Drinks News November 2018

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The Drinks Association | November 2018

Cheers to an amazing year in drinks!

The Drinks Association hosted its 2018 Chairman’s Drinks at Sydney’s Luna Park on October 25, with Deputy Chair Shane Richardson, CEO Georgia Lennon and General Manager Rachel Wormald raising a glass to another successful year. Here are some photos from the night ... Page 2 >>


ielsen to launch new liquor measurement service in Australia, page 14.


dvantage reveals how suppliers can stand out from the crowd, page 8.


matil & 4 Pines announce plans to go solar, page 12.

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The Drinks Association | November 2018

The Drinks Association Board, staff, Corporate and Associate Partners, plus mentors and mentees from the Women in Drinks 2018 Mentoring Program raised a glass together at the Chairman’s Drinks last month. Deputy Chair Shane Richardson welcomed guests to the event and thanked them for their contributions to the drinks industry’s success. He also introduced Women in Drinks Chair Jennifer Collins, who discussed the outcomes Mentoring Program. Now in its second year, it’s an initiative by The Drinks Association in conjunction with Serendis Leadership Consulting. This year, mentors and mentees from Australian Vintage, Bacardi Martini, Brown Forman, Campari, Casella, Coca Coca Amatil, Lion, Coles Liquor, Diageo, Moet Hennessy and Pernod Ricard took part.

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The Drinks Association | November 2018

It is a measure of how well the program has been received by the drinks industry that four mentors returned for the second year, while two launch program mentees became mentors. The cocktail finale was held in tandem with The Drinks Association’s annual Chairman’s Drinks at the Palais Room at Luna Park. Women in Drinks Chair Jennifer Collins (above left) noted: “This mentoring program and all that it stands for - the industry that we are becoming, the people that are within it, both senior leaders and emerging leaders - it’s all worth celebrating. “Many of the participants - both mentors and mentees - have reported seeing results in their performance from what they have learned on the program and how they are changing their leadership behaviours.”

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Collins said three comments in the feedback given by the mentors had stuck with her. >> “Great initiative and great response from the industry.” >> “Excellent, but it must achieve more to directly impact the problems of sexual discrimination from top down. Not bottom up.” >> “It is working, but we need to do more.” Collins added: “So whose role is it to do more? That rests with everyone in this room. In the words of Gandhi - we must become the change that we want to see.”

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She also revealed that Gandhi’s powerful words will be the theme for the Women in Drinks 2019 International Women’s Day event. Collins urged mentees to “pay it forward” to “create that ripple effect”. “This is a community and you are part of it,” she explained. “You have not only your mentor but the other 19 people that have shared this experience on the Mentoring Program and there can be no network stronger than that. “And while you may not know it yet, that network can become everything that you always wanted, but never knew that you actually needed.” CEO shares vision The Drinks Association CEO noted in the annual report distributed at the Board Meeting prior to Page 5

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Chairman’s Drinks that 2017/18 saw a year of change, starting with herself as the new CEO. She added: “Opportunities were highlighted to enhance the value of services delivered to members and simplify the operating model of the assocation. The result is a strong value proposition to members that delivers a minimum of four times membership value with a core focus on delivering against member needs. A strategy process was launched in conjunction with the Executive Board, members of the full Board and industry to explore opportunities for

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reshaping the strategy focus of The Drinks Association over the next two years to ensure an outward focus with a value proposition that is relevant and valuable to members. Through multiple industry workshops and engagements, the Purpose and Promises of The Drinks Association were reimagined. “Our future strategies will focus on making a positive difference to the industry by being a dynamic, vibrant and collaborative partner for members and strengthening the brand proposition of the industry in Australia and beyond,” Lennon said. The three strategic pillars of the Association moving forward are: INFORM: Educating, inspiring and driving value by identifying needs and coordinating industry’s ready access to valuable, current and trusted data and information. CONNECT: Building an increasingly wellinformed, engaging and inclusive drinks industry community by helping to strengthen meaningful, valuable networks. STRENGTHEN: Establish the drinks industry as a destination of choice by facilitating awareness, challenging perceptions and building practices that attract, develop and retain diverse industry talent. Lennon concluded: “I look forward to the challenge of the next year, delivering on our industry designed strategy with a value proposition that delivers true commercial value to members.

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The Drinks Association | November 2018

Network Breakfast: “What kind of business partner do you want to be?” Advantage Group’s John McLoughlin revealed how suppliers can stand out from the crowd at The Drinks Association’s latest Network Breakfast.

business-to-business market research companies operating worldwide. Advantage helps clients create more rewarding business relationships through benchmarking.

