August 14, 2014

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The University of Maryland’s Independent Student Newspaper

T H U R S DAY, A U G U S T 1 4 , 2 01 4

Students must vacate Knox Boxes by Nov. 30 Knox Box property sale finalized Monday

“Tenant must vacate and surrender possession of the Premises by no later than November 30, 2014, time being of the essence,” a notice posted on residents’ doors Monday By Jon Banister night read. @J_Banister Toll Brothers has hired Greystone Staff writer Asset Management to help with the Toll Brothers purchased 22 of the transition. Greystone is on-site 29 Knox Box apartments Monday, helping students move out, conenacting the 90-day lease termina- tacting other apartment complexes and offering financial incentives for tion clause that evening.

Knox Box tenants willing to move out early. “Toll Brothers Campus Living recog n i zes t he i nconven ience caused to Knox Box residents and will do what it can to help residents find new housing,” the company said in a statement. Greystone created a website, w w w.k n ox b ox u p d at e s.c o m , to provide up-to-date information to assist residents with the move-

out process. Residents who leave by Aug. 17 will receive a $750 Visa gift card, and those who vacate by Aug. 31 will get a $500 gift card. They will also be refunded for any prepaid rent and security deposits. Residents who choose to stay later than Aug. 31 may be moved to other units, according to the Greystone website. “A $750 gift card would be great,

but it’s four days from now,” resident Grant McFarland said. “I’m going to try to move out by the 31st. Obviously, $500 would be nice, but I’d rather they just hadn’t rented it out.” T he university’s Department of Resident Life said it will not be able to provide housing for Knox tenants because the on-campus See KNOx, Page 2


ATHLETIC DIRECTOR Kevin anderson announces that the university will leave the ACC in Stamp Student Union in November 2012. file photo/the diamondback

Univ, ACC agree on conference exit fees Settlement totals less than demanded exit fee By Jon Banister, Daniel Popper @J_Banister, @danielrpopper Senior staff writers The legal battle between this university and the ACC that followed this university’s announcement of its move to the Big Ten ended Friday when the two parties announced a mediated settlement. According to the agreement, the ACC will hold on to the $31,361,788 originally withheld to resolve the lawsu it. Mea nwh i le, th is u n iversity will have no obligation to make any further payments to the conference. “T he University of Maryland is proud of our long and storied

Twin Brothers KURT AND KARL Tamai, black belts in the martial art of judo, founded the nonprofit College Park Judo Club, which they host at the College Park Community Center. james levin/the diamondback

BLACK BELT BROTHERS By Mike Sheils @thedbk For The Diamondback Family tradition and the martial art judo go hand-in-hand for twin brothers Kurt and Karl Tamai, founders of the College Park Judo Club. The two are among the nonprofit club’s volunteer instructors, or senseis, who lead


Twin brothers found, lead College Park’s nonprofit Judo Club its twice-weekly practices at the College Park Community Center. “It’s a fantastic thing to be working with

your twin brother,” Kurt Tamai said. “Lots of people helped me become the person that I am, and so I get the chance to help other people grow themselves.” Judo participants learn discipline and respect while staying fit, Kurt Tamai said, and he estimates that more than 1,000 athletes of varying ages and skill levels have taken part See Judo, Page 2

Architecture library closing postponed, officials say

University fights for voice in Corcoran gallery hearings

Student, alumni uproar prompts delay in action

By Josh Magness @thedbk For The Diamondback

By Trey Sherman @thedbk For The Diamondback

University President Wallace Loh appeared before the D.C. Superior Court last Thursday, claiming he could put together a proposal within six weeks to balance the Corcoran Gallery of Art’s budget and keep the art college operating through in a partnership with this university. A subpoena from advocacy group Save the Corcoran summoned Loh to the trial to show there are solutions to Corcoran’s financial troubles that haven’t been f u l ly con sidered . It’s a common argument from those who oppose the college’s current

University officials have postponed closure of the Architecture L i bra r y a f te r re c e iv i n g ba c klash from graduate students and alumni. T he l i bra r y wa s set to close before the fall semester because of budget and safety issues and lack of use, Libraries Dean Patricia Steele said last week. S te e l e b o t h a n n o u n c e d a n d scheduled the closure this summer, which angered some graduate stu-

Loh pledges to create proposal in six weeks

The architecture library in the architecture, planning and preservation school won’t be closed this fall as previously planned due to outrage from graduate students and university alumni. james levin/the diamondback dents and alumni. “It seemed clear that Dean Steele was trying to pull the rug out from under the school of architecture,” 2011 university alumnus John Kucia said. To save the library, graduate student Adam Chamy started a petition, which has received more


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than 500 signatures. Steele and library faculty met with about 50 students Friday to announce the postponement of the closure until January, which will allow more time for a new faculty See library, Page 3

plan to partner with George Washington University and give most of its art to the National Gallery of Art. Despite Loh’s testimony, Brian Ullmann, the university’s marketing and communications assistant vice president, wrote in an email that no serious talks between the university and the Corcoran will occur unless Judge Robert Okun stops the planned takeover. “T he university respects the ongoing legal process regarding the Corcoran’s proposed partnership with the National Gallery of Art and George Washington University,” Ullmann wrote. “As President Loh indicated in his testimony, if there is an opportunity for the university to reengage with the Corcoran, we would be interested in additional discussions. Until the See gallery, Page 3



Edsall strives for wide receiver perfection

STAFF EDITORIAL: Finally ending ACC ties

Terps football coach Randy Edsall isn’t shy about giving his lineup frequent constructive criticism in preparation for Big Ten games this fall P. 8

Univ should move on to a brighter future with Big Ten P. 4 DIVERSIONS

Pratt-ling on up How Chris Pratt became Hollywood’s new reigning king P. 6

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