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Divestment at Dartmouth: A look into the College’s progress
By Isabelle Han
Over the past few years, the fossil fuel divestment movement has swept universities nationwide. Developments over the last 10 years, from Swarthmore College’s student divestment initiatives to Stanford University’s divestment from coal demonstrate how students have pushed administrations to rethink their investments in fossil fuels.
On Oct. 8, 2021, the College formally announced its intention to divest its endowment from fossil fuel holdings, according to past reporting from The Dartmouth. The plan would allow all current holdings in the industry to expire and eventually eliminate any investments in the fossil fuel industry.
According to Sustainability Ofce intern and climate activist Maya Beauvineau ’26, divestment from fossil fuels is when universities stop using funds from endowments to invest in companies that proft from the fossil fuel industry.
“Divestment is like stopping our funding of the climate crisis itself,” she said.
However, according to Beauvineau, there has not been an “active conversation” about “holding Dartmouth accountable.” She added that the College has only announced a plan to divest, but does not provide a timeline.
“If you look online, [Dartmouth] only [has] one article on divestment specifcally, and it’s very vague,” she said, referring to Dartmouth’s initial announcement of its intent to divest. “My demand would be that we have more transparency for how much money is currently invested in the fossil fuel industry and how long those investments are planned to continue before they expire.”
According to an email statement from College media relations specialist Jana Barnello, divestment is the third “area of impact” that is part of the College’s “comprehensive plan” to address the climate crisis — the other two areas being research and education and energy efciency and resiliency. Dartmouth made the decision to divest in 2017, began to divest in 2020, and in 2021, investments in the fossil fuel industry comprised less than 5% of the endowment, Barnello wrote.
“Dartmouth has taken steps to ensure its endowment investments are made into funds working to support a timely global path to netzero emissions,” Barnello wrote. “This includes using the endowment to invest in renewables, the broad energy transition and other innovative technologies.”
According to Barnello, the College is “working on updating” sustainability and energy goals, with a report on recommendations for “more ambitious” sustainability goals to come out in the fall of 2023. The College has also committed more than $50 million to updating current infrastructure, such as converting from steam hot water heating and cooling.
“Dartmouth’s overall goal is a lowcarbon, zero-combustion campus,” she wrote.
Community campaigning for Dartmouth to divest came primarily from a student-founded organization called Divest Dartmouth, which was frst formed in 2012.
According to former Divest Dartmouth member and member of Sunrise Dartmouth, a climate justice movement, Lucy Rathgeb ’23, Divest Dartmouth’s founding mission was to “push the College” to divest, with their eventual goal to get the College to publicly announce that it was divesting.
“We just wanted there to be a public display from Dartmouth just saying that they would divest because fossil fuels aren’t the future that we want,” Rathgeb said.
According to former Divest Dartmouth member Edel Galgon ’22, divestment is a “tactic” to “get rid of some of the credence” of fossil fuel companies and raise awareness about their role in the climate crisis, as well as the “lack of regulations” in the industry.
“Divestment, or even renewable energy, is not an end all be all but … contains the potential to be a part of more transformational change,” Galgon said.
According to Beauvineau, a “chain reaction” occurred in 2021, when other colleges began to announce their plans to divest from fossil fuels.
“Dartmouth is starting to feel this pressure from exterior forces and [is] recognizing that it also needs to step up its game on climate action,” said Beauvineau. “That being said, because we are following other institutions, we are also not being a leader in the advancement of climate action.”
Among the other Ivy League universities, Brown University and Cornell University were the frst to announce their intent of divestment in 2020. Columbia University and Harvard University made similar announcements in 2021, and Princeton University announced its intent of dissociating from oil and gas companies that year. Dissociation includes divestment, but also includes “refraining, to the greatest extent possible, from any relationships that involve a fnancial component with a particular company,” according to Princeton’s website.
Yale University released “more stringent principles” for investment and released a list of fossil fuel companies ineligible for investment in 2021. The
University of Pennsylvania announced last year that it does not hold investments in 200 companies “whose reserves contain the largest amount of potential carbon emissions.”
