June 5, 2014

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The University of Maryland’s Independent Student Newspaper

T H U R S DAY, J U N E 5 , 2 01 4

County police investigate Route 1 hotel murder New York woman found dead of gunshot wound in Ramada Limited hotel room Tuesday afternoon By Diamondback Staff @dbkcrime Prince George’s County Police are investigating a woman’s death at a College Park hotel as a murder, according to a department press release. Police found Catina Cortes, 25,

of Far Rockaway, New York, dead Tuesday in a second-story room at the Ramada Limited hotel on Route 1. Hotel staff called police at about 1:15 p.m. Tuesday for a welfare check, police spokesman Harry Bond said. Investigators at the Ramada on Tuesday said Cortes was found unresponsive with a gunshot wound

and pronounced dead at the scene. Police spokeswoman Julie Parker said an initial investigation suggested Cortes was not a university student, and Cortes does not appear in the university’s directory. Investigators have not found evidence of a connection between the death and an armed robbery on Tuesday morning at Town Hall Liquors, Parker said. newsumdbk@gmail.com

Prince george’s county police stand outside of the Ramada Limited hotel, where a woman was found dead Tuesday afternoon. Detectives are investigating the death as a murder. stephanie natoli/the diamondback

USM seeks updates to old policies Proposal would merge separate sexual assault, harassment polices By Elena Baurkot @thedbk For The Diamondback

Bassist Brian Harris, guitarist Cory Cotter and drummer Ryan Siever (left to right) of the band Warden pose with the Jim Henson statue outside Stamp Student Union. kelsey hughes/the diamondback

A new warden in town University senior Brian Harris pursues music career with alternative rock band By Sarah Polus @thedbk For The Diamondback Brian Harris strolls into Looney’s Pub and pulls a stool up to the bar, as he does almost every Friday night. “You’re awfully early,” a server shouts at Harris, tossing him a lunch menu. Harris, a senior geographical sciences

major, is a fi xture at Looney’s, where he and his acoustic guitar regularly serenade guests with covers of everything from Third Eye Blind to the Pokémon theme song. With his beard, red and black flannel shirt, jeans and boat shoes, Harris appears half college student, half music festival hippie. But he’s also a musician with a recording contract. Warden, Harris’ alternative rock band, signed with Washington-based record label

Innovation Media in January. The band is wrapping up its fi rst album, which could be released as early as July, and is planning an East Coast summer music festival tour. The band has been Harris’ baby since he formed it in 2008 at age 14 with two friends, Ryan Siever and Cory Cotter. Back then, music was his escape. See Harris, Page 2

By Holly Cuozzo @emperorcuozzco Staff writer The eastbound lane of Campus Drive will close Monday for construction of the Edward St. John Learning and Teaching Center. Of f icia ls hope to reopen t he closed segment, which runs from H.J. Patterson Ha l l to the “M” circle, when construction concludes in December 2016, Capital Projects Assistant Director Bob

Martinazzi said, though Purple Line light rail construction could cause a delay. Work on the Purple Line, which will place Campus Drive’s downhill lane, is tentatively scheduled to begin in 2015. Should the two projects overlap, that lane may not reopen at all, Department of Transportation Services Director David Allen and Capital Projects Director William Olen confi rmed. In either case, signs will direct drivers to detours while construction takes place, Olen said. Facilities Management held two public forums and met with Symons Hall occupants for feedback about the closu re a nd received over-


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National Orchestral Institute + Festival

See Policies, Page 3

Green Tidings to return with new vehicle Old staff will not return; truck to debut in June

Campus Drive to close June 9 for new center construction Buses, parking to shift until 2016 for Edward St. John Center work

As new federal policies and regulations on sexual misconduct are put in place, the University System of Maryland is re-evaluating its own sexual misconduct policy, established about 20 years ago. Joann Boughman, university system academic affairs vice chancellor, and Office of the Attorney General representatives proposed a new sexual misconduct policy at Tuesday’s Board of Regents education policy and student life committee meeting. The committee will first evaluate the policy and decide whether it will move to the full board for voting, tentatively scheduled for June 27, Boughman said.

By Trey Sherman @thedbk For The Diamondback

A metrobus heads eastbound on Campus Drive. Starting Monday, the lane will close for construction on the Edward St. John Learning and Teaching Center and will not reopen until 2016. file photo/the diamondback whelmingly positive comments, spend about $112 million to deOlen said. molish Shriver Laboratory and “Everyone understands the im- part of Holzapfel Hall, renovate portance of this building and the the remaining part of Holzapfel value of having a new learning and and use the cleared space for the teaching center,” he said. Fa c i l it i e s M a n a ge m e nt w i l l See closing, Page 3

A fter more than two months out of com m i ssion, t he Green Tidings food truck will return to the campus, Dining Services officials said. A grease fire injured four employees and damaged the truck in March. While the eating establishment was able to offer a limited menu at the oncampus farmers market on Wednesdays, Green Tidings will debut a new truck and return to full operation near the end of June. Officials broke the news of the food truck’s return in a May 14 tweet and said they will acquire a new vehicle sometime this week. See tidings, Page 3




We should give our military the respect they deserve P. 4

No. 2-seed Terps beat top-seeded South Carolina to advance past regional round for first time in school history. P. 8

DRAGONETTE: Don’t take veterans for granted


REVIEW: 50 Cent’s new album falls short Rapper tries, fails to return audience to the candy shop P. 6

Haydn, Respighi and Ives National Festival Chamber Orchestra SATURDAY, JUNE 7 . 8PM DEKELBOUM CONCERT HALL . $25

In this concert, the musicians lead each other, performing challenging chamber orchestra repertoire without a conductor.

PROGRAM Joseph Haydn: Symphony No. 103, Drumroll Ottorino Respighi: Trittico Botticelliano Charles Ives: Symphony No. 3, Camp Meeting


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