Taking the latest data from the 2018 Drinks Association Advantage Trade engagement program, McLoughlin examined why it’s important for a business to understand the key attributes of successful business relationships and how to translate this into a differentiated positioning that is clear in the mind of their business partner.

At the recent 2018 Australian Drinks Awards, Advantage’s benchmark surveys helped determine the winners of three Supplier awards - Supplier of the Year (Diageo), Most Improved Supplier (Diageo) and Supply Chain Partnership (Lion).

Advantage Group is a Corporate Partner of The Drinks Association and one of the leading Page 8

On and off-premise retailers, including hundreds of participants at all levels of seniority and with all supplier-facing functions with every major retailer in the liquor industry, gave their feedback in the surveys.

The Drinks Association | November 2018

Over the 10 years Advantage has been conducting its survey, it has seen a 17% increase in customer satisfaction. In 2018, the gap between the highest and lowest performing suppliers is the highest it has been since inception. According to McLoughlin the top third of suppliers have really lifted their game. And it’s paying off: Advantage statistics show that the top third of businesses are growing at around 3.7%, while the bottom third are declining at around 4.1%. Areas that have seen the most improvement over the past decade include the use of appropriately qualified and empowered personnel, the agility of response rates, streamlined supply chain management and strong relationship building. “So what’s holding us back?” McLoughlin asked. “Category management hasn’t progressed - too many suppliers are focussed on their brand rather than category growth.” He also said retailers aren’t seeing a shift in brand marketing, while digital strategy is also perceived as being weak. McLoughlin also asked attendees: “What kind of business partner do you want to be?” He noted that retailers see up to 15 suppliers a day, which means suppliers must play to their strengths and create a unique offering.

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He named four dominant positions businesses could take: availability, strategy, engagement and agility. Engagement is about being people led and easy to working with. As an example, an Advantage survey respondent noted: “This business has great people who we can trust. They are hungry for business and work at a pace that means we can get round a table, agree on something and get it done.” Agility means having a focus on delivering to retailer strategy. A respondent noted: “This business is always my first port of call when it comes to opportunities. I know they will be up for the challenge and willing to think differently to get to the solution. They understand us and have a great track record vs others so we call them first every time.” Strategy is a focus on planning, partnering and leading the category. One retailer example was: “This business really stands out for its understanding of the category. We can rely on them to provide the insight into shopper behaviour and developing the products and promotions to exploit the opportunities.” Availability is related to excellence in supply and engagement on strategic supply chain issues. As a retailer described it: “This business has got both its demand planning and supply chain right. Not only does that mean they perform at a really high standard week in week out, but they are also pushing us on the strategic supply chain agenda.” Page 10

The Drinks Association | November 2018

McLoughlin said it was important to have a dominant position among the four. “Don’t try and be good at everything,” he explained. “For example, you’re not going to be great at agility if you’re focussed on lowest cost. Think about what your customer wants most from you.”

Making a visit to McWilliam’s Wines The Drinks Association General Manager Rachel Wormald and Client Engagement Manager Alison Herring visited McWilliam’s Wines recently to discuss the services and the developments within the association. It was a great meeting, with approximately 30 team members in attendance and some useful conversation around the Liquor Licences Database taking place. Drop Alison a line on alisonh@drinks.asn.au if you’d like to arrange for a visit to your offices to dicuss opportunities or receive further insights into current services.

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Amatil & 4 Pines announce plans to go solar

Two Aussie drinks companies - Coca-Cola Amatil and CUB’s 4 Pines - have announced their solar power plans this week. Coca-Cola Amatil is installing 10,000 commercial solar panels in a bid to reduce power costs and carbon emissions in its Australian plants. The 3.5 MW solar power system is being rolled out over three sites in three different states. It will provide 14% of Amatil’s energy needs and should reduce the company’s annual energy bills by up to $1.3 million. The ambitious solar program will cover the ground of 42 average suburban blocks. That makes it one of the largest commercial rooftop solar systems in Australia. “On current figures the installation will pay for itself in six to seven years and is expected to provide an additional $14 million benefit over its lifetime,”

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Amatil’s Australian beverages chief Peter West said. Meanwhile, 4 Pines Brewing Company announced it is calling for investors to back the installation of 100kW of PV at its brewery on Sydney’s northern beaches next month. The crowd-funding round will be led by community solar organisations Pingala Co-operative and ClearSky Solar Investment, and will offer those who sign up as much as 8% return on their investment. And the 100kW solar system – which will power the 4 Pines Brewery, pack line, and office spaces in Brookvale, Sydney – will be installed by Smart Commercial Solar in November. The system is expected to deliver nearly 40% of 4 Pines’ electricity needs, bringing the boutique brewer in line with CUB’s parent company, AB InBev, which aims to source 100% of its purchased

The Drinks Association | November 2018

electricity from renewable sources by 2025.

electricity consumption by 20%.

