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June 2016

EDITOR Ewa Larsson LAYOUT DESIGN Snežka Kuralt ADVERTISING DESIGN Ewa Larsson Giota Bouranta Snežka Kuralt INFO: info@

HI, Our goal with this magazine is to promote responsible breeding and dog ownership and to encourage ethical conduct and responsible breeding of purebred dogs. Our vision is to help promote responsible pet ownership and improve the quality of life of every dog show dog or pet. We make it our goal to provide the most up to date and honest

information every dog owner should know.

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I first started to be seriously involved in Cynology, when I bought my first Rhodesian ridgeback (Cubo) from breeder Mr. Andrej Fister – Kyala kennel. Since I had had a ridgeback, I wanted to spent some time and communicate with people who own the same breed. So I became involved and was one of the founding members of Club of Rhodesian ridgeback Slovenia. I was chief of organization of our first special show for Rhodesian ridgebacks in Slovenia. The show entered more than 50 dogs, which was a very nice number for such a small country. We even got Mr. Hans Mueller as a judge, for our first club show, even though the show was not CAC awarded. Soon after, I began my apprenticeship for a Cynology judge, and in January 2011 I acquired a license to judge Rhodesian ridgebacks. My name is Ewa Larsson, Britisher Show Bulldogs we are situated in Canterbury, England. My kennel was established in 1992. My bulldogs live with me inside my house and are raised in a loving environment as one of the family. I believe this approach is reflected in the behaviour of my dogs. Health, a correct temperament and dogs of the highest quality are my goal. Between Spring 2006 and Autum 2015, I was on the Bulldog Club Inc committee. The Bulldog Club Inc is the oldest Bulldog club in the world, and holds the prestigious Bulldog of the Year Show. I am a Bulldog Breed Specialist Judge currently on “ B” list.

I currently own two Rhodesian ridgebacks Cubo and Cana. Cubo, his pedigree name is Myollnir Kyala, is one of the most successful show ridgebacks in Slovenia and has always makes me proud. He is eight years old now and he is calm and mostly a gentleman. Cana (Dikeledi Ayaba) is our female ridgeback, 6 years old; she brings joy to my life with her silly stunts and happy nature. Cana was imported from Croatia, from Ayaba kennel. In my free time I make small products for dog owners, mostly for Rhodesian ridgeback lovers and do different graphic designs for all breeds.


I am member of : The Bulldog Club Incorporated, The London Bulldog Society, The South of England Bulldog Society, The Junior Bulldog Club. My affix “ Britisher” is derived from a noun Brit·ish·er which stands for: “An Englishman- a subject or inhabitant of Great Britain”. Since 2001, I work as a graphic and web designer. Please feel free to visit my websites. ||

My name is Giota Bouranta and I live in Athens, Greece. I have studied photography at AKTO, Art and Design college. For more than 12 years I work as a professional Dogs photographer. I cooperate with Kennel Clubs, breeds Clubs, working clubs, breeders, trainers and pet owners. A special part of my photos and my heart belongs to the Dobermann breed. It is a great pleasure and honor for me to photograph as a member of the authorized photographers' team 8 times the IDC Sieger Show (the World Championship of Dobermanns) and 7 times the Italian Dobermann Championship, the prestigious Campionato AIAD. Dogs' photography for me is enthralling, capturing wonderful moments of the relationship between humans and their best friend, highlighting in all its glory the beauty and charm of the dog, reminding its contribution to humanity and how respectfully dogs should be treated.

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Breed Standard The Kennel Club UK

JACK RUSSELL TERRIER Breed Standard The Kennel Club UK Proposed Interim Breed Standard The Interim Breed Standard will be published on 1 April 2016 so that dogs may be exhibited at Kennel Club licensed events from this date. The following is the proposed wording for the standard. General Appearance A strong, active, lithe, working terrier of great character with flexible body of medium length. Smart movement. Keen expression. The coat is predominately white, and may be smooth, broken or rough. Scars not to be penalised. Characteristics Lively, alert and active. A good hunting terrier, sturdily built, that could go easily to ground Temperament Bold, fearless, friendly and confident. Head and Skull The skull should be flat and of moderate width, gradually decreasing in width to the eyes and tapering to a strong muzzle. The stop is well defined, and the cheek muscles are well developed. The length of muzzle from the stop to the nose should be slightly shorter than from the stop to the occiput. Nose and lips black. Lips tight-fitting. Eyes Almond shaped, fairly small and dark, with keen expression. Not prominent. Closely fitting eye rims, with black pigment. Ears Button or dropped, carried close to the side of the skull, of good texture and great mobility. The top of the ear is level with, or very slightly above the skull. The tip of the ear is in line with the eye. Mouth Jaws strong with a perfect, regular and complete scissor bite, i.e. upper teeth closely overlapping lower teeth and set square to the jaws. Broken or missing teeth due to work are not to be penalised. Neck Strong and clean, of sufficient length to carry the head proudly, and to protect the feet when working below ground. Forequarters Shoulders well laid back with visible forechest, and never heavily loaded with muscle. Upper arm of sufficient length with angulation to ensure elbows are set under the body. Well boned forelegs as straight as compatible with a short legged dog when viewed from front or side.

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Body The length from the point of shoulder to the buttocks slightly greater than the height from the withers to the ground. Level back, with very slight arch to loin which is short, strong and well muscled. Chest oval, fairly deep rather than wide, with good ground clearance. The distance from the withers to the elbow is equal to the distance from the elbow to the ground. Ribcage oval, well sprung, flattening somewhat on the sides so that the girth behind the elbows can be spanned by two hands - about 40 cm to 43 cm. Moderate tuck up. Hindquarters Strong and muscular, angulation in balance with the shoulders. Stifles well bent with low set hocks. When standing, pasterns parallel when viewed from behind. Feet Round to oval, not large, with toes moderately arched. Pads firm. Tail High set, thick at base, in overall balance with the rest of the dog. When moving the tail should be carried completely erect but may drop at rest. If docked for work, the tip of the tail on a level with the skull. Gait/Movement Unrestricted, free striding, ground covering gait without exaggeration. Well co-ordinated; straight action front and rear, may converge slightly at a faster pace. Strides should be of good length, never stilted or high stepping. Hindquarters providing plenty of drive. Coat May be smooth, broken or rough. Must be weatherproof. Not over trimmed. Colour White must predominate with black and/or tan markings. The tan markings may range from light tan to rich chestnut tan. Size 25-30cms (10-12 ins). Substance and weight should be proportionate to height. Neither too coarse nor too refined. Faults Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect upon the health and welfare of the dog and on the dog's ability to perform its traditional work. Note Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum. - Source: Kennel Club UK



