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With five players gone to MLS, Terps must fill the gaps

Raunchy humor rules in Mike Judge’s Extract


Thursday, September 3, 2009




University Sticky issues complicate porn policy assembling diversity blueprint

Administrators hope to balance free speech, legislative concerns in creating guidelines BY KEVIN ROBILLARD Senior staff writer

The battles that began when a conservative state senator threatened to cut the university’s funding if the Hoff Theater screened the pornographic movie, Pirates II: Stagnetti’s Revenge, look as if they’ll rage for a few more months. On Tuesday, the university system missed an initial state-mandated

Committee looking for student input BY ADELE HAMPTON Staff Writer

The university is having trouble with diversity, administrators say. But after years of programs, scholarships and initiatives aimed at bridging these divides, they’re devising a plan to successfully address the issues, once and for all. ROB WATERS This year, a ASSISTANT TO THE board of 22 uni- PRESIDENT versity faculty members and two students, one graduate and one undergraduate, are responsible for developing a road map to a more multifaceted campus, by crafting new programs and ensuring all student voices are heard. The Diversity Plan Steering Committee — as it is called — has three subgroups: academic issues, programs and services and campus climate. After a few meetings this summer, the committee met yesterday, for the first time this semester. One of the main focuses of the plan

deadline to create a policy outling when pornographic films can be shown on campus. University System Chancellor Brit Kirwan said the Sept. 1 deadline has been pushed back as the system struggles to create a coherent policy amid the sticky issues of aca- BRIT KIRWAN demic independence, free- USM CHANCELLOR dom of speech and demo-

cratic intent. “We got an extension until Dec. 1 — we didn’t want to develop [the policy] when the faculty and students were away,” Kirwan said. “We’re working to develop draft policies, we’re sharing with campus communities.” Creating the policy will be an especially diffcult task

because administrators are working on untested ground. Administrators have been unable to find another university with a similar policy, and believe their forthcoming rulings on porn will be the nation’s first. “There really is no precedent,” said Robert O’Neill, director of the Thomas Jefferson Center for the Protection of Free Expression in

see PORN, page 3


see DIVERSITY, page 3

New honors college head continues overhaul BY AMANDA PINO Staff writer

In line with the university’s goals to continue to attract the nation’s best and brightest students to this university, the Honors department is devising two new programs, set to debut next fall. A committee led by Dean of Undergraduate Studies Donna Hamilton is currently reviewing seven proposals for two brand new programs, designed for incoming freshmen that would focus their interests and challenge students in new ways. Honors Director William Dorland said honors humanities, Gemstone and departmental honors will still exist as separate options for incoming freshmen. The creation of the new options has also led to a significantly larger budget for the honors program than in previous years. This year, Honors received approximately 20 percent more funding than it did last year, which will make more faculty and events available to honors students. More controversially, honors students’ introductory course to the university — Honors 100 — will no longer be administered entirely by undergraduate student teachers.


At 11 p.m. Tuesday, most lights remained on inside the Patuxent Building. Many people suggested turning off the lights in campus buildings at night to save money on electricity, but doing so would violate the county’s fire code. JACLYN BOROWSKI/THE DIAMONDBACK

Money-saving suggestions (like turning off the lights) seem simple, but even basic recommendations can hit snags BY BEN SLIVNICK Senior staff writer

It’s 11 p.m. on McKeldin Mall and its buildings are glowing yellow. Tydings, Woods and Marie Mount gleam, each with more than a dozen office lights lit. Behind the locked door of every building, hallway lights dimly shine, as air conditioners hum and energy bills pile higher and higher. In less than a month, more than 50 people have complained about wasted electricity on the university’s new budget website, which was launched in August to solicit cost-cutting tips. As administrators now begin to implement the site’s suggestions, some seem to be practical treatments for the university’s ongoing budget

woes, while other ideas — including many of the most popular — appear to be easier said than done. “We’re taking the suggestions quite seriously,” Vice President for Administrative Affairs Ann Wylie said. “I was quite impressed that people took their responses seriously, and that they by and large weren’t frivolous.” Wylie said she was particularly intrigued by ideas to purchase supplies more centrally, encourage conference calls rather than travel and replace costly floral landscaping with native plants. She said she was also interested in honoring some employees’ requests to take a

see SUGGESTIONS, page 3

More than 50 people complained online about the lights being left on at night. The administration asked for suggestions to deal with the budget crisis. JACLYN BOROWSKI/THE DIAMONDBACK


Digitizing the dusty libraries New library dean Patricia Steele comes with a high-tech reputation BY KRISTI TOUSIGNANT Senior staff writer

New Dean of Libraries Patricia Steele has decided to move from the sprawling countryside and peaceful midwestern lifestyle in Bloomington, Ind., to a world of constant bumper-tobumper traffic and high-rise apartments in the Washington metro area. And she couldn’t be more excited.


Steele took over as the new dean of libraries Tuesday, after working for more than 30 years in Indiana University’s library system. Steele said this university’s strategic plan and its vision for the libraries, in addition to the diversity and high quality of the students, is eventually PAT STEELE what drew her away from her DEAN OF THE LIBRARIES


NEWS . . . . . . . . . .2 OPINION . . . . . . . .4

FEATURES . . . . . .5 CLASSIFIED . . . . .6

Bloomington home. And she’s bringing changes for the university libraries with her. Steele said she plans on creating more studentfriendly, comfortable study spaces in the library and working more closely with faculty on their research projects. DIVERSIONS . . . . .6 SPORTS . . . . . . . . .10

Most importantly, Steele is looking to update the library’s technological resources. “I really want to help the library take the next step in defining what libraries are in a digital age,” Steele said. During her time in Bloomington, she worked to involve the university with the Google Books Library Project,

see LIBRARY, page 2






Univ. Police ditch optional training BY RICHARD ABDILL Staf f writer

Worried about swine flu? Join the club. Universities around the nation are taking different measures — from quarantining students and sending kids home to asking that students stay in their rooms and not go to class. This university has a plan, ready to go, but if the new H1N1 virus hits hard, will it be enough? Learn more about the collegiate side of the ever evolving pandemic on Campus Drive, The Diamondback’s news blog at blogs.umdbk.com/campusdrive.

TERRAPIN TRAIL Check out TerrapinTrail.com for news and insight into all Terrapin sports and today’s preview podcast of Saturday’s football game at No. 12 California.

LIBRARY from page 1 an initiative to digitize the libraries, putting them in an easyaccess online catalog. The initiative has made it easy to search books from libraries around the countr y. With Steele’s help, Indiana University became the first within the Committee on Institutional Cooperation — a group of mainly Big Ten schools looking to digitize their collections — to send books to Google to be logged in the search site. Steele said she would like to make this university part of the Google Project, too, adding a big part of that would be supplying the special collections housed on-campus as a unique contribution to the project. “I am particularly excited about Steele because she is technologically savvy,” Provost Nariman

Sweeping university budget cuts have spared the University Police so far, but the department is scaling back training and is war y of possible reductions in its future. In addition to eliminating expensive training not required by the state, police are also rearranging schedules to cut down on overtime and putting administrative officers back on the streets to better distribute hours across the payroll. Despite these precautionar y steps, none of the $86 million cut from the university in the past two years has been taken from the force. “We’ve protected their budget in the past, and we’ve protected their budget again,” said Vice President for Administrative Af fairs Ann Wylie, who oversees the police. “We just don’t believe cutting back, curtailing their activities, is responsible.” University Police spokesman Paul Dillon said the department was preparing in case the next

Far vardin said. “University libraries are being influenced exponentially by electronic media and Patricia Steele is the person to accelerate this transition.” Steele said she hopes the digital changes and study space remodeling she has planned will help make the librar y a center of life on campus. Students like senior economics major Trea Zemaitis said he thought improvements to the technology in the librar y would be helpful.

