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July 2016

EDITOR Ewa Larsson LAYOUT DESIGN Snežka Kuralt ADVERTISING DESIGN Ewa Larsson Giota Bouranta Snežka Kuralt INFO: info@

HI, Our goal with this magazine is to promote responsible breeding and dog ownership and to encourage ethical conduct and responsible breeding of purebred dogs. Our vision is to help promote responsible pet ownership and improve the quality of life of every dog show dog or pet. We make it our goal to provide the most up to date and honest

information every dog owner should know.

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I first started to be seriously involved in Cynology, when I bought my first Rhodesian ridgeback (Cubo) from breeder Mr. Andrej Fister – Kyala kennel. Since I had had a ridgeback, I wanted to spent some time and communicate with people who own the same breed. So I became involved and was one of the founding members of Club of Rhodesian ridgeback Slovenia. I was chief of organization of our first special show for Rhodesian ridgebacks in Slovenia. The show entered more than 50 dogs, which was a very nice number for such a small country. We even got Mr. Hans Mueller as a judge, for our first club show, even though the show was not CAC awarded. Soon after, I began my apprenticeship for a Cynology judge, and in January 2011 I acquired a license to judge Rhodesian ridgebacks. My name is Ewa Larsson, Britisher Show Bulldogs we are situated in Canterbury, England. My kennel was established in 1992. My bulldogs live with me inside my house and are raised in a loving environment as one of the family. I believe this approach is reflected in the behaviour of my dogs. Health, a correct temperament and dogs of the highest quality are my goal. Between Spring 2006 and Autum 2015, I was on the Bulldog Club Inc committee. The Bulldog Club Inc is the oldest Bulldog club in the world, and holds the prestigious Bulldog of the Year Show. I am a Bulldog Breed Specialist Judge currently on “ B” list.

I currently own two Rhodesian ridgebacks Cubo and Cana. Cubo, his pedigree name is Myollnir Kyala, is one of the most successful show ridgebacks in Slovenia and has always makes me proud. He is eight years old now and he is calm and mostly a gentleman. Cana (Dikeledi Ayaba) is our female ridgeback, 6 years old; she brings joy to my life with her silly stunts and happy nature. Cana was imported from Croatia, from Ayaba kennel. In my free time I make small products for dog owners, mostly for Rhodesian ridgeback lovers and do different graphic designs for all breeds.


I am member of : The Bulldog Club Incorporated, The London Bulldog Society, The South of England Bulldog Society, The Junior Bulldog Club. My affix “ Britisher” is derived from a noun Brit·ish·er which stands for: “An Englishman- a subject or inhabitant of Great Britain”. Since 2001, I work as a graphic and web designer. Please feel free to visit my websites. ||

My name is Giota Bouranta and I live in Athens, Greece. I have studied photography at AKTO, Art and Design college. For more than 12 years I work as a professional Dogs photographer. I cooperate with Kennel Clubs, breeds Clubs, working clubs, breeders, trainers and pet owners. A special part of my photos and my heart belongs to the Dobermann breed. It is a great pleasure and honor for me to photograph as a member of the authorized photographers' team 8 times the IDC Sieger Show (the World Championship of Dobermanns) and 7 times the Italian Dobermann Championship, the prestigious Campionato AIAD. Dogs' photography for me is enthralling, capturing wonderful moments of the relationship between humans and their best friend, highlighting in all its glory the beauty and charm of the dog, reminding its contribution to humanity and how respectfully dogs should be treated.

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OFFICIAL STANDARD OF DOGO ARGENTINO AMERICAN KENNEL CLUB General Appearance: Molossian normal type, mesomorphic and macrothalic, within the desirable proportions without gigantic dimensions. Its aspect is harmonic and vigorous due to its powerful muscles which stand out under the consistent and elastic skin adhered to the body through a not very lax subcutaneous tissue. It walks quietly but firmly, showing its intelligence and quick responsiveness and revealing by means of its movement its permanent happy natural disposition. Of a kind and loving nature, of a striking whiteness, its physical virtues turn it into a real athlete. Size, Proportion, Substance: As a mesomorphic animal, no part stands out from the whole body which is harmonic and balanced. Mesocephalic, its muzzle should be as long as its skull. The height at the withers is equal to the height at the croup. The depth of the thorax equals 50 percent of the height at the withers. The length of the body exceeds the height at the withers by 10 percent. Head: Of mesocephalic type, it looks strong and powerful, without abrupt angles or distinct chiseling. Its profile shows an upper line which is concave - convex: convex at the skull because of the prominence of its masticatory muscles and its nape; and slightly concave at the foreface. The head joins the neck forming a strong muscular arch. Cranial Region: Skull - Compact, convex in the front to back and transverse direction. Its zygomatic arches are far apart from the skull, forming a large temporal cavity which enables the large development of the temporal muscle. Its occipital bone is not very prominent due to the strong muscles of the nape. The central depression of the skull is slightly noticeable. Stop - Slightly defined, as a transition from the convex skull region to the slightly concave foreface. From the side, it shows a definite profile due to the prominence of the superciliary ridges. Facial Region: As long as the skull. Nose - Ample nostrils. Black pigmentation. It is slightly elevated forwards, finishing off the concave profile of the muzzle. From the side, the front line is perpendicular and straight, coinciding with the maxillary edge or slightly projected forward.

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Muzzle - Strong, a bit longer than deep, well developed in width, with sides slightly converging. The upper line is slightly concave, an almost exclusive trait of the Argentinean Dogo. Lips - Moderately thick, short and tight. With free edges, preferably with black pigmentation. Jaws/Teeth - Jaws strong and well adapted; no under-or overshot mouth. The jaws should be slightly and homogeneously convergent. They ensure maximum bite capacity. Teeth big, well developed, firmly implanted in line, looking clean without caries. A complete dentition is recommended, priority being given to the homogeneous dental arches. Pincer bite, though scissor bite is accepted. Cheeks - Large and relatively flat, free from folds, bulges or chiseling, covered by strong skin. Eyes - Dark or hazel colored, protected by lids preferably with black pigmentation though the lack of pigmentation is not considered a fault. Almond-shaped, set at medium height, the distance between them must be wide. As a whole, the expression should be alert and lively, but at the same time remarkably firm, particularly in males. Ears High and laterally inserted, set well apart due to the width of the skull. Functionally, they should be cropped and erect, in triangular shape and with a length which does not exceed 50 percent of the front edge of the auricle of the natural ear. Without being cropped, they are of mid-length, broad, thick, flat and rounded at the tip. Covered with smooth hair which is a bit shorter than on the rest of the body; they may show small spots, not to be penalized. In natural position they hang down covering the back of the cheeks. When the dog is alert they may be half-erect. Neck, Topline and Body: Neck - Of medium length, strong and erect, well muscled, with a slightly convex upper line. Truncated cone-shaped, it joins the head in a muscular arch which hides all bony prominences in this part, and fits to the thorax in a large base. It is covered by a thick and elastic skin that freely slips over the subcutaneous tissue which is a bit laxer than on the rest of the body. It has nonpendent smooth folds at the height of the throat, a fundamental trait for the function of the animal. The coat in this part is slightly longer than on the rest of the body. Body The length of the body (from the point of the shoulder to the point of the buttock) exceeds the height at the withers by 10 percent. Upper line - Level; the withers and the pin bones of the croup are at the same height, constituting