AKC Breed Standard

OFFICIAL STANDARD OF THE RUSSELL TERRIER AMERICAN KENNEL CLUB General Appearance: The Russell Terrier is a strong, active, lithe, predominately white bodied working Terrier of character with a flexible body of moderate length and rectangular profile. The overall dog must present a balanced image with no one part exaggerated over another. The Russell Terrier is full of life, and moves with confidence that matches his keen expression. Coat may be smooth, broken or rough and may have tan and/or black markings with no preference for coat type or markings. Tail docking is optional. Size, Substance & Proportion: In size the Russell Terrier measures from 10 inches to 12 inches. Substance and weight should be proportionate to height, being neither too coarse nor too refined. The body is proportioned marginally longer than tall, the silhouette representing a distinct rectangle when measured from the point of shoulder to point of buttocks than from the withers to the ground. The height and weight descriptions indicate a sturdily built yet balanced dog with smooth muscle transitions, able to traverse narrow tunnels. There may be slight differences between males and females. Males should look masculine while females should look feminine. However both sexes must adhere to the breed standard. When viewed in profile the midline of the dog is at the elbow and the bottom of the brisket. Severe Fault - Any hint of achondroplasia. Disqualification - Height under 10 inches or over 12 inches. Head and Neck: The skull is flat and of moderate width gradually decreasing in width to the eyes and then tapering to a wide muzzle, that narrows slightly to the end maintaining very strong jaws. The stop is well defined with minimal falling away under the eyes. The length of muzzle is slightly shorter than the length of the skull from the occiput to the stop. The cheek muscles are well developed. Nose - Black and fully pigmented. Disqualification - Nose any color other than black, not fully pigmented. Ears - Small V-shaped button or dropped ears carried close to the head of good texture and great mobility. The points of the ears are even with corner of the eye and pointed downward. The fold is level with the top of the skull or slightly above and forms a straight line when alert. Disqualification - Prick or semi-prick ears. Eyes - Dark, almond shaped with a keen expression of alertness. Eyes must not be prominent. Eyelid rims are to be fully pigmented black. Disqualifications - Blue eye

or eyes. Bite/Teeth - The bite is a scissor bite with comparatively large teeth. A level bite is acceptable. Missing and broken teeth due to terrier work should not be penalized. The lips are black and are tight fitting. Disqualification - Overshot, undershot, wry mouth. Neck - A clean, strong neck tapering gradually into the withers is required for terrier work. The neck is of sufficient length to allow the terrier’s mouth to extend beyond its forepaws when working. Forequarters: Shoulders are well laid back and not heavily loaded with muscle. The upper arm should be equal or nearly equal to the length of the scapula forming an approximate 90-degree angle. This assembly allows for sufficient length of upper arm to ensure the elbows are set under the body, with the sternum clearly in front of the point of shoulder. Proper reach matched with equal drive allows for efficiency of movement. Forelegs: Forelegs are straight in bone from the elbows to the toes whether viewed from the front or the side with a slight angle to the pastern from the side. Legs are moderately well boned. The depth of the body from the withers to the brisket should equal the length of foreleg from elbows to the ground. Severe Faults: Benched or bent legs, leg length either less/more than the depth of body. Body: The body of the Russell Terrier is proportioned marginally longer than tall, measuring slightly longer from the withers to the root of the tail than from the withers to the ground. The overall presentation is a compact, harmonious rectangular silhouette, in sound athletic condition. From the withers to the bottom of the brisket should represent 50 percent of the distance from the withers to the ground. The brisket should never fall below the elbow. The loins are short, strong and well muscled. The tuck up may be described as moderate. Scars incurred while hunting are not to be penalized. Topline - Level while in motion. There is a slight arch of loin, from muscling that is felt rather than seen. Chest - The small oval shaped, compressible chest is the hallmark of the breed and is the single most important attribute the Russell Terrier must have allowing it to work efficiently below ground. It must be compressible and small enough to be spanned by an average size man’s hands, approximately 14 to 15 inches at the top set. Ribs are to be well sprung from the spine, tapering on the sides forming an oval shape so that average-size hands of an adult can span the girth behind the elbows. The

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AKC Breed Standard chest must never fall below the elbow. Severe Faults - Incorrectly shaped, unspannable, uncompressible chest falling below the elbow. Hindquarters: Muscular and strong; when looking down on the dog, the width of the hindquarters is equal to the width of the shoulders. Angles are equal and balanced front to rear. The hind legs, when viewed from a rear standing position, are parallel. The stifles and low-set hocks are well angulated, allowing for good driving action. Feet: Both front and hind are moderate in size, oval shaped, hard padded with toes moderately arched, turning neither in nor out. Tail: The tail is set high enough so that the spine does not slope down to the base of the tail. Customarily, if docked, the tip of the tail should be level with the top of the ears. When moving or alert, the tail may be straight or with a slight curve forward and is carried erect or gaily. When the dog is at rest, the tail may drop. Movement: Movement must be unrestricted and effortless, while exhibiting an attitude of confidence. The dog must always be exhibited and gaited on a "loose" lead. On the lateral, the dog must exhibit equal reach and equal drive. When moving down and back at slower speeds the dog must parallel track. As speed increases, feet tend to converge toward a centerline of balance. Coat: May be smooth, broken or rough. Must be weatherproof: all coat types have an undercoat and a harsh outer coat. Coats are preferably natural and unaltered. The conformation underneath is the same with no preference being given to any particular coat type. The belly and underside should be well covered. The terrier is shown in its natural coat with minimal grooming. Sculpted furnishings are to be severely penalized. Smooth - A dense short, coarse smooth hair with an undercoat. Broken - Intermediate length hair, between smooth and rough, usually with facial furnishings and possibly a slight ridge down the back. Rough - Harsh and dense hair with an undercoat. Not thin, woolly, curly or silky. Color: White is predominate with black and/ or tan markings. There is no preference to markings so long as the dog remains 51 percent white. Tan can vary from lemon to mahogany. Ticking is acceptable. Disqualification - Less than 51 percent white, brindle coloring, any other color than listed above. Temperament: An alert, lively, active, keen terrier with a very intelligent expression. The sporting character of the Russell Terrier is that of a spirited and game hunter. Their intensity for life is one of their most endearing

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traits. They are playful, curious, loyal and affectionate. Sparring is not acceptable. Faults: The foregoing description is that of the ideal Russell Terrier. Any deviation from the above described dog must be penalized to the extent of the deviation. Disqualifications: Height under 10 inches or over 12 inches. Prick or semi-prick ears. Blue eye or eyes. Overshot, undershot, wry mouth. Nose: Any color other than black, not fully pigmented. Less than 51 percent white, brindle coloring, any other color than listed above. Approved May 2009 Effective January 1, 2010



FCI Breed Standard

JACK RUSSELL TERRIER FCI 05.12.2012 / EN FCI-Standard N° 345 ORIGIN: England. COUNTRY OF DEVELOPMENT: Australia. DATE OF PUBLICATION OF THE OFFICIAL VALID STANDARD: 08.10.2012. UTILIZATION: A good working Terrier with ability to go to ground. An excellent companion dog. FCI-CLASSIFICATION: Group 3 Terriers. Section 2 Small Terriers. Working trial optional. BRIEF HISTORICAL SUMMARY: The Jack Russell Terrier originated in England in the 1800’s due to the efforts of the Reverend John Russell. He developed a strain of Fox Terriers to suit his needs for a dog to run with his foxhounds and go to ground to bolt the fox and other quarry from their dens. Two varieties evolved with basically similar Standards except for differences, mainly in height and proportions. The taller, more squarely built dog is now known as the Parson Russell Terrier and the shorter, slightly longer proportioned do, is known as the Jack Russell Terrier. GENERAL APPEARANCE: A strong, active, lithe working Terrier of great character with flexible body of medium length. His smart movement matches his keen expression. Tail docking is optional and the coat may be smooth, rough or broken. IMPORTANT PROPORTIONS: The overall dog is longer than high, i.e. rectangular. The depth of the body from the withers to the brisket should equal the length of foreleg from elbows to the ground. The girth behind the elbows should be about 40 to 43 cms. BEHAVIOUR / TEMPERAMENT: A lively, alert and active Terrier with a keen, intelligent expression. Bold and fearless, friendly but quietly confident. HEAD CRANIAL REGION: Skull: The skull should be flat and of moderate width gradually decreasing in width to the eyes and tapering to a wide muzzle. Stop: Well defined but not over pronounced. FACIAL REGION: Nose: Black. Muzzle: The length from the stop to the nose should be slightly shorter than from the stop

