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Most students are eligible to vote. Register online at www.diamondbackonline.com/election

Running back Da’Rel Scott has grown up this season

FROM BOY TO MAN Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist does right by romantic comedy DIVERSIONS | PAGE 8






U.S. Latina/o Studies struggling Univ. hiring freeze may pose a threat to minor program BY MARISSA LANG Staff writer

Speaker of the Legislature Matthew Lyons (center) leads the SGA meeting last night. JAMES B. HALE/THE DIAMONDBACK

Sachs asks SGA for more funding

Last semester, a 10-year struggle to approve the Latina/o Studies minor ended in success. But now the minor is facing potentially debilitating setbacks, including a lack of available funds and an inability to attract new leadership. “When a program of this nature is under such intense

scrutiny, it’s necessary to prove its importance,” Latina/o Studies Interim Director Ruth Zambrana said. “The good news is that classes are full, and there’s a lot of student interest.” Zambrana — who will be giving up her post as interim director at the end of this academic year — has long emphasized the importance of funding and leadership in any program’s ability to succeed. But due to the univer-

sity’s hiring freeze, no search for a permanent Latina/o Studies director has begun. “For this university, we are not and have never been a priority,” Zambrana said. “The university’s hiring freeze has also frozen all the hope we had to attract a permanent director.” The hiring freeze does not allow the university to bring Students rallied on McKeldin Mall last year in support of the now-floundering U.S. Latina/o Studies Program. FILE PHOTO/THE

Please See MINOR, Page 3


In second budget request, president says he needs an additional $99,999 BY MICHAEL LEMAIRE Staff writer

The SGA and other student groups submitted their secondary budgets to the Student Government Association’s finance committee late last week, hoping to collect additional funds for programming. The SGA originally requested $150,000 to help fund programs such as the new Spring BBQ, but in an effort to free up portions of the secondary funds for other student groups, SGA President Jonathan Sachs was able to cut the final proposal to $99,999. “We wanted to preserve more of the student activities fees for other student groups,” Sachs said. “We want them to have the funding to be free to organize their own programs.” Last year’s SGA President Andrew Friedson made a point to try and trim the budget extensively. But as a result, the SGA was left without funding for a lot of the organization’s programming. That shortcoming was something that

HANDBAGS FOR HUMANITY Socially conscious graduate student launches line of purses

Please See SGA, Page 3 BY KELLIE WOODHOUSE Staff writer

Violent crime, drug referrals fell in 2007 BY KYLE GOON Staff writer

The university released its annual safety and security report this week showing decreases in violent crime and drug-related referrals and arrests in 2007. The report, mailed out to all university students and employees, showed that on-campus violent crimes dropped from 27 incidents in 2006 to 20 incidents in 2007. Forcible sexual assaults on the campus also dropped from 31 in 2006 to 16 last year. Drug arrests on the campus showed a 29-percent drop from 2006 to 2007. Drug law violation referrals decreased for the second year in a row, from 113 on-campus occurrences in 2006 to 86 last year. Drug law violation referrals have dropped 41 percent since 2005. At the same time, on-campus liquor law violation arrests and referrals increased. Arrests rose for the second

Please See CRIME, Page 2


Cherry Kwunyeun poses with her handbags. JACLYN

Socialites carry Birkin, moms carry Coach and preteens carry Dooney & Bourke. Now, for the socially conscious this season, there is Blumpari. Graduate student Cherry Kwunyeun launched her handbag company, Blumpari, in 2007. Blumpari, which

means “the eternal flower in you” in Thai, has sold about 100 bags to small boutiques in New York City, Baltimore and Bethesda. The handbags, which are designed by Kwunyeun and made by Thai women who are paid fair wages, blend fashion and funk with social awareness. “Socially conscious products

Please See HANDBAGS, Page 7


Officials push for state funding with univ. tour BY KEVIN ROBILLARD Senior staff writer

The university showed a group of state legislators the good, the ugly and the future of the campus as part of its continuing efforts to ensure future state funding. The state’s Senate Finance Committee — which oversees the state’s economic development — visited the campus to focus on two very different images of the campus: the stillgleaming 3-year-old Jeong H. Kim engineering building and the dilapidated, decades-old H.J. Patterson building. They were also shown what the university



envisions as its future: The MSquare Research Park, which is being built near the College Park Metro Station. In the engineering building, the senators were treated to a slew of information on how the university’s research into nanoand bio-technology will help drive the state’s economy. The university hopes that by displaying its research capabilities, it can develop an image as the driver of a high-tech, research-based economy in the state, which could lead to more funding from both Annapolis and

Please See SENATE, Page 2 NEWS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 OPINION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4


Pro-choice advocate calls abortion a key election issue BY BEN PENN Senior staff writer

Hot-button issues such as the economy and the war in Iraq are forcing abortion to take a backseat in the race for the White House this fall, but for one night, the College Democrats pushed the issue into the spotlight. A representative from the political advocacy group NARAL Pro-Choice Maryland spoke to a group of nearly 40 College Democrats members at the Stamp Student Union last night, asking students to keep women’s reproductive rights on the forefront

FEATURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 CLASSIFIED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6

DIVERSIONS . . . . . . . . . . . .8 SPORTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12

of their minds as they rally behind presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.). “Young people are already really energized about Obama, and it’s important that we sustain interest and infuse knowledge about how important [abortion] is in this election,” said Erin Schurmann, a development and political associate at NARAL Pro-Choice Maryland, in an interview after she addressed the College Democrats at its weekly meeting.

Please See ABORTION, Page 3





WE WANT YOU Story ideas? News tips? E-mail them to The Diamondback at newsdesk.dbk@gmail.com MONDAY | NEWSMAKERS


An Offensive Line Eric Detweiler

Terp running back Da’Rel Scott averaged 7.3 yards per rush in his first three games of the season, but Saturday, he found little running room against Clemson. His 39 yards on 23 carries amounted to an average of just 1.7 yards per rush in the Terps’ 20-17 win. The Tiger defense is fast and pursued Scott hard, but coach Ralph Friedgen indicated Tuesday that the Terp offensive line also factored into the pounding taken by an already bangedup Scott.





Lecture on the issues of disability arising out of World War I, 12:30 p.m., Plant Sciences 1140


private donors. “Does the research that we do really affect the state’s well-being, our competitiveness?” Mel Bernstein, the university’s vice president for research, asked rhetorically. He cited the example of Zymetis Inc., a biofuels company founded by a university professor in 2006, as a company that will benefit the state’s economy. The senators were impressed with the university’s research facilities and efforts. Thomas Middleton (D-Charles), the chair of the finance committee, said the university’s research would be

key in creating STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) jobs in the state. But after seeing the university’s facilities at their best, the lawmakers were exposed to the university’s facilities at their worst. “I get the dubious honor of showing you the other side of the campus,” said Jack Baker, director of operations and maintenance at the university. He led the senators to the electrical room of H.J. Patterson Hall, which was built in 1931, where they saw what university administrators hoped was a ghastly scene. “This electrical equipment is as old as the building,” Baker said.

“It’s the same age and style as the one that blew up in the physics building a few years ago and killed an electrician on our staff. “Anything on the main core of campus is in the same condition,” he added. Baker also showed the committee a roof in the Patterson building that was near collapse and being held up by temporary platforms. The room, along with several others in Patterson, is unusable and in desperate need of repairs. “Our capital infrastructure budget is really our biggest problem,” university President Dan Mote told the lawmakers. When one of the senators asked


Posted on www.terrapintrail.com Oct. 1, 2008

BRIEFS Feds suing telemarketer in Md. for discrimination BALTIMORE —The federal government is suing a New Jersey telemarketing company operating in Baltimore and Largo because it allegedly won’t hire women. The U.S. Equal Employment Operating Commission says CDG Management, and its subsidiaries Civic Development Group and Millennium Teleservices, wouldn’t hire women as telemarketers at its call centers in Baltimore and Largo since 2005. An employee at CDG’s headquarters reached by phone directed inquiries to an e-mail address; an e-mail seeking response wasn’t immediately returned. A commission statement says attempts were made to reach a voluntary settlement. But now the commission is seeking back and front wages and damages for female applicants and deterred applicants.