“I am particularly excited about [Patricia] Steele because she is technologically savvy.” NARIMAN FARVARDIN PROVOST

“President [Dan] Mote has made it clear that public safety is a high priority.” PAUL DILLON UNIVERSITY POLICE SPOKESMAN

round of cuts had a wider impact. “President [Dan] Mote has made it clear that public safety is a high priority,” Dillon said. “Our budget is a ver y fluid thing — there are a lot of variables, ... whether we crash a cruiser or overtime costs go up, our biggest goal is to finish the fiscal year without a deficit.” The force’s rapidly fluctuating operating budget is one reason why schedules are being rearranged to minimize overtime costs while maximizing the number of officers on the street. The department’s operating costs change on an almost daily basis — if an increased rate of arrests forces of ficers to spend

“Most students look for things online way before they crack a book,” Zemaitis said. “I’m sure I’ve run into people that don’t even know how to find books in [the librar y].” Others, like senior family science major Natalie White, were less sure. “When I think about the librar y, I think books,” White said. “I don’t really think it needs to be electronic.” As Steele begins her reign as dean this week, she faces a new set of challenges: The librar y is experiencing budget cuts right along with the rest of the university. Interim Dean Desider Vikor took over the position in July 2008 and described the cash shortage and a hiring freeze challenges he faced during his time as dean. “We managed resources as best as we could,” Vikor said. But Steele is still determined to make use of the scant resources to

from page 1

achieve her goals despite a low budget during the current economic downturn. “If you have expectations beyond your fiscal support, that’s possible that raises unhappy issues,” Steele said. “The university has been supportive. These are different times for the university and libraries. Core mission work, that’s what we want to do. Figuring out the core mission work, that is the trick.”

Instead, the class is now divided into halves: every other week students will attend a large lecture taught by university faculty rather than just smaller student-led classes for the entirety of sessions. Initially, some students were concerned that the loss of small group time would be a huge blow to the Honors 100 experience. “One of the initial reactions was that people were unhappy ” said Joe Caputo, a senior architecture major and former Honors 100 section leader. Caputo now leads the peer mentoring section offered in the new curriculum. “I think the first day went well,” he said. “The goal was to make everyone happier, but some people got angry,” Dorland said, explaining the lecture component of the class was considered a way to make the material easier to digest. “Also, we wanted to place a greater emphasis on developing college-level writing skills,” Dorland added. “It’s hard to grade your peers’ work on the same level that a professor can.” The creation of the college impacts current students to some degree, but looks more toward the future: Next year, students will be invited into the Honors College at large and given an opportunity to choose which program fits their interests best. Currently, students are accepted by invitation only into different competing programs. There are about 1,000 students involved in the various honors programs today. Dorland hopes the creation of new programs will decrease the size of each individual one and therefore foster more close-knit communities. “The number of students in honors has increased 25 percent over the last five years,” Dorland said. “It became hard to build a sense of community. Honors wasn’t like Scholars in a sense that you really bonded and built a sense of community with other people in your program.” The creation of the Honors College is in line with the university’s goals to continue to attract the state’s best and brightest students and provide a better undergraduate experience, stated in its strategic plan.



Police try to save money amidst prospect of cuts



more time in court, for example, overtime costs can rack up quickly. “The cops want to be out there,” Dillon said. “But it creates a backlog of work for them. Ever ybody’s been really good about working it.” While mandator y training, like firearms qualifications and seminars on changes to criminal and traf fic law, remains untouched, Dillon said other “knowledge and skill” training, such as DWI detection and vehicle accident investigation, will fall by the wayside until more funding materializes or the department finds training cheaper and closer to College Park. “The good part about that is you don’t have to pay for travel, you don’t have to pay for training classes,” Dillon said. “The bad news is that you’re losing skills that an officer might use during his or her job. Say we usually send a couple officers to this school, it costs $1,200, well, we’re not doing it ... Nonmandator y training is the exception now.” Kate McGonigle contributed to this report. rabdill@umdbk.com

“If you have expectations beyond your financial support that raises unhappy issues.” PATRICIA STEELE DEAN OF THE LIBRARIES



from page 1 reduced workload along with a pay cut. But the lights on the mall provide one example of how implementing online recommendations coming from students and staff can get complicated. The hallway lights in nearly ever y academic building remain on 24/7, contributing mightily to the university’s yearly $30 million electrical bill. Marlowe Leafty, Facilities Management’s assistant director for electrical systems, said the lights stay on in part to accommodate professors who work late hours in their offices or on weekends. While hallway lights dim to halfpower at night, Leafty said leaving potential occupants in complete darkness would violate county fire code. The university is in the midst of installing new energy-efficient light bulbs as one way to save on carbon emissions and cash, and Leafty said the university has also explored placing occupancy-sensors in hallways so the lights could shut off when people aren’t around. That option was ruled out because of its high price tag. But another idea that hasn’t been considered: merely asking professors to leave academic buildings earlier and to turn off the lights. “It’s a campus decision at the point to say, ‘no, the buildings are not available after 5 o’clock in the evening, or 8 o’clock in the evening, and they’re not available on weekends,’” Leafty said. “We just haven’t gotten to that point yet. ... It’s above my pay grade.” Still, even if the university decided to pull the plug on nighttime hall lighting, in many of the campus’ oldest buildings, the halls don’t even have light switches. For now, Wylie said she would like university employees to focus on saving energy by unplugging electrical equipment on nights and weekends. But the campus’ aging buildings — many of which are more than 50 years old — also pose a problem for containing heating

DIVERSITY from page 1 will be increasing the number of students and faculty members of color on the campus, while also encouraging more opportunities for cross-cultural collaboration. Though the university prides itself on being an already diverse campus, Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs Robert Waters — who is serving as head of the committee — said there is not enough unity among students and faculty. “We need to recruit and retain more faculty of color and women,” he said. “We need to bring students together. ... Students want to be more involved and want to learn things in the classroom that support diversity and are looking for initiatives and actions that bring students from all backgrounds together.”

members before developing the policy, faculty members and students from page 1 involved in protests here said they haven’t been contacted. Junior EngVirginia, who consulted with the lish and government and politics state attorney general’s office on major Malcolm Harris, who helped organize a protest screening of legal issues surrounding the policy. One complicating factor is the Pirates II as a Student Government method of delivery. Compared to Association presidential candidate, books and newspapers, there are rel- said he has not been contacted about atively few Supreme Court rulings on the policy. Neither was Martha Nell how the First Amendment applies to Smith, an English professor who participated in a panel discussion after motion pictures. “That’s part of what’s confusing the screening. Both said they didn’t here,” said O’Neill, a former presi- know of anyone else being contacted. Harris is also a columnist for The dent of the University of Virginia. “If it were lectures, publications or even Diamondback. The demand for a pornography websites, there would be grounds to policy came about as a say there’s no governcompromise between ment right to impinge state Sen. Andy Harris (Ron content.” Baltimore and Harford The Free State has Counties) and Democrats a long history of film in the General Assembly. censorship. In the After hearing about the early 20th century, planned screening of film censor boards Pirates II, Harris — who sprung up around the is not related to Malcolm country, but the — inserted language into Maryland State the state budget eliminatBoard of Censors ing the funding for any lasted far longer than public university that most of its counterscreened a pornographic parts, finally dying in movie. Caught between 1981 The board could crippling the state’s flagprevent films from ship university and voting being shown in the to show porn to college state if it determined students, legislators were they weren’t “moral forced to the middle and proper.” It was ground. never declared Attempts to reach the unconstitutional. senator for comment Many professors were unsuccessful. Harand students would CLIFF KENDALL BOARD OF REGENTS CHAIRMAN ris, one of the most conobject to any restricservative members of the tions on showing state legislature, lost a pornography as a violation of academic freedom. But giv- very close race to U.S. Rep. Frank ing universities free reign to show Kratovil (D) in 2008 for Maryland’s pornographic films could anger the First Congressional District and may state legislature, making it unlikely run for Congress again in the 2010 that the Board of Regents, which ulti- midterm elections. Both Kirwan and Kendall said mately will determine the policy, will members of the state legislature had take that route. “I think ... everyone believes free- no problem granting an extension on dom of speech is very important, but the deadline to develop the policy. we’re not interested in pornography Members of the legislature underbeing a cornerstone of our university stood a full discussion involving staff, system,” Board of Regents Chairman faculty and students couldn’t happen over summer break, they said. Cliff Kendall said. While administrators said they hope to talk to students and faculty robillard@umdbk.com



