Please select one of the following licensed real estate inspectors by marking 1 and 2 as your first and second choice. Please do the same with the termite inspectors. If you would like to use someone not listed below, please write in their contact information. You may also schedule your own inspections, if you desire. This must be done within the option period. Your option period begins:
and ends:
Please let us know what times you are available to meet for inspections. 1. 2. 3. Licensed Real Estate Inspectors Ground Up Inspections Access Home Inspections County Line Joe Bellar
Jack @ 806.438.5974 Phil @ 806.535.2868 Chad @ 806.445.1685 Joe @ 806.786.1375 Termite Inspectors
SWAT Pest Control Gafford Pest Control
Todd @ 806.793.8465 806.792.4292
D’s Pest Control
Brian @ 806.796.2928 Home Warranty Providers
First American Fidelity National Home Warranty Allied Home Warranty
Michelle @ 800.698.0422 ext. 7733 Kathy @ 800.308.1424 ext. 3525 Judy @ 713.664.0200 ext. 734