to the occiput. Lips: Tight-fitting and pigmented black. Jaws/Teeth: Very strong, deep, wide and powerful. Strong teeth closing to a scissor bite. Cheeks: The cheek muscles should be well developed. Eyes: Small dark and with keen expression. Must not be prominent and eyelids should fit closely. The eyelid rims should be pigmented black. Almond shaped. Ears: Button or dropped of good texture and great mobility. NECK: Strong and clean allowing head to be carried with poise. BODY: Back: Level. The length from the withers to the root of tail slightly greater than the height from the withers to the ground. Loin: The loins should be short, strong and deeply muscled. Chest: Chest deep rather than wide, with good clearance from the ground, enabling the brisket to be located at the height midway between the ground and the withers. Ribs should be well sprung from the spine, flattening on the sides so that the girth behind the elbows can be spanned by two hands - about 40 cm to 43 cm. Point of sternum clearly in front of the point of shoulder. TAIL: May droop at rest. When moving should be erect and if docked the tip should be on the same level as ears. LIMBS FOREQUARTERS: Shoulder: Well sloped back and not heavily loaded with muscle. Upper arm: Of sufficient length and angulation to ensure elbows are set under the body. Forelegs: Straight in bone from the elbows to the toes whether viewed from the front or the side. Forefeet: Round, hard, padded, not large, toes moderately arched, turned neither in nor out. HINDQUARTERS: General appearance: Strong and muscular, balanced in proportion to the shoulder. Stifle (Knee): Well angulated. Hock joint: Low set. Metatarsus (Rear pastern): Parallel when viewed from behind while in free standing position.

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FCI Breed Standard Hind feet: Round, hard, padded, not large, toes moderately arched, turned neither in nor out. GAIT / MOVEMENT: True, free and springy. COAT Hair: May be smooth, broken or rough. Must be weatherproof. Coats should not be altered (stripped out) to appear smooth or broken. Colour: White must predominate with black and/or tan markings. The tan markings can be from the lightest tan to the richest tan (chestnut).5 SIZE AND WEIGHT: Ideal Height at the withers: 25 cms to 30 cms. Weight: Being the equivalent of 1 kg to each 5 cms in height, i.e. a 25 cms high dog should weigh approximately 5 kgs and a 30 cms high dog should weigh 6 kgs. FAULTS: Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect upon the health and welfare of the dog and on its ability to perform its traditional work. Lack of true terrier characteristics. Lack of balance, i.e. exaggeration of any points. Sluggish or unsound movement. Faulty mouth. DISQUALIFYING FAULTS: • Aggressive or overly shy dogs. • Any dog clearly showing physical or behavioural abnormalities shall be disqualified. N.B.: • Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum (this expression is obligatory in every standard). • Only functionally and clinically healthy dogs, with breed typical conformation should be used for breeding. • The latest amendments are in bold characters.




These illustrations do not necessarily show the ideal example of the breed.


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FCI Breed Standard

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Name Angelo Romanò Country Italy Email

» Please tell us about yourself. First of all, I’d like to thank you for the opportunity to introduce myself. I’m a simple passionate of Jack Russell Terrier breed and I hope that who is reading this issue will become too. I start my activity as Dog trainer and then have fulfilled my interested in ethology discipline. After some year of experience, I have performed behavior recovery for those dog that need help and for owner how need to learn and manage canine communication. Today I’m breeding and exhibiting Jack Russell Terrier with my wife Veronique, that share with me this wonderful passion. Share interest and exchange opinion every day with someone special is truly amazing.

» Please tell us about your past and present dogs. During my activity as dog trainer I manage from toy to large dogs, but Jack Russell Terrier have a special place in my heart and today we have a lot of small and active dogs with us. I fall in love with this breed when I get the first one in Italy, I have come a long way

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Angelo Romanò

to reach the place where my first Jack wait for me and I was very happy to get it. She was four months old when I got her, she was a good puppy with great intelligence, never seen in other dogs at this early stage. What she could learn was far superior to any other dog I have ever managed. In three months she can learn what other dogs learn in one year, a very smart dog.

» Can you tell us about your Club as an organization? Club Italiano Jack Russell terrier born to help people and breeder to improve their knowledge and to share good times, not only with its members, but with breed passionate. Since is a very young breed type, recognized in 2000 by ANKC, and spread worldwide, we need to preserve every experience we did and every competency we have in order to transfer to the new generation. Events, Campaign, Magazine, Facebook are for us a good way to share

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our knowledge. Having people approaching to this breed make us very happy to do it.

» Please tell us about your involvement in the Club. Being Club Vice-president is a big responsibility in front of each member, but on the other side is a pleasure to work with all people in the staff and side by side with my friend the President. We have also a technical staff that is composed by experienced breeder that allow us to retain and share competencies, and when needed to discuss about breed behavior. Active listening to Club members it’s a priority, like wind that is pushing sailing ship. You can have a job on the ship but without wind the ship doesn’t move, so it’s so important to listen to everyone, they are the engine of the Club.

» In your opinion how does the JRT differ from other breeds?


Angelo Romanò

“A strong, active, lithe working Terrier of great character”, as per breed standard, and I fully agree. Strong with no fear to any animal, and if you have a fox in front of you, there’s no time to be shy. Active in every moment of its life, smart movement it’s a must. “Working Terrier”, that’s right, working! Sometimes we forgot what it was made for, but it’s better to remember that this type of breed was made to hunt, and lot of times he is alone in his dirty job. “… with a keen, intelligence expression”, head and expression is a great and unique characteristic of this terrier. The V form of the ear, the almond shaped dark eyes, the deep wide powerful jaws and a well define stop are part of it and they are well recognisable from other terrier type. Not only a beautiful dog to look at, but a dog with a great quality inside!

» Other than health issues, what are the biggest problems facing

your Club right now? The Club is not facing big problem, recognition by members is the first priority and need to be conquered with fact based activities. Our Club is always looking for young passionate to pursuit in its statement. New generation have different method to communicate each other and different needs, but I strongly believe in them.

» Do you plan to carry on as a judge/exhibitor / breeder? Today I’m spending a lot of effort and time in my role as Club Vice President and devote a lot of time to communicate with people in order to combine our effort in maintaining a good Club health, but in my dream the word “judge” is always present, but let me point out what does it mean to judge. Qualified person to evaluate a dog is a great responsibility, not only in front of the people or breeder, but in front of

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Angelo Romanò

the breed itself. You judge the type of dog that will become the future selection by the breeder, and you have not to fail. You need 360 degree competencies, not only at show level, taking into account morphology, movement and type, but you need competencies on dog behaviour and working level to be able to analyse and to determine dog quality. The interaction of the form and function of the system it was built for make the type of terrier. Not so simple to judge in 10 minutes show ring.

» What do you do for relaxation , what pastimes do you enjoy? Reading dog books is what relaxes me a lot. A book is always a source of pleasure, and source of knowledge. A good book is ton of times better that reading some post in Facebook. I suggest, for the one who have not read yet, a classic book: “Memoir of the Rev. John Russell, and his outof- door life” by E.W.L. Davies (1887), digital copies can be found easily. It’s the first book that chronicles the life of Rev. John Russell and the parallel life as “Hunting Parson”. For a passionate like me it’s a must to start with. Another book that I can suggest is “Working Terriers – Their management training and work etc.” by J.C.Bristow-Noble. It tells about the correct type of working terrier and to identify a good worker. Reading, to me, is always relaxing.

» What is your favourite breed of dog? Of course Jack Russell Terrier, but I like also all terrier breeds. We need to remember that without the terrier selection Jack Russell Terrier breed won’t exist. Small terriers have their origin in fox hunting, but in order to recognize them, when the fox come out of the den, they need a predominant whitebodied terrier. As today the majority of

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Angelo Romanò

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Angelo Romanò

the Jack Russell Terrier differ for the tan and black marking, making it a unique type.

» What do you consider your greatest achievement? As part of the Club, having people on board that share your passion and recognise that you’re doing right, it’s a great achievement, no matter how many event you did, how many article you write or how many time you spend for them.

