harris, Theresa Althea $54,366.42 Food Service Mgr Haylock, June Maureen $49,000.00 Food Service Mgr Hernandez, Judith Marie $62,250.60 Food Service Mgr Johnson, Durce A. $52,750.27 Food Service Mgr Kornegay, Ivory $66,025.06 Food Service Mgr Lazowski, Cheryl $65,340.38 Food Service Mgr Lockerman, Curtis E. $56,300.35 Food Service Mgr Mangrum, Jeffrey Wayne $52,750.32 Food Service Mgr Mejia, Imelda G. $52,750.42 Food Service Mgr Merkel, Katherine Marie $52,729.92 Food Service Mgr Michel, Marie J. $51,229.62 Food Service Mgr Mohler, John R. $60,025.80 Food Service Mgr Patterson, Clarence $65,800.40 Food Service Mgr Poe, Louis K $76,607.40 Food Service Mgr Priadilnikova, Lioudmila N $52,925.05 Food Service Mgr Ramirez, Joaquin A $68,340.00 Food Service Mgr Ray, Steve A $54,889.68 Food Service Mgr Robertson, Daniel Vincent $56,000.46 Food Service Mgr Russo, Jeffrey S. $84,499.86 Food Service Mgr Sablack, Dan A. $61,399.72 Food Service Mgr Schillinger, Bernhard $54,700.07 Food Service Mgr Schraa, Thomas J. $80,800.00 Food Service Mgr Schrimpe, Maureen C. $64,499.45 Food Service Mgr Simon, Luckmann J. $52,750.37 Food Service Mgr Stone, Kathleen Antoinette $55,684.38 Food Service Mgr Tumlin, Larry W. SR $65,790.36 Food Service Mgr Vogel, Philip Aubrey $52,749.57 Food Service Mgr White, Mack W. $58,550.24 Food Service Mgr Williams, Kevin Ganci $48,255.18 Grounds Supv Millar, Jason C. $38,463.93 HVAC Chief Birch, Dwight E. SR $61,116.04 HVAC Mech I Cermak, Brian $48,098.00 HVAC Mech I Deweese, Michael J. $51,659.41 HVAC Mech I Olagunju, Musibau Ayodele $44,930.67 HVAC Mech III Villanueva, Saul Antonio $58,854.46 IT Coor Cron, Michael B. $56,570.22 IT Coor Johnson, Tarjia M. $55,934.80 IT Prog Analyst Cha, Joo Kyoung $74,215.80 IT Prog Analyst Egan, Luisa Fernanda $74,299.84 IT Support Asst Cranfill, Brent D $42,615.24 IT Support Asst Peters, Zabbar T. $42,615.24 IT Support Asst Watson, Emanuel A $41,368.00 IT Support Spec Gonzalez, Fidel Enrique $51,097.82 IT Sys Analyst Chow, Chris S $100,000.82 IT Sys Analyst Goodall, Angela Rebbecca $71,800.52 IT Sys Analyst Kim, Austin $81,444.96 IT Sys Analyst Kim, Gi Ho $71,074.62 IT Sys Mgr Mozingo, John Wilson $88,696.18 Manager Dominick, Lori Annette $71,055.14 Manager Fahey, Robert $75,000.60 Manager Gray, John T $94,055.73 Manager Raymond, David A. $85,299.85 Manager Small, Timothy Brian SR $60,011.68 MT Elc Trd Chf I Flores, Raul A. $47,961.40 MT Maint Aide II Bekele, Solomon Azene $27,420.00 MT Maint Aide II Gebrekidan, Seifu G $27,699.69 MT Maint Aide II Molina, Juan R. $27,420.00 MT Maint Aide II Wilson, Lester Anthony $27,699.69 MT Maint Mech Ld Molina, Manuel R. $52,588.14 MT Maint Mechanic Sanyaolu, Ayodele Oluwasegun $30,177.00 Office Clerk I Aviles de Garcia, Lilian M $18,703.50 Office Clerk II Veliz, Andrea E $25,501.00 Office Supv III Shields, Jessica T $36,548.20 Painter Rugamas-Magana, Jose $35,671.57 Phys Plant Sprint Lindee, Joseph V. $78,499.91 Phys Plant Sprint Robinson, Keith L. $68,025.06 Plumber Spec Kabran, Howard A $47,785.39 Prep Cook/Baker Chin, Shew $27,699.69 Prep Cook/Baker Choque, Casilda Maritza $20,565.00 Prep Cook/Baker Gomez-Garcia, Lourdes $20,565.00 Prep Cook/Baker Pierre, Ferere $20,565.00 Prep Cook/Baker Washington, Marcus $25,226.40 Prep Cook/Baker Waters, DiAndrea Michelle $31,348.00 Prog Mgmt Spec Underwood, Thomas Cooper III $53,520.27 Prog Mgmt Spec Voigt, Melissa TK $39,714.20 Service Worker Palacios, Berta L $17,869.50 Service Worker Ridler, Rusty R $23,826.00 Sheet Metal Wrk Worrell, John S. $38,890.85 Sr Assoc Director Mullineaux, Joseph F. $146,249.30 Sr Assoc Director Pesce, Joseph $145,754.90 Sr Graph Art Design Gembicki, Jason Alexander $62,564.76 Storekeeper I Arthur, Kleon D $26,123.00 Storekeeper I Barnett, Tony Andrew $19,592.25 Storekeeper I Bryant, Jeffery L. $24,929.04 Storekeeper I Feliciano, Eduardo $28,147.55 Storekeeper I Habebo, Wondimu W $23,588.80 Storekeeper I Jordan, Dwayne Andre $26,123.00 Storekeeper I Velasquez, Rolando A SR $19,592.25 Storekeeper I Veliz, Daniel $22,988.24 Storekeeper I Wilson, Lennox I. $23,222.38 Storekeeper I Woldetensay, Yetnayet S $22,988.24 Storekeeper II Baiete-Williams, Claude $33,677.18 Storekeeper II Brown, Dumar F $27,268.00 Storekeeper II Jean-Pierre, Kenny $25,801.60 Storekeeper II Luna Gallego, Ronal $29,320.00 Storekeeper II Nassirou, Yarnell $29,320.00 Storekeeper II Smith, Corey $33,126.11 Storekeeper II Williams, Francis $29,348.03
VPSA-Fraternity & Sorority Life Assoc Dir Assoc Dir Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Director
Edwards, Corin Gioia Nichols, Robert Biffl, Heidi Kappeler Bunch, Nathan Vidal Licata, Christine Alexis McKeown, Kahlin Ann Supple, Matthew L.
$85,526.15 $95,396.76 $58,197.47 $49,980.00 $51,000.00 $51,106.44 $113,301.60
Asst Dir Piper, Terry L. Asst Mgr Dearstine, Brian Coordinator Dix, Brian Patrick Director Maynor, Jeff S. JR Grounds Supv Blanco, Hermes Armando Landscape Tech Sv Bondaruk, Dana D. Manager Rapp, Brendan O’Donnell MT Mlt Trd Sv II Riemer, Dale C.
$78,339.24 $41,500.00 $46,000.00 $118,619.88 $34,212.04 $50,181.50 $74,000.00 $58,018.10
VPSA-Golf Course
VPSA-Office of Student Conduct
Asst Dir Bond, James E. Asst Dir Taft, Vanessa Coordinator Brown, Elizabeth Marie Coordinator Kavaliauskas Crain, Lena Coordinator Shepard, Mathew J L Director Goodwin, Andrea J. Exec Adm Asst I Stubbs, Leslie Y. Prog Mgmt Spec Poynter, Jaime
VPSA-Resident Life
Admin Asst II Benedek, Carol B. Admin Asst II Carter-Reich, Jordan Bishop Admin Asst II Cotton, Ashley N. Assoc Dir Passarella-George, Dennis Assoc Dir Petkas, Steven N. Assoc Dir Tan, Laura S. Assoc Dir Young, Scott D. Asst Coor Bogdan, Amanda Laura Asst Coor Hairfield, Daniel Jeffrey Asst Coor Leonard, Emily Johanna Asst Dir Gaines, Tiffany Asst Dir Martone, Keira Asst Dir Metz, Donna A. Asst Dir Patterson, Tatiana L. Asst Dir Tran, Dai-An Asst Mgr McCubbin, Michelle A. Asst Mgr Smith, Glenn A Asst to Dir Glowacki, Michael J. Business Serv Spec Rhoan, Patricia Alice Comm Dir Conway, Genevieve Comm Dir Dees, Amber Comm Dir Haynes, LaToya Comm Dir Hinga, Lee Comm Dir Melnyk, Michael III Comm Dir Schlegel, Erin Elizabeth Coordinator Beeson, David Joshua Coordinator Bempong, Edward K.M.
