The Dish March Issue

Page 1

the dish



always in good taste


Sunchokes Grazing



Dairy Store Taco Column

Tex Tubb’s Taco Palace

Leap Year Five Green Foods

You Should

Never Stop Eating

Recipes to Resolve

that Resolution

Table of Contents 15 andes Candies 03 Letter from Editor Healthify your life


Meet the editors



in the kitchen

07 Roasted SUnchokes 08 color your winter: avocado goat cheese sandwich

11 recipe to resolve that resolution

13 five green foods

you should never stop eating

cupcakes: saint patty’s day treat

17 how to peel a butternut squash

18 3-ingredient black bean brownies

19 health choices not as easy as “no pie“

no reservations

24 the green owl cafe VS Bunky’s cafe

27 babcock dairy store

30 venturing beyond

campus: tex tubb’s taco palace

33 counting dollars

35 pita-riffic food for thought

38 history of corned beef and cabbage

40 discovering

the wisconsin institutes for discovery

41 why i buy organic

Cover 19

Shamrock Shake

Healthy Choices

24 41

Green Owl Cafe

Why I buy Organic

43 guacamole


45 leap year 47 DIY herb garden 48 Grazing locally

made easy



Healthify Your Life



1) I am a student in Wisconsin who loves wine and beer and I can’t eliminate those completely — I just have to limit my intake. 2) Tacos are a necessary dish in my weekly meal plan, so instead of eliminating I need to healtify them. 3) I am much more likely to track the foods I eat everyday if I plan and make my meals



Valerie Klessig



ahead of time. I am a very schedule oriented person so if Weight Watchers is penciled in, I will do it.

After studying abroad in London this summer and gorging myself with fish n’ chips, bangers andmash and pre-made pasta dishes from Marks and Spencer, it became evident that I was in direneed of a health makeover. In honor of national nutrition month, I decided to have another go at Weight Watchers, a program designed to teach you how to sustain a healthy lifestyle without depriving yourself of the foods you love. I tried Weight Watchers before but after about two weeks, I gave up. This time, I am determined to not give up so easily and to not forget to track the foods I eat everyday. It has been about 2 weeks and I have learned a few things about myself that has helped me stick with the program.

Brittany Johnson

Eric Lynne

While I haven’t been perfect, and I have slipped up quite a few times, I remember that with Weight Watchers, it is ok to slip up on the plan. As Weight Watchers says, just forgive yourself and keep going. Lifestyle changes are never easy, but with the right mindset and persistence, who knows, maybe this foodie will learn to limit her taco intake and sustain a healthy new lifestyle for good. This issue of The Dish is full of unique and nutritious recipes, outstanding restaurant critiques and festive St. Patrick’s day themed articles. Make sure to check out our version of Green Eggs and Ham, as well as our article on the true story behind the Irish tradition of Corned beef. As they say in Ireland, sláinte!

Cailly Morris

Adam Schwartz

Olivia Moe

Chelsea Lawliss

Fangdi Pan





Stefanie Dulak

Kim Vosburg

Patricia Mo

Amy Verhey





Cailly Morris Editor-In-Chief





Dishies In The Kitchen writers Christiana Hittner Abby Siwak Chelsea Schlect Andrea Nabak Rachael Drapcho Emily Wessing Ali Loker Allysha Heenan Eric Lynne Maddie Martini Kim Gebhardt Michelle Czarnecki

Photographers Jennifer Beth Kimmy Tran

No Reservation writers Megan McDowell Joseph Shaul Keenan Lampe Brian Zapp Evan Prawda Kelly Larson

Food for Thought writers Hope Carmichael Hannah Weinberg-Kinsey Kimberly Barclay Jenny Bauer Angelica Engel Shifra Rothenberg

Spring is just around the corner, and we here “In the Kitchen” are focusing on nutrition. Our writers have put together a wonderful array of recipes that will make onlookers green with envy. Whether you are looking for nutritional tips, deceivingly healthy desserts, new adventurous foods, or even revisiting a Dr. Suess classic, we’ve got you covered. We hope you enjoy our articles, and that you use them to fill yourself with food for the body and the soul. Cheers, In The Kitchen Editor Eric Lynne

Videographer Hope Carmichael





1/2 cup sunchokes (washed) 1 tablespoon olive oil Dash of sea salt


Slice sunchokes into one-inch cubes.


Place sunchokes on baking sheet and drizzle with olive oil.


Sprinkle sea salt on top.


Bake at 425F for 15 to 20 minutes.

How-To: Sunchokes Story and Photo by Christiania Hittner You might be thinking, “What in the world are sunchokes?” I wondered the same thing when I discovered them at the grocery store. However, my lack of sunchoke knowledge didn’t stop me from tossing a few into my grocery basket on my way through the produce aisle. I’m always up for a challenge, especially when it involves a new-to-me produce item. When I got home, I got down to business and researched this curious vegetable. Here’s what you need to know: Sunchokes are also known as Jerusalem Artichokes, but they aren’t from Jerusalem and they’re not artichokes. They’re actually native to North America and related to sunflowers (confusing, eh?). Sunchokes are an odd, knobby looking vegetable that resembles ginger root. The crisp texture and slight sweetness remind me of a cross between a potato and a water chestnut. Sunchokes can be eaten raw or cooked; I decided to roast my sunchokes. If you can get your hands on some sunchokes, give them a chance! Try this simple recipe to bring out their natural flavor.


Color Your Winter: Avocado Goat Cheese Sandwich


Story and Photo By Christiania Hittner hen I was staring out the window at the gloomy weather last week, I decided that a colorful lunch would be the best way to brighten the dismal day. After scrounging around the kitchen for a few minutes, I put together a perfectly delicious (and simple!) recipe to get me out of my lunchtime rut. The combination of tangy goat cheese, creamy avocado and crisp yellow peppers on a toasted whole-wheat English muffin awoke my taste buds from their mid-winter slumber. Are you yearning for some color in your life too? Here’s a fresh and colorful recipe to brighten up

Ingredients: 1 whole wheat English muffin 1/2 avocado, peeled and pitted 2 tablespoons goat cheese 4 slices yellow pepper Dash of salt and pepper


Directions: • Toast English muffin. • Slice and slightly mash avocado. Spread on toasted English muffin. • Sprinkle avocado mash with salt and pepper. • Crumble one tablespoon of goat cheese on each English muffin half. • Top each half with two slices of yellow pepper. • Optional: Serve with kiwi fruit and carrot slices as a tasty, healthy side dish. • Let cool, and enjoy!


DEVILED GREEN EGGS AND HAM Ingredients: 14 eggs ¼ cup chipotle mayo 2 slices of Oscar Mayer ham 1 tablespoon shredded cheddar cheese Green food coloring


Celebrating Dr. Seuss’s 108th By Eric Lynne There once was an author, The most famous story Truth it be told, Our dear Doctor has taughtten! Who had oodles of stories For those young and old. ‘Twas the story where we learned That trying new foods is fun, He had blue fish and red fish, That when we face something new And talking animals galore We shouldn’t hide or run. Cats in striped hats And—oh—so much more! Because adventure is great And full of surprise, He introduced Yertle, Horton, Whether you’re in the kitchen And our dear little Whos, Or in the Desert of Drize. Sneetches and Loraxes And the Grinch himself, too! So let’s follow the lead Of the dear “Sam I Am” So how do we celebrate Who convinced that old grump The life of Dr. Seuss? To try green eggs and ham! Should we bake him a cake, Or some Moroccan couscous? Thus, in honor of the legend Who showed us all the places we’ll go Oh, my dear foodies Let’s make green eggs and ham How easily you’ve forgotten! And let the good times roll!