AKC Breed Standard

the highest points. Withers - Large and high. Back - Large and strong, with fully developed muscles forming a slight slope towards the loins. Loins - Strong and hidden by the developed lumbar muscles which form a median furrow along the spine. Slightly shorter than the dorsal region, rising very slightly to the top of the croup. The development of muscles in the parts of the upper line causes the dogs to show a slightly depressed profile without being actually so, which is enhanced in adults due to the fully developed dorsal and spinal muscles. Croup - Of medium length, large and muscular; slightly showing the tips of both ilium and ischium. Its width is equal or a bit less than that of the thorax; the angle to the horizontal is of about 30 degrees, thus the upper line falling in a slightly convex slope towards the insertion of the tail. Chest - Broad and deep. The tip of the breastbone is level with the tip of the shoulder joint (scapulo-humeral joint) and the sternal line of the thorax is level with the elbow line. Large thorax providing maximum respiratory capacity, with long and moderately curved ribs which join the breastbone at the height of the elbow line. Abdomen - Slightly tucked up beyond the bottom line of the thorax, but never greyhound-like. Strong with good muscular tension as well as in the flanks and loins. Tail - Set medium high, with 45 degree angle to the upper line. Sabre-shaped, thick and long, reaching to the hocks but not further down. At rest it hangs down naturally; when the dog is in action, it is slightly raised over the upper line and constantly moving sidewards. When trotting, it is carried level with the upper line or slightly above. Forequarters: As a whole, they form a sturdy and solid structure of bones and muscles, proportionate to the size of the animal. Forelegs straight and vertical, seen from the front or in profile. Shoulders - High and proportioned. Very strong, with great muscular contours without exaggeration. Slanting of 45 degrees to the horizontal. Upper arm - Of medium length, proportionate to the whole. Strong and very muscular, with a 45 degree angle to the horizontal. Elbows - Sturdy, covered with a thicker and more elastic skin, without folds or wrinkles. Naturally situated against the chest wall of which they seem to be part. Forearm - As long as the upper arm, perpendicular to the horizontal, straight with strong bone and muscles. Pastern joint - Broad and in line with

the forearm, without bony prominences or skin folds. Pastern - Slightly flat, well boned, slanting of 70 to 75 degrees to the horizontal plane. Front feet - Rounded; with short, sturdy, very tight toes. Fleshy, hard pads, covered by black and rough-to- the-touch skin. Hindquarters: With medium angulation. As a whole, they are strong, sturdy and parallel, creating the image of the great power their function requires. They ensure the proper impulsion and determine the dog's characteristic gait. Upper thigh - Length proportionate to the whole. Strong and with fully developed and visible muscles. Coxo-femoral angle close to 100 degrees. Stifles - Set in the same axis as the limb. Femoral-tibial angle close to 110 degrees. Lower thigh - Slightly shorter than the upper thigh, strong and with similarly developed muscles. Hock joint / Hock - The tarsus-metatarsus section is short, strong and firm, ensuring powerful propelling of the hind limb. Sturdy hock joint with a noticeable calcaneus (tip of hock). The angle at the hock joint is close to 140 degrees. Sturdy hock, almost cylindrical and at 90 degrees angle to the horizontal. If present, dewclaws should be removed. Hind feet - Similar to forefeet, though slightly smaller and broader, but with the same characteristics. Coat: Uniform, short, plain and smooth to the touch, with an average length of ½ to ¾ inch. Variable density and thickness according to different climates. In tropical climates the coat is sparse and thin (letting the skin shine through and making pigmented regions visible which is not a cause of penalty). In a cold climate it is thicker and denser and may present an undercoat. Color: Completely white; only one black or dark colored patch around the eye may be admitted, provided that it does not cover more than 10 percent of the head. Between two dogs of equal conformation, the judge should always choose the whiter one. Skin: Homogeneous, slightly thick, but smooth and elastic. Adhering to the body through a semilax subcutaneous tissue which ensures free movement without forming relevant folds, except for the neck area where the subcutaneous tissue is laxer. With as little pigmentation as possible, though this increases with the years. An excessive pigmentation of the skin is not accepted. Preference should be given to dogs with black pigmentation of the rims of labial and

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AKC Breed Standard

palpebral mucous membranes. Gait: Agile and firm; with noticeable modification when showing interest in something, changing into an erect attitude and responding to reflexes quickly, typical for this breed. Calm walk, extended trot, with a good front suspension and a powerful rear propelling. At gallop, the dog shows all of its energy displaying its power fully. The four feet leave simple, parallel traces. Ambling (pacing) is not accepted and is considered a serious fault. Size: Height at the withers - Dogs: 24 to 27 inches. Bitches: 23½ to 26 inches. Temperament: It is cheerful, frank, humble, friendly, and not a hard barker, always conscious of its power. It should never be aggressive, a trait that should be severely observed. Its domineering attitude makes it continuously compete for territory with specimens of the same sex, most noticeable behavior in males. As a hunter, it is smart, silent, courageous and brave. Faults: Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect upon the health and welfare of the dog. Serious Faults: Poor bone and muscle development (weakness). Nose with little pigmentation. Pendulous lips. Small, weak or decayed teeth. Incomplete dentition. Eyes excessively light; entropion, ectropion. Barrel chest; keel chest. Flat ribs. Excessive angulations of the hindquarters. Hock too long. Untypical movement. Excessive skin pigmentation in young dogs. Appearance of small areas with coloured hairs. Unsteady temperament. Disqualifying Faults: Aggressiveness. Nose without pigmentation. Over or undershot mouth. Light blue eyes; eyes of different color (heterochromia). Deafness. Long coat. Patches in the body coat. More than one patch on the head. Height under 23½ inches and over 27 inches. Any dog clearly showing physical or behavioral abnormalities shall be disqualified. N.B. - Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.

Effective January 1, 2011


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FCI Breed Standard

DOGO ARGENTINO FCI 02.08.2012/EN FCI-Standard N° 292 TRANSLATION: Mr. Jorge Nallem / Original version (Es). ORIGIN: Argentina. DATE OF PUBLICATION OF THE OFFICIAL VALID STANDARD: 10.11.2011. UTILIZATION: Big-game hunting dog. FCI-CLASSIFICATION: Group 2 Schnauzer and Pinscher, Molossians and Swiss Mountain- and Cattledogs. Section 2.1 Molossian, Dogue type. Without working trial. BRIEF HISTORICAL SUMMARY: This breed is native to the province of Cordoba, in the Mediterranean region of Argentina. Its creator was Dr. Antonio Nores Martinez, a prominent and active surgeon (1907 – 1956). His work was based upon the methodical crossbreeding of the “Old Fighting Dog of Cordoba”, a breed of great power and strength, which was the product of crossbreeding among dog of the breeds Bulldogs and Bull Terriers. He selected completely white dogs for breeding, not undershot, with heavy heads and long muzzle. After a thorough and minute character study and selection, through different generations, his aim was accomplished forming different families always using as a start the Old Fighting Dog of Cordoba which was crossed at first with English Bull Dog, Great Dane, Pyrenean Mastiff, Bull Terrier, Boxer, Pointer, Dogue de Bordeaux and Irish Wolfhound. In 1947 the breed was already created and its genotype and phenotype were stabilized. The same year the breed standard was presented at the Hunter’s Club in the City of Buenos Aires. Its strength, tenacity, sense of smell and bravery make it the best in the pack of dogs to hunt wild boars, peccaries, pumas and other predators of agriculture and livestock that inhabit the vast and diverse regions of Argentina. This is the traditional activity for which Antonio Nores created this breed. In 1964 it was recognized as a breed by the FCA (Federación Cinologica Argentina) and the Sociedad Rural Argentina, which opened their studbook to initiate registry. Just in 1973 the breed was accepted by the FCI. This was possible thanks to the great passion and unique work and effort

of Dr. Agustín Nores Martínez, brother of the founder of the breed, who achieved this recognition not only because of his individual actions but also from the institutional action of the FCA and the Dogo Argentino Club “Dr. Antonio Nores Martinez”. GENERAL APPEARANCE: It is an athletic dog, mesomorphic, normal type, of harmonious proportions. With powerful muscles and agile, his appearance gives the impression of power, energy and strength, in contrast to its expression of friendship and gentleness. All-white; can have a single dark spot on the skull. IMPORTANT PROPORTIONS: Mesocephalic, the muzzle should be the same length as the skull. The height at the withers should be slightly greater than the height at the croup. Depth of chest should represent at least 50% of the height at the withers. The length of the body should exceed the height at the withers by only 10% (maximum). BEHAVIOUR AND TEMPERAMENT: It should be silent, never barking on the trail, with a keen nose and excellent flair, vent, agile, strong, robust and especially brave. Should never be aggressive toward humans, a feature that will be severely observed. It must give you love without conditions or reservations. HEAD: Of mesocephalic type, it looks strong and powerful. The cranio-facial axes are convergent. CRANIAL REGION: Skull: Compact, convex seen in profile and from the front due to the outline of the well developed masticatory and neck muscles. Occiput: Occipital protuberance not visible due to powerful muscles of neck which hide it completely. Stop: Defined but should not be deep or have sharp/abrupt angles. FACIAL REGION: As long as the skull, the line joining the two frontal orbital muscles is equidistant from the occiput and the mandibular joint of the upper jaws. Nose: Strongly Black pigmented. Nostrils well opened. Muzzle: Same length as the skull, with concave top line. Lips: Tight, free edges, black pigmented, never pendulous. Jaws/Teeth: Jaws correctly positioned,