$65,178.00 $55,542.00 $50,000.00 $44,600.00 $48,000.00 $112,071.48 $50,235.63 $39,000.00 $37,294.75 $35,321.17 $35,321.17 $104,768.73 $110,524.65 $102,000.00 $103,778.23 $39,542.34 $40,530.72 $44,640.00 $80,417.77 $74,213.13 $87,538.42 $74,372.70 $92,893.25 $57,190.28 $55,301.82 $76,932.36 $52,370.52 $56,783.20 $50,832.68 $48,412.09 $48,411.67 $47,231.10 $51,329.82 $48,458.93 $54,041.40
Coordinator Carpenter, Meredith D Coordinator Daniels, Candace Joy Coordinator Joyner, Ciarra Coordinator Kiras, Tracy Coordinator Lindstrom, Jennifer Ruth Coordinator Weeden, Kia Director Grandner, Deborah Francis Director Prosser, Joann Patricia Exec Adm Asst I Archer, Janet P. IT Coor Molina, Ronald Joseph IT Coor Smith, Keith Ronald III IT Sys Prog Barnes, Tiaa S. IT Sys Prog Romero, Deanna Theresa IT Sys Prog Rosenthol, Gidon E. Manager Garrett, Olan Bryant Manager Iverson, Erin M. Manager Lamp, Thomas Smith Manager Nguyen, Linh Manager Ridings, Kelly Ann Manager Vu, Quan Prg Admin Spec Holt, Margaret L. Prg Admin Spec Prosseda, Anthony J. Prg Admin Spec White, Janice B. Prog Mgmt Spec Dye, Linda Marie Prog Mgmt Spec Forte, Jiema T. Prog Mgmt Spec Fox, Lauren Page Prog Mgmt Spec Gooch, Carole Program Dir Mehta, Nicole Res Analyst Tullier, Sophie Res Dir Alexander, Lisa Ann Res Dir Breffle, Jacob Res Dir Dalton, Wil Albert Res Dir Ellis, Chamika L Res Dir Gentile, Jacklyn K Res Dir Greisel, Deborah E Res Dir Harris, Tiffany R. Res Dir Hibbetts, Cory Neil Res Dir Hiraldo, Payne Res Dir Longwell, Sarah Barbara Res Dir Major, Angie Res Dir Manning, Ryan J Res Dir Panila, Allison Res Dir Torres, Amanda Res Dir Wabomnor, Ronald Res Dir Walker, Karlena Res Dir Ward, Raymond Griffith III Res Dir Williams, Erica Shevaun Res Dir Williamson, Sarah
VPSA-Residential Facilities
$57,688.09 $49,779.59 $51,000.00 $67,542.70 $46,920.00 $49,094.47 $146,896.85 $71,190.84 $48,733.94 $51,167.59 $51,337.62 $51,282.87 $50,663.81 $54,074.32 $69,787.59 $74,351.00 $79,495.76 $70,774.26 $53,753.44 $59,842.61 $58,089.21 $49,915.61 $47,951.61 $38,842.25 $47,988.91 $39,813.31 $39,714.20 $58,263.37 $54,060.00 $37,740.03 $37,740.03 $37,740.03 $37,740.03 $37,740.03 $37,165.74 $37,165.74 $37,740.03 $37,740.03 $37,165.74 $37,740.03 $37,740.03 $37,740.03 $37,740.03 $37,166.00 $37,165.74 $37,740.03 $37,740.03 $37,165.74
Admin Asst I Jackson, Carin Anita $40,032.22 Architect Berry, Bill Joseph $88,040.57 Architect Peskin, Sheldon David $94,675.14 Assoc Dir Felice, Jacinta L. $129,746.04 Assoc Dir Snyder, Brian G. $122,033.82 Asst Dir Amick, Melissa A. $99,047.69 Asst Dir Ballantine, Sean J $103,687.57 Asst Dir Feige, Gregg G. $109,063.86 Asst Dir Maloney, James F JR $113,220.00 Asst Dir McGee, Jeffrey A. $107,520.32 Asst Dir Mohr, George D. $126,706.96 Asst Dir Moore, Christopher R. $95,482.03 Asst Dir Smith, Keith $79,309.77 Asst Dir Van Der Stuyf, Andrew Francis $115,348.61 Asst to Asst Dir Rhodes, Patrick H. $87,665.30 CAD Spec II Umali, Sean P. $51,930.40 Coordinator Ryan, Kelly L. $62,525.13 Coordinator Sowers, Catherine E. $82,458.02 Coordinator Welcher, Brennitta M. $54,765.34 Coordinator Williams, Marcus A $58,818.30 Director Dooley, Jon M. $147,075.84 Elect Tech III Reese, Ernest K. $58,854.46 Elect Tech III Young, Timothy L. $57,512.55 Electrician Metz, Robert $41,943.89 Electrician Torres, Ronald I $43,852.34 Envir Spec Bukovsky, Jerome Paul $55,398.46 Envir Spec Hain, Brian G. $57,074.27 Fac Admin Wheeler, Timothy O. $88,806.30 Housekeeper Alford, Ronald SR $24,070.05 Housekeeper Andre, Suzette C. $24,557.31 Housekeeper Argueta, Maria R $24,557.31 Housekeeper Bailey, Noel G. $23,826.00 Housekeeper Bharat, Ramsarran $30,940.28 Housekeeper Bharat, Tarramatie $31,193.30 Housekeeper Birch, Anita P $23,958.35 Housekeeper Brackins, Valerie $30,995.76 Housekeeper Brown, Melvin Carl $23,826.00 Housekeeper Cabral, Jacqueline E $24,558.80 Housekeeper Campos, Reina I. $27,889.33 Housekeeper Cantor, Hermelinda $25,032.11 Housekeeper Carreto, Yolanda D. $30,334.49 Housekeeper Carter, Tyler Alan $23,826.00 Housekeeper Castro, Maria D. $27,889.33 Housekeeper Castro, Mercedes $30,940.28 Housekeeper Cherry, Glenn Alexander JR $24,557.31 Housekeeper Chewlin, Michael Ken $23,826.00 Housekeeper Chicas, Maria E. $27,828.80 Housekeeper Choto Rauda, Maria Isabel $25,676.23 Housekeeper Clarke, Sherry Ann $23,826.00 Housekeeper Conie, Michael A. $25,687.41 Housekeeper Corleto, Sandra P $24,550.73 Housekeeper Crisp, Gary W. $30,995.76 Housekeeper Crutchfield, Bruce H $23,826.00 Housekeeper Cruz, Lani Ocampo $24,070.05 Housekeeper Dang, Ho N $26,840.76 Housekeeper Davies, Carolyn S. $24,557.31 Housekeeper Dely Jeanty, Marie Alice $25,687.41 Housekeeper Diaz Umana, Mirna Edith $24,557.31 Housekeeper Diaz, Yesica Yvonne $24,070.05 Housekeeper Edouard, Marie Carmel $23,826.00 Housekeeper Escobar, Moises $23,826.00 Housekeeper Escobar, Xiomara $23,826.00 Housekeeper Fagan-Sampson, Debbie $23,826.00 Housekeeper Fleurimond, Rousseau $24,070.05 Housekeeper Fontem, Lawrence A. $26,840.76 Housekeeper Galan, Silvia G $23,826.00 Housekeeper Garay, Aracelly E. $26,840.76 Housekeeper Gizaw, Ruth Tessema $25,676.23 Housekeeper Gonzalez, Gliny Andeley $25,687.41 Housekeeper Gray, Robert D. $31,379.92 Housekeeper Hamlett, Randy $30,995.76 Housekeeper Hamme, Ralph C. $25,172.74 Housekeeper Hernandez, Jose A. $27,889.33 Housekeeper Hernandez, Natividad De Jesus $23,826.00 Housekeeper Hussain, Aleya N. $25,172.74 Housekeeper Jean - Pierre, Marie Linda $23,826.00 Housekeeper Jordan, Sampson D. $30,995.76 Housekeeper Juarez, Maria Guadalupe $25,172.74 Housekeeper Kendall, Debra Ann $23,826.00 Housekeeper Kennon, Guy A $25,172.74 Housekeeper Kiadii, Hawa J. $23,826.00 Housekeeper King, Toloria J. $30,996.58 Housekeeper Koroma, Borboh B. $23,958.35 Housekeeper Labbe, Jean Albert $23,826.00 Housekeeper Lauture, Jimmy $23,826.00 Housekeeper Leneski, Rhonda $25,676.23 Housekeeper Lenyear, Eddie $24,557.31 Housekeeper Leon, Marina E. $29,745.79 Housekeeper Lukuka, Felicienne Senga $25,598.51 Housekeeper Lynch, Dion V. $23,826.00 Housekeeper Lyons, Andre $24,557.31 Housekeeper Lyons, Shernette A. $24,557.31 Housekeeper Machado, Angela D. $27,828.60 Housekeeper