The lights in the Hornbake Library building remained on at 11 p.m. Tuesday night. The building closes at 10 p.m. JACLYN BOROWSKI/THE DIAMONDBACK

and cooling costs. Several online commenters told stories of bringing sweaters to work in the summer and turning on fans in the winter. Wouldn’t it save money if the university just exercised more judgment with its thermostat? Not exactly, said John Vucci, Facilities Management’s associate director for heating, ventilating and air conditioning. While the university’s newer buildings have sensitive climate controls, older buildings, including most of those on the mall, have just two settings: heating (which heats the building as if it were 0 degrees outside) and cooling (which treats buildings as if it were 95 degrees). “We can turn it off, but then you wind up with the person who was complaining is fine, but then ever yone else is uncomfortable,” Vucci said. Another popular suggestion, the creation of a four-day work week, also faces an institutional constraint. While Gov. Martin O’Malley has publicly mentioned statewide calls for a four-day, 10-hour work week

for state employees, Wylie said it’d be impossible to transfer that fully to the university. “I can’t quite see how it work with a five-day-a-week class schedule,” she said, adding that, “So much of what we do is ser vice oriented. You expect us to be there for some things. Suppose you were to call someone on a Friday and no one answered the phone.” Wylie said the university does not have enough classrooms to institute a four-day-a-week class schedule, but she said it could work for certain positions. “We have no principle opposition to the fact,” she said. Still, even considering all the impractical ideas the online budget suggestions site has generated, Wylie said she considered it a success. Ever y idea, even those that won’t work out, had a kernel of truth, she said. The university will publish a response to the online comments next week along with plans on how some will be enacted.

This university has had a long history of racial tension and unrest. And many students say the university still has a long way to go. Last semester, a forum was held to introduce the idea of creating a diversity plan to students and faculty, who heavily criticized the round-table-style meeting for not allowing for feedback. “Student involvement and a diverse student population is essential for a democratic society and campus,” said Kim Nickerson, the assistant dean of the College of Behavioral and Social Sciences and public health school, who is co-chairwoman of the Academic Affairs Subcommittee. “We believe this is a cornerstone,” he said. While some programs were developed this summer, while most students were away, Nickerson said the blueprint is still in its initial stages and needs more student input to advance. “We’re trying to get students who

represent major student constituents,” Nickerson said. “For example we’re involving the SGA and the GSG, at least a dozen [students]. We’ve done a great job of bringing students to the table.” All three subcommittees are working to create their own outline for change, which are to be submitted to Waters by Friday. One of the main points the diversity blueprint aims to focus on is the redesign of the CORE diversity requirement — the university’s 10-year strategic plan called for an overhaul of the CORE curriculum. During committee meetings, students have voiced their discontent with the current curriculum, saying it is ineffective at exposing and teaching students about other cultures. “We expect feedback, comments, cheers and maybe even jeers,” Nickerson said. “This is an active, living document. Our charge will be to go back


“I think ... everyone believes freedom of speech is very important, but we’re not interested in pornography being a cornerstone of our university system.”

and make changes based on the feedback we get.” Student leaders, who have long fought for a more diverse university in their own ways, said there are many areas in which the university needs to improve. “I think first of all the university has to define diversity for itself,” said Wanika Fisher, vice president of the Latino Student Union and the program and research chairwoman for the university’s chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. “Also they need to promote student interaction with each other, the diversity CORE as it stands now doesn’t require students to got out of their realm,” she said. “I would also like to see an ethnic studies major, getting students to open doors to new communities.” But Waters knows, ultimately, they can only do as much as they can afford.

He said the diversity plan will try to keep costly initiatives to a minimum, but recognizes money must be spent — a hard pitch to make in the current economic climate. “Our plan is to make recommendations that are attainable, but will still be able to make an impact,” Waters said. “We’re going for a shorter list of recommendations, five to ten items, that would push the campus further.” A second town hall meeting is scheduled for Oct. 27, where a draft of the diversity road map plan will be introduced to the university community. The final version should be ready by the end of the semester, Waters said. “This is kind of a working time,” he said. “We’re trying to balance something really ambitious and to create a beautiful plan for the campus that’s going to put us to work.” hampton@umdbk.com

The Student Government Association COMMUNICATIONS DEPARTMENT

is seeking ambitious and creative students to join their team The Communications Department is responsible for all external marketing for the SGA, including programs and initiatives, along with outreach, including the SGA website (www.sga.umd.edu), town hall meetings, the SGA speaker series and much, much more. For more details or for information on how to apply, please contact SGA Press Secretary Joel Cohen at SGAcommunications@gmail.com. Funded in part by your student activities fee.
















Staff Editorial

From the RHA

A drinking problem

Getting Involved


nheuser-Busch should give the university one big sloppy (possibly university going to sue Solo for using the color red too? Ultimately these drunken) kiss on the cheek for what it just did. The brewer of Bud cans will end up sitting like mantelpieces atop college kitchen cabinets and Light will be releasing new red-and-black beer cans in the weeks windowsills. If the university wants to adequately address the problems of binge drinkahead to target Mar yland football fans. The cans will be sold at local liquor stores in an attempt to tap into football fans’ team spirit. And the ing, it should encourage responsibility and maturity. However, you don’t university, instead of simply ignoring the matter, has cried foul. Administra- demonstrate maturity by threatening a beer company when it uses your tors claim the color-coded beer cans will encourage underage binge drink- school’s colors. There is enough merchandise splashed with the univering and have accused the brewer of copyright infringement. While that sity’s logo and colors to supply a small countr y. Ever ything from can openers to thong under wear bears Testudo’s smiling face. might be the case, by drawing attention to the product, And yet the university shows no concern over appearing the university has likely sold more beer for Anheuserto endorse these products. Can administrators really Busch than the company would have sold in the first claim the colored cans encourage drinking more than the place. Alcohol problems run Terp-branded shot glasses on sale at the University Book Both the university and the beer company seem to have much deeper than Terp- Center? In the end, Bud Light is simply using the colors forgotten their own college days. What encourages binge red and black. drinking is not color-coded beer cans but easy access to colored cans. At the same time, for Anheuser-Busch to claim the “fan liquor. Walk around on a weekend night and you’ll see it’s cans” aren’t being marketed to underage drinkers is absurd. Three-quarters not hard to find booze in College Park. Most college students buy alcohol for one reason: to get drunk. And in a of the student body is under 21, and there are countless more Terp fans in recession, low-price beer works just fine. Given the choice between a 30- high schools across Mar yland. Anheuser-Busch certainly pushed the envelope as far as violating copyrack of Natural Light and a 12-pack of Bud Light, most students would take right laws. But using certain colors doesn’t violate any law. University offiquantity over quality. When the red-and-black beer cans hit liquor stores this month there will cials ought to take a deep breath, put their feet up and relax with a cold likely be a spike in sales, then they will dwindle and the ad campaign will brewski bearing the colors of the university they hold so dear and focus phase out. Why? Because no one cares about a beer can’s color. Most under- their efforts on the real cause of underage binge drinking: easy acces to age tailgaters drink their choice of poison out of a Solo cup anyway. Is the alcohol.

