Newent Magazine August15

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August 2015

What's On in August

Tropical Paradise Gardening by Pippa Greenwood

Victorian Style

Home & Interiors by Katherine Sorrell Memorials & Monuments Then & Now

STEAMED UP STEAMED UP Martin Lewis DOUBLE GLAZING? Local Property STEAMED UP DOUBLE GLAZING? First Time Buyers Local Businesses STEAMED UP DOUBLE STEAMED UP GLAZING? Broken or Damaged Windows? STEAMED UP DOUBLE Broken or Damaged & so much more! Faulty Hinges, Handles Windows? or Locks? DOUBLE GLAZING? GLAZING? Faulty Hinges, Handles or Locks? Want the latest energy saving glass? DOUBLE GLAZING? STEAMED UP Broken Damaged Windows? The STEAMED Millionaire UP 5Maker Want the or latest saving glazing. glass? year guarantee onenergy new double Faulty Hinges, on Handles or Locks? 5 year guarantee newWindows? double glazing. Broken or Damaged Windows? Broken or Damaged DOUBLE GLAZING? Want the latest energy saving glass? OnionEd's Blog DOUBLE GLAZING? Local Writer Richard Denny Faulty Handles or Locks? Faulty Hinges, Handles or Locks? BrokenHinges, or Damaged Windows? Don’t replace the Frames... just the Panes! Don’t replace the Frames... just the Panes! Don’t replace the Frames... just the Panes!

Don’t replace the Frames... just the Panes!

Don’t replace the Frames... just the Panes!

Don’t replace the Frames... just the Panes!

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