Marshall, Patricia Powell $32,032.51 Housekeeper Martinez, Rubia E. $24,557.31 Housekeeper Matamoros, Maria E. $27,889.33 Housekeeper Medhen, Genet A. $25,687.41 Housekeeper Mitchell, Andrew F. $23,826.00 Housekeeper Nguyen, Mailam $27,889.33 Housekeeper Palacios, Luisa A. $27,889.33 Housekeeper Perez, Ivonne Stephanie $23,826.00 Housekeeper Pham, Phung Thi $26,840.76 Housekeeper Pham, Vinh T. $27,889.33 Housekeeper Phillips, Paulette Teresa $23,958.35 Housekeeper Pinkney, Jovan $23,826.00 Housekeeper Powell, Mario S. $25,172.74 Housekeeper Proctor, Alfreda V. $24,557.31 Housekeeper Quang, Duong Cam $26,840.76 Housekeeper Ramos, Maria Isabel $23,826.00 Housekeeper Reyes, Maria E. $23,826.00 Housekeeper Reynolds, Toni Marie $23,826.00 $24,550.73 Housekeeper Roberts, Sherma C. Housekeeper Robinson, Lolita M $24,070.05 Housekeeper Rodriguez, Maria O. $27,828.80 Housekeeper Rodriguez, Pedro A. $27,827.21 Housekeeper Rodriguez, Sussy E $24,557.31 Housekeeper Russell, Winona Lee $25,172.74 Housekeeper Saint-Brice, Joseph G $23,826.00 Housekeeper Say, Saroeuth $25,672.65 Housekeeper Simbert, Clebert $23,826.00 Housekeeper Smith, Larry $24,557.31 Housekeeper Soto De Ramirez, Ana Margarita $25,687.41 Housekeeper Swaray, Adija $25,687.41 Housekeeper Tejada Pineda, Maria Angela $25,687.63 Housekeeper Thompson, Kayon Nickola $23,826.00 Housekeeper Torres-Rivas, Roxana D $23,826.00 Housekeeper Valladares, Carmen C. $32,032.51 Housekeeper Walker, Lascelles $24,557.31 Housekeeper Wisdom, Pearlina $24,070.05 Housekeeper Zelaya, Maria $26,840.76 Housekeeper Lead Bunsie, Beverly $28,508.09 Housekeeper Lead Chavez, Lizeth $33,663.06 Housekeeper Lead Dominguez, Juan A. $32,910.98 Housekeeper Lead Jaipersaud, Kamla $29,162.49 Housekeeper Lead Jordan, Rachael A $26,644.67 Housekeeper Lead Molina, Yanira E. $28,508.12 Housekeeper Lead Perez, Maria P. $29,162.48 Housekeeper Lead Seukap, Pierre Brice $25,180.58 Housekeeper Lead Velasquez, Margarita V $26,030.75 Housekeeper Lead Villegas, Maria Oralia $33,663.06 Housekeeper Lead Zelaya Tyler, Mirna $26,030.75 Housekeeping Supv II Butler, Rickey A. $39,880.20 Housekeeping Supv II Isler, Michelle $33,395.87 Housekeeping Supv II Kissoon, Ronald $36,836.94 Housekeeping Supv II Marroquin, Maria $33,074.70 Housekeeping Supv II Ramos, Merci G. $41,294.05 Housekeeping Supv II Roberts, Teressa A. $37,836.27 Housekeeping Supv II Romero, Julio C. SR $32,268.00 Housekeeping Supv II Timothy, Shirley $33,395.87 Housekeeping Supv II Turner, Keenan L. $40,662.77 Housekeeping Supv II Umana, Yanci Aleyi $33,074.70 HVAC Chief Tyler, Donald Patrick $61,541.30 Hvac Mech II Andrews, Martin Lester $49,800.00 Hvac Mech II Mitchell, William D. $51,260.05 Hvac Mech II Rivas, Claude P. $50,332.68 HVAC Mech III Lins, Kevin M. $56,457.00 HVAC Mech III Ramlogan, Omkar P. $61,739.48 HVAC Mech III Xu, Xinhong $51,079.40 IT Data Base Admin Yun, David B. $95,000.00 Manager Alther, Todd $107,234.24 Manager Cabrales, Diane P $66,415.26 Manager Dawes, Sharon Y. $66,540.01 Manager Delgado, Rodrigo H. $109,930.40 Manager Garcia, Christine M. $78,612.81 Manager Gourley, Anthony Lawrence $82,487.40 Manager Hamilton, Kenneth Michael $73,036.25 Manager Lay, Trisha $82,633.67 Manager Martucci MSPM, Colleen A. $62,748.76 Manager Norman, David $89,562.53 Manager Reich, Ryan Anthony $83,568.60 Manager Schwartz, Jim $76,700.76 MT Mlt Td Chf I Bolton, Leonard Alan $40,860.11 MT Mlt Td Chf I Rose, James Michael $40,390.32 MT Mlt Td Chf II Belmonte, Guadalupe Alfredo $41,368.00 MT Mlt Td Chf II Bheemaswarroop, Ramay S. $50,135.92 MT Mlt Td Chf II Byron, Donald L. $44,304.37 MT Mlt Td Chf II Cursio, Brian M $43,852.34 MT Mlt Td Chf II Hough, Dale Allen $55,229.85 MT Mlt Td Chf II Johnston, John Christopher $43,852.34 MT Mlt Td Chf II Jones, Yusef Nathaniel $42,615.33 MT Mlt Td Chf II Khammoungkhoun, Phengsavanh $51,921.46 MT Mlt Td Chf II Liang, Kim Lin $44,147.53 MT Mlt Td Chf II Melgar, Oscar R. $43,852.34 MT Mlt Td Chf II Minnick, Darrell Lynn $41,943.89 MT Mlt Td Chf II Nguyen, John $45,817.88 MT Mlt Td Chf II Norsworthy, John B $41,790.38 MT Mlt Td Chf II Phillips, Dwight $41,368.00 MT Mlt Td Chf II Proctor, Stanley J. $43,852.34 MT Mlt Td Chf II Rodriguez, Gerson $41,924.55 MT Mlt Td Chf II Sakamoto, Martin $47,403.30 MT Mlt Td Chf II Schorchit, Carlos $42,402.20 $41,368.00 MT Mlt Td Chf II Seals, Bruce Taylor JR MT Mlt Td Chf II Sherman, Joseph $47,018.22 MT Mlt Td Chf II Stickell, Joseph L. $45,847.62 MT Mlt Td Chf II Walker, Saul E. $45,817.20 MT Mlt Td Chf II Williams, Hentley G. $41,368.00 MT Mlt Td Chf II Wilson, Gary E. $43,852.34 MT Mlt Td Chf II Yan, Kenneth Kincheong $42,719.24 MT Mlt Td Chf II York, Timothy F $43,852.34 MT Mlt Td Chf II Young, James H. $41,368.00 MT Mlt Td Chf III Bounds, Daniel Scott $47,083.56 MT Mlt Td Chf III Burch, John Russell JR $50,153.22 MT Mlt Td Chf III Duckworth, Edward $45,172.25 MT Mlt Td Chf III Hunt, Jeffrey Neal $50,732.55 MT Mlt Td Chf III Livingston, Ivor $47,459.10
MT Mlt Td Chf III Story, Mark Sean MT Mlt Td Chf III Trest, Brian Richard MT Mlt Td Chf III Trozzo, Stephen P. MT Mlt Trd Sv II Butler, Rex M. MT Mlt Trd Sv II Grant, Val D.P. MT Mlt Trd Sv II John, Cheryl Jacqueline MT Mlt Trd Sv II Keely, David Kevin MT Mlt Trd Sv II Kerley, Joseph M. MT Mlt Trd Sv II Leiva, Gladys E. MT Mlt Trd Sv II Malitzki, Randy A. MT Mlt Trd Sv II Marius, Jonathan MT Mlt Trd Sv II Matthews, Jolinda MT Mlt Trd Sv II Soto, Eleuterio M. MT Mlt Trd Sv II Stubbs, Veronica L. MT Mlt Trd Sv II Werre, Michael Kenneth Mt Strc Td Chf II Elira, Abias MT Strc Td Sv II Hohl, Eric B MT Strc Td Sv II Mobley, Haywood Painter Butler, Maurice Painter Liang, Bao Sanh Painter Mendizabal, Hector Manuel Phys Plant Sprint Birbal, Roy Michael Phys Plant Sprint Brown, Edward E. JR Phys Plant Sprint Escobar, Juan Manuel Phys Plant Sprint Hill, David W. Phys Plant Sprint Homan, Robert H. Phys Plant Sprint Tisdale, Tremmele Daryle Plumber Torres, Mark R. Plumber Spec Robinson, Charles W. Prog Mgmt Spec Schweitzer, Virginia L. Prog Mgmt Spec Strong, Elizabeth Norma Proj Mgr Fowler, John Todd Storekeeper I Wedderburn, Linford Storekeeper III Nichols, Larry Tech Sprv Kim-Norris, John A.