— Compiled from wire reports

Property crimes continue to plague campus CRIME, from Page 1 consecutive year from 152 in 2006 to 184 in 2007. Alcohol-related referrals increased from 849 issued in 2006 to 987 last year, according to the report, which is now posted on the University Police’s website. University Police spokesman Paul Dillon said his department’s policies regarding alcohol and drug arrests have not changed during the past few years. “Hopefully, university education programs have been making a difference,” he said. So far this year, police data shows violent crimes are down. At the end of August 2007, 12 violent crimes had been reported. As of the end of this August, there were only nine violent crimes reported. However, two crime alerts were sent out in September for on-campus robberies, putting the year-todate total at eight robberies — one less than all of last year. In addition, property crimes — most notably burglaries — have risen. There have been 113 burglaries so far this year through August, as opposed to 89 burglaries through August last year. Property crime totals are up to 370 incidents, a slight increase from 364 through August last year. “Burglaries are a real challenge for us,” Dillon said. “Most of those are unforced, probably 75 or 80 percent. A lot of incidents involve unlocked houses or rooms.” Dillon said the police department and the university are working to raise awareness in the school community to secure their residences and valuables. “The best way to attack this is through education, and we are continuing that effort,” Dillon said. goondbk@gmail.com

The Archive's Shadow, a show by artist Lynn Cazabon, features objects that have been left out of the archive records, including this piece titled Discard from the University of New Hampshire, Durham. JACLYN BOROWSKI-THE DIAMONDBACK

Come learn how you can spend spring 2009 studying in London, 5 p.m., Holzapfel Hall 0106


Senators visit crumbling labs SENATE, from Page 1



if the university could raise private funds to help make the repairs, Baker had a simple response: “It’s very hard to raise money to build the sewers.” While the finance committee couldn’t allocate money to help make the needed repairs, university lobbyist Ross Stern said it still made sense to show them the problems. Middleton clearly saw that improvements to facilities were needed, adding it is critical for the university to recruit top-notch faculty but noting how difficult that can be with crumbling research buildings. The deterioration of the university’s infrastructure has been dramatic. Last spring, there was an estimated $620 million backlog of repairs to the university, a gap

Stern said will take several years and lots of relationship-building with Annapolis to close. “A lot of that historic core is going to have to be renovated in the next few years,” he said. The senators were also taken on a bus tour of M-Square, where the university hopes government research centers will spur the local economy and draw in better faculty. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is building a climate change research center there, and a federal national intelligence research agency is scheduled to be built there. The Food and Drug Administration and the American Center for Physics are already located in the area. robillarddbk@gmail.com



Sachs hopes to Latina/o Studies struggles to retain faculty bolster SGA budget MINOR, from Page 1

SGA, from Page 1

tee; the rest of the members are from varying parts of Sachs weighed heavily when the community,” Hofberg he was deciding how much to added. “I am confident we cut from the most recent re- have a great representation and that our committee will quest. “Andrew was revolution- be fair in their decision ary in his idea to trim the making.” Sachs said he doesn’t have budget. But unfortunately, because of this, we were allo- any hopes or expectations for cated less money than usual the final funding level he will for what we wanted to do,” see in November, but he is confident in the Sachs said. “For exnumber he subample, we were left mitted. with only $500 in “I know the committee reserves number will get this year. It’s unrealcut, and it will get istic to think that we cut significantly,” could do all our proSachs said. “But I gramming with that think if we were little reserves, so I given every dollar made that a point of we requested, it emphasis.” would be well Sachs will present spent.” his budget proposal Although stuto the finance comdents aren’t almittee on Oct. 7. The lowed to sit in on committee is headed the committee’s by Vice President of deliberations, Financial Affairs Hofberg said he Jason Hofberg, setthinks the input ting up a potential Jonathan received via the conflict of interest hearings is subwith the SGA evalu- Sachs stantial enough. ating its own budget. SGA President “First we take But both Sachs and student input, and Hofberg have confidence the SGA will not re- we review that input carefully when we make our deliberaceive special treatment. “I want the committee to al- tions,” Hofberg said. The committee will make locate as much money as they can, within their guidelines,” its recommendation in the Sachs said. “I expect all the form of a bill that Hofberg groups to receive the same expects to be re-introduced to the legislature in early Noconsideration.” “You have to understand vember. there are only four legislators that sit on the commit- lemairedbk@gmail.com

“I know the number will get cut, and it will get cut significantly. ... If we were given every dollar we requested, it would be well spent.”

in new faculty, but two key professors who taught Latina/o Studies classes in the past, Angel Nieves and Alfred Amado, left last year. “Retention has always been a problem with this university,” Latino Student Union President Manny Ruiz said. “[Latino professors] come here and teach for a year or two, and then they leave. I don’t think we have the outreach that we need to attract and maintain minority faculty.” Zambrana said outreach is something the program is attempting to emphasize to legitimize the need for the program and solidify its place at the university. In coming months, Zambrana said the Latina/o Studies program will be teaming up with professors across disciplines to engage in Latinocentric research initiatives, provide a possible graduate certificate program and work with the Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center to provide Latino-themed entertainment and community outreach. “The demand is there. We just have to prove it,” Zambrana said. “It’s so important that we have a strong foundation for this program. There’s no sense in doing a lot of talk without taking any action.” Action has been at the crux of the Latina/o Studies minor’s success since the beginning, with students holding protests and speak-outs to affirm community support and demand. Officials said

Student support for the Latina/o Studies program was fervent earlier this year. However, a lack of resources has created problems for the program. FILE PHOTO/THE DIAMONDBACK

this action must continue if the program is to overcome all of the obstacles it still faces. “Students are critical to this struggle,” Zambrana said. “With all the anti-Latino sentiment here, it is our social and ethical responsibility to provide a way to elevate everyone’s level of awareness and understanding.” The program is the first of its kind in the greater Washington area. Ana-Patricia Rodriguez, who has been teaching Latina/o Studies classes since its inception in fall 2007 in addition to her regular course load, said finding other teachers to cover classes is another obstacle the program is still

Abortion enters campus election discussions ABORTION, from Page 1 Schurmann emphasized the difference between presidential candidate Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) and Obama’s abortion stances in her talk, saying McCain has vowed to overturn the Supreme Court’s 1973 Roe v. Wade decision, which legalizes abortions, while Obama is com-

mitted to defending a woman’s right to choose. Schurmann, who graduated from this university in 2007 and founded Terps for Choice, pointed out that the next president will likely appoint two new Supreme Court justices, whose political stances would weigh heavily in the court’s decision to consider repealing Roe v. Wade.

But Republican Women at Maryland president Alicia Walker, a junior civil engineering major who is pro-life and supports McCain, is not convinced a McCain presidency would lead to abortions becoming illegal. “I think a lot of people realize the president isn’t going to come in and change the consti-

tution and change all these laws that we have. The president cannot do that,” Walker said. “He can propose something to Congress, and since we have a Democratic Congress, that probably wouldn’t [be upheld].” While moral issues such as abortion and gay marriage played a prominent role in the 2004 election, the 2008 presidential election has shifted focus to the economy and foreign policy, leaving little room

struggling to overcome. “Our hope was that the teaching would rotate, but since we don’t have funds for hire, existing professors are covering the classes,” Rodriguez said. “I handled it in addition to doing all the work and research I already had to do. It was nonstop.” Despite institutional frustrations, all of the program’s classes are almost filled to capacity with students from across disciplines and ethnicities. The program hopes to attract 40 committed minors by the end of the academic year, a requirement the College of Arts and Humanities placed on the Latina/o Studies minor, Zambrana said. But

for McCain and Obama to discuss abortion at great length. Schurmann understands the candidates’ decision to avoid the issue, but still thinks voters need to hear more about abortion on the campaign trail. “I can certainly see concerns about touching on the abortion issue, but I think it’s important that candidates make their opinions on reproductive rights known,” Schurmann said. College Democrat Alexandra

similar programs such as the Asian American Studies minor never had to comply with such demands, said Larry Shinagawa, director of the program. No one involved in the Latina/o Studies push is discouraged, however. “This program has such potential to be a significant resource for not only our students, but for the community and region,” Zambrana said. “For Latinos, [programs like this] let us know that we count and affirms who we are. For non-Latinos, it challenges all of their pre-perceptions of the Latino condition. We need that.” langdbk@gmail.com