Pingala was behind one of the earliest examples of this in Australia, when it led a community investment round for Young Henry’s in Newtown in 2016.

AGL’s Head of Commercial Solar, Doug Landfear, said at the time that AGL was pleased to be working with Pernod Ricard Winemakers to deliver what will be the largest combined solar installation in the wine industry in Australia.

On that occasion, the crowd-funding effort raised a total of $17,500 in just nine minutes, to help pay for the installation of a 29.9kW solar array. The 56 investors were expected to achieve returns of more than 5% p.a. over the term of the project.” Largest solar installation in Aussie wine for Pernod Pernod Ricard Winemakers announced in May that its Jacob’s Creek winery would soon be home to one of the largest private installations of solar panels in South Australia.

“Once completed, the solar projects at Pernod Ricard Winemakers’ Rowland Flat and Richmond Grove facilities in the Barossa Valley are expected to generate around 4000 MWh of renewable energy every year, which is equivalent to the energy consumed annually in approximately 800 South Australian homes” Landfear said.

“Pernod Ricard Winemakers has made a clear commitment to reduce the environmental impact of its operations, and we’re pleased to assist them Working with AGL Energy, 2.8 MW of solar panels were with this solar project at their iconic facilities in the installed across two winery sites in the Barossa Valley. Barossa Valley.” In total, the new solar installation is equivalent in size to the Adelaide oval playing surface, three soccer pitches or 13 Olympic-sized swimming pools and is registered as a power station.

Stephen Cook, Sustainable Development Manager, Pernod Ricard Winemakers said: “Operating responsibly is important to our business, installing the 2.8 MW solar energy system will reduce our energy bills, produce our own clean energy, and The installation has reduced the company’s annual grid support our commitment to the environment.”

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The Drinks Association | November 2018

Nielsen to launch new liquor service Nielsen has announced that it is creating a new liquor measurement service in Australia. The new service - slated to be switched on in 2019 - will include core liquor measurement solutions, as well as fold in Nielsen’s global and broader measurement capabilities across sports, media and e-commerce services, to name a few. The news follows a recent announcement by Woolworths, which confirmed it had awarded its data measurement contracts to Nielsen and Quantium. Nielsen’s Pacific Head of Product, Bernie Hughes, said the new liquor service is being built with the liquor industry’s needs at its core. “Over the past 12 months, the team at Nielsen has held over 20 exploratory conversations with various stakeholders across the Australian liquor industry,” he noted. “The very open conversations have allowed us to understand measurement pain points and requirements of the individual companies, as well as the broader industry, enabling us to build innovative and relevant solutions that are ready to take the liquor industry into the future.” The Drinks Association CEO Georgia Lennon added: “We are pleased with the time that Nielsen has spent over the past 12 months getting to know our industry and our members’ needs. We encourage the industry to keep providing feedback on their needs and look forward to hearing more from Nielsen on their new liquor measurement service over the coming months.” Nielsen’s Pacific CEO, Justin Sargent, said he is looking forward to Nielsen working closer with the Page 14

Australian liquor industry. “The team at Nielsen are passionate about the Australian liquor industry and now is the right time for us to bring our global and local knowledge and capabilities to this market and support this industry for healthy growth into the future,” concluded Sargent. Further details on the new liquor measurement service will be made available shortly. Nielsen is a Corporate Partner of The Drinks Association. If you have any thoughts or ideas for Nielsen, they welcome your input. Contact: Bernard. Hughes@nielsen.com

The Drinks Association | November 2018

news Upcoming event: the art of networking

The Victorian Chapter of Women in Drinks is holding a special event focussing on “The Art of Networking”.

industry in a casual setting.

The insightful and informative event will offer advice to hone your networking skills. It will be facilitated by Derek Oliver, Global Marketing Director – Jacob’s Creek.

Time: 6pm –8pm

Derek will share tips and tricks for fine-tuning your networking skills. He will reflect on his 15 years’ experience with leading brand-building organisations, sharing his fresh view on the art of networking and the value of relationship building. Attendees will then have the opportunity to put their new skills into practice with peers from the drinks


Date: Wednesday, November 21, 2018 Where: Storyville - 185 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne Cost: $35/person, includes drinks and canapes CLICK HERE TO BOOK $5 from each ticket will go to the Australia New Zealand Gynaecological Oncology Group (ANZGOG).

