ULTIMATE UNDERDOG LEWIS BLACK ATTACKS Chris Turner has a reputation for dominating ranked opponents
Comedian brings politically charged humor to the campus
Agreement Wylie will serve as interim VP sets wages, Chief of staff to step down after filling in as Duncan’s replacement conditions for workers BY KEVIN ROBILLARD Senior staff writer
Supervisors begin training for terms approved in August
Ann Wylie, a faculty member and administrator at the university for more than three decades, was named interim vice president for administrative affairs yesterday. She also said she will soon step down from her position as university President Dan Mote’s chief of staff, the second-highest position at the university.
Wylie’s tenure as vice president will be short but critical. The interim job will involve oversee-
ing three important university development projects: East Campus, the M-Square Research Park and the Purple Line transitway project — as well as overseeing the university’s budget during the legislative session in the spring. “I’m deeply involved in East Campus already,” Wylie said, pointing to her membership on the East Campus steering committee and another committee that selected Foulger-Pratt Argo
as the developer of the 38-acre project. She also has worked on the university’s budget and finances and has been involved in negotiations with Maryland Transportation Administration about the Purple Line. Wylie will temporarily replace Doug Duncan, who announced his resignation last week after holding the administrative affairs position
Please See WYLIE, Page 3
Living with
Dick &
Supervisors will be trained this week on the terms of a revised labor agreement detailing the wages and working conditions of university support staff, which includes maintenance, dining hall and housekeeping workers. Under the terms, supervisors will be required to simplify worker evaluation processes, standardize pay-raise scales and expand grievance leave to include stepchildren, great-grandparents and live-in relatives, among others. The conditions were approved in August after about a year of wrangling between the university and the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, a national labor union for public employees. One contract affects the university’s 1,672 nonexempt employees, those hired to work a certain number of hours a week, and the other contract affects the 1,434 exempt employees, those hired to do a specific task
RHA looks to expand mixed-gender housing after its success this semester
Libraries’ fiscal future subject of Nov. report State budget cuts, rising material costs plague university’s library system BY MARISSA LANG Staff writer
BY ANNA EISENBERG For The Diamondback
Though Three’s Company went off the air in 1984, the show’s essence lives on in the South Campus Commons and University Courtyards this year. But for students, the experi-
ing initiative after this first semester, RHA President Alex Beuchler said. The expansion for the 20092010 school year would most likely include six new mixedgender apartments — three in
Greening the political scene Clean Energy for UMD hosts election panel
The libraries are in trouble, and the university administration knows it. The worsening situation of the university’s libraries has sparked reaction from the campus community, leading the provost to create a Blue Ribbon Task Force to assess the situation, the Strategic Planning Committee to emphasize the library’s importance in campus research and the administration to continue searching for a permanent dean of libraries. The Blue Ribbon Task Force — an independent body composed of eight faculty members charged with the responsibility of assessing the libraries’ future goals and direction in light of their present situation — will report to the University Senate and Provost in November. Its findings will help craft a strategic plan specifically tailored to address growing library problems and concerns. “[The task force] is essential to the future of the libraries,” Interim Dean of Libraries Desider Vikor said. “I’m extremely delighted to see that libraries have such a high priority.” In preparation for the November presentation, the University Senate was presented with
Clean Energy for UMD hosted a studentled panel about energy and the environment in the election Tuesday night, allowing students to hear from College Democrats and College Republicans about each presidential candidate’s stance on the issues and ask questions concerning the different platforms. Ali Adler, a sophomore sociology major and campaign director for Clean Energy for UMD, moderated the event and said she was pleased with the number of students in attendance. “I was pleasantly surprised with the turnout,” she said. “I think the attendance reflected student interest in the issues.” The panel consisted of four members of the College Democrats and one member of
Please See LIBRARY, Page 3
Please See ENERGY, Page 2
ence has been much smoother than the slew of gags and constant misfortunes of Jack, Janet and Chrissy on the popular ‘80s sitcom. In fact, the program has been so successful that the Residence Hall Association is planning to expand the mixed-gender hous-
BY JULIA RUSSELL For The Diamondback
Please See HOUSING, Page 2
Please See UNION, Page 3
Council debates undergraduate housing in East Campus project Council: Student housing would drive away others BY BRADY HOLT Senior staff writer
A student representing Barack Obama's stance debates a Republican student (back) about energy problems facing the the presidential candidates.
A College Park City Council review of the university’s proposed East Campus project dissolved into a debate on whether developers would be able to keep undergraduate students out of the new housing. East Campus, a 38-acre mixed-use development planned for Route 1 between Fraternity Row and Paint Branch Parkway, will include housing set aside for graduate students but
Please See COUNCIL, Page 3
NEWS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 OPINION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
FEATURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 CLASSIFIED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
DIVERSIONS . . . . . . . . . . . .7 SPORTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
WE WANT YOU Story ideas? News tips? E-mail them to The Diamondback at newsdesk.dbk@gmail.com MONDAY | NEWSMAKERS
A montage of stories about U.S. soldiers fighting in Iraq. There will be free admission, popcorn and soda. Hoff Theater, 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Get to know multi-cultural groups on the campus: Stamp Student Union: Grand Ballroom, 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Domestic violence program leaves state lines
Facilitating the university’s fundraising
ANNAPOLIS – A program developed in the state to get high-risk domestic violence victims to safety before they are killed will be taught in other parts of the country with the help of a federal grant. State Sen. Barbara Mikulski and Rep. Donna Edwards have scheduled a news conference today to announce details of the Justice Department grant, which has been awarded to the Maryland Network Against Domestic Violence. The group will train law enforcement in other parts of the country about its Lethality Assessment Program. The program, which has been used in the state for several years, involves close collaboration between law enforcement and domestic violence programs.
Md. cheerleader coach claims gov’t persecution HAGERSTOWN – The head of a cheerleading club organized an illegal bingo event to repay $2,000 to a parent who had bailed her out of jail, said a prosecutor seeking to convict the coach in what the defense called a “witch hunt.” Anna L. Miles, 35, faces six counts related to illegal gambling in what was billed as a fundraiser for the Hagerstown Heat All-Stars in February 2006. The case has cast a harsh light on the bingo and pull-tab events held by local fire-and-rescue companies to help fund youth sports teams and charitable groups.
– Compiled from wire reports
Brodie Remington, vice president for university relations, talks about how the university raises its money BY TIRZA AUSTIN Staff writer
Tomorrow the university is celebrating hitting the halfway mark in its billion-dollar capital campaign. The milestone comes at a time when the university, like other state agencies and average Americans, is facing morose economic conditions. Simply put, people are spending less, and the university needs more. The Diamondback sat down with Brodie Remington, the vice president for university relations, to discuss the university’s fundraising process and whether it has been impacted by the recent economic turmoil.
The Diamondback: What is the importance of university fundraising? Brodie Remington: State funding and other approaches to funding are sufficient for a good university but not a great university. Philanthropic support provides scholarships to attract great students regardless of their financial means. Philanthropic support helps us to recruit and maintain the very best faculty and increasingly to help build buildings that otherwise could not be or might not be for
many years. It enables us to do things at a higher level and a higher quality — faster. DBK: What does the process of fundraising look like? Remington: What we are doing right now in the midst of an economic recession is no different than what we do all the time, and that is building relations with alumni and friends in helping to educate them on the mission of the university and our goals, needs and opportunities here. It’s short of matchmaking with alumni who may have an interest in supporting students through scholarships or academic policies from climate change to energy to the arts. Giving away money can be — it should be — a very happy act where you gain satisfaction from it. You’re helping the student get a degree and be productive in his or her career. You’re helping faculty do great work. You’re helping create an environment where teaching and research can take place at a very high quality — doing something larger than one’s self that has a lasting impact. That’s our goal: satisfied, happy donors and, of course, increasing philanthropic support for the university.