Our View

Editorial Cartoon: Heather Cameron

Bike theft: Drug money and super junkies


y bike was stolen the first day of class. Searching for some sense of closure and peace of mind, I reported it stolen to the campus police and asked the officer what will most likely happen to my bike beyond this point. Without the faintest of hesitation, he warmly said, “It will probably be sold for drugs.” Now, I’m not an idiot. I knew very well that I would never see this bike again when I called the cops. But seriously, drugs? I first pictured the culprit as a freshman ne’er-do-well who was late to his first English class and just so happened to be harboring a jujitsu blade disguised as a Swiss Army knife in his pocket — those things can cut through steel like butter. If this scenario were true, I could at least have some dignity left knowing a Boy Scout drop-out was


KRAMER being resourceful when prying open my cheap cable lock like a rusty can of sardines. Dignity, however, falls a little short on the self-esteem scale when drugs get involved. Stealing bikes is an activity that doesn’t usually come to mind when planning a major drug purchase. Ever y substance has its notable trades — prostitution will buy you crack, recycling bottles will help fund your cr ystal meth addiction, and if you’re a sensible American earning an honest man’s wage, weed is your likely purchase. My only

question is, where do bikes fit into this equation? Unless you enjoy getting high off the brake dust of my once-sweet ride, I have a hard time pinpointing your drug crutch. Perhaps my culprit here is a rare, but well-known breed of drug addict — the super junkie. These people somehow make a living off the grid in what can only be described as functioning one notch higher than a drug-induced coma. All circumstances considered, some people are forced into this lifestyle, but those who willingly choose so are no more respectable than the empty can of Natural Light I kicked across the street on my slow walk home from campus. I’ve come to think of it as a twisted redistribution of wealth. Either my bike was used to carr y a smoothhanded freshman to his first class, or it was one of the many things stolen

daily by your typical crack-riddled, pill-popping, pre-Iron Man Robert Downey Jr. super junkie to assist in his pathetic habit. If you fit any of the two descriptions above and stole a singlegeared, black road bike, then shoot me an e-mail. I won’t break your hands with a club, I promise. Despite my loss, I have learned a grave lesson from this ordeal: Property, no matter who owns it, is still property, from the pen you borrowed today in class to the frat boy driving around Daddy’s salary in the form of a Mercedes-Benz. but you can’t dwell for too long — you might begin abusing depression meds. Oh yeah, and for the love of Mote, go buy yourself a U-lock. Jason Kramer is a junior American studies major. He can be reached at kramer@umdbk.com.

College life: Bringing the noise


OUD NOISES!! If there’s one overarching theme of college — besides the herpes, the beer and the blackout girls throwing up on the bus — it’s that ever ything here is so loud. It took me a while to notice this, but college is four solid years of eardrum assault. Think about it from year to year. From the freshmen being woken up Saturday mornings in Cumberland Hall to band practice, to the pounding bass at frat parties sophomore year, to the juniors in Commons being jostled awake by landscaping in the courtyard, to me, sitting here during senior year, Talib Kweli pounding on my headphones so I don’t have to deal with these assholes in the newsroom. College is loud. We need to turn this thing down. Have you tried to have a conversa-


GINDES tion at a bar here? The only place you can hear anyone is outside at R.J. Bentley’s. If you’re at Cornerstone Grill and Loft, good luck. If you’re at the Thirsty Turtle, don’t even tr y. Actually, if you’re at Turtle, you should get out anyway. And it’s worse for people like me, who are half deaf in their right ear, or who tell people that even if it’s not true. My hearing deficiency has kept me out of so many jokes and conversations and stories during the years that it makes me want to pull a Van Gogh and just get it over with.

All I ever hear is a jumble of loud, unidentifiable noises, most of them angr y, probably at me. But that’s a glimpse of the future for the rest of you. We’re all going to go deaf. From our various rude awakenings to the loud music we listen to on the way to class, to our energetic teachers who insist on using their microphone even though it’s an 18person lecture, to the loud music we listen to on the way back to class, to the party we go to where the music is loud enough so that we don’t have to make awkward conversation with each other, we spend ever y day at college beating the shit out of our ears like they were Rihanna or something. So scroll your iPod wheel back a little. You’re 20 years old. Damaging your hearing like this makes as much sense as putting a domestic

abuse joke in a serious newspaper. It just doesn’t make sense to me. We’re doing enough to our senses of taste (Natty Light), smell (freshman year roommates), sight (also freshman year roommates) and touch (sadly, also freshman year roommates). Can we just lay off the hearing for a little bit? It’s all we’ve got left. So listen up, or listen down, or whatever. Because it’s time my voice was heard. Softly. Let’s be a little bit more responsible and turn it down, why don’t we? Unless you’re at Turtle. If you’re already there, you’re in bad enough shape. You probably don’t want to hear anything anyone has to say there anyway. Rob Gindes is a senior journalism major. He can be reached at gindes@umdbk.com.



hether you are an incoming freshman or have already spent several semesters at the university, you may often feel like your student voice is insignificant and undervalued. With no clear guidance, you may be feeling unsure in your attempt to be a student leader. Fortunately, the Residence Hall Association provides a unique, exciting opportunity for any resident to become involved in the vital decisions that affect our campus residents. The RHA has two main functions: to create and host quality programs for community building in the dorms and to advocate and recommend policies to the campus administration that convey student interests. We simply ask you to be involved. Every academic year, representatives from each hall/community are elected by their peers to represent their particular community. This helps to make the very large campus smaller and more accessible to the students. Hall and area councils are encouraged by the RHA to host programs that reflect the interests of their residents. Over the years, many successful events have become highly anticipated traditions. Cumberland’s North Campus Luau, the South Campus Commons Block Party and the Denton Halloween Dance are just a few of these yearly events, besides countless midnight breakfasts, talent competitions and casino nights. With new minds come new ideas, and yours could be the next big thing. As one of the most prominent and influential student governing organizations on campus, we function as a liaison between students and administrators by lobbying for student issues and pushing for the positive changes you want to see. We hold priority influence on issues concerning four departments of Student Affairs: Resident Life, Residential Facilities, Dining Services and Transportation. We also have begun promoting sustainability initiatives within and outside the dorms. In the past we’ve successfully advocated for Online Room Selection, so no more running to a crowded room in the Stamp Student Union to choose your new room. We advocated for the removal of focus dates for all students, and opting out of focus dates is now a click away on the Dining Services website. We weighed in and supported the new Debit Card Readers for your laundry machines and this year we plan to continue tackling issues like the development of the new Denton dining facility, Amethyst Dialogues that revolve around alcohol consumption on campus and making sure the resident voice continues to be heard. Whether you are interested in programming, policy or both, the RHA wants you to make connections, make new friends, build your resume and make a difference on campus. We encourage all to attend our annual Open House on Wednesday, Sept. 9 at 7 p.m. in the Cambridge Community Center or Courtyards Community Center, where you can ask specific questions about how to be involved in the organization. To learn more, visit our website, www.marylandrha.com, and add us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/MarylandRHA. Applications are due on Sept. 11, and elections will be held online Wednesday, Sept. 16 and Thursday Sept. 17. Don’t miss your chance to be part of a highly respected organization whose voice is always heard — be involved. Sam Lengyel is the public relations officer for the RHA. He can be reached at slengyel@umd.edu.

AIR YOUR VIEWS Address your letters or guest columns to the Opinion Desk at opinion@umdbk.com. All letters and guest columns must be signed. Include your full name, year, major and day- and nighttime phone numbers. Please limit letters to 300 words. Please limit guest columns to 600 words. Submission of a letter or guest column constitutes an exclusive, worldwide, transferable license to The Diamondback of the copyright in the material in any media. The Diamondback retains the right to edit submissions for content and length.

POLICY: Signed letters, columns and cartoon represent the opinions of the authors. The staff editorial represents the opinion of The Diamondback’s editorial board and the responsibility of the editor in chief.