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FCI Breed Standard

well-developed and strong, With no under or overshot, with healthy teeth, large and with normal implant. Full dentition is recommended. Scissor bite, pincer bite is accepted. Cheeks: Large, marked, covered by strong skin, without folds. Well- developed masseter muscles. Eyes: Medium size, almond shaped, dark or hazel coloured, lids preferably with black pigmentation. Sub-frontal position, wide apart, lively and intelligent expression but at the same time remarkably firm. Ears: Set high, lateral, well apart due to the width of the skull. Functionally, they should be cropped and erect, in triangular shape and with a length that should not exceed 50% of the front edge of the auricle of the natural ear. Without being cropped, they are of medium length, broad, thick, flat and rounded at the tip. Covered with smooth hair which is slightly shorter than on the rest of the body; they can have small spots, not to be penalized. In natural position they hang down covering the back of the cheeks. When the dog is alert they may be carried semi-erect. NECK: Thick, arched, the skin of the throat is very thick forming smooth folds without forming dewlap. The elasticity of the skin is due to the cellular tissue being very lax. BODY: Rectangular. The length of the body (measured from the point of shoulder to point of buttock) may exceed the height at the withers by only 10%. Top line: Higher at the withers, sloping gently to the croup. The adults have a median furrow along the spine caused by the prominence of the spinal muscles. See from the side should not have any depression. Withers: Strong, well defined and high. Back: Very strong, with muscles well defined. Loins: Short, broad, very muscular. Croup: Broad and strong. Moderately inclined. Chest: Broad and deep. Seen from the front and profile, the sternum must reach down to the level of the elbows, thereby giving maximum breathing capacity. The thorax is long with ribs moderately curved. Underline and Belly: Rising slightly on the bottom line of the chest, never tucked up, strong and with good muscle tension. TAIL: Long, not to exceed the hock joint, thick medium set. At rest it hangs down naturally, in action it is raised in an arc with an ample curve.

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LIMBS FOREQUARTERS: General appearance: Legs straight, vertical, with short and tight toes. Shoulders: Laid back, with great muscular development without exaggerations. Upper arm: Same length as the shoulder; well inclined. Elbows: Sturdy, covered with a thicker and more elastic skin, without folds or wrinkles. Naturally placed against the chest wall. Forearm: As long as the upper arm, perpendicular to the ground, straight with strong bone and muscles. Pastern joint: Broad and in line with the forearm, without bony prominences or skin folds. Pastern: Rather flat, well boned; seen from the side slightly inclined, without exaggeration. Front feet: With short and tight-fitting toes. With strong thick and resistant pads, preferably black pigmented. HINDQUARTERS: General appearance: Well muscled, with short pasterns and tight- fitting toes, without dewclaws. Moderate angulation. Upper thigh: Well proportioned, with visible and well developed muscles. Stifles: Well angulated. Lower thigh: Slightly shorter than upper thigh, strong and muscular. Hock joint / Hock: The tarsus-metatarsus section is short, strong and firm, ensuring powerful propulsion of the hind limb. Tarsus is robust, with the point of the hock very prominent. Hocks are strong, almost cylindrical and vertical, without dewclaws. Hind feet: Similar to forefeet, although somewhat smaller and slightly longer, maintaining the same characteristics. GAIT / MOVEMENT: Agile and firm; with noticeable modification when showing interest in something, changing into an alert attitude and responding with quick reflexes, typical for this breed. Calm when walking; trot is extended, with good front suspension and powerful rear propulsion. At gallop, the dog shows all of its energy, fully displaying its power. The movement is agile and firm when walking, trotting or galloping. Should be harmonious and balanced showing a solid body construction. Ambling (pacing) is not accepted and is considered a serious fault. SKIN: Homogeneous, thick but elastic. The semi-loose subcutaneous tissue is elastic, without wrinkling, except on the throat, where the subcutaneous tissue is more lax. Lips



FCI Breed Standard

and eyelids pigmented in black are preferred. Black pigmented skin is not penalized.7 COAT Hair: Uniform, short, smooth, with an average length of 1.5 to 2 cm. Density and thickness vary according to climate. Colour: Entirely white. Only one black or dark-coloured patch on the skull, but which can also be located on one ear or around one eye. The size of the spot must be in proportion to the size of the head, not exceeding 10% of the latter. Comparing two dogs of equal quality, the whiter should be preferred. SIZE AND WEIGHT: Height at the withers: Dogs: 60 to 68 cm. Bitches: 60 to 65 cm. Ideal height: Dogs: 64 to 65 cm. Bitches: 62 to 64 cm. Weight: Approximately: Males: 40 to 45 kg. Bitches: 40 to 43 kg. FAULTS: Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect upon the health and welfare of the dog and its ability to perform its traditional task. SERIOUS FAULTS: • Lack of bone and muscle development (weakness). • Nose partially pigmented in adults specimens. • Small, weak or unhealthy teeth. • Entropion, ectropion. • Eyes of round appearance due to the shape of the eyelids, bulging eyes, light or yellow.

• Barrel chest. • Keel chest. Flat ribs. • Lack of depth of chest, which does not reach the level of the elbows. • Lack of angulation on the limbs. • Croup higher than withers. • Ambling movement (pacing). • Males and females whose weight does not comply with the official valid standard and not in proportion to the size of the dog. DISQUALIFYING FAULTS: • Aggressive or overly shy. • Any dog clearly showing physical or behavioural abnormalities shall be disqualified. • Over or undershot mouth. • Deafness. • Lack of type. • Long hair. • Total lack of pigmentation of the nose in dogs aged 2 years or more. • Brown nose. • Pendulous lips. • Spots on the hair of the body. • More than one spot on the head. • Height above or below the limits established in the standard. • Eyes of different colour or blue. • Lack of sexual dimorphism. N.B.: • Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum. • Only functionally and clinically healthy dogs, with breed typical conformation should be used for breeding.

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Name Chris, Global K9 Services LLC, Excalibur Kennels Country USA Web

I get asked about all sorts of different dog-related problems and I always do my best to answer the questions truthfully and to the best of my ability. But although I might be able to answer somebody's question, from that point on the end result is up to them. “You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink.” And I can tell you how to leach your dog to do such-andsuch, but I can't actually make you do it. It's up to you to go away and spend the necessary time involved to teach your dog how to accomplish whatever it may be. Sometimes the task just seems to be too daunting and people don't have the necessary discipline lo see it through. Fortunately I don't find that happening too often. But something that is a lot more common is people being too embarrassed to follow out the directions I've given them. What do I mean by that? Simply that human nature being what it is. Lots of people don't like other people to see them making fools of themselves. And quite a lot of people are so self-conscious that they often feel as though they're making a fool of

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ry on walking, in which case it'll immediately get up and keep walking in the heel position. The method I show you teaches the dog that you will only give the 'heel' command once, and the dog will not move from its position until you say so, whether that be 30 seconds or 30 minutes later. But until the dog has well and truly learned the command you can run into problems. For instance, imagine you're walking along with the dog to heel when you meet a friend and you stop for a chat. As soon as you stop the dog immediately sits at your side as it has been taught. While you're talking to your friend the dog’s attention starts to wander, and after a while it stands up. At this point it's very easy to ignore the dog - after all it's doing no harm and you'd feel a bit embarrassed to tell your dog off in front of your friend. Before you know it the dog has moved away from you slightly to investigate some tempting smells. What do you do? You don't want to appear rude by interrupting your friend, so you just keep quiet. In effect you were too embarrassed to do what you should have done, i.e. correct the dog the moment it broke the “heel” command. themselves when it comes to training their dog. It's easy to practice with your dog when you're at home and away from other people, but once you're out in the “real world' where other people and dogs are about it can be much harder. You know that I teach you how to walk your dog to heel so that when you stop, the dog automatically sits (without you having to say anything to the dog) and waits beside you until you either tell it can go off and do its own thing OR car-