BRODIE REMINGTON Vice President for University Relations
DBK: What are the challenges the university faces when finding donors and maintaining their relationship to the university? Remington: There are two challenges. Number one is just having enough person power: volunteers, deans, president’s time, staff. Enough personpower to get out there and build these relationships. There has to be personal contact at least if someone hopes to secure a large gift. You can use phone and mail for smaller gifts. The second challenge, somewhat related to the first, is that our alumni and others often have multiple charitable interests. They might be supporting a hospital, an art museum, social service organization, etc. They
could be supporting several universities. I met with somebody a week ago who was supporting five universities. We were one of the five. We would like to be number one. We would like to be the only one. But the reality is it’s a very competitive environment. We compete to get the time and attention of our alumni. They are busy with work and family and their communities. Once we get their attention, we are competing with other charitable interests. DBK: To what extent do you pursue recent graduates? Remington: We have a big initiative this year. We have always pursued recent grads. We are determined to do a whole lot better, so we have a project underway. I think it’s going to take most of the academic year, intended to ... increase the number of younger alumni [who are donating to the university]. My definition of younger alumni is age 35 and down. Our goal for the Great Expectations campaign is to exceed the billion-dollar goal and dramatically increase the total number of donors year in and year out. We won’t succeed unless we dramatically increase the participation among young alums. That means giving at any level: $25, $50, $100. It’s the participation that counts, not the amount of the gift, because that’s our future. We know, like every other university, if you don’t attract involvement, participation and support from your young alums early on — a year after graduating, three or five years after graduating — it’s
Students pleased with program HOUSING, from Page 1
Students wait in line to play Guitar Hero World Tour as part of the videogame’s bus tour. The tour is promoting the new videogame, which comes out Sunday. JACLYN BOROWSKI/THE DIAMONDBACK
Touring the world of rock Students, faculty gather to play Guitar Hero when tour bus visits the campus BY CHRIS YU Staff writer
The area outside Cole Field House yesterday transformed from an ordinary sidewalk to an elaborate concert stage filled with strumming, drumming rockstars. Except instead of Mick Jagger or Steven Tyler, students held the microphone and made the music. The university was the latest stop in the Guitar Hero World Tour bus tour, which travels to campuses and festivals across the nation promoting the soon-to-bereleased videogame, Guitar Hero World Tour. Tuesday, students tried out the new game in front of Cole, five days before its scheduled release. “I was born for this moment,” freshman fire protection engineering major Randy Day said. “A lot of people like music, and [starting] a real band is difficult. This is just a way to jump in.” Guitar Hero World Tour is the much-anticipated sequel to Guitar Hero III. But unlike its predecessor, the new game allows users to play drums and perform vocals, said Neal Luecking, one of the tour’s promoters. The game also features a virtual studio where players can make their own music and share it online, Luecking said. Adorned with the silhouettes of rock stars on its sides, the big orange Guitar Hero bus sat next to a stage, complete with a sound system, overhead lights and velvet ropes.
During the event, fans had a chance to try the game on stage in front of about two dozen spectators, though people filtered in and out during the event, which lasted from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Students said they were impressed by all the new features. “This has a much stronger [music] list than any instrument game I’ve seen,” freshman aerospace engineering major Gino Perrotta said. “Here, they cover from classics to alternative metal.” Freshman letters and sciences major Chase Winpigler said the instruments in the game are more responsive and more realistic than anything he has used before, saying they just “feel right.” Day said he really liked that the new game allows guitars, drums and vocals, just like a real band. Students were not the only ones who test drove the new game; staff members joined in as well. Coordinator for graduate advising at the Department of Curriculum and Instruction Joy Jones said she never played any of the Guitar Hero games before. She was drawn to the event because she preordered the game for her daughter as a Christmas present. After testing the game, she said she will definitely play it again with her family. “I like doing stuff with other people,” Jones said. “[It’s] kind of like a party game.” chrisyudbk@gmail.com
Commons and three in Courtyards, Beuchler said. Right now, the 10 mixed-gender apartments are evenly split between the two apartment communities. Dennis Passarella George, chair of the planning group for the pilot program, said he had not yet heard any grievances from students living in the mixed-gender housing pilot program. “People are happy, so I’m pleased so far,” Beuchler said. Senior music major Neil Brown is living in a Courtyards apartment with three male stu-
dents and one female student. “It’s not that different at all,” Brown said about living with a female. “Maybe she is a little more into the decorating than we are, but, overall, it’s a good experience.” Responses from student surveys taken in August show that residents’ primary reason for participating in the program was to live with friends, George said. The mixed-gender housing pilot, however, also coincided with last year’s housing crunch when many juniors were told they would not be able to live on the campus.
Junior biology major Emily Gupta said she applied to the program hoping to get a guaranteed apartment in Commons after she heard many juniors were not going to get on-campus housing. “We knew when we selected the locations of the pilot ... [that] these are attractive locations,” George said. “It’s not a surprise to me that students have multiple motivations.” Even though her application to the program was sparked by the chance to live in Commons, Gupta said living in her mixed-gender apartment of two men and two women is
real hard to ever get them back. DBK: How do you identify specific donors for specific programs and projects across the campus? Remington: We do our homework to identify alumni. Think of a giant funnel. We have a big opening and a smaller opening at the end of the funnel. The big opening is 260,000 alums. Some are very, very successful, financially, and some are less so. We do our homework and research. We talk to alumni about other alums. We are constantly working at finding, among the 260,000 alums, those who have been particularly successful and, as we build the relationships, those who have very fond memories of the relationships with the university. Currently, we have, among the 260,000 alumni, about 12,000 that we have identified as having particularly significant capacity. With them, the objective is to build relationships. Let’s say it’s a few years from now and you’re an alum, and you’re very successful, and you have good memories of the university and you come back to campus a few times. It turns out that, as we get to know you and you get to know the president and others, that you have a particularly strong interest in theater or journalism, whatever it might be. As we build the relationship, that is where we will focus. Generally speaking, they aren’t saying they’re interested in giving to it, but it gives us a pointer. You’re always getting signals. taustindbk@gmail.com
relaxed and fun. “I’m thoroughly enjoying the living situation,” Gupta said. “It’s very stress-free. There’s no drama. There’s no kind of hectic goings-on.” The RHA is planning a forum with the mixed-gender housing residents in the coming weeks to talk informally about the program and how it can be improved for next year, Beuchler said. And for Brown, there are no complaints. “I’ve had a good experience in all Maryland housing, and this has been no different,” Brown said. Staff writer Derby Cox contributed to this report. newsdesk.dbk@gmail.com
Energy panel organizers impressed by student turnout ENERGY, from Page 1 the College Republicans. Robb Walton, a senior history major and the only member of the College Republicans to represent Sen. John McCain’s (R-Ariz.) platforms, admitted he did not think a lot of students would show up. He said he did not know what to expect from the event and was surprised to be the only representative for the Republicans. “This event just fell through the cracks [for College Republicans],” he said. “People signed up but they forgot to follow up.” But Walton said he was happy to present McCain’s opinions to a group who did not necessarily
