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Thursday, December 1, 2016
ProtectUMD’s demands need refining, p. 4
Despite injury, senior looks to NFL,
In Trump’s America, hip-hop will lead the way, p. 7
p. 12
RHA balks at parking plan
Group votes not to support 1,000-space parking lot in woods near Xfinity Center
RIGHT CONSTRUCTION CONTINUES in the 180,000-square-foot Edward St. John center. It is McKeldin Mall’s newest academic building in 50 years. tom hausman/the diamondback
Edward St. John Learning and Teaching Center on track for December completion
The RHA struck down a resolution that supported construction of a 1,000-space parking lot in a wooded area near the Xfinity Center at its Senate meeting Tuesday night. The vote was 30-17, with no abstentions. The resolution provided for permeable pavement for the lot and urged the Department of Transportation Services to place solar panels on top of it. But various Residence Hall Association members expressed concerns that the new lot would jeopardize the environment. “Green spaces are increasingly … rare and increasingly more beneficial to mental health,” said RHA by
Christine Condon @CChristine19 Staff writer
The center will serve as the new home of the Academy of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, which encourages student collaboration to tackle world issues and was previously located in Symons Hall. It will also house the new Teaching and Learning Transformation Center, which trains students and faculty to teach effectively, said Dean Chang, associate vice president for innovation & entrepreneurship. “This building is unique in that there is this opportunity to mix with students of different majors and backgrounds,” Chang said. “Anyone across the university can have a class in here — it is open to the entire campus.” Professors can request space in the building through the Provost’s Office before the start See center, p. 3
Water stations fill about 3M bottles in 3-year span July survey finds that use of dispensers on the campus increases 660 percent annually In its annual sustainability report, The University of Maryland’s Office of Sustainability announced that visitors and members of the university community have prevented the disposal of nearly 3 million plastic water bottles over a three-year period by refilling their bottles with filtered water from filling stations around the campus. The 103 electronic water bottle filling stations on the campus, sponsored by the Office of Sustainability through the Terps Heart The Tap program, have saved exactly 2,933,087 water bottles from disposal since the stations were installed. This updated number was determined after the office calculated 2015-16 totals in July, according to Aynsley Toews, a project manager at the Office of Sustainability. The office calculates the
See rha , p. 3
By Lindsey Feingold | @lindseyf96 | Staff writer
onstruction on Edward St. John’s Learning and Teaching Center, the first academic building to be built on McKeldin Mall in 50 years, is scheduled to be completed by the end of December, said Bill Olen, executive director of planning and construction. The $119-million, 180,000-square-foot building will be open in June and help foster collaboration via classrooms that have flexible and varying layouts, Olen said. “In most of the tiered classrooms, the seats can swivel around, so collaboration and group work can be integrated into the classes,” Olen said. “There will also be a lot of open seating space throughout the building so students are able to collaborate both inside and outside of the classroom.”
finance and philanthropy officer Sam Bingaman, a senior environmental science and policy major. Annie Rice, a senior environmental science and policy major, spoke from the open gallery during debate, representing the SGA sustainability committee. “It’s very contrary to everything that the university stands for,” Rice said. “We pride ourselves on being this sustainable institution, but this parking lot would violate every single urban planning principle. The environmental services associated with a mature forest like this, they’re priceless.” The lot would run parallel to Paint Branch Road north of existing Lot 4J and create the 1,000 additional parking spots as early
Lindsey Feingold @lindseyf96 Staff writer
Coalition lists 68 admin demands List items include diversity training, univ prayer rooms ProtectUMD, a coalition of several University of Maryland student organizations, wrote a letter with 68 demands to this university’s administration that it believes will protect the most “vulnerable students.” The letter was drafted after an organized walkout of hundreds of students from this university on Nov. 17, when members of the community were able to voice their concerns after recent hate crimes and “stand by the marginalized groups that are often overlooked or whose opinions are not valued as highly,” according to the event’s Facebook page. The letter was signed by 25 multicultural, LGBT and political groups, which called on the administration to implement policies “to protect communities vulnerable to persecution and discrimination as a result of the upcoming U.S. presidential by
Rebecca Rainey @RebeccaARainey Staff writer
administration’s proposed policies,” the letter read. The letter listed demands ranging from increased diversity training for the Student Government Association and Greek organizations to the creation and implication of a dean of students to work closely with student groups and better represent the student body. Individual student communities also contributed their demands to the letter, including designated prayer rooms on the campus for Muslim students and a removal of Columbus Day from university materials for the American Indian student community. “ProtectUMD’s list of demands is a comprehensive agenda for the UMD community to rally behind as a way to amplify the messages of all the different groups under one common voice,” said Michael Brennan, president of Our Revolution UMD, formerly known as Terps for Bernie. “It is very important going forward that we do not allow identity politics [political positions that emphasize the interests and needs of different groups] and its divisive nature to stop us from working together, and that’s why we signed on,” the sophomore government See DEMANDS, p. 3
water bottle filling stations around the University of Maryland campus give students a sustainable alternative to plastic water bottles. There are 103 stations currently. tom hausman/the diamondback total number of bottles saved on an annual basis. “I think these stations have a wonderful impact on the campus community,” Toews said. “We have prevented so many plastic water bottles from ending up in landfills, and the goal is to one day have them in every building if possible.” Every summer since the first water bottle filling stations were installed on the campus in 2013, student interns for the Office of Sustainability go around to
each station — which are all equipped with a counter — and add up the total amount of plastic water bottles saved. Bottle filling station use has increased an average of 660 percent annually over the past three years, according to the 2016 report. The jump in numbers between 2014 and 2015 can be attributed to the increase in
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CRIME BLOTTER By Michael Brice-Saddler | @TheArtist_MBS | Senior staff writer University Police responded to reports of harassment, damage to state property and a hazardous condition, among other incidents this past week, according to police reports.
Damage to state property On Nov. 23 at 12:29 p.m., University Police responded to the area of Regents Drive and Field House Drive for a report that a tractor-trailer had hit a stop sign, University Police spokeswoman Sgt. Rosanne Hoaas said. The trailer was gone before police arrived, and this incident is still under investigation, she added.
Harassment On Nov. 25 at 1:35 p.m., a University Police officer met with a female university student in the lobby of University Police headquarters for a harassment report, Hoaas said. In August, the student had given her phone number to a man who has no affiliation to this university, and over time, they began to text each other, she said. Eventually, the student decided she did not want to talk to the man anymore and told him to stop talking to her, Hoaas said. When
the man continued to reach out to her, the student contacted University Police. Police told the man to stop contacting the victim or else he could face charges, Hoaas said. This case is still active in the event that the man decides to contact the student again.
Sick/injured person University Police were in the area of the 7300 block of Baltimore Ave. on Nov. 26 at 12:34 a.m. when they identified a person in need of medical assistance, Hoaas said. The person, who had no affiliation to this university, was taken to a hospital in the area. Alcohol was involved in this incident, Hoaas said, and this case is now closed. On Nov. 26 at 1:56 p.m., Un ive rs i ty Po l i ce m e t with a person in the First Aid Room in Maryland Stadium, Hoaas said. The person, who has no affiliation with this university, reported that an iron gate had fallen on them, Hoaas said. T h e v i c t i m re f u s e d medical transport to a hospital. This incident was not alcohol-related, Hoaas said. This case is closed.
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Univ police receive 4 hate bias reports post-election
University of Maryland Michael Brice-Saddler Police have @TheArtist_MBS received four Senior staff writer re p o r ts o f hate bias incidents since Election Day, all of which took place either on or near the campus, University Police spokeswoman Sgt. Rosanne Hoaas said. On Nov. 10, a student notified a McKeldin Library employee of a racist statement etched into a desk on the building’s fourth floor, she said. Another incident was reported on Nov. 11 at 3:33 p.m., Hoaas said. A university employee said someone made a racist remark toward them the previous day in the Route 1 and College Avenue area. On Nov. 11 at 6:41 p.m., a victim with no affiliation to this university reported someone made a racist statement toward them the previous day at about 7 p.m. near the Architecture Building, Hoaas said. A student also reported on Nov. 22 that a racist statement by
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Over ThanksgivMichael Brice-Saddler i n g b rea k , @TheArtist_MBS University Senior staff writer of Maryland students may have noticed a UMD Alert about gunshot calibration testing taking place on McKeldin Mall. That’s because University of Maryland Police are piloting gunshot-detection technology on the campus and had to fire live ammunition as part of the installation process, said University Police Chief David Mitchell.
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The SecureCampus program pinpoints the location of gunfire at schools and college campuses using strategically placed sensors, according to the program’s website. These sensors identify how many weapons are being fired and where on the campus the shootings are taking place, Mitchell said. The sensors can even distinguish between multiple guns of the same model, Mitchell added, allowing police to estimate how many shooters there are and respond more quickly than they could otherwise. “It’s like a smoke detector,” Mitchell said. “It is a system that reports gunshots when they’re heard, much like a smoke detector would alarm when smoke is detected.” University Police are beginning a six-month trial period with ShotSpotter, the gunshotdetection technology company that created SecureCampus, Mitchell said. Over Thanksgiving break, police had to “tune” the censors by firing
.40-caliber semi-automatic duty weapons. Because active shooter incidents happen relatively quickly — the average active shooting incident is over within 12 minutes — it is imperative that University Police respond effectively amid the inevitable chaos, Mitchell said. ShotSpotter can provide police with accurate data within 30 seconds of any gunfire, Mitchell said. In contrast, it normally takes an average of two minutes for police to receive a 911 call during an active shooting threat. “The thought is if we can get there sooner, we’re going to save more lives,” Mitchell said. For the six-month trial, which begins in the next several days, 10 sensors were installed on the rooftops of various campus buildings at no cost to the department, Mitchell said. If at the end of six months University Police opt to stay with ShotSpotter, it will cost them $10,000 annually, he added.
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Advocacy and the LGBT Equity Center, as well as implementing new services. This could include an immigration attorney, available through both Graduate and Undergraduate Student Legal Aid Offices, who would come monthly to work with undocumented students, she said. Shorter-Gooden also said she continues to search for ways to promote a student dialogue surrounding issues that have emerged since the election. Regarding the hate bias incidents, she hopes the worst is over. “We’re not immune to societal racism, homophobia, nativism and Islamophobia, so I’m not shocked that there have been some incidents on campus, and it is deeply disturbing,” she said. “But it just tells me we need to redouble our efforts to enhance the awareness of our students, staff and faculty, to create opportunities for people to connect across differences and reinforce that this is a campus where everyone is welcome.”