• • Hard boil the eggs—place the eggs in a saucepan and cover with cold water. • Bring the water to a boil for one minute and immediately remove the eggs from heat and • let rest in the hot water. • In the meantime, cut the ham into bacon-bite sized pieces. Place in a skillet and cook over

medium heat until they are crispy brown. Put crispy ham bits in a bowl. Once the eggs are cool, remove the shells. Cut the eggs in half lengthwise. Carefully scoop out the yolks and put them in the bowl with the crispy ham bits. Mash the egg yolks and crispy ham bits with the chipotle mayo and cheese. Add three drops of green food coloring to the mixture. Stir until evenly colored. Scoop about a tablespoon of the green mixture into each egg white half. Serve on a fun plate and enjoy as you read favorite Dr. Seuss story.

Deviled Green egg s and Ham



Recipes to Resolve that Resolution


By Abby Siwak | Photos by Abby Siwak

very New Year, many people set diet resolutions—myself included. I apparently forgot about this goal when I got back to school. This month, I decided it was time for me to really focus on healthy eating, and I embarked upon the dreaded pre-Spring Break diet. In addition to exercising more often, I decided my carb-heavy eating habits had to go. I replaced sandwiches with salads and yogurt for toast. I focused on lean proteins and low-carb veggies as a base for many of my meals. Although a few meals were no more than basic grilled chicken and steamed broccoli, I came up with some varied recipes that fulfill every aspect of a healthy diet. The trick: I eliminated any veggies that are too high in sugars, carbs, or starch such as potatoes, carrots, onions, and avocados. In addition, each dish has no more than two teaspoons of olive oil or other fats. I incorporated many vegetables I had never even tried before (let alone used as a base for a dish) like spaghetti squash, turnips, fennel, and kale.

1 Poached Eggs

Usually I’m picky about vegetables, but I was surprised by how many meals I actually liked that used these new preparations and flavor combinations! By combining vegetables with about six or seven ounces of lean proteins like shrimp, tuna, turkey or eggs, I found enough recipe ideas that I had no problem forgoing my usual pasta and baked potato dinners for healthier choices. Some of my favorite dishes that I made over and over throughout the month included balsamic marinated chicken, kale chips and poached eggs over root hash. The chicken and egg dishes incorporate all the proteins and vegetables I needed in a night, and the kale chips are a great snack that taste more indulgent than they really are. Whenever I was craving potato chips, I made these instead. One serving has only about 30 calories! Although I probably won’t continue such a strict diet after Spring Break, I’ve gained a new appreciation for vegetables, and I will definitely

with Root Vegetable Hash

Directions: • Poach two eggs and set aside on paper towel (browse the web for a good tutorial if you’re unsure of the method). • Peel and finely dice the parsnips and turnips. Dice the fennel. Preheat the oven to 400F degrees. • Mix the parsnips, turnips and fennel on a baking sheet and coat with 1½ teaspoons oil PAN and as much salt as you’d like. | PHOTOS of BY olive FANGDI Roast for 10 to 15 minutes or until veggies are lightly browned. • Meanwhile, sauté chives in half a teaspoon of olive oil for two to three minutes. • Combine all veggies and top with poached eggs.

2Kale Chips Ingredients: 1 head of kale 1½ teaspoons olive oil Salt, to taste

Directions: • Preheat the oven to 350F. • Tear small (bite size) pieces of kale from the top and sides of each leaf. Avoid using the rigid middle section of the leaf. • Spread the kale pieces evenly on a parchment paper-lined baking sheet. Drizzle with olive oil and salt. Toss to coat evenly. • Bake for 10 minutes and serve immediately.

Balsamic Glazed Chicken with Spinach


Ingredients: 11 tablespoon plus 1 teaspoon olive oil 4 boneless skinless chicken breasts 1 8-ounce bag of baby spinach 2 cloves garlic, diced 1 cup diced cherry tomatoes 1/8 cup balsamic vinegar

Directions: • Preheat large skillet. Drizzle one tablespoon olive oil in skillet. Place chicken breasts in the skillet and cook on both sides until done. Set aside. • Add ½ teaspoon of olive oil to pan and add spinach. Sauté until wilted. Set aside. • Reduce heat to low and add another ½ teaspoon of olive oil and diced garlic to skillet. Cook over low heat. Add tomato and vinegar, cook until tomatoes are soft. Add the chicken to the skillet and cook until the sauce is thickened. • Serve chicken and sauce with spinach. [Recipe adapted from my mom, Gianna Jacobson] [Recipe adapted from The Family Kitchen, www.]

Ingredients: 2 eggs 2 parsnips 2 turnips 1 head of fennel 2 teaspoon olive oil ½ cup chopped chives Salt, to taste


Have a recipe to share?

Send it over to us at! gs with Poached Eg ble Hash Root Vegeta


calcium, potassium, vitamins C and K and more. Grab some at the salad bar…you won’t regret it! Peas and green beans are the final two green foods in my personal Green Food Hall of Fame. Like the others, they contain many of the vitamins and minerals we need to survive. Peas contain protein, riboflavin, niacin, magnesium, phosphorus, copper and vitamins B6, A, C and K, to name a few. Green beans contain protein, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, copper and vitamin B6, A, C and K. Whew! If this laundry list hasn’t convinced you yet, I don’t

Five Green Foods You Should Never Stop Eating By Emily Wessing Photos by Fangdi Pan


f we want to exist efficiently and give our bodies what they crave, we need to drop out of the McDonald’s, Taco Bell, Burger King and Dairy Queen fast-food world of today. Green foods can provide us with the nutrients we need to keep our bodies in tiptop shape. My five favorite green foods of all time are as follows: broccoli, asparagus, lettuce, peas and green beans. These fab five foods not only taste good, but they’re good for you, too. By incorporating one or all five into your diet, the effects will be long-lasting and your body will thank you in the long run. Let’s get the green train rolling by talking about broccoli. Broccoli is a source of protein,


know what will! The important thing to remember when it comes to your diet is to eat in moderation and consume intelligently. I personally love green foods because they’re yummy raw or cooked, you don’t have to break the bank to add them to your diet, they’re full of vitamins and minerals, and they will have a positive impact on your health. Our bodies aren’t wired for an everyday McDonald’s diet. Do yours a favor, and eat green today. *Nutritional information credit: www.nutritiondata. and

vitamins E, A, C, K and B6, calcium, iron, potassium, riboflavin, thiamin, magnesium and phosphorus. All of these components have essential roles within the body— acting as an antioxidant (vitamin E), eyesight improvement (vitamin A), protection from illness (vitamin C), absorbing proteins and carbohydrates (vitamin B6), building up bones and teeth (calcium), building up muscle function (iron), repairing cells (magnesium)—the list goes on and on. Without green vegetables, these vitamins and minerals can sometimes be hard to find in other foods, so the consumption of green vegetables is worth your time. Asparagus, another of my favorites, is another good source of potassium, thiamin, vitamin B6, fiber and one other important thing—folic acid. Folic acid helps us forms blood cells and helps us grow—especially when we’re young. So kids, eat up! Lettuce is easy to access and full of nutritional value. You can find it in salads, sandwiches, wraps or any meal where you’d like to add an extra “crunch.” Lettuce contains protein, fiber,


Andes Candies Cupcakes: the Ultimate Saint Patty’s Day Treat Submitted by Chelsea Schlecht

I love mint. To me, one of the best things about going to a restaurant is opening the bill and finding an Andes mint. Actually, it’s probably the only good thing about opening the bill. These cupcakes are slightly reminiscent of the beloved Shamrock Shakes—they’re full of chocolaty, minty goodness. Topped with a vibrant green butter cream, they embody this month’s “Saint Patty’s Day” theme. I feel a solid sense of satisfaction with this recipe, as I love mint and this is the first batch of cupcakes that I was able to frost in “Cupcake Wars” style. Now that I’ve successfully mastered my brand new frosting gun, my cupcake making skills have risen to a new level.