Ross, who attended the meeting last night, said she wanted to hear more about the candidates’ views on abortion. “I think [the topic of abortion] should get more play. I think it’s important for all women to have access to health care,” said Ross, a sophomore food science major. “It should be looked at as a medical issue, not a moral issue.” penndbk@gmail.com
















Staff Editorial

Guest Column

A little advice

Getting the facts straight on slots

Two weeks ago in his State of the Campus address, university President ers are targeting a specific crowd; instead of the University Career Center, Dan Mote had some good news about law school admissions: They had which provides generic services to students from a variety of departments, jumped 12 percent in three years. Indeed, the pre-law program at the uni- an adviser like Shaffer can focus on just one type of student. In this way, versity is flourishing, with the number of top-10 acceptances to law schools these advisers can provide more personalized advice. More importantly, advisers in specialized career centers skyrocketing from 13 in 2004 to 96 in 2007. can become more connected with their specific areas, an According to Jeanette Der Bedrosian’s Wednesday enormous advantage to students who use these services. story, “Admission to top law schools on the rise,” much of For instance, Shaffer places calls to admissions counselors this success can be attributed to pre-law adviser Greg Shaffer, who entered his advising position in fall 2003. The university should use at top schools to support top students. It’s easy to see how this support is to a resume-writing section. And Since, Shaffer has built a close connection with a number money earmarked in the superior it’s this personalized, connected support that helps the uniof top law schools, and hundreds of students a year have strategic plan to increase versity become the “public ivy” that Mote wants to proreaped the benefits of Shaffer’s support. mote. Shaffer is just one of a number of advisers in specialadvising for students. In the university’s strategic plan, $20 million is earized career centers across a variety of university departmarked for undergraduate programs, including advising ments. Pre-health students have their own advising office, as do engineering, business, public affairs and journalism students. and mentoring. Given the relatively small investment it takes to set up a Each of these offices gives students access to advisers knowledgeable of specialized career center (Shaffer’s the only one in his office) and the relatively large potential gains, university administrators must add more of and linked into their specific area of interest. The advantages of these programs are wide ranging. First, these advis- these programs as they strive for national prominence.

Our View

Editorial Cartoon: Mike O’Brien

The university: Imagining what it should be


espite all the training we received as children, we all seem to have lost our imaginations. I’m not talking about our inability to color outside the lines or make macaroni pictures; I mean our ability to imagine a better university. When my last column, “University Book Center: Time for a new chapter,” ran, the overwhelming response I received from people I talked to was, “What else could we do?” accompanied by a shrug. I don’t think it’s that students are apathetic, I just don’t think we (by and large) can imagine what a better university would look like. Every freshman philosophy or government and politics major has to learn about Plato’s “Allegory of the Cave,” the story about people in a cave strapped to chairs watching shadow puppets. These people can’t turn their heads or see the outside and have no knowledge of a three-dimensional world. As much as I hate to use such a hackneyed story, I


HARRIS think it describes our situation. Can we imagine a university that isn’t run like a business? Can we imagine walking through the Stamp Student Union without seeing a corporate logo? We’re stuck looking at the university we have and can’t imagine it as it should be. The truth is, we’re not stuck. The way things operate now is not the way they must run. Imagine how every facet would change if the university were at its best. In my last column, I wrote what I thought was wrong with UBC; let me use this one to write how I think it could look. Currently, Barnes & Noble operates our bookstore, but it isn’t that way every-

where. In fact, there’s no reason our bookstore needs to be a for-profit business at all. At UCLA, one of this university’s peer institutions, the bookstore, as well as the student union, restaurants and the school’s trademark and licensing, are all run on a nonprofit basis by its student association. We even have evidence of how a nonprofit could function on the campus within 20 feet of the bookstore itself. The Maryland Food Co-op is worker-owned and operated on a nonprofit basis. The result? The Co-op sells quality food at incredibly low prices and pays its workers $10.50 an hour. But most importantly, the Co-op fosters a sense of community because it’s unique to the university. We could run the UBC as a nonprofit student co-op and could pay students a living wage while doing away with the cookiecutter Barnes & Noble décor. What if, instead of bureaucrats selecting our books based on how much money they make, we had a committee of pro-

fessors and concerned students picking books they think will contribute to the university’s intellectual environment? We have buildings full of experts on great books; let’s put them to work. Throw in some big comfy chairs for reading and a coffee stand, and we have a real bookstore. Instead of having a place to pass through or buy textbooks, we could have a center of campus community, where students and teachers sit and read and talk without any logos. Does this sound utopian? Sure. But is there anything in there that’s impossible? Absolutely not. Take the same thought process and apply it anywhere on the campus. Start picturing the university as it could be instead of how it is. Once we get there, all that’s left is to do it. Malcolm Harris is a sophomore English and government and politics major. He can be reached at harrisdbk@gmail.com.

Opinions: In class, keep them to yourself


hat one kid just raised his hand and got called on, so I’m going to take this time to write a column. And then run steps. And take a nap. I’ve got laundry to do, too. You know the kid. He’s the one who’s not here to learn so much as to argue with the teacher and display to the whole class how big of a douche he is. Every five minutes, there’s a race to see if the teacher can finish a point before the kid’s hand goes shooting into the air — and through my wild hopes of learning anything in this class. And that’s a race we all lose. What’s this guy’s deal? I’m all for asking questions and remaining engaged in the class, but there’s this mutated string of DNA going through the university that makes these kids feel like the lecture hall is a battleground where their halfformed points need to beat out what

we’re already learning. But it’s not like they ever do, is it? Have you ever been in a class where “that kid” is suddenly proven right? I feel like the teacher’s not going to sit back for a second and go, “By golly, you’re right. Descartes was wrong. It’s all you. I award you an A+ and your pick of all the fertile women in this classroom. You are the champion of champions, sir.” That’s never the response. It’s always more like a blank stare while the teacher contemplates jumping out the window and making a break for it, followed by a sheepish non-response and then an attempt to get back to normalcy. And it’s not just what he says but how he says it. It would be sufficient supposing the verbiage orated by the student was ignorant in nature and process to begin with; however, what inconvenienc-


GINDES es me even more is the grandiose use of the words themselves. (This paragraph was brought to you by Thesaurus.com) But they do, don’t they? I don’t care how smart you are, I have a project due in an hour and a half, and I haven’t eaten lunch yet. Just make your point and move on. It’s bad enough that what you’re saying is crap; do you really need to say it in a crap manner? There are more craps coming out of this kid’s mouth than there are in Vegas. What’s

the record on using the word “crap” in a paragraph? Crap. I can deal with a kid who asks a ton of questions because he just doesn’t understand, and I can deal with a kid who answers a lot of questions because he is smarter than everyone else. I can’t deal with this wild-card guy using the classroom as his own sounding board. One of “these kids” started talking in class the other day, and my fingers involuntarily moved to my eyes in jabbing motions. There’s no joke here; this happened. I’m worried, to say the least. Moral of the story: No one wants to hear your dumb opinions. Let’s leave that to the professionals. Rob Gindes is a junior journalism major. He can be reached at gindesdbk@gmail.com.

POLICY: The signed letters, columns and cartoon represent only the opinions of the authors. The staff editorial represents the opinion of The Diamondback’s editorial board and is the responsibility of the editor in chief.