know a lot about them. “Hopefully, people will chew on [McCain’s platforms] and find something they like, because these issues affect every single other issue,” he said. John Allenbach, a junior finance and marketing major and president of the College Democrats, was one of the Democrats to speak for Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.). He said he and his fellow Democratic panelists researched Obama’s opinions on about 15 questions, which were provided to the panelists two weeks ago. The panelists took turns answering questions concerning climate change, the energy crisis
and how the two candidates would financially impact the United States. Adler said she felt the students in attendance wanted to learn more about the issues. “I don’t think people should base their decisions on this event, but I hope they will think more about it,” she said. Melissa Duvall, an Obama supporter and a sophomore environmental science and policy major, went to the debate because she wants to get more involved in clean energy issues on the campus. She said Walton’s performance surprised her. “I do think the Republicans did a better job of representing
their point of view in tonight’s debate,” she said. “Especially considering there was only one Republican in a room of mostly Democrats.” Despite the small showing from the College Republicans, the group’s president, Chris Banerjee, had earlier expressed interest in the group’s participation in the panel. “[We] wanted to counter the stereotype of Republicans as anti-environment, or as a party that doesn’t care about the environment,” he said. Staff writer Allison Stice contributed information to this story. newsdesk.dbk@gmail.com
Wylie to return to academics
Police walk to learn of safety hotspots
WYLIE, from Page 1
University administrators and several city and local government officials addressed student safety on the SGA’s annual Safety Walk yesterday. Moderator and Student Government Association Senior Vice President Joanna Calabrese led the officials on a bus tour of locations students and University Police identified as areas of concern based partially on a map students marked with thumbtacks to indicate locations they felt were unsafe at Bringing Safety Back, an SGA event. Common safety concerns included overgrown trees and plants blocking people’s line-of-sight and poor lighting in certain areas such as one near a bridge near Paint Branch Road and the Cumberland and Easton dorms. Facilities Management offi-
for 17 months. Duncan is leaving to start a government consulting firm, CivicUS. Vice President for Student Affairs Linda Clement, who is chairing the committee looking for Duncan’s permanent replacement, said a new vice president should be named in the middle of next spring and will begin working during the beginning of the summer. Wylie will take over the position Nov. 8, the day after Duncan is scheduled to leave the university. Her departure as chief of staff, a position she has held since 2001, means the university will now have another top administrative position open. Wylie said the university will “move as expeditiously as possible” to find her replacement. Wylie said she wants to return to her position as a geology professor and has several research projects she wants to work on. She said she first began to think about returning to a faculty position about a year ago. “I just want to return to my intellectual life,” she said. “I’ve had a wonderful, wonderful experience here. I’ve loved every minute of it.” Wylie has been at the university since 1972 and during that time has served as an associate provost, an interim dean of the graduate school and in numerous other positions in the geology department and in the university’s research division. Assistant Vice President for Facilities Frank Brewer, who previously served as interim vice president for administrative affairs before Duncan was hired, said he wasn’t involved in the selection process and is “probably not” going to apply for the full-time position. He said he was confident in Wylie’s ability to fill the job. “She’s a very able administrator,” Brewer said. “She’s a good listener.” Brewer said he had worked with Wylie on East Campus many times and also worked
with her daily while he was interim vice president. In looking for someone to fill the permanent position, Mote has described an ideal candidate as a “city manager with a PhD in business.” Clement pointed to administrative, real estate and development experience as key characteristics the search committee will be looking for. The position listing says candidates should have at least 15 years of administrative experience. “We’re expecting a lot,” she said. She also said the search would be national and that she hopes the committee will be active in recruiting attractive candidates rather than simply waiting for applications to come to them. Mote said during an interview Friday that he wouldn’t rule out hiring another political figure to follow up on John Porcari, who left the administrative affairs position to become transportation secretary under Gov. Martin O’Malley (D) and Duncan (D), a former Montgomery County Executive. “Doug did an excellent job for us,” he said. “I don’t believe we would have got to where we are with East Campus without Doug’s acumen in dealing with cities, counties, and the public.” Duncan made $255,000 a year as vice president for administrative affairs, but Clement said the salary for the new vice president will be negotiable. “We’ll see what we get and what the market demands,” she said. Besides Clement, other members of the search committee include Carlo Colella, Facilities Management director of architecture, engineering and construction; Student Government Association President Jonathan Sachs; University Police Chief Kenneth Krouse; University Senate Chair Kenneth Holu; chemical and life sciences college Dean Norma Allewell and university lobbyist Ross Stern. robillarddbk@gmail.com
Second annual SGA Safety Walk takes campus bus tour to find solutions BY KYLE GOON Staff writer
cials discussed solutions with the crowd and associate director of Facilities Management Laura Wildesen promised they would work swiftly to remedy the safety problems. Wildesen also advocated a more proactive student role in reporting facilities issues. She noted many of the repairs and landscaping issues pointed out on the walk could be fixed with routine work orders. “[The administration] needs to get together from time to time and talk about safety — it makes us more cohesive as a community,” Wildeson said. “But it’s important for students to feel comfortable to directly communicate with us if they need something. We want more people to tell us so we can get our staff to go do it.” University Senator and former SGA Vice President Brad Docherty, who organized the event last year, said the uni-
UNION, from Page 1 rather than for a set number of hours, Director of University Human Resources Dale Anderson said. The employees affected are all in nonmanagerial positions in areas such as Dining Services and housekeeping, Anderson said. Among the conditions revised from the 2004 original contracts is a 7.5 percent cap on parking-fee increases, expanded reasons for paid leave of absence and bilingual evaluation forms, Anderson said. He said adding the new evaluation process was particularly important because so many housekeeping employees speak Spanish. Anderson also said a lengthy discussion period is not uncommon for collective bargaining. Employees bargaining on the side of AFSCME are volunteers and can only meet outside their
Johnson said. normal work hours. “We came out as good as we “I think you always have points of contention on what- could,” he said. “Both of us ever the issues are. ... You get wanted to have more stuff, to a point where one side but we negotiated in good says, ‘We can live with this,’ faith, and we got along pretty well.” and the other side Johnson gave the says, ‘I guess we example of parkingcan, too,’ and the fee increases as a next thing you know, point of contention you have a conduring the negotiatract,” Anderson tions. The union said. pushed for a parking Greg Johnson, cap at its existing president of rate, but was only AFSCME Local able to decrease the 1072, which covers maximum increase the university and to 7.5 percent from University of Mary- GREG its former maximum land University Colof a 10-percent lege, said the rela- JOHNSON PRESIDENT OF AFSCME increase per year, he tionship between the LOCAL 1072 said. union and the uniNegotiating with versity has strengththe university is furened since its arrival in 2004. Though there are ther complicated because all things the union pushed for budgets must be approved by and didn’t get passed, negoti- the Board of Regents and the ations have run smoothly, legislature before AFSCME
“We didn’t ask for ‘blue sky’ stuff, I can tell you that.”