Makes 12 cupcakes Ingredients for the cupcake:


½ cup sour cream ¼ cup vegetable oil ½ teaspoon vanilla extract 2 eggs 1/8 cup water ¼ cup buttermilk ½ box of Devil’s Food cake mix

Cupcakes: • Preheat oven to 350F. Line or grease one cupcake pan. • Combine buttermilk and water in a small bowl and set aside. • In a large bowl, whisk sour cream, oil and vanilla together until fully combined and smooth. • Add one egg at a time, stirring well. • Alternate adding the cake mix and the buttermilk mixture, starting and ending with the cake mix. • Fill each cupcake 2/3 full and bake for 14 to 18 minutes. Test with knife to make sure they’re completely done.

Chocolate Mint Filling: 1/3 cup chocolate chips 1 tablespoons cream (half & half or heavy cream) ½ teaspoon peppermint extract 1/8 cup powdered sugar

Green Butter Cream Frosting: 4 ounces cream cheese (or Neufchâtel cheese) 3 tablespoons unsalted butter 2-3 cups powdered sugar ½ tablespoon cream (half & half or heavy cream) Green food coloring

dies s Can Andeu C pcake

“I Love Mint” 15

Filling: • While the cupcakes are baking, melt chocolate chips and cream in a saucepan over low to medium heat. Stir until combined and smooth. • Add peppermint extract and powdered sugar. Stir until smooth. • Place filling in refrigerator until cupcakes are ready to frost. Frosting: • Beat cream cheese and butter together until light and fluffy. • Add powdered sugar and cream. Beat until smooth. (NOTE: You can add more powdered sugar until you reach desired consistency. If you plan on piping the frosting, a thicker butter cream works best.) • Add desired amount of green food coloring, but remember, a little goes a long way! • When the cupcakes are cool, pipe filling into the center of the cupcakes and top with butter cream frosting.


How to Peel a Butternut Squash Story and Photo by Maddie Martini

In my humble opinion, butternut squash is one of the Best. Vegetables. EVER. It’s very versatile—it can take the place of potatoes and sweet potatoes pretty effortlessly. It’s nutritious and filled to the brim with vitamin A, betacarotene and alpha carotene. It also contains a significant amount of beta-cryptoxanthin, a carotenoid that studies say may lower your risk for lung cancer. However, actually cutting up a butternut squash can be a little daunting. Its rock-hard outer shell is difficult to cut open without risking a chunk of your thumb in the process (yes, this happened to me). I have some easy tips to help you out. IN THE GROCERY STORE When you’re out shopping for butternut squash, choose one with a larger stem end and a small bulb (the larger end of the squash). The bulb is where all the seeds are, so it’s basically empty weight. The stem end is mostly solid, so you’re going to get the best bang for your buck and more squash to eat when you choose a butternut with a large stem end.

WHAT YOU’LL NEED TO PEEL A BUTTERNUT SQUASH - Cutting board - Sharp knife - Vegetable peeler - “Garbage” bowl for waste (because if you peel over the garbage, that’s where the squash will end up—in the garbage) - Spoon (grapefruit spoons work really well) PEELING THE SQUASH First, cut the squash cross-wise, right about where the bulb and the stem end meet. Place the halves cut-side down on the cutting board. With the two halves stable on the counter, use the vegetable peeler to peel the skin until you see the bright orange flesh underneath. Be especially careful here - the squash can get slippery. Continue around the squash until the peel is completely removed. Now, cut off both ends of the squash and cut each half cross-wise again. You will now have four pieces of squash. Use the spoon to scrape out all the seeds, stringy bits, and bits of spongy core until you have four solid, clean pieces of squash. Place the waste into the garbage bowl. Finally, cut and prepare the squash in your favorite way — the world is your squash.

Story and Photo by Maddie Martini This is my go-to brownie recipe. These brownies are fast and easy to make. They’re also so gosh darn fudgy that every time I make them, I have people begging me for the recipe. Well, beg no more. This vegan recipe is a whole lot better for you than those other egg, oil and sugar-laden brownie recipes. It can also be prepared with a gluten-free brownie mix.

Serves 18 Ingredients: 1 box brownie mix 1 15-ounce can black beans, drained and rinsed ½ cup unsweetened applesauce

Direction: • Preheat oven as directed on brownie mix box. • Combine the black beans and the applesauce in a blender or food processor. Blend until the mixture is black and sludgy. • In a large bowl, beat the brownie mix with the black bean and applesauce mixture until fully combined. • Pour mixture into a 9-by-13-inch pan sprayed with nonstick spray. • Bake according to package directions. • Remove from the oven and let cool. Slice into 18 servings and enjoy!

3-Ingredient Black Bean Brownies

Butternut Squash 17


Healthy Choices – Not as Easy as “No Pie” By Maddie Martini / Photos by Fangdi Pan


t seems like professionals are always telling us to “make healthy choices when deciding what to eat.” Well, that’s easy for them to say. When was the last time they were tempted by the literal cornucopia of delicious food that Madison has to offer? I’m not kidding Madisonians can start their day with Lazy Jane’s scones, chow down on lunch at one of our many fine restaurants, and cap the night off with a slice or two of Ian’s Mac-and-Cheese pizza at 2 a.m. And it’s all. So. GOOD. And whether you’re in Mad-Town or elsewhere, healthy choices can seem elusive—that is, if you don’t know what to look for.

suggestions are supposed to help Americans make healthy food choices and address the nutrient needs of the many food insecure households across the nation. Every five years, the U.S. Departments of Agriculture (USDA) and Health and Human Services create a new set of guidelines. These guidelines are built upon the most recent scientific and medical knowledge. With these guidelines, we can determine what kinds of foods should go on our plate, the proper amount to eat, and why we should eat certain foods.

So, in general, “healthy” foods are those that give us a high level of nutritional value for a WHAT CONSTITUTES A HEALTHY CHOICE, reasonable amount of calories. There are a AND WHAT MAKES THEM SO IMPORTANT? few exceptions here and there. For example, avocados and nuts are rich in nutrients but are If you haven’t heard about the “obesity epidemic” also high in calories. On the other hand, it’s very easy for companies to fortify junk foods with facing the United States (and beyond), then be nutrients. The key here is learning the difference. sure to let us know when you’ve moved out from underneath that rock you call home. According to the Centers for Disease Control and SO, WHAT SHOULD I EAT? Prevention (CDC), about one in three adults and one in six children in the U.S. are obese. This The DGA specifies that a day’s worth of food means that they have a Body Mass Index (BMI) should include a variety of fruits, vegetables, of 30 kg/m2 or greater. An additional third of grains, dairy and protein. Exact serving size adults are considered overweight (BMI between guidelines depend on your age, weight, height, 25 and 29.9). These numbers are scary, and gender and activity level. The DGA helps people they demand change from Americans at large think about the nutritional value of individual (no pun intended). foods by dividing broad food categories into specific sub-categories. For example, take the We have the Dietary Guidelines for Americans vast category of vegetables. The DGA sub(DGA) to help guide our food choices. These divides this group into dark-green vegetables,