JOHN ALLENBACH I would like to thank Joel Cohen personally for the free exposure for the College Democrats he provided in yesterday’s edition of The Diamondback, but I’ve never met him, nor have I seen him at a College Democrats meeting. That’s why I’m so surprised he was so willing to tell everyone about the College Democrats and, moreover, talk so assuredly of what he thinks of me. I’m reluctant to nitpick since the adage goes “any publicity is good publicity,” but his attacks were off-base. We are divided as a group on the issue of slots, and that’s OK. Contrary to what the misinformed Cohen would have you believe, slots are not a cut-and-dry affront to Democratic ideals. It pits the Democratic principle of supporting education against our distaste for regressive taxes. It pits the best interest of unions against the threat of crime. It’s a gray area, so understandably, we have members on both sides of this issue. And yet Cohen chose to hide behind the masthead of The Diamondback rather than address the issue directly with me. I personally despise slots, and I have made that abundantly clear. I have lobbied politicians against slots, volunteered for Stop Slots Maryland and talked with any student who would listen about the dangers of introducing slots into our community. A number of people on our board have made similar efforts. In spite of this, Cohen chose to infer from two quotes taken from The Diamondback that we are somehow enabling apathy by refusing to take a stance. He chose to think we are not active in this issue just because our group as a whole is not mobilized. We are out there individually, working hard both for and against slots. If we had a consensus among our members, we would have no issue standing up to the party establishment. We don’t. As long as we’re using gratuitous references to uninvolved sources to prove we’re hip and educated but can’t come up with the words to say things ourselves, I’ve got one for Cohen. Ben Franklin said, “Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain, and most fools do.” It is easy to write a critical column. It is easy to whine about nothing being done. It is much more difficult to actually do something. Maybe if Cohen feels so strongly about this, he would like to start a student group to oppose slots? Finally, if Cohen would like to comment on the level of involvement the College Democrats are taking this semester, I’d love for him to come on any of the weekly trips to Virginia we take Saturdays to knock on doors for Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) or to any of our weekly phone banks or to any of the handful of joint events we’re holding with the College Republicans to educate people on the issues. If he comes out and still thinks we are abetting apathy, so be it. I would merely ask next time Cohen decides to malign a student group, he has a clue about what is going on with it. And I would ask whenever he decides to single out an individual student but lacks the courage to say it to his or her face, he pick up the phone or shoot an e-mail to make sure he’s got his facts straight. John Allenbach is president of the College Democrats. He can be reached at jallenba@umd.edu.

AIR YOUR VIEWS Address your letters or guest columns to the Opinion Desk at opinion.dbk@gmail.com. All letters and guest columns must be signed. Include your full name, year, major and day- and nighttime phone numbers. Please limit letters to 300 words. Please limit guest columns to 600 words. Submission of a letter or guest column constitutes an exclusive, worldwide, transferable license to The Diamondback of the copyright in the material in any media. The Diamondback retains the right to edit submissions for content and length.




Show host Egads! Hit the trail Asian export Meeting outlines Ethelred the —

52 Smack a mosquito 53 Kelly’s possum 54 Gasps of delight 55 Racehorse parent

44 Generosity 45 Dagwood’s boss 47 Mo. with no holidays 49 Droop


Previous Day’s Puzzle Solved:





















24 26











44 48

45 49




56 62

















You want to be able to count on those around you to come through in a pinch, and you will find happiness with a mate who is as quietly strong-willed as you are. You don’t seek out those who are needy — though you are willing and able to supply another’s needs when required.


Also born on this date are: Annie Leibovitz, photographer; Lorraine Bracco, actress; Donna Karan, fashion designer; Sting, singer; Don McLean, singer and songwriter; Rex Reed, film critic; Groucho Marx, actor and comedian; Mahatma Gandhi, spiritual leader. To see what is in store for you tomorrow, find your birthday and read the corresponding paragraph. Let your birthday star be your daily guide.









50 52










orn today, you have keen intuitions, and you are so deeply in touch with your own emotional currents that you almost never lose control of yourself even in the most volatile of situations. You demand from others the same kind of hard work that you demand of yourself, and you have little patience for those who let their hearts rule their heads in the wrong situations. You are not flashy or ostentatious in any way, and you are not attracted to those who focus more on appearance than on substance. You present yourself well, but what you do is always more important than how you do it.

FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3 LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) — Someone will try to sweep you off your feet, but you know better and can remain unmoved — unless, of course, you’re in the mood. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) — Take the time to look more


closely at those around you; you don’t want to make rash judgments that could upset others and risk progress.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20) — You may not have an overabundance of patience, and you must be sure not to overreact when someone near you behaves unexpectedly.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) — You are surely widely admired, but you may make a mistake that threatens your reputation. You can make amends swiftly if you so choose.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20) — Be willing to give up a little responsibility and lend your support to someone else whose reputation may really be on the line.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) — Be willing to trust someone with a little more responsibility; you can’t do it all. Be willing to delegate.

CANCER (June 21-July 22) — A slow start doesn’t necessarily make for a profitable day. Being first out of the gate is likely to win you more than mere profit.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) — Your ego may actually be standing in your way at this time. Be sure that you don’t let your own preconceptions color the way you go about business.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) — First impressions will be more important — and very likely more accurate — than expected. How you solve a puzzle will be pivotal.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) — Cut back on excess in all areas, and you’ll enjoy greater relaxation and greater profit — without so much effort as you have expected.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) — Sensitivity is the key; be willing to see things through the eyes of others without bias or distortion.

ARIES (March 21-April 19) — Someone who has been lurking in the background for some time is likely to spring forward and surprise you with his or her

Copyright 2008 United Feature Syndicate, Inc.



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31 32 33 36 42 43

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Eats on Wheels pairs with Campusfood Students gain seven new delivery options BY BEN WORSLEY Staff writer

The days of having to walk, drive or take a Shuttle-UM bus to Applebee’s, Chipotle or Noodles & Company are over. Say hello to burgers, burritos and pasta anytime — delivered anywhere within the city of College Park’s limits. Thanks to a partnership between Campusfood.com and local food order service Eats On Wheels, these staple eateries in the city are just a click away. Eats On Wheels, which began its service last March, offers seven new delivery options through the Campusfood.com website. The partnership means students can now indulge in Boston Market, Burger King, Food Factory II or IHOP without having to leave the comfort of their dorm or apartment. Eats On Wheels founder Deji Rotimi, a university alumnus, said the partnership officially launched about three weeks ago. He said his company was looking to pair up with a popular food order service in College Park, and Campusfood.com was the clear choice. “Since Campusfood is the main place people order food, we figured, ‘Hey, why not join with them?’” Rotimi said. Director of marketing for Campusfood.com Julie Shimshack said the two companies began talking about a partnership in June to broaden the array of local restaurants available by delivery. “We get a ton of requests from customers asking these restaurants to be on the service,” Shimshack said. “We decided jointly with [Eats On Wheels] that it would be a great way to serve more customers.” Shimshack said the two companies did not merge, however. Eats On Wheels acts as a representative of the seven new restaurants on the website. When people order food from Campusfood.com, the orders are relayed to Eats On Wheels, who then places the orders, picks up the food and delivers it to the hungry consumers, for an extra $3.99 fee. It is ultimately a win for both sides, and Rotimi said he hopes the connection will increase student knowledge about his company. “The marketing part is the big part; it’s a lot of work,” Rotimi said. “So far, [the partnership has] been beneficial for both parties. “Despite the convenience of getting virtually any restaurant in the area delivered to their door, some students are lamenting the process. Sophomore economics major Josh Hoyle and his roommates recently ordered Chipotle through the joint service, but said he was not impressed. “It took a little longer to deliver, and the minimum price was kind of high,” Hoyle said. “I’ll probably just keep ordering from D.P. Dough or Pita Pit, unless I really want something from one of the other places.” But Rotimi said for a starting business, the $3.99 delivery fee is necessary to pay the company’s seven drivers’ hourly wages, which according to its website are $11 to $15 per hour; a dollar of the fee goes toward gas for the drivers. But better deals, possibly including free delivery, are in the works for students during exam time, Rotimi added. And Eats On Wheels will hopefully offer delivery from up to 30 restaurants by the end of the semester — a move which would mean more drivers, as well. Overall, running his own business and the partnership are both still works in progress, Rotimi said. “It’s not an easy job at all; it takes up a lot of time,” he added. “[The partnership] relieves us a lot.” worsleydbk@gmail.com


Handbags aim to connect East and West HANDBAGS, from Page 1 are so trendy, they are usually priced less than $100, but I want the product to be perceived as something that is valuable,” Kwunyeun said. Kwunyeun’s self-proclaimed “Coach with a cause” bags sell for as much as $380, and her clutches sell from $75 to $110. Kwunyeun designs the bags herself. Then, the bodies of the purses are constructed by large-scale manufacturers in Thailand before being sent to independent Thai artisans for finishing touches such as broaches, beading and colorful fabrics. For Kwunyeun, the most important part of her company is offering better wages for the Thai women

who individualize the bags. Through the partnership, the women’s wages increase. For example, one Thai woman was able to increase her revenue from $5 a bag to $35 due to her relationship with Blumpari. “I want people to have an appreciation of what it takes for women to make these products,” Kwunyeun said. Kwunyeun’s business began in 2003, when she traveled to Thailand on a Fulbright Fellowship, which gives students the opportunity to study abroad for one academic year. At Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok, she focused on the connection between art and local Thai culture. Through her research, Kwunyeun was introduced to local seamstresses who live in remote villages where it is