20-cent discount with bottle use is attempt to cut down on Styrofoam waste Staff writer
As far as going green goes, Dining Services lives by the old saying, “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.” On Monday, Dining Services, in a joint venture with the Resident Life Department, renewed its efforts to reduce the amount of disposable cups on the campus by giving away 20 oz. plastic water bottles to any student with a campus meal plan, said Dining Services spokesman Bart Hipple. Students will receive a discount of $0.20 each time they use the bottle. The new bottles mark the second time in two years that Dining Services has attempted a program like this, after handing out plastic mugs in 2007. After the initial success of the mugs, student interest declined as the number of refills sold three months later was less than a third of the number sold during the mugs’ first week of use. Officials from dining services
hoped the sporty bottles would hold more appeal with students, Hipple said. “We felt that students would be much more willing to carry around a water bottle then the mugs,” Hipple said. Hipple also said he hoped the plastic bottles would be more effective in reducing the number of disposable water bottles students throw away. Even after the discount, however, the bottles cost significantly more to fill up than the mugs of the same size distributed in 2007. The mugs cost $0.99 to fill up with any drink, while the bottles cost $1.29 with fountain drinks and more for expensive beverages like juice and milk. The bottles are not well-suited for hot drinks, unlike the mugs that could contain both hot and cold beverages. “It’s good in theory, but people probably are not going to end up using it that much,” sophomore chemical engineering major Matt Grossbach said. “I’m looking around, and I don’t
see anyone using them right now.” The program was also attempted in 2002 and 2003. Including 2007, each year the use of the mugs dropped significantly after several weeks as students either lost them or found them to be too much of a hassle to clean and carry around. In 2007, the total number of refills given out between Oct. 7 and Dec. 8 of that year was less than 3 percent of the number of Styrofoam cups that department purchased during the same time period, Dining Services told The Diamondback in 2007. “I had three in my room last year, but I never took any of them to the Diner, I just used them in my dorm,” sophomore government and politics major Laura Getty said. Many students liked the new Nalgene-like design of the reusable bottles better than last year’s mugs. “It will be good for taking to class, I definitely think I will
use it more [than the mugs],” Getty said. Some students said that the mugs were more user-friendly than the new bottles. “These are more of a sports bottle, once you take the top off, they’re a lot harder to drink out of [than the mugs],” Alex Shemonski, a sophomore electrical engineering major who said he had used one of the mugs handed out last year until he lost it. Others, however, did not see themselves cutting out Styrofoam for the new bottles, regardless of design. “Maybe if I’m in my dorm and I decide to go to the Diner, I’ll use it, but I’m not going to carry it around with me all day,” sophomore pre-nursing major Kerry O’Connell said. To continue implementation of its green goals, Dining Services has also planned to remove all Styrofoam from the dining halls by the beginning of next semester. tautedbk@gmail.com
City, developer also debate open plaza space, parking COUNCIL, from Page 1 not for undergraduates. But city officials said that without aggressive management, the project’s marketrate housing — intended for university faculty and staff or urban professionals seeking transit connections — could be overtaken by rowdy undergraduate students who would scare off any other tenants. “If you want market-rate housing, you can’t have a significant undergraduate pres-
“If you want market-rate housing, you can’t have a significant undergraduate presence.” STEPHEN BRAYMAN COLLEGE PARK MAYOR
ence. It will drive everyone else away,” College Park Mayor Stephen Brayman said. “We love student housing, but we have put forward that undergraduate student housing is not appropriate” for East Campus. Developer Bryant Foulger said the housing’s design, marketing and lease rates would discourage undergraduates. He told the council he was confident that large, twobedroom unfurnished apartments would not attract students, in contrast with the housing his company was designing for graduate students. But some council members appeared distrustful of Foulger’s assurances, pointing out that undergraduates rent unfurnished houses that are also expensive and are further from the campus than the highly convenient East Campus location. “Houses are actually worth
Mowatt Lane are not technically on university property. University Police Capt. John Brandt said a big part of solving the problem is knowing who address the issues to. “Sometimes these things are surprisingly easy to solve,” he said. “Other times, it takes the cooperation of a large group of people, and part of my job is to figure out who to call and say, ‘When can we get this done?’ That’s why it’s good that the SGA can bring in all these key players into this informal setting to figure out solutions together.” Few students attended the event. The only undergraduates at the walk were SGA members and two students working on a safety project. Last year, The Diamondback reported approximately 60 students attended the safety walk. goondbk@gmail.com
Parking-fee increases a point of contention
Dining Services tries to go green with new bottles BY SAM TAUTE
versity was very efficient at resolving most of the issues he brought up a year ago. Within months, departments had worked cooperatively to remedy crowded parking blocks by Fraternity Row, repaint faded crosswalks and light up the bridge linking the Eppley Recreation Center and Comcast garage. “They went above and beyond,” he said. “They came up with other things they could do we didn’t go over on the safety walk. You really see when you get these people together all in one room, they solve problems.” Maryland Hillel assistant director Danny Weiss said that students needed a speed bump and more lighting across Mowatt Lane after a person was hit by a car last week while crossing the street, suffering minor injuries. Those safety measures, however will likely require county approval, as Hillel and
more to investors because of the prices they can get for group rentals,” District 3 Councilwoman Stephanie Stullich said. “I’m not sure why [East Campus] couldn’t happen the same way.” Foulger said developers would set a limit on the number of residents per apartment, but Stullich was skeptical on whether that limit could be enforced. College Park city planning staff also criticized aspects of the architecture of some of the buildings planned for East Campus. Senior planner Elisa Vitale suggested the project’s hotel — which would be built at the intersection of Route 1 and Paint Branch Parkway — seemed “designed by committee” with design elements appearing tacked-on. She also said windowless first floors of some apartment buildings would be unpleasant to walk along. The city and developer
“Houses are actually worth more to investors because of the prices they can get for group rentals.” STEPHANIE STULLICH DISTRICT 3 COUNCILWOMAN
also debated the road improvements that East Campus’s extra traffic would require, the location of its planned open plaza spaces and how many parking spaces it would offer. Developers hope to begin building East Campus in spring of 2010. It is set to include half a dozen apartment buildings over retail, as well as office space, a supermarket, a movie theater and a Birchmere music hall. holtdbk@gmail.com
can push for raises in wages, Johnson said. Still, both Johnson and Anderson said each side did its best to work together during a time of economic uncertainty. “We didn’t ask for ‘blue sky’ stuff, I can tell you that,” Johnson said. “We didn’t ask for everything and a cherry on top.” “I think everyone realizes we were put in this together, and there wasn’t a lot of money to be spent for these things,” Anderson agreed. Anderson said he doesn’t expect the improved conditions to translate into more expensive tuition, though it’s possible it could affect the cost of room and board. These fees have been raised annually, he said, and any increased costs would be built into this annual rate increase. jeanettedbk@gmail.com
Blue Ribbon Task Force to assess libraries’ direction LIBRARY, from Page 1 last year’s library council report explaining why the libraries are in such bad shape. Because of state budget cuts, the rising costs of research materials and, more recently, a universitywide hiring freeze, libraries are facing a crisis officials say could disable them in the future. If left unchanged, libraries would have to cut academic journal subscriptions and stretch thin the current faculty and resources to make up the monetary difference, limiting available resources for students, faculty and researchers. “Campus-wide, this is a difficult year, financially,” Vikor said. “But we face difficulties other departments don’t. And no one on campus has the luxury of deficit spending.” If the condition of university libraries continue to worsen, library officials, professors and students may begin to see thinning programs and resources — Late Night Study was on the chopping block this summer in an attempt to cut costs — in the already-struggling institution, officials said. “We are a research university, and we have a very strong profile,” Vikor said. “This is not an insignificant problem.” Over the years, the university libraries have fallen further behind those of peer institutions and prompted some to question their ability to function as the library system of a major research institution. “We have always compared ourselves to our peers, but we continue to fall so far behind them that it’s become kind of a silly comparison,” former Library Council Chair James Klumpp said. “All libraries are feeling some kind of inflation, but we keep falling further behind because [peer institutions] are responding by funding them accordingly.” According to a library