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The Drinks Association | November 2018

The best drinks companies for gender equity Diageo has been named the world’s best drinks company when it comes to gender equality according to a report by Equileap. Equileap is a gender equity data and insight group. Its study looked at 3000 companies world wide and gave them a grade using criteria such as leadership, career development, work-life balance, pay and family leave. Only three drinks industry companies made the Top 200: No.11: Diageo No.29: Woolworths Australia No.160: Molson Coors Brewing USA Diageo recently won the Gender Equity Award at the 2018 Australian Drinks Awards. The award was introduced by The Drinks Association to celebrate excellence in gender equity initiatives and programs in the workplace. “Creating a work environment with a diverse mix of people, where everyone feels totally comfortable to be their authentic selves not only makes Diageo a great place to work that attracts the very best talent, it makes sure everyone is giving their very best and enjoying it,” said David Smith, MD Diageo Australia. “This in turn drives brilliant performance. “We’ve had a sustained focus on gender diversity in recent years and from listening to our employees, we’ve designed programs and policies to support greater gender equality and there’s a lot to be proud of. “My Executive Team is 50% female and 50% male. Likewise our Leadership Team, the 30 or so people who report directly into the Exec Team are also 50% female, 50% male.

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“We consistently have no gender pay gap and in the last 12 months we’ve had four or five new dads from varying functions and levels all take parental care leave for between 4-6 months. “We’ve worked with each employee to make the policy flex to their requirements whether that’s full-time parental leave, part time parental leave, or a combination. We now ask everyone who is becoming a parent regardless of gender, ‘what type of leave will you take?’ “We’ve got a strong focus on balance, wellbeing and connection, and we encourage our people to manage their energy not their time. We support this through a flexible work philosophy that allows employees to work in the way that works best for them to deliver the outcomes they and the business strive for.” The world’s No.1 company for gender equality General Motors (GM) was named the world’s best company when it comes to gender equality. It topped last year’s title holder, cosmetic company L’Oreal. GM took top honors this year because it was the only company to have a female CEO and have an equal number of men and women on its board. The company is also one of just two other global giants that have implemented pay equality across all levels, including low-level employees and top executives. GM also offers flexible work locations and has policies in place to prevent workplace sexual violence. That commitment to diversity also extends to GM’s supply chain, where it promotes diversity as well. Australia had the fourth highest number of companies in the Top 200.

The Drinks Association | November 2018

The Aussie top 10 were: No.7: Westpac No. 8: National Australia Bank No.13: Stockland No.22: Commonwealth Bank Of Australia No.29: Woolworths No.31: Mirvac No.35: Origin Energy No.36: Vicinity Centres 3 No.37: Caltex Australia No.48: Rea Group

Pictured above (top): Diageo Australia’s extended leadership team; Diageo on the winners’ podium at the Australian Drinks Awards.

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The Drinks Association | November 2018

Georgia Lennon shares her leadership perspectives with StayinFront The Drinks Association’s CEO Georgia Lennon shared her Leadership Perspectives with our Corporate Partner StayInFront on the future of the drinks industry.

highly-proven system that has been deployed by leading beverage and consumer goods companies worldwide to meet the challenging needs of the rapidly changing industry.

StayinFront is a complete consumer goods CRM solution for the liquor and beverage industry, providing an automated solution for field forces on iPads, iPhones, Android devices and Windows laptops and tablets.

Here’s what Lennon had to say to StayinFront about technology’s role in the industry.

Supporting account selling, retail execution and direct store delivery activities it is a robust and

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You’ve transitioned from a technology company to the drinks industry. What led you to make this change and what are some similarities and differences are you seeing between the two spaces?

The Drinks Association | November 2018

My initial decision to move from the technology sector to the drinks industry was driven by a desire to challenge myself to do and learn something different. I‘ve since become captivated by the wonderful people and collegiate nature of the industry, which is a true differentiator for the industry. Like all industries, a priority focus is to create a workforce that is future fit with the skills to leverage the data and technologies required to keep pace with dynamic pace of business and the constant change in consumer behaviour. What is the strategic vision of The Drinks Association and the most relevant benefits you provide members? The purpose of The Drinks Association is to make a positive difference to the industry, by being a dynamic, vibrant and collaborative partner for members and strengthening the brand proposition of the industry in Australia and beyond. Within this purpose, we have developed three ‘Promises’ for our members. We INFORM our members by identifying needs and coordinating industry’s ready access to valuable, current and trusted data and information. We CONNECT our industry through the creation of events and initiatives that engage our community and strengthen meaningful, valuable networks. And finally we STRENGTHEN our industry through initiatives that establish the drinks industry as a destination of choice that attracts and retains diverse industry talent. What are some of the challenges or disruptions affecting the wine and spirits manufacturers? I recently spoke with many members to understand the headwinds and opportunities their businesses are facing. Top of mind was the need for a future fit workforce. Not only are members looking to recruit