CROSSWORD ACROSS 64 Major nuisance 65 One drop, 1 Rome invader roughly 5 Ballpark event 66 Balcony section 10 Vast number 14 Healing succulent 67 Warbled 68 Be a goalie 15 Conscious 69 Grind to a halt 16 Driftwood bringer DOWN 17 Close off 1 Pant 18 Vine product 2 Diet spread 19 Bronco “brake” 3 Warty critter 20 Lecterns 4 Chopper’s 22 Kind of glass destination 24 Debate side 5 Place to laze 25 Aleta’s son 6 Feels obligated 26 Touch up 7 — de mer 30 Contemptuous 8 Winged god discurtesies 9 Lake cabins, 34 Modem-speed often unit 10 Pieces of twine 35 Floors for good 11 Encumbrance 37 Hindu attire 12 Actress 38 Mammoth — McClurg 39 Gas-pump abbr. 13 Make one’s way 40 Nothing 41 Smooth and level 21 Coffee server 23 Onassis nickname 43 Ruins a nylon 26 Receded 45 Wallop 46 Goes off the track 27 Having a lack of experience 48 Affluent ones 50 Elegant accessory 28 More enormous 29 Holds down a job 51 Clingy seedpod 30 Waterlogged 52 Tiny sphere 31 Vietnam capital 56 Llama cousins 32 Jiffy 60 Imported car 33 Soft fabrics 61 Dik-dik’s cousin 36 Fan’s shout 63 Put on


Previous Day’s Puzzle Solved:





Arresting Zigzag courses Awe-inspiring Flops down Promise to pay 2


49 Litter member 52 Fence flaws 53 Where poi is served 54 Norse deity 4



55 Kramer or Estrada 56 Somewhat (2 wds.) 57 Ducklike bird 7



58 Golden Fleece ship 59 Filter in 62 Ms. Balin of films 10










24 26



















50 52










45 49




56 62














orn today, you know the value of money, know how to make it and spend it, and understand that it is, truly, the fuel that makes the world go ‘round. Still, you’re not ruled by it, and you are able to make decisions based on far more personal issues and realities than simple finance. You can be rather fiery and mercurial, and there are those who simply do not understand you. This is of no real concern to you, however, for you are confident and happy with who you are, and you don’t let anyone else’s ideas about you stand in your way or upset you — too much. You are able to follow trends and changes in current mores and fashions, but you do things your own way, regardless.


You are able to argue both sides of an issue, even though, deep down, you know how you feel about things and think that you are right — even when you have to play devil’s advocate. You can be quite popular — but guard against letting your temper tarnish any personal or business relationships. Also born on this date are Kitty Carlisle Hart, actress; Eileen Brennan, actress; Valerie Perrine, actress; Charlie Sheen, actor; Ferdinand Porsche, inventor; Alan Ladd, actor; Mort Walker, cartoonist.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) — What you share with those closest to you will perhaps be the most valuable commodity you have. Don’t hold back when the time comes. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) — You may receive a great deal of input from those who have been there before, but you’re going to want to make your own decisions.

ARIES (March 21-April 19) — Time spent with a friend can prove more important to you at this time than you had anticipated. Some things are said that matter most. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) — You are not at the center of the storm, but you’re sure to have an influence over those who are calling the shots.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) — Others are sure to be taken aback by your honest and straightforward approach. No one is doing things quite like you, surely.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20) — It’s a good day to focus on the affairs of someone close to you who offers a youthful, fresh perspective. You can learn a thing or two.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) — You’re facing many options, but not all are realistic. You’ll have to investigate closely in order to determine the right path.

CANCER (June 21-July 22) — You could use another’s help, but you’re not likely to ask for it outright. When the time comes, you’ll know how to send clear signals.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) — Someone close to you is making things harder than they have to be. You know what has to be done, and when — so get to it. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) — The more open and honest you can be about yourself, your motives and your methods, the less resistance you’re likely to

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) — You’ll be glad, once again, that you’re not a household name. Indeed, you’ll go out of your way to avert any attention from yourself. Copyright 2009 United Feature Syndicate, Inc.



To see what is in store for you tomorrow, find your birthday and read the corresponding paragraph. Let your birthday star be your daily guide.

THURSDAY $3 Absolut, $3 Jim Beam, $2 Domestic, $3.50 Stoli Punch, $3.50 Bombs

FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4 VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) — You’re likely to be the center of a great deal of attention before the day is out — and all because of something you did by accident.


FRIDAY Happy Hour 4-7 pm: 8 pm-Close: $2 Bud & Bud Light 16 oz. $2 Bud & Bud Light Bottles, Drafts, 1/2 Price Appetizers $2 Rails, $3 Jagermeister R.J. BENTLEY’S RESTAURANT • DOWNTOWN COLLEGE PARK


42 43 44 45 47




Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3x3 grid contains the digits 1 through 9.



Previous Day’s Puzzle Solved:

Degree of Difficulty: HARD



009 2 l l Fa

se p i l c ses s eE e h n i T & bus 0 h 0 e e 2 v i ng i i t z p Execut t of over t c M e p ros T h e ccount t lis p n u o m c A fro n ac s s a e e n g si Mana e for w bu

✦ ne enu v n i e r g a in in ✦ Br metro are $xxxxx* C or the D ponsible f ion s t ✦ Re hly circula nt a mo

Full plate. *varies with experience


301-314-8000 3136 SOUTH CAMPUS DINING HALL



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Gerard Butler in Gamer


It Might Get Loud

All About Steve

My One and Only

arts. music. living. movies. weekend. REVIEW | EXTRACT

reel news

Back to the 9-to-5 grind

IRON MAN IN 3-D? As the May 7 release date for Jon Favreau’s highly anticipated Iron Man 2 approaches, Paramount Pictures and Marvel Studios continue to build hype for the Robert Downey Jr. superhero vehicle. According to Ain’t It Cool News, the studio execs are considering converting the entire film to 3-D after getting positive response to a one-minute demo. This all sounds pretty exciting, although having Mickey Rourke’s mug jump out at you might be a little much.

SPEAKING OF 3-D ... As if getting Iron Man in 3-D wasn’t enough to confirm that this craze for eye-popping visuals was in full swing, The Hollywood Reporter is saying director Paul W.S. Anderson plans to bring The Three Musketeers to the big screen in 3-D. If this was the brilliant Paul Thomas Anderson (There Will Be Blood), we might be excited, but seeing the man responsible for mindless popcorn flicks like Resident Evil and Alien vs. Predator adapt this classic tale cannot possibly end well.

Office Space director Mike Judge triumphantly returns to the workplace BY VAMAN MUPPALA Senior staff writer

The vast majority of America is neither red nor blue but rather a purple mixture of the two. And this is where the heart of Mike Judge, one of our nation’s most gifted comedic storytellers, firmly resides. He has recreated everything from the minutiae of heartland existence in King of the Hill to possibly the most trenchant critique of where beer, boobs and bullets culture might one day lead in Idiocracy. His latest is Extract, an Office Spaceesque film of the disgruntled and sexually neutered suburbanite Joel (a consistently brilliant Jason Bateman, State of Play) — the owner of a flavor extract plant and the husband of a disaffected wife, Suzie (Kristen Wiig, Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs), who is slowly being ground to death by a combination of both forces. From the beginning, it is quite easy to appreciate the almost effortless way in which Bateman wrings both pathos and ribald humor out of his character’s plight. Of course, it can’t hurt that Judge’s dialogue seems so attuned to the comedic forte Bateman previously mastered as Michael Bluth on Arrested Development. This rapport between performer and screenwriter is in full display as Joel informs his bartender and stoner friend Dean (Ben Affleck, State of Play) of his plans to deal with sexual frustration: “I just got to power through it until I’m too old to get it up.” With the way Bateman delivers it — with his oddly passive face and

Classified CALL

steady keel — we laugh while still recognizing it takes a certain type of honor to stride bravely toward and even wish for impotence. Told in parallel to Joel’s story is that of Cindy (Mila Kunis, Max Payne), an avaricious drifter who — like a shark smelling blood — senses an opportunity to con a worker from Joel’s plant who is set to receive a large injury settlement for the loss of a testicle. She winds her way into the heart of the film, making it clear Kunis’s previous work as the dumb cheerleader type has been nothing more than a put on. Extract, like Office Space, does take its characters to extremes, but it is all part of a surprisingly logical journey. Everyone from Joel to the array of dolts punching in at his factory, and even Suzie, are simply attempting to escape the rigidity of their days to the point that horse tranquilizers, 5-foot bongs, male gigolos and rotary club dinners all come into play — in no particular order, of course. Some may find the measured unfurling of Judge’s characters tiresome, but these people would rather see Will Ferrell sprint naked across the screen and should be disregarded. Judge is actually a comedy maestro, working in long form and repeating certain gags (J.K. Simmons’ use of the word “dinkus,” Suzie’s sex life destroying sweatpants) until they crescendo. This is not to say the film is perfect. Unfortunately, Wiig’s manic energy is kept frozen until the very end,

Jason Bateman (left) and Mila Kunis star in Mike Judge’s latest comedic effort Extract. COURTESY MOVIEWEB.COM

leaving her little purpose except as a prop and punchline to jokes about not getting any. Then again, any modern comedy director who somehow manages to create two or more compelling female leads should likely be given a Nobel Prize — the entirety of the Apatow clan has been unable to accomplish this feat. Judge is also a committed moralist: His red-state roots are clear through all of the drugs and infidelity. Joel, after being convinced by Dean to smoke weed (with the argument “It’s not a plant, it’s a flower”) ends up not with like, a totally mind-blowing




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Mad Scientists!

