1 minute read
Athina Avrantini
Mallory Barnes

Your name means “goddess of wisdom and war.” You became a strong, intelligent, passionate woman who always makes us proud. We look ahead to your dreams and opening new and exciting chapters in your life.
Love Mama, Babas and Artemis
Meg Barnes
Congratulations, Mallory, on your remarkable achievement! Your hard work, dedication, and determination have paid of, and we couldn’t be more proud. As you embark on a new chapter, we wish you continued success and fulfllment in all your future endeavors!

John F. Berry III
Brava Meg! “What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us” (Emerson). Love Mom, Dad, Emma, Kelley, Terrence, Duke and Nana
Congratulations on earning your BE in Biomedical Engineering! We are so proud of all your accomplishments and wish you continued success in all that you do. Love Mom, Dad, Peter, Daniel, Nana, Grandpa, Grandma, Grandpa, the Fukushimas & the Berrys.

Claire Betzer
Sacha Bindra
Our charming Choate Scholar, sweet Claire, Now leaves Dartmouth to climb her Fate’s stair. We’ve not doubt she will rise, To great heights that surprise, With such talents, exceedingly rare!

Limerick by Opa ’65
Love, Mom, Dad ’89 & Leina
Connor Bishop
Congratulations Sacha!
We’re all so proud of you and your achievements. We know you’ll continue to be gentle, thoughtful, and kind as you go out and win the world. The real party begins now. We’re with you, Sacha. Good luck!
Maxwell Blum
Your family congratulates you on all your accomplishments. Your Academics, Athletics, and Leadership have made us all proud. You are indeed “being who you are and being it well.”
Love, Mom, Dad, Bennett, Nikolas and Papa Jake
Your Dartmouth years weren’t always easy. We are so proud of all your accomplishments, but mostly of the young man you are! Wishing you the happiest healthiest years ahead of you!

All our LOVE, Dad, Mom, Mia and Coco XO

Grace Boyd
Max Breuninger
Congratulations, Grace! Way to go! We love you

Pamela, Nana, Pop, Barb, Bella, Tom, Laura, Andrew, Wyatt, Walker, Debbie, Pat, Hip, Hop, Lolo
Way to go! Good looks, brains, heart, and now a diploma, too?! You’ve really got it all! Congratulations! We love more today than yesterday…but not as much as tomorrow : )

Love, Mom, Jeremy, Dee-Dee, Del & Baby Bridget
Andrew Bricklin Abby Burrows
Congratulations, Abby Burrows, on your
Love, Mom and Dad