Homestead Application (Lubbock)- The Diamond Group

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APPLICATION FOR RESIDENTIAL HOMESTEAD EXEMPTION To complete this form, see the instructions on page 2 of this form. Appraisal district name Address




(806) 762-5000

2109 Avenue Q * P.O. Box 10542 * LUBBOCK, TX 79408-3542


(806) 762-8568

For Appraisal District office use Legal description:

Quick Reference #:

Owner’s Name (person completing application): Step 1: Owner’s Name and address Current Mailing Address (attach sheets if needed)

Phone Number:

City, State and Zip Code

Birth Date:**

Driver’s License, Personal ID Certificate, Or Social Security Number:*

Birth Date of other owner(s) occupying residence

Percent Ownership in Property: Other Owner’s Name(s) (if any):

Step 2: Describe your property

Other Owner’s Percent Ownership:

COOPERATIVE HOUSING RESIDENTS – Do you have an exclusive right to occupy this unit because you own stock in a cooperative housing corporation? ………….. Yes No

Street Address, if different from above or legal description if no street address: include property account number, if available (optional): MOBILE HOMES- Give make, model and identification number:_____________________________________________________________________ Attach a copy of statement of ownership and location issued by the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA) if home is 8’x40’ or larger, or attach a verified copy of the purchase contract that shows you are the owner of the mobile home unless your title information appears on the TDHCA Web site. If so, the appraisal district may use the Web site documents to verify your eligibility. Number of acres (not to exceed 20) used for residential occupancy of the structure, if the land and structure have identical ownership. ________acres

Step 3: Check exemptions that apply to you.

GENERAL RESIDENTIAL EXEMPTION: You qualify for this exemption if (1) you owned this property on January 1; (2) you occupied it as acres _______ your principal residence on January 1; and (3) you or your spouse have not claimed a residence homestead exemption on any other property. OVER-65 EXEMPTION: You qualify for this exemption if you are 65 years of age or older. You cannot claim a disability exemption if you claim this exemption.*** Please check if you will transfer a tax ceiling from your last home. ................................ YES NO (Attach the tax ceiling certificate if transferring from another county.) Previous homestead address:_________________________________________________________________________________________ DISABILITY EXEMPTION: You qualify for this exemption if you were under a disability for the purposes of payment of disability benefits under the federal Old Age, Survivor’s and Disability Insurance Act OR you met the definition of disabled in that act. You can‘t claim an over-65 NO exemption if you claim this exemption.*** Please check if you will transfer a tax ceiling from your last home............ YES (Attach the tax ceiling certificate if transferring from another county.) Previous homestead address:_________________________________________________________________________________________ 100% DISABLED VETERANS EXEMPTION (Tax Code §11.131): You may qualify for this exemption if you are a disabled veteran who receives from the United States Department of Veterans Affairs or its successor: (1) 100 percent disability compensation due to a service-connected disability; and (2) a rating of 100 percent disabled or individual unemployability. If you qualify for a 100% disabled veteran’s exemption after January 1 of a tax year that begins on or after January 1, 2012, you may receive the exemption for the applicable portion of that tax year immediately on qualification for the exemption. SURVIVING SPOUCE OF DISABLED VETERAN WHO RECIEVED THE 100% DISABLED VETERAN’S EXEMPTION (Tax Code §11.131) You may qualify for this exemption if you were married to a disabled veteran who qualified for an exemption under Tax Code §11.131 at the time of his or her death and : (1) you have not remarried since the death of the disabled veteran and (2) the property was your residence homestead when the disabled veteran died and remains your residence homestead. OVER-55 SURVIVING SPOUSE OF A PERSON WHO RECEIVED THE OVER-65 EXEMPTION: You qualify for an extension of the over-65 exemption and the school tax limitation if (1) you were over 55 years of age or older on the date your spouse died, and (2) your deceased spouse was receiving Over-65 exemptions on this residence homestead or would have applied and qualified for the exemptions in the year of NO the spouse’s death. *** Please check if you will transfer a tax ceiling from your last home. .......................................YES (Attach the tax ceiling certificate if transferring from another county.) Deceased Spouse’s Name

Step 4: Check if late

Date of Birth:


Application for homestead exemption for prior year, ________ You must have met all of the qualifications to receive the prior year tax exemption.

By signing this application, you state that you are qualified for the exemptions checked above and the facts in this application are true and correct. Step:5 Sign and date You also state that you do not claim an exemption on another residence homestead. You must notify the chief appraiser if and when your right to the the application exemptions ends. You swear or affirm that you have read and understand the penalty for filing a false statement. Authorized Signature Date:


If you make a false statement on this application, you could be found guilty of a Class A misdemeanor or a state jail felony under Texas Penal Code Section 37.10.