$49,045.37 $44,297.80 $62,680.48 $52,053.46 $50,756.68 $48,425.96 $58,573.96 $52,013.63 $50,135.92 $49,114.62 $47,749.61 $50,758.15 $47,772.20 $47,772.20 $51,353.39 $41,368.00 $47,954.46 $59,603.66 $47,447.14 $35,671.70 $35,547.00 $75,000.00 $91,792.00 $70,739.87 $70,571.94 $76,399.36 $68,586.84 $46,830.00 $52,000.00 $37,403.39 $50,585.95 $75,000.00 $33,331.07 $38,740.13 $81,517.60
VPSA-Shuttle UM
Admin Asst II Brown, Kevin Anthony Auto Serv Mech Conley, Jason M Auto Serv Mech Dalton, Harry Matthew Auto Serv Mech Dannessa, David W Auto Serv Mech Hoang, Tam K Auto Serv Mech Marth, Richard Bowling JR Auto Serv Mech Nguyen , Thang Auto Serv Mech Quijano, Jose Antonio Auto Serv Mech Ragoobar, Richard Auto Serv Mech Tran, Than Dinh Auto Serv Mech Tran, Trong Quy Auto Shop Supv Agustin, Peter Edward M Auto Shop Supv Brown, Edwin O. SR Auto Shop Supv Harris, Natalie Elisabeth CDL Instructor Brophy, Amanda CDL Instructor Brown, Benjamin W. CDL Instructor Engblom, Erik John CDL Instructor Greene, Ronnie Aaron CDL Instructor Houck, Alexander John CDL Instructor Kwezituka, Emmanuel M. CDL Instructor Masgay, Catherine Louise CDL Instructor Morton, Billy Ray CDL Instructor Sidki, Mohamed M CDL Instructor Smothers, Darren Jamal CDL Instructor Vargas, Juan Carlos CDL Instructor Young Neverson, Kiana Alise Coordinator Borrayo, Jorge E. Coordinator Diaz, Rene E Coordinator Dorsey, Anton R Coordinator Her, Suzie Coordinator Hernandez, Kevin Coordinator Monahan, Molly Coordinator Poncher, Taylor Lynne Coordinator Shearman, Robert Madison JR Coordinator Shilling, Daniel Lee Coordinator Smith, Kevin William Coordinator Winger, Michael Eric Elect Tech III Allman, Glenn Edward Housekeeper Hinson, Jazzmaine Manager St Armand, Donald R. Manager Timrots, Nikolajs N MT Maint Aide I Koroma, Walter Gbanka MT Maint Aide II Robinson, Eric Lamont MT Maint Mech Ld StMichel, Landon Prog Mgmt Spec Page, Bryan K Sr Assoc Director Scala, Armand A
VPSA-Stamp Student Union
Assoc Dir Gnadt, Stephen K. Assoc Dir McShay, James Christopher Asst Dir Carfagno, Cori Asst Dir Czumak, Nora L Asst Dir Dula, Brandon C. Asst Dir Ostick, Daniel T. Asst Dir Patricio, Kalia R Asst Dir Payne-Roberts, Stephanie Asst Dir Slack, Craig Asst Dir Tennant, Eva Quintos Asst Dir Wray, Dan Business Manager White, Polly Business Serv Spec Tellor, Mary Patricia Coordinator Barlow, Alison Hannah Coordinator Chapman, Natasha Hanako Coordinator Clough, Wyatt Coley Coordinator Corbett, Leonil Coordinator Dessauer, Dave Coordinator Dowtin, Amber Coordinator Gewain, Robert Gordon Coordinator Hegwood, Christopher Lee Coordinator Holder, Courtney Coordinator Jenkins, Marie Ann Coordinator Kaya, Naliyah Coordinator Lerma, Yvette Isela Coordinator Paulo, Myco Coordinator Prosser, Charlene M Coordinator Redmon, Carl L Coordinator Salazar, Mark Alex Coordinator Schepf, Whitney Josephine Coordinator Slosberg, Deborah Coordinator Sullivan, Claire E Director Guenzler-Stevens, Marsha A. Housekeeper Ayele, Mulu Birhan Housekeeper Betru, Tengne Seifu Housekeeper Bonilla, Carmen S. Housekeeper Boursiquot, Ernst Housekeeper Kallon, Kadiry Housekeeper Lopez - Lazo, Juan E Housekeeper Lyles, Bobby Housekeeper Nguyen, Timothy V Housekeeper Ramos De Cruz, Ana E. Housekeeper Weng, Ding Jin Housekeeper Lead Noel, Dieudonne Housekeeper Lead Williams, Albert L. Housekeeping Chf Teckham, Letticia S. Housekeeping Supv II Hernandez, Dina E Housekeeping Supv II Hill, Dennis Housekeeping Supv II Minsona Leba, Bertin HVAC Mech III Ball, John Franklin IT Programmer II Kaur, Supreet IT Support Asst Almony, Colbyn T Manager Hegwood, Lisa MT Maint Mechanic Du, Gavin MT Mlt Td Chf I Molina, Jose R. MT Mlt Td Chf III Clemons, Derwin Alonzo MT Mlt Td Chf III Mendez, Jorge A MT Mlt Trd Sv II Webbert, Alan R. Prg Admin Spec Bishop, Alice M. Prg Admin Spec Simpkins, Erica Prog Coor Alexander, Kevin L. Prog Coor Dizon, Jude Paul Matias Prog Mgmt Spec Koeiman, Avis Madeline Service Worker Castor, Marie Rose Service Worker Cea, Maria Service Worker Dews, Wallace Donnell Service Worker Gebrehiwot, Tigist B. Service Worker Giday, Lemlem A. Service Worker Guzman, Sulma Elsy Service Worker Legese, Beletu M Service Worker Lopez, Ema Service Worker Maricela, Michaca Cordero Service Worker Moran, Alicia Service Worker Mualim, Suaad M. Service Worker Zhang, Ying Storekeeper II Shade, Curtis
Assoc Dir Lim, Donna Asst Dir Calizo, Joseph Bruno Coordinator Bertges, Brian John Coordinator Burks, Keya Coordinator Grun, Sarah Coordinator LaHoud, Valerie Coordinator McGrath, Laura Coordinator McHugh, Denise Lorraine Coordinator Venneman, Ashley Office Supv III Lupo, Josephine I. Prg Admin Spec Martin, Irene
$34,794.24 $41,820.00 $46,127.56 $44,151.47 $46,127.56 $43,494.37 $41,820.00 $39,041.13 $44,151.47 $49,467.17 $49,467.17 $55,581.68 $58,308.30 $45,482.82 $39,109.71 $41,682.17 $40,009.03 $39,277.03 $37,959.43 $42,435.09 $37,122.86 $37,122.86 $37,122.86 $38,398.63 $40,009.03 $39,946.29 $61,200.00 $48,897.60 $48,897.60 $55,000.00 $48,897.60 $53,040.00 $48,897.60 $57,396.91 $54,607.20 $46,920.00 $48,897.60 $53,336.88 $23,826.00 $75,293.66 $63,775.00 $27,762.27 $28,850.22 $36,178.00 $42,100.46 $93,518.58 $107,821.74 $113,992.10 $68,393.30 $91,000.00 $66,139.92 $72,149.96 $64,161.60 $91,523.57 $94,795.33 $81,549.00 $91,197.12 $59,730.88 $55,848.16 $52,843.93 $54,060.00 $54,391.08 $53,060.86 $52,638.51 $51,411.93 $52,227.01 $56,129.87 $52,846.08 $52,009.89 $51,350.71 $50,810.17 $61,200.00 $47,570.25 $47,940.00 $49,138.50 $44,599.50 $52,843.93 $45,411.00 $143,682.01 $25,172.74 $25,299.42 $25,172.74 $24,557.31 $24,070.05 $24,557.31 $13,764.90 $24,070.05 $30,236.49 $25,172.74 $27,812.85 $30,300.38 $56,546.44 $34,620.27 $39,785.49 $34,373.02 $51,097.82 $50,581.00 $55,000.00 $55,690.26 $34,888.38 $53,717.91 $46,053.93 $44,235.00 $68,238.54 $42,872.84 $47,873.45 $50,136.81 $51,350.71 $46,000.00 $26,238.48 $26,238.48 $24,557.31 $25,172.74 $24,070.04 $25,676.23 $25,675.98 $25,676.23 $25,676.23 $25,676.21 $24,070.04 $26,318.12 $31,020.57 $108,683.75 $80,110.96 $50,810.17 $52,275.00 $51,000.00 $56,968.63 $51,689.52 $52,849.45 $52,849.45 $50,883.96 $53,475.36
VPSA-SU-Student Activities Accounting Assoc Asst Director Director
Chiles, Christina Grabowski, Sarah Sanders, Stenise Shilling, Syndy
$38,632.53 $48,226.90 $65,681.31 $66,765.63
VPSA-Transportation Services Account Clerk II Brown, Teresa Jeanette Account Clerk III Sydnor, Dora L. Account Clerk III Williams, Mildred Y. Accountant DeLaRosa, Jenny M Admin Asst II White, Malaka Nicole Assoc Dir Johnson, Darryl E Asst Dir Goubeau,Valerie Asst Dir Long, Amanda G Asst Dir McLaughlin, Anna K Asst Dir Smith, Shayna Asst Dir Steele, Deshaun M Business Manager Amos, Karen Griffin Business Serv Spec Gatewood-Sykes, Antoinette Y Business Serv Spec Mamo, Tameirat CDL Instructor Booker, Kathleen CDL Instructor Brown, Renee Martinette CDL Instructor Michaca, Walter Jason Coordinator Alston, Traci M Coordinator Baker, Andrew Allen Coordinator Carpenter, Earl R. Coordinator Darr, Dawn M. Coordinator Ethridge, Patrick Coordinator Ferrufino, Roxana Yvette Coordinator Fertetta,Vincent Michael Coordinator Goldbeck, Aaron Coordinator Hyon, Phillip T. Coordinator Martinazzi, Courtney Elizabeth Coordinator Oliver, Gordon Hamilton JR Coordinator Pennington, Karen Coordinator Robinson, Timothy D Driver, Bus Abubakar, Sadick Driver, Bus Adams, Glen Anthony Driver, Bus Aguilar Herrera, Carlos M Driver, Bus Akonawe, Edoghogho Doctor Driver, Bus Alemu, Joseph R Driver, Bus Ashkar, Amine Saleh Driver, Bus Aukerman, Kenneth Downing Driver, Bus Avery, Fred Edward Driver, Bus Awusu, Kossi Mawuna Driver, Bus Baird, Kyle James Driver, Bus Bebris,Viktors Reinis Driver, Bus Bethea, Alaric S. Driver, Bus Bholai, Ian S. Driver, Bus Boswell, Jeffrey Jay Driver, Bus Brown, Nacole Alandrea Driver, Bus Bueno Cuello, Andy Driver, Bus Cagle, Hal Lorenzo Driver, Bus Carballo Martinez, Edgar Omar Driver, Bus Casto, David Conrad Driver, Bus Chijindu, Jacinth Driver, Bus Cole, Arvell Charles Driver, Bus Coleman, Angel Tenise Driver, Bus Cornelius, Erin Marie Driver, Bus Dastur, Rushad Sarosh Driver, Bus Diaz,Vilma Yolanda Driver, Bus Doswell, Kamal Rashrad Driver, Bus Edward, Narrys Summer Driver, Bus Fergeson, Justin David Driver, Bus Fournier, Marc Adrian Driver, Bus Frey, Grady Driver, Bus Fritzsche, Bruce Edwin Driver, Bus Gallardo, Justin S Driver, Bus Garcia, Edward W Driver, Bus Geneste, Jean Dominique Driver, Bus Gouater, Felix Jean Gaston Driver, Bus Harvey, Babington Ludwig Driver, Bus Hicks, Dwight Andre Driver, Bus Indgjer, Isaac Randall Driver, Bus Ivanov, Slobodan Driver, Bus Izzard, Earnest Lee JR Driver, Bus Jean-Pierre, Markys Henry Max Driver, Bus Johnson, Darryl P. Driver, Bus Jones, Kenneth Sherman