council report presented to the senate last week, the university’s library system is the smallest in terms of information amassed and has the fewest journal subscriptions when compared with the five other peer institutions. This limited access has already begun to impact researchers. “It makes everyone’s job a little more difficult when funding is cut,” said Damon Austin, a library researcher who helps students research topics related to the environment, nutrition, veterinary medicine and more. “You can absolutely notice the impact it’s having on our available resources.” Vikor said shrinking availability of resources is primarily impacted by increasing costs of academic and research journals, paired with tightening university and state budgets. “We have been trying to minimize and eliminate paper versions of journals and go online for financial reasons,” Vikor said. “But the online option is not a cheap one. That’s a myth.” Despite a university-wide hiring freeze, Vikor said the provost approved hiring for some necessary vacant library positions in light of present circumstances, though there are still a “fair amount of positions” that will be left open. But the pending search for a permanent dean and the strategic plan’s mention of the libraries as a “critical enabler” — a stipulation included to appease faculty outrage at the lack of mention of the libraries in the original version of the strategic plan — leaves officials optimistic. “If the budget can be stabilized rather than us losing money, that’s a step in the right direction. The strategic plan is a move in the right direction,” Klumpp said. “The more sets of eyes we have looking at the problem, so much the better.” langdbk@gmail.com
Staff Editorial
Guest Column
Cutting through the red tape T
It’s not easy being red
his is an undeniably large and complex institution, and navigat- the concerns and complaints of students. Often, students express coning the bureaucracy can be a maze of stamps and signatures, cerns to the wrong individual, and their plights fall on deaf ears. One of files and forms, departments, colleges and the bursar’s office. the primary roles of the ombudsman is to guide students through the process, ensuring they are talking to the administrator Getting lost in this maze can mean missed in the best position to address their problem. Furtheropportunities, unexpected bills, delayed graduation or more, if the ombudsman personally contacts an admineven failing to complete a degree. With that reality in istrator, he is far less likely to be ignored by a fellow mind, the university’s decision to designate an official The new student ombuds- administrator. student ombudsman fills an obvious need. Still, one man can’t solve the whole problem. The administration has wisely chosen James Newton, man offers university Inevitably, a student ombudsman will only be able to a man who has years of experience at the university as administrators a unique address select cases — a reality Newton recognizes. But an administrator. Newton said that, despite extensive lens into their we hope his hiring is only the start of the campaign to experience, he is continually surprised by the new probmake the university bureaucracy easier to manage. lems that pop up. The depth of his knowledge and the inner-operations. Luckily, we think Newton can be a valuable part of the breadth of his contacts within the university will be solution. He will surely face Gordian knots of red tape, and while these important in dealing with these new challenges. The most immediate role the ombudsman fills is helping students cut travails might only benefit a select few, the knowledge of the university’s through the “red tape” in especially complex or unusual circumstances. inner-workings he’ll amass can be applied to fixing larger, systemic Additionally, staff, faculty and administrators are bombarded daily by problems.
Our View
Editorial Cartoon: Shai Goller
Dieting: There’s no easy answer, unless...
want to share a secret with all my readers. So listen up, Mom and Dad. Everyone nowadays is trying to find out how to lose weight and look better. Everyone wants to know what the best diet is, which one will help the most while making you do the least, and I’m here to tell you that I’ve found something that works. And boy, did it. I lost 15 pounds practically overnight. I didn’t have to change my diet or start exercising. Fifteen pounds overnight, and I’m here today to share the secret with you. You ready? You sitting down? Here it is. I cut off my right leg. That’s right, just lopped that son of a gun right off. And let me tell you something, I feel great. And people are noticing the difference. “Hey man, are you missing a leg?” Hell yeah I am, thanks for noticing. That’s all lightweight prosthetics, baby.
GINDES The most fun part of that joke was typing, “How much does a human leg weigh?” into Google. What did people do before Google? But I digress. It’s not any crazier than any other diet, is it? The Atkins Diet? Does that really sound like something that’s healthy? I’m sorry, if my “diet” is telling me that I can go to Burger King and get a Whopper with everything on it besides the bun, that doesn’t sound healthy, and I hate you for suggesting that it could be. And these late-night commercials on the television tell me that,
if I want to lose weight without diet or exercise, all I need to do is take some pills. Oh, that sounds healthy. Drugs. Drugs are the answer. Of course. And the way they talk about body fat in these commercials is ridiculous. They reel off this list of things that cause body fat, and at the end, they try to sneak in these two: ‘poor diet and lack of exercise.’ As if, those are somehow medical conditions that we can’t help. Like, “Don’t make fun of my body fat, dude, I have poor diet.” Or “I’m afflicted with the lack of exercise.” Just call it what it is: You’re lazy. I know a lot of kids who are health nuts Monday through Friday, and then they spend the weekends drinking enough beer to fill a medium-sized kiddie pool, which is sometimes the exact container they drink from. I’m sick of these kids telling me to live a healthier
life. You just drank a growler full of home-brewed beer. Do you know how many calories that is? At least 100 per 12-ounce can (Thanks again, Google), depending on what you drink. And, if you’re one of my degenerate friends, you drink a lot. Just use some common sense. If you want to get healthy, don’t put a bunch of crap into your body. If you put a bunch of crap into your body, try to exercise every once in a while. If you think the least healthy part of your fast food is the bread, you’re an idiot. No matter which fad diets and new schools of thought come out, nothing will ever replace diet and exercise. Unless you’re prepared to bring out the hacksaw. Rob Gindes is a junior journalism major. He can be reached at gindesdbk@gmail.com.
Students: A new strategy for the McCain camp
ohn McCain, I know how to fix your struggling campaign. It’s not by attacking the opponent’s character, trying to shift the debate away from the economy, suspending the campaign or even picking a potential beauty-contest winner as your running mate. It’s actually fairly simple: Target the college vote. You’ve heard the news: As reported by The Diamondback last week, volunteers from the TerpsVote coalition registered 2,514 students at this university alone before Oct. 14’s voter registration deadline. Hundreds of similar efforts have registered tens of thousands of students all across the country. We’re finally going be relevant (for real this time, unlike the
past 28 elections when the media said so), so pay attention to us, John! At this point, you and I both know very well that the general public will never be convinced you’re the best man to be our president. It’s like trying to pronounce the names of Sarah Palin’s kids — it just won’t happen. But college students are the most gullible people out there. I mean, we believed the tour guide when she said College Park was a safe town, and so many of us have already been brainwashed by that guy Ron… what’s his last name? So why not try to brainwash us some more? First, if you want to get any college students’ votes, you need to get rid of that Joe Six-Pack reference. The only people who respond to that
COHEN phrase are gun-toting, southern rednecks, and I’m pretty sure you’ve already won their votes. If you’re trying to swing some votes, you need to start talking about Joe 30pack. Also, if you want to get that college vote, you need to get onto a college campus. Sure, you visited Wilmington College in August. But you should probably visit college campuses that have a few more than
1,481. You saw what happened when your opponent visited a large campus of 35,369 students in February: Those college students came out loving the guy, even though they couldn’t (and probably still can’t) name one of his policies. And please, John, stop blinking so much. During last week’s debate, you blinked about as many times per minute as that annoying CNN live tracking poll. It’s basic psychology that the more you lie, the more you blink. Finally, John, make it the PalinMcCain campaign. Maybe then we’ll start paying attention. Joel Cohen is a junior government and politics major. He can be reached at jcohendbk@gmail.com.