beans and peas, red and orange vegetables, starchy vegetables and other vegetables. It’s important to eat from more than one subcategory to get all the nutrients you need. To help Americans make healthier choices, the USDA recently replaced the age-old food pyramid with something a little more practical: a plate. The MyPlate program revolutionized the way government programs promote healthy eating. MyPlate makes these meal suggestions: each “plate” should be filled with one-half fruits and vegetables, roughly one quarter grains (preferably whole), and one quarter lean protein. Some fat-free or low-fat dairy should go on the side of the plate. The recommendations also advise eaters to reduce their consumption of alcohol as well as foods high in sodium, fat and refined sugars. By combining the DGA with the MyPlate recommendations, anyone can learn how to make a wide variety of healthy choices while still getting all the nutrients they need. OKAY, BUT WHAT SHOULD I EAT? Patience, grasshopper. I’ll get to that. The reason why any sustainable diet plan— federal or otherwise—will not give you a definitive list of foods to eat when you’re “on the plan” is because it’s just too unrealistic to maintain in the long run. People come from different backgrounds and they like to eat different foods. Who wants to be bored by eating the same old thing all the time? Plus, there’s no evidence that an occasional indulgence in an “unhealthy food” will make a person unhealthy overall so long as these indulgences are balanced with healthy choices. I understand that the command to eat healthy foods can be daunting at first. That’s why it’s best to make small changes first and add more



as you go along. Gradual changes are easiest to maintain in the long run. To help get you started, I polled the UW-Madison Nutritional Sciences Department about their favorite healthy foods. Some of the answers were unsurprising. Salad was a common choice: Sherry Tanumihardjo of Obesity and Health, among others, said “I love a good old salad with lots of different vegetables. You can never have too many.” Pete Anderson of Nutrition Today likes “lettuce, spinach, Asian greens—it’s just an awesome experience with a little vinegar and oil, and nothing feels fresher. Also, try winter-grown spinach—it’s so sweet and crunchy, you could eat it like candy.” Fruits and other vegetables were popular picks,

too. David Eide of Nutritional Biochemistry said “I always feel virtuous after I eat kale, spinach, Brussels sprouts, beans, broccoli, and pretty much any fruit…Also squash and sweet potatoes, which are a bit starchy but a good source of provitamin A.” Susan Smith, of Nutritional Biochemistry and Advanced Nutrition– Vitamins suggests “broccoli, fresh or cooked, is a great source of sulforaphanes that enhance liver toxin disposal. Also, garlic and onions are rich in allelic sulfides, which also enhance liver toxin disposal – and if they’re from California, then they’re a great source of selenium.” Tanumihardjo loves “cranberry-apple-orange relish” for its “tangy sweetness” while Anderson loves the simplicity of “slicing tomatoes fresh from the garden. No justification necessary.” Department members also suggested a variety of other healthy picks. Dale Schoeller of Human Nutritional Needs suggests “fresh baked whole grain bread and homemade vegetable soup” for a simple, healthful dinner. Susan Smith suggests making your own popcorn to “minimize the fat content, and season with spices instead of salt. It’s also a good source of fiber.” Eide loves “grilled fish” while Tanumihardjo favors a meal of “beans made with a ham bone and cooked for hours.” I was surprised by some of the suggestions for healthy eating, but I’m glad everyone shared them with me. Anderson suggests a “hamburger made from homegrown, grass-fed beef when you know the farmer.” Smith likes peanuts for a snack: “just a small handful has a high satiety index, plus they contain more fiber than you’d think. Choose a low-salt, low-fat version.” Tanumihardjo suggests “cheese and red wine (for obvious reasons).” BUT AREN’T SOME FOODS BETTER THAN OTHERS?

Healthy Choices


Not necessarily—and hear me out on this. Some


is everything— in moderation. foods will offer a higher amount of nutrients and satiety per gram than others. However, that does not necessarily mean that they are always healthy choices; they may also contain higher amounts of sodium, solid fats, or sugars (which should be limited). This is why so many nutrition professionals encourage variety in a diet—no food is inherently good or bad. However, you may need to limit the consumption of certain foods depending on your dietary restrictions. For example, sodium should be limited to 1500 mg in African American individuals, anyone with high blood pressure, diabetes, or chronic kidney disease, and people over the age of 50. Frozen foods, canned goods, and many restaurant meals (even if they contain many nutrient-dense foods) may not be “healthy choices” for those individuals.

that will keep you satisfied and in optimal health. Adjust for your own personal needs. That’s how you make healthy choices and create a lifestyle worth living.

CITATIONS “BMI Formula.” BMI Calculator. Web. 24 Feb. 2012. <>. “Choose MyPlate Home.” United States Department of Agriculture. Web. 24 Feb. 2012. <>. Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2010. [Washington, D.C.]: U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, 2010. Print. Eide, David J., Dale A. Schoeller, Sherry Tanumihardjo, Susan Smith, Pete Anderson, HuiChuan Lai, Eric Yen, and Julie Thurlow. “The UW NutriSci Department’s Favorite Healthy Foods.” E-mail interview. 2 Feb. 2012. Flegal, Katherine M., Margaret D. Carroll, Cynthia L. Ogden, and Lester R. Curtin. “Prevalence and Trends in Obesity Among US Adults, 1999-2008.” JAMA 303.3 (2010): 235-41. Print.

So in the end, what you should eat is everything—in moderation. Know what is in your food and how it could affect your body. Cook for yourself whenever possible. Use tools like MyPlate and the DGA to create a meal


Dearest readers, I hope this note finds you popcorn-in-hand and ready for the show as we watch Winter retreat to the north while Spring advances to claim her prize. To welcome Spring with a symphony of flavorful melodies, follow The Taco Column writer Sam Zipper to Tex Tubb’s Taco Palace and indulge in a Southern Comfort taco overflowing with fried chicken, hash, slaw and chipotle mayo. Babcock Hall Dairy Store’s weekday lunch special alone warrants a trip to Linden Drive, as the special includes a sandwich, side, half pint of Babcock milk and pickle for just $4.98+tax. And, as Deal of the Month writer Keenan Lampe points out, the Dairy Store’s breakfast menu offers sustainable options, such as fresh fruit and locally roasted coffee, to jumpstart your morning.

The Dining Dichotomies

The Green Owl Café vs. Bunky’s Café

By Kelly Larson Photos by Jennifer Beth

Should you find yourself near Atwood Avenue, Dining Dichotomies writer Kelly Larson would suggest you swing by Bunky’s Café or the Green Owl Café to treat yourself to a warm bowl of soup or a menu entrée for an early dose of spring freshness. Not sure where to get something nutritious for a midnight snack? Late Night Locale writer Brian Zapp would head straight to Pita Pit, where a plethora of toppings, including various meats, colorful veggies and unique sauces anxiously await hungry stomachs. And, lastly, as No Reservations/ No Limitations writer Joseph Shaul recommends, be sure to visit Bagels Forever, home to one of Madison’s most student-friendly menus, as nearly all items the menu boasts cost $4 or less. Regardless of where you choose to dine, remember to raise your glass and toast “Sláinte!” to all! Eat, drink and be merry, Valerie Klessing, No Reservation Editor