*You are required to give us this information on this form in order to perform tax related functions for this office. Tax Code Section 11.43 authorizes this office to request this information. The chief appraiser is required to keep the information confidential and not open to public inspection except to appraisal office employees who appraise property and as authorized by Section 11.48(b). **Tax Code Section 11.43 allows a person who qualifies for a general homestead exemption to receive the 65 or older person exemption without applying when he/she becomes age 65 as shown on the application in the appraisal district’s records. ***More information about tax limitations or qualification dates, and documentation requirements may be found on the next page.

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Include with ALL applications (Note: The chief appraiser may not approve an exemption unless the address on the driver’s license APPLICATION FOR RESIDENTIAL HOMESTEAD INSTRUCTIONS or state-issued personal identification certificate corresponds to the address on the applicant’sEXEMPTION vehicle registration receipt or utility bill AND the address indicated on the application form.): 1) a copy of the applicant’s driver’s license or state-issued identification and General Residential Homestead Exemptions. Youpersonal may only apply forcertificate; residence homestead exemptions on one property in a tax year. A 2) a copy of the applicant’smay vehicle registration receipt; or of land that you actually us in the residential use (occupancy) of your home. Arbitrary homestead exemption include up to 20 acres a) if the applicant does not own a vehicle, an affidavit to that effect signed by the applicant; and factors that are unrelated to that use, such as acreage limits, matching legal descriptions, and contiguous parcels, may not be considered in b) a copy of a utility bill in the applicant’s name for the property for which exemption is sought.

determining if the land qualifies. To qualify for homestead exemptions, you must own and reside in your home on January 1 of the tax year. If

Include with applications that include a request an still AGEcan 65 OR OLDER ORexemption DISABLED ifexemption: you temporarily move away from your home,foryou qualify for an you don’t establish another principal residence and you In addition to the information identified above, an applicant for an age 65 or older or disabled exemption who is not specifically identified on a deed or other intend to return in a period of less than two (2) years. Homeowners in military service outside the U.S. or in a facility providing services related instrument recorded in the applicable real property records as an owner of the residence homestead must provide an affidavit or other compelling evidence to health, the infirmity or aging may exceed the two year period. establishing applicant’s ownership of an interest in the homestead.

Over-65 orapplications Disability Exemptions. You may receive the over-65 or disability homestead exemption immediately upon qualification for the Include with for MANUFACTURED HOMES: For a manufactured for a residence applicant must ALSO include: exemption. If you home have to notqualify provided your birthhomestead, date on this application, you must apply before the first anniversary of your qualification date to 1)receive a copy of theexemption(s) statement of ownership and location the manufactured home issued Texas Department of under Housing and the in that tax year. Youfor must provide a disability letterby orthe other documentation Federal Old-Age Survivors, and Community Affairs showing thatfor theaapplicant the owner of the manufactured home; Disability Insurance to qualify disabilityis homestead exemption. 2) a copy of the purchase contract or payment receipt showing that the applicant is the purchaser of the manufactured; or a) a sworn affidavit by the applicant indicating that: 100% Disabled in 2009 certain i) the applicantVeterans. is the ownerBeginning of the manufactured home; disabled veterans are eligible for 100% exemptions for their residence homesteads. Documentation the Department (VA) must submitted to prove ii) the seller of from the manufactured home of didVeterans not provideAffairs the applicant with abe purchase contract; and that the veteran receives full VA compensation and is either rated as could 100%notdisabled orseller has a determination offaith unemployability from the VA. iii) the applicant locate the after making a good effort. General Residential Homestead Exemptions. You may of only apply for residence homestead exemptions on one property in a55 taxyears year. Aofhomestead exemption Surviving Spouse. You qualify for an extension the exemption for persons age 65 and older if (1) you are age or older on themay include up to 20 acres of land that you actually us in the residential use (occupancy) of your home. Arbitrary factors that are unrelated to that use, such as acreage limits, date your spouse died and (2) your deceased spouse was receiving the over-65 exemptions on this residence homestead or would have matching legal descriptions, and contiguous parcels, may not be considered in determining if the land qualifies. To qualify for homestead exemptions, you must own and applied andhome qualified for the1 exemption in the year of the spouse's death. Youhome, will not school limitation for don’t the over-65 reside in your on January of the tax year. If you temporarily move away from your youreceive still can the qualify for antax exemption if you establish another principal exemption your on of orless afterthan December 1, 1987. You will not qualify a disability a 100% disabled residence andunless you intend to spouse return in died a period two (2) years. Homeowners in military servicefor outside the U.S. exemption or in a facility or providing services related to health, veteran exemption or the limitation claimed by your deceased spouse. infirmity or aging may exceed theschool two yeartax period. Over-65 or Disabilityand Exemptions. YouThe mayover-65 receive the over-65 orexemption disability homestead exemption immediately upon qualification for the exemption. If you haveof not Tax Limitations Transfers. or disability for school taxes includes a school tax limitation, or ceiling. Other types provided your birth date oncity, this application, you must applyhave beforethe theoption first anniversary yourlimitation qualification to receive of thehomeowners exemption(s) in that tax year. must taxing units – county, or junior college – may to grant aoftax on date homesteads disabled or 65You years provide a disability letter or other documentation under Federal Old-Age Survivors, and Disability Insurance to qualify for a disability homestead exemption.