“I want people to have an appreciation of what it takes for women to make these products.” CHERRY KWUNYEUN GRADUATE STUDENT ENTREPRENEUR

hard to market their handmade products, resulting in little profit, she said. Not long after, Kwunyeun entered a local pursedesigning contest. With the idea to combine her designs with the craftsmanship of local artists, she hoped to create a revolutionary product. Despite her classmates’ belief that Kwunyeun could

not pull it off, she won the contest. “It was an opportunity to pull all the ideas I had in mind, and to get their products seen and heard in the market,” Kwunyeun said. She then built upon her initial success to create Blumpari. Over the next few years, Kwunyeun met with companies and Thai artisans, negotiated with New York and Baltimore retailers and designed dozens of handbags, all while completing her master’s of business at the business school. She had a little help from the business school’s Dingman Center for Entrepreneurship, an institute run through the university that supports start-up companies. The center provided funds, accounting services

and office space. “Cherry is a wonderful example of a budding entrepreneur,” said Patricia Cleveland, undergraduate dean of the business school. “We’re really proud of her as a leader.” Future plans for the booming company include selling handbags through a network of handbag parties. Kwunyeun said she is now designing a Christmas collection to keep up with the rising demand, and ultimately hopes the bags will connect the Thai women producing them with the women who love carrying them. “Women carry them every day,” Kwunyeun said, “and that’s how you transfer the story.” woodhousedbk@gmail.com

Former dean charged with heading botanical garden McIntosh hopes beautified campus will shape, enhance the collegiate experience BY TIRZA AUSTIN Staff writer

Marla McIntosh wants to beautify the campus and help students create fonder collegiate memories. And after being officially announced as the interim director of the university’s Arboretum and Botanical Garden yesterday, she may be able to do just that. In her two-year position, McIntosh will oversee the trees on the campus and integrate their beauty into the campus’s landscape. After taking the job earlier this semester, McIntosh — a professor and former associate dean for the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources — said she plans to enhance students’ college experience through improving and maintaining the campus’s trees. “Campus is where we all live,” McIntosh said. “It makes you feel better to be able [to] sit and have lunch and talk.” The tools McIntosh will use to create a memorable landscape for students are different than those

of a typical arboretum director. The search committee that hired her envisioned someone who specialized in horticulture or landscape management, McIntosh said. But McIntosh is just as qualified despite her different background, saying, “I bring something very different by understanding people in a green space.” Her background, she said, will help the university’s specific challenges with the arboretum. “We are an urban forest,” she said. “Urban forestry is about people living within the trees and landscape. We have to be an urban forest. As a campus community, this is part of us.” But, McIntosh’s position isn’t permanent; instead, she plans to “rebuild the foundation” before the department can hire a fulltime director. To become an urban forest and not just a place where people visit, McIntosh said fundraising is a top priority. “We are going to need significant donations for the arboretum, as we envision it,” McIntosh said.

“We need significant improvements. We’re hoping to get support from alumni to make improvements to the campus landscape and environment.” Fellow arboretum committee members seem to think she is in a good position to do that, and are excited about McIntosh’s role. “The addition of McIntosh as the director of the campus arboretum is an excellent and necessary step in our efforts to elevate the Arboretum’s status to a regionally and nationally recognized environmental stewardship icon,” Coordinator of Landscape Services Taylor Keen said. “Her ability to coordinate the joint efforts of the campus administration, Facilities Management and Planning, and the plant science department and urban forestry program will be invaluable.” Another of McIntosh’s assets is her knowledge of the campus’s history. She established relationships with both academics and administrators since becoming a professor in 1979. She said she will continue to

juggle these relationships with both her academic and administrative calendars while expanding the program. “I need to be in the classroom,” McIntosh said. “Students are the primary users of campus.” McIntosh said she hopes the arboretum will welcome more students into the initiative. “Once we get going, we will get student volunteers,” she added. “It’s educational and fun for those of us who like to dig in the dirt.” McIntosh, who graduated from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, said she associated many of her college memories with trees on that campus.

She also has strong feelings about the trees on this campus, noting her favorite tree is a white oak across from the Mitchell Building by the Memorial Chapel. “It has an amazing shape,” McIntosh said. “It’s almost welcoming people because the branches are so low.” She hopes the arboretum will supply graduates with an opportunity to come back and enjoy the same landscape they left behind. “You can come back year after year after you graduate, and [the campus] will look better,” McIntosh said. taustindbk@gmail.com

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Simon Pegg in How To Lose Friends and Alienate People

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Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist rocks with charm, romance and sass BY DAN BENAMOR Senior staff writer

Moviegoers see a million romances unfold onscreen each year, but rarely with the gentle, quiet charm of Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist. You’ve seen this romance before but not so much in mainstream cinema — it’s usually seen in the awkward years of high school life. And for those who aren’t looking for romance, Nick and Norah has more than enough laughs. Michael Cera (Juno) is now firmly typecast as the lovelorn maladroit teen, but in Nick and Norah, he shows signs he will one day grow up onscreen. Cera plays Nick, a just-dumped mixtape enthusiast who draws the eye of Norah (Kat Dennings, Charlie Bartlett), the daughter of a record executive. The two meet at a show for Nick’s band, The Jerk Offs. Norah, desperate to show her friend (who is also Nick’s villainous ex) she really does have a

the small screen FORGETTING SARAH MARSHALL The DVDs from the Judd Apatow crowd have all been chockfull of special features, and this is no exception. Highlights include Peter (Jason Segel, Knocked Up) singing his Dracula song to girlfriend Sarah (Kristen Bell, Flatland: The Movie) but changing his voice to be more like The B-52’s Fred Schneider, as well as a hilarious sequence at a yoga class in Hawaii.

MY NAME IS EARL This four-disc set contains all the episodes from the strikeshortened third season, plus a pair of featurettes: one about the goofy characters who populate the fictional town of Camden and one in which Crabman’s pet turtle, Mr. Turtle, runs a commentary on his collected scenes from the first three seasons. The characters’ featurette is a nice glimpse into the behind-the-scenes world of the show’s writers but could’ve been meatier in terms of length.

boyfriend, spontaneously kisses Nick as proof. By far the most impressive aspect of Nick and Norah is its convincing romance. The writing (newbie scribe Lorene Scafaria adapting Rachel Cohn and David Levithan’s novel) very gradually builds up the attraction. Nick and Norah meet, make lame jokes to each other as they try to flirt, compare musical tastes, dance together goofily and slowly fall for each other. The pacing of their romance and the lack of grandiosity with which it is portrayed is refreshing. There’s no sweeping musical score as they lock eyes, no overlong shots of pining glances — the filmmakers keep everything very subdued. Cera and Dennings play a big part in keeping the romance low-key but credible. Both actors have a tendency to underplay their emotions, which works to great effect in Nick and Norah. Their falling in love is built up from shy glances, slight

smiles and subtle looks. Cera in particular is very talented at conveying a ton of information with just a small gesture or shift of the eyes. There’s a moment when Nick finally moves on from his ex, and Cera conveys the entire weight of that emotional change through just a little tightening of the eyes. In Nick and Norah, we see Cera’s legitimate acting chops, perhaps a hint of a more expansive filmography down the line. But it’s not all love and drama: Nick and Norah is also a fun comedy with a range of gags drawing laughs. A Farrelly Brothers-esque running joke about a disgustingly reused piece of bubble gum keeps working, as do more throwaway moments, such as the lusty couple who mistake Nick’s car for a cab (“I love you so much it’s retarded,” the male partner breaths mid-slobber kiss).