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I'm a great believer in hiding from your dog while you're out for a walk. It teaches it to pay close attention to you and also encourages it to use its nose to track you. In a real emergency this can be a valuable skill. But I know people who are just too embarrassed to do this when other people are about. I don't know why - I suppose they just think they're going to look foolish. Let me tell you that if you're ever going to get the very best from your dog you need to be completely impervious to what other people think. There are bound to be times when you're out in public and your dog docs something



to 'show you up'. These moments are golden opportunities to correct the dog and help it in the learning process. If you're just going to let the moment pass because you're too embarrassed with other people around. How is your dog ever going to learn that it is unacceptable to do whatever it was while out in public? You run the very real danger of simply allowing the dog to learn for itself that while certain behaviour is unacceptable at home, it can in fact get away with it in public. Is that what you want to happen? I know I don't. That's why I have absolutely no inhibitions where my dogs are concerned, and I'm not remotely concerned about other people's opinions about what I'm doing with my dogs. It's similar to parents of young children that throw a temper tantrum in the supermarket. You must have seen them - flustered mother with a cart piled high with food and suddenly her two year old starts screaming the place down because she's told him he can't have that bar of candy. And passers-by immediately start looking. Mom can just sense all these pairs of eves trained in her direction. She's starting to feel self-conscious and embarrassed now. And those feelings are probably going to intensify the longer the child's screaming fit continues. What will she do - give in just to shut the child up'.' Or tough it out and take no notice of all those sets of critical eyeballs? If she gives in she's set a behaviour pattern for life - child's learned that throwing a tantrum = bar of candy. So every time she goes shopping in the future she either has to give in to the demands or else put up with another hairy fit. Same with your dog. Ignore all those critical sets of eyeballs. It's your dog, not theirs. Don't be afraid to look a fool. You'll end up with a much better be-

haved dog as a result. Actually it’s pretty simple, but when you think about all the applications of the concept, it clearly becomes a huge part of your success or lack of it in training. Basically, how your DOG perceives something is all that matters. Regardless of the handler's intentions, regardless of what the handler was thinking about at the time, or reacting to, or paying attention to... if the dog isn't thinking about it at the same rime,

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reacting to it or paying attention to it what the handler perceives to be true makes no difference whatsoever. Practical examples would be: During the retrieves we have all seen a time when a dog went around the obstacle rather than over to retrieve the dumbbell. When the dog picked the dumbbell up and turned around they immediately showed stress and concern, and invariably walked very s lowly and hesitantly back to the handler - if they came back at all. In this case, a few spectators will always exclaim that the

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dog knows it made a mistake; the dog knows it didn't go over the hurdle. Most handlers will make the same statement when they come off the field as well. But is this statement true? Isn’t the truth that the dog had no knowledge that it made a mistake, for if it knew the right thing to do it would have done it? And when the dog picked the dumbbell up and turned around, his perception of his performance changed by direct result of the handler's facial and body expressions. The handler shows disappointment or disapproval or even anger, the dog does not un-



derstand why the handler is this way. And I submit that if this continues to occur, the dog will eventually not pick up the dumbbell, rather than simply not going over the hurdle the dog will now fail to complete more portions of the retrieve over hurdle exercise. Why? Because the last thing the dog did before he saw the handler's expression was pick up the dumbbell. The dog perceives that THIS must be what I did wrong. For the dog does think like a human can, and a dog does not have the same perception of incidents as a human does. The dog only knows and

remembers here and now, which is why repetition is necessary to train a dog. Another example: Recently a handler had a bad experience in a trial. In the obedience the handler did not think the dog was doing well during the routine, and this affected the handler's facial expression, body posture, and how they communicated with their dog. The handler later told me that the dog didn't care about pleasing the handler, didn't exhibit a desire to work for the handler. The truth was the complete opposite.

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The truth was that the dog tried very hard to please the handler, to seek approval from the handler. The entire performance the dog was looking up at the handler, with a soft expression on the dog's face. But at no time in the routine did the handler praise the dog convincingly, or acknowledge the dog's work ethic regardless of ability to attain perfection. The dog perceived that the handler was not pleased, for a while the dog attempted to try harder. But the handler remained unresponsive to the dog. Eventually the dog gave up trying, and became submissive and unsure instead. Although it is possible that watching the routine on video would show this handler what the truth was, it is also a truth that just as dogs can only per-

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ceive what is in their heads, some humans can only perceive what's in THEIR own head. Success in training depends on your ability to understand what the dog's point of view is. What you intend to correct or reward your dog for, may or may not be what the dog perceives he is being corrected or rewarded for. Success in trial depends on your ability to work only in the moment, to remain in tune and responsive to your dog throughout the routine. Regardless of performance. The hardest thing for a handler to accomplish is the ability to only look ahead at the next exercise, and not dwell on any mistakes previously or just made and to show your dog the picture you want him to perceive.



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Name Lina Petsiti Kirill Drozdov Country Greece Country Russia Affix Email Alma Libre, GR 017/08 gavr801@yandex www

» Please tell us about yourself. I was born in 1979 in Moscow. I graduated the Lomonosov Moscow State University as political scientist - a teacher of political science. I was a professional sportsman, and was in the business sector too, but I decided to suddenly change my life, there were reasons, of which we shall hold back and so I found myself in the wonderful world of dogs.

» Please tell us about your past and present dogs. The dogs which my family had during my childhood were: American Cocker Spaniel, Japanese Chin, Rottweiler, Russian Toy, and now my current dog is a Dogo Argentino. Very large variation in breeds, but I never gave preference to

one group or another. There were those with whom fate has brought to us.

» Please tell us about the club you train with. (if applicable) By a happy coincidence AMVET Hall is right next to my house. It is small but cosy, with everything you need, and there are a running track and a swimming pool.

» Are you currently involved in any other aspects of the dog show world? No, this is the only constant travels around the world, about 100 Dog Show we attend throughout the year. The plans include a lot of things, but everything has its time.

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Kirill Drozdov


» What is your training and teaching philosophy? The philosophy is very simple - you need to truly love your dog, but it needs to trust you in any situation. The dog should be your friend and companion, if you want.

» What do you think are the keys to a dog/handler’s success ? This is a mutual understanding, an individual approach to each dog. Handler is obliged to make the training in this way so that the Dog Shows becomes a game for the dog and is associated with fun and something which is pleasant, or even to serve as a holiday for the dog.

» What in your opinion are the biggest mistakes novice handlers make? They often take into the ring untrained dogs, or rather, not properly trained dogs, and turning the exhibition process for the dog in a torment. As a result the dog is broken and often cannot go back.

» What are the biggest mistakes experienced handlers make? In pursuit of glory or material gain, they take too many dogs and as a result may not pay proper attention to each of their wards.

» Do you have any advice for other men and women who might be interested in learning more about Professional Handling ? I can't call myself a professional handler, who generally assigns this title? Where the criterion, the number of won the breed ring, or the number of contests won the final? In my opinion, this is certainly the quality of work and quantity of the wards that go with your classes so-called show fighters. There are units


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people which are Handlers with capital letters, which can find the approach to any dog of any breed. You will choose from whom to learn, but do not forget that there are so many things that you will not be able to teach, only you will be able to internally feel the ward.

» What do you do for relaxation, what pastimes do you enjoy? I am very pleased that the studies with dogs and their show is not my work, it is just rest and dive into the world of positive emotions. And, like any normal person, I love to spend time with loved ones. I love fishing, I like to walk in the woods, and just lie on the beach, too, it is not bad.

» Who has been your biggest inspiration?


Kirill Drozdov

Even in my early childhood, my mother took our first dog, the American cocker spaniel for show. I remember how we prepared him for the show literally overnight. Then of course there was no makeup, no compressors, only weak hair dryer and a comb, so it was a hell of a job, but it was rewarded in full its victories. "Busya" was the smartest dog - an intellectual in the full sense of the word and very devoted. Well, according to the inspiration, of course, is my Dogo Argentino, at home called "Gavryusha". Great dog and a

great champion. We have with him very formidable and successful team. Many people say that we are perfect tandem, but I'm not to judge, I'm not constantly satisfied with my work.

Âť Would you like to add something? Dear and respected breeders, do not turn the dogs to the conveyor to make money, do not abuse their trust. Their hearts is always open to you. Less watering mud at each other, and work more on quality in breeding and caring for pets.

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World Dog Show in Moscow, Russia


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Name Affix

Natalia Smurova kennel Fortuna Niks

Photos used with permission of the photographer Romina Gandasas.

So it happened, the World Dog Show in Moscow,Russia-. Judging of Dogo Argentino took place in the last day of the World Show - 26 June 2016. There were many detractors and conversations that the Russian will not cope, that the world will be disrupted. But the World Dog Show took place in Moscow and was held at a very high level, it noted the majority of judges and visitors. All the services worked well and fast, was very nice, free approach to the breed ring, where there were chairs, and could enjoy the beauty of exposed dogs. More than 100 Dogo Argentino were entered to the show. Have arrived internationally recognized breeders and top handlers of Argentina, Brazil, Italy, Slovakia, China, Poland and other countries and, of course, Russia. At the ring of Dogo Argentino a very amiable atmosphere prevailed, but at the same time when we were the breed ring, the air was strained to the limit and had a mad passion - because Dogo Argentino are temperamental dogs and owners and the audience too! It's very emotionally worried, disrupting voice and beating their hands ... kept dogs and handlers, in spite of the different countries represented. It was the unity of the breed lovers. Some of our the ring stopped passing by, people who do not know our breed and came owners of other breeds, to see what we have going on there in the ring, that all the loud clapping and shouting, rooting for dogs - look at our holiday the breed!