Police test gunshot-detection system
over time,” Shorter-Gooden said in an interview with The Diamondback. “Three in a week is high for us.” Shorter-Gooden said no reports of hate crimes or bias incidents were reported directly to her department or Carroll. However, she said she is cognizant of a “deep concern” from many students about how Presidentelect Donald Trump’s inauguration in January could affect the campus climate. “[We] heard from many students during the protest,” Shorter-Gooden said regarding the protest on McKeldin Mall the day after the election. “Students from vulnerable populations such as those who are undocumented, those who are covered by [Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals ] and Muslim students.” In response to the concerns of these students and the reported increase in hate-bias incidents on the campus, Shorter-Gooden said she hopes to bolster resources already available to students, such as the Office of Multicultural Involvement & Community
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was etched into a bathroom stall divider in the Computer Science Instructional Center, she said. She noted police are actively investigating these incidents. No suspects have been identified in these cases, Hoaas said, adding that it’s unclear how long the written statements were there before being reported. “When we don’t know when the incident occurred, that does add a component to it; when we do, we can look at cameras in the area,” Hoaas said. University Police have worked closely with the Office of Civil Rights and Sexual Misconduct and the Office of Diversity and Inclusion to monitor these incidents, she said. In a Nov. 17 email to the university student body, Office of Civil Rights and Sexual Misconduct Director Catherine Carroll and Chief Diversity Officer Kumea Shorter-Gooden noted a “reported increase in bias incidents and discriminatory conduct.” “That’s based on University of Maryland Police’s statement about their tracking of incidents
If police decide to continue using ShotSpotter, more censors would be installed — some of which would be placed inside buildings that harbor lots of students, faculty and staff, Mitchell said. More than half a dozen U.S. universities of various sizes currently use SecureCampus, Damaune Journey, ShotSpotter vice president of security solutions, wrote in an email. In the wake of the violent incident at Ohio State University Monday, the potential benefit of this technology is even more apparent, Mitchell said. “There are, unfortunately, people in this world with access to knives and weapons that can be good people, but ... they make bad decisions,” Mitchell said. “[SafeCampus] is another tool we would have, the technology would give us a chance to work smarter and not harder to get to the scene faster, and by doing so, saving lives.”
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thursday, december 1, 2016
news | 3
water From p. 1
construction continues at the Edward St. John Learning and Teaching Center. tom hausman/the diamondback
center From p. 1 of the summer 2017 session, when classes will begin in the building, Chang said. However, for a professor to have a class in the building, he or she needs to specify why the collaborative space is necessary for that class, Chang said. For the Academy of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, there will be a specifically dedicated classroom that will be open only to classes in the program. “Some of our courses are currently taught in high-tech spaces, but some are taught in basements of buildings with wooden and heavy desks and chalkboards, which are not conducive for the teambased projects that we do,” Chang said. “Now some of those classes can be taught in our classroom at St. John’s, which is such a better collaborative space.” Once the project, which started in June 2014, is complete, it will have four floors
open to the public, about 2,000 seats, and 22 classrooms and labs that at peak capacity will host more than 12,000 students per day overall, Olen said. It was funded by private donor Edward St. John, who gave $10 million; the state, which provided $94.6 million; and $14.4 million in university funding. There will also be three ca fe s — a S ta rb u c ks, a n upscale cafe with sandwiches and sushi and a third cafe that will be a combination of the two, said Bart Hipple, Dining Services spokesman. This semester, the 200 contractors in the building have been working each day on installing finishes, flooring, ceilings and fixed seating in the classrooms. During the spring semester, equipment and furniture will be moved, AV and mechanical systems will be installed, construction workers will complete landscaping and the nine chemistry labs housed in the building — each with 24 seats and about 350 cubbies — will be set up. Classes will then
open in June for summer session I. The building will also be at least LEED Silver certified, Olen said, because of “recycling all of the demolition materials, choosing materials that are from recycled content and having two rooftop gardens.” One of those rooftop gardens will be accessible to the public and will be used mainly for chemistry experiments. Reflective sidewalks that don’t absorb heat, some of which are already in place, will also contribute to the building’s LEED status. Chang said the new space will offer “a lot of different great options for students.” “There are open spaces where you can have a quick huddle with classmates about projects; there are enclosed spaces too and also the classrooms are focused on collaboration,” he said. “All of which will really help students come together.”
the amount of water bottle filling stations installed, Toews said. But these stations aren’t cheap. T h e f i rs t b a tc h o f filling stations, which was installed in 2013, was funded by a $62,282 S u s t a i n a b i l i t y Fu n d g ra n t t h a t p r o v i d e s funding for projects that promote environmental sustainability and is supported by student fees. This grant led to the installation of 64 electronic water bottle filling stations, according to the university sustainability website. The second grant from the fund awarded $44,200 for the installation of 36 more water filling stations in 2014. When purchased in bulk, each station costs about $800, not including installation, which can range from $200 to $2,000 depending on the complexity of the installation. Each filling station also requires about two replacement
rha From p. 1 a s s p r i n g 2 0 1 8. T h i s university has already prohibited underclassmen from parking on the campus starting fall 2017 because of various construction projects, such as Cole Field House, which are expected to eliminate about 2,700 spots by fall 2018. Despite the need for m o re pa rk i n g , D OTS Director David Allen sa i d t h e d e pa r t m e n t i n te n d s to ta ke t h e RHA’s resolution into close consideration.
filters each year, costing about $50 each, Toews said. However, this total does not include costs for damages induced by general wear and tear, she added. For many students on the campus, refilling their water bottles at these filling stations has become a common part of their routine. “I bring my reusable water bottle with me everywhere,” said Jessica Fischberg, a junior journalism major who refills her reusable water bottle at least once a day. She added that the stations are a good incentive for students to be more sustainable. “When I visit other universities I can’t even find a recycling bin let alone water bottle filling stations,” said Samantha Bingaman, a senior environmental science and policy major. “But at Maryland, I see a lot of the students carrying around reusable water bottles and refilling them at the stations. This entire campus is dedicated to improving sustainability, which is so rare.” In 2013, Facilities Management estimated there were 3,000 to 4,000 water fountains on the campus, Toews said, but her goal is to turn
all of them into water bottle filling stations. She added that a proposal for a third grant from the Sustainability Fund was recently sent to the sustainability council for the installation of 85 new water bottle filling stations to replace water fountains. “So many requests come from faculty and students for more [stations] and we want to keep up with the demand,” Toews said. “We have the water bottle filling stations in the most trafficked buildings on campus, but we are now looking to expand them to all buildings.” Bingaman, who is an undergraduate student representative on the sustainability council, said the council has received the proposal and if approved, it will be announced by the end of the semester. “It takes three times more water to produce the plastic water bottle container than what it actually holds, it is a huge consumer of oil and they end up in landfills more often than they should,” Bingaman said. “It would be great if we could have more water fountains replaced with this new snazzy technology.”
“Because [the resident student body] has the most to lose, we listen to them a lot,” Allen said. “So I would say there’s a good chance that we just won’t build it.” Some students, such as Daniel Laffin, an RHA senator and freshman government and politics major, disagreed with turning down the proposal. “This [parking] is a now problem,” Laffin said. “So to build up rather than out makes sense in principle, but in practice it just won’t work right now.” Allen said the university would have less than 200 uncommitted buffer parking spaces for visitor parking
on the entire campus if no new parking is added. The proposed lot can’t be used for other functions, such as buildings, because of its floodplain designation. Prior to DOTS’ proposal, th e RHA h ad co nsidered other options to provide additional parking spots for students, including the use of a park-and-ride lot in South Laurel about 13 miles away from the campus, according to a November Diamondback article. But the owners of this lot restrict overnight parking, making the usage of the lot impractical.
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demands From p. 1 and politics major said. Many students who signed the letter said its goal is not just to advance their respective organizations’ interests, but also to help the community as a whole. “I want to be very clear; this is not about a single organization’s involvement or a particular population’s demands being more important than others,” said Lauryn Froneberger, president of this university’s NAACP chapter. “These demands are from all of us, and we all hope to see these changes made, because if we don’t advocate for ourselves and our peers, who will?” SGA President Katherine Swanson also signed the letter and said she plans to draft legislation on issues affecting undocumented students in the spring, as the SGA’s legislative session ends on Wednesday. “As always, we plan to work to make UMD a safe campus for all, and I will be doing my best to communicate with these students about what they need and how I can serve them best,” Swanson wrote in an email. Our Revolution plans to push the letter’s agenda by supporting groups of the marginalized student community, Brennan said. “There are many issues here where we would like to see the specific communities take the lead in terms of action and education, and we will stand with them to amplify their own voices,” he said. This university’s administration received the letter and is in the process of reviewing the students’ requests, said university spokeswoman Crystal Brown. “We take very seriously the concerns that have been expressed,” she said. “Our unwavering commitment is to provide a safe, inclusive environment for all faculty, staff and students.”
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ProtectUMD demands need clarity On Nov. 23, ProtectUMD, a coalition of example, demands calling for “increased disstudent groups and marginalized commu- cussions” or “recruitment practices” leave too nity members, released a list of demands to much to the imagination and detract from the the University of Maryland administration. urgency and clarity of other requests. Furthermore, demands calling on student The demands address certain communities’ needs while seeking protections for students groups to rethink their decisions and prioriwho have traditionally faced adversity and ties — as well as to institute diversity training — reach beyond the administration’s control. discrimination based on their identity. These demands come after a university- Items insisting on scholarships “for students wide walkout of hundreds of activists and of marginalized communities” and a stateuniversity community members. Students ment of intent to protect marginalized students released by university took to the campus to march President Wallace Loh are and express their frustraour view fulfilled by existing policies tions, not with the election, and actions. These demands but with the divisive and ofwork further to blunt the tentimes threatening atmoimpact the list could have. sphere it has created. The We fear the administrawalkout and list of demands tion, bombarded by unboth signal a collective dereachable or previously cision to turn frustrations achieved goals, will turn into actions, and for that, away, and ignore the issues we commend the student ProtectUMD has worked to activists behind the effort. But we call on these activists to take another bring to the university’s collective conscious. ProtectUMD’s effort to enact positive step toward cohesion and specificity to make change can transform this university for the their demands more actionable. The list, hosted on a Google form that allows better. Their efforts thus far represent a powanyone with the link to pledge support or add erful dedication to the university community. to the demands, runs about 68 items long. The This editorial board recognizes the courage topics run the gamut from highly specific and involved in taking a stand and speaking truth urgent to vague to already fulfilled. While the to power, but encourages the groups behind list contains feasible, structured appeals such ProtectUMD to refine their mission and work as raising minimum wage to match Prince on a granular level with student groups to George’s county’s and creating physical spaces foster acceptance and inclusion and most for Latinx and undocumented students, many importantly, maintain their commitment to other items fail to meet this standard. For keep the administration accountable.