Unfortunately, like most commercial American films, Nick and Norah is a simple melodrama with basically no shades of gray. The good and bad guys are clearly demarcated; Nick and Norah are good, and their exflames are bad. Nick’s ex, Tris (Alexis Dziena, Fool’s Gold) uses Nick for his affection, and Norah’s ex, Tal (Jay Baruchel, Tropic Thunder) uses her for her record-label daddy. Criticism of his character aside, it is a lot of fun seeing Baruchel — better-known for his membership in the Judd Apatow clan — play against type as a slick bully. But when he and Cera get into a shoving match, it’s sort of like watching two beanpoles sway toward each other. There are a number of other fun characters who keep the film balanced between romance and humor. Norah’s friend, Caroline (Ari Graynor, Blues), spends half

the film drunk and confused, approaching everyone she meets with equal friendliness, be it a mute subway passenger or a dragshow Jesus impersonator. And Nick’s bandmates continually debate alternate names for their band, such as Fistful of Assholes. It’s all very sweet, endearing and harmless, but the real linchpin holding it together is the true romance. When Nick and Norah finally do get together (not giving away anything there), you may feel a little cheer, even though you knew it was going to happen all along. The same holds true for other predictable moments, such as the rejection of both exes by their former better halves. When a movie is totally predictable but still fully invests your interest and attention, that’s quality execution. Nick and Norah does the trick. dan.benamor@gmail.com

MOVIE: Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist | VERDICT:


Seeing through the Blindness Fernando Meirelles gives a haunting deconstruction of modern society BY THOMAS FLOYD Senior staff writer

When Fernando Meirelles’ latest film, Blindness, earned the muchenvied opening slot at the prestigious Cannes Film Festival, the public opinion drenched the pseudo-apocalyptic drama in the expected hype. But once it actually hit the screen, hopeful anticipation quickly became regretful disappointment as the savvy director’s effort fell flat among the festival panel and received one of the lowest scores. But oh, the wonders of editing. Nearly five months after the film debuted at Cannes, Meirelles (City of God and The Constant Gardener) brings a significantly re-edited version of Blindness to theaters. And the Brazilian’s adjustments appear to have worked — his new cut of Blindness succeeds as a haunting deconstruction of society’s darkest tendencies, even if it is an overly ambitious endeavor. The refined images are aesthetically fascinating. Meirelles plays with the visuals throughout, often straining the eyes of his audience by presenting scenes either in a bright white haze or in dim shadows. Several early scenes are shot using mirrors or windows, subtly foreshadowing the reflections on social order much of the film analyzes.

Based on a novel of the same title by author José Saramago (and adapted by Don McKellar (Childstar), who also plays a small role in the film), Blindness revolves around an epidemic known as “white blindness” that inexplicably starts striking people sightless. Frightened and confused, civilization’s natural reaction is to hastily lock away these victims into quarantine. Among the first to go blind are a Japanese businessman (Yusuke Iseya, Closed Note), a surly prostitute (Alice Braga, Redbelt), a mysterious man with an eye patch (Danny Glover, Be Kind Rewind) and a doctor attempting to diagnose the condition (Mark Ruffalo, Reservation Road). The actual identities of these characters are left shrouded in anonymity, as their names and back stories are irrelevant in a new age where their former identities hold no societal sway. Amid the turmoil, it is the doctor who secretly has an advantage: His wife (Julianne Moore, revisiting the postmodern dystopia she explored in Children of Men) joins him at the quarantine, even though she can still see and is just pretending to be blind. Why she is unaffected, however, is never explained — Meirelles asks you to simply suspend your disbelief in that regard. In the end, though, it comes across as a frustrating narrative oversight.

Mark Ruffalo and Julianne Moore survive in a blind world. COURTESY OF MOVIEWEB

While more and more people are admitted to the quarantine, it becomes evident the outbreak is not slowing down. The residents of the ravaged quarantine are essentially on their own, paving the way for the selfdeclared “King of Ward 3” (an excellent Gael García Bernal, The Past) to seize the food supply. His price for a meal? First, it is the valuables of the other wards and, later, their women. Blindness is not an easy film to watch — people are broken down and

MOVIE: Blindness | VERDICT:

reduced to their most primal instincts, making for messy scenarios. Morals are thrown out the window, and discriminatory undertones take over. But Meirelles does balance out the storyline by leaving us with a glimmer of hope, focusing on the unification of souls and dismissal of vanity that comes about thanks to the crisis. The harshest, most blinding lights soften and guide in a world of absolute darkness. tfloyd1@umd.edu




Scott developing stronger resilience SCOTT, from Page 12 his first ACC start, Scott showed he has the toughness to be the Terps’ featured running back. “It was rough, especially with the shoulder injury and everything,” Scott said. “I just tried to man up and do what I could do, keep pounding it right to the end of the game.” Scott is listed as questionable for Saturday’s game at Virginia and will probably not take contact again this week, according to Friedgen. The running back said he was 80-to-90 percent at the start of the Clemson game and expects to be slightly hampered by the injury for the foreseeable future. He also expects to keep playing. “I want to stay in,” said Scott, who acknowledged feeling pain on nearly every play against the Tigers. “My teammates depend on me being that leader and getting the job done when a run is called.” At halftime, Friedgen told Scott he needed to attack the line of scrimmage more instead of running towards the sidelines. Scott’s reply: “I’m good to go, coach. Just get me the ball.”

Scott missed a series in the third quarter after a particularly hard hit to the shoulder that caused him to lose feeling in the arm, but he returned to score the game-winning touchdown and play an integral role on the Terps’ final scoring drive as they secured the win. While the open running lanes that led to a 7.3 yards per carry average in his first three games weren’t there against Clemson, Scott gutted out tough yards against a Clemson defense that continually swarmed into the Terp backfield. Offensive coordinator James Franklin said the lack of ground success could be attributed to Scott’s injury, a lack of holes and a good Tiger defensive scheme. Center Edwin Williams said it’s up to the line to make Scott’s job easier. “Da’Rel’s a huge asset to our team, and we know we need him,” the senior lineman said. “We’ve got to protect him a lot better, and we’ve got to do the things we’re supposed to do.” Even as Scott was stopped for minimal gains, he stayed on the field to take the Tigers’ punishment. Backup Davin Meggett

ran the ball once for 1 yard, and third-stringer Morgan Green, fresh off a two-touchdown game against Eastern Michigan, didn’t see the field. Franklin said Scott stayed in because he continues to give the Terps the best chance to win, and as long as he remains somewhat healthy, that shouldn’t change. With a gutty performance Saturday, the 5-foot-11, 192pounder showed he’s more than just a big-play threat. “He fooled me,” said quarterback Chris Turner when asked if he could see Scott’s pain in the huddle. “I’m sure he was hurting, but to me he looked like he knew what he had to do. He buckled his chinstrap and kind of went after it.” Scott is looking forward to the bye week coming next week and a chance to rest his legs and shoulder, but before that, he’s ready to take the punishment one more time. When asked if his body was prepared to handle 23 more carries against Virginia Saturday, Scott didn’t hesitate. “I’m ready to go. Definitely.” edetweilerdbk@gmail.com

Thomas working with teammates THOMAS, from Page 10 from the NCAA. The wait was beneficial. Thomas was able to acclimate herself both athletically and culturally without the stress of suiting up for one of the nation’s top teams. “The first game when I was on the bench, it was so overwhelming, because it’s so big and professional, and we just don’t have that in England,” said Thomas, who has competed for England’s U-21 national team. “I think if I’d have played in the first game, I would have been overwhelmed by it. I sort of had the chance to break in gently.” Now that she’s on the field, Thomas is making an impact with her pesky defense. She credits her teammates for easing her transition into the rotation. Not everything has gone smoothly on the field, but things are improving. “It’s so nice to be out there with [my teammates], and they’re all so helpful to me on the pitch,” said Thomas, betraying her charming British vernacular. “People like Alicia Grater in goal, she just chats to me the whole time. I still

have a lot to learn.” Although the Terps won against the Demon Deacons, the team’s growing pains were evident during the game. For Thomas and her teammates, communication is the first order of business. “[Against Wake Forest], I had a couple teething problems and just wasn’t quite sure where people would be, and I think [Alexis Pappas] would probably vouch for that,” Thomas said. “There were a couple times where [Pappas] would turn around and say, ‘Give me the ball!’ But we sorted it out; we’ve moved on, and we’re stronger for it.” Like the rest of the team, Pappas knows it will take time to work Thomas into the system. Still, it’s clear she will be a valuable piece to the puzzle as the Terps seek a return to the final four. Both players agreed there has already been substantial growth since the weekend. “I think that having Emma’s experience behind me and us working together now, it’s just going to be really, really exciting,” Pappas said. “Emma’s a strong player. She has strong passes, strong defensive tackles, and it’s nice to work in front of somebody

who can intercept the ball the way she does. ... She’s a huge part of this team now.” With her assimilation into American field hockey underway, it may be time to turn the focus back to American culture. Thomas said she has had help from fellow foreigners Ameliet Rischen and Susie Rowe. Thomas and Rowe played together back in England, and Rowe pointed to one particular service she’s provided. “I’d say I’m her personal translator service,” Rowe said. “She’s like ‘Susie, what does that word mean?’ and I explain. I use American words, and she makes fun of me all the time because I sound like an American. She’s gotta learn the American vocabulary.” But as long as the team succeeds, it’s OK if a little is lost in translation. “Even a month in, we still laugh every day in practice when we speak or when the girls speak, and I’m sitting there like, ‘What are you talking about?’” Thomas said. “That’s been an adjustment, but it’s been good fun.” Now, about those Maryland Cookies... mkatzdbk@gmail.com

Moise Fokou has been a major factor this season from the Sam position.