talent with the relevant skills, they also want to protect the talent they have and ensure depth of specialist skills in the areas of data analytics and digital intelligence. People capability is not just about the skills, but the mindset. To ensure success, organisations need to hire people who are resilient, can operate in an everchanging environment and have an entrepreneurial and innovative approach. Leading on from this comes the concept of digital as an organizational enabler. Companies not only need to recruit for this, but also evaluate how they use technology to completely change their operating and engagement model. The drinks industry is exceptionally talented at marketing brands. This requires constant understanding of the changing needs of consumers. Using data helps companies understand how consumers interact around the category and their customer journey in store. The shift in Australian consumer demographics has had a huge impact on consumer consumption patterns. Additionally, the shift in when and how people are consuming drinks has significantly impacted consumer consumption. Organisations are grappling to understand how to shift their portfolio to cater for these changes. Whoever understands the customer and consumer best will win! How are your members using technology to stay competitive and drive growth? Our members are constantly looking for ways to drive efficiencies. Everything is being evaluated for the value equation with a clear theme of disruption. Successful organisations are those that have harnessed solutions to combine the huge volumes of data across a business providing actionable insight from head office to the on-road salesforce. Click here to read more leadership perspectives from StayinFront

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The Drinks Association | November 2018

Mentoring Program grows leadership pipeline It’s been another amazing year for The Drinks Association’s Women in Drinks Mentoring Program as it seeks to grow the leadership pipeline in the drinks industry. Now in its second year, the program aims to help promote and develop women for senior leadership roles while building a culture of inclusion. The program was again facilitated by Serendis Leadership Consulting and attracted a high calibre group of participants, facilitating mentoring relationships between professional women in middle to senior management roles with more senior leaders and decision makers. In 2018, mentors and mentees from Australian Vintage, Bacardi, Brown Forman, Campari, Casella, Amatil, Lion, Coles Liquor, Diageo, Moet Hennessy and Pernod Ricard took part. “I am thrilled to see the drinks industry’s ongoing engagement and excitement for this program,” said Program Director Bianca Havas (pictured right).

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“Organisations that participated last year continued their involvement, while we also saw some large organisations joining for the first time. The more diversity of organisations and people involved, the better the program so we were extremely pleased with the participation this year.

“Through the program we created a community of people who are committed to building a culture of inclusion within the drinks industry, starting with their own personal leadership and we aim for this to have a ripple effect. It takes time and courage to reflect on oneself as a leader and the participants have displayed enormous humility and commitment to this process, with most already seeing the rewards of their efforts. Inclusion is hard but the rewards are certainly there when you begin to develop awareness and shift your behaviours and habits.” Feedback from both mentees and mentors was incredibly positive. Among the comments from mentees: >> “The advice I received from the mentoring

The Drinks Association | November 2018

program helped me look at my career differently. I took on a new role as a result of the conversations I had with my mentor.” >> “I now have greater focus on my leadership journey. I am generally more confident and particularly in situations where I felt nervous previously. I now have more connections across my organisation and have started to build them outside as well.” Mentors also praised the program: >> “I found the program beneficial for myself on reflecting on my leadership style.” >> “Diversity is a challenge, but inclusion is more challenging! Lots of personal insights into my own leadership and opportunities for development in that space also.” Havas also shared her personal highlights from the program: the annual panel discussion with four senior executives and the new Inclusion360 tool. “The insights from the panel session were great as the panellists revealed there is not one path to leadership,” she explained. “Some described taking risks and seizing opportunities while others were more planned. The panellists talked about what they have learned over the years and the important role that mentors and sponsors played in their careers. “The second highlight was the new Inclusion360 tool and debrief we added to the program for the first time. Participants were invited to take Serendis’ Inclusion360 survey, which measures one’s leadership impact through the lens of inclusion. “Participants rated themselves against nine dimensions of inclusion and then invited their peers, direct reports and senior colleagues to rate them on inclusive behaviours such as mental agility, psychological safety and transparency for example. “The tool was an opportunity for mentors and mentees to see where their strengths and blind spots

might be in relation to leading inclusively. Often the impact of our behaviours may be different from the original intention so this tool provides clarity and awareness around one’s inclusive leadership capabilities, strengths and areas for development.” The Women in Drinks Mentoring Program has demonstrated the importance and crucial impact that mentoring can have on an individual’s career. The access to a different perspective and the feedback of a senior leader from another organisation is a unique opportunity for participants. The Drinks Association is already seeking feedback on the direction of the third year of the program. “I am very much looking forward to meeting the new cohort of mentors and mentees next year as I find working with the drinks industry personally rewarding,” Havas said. “People are keen to learn and are very open to the process of the program which makes my job enjoyable. We will be enhancing the program next year and making a few changes but we won’t be announcing those until we open for applications in February 2019.”