» Your aim in the world of dogs or wish for the future? The aim is to combine our passion and competencies not to fail again, as for some breed (German Sheppard, Pointer, …). Lesson learnt help to pursuit in a different way to preserve the breed type. Today there are lot of possibilities not to get in the same error and we need to use all. No matter if we spend more times to reach the objective, dog health and wellbeing have to be taken into account, the rest will come.

» Would you like to add something? Ewa, thanks again for this interview. This is a good way to share passion and knowledge and great opportunity to be here to contribute in the success of this breed. Angelo, on behalf of TheDogMagazine we'd like to thank you for this wonderful interview.


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DBF Russell Terriers


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Name Candace Lundin, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine Country USA Affix DBF Russell Terriers Email

My name is Candace Lundin, DVM, MS. My husband, Frank Zureick, and I have bred Jack Russell Terriers, known as Russell Terriers here in the USA, since 2003, under the affix DBF Russell Terriers. DBF stand for Dog Branch Farm though it had nothing to do with our breeding dogs. Our horse farm has a creek running through it called Dog Branch Creek and so our farm was named Dog Branch Farm. Ironically, the farm is on Furr Road and so I guess we were meant to breed dogs here! As a child, I had a Jack Russell cross of some sort, and she was my best friend. Then, as an adult, I became an equine veterinarian in northern Virginia, and JRTs and horses simply go together. Every horse farm owner has a JRT in my area--Middleburg, Virginia, which is known as the fox hunting capital of the country. When we made the decision to breed JRTs, we liked the fact that the JRT was not a kennel club breed in the USA yet, which would give us the opportunity to help shape its development. Frank and I had both devoted our lives—both personal and professional to animals-and so it was a natural transition to breeding JRTs after we got our first one. Our first JRT was from several generations of American “shorty Jack” breeding with roots tracing to Ireland. She was not a show type conformation, but at that time, the JRT was not even being considered for kennel club recognition in the USA. Walnut Creek Shez Eye Candy was our female foundation once the JRTs were moving toward kennel club recognition. She became the top producer in the USA. We co-owned her with Melissa Dodge of

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DBF Russell Terriers


Woodsong Kennel. Candy’s first litter sired by GCH Fransin Jumper in November resulted in pups that went on to become the first male and first female Champions in AKC breed history (CH Dog Branch Farm’s Hez on Top CM and CH DBF Trophy Wife, CM. Candy’s litter sired by multiple BIS winner GCH Goldsands Columbus produced 6 pups, all of which became Champions and 2 of which won Groups 1 and Reserve BIS titles. We now have a variety of Russell Terriers in our breeding program. We have almost as many adult males as females, which is different from most breeders. We try to keep the best from each litter no matter if it’s a male or female. Some of our best breeding dogs never saw the show ring, but were kept because of what they could contribute from both a genotype and phenotype perspective. We have bred 26 AKC Champions/ Grand Champions since 2012 when the breed became recognized in the USA. Currently, we have promising “up and comers” sired by GCH DBF Woodsong of KCR, GCH DBF Stanley Cup, GCH DBF Hart Trophy, CH Trophy Again dell ‘Isola dei Baroni, CH Seven Dwarfs DiSutri, DBF Trust Fund, CH DBF Heisman Trophy, and GCH All Jacks Be Special. We had the first American-bred JRT to ever compete at a World Dog Show and that dog, GCH DBF Stanley Cup, earned the Junior World Winner title in Helsinki, Finland in 2014, and then obtained a 2nd place Excellent in the Champion class the following year in Milan, Italy. Our current male Special, CH DBF Woodsong For Goodness Sake, is just a year old, but he received a Group 3 only the second time he was shown as a Champion and it was right behind the top winning Westie and

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CH DBF Woodsong For Goodness Sake

CH DBF Heisman Trophy


DBF Russell Terriers

CH Monamour Jp Afterglow

CH Talisman DBF Rough Rider

top winning Sealyham in the country. “Sake” has the proportions and angles that we like to see in a Russell Terrier, while having proper movement, a good coat, and outgoing attitude. The Jack Russell Terrier is most similar

to the Parson Russell Terrier, but the JRT should not simply be a smaller version of the Parson. Although the JRT originated in the UK, it was developed as a kennel club breed in Australia. The Parson, however, was developed in the UK. Judges should keep this in mind when looking at overall type. From across the ring, are they able to immediately tell that it is a JRT and not a Parson. The JRT silhouette should have a distinct rectangular appearance, but without a long loin. The JRT is not short legged, but by no means should they have a leggy appearance. Balance and moderation are the key words to describe the Australian-developed JRT. Moderate bone, moderate substance, moderate leg length, and moderate neck length are part of the ideal package. Both JRTs and Parsons are to be spannable, of course, but the JRT may appear to have a larger chest simply because it is a smaller dog overall with legs shorter than the Parson. In the USA, the Russell Terrier (JRT) has only been a recognized kennel club breed since 2012 and so before that, many breeders in the US bred a smaller, shorter-legged, longer-bodied, stockier type whose pedigrees mostly traced back to Ireland. Other breeders belonged to the Jack Russell Terrier Club of America-a club that had JRTs ranging from 25 cm to 38 cm. The JRTCA in the USA is the largest registry for the JRT in the world, but it is not a recognized kennel club and is not part of the American Kennel Club or FCI. It does not separate out the Parsons from the Russell Terriers. The JRTCA prefers to describe JRTs as being a type or strain of working terrier and not a purebred dog. The JRTCA has always been opposed to kennel club recognition-a belief similar to that

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DBF Russell Terriers

which kept the JRT out of the kennel club in the UK until this year. So, the biggest difference in our breed-the Russell Terrier-over the past 10 years has been the introduction of more Australian-line JRTs that fit a more consistent standard. We have a long ways to go before we see a lot of consistency in the show ring, but that’s okay. We don’t want to rush it and end up with cookie-cutter dogs all tightly inbred to each other. The Russell Terrier was fully accepted into the American Kennel Club in July 2012. For a few years before that, and for at least 5 years after, the kennel club registration books will remain open, which means that this is an opportunity to introduce new genotypes into the population. Once registration books close on a breed, we are stuck with that gene pool only, and so we need to start from a nicely sized genetic pool. So, one of our primary goals here at DBF Russell Terriers has been to bring new JRTs into the kennel club population of Russell Terriers in the USA. It might take 1 to 3 extra generations to get to a nice show conformation JRT when starting with some old American lines or other non-Aussie-line dogs, but we think it will be worth it in the long run---worth it for the breed population as a whole, even if it’s not the fastest way to improve an individual kennel’s breeding program. Additionally, JRT breeders need to work on a few aspects that seem to have gotten worse in recent years. We must watch that the forelimbs are set back under the body of the dog so that there is a long upper arm matched with good shoulder layback. Our hind leg angulation is good but it has become too common for JRTs to move cow-hocked when movement is viewed from behind. Ears have gotten larger and some ear sets

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GCH DBF Hart Trophy

DBF Woodsong of KCR



DBF Russell Terriers

GCH DBF The Good Wife

are dropping. We need to be careful to not end up with hound ears. We also need to guard against losing a good stop on the head and long muzzles or we will shift toward the Fox Terrier look. Toplines should be level. We are seeing some dogs with toplines sloping down toward the rear, such as in a German Shepherd Dog. This might be the result of over-angulation or sickle hocks. Breeders are doing a pretty good job at maintaining color and pigment although brown eye rims, as opposed to black, is something to watch out for. DBF Russell Terriers has helped introduce the bicolour black and white dog into the show population by crossing black/white American JRTs with the tan/white Australian lines. We then exported bicolour black/white males to Norway (DBF Foxfield Jacks’R’us Powhaten with Ann Mari Nordahl and DBF Foxfield Jackystyle SaltnPepper with Merethe Nielsen) and Greece (Talisman DBF Black Diamond with Lina Petsiti).

