Driver 24 News for professional drivers in southern Africa
KZN taxi association leads with training
THE South African National Taxi Council (Santaco) in KwaZulu-Natal is taking steps to change the face of the taxi industry. As part of this effort, a training academy was launched recently aimed at equipping taxi drivers, operators, rank managers, marshalls and secretaries
with skills that will give the industry a facelift. KZN Santcao hopes the certificate from this training will become a prerequisite to get a Professional Driving Permits (PrDP) for drivers and operating permits for taxi bosses, as they believe it will be an effective tool to regulate the industry.
Santaco has already started formal training of drivers and taxi operators in the province with a focus on customer care, human resources, business finance, advanced driving skills and first aid. The training aims to address unruly behaviour by taxi drivers and other issues within the industry.
Euro drivers see It is not something truckers in Africa worry about -- too little sunshine. But up north, some of our paler colleagues can go without seeing the sun for months at a time, and when the source of our Vitamine D goes down for days, so does the driver's mood. This became clear after Daimler undertook a twoweek study in Rovaniemi, Finland. Drivers were subjected to steady light while driving, an intense blast of light before/after driving, and light at maximum intensity while they reclined in their seats and napped. Testing took place over a two-week period, and
the light, its plastic fantastic!
Not a robot, but a German driving in artifical light. Photo: Daimler
drivers drove the same routes without the artificial light to form a baseline. Daimler reported the results of an initial series of experiments with engineers from the test drive department were clear: the subjective condition of all test subjects improved significantly under the
influence of an additional dose of light, regardless of the time of day. Another finding proved surprising: the test drivers with more daylight in the cab drove more economically. All we Africans drivers can add is don't come try shining any of those bright lights in our eyes when we are trying to sleep!
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April 2017
Less red tape at Ressano Garcia Border The Mozambican Revenue Authority (MRA) will roll out the 2nd phase of the Single Road Cargo Manifest process on the 1 6th of June 201 7 when all international road carriers (national and international) transporting goods to Mozambique through the Ressano Garcia border post will be required to submit the Road Cargo Manifest on the Single Electronic Window platform in compliance with national and international legislation. International road carriers (both foreign and national) must therefore register on the SEW platform and foreign carriers must apply for a NUIT number with the Mozambican Revenue Authority between the 1 5th of April and the 1 5th of June 201 7. The registration process is set out in the Service Order, copies of which, together with the NUIT application form, may be obtained from MCLI at Driver24 invites all drivers to join our WhatsApp Group. Get jobs, competitions and news headlines delivered on your smartphone, all for mahala, gratis and verniet. Whatsapp your name and the province you live in to 072 152 670.