POLICY: The signed letters, columns and cartoon represent only the opinions of the authors. The staff editorial represents the opinion of The Diamondback’s editorial board and is the responsibility of the editor in chief.
he Oct. 14 article “Campus conservatives face liberals’ lashings” by Allison Stice covers a subject that is dear to my heart. The unchecked liberal lashing of conservatives has frustrated me for some time, and I believe it has become even more prevalent as the election draws nearer. As a student with conservative views, I find myself frequently in the positions of those included in your article. Actually, fear of backlash was what influenced me for years to remain a “closet conservative.” I avoided joining the College Republicans out of fear that reporting it on my resume might actually limit future opportunities. Within the last few months, however, that fear has abated, to a degree. I carry my conservative label with pride, but also with trepidation, because I know my opinions are not welcome in most places. I remember seeing a sign in a LeFrak Hall stairwell months ago that advertised a forum on abortion and included the phrase “the tragedy of abortion.” Someone crossed out the word “tragedy” and underneath it wrote “keep your opinions to yourself.” I am pro-choice, but this offended me greatly because I thought that college campuses were supposed to be a forum for free and intellectual thought. Sadly, I no longer believe this is so. In fact, with regard to bias, the department you did not mention in your article is government and politics. I am in the process of dropping that major, because I no longer want to associate with a degree program that has such pervasive biases in the curricula. For example, a student who registers for GVPT 200: International Political Relations is expected to adopt the liberal perspective — as opposed to the realist perspective, or he will have his viewpoints scrutinized and disparaged for the entire semester. For me, a disrespectful teaching assistant was the final straw in a long list of grievances with the department. I will be putting the final kibosh on that enrollment this semester. But being conservative in college creates more than just intellectual frustrations: It constructs a social barrier around you. People frequently discuss the difficulties of surviving in this country as a racial minority, but I find more and more that it is the conservatives who are facing social ostracism. To declare oneself a Republican carries more than just the “conservative” label. That individual is now subject to accusations of racism, warmongering, closed-mindedness and heartlessness. The only check is for conservatives to band together. We find comfort in one another and security in larger numbers, but this is dangerous because it creates an “us-and-them” mentality. Granted, not all conservative-leaning students sequester themselves like this, but it’s easy to understand why they would. Reporting on this problem is a step in the right direction, but we are far from a resolution. Yes, the university is located in a blue state, so a widespread liberal bias is to be expected. However, this does not justify the suppression of alternate viewpoints. Diversity of perspective is what makes freedom of speech wondrous. The day that all people think the same way is the day that democracy will die. Bill Lipsky is a senior criminology and criminal justice major. He can be reached at blipsky@umd.edu.
AIR YOUR VIEWS Address your letters or guest columns to the Opinion Desk at opinion.dbk@gmail.com. All letters and guest columns must be signed. Include your full name, year, major and day- and nighttime phone numbers. Please limit letters to 300 words. Please limit guest columns to 600 words. Submission of a letter or guest column constitutes an exclusive, worldwide, transferable license to The Diamondback of the copyright in the material in any media. The Diamondback retains the right to edit submissions for content and length.
CROSSWORD 49 Task 35 Jugs 29 Wild time 53 Reconsidered ACROSS 50 Specks 30 “Friday the 13th” 36 Thick (2 wds.) 1 Jackpot games 51 Library tome 42 Makes a pit stop villain 56 From memory 7 Alps, for short 52 Daunt 32 Offshore platform 46 Evening gown 57 Husband of 10 Idyllic spot 54 Jack rabbit fabrics (2 wds.) Fatima 14 Coax 55 Yen 58 Gauguin’s island 33 European capital 47 Bray 15 Not I 48 Play the guitar 34 Boca —, Fla. 62 Europe-Asia 16 Horrid-tasting range 17 Lot 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 63 Bled, as a color 18 NFL player 14 15 64 Tie 19 Say frankly 65 Jumble 20 Optical toy 17 18 66 Winding curve 23 Like a basket 67 Ax handlers 26 Merry month 20 21 22 27 — space DOWN 28 Moistureless 23 24 25 26 27 1 Rim 29 Grass 28 29 30 2 Go — — diet 30 Average guy 31 Family nickname 3 Gridiron stats 31 32 33 4 Like elephants 32 Decide 5 Globe feature 33 Minded the 37 38 39 6 Put on the market flowers 41 42 43 7 Unnumbered 37 Kind of roast 8 Yes-man 38 Choler 45 46 9 Sapporo sport 39 Hearth residue 10 Refugee 40 Blow away 48 49 50 51 52 11 Fairway clump 41 Tangled 12 Get hitched quick 53 43 Shad’s eggs 54 55 13 More modern 44 Dice throw 56 57 58 21 Got 45 Poet’s before melodramatic 46 Common ID 62 63 64 22 Comfort 47 — d’oeuvres 23 Yellow jackets 48 Pohl’s genre 65 66 67 24 NASA’s future (hyph.) spaceship 51 Battery size © 2008 UNITED FEATURES SYNDICATE 52 Know intuitively 25 Panoramic view
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Also born on this date are: Annette Funicello, actress; Sarah Bernhardt, actress; Joan Fontaine, actress; Catherine Deneuve, actress; Jeff Goldblum, actor; Tony Roberts, actor; Timothy Leary, professor; Brian Boitano, Olympic skating champion.
rules of propriety along the way. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) — You may have to make things difficult for yourself in order to make things easier for someone you love. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) — You’re on the lookout for a little adventure, and you’re likely to uncover some at this time that you are advised to pass up — and forget about. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) — A surprise appearance is likely to distract you from a pressing problem. Eventually, you’re going to have to get back to it later on. ARIES (March 21-April 19) — Communication with a faraway loved one will involve a great deal of soul-searching, and is likely to result in a surprise revelation. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) — Proceed with caution during the early-morning hours, and after dark. You don’t want to put yourself in a vulnerable position unless necessary.
GEMINI (May 21-June 20) — Take care that you don’t become so reactive that others are more eager to leave you alone than to work closely with you as required. CANCER (June 21-July 22) — You’ll be more stable than you have been in the recent past — though you won’t want to forget those times when you’ve been off balance. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) — You’ll be thankful for your friends, when all is said and done. With their help, you’ll be able to get through a suddenly stressful time. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) — Your energy is approaching an all-time high, but you must employ discipline and self-control if you want to avoid burning yourself out. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) — A bit of special, private knowledge is sure to serve you well, and put you in a position of increased power and authority. Use it wisely. Copyright 2008 United Feature Syndicate, Inc.
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Comedian and onetime university student Lewis Black returns to the campus for Homecoming Comedy Show BY THOMAS FLOYD Senior staff writer
When Lewis Black enrolled at the university as a freshman in the 1960s, student life in College Park was a little different. According to Black, the campus was more rural; the variety of coursework was limited; and the academic standards were just a bit softer. “When I was there, if somebody had raised a monkey and shaved it, it would have gotten in,” Black said. “Maryland really was a different institution, and it’s much tougher to get into than when I went to school.” Born in Washington and raised in nearby Silver Spring, Black attended the university for just a year before transferring to the University of North Carolina. In a homecoming of his own, Black returns to his old stomping grounds Thursday to perform at Cole Field House for Student Entertainment Events’ annual Homecoming Comedy Show. “Lewis Black was pretty much always my number-one choice going into it,” SEE comedy director Meryam Bouadjemi said. “Since the election’s coming up, his comedy is really appropriate for this particular show, because it’s politically driven.” Black is best known for his standup routines, as well as for his Comedy Central show, Lewis Black’s Root of All Evil, and his recurring segment on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, titled “Back in Black.” Black has also authored two books and appeared in several films, including Man of the Year and Accepted. Originally an aspiring playwright (he graduated from the Yale School of Drama with a master’s degree in fine arts), Black lists George Carlin, Richard Pryor, Lenny Bruce and “anybody who had a comedy album in the ’60s” as influences during his gradual turn to comedy. Coarse and abrasive, Black spends most of his acts irately discussing aspects of everyday life that annoy him to the point of lunacy. “It’s [usually] something [that] gets me mad, [and] I think [it] will be funny,” he said. “Then I go onstage, and I start talking about it. Like, I’m in airports a lot, and they ask me to take off my shoes. And I’m like, ‘You’ve got to be kidding me. You people are really looking in the wrong place’ — it was in response to one person who put a bomb in their shoe — so, I take things like that,
hoff theater highlights PINEAPPLE EXPRESS Before you check out Zack and Miri Make a Porno next week, you may want to take a refresher on Seth Rogen’s most recent roles. Thankfully, the Hoff is here to help, with multiple showings of the Rogenand Evan Goldberg-penned Pineapple Express this week. Rogen and James Franco team up in this summer’s best stoner action comedy, a wild, smoke-filled ride. For some of you, the screenings can serve as a memory jogger because, let’s be honest, if you saw the movie as Rogen might have intended (i.e., high) you probably don’t remember much. SHOWTIMES: Today, 12:30 p.m., 2:30 p.m., 4:30 p.m.; Thursday, Noon, 2 p.m.
