Driver 24 News for professional drivers in southern Africa
Ru s s i an d ri vers on s tri ke
Russia's long distance truck drivers are protesting a new tax that will cost 600,000 drivers their jobs. The last week ofApril saw drivers parking and camping across Russia or striking at depots. Across Russia, supplies are running low in shops in 80 of Russia's 8 regions. In a lesson for South Africa, the truckers are also fighting the endemic corruption in Russia, and they will soon be joined by citizens in mass protests. Photo : The Moscow Times.
May month may not see end to pupils on bakkies Government is sort of trying to stop people who help poor parents by taking their children to work in the back of a bakkie take. Sort of, because from May 11 the amendment to regulation 250, that was published on 11 November 2016, will be effective. The amendment continuous to disallow the transport of school children FOR REWARD in the goods compartment of a vehicle. The amendment also does not allow other persons to be transported in the goods compartment for reward unless it is done in terms of the National Land Transport Act of 2009). An operating licence may therefore be issued for a goods vehicle if it is done in terms of the NLTA provisions
Not Illegal as long as the bakkie driver does not get rewarded for driving the pupils. Photo: Herald Live
and the transport is not for school children. Children and other persons may still be transported in the goods compartment of a vehicle if it is NOT done for reward as long as Reg 247 is complied with. This regulation requires a frame or canopy of at least 350 mm above the the seat; or at least 900 mm above the
floor, in materials strong enough to stop a person from falling off a bakkie while it is moving. Regulati 247 also requires that all tools or goods, except their personal effects must be stored separately from the passenger compartment to avoid things like spades or pickaxes injuring people in a crash. -- DR.
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May 2017
Code 1 4 drivers, operating from Durban. R1 2,000/m. Must have a valid PDP and be between 1 8 - 40 years old. No criminal record. Fax your cv to 086 602 2063 or apply online. --Code 1 0 driver wanted as messanger at Dept of Economic Development. R1 2,738/m excluding benefits. Must have pdp and 4 years experience. Defensive driving certificate and basic knowledge of the mechanical functions of a vehicle will be an advantage. Job entials after hours and occasional weekend trips. Closing date 6 May 201 7. inquiries Siphiwe Nhlapho: 011 355 8540 --Code 1 0 and Code 1 4 drivers wanted at logistics company, with 3 years experience. From R1 8000/m depending on license and experience. Fax CV to 0865372746.
--Please consider your application failed if you don't hear back in 3 weeks.