Because the JRT is a relatively young breed around the world, a ring of JRTs can vary a lot in the style of dogs shown. So, it is important for judges to not get too hung up on minor faults at this time. We want a judge who will put overall balance and type as their first priority. The Russell Terrier is not to be simply a small Parson. A judge should step back and look at the dog as a silhouette before stepping up to the table for the detailed exam. This is especially important for outdoor shows that may have rings in the grass, because looking at smaller dogs in long grass gives the overall wrong picture. We also like to see a judge that can evaluate movement correctly. As an equine veterinarian who spent a large proportion of my practice evaluating horse movement, I know that one must develop an eye for the subtleties when it comes to movement. It is not always easy. JRTs can look very cute if they have quick staccato motions and lifting front legs, but that is not a correct gait for the breed. JRTs should have reach and drive. The extension at the shoulder should match the extension at the stifle. Forward reach should equal hind kickback. Those are our top two judging qualities---an ability to see type and movement. We have been fortunate to work with other breeders who share a passion for our breed. These are breeders who want to share bloodlines around the world and have an eye for both the good and poor aspects of every dog while putting personal ego aside. It has worked well for us to lease foreign stud dogs each year as well as having our own. We have hosted various wonderful males here at DBF Russell Terriers over the past 4 years since AKC recognition. Each dog and his owner/breeder have influenced us and

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DBF Russell Terriers

our breeding program in some way. We want to thank these breeders for their generosity: Janette & Kelly Scott, Australia, who loaned us Foxscott Jack Eaze Up Turbo; Monica Fonzo, Italy, who sent us All Jacks Be Special and now All Jacks Wind N’ Wood; Kao Miichi, Japan, who loaned us Monamour Moonlight Serenade and Monamour Rainbow Blossom; Irina Moskaleva, Russia, who sent Trophy Again dell ‘Isola Dei Baroni for a visit; and Joelle Hisleur, France, who sent Seven Dwarfs DiSutri. We look forward to many more partnerships with these breeders as well as with others. One thing that had really helped us as breeders and which gives us the opportunity to explore various crosses is that we had already developed an excellent reputation with pet buyers before the JRT was recognized by the American Kennel Club. Thus, we had a big network of families waiting for pups and did not have to worry that we wouldn’t have homes for all that we bred. We don’t need to advertise on pet websites or place advertisements outside of simply having our own website and a presence on social media. We have many repeat buyers and a network of referrals. We usually have a waiting list for pet pups, which affords us the ability to be picky on what we choose to call “show potential”. Our pet owners stay in contact. We love the Christmas cards of our Russells dressed in Santa outfits and the summer holiday photos of our Russells on boats. Because of the animal rights agenda, breeders have become almost ashamed of breeding pets and so some breeders tend to try and place every pup in the litter in a show home even if the quality is not there. We must not fall prey to the propaganda of animal rights extremists. Breeders provide a good service

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Seven Dwarfs DiSutri

JWW GCH DBF Stanley Cup



DBF Russell Terriers

by producing healthy, well socialized puppies to pet homes and offering lifelong advice/assistance to those puppy buyers—something the buyer would not get from a pet store. If there were enough responsible breeders providing pet pups, the pet stores would be put out of business. Shelters would be empty because a good breeder will always accept one of their dogs back if

circumstances change for the owner. We microchip all of our pups and include our name and contact information as backup. We would like to thank TheDogMagazine for the opportunity to introduce readers to our kennel and for the opportunity to showcase the wonderful Jack Russell Terrier.

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Alma Libre




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Name Lina Petsiti Country Greece Affix Alma Libre, GR 017/08 www

Hello, my name is Lina Petsiti and together with my fiancé Ilias Sofronas we breed Jack Russell terriers. Our kennel name is Alma Libre ( and we have been breeding since 2008 under FCI (GR017/08). We chose this particular breed because we feel that it most compliments our characters and way of living. We love that they are very playful with a lot of energy and don't get bored or tired easily. Also, because of their size we can take them everywhere we go and we do just that. I began breeding out of the desire to give back what I could to the breed that I love so much. Nothing would please me more than if I could contribute something positive that would strengthen the breed and take it one step further. When I was much younger I would regularly go horseback riding and compete. I was introduced to the breed through horseback riding as many who owned horses also had Jack Russells. Thus, my love affair with the Jack Russell began. My first pure bred Jack Russell was Milo 11 years ago. He was everything I could have ever wanted in a Jack Russell and a dog in general and still is to this day. Two years after Milo came Ziria and the rest as they say is history. What I treasure most about my present day dogs as well as all my previous is their very nice characters and true terrier temperament. These are two very important and fundamental things we look for in our dogs. For us, health comes first. Our breeding

Crazy Crys Special Sofia

program focuses first on the best possible health for our dogs. We have tried and continue to try to produce healthy dogs first and foremost. Through many various tests DNA and others we look to minimize health issues for future generations. Also, very important is that through our breeding we attempt to produce dogs with more correct proportions, expression and ears that are v-shaped and that end properly at the outside corner of the eye. And of course a true terrier temperament. Who is the foundation of your breeding? Milo, of course!


Jack Russells differ from other breeds

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Alma Libre

Happy Feet Alma Libre

with their explosive character and intelligent expression and how quickly and easily they understand and learn. Yes, there most certainly are differences. From my experience unfortunately some bloodlines today do not anymore produce true terrier temperament. Character has become very soft more suitable for a dog that sits on the couch all day. The Jack Russell is a working terrier as stated in the breed standard and should be lively and alert while of course also being a great companion dog. Today, one can see that there are many dogs that through breeding and grooming look more like a perfect porcelain doll than the working terrier that it should be. Also, a major problem exists with many dogs and their ear shape and set often being too long more like a hounds ears.

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Harley Davidson Alma Libre

I am sure all breeders will agree that the perfect dog does not exist. In my view what makes a great dog are health first, temperament second and then of course morphology. For me and for what I want to see in a Jack Russell the best example of the the breed that I have bred so far and that I am most proud of is Kahlua. What I am most proud of so far with our breeding is the emphasis that we give on producing the healthiest possible dogs. We attempt to accomplish this by conducting a large number of various health tests. Some of these tests are done yearly at the Vet while others are done only at a specialist or through DNA testing where saliva samples are taken and sent to various laboratories in Europe and the United


Alma Libre

Leggo Alma Libre

States for analysis. Also very significant is that we take very much into account and attempt to breed dogs with very good characters, not aggressive or shy and that easily get along with other animals and children. A sound foundation that you can build on. So, once again health comes first, then character and finally morphology. You should love and show respect for what you do always keeping in mind what is best for the breed. There are many wonderful people who have in their own way contributed significantly with their advice, generosity and kindness to me as a person, a friend and a breeder. Two people especially stand out in my mind because we have come closer

Magic Alma Libre

not only as fellow breeders but more importantly as friends. I feel they are like sisters to me. They are Livia Romeiro from Hunter Dream Kennel in Brazil and Małgorzata Tymanska from Z ledulandu kennel in Poland. With Małgorzata I am very proud to say that under her kennel name were born the 4th generation Alma Libre Jack Russells! My greatest achievement I feel is that I have accomplished to produce dogs of my breeding with the type that I want to see. Also important and great source of pride are all the wonderful people who have become owners of our dogs. They are all family to us and we keep in contact regularly and as difficult as it sometimes is and difficult to believe, we do meet often in person. In Finland alone over the last 3 years we must have visited our dogs and their

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Alma Libre

Kahlua Alma Libre

Jarkko Alma Libre

owners at least 6 or 7 times. Objectivity is the quality that I most look for in a judge. To be knowledgeable of the breed to be sure but also to be able to find the faults as well as the positive points in my dogs. To be kind and gentle with my dogs and to show them respect and to me as well. We pride ourselves in being honest in what we do. We are honest when speaking with other breeders as well as potential owners. We purposely make it difficult for someone to obtain a dog from us because we want to be as sure as possible that our dogs will be loved and looked after with their new owners just as much as if they were to live their lives with us. We stand by everything we do and our dogs as well. We are at the side of the new owner for life and for anything and everything that may be needed.