The coalition’s list, while laudable, must be refined in order to maximize effectiveness.
editorial cartoon
It’s time for a post-Castro Cuba transition JACK SIGLIN @_inthebox Columnist
Fo r n e w s publications, the convenient thing about Fidel Castro’s death is that they’ve had the obituary ready for 45 years. Cuba’s fiery revolutionary and survivor of innumerable CIA assassination attempts, has passed away at 90 after a long stretch of declining health. In the United States, his name is often synonymous with the cauldron of political tensions following the communist revolution. The reality, of course, is more complex. Castro was many things — a political radical, a shrewd imagemaker, a power-wrangler — but more importantly, he was a dealer in the currency of hope. After six war-torn years in the mid-1950s, Castro seized power as a socialist, promising to drive out American influences and stamp out corruption while ushering in a new day of Cuban solidarity and unity. The results of his nearly 50-year rule were ultimately a mixed bag. Castro did indeed turn Cuba from a playground for wealthy Americans into a sovereign nation. Medical care was made freely available to all Cubans. Infant mortality rates plummeted. Excellent education became very attainable; in fact, Cuba exports doctors to the rest of the world. At the infamous Bay of Pigs Invasion, he landed a counterpunch against the international reach of the indomitable United States. Concurrently, his rule has been rightly condemned for a series of human rights abuses against his own people — extrajudicial execution, a total absence of due process, torture and censorship.
The human cost of Castro’s repressive political stranglehold defies statistics. In 1998, Pope John Paul II condemned Castro. It’s perhaps unsurprising, then, that early accounts after his death have pegged the mood in Miami’s Little Havana as celebratory, as Cuban expatriates proclaim “¡Cuba sí! ¡Castro no!”. It is now a time of transition for Cuba. The reestablishment of an economic relationship between Cuba and the United States has implications for millions of poor Cubans who find themselves suddenly brought into the 21st century. Decades of Cuban isolationism, spurred on by Castro’s cries that Cuba “needs nothing” from the United States, have now cracked open. Perhaps el líder máximo— Cuba’s maximum leader — himself had begun to thaw, saying in 2010, “The Cuban model doesn’t work any more — not even for us.” For many Cubans, the links between the U.S. and their nation are simply too strong to will away with Cold War isolationism. Too many families are split between the two countries, and there is too much to be gained from an economic relationship. Castro himself welcomed the thaw in tensions, calling it “a positive move for peace in the region.” Perhaps most importantly, it happened with nary a pistol in sight. Castro was a revolutionary and a tyrant, a symbol of hope and a symbol of repression. His passing leaves behind a country quick to acknowledge his historical import, but ready to bid farewell and move on from what he represented.
Coal isn’t coming back, despite Trump’s promises JOCIE BROTH/the diamondback
Subversive culture helps ideas progress HOPE HYNSON When people @_hopehynson think about subversive moveColumnist ments, they often associate them with marginalized groups or underground culture. When something subversive becomes mainstream and popularized it has the potential to lose its novelty and effectiveness. Commercialization can either be a detriment or a blessing to a movement. The subversive nature of the Black Lives Matter and gay pride movements exemplifies commercialization of non-mainstream concepts in different ways. Black Lives Matter is a national organization that supports and rallies for the validation of black lives everywhere. It is described as an attempt to refuel the black liberation movement of the ’60s, having similar goals but using different methods to present the message. One of the main issues it tackles is police brutality. There have been many cases when unarmed black men, women and children have been unjustly killed by the police without justice served. The fights against unfair treatment from authority and racial injustices in general are central to the Black Lives Matter movement. The movement itself is subversive because it makes a direct statement that although many people do not value black lives, black people will no longer allow that to be the case. It openly points a finger at establishments and systems geared toward the downfall of black people and tells these institutions outright it is not acceptable. What started as a hashtag has grown into a national effort to increase equality that can
at least partially be attributed to commercialization. Although some Black Lives Matter contrarians have taken advantage of the movement’s growing popularity with countermovements such as Blue Lives Matter, the organization has been able to reach audiences all over. This is thanks to items such as T-shirts, hoodies and pins touting the phrases “Black Lives Matter” or “Limitless Black Power.” This organization has worked to heal a wound the black community has been tending since black people were first brought to the U.S. The proceeds from these items on the website (blckstore. org) go directly to the official Black Lives Matter foundation in order to support its efforts in advancing the quality and quantity of black lives. Some may see this as profiting from the black struggle, but this ultimately goes right back into the fight against the racist structures that created this struggle. The Gay Pride movement has been fighting against power structures as well. This movement is an attempt for gay people to reclaim their sexual identity and find pride in being who they are unapologetically. Those within the LGBT community have struggled with identity, familial and/or societal acceptance and coming to terms with who they are. They have to deal with actual enacted laws prohibiting them from loving who they want to love and living their lives as they choose. There are thousands of cases in which LGBT youth were bullied to the point of suicide or attempted suicide. These people have been told nonstop who they are is wrong and unnatural.
This movement is subversive in that homosexuality and queerness have been frowned upon for a long time. People who identify with this community have been marginalized and ostracized mercilessly, so taking a stand against heteronormativity is akin to a slap in the face of injustice. This movement has found itself mobilized with the sale of T-shirts, bumper stickers and other items featuring phrases such as “Gay Pride” or “It’s OK to Be Gay.” Though these items are often purchased from organizations not directly associated with the gay pride movement, their widespread wear helps normalize homosexuality and all of its facets. This commercialization of LGBT culture helps promote the positive message that being gay is normal and OK, so those who struggle with identity can come to terms with who they are and who they love. Often when people mention ideas or concepts that are mainstream or commercialized, there is a negative connotation. Though people need conformity to some degree, it is natural to want to go against the status quo. For those who live among the gray areas of life, often cast among the shadows, having something near and dear to them be blasted into the social sphere and marketed to everyone can be unnerving and uncomfortable. However, solace can be found in understanding that the spread of subversive culture can be a positive thing that helps ideas progress while influencing the minds of people everywhere.
KYLE REMPFER @Kyle_Rempfer Columnist
With a slew of bankruptcy f i l i n gs i n recent years, the outlook for coal mines in West Virginia looks bleak. While promises by President-elect Donald Trump to repeal environmental legislation and reinvigorate the coal industry were favorably received by West Virginians, there are many other market forces that impede the resurgence of coal. It’s easy to pin the decline of coal on the Obama administration’s proenvironmental stance, but the truth remains that coal has been trending downward for several decades. In its heyday, a major boon for the coal industry was the parallel rise of steel production, which required coal to fuel the blast furnaces in the metallurgy process. As the steel industry declined in the United States due to cheaper steel production overseas, so did the industries that provided the product’s inputs. The remaining coal demand in the United States is for energy purposes in the form of thermal coal, but the outlook for this too isn’t positive. Over the past several years, natural gas production in the United States has been on the uptick thanks to advances in fracking technology. As a result, the market has become flooded with cheap natural gas, and new power plants will be built to cater to that energy source, not coal. In the end, it would be costly and impractical to build coal plants when there isn’t a demand for that product on the market. Another problem for the coal industry in West Virginia is that strip mining out west provides a safer and more readily available supply of coal. There isn’t much incentive in a free market for companies to work east of the Mississippi River when the same product can be extracted out west much cheaper, and at greater quantities. Easily mined coal deposits, just below the surface of Appalachia,
have gradually waned over the past century, and the last process that coal companies still see as viable is becoming a blight on the state’s natural beauty and hinders emerging economic prospects not related to resource extraction. The mining that still remains in West Virginia is increasingly shifting to extracting coal via mountaintop removal. This is a process by which the peaks of mountains are hewn off with explosives in order to get at the remaining shale deposits, an environmentally devastating attempt of a waning industry to remain solvent. These mountaintop removal projects require only a dozen or so workers to operate machinery compared to the hundreds employed in traditional, labor-intensive underground mining. The end result is a mining process the Trump administration is offering tax breaks and subsidies to but won’t help to employ the vast majority of out of work coal miners. Additionally, from an opportunity cost perspective, the process is more than an aesthetic affliction on the Mountain State’s landscape. By refusing to adapt to market realities, West Virginians will miss out on emerging economic growth. There is a very real opportunity in West Virginia to build a tourist economy based around the Shenandoah Valley and Appalachian Mountains and tap into renewable energies such as geothermal and wind power, but it is crippled so long as locals cling to hopes that coal will miraculously recover. The hard truth the incoming administration needs to face is that deregulating the market won’t bring back the demand for an outdated product. If the Trump administration moves forward with its promises, it would have to provide a level of subsidization and tax breaks to the coal industry that is antithetical to the free-market philosophy it touts.
POLICY: Signed letters, columns and cartoons represent the opinions of the authors. The staff editorial represents the opinion of The Diamondback’s editorial board and is the responsibility of the editor in chief.