n the rustic and charming Schenk-Atwood neighborhood on the near east side, two restaurants vie for customers’ attention and, of course, money. Spring is in the air, and the Green Owl Café and Bunky’s Café, both located on Atwood Avenue, offer food with vegetarian, Mediterranean and Italian influences. The Green Owl is strictly vegetarian, whereas Bunky’s, along with its vegetarian options, serves meat kabobs, seafood and pastas. Both restaurants are rather pricey, but each as an atmosphere that would make visiting them worthwhile. Vegetarians do not eat meat or fish, and vegans – otherwise known as strict vegetarians – steer clear of all animal and dairy products. Instead, their diets mostly consist of fruits, vegetables and grains, providing a healthy lifestyle while getting protein and iron from alternative sources such as nuts, soy and quinoa. A major benefit includes, generally, foods with lower levels of saturated fat and cholesterol than many animal products. To many people, a vegetarian diet, while seemingly healthy, lacks good flavor. However, the Green Owl attempts to give people fun, interesting options while maintaining its roots as exclusively vegetarian and vegan. Its location alone is worth visiting. Schenk’s Corner, the ‘main street’ and hubbub of the neighborhood, has a unique charm to it, and it makes someone feel as though they’re walking down the street 50 years ago. Besides the menu, the Green Owl’s interior also warrants a visit. Earthy tones such as sage green and dandelion yellow cover the walls, and the lighting makes for a mellow ambiance and a naturalistic appeal. The owner tries to connect with local food providers to give customers fresher, locally sourced food. The split-pea soup had plenty of flavor, and the basics plate – steamed greens, seasoned beans and brown rice with a lemon sauce – was the perfect amount of food, albeit a bit too expensive


for the amount of food on the plate. Regardless, it’s a place for adventure, and anyone, whether vegetarian or not, should go and try something new. Bunky’s Café, located down the street from the Green Owl, has more of an antique-ish feel to it, sort of like eating at Grandma’s house. Busy on Friday and Saturday nights, the place was abuzz with families and friends chatting and having a good time. (A tip: make a reservation!) It’s a place to go for a night of relaxation and camaraderie. The Mediterranean portion of the menu is vegetarian, and some pasta items are meatless. While the falafel was a little burnt, the lentil soup and complimentary bread were

delicious. The penne primavera seemed to have been made with fresh ingredients and homemade marinara sauce, and it was enough food for two. Like the Green Owl, the prices were rather high, but the atmosphere, staff and food options make this another interesting place to visit. The near east side of Madison has many ‘hidden’ treasures such as these two restaurants, and visiting this area and trying new foods will surely help get rid of the winter blues and start the spring season with delight. Happy adventures!

“people The Green Owl attempts to give fun, interesting options while maintaining its roots as exclusively vegetarian and vegan.”


Deal of the Month


Babcock Dairy Store By Keenan Lampe Photos by Adam Schwartz

his semester’s midway point is quickly approaching. It will soon be time to hunker down, study until your eyes bleed and brace yourself for the next onslaught of quizzes, tests, midterms and dreaded finals. Therefore, it is only logical to prepare yourself for each day as best as possible. Of course, there is no better way for a Wisconsin badger to start his or her day than with a hearty meal featuring Wisconsin dairy at reasonable prices. Located in Babcock Hall, the Dairy Store is slightly off the beaten path, but it is definitely worth a mild detour. Their breakfast menu includes fresh fruit, pastries and fair trade coffee roasted in Madison at Just Coffee Cooperative. Closer to lunchtime they can satisfy any palette


by offering a wide variety of cleverly named sandwiches as well as the option to create your own. The sandwiches alone are between $3 and $4, and meals, which come with a side and a half-pint of milk, only cost between $5 and $6. For those looking for something a little more motivational than nutritional, the Babcock Dairy Store also sells its many delicious ice cream flavors in cones, sundaes, pints, scrounds (1.75 quarts) and three-gallon tubs. I personally had the joy of comparing two chocolate shakes, one prepared with vanilla ice cream and chocolate syrup and the other with chocolate ice cream. Both were wonderful, but in distinct ways. The vanilla with syrup was closer to what one would normally expect from a shake or malt, almostbut-not-quite too thick to drink with a straw, while

the pure chocolate had an unexpected texture. It felt fluffy like a cloud but still viscous enough to readily consume. The subtle differences in taste are beyond verbal explanation, and for this reason, I am convinced they have mastered the forgotten art of dairy magic. If the food is not enough to get your academic ass into gear, then the atmosphere will surely finish the job. The overall calmcombined-with-modern dĂŠcor is undeniably pleasant and arguably inspirational. Babcock Dairy Store is the ideal location to stop, take a breath, fill your stomach, and prepare yourself to once again face the fastpaced college lifestyle head on.


The Taco Column Visit our website for recipe & restaurant review, dining guides for students with restricted diets, cooking tips & tricks, budget recipes, monthly feature articles on the Madison food scene and more!



Story and Photo By Sam Zipper


Venturing Beyond Campus: Tex Tubb’s Taco Palace


y trip to Tex Tubb’s Taco Palace had been a long time coming. When I made my two-day Madison debut back in February 2011, local expert Eric had breathed word of a delicious taco joint down the street from his place. After moving to Madison, I drove past TT’sTP on multiple occasions and was enamored with the aesthetic qualities of their decor — recently, various configurations of colorful lights have been even more appealing to me than usual. On the night of Madison’s first snowfall of 2011 (November 9), I gathered together the Little Spaight Business Consortium — Erin, Lindsey, Steve, Eric, and Kate — and made the six-minute walk over to TT’sTP. Tex Tubb advertises himself as an Austinstyle taco vendor. For me, this has a strong association with delicious breakfast tacos, but TT’sTP focuses on its dinner menu. The taco selection runs the gamut from traditional (carne asada, smoked chicken) to wacky (chorizo & black bean, Cuban pork) and includes a few vegetarian options (fried avocado, roasted sweet potato). By my count, amongst the four of us we

ordered nine unique taco flavors. Personally, I selected the classic carne asada and al pastor combo, along with a Southern Comfort. Let 12 the record show that a Southern Comfort taco is markedly different from a Southern Comfort beverage. While the beverage is a whiskey/fruitflavored liqueur, the taco is fried chicken with hash, slaw, and chipotle mayo on a tortilla — not even the same phase of matter!! After placing our order, we received a generous three baskets-full of chips. This gave us an opportunity to sample the four salsa bar options. The spacing between iced salsa tubbs was pleasing to the eye and prevented crowding amongst the hordes of prospective salsaconsumers. It would take tomes to describe each of them, but none had a notably high spice level. The Tomate was the universal favorite among the Little Spaight Business Consortium, featuring a strong tomato flavor accentuated by a wellthought-out spice combination and a dab of salt. Tex Tubb proudly advertises the fact that his tortillas are fresh-made at Mercado Marimar (official rating 92; currently rated as Madison’s #2 taco stop and the subject of


last month’s The Taco Column review). I received my tacos, each on a single tortilla, with 12.5 percent of a lime per taco. Accompanying them was a tremendous heap of sweet potato fries and a side of chipotle mayo. I started with the Southern Comfort (taco). Unfortunately, the chicken’s breading was not all that I had hoped it would be. The chicken itself was fairly well prepared, perhaps a bit tough, but nothing too startling — yet, it didn’t have the all-round flavor explosion that I expect from my breading. The slaw was fairly mild, the chipotle mayo delicious, and the whole thing came together to make a rather unremarkable — though pleasant — taco. I moved on to the al pastor. I was particularly intrigued by Tex Tubb’s recipe. While most taquerias use the traditional pineapple marinade, Tex uses piña-flavored Jarritos. The pork came out nice and juicy with finely diced pineapple chunks on top. My first bite was

“tortilla, I received my tacos, each on a single with 12.5 percent of a lime per taco. Accompanying them was a tremendous heap of sweet potato fries and a side of chipotle mayo “


exceedingly enjoyable — I got right into a tender pork hunk that was full of delicious juices. The marinade itself wasn’t particularly strong, and the pineapple chunks weren’t too powerful, but the pork was well-prepared and that made up for all the rest. Finally, I went for the carne asada. The hunks were slightly bigger than your average asada and had an understated marinade that let the steak flavor come through. It was particularly good with a combination of the New Mexico and Tomate salsa. The Mercado Marimar tortilla functioned perfectly throughout, as expected. I will close by noting that TT’sTP expert business associate Eric recommends the Blackened Tilapia as the Tex’s premier menu item. Needless to say, this sounds delicious, and will be sampled at my earliest convenience. I will also note that the sweet potato fries were unbelievably good, especially when dipped in the chipotle mayo.

lace Tex Tubb’s Taco Pa g: 85 Official Ratin Price: $$$ ($2.01-$3 per taco) Addr: 2009 Atwood Ave, Madison WI 53704 Tel: 608-242-1800 urs 11a.m.Th , m. p. -9 m. a. 11 s ed W nSu : urs Ho 10p.m., Fri-Sat 11a.m.-12a.m.