$37,183.14 $39,902.36 $40,472.84 $50,612.66 $36,930.56 $89,847.67 $71,400.00 $76,500.00 $78,540.00 $84,900.04 $104,215.45 $67,000.00 $45,000.00 $44,392.44 $40,009.03 $37,122.86 $37,122.86 $55,080.00 $60,983.09 $51,719.52 $67,289.31 $53,500.00 $52,459.01 $45,900.00 $46,400.00 $57,120.00 $46,400.00 $57,683.85 $44,640.00 $66,300.00 $33,462.86 $33,462.86 $33,462.86 $30,177.00 $33,462.86 $40,322.74 $33,462.86 $33,462.86 $33,462.86 $33,462.86 $33,462.86 $33,462.86 $38,252.23 $41,807.66 $33,462.86 $36,077.14 $40,322.74 $33,462.86 $33,462.86 $33,462.86 $36,077.14 $36,077.14 $33,462.86 $33,462.86 $35,261.49 $30,177.00 $35,428.80 $33,462.86 $33,462.86 $37,562.06 $40,322.74 $33,462.86 $36,077.14 $40,322.74 $33,462.86 $33,462.86 $33,462.86 $33,462.86 $33,881.14 $36,077.14 $36,077.14 $33,462.86 $36,077.14
Driver, Bus Kersell, Erin R $36,077.14 Driver, Bus Keshiah, Anilkumar s $37,562.06 Driver, Bus King, Andra J $33,462.86 Driver, Bus Kittrell, Janay Nicole $33,462.86 Driver, Bus Kougblenou,Yelognisse Roland $33,462.86 Driver, Bus Leveille, Guy E $36,077.14 Driver, Bus Mack, Elbert $44,526.51 Driver, Bus Malone, Andrew Leroy $36,077.14 Driver, Bus Martin, Janelle Alease $36,077.14 Driver, Bus Martinez,Valerio $36,077.14 Driver, Bus Medina, Misael $36,725.49 Driver, Bus Murdoch, John L $33,462.86 Driver, Bus Murray, Charles Jason $36,077.14 Driver, Bus Musac, Nathalie L. $33,881.14 Driver, Bus Nicholson, Cheryl D $33,462.86 Driver, Bus Nouketcha, Lionel $33,881.14 Driver, Bus Poynter, William D III $33,462.86 Driver, Bus Price, Leonard C. $42,853.37 Driver, Bus Quintana Turcios, Jennifer $33,462.86 Driver, Bus Rankine, Deitra D $33,462.86 Driver, Bus Rawlinson, William Bryant $42,853.37 Driver, Bus Rice, Orishejolomisan A $33,462.86 Driver, Bus Richardson, Norman A III $33,462.86 Driver, Bus Robinson, Alexis $33,462.86 Driver, Bus Robinson, Kola A $33,462.86 Driver, Bus Rogers, Conor J $33,462.86 Driver, Bus Rozman, Olga $33,462.86 Driver, Bus Saintvil, Jackson $36,077.14 Driver, Bus Santana Martinez, Joan Manuel $33,462.86 Driver, Bus Sauls, Ke’Von S $33,462.86 Driver, Bus Shekoni, Aderemi T $36,077.14 Driver, Bus Shyovitz, Benjamin Chanan $35,261.49 Driver, Bus Simison, Daniel P $36,077.14 Driver, Bus Sines, Alan W $33,462.86 Driver, Bus Singh, Jason Tejanand $33,462.86 Driver, Bus Smith, Edward G JR $38,252.23 Driver, Bus Sparks, Nathan W $33,462.86 Driver, Bus Stackhouse, Mack Joseph $33,462.86 Driver, Bus Teyodrose, Nebiy Yonas $33,462.86 Driver, Bus Thomas, Avallon V $33,462.86 Driver, Bus Torres, Ronald Cosman $33,462.86 Driver, Bus Vanhorne, Kiana McLean $36,077.14 Driver, Bus Vaughn, Nancy L $33,462.86 Driver, Bus Walker, Michael Antonio $33,462.86 Driver, Bus Watson, Carlton G $33,462.86 Driver, Bus Williams, Michael Anthony $36,077.14 Driver, Bus Williams, Samuel Christopher $36,077.14 Driver, Bus Willis, Keenan F $33,462.86 Driver, Bus Yango, Bobby K $36,077.14 Driver, Bus Yarbrough, Kavin W $33,881.14 Driver, Bus Yimer, Seifu $36,077.14 Driver, Bus Young, Paul Douglas $33,462.86 Exec Dir Allen, John David $182,912.56 IT Com Op Carter, Komala C. $35,547.00 IT Com Op Chasten, Evelyn Rita $35,952.24 IT Com Op Small, Talishia $39,083.15 IT Com Op Whiting, Megan E $26,841.58 IT Coor Fiory, Jeffrey D. $55,937.16 IT Support Assoc Skriabin, Anton $55,576.84 IT Support Assoc Spengler, Rob $49,661.25 IT Support Assoc Ticas, Sandra Lorena $47,740.61 IT Sys Mgr Wallace, David $72,652.73 Manager Solorzano, Joel Amilcar $60,217.27 Manager Thompson-Bynum, Colleen $67,096.22 MT Maint Aide II Abban, Kofi $29,065.00 MT Maint Aide II Calix, Samuel Alfredo $28,500.00 MT Maint Aide II Smith, John Allen $29,075.36 MT Maint Aide II Waltos, Mark Joseph $28,500.00 MT Maint Mech Ld Arrington, Dannie W. $42,065.34 MT Maint Mech Ld Cooper, Steven James $40,884.50 MT Maint Mechanic Paz, Roger A $33,079.78 MT Maint Mechanic Shields, Russell Tyler $31,961.36 MT Mech Td Sv I Deitch, Matthew Francis $45,415.70 Office Supv II Richardson, Paulette P. $44,987.42 Office Supv III Levesque, Joseph Michael $36,178.00 Office Supv III Powell, Daniel Wesley $36,391.83 Parking Enforcement Assoc Allen, Shawn Walter $36,077.14 Parking Enforcement Assoc Blackburn, Annette R. $35,441.20 Parking Enforcement Assoc Coburn, Carl A $33,462.86 Parking Enforcement Assoc Delaney, Lawana L $29,727.27 Parking Enforcement Assoc Franklin, Lance Jabraan II $30,177.00 Parking Enforcement Assoc Howard, Marcelles A $30,177.00 Parking Enforcement Assoc Jones, Jessica M $29,320.00 Parking Enforcement Assoc Peebles, Elliott A. $41,885.50 Parking Enforcement Assoc Roach, Anthony J. $34,981.19 Parking Enforcement Assoc Smith, Nashanta Noelle $30,359.46 Parking Enforcement Assoc Williams, Alvin T. JR $36,139.48 Parking Enforcement Supvsr Hawkins, Sadel L. $48,402.10 Parking Enforcement Supvsr Stith, Brian T. $34,787.10 Parking Enforcement Supvsr Washington, Crystal M. $38,424.45 Prog Mgmt Spec Lawson, Robyn V. $39,783.07 Prog Mgmt Spec Smothers, Chantel J $41,000.00 Prog Mgmt Spec Thompson, Alexis S. $37,070.58 Sign Shop Supv Frisby, Joseph Anthony $43,427.64
VPSA-University Career Center Assoc Dir Powell, Allynn C Asst Dir LeNoir, Linda J. Asst Dir Weir, Rebecca A. Asst to Dir Brault, Erin E. Asst to Dir Jensen, David N. Coordinator Lee, Caroline W Coordinator Lopez-Mullins, Michelle V Coordinator Martucci, Michael S. Coordinator Montague, Alicia O Director Bishop, Kelley Prog Mgmt Spec Green, Leila C. Program Dir Allen, Pamela M. Program Dir Edward, Shannon Program Dir Ely, Erica Program Dir Juhl, Kate Anne Program Dir Ryan, Stephanie B Program Dir Sehlke, Crystal C Program Dir Wobrak, Rachel Elizabeth Specialist Weinschenk, Annie Sr Assoc Director Rooney-Eckel, Erin Anne
$88,740.00 $84,938.61 $84,453.80 $64,454.23 $70,340.03 $42,840.00 $46,531.07 $56,317.10 $47,940.00 $162,317.70 $52,143.66 $56,739.31 $54,000.00 $57,762.62 $59,114.57 $52,000.00 $58,971.44 $55,112.34 $50,000.00 $106,585.01
VPSA-University Health Center Account Clerk III Brent-Collins, Keturah Account Clerk III Ladebush, Nicola Admin Asst I Lewis, Danielle Assoc Dir Younger, Deirdre A. Asst Coor Almeida Rivero, Stephanie Christine Asst Coor Bellsey, Joan E. Asst Coor Brickerd, Cecilia Asst Coor Brown, Jeremy D Asst Coor Groom, Robin M. Asst Coor Jay, Christina Asst Coor Leib, Jennifer Francyne Asst Coor Patel, Noorie Asst Coor Rothenberg, Cheryl Asst Coor Sherman, Jennifer F. Asst Coor Whitehead, LaVonne A Asst Dir Hopkinson, Marta Jean Asst Dir Randrian, John Rija Asst Dir Taylor, Fatima N Clinic Coord Crowe, Rosemary Kathleen Clinic Coord Gholston, Jazinda M Clinic Coord Robinson, Deborah Clinic Coord Sargusingh, Celina Celina Collections Spec Rubenstahl, Jo Ann Coordinator Allen, Michelle Amy Coordinator Anderson, Edythe Jane Coordinator Barreto, Pamela Marie Coordinator Beckwith, Jenna Lynsey Coordinator Boliek, Jeri Coordinator Boykins, Douglas L. Coordinator Giannakos, Rebekah Goldstein Coordinator Heckman, Nancy E Coordinator Hernandez, Arlene Coordinator Jakubczak, Jane Frances Coordinator Matute, Julia Argentina Coordinator McDonald, Jeffery B Coordinator Miller, Sonja Suzanne Coordinator Moore, Madeleine Wells Coordinator Place, Laura Margaret Coordinator Powell-Daly, Marie T. Coordinator Ruggieri, Thomas N. Coordinator Wilson, Sarah Elaine Coordinator Wong, James GhenWei Coordinator Zapata, Elizabeth Dir Stud Health McBride, David R Housekeeper Viera, Teresa Housekeeper Wilson, Hezron Nemuel Housekeeper Lead Boateng, Gyimah Housekeeping Supv II Wilson, Linden F IT Coor Kleppinger, Donald Edward Manager Silverberg, Nicole Manager Webster-Sesay, Stephanie R. Medical Asst Dickerson, Sheila L. Nurse Agbede, Ibukun Abimbola Nurse Czan, Mary A Nurse Devens, Rita S Nurse Duncan, Shobha Dandeker Nurse Jacobs, Carrie Anna Nurse Lee, Esther Taein Nurse LeGrand, Linda Nurse Ritter, Joanne D Nurse Smith, Gina Paternoster Nurse Thorburn, Theresa Marie Nurse Pract Bajjani-Gebara, Jouhayna Nurse Pract Jacobs, Penny Nurse Pract Lefler, Karen J. Nurse Pract Orth, Diane S Office Clerk II Ballmer, Jill Alice Office Clerk II Merica, Doreen C. Office Clerk II Quarles, Rickea Shante Office Supv I Kornegay, Roxanne Office Supv II Greenwood, Tamara L. Pharmacy Tech Johnson, Jay Physician Cosby, Chelsea Physician Howard, Joy Linda Physician Lee, Amelia Gail Physician McLaughlin, Theresa G Physician’s Asst Perez, Jessica S. Physician’s Asst Pfister, Kimberly Lynn Physician’s Asst Scruggs, Brooke D Physician’s Asst Teitelbaum, Heather Ilana Physician’s Asst Thomas, George T Physician’s Asst Vilas, Carol Prg Admin Spec Johnson, Kit Prg Admin Spec Weiss, Denise Prog Mgmt Spec Daly, Nicole Marie Prog Mgmt Spec Friend-Gomez, Carly S Prog Mgmt Spec Jackson, Devon Prog Mgmt Spec Oliver-Cross, Pamela Prog Mgmt Spec San Buenaventura, Amparo S. Prog Mgmt Spec Thornton, Amy B Prog Mgmt Spec Trejo, Sabina Elvira Prog Mgmt Spec Turay, Osman A Psychiatrist Kunnirickal,Varsha V Psychiatrist Malcolm, Allison Psychiatrist Mehta, Binali Psychiatrist Pirard, Sandrine Psychiatrist Stabler, Diane Specialist Do, Thieu Supervisor Whittles, Patricia A.