ACROSS 1 Timber wolf 5 U.K. television option 8 Lily variety 12 Opposed to, slangily 13 Always, in verse 14 Mimicked 15 Get bigger 16 Banner 18 “-- Street” 20 Leads 21 Edges 23 Adam’s mate 24 Recklessly 28 Book after Joel 31 Sphere 32 “SNL” alumna Cheri 34 Debt notice 35 Seniors’ dance 37 Vexing situation 39 By way of 41 Use scissors 42 Offering a nice view 45 Illegal steroid use, e.g. 49 Vertical space
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thursday, december 1, 2016
6 | news
City city
US district judge reaffirms Purple Line delay ruling by
College Park
Alex Carolan officials are still @alexhcarolan holding out hope for the Purple Staff writer
college park city manager SCOTT SOMERS poses for a portrait outside of a City Council debate at City Hall on Oct. 8.
tom hausman/the diamondback
‘a new perspective’ More than a year after starting, College Park City Manager Scott Somers receives new contract By Carly Kempler | @carlykempler | Senior staff writer
hen Scott Somers moved across the country from Oregon to College Park in September 2015 to become the city’s manager, he said he could envision himself retiring here. “[There’s] just so much potential and opportunity in this city,” he said. Mo re t h a n a yea r l a te r, t h e College Park City Council has renewed Somers’ contract and agreed to rewrite it, according to a Nov. 21 mayoral update. The new agreement states the contract will be automatically renewed for years to come unless the mayor and council decide, with a majority vote, to terminate Somers’ employment. Somers’ dismissal seems unlikely, as city Mayor Patrick Wojahn and District 1 Councilman Fazlul Kabir both said Somers is doing a fantastic job as city manager. In his position, Somers is responsible for overseeing all city services, implementing policies established by the council, and appointing and managing department heads, ac-
cording to College Park’s website. “I’m pretty pleased with his responsiveness, and he’s a very good partner,” Kabir said. “He listens and he makes things easier for the councilmembers … because we depend a lot on him to get things done.” In addition to an automatic renewal, the council also granted Somers a 2.5 percent cost of living adjustment, as well as a 2.5 percent merit increase, according to the mayoral update. Since Somers arrived, he said one of the things he’s most proud of is the increase in communication between the city and it residents, as well as the University of Maryland. The job is “about building relationships … continuing to work with the mayor and council [and] improving constituent services,” Somers said. He cited specific outreach expansions such as the improved College Park website and the city’s new and revived social media presence on platforms such as Facebook and Instagram. “Communication and relationships has really been one of the
biggest of successes,” Somers said. “We’ve added social media [and] we’re reaching I think a broader audience because of that.” The city is continuing to explore new ways, specifically with technology, to benefit residents, Wojahn said, noting that Somers has played a large role in “moderniz[ing] the way we do things.” Somers, along with the council, is working on software — most likely a smartphone app — that would allow residents to report a problem, such as a pothole or downed wires. The app would allow users to track their service request as it’s completed, Wojahn said. “He’s really brought in a new perspective, helps us think about how we do things in a different way,” Wojahn said. “His first year has really been eye-opening for the city.”
Line after a U.S. district judge reaffirmed his August decision requiring federal officials to assess the effect that Metro’s declining ridership would have on the rail service before starting construction. Judge Richard J. Leon’s Nov. 22 ruling prevents construction of the 16.2-mile light rail from moving forward until ridership studies on whether Metro’s declining ridership and safety problems would affect the Purple Line’s long-term ridership are completed. Leon did, however, retract part of his August decision to have the Federal Transit Administration re-examine the already-approved environmental review in regard to Metro’s declining ridership, stating that federal transit officials should decide whether to reopen the larger environmental study, according to The Washington Post. The $2-billion Purple Line would extend from Bethesda to New Carrollton, and is expected to provide service by 2022, according to the project’s website. The line would have five stops on and near the University of Maryland’s campus, including M square, the College Park Metro station, the main entrance to Route 1, on Campus Drive and near Adelphi Road, The Diamondback previously reported. The Purple Line’s construction was slated to begin in October prior to delays from Leon’s August ruling, according to The Post. If federal transit officials decide that an updated environmental review is warranted, it could add months onto the delay. “Ultimately, I am confident that it will be built,” said Eric Olson, the director of the College Park City-University
MAPS show proposed routes for the Purple Line light rail at a Feb. 22 event. file photo/the diamondback Partnership. “But these stumbling blocks are not something we would like to see.” Though the ruling is a setback to Purple Line development, College Park Mayor Patrick Wojahn said he wants “to caution people against reading too much into it.” He added there is an appeals process that the Maryland Transit Administration and Federal Transit Administration can go through to open up opportunities to overturn the judge’s decision. While the Purple Line will be owned by the MTA and not the Metro, Leon wrote in his ruling that Metro ridership concerns merit the study, according to The Post. Twenty-seven percent of Purple Line riders are expected to come from the Metro, which has seen a 12 percent dip in ridership since 2010, according to The Post. The Purple Line is important for economic development and would help revitalize communities that the line runs through, Olson said. Relieving road congestion and creating an improved transportation network in this city are key aspects of the Purple Line, Wojahn said, “especially when you have a center for jobs and education where nearly 50,000 people come to every day.” “It’s very critical that [people] have multiple different avenues of getting [to the University of Maryland],” he said. “And as the area becomes more crowded, it’s only going to be more important.”
U alumna elected to PG county education board by
Raaheela Ahmed, a 2015 University of Maryland graduate, remembers being five years old and holding signs that read “Vote for My Dad” outside her family’s Mercury Villager van during an annual parade. Her father, Shukoor Ahmed, an immigrant from India, ran five times for the Maryland House of Delegates, but never won. “With each election that he ran, I developed more skills in terms of understanding how to … be a grassroots activist,” Ahmed said. “All of this contributed to my upbringing, who I am as a person.” With a childhood steeped in politics and her father’s encouragement, the 23-year-old felt emboldened to campaign for a seat on the Prince George’s County Board of Education this year — a position that would make her the youngest Indian-American elected to the seat in the state of Maryland’s history. And she won. Ahmed took nearly 30,000 out of more than 50,000 votes for the District 5 seat and beat her opponent Cheryl Landis, who had worked in the school system for more than 20 years, by about 15 percent of the vote. She joins the ranks of a recent surge of young members on Prince George’s County’s board, including Edward Burroughs III, 24, who first won a seat at age 18, and
Natalie Schwartz @nmschwartz23 Staff writer
David Murray, 24. Ahmed’s father, now the founder and CEO of V-Empower Inc., a technology firm, mentored all three of them. “He really took us under his wing and taught us a lot and really brought us into the political world,” Murray said. “When everyone else backed away because we were so young, he was really selfless and stepped up to help us.” Ahmed and her young counterparts credit their victories over established candidates to their grassroots movements. To get a “better understanding of [her] community needs and desires,” Ahmed knocked on about 5,000 doors during her campaign. “A lot of people that have been on school boards are folks that have been on the slates’ [rosters] of state senators and state delegates,” Ahmed said. “That’s how they’ve been getting in. They haven’t had to work to build that grassroots support and that grassroots knowledge. I think at the end of the day, that has hurt our schools.” Many people were hungry for a change after years of ineffective school board policies spearheaded by members out of touch with their constituents, she said. “Sometimes experience can be an asset, but too much experience can also be a detriment,” said Theresa Dudley, director of Prince George’s County Educators’ Association. “You’re not willing to move and
alumna RAAHEELA AHMED, the 2014-15 University System of Maryland student regent, was elected to the county education board. photo courtesy of raaheela ahmed
change in different directions.” Despite her young age, Ahmed already has experience inside the school system. During the 2014-15 school year Ahmed served on the University System of Maryland Board of Regents, which oversees 12 public institutions in this state, as the only student regent. She participated in many other groups, including Omicron Delta Kappa and Hinman CEOs, an entrepreneurship livinglearning program. During her term, Ahmed helped the board address several controversial issues that affected this university,
such as the Cole Field House renovations and differential pricing for business, engineering and computer science students. She was against both of them. “A lot of contentious things came through,” Ahmed said. “Through that process I learned to really be a voice for my constituents and be a voice for what I think is right.” Ahmed went to high school at Eleanor Roosevelt before earning degrees in economics and finance at this university. She now works as a federal financial consultant in the Department of Homeland Security.
She plans to bring her fresh outlook to focus on financial transparency in the school budget and demographic metrics such as graduation rates and test scores that show if the money is going toward effective things, increased community engagement such as more parent-teacher formal organizations and corporate partnerships that bring internship and other opportunities to students, and renovating infrastructure in Prince George’s County schools when she takes over the position in January.
thursday, december 1, 2016
diversions | 7
A good time, not a long (run)time On a new episode of The Dive, weird Uber stories and a heated discussion about the merits of Drake.
essay | hip-hop and revolution
the sound of a backlash photo via youtube
What history tells us about hip-hop’s role in Trump’s America Music has always been a Jarod Golub @DBKDiversions form of revolution. From enFor The DBK slaved Africans creating songs in secret to Gil Scott Heron saying “the revolution will not be televised,” music has served as a form of protest that reaches the masses. It is something that connects to people on a deeper, more subconscious level. One genre of music in particular inspires revolution more than others: Hip-hop music, and I’m including rap in this gross generalization, is a beautiful means of expression that more so than any other genre gives artists a medium to use their voices and their words to express themselves in a clear and passionate manner. Every beat is a footstep in a march, every lyric a speech given to a crowd of protesters and every melody a seed of revolution waiting to be planted. A successful revolution requires two things: something to fight for, and something to fight against. Hip-hop serves as a platform for artists to express both of these things in a way by
that is unlike any other form of expression or revolution. In the wake of Donald Trump’s election, and facing more national division than ever, we can look to history and see that hip-hop will be the loudest voice in a chorus of cultural backlash. Since its inception in the Bronx in the 1970s, hip-hop has served as a form of revolution. This is chronicled in Netflix’s The Get Down, a series that follows the journey of five boys in 1970s New York who struggle to make music while working to find their place in the world. The Get Down shows how hip-hop can be a means of cultural revolution by going against the societal and cultural norms. The protagonists use hip-hop music to stage a cultural revolution against disco music and a social revolution against those that who them they’re living a dead-end life. By choosing to make music — specifically hip-hop — the characters are choosing to fight for their futures, ones that don’t include staying in the Bronx forever. This phenomenon doesn’t occur solely in Netflix shows.