Last year, Princeton released a list of 90 companies that it will dissociate from. None of these other institutions have released further updates since their initial announcements.
According to The Washington Post, in February 2022, students from Princeton and Yale, along with students from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Stanford and Vanderbilt University fled a legal complaint which aimed to compel their administrations for “complete divestment from all fossil fuels.” This legal action follows similar suits filed against Boston College, Cornell, Harvard, Johns Hopkins University, Marquette University, the University of New Mexico and the University of Wisconsin, the article added.
According to Rathgeb, divestment is a “smart financial decision” as renewable energies become cheaper and begin to replace fossil fuels as sources of energy. Rathgeb also added that fossil fuels also have “issues of labor.”
“The only [things] really keeping fossil fuel infrastructure from becoming obsolete [are] lobbying and vested interests that don’t necessarily refect
A look back on news for the Class of 2023
the reality of fossil fuels as a safe future investment,” Rathgeb said. “But … looking at the high incidents of accidents on oil rigs and coal mines, there’s a huge moral reason for switching to renewable energies.”
Addressing the importance of divestment for institutions of higher education, Beauvineau said that the values of universities are “indicative of where the country’s values are at,” specifcally because they are meant to prepare the next generation for the workforce.
“By divesting from the fossil fuel industry, we [at Dartmouth] have the opportunity to indicate to the country and to the world that we do not support the climate crisis,” she said. “Instead, we have an opportunity with divestment to reinvest our money into local communities and sustainable eforts.”
Galgon added that divestment goes beyond simply addressing the climate crisis. Instead, it raises awareness of the “depth and extent of fossil fuel created misinformation,” challenges “individualistic approaches to social change” and introduces people to “anticapitalistic and anti-colonial analysis.”
“My hope is that in addition to understanding how energy works, more students can really learn to imagine diferent types of social, political and economic worlds,” Galgon said.
BY Kent Friel
The Dartmouth Sta in College history and boasting Dartmouth’s highest yield rate — 64% — up till that point.
The Dartmouth looks back at how four years of news events shaped the Class of 2023’s experience, as they now prepare to graduate.
Adjustment to campus
interrupted by pandemic
The Class of 2023 set three institutional records before arriving on campus, including being part of the largest application pool at the time since 2012, having the lowest admit rate — 7.9% — at that point
As the Class of 2023 entered campus, they moved into frst-year residence halls corresponding to their specifc house communities, marking a change from previous years where each frst-year residence hall contained students from several diferent house communities across its foors.
In September 2019, the College revoked universal access to all College dorms and residential social spaces in response to incidents of racial bias, a policy change which students sharply criticized. The College reinstated universal access to residential social spaces in October and universal access to dorms during daytime hours the following month. The Class of 2023 was the frst class to take part in the Sexual Violence Prevention Program’s fouryear curriculum.
In September 2019, restaurant Han Fusion and clothing store J. McLaughlin opened their doors. In October, a barber shop opened in Hanover called the People’s Barbershop and Shave Parlor, and following the closure of the Dartmouth Bookstore in 2018, Still North Books & Bar opened in December.
As the state of New Hampshire geared up to host the frst-in-thenation presidential primary for the 2020 election, multiple presidential candidates visited the Upper Valley during the fall of 2019 and winter of 2020. Bernie Sanders, Cory Booker, Michael Bennet and Elizabeth Warren held rallies on campus in October. Pete Buttigieg spoke at Lebanon in November, and Bill Weld held two events on campus in
October and November. In January 2020, Tulsi Gabbard and Tom Steyer hosted town halls in Hanover. In February — the month of the presidential primary — Buttigieg, Amy Klobuchar, Sanders and Andrew Yang spoke in Hanover. The end of winter term 2020 coincided with the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. On February 27, the spread of COVID-19 would lead the College’s study abroad program in Italy to end early, and on March 2, a DHMC employee tested positive for COVID-19,