$37,505.29 $37,505.29 $34,501.50 $132,514.24 $55,590.00 $67,685.72 $55,000.00 $56,543.29 $78,827.28 $55,590.00 $50,020.86 $35,428.80 $35,568.00 $54,375.30 $45,570.00 $205,541.23 $72,000.00 $69,353.13 $34,178.80 $34,178.80 $35,763.20 $27,001.25 $42,808.53 $49,105.04 $48,508.96 $51,000.00 $57,674.16 $66,155.32 $45,293.63 $44,951.64 $50,663.81 $56,293.12 $74,196.43 $57,840.38 $58,544.84 $56,293.12 $48,000.00 $48,435.14 $106,105.66 $103,049.49 $51,000.00 $67,422.00 $48,333.38 $237,660.00 $27,678.14 $23,826.00 $27,634.51 $32,598.15 $79,109.23 $51,000.00 $78,945.29 $33,353.60 $32,884.00 $68,114.67 $73,293.64 $52,167.42 $64,000.00 $33,682.07 $72,820.78 $52,510.21 $31,620.00 $74,852.08 $102,302.18 $94,021.22 $58,075.82 $100,833.62 $30,004.00 $31,241.67 $30,254.60 $43,555.67 $44,588.25 $30,177.00 $150,000.00 $157,948.83 $162,194.50 $151,597.50 $83,039.21 $90,000.00 $79,600.80 $51,461.31 $90,000.00 $93,691.36 $50,279.18 $59,641.21 $37,241.03 $36,548.19 $36,178.00 $38,082.28 $38,659.30 $37,811.99 $37,985.84 $37,985.84 $80,878.34 $127,070.07 $127,070.07 $82,100.00 $193,241.48 $56,293.12 $42,518.69
VPSA-University Recreation & Wellness Accounting Assoc McQueen, Annette D Assoc Dir Aiken, Barbara D. Assoc Dir Eddy, Wallace L. Assoc Dir Flynn, Brent Allen Assoc Dir Thompson, Andrea C. Assoc Dir Tupper, Carrie A. Asst Dir Cabellon, Earlbert Torrelino Asst Dir Crawford, Mary Kathryn Sullivan Asst Dir Even, Amanda Mary Asst Dir Flumbaum, David R. Asst Dir Humbert, Dustin L Asst Dir Jacobs, Nicole L. Asst Dir McBean,Vania Michelle Asst Dir Mires, Mary Asst Dir Morgan, Tiffanie Rose Asst Dir Phaneuf, Michael Paul Asst Dir Rowh, Brianne Nicole Coordinator Bergan, Tami Louise Coordinator Cecil, James Edward Coordinator Clair, Matthew Christian Coordinator Hamlet, Timothy M Coordinator Hess, Jason Adam Coordinator Holliday, Jeffrey Cyril Coordinator Keenan, Jeffrey J Coordinator Legg, Kristin Marie Coordinator Maloney, Kate Coordinator Taylor, Natalie J.F. Coordinator Topping, Christopher J Coordinator Zilke, Joseph Edward Director Gilchrist, Jay P. IT Sys Analyst Bell, Caleb Leotis JR Manager Dennis, Shawn Patrick Manager Klier, Kurt D. Manager Moody, Lawrence P. JR Manager Quigley, Matthew Manager Steinman, Alexander P.
$47,083.56 $108,373.69 $94,819.52 $116,512.56 $116,512.31 $94,209.12 $64,702.40 $64,210.91 $65,032.14 $76,835.21 $76,500.00 $65,790.00 $90,382.20 $63,571.85 $63,879.21 $62,492.79 $66,558.32 $53,796.84 $54,395.50 $53,000.00 $40,800.00 $54,570.82 $53,550.00 $53,812.14 $55,635.88 $55,471.62 $57,022.00 $65,280.00 $50,376.72 $146,388.36 $60,012.00 $63,362.43 $71,677.44 $72,006.86 $53,499.20 $48,777.66
Manager Media Spec
Whipple, Christopher Robert Auyeung, Aaron
VPSA-VP Student Affairs Assoc Dir Assoc Dir Assoc Dir Asst Dir Asst to Dir Asst to VP Asst VP Asst VP Asst VP Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Counselor Dir Development Director Exec Asst to VP IT Sys Prog Specialist Vice Pres Stud Aff
Jackson, Reggie Kenny, Ed Zacker, Terry Moore, Roz Christina Kroop, Ari M Broady, Kathy L. Hummel, Mary L. Kelley, Warren L. Zacker, John Bisnath, Chandra N. Diaz, Zimri Ethridge, Carolina P Randall, Tony Hunt, Patricia F. Rychner, James J. Watkins, Brian L Supple, Brooke Lecky Carroll, Lisa M. Lonsbury, Maria Clement, Linda M.
$58,734.56 $62,000.00 $81,600.00 $81,389.49 $63,424.62 $77,010.00 $43,760.04 $73,815.84 $177,312.72 $197,238.52 $177,312.72 $60,564.54 $73,706.22 $45,040.00 $72,096.40 $31,032.53 $133,263.00 $92,593.56 $136,898.73 $101,903.10 $90,816.72 $307,317.57
VP University Relations VPUR-Corporation/Foundation Relations Assoc Vice Pres Coordinator Director Director Prg Admin Spec
Darmody, Brian P. Garner, Deanna S Lee, Tracy D. Rallapalli, Chandrika Waldrop, Sandra Kay
$196,860.00 $53,550.00 $117,300.00 $114,750.00 $46,646.44
Admin Asst II Soter, Caroline Regina Analyst Baker, Eric Keith Analyst Chen, Li - Di Assoc Dir Harrison, Cheryl K. Assoc Dir Palumbo, Kristen Lee Assoc Dir Robinson-Slemp, David D. Assoc Dir Schofer, Greg S. Asst Dean Ashworth, Elizabeth LeVay Asst Dean Brown, Laura Whitmore Asst Dean Brtva, Eleanor A. Asst Dean Carocci, Patricia E. Asst Dean Rhebergen, Deborah N. Asst Dean Sudbrink, Kurt S. Asst Dir Azzarello, Joseph Asst Dir Habimana, Cecily A. Asst Dir Medina, Heather K. Asst Dir Milkovich, Michelle M Asst Dir Tsai, Ling-Ling L. Asst Dir Zakrewsky, Jacqueline R. Asst VP Burke, Mary E. Business Manager Hakulin, Ruth Perez Coordinator Barry, Kevin John Coordinator Bonvechio, John Zachary Coordinator Cabnal Hernandez, Maria R. Coordinator Casaregola, Jennifer Coordinator Chicoine, Sarah E. Coordinator Garvin, Alesha A. Coordinator Hollis, Yvonne C.S. Coordinator Juang, Amy M. Coordinator Littell, Elizabeth M. Coordinator Mariucci, Jennifer A. Coordinator McDermott, Kristy Robb Coordinator McNamee, Christina E. Coordinator Micallef, Faith M. Coordinator Mudd, Erica Lynn Coordinator Newton, Kayla A. Coordinator Nyabingi, Jendayi S Coordinator Pittmann, Nora C. Coordinator Robinson, Diedre Coordinator Sears, Sharren M. Coordinator Selzer, Stephanie Michelle Coordinator Urrey, Hannah A. Coordinator Zeller, Kyle A. Dev Ofc Beaver, Kenneth Patrick Dev Ofc Brennan, Nicholas J. Dev Ofc Christopher, Daniel P. Dev Ofc Corbett, Allison Clark Dev Ofc Joyce, Leslie A. Dev Ofc Kier, Rebecca Arnold Dev Ofc Meadows, Cheri Dev Ofc Saeed, Dure Sameen Dev Ofc Scissors, Aaron D Dir Development Mikolajko, Laura M. Dir Development Popat, Sameer Iqbal Director Borak, Leslie W. Director Carnell, Megan Shiflet Director Choksi, Kashyap N. Director Farmer, Megan QD Director Foley, Joseph M Director Frohlich, Kelley W. Director Gardner, Amy J. Director Johnson, Mary Beth M. Director LaFortune, Michael J. Director LeGrand, Jason J. Director Liff, Lawrence Michael Director Locke, Stacey Sickels Director Logue, Brian Director Martin, Bruce W. Director Miller, Lucy K. Director Morris, Andrea E. Director Schwartz, Jennifer Leed Director Silipigni, Stephan A. Director Subramanian, Jayalakshmi Director Wang, Patricia G. Director Watson, Pernell JR Director Whisted, Paula L. Exec Dir Culver, Lyn K. Exec Dir McKee, E John Exec Dir Recker, Thomas E. Prg Admin Spec Bragg, Natasha B Research Asst Kalkanis, Sophia J. Research Asst Smith, Lindsay Nicole Research Asst Williams, Aaron John Sr Res Anlst Jaffe, Marc W.