And people who have never had to do

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World Dog Show in Moscow , Russia

with the sport, said, we realized that the feel of football and hockey fans. Many thanks to Judge Stefan Sinko for his professionalism, logical, clear and beautiful judging. Aerobatics judging where the best dogs are chosen on the move - dogs were taken here is on the move, because Dogo Argentino a dog that needs a lot of productive moving - is primarily a hunting breed! Worthy dogs won. Thanks to judging, Stefan Sinko created an atmosphere of unity for everyone who loves our breed, he was able to unite more than 100 people, and his work has emphasized the beauty of the Dogo Argentino. As show in the ring almost everything depends on judging and on how the judge in the ring, creating a show and combining the breed fans. It is an unforgettable experience left the WDS in Moscow. It was truly a celebration of the breed. The winners of the breed and the owners of the world title in 2016 became dogs from Argentina and Russia - that very significant! Argentina - the country of origin of the breed, Russia - country of the world in 2016 and now has a population of very high quality. CHUCARO BRAVOURE BLANCHE WORLD WINNER – 2016, BOB (Best of Breed) (MARTIN BELLAVITIS) FORTUNA NIKS UVA A PESO DE ORO WORLD WINNER – 2016, BOS (Best of Opposite Sex), BEST FEMALE, VASILKOVA N. JUNIOR WORLD WINNER: BAHIA LAS ENCADENADAS JUNIOR WORLD WINNER 2016, BOB JUNIOR CRISTIAN GUSTAVO GALETTO)

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World Dog Show in Moscow , Russia


PUPPY (BABY WORLD HOPE 2016) 2. KHOLLI BOB ALL EBAUT LAV, (2 very promising) 3. AIS VIKTORIA IZ MIRA GRYOZ (3 very promising) PUPPIES 1. FORTUNA NIKS ALASKA MI AMORE, (very promising), CW, BOB PUPPY (PUPPY WORLD HOPE 2016) 2. BESTIA DE LAS CANTERAS (2 very promising) 3. HONDA EMBRYO BRAZIL, (3 very promising) JUNIORS 1. BAHIA LAS ENCADENADAS, (excellent), CW, J.CAC, BOB JUNIOR (JUNIOR WORLD WINNER 2016) 2. ROMA DOGO PRIMERA, (2 excellent), R.JCAC 3. EVOLUTSIA EVGENIKA, (3 excellent) INTERMEDIA 1. ALBA BLANKA, (excellent), CW, CAC 2. ALZBETKA DELL PATRONZITTO (2 excellent), R.CAC 3. BONITA GUERRERO LATINO, (3 excellent) OPEN 1. FORTUNA NIKS UVA A PESO DE ORO, (1 excellent), CW, CAC, CACIB, WW (WORLD WINNER – 2016), BOS (Best of Opposite Sex)



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World Dog Show in Moscow , Russia

(3 excellent) CHAMPIONS 1. SHAKIRA EMBRYO BRASIL, (1 excellent), CW, CAC, R.CACIB 2. KHOLLI BOB NYU KAVER GERL, (2 excellent), R.CAC 3. YANNI HOUSE KUDO OF JANUARY, (3 excellent) VETERANS 1. YANNI HOUSE SPIRIT, (excellent), CW, BOB VETERAN (VETERAN WORLD WINNER 2016) 2. TIGIDAS OLIVIA, (2 excellent) 3. VENCEDOR DE LA COSTA ALEKSA, (3 excellent) The final Best of the day: CHUCARO BRAVOURE BLANCHE - Best in Show 2, Juez Sr. Andrew Brace YANNI HOUSE SPIRIT - Veteran Best In Show (Group 2) 3rd place BAHIA LAS ENCADENADAS - 2 BIS JUNIOR


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World Dog Show in Moscow , Russia

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World Dog Show in Moscow , Russia


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World Dog Show in Moscow , Russia

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World Dog Show in Moscow , Russia


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Name Lina Petsiti Tatyana Nikonorova Country Greece Country Russia Affix Alma Libre, Fortuna NiksGR 017/08 www

» Please introduce yourself and your kennel to our readers, and tell us why this particular breed. My name is Tatyana Nikonorova, I am an judge of FCI-RKF, the Chairman of National Breed Club of Dogo Argentino, I am owner of kennel Fortuna Niks and also I am author of two books. I always liked the American Staffordshire Terrier, and when I first saw a picture of Dogo Argentino, I understood that this is my breed.

» What made you want to be a dog breeder in the first place? I have been a breeder, when I got my first Dogo Argentino, I always found it interesting to see the results of my breeding.

» How did you get introduced to this breed?


My friend said that in Moscow already has a pair of Dogo Argentino and expected a litter, but we did not wait for these puppies and brought to Russia 2 sisters - it was 1993.

» Please tell us about your past and present dogs. My WHITE ARGENTINA AFRODITA and her grandson FORTUNA NIKS TVERDYNJA DOBRYNJA -these were amazing and beloved Dogos. Dobrynja was Multichampion, International Champion and Best Veteran 2006 World Dog Show. He consistently conveyed to children and later grandchildren and great-grandchildren their friendly nature and excellent mentality. Now we have a lot of interesting dogos and it is not right if I select some-

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Fortuna Niks

one. And if I tell about all of them, it will take a very long time, but they all are beautiful with a stable psyche and very friendly. As evidenced the results of our kennel at the World Dog Show in Moscow.

» What improvements do you want to bring to the breed with your breeding programme? The first thing that has remained consistently good-natured character of our dogs and of course keep breeding in compliance with the standard and purpose breed, avoiding excesses.

» Which dog do you consider to be the foundation of your breeding program? Great influence on the current breeding has made the male Vencedor de la Costa Vittorio El Ninjo owner Molodki-

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na Marina and we will continue to work for his blood.

» How does Dogo Argentino differ from other breeds? Each dog and the like, and is not like the others, I can't say, just love them all - it's about the Argentine Dogo.

» Do you see any difference in Dogo Argentino of today compared to the Dogo Argentino of 10 years ago? If so, what are the biggest differences you see? I will speak only about my breeding. We saved a great character, well-balanced psyche, excellent anatomy and now added a very strong head, which once again confirms the victory of our dogo on shows.

» What in your opinion makes a


Fortuna Niks

perfect dog?

those who are starting breeding?

Mutual understanding and love of the owners

Realistically assess their dogs, always watching dogs live and listen to your intuition and do not get sick "kennel blindness."

» What is the best example of the breed that you have bred till now? I can't mention only one - a lot of them. At the World Dog in 2016 Fortuna Niks Uva a Peco De Oro became World Champion in 2016 in the competition of the best internationally recognized Argentine dogo kennels from Brazil, Italy, Spain, etc.

» What do you consider to be your greatest achievement as a breeder? Again, the combination of a balanced psyche, excellent anatomy and beautiful head.

» What advice would you give to

» Who has been your greatest influence or inspiration in breeding/as a breeder and in what way? Again, I say thank you to Marina Molodkina and my many companions who were my native people

» What is the biggest highlight in your career as a breeder? Communication with our owners, as they say - "We are one family!"

» You actively show your dogs. What qualities do you admire most in a judge?

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Fortuna Niks

I love when a lot of attention to the movements and when the final selection is on the move. About shows. Many victories including a very significant and this again showed the WDS in 2016 in Moscow, where our dogs have become winners of classes and a World Champion and World Best Puppy!

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Fortuna Niks

» What are your efforts put into in order to build a great reputation (besides the dogs)? Our relationship began in the kennel almost related, we are friends with many of our first owners for over 20 years and every year we have more and more.

» How important is it for a breeder to have an online presence nowadays? Today there is a lot of information through the Internet resources and is difficult to overestimate their importance - it is huge.

» Would you like to add something? I would like to thank you for the honor to be interviewed by your magazine. Thank you very much pay attention to the wonderful breed - Dogo Argentino!

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Name Katarina Nilsson Country Sweden Affix Devil Minds Email /

» Please introduce yourself and your kennel to our readers, and tell us why this particular breed. My name is Katarina and I'm married to Carl whom I have the kennel together with. I have bought my first dog 1991 when I was 16 years old, it was a Doberman male. Together we have made everything you can do with a working dog, obedience, tracking, track and search, then we tried with dog shows which gave me a taste and we were traveling a lot. After some year I buy a dobermann female I competed a lot with her too, but then I saw a Dogo Argentino in year 1999 I as totally in love, I want one of those!!! Same year the first one come into our house, Evil Eye Lurching Lady. We use her never in breed.