Artists have been using hip-hop and rap music for decades as a means of protest and revolution. One of the earliest rap groups to use hip-hop as a form of revolution was the Compton gangster rap group N.W.A. Their story was brought to life in 2015 through the biopic Straight Outta Compton from director F. Gary Gray. In the 1980s, N.W.A. used their music to express anger and frustration over police violence directed at people of color. This was specifically seen on the track “F--- tha Police” from the group’s debut studio album Straight Outta Compton in 1988. In the film, N.W.A. wrote the song after a run-in with members of the LAPD where they were forced to lie face-down on the ground with guns pressed to their heads. The song takes the form of a trial, with Ice Cube, MC Ren and Eazy-E prosecuting the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD), and Dr. Dre acting as the judge. While “F--- tha Police” is more violent and angry than other forms of hip-hop revolution, it is a revo-
lution nonetheless. To d a y, re vo l u t i o n a r y hip-hop music is still coming out of Compton. Also in 2015, Compton rapper Kendrick Lamar released his third studio album To Pimp a Butterfly. Kendrick used the album as a commentary on the difficulties faced by minorities and people of color in America. On the song “Institutionalized,” Kendrick raps about being “trapped inside the ghetto,” alluding to the struggle that minorities go through to get the same opportunities as others. In the last song on the album, “Mortal Man,” Kendrick raps about influential black leaders (including Nelson Mandela, Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr. among others). He does this to show the listeners his revolution is fighting for the same things these famous leaders were fighting for: equality and civil rights. Kendrick raps about these societal disparities from his own perspective, as do many other rappers. Rapper Ben Haggerty, better known by his stage name
Macklemore, creates his own form of revolution with his tracks “White Privilege” and “White Privilege II.” Macklemore discusses what it means for him to be a white rapper in a genre created by and dominated primarily by people of color. On “White Privilege II” he raps “you’ve exploited and stolen the music … you toy with / the culture that was never yours to make better,” showing his own internal struggle with his presence in rap music. He also explores ways that he can use the privilege that he possesses to help people who face adversity in their everyday lives. One of the most important things that he raps in “White Privilege II” is “I’ve heard that silences are action and God knows that I’ve been passive,” acknowledging that his complacency has played a role in the institutionalized racism in American society. Another hip-hop revolution that has taken the world by storm recently is Hamilton. Lin-Manuel Miranda created the hit musical as his own form of revolution, a revolution of
the Broadway music genre and a beautifully crafted take on immigration and the way American society perceives it. Hamilton broadens the scope of history through hip-hop. It brings American history into a new light and to a new audience. Miranda goes against the conventional understanding that the Europeans who came to America had more right to the land than the natives, going so far as to tell the founding of the country from the perspective of an immigrant success story. Now more than ever, revolution is important. It is what brings about change in our society. By fighting for something and against something, people show that they care. One of the most captivating lines in “White Privilege II” is when Jamila Woods sings “silence is a luxury / hip-hop is not a luxury.” Silence is a luxury enjoyed by the privileged few, and Woods is saying hip-hop is a way for the people who are not as privileged to have their voices heard. Hip-hop is their revolution.
TAYLOR BRANCH & ISABEL WILKERSON in conversation with Sherrilyn Ifill Tuesday, Dec. 6, 2016 7 PM The Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center, Kay Theatre Free, ticket required Followed by book signing and reception What is the impact of the humanities on American life? As part of the Pulitzer Prizes’ Centennial Celebration, the College of Arts and Humanities has partnered with Maryland Humanities to present Pulitzer Prize-winning author-historians Taylor Branch and Isabel Wilkerson. NAACP’s Sherrilyn Ifill will moderate an engaging discussion between the two on the historical context behind their Pulitzer Prize-winning work and its relevancy to our lives today.
For free tickets or more information, visit or call 301.405.ARTS.
This program is part of the 2016 Pulitzer Prize Centennial Campfires Initiative, a joint venture of The Pulitzer Prize Board and the Federation of State Humanities Councils. Sponsored in part by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
thursday, december 1, 2016
8 | diversions
essay | chappelle’s return
essay | tasty videos
Enough with the Tasty clips The viral cooking videos dominate Facebook and they must be stopped by
BuzzFeed is
Taylor Stokes a pop culture @taylormstokes junkie’s dream — a place where Staff writer
dave chappelle burst back onto the scene with a Saturday Night Live monologue that captured the feelings of a divided, post-election America in a funny way.
listen up
photo via youtube
Are we ready for the return of Dave Chappelle?
Dave John Powers Chappelle @RealJohnPowers i s m a k i n g a significant Staff writer comeback, and everyone seems excited about it. His recent appearance on Saturday Night Live was met with a largely positive response, and the internet is abuzz with excitement about his three new comedy specials coming soon to Netflix. But his comedic style, crafted in a different generation, may not mix with the social climate, and there has already been some backlash to his resurgence. H is monologue, which contained a good amount of vulgar language, was censored by NBC affiliate WRAL in Raleigh, North Carolina, according to Variety . This sparked a divided conversation online as some were outraged over the censorship and others chose to focus on Chappelle using taboo language on a national stage in the first place. The debate of whether WRAL’s censorship was justified, or even legal, is one that deserves legal deconstruction, but how America has reacted to it is another issue entirely. To understand the contrasting reception the inby
cident has received, we have to examine the current cultural environment. Many political commentators and bloggers, most notably Bill Maher and Robby Soave, have blamed Trump’s election on the culture of political correctness, calling the polling results the backlash to a country that has gone too far in its attempts to be more inclusive. The movement’s criticisms include PC culture being too broad in its condemnation and being oversensitive. This intersects with Chappelle’s cursing because a lot of PC culture applies to certain blacklisted words and topics. Again, the reasoning given is to protect the feelings and not cause any unnecessary emotional trauma. The movement stipulates that those in power in a society — in our case, straight white men — dictate what is and isn’t okay to say without properly considering those who society has marginalized. But is this truly the case with comedy? Comedians such as Ricky Gervais, Joe Rogan and Jerry Seinfeld are often staunch defenders of free speech, especially in the name of making a comedic point. They’ll stand by free speech even if it in-
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volves examining a blacklisted topic, like Louis C.K.’s infamous “child molester” bit in his 2015 SNL monologue. But Louis was making a point about how society looks at forbidden sexuality due to the horrific nature of sex crimes committed to children. We hate these people because of what they do, but we never think of them as being ill and only as being perverted. Granted, advocating for empathy toward child molesters isn’t the easiest position to defend, which is why the joke was met with so much backlash. Yet comedians like Louis and Dave are showing us that the power shouldn’t be in the words themselves, but the message. Was Chappelle’s language choice crude? Absolutely. Was the language offensive? To some people, it certainly was. But was there a message behind each of the uses? Undoubtedly. When Chappelle used the word “pussy” he forced us to confront the discomfort of hearing the action that our nation’s president-elect described on the Access Hollywood tape. If we are uncomfortable hearing a comedian using this language, how should we feel about our commander in chief doing the
same? When Chappelle used the word “n-----,” he was referencing what President Teddy Roosevelt said about having Booker T. Washington over for dinner and the public criticism he faced for doing this. That moment was perhaps the most powerful of this entire season of SNL to date, but it used a word that some people believe should not be broadcast on national television. While the societal acceptance and mental stability of any person should never be trivialized, Chappelle shows us why we need to think deeper than barring words and topics from public discourse. Spouting off vulgarities is different than harnessing their power, and Chappelle has a history of doing both. So will Chapelle’s return be a success? It should be. Shocking this nation with expletives can grab our attention, and we have to trust visionaries like Chappelle with that power. Otherwise, we compromise freedom of speech and the free exchange of ideas, two pillars that uphold our unique democracy.
videos of cats and essays about various sexual positions somehow integrate seamlessly. Hours of precious time have been lost to its ohso-relatable quizzes, hooking the average user with content they don’t need, yet somehow can’t resist. You can hear the heartbeats of journalists quicken whenever the entertainment website is sourced as real news, yet the majority of its content somehow fits right in with other mainstream news sources. I’ll be the first to admit I’ve spent countless hours on the site, pushing aside real obligations for the chance to learn “21 Ways To Open A Bottle That Will Change Your Life”, or cringe over “Sh---- Things You Secretly Do.” There are numerous ways BuzzFeed has stolen time out of my everyday routine, but there’s one segment of the entertainment giant that literally takes the cake. As much as I love them, the Tasty videos have got to go. If you have a Facebook account, you’ve seen them: Short videos detailing exactly how to create beautiful food using raw ingredients, a pair of hands and a heavy amount of editing. In the beginning it started out with desserts, giving step-by-step guides on how to make the perfect sweet treat for your neighborhood foodie. But it wasn’t long until the site expanded its reach, offering recipes for entrees, appetizers and happy hour. BuzzFeed has even created Facebook pages targeted toward specific countries; no matter where in the world you are, Tasty will somehow manage to find you. What did the public do to deserve this type of cruel distraction? As if the original BuzzFeed videos weren’t entic-
ing enough, now it seems like we’re surrounded on all sides by ultimately useless content. I say useless because it seems exceedingly rare that anyone actually tries to make the recipes. If someone spends all their time watching these videos, when are they going to find the time to actually try and make a geode-themed, three-tier cake? Sure, a video here and there is fine, but now it seems like a challenge to get through your Facebook news feed without seeing at least one set of hands create some magnificently unrealistic confection. That being said, my real problem with Tasty lies not so much with its recipes, but with the way they’re presented. Mini-video clips aren’t exactly new on the social media scene, and yet it seems like there’s a clip for anything now. Companies such as BuzzFeed, NowThis and The Daily Dot help perpetuate instant gratification in the media with short, fluffy news pieces being the majority of the content they put out. One could argue writing a piece about Tasty videos isn’t hard news, but if you’ve read this far you’ve already put in more effort than it takes to watch a 30-second video clip on Facebook. Being constantly surrounded by short bursts of information could be a main contributor to the fake news problem that Facebook is currently battling. After all, it’s hard to get useful information when you’re only given a brief video clip on a subject. BuzzFeed’s main success lies in wasting time and the Tasty videos are no exception to that. It seems that our choice is this: You either resign yourself to a lifetime of scrolling, or seek information via real, but timeconsuming alternate avenues. Choose wisely, as the time is all yours.