No Reservations, No Limitations

Counting dollars made easy Article by Joseph Shaul Photos by Jennifer Beth


popular trend in fine dining is to elevate the mundane to luxurious heights. New York’s best meatball parm is strictly reservation only, and the feted Momofuku Milk Bar bills amongst its signature beverages a concoction titled “cereal milk,” described appropriately as “what’s left over at the bottom of the bowl after you’re done eating the cornflakes.” All for a reasonable forty dollars a gallon. Even in the austere Midwest, it’s not hard to find such gentrification: half of the restaurants ‘round the square now list similarly upscale interpretations of down-home cuisine. The restaurant Graze, tomboy stepsister of locovore pioneer L’Etoile, is legendary for its rendition of the traditional hangover cure chicken and waffles. The cholesterol isn’t so much a worry as


not choking halfway through at the realization you just spent twenty bucks for something last eaten at a truck stop. Such “updates” frequently lose in transition the qualities that once made them great. While journalists and chefs fantasize of foie gras and tamarinds, what really grabs their attention is something fabulous that won’t weigh them down or empty their checkbooks. The trifecta of “cheap, healthy and fast” is hard to find, but Bagels Forever does it remarkably well. Bolted on the bagel factory halfway down University Avenue as sort of patio-cumdelicatessen, the restaurant proper makes the average Subway look like a palace. There’s an array of industrial refrigerators for beverages and schmears, a massive countertop housing a rainbow of fresh-baked bagels and a cash register. Chairs and tables are available strictly on a bring-your-own basis; Bagels Forever is

standing room only. This tunnel-vision focus on slinging product starts to click when you eat it. The bagels, produced by the brunellian industry in the back, are a vast improvement over their frozen counterparts; while not particularly effete, the frantic sales result in constant freshness. The meat is Boar’s Head brand, the veggies are top notch, and they’re not stingy with either. Ask for the complete works and you get a five-inch monstrosity with everything from sport peppers to capers. You even get a pickle on the side. However, the focus on efficiency is most glorious when you see the receipt. Of the entire menu, almost nothing is more than $4. Throw in chips and a drink, and you’ll have difficulty eclipsing $5. A couple bagels and some Neufchatel cost less than $2. It’s cheaper than Taco Bell. Bagels Forever is a Madison original that does its thing better than anyone else. By trimming dubious luxuries like tables and chairs, they provide fresh and lightweight fare for less than a fast-food grease ball. Whether you’re cutting calories or counting dollars, Bagels Forever is definitely worth going out of the way for and warrants a visit.

Bagels Forever



ick of the inebriated crowd at Taco Bell? All those burritos adding up on your waistline? Well, there’s a solution to your problem and it’s only one block away: Pita Pit. It is supremely delicious, and when you’re done eating you don’t have the same “Oh god, what did I just consume” feeling like when you polish off a 12taco box by yourself. On the contrary, you’ll actually feel good about munching. I usually try to avoid the State Street late-night feasting (outside of pilgrimages to Fat Sandwich) because at 2 a.m. there’s a lot of yelling, cheering and falling down. However, Pita Pit is nestled just outside of the epicenter of this intoxicated rally. Once you walk in, it’s hard not to notice that nearly everything (walls, tables, counters) is a forest green, so it’s already more aesthetically pleasing than most latenight eateries. The menu is also quite refreshing. There’s an entire meat and nomeat menu. When I went, I ordered a falafel and hummus pita because there is little in this world I love more than falafel. For those of you who do not know what falafel is (don’t worry, most people don’t), falafel is a deep-fried ball of chickpeas and fava beans. It tastes like a spiced meatball and is absolutely wonderful. Anyway, back to the review. Once you order and pay, you’re not done. Pita Pit is set up similarly

to Subway in the way that you order a base pita and indulge your eyes in the many options you can add to your pita to make it pita-rrific. I had no idea what would taste good on a pita so I just asked my pita crafter what I should get. The staff is quite friendly, so without hesitation I was told exactly what I need to make a delicious pita. If you’re coming in after a classy evening on the town, I recommend just telling the crafter to listen to his or her heart because it will be a daunting task to choose all of your toppings. She said a lot of things, but the two that stood out as must-haves for everyone are the feta and tzatziki sauce. Both are Greek in origin and work wonders on a pita. Total time between order and eating is not more than a minute or two, so it’s even faster than most fast food places. Once you get your pita, you’ll probably just want to tear right into it; it looks too inviting to wait. It won’t come with a plate or anything to catch your mess (trust me, you’ll make a mess), so if you have the mind and clothing for it, try to eat outside. However, the staff won’t be angry with you if you do happen to be messy. If I haven’t already driven home the point that the food is great, I’ll say it one more time: it’s awesome and awesome for you. When you’re finished, you won’t be bloated or hate yourself for eating so much. You’ll just be satisfied. And for you carnivores out there: don’t be afraid to try the vegetarian options. They’ll fill you up just as well, if not better than, the meat options. This is a perfect time for you to try new things.

Pita Pit

449 State St # B Madison, WI 53703 (608) 819-6722

Pita-rrific Article by Brian Zapp Photos by Adam Schwartz



The history of a non-Irish St. Patty’s Day Tradition History of Corned Beef and Cabbage


isconsin is often considered Germany’s sister state; with nearly half of the Sconnie population claiming German ancestry. However, the Irish hold the number two spot, and St. Patrick’s Day is their time (and everyone else’s, apparently) to celebrate this heritage.


Dearest readers, It is finally March, and along with St. Patty’s Day and the end of Daylight Savings Time, we have a new set of Food for Thought articles for y’all to devour! The theme for our magazine this month is “Living Green,” and in our section we are doing just that. Whether you want to grow some green vegetation, eat some green guacamole, or save some green when shopping, this set of articles should be right for you. If you have ever contemplated getting a pet in college – don’t. But instead, check out Hope Carmichael’s article about planting your own herb garden. There is just something so satisfying about seasoning a meal with spices that you raised and watered on your own. To learn more about guacamole, read Jenny Bauer’s article about this smooth and savory green dip. You can even learn how to save green when shopping for your guacamole ingredients by reading Kim Barclay’s story about eating organic. And to continue the green theme, read about Kim’s trip to the Wisconsin Institute for Discovery, one of the few facilities on campus with real plants and trees growing inside. With that, forget about what Kermit the Frog said – it is easy being green. Happy eating! Brittany Johnson Food for Thought Editor