» What made you want to be a dog breeder in the first place? Breeding I have been interested in already as a little girl and my rabbits became parents .. were so exited to see what it was who came... Also I had horses in my teens and I found the interest for breeding was something which came to me naturally, my first litter came in 1996 which I had with my two Dobermanns. First Dogo Argentino litter came in 2006 and I had have the breed in 7 years. Many start too soon and known their breed badly. You need to know what it is you have be-

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Devil Minds


fore you start breeding, is not enough for the dog is cute ..

» How did you get introduced to this breed? Had looked at ordinary mastiff few years and was interested in the type of dog, once at a dog show I ran into a white dog .. A Dogo Argentino and I was completely in love. Talked to the owner and she told me about her dog breeder, kennel Evil Eye in Stockholm. At this time (1999), there were only two breeders and only about 15 Dogo Argentino in Sweden. I Was lucky, he had a litter who was three days old, I said I want to buy a female !!!!

» Please tell us about your past and present dogs. I have write about our first female already but our foundation female for our breeding is our beloved angel Umour Noir De Los Hjos De La Luna. I went to France and buy her from the world famous breeder Mr Alexandre Calmels (kennel De Los Hijos De La Luna) and Miss Alexandra Hugonet (now owner of famous kennel Mapu Kewa). “Blacky” came to our home 2003 and the feeling then she and me step onto the airplane was indescribable. At last my dream dog was at home. I was so happy and proud. Mr Calmels and Miss Hugonet breed healthy and sound dogs and was one of very few breeders at the time that hip x-rayed their dogs who is very important to me (now the most breeder do that). Her father was the living legend Multi champ Pampero Ackun Cahuak a great male who I was totally in love with, my goal was to get a female from him and I was the happiest in the world then I buy my “Blacky”. Also her mother was a great female Paguera De Los Hijos De Las Luna.

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Swe Champ Swe Winner 2004 Approved bloodtrack dog Mental descripted Umour noir De Los Hijos De Luna

» What improvements do you want to bring to the breed with your breeding programme? Our major goal of our breeding is mentally stable, healthy and sound dogs. We hips x-ray all our breeding stock which is also the law in Sweden for this breed. All puppies are hearing tested before they move to their new homes. We would like that all puppies end up in families where they work with their dog, a Dogo Argentino require much stimulation. Many sell puppies to many hunters for tracking animals and wounded animals. It is a hunting breed but in Sweden its not ok by the law to use catch dogs we have to find another suitable function.


Devil Minds

» Which dog do you consider to be the foundation of your breeding program? The foundation dog in our kennel is the great "Blacky". Year after I have picked her up in France, I had to travel again to the kennel De Los Hijos De La luna and buy the male puppie Athos De Los Hijos De La Luna (Audacity Panda X El Tali Bortola). He and Blacky were parents to our first litter, The T-liter born 2006. In this litter was Devil Minds Treasure whom we sold to great Mrs Marina Rusakova, Kennel Iz Lunnoy Stai in Russia. He and Blacky was both HD free and both was mentalydiscripted, that was very uniqe for Sweden that time.

great hope for future. We travel to Italy and stud our Jolie at Mr Federico Bagnoli kennel White Dragon, he had great Multi champ Manchay Vereds Pampas in his home for a while and we are so thankful to him and also Manchay owner Miss Aurera Giacomelli, Kennel Del Paine who let us use this lovely male.

» Do you see any difference in Dogo Argentino of today compared to Dogo Argentino of 10 years ago? If so, what are the biggest differences you see The biggest difference I can see and what i really appreciate is that breeders X-ray and a health test their dogs before breeding, and more and more also hearing test their puppies. Deafness in the breed and it is good that bred the dogs with known status.

» What in your opinion makes a perfect dog? My perfect dogo is stable, friendly, mentally well balanced and it is beautiful to look at. If the dog also is alert and likes to work , I find it great.

Athos then he was 11 month old.

Right now in kennel we have two grandchild to them and also a grandgrand child Devil Minds Eivor (Manchay Verdes Pamapas X Devil Minds Angelina Jolie) She is now 11 month and our

Think the key is to never be satisfied without constantly aiming forward and always concentrate on getting the best out of each litter to get. Treasure (owner M. RusakovaIz Lunnoy Stai) from our first litter is super great, she is Russian Champ. We have also X-Sniper in Japan (Owner Mr Koubun Wakashima Kennel Katana Caza Major) that who make us most proud is he approved the hunting test. That mean a lot for us because it is important to preserve breeds basic parameters. He is also Junior Male Class Winner Osaka Int. 2009, R.W.D.2010, Certificated Wild Boar Hunting TD 2009, Special Award 2009, Best Reserved Male 2010, Winner Dog & Best Reserved Male 2010 × 2.

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Devil Minds


Devil Minds X-Sniper (in young age)

» What is the best example of the breed that you have bred till now? Can answer a bit shy and I have not been there yet in my opinion, as I said before that I hope that the best will be born out of each litter, and I think it is dangerous to settle. My biggest feat in Sweden, think is that I managed to get so many dogs for hunters who train and use their dogs as they get to work. For me it is more important than counting titles.

» Who has been your greatest influence or inspiration in breeding/ as a breeder and in what way? It is Miss Alexandra Hugonet (Mapu Kewa) she is always where or my questions and she is a very knowledgeable about everything regarding the breed, she has been for me since I was in France in 2003 and bought "Blacky" from her and Mr. Calmels (De Los Hijos De La Luna) She have big success as breeder and she breed in my point the best dogo ever. She is also a amazing dog handler and have the biggest heart as I know.

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Me and Devil Minds Diana after a bloodtrack search looking for a wounded deer.

» What is the biggest highlight in your career as a breeder? Highlight I think this is every time a female gives birth to pups, it's so exciting! I was also super happy when our Angelina Jolie won its first Swedish winner title 2014 or maybe I was happier when she won the year there on it, I'm very proud of her and she comes from the Devil Minds Wiking and Devil Minds Venus as it is " own "dogs behind and it feels great, and as a good


Devil Minds

breeding evaluation. Swedish Winner dog show is the biggest dog show in whole Scandinavia.

x-rayed yet it must be paired. When I bought my Dobermann had my breeders as mentors, this exists very little these days, maybe it depends on the net and people get all the information from the internet nowadays, but it is not the same as talking to someone who can and do. Have you had a dog so long experience things, to make errors and mistakes and you learn how not to know. Some get very offended when you come with advice which is so sad. What happens? Well they make the same mistakes instead of listen and learn. It is why there are teachers for our children in school but learning within their own breed can be so difficult but then you start breeding you can everything. It is very strange. People find it difficult to be humble today.

Here is Swe champ. Swe Winner 2014 SWE winner 2015 Devil Minds Angelina Jolie handled by my dear friend Jessica Snäcka

» What qualities do you admire most in a judge? I love the judges who take the time for all dogs, especially young dogs that can sometimes be cautious. Very important for them to feel secure in the ring and it will not be stressful.

» To these who think of starting breeding.What advice you would give to someone who wants to become a breeder? Yes, this is important, you see so often people who buy a Dogo Argentino and when it is two or three years so it should be bred. Many times they are not shown, not competing, barely

But my advice is to first look female after healthy parents, x-ray her doing hearing tests unless the breeder done it before they sold (we always makes ii) evaluate, go to a show, get on paper what your dog is and has been for the good and bad things . Look male who complements her and above all what do you want your puppy to get properties? What is your goal for the litter? Ask and talk to people who can the breed. What do they say and think?

» What are your efforts put into in order to build a great reputation (besides the dogs)? I am myself and am honest when I have questions. I always do my best and try to be around the clock for my buyers. Breed only dogs I myself believe and hope will carry on the race. I try to be a good ambassador breed and always show it in the best way.


» Would you like to add something?

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Devil Minds

Some photos of dogos breed by us.

Devil Minds Diana 2 X CAC

Devil Minds Tresure (Owner M. Rusakova Kennel Iz lunnoy Stai) Junior Champion of Russia Russian Champion 4x JunCAC 4x CAC CACIB 4x Best Junior 5x BOB Ch RKF Best in Group - 4 place! 2x Best in Group - 2 place!