essay | video game monotony
Futuristic themes are bogging down the video game industry Video game Sam Antezana publishers tend @DBKDiversions to release their most anticiFor The DBK pated titles as the holiday season approaches. However, even with some standout titles here and there, this year’s line up of games has had much of the same. Currently, the market has been flooded with similar thematic elements and futuristic settings strewn across various titles. New types of technology hold the interest of the public as we are always closely watching for what Apple or Microsoft’s next technological feat will be. Video game developers have been mirroring that interest and creating fictional worlds where grandiose technological advancements have already been made. One of the biggest examples of this repetitive theme is the popular Call of Duty franchise that has been releasing similar games leading up to this year’s Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare, which unsurprisingly takes place in a futuristic time and revolves around a battle for a solar system. As cool as that sounds, it no longer packs the same punch, especially after last year’s Call of Duty: Black Ops III and 2014’s Advanced Warfare, both of which take by
place in the future. Aside from Call of Duty , companies continue to pump out games like Deus Ex: Mankind Divided and No Man’s Sky in an attempt to conjure the futuristic experiences that so many previous games have done. Even thematic representations of the future that have been fascinating to mankind for generations — such as cyborg technology and space travel — do not have the same impact within a fictional world. This issue of repetition did not start recently, nor with futuristic time periods. The zombie genre is another section of video games that has been butchered by countless iterations. The undead have become a selling tool with some titles, such as in multiplayer survival games like H1Z1 and DayZ where you run into actual players more than you do zombies, taking into account that both these games take place during the zombie apocalypse. I won’t lie — as a gamer, I enjoy the occasional futuristic settings as well as slaying zombies with my friends online, but only when developers make their titles stand out amongst the rest. One of the last original zombie games I had the chance to experience was the 2008
hit title Left 4 Dead. I could never forget waiting for the helicopter rescue on Mercy Hospital’s rooftop while desperately trying to survive waves of the undead drawn to the noise of the radio I used to call for help. Although Left 4 Dead did not break graphical barriers, it managed to create chaotic atmospheres within each zombie-infested locale you were trying to escape from. In addition, the title crafted one of the best four-player cooperative experiences, a system which is replicated in various zombie games today. Fallout 3 is a great example of game developers choosing to use a war-torn, post-apocalyptic setting with futuristic elements and technology to blend first person shooter style with a solid role-playing formula. You are in control of every decision your character makes from the beginning of his or her life. You quite literally get to play as a toddler. Yes, the game contains a futuristic arsenal of weapons and gear for you to use, but none of this feel gimmicky; it seamlessly fits within the world and its lore. Unfortunately, the unique story-building technique Fallout 3 implements is one of the last of its kind. The last two titles in the franchise, Fallout:
New Vegas and Fallout 4, were unable to add something innovative to the formula that it created. Perhaps the issue lies within lazy design or rushed products, but I find myself less and less attracted to titles offering similar characteristics because none have been able to create something as enthralling. However, some developers have already begun to take notice of the futuristic trend and are finding openings to make what was once old feel new again, such as is the case with the Battlefield franchise’s developer DICE. Battlefield 1, its most recent offering, takes players back in time to the trenches of World War I, where players have the opportunity to experience a close-toauthentic experience of famous battles during the war. Even though the game retains many of the multiplayer characteristics of any other first person shooter, the change of time period and setting is refreshing. Next year’s lineup of games is still in the works; we will have to see if the majority of developers choose to expand upon their uses of futuristic themes or if they take cues from Battlefield 1 and visit an older time period for inspiration.
Thursday, december 1, 2016
sports | 9
McCoy gives his team weekend off After MarySean Whooley l a n d w r e s @swhooley27 t l i n g ’s f i rs t victory of Staff writer the season on Sunday against Columbia, the Maryland wrestling team won’t grapple again until it travels to George Mason for matches Dec. 9. Coach Kerry McCoy schedu l e d th i s brea k fo r several reasons, though there won’t be a lack of training during the time off. “ O h , t h e re ’s co m p e t i t i o n ! ” M c C oy s a i d w i t h a smirk. “Just no outside competition.” T h e Te r p s h a ve c o m peted every weekend since the Red vs. Black WrestleOffs on Oct. 30, either in open tournaments or dual matches. McCoy views the weekend off as an opportunity to ratchet up training while giving his grapplers a chance to recover from the first month of the season. “I plan out the whole year beforehand, so it’s all part of the plan,” McCoy said.
“Knowing that the guys don’t have to compete this weekend gives us more flexibility with our training. We can go a little harder, push the guys a little more and let them recover over the weekend instead of having to make weight and be ready to compete.” Redshirt sophomore Alfred Bannister, who is 4-0 in dual meets and 9-0 overall at 149 pounds, called the hiatus a “breath of fresh air.” It allows the wrestlers to reflect on their results, Bannister said, and fix any issues that have arose along the way. “This week we’re looking to fix all the problems we had in the past matches, and really fix our technique and positions,” Bannister said. “We’re going to recover our bodies well, that way next week we can hit it hard in training and get ready for the next competition.” Redshirt freshman David-Brian Whisler has also started the season strong, winning two of his first four career dual matches. Still,
the Warren, Ohio, native emphasized how important the weekend off will be to heal injuries that have plagued the Terps early in the year. Junior 125-pounder Michael Beck missed time at the beginning of the campaign with a hamstring injury, while 184-pounder Jaron Smith missed both m a tc h e s a t t h e C ava l i e r Duals on Nov. 20 and the Grapple at the Garden on S u n d ay. Re d s h i r t j u n i o r and nationally ranked 133p o u n d e r T yl e r G o o dw i n missed that event, too, both with unspecified ailments. “A lot of the guys on the team right now are kind of banged up, and we’ve been getting treatment done,” Whisler said. “Having this week off is good, because we’ve gone really hard in the first part of this season. Staying healthy is the biggest battle in wrestling. I don’t know what coach has in store for practice this week, but I know he has a system to keep us healthy.”
Alfred bannister (right) said having a weekend without outside competition gives the Terps time to rest. reid poluhovich/the diamondback C o m i n g o f f t h e i r f i rs t victory, McCoy acknowledged the possibility of the lull in competition hurting the Terps’ momentum. Still, the veteran coach doesn’t believe that will be a factor as his team prepares for North
Dakota State and George Mason on Dec. 9. “We have more days to review and more days to prepare,” McCoy said. “We can use this whole week to review the things we’ve gone over the past couple weeks,
then next week use the whole week to scout for the coming weekend. “It’s actually a really good thing that we have that time to take advantage of.”
QB Hill eager to join Terps program in 2017 In MaryJosh Schmidt land Stadium o n N o v. @joshj_s 29, MaryStaff writer land football co m m i t K a s i m H i l l ’s S t . John’s College High School tea m sq u a n d e re d a 15 point lead in the final eight minutes of the Washington Catholic Athletic Conference championship against rival DeMatha Catholic. Losing his final game on the field he plans to play on next fall wasn’t the way Hill wanted his high school career to end. Sitting in the locker room after the game, the Baltimore native stewed over the loss. by
terps From p. 12 including against Louisville. “That place is not an easy place to play,” Walker-Kimbrough said. Louisville ranked fourth in average attendance last season and was third in the two years prior to that. On Tuesday, the team practiced in Xfinity Pavilion rather than the main floor. The increased echoes in that venue make the practice much louder, simulating the road environment Maryland will step into Thursday, Walker-Kimbrough said. On Wednesday, the team pumped in crowd noise during practice. “The place is probably going to be rocking,” freshman guard Destiny Slocum said. “It’s going to be a fun atmosphere.” Frese views Thursday’s contest as another way to
It took a few days for him to accept it and appreciate the experience in College Park. With his Cadets career over, Hill is excitedly preparing to join the Terps. “It’s a really cool experience to play last where you’ll play next year,” Hill said. H ill returned to Maryland Stadium Saturday for the first time since the loss with commits center Johnny Jordan and cornerback Fofie Bazzie to watch the Terps defeat Rutgers and clinch a bowl berth. He’s proud of the team for earning a postseason game, and next year, he hopes to lead another bowl charge under offensive co-
ordinator Walt Bell. When Hill came to College Park for one of his visits, he talked to the new coaching staff about Bell’s high-tempo system. “I see myself excelling in that offense,” Hill said. “I believe in Walt Bell.” St. John’s coach Joe Casamento believes Hill, the No. 11 pro-style quarterback in the 2017 class according to 247Sports, will fit the scheme, too. Casamen to has worked with him since January 2015, first as an offensive coordinator and then as head coach. When Casamento assesses a quarterback, he looks for
three traits — someone who can make good reads under pressure, a competitive leader and innate talent. Casamento said Hill fits each mold. “ H e h a s a l l t h e ta l e n t in the world and is a very smart guy,” Casamento said last month. “He goes hard on every down and gets up immediately, every sack or getting knocked down.” Casamento said his offense is “complex” for a high school team, yet Hill can find his second or third options when making his reads. During the Cadets’ season, Hill had authority to audible on play calls at the line of scrimmage, Casa-
mento said. The aspect of his game Hill believes will help him most is his decision making, which he anticipates will translate well into Bell’s scheme. Plus, Hill’s athleticism and ability to extend plays with his legs create more options, Casamento said. “I can do anything the offense needs from me,” Hill said. “I’m ready.” The 6-foot-3, 215-pound q u a r te rba c k h a s a l rea dy started to prepare for next season by watching highlight tapes from all five of the Terps’ 2017 wide receivers and tight end. Hill is also part of the class’s group chat. “He’s just a great human
being and I know he will never embarrass the University of Maryland,” Casamento said. He’ll join a Terps team that played more than 15 true freshmen throughout Durkin’s first season. So while the loss to DeMatha still stings, Hill is eager to see more action on the Maryland Stadium turf. “I’m excited and ready to get back to work,” Hill said. “At the end of that game I looked around and thought, ‘This will be where I’ll be soon enough.’ I’m ready for that.”
expose her freshmen-laden team to new situations. The team’s seniors are passing down information about what to expect from the arena, but Frese is waiting for game day to see how much her newcomers soaked in. “It’s a matter of talking versus playing,” Frese said. “For a lot of our freshmen, it’ll be their first time and their first opportunity. … You have to want to go into those environments and be successful.” Slocum said the Terps gained experience during two games in an “uncomfortable” environment in Las Vegas last weekend, but they will need to improve on those wins to have success Thursday. “Our communication needs to be 100 times better,” Slocum said, “just because of what we’re going into. We’re not used to that. It’s going to be so loud.”
forward michael young scored 25 points in Pittsburgh’s 73-59 win Tuesday night. He and forward Jamel Artis outscored the Terps in the first half. sammi silber/the diamondback
made four more shots from the charity stripe down the From p. 12 stretch. The Terps kept a big man break and drained the f re e b i e s. T h e s e n i o r on Young throughout, rotat-
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ing between Huerter and forwards Damonte Dodd, Michal Cekovsky and Justin Jackson. Young ’s versatility made him a matchup problem, helping the Panthers shoot 46 percent. “Coach just told me to make everything tough on him,” Dodd said. “As we said in the scouting report, he’s a really good player. Kudos to him. It makes me better.” With 13 seconds remaining and Pittsburgh in control, Young threw down an emphatic
Like the
dunk, turned toward the student section and placed a finger over his lips, silencing Maryland faithful moments before their team’s first loss of the year. Despite receiving a series of boos, the 6-foot-9, 235-pound forward faced the students again when the final buzzer blew and made the same gesture. “When you have prolific scorers,” Stallings said,“one of the benefits is they can go get you a bucket when things are down.”
