Fall 2013

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theEAGLE OCTOBER 18, 2013






Maria Ivancin takes AU to court

What’s your scene?


Walker ushers in a new era


AU’s war on free speech


Delivering American University’s news and views since 1925.



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Maria Ivancin takes AU to court Lawsuit alleges administration breached contract and discriminated


professor is suing AU for breach of contract and age discrimination after she was denied tenure. Maria Ivancin, 58, taught in the School of Communication’s Department of Public Communication for 10 years before she was denied tenure in May 2012. She filed a lawsuit against the University in April 2013, almost a year after she was notified of her tenure denial. The University terminated Ivancin last May because her appeal against AU’s tenure decision was not granted. After a professor is denied tenure, he or she only has a year to appeal the decision before they are officially terminated, Ivancin said. The professor said she decided to sue the University because not all professors have the resources to do so. Lawsuits are often expensive and can take lengthy amounts of time to see through. Ivancin is paying for her own legal fees. “So I felt an obligation to do this,” she said. “I have to. I couldn’t just let it go because it’s wrong.” Ivancin is also filing for compensatory and consequential damages, attorney fees and a statement from AU saying the University violated the Faculty Manual and discriminated against her based on age, according to the lawsuit. The University filed to dismiss the case because AU followed all procedures correctly, citing Ivancin’s grievances as “insubstantial,” according to the motion. However, Ivancin filed for the judge to overturn AU’s motion. The motions


have not been seen by a judge, Ivancin said. Ivancin v. American University Ivancin began pursuing a tenure track in 2006, a six-year process in which various requirements must be fulfilled, including a completed application, interviews and submitted published works. She submitted her application for tenure in October 2011 under SOC’s Professional Achievement Track. This track, enacted in fall 2013, requires the professor to submit a portfolio that shows the significance of his or her work and its impact on public communication, according to SOC guidelines. SOC professors can pursue two tracks during their pursuit for tenure: the Professional Achievement Track or the Scholarly Achievement Track. Ivancin selected the professional track because of her background as a market research consultant before becoming a professor, she said in an email. The Scholarly Achievement Track requires professors to submit research through “top-tier” peer-reviewed journals and/or scholarly books, according to the tenure guidelines. Ivancin said numerous individuals and parties supported her promotion to tenure, including: • Former SOC Dean Larry Kirkman • The Department of Public Communication • Six external reviews under the peer review process • The Committee on Faculty Actions.

However, one person did not. “[T]he only one who deemed that I wasn’t worthy of tenure was the provost,” she said. “And his only explanation in the process was that... all those other [people] were incorrect.” Ivancin appealed her denial of tenure to the Committee of Faculty Grievances in November 2012, a subcommittee of the Faculty Senate that addresses professors’ problems, but they upheld her denial. Ivancin then decided to sue the University. The University, Kirkman and AU’s legal counsel said they could not comment on personnel matters.



OCTOBER 18, 2013

track instead of the professional track, according to the lawsuit. The professional track requires tenure candidates to showcase their professional work and its impact on the subject area, according to the current SOC tenure guidelines. However, the Scholarly Achievement Track requires tenure candidates to submit work that has been published in “top-tier,” peerreviewed journals such as the “Journal of Communication,” according to the SOC tenure guidelines. Ivancin said the University breached her contract when the Committee on Faculty Grievances did not meet with her before deciding her case, which is listed

“I couldn’t just let it go because it’s wrong.” - PROFESSOR IVANCIN Ivancin sues for breach of contract Provost Scott Bass denied Ivancin tenure because she failed to show the significant impact of her work on the profession or society, according to the Committee of Faculty Grievances’ report on Ivancin’s appeal. While Bass acknowledged she fulfilled the requirements for service and teaching, he said she did not have enough peer-reviewed, published work in “top-tier venues,” according to the lawsuit. Ivancin said AU breached its contract with her because the provost evaluated her tenure application using the requirements of the scholarly

as a requirement in the Faculty Manual according to the lawsuit. The committee must invite the faculty member to discuss the investigation and the draft of the report, according to a 2012 Faculty Manual obtained from Ivancin. The Eagle could not retrieve the manual from AU’s website, the University archives or the provost’s office. The committee only invited the professor to discuss the draft of the report after it was written, according to emails between Ivancin and the committee. The Faculty Manual was updated in May 2013 and does not list these requirements. CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE

theEAGLE OCTOBER 18, 2013

4 CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3 The University also allegedly breached Ivancin’s contract by ignoring her work prior to AU and only focusing on the work she completed since becoming a tenure-line faculty member, according to the lawsuit. “The denial of tenure is based on the impact of your professional productivity


report said. However, the committee advised the provost and SOC to clarify the requirements for this track, according to report. AU’s decision to not fix the professional tenure track’s requirements after the committee recommended a revision violates Ivancin’s contract with

“I don’t think we are going to lose.”-PROFESSOR IVANCIN in the field of public communication or on society as a whole since your tenureline appointment,” Bass said in a letter to Ivancin, according to a letter to President Neil Kerwin from Ivancin. The University is required to assess a professor’s work since degree completion, according to the 2012 Faculty Manual. “The only thing that makes sense is that he sees people on the professional track as being different and he doesn’t fully understand what we rank to be on the table,” she said.The Committee of Faculty Grievances said Bass did not violate any procedures in his decision to deny Ivancin tenure in her appeal, the

the University, the lawsuit said. Ivancin claims provost discriminates based on age Ivancin is also suing the University for age discrimination, saying the provost may have denied her tenure because of her age, according to the lawsuit. “I must not fit his vision of what a young, tenured professor might be,” she said. Ivancin was 57 when she was denied tenure, having joined the SOC faculty at 47 years old, the lawsuit said. “By preferring candidates who would have longer careers at American

Gay in Russia Studying abroad in a place where discrimination is the norm Studying cepted by soBY ALEX SEIBEL abroad comes ciety while the EAGLE CONTRIBUTING WRITER with a lot of worremaining 16 ries, but fear of percent believe prosecution usually is not one of them. otherwise, according to a 2013 Pew ReHowever, LGBT students who study search poll. abroad in Russia do not have the same Robert first became interested in legal protections and social comforts studying abroad in St. Petersburg afprovided in the United States and do ter taking Russian language