By Jenny Bauer


For most college students, food may not be the focus of St. Patrick’s Day, but there is one “traditional” dish that deserves some attention. Corned beef and cabbage are synonymous with Irish culture and St. Patrick’s Day in the United States. A hallmark of the holiday, this meaty meal pairs best with some green beer or those delicious Shamrock Shakes from a certain fastfood establishment. But in reality, corned beef and cabbage is about as Irish as green beer. Which is to say, not very Irish at all. Corned beef is called “corned” because of the large grains of salt that the meat is preserved in. Preserving meat in this way has been popular for centuries, and was even more popular when refrigeration was not an option, or even a reality. Still, this combination of corned beef with cabbage does not really have its roots on the Emerald Isle. In Ireland, boiled bacon seems to be the go-to on St. Patrick’s Day, according to European foodblog “European Cuisines.” Ireland’s history does not include much beef-consumption, mainly due to the heavy focus on dairy and pork production. In fact, corned beef and cabbage is considered a “poor” dish for the modern-day Irish while smoked bacon and salted cuts are as popular today as they were in the past. Indeed, many Irish chefs seem to get a little miffed when they hear that Americans assume corned beef and

cabbage is a traditional dish. All that aside, corned beef and cabbage remains a huge tradition in the states. It seems that the meal has its roots in Irish-American immigrants around the mid 1800s. At the time, the Irish that flooded America were some of the poorest immigrants. As a result, they typically could not afford to eat meat more than once a week. So when these immigrants could afford to get meat, it was for a special occasion—like St. Patrick’s Day. Brisket was often the meat-of-choice because it was cheap, and was often salted so it would stay fresh for weeks. Adding cabbage, a relatively cheap vegetable, to the meat completed the meal. So if you find yourself dining on this hearty, oldfashioned dish this St. Patty’s Day, even though it isn’t authentic, you’ll still be taking part in a deeply-rooted American tradition. hear that Americans assume corned beef and cabbage is a traditional dish. All that aside, corned beef and cabbage remains a huge tradition in the states. It seems that the meal has its roots in Irish-American immigrants around the mid 1800s. At the time, the Irish that flooded America were some of the poorest immigrants. As a result, they typically could not afford to eat meat more than once a week. So when these immigrants could afford to get meat, it was for a special occasion—like St. Patrick’s Day. Brisket was often the meat-of-choice because it was cheap, and was often salted so it would stay fresh for weeks. Adding cabbage, a relatively cheap vegetable, to the meat completed the meal. So if you find yourself dining on this hearty, oldfashioned dish this St. Patty’s Day, even though it isn’t authentic, you’ll still be taking part in a deeply-rooted American tradition.


Food for Thought Discovering the Wisconsin Institutes for Discovery Story by Kimberly Barclay

November Febuary 2011



March April 2012


GET INVOLVED see page29


Photo from

he Wisconsin Institutes for Discovery first came into the spotlight in 2004, when Governor Jim Doyle proposed the idea in an effort to bring Wisconsin into the forefront of research and development. Shortly after the proposition to build the institute was approved, UW alumni John and Tashia Morgridge donated a generous $50 million, and in 2010 the grandopening of this building took place. A place emitting such a sense of discovery and intrigue should not be hard to stumble upon, but I have sadly passed the building countless times before I realized what I would find inside. The Institutes for Discovery not only offers an escape from the harsh Wisconsin winters, with its variety of plants and water structures, but it is also home to three different dining venues. The first of these (and my personal favorite) is Aldo’s Café. Aldo’s is just footsteps away from the beautiful water fountains and greenery that make the Discovery Center an oasis in the midst of campus life. The voice of John Faust, Aldo’s manager, can be heard during the lunch rush; announcing names while offering a generous smile. He truly cares about the people he serves and as he

exclaimed in a brief conversation, “I love to see the bright faces on all of the customers.” He also really feels as though he is doing more than just serving coffee. “What the researchers are doing in this building is amazing, yeah, I’m just serving coffee, but I feel like I am doing my part,” Faust said. The second eatery inside the Institutes for Discovery is Steenbock’s, named after UWMadison biochemistry professor, Harry Steenbock. Steenbock was famous for his discovery of increasing vitamin D in certain foods. His legacy lingers on with Steenbock’s— the menu includes seasonally fresh ingredients, healthy, and “sophisticated foods,” says Chef Nick Szomatfalvy. According to Szomatfalvy, “This is one of the best venues I have worked in. I have the ability to create dishes like never before.” Steenbock’s is not somewhere you could stop off between classes, but for any special occasion it would an ideal place to go. Last but not least is the dairy bar, otherwise known as Rennie’s. Rennie’s is filled with organic ice creams and frozen yogurts from the University farm.


Why I Buy Organic Article by Kimberly Barclay / Photo by Adam Schwartz


or the uninitiated, guacamole is a scary, green mystery dip with a strange name. Some fear its color. Some fear its consistency. Some fear that it contains mayonnaise. Some fear it is too complicated to whip up in their own kitchen. Coming up with cash in college can leave many students digging in their couch cushions for change. When pizza is a staple in the “college food pyramid,” it is often difficult to splurge on pricey food items, but why not buy an organic pizza? Personally, I choose to buy organic whenever the option arises. It is a personal commitment after learning so much about the different types of growth hormones and genetically modified Fruits and Vegetables Strawberries Oranges Carrots

Personally, shopping organic was a simple change to make and I hope other college students can start purchasing more organic food. It is healthier and it is not only beneficial to you, but to local farmers that specialize in organic farming. When there are so many options in stores so close to campus like Madison Fresh Market or Trader Joe’s, there’s really no reason not to try the organic alternative to things you buy weekly! Another place to buy organic foods is at the Dane County Farmer’s Market located on the Capitol Square. And while many people believe that this vibrant market is closed for the winter, a Farmer’s Market is held from 8:00 a.m. to noon inside the Madison Senior Center every Saturday from January to mid-April. So, next time you venture out of hibernation to stock up on food, buy organic!

organisms (GMOs) found in many of the processed foods we consume. It is not possible for monetary reasons to buy all organic foods, but stores often place a reasonably priced organic option next to all of the non-organic food items that they supply. There is not an extreme difference in the prices of foods important to a healthy diet like fruits and vegetables. For example, organic apples can be bought $1.49/lb. whereas the non-organic apples would be a $1.33/lb. That is only a 16 cent difference, a small sacrifice to make for something free of pesticides and that has not been genetically modified. As shown in the chart below, this is the case for many fruits and vegetables:

Organic $4.49/16 oz. $1.25/lb. .89/lb.

Non-Organic $3.99/16 oz. $1.12/lb. .89/lb.




Photo by Fangdi Pan

Guacamole Demystified Article and Photo by Jenny Bauer


or the uninitiated, guacamole is a scary, green mystery dip with a strange name. Some fear its color. Some fear its consistency. Some fear that it contains mayonnaise. Some fear it is too complicated to whip up in their own kitchen. Fear not, my good people! Guacamole is one of the most deliciously simple things ever bestowed upon us by the food gods. Lets talk dip logistics. The Aztecs invented guacamole. They called it ahuaca-mulli, which roughly means avocado sauce or mixture. The high fat content in avocados made this foodstuff an important source of fat for the Aztecs, who were limited to a low-fat diet. Guacamole gained popularity when the Spanish took it home with them, where it spread throughout the New World. Avocados don’t grow well in European climates, making them unique to the Americas (lucky for us!).

Traditionally, guacamole contains just avocado, diced onion, diced tomatoes, cilantro, and chilies. This simple combination is a beautiful marriage of fresh flavors; and goes perfect on top of tortilla chips, quesadillas, nachos, tacos, sandwiches, crackers…do you see where this is going? The best thing about guacamole is how healthy it is. Its rich creaminess isn’t due to added full-fat dairy products like sour cream or mayonnaise. Even though avocados are high in fat, they are the “good fats.” According to the California Avocado Commission, avocados have nearly 20 essential nutrients, anti-oxidants (to fight free radicals), vitamin E (for healthy skin and hair) and B-vitamins (for energy).

“avocados Yes, are fruits!”