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thursday, december 1, 2016
10 | sports
men’s soccer
midfielder amar sejdic stood in disbelief after the Terps’ 5-4 loss to Providence in the NCAA tournament. After ending the regular season undefeated, Sejdic’s team gave up a 4-1 lead in the final 21 minutes of its second-round match. matt regan/the diamondback
Historic season ends in heartbreak Coach Sasho Kyle Melnick Cirovs@kyle_melnick ki never Senior staff writer shied away from discussing the Maryland men's soccer team's lofty expectations this season. I n t h e p re s e a s o n , t h e veteran coach said this year's squad was one of the best he's coached. Even as the Terps rode through their first undefeated regular season since 1968, Cirovski said the success didn't mean much without a national championship. But just as the team was beginning its national championship pursuit, No. 1-seed Maryland collapsed. It gave up a 4-1 lead to Providence in the final 21 minutes of its second-round NCAA tournament match. The Terps earned 12 onegoal victories this season, but their one-goal loss to the Friars that ended it. "I'm very frustrated with by
offense From p. 12 rea dy fo r z o n e d e fe n s e s before games. In many instances, their opponents played man-to-man, but Pittsburgh packed the paint and dared Maryland to hit perimeter shots. T h e Te r ps e n te re d t h e game shooting 31.3 percent from deep, which dipped after going 10-for-26 (27.8 percent) against the Panthers, and Maryland finished with their lowest scoring total while attempting its highest number of 3-pointer. Still, the players insisted both of those numbers would have been different had they co nve r te d wh a t Tr i m b l e called “a lot of wide-open looks.” “We got to take them,” Trimble said. “We’re all good shooters. I mean, we haven’t been shooting the ball well, but I know we’re going to start shooting well.” Trimble made two of his eight three-point shots to finish with 13 points. But Trimble is one of the Big Ten’s premiere players in t ra f f i c , s o t h e P a n t h e rs wanted to keep the Upper Marlboro native out of the lane. The Panthers failed to accomplish that in man-toman. With the shot clock winding down early in the game, the 6-foot-3 guard slashed into the lane, which forced a Panthers defender to shift for help. Trimble then hit Jackson in the right c o r n e r fo r a w i d e - o p e n three, the Terps’ third in four attempts. But Trimble’s strategy
h ow s o m e t i m e s we ta ke the foot off the gas and let other teams breathe and start having chances," Cirovski said. "I often said throughout the year we wish we would lose one just so we could feel the heartbreak and learn to close out some of these games. When you're in one, you never want to lose one. Unfortunately now we're feeling that pain." The Terps returned with e i g h t s ta r te rs f ro m l a s t season, when they lost to Clemson in the NCAA tournament quarterfinals, but they had to deal with the graduation of midfielders Tsubasa Endoh and Mael Corboz, who combined for 32 points in 2015. Ye t C i rovs k i re p l a c e d their production by bringing in two talented transfers in forward Gordon Wild and midfielder Jake Rozhansky. Maryland's offense displayed its prowess from the start of the season, scoring the sec-
p rove d i n e f fe c t ive a f te r Pittsburgh switched to zone, which kept two defenders near the rim throughout the game. When Trimble attempted another drive, similar to the one he made a few minutes earlier, Pittsburgh stripped the junior and converted a transition dunk. “It took away from Trimble having the ability to do pickand-rolls and one-on-ones and getting into the lane,” said Panthers forward Michael Young, who finished with 25 points. “He did it a few times, but with the zone he was able to see more bodies.” With Trimble unable to penetrate, Turgeon pushed for the Terps to play “inside out,” a strategy in which they would pass to a frontcourt player at the foul line with the hopes he could find teammates down low for layups or kick the ball out for open jumpers. Maryland executed the plan, Turgeon said, to find quality looks. He also emphasized creating second chances against the zone via offensive rebounds, but he wasn’t pleased with his team’s performance, despite holding an 11-6 advantage in that category. The Terps instead attributed its lack of offensive production to their shooting woes. Trimble said they have to shoot with more confidence. Fo r wa rd Da m o n te D o d d echoed that sentiment. When the outside attempts clanged off the rim, he encouraged his teammates to keep shooting. “I felt like if we hit shots,” Trimble said, “it would be a different game.”
ond-most goals per game in the nation (2.52). While forward Sebastian Elney and midfielder Eryk Williamson were Maryland's top returning scorers, Wild and midfielder Amar Sejdic emerged as the Terps' best offensive players, combining for 66 points. "I'm feeling bad for our seniors," Wild said after the NCAA tournament loss. "Our seniors can be proud of what we achieved this season. We played a great [Big Ten] tournament, but nobody expected this outcome." T h e o f fe n s e re m a i n e d consistent throughout the year, but the Terps' defense faltered at times. Before the season, Cirovski predicted the Terps backline would develop into one of the best units in the country with three senior starters and a redshirt senior goalkeeper. After struggling to defend counterattacks at the beginning of the year, Maryland's defense
seemed to reach its potential by midseason when it tied a program-best five-game shutout streak. But then Cirovski said his team lost its "defensive identity," and it never returned to shutting down opponents. Maryland allowed 17 goals in its final nine matches and never solved how to stop counterattacks. Defense, which Cirovski said is the most important foundation to postseason success, failed the Terps in their elimination contest. They struggled to clear the ball and close out on attackers, allowing the Friars to score four goals in about 13 minutes. The Terps gave up five goals for the first time since 2008 and surrendered that many at home for the first time since 1993, Cirovski's first year with the program. Throughout the season, the Terps gave up leads that put them at risk of losing their first match. Five times, they faced a deficit in the final 10 minutes. But behind a potent
attack, Maryland scored after 17 of the 19 goals it allowed entering its final contest. They couldn't muster up a goal, though, when it mattered most. "They're obviously a quality, quality opponent," P rov i d e n c e c o a c h C ra i g Stewart said. "Sometimes being undefeated, a lot of people say you can't go undefeated the whole season, so you spin it that it's a positive for us. They had a fantastic season. It's a shame to those guys that it comes to an end." M a ryl a n d w i l l n e e d to rebuild its defense next season, and though the Terps don't have senior starters in their attack, some players may have opportunities to forgo their eligibility and jump to the MLS or play professionally overseas.'s Will Parchman said Wild, a sophomore who tied for the secondmost goals in the nation (17) this season, is the most MLS-
ready forward in college. Mea nwh i l e , d e fe n d e rs Donovan Pines and Miles S t ray, goa l ke e p e r Day n e St. Clair and midfielder Keegan Kelly should all see expanded roles next season after spending the majority of their time on the bench. With so much talent this year, though, Cirovski foresaw the Terps making a strong push for their first national championship since 2008. That accomplishment seemed plausible the whole season after the Terps won the Big Ten regular season and tournament championship. But 20 minutes of underperforming ended Maryland's dream. "I feel so empty for our players, our fans, who've e n j oye d t h e s p e c ta c u l a r season," Cirovski said. "It's just a hard one to process. We are just left to wonder what could've been."
likely From p. 12 about it, and you know, Will has, I believe, football in his future, and I know no matter where football leads him or wherever that does end, he’ll be successful.” The news was also difficult for Likely to comprehend. H e wa s “ m o p i n g around” for a few hours, upset about the abrupt end to his senior season. He forwent declaring for the NFL draft to return to College Park after multiple one-on-one conversations with Durkin in January. Likely then resolved to attack rehab with professional goals in mind. Still, he had trouble joining the team for group meetings. “He loves it so much that it hurts him to be around,” defensive coordinator Andy Buh said. “He had to stay away wh e n i t f i rs t happened. He just couldn’t. He couldn’t come around because it hurt so bad.” So Likely channeled his leadership on the individual level. He sends players texts with ways to improve i n p ra c t i c e s a n d games. He watches film with the Terps’ newcomers to help establish good study habits. The coaches appreciated the input for a
Cornerback will likely’s senior season ended Oct. 15 because of injury, but he still has NFL aspirations. file photo/the diamondback secondary worn down with veteran injuries. Younger players, such as Elijah and Elisha Daniels, twin defensive backs from Florida who chose Maryland in part because of Likely’s success, earned more responsibilities and relied on his advice. “ E ve r y t h i n g t h a t yo u kind of paint that picture of what you want a teammate, a friend, what you would kind of imagine your heroes to be like, I mean, he is that,” offensive coordinator Walt Bell said. “He’s the star of his own movie.” A s L i ke ly s e t t l e d i n to his new role and the Terps endured one of their hardest stretches in program history, facing three of the Big Ten’s top powers in consecutive weeks, Likely took a vocal lead. He spoke in a team meeting b e fo re M a r yl a n d p l aye d Ne b ra s ka , p rea c h i n g fo r his teammates not to take their talent and opportu-
nity for granted. They could be playing one day and out for the season the next. He wanted them to cherish their brotherhood and time in a Terps uniform. “We definitely thought about him as he couldn’t play with us,” cornerback Alvin Hill said. “We went into battle with that one.” While the Terps finished their regular season, Likely progressed in rehab. He said last week doctors estimated he’s about two-and-a-half weeks ahead of his five- to six-month recovery timeline. He competes in two-a-day sessions with safety Denzel Conyers, who tore his ACL in September, and the trainers have to hold the duo back on exercises. “I can do it,” Likely said with a smile, “but they just want me to, like, just take it in, go with the regular protocol.” One aspect Likely isn’t pushing is his NFL future. He
hasn’t dwelled on how he’ll fit as a return specialist or slot corner and has faith in teams taking chances on him as his health improves. He looks to players such as Minnesota Vikings running back Adrian Peterson, Arizona C a rd i n a l s sa fe ty Ty ra n n Mathieu and Denver Broncos linebacker Von Miller. They’ve each suffered torn ACLs but had successful returns. Plus, Carolina Panthers wide receiver Kelvin Benjamin and San Diego Chargers wide receiver Travis Benjamin contacted Likely soon after his injury. The two endured torn ACLs in the NFL and gave advice to their fellow Glades Central High School graduate. “Definitely drives me to get back to moving how I want to move and just try to be better than that guy was before,” Likely said. “It’ll be a new version of Will Likely.”
Thursday, december 1, 2016
sports | 11
terps report card by
If you’re
Callie Caplan reading this, @CallieCaplan it’s too late. The MarySenior staff writer l a n d m e n ’s basketball team’s undefeated season is over. Coach Mark Turgeon’s squad won’t be the first since 1975-76 to turn an unblemished regular season into national-championship glory. T h a t ’s n o t e x a c t l y a surprise. This group features three freshmen starters. They, along with the rest of the team, are exhausted from five games in 10 days. Turgeon wouldn’t use the schedule as an excuse for Tuesday night’s 73-59 loss to Pittsburgh — and he shouldn’t — but it contributed to the Terps’ lackadaisical first 30 minutes. They shot 34.4 percent from the field. After starting 3-for-4 from three-point range, they made seven of their last 32 looks before the final buzzer sounded with most of the 17,144 fans trudging through Xfinity Center’s walkways. Despite a late surge, the sixth year coach lamented his team’s 14 turnovers and 19 fouls. “I just know that we’re going to be good,” Trimble said. “It’s not going to happen every game.” P a n t h e rs g u a rd J a m e l Artis (22 points) and forward Michael Young (25 points), meanwhile, pummeled the Terps from the perimeter and in the paint. If these grades were for Pittsburgh’s student newspaper, they’d get A’s. But they’re not, so here are my marks from the Terps’ first loss — and likely not their last.
