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Clubs and Associations
RAFA Sud-Ouest France Le Pérail 17250 BEURLAY admin@rafasudouest.fr 05 46 95 38 89 The charity that supports the RAF Family
CSSG is a group of mainly ex-services people living in this area who meet socially whilst raising funds to support ex-service charities. Former UK servicemen and women, police and firefighters are invited to email Christine Hester at christine.hester10@gmail.com
CSSG is a group of mainly ex-services people living in the Vendee and Deux-Sevres who meet socially whilst raising funds to support local ex-service people and their dependents, and to make donations to French causes such as French Lifeboatmen (Sauveteurs en Mer), Pompiers’ widows and orphans, etc. CSSG is a registered ‘1901’ Association under French law. At the AGM on 21 August, Alan Hester was elected to succeed John Blair as Chairman, and Christine Hester to succeed Sue Blair as Secretary. Jane Gawn continues as Treasurer. It was reported that due to Covid restrictions there had been little activity over the previous eighteen months, but that the Committee would consider ideas for future fund raising and social events. The meeting also agreed to review the current constitution, to ensure that it continues to meet the needs and objectives of the Group. The Group is keen to make contact with former UK servicemen and women, police and firefighters living or with maison secondaires in the Southern Vendee and DeuxSevres, and whether or not they want formally to join the Group they are invited to email Christine Hester at christine. hester10@gmail.com
by Ian Gawn
Veterans UK helpline +44 1253 866043
Combat Stress Helpline
or +44 8001381619
Advertise your club/association on these pages free of charge Find out more by dropping a line to: info@thedeuxsevresmonthly.fr
by Kelly Knight
New Netball Club, Les Étoiles de Clessé !
Traditionally netball is a non-contact, fast-paced sport, originating in England and widely known for its physical and mental health benefits. As a new club in France, we are welcoming players to either revisit the sport or to learn it from scratch, in a friendly and supportive environment. With a wide range of age, ability, and aspirations we plan to nurture each one of our players to achieve the level of netball they are happy with playing - whether it be to competition level, or not, and with all the support they could wish for. The members of our non-profit association also boast a wide range of “off the court skills” and we are proud to say that Les Étoiles de Clessé are already off to a flying start with lots of support from the commune and sponsorship deals being discussed. If you interested in joining us either as a player or a supporter, come along and meet us! We meet every Monday at the Salle Omnisports, Clessé 79350 from 7pm to 8.30pm. We warm up, partake in fun training drills realised by our enthusiastic and fun loving coach, and then play netball! We are offering one free taster session to everyone interested in playing. As a new sport in this country (only 5 teams existing so far) we are thrilled to have the opportunity to help to grow netball in France… Can you to help our club to grow? Please help by liking and sharing our Facebook page (www.facebook.com/clubdenetballclesse) or email us on clessenetball@gmail.com for more information on the club and our subscription and sponsorship options. Please note that during these strange times, we are obliged to be COVID aware. If you would like to pop along to watch or for a free taster session, please do let us know in advance and bring your passe sanitaire with you.
AVF, ‘Accueil des Villes Françaises’, is an association established throughout France dedicated to welcoming newcomers to an area, whether they are French nationals moving within France or foreigners moving from their country of origin to live in France. In August 2012, my husband and I moved to the Deux-Sèvres, south of Parthenay. At the beginning of September we joined the AVF in Parthenay hoping to meet new friends and discover new activities. We have not been disappointed. We have made new friends, both French and English, and have found ourselves involved in a variety of activities to keep us busy. Membership of the association has been invaluable in helping us to integrate within the community and develop our language skills. Nine years down the line, we are still members of AVF with an established circle of friends, a busy social calendar and a marked improvement in our spoken French. AVF offers a range of activities, run by the members of the association on a voluntary basis, including a walking group, a French conversation group, an English/ French exchange group, cards and scrabble evenings, craft activities, an art group, a singing workshop, a photographic competition, visits to gardens and restaurants and plenty of social events to mark the important dates in the French calendar e.g. Fêtes des Rois and Beaujolais Nouveau! The social evenings always include the sampling of local delicacies and the odd glass of wine! For the volunteers involved in the running of the association their motivation is first and foremost the enjoyment of meeting with others, wanting to work as part of a team and the wish to strengthen the bonds of friendship.
One of the main reasons for practising Taiji is to promote good health. An important aspect is therefore adopting the habit of correct posture.
A correct posture gives many benefits including reducing lower back pain, reducing premature wearing of joints, increasing lung capacity by promoting correct breathing and improving circulation and digestion by giving the internal organs the space they need to function well.
Taiji always avoids extremes whether in postures or physical exertion … there is always some yin aspect to the yang.
For example, in a forward stance, the knee never passes beyond the toes.
Needless to say, along with all aspects of life as we knew it, our activities have been hijacked by Covid 19. We are now relaunching our programme and would like to invite all newcomers to the area to our open day on Saturday 23rd October in Parthenay, find out what we have to offer and enjoy a guided tour of the mediaeval heart of this historic town.
Because of Covid regulations, it is still possible for events to be postponed at the last minute, so if you are interested and would like details of the time and venue, or you have any questions about the association, please get in touch. My name is Jane Henderson and my email address is: pjhenderson@orange.fr or phone me on 05 49 69 79 01.
It is also very important that the direction of the knee (a hinge joint) is always aligned with that of the toes, if not damage can easily follow. Observation of nature is often helpful, whether it is regarding the abdominal breathing of an infant or the natural behaviour of animals, the adoption of a natural posture, devoid of extremes provides us with some principles to follow: Our mental ‘posture’ is equally important. Even very simple methods of meditation can be of great help in developing our overall health and happiness.
I hope to be in a position to offer Taiji classes soon. Best wishes to everyone :
Terry Ryan.