AUTISM TREATMENT TEAM Pos. available & training provided, in individual therapeutic program. Private program in 12th year of operation supervised by Center for Autism and Related Disorders and funded by State of Maryland Autism Waiver. Local, approx. 5 mi. from campus. Therapists work 2-4 sessions a week running 2-3 hours each. Sessions are late pm and evenings w/some weekends. Exp. preferred but not required.

Call 301-588-6271. Outside Sales Positions Available (MD, NJ, NY, PA, DE, VA) Energy engineering consulting and project development company seeking candidates to sell energy conservation services to commercial, industrial, and learning institutions throughout the region. College degree required. Candidates should email their cover letter and resumes to Jnagle@eneractivesolutions.com HEBREW SCHOOL TEACHER for Sunday mornings and/or Wednesday late afternoon in Waldorf, MD. Good pay and mileage reimbursement. No experience required. Call 301-659-9243. Movie Extras, Actors, Models Wanted — Up to $300/day! All Looks Needed! Call NOW 1-800-458-9303

PT Special Event Valets Needed Candidates must have excellent customer-service skills, neat, well- groomed appearance, good driving record, and able to drive stick-shift vehicles. $8.25/hour plus tips.

FLEXIBLE SCHEDULES Night & Weekend hours Apply online at www.marcparcvalet.com under employment opportunities.

DATA ENTRY Two part-time data entry/clerical positions available immediately for a medical billing company located in College Park – within walking distance of campus. Computer experience required. Minimum 15 hrs./week – flexible between 8 am-5 pm. Fax resume to 301-220-1032.

Special Needs Weekends Occasional or regular weekend caregiving for 16 yr. old autistic boy who enjoys swimming and community outings. Potomac, need car. $14/hr. 301-365-7683.

Mustard Seed


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Mad Science 301-593-4777 www.madscience.org/DC




9:30AM – 4:30PM Monday – Friday 3136 South Campus Dining Hall

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Located in Annapolis, will be responsible for content administration on the corporate websites. Bachelor’s degree and 2-4 years exp. developing ASP.NET and .NET technology required. Must be able to work with and provide support for SharePoint 2007, and use Office 2007 Professional, C#, Visual Studio 2005, ADO.NET and T-SQL. Solid communication skills and ability to work on teams is a must. For more information, look on the website at www.telecomsys.com. Will you need a FEDERAL SECURITY CLEARANCE? Confidential and unbiased assistance. www.jlh86.com

Vet Tech Seeking intelligent, motivated part-time veterinary technicians for immediate opening with excellent pay at friendly neighborhood clinic. Excellent opportunity for pre-vet students. Contact Silver Spring Animal Hospital – 301-587-6099. MUST have current references. CAMPUS MARKETING POSITION. Want to work for HP but haven’t got a degree yet? Be a campus ambassador and get paid to promote the brand on your campus. Apply on line at www.repnation.com/hp

Part-Time Paralegal Position North Bethesda law firm has immediate opening for a part-time paralegal. Excellent organizational skills required. Salary negotiable. Flexible work schedule available, 20-30 hours/wk. Fax resume to 301-468-0215 attn: LeAnne.

Now hiring P/T help for busy clothing store in Bethesda.

Bartending! $250/day potential. No experience necessary. Training provided. 1-800-965-6520 x 116

Call 301-907-4699. www.mustardseedshop.com

STUDENTPAYOUTS.COM. Paid survey takers needed in College Park. 100%. Free to join. Click on surveys.

COACHES WANTED Variety of sports & dance classes for children ages 3-12. Starting in September. Classes in Montgomery County. Flexible hours. Pay starts at $15 per class & up. Call 301-424-2401. VERBAL BEHAVIOR INSTRUCTORS NEEDED. Seeking instructors to work with our four year old son with developmental delays in home-based Verbal Behavior program. Emphasis on play and communication skills. $15.00 per hour. Full training provided. Must be smart, reliable, patient, and enjoy children. Minimum of two sessions per week (each session about three hours). Contact Jennifer: jgershberg@gmail.com

Great Student Part Time Money After school hours. Door to door canvasser and canvass manager needed. Local home improvement company. Great hourly pay plus huge bonuses. Call 301-922-3325.


4 Blocks from Bentley’s NEW – LIKE LIVING AT HOME!

PT Nanny!

Riverdale, MD — 1 bedroom apartment near campus. $800/month, utilities included. Call 301-806-7576

House To Share

Kensington family seeking nanny to work Tues., Thurs. and Fri., 11 am to 6 pm. Must have own car. Pick up kids from school, take to activities and begin homework. Grad level student preferred.

Babysitter Needed for 12 and 14 year olds. Mondays & Thursdays at 3 p.m. Car needed. 15 minutes from campus. Excellent pay. Call Sarah at 301-431-3907. Seeking reliable, experienced sitter for toddler, one weekday morning each week & occasional weekend evenings. Located near beltway/downtown SS. Contact: aiu64@aol.com After-school sitter needed in Silver Spring for boy, 10 and girl, 14. $15/hour. Need references, car & excellent driving record. Miti 301-655-4694 or miti.tim@verizon.net

Babysitter Needed for infant. Some hours Thursdays and Fridays. Education major preferred. Walking distance to campus. Contact Sarah, 301-864-3770.


STOP Renting – BUY!!! 2 BR, 2 BA Condo – Must Sell... ~ FULLY FURNISHED ~ In LUXURY Complex (Greenbelt) Call Victor / 202-997-5515 Open House Sunday, Sept. 6 www.5DiamondRealtor.com

FOR RENT 4608 Calvert Road, College Park, MD 20740. Newly Renovated House with 4 bedrooms and 2 full bathrooms. 5 blocks from Campus. $2,100 per month + Utilities. New High-Efficiency Central Air Conditioning and Heating. Washer and Dryer, Dishwasher, Disposer. Off-Street Parking for 5 vehicles. fighterpilotbill@aol.com; 301-567-5772 / 301-661-2095 William. Fax: 301-567-3315.

After school care needed in Silver Spring/Takoma Park for 13 and 16 year old boys. Homework help, supervision, some driving. Psych or education majors ideal. Immediate start. Call 301-412-4479 or 202-746-1250

FOR RENT 2 blks. from campus, fully furnished. Single, double rms., suites & apts. Internet prov. New everything! OX Call Brad Wilcox, 301-785-2144.

After-school care for 12-year-old boy, 4-7:30, M-Th, SIlver Spring/Glenmont. Mostly driving and homework help. Good pay for well qualified candidate. Call Nancy at 202-289-2394.

Parent helper wanted to drive 4 school aged kids and assist with chores. Afternoons T-F, all day Saturday. 301-787-8943

FOR RENT Gorgeous/Spacious, Walking Distance from Downtown, Completely Remodeled, 5 bedroom, 3-1/2 bath house. Rooms available. 9 month lease. Contact Lisa, 301-704-1342 or terprealestate@comcast.net.

Great After-School Job!

After school child care needed 2 days per week for 6 and 10 year olds in Silver Spring. Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Must have own car and clean driving record. If interested please contact Lisa or Drew at aades4@verizon.net

BY FAX: 301-314-8358

Looking for students to work with our 15 yr. old son with autism in Rockville home. Needed Sunday 12-4 p.m. & Thurs. 3-7 p.m. starting in September. More hours will be available during the summer. We use behavior techniques to teach him life skills. No exp. req. You will be trained. Must be dependable and have car. If interested, call 301-816-7923.