‘Terp’ provides a mixed bag of defensive formations TERP, from Page 12 defensive end. Now, the LEO truly is a mix of both positions. “We’re not in 3-4,” Cosh said. “We’re in a 3-3 defense. It’s a 3-3 stack — you can evolve to a four-down in a 4-3 scheme, too. The LEO is supposed to be an end-linebacker option, and that’s truly what he’s being. He’s becoming that — a linebacker in the 3-3, and a down defensive end in the 4-3.” But that isn’t all that’s different about Terp. If the LEO plays on the line as a defensive end, the defense resembles a traditional 4-3 with strong-side (Sam), middle (Mike) and weak-side (Will) linebackers. If the LEO is playing off the line as a linebacker, then the Sam linebacker becomes a hybrid linebacker/safety, making it similar to a 3-3-5 scheme. “The fifth one is now the Sam,” said Rick Costa, who plays the LEO position along with Covington. “The Sam used to be a stand-up linebacker like everyone else. Now we convert it into a somewhat-safety.” The confusion is one of the system’s biggest advantages. Opposing offenses are forced to constantly account for the Terps’ shifting defenders. The LEO will often line up at either linebacker or defensive end, only to switch seconds before the ball is snapped, messing with the quarterback and offensive line’s pre-snap reads. “[The offensive line is] not firing off the ball, and you get a lineman coming out on their heels, not firing off the ball; you have your way with them,” Will linebacker Dave Philistin said. “Sometimes, you’ll see in the film, they’ll run into each other trying to block me, and the nose

[tackle] will be free.” Sometimes, it even confuses the players that run it. “Essentially it is a 3-3-5, but I guess it plays like a 3-4,” Costa said. “You could say that because a lot of our defense will have the LEO be the one that bumps down an almost play as a fourth-down lineman, but he’ll be in a stand-up position. So you could say that.” In reality, the Terp defense is not a true 3-4 or 3-3-5, just as the LEO is neither a linebacker nor defensive end. Both are unique. While the Terp formation creates a distinctive position in the LEO and warps the traditional role of the Sam linebacker, the Mike and Will linebackers — Alex Wujciak and Philistin, respectively — face the toughest challenges. In Terp, all members of the front seven retain single-gap responsibilities. But depending on what direction the offensive line pushes each defensive lineman, gaps can change for both the Will and the Mike in the middle of a play. That can also be an advantage because it allows the defense to adapt. If a lineman is pushed out of his pre-snap gap responsibility, it is up to the linebackers to switch gaps. But in last year’s 4-3, there was no such flexibility. “There was a pretty slow transition period when we first made the switch,” defensive lineman Dean Muhtadi said. “This year I’m playing nose tackle, and I’m playing all of it, so especially when we’re switching personnel and positions, [the offense] can’t even keep up with it. They don’t know who’s gonna be where at what time. Sometimes they’ll whiff — they’ll fire off the ball, and we won’t be in that spot anymore.” Another thing the Terps have gotten used to, and Muh-

tadi has come to relish, is consistently being outweighed by the opposing offensive line. Feliciano and Moore provided muscle up front last year, but this season, the Terps haven’t once started a defensive lineman weighing more than 295 pounds, while consistently going up against huge offensive lines. Last weekend, the defense struggled against Clemson’s line in the first half, allowing 195 rushing yards, and then dominated the second half, giving up only 26 yards on the ground. The Terps are hoping to string together two solid defensive halves this weekend against the Cavaliers, who also boast a beefy line. But they’ll have to do it without Adrien Moten, who has served as Moise Fokou’s backup at Sam linebacker and early in the season has been one of the Terps’ biggest playmakers. Replacing Moten will be safety Antwine Perez, who at 200 pounds brings more speed but less size to the position. “There are some things he does better than others,” coach Ralph Friedgen said. “Obviously, he gives us a better cover guy. Where he has trouble is when he has to hold up against the tight end, and it’s not a will thing, it’s a weight thing.” The Cavaliers’ starting offensive line averages 304.6 pounds, leaving the Terps again undersized. But even if the Cavaliers are able to get some push up front, the design of the Terps’ new, self-named defense will allow them to fill open holes and take out darting ballcarriers. “We love it when people are bigger and we get a little more reputation behind them,” Muhtadi said. “It’s just more for us to tear down.” jnewmandbk@gmail.com



‘They’re both good keepers’ The men’s soccer team has featured both Will Swaim and Zac MacMath in goal BY AARON KRAUT Senior staff writer

To Will Swaim, sitting on the bench every other game is no big deal. The goalkeeper for the No. 4 Terrapin men’s soccer team has been through it before. Swaim and fellow goalkeeper Zac MacMath have split playing time between the posts this season, much in the same way Swaim rotated in and out of goal last year. Thorne Holder, who was part of coach Sasho Cirovski’s two-goalie rotation with Swaim last season, has since transferred to Adelphi University. But to Swaim, it has become part of the routine. “I’m used it to by now,” Swaim said. “It’s definitely good to have two guys that you know you can count on.” The two-goalie system is rare, but Cirovski said he can’t afford to not play both of his goalkeepers. MacMath was a twotime PARADE Magazine All-American and played with the U-17 National Team at the 2007 FIFA World Cup. He was considered by ESPN as the top goalkeeper recruit in the nation. Swaim

Goalkeepers Will Swaim (left) and Zac MacMath (right). PHOTOS BY JACLYN BOROWSKI/THE DIAMONDBACK

was a less-heralded prospect as a freshman but improved greatly this offseason, according to Cirovski. “They’re both good keepers,” the coach said. “They both need to keep improving and learning from every game with the hope that from two good goalkeepers we get two great goalkeepers.” The numbers so far this season back up Cirovski’s plan. Both MacMath and Swaim are in the top seven in the ACC in goals against average. In four games, MacMath has allowed two goals. In five games, Swaim has allowed five, but four of them came in one night against No. 1 Wake Forest. Swaim has started for the Terps (72-0, 2-1-0 ACC) in all three ACC games this year, all of which were against ranked competition, and the season-opener at then-No. 14 UCLA. But after MacMath’s two-save performance in the Terps’ 1-0 win against Binghamton Tuesday night, Cirovski said he is undecided on who will start Friday at Clemson. Regardless of the coach’s decision, MacMath said he and Swaim will constantly push each other to get better. “Will and I are good friends off the field and on the field,” MacMath said. “We help each other, and we push each other every day. Whoever gets the start, gets the start. We support each other, no matter what.” While Swaim and MacMath are accepting of the two-goalie rotation, they aren’t the only ones affected. The Terp backline, which relies on the goalkeeper for direction and communication, had trouble adjusting to different goalkeep-

Missing Maryland Cookies

ers last season, according to defender A.J. Delagarza. But Swaim’s and MacMath’s playing styles are similar enough that there haven’t been many communication issues so far this season. “Last year, Thorne and Will were two different players, so it was kind of hard for us to get used to Will and then have to turn around and get used to Thorne,” Delagarza said. “Will is confident. It’s his second year, so he’s more confident than Zac, being just a freshman stepping in. But they also are similar in a lot of ways; they’re almost exactly alike.” Swaim agreed. “We both try to work on the same things, and communication is definitely one of them,” Swaim said. “It really helps our backline if it’s the same constant communication.” And for Cirovski, it’s comforting to know no matter which goalkeeper plays, they’ll both give the Terps strong play in net. “We feel strongly that they both can help us win,” Cirovski said. akrautdbk@gmail.com