GOOD WILL HUNTING Remember when Ben Affleck was cool? Many would argue Affleck’s best performances were in either Kevin Smith movies or Good Will Hunting. Affleck penned the script and co-starred in the 1998 film with Matt Damon, earning the pair an Oscar and a ticket to stardom. Damon plays an MIT janitor who’s really a math whiz, and it takes Robin Williams’ character (a psychologist) to bring out his genius. Here’s a chance to see if it stands the test of time. SHOWTIME: Thursday, 8 p.m. (free)
THE SIXTH SENSE M. Night Shyamalan’s The Sixth Sense was a sensation when it came out, with praise for Bruce Willis’ performance, the rise of Haley Joel Osment and Shyamalan’s twist ending. Then, he did it again and again .... and again. Shyamalan’s recent output (The Happening, Lady in the Water) has only helped to further tarnish what was once a great film. But once the cat was out of the bag, The Sixth Sense became just another psychological thriller with a surprising twist. SHOWTIME: Sunday, 7 p.m. (free)
and I start piling on to it.” John Bowman, a producer on Root of All Evil, and Greg Giraldo, a frequent guest of the program, will perform before Black takes the stage. But the 60-year-old comedian said his colleagues are not your traditional openers. “John would be a headliner in his own right anywhere else, and Greg, too, so you really have three headliners,” Black said. “If they call me about a gig and I can’t do it, I will say, ‘Call John and call Greg.’” Although he will be in a former basketball arena with thousands on hand to watch Thursday, Black said he would much rather perform in a club with a smaller, more personal audience. “There are only 5,000 seats for the show, and that’s about as far as I really want to go,” Black said. “That’s what they wanted — if it was up to me, it would be 2,500. The clubs are great for intimacy and working on new material.” The comic said he wasn’t planning on changing his act too much for what is essentially his hometown crowd. Instead, Black had a rather simple message for the audience Thursday. “Just get ready for a life-changing experience,” he said. The Homecoming Comedy Show featuring Lewis Black is Thursday at Cole Field House. The show is at 8 p.m., with a pep rally preceding it at 7:30 p.m. Bowl seats are $7 for students and $15 for general admission, while floor seats are $15 for students and $30 for general admission. Tickets are available at the Hoff Theater and online at www.see.umd.edu. tfloyd1@umd.edu
Not your average girl Talk Land of Talk’s Elizabeth Powell discusses the band’s debut full-length LP BY ZACHARY HERRMANN Senior staff writer
Pop clichés, gender expectations and a lifetime of bad music advertising have taught us exactly what to expect from female musicians: If you’re not a scantily clad diva, then you sure as hell better be carrying an acoustic guitar and half-whispering your vocals. Otherwise, your future in the business could be uncertain. Thank goodness, then, for the women who dare to rock. From Patti Smith’s first glaring declaration — “Jesus died for somebody’s sins, but not mine” — through Kim Gordon’s (Sonic Youth) impossible cool and Satomi Matsuzaki’s (Deerhoof) soaring, bizarre anthems, we’re every bit richer for the edgier femmes in our lives. With raw melodies and a guitar that cuts to the bone, Land of Talk frontwoman Elizabeth Powell doesn’t pay much attention to the gender issue. “Last night, some guy came up to me and thanked me for the ‘great female vocals,’ and I had to laugh because it’s funny,” Powell said in an e-mail interview. “It doesn’t piss me off. I neither struggle with nor take pride in my sexuality. It is something I have been born into, and so I embrace it as best I can.” Powell added she takes her “style cues from both camps,” name-checking Neil Young, Parker Posey, Chrissie Hynde and Tom Verlaine, among others. In sharp contrast to her occasional role as one of the ever-changing members of fellow Canadian group and current tour mates Broken Social Scene, Powell’s Land of Talk follows a far more stripped-down aesthetic. Some Are Lakes, Land of Talk’s subtly textured first full-length LP, has been a long time coming. After the band’s spirited and ragged debut, 2006’s Applause Cheer Boo Hiss EP, Powell and bassist Chris McCarron got sidetracked by the departure of drummer Bucky Wheaton. They chose to discard the BreakGlass sessions — Wheaton’s final contribution — for a forthcoming album. Grant money for the new album fell into place shortly thereafter, and Andrew Barr (The Slip) stepped in behind the drum set (after the departure of Wheaton’s temporary replacement) to record Some Are Lakes. Although Barr is currently touring with Land of Talk through December, Powell seemed unsure about his permanence in the position.
Land of Talk’s Elizabeth Powell performs double duty at tonight’s Land of Talk show in Falls Church, Va. She will also play with headliners Broken Social Scene. COURTESY OF CANVAS MEDIA
“I can only pay the musicians so much and if they get better offers for other gigs I can’t exactly expect them to say no,” Powell said. “It’s not as glamorous as people may think and as much as we’d love to do it ‘for the love of music,’ money is still the only thing in this world that pays the bills — unless there’s some new form of currency of which I am unaware.” Though Land of Talk’s financial situation may not be ideal, things look considerably better on the artistic front. Bon Iver’s Justin Vernon produced and played on Some Are Lakes, and Powell said he has cited the band as one of his favorite live acts. Touting an excellent debut and a coveted opening spot with Broken Social Scene (Powell still joins the band on stage), all the pieces were in place — for Powell to break her ankle during a September show and lose her voice less than a month later. The former forced her to perform on crutches; the latter cost her a few canceled
shows that will be rescheduled for next year. “It was a tad inconvenient, but most people understand that accidents will happen,” Powell said. “My voice is almost back to normal, and with the right treatment (no alcohol, no caffeine, no sugar, no eating after 9 p.m., tons of water, specific vocal exercises and physical exercise four times a week and minimal speaking) I will be in better shape than ever. “It’s all about discipline which, in the past, I have avoided at all costs,” she added. “Time to grow up and take care of myself. Boom.” In terms of the more tangible growth evident in Land of Talk’s progression from its rough EP to the well-groomed album, it’s been a quick comeup. For Powell, though, there’s no difference in the approach. “I’m sure anyone would agree that it’s difficult to gauge one’s own changes,” she said. “I would leave that up to the listener. I still write the same way: in a bedroom with a guitar and some ideas.” Land of Talk will open for Broken Social Scene tonight at the State Theatre in Falls Church, Va. Tickets are $25. Doors open at 7 p.m. zherrm@gmail.com
Turner carving his legacy TURNER, from Page 10 interceptions in those games. The mystery of Turner has been tough to figure out. Tight end Dan Gronkowski suggested Turner’s relaxed “California attitude” may translate better to more pressure-packed situations. “I know when we played other teams like Virginia or Middle Tennessee, he prepared just as much,” Gronkowski said. “Maybe in his mind or something, it’s different. The excitement isn’t there for him.” Turner agreed his preparation doesn’t change before games against ranked teams, but he added certain games feel different from the get-go. “Things just didn’t feel right” before the shutout loss at Virginia Oct. 4, but he said that added to the emotion built up for Saturday’s game. “I don’t think anyone honestly believes that I just play better for one reason or another against ranked teams,” said Turner, who has led the Terps to the most wins against ranked squads in a two-year span since 1983 and 1984. “It just happens.” Coach Ralph Friedgen applauded his quarterback’s recent play. The eighth-year coach said after a rocky first season under center, Turner has emerged as a more con-
Hall now tied for team lead with 10 goals SOCCER, from Page 10
But for the most part, the Terps controlled the game including one against West with a good amount of scoring Virginia forward Alex Yost chances of their own. Forward Casey Townsend was with a little more one-on-one with West than 31 minutes Virginia goalkeeper remaining in the Zach Johnson in the first half. Unlike penalty box twice. previous games Both times, Johnson against Evansville, came out from the Lehigh and Virginia net just in time to Tech, MacMath deflect the shot wide. actually had some Luckily for work to do. Townsend and the He passed the test. Terps, the team’s “It was probably other main goalZac’s best game,” scoring threat of late Cirovski said. “He also came through. looked very confi- SASHO Hall tied Townsend dent, and he was a lit- CIROVSKI for the team lead in tle more tested. But MEN’S SOCCER COACH goals at 10 when he preventing the soft goals is important along with headed a corner kick from playing the same way defen- midfielder Graham Zusi just sively. If we continue to do inside the far post in the 36th that, we have enough attack- minute. “Jeremy has hit his stride ing talent to win games.” The Mountaineers had right now,” Cirovski said. scored just eight goals in 14 “He just has so many differgames entering the match, and ent ways he can beat you. midfielder Adam Mills, one of He’s at the stage where I their most talented offensive don’t coach him, I just enjoy players, left the game with a him.” After another solid outing hamstring injury in the first half. Unlike recent Terp oppo- by his defense, MacMath’s nents, which were held with- confident performance in net out a shot for most of the and another win, Cirovski has game, the Mountaineers were a lot to enjoy right now. able to generate some offensive opportunities. akrautdbk@gmail.com
“[Hall]’s at a stage where I don’t coach him, I just enjoy him.”