Devil Minds Angelina Jolie Swe Champion Swe winner 2014 Swe winner 2015 Mentaly descripted

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Devil Minds

Devil Minds Alica Silverstone (sold to Evelina Pustjärvi Finland, kennel Casa Rouqe) Nordic Junior Winner 2011 Estonia Junior Winner 2012 Estonia Winner 2012

Happy crazy dogo!!!! Devil Minds Wiking & Devil Minds Winning Diva run in the snow

Our wonderful lovely daughter and a puppy from our last litter born june 2016 (all sold)

Whole of our family are involved in our animals, dogs and goat go together. Its great to have mentaly good dogs who think its ok.

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Espiritu Greco Antu Makto


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Name Country Affix www

Panagiotis Sotiroudis & Szikszai Katalin Greece & Hungary Espiritu Greco Antu Makto

» Please introduce yourself and your kennel to our readers, and tell us why this particular breed. We are a couple, Panos from Greece and Kata from Hungary. We meet first time while traveling to the AMDA Mundial Show to Italy. Both we had our passion for the breed, we had good discussions, we became friends and than a couple. Kata got her first dogo earlier, in 1999, she started show dogs from that year like a hobby. With serious breeding plans she got a female, Cazador Criollo Bonita and imported a male together with Cazador Criollo kennel – Mapuche del Entrevero from Argentina. Before choosing the breed Panos visited many kennels and shows in Europe, than we meet and our breeding together started. Why the dogo? We can say that God gave us the opportunity to meet this wonderful breed and we fall in love with it.

» What made you want to be a dog breeder in the first place? The answer is very simple: we love the dogs, we have big passion for the breed and we wanted to improve it. Dogo is the way of our life.

» How did you get introduced to this breed? Panos: I had a Staffordshire Terrier when I was younger, and always liked active dogs with strong character. These types suit the most to my personality. First time I saw a dogo owned by a friend in Larisa. Directly I fall in love with the beauty of that dog and have

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Espiritu Greco Antu Makto

Arion Antu Makto

Buena AM

Emani EG AM


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Espiritu Greco Antu Makto

The fruit of cooperation with kennel Alma Libre in Greece

started to follow the development of the dog, the character of dogo win me. All together I decided that dogo is the right breed for me. Kata: I always wanted to have an own dog since I know my mind and when I was 12 years old I had the possibility to get an own dog, a dogo. Because I always wanted to have a big, active dog, and basically I preferred dog-type dogs from all, I was really glad and then the never-ending flow started.

» Please tell us about your past and present dogs. Our first dogs were like our children , were dogs what we rescued from the

streets. If we focus on dogos, Kata had del Condores and Tumi bloodline dogs in past – those lines were typical in Hungary in 1990s and the following years. Now we have more generations in our kennel. We have our oldies: Bonita and Mapuche del Entrevero(co-owned with Cazador Criollo kennel) who is now 8,5 years old, became important reproductor of Europe, a very typical and healthy male with wonderful character and good working instinct. We have also from our own breeding Aymore who win several clubshows when she was younger, and our youngsters, El Comandante and Emani out of Bonita

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Espiritu Greco Antu Makto


Aymore Antu Makto - DACH Clubshow 2012 - Youth Clubwinner, Best movement

x Pirata de Dona Arcelia. To fulfill our future plans we took Talca del Cavdillo, Battaco Asesino Silencioso and Barona di Casa del Lungo to our kennel. We are very happy with our dogs, they are healthy, nice minded and they represent the type what we prefer.

» What improvements do you want to bring to the breed with your breeding programme? Basically we think that all dogs, not only the dogo must be healthy and good minded to live together with all happily. We want to breed healthy dogos with good character, what can work and look like how the standard says.

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El Comandante EG AM

In past breeders were focusing more on the beauty and the function, but cared less with the health problems what exist in our breed, like dysplasia, allergy problems, and deafness. In our view is very important to have healthy dogs – no deafness (uniliteral or bilateral), no dysplasia problems, no skin problems. We do health screening on our dogs from puppy age, using BAER test and PennHip test to


Espiritu Greco Antu Makto

AMDA Mundial, 2013 - 1st place breeding group

determine hip dysplasia problems. On other hand we can also see that with the show-breeding the good temperament is not in focus, we can see many afraid, unbalanced dogs who become Champion and make reproduction. For our vision is not acceptable, so all together we can say we would fix our type, breed physically and mentally healthy dogos.

» Which dog do you consider to be the foundation of your breeding program? Our base is Cazador Criollo Bonita. She gave us wonderful offsprings, and we believe a lot in her genetics be-

cause she gave characteristics from her ancestors what are very important for breeding and is not often to find in new generations.

» How does the Dogo Argentino differ from other breeds? Dogo is a breed created to run, catch wild boar or puma, hold it if its needed even until its last breath. On other hand they can be really good family dogs, they have huge heart. What makes special the dogos from other breeds is that they can be angels, patient and kind with family and in one second when is needed they can turn to be demon for protecting

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Espiritu Greco Antu Makto

their loved ones or for the function if its about hunting. This breed is not for everybody, we suggest the new owners to meet the breed, make research and educate themselves before taking a dogo Argentino in their life.

» Do you see any difference in Dogo Argentino of today compared to the Dogo Argentino of 10 years ago? If so, what are the biggest differences you see? 10 years ago the dogs were generally bigger, heavier, less pigmented and they not had health tests. The last years dogos became more “functional” in type, not oversized, more athletic but still strong and the breeders started to recognize that is important to use health-tested dogs in their breeding program – these are good improvements in our opinion.

» What in your opinion makes a perfect dog? Free health tests, good mind and character, excellent function skills, nice athletic type, typical head for the breed with good expressions and pigmentation.

» What is the best example of the breed that you have bred till now? Arion Antu Makto. He has great mind, his hunting skills work fine, HD-A with bilateral hearing, he has great type with beautiful head, a great example for the breed. He lives in family with two little children in harmony. All together he is the most complete dogo what we have bred until now.

» What do you consider to be your greatest achievement as a breeder? THE SELECTION. In past we had some beautiful dogs with nice pedigree but finally decided to not use them in our

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Pirata de Dona Arcelia and us



Espiritu Greco Antu Makto

breeding program because they not reached the level what we wanted in some points. Sometimes was painful, because we spoke about excellent dogs but how we explained before, for us the beauty and a nice pedigree is not enough, more things makes a dog great to use it in reproduction for improving our breed.

» Who has been your greatest influence or inspiration in breeding/as a breeder and in what way? We think every different bloodline has different characteristics. Some breeders focus more on function, some more on health and some more on exterior and many can inspire you. The best breeders try to connect this all in one. We follow our hearts and keep many important things from different breeders. One of them is Jose Girotti (kennel Ackon Cahuak) who was breeding systematically, following his target in selection. He created his type and knew when to start and when to stop breeding.

give to someone who wants to become a breeder? Not need to be hurry to buy a dog, visit kennels, discuss with breeders, focus on having good time without negativity and let time to find your priorities and your taste.

» What are your efforts put into in order to build a great reputation (besides the dogs)? Our door is always open for people who want to discuss about the breed, or just to see our dogs. We always stay honest, and try to focus on what is good for the breed and not for each person.

» What is the biggest highlight in your career as a breeder?

» Would you like to add something?

Our Breeding Group with Aymore, Azote, Arion, Babarka (who won on same show also Youth Mundial Winner Female) won 1st place, judged by expert Mr. Luigi Corna on AMDA Mundial show, 2013. The choise of Mr. Corna was great honor.

Is very important to know for everybody, that breeders are not God. We try our best, we breed living creatures but we work with genetics where qualities can return from many generations. Even if you cross two really good dogs, problems can still pop up. The important is that the breeder must be always responsible, helpful, honest and support the owners. For us the key is to be the most critical with our dogs, this is the way to improve our breeding. Priority is the breed, DOGO ARGENTINO.

» What qualities do you admire most in a judge? We admire judges who focus on the dog’s type, health, condition, give honest opinion and check everything carefully on the dog.

» To these who think of starting breeding. What advice you would

And finally, thank you Ewa and all the crew of TheDogMagazine for your work and this opportunity for interview.

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Name Pieter Bakkeren Country Belgium Affix Paradero Del Montero email

Paradero Del Montero

» Please introduce yourself and your kennel to our readers, and tell us why this particular breed. I am Pieter Bakkeren from the dogo argentino kennel Paradero Del Montero. Together with my wife Astrid Van Feesem Bakkeren we manage our kennel, yes together you have to be 100% behind this ,on your own you can not manage, while working together in this way you create a calm an balanced environment.

» What made you want to be a dog breeder in the first place? I always loved dogs from a very young age and wanted to do something with my passion for dogs.