On the day Trimble earned Big Ten CoPlayer of the Week honors for his heroics in last weekend’s Barclays Center Classic, the junior from Upper Marlboro didn’t display that same flash. He led the Terps with 13 points but struggled to draw fouls against the Panthers’ zone defense. The more-than20-point second-half deficit proved too much for him to lead his team back again.
Before the student section could finish its opening chant, Jackson had drilled a three. A few minutes later, he ran up the court waving three fingers to signal another long ball. Less than five minutes in, the rookie from East York, Ontario, had eight points. After 40 minutes, his scoring total hadn’t changed. As Jackson’s production faded, so, too, did the Terps’ lead.
While the Slovakian big man didn’t earn a start after his careerbest, 16-point performance in Saturday’s win over Kansas State, he entered the game less than a minute after the opening tip. He totaled 10 points off 4-for-4 shooting, but much of his contributions came on putbacks or lob passes. With few frontcourt scoring options, the Terps need Cekovsky to maintain his inside presence.
Guard Melo Trimble couldn’t lead the Terps past Pittsburgh on Tuesday night. The junior scored just 13 points as his team suffered a 73-59 defeat, its first of the season. sammi silber/the diamondback
With about three minutes left, the rookie stood at the foul line, looking to build on Maryland’s 10-1 run that cut its 17-point deficit to single digits for the first time since the first half. Cowan’s free throw didn’t fall. The energy from fans in Xfinity Center did. He finished 4-for-11 with 11 points, three assists and three turnovers. And after starting the season with pesky defense, he struggled to match up with Pittsburgh’s long guards.
Huerter’s best stretch came midway through the second half, starting with an assist on Cowan’s three, continuing with his own trey and ending with a block on the ensuing defensive set. Still, the freshman finished 2-for-9 shooting. He won’t get the chance to avenge the performance in tomorrow’s practice — Turgeon is giving the team a day off from workouts and film study to decompress from its grueling start — but Huerter and his fellow rookie starters will look to bounce back from their first college loss in Saturday’s clash with Oklahoma State.
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Still Holding on Strong. Every Team rebuilds eventually.... -Cam Spence (@Only1CamSpence) Maryland football recruit
SCOREBOARD men’s basketball
Terps 79, Washington State 69
Terps 31, Rutgers 13
Page 12
women’s basketball
Pittsburgh 73, Terps 59
Terps 3, Indiana 0 Thursday, December 1, 2016
men’s basketball
Turgeon confident Terps will fix shooting struggles Sixth-year coach not concerned with team’s shortcomings vs. Pittsburgh’s zone defense The Maryl a n d m e n ’s Kyle Stackpole basketball @kylefstackpole t e a m ’s 1 1 - 7 Senior staff writer lead at the f i rs t m e d i a t i m e o u t Tu e sd ay night prompted Pittsburgh coach Kevin Stallings to make a defensive switch. The Terps carved their man-to-man defense to start the game, so the Panthers came out of the break in a 3-2 zone. What followed were long posby
coach mark turgeon said the Terps needed to rebound better against the Panthers’ zone. sammi silber/the diamondback
sessions that often ended in Maryland’s missed 3-pointers. The Terps became stagnant on offense, and Pittsburgh took control of the game, finishing the half on a 38-13 run. The Panthers didn’t shoot almost 70 percent like they did in the first period, but they held on in the second for a 73-59 win, thanks to Maryland’s inability to combat the zone. Ye t a s coa c h M a rk Tu rge o n spoke after the Terps’ first loss
of the season, he welcomed opponents to replicate Pittsburgh’s defensive scheme. “No, no. Please zone us. Please zo n e u s,” Tu rge o n re s p o n d e d when a reporter asked if the Terps’ zone offense concerns him for the future. “We’re going to make shots. We’re going to be great against the zone. I was thrilled when they went zone. Zone us. We’re going to be good. We just weren’t good tonight.” Guard Melo Trimble said Turgeon has told his team to be See offense , p. 10
men’s basketball
Artis, Young shine in Pittsburgh’s win Two forwards combine to score 47 points With six minutes and 29 seconds remaining in the first half of its game against Pittsburgh on Tuesday night, the Maryland men’s basketball team was hanging around. It trailed by six points and got out to a hot start from the three-point line. But that’s when Panthers guard Jamel Artis took over. The senior scored seven consecutive points, capped off by a powering fast break dunk, which forced coach Mark Turgeon to call a timeout. After Pittsburgh extended its lead to 20, Maryland scored for the first time in about three-anda-half minutes. In response to a four point Maryland run, Artis hit a 3-pointer before forward Michael Young drained a jump shot to close out a half in which Artis and Young outscored the Terps, 25-24. The duo finished with 47 points, helping Pittsburgh earn a 73-59 win and hand Maryland its first loss of the season before an announced crowd of 17,144 at Xfinity Center. “Young and Artis were great,” Turgeon said. “They’re hard to guard. They were just ballin’.” Yo u n g a n d A r t i s e n t e r e d Tuesday as the Panthers’ (6-1) leading scorers, averaging 23.3 and 19.3 points, respectively. The Terps (7-1) got out to a 6-0 lead, but Artis and Young then combined for seven points to halt Maryland’s momentum. As the contest went back and forth, Pittsburgh received contributions from multiple players. Then Artis went on a personal scoring run to end the half. by
Kyle Melnick @kyle_melnick Senior staff writer
The Baltimore native, who moved to point guard this offseason, finished a layup through contact and connected on the free throw before draining a 3-pointer. On the next possession, the 6-foot-7, 215-pound playmaker stole guard Kevin Huerter’s pass to the top of the key and glided down the court by himself for a flush. Guard Anthony Cowan, who Turgeon said is one of the team’s b e s t d e fe n d e rs, a n d g u a rd Melo Trimble defended Artis. Trimble said he noticed in film how good Artis is in transition, but the junior couldn’t stop him from swinging momentum in the Panthers’ favor. “He’s just a good offensive player,” Pittsburgh coach Kevin Stallings said. “Jamel would be having big games offensively if he were playing the center spot for us. Jamel is more than capable of playing the point and handling the ball for us. He’s doing a great job of it.” A r t i s a n d Yo u n g co n t i n ued to score with ease in the second half, combining for 14 of Pittsburgh’s 16 points out of the break. While Artis paced the Panthers with 15 points in the first frame, Young, who also added nine rebounds in the game, took control in the second half, scoring 15 of his 25 points. When Maryland cut Pittsburgh’s lead to eight with 3 minutes and 35 seconds to play, Young drew a foul off a fast See pitt, p. 9
Cornerback will likely hasn’t been on the field, but he’ll continue to provide leadership for his teammates as they prepare for a bowl game. file photo/the diamondback
unlikely path Cornerback Will Likely hasn’t let a torn ACL, months of rehab deter NFL pursuit
By Callie Caplan | @CallieCaplan | Senior staff writer
a r yl a n d fo o t b a l l c o rnerback Will Likely had made 153 special teams returns before fielding a kickoff early in the second quarter against Minnesota earlier this season. Some of those had gone for touchdowns, earning him All-American recognition and conference accolades. Others ended in a tackle, like the one against the Golden Gophers. But that return Oct. 15 had a twist the previous ones hadn’t. On that play, Likely’s right knee buckled. He jogged off the field, but when the trainers on the sideline examined his leg, it started throbbing. A few days later, the program announced
Likely had suffered a torn ACL. His Maryland career was over. About seven weeks after, his NFL future remains uncertain as months of rehabilitation loom. “I don’t know, I may just not be the best with words because I don’t know the right words to describe him,” coach DJ Durkin said with eyes glistening after the Terps’ win against Rutgers to clinch a bowl appearance Likely won’t make. “What he’s meant to this program, to this team, to his senior class, to me, personally, I don’t know. I can’t make a statement to measure up enough to say that’s what he meant. “It’s hard for me to talk about it. I get emotional See likely, p. 10
women’s basketball
Frese’s team recalls 2014 experience in preparation for Louisville crowd Walker-Kimbrough and Jones share tips with squad’s newcomers During the Maryland James Crabtreewomen’s basHannigan ketball team’s @JamesCrabtreeH game at LouStaff writer isville on Thursday, the KFC Yum! Center court won’t look exactly the same as it did the last time the Terps saw it. When Maryland left Louisville in 2014, the arena was missing a net on one of its rims. The Terps had cut it down to take back to College Park to celebrate their spot in the Final Four for the first time since 2006. On Thursday, Maryland will return to Louisville for its biggest test so far, a road game against the No. 7 Cardinals. The No. 5 Terps hope to build on their good by
shatori walker-kimbrough and brionna jones will face No. 7 Louisville today. sammi silber/the diamondback
memories in the arena by staying undefeated, but they know it won’t be easy. “We have a new team. We have a new mission,” guard Shatori Walker-Kimbrough said. “But we’re trying to look for the same result.” Louisville guard Shoni Schimmel’s three-point shot at the buzzer clanged off the back of the rim on April 1, 2014, and the Terps mobbed the floor to celebrate a 76-73 win and a berth in the Final Four. It was a significant triumph for Maryland and coach Brenda Frese, whose only previous Final Four trip came during the team’s national championship season in 2006. The moment also had special significance for Frese in particular, as her son Tyler finished his chemotherapy
treatments for leukemia months prior. “It was a special year for us … on so many fronts,” the 15th-year head coach said. “To be able to win that game to go to a Final Four will always be an incredible memory.” Like Walker-Kimbrough, Frese isn’t dwelling much on the past. “Obviously this year we know is different,” Frese said. “But I know for our seniors, they know what it looks like from a home venue for Louisville.” Walker-Kimbrough and center Brionna Jones are the only remaining players from the 2014 squad that fell to Notre Dame, 87-61, in the Final Four. The senior duo averaged more than 15 minutes a game as freshmen and contributed throughout the season, See Terps, p. 9