In spite of his success against ranked teams, Turner struggles against lowly opponents. The junior quarterback said his effort at Virginia “just didn’t feel right.” ADAM FRIED/THE DIAMONDBACK
sistent presence. “I think in the past, he would get up for those games and focus more,” Friedgen said. “But [Offensive Coordinator James] Franklin has done a very good job with him, and I think Chris is maturing as an individual.” Turner isn’t the sole motivating factor behind the Terps’ up-and-down play in the last two seasons, but his numbers don’t lie. The Simi Valley, Calif. native acknowledged his poor performances against lesser opponents frustrate him, but he cannot dwell on the past.
He’ll have a chance to correct the problem Saturday against N.C. State, who has yet to win an ACC game this season and may have several opportunities against ranked squads the rest of the season. With a few more flawless performances against top opponents, Turner could go as one of the Terps’ all-time great big-game quarterbacks. “It’s definitely cool,” Turner said. “It’s something I do appreciate, and hopefully, it’s something I can look back on when I’m done with football.” Terp Note: Cornerback Kevin
Barnes will miss Saturday’s game against N.C. State with a shoulder injury, Friedgen said. Barnes hurt his shoulder in the second quarter of Saturday’s win against Wake Forest, and did not return. The senior had an MRI Monday, but Friedgen would not discuss the results, saying he would wait until doctors consulted with Barnes. Jamari McCollough, a reserve safety who leads the team with three interceptions, will move to cornerback in Barnes’ absence. edetweilerdbk@gmail.com
Is this the last week I can get my Senior Picture taken for the 2009 Terrapin Yearbook? YES.
Is there a phone number I can call to make an appointment? YES. 1-800-687-9327. OR GO ONLINE AT OURYEAR.COM. Use school code 87101.
Where are pictures being taken? 3101 SOUTH CAMPUS DINING HALL.
What time? 11 AM-7 PM
Is there a charge? NO – IT’S FREE!
Can I buy a yearbook when I get photographed? ABSOLUTELY! AND WE’LL GIVE YOU A $12 DISCOUNT SO IT WILL ONLY COST $52.
Can I win $200, $300 or $500 by getting my picture taken? YES - EVERY SENIOR PHOTOGRAPHED WILL BE ENTERED IN A DRAWING.
How long does it take? ABOUT 5 MINUTES.
10. Is there any chance I can get my picture in the Terrapin if I don’t come in by Friday? ZERO.
Sports One works for men’s soccer in WVU win
NSCAA/adidas Men’s Soccer Top 10 School
1. Wake Forest 2. Northwestern 3. Creighton 4. St. John’s 5. Akron
(14-0-1) (10-0-2) (10-1-2) (12-1-2) (11-1-2)
6. TERRAPINS (12-3-0) 7. Loyola (Md.) (12-0-1) 8. North Carolina (11-2-1) 9. California (7-2-4) 10. UC Davis (11-2-2)
6 8 10 13 7
Masterful against the toughest opponents, Chris Turner has become a symbol for the Terps’ crazy season BY ERIC DETWEILER Senior staff writer
Several of Chris Turner’s Terrapin football teammates have already started joking with the quarterback, trying to get him fired up for Saturday’s game against N.C. State. “‘Hey Chris — N.C. State, I heard they’re ranked in the top 25 this week,’” Turner said in a mocking voice. They may be only half-kidding. After throwing a career-high 41 times for 28 completions, a season-high 321 yards and a touchdown in a 26-0 win against then-No. 21 Wake Forest, Turner is now 5-0 in his career against ranked opponents, including last season’s win over thenNo. 10 Rutgers in which he replaced an injured Jordan Steffy to lead the Terps to a win. Turner, who earned ACC offensive back of the week for his work against Wake Forest, has completed 94-of-137 — 68.6 percent — of his passes with seven touchdowns and no interceptions. Last season, the Terps were one of four teams nationally to knock off a pair of top-10 teams. This year, they are the only to beat three ranked opponents. “It gives me a lot of confidence,” Turner said. “I don’t feel intimidated by any team we play. It doesn’t matter what you’re ranked, and at this point, I think it proves that rankings don’t mean much.” Although Turner has emerged as one of the top big-game quarterbacks in the ACC, his inconsistency through 14 career starts has also led to losses against lightly regarded squads — North Carolina last season and Middle Tennessee and Virginia this season. He had a total of one touchdown and four
BY AARON KRAUT Senior staff writer
Please See SOCCER, Page 8
1 2 3 4 5
Double identity under center
Hall scores in first half to lead 1-0 win in Morgantown Leading up to his team’s game at West Virginia, Terrapin men’s soccer coach Sasho Cirovski said he didn’t want to see his team give up any more soft goals. Goalkeeper Zac MacMath didn’t give up any soft goals MEN’S SOCCER — or any other No. 6 TERPS. . . . . . . . . 1 type — in the West Virginia. . . . . . . . 0 No. 6 Terps 1-0 win against the Mountaineers in Morgantown, W. Va., last night. The freshman played his best game since being named the permanent starter in net earlier this month, and the defensive back line continued its strong play. Midfielder Jeremy Hall’s first-half goal was all the Terps (12-3-0) needed for their fifth straight win. “Our overall defending was very good today — in fact, our entire team defending was very good,” Cirovski said. “West Virginia is a very physical team, so it’s a great win.” MacMath made five saves,
Prev. School
Chris Turner has seven touchdown passes and no interceptions against ranked opponents in his Terp career, including Saturday’s 26-0 win against Wake Forest. ADAM FRIED/THE DIAMONDBACK
Please See TURNER, Page 8