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The Drinks Association | November 2018

Brian Walsh talks gender diversity in the Australian wine industry Women in Drinks South Australia is celebrating the success of its latest event - “The Evolution of Gender Diversity in the Drinks Industry�. Held at Pernod Ricard Winemakers in Rowland Flat, the event featured Brian Walsh, Chair of Wine Australia, exploring gender diversity within the wine industry and what he sees as the most effective initiatives to drive change for the future. Walsh boasts a 24-year career at Yalumba, spanning roles of Chief Winemaker, Director of Production and Director of Strategy and Business Development, as well as 20 years working in winemaking and management positions in McLaren Vale. Walsh has previously held roles including President of the South Australian Wine Industry

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Association, Chair of the South Australian Wine Tourism Advisory Board, Chair of Barossa Winemakers Committee, Chair of the Wine Innovation Cluster, and is currently Independent Chair of Riverland Wine. He discussed how gender barriers started to break down in the Australian winemaking sector in 1972, when the first woman enrolled in winemaking at Roseworthy College. However, while graduation rates versus long-term retention rates of females in winemaking and viticulture are currently a 50/50 split at graduation, this slides to a male majority after 10 years. In winemaking roles, female participation moves to single digits. He noted that while the Australian Women in Wine

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Awards are a fantastic initiative, his hope is that diversity in the wine industry will reach a point where gender specific awards are no longer necessary. Regarding his involvement in the AWIWAs, Walsh has previously noted: “I was naively thinking that because we see approximately equal numbers of graduates entering the sector that progress in diversity and equity was being made. “Now aware of the large attrition rate of top female talent from our grape and wine community, I realise that something needs to be done. “The AWIWA is one important part of that process – providing awareness, recognition, inspiration, confidence and opportunity for women in wine, thereby making our whole wine community both fairer and stronger.” Walsh emphasised the importance of including all levels in the wine industry, from the vineyard to the packaging plant to executives, in the diversity journey. He also noted that large and small companies need to share knowledge on diversity across the sector. A Q&A and networking session followed Walsh’s keynote speech. Thank you to everyone on the South Australian Council for their hard work in making the event such a success. We look forward to another exciting year of events in 2019. Women in Drinks is an initiative by The Drinks Association to highlight issues facing women in the workplace, champion opportunities and offer networking events for women working in the drinks industry.

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How The Drinks Association keeps you informed Here’s a handy guide to the ways The Drinks Association spreads the word about great achievements and initiatives in our industry. The Drinks Association’s mission is to connect, inform and strengthen the drinks industry. We aim to keep you up to date with all the latest drinks news and developments, both in Australia and overseas.

We have a LinkedIn company page and three groups: the drinks association, drinks trade and Women in drinks.

Take a look at the many ways we keep you in touch. Connect with us on social media Get your news even faster by following us on social media. You can follow us on Instagram at the drinks association, where we have more than 1000 followers. We have a monthly newsletter - drinks news We have more than 4000 followers on our three Facebook pages: drinks trade, the drinks association and Women in drinks.

We have almost 3000 followers on Twitter at drinks trade, the drinks association and Women in drinks.

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Click here to become a subscriber.

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Visit our websites We feature the latest news updates at drinkscentral.com.au, diversity&inclusion@drinks. com.au and drinksbulletin.com.au drinks bulletin also sends out weekly newsletters that round-up the top stories. Click here to subscibe. Our websites reach almost 40,000 unique users every month, with almost 1 million page impressions. How you can feature in our digital and print publications Email our Social Media & Communications manager Alana House on alanah@drinks.asn.au and Drinks Trade’s executive editor Melissa Parker on melissa@hip.com.au We have a bi-monthly magazine - drinks trade

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3 easy ways to learn more about The Drinks Association’s services The Drinks Association has created a series of videos and infographics highlighting how we can help you. The Drinks Association Learn more about the drinks association and the services it offers. Click here to view the infographic.