Attention Students Full Time Sales and Marketing Firm seeks motivated individuals to work .Net Developer – highly evenings and Saturday mornings. weekly. Internships TeleCommunication Earn $250-$1000 available. Ask for Dave, 240-473-1201. Must have own car. Systems





revelation, but a black eye. Judge mocks the absurdity of the institutions in Extract, while still recognizing their importance to both Joel and the workers. Like it or not, a workplace is a family with family values. Mixed with the right amount of testicular humor, it is what the creator of Beavis and Butthead is really all about. Perhaps Joel was talking about the film as a whole when he said: “Makes you think how fragile we all are, especially our balls.”

5 Bedroom House for Rent Off Metzerott Rd. on campus bus route. 2.5 baths, central A/C, washer/dryer, new kitchen w/granite counters. 1 yr. lease. $450-550/room. Call Idalia, 240-398-9343. House for rent. 4 br, 2 and a half baths. Deck, fireplace, cac, w/d, renovated, driveway parking Beltsville. $1,900. 240-882-7666. merrimartproperties.com

Several rooms for rent near campus. On shuttle route. $400-$525. Share utilities. 240-426-4355

All girl house. 7 blocks from U of M. Newly decorated. $500/month.

Houses/Apartments – College Park

301-502-8328 SERVICES

Houses 4/6 bedrooms. Apartments 2 bedrooms. Low rent.


410-544-4438 COLLEGE PARK AREA — Quiet, ELEGANT, unfurnished one bedroom. Dishwasher, washer, dryer, MARBLE kitchen and bath. All utilities included. $725/month. 703-715-6200. ROOM FOR RENT 34th Ave. $500/month. Contact jterp24@gmail.com; 410-231-0256

INTERNATIONAL HOUSE A home away from home for international travelers, students and embassy guests. Now open at 10906 Annapolis Road in Bowie, MD 20720. Only $49 per person, monthly rate $495. Spacious, gated, fountain, free parking, international meal available.


OLD TOWN COLLEGE PARK – REDUCED RENT – Knox Rd. east of Rt. 1. One & two bedroom garden-style apartments. All utilities paid. Website: JESAPTS.com. Call J.E. Smith Corp.: 202-582-8824. Evenings/ weekends call Vic: 202-489-7040. ROOMS. 34th Avenue. Washer/dryer, ac. Shuttle, Metrobus. 301-935-5387 House- 3 br. 1 block off Route 1. $1,299. 301-392-5205

3 BR/1 BA House for Rent Near University of Maryland. $1700 excluding utilities. For additional information, contact David at 301-461-6372 or davidvm1@gmail.com.

Send / Receive Local / Long-Distance (international not available)

Diamondback Business Office 3136 South Campus Dining Hall PHONE: 301-314-8000 Mon.-Fri. 10:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.


Large Basement Apartment


for rent to 1 or 2 college students. Located on bus route 4 blocks from Metro. Rent $800/month, utilities included. Call 301-985-3751, ask for Holly.

CALL 301-314-8000 MON.-FRI. 9:30AM–4:30PM

House for rent. 5 bedrooms, 1 and a half baths, cac, w/d. Close to campus. $1900/month. Available from September 1st. Call Bob 301-792-0207 or 301-879-8178



THE ONES WHO MOVED ON Five players from last season’s National Championship men’s soccer team are now playing for MLS squads: A.J. Delagarza | L.A. Galaxy Selected by the Galaxy in the second round (19th overall) A.J. Delagarza.



18 games started and 19 games played

Omar Gonzalez | L.A. Galaxy The third overall selection in the MLS SuperDraft Omar Gonzalez.



One goal and one assist in 24 starts

Jeremy Hall | New York Red Bulls 17 starts and 19 games played

Jeremy Hall.



Moved to defense after playing midfield for the Terps in ’08

Rodney Wallace | D.C. United Two goals and three assists in 22 games played Rodney Wallace.



Sixth overall pick in MLS SuperDraft

Graham Zusi | Kansas City Wizards Two shots and no points in limited playing time Graham Zusi.



Five games played and two starts


SOCCER from page 10 Cirovski said. “We’ll have players step up and we’ll see as the season progresses who those will be.” The team’s preseason shed light on just who Cirovski expects to break from the shadows of last year’s vaunted group. Most prominent among them are Drew Yates and Kaoru Forbess, two veteran midfielders seemingly destined for greatness coming out of high school, according to recruiting rankings. Between the two of them, they won two league championships, garnered NSCAA High School All-American recognition five times, and each made several stints with U.S. youth national teams during their high school careers. But for different reasons, they didn’t star as soon as the pundits expected. Yates contributed early, if not prolifically. He saw action in all 22 games his freshman year, starting four while dishing out five assists. He seemed poised to break out after his sophomore campaign, when he started a third of all the team’s games and led the Terps in goals. But the next year, he was crowded out in the midfield. Hall and Doug Rodkey were entrenched on the wings, room was made for converted forward Zusi in the middle and thenfreshman Matt Kassel lived up to his billing as a playmaker. Yates was the odd man out. “I understood it,” Yates said of his role as an offensive spark plug off the bench. “I’ve always wanted to be a premier player on whatever team I’ve played for over my career, but I understood we were a very talented team and something special was happening last year, so I embraced the role that Sasho gave to me.” After three years as a role player, Yates is relishing his new duties as a team leader on and off the field. He considers himself a father figure to the team’s freshmen and believes both this team and the responsibility of leading them back to the College Cup are now his. “I want to be the playmaker of the team, the one that’s orchestrating the offense and the one that’s making the team come together on the field,” Yates said. “I just want to be the man out there.” Forbess was supposed to be just that last year. Ranked as the No. 3 recruit in the nation by Rise Magazine, the Garland, Texas, sophomore expected a starting role once he stepped on the campus. But a back injury and subsequent surgery in January 2008 sidelined him for nine months, including the first seven games of last season. Forbess came off the bench several times last season, but was never fit enough to make a serious impact. “I was just trying to focus on getting back in shape,” Forbess said. “That didn’t work out very well. It took me all season, even all spring [to fully recover].” Now fully mended and an effective two-way player — he said his defensive liabilities last year were glaring — Forbess seems ready to live up to his billing. “He’s worked very hard on his fitness to overcome being in a brace for over three

Senior Drew Yates (right) has taken on a teaching role with the Terps. Here Yates instructs freshman defender Taylor Kemp during yesterday’s practice. JACLYN BOROWSKI/THE DIAMONDBACK

months and being out for almost nine months,” Cirovski said. “He’s a guy that’s going to get better every game.” Of all the defensive units in the country, perhaps none was depleted more this offseason than that of the Terps. All-ACC goalkeeper candidate Zac MacMath is the only returning regular starter, and there aren’t many in front of him with the type of experience he’s accustomed to. Top-five recruit Taylor Kemp and physical specimen Ethan White highlight not only the program’s highly regarded recruiting class, but the completely reconstructed backline as well. Cirovski said the foursome of Kemp, White, converted forward Alex Lee and redshirt senior Kevin Tangney has the makings of a solid backline, but there’s not much to go on yet. The unit has only Tangney’s three games of starting experience — last year’s had 277.

