The University of Maryland’s Independent Student Newspaper
T H U R S DAY, J U LY 2 8 , 2 01 6
Hogan skips Republican convention Governor steers clear of Cleveland, opting to attend Eastern Shore crab feast and clam bake
GOV. LARRY HOGAN, seen speaking at a November 2014 event, did not attend the Republican National Convention in Cleveland. file photo/the diamondback
that sits right in one of the arms of the Chesapeake Bay, according to Hogan’s press office. “Hogan looks at what Republicanism means nationwide and By Rebecca Rainey to Quicken Loans Arena in Cleve@thedbk land, but Maryland Gov. Larry in Maryland and right now those For The Diamondback Hogan was nowhere to be found. are different things,” said Stella Hoga n , i n ste ad , i n p ol it ic a l Rouse, director of the Center for The Republican National Con- maneuver, attended the J. Millard American Politics and Citizenship. vention last week drew a slew of Tawes Crab and Clam Bake in the “It is a smart strategic political press, politicians and protesters Eastern Shore town of Crisfield move.”
Government majors to support Clinton in Virginia, Ohio races
Student studying endangered Baltimore checkerspot butterfly
By Lexie Schapitl @lexieschapitl Senior staff writer With the 2016 elections approaching, four University of Maryland students will be taking off the fall semester to work as organizers for Democratic Party campaigns. Senior government and politics majors Andrea Holtermann and Laurie Davis will be working as field organizers for the Democratic Party of Virginia to elect Democrats “up and down the ticket,” from presidential nominee Hillary Clinton to local candidates, Holtermann said. As field organizers, their responsibilities will include running phone banks, holding voter registration events and going door-todoor to “get as many people out to the polls and engaged as possible,” Holtermann added. Davis was interning with the See CLINTON, Page 2
By Hannah Lang @hannahdlang Staff writer Before she started working at the University of Maryland’s vanEngelsdorp Bee Lab, junior Emily Starobin had never gardened or reared butterflies. T his summer, the environmental science and policy and Spanish major learned how to do just that as the head of the lab’s Baltimore checkerspot butterfly reintegration project, which aims to bring the endangered butterf ly to P ri nce G eorge’s County. “For butterflies, I think the monarch is given a lot of attention … but I think that a lot of THE BALTIMORE CHECKERSPOT BUTTERFLY, an endangered insect, is being studied for reintroduction to Prince George’s County by a university student. photo courtesy of matt perry
Anti-hunger group teams with alumni association Student group, alum network package 42K meals for food bank By Kimberly Escobar @kimescobarumd Staff writer Student group Terps Against Hu n ger a nd t he Un iversit y of M a r yla nd A lu m n i A ssociat ion came together for the first time inside the Samuel Riggs IV Center on July 17 to package 42,000 meals for the Capital Area Food Bank. “People think that joy and hap-
pi ness comes from th i ngs that pleasure them like vacations and great meals — all of the things we enjoy,” sa id Wa nda A lexander, president of the board of governors for the alumni association. “But there is a different kind of s a t i s f a c t i o n t h a t c o m e s f ro m knowing … someone else is going to benefit.” A b o u t 19 0 fe l l o w s t u d e n t s, a lu m n i a nd thei r fa m i ly a nd f r ie nd s worke d for t wo hou rs to pack h ig h-nut r it ion mea l s, surpassing their goal of 20,000 meals, said Jonathan Fix, Terps A ga i n s t Hu n ger fou nd e r. T he
kinds of food packaged included rice, soy protein, dried vegetables and more. “T h is event was orig i na l ly planned for 100,000 meals, but w it h t he shor t t i me f ra me we decided to make it an introductory event and to show [the alumni and university community] what we were doing,” Fix added. T he a lu m n i a sso ci at ion h ad no trouble saying “yes” to Terps Against Hunger, as it often looks for opportunities to help fellow alumni reconnect with the university through service projects like this one, Alexander said. “We team up with other networks and chapters and organizations to support their efforts,” she said. See HUNGER, Page 2
Suspect charged in Pokemon Go robberies By Michael Brice-Saddler @TheArtist_MBS Senior staff writer University of Maryland Police have arrested and charged a suspect in connection with the Pokemon Go-related armed robberies that took place earlier this month, according to a press release from the department.
On July 12, University Police responded to three reports of armed robberies on the campus involving four victims in total — three of whom were playing Pokemon Go, according to a notice sent out the next day. The victims reported seeing a black handgun during the robberies, but no one was injured. All of their phones were taken. The University Police’s Criminal
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See HOGAN, Page 2
Students to work for Democrats
Maryland is known for being one of the bluest states in the country and is notably a haven for government employees who commute to the Washington area. Hogan — who beat former Lt. Gov. Anthony Brown, a Democrat, by 65,000 votes in the 2014 gubernatorial race — is up for re-election
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Investigations Unit has arrested and charged 22-year-old Javon Dominique Walker of Clinton, Maryland, in relation to this incident, according to the release. Walker was charged with four counts of robbery, four counts of armed robbery, eight counts of assault and four counts of theft less than $1,000.
Alumna studying at natural history museum, New York Fishbeck intends to teach Earth science By Hayoung Yoo @thedbk For The Diamondback It was in professor Thomas R. Holtz, Jr.’s GEOL204: The Fossil Record class spring semester of freshman year where Deborah Fishbeck found her calling in teaching Earth science at the secondary educational level. I n p u rs u it o f t h a t c a re e r, Fishbeck, a University of M a r yla nd 2016 g radu ate, decided to continue her education not th roug h g radu ate school, but via the A merican Museum of Natural History in New York. The museum is the first in the Western Hem isphere to host its own graduate programs for aspiring science teachers. The museum’s Richard Gilder Graduate School runs a philosophy doctoral program in comparative biology and a master of art in teaching, or MAT. Fishbeck was accepted into t he M AT prog ra m on M a rch
18 a nd is en rol led f rom Ju ne 6 to August 2017, she wrote in an email. “ O n ly 13 to 15 s t u d e n t s a re a c c e p t e d e a c h y e a r,” A M N H M a n ager of Med i a Rel at ions Michael Walker wrote in an email. “It is a f u l ly pa id, competitive program.” T he M AT u rba n resid ency p rog ra m a i m s to i mp rove t h e qu a l ity of New York’s science education, especially in the inner city. It “[breaks] the education and science divides” and produces the next generations of qualified educators such as Fishbeck, Maritza Macdonald, the museum’s senior education and policy director and the M AT prog ra m co-d i rector, wrote in an email. “With this effort, we hope to be preparing the best science teachers for the need iest students,” Macdonald wrote. T he prog ra m — f u nded by Kathryn W. Davis and the Shelby Cullom Davis Charitable Fund, the National Science Foundation and the New York State Department of Education — will offer Fishbeck a channel to further her studies See SCIENCE, Page 3
STAFF EDITORIAL: Finals need reform
Maryland Volleyball lands highly rated recruit who buys in to the special role of the team as they continue to fight in Big Ten play. P. 8
Forget summer sunburns, exams burn out students’ minds P. 4 DIVERSIONS
DUELING DANK Gucci Mane and Lil Yachty present new albums P. 6