Drinks Bulletin Keep your finger on the pulse of the whole industry with our weekly drinks bulletin. Click here to view the infographic.

Drinks Trade Want to know what drinks trade magazine can do for you and your business? Click here to view the infographic.

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What our Associate Members can do for you ... A guide to the services provided by The Drinks Association’s Associate Members. AMA AMA Commercial Collections is an Australian owned and operated enterprise that has served credit managers since 1977. It provides a full range of services and products including debt recovery, trade bureaus, credit consulting, credit insurance and information services. Click here to learn more. BevChain BevChain provides national tailored supply chain solutions for the beverage industry across Australia with ‘best-in-class’ warehouse and distribution services. Click here to learn more. Fix Corp Fix offers tailored solutions for system management, processes and efficiencies, category management, promotional program management, marketing programs & collateral management, retail support and merchandising, space planning, pricing, audit program management, data collection and analysis and reporting, product advice and product to market advice. Click here to learn more. Hip Media Hip Media is a specialist, mid-sized publisher dedicated to meeting your marketing and corporative objectives. Hip creates publications that communicate with customers, members or stakeholders in an informative, entertaining and inspirational voice; specialising in print and digital content in the B2C and B2B sectors. Click here to learn more. IRI IRI has the world’s largest set of consumer, purchase, media, social and mobile data, igniting growth for clients in the FMCG, retail and health sector. Whether it’s analyzing how to make your assortment, pricing and promotions more profitable, tailoring media strategies, or guiding you through new product or market planning, IRI helps grow your business. Click here to learn more. Kegstar Kegstar is an asset pooling business specialising in stainless steel kegs used to transport beverages. It collects empty kegs from venues and then redeploys them to other customers in the pool. Each keg is uniquely identified and tracked as it moves through the supply chain. Click here to learn more.

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The Drinks Association | November 2018

Mondo Search Mondo Search provides executive search and recruitment services across a range of industries in Australia, including direct selling, digital/ direct marketing, drinks, FMCG, franchising/retail and hospitality. Mondo offers tailored recruitment services through its Sydney and Melbourne consultancies, and has national and international affiliates through The Worldwide Recruiting Network. Click here to learn more. tic technologies tic technologies provides custom internet and CMS solutions. tic’s team is available at all times, providing ongoing complimentary support. Its powerful, yet easy to use CMS can be extended to multiple, independent web sites. When you need quality web technology, strategic marketing and support; think tic technologies. Click here to learn more. BARSCAN BARSCAN delivers insights into the on-premise liquor trade. BARSCAN for Venues takes the hassle out of retrieving data from your POS, delivering a simple way to understand and analyse sales, margins and profit performance. BARSCAN delivers insights into trends, trading dynamics, occasion dynamics and promotions in the on-premise liquor trade. Click here to learn more. Ebiquity Ebiquity is a leading independent media and marketing analytics specialist. It monitors advertising across all main channels – TV, Radio, Digital, Outdoor, Press – to provide you the required visibility to react to competitor activity, and give you greater confidence to develop successful communication strategies. We help you to understand who is advertising, where they are advertising, what they are saying, and how much they are spending. Click here to learn more. GS1 Australia GS1 is a leading global organisation dedicated to the design and implementation of global standards and solutions to improve the efficiency and visibility of supply and demand chains. The GS1 system of standards is the most widely used supply chain standards system in the world. The company’s specialties are barcodes, EPC, GDSN, eCom, MobileCom, AIDC, traceability and supply chain standards. Click here to learn more. JEM Computer Systems JEM provides Information Communication Technology (ICT) management and

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support for small to medium organisations. It offers 24-hour, 7-day-a-week remote support, ICT Project Management, software auditing and licensing compliance, regular system health reporting and proactive monitoring, disaster recovery planning and data back-up services, domain and DNS management, system integration, service and virtualisation, and hardware. Click here to learn more. Mainfreight As a global supply chain business with over 240 branches around the world, Mainfreight offers sophisticated logistics solutions in and out of the most dynamic economies. The company also offers specialised warehousing and distribution solutions. Click here to learn more. NCI Established in 1985 as a specialist trade credit insurance broker, NCI has grown to become the leading trade credit insurance broker throughout Australia, New Zealand and Asia. NCI focusses on protecting its client’s profitability - while credit insurance is the ultimate safeguard against bad debts, better business practices in trade credit management can also help to improve profitability on a day to day basis. Click here to learn more. Merch & Effect

Merch & Effect has a proven integrated approach to the management of merchandise-based projects and campaigns providing full-circle project management, including market research; product conceptualisation, creative development & production; warehousing & logistics: quality control; assembly & packaging; and international shipping & delivery. Click here to learn more.

