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Health, Beauty and Fitness
Health Matters
by Sue Lennon
Next month, September, is all about Gynae Awareness around the world, some organisations keeping the focus on gynaecological cancer awareness and support, others widening the reach and including everything else besides, from menses to menopause and fertility to fun. In France it is ‘Septembre Turquoise’, and the theme is the prevention and early detection of cancer of the uterus, cervix and vulva. As anyone who has seen a gynaecologist here will know, the gynae service also concerns itself with breast care, but of course breast cancer has its own month (October Rose).
I came across all of this information in a very roundabout fashion, having linked with a woman called Kath Mazzella who lives in Australia. She was diagnosed with a gynaecological malignancy some years back and after all her treatment was done, decided to devote herself to breaking down the barriers and stigmas associated with these usually very private cancers. As a result of a great deal of campaigning she has received all kinds of awards, including the Australia Medal, but the reason I mention this woman who lives halfway around the world is that she hopes to make one day, the 10th September, ‘International Red Knickers Day’ for gynae awareness. A day when ordinary women can be encouraged to talk, to share and make aware!!
I was so taken with this idea that I chatted to three women from a little association called ‘Le Uni Vers Soi 79’ to see if we could do something together (I didn’t want to be the only woman in the supermarket queue with my red pants over my jeans!) and they agreed. So, on 10th September, we have a few activities planned, a bit of chat and a ‘picnicpartager’ to look forward to! It’s an opportunity to:
Find out who uses which gynaecologist, where and whether they are menopause friendly.
To talk about things like how our kids or grandkids ‘do’ sex education in France and what needs to change.
To understand what a sage-femme does and how you get your smear test done.
To find out what you can expect to happen if you do present with bleeding beyond the menopause, and what support is available in all areas - not only medically but socially, financially and emotionally too.
And here’s the best bit, it’s not compulsory to have a vagina to be allowed in!
I’m really excited about it as it is the first time that I have been involved in planning an event here but at the same time am nervous that rural France may not be ready for ‘La Journée des Coulottes Rouge”.
So, having called the men to action for Men’s Health Day in June, ladies it’s your turn! If you aren’t coming to our gig in Chiché, is there something that you can do on Red Knickers Day?
Could you have a gathering to share practical knowledge on all things gynae? How about you talk to the teenagers in your family about what the menopause is (and include the boys too, one day a woman they love may thank you) or maybe you find support for yourself if you have been through a gynae health challenge and never had the emotional care you needed?
I had an email from our friend Ameli in April, who told me that psychology is now available under the MonPsy scheme with an ordonnance from your MT. If that is not possible for you, remember that there are lots of English-speaking counsellors that work online. You don’t have to cope alone!
If you need help, seek it. Because you’re worth it. Sue x
Your Ground Yoga
We all need inspiration and encouragement now and then. This month I thought I’d share some of my favourite quotes about yoga from other guides and teachers. Some of them might surprise you, and hopefully some will speak to you. Read them slowly, let the words soak into your heart and take their wisdom with you into your day. “True yoga is not about the shape of your body, but the shape of your life. Yoga is not to be performed; yoga is to be lived. Yoga doesn’t care about what you have been. Yoga cares about the person you are becoming.” — Aadil Palkhivala "Yoga is not about touching your toes, it’s about what you learn on the way down." — Jigar Gor "There is always room for change, but you have to be open to that change.” — Kathryn Budig "If you fall over, you fall over. If you have to stop, you stop. But you start again. Just like life itself, you start again.” — Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa “Yoga teaches you how to listen to your body." — Mariel Hemingway "Yoga begins right where I am – not where I was yesterday or where I long to be." ― Linda Sparrowe "People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing. That’s why we recommend it daily." — Zig Ziglar "Most people have no idea how good their body is designed
by Rebecca Novick
to feel.” ― Kevin Trudeau "Exercises are like prose, whereas yoga is the poetry of movements. Once you understand the grammar of yoga; you can write your poetry of movements.” — Amit Ray “Move your joints every day. You have to find your own tricks. Bury your mind deep in your heart, and watch the body move by itself.” — Sri Dharma Mittra “The yoga pose is not the goal. Becoming flexible is not the goal. Standing on your hands is not the goal. The goal is serenity. Balance. Truly finding peace in your own skin.” ―
Rachel Brathen "Remember, it doesn’t matter how deep into a posture you go – what does matter is who you are when you get there.” ― Max Strom "Doing anything with attention to how you feel is doing yoga." — Jean Couch “Yoga is not a work-out, it is a work-in.” — Rolf Gates "Yoga is a dance between control and surrender — between pushing and letting go.” — Joel Kramer "When you listen to yourself, everything comes naturally. Try to be sensitive. That is yoga.” — Petri Räisänen "When we push for immediate results and instant healing, we never inhabit the important in-between phase, which is where much of the learning and growth actually happen.” ― Bo Forbes "A flower does not think of competing to the flower next to it. It just blooms." — Zen Shin “The places where you have the most resistance are actually the places that are going to be the areas of the greatest liberation.” — Rodney Yee "Yoga is not about self-improvement. It’s about selfacceptance.” — Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa "Notice the silence. Notice your heart. Still beating. Still fighting. You made it, after all. You made it, another day. And you can make it one more. You’re doing just fine.” ― Charlotte Eriksson See you next time. As always, respect yourself, explore yourself. Rebecca For information on yoga and breathe better courses contact