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Ziria (Gladiator Ica)



Alma Libre

Emerson Alma Libre

Tinkerbell Alma Libre

In the world we live in today where everyone it seems has their eyes fixed to a computer screen or a mobile phone screen it is extremely important I feel that one has a strong on-line presence. The website should be well designed and easily understood so as to excite and inspire the visitor while providing all the relevant information that one may be looking for. I would like very much to thank Ewa Larsson and THEDOGMAGAZINE for giving me this opportunity to speak about the Jack Russell terrier which I love so very much.

Milo (GRAND GR.CH., GR.CH., V.GR.CH. Bartina Hegyi Ata)

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Name Livia Romeiro Country Brazil Affix Hunter Dream Email /

» Please introduce yourself and your kennel to our readers, and tell us why this particular breed. My name is Lívia Romeiro, I’m a veterinarian and a Jack Russell breeder since 2008. Hunter Dream Dog Kennel was created to offer dogs with typical temperaments and characteristics of the breed. We breed respectfully and seriously.

» What made you want to be a dog breeder in the first place? I have always been interested by the history of the development and typical characteristics of the dog breeds. And, seeing many of the on the way to the loss of identity, I started working with the dog breed that I had more affinity with


» How did you get introduced to this breed? I started to study many of the breed standards, about the temperament and development history of the breed. I got informed about the specific health of the breed and their daily care for the maintenance of the dogs physical and psychological health. After that I researched for exemplar dogs that pleased me and their bloodlines. At this moment I knew exactly what I needed to look for to start my team.


» Please tell us about your past and present dogs.

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Livia Romeiro

I had excellent dogs at the beginning, as well as dogs of inferior quality. Initially we made a few mistakes, with which we enhanced our experience. Nowadays the errors are other details, but the quality of the dog increased over the years. My current dogs have exactly the kind of breed that most pleases me and provides exemplars that make their owners proud.

» What improvements do you want to bring to the breed with your breeding programme? I have been working to fix Jack Russell’s terries smooth coat typical and quality characteristics. This type of coat isn’t well crafted as broken coat dogs. Through mates with typical dogs, their characteristics have been more defined in each litter.

» Which dog do you consider to be the foundation of your breeding program? The dog I consider been the founder of my breeding is a female. Her name was Chiara AML and was acquired from another breeder when she was 4 years old. Chiara didn’t have any puppy with an inferior quality. All of her next generation had excellent temperament and typical characteristics. Many of them turned to be stud dogs and bitches of other dog kennels around the country. One of her daughters is still in our kennel, passing over her mom’s and dad’s characteristics to her descendants.

Chiara AML

» How does JRT differ from other breeds? Our work is very concerned about the quality of life of our puppies and clients. We don’t want to sell puppies that brings problems or frustrations to their new families. Therefore, we try to fit the puppy to their best family. To do that we need to know very well the

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Sweet Gabby of Hobbit Hill



Livia Romeiro

dog we raised and the profile of every client. Not only that, health is also another very important point, because no one wants to be emotionally damaged by their sick puppy.

» Do you see any difference in JRT of today compared to the JRT of 10 years ago? If so, what are the biggest differences you see? Definitely Jack Russell Terrier’s development have gone a long way to evolution and standardization of the breed. It is still far from being a breed with well-defined and typical characteristics, but some of them, that marked this development, is their now more harmonious body proportion and the shape of their heads and ear inserts.

» What in your opinion makes a perfect dog? The perfect dog is still far from becoming true. He would be characterizes no only by the breed standards, but would also pass over these characteristics, passing their best qualities to their puppies. A perfect dog not only is the one that pleases the eyes, but one that pleases the eyes and can pass over these marvelous qualities.

Hunter Dream Td Doki

those who are starting breeding?

Here in Brazil we still have a big problem with the lack of standadization of the breed. One of my biggest accomplishments was to fiz the type of the breed that most pleases me and having brought excellent results to the market and to my client’s houses. This fixation wasn’t being considered, but today many animals have the face of my kennel and I’m really proud of that.

I think that looking for defined criteria is the most important. Without it you start to breed dogs disorderly, since you don’t know what to expect from each puppy that is born. Knowing the dog you would like to have, you can define the best mates, as well as the dog you will want to you breeding team. Not only that, it is really important to always consider where your puppy is being taken and in which conditions he will live. We can’t forget that we are creating lifes and that we are totally responsible for them.

» What advice would you give to

» Who has been your greatest

» What do you consider to be your greatest achievement as a breeder?

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Livia Romeiro

influence or inspiration in breeding/as a breeder and in what way? One of my biggest inspirations is a Brazilian retriever breeder, because of his ways of dealing with his dogs, his kennel’s physical structure, besides his ideas that are a lot like mine. He has done an excellent work for the breed and was one of my biggest exemples.

» What is the biggest highlight in your career as a breeder? The international recognition, no doubt it was one of the higher steps of my carries, besides, of course, of the recognition here in Brazil. I believe that the visibility is very important to the dissemination of our ideals and our work.

GI Joe of Alma Libre

» You actively show your dogs. What qualities do you admire most in a judge? Yes, I present my dogs in shows since the first year of breeding. Since the breed is still in development, there is still only a few judges with knowledge about the breed. I believe that one of the best qualities of a judge is manage no get influenced by their personal tastes ans judging the dogs impartially.

» What are your efforts put into in order to build a great reputation (besides the dogs)?

Junglejacks Princess Peach

I always keep in contact with my new puppy parents and receive updates and pictures from them etc etc I tell all my clients I sell lifetime advice and that the puppy is a simple gift. I only like, I also ask them to keep in touch with me to ask questions, because most times their doubts are ordinary to the breed or even any dog. This way I can orient them to what is best to do to diminish the stress to both.

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Jackland Alice



Livia Romeiro

Thanks a lot for this opportunity!!!!

June's power of the Arissells

Karma of Alma libre

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· IS S UE 06/ 2016


Name Małgorzata Tymańska Country Poland Affix Z Ledulandu Email

Z Ledulandu

» Please introduce yourself and your kennel to our readers, and tell us why this particular breed. My name is Małgorzata Tymańska, I live in Poland, I breed under the kennel name "Z Ledulandu". In October 2016, I am celebrating 10 years of having a kennel and celebrate this wonderful journey with Jack Russel Terriers. Why Jack Russell Terrier? It's simple because to me Jacks are small humans.... I understand and admire these dogs for their character and personality. I identify with them and as they I also love people.

» What made you want to be a dog breeder in the first place? I am a passionate breeder. I breed to share a passion with other people, with breeders, with breed lovers around the world and people who love animals, because I love animals!. By profession I am a teacher of physical education. I “Inject” youth physical activity. I myself am a very active person and therefore to accompany me in my life style I chose active dogs.

» How did you get introduced to this breed? I was fascinated by a bitch imported from New Zealand by my friend. I was taken by her character, her lovely coat color, character and temperament. I wanted to have a Jack like that. Systematically I gained knowledge about the breed needed in breeding and learned from their mistakes. I gained knowledge and experience on breeding, care, nutrition etc. After a few years I was able to breed a Jack which

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Z Ledulandu

Walk at the beach.

Joko Z Lasku Gdańskiego - it's time for sport!


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Z Ledulandu Amore Lusie with my daughter Julia



Z Ledulandu

The fruit of cooperation with kennel Alma Libre in Greece

so reminded me of that female I met, my own Ledulandu Amore Lusia. And so it all began...