So what is in this concoction? Mostly, guacamole is made of pulp from the avocado fruit. Yes, avocados are fruits! The most common avocado used in guacamole is the Hass variety, which starts out with medium green skin and has very firm flesh. The skin turns very dark when it is ripe, and the fruit gives easily when gently squeezed.


Basic Guacamole

The nutrients in avocados also help your body absorb additional fat-soluble nutrients found in other fruits. These benefits are compounded with all the nutrients in the other ingredients—making guacamole a healthy choice for any lifestyle.

This wonder-food is simple to make and a healthy alternative to, well, almost anything you might snack on during exams or on game days. So take a look at our recipe and don’t let any fears hold you back from mixing up a batch for your next social gathering.

15 minutes, about 2 cups Ingredients: 3 large avocados, ripe 1 ripe tomato (try romas or anything in season), chopped 1 small white onion, chopped 2 cloves garlic, finely chopped 1 handful roughly chopped cilantro 1 teaspoon cumin Juice of one lime Salt and pepper to taste

Directions: • Peel avocados, reserving one pit. (See tip below for easy-peel method). Mash avocados with a fork until smooth. It is okay if it is a bit chunky; keep mashing until it is your preferred consistency. If you have a food processor, you will be able to get silky smooth avocado pulp and it will be much

easier, but hand mashing is more authentic! Once avocado is mashed, mix in remaining ingredients to taste. Add one pit into the mixture; this will keep it from browning quickly. • The beauty of this recipe is that you can easily customize it. Make it spicy by adding diced chilies, adding more avocados for more volume, or omitting any ingredient not to your liking. Happy dipping!

Tip: • An easy way to peel avocados: take a knife, starting at the top, and cut around the avocado, lengthwise. Twist the avocado and pull apart; one side should have the pit, one side should have a divot. Take a spoon and scrape close to the skin, getting all pulp out of skin. It should be very easy to do this if the avocados are ripe.


Cailly’s movie of the month

Dinner and a Movie


1 package boneless, skinless chicken breasts 1 white onion 4 cups diced carrots 2-4 garlic cloves to taste (I love garlic, so I lean towards 4) 1 ½ cup reduced sodium chicken stock 1 ½ cup red wine salt and pepper

By Cailly Morris It is an old Irish tradition that every leap year a woman may propose to their significant other, and the man must accept. While this tradition may not be popularly celebrated today, it is the tradition behind the 2010 romantic comedy “Leap Year”. In this movie, Anna Brady, fed upwith her boyfriend of four years for not proposing, spontaneously runs away to Dublin to get engaged. As with any Hollywood romcom, mayhem ensues and Anna becomes stranded in the middle of Ireland and forced to hail a ride to Dublin with Declan, a bitter, sarcastic and conveniently handsome young pub owner. While the movie is cheesy and predictable, I love it for its breathtaking scenery, witty humor and abundance of homegrown ingredients. One of my favorite dishes in this movie is the Coq Au Vin dish that Declan and Anna make together while staying at a charming little Irish inn. I love this recipe because it is not only full of fresh veggies and hearty chicken, but it is deliciously simple to make. I like to make the dish in a crock pot so the chicken is extra juicy.



• Place the defrosted boneless, skinless chicken breasts in the crock-pot • Dice the onion and carrots and place in a separate bowl • Mince the garlic and mix in with the onion and carrots. • Spread the vegetable mixture over the chicken breasts evenly • Pour chicken stock and red wine over chicken and vegetables. • Season with a salt and pepper to taste • Cook on low heat all day for tender, juicy chicken • Serve with a salad or mashed potatoes

Photo from


Grazing Locally

DIY Herb Garden

Article and Photo by Hope Carmichael

Article by Joseph Shaul


ou know that feeling of satisfaction you get when you eat something you know you produced? Or when you create a complicated recipe for the first time from scratch? Imagine having that satisfaction almost every meal. One way to do this is to use spices from your personal herb garden. Living in Wisconsin during the winter makes it difficult to sustain your own year-long outdoor garden--but growing a small, indoor herb garden makes it easy to add a personal touch to every meal without extensive effort. According to TLC, starting an indoor herb garden requires a sunny area that will receive at least six hours of sunlight every day without getting too hot. Because Madison does not have optimal sunlight year-round, purchasing an herb garden starter kit might be a better option (especially on a college student’s time restraints). If you do decide not to get an herb kit, think about what you herbs you like and which


ones you use most often. I like to put thyme in nearly everything I cook; it is great to spice up some salad dressing or add a tangy flavor to scrambled eggs. I also use lots of rosemary to season things I roast; this herb goes especially well with red potatoes. When choosing the plants you want for your indoor herb garden, be sure you pick out healthy ones. If you want your plants to grow well, you need to make sure they start out well. Once you have your plants, put them in a place where they can get enough sunlight and have room to grow. I have found numerous creative ways to label each pot, and you can paint them cute to fit with your décor. Searching Google or Pinterest can make creating your own herb garden a fun crafting event with your roommates. Once you have your herb garden set up, make sure to water it regularly but check the soil’s dryness first so you don’t drown the little plants. More importantly, harvesting your herbs before they are ready can hurt them, so make sure you do a little research to know when they are ready to cut and use. Finally, enjoy your herb garden by trying out new, fun recipes to use your herbs in. Experiment with the different flavors to make your own personal dishes, and bask in the satisfaction of knowing you have grown a part of your meal.


raze, a casual restaurant that specializes in serving locallygrown organic food, opened its doors last year next to L’Etoile on Capital Square. I sat down to talk with Tory Miller, executive chef of both Graze and L’Etoile, to learn a little bit about good food and appreciating where it comes from. “The inception of Graze came from looking for a way to use local, sustainable, organic ingredients on a better price,” Miller said. According to Miller, Graze was “inspired by an English gastro-pub kind of feel.” Items on the menu range from cheese curds and burgers to bimimbap (a Korean meal with veggies, protein and rice) or Eggs Benedict for brunch. Graze is college student friendly, in its menu and its prices as well as in its philosophy. Miller says there could be a brunch place on every corner of Madison – however each weekend morning they would all be packed. “Who wants to wake up hungover and make breakfast?” Asks Miller. The restaurant is very focused on community, with Miller hoping patrons will order lots of plates, grazing through the menu and trying a bunch of things. “It can be a very satisfying experience for under 20 dollars,” Miller stresses. More importantly, Chef Tory Miller is very passionate about his decision to support local farmers: “The biggest thing is supporting Wisconsin agriculture, letting local farmers know they’re a business too. They feed us and we feed them by spending our money there. We


really want to be a part of what sustainability is.” That is not the only reason Miller chooses to use organic and local foods, however. “The food is just bomb, too. Flavor-wise you can really taste the difference. I can walk up to someone’s farm stand, talk to them myself and ask what they put into their food,” he said. Miller has some ideas for other ways college students can eat locally and quickly on a budget as well. He suggests going to the Farmer’s Market on Saturdays during the summer and trying out different, homegrown eats. “Walk one block and spend your 20 bucks. Don’t leave that block until you spend it. Experience

new cheese, veggies, even meats maybe.” Tory explains that one can find protein, some dairy, fresh produce, and bakeries on just one block of the market. “Redefine what your meals are. Think about salads. Extend your meal with cheap things like grains and rices. Make pasta salads. It’s really the best way to stay local, especially in the summer,” Miller said. So why should we pick Graze instead of some other restaurant that might be slightly cheaper? Chef Tory Miller says it best: “We bring peace of mind of where your food is coming from… We want people to know what they’re eating and why they’re eating it.”

“The inception of Graze came

from looking for a way to use local, sustainable, organic ingredients on a better price”


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