$35,000.00 $40,351.81 $47,572.52 $167,827.66 $86,700.00 $97,950.03 $98,940.00 $122,400.00 $149,168.87 $134,000.00 $208,284.54 $143,492.26 $128,000.00 $66,100.00 $78,500.00 $70,380.00 $70,000.00 $51,678.64 $55,273.31 $229,500.00 $51,000.05 $48,000.00 $53,700.00 $55,458.55 $65,688.77 $57,500.00 $51,608.00 $47,873.44 $55,692.00 $64,260.00 $59,160.00 $51,371.84 $72,000.00 $51,789.66 $46,924.77 $56,100.00 $43,411.20 $58,140.00 $52,632.00 $59,160.00 $50,265.60 $56,100.00 $56,000.00 $82,543.50 $90,780.00 $105,060.00 $96,447.38 $69,360.00 $86,700.00 $91,800.00 $87,720.00 $90,000.00 $102,000.00 $115,897.59 $187,804.83 $132,600.00 $125,000.00 $98,430.00 $180,000.00 $121,380.00 $125,700.00 $118,000.00 $86,700.00 $133,499.47 $98,993.51 $146,272.04 $155,561.23 $113,447.73 $126,276.00 $168,300.28 $141,228.17 $145,699.84 $82,800.00 $107,812.59 $115,353.78 $90,780.00 $178,598.05 $169,473.81 $180,000.00 $48,500.00 $49,233.29 $45,034.49 $46,402.73 $101,197.34
VPUR-Development Alumni Info System Asst Dir Director IT Support Asst Manager Systems Analyst Systems Analyst
Jennings, Elizabeth B. Jirinec, Vladimir Means, Sylvia J. Tippett, Melody A. Lefkowitz, Sharon R. Sutjahjo, Heru N.
VPUR-Financial Management
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$113,376.64 $124,195.65 $47,193.44 $65,678.54 $97,363.95 $83,910.18 $51,031.55 $102,182.39 $107,834.62 $121,380.00 $116,280.00 $59,846.91 $102,000.00 $242,760.00 $102,000.15 $45,255.25 $58,544.92 $52,870.57 $143,900.00 $155,784.60 $182,840.05 $58,000.00 $52,162.90 $71,706.00 $78,810.36 $87,500.00 $84,000.00 $85,301.16 $70,380.00 $62,049.25 $55,373.25 $102,000.00 $75,000.00 $55,180.65 $36,592.50 $40,715.43 $57,363.78 $36,178.00 $41,820.00 $47,380.08 $43,592.72 $53,500.00 $185,000.00 $82,286.77 $59,160.00 $74,460.00 $71,400.00 $68,442.00 $104,958.00 $70,380.00 $74,052.00 $79,918.19 $81,110.40 $78,870.71 $78,795.00 $110,355.89 $207,060.00 $132,870.00 $73,440.00 $88,380.20 $89,000.00 $98,102.02 $83,870.96 $243,546.04 $57,396.91 $69,916.05 $59,747.11 $58,734.18 $91,800.00 $54,060.00 $60,690.00 $49,437.75 $98,940.00 $114,686.13 $107,100.00 $92,499.54 $179,754.91 $147,224.80 $133,000.00 $45,000.00 $45,900.00 $66,300.00 $70,000.00 $67,320.00 $45,229.11 $71,742.20 $48,327.60 $67,551.74 $71,400.00 $71,000.00 $64,296.72 $58,215.33 $70,000.00 $67,728.00 $218,280.00 $45,390.00 $42,330.00 $47,609.52 $55,630.84 $62,631.19 $52,456.18 $93,059.96 $178,917.55 $91,800.00 $123,839.48 $106,300.80 $122,000.00 $426,150.14
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THE STORY OF THE YARD Staff writer Miranda Jackson profiles the Nomad Yard Collectiv, a thrift shop in Washington with an owner and a backstory unlike any other. Visit for more.
STARTED FROM BIKINI BOTTOM Next year’s SpongeBob musical aims to be a creative take on a childhood classic By Maeve Dunigan @maevedunigan Staff writer It looks as though Alexander Hamilton will be facing some friendly Broadway competition from another influential leader. A musical adaptation of SpongeBob, fittingly titled The SpongeBob Musical, is set to premiere this June in Chicago, eventually making its way to Broadway sometime during the 2016-17 season. The casting for the production has already been announced and includes many new names to the Broadway stage. According to Playbill, Ethan Slater will be playing the title role, with Lilli Cooper as Sandy Cheeks, Gavin Lee as Squidward, Danny Skinner as Patrick and Nick Blaemire as Plankton. So how exactly do you put a cartoon
onstage? How do you take nine seasons worth of TV and turn it into one script with human actors playing famously animated characters? Director Tina Landau has some ideas up her sleeve. “We will present the world of Bikini Bottom and its characters in a whole new way that can only be achieved in the live medium of the theatre,” Landau said in an interview with “We’re bringing the show’s fabled characters to life through actors — not prosthetics or costumes that hide them — and we’re deploying some unconventional stage craft that will prove that anything can happen in Bikini Bottom.” Yes, thankfully, the actors will not be in enormous mascot costumes. In fact, SpongeBob won’t even be a square. The SpongeBob Musical will be taking a more minimalistic design approach. In an interview with Entertainment
spongebob is headed to Broadway. photo via youtube
Weekly, Landau discussed her plans to have a more imaginative design instead of taking a literal approach when putting the cartoon onstage. “There’s a bucket, and someone says, ‘That’s a restaurant,’ and so it’s [Plankton’s restaurant] the Chum Bucket,” she told Entertainment Weekly . “In our production, you
might have a cluster of pool noodles and someone can say, ‘Look at that kelp,’ and it’s kelp. It’s a lot of unexpected materials that create our own makeshift, colorful, psychedelic world of Bikini Bottom.” The creative and casting decisions aren’t the only things making this production unique. A wide array of well-known artists wrote the songs for the show, including Steven Tyler, John Legend and The Flaming Lips. There’s even a contribution from the late David Bowie. The group of successful musicians writing for the show along with a more minimalistic design is a smart approach that may draw a more diverse audience in terms of age. The musical will be an obvious draw for children, but could also draw a lot of young adults looking to relive the days of watching the cartoon back in 1999. Although it definitely seems like
a stretch to put SpongeBob onstage, maybe going a little too far is just the nature of SpongeBob itself. No one could have expected a show about an animated sea sponge who works at a fast food restaurant to become the highest rated series ever to air on Nickelodeon. SpongeBob has never been conventional, predictable or solely geared toward children (remember the episode when SpongeBob and Patrick find an abandoned baby scallop and are forced to confront the unfair and sexist realities of gender stereotypes associated with parenting?). Moving that famous pineapple out from under the sea and onto the Broadway stage probably won’t be a smooth transition. But with an interesting concept and a stellar music writing team, maybe SpongeBob will surprise us yet again.
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THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 2016 | SPORTS | The Diamondback
pitchers From PAGE 20 Bloom and Shaffer started competing against each other in practice, trading tips to adjust to college baseball before either played his first college game. Bloom’s best pitch is his changeup, while Shaffer’s is his slider. They talk about the grip they use and the mentality they have when throwing it to help each other develop their arsenal of pitches. On days they don’t have practice, the duo plays catch and critiques each other’s throws. Shaffer outperformed Bloom his freshman year, starting 11 contests. Bloom struggled to
Turnovers From PAGE 20
find a consistent role and didn’t earn a rotation spot until late in the season, starting five games. In the postseason, though, they both played pivotal roles. During the Big Ten Tournament, Shaffer held Illinois to one run to help Maryland snap the Fighting Illini’s 27-game win streak. Then in the Los Angeles Regional final against No. 1 overall seed UCLA, Bloom earned the win to clinch the Terps’ second straight Super Regional appearance. “They both threw a lot of big innings for us last year,” associate head coach Jim Belanger said. While Shaffer sat out this summer with an arm injury he suffered in the Los Angeles
“The coaches work tirelessly for every game, and it’s just awesome to have that passion and drive from them,” said defender Greg D a n s eg l i o , w h o f i n i s he d with three caused turnovers and four ground balls. “It just really pushes us to fulfill their expectations and live up to the Maryland standard.” Attackman Louis Dubick capped the scoring in the third quarter when he rec e i ved a l a s er f e e d f rom midfielder Bryan Cole and redirected it into the cage to make it 9-3. The Terps cruised the rest of the way, beating the Midshipmen for the seventh straight time. “In the third quarter, they must have had the ball 10 or 12 minutes,” Sowell said. “They’re an awfully good team.”