Touchstone Executive Search Touchstone has been helping clients secure the best senior executive talent since 2003. The company advises major Australian and multinational companies on senior appointments across the Asia Pacific region. Through research and global network relationships Touchstone builds deep industry background and behavioural knowledge, which allows it to deliver high caliber shortlists quickly and efficiently. Click here to learn more. SKUVantage Specialising in helping clients drive sales, reduce costs and save time with a collaborative one-stop-shop approach to digital content management,

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The Drinks Association | November 2018

SKUVantage brings a wealth of possibilities to member companies. The business already has a strong relationship with the drinks association through its digital content repository service www.drinkslibrary.com.au. Click here to learn more. Manildra Group This world-class distillery produces grain neutral spirits for a range of craft and big brand beverages – including vodka, gin, blended whiskies, liquor and read-to-drink packaged alcohol. Click here to learn more NextGen NextGen Group is is a shopper insight and strategy consultancy that helps brand owners build their brands with and through retailers. It specialises in helpling clients generate breakthrough shopper insights and turning those insights into POP solutions in store. Click here to learn more Corporate Diversity Pathways Corporate Diversity Pathways is a management consulting firm specialising in corporate organisations’ Diversity & Inclusion needs. CDP has a shared vision to leverage female talent for diversity, equality, inclusion and peak performance through methods such as executive leadership programs and career placements for Women. Click here to learn more Powerforce Powerforce is part of the Blueprint Group, which works with retailers and manufacturers to help unlock value for them through its integrated range of data, sales and marketing solutions. Powerforce and Blueprint’s CCS offer a full range of sales and marketing solutions through brand names such as Extravert, Retail Facts! and Auserep; and Retail Insight. Click here to learn more Do you know a company that would make a great Associate Member of The Drinks Association? Alison Herring, our Member Liaison, would love to hear from them. Here email address is aherring@drinks.asn.au or call (02) 9415 1199

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The Drinks Association | November 2018

Meet our valued Corporate Partners It’s been another amazing year for The Drinks Association in 2018 and we couldn’t do it without our valued Corporate Partners. Our corporate partnerships aim to further our common goal of building stronger, more progressive, competitive and valued services to the drinks industry. It was great to have our Corporate Partners on the journey with us this year and we can’t wait to work with them again in 2019. If you’d like to become a Corporate Partner of The Drinks Association or know a company that would be a great match for us, contact Rachel Wormald on rachelw@drinks.asn.au Here’s a guide to our current Corporate Partners:

Advantage Australia Advantage is one of the leading business-to-business market research companies operating worldwide. They help clients create more rewarding business relationships through benchmarking. Shopper Intelligence is a quantitative measurement research program based on shopper interviews, covering all major categories and retailers in one benchmarking process. The team at Real World Marketing are consumer, shopper and category experts. Aon Aon is the global leader in human resource consulting and outsourcing solutions. Their services focus in helping organisations mitigate risk in their workforce and realise the untapped potential of their employees. They also help individuals maximise their wealth to enable people to live the life they want. The Aon Hewitt team of experts partner with your organisation to develop and deliver people strategies that achieve positive business outcomes.

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BevChain BevChain provides national tailored supply chain solutions for the alcoholic beverage industry across Australia with ‘best-in-class’ warehouse and distribution services. Nielsen Nielsen is a global information and measurement company with leading market positions in marketing and consumer information, television and other media measurement, online intelligence, mobile measurement, trade shows and related properties. StayinFront Group StayinFront is a complete consumer goods CRM solution for the liquor and beverage industry providing an automated solution for field forces on iPads, iPhones, Android devices and Windows laptops and tablets. Supporting account selling, retail execution and direct store delivery activities it is a robust and highly-proven system that has been deployed by leading beverage and consumer goods companies worldwide to meet the challenging needs of the rapidly changing industry. The Drinks Industry Show The Drinks Industry Show showcases the best in wine, beer and spirits from across the globe. The annual event reconnects producers and distributors of alcoholic beverages with buyers from all industry verticals, providing access to a wide range of decision makers responsible for the procurement of alcohol. Industry buyers are able to sample, compare and order products, meet new colleagues and reconnect with existing ones.

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GS1 GS1 is a neutral, not-for-profit organisation that develops and maintains the most widely used global standards for efficient business communication. It is best known for the barcode, named by the BBC as one of “the 50 things that made the world economy”. GS1 standards and services improve supply chain efficiency, traceability and food safety across physical and digital channels in the food and beverage sector.

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