» Please tell us about your past and present dogs. My dogs are very important to me! I get very emotional when I think of them. Everyone is different and unique and with each of them I have a gorgeous tie. My beloved dog, the first import from Fnland is Yhenjyty Juuri Muga. Juuri Muga means "this is it!" Jalmari is my friend, faithful companion hiking and various adventures. He will grow old by my side.... An unusual bond I feel I have with Bamby, which I reared from her birthher mother passed away. Bamby and I understand each other without words. My dream is Lusia (which I have mentioned already above). She is beautiful, smart and very active female and she gives the best cuddles.

In my heart a special place as well hae all the dogs that come to us from other breeders and kennels: Rap, Alan, Daki, Aiko, Mascha, Ivy. Ivy, came to us from Greece, she arrived pregnant and gave birth in my kennel in Poland, and gave birth to the first in Poland black and white puppy. With the arrival of Ivy Alama Libre I have gained fresh blood in my breeding, but most importantly I have gained a wonderful friendship with Lina Petsiti (Kennel Alma Libre) .In the picture are our children

» What improvements do you want to bring to the breed with your breeding programme? All features of the JRT , according with the standard for me are very important with an emphasis on beautiful, intense color meanings. Therefore, I wanted to own a black & white JRT in my breeding too. In addition to excellent physical health, I try to make ensure myJacki

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Z Ledulandu


Bamby and her offspring: Litter C With Ledulandu Bamby & Benjamin Jack`s Town

My white and black Jack Russell Terrier

have an excellent terrier personality.

» Which dog do you consider to be the foundation of your breeding program? For me, the queen mother is Bamba . She passed onto her children qualities on which are important and wanted by me , among other things the color. The female has a great personality. I love her!

» How does JRT differ from other breeds? Jack Russell Terrier is versatile! It is distinguished by the willingness and ease

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1st place in the dogtreking competition Jalmari and Lola.

of learning by which establishes a unique relationship with his owner. Jack is not big, but brave and suitable rescue work and special services, one of my puppies accompanies a girl with diabetes and is trained to serve as a "diabdog" . Jack Russell Terrier is a hunting breed and due to it's body shape the JRT


Z Ledulandu

Meeting with the owners of my puppies.

meets the requirement perfectly! My dogs have the opportunity to check up on trying a recruitment hunting dogs. I run a lot with my dogs. I used to regularly take part in the competition called "dogtreking", now I do it in my spare time, I know that my dogs want to work with me.

» Do you see any difference in JRT of today compared to the JRT of 10 years ago? Yes, I can see the difference, but I try not follow the trends and fashion for stylized JRT. These dogs should retain their functional characteristics. Have proportions in a rectangle as stated in the breed standard, and not a square which is now becoming a trend.

» If so, what are the biggest differences you see? Short, with strong bones, often exceeds the characteristics of the breed. You can see it well on exhibitions of dogs .But breeding is very difficult and takes time. I do not know whether I have the right to answer this ques-

tion, because maybe, and even I am convinced of this, I do not have an ideal representative of the breed from my kennel.

» What in your opinion makes a perfect dog? In Jack Russell Terrier the most important are the proportions. Very important is the movement. We love Jacks for their character, so it is a very important feature too! For me, color is important too and a good coat.

» What do you consider to be your greatest achievement as a breeder? My greatest achievement are my dogs! I do not have spectacular achievements of the exhibition, but I have many friends all over the world just as fascinated by the Jack Russell Terrier like I am. Yes, these dogs and these people are the greatest treasure one can have!!!


» What advice would you give to those who are starting breeding?

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Z Ledulandu

To be a breeder you have to have a sense of empathy for animals. You have to respect them, accept and dedicate them completely .A breeder in the first place should meet their needs and secondly his own needs. A Breeder should be a protector for his animals and support their animals and not as a collector .Because, it often leads to overcrowding and deterioration of conditions.

» Who has been your greatest influence or inspiration in breeding/as a breeder and in what way? Many breeders have been and still are an inspiration to me. I have great satisfaction to be friends with the best breeders in Poland. I appreciate Kaja Kaminska (Drapichrust) that she very willingly shares her many years of experience with me. I would like to thank Henryk Dreszer (Jacksclan) fir all the advice supported by tests he has given me .As well I appreciate other Polish breeders with more and less experience. I have had the honour to meet breeders from other countries too. In many cases we have never met in real life but there does not go a day without exchanging messages and communications. Thanks to the friendship of Lina Pestsiti I made a lot of progress in breeding and realized his dream of owning a black and white Jack. With Lina there are so many things with connects us and things we have in common that we treat each other as if we were blood sisters. In the recent past Lina is my biggest inspiration and she still is my friend.

» What is the biggest highlight in

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Julia my daugher all our family loves animals

your career as a breeder? You probably think that the spectacular show success? ! Not for me, because I know that for various reasons I will never achieve what I would like to achieve .For me the most important in breeding is the dog and that he or she will get a decent life . Both in my house as also in the homes of my buyers of puppies, which I would like to take the opportunity and greet here! When I think of my dogs I get all emotional, when I think of show achieve-


Z Ledulandu

ments and success, I feel nothing! What is important is the Jack Russell Terrier, because..... Jack is a small human...

» You actively show your dogs. What qualities do you admire most in a judge? I also show their dogs at shows. I always try to do it well, and the time of preparation for the show this time our work together and build a good human- dog contact. When I go into the ring I'm not afraid of my dog, because I know that I will not disappoint you , but I'm afraid often assess a judge , which is subjective and you need to reconcile with her. I would add that Poland assessment of the dog is important because it determines the possibility of using a dog / bitch for breeding. In many countries simply pedigree and assessment of breeders, and with us it is different. It kind of difficulty, but to overcome I personally do not choose judges, which go with your dog, but remembers the class and manners, respectful of the issuer and his dog. I like it when the judge from the description I can learn and know something about the breed.

» To these who think of starting breeding. What advice you would give to someone who wants to become a breeder? You have to be kind and sensitive human. Many things we could learn from the dogs... Breeding dogs is unpredictable and difficult. It is not only the puppies which smell of milk, but also a great responsibility for living creatures. It is often death, to which one must be able to accept or make a decision about it! Breeding is not interest but the daily dose of different emotions. The sense of empathy and responsibility should characterize anyone who

wants to be a breeder.

What are your efforts put into in order to build a great reputation (besides the dogs)? My puppy buyers puppies are the best verifiers of my kennel. They judge me after the time when, in their home grows Jack Russell Terrier. They will find that baggage of experiences in which I try to equip the puppy will affect the puppy in their home and lives. For my part, I seek contact. I organize meetings, which come my dog children. In the course of writing I received a text message about the tragic accident that killed a dog of my kennel ... he had only a year. At such news as I wait, because they are part of the world around us. The only thing I can do and then do it encourages desperate owners, and the sight of my tears flow. But back to the topic just by contact with people sharing their passion built up the image of a breeder, but above all human.

» How important is it for a breeder to have an online presence nowadays? Web presence is very important!!! Thanks to the activities on the website, social media, we have the opportunity to show their passion .. important thing is that e - mail . I do not know about this at all, but I know that reliable information on the web is a guarantee of success.

» Would you like to add something? Thank you very much for the opportunity to get all emotional when responding to your questions. For showing me the trust. The emotions I experience here make me believe that what I do makes sense! I hope that everyone who reads this will join the lovers and admirers of the breed Jack Russell Terrier.

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Name Satu Kovanen Country Finland Affix Suakkunan email


» Please introduce yourself and your kennel to our readers, and tell us why this particular breed. I am a 55 year old woman from Eastern Finland, I live in a city called Joensuu. By profession I am a special class teacher. My family consists of my husband and two adult sons. The boys have already moved away from home. I breed Jack Russell terriers. It is a small and powerful dog. It's size makes it easy to take with me for many different hobbies . My favourite hobbies are agility and dog shows. My kennel name is Suakkunan. It comes from the Karelian language and it is derived from my own name. My first name is Satu and in English it means Fairytail.