of age or older. You may transfer the same percentage of school taxes paid to another qualified homestead in the state. If the county, city or

junior collegeVeterans. grants the limitation, you certain may transfer sameare percentage taxes paid to another qualified homesteads. homestead Documentation within that same 100% Disabled Beginning in 2009 disabledthe veterans eligible for of 100% exemptions for their residence fromtaxing the unit. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) must be submitted to prove that the veteran receives full VA compensation and is either rated as 100% disabled or has a determination of unemployability from the VA. Filing Deadlines. File this application between January 1 and no later than April 30. You may file a late homestead exemption application if

Surviving for anafter extension of thethe exemption for persons age 65 andSee olderthe if (1)over-65 you are and 55 years of ageexemptions or older on the date your spouse you file itSpouse. no laterYou thanqualify one year the date taxes become delinquent. disability section above for died and (2) your deceased more on latespouse filing. was receiving the over-65 exemptions on this residence homestead or would have applied and qualified for the exemption in the year of the spouse's death. You will not receive the school tax limitation for the over-65 exemption unless your spouse died on or after December 1, 1987. You will not qualify for a disability exemption or a 100% disabled veteran exemption or the school tax limitation claimed by your deceased spouse.

Re-filing. If the chief appraiser grants the exemptions, you do not need to reapply annually. You must reapply, however, if the chief appraiser

requires you to doTransfers. so by sending you a or new application asking you totaxes reapply. Youa must the chief in types writing and units when– your Tax Limitations and The over-65 disability exemption for school includes schoolnotify tax limitation, or appraiser ceiling. Other of if taxing county, city, or rightcollege to any–exemption ends or to your qualifications change. You must reapply if you qualify foryears additional on age disability junior may have the option grant a tax limitation on homesteads of homeowners disabled or 65 of age exemptions or older. Youbased may transfer theorsame percentage of school paid to another qualified homestead in the state. If the county, city or junior college grants the limitation, you may transfer the same percentage of taxes paid to in thetaxes future. another qualified homestead within that same taxing unit. Step 1. Owner’s name and address.

Filing Deadlines. File this application between January 1 and no later than April 30. You may file a late homestead exemption application if you file it no later than one Enter the following information: year after the date the taxes become delinquent. See the over-65 and disability exemptions section above for more on late filing.

• Name of the owner completing this application.

Re-filing. If the chief appraiser grants the exemptions, you do not need to reapply annually. You must reapply, however, if the chief appraiser requires you to do so by sending you a new application asking you to reapply. You must notify the chief appraiser in writing if and when your right to any exemption ends or your qualifications change. You must reapply if you qualifyoffor additional exemptions based on age or disability in the future. • Percentage ownership of this owner.


Step 1. Owner’s and of address. • name Names other owners and their percentage of ownership. Attach additional sheets if needed. Enter the following information: Name of the owner completing this application. Step 2. Describe the property. Enter the information requested. Attach the mobile home title or sales contract if a mobile home. Enter, if you This owner’s current mailing address and phone number. wish, the number ofDriver’s acres license, used for residential personal ID, orpurposes. Social Security number of this owner. Percentage of ownership of this owner. Step 3. Check exemptions that apply to you. Complete by checking the boxes that apply. If you check the disability exemption, attach This owner’s birth date. 55 or older, enter the information requested. The appraisal district may request documents verifyingNames your disability. If a surviving spouse age of other owners and their percentage of ownership. Attach additional sheets if needed.

documents on date of spouse’s death.

Step 2. Describe the property. Enter the information requested. Attach the mobile home title or sales contract if a mobile home. Enter, if you wish, the number ofStep acres4. used for residential Check if late. Ifpurposes. you were eligible for an exemption last year, check the box in Step 5 for late filing and enter the prior tax year. Step 3. Check exemptions that apply to you. Complete by checking the boxes that apply. If you check the disability exemption, attach documents verifying your disability. Step 5. Sign and date the application. You must sign and date this application. Making false statements on your exemption If a surviving spouse age 55 or older, enter the information requested. The appraisal district may request documents on date of spouse’s death.

application is a criminal offense.

Step 4. Check if late. If you were eligible for an exemption last year, check the box in Step 5 for late filing and enter the prior tax year.

Step 6. Mail or fax your application to the appraisal district where the property is located.

Step 5. Sign and date the application. You must sign and date this application. Making false statements on your exemption application is a criminal offense.

If you would like to know the homestead exemptions offered by your taxing units, call your appraisal district.

Step 6. Mail or fax your application to the appraisal district where the property is located.

If you would like to know the homestead exemptions offered by your taxing units, call your appraisal district.

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