“We’re going to come back and give 100 percent, regardless of whether we’re down 100 or down two or up by 10.” Still, the Terps’ pace didn’t allow the Midshipmen many chances to erase the deficit. Attackman Colin Heacock netted his second goal about a minute and a half into the third period. While Navy midfielder Greyson Torain added one of his three scores two minutes later, the Terps controlled possession for almost the remainder of the quarter. After Torain’s point, the Terps outshot Navy 9-1 in the ensuing 10 minutes, drawing two 30-second stall warnings in the process. Navy also played shorthanded for a minute and committed two turnovers during that stretch.
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Regional, Bloom shined for the Gaithersburg Giants of the Cal Ripken Collegiate Baseball League. In the fall, though, they returned to compete in College Park. Belanger pitted Bloom and Shaffer against each other in the bullpen, tracking who threw the best strike percentage. In the weight room, the competition didn’t stop, as the pair tried to outdo each other in lifting heavier weights. “They’re both competitive by nature,” Belanger said. “They give everything they got every day.” This season, Bloom and Shaffer, who have combined to throw five complete
games, have started back-toback contests every weekend. They began as the respective Saturday and Sunday starters, but as they improved, their schedule moved to Friday and Saturday. So Bloom charts his observations and preps Shaffer with the tendencies of each opponent afterward. “He’ll explain to me all the batters, where to throw it,” Shaffer said. “He’ll say, ‘Keep it low to this guy; throw it inside to this guy.’” Bloom and Shaffer still live in the same apartment where they bonded last year as rookies watching one of their favorite TV shows,
Impractical Jokers. Those a scoreless complete game smiles vanish, however, when in 90 pitches against Ohio they step onto the mound. State on April 8. Last weekend against Min“HE’LL EXPLAIN TO nesota, Shaffer’s two runs ME ALL THE BATTERS, in eight innings outshined Bloom’s efforts. Bloom will WHERE TO THROW have that in mind when he IT. HE’LL SAY, ‘KEEP returns to the mound Friday IT LOW TO THIS GUY; against Purdue. THROW IT INSIDE TO “Between [Shaffer] and Bloom, there haven’t been THIS GUY.’” too many poor starts,” BRIAN SHAFFER coach John Szefc said. “It’s Maryland right-handed pitcher always better to prepare with After Shaffer threw two another guy. They’ve kind of complete games in fewer latched onto that and adopted than 100 pitches last month, that. It helps drive them, that Bloom focused on accom- friendly competition.” plishing that feat, too. So he felt relieved after throwing
midfielder zoe Stukenberg scored two goals in the victory. In addition to tallying 17 goals as a team, the Terps forced the Cavaliers into 15 turnovers.
“The defense gave us the momentum that really propelled us through and gave From PAGE 20 u s t h a t b i g l e a d t h a t w e a 3 - 0 s t r e a k m i d w a y were able to maintain in the through the period, the second half,” Stukenberg Terps’ backline buckled said. “It’s just great to have down to position Reese’s a defensive unit that can frustrate a top team.” squad for the victory.
As they prepared to host Virginia, Reese said the two teams’ meetings have “the most tradition of any two teams in women’s lacrosse.” But as the Terps’ seniors improved to 42-0 at home in their careers, Maryland never allowed its
matt regan/the diamondback
former conference rival to threaten its success. “We knew UVA was going to be good, and we just wanted to frustrate them,” Whittle said. “Really good team effort, but the defense was excellent today.”
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“It’s called a “Francis Zone” and yes it is #FatGuyFriendly”
A.J. Francis @AJFrancis410 Former Maryland football defensive lineman
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BRothers in Arms
right-handers brian shaffer (left) and Taylor Bloom (Right) have bonded since meeting during their official visit to this university as high school seniors. Now they lead the Terps rotation. left photo: marquise mckine/the diamondback right photo: reid poluhovich/the diamondback
Shaffer, Bloom push for each other’s success atop Terps rotation By Kyle Melnick @kyle_melnick Staff writer Maryland baseball right-hander Brian Shaffer couldn’t stop thinking about right-hander Taylor Bloom’s complete game against Cal State Fullerton on March 19. He didn’t want his best friend to get the best of him. So Shaffer focused on how he could outperform Bloom the next day against the Titans. And the sophomore did, tossing a complete-game shutout in 99 pitches. By pushing each other to improve, Bloom and Shaffer have
emerged as Maryland’s stars on the mound. As respective starters every Friday and Saturday, they’ve provided a bright spot despite the team’s bullpen struggles. “If one of us one-ups another, it’s not like there’s bad blood between us,” Shaffer said. “It makes us better. Bloom comes out and does something, [then] I come out and do something better, and he wipes the board with it.” Bloom and Shaffer, who hold ERAs of 2.10 and 2.51, respectively, competed against each other for in-state high schools about an hour apart. But they didn’t meet until their official visit with the Terps in the fall of 2013 as high school seniors. While they got along then, the duo became best friends when
former right-hander Bobby Ruse needed two more roommates in The Varsity last year. Bloom and Shaffer were placed together, and it didn’t take long for them to form a tight bond. “We have a lot of similarities,” Shaffer said. “We’re both really clean. We don’t like to mess anything up. We’re really similar in our sense of humor.” “We have a lot of similarities, other than he’s a little taller than me,” added Bloom, who stands 6 feet tall compared to Shaffer’s 6-foot-5 frame. “We’re always goofing around with each other and making jokes.” See pitchers, Page 19
Terps dominant in win against Virginia Whittle’s five goals keep record perfect By Scott Gelman @Gelman_Scott Staff writer
Defender greg danseglio finished with three caused turnovers and four ground balls in Maryland’s 10-5 victory Tuesday night. reid poluhovich/the diamondback
Defense disrupts Navy offense Tillman’s team forces Midshipmen into season-high 18 turnovers By Callie Caplan @CallieCaplan Senior staff writer Entering Navy’s match against Maryland men’s lacrosse, Midshipmen coach Rick Sowell was worried about his team’s quick turnaround. Navy’s Tuesday practices are the most grueling of the week, Sowell said, and facing the No. 5 Terps, whom he called “arguably the best team in the country,” three days after downing rival Army was daunting. Coach John Tillman was anxious, too. He had spent 12 years on the Navy sideline as an assistant and knew the tenacity the Midshipmen would bring to Maryland Stadium. By the end of Tuesday evening’s bout in College Park, though, Tillman could relax while Sowell was left to question his squad’s shortcomings. Navy committed
a season-high 18 turnovers, and Maryland capitalized on long possessions in its 10-5 win. “Really impressed with how hard the guys competed,” Tillman said. “We rode our butts off, created some loose-ball situations and certainly got some good opportunities.” The Midshipmen’s giveaways began after they jumped out to a 1-0 lead two-and-a-half minutes into the action. Navy faceoff specialist Brady Dove won the ensuing possession, but the Midshipmen committed three of their four firstquarter turnovers in the next series. The first two came unforced, while attackman Dylan Maltz rode the clear for the third giveaway. Navy defender Matt Rees fielded a ground ball later in the period after Navy goalkeeper John Connors’ save, but Maltz swooped in to cause the turnover and negate
the transition. Moments later, midfielder Henry West deposited a shot into the back of the net to tie the game. Maryland continued that aggression in the second quarter, outscoring Navy 5-1 in the frame. After Tillman took a timeout with about six minutes left in the period, the Terps benefited from two unprompted Navy turnovers. The latter positioned West for his second score of the night, pushing the team’s advantage to 6-2. “I wouldn’t say we were deflated, [because] if you go in that locker room, we’ve got a bunch of warriors in there,” Navy defender Chris Fennell said of the team’s halftime atmosphere after the Terps built a five-goal gap. See turnovers, Page 19
About seven minutes into her squad’s game against the Maryland women’s lacrosse team last night, Virginia coach Julie Myers watched Terps midfielder Taylor Cummings cause a turnover, scoop up the ground ball and clear to offense. As the Cavaliers transitioned to the defensive end, Myers’ message to her team was clear. “Don’t turn the ball over,” she yelled from the sideline. But her team could not heed the message throughout the night at the Field Hockey & Lacrosse Complex. No. 13 Virginia committed 15 turnovers, and the No. 1 Terps used a balanced offense to roll to a 17-6 win to clinch an unblemished home record for the regular season. “It’s getting kind of sentimental,” said midfielder Zoe Stukenberg, who tallied two goals. “Every game matters. Every moment matters.” Against then-No. 8 Ohio State on Saturday, the Terps needed about 14 minutes to score for the first time. In that 15-5 victory, the Terps faced an early two-goal deficit. But against the Cavaliers, attacker Megan Whittle paced the offense with five goals, and midfielders Bryn Boucher and Jen Giles recorded hat tricks. The Terps never trailed. Whittle scored the first goal, sparking a 6-0 Maryland run to start the contest. With eight
minutes remaining in the first half, the sophomore deposited the ball in the upper right-hand corner of the net for her second tally of the night and her 50th goal of the season. She completed her first-half hat trick with 50 seconds before intermission to give the Terps an 8-1 advantage at the break. “We were doing a really good job in the first half of getting the draws and trying to push the fast break,” Whittle said. “It opened up a lot for the 1-v-1 dodges, not just for me but for all of us.” For the fourth time this season, the Terps held their opponent to one goal at halftime. “Our defense in the first half was much better,” coach Cathy Reese said. “You get in a flow and rhythm. Those seven who are usually back there are playing really well together.” The Terps were without a pair of starters in the second half, though. Cummings sat out the final 27 minutes after drawing her second yellow card. Defender Julia Braig, meanwhile, left with what appeared to be a right hand injury. But their absences didn’t quell the Terps’ momentum as the victory extended the team’s season-long winning streak to 15 games. Boucher and Whittle combined for three goals in the first five minutes and 18 seconds of the latter frame. The spurt pushed Maryland’s lead to 11-1, which sparked a running clock. After Virginia strung together See cavaliers, Page 19