“It will take a little bit of tweaking and a lot of film and a lot of teaching throughout the process,” Cirovski said, “but they’re going to come together and be very good.” White is generally regarded as one of the team’s athletic “freaks,” and Lee said Kemp, who switched to defense only two years ago, is as good at moving up with the offense as anyone he’s played with. Cirovski said he expects great things from both White and Kemp, but the burden of leading the defense on a national championship contender and replacing standouts like Gonzalez and Wallace in the back isn’t easy on anyone — especially a teenager. “It’s on my mind, but Sasho has confidence in me that I can be one of the top players in the ACC,” said White, who turns 19 in January. “Yeah, I have shoes to fulfill, but I’m sure Sasho will teach me how to fill them.” shaffer@umdbk.com



SENIORS from page 10

Midfielder Alexis Pappas missed the first 10 days of the Terps’ preseason for the U-21 World Cup. JACLYN BOROWSKI/THE DIAMONDBACK

HOCKEY from page 10 Frazer was busy playing for the Irish national team at the European Championship, back Harriet Tibble was sidelined with an injury and two more players stayed home during the team’s opening weekend in Evanston, Ill., because only a limited number of players could travel. “When they weren’t there, you could feel it,” Grater said. “The team seemed to be incomplete.” Yesterday’s practice marked the first time the whole squad played together. Grater said the atmosphere changed immediately, adding, “It was almost like starting new.” The players who represented the U.S. this summer said they enjoyed the competition but were glad to be on the field with the Terps after their time away. “We’ve had so much history with a lot of these girls,” Pappas said. “And to come back on the field with them and play and get back into the groove of things was exciting.” Though the team missed the players participating in international competitions, their absences did have a benefit. Through their international experience, the players added a level of expertise and finesse to their play and gained a new set of skills, according to coach Missy Meharg. And they have started teaching these skills to their teammates. When O’Donnell, Pappas and Davies returned from the U.S. Junior World Cup, they im-

mediately began readying the Terps for the Wildcat Classic the first weekend of the season. “Instead of being tired out by their tournament, they were a breath of fresh air,” Grater said. “They brought back a more mature, fine-tuned sense of the game.” But while Meharg expressed pride in the accomplishments of the national team members, she said there is no substitute for actually playing together. And after working around absent players and a preseason shortened by a team trip to watch the Junior World Cup, the coach wants to make up for lost time. “Just working to add practice time together is our biggest plan for this week,” Meharg said. Despite the absences in the preseason, the Terps still won their first three matches last weekend. But the dearth of practice time as a team could have played a part in slowing the attack in the first two, in which the Terps scored just five goals. The offense rebounded to score seven in their third victory, but that progress will need to continue against tougher competition. The Terps face their first top-20 foes of the year: No. 16 Old Dominion on Friday and No. 19 Michigan in their home opener Sunday. “The team’s always very talented,” Meharg said. “But now, with everyone back, what it gives us is a tremendous amount of depth. It’s been a long wait here to get the whole team together, and we’re ready to prepare for Old Dominion.” kyanchulis@umdbk.com

first time in Friedgen’s tenure, permanent offensive and defensive captains were announced before the season. Last year, players were awarded singlegame captainhood, allowing them to meet the opponent’s captains at midfield before the game for the coin toss. It served as a monument in that rite of passage that is seniority. This year, the decision was left up to a team vote, with seniors and juniors eligible. At the same time, the new structure centralizes leadership, putting the responsibility of leadership squarely in the hands of Carroll, center Phil Costa, linebacker Adrian Moten — the only junior of the group — and quarterback Chris Turner. “Whenever you have fewer guys, there’s clear leadership roles,” senior fullback Cory Jackson said. “There’s only so many senior guys who have been on the field, so you kind of feel the pressure. You’re like, ‘We’ve got to do something because we’ve been here.’ It kind of helps us step up to the plate.” Friedgen has spent a lot of time this offseason talking about leadership. And he likes what he sees. There has been a noticeable increase in accountability for the Terps. And on a team that must replace more than 60 percent of its starts from last season, those few veterans must make an even larger impact. “I think this senior bunch really wants to be successful,” Friedgen said. “Wanting to do it and doing it are two different things, but there’s got to be that burning

Linebacker Adrian Moten (right) was voted as the only non-senior captain for the Terps this season. Veteran players say the youth of many key contributors could mean a higher level of motivation. FILE PHOTO/THE DIAMONDBACK

desire to do it.” As a result, Friedgen said he has noticed an attitude change. With the smaller, determined group of veterans leading the way, the team has been consistently praised for its effort. “You’ve got to realize, when you have that many seniors who have done it so much in games, sometimes people get lazy,” Jackson said. “It can even happen to me. You say, ‘I’ll get that in a game. I’m not sacrificing my body right now.’ It’s a really hard habit to get out of.” Should Jackson slack off, though, he’s likely to be put in his place. The Terps’ four captains offer four unique personalities: the leader-by-example Carroll, the straight-forward Costa, the aggressive


Moten and the cool-and-collected Turner. And while they’ll share leadership responsibilities with other veterans, it’s those four figures who have stepped to the forefront. And that narrowed list, in itself, may be the biggest change from 2008 to 2009 for the Terps. “Sometimes, when you have too many leaders, it can hurt you,” Moten said. “I think that was kind of last year. We had so many seniors who had been around football for four or five years. They all stick their feet in the pot, and sometimes the pot is going to get too full and start leaking out. ... I think it’s just different this year.” ajoseph@umdbk.com



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Stay current, follow us online Go to TerrapinTrail.com today for our podcast previewing Saturday’s game at No. 12 California. Also, Follow the Terps at https://twitter.com/DBKSports.

The replacements After winning it all last season, men’s soccer is trying to find new players to fill in for a large cast of departed stars

Quarterback Chris Turner, one of just 14 seniors on the Terrapin football team this season, takes a snap at yesterday’s practice. MATTHEW CREGER/THE DIAMONDBACK

Experience is a rare commodity for Terps Friedgen-era low 14 seniors taking on leadership roles with young team BY ADI JOSEPH Senior staff writer

springboard for another piece of hardware for coach Sasho Cirovski. This season is different. Zusi is gone. So are Omar Gonzalez, Jeremy Hall, Rodney Wallace, A.J. DeLaGarza, Rich Costanzo and Michael Marchiano. What Cirovski said his team will have, however, are opportunities. The greatest uncertainty that remains is what will be made of them. “I’ve been through this before,”

The thing about leaders is, they need followers. That’s to say, you can’t provide direction if there is no one to direct. Last year, the Terrapin football team came stocked with natural leaders — 30 players were entering their final year of eligibility. And, as follows with the rite of passage in college football, seniors are expected to provide a team’s leadership, guiding younger players with words of wisdom gained from four years of experience in the grind. This year, the Terps have hit a senior shortage. After the largest senior class in ninth-year coach Ralph Friedgen’s tenure last season, the 2009 Terps feature just 14 seniors this time around. It’s a jarring change on a roster list — the type partially responsible for the Terps’ status as a massive underdog in their opener at No. 12 California on Saturday — but one players say could be an advantage. “We have a special quality in that we just have a smaller group,” senior cornerback Nolan Carroll said. “A lot of guys know who we are [as seniors]. ... This year, we’re the guys setting the example because there’s so few of us.” The shift has been accompanied by a policy change: For the

see SOCCER, page 7

see SENIORS, page 8

Men’s soccer coach Sasho Cirovski talks to his team during practice yesterday. The Terps are preparing for Friday night’s seasonopener after losing six regular starters from last year’s National Championship-winning squad. JACLYN BOROWSKI/THE DIAMONDBACK

combined starting experience. On offense, almost half of last year’s 55 assists and more than half of last year’s 50 goals came from now departed Terps. They had the talent: Five Terps were drafted within the first 25 selections of the 2009 MLS Superdraft. Four of them now start regularly. They had fate on their side: Good fortune kept No. 1 overall seed Wake Forest out of their path, and good timing transformed a successful 26-yard free kick from Graham Zusi in double overtime of a College Cup semifinal against St. John’s into a


By any measure imaginable, the talent that helped the Terrapin men’s soccer team lift the national championship trophy in Frisco, Texas, last December — only to leave College Park en masse soon after — was staggering. They had the stats: Seven Terps who played the last collegiate game of their careers Dec. 14, a 1-0 win against North Carolina to win the program’s second title in four years, took with them 428 games of

Field hockey finally forming team chemistry For first time, all Meharg’s players practice together BY KATE YANCHULIS Senior staff writer

Terrapin field hockey goalie Alicia Grater felt it throughout the preseason, in the exhibition games and even through the first three games of the season. Something was missing. The sensation was no mystery to the redshirt senior and team captain. She knew exactly what was wrong: At least three players had been away from the No. 1 Terps at all times since preparations for the new season had begun.


For the first time this season, the field hockey team had all players available to practice. JACLYN BOROWSKI/THE DIAMONDBACK

For the first 10 days of the preseason, starting forward Katie O’Donnell, and starting backs Alexis Pappas and Brianna Davies were competing with the U.S. under-21 national


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team at the Junior World Cup in Boston. Then, when they rejoined the squad, midfielder Megan

see HOCKEY, page 8

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