Terps get another top offense

British field hockey transfer still adjusting to America

BY DAN MORRISON Staff writer


The Terrapin women’s soccer team knows what it has to do to take down No. 11 Florida State tonight. After surrendering five goals to No. 2 North Carolina Sunday, the Terps will get a glimpse of another top-10 offense tonight when they host Florida State at 7 p.m. The Terps (4-5-1, 0-2-0 ACC) know they must hunker down and play hard-nosed defense for the entire 90 minutes to pull out a win. That’s the recipe they plan to put in action against an offensively gifted Seminoles team. Through scouting the Seminoles and going over tendencies and playing styles from last year’s meeting, the Terps are aware shutting down the prolific Seminole offense must be their top priority. Florida State (7-2-1, 1-1-0), the third-straight top-20 team the Terps have faced in the ACC this season, will bring to College Park an offense that ranks ninth in the country, averaging three goals per game. It will be the job of the Terps’ defensive backline to contain that potent offense, and to do so, they’ll have to control Florida State freshman forward Tiffany McCarty.

Staff writer

Emma Thomas was in English class when the teacher put on Northanger Abbey, a film based on Jane Austen’s novel of the same name. Thomas was giddy as the screen displayed scenes from her hometown, Bath, England, where the story is set. It was a welcome moment of nostalgia for the field hockey team’s newest member. The senior back joined the Terps this season after transferring from the University of Bath. She played her first game Saturday against Wake Forest after finally receiving clearance from the NCAA. Adjusting to life in the United States is taking some time for Thomas. Perhaps most mystifying has been the lack of Maryland Cookies — a brand-name English biscuit — in the Old Line State. “This is Maryland; there should be Maryland Cookies,” said Thomas, laughing. “So I said [to the team],

Emma Thomas (right) provided the Terp defense with a boost in her first game with the team. ALLISON AKERS/THE DIAMONDBACK

‘When I go home for Christmas I’m going to bring you some proper chocolate, some proper sweets and the Maryland Cookies we have in England.’” She especially laments waking up without a bowl of Weetabix cereal. Though Thomas may miss traditional British fare, she has seemed at home in the Terps backline.

“She gives us another experienced defender,” coach Missy Meharg said. “She’s a very team-oriented player character-wise, and because she’s been here training with the team, she has great synergy with the girls.” Thomas arrived on Labor Day and practiced with the team while awaiting clearance

Please See THOMAS, Page 9

Terps vs. Florida State Where: Ludwig Field When: Tonight, 7 p.m. Radio: WMUCsports.com McCarty, from Laurel, attended St. John’s College High School in Washington and is leading the Seminoles in points this season with six goals and three assists. Often teaming up with fellow forward Sanna Talonen, the two have combined to score 12 goals and have become a feared duo up front. With McCarty and Talonen leading the way, the Seminoles have the raw speed to accompany their polished tactical skills, making them that much harder to defend. “Now, they’re a little more versatile in how they play,” coach Brian Pensky said. “If they want to play indirect and pass through you, they can do that. At the same time, they now have the ability to be more direct and just play a ball behind the defense and run physically through and past teams. It


makes them a little bit less predictable, because they have different ways of hurting you.” To slow that front line down, the Terps have been working to fix the mistakes they made against North Carolina this past weekend that gave the Tar Heels several easy breakaways. In that game, Pensky felt his team wasn’t physical enough in the back and allowed too many through balls over the top of the defense, resulting in easy scoring chances. “We’ve worked a lot on our starting position as backs, our bumping of runners, putting our hands on runners,” Pensky said. “We’ve got to limit the number of times Florida State gets behind our backline.” A key in limiting the Seminoles’ scoring chances is to limit the touches of reigning National Freshman of the Year Amanda DaCosta. The midfielder has scored three goals and assisted on three more this season, and Pensky said the Terps “have to be aware of where she is at all times.” If the Terps can accomplish their first priority by containing DaCosta and the rest of the speedy Florida State offense, they’ll have a decent shot at pulling off the upset. dmorrisondbk@gmail.com

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Scott growing into expanded role Running back played injured against Clemson BY ERIC DETWEILER Senior staff writer

Linebackers Rick Costa (left) and Alex Wujciak (right) are part of the reason defensive coordinator Chris Cosh went with a hybrid 33-5 defense this season. ADAM FRIED/THE DIAMONDBACK

A defense called ‘Terp’ Defensive coordinator Chris Cosh’s scheme is confusing offenses ... and fans BY JEFF NEWMAN Staff writer

When asked to define exactly what defensive scheme they run, the Terrapin defenders need a second to think. After a few “umms” and “uhs,” they begin to describe the system. It isn’t a 4-3, the system they ran last year, and it isn’t a 3-4, as it’s been portrayed in the past. It seems to most closely resemble a 3-3-5, similar to what the Terps used to see from West Virginia every year. But one thing is clear: It can’t be defined by a simple number scheme. Defensive coordinator Chris Cosh used the Terps’ defense — which he dubbed “Terp” — sparingly last season, opting instead for the more traditional 4-3 as the base defense. But after losing 300-plus pound defensive tackles Carlos Feliciano and Dre Moore to gradua-

2008 FOOTBALL tion, it became evident the strength of this year’s defense was a deep and athletic linebacker corps. As a result, Terp is the new base defense. The formation has been mistaken for a 3-4 because it appears to use four linebackers. But Cosh begs to differ — what distinguishes “Terp” from other defenses is its implementation of the hybrid LEO position, which stands for “linebacker-end option.” The title is a familiar one to Terp fans — former Terp Shawn Merriman and current starter Trey Covington both played the LEO in the past. But up until this season, the LEO was more of a stand-up

Early on in running back Da’Rel Scott’s Terrapin football career, coach Ralph Friedgen had to convince the speedster that being a college running back comes with its share of aches and pains. Back then, a minor ankle injury was enough to keep Scott on the sidelines. It’s hard for Friedgen to imagine that same player running the ball 23 times in a game after practicing all week in a no-contact jersey, or taking a hit directly to his sprained left shoulder and heading straight back into the huddle ready for more. Nor would the younger Scott have been a vocal presence in the locker room at halftime following one of the team’s worst halves of the season. But he did all those things Saturday at Clemson. The redshirt sophomore picked up 39 tough yards and scored the

2008 FOOTBALL game-winning touchdown to help the Terps to an upset win against the Tigers. Scott is growing up. “That’s a little out of character for him,” Friedgen said. “He wasn’t shying away. He was in there, and I knew he was hurting. He’s come a long way from where he was.” Scott, who leads the ACC in rushing yards per game with 446 yards and four touchdowns in his four games, sprained his shoulder in the second half against Cal on Sept. 13. After missing the next game against Eastern Michigan, Scott returned to action Saturday having not taken a hit in two full weeks. Despite averaging just 1.7 yards per rush in

Please See SCOTT, Page 10

Da’Rel Scott was not at his best against Clemson, rushing for just 39 yards on 23 carries Saturday. ADAM FRIED/THE DIAMONDBACK

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Not Valid On Catering or Alcohol. $8.50 minimum required Not valid with any other coupon. One coupon per person. Must present coupon. Tax and delivery charge not included. Please specify coupon when ordering. Expires 10/9/08. D

9204 Baltimore Ave. (Rt. 1) COLLEGE PARK, MD 20740 Located behind Barnside Diner

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Two 1-Topping Medium 12” Cheese Pizzas


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Not Valid On Catering or Alcohol. Not valid with any other coupon. One coupon per person. Must present coupon. Tax and delivery charge not included. Please specify coupon when ordering. Expires 10/9/08.


2-Topping 16” Ex-Large Cheese Pizza Additional Toppings Extra




+ tax

Not Valid On Catering or Alcohol. Not valid with any other coupon. One coupon per person. Must present coupon. Tax and delivery charge not included. Please specify coupon when ordering. Expires 10/9/08.


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