» How did you get introduced to this breed? This special breed was for me love on first sight , around 30 years ago I have seen the dogo argentino for the first time on a dog show, Valet de Agallas from Herman Van den Broek from Holland. At his home he had a few dogo argentino´s from Los Toros and Chubut bloodlines, this is how a got my first dogo argentino “Fornido pederosso Perro Goldisis, this dogo argentino was offspring from Valet Aggalas and Firmeza de Los Toros.

» Please tell us about your past and present dogs. In the past the dogo argentino was breed with the standard of 68cm height and they came around 70cm height, to my opinion this was to high for the purpose that the dogo argentino was mended to be. When I started my idea was to try to bring it back to

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the height of 66-67 cm for a male and 64-65 cm for a bitch. I also payed attention on breeding a stable and smart dog , so they could act in a group for hunting and be kind and protective for his family.

» What improvements do you want to bring to the breed with your breeding programme? We try to get and accomplished is to get the deafness out, to have very stabile characters, smart dogs and healthy, our dogo´s have an average lifetime between 12-15 years and have no hip displacement.

» Which dog do you consider to be the foundation of your breeding program? Del Chubut, de agallas, Los tores, De la Cocha, De el tumi, de la Monteria, Atahualpa paradero del Montero, Aleja paradero del Montero, Eygo de el tumi, Momo di casa nardini, De santa

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Isabel, Jo milito paradero del Montero, Los patagon paradero del Montero, Camaruco di casa dei marchesi, Occo mopaila paradero del Montero, Occo motala paradero del Montero, La mara paradero del Montero, Jopua paradero del Montero, Yopua paradero del Montero, Goda beauty paradero del Montero, Dana paradero del Montero, Nina Buena del che viejo, Osvaldo del che viejo, Inti paradero del Montero, Imancha paradero del Montero, Oyo pippa paradero del Montero.

» How does the Dogo Argentino differ from other breeds? A Dogo Argentino doesn’t give up, where other dog breeds already have given up a 1000 times. They have been breaded for hunting in extreme environments with temperatures up to 50 Celsius they run up to 500 km in a week and still catch a boar, it is a real triathlete.



» Do you see any difference in Dogo Argentino of today compared to the Dogo Argentino of 10 years ago? If so, what are the biggest differences you see? More stabile character, no deafness, no hip displacement, complete teeth, standard height, smart and due to al this there average lifetime is longer.

» What in your opinion makes a perfect dog? Loyal to his family, act independent, extreme courage and unconditional love.

» What is the best example of the breed that you have bred till now? Atahualpa paradero del Montero

» What do you consider to be your greatest achievement as a breeder? That people who buy a dogo argentino from us are more than 100% happy with the dogo, more than 95% of them fall in love with the breed and always come back to us when they want a new puppy because of the good health and character.

» What advice would you give to those who are starting breeding? You have to be 1000% sure you want to do this, you have to learn a lot, you need to know everything of a complete generation before buying your first breeding dogo because older generations reflect there genes, you need to do research and research of the breed in particular. You and your family need to be stabile and very loving. Be proud of the breed, and with all your knowledge you and the future owners can select a puppy that fits them best, and always help and advice the new owners, not only when choosing a puppy

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but from the whole life time of the dog.

» Who has been your greatest influence or inspiration in breeding/as a breeder and in what way? In the beginning not so many people because there was no internet, we only had some information from magazines and books, Herman Van den Broek and dr. Antonio and Augustin Nores Martinez (Chubut)he started breeding the dogo , Dr. Horacio Rivero (Totoral), Dr. Antonio S Nores (Santa Isabel), Dr. Jose Luis Forlla (Del litoral), Paolo Vianini (de vianini), Fernando Moreno (De Agallas), Dr. L.M de la Cruz (de el tumi)

» What is the biggest highlight in your career as a breeder? That people who buy a puppy from us are happy with the dogo argentino and say they never want a other breed again. That we keep on improving and searching what other bloodlines could add to make our own bloodline better and that the dogo argentino not only a good hunting dog is, but also a great family dog.

» What qualities do you admire most in a judge? It has to be a specialist of the breed, they should have full knowledge of the breed, but people don’t forget that when the judge looks ad you dog it is only on that moment what he sees, the best way to see and learn about a Dogo argento is to meet the dogo in his daily environment.

» What are your efforts put into in order to build a great reputation (besides the dogs)? We pride ourselves on helping our customers in choosing the wright puppy for them and keep on advising them true all of the dog´s lifetime.

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» How important is it for a breeder to have an online presence nowadays? Very important, because now a days people do more research online.

» Would you like to add something? I thank you for contacting us for this interview and hope that people can learn a little bit this way about this wonderful breed the dogo argentino.



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I am breeder of Dogo Argentino with the affix “de Angel o Demonio” since 1992, even if my life with dogs started in the late seventies when I was very young. In these years my family made few litters of Neapolitan mastiff and I have grown in the legs of few of them. Later we owned other breeds as Grand Dane , Rottweiler and Yorkshire terrier. I have bred several Champions of Italy and abroad. One male from my breeding has won the official Ranking of FCA in 2007, as most prized Dogo Argentino of the year in Argentina. I am Molossers specialist judge , as well as judge for FCI 2° group (all), 3° group (Bull type Terriers), 4° group (all) and 5° group (all). I am Vice President of the local Kennel Club, founder member of Dogo Argentino Club of Italy and former Vice President.

Finland, Greece, Holland, Hungary, Israel, Ireland, Latvia, Montenegro, Romania, Slovakia, Serbia, Sweden, Switzerland, Spain, San Marino, Ukraine, USA and Poland. I judged Cane Corso Italiano at the World Dog Show in Austria in 2012. I have organized and I have been speaker at the 1° course of update for other Italian Dogo Argentino judges, keept at ENCI in 2005. In have been speaker about D.A. at conferences organized in Spain and Hungary.


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Caltanissetta (CL) tel.: +39-337-889873

I was one of the expert judges for the World Dog Show 2015.

Serafino Bueti was born in Melito di Porto Salvo (RC) on 09/22/1958. He lives in Colle di Val D’Elsa (Siena) in Italy

Judge Breeder

I am “mentor expert judge” for other new Dogo Argentino judges in Italy and, effective January 2012, I am the judge for CAE-1 certification (test for obedience responsiveness and stable temperament of Good Citizen dogs and owners).

I have judged several times all over Italy, as well as in: Argentina, Austria, Belorussia, Bulgaria, Canada, Czech Republic,

Since 1983 begin the interest and the first contacts with Dogo Argentino Breeder of Dogo Argentino since 1986 Owner of the kennel “dei Falchi Bianchi” since 1989 Promoter of Dogo Argentino’s adoption into Club Italiano Molosso in 1992 Member and vice-president of Club Italiano Molosso for two legislatures Chairman in the Section Dogo Argentino (into CIM) since 2000 to 2003 Organizer of three specialties show of breed: 2001,2002,2003 Founder of the Dogo Argentino Club Italia in 2003, in which he was the president for short period Writer of the book “Il Dogo Argentino” editor Olimpia Collaborator of two video about Dogo Argentino with two magazines specialized Author of many articles for various journals specialized Many dogs of the kennel “dei Falchi Bianchi” have also obtained title of champion Italian, International, European and one world champion. Three Dogs “dei Falchi Bianchi” obtained the title of Champions Argentinians

Mr Massimo Inzoli

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Member of the E.N.C.I. Member of the Club del Dogo Argentino dr. Antonio Nores Martinez Member of the Dogo Argentino Club Italia Specialist judge of Dogo Argentino since 10/02/2009 Expert judge of: Dogue de Bordeaux, Rottweiler, English Bulldog, Bullmastiff, Mastiff, Napolitan Mastiff, Cane Corso Italiano, Great Dane, Central Asia Sheperd Dog Named by E.N.C.I Dogo Argentino expert educator Judge since 25/07/20013 Judge CAE 1 He judged these speciality club’s show for Dogo Argentino: 22/09/2009 Cordoba (Argentine) 12/12/2009 Erba (Italy) 04/09/2010 Stara Zagora (Bulgaria) 04/12/2010 Verona (Italy) 13/03/2011 Parma (Italy) World Trophy AMDA 24/09/2011 Novi Sad (Serbia) 12/02/2012 Arezzo (Italy) 31/03/2012 Székesfehérvár (Hungary) 05/05/2012 Rosario (Argentine) 26/05/2012 Järvenpää (Finland) 23/03/2013 Reggio Emilia (Italy) 25/08/2013 Izmir (Turkey) 15/09/2013 Massenzatico (Italy) 25/01/2014 Moscow (Russia)

Serafino Bueti Judge Breeder


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