» What made you want to be a dog breeder in the first place? I have a good and functional dogs. It is a good counter balance to the heavy for my work.

» How did you get introduced to this breed? When I was younger, I had the horses. I went to the riding stables . There I have met the first Jack Russells . Their liveliness and cheerfulness made a great impression on me, I was hooked.

» Please tell us about your past and present dogs. My first dog was a fox terrier. After that came labrador retriever. I needed a smaller dog, which is why I bought my first Jack Russell in 1993. Another russel entered my life in 1996. These dogs were behind my first jack russell's litter in 1986.

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Today I have four Russells at home. All of them are champions of many countries. The oldest dog is also an agility champion. In addition, I have approx. 30 Russell co-owned or I have the dog and it lives whit my friends. The dogs we have imported to Finland from Australia, Greece, Ukraine, Russia, Italy, Denmark, Sweden and Norway.

I have two different breeding bitches. Both are important. If the second line of the diseases can be found, so I can continue with the other line. My first bitch is Riikola Mieletönmelinda and her daughter Riikola Illusia. The other bitch is Boldandbrainy Busy Lizzy and her daughter Suakkunan Ravei Ranya and Suakkunan Pizar Pelagia.

» What improvements do you want to bring to the breed with your breeding programme?

In my opinion is not in favor of the processing work that the processing is based on only one dog.

I would hope that all of Russell 's eyes and knees examined also older than the age of two. In addition, I would hope that would be russel of lumbar x-rays, spondylosis and hips. They have revealed a surprising number of problems, even if the dog is a small Jack Russell.

» How does JRT differ from other breeds?

» Which dog do you consider to be the foundation of your breeding program?

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Russells are small dogs, with whom you can do what you want and take the dog everywhere with you which you can't always do with large dogs with Russells you can practice what you want. It adapts to the perseverance many pursuits.

» Do you see any difference in Jack Russells of today compared



to the Jack Russells of 10 years ago? If so, what are the biggest differences you see? Smooth hairy Jack Russells have decreased. Also, the hospital happy traits are almost entirely disappeared. In dogs, there is no longer such a heavy chest and front legs are straight. Also, the personality of the dogs is more social.

What in your opinion makes a perfect dog? In nature, open and brave, but still friendly and trusting. Its magnificent and noble posture, as well as light traction step.

» What is the best example of the breed that you have bred till now? The breed can be found in many beautiful dogs. Their nature, but I do not know. My dogs are the best Suakkunan Ravei Rurik and Suakkunan Pizar Pelagia. They move around the beautiful , the texture is good, and their temperament is right.

» What do you consider to be your greatest achievement as a breeder? Many families have received a lovely Russell. Cooperation with them is great. Effectively the great achievements still look forward to. Is it the agility or dog shows?

» What advice would you give to those who are starting breeding? You should ask about and listen to other breeds, breeders opinions. It is the courage to leave boldly to use the dog for breeding, which you may not itself does not. Make the litter, so that you want all the puppies just for yourself.


» Who has been your greatest influence or inspiration in

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breeding/as a breeder and in what way? My family is number one. I do a lot of cooperation between Finnish breeders, as well as with foreign breeders. The most impressive are the counsel of my kennel Chic Choix Juha Kares , Jack Russell breeders kennel Riikolan Kati Partanen, kennel Boldandbrainy Stina Jansson, kennel Ganiodayo Petra Äyräs, kennel Jack Lee Karoliina Nuutinen and kennel Sadan Salaman Minna Pelander , as well as many other dog friends. I can ask many difficult questions. I can use their males for breeding. We go owner many dogs together.

» What is the biggest highlight in your career as a breeder? My biggest highlight was when my first own breeder russel became Finnish Champion and when my dog came to her agility champion. Also the first litter born for my kennel has been the stuff of memories. You actively show your dogs. What qualities do you admire most in a judge? I hope that judges can be friendliness and peacefulness of the dog and the handler. Little humor is not a bad thing in the ring. Fairness is also important.

» What are your efforts put into in order to build a great reputation (besides the dogs)? I organize a lot of training and puppy meeting with puppies owner to know each other. It is also easy to discuss the problems and joys. Also held a joint health checks. Trim and instruct self bred dog owners to treat the dog's coat for yourself. If necessary, is also available quite easily if questions or problems arise.

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» How important is it for a breeder to have an online presence nowadays? I have my own FB pages and website. The dogs owners are constantly aware of eg. Training or illnesses.

» Would you like to add something? A big thanks to all of you. This was a great honor and trust me.



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Goran Gladić was born 28 March 1964 in Sremska Mitrovica (Yugoslavia, Serbia). He graduated from the School of Electrical Engineering Nikola Tesla. In his youth he was a DJ or rock guitarist in various rock groups. More than 20 years he worked as an officer in the National Bank of Yugoslavia. Professionally he began to deal with Dogs 1986. He was a member of the Kennel Club “Leget”, then the founder of the Kennel Club “Sirmium” in his hometown. He was Secretary, Vice President and President over many years. He worked on 20 National exhibitions. He helped other clubs societies in organization of exhibition too. He was a correspondent and journalist magazines My Dog and ZOV. He has written many scripts on maintenance and grooming of fur in dogs. His kennel INVISIBLE TOUCH there since 1992 and registered with the FCI 3282. The first Scottish Terrier is CH Rosemary of Invisible Touch 1990 Before that Goran had the German boxer of yellow and black English cocker spaniel. Love of dogs has stimulated his grandfather Mr.Emil Gladic who had German hunting Terriers, German Shepherd Dog and Fox Terrier. Goran has produced 17 home-grown champions like many around the world

as well. In the period 1990-2015 kennel INVISIBLE TOUCH had close to 150 puppies who have found their new owners all over the world. Goran became international Dog judge in 2002. Since then she has judged many specialized, national and international exhibitions of dogs of all races in 22 states. By 2015, Goran is expert for FCI groups 2, 3, 8 and 9. He is BIS judge as group judge too.

GORAN GLADIĆ Judge Rank: International Licence: FCI II, FCI III, FCI VIII, FCI IX Phone: +381606112340 E mail:

This is a list of countries where he judging in period 2002 – 2015: Germany, France, Nederland, Belgium, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Poland, Latvia, Russia, Hungary, Italy, Ireland, Gibraltar, San Marino, Spain, Morocco, Austria, Switzerland, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Norway, Canada, South Africa and Serbia. Goran judge from 2002 to 2015, but the best example of this would be a constant calls continuously 15-20 very important exhibitions during the calendar year.


In addition, Goran is a professional Dog Groomer. Goran is the founder and president of the Scottish Terrier Club of Serbia and was more than ten years a member of the Board of Kennel Club of Serbia.

Suzanne Pattyn I started breeding the Parson Russell Terrier in 1991under the kennel name "Suzans Pride". The cornerstone of my kennel was a dog from the UK bred by George Simpson, Howlbeck Percy Special. The love of my life; I actually went to collect another Parson which George had picked out for me but fell in love with "Hawie" so after much discussion went back to Belgium with both. I have bred over a 100 National Champions, 12 European Champions, 18 World Champions, 7 Res World Champions, in my breed the Parson Russell Terrier, plus the first ever World Winner in the Jack Russell Terrier.

I am an Official FCI Judge for the Jack Russell Terrier, Parson Russell Terrier, Fox Terrier Wire and Smooth, Cairn Terrier, Border Terrier and West Highland White Terrier.

Judge Breeder

I have judged the Parson Russell at CAC and CACIB level in Belgium, Holland and Italy and will judge the PRT at the Terriershow at the World Show Helsinki. I have also judged the Jack Russell in Belgium, Finland and Italy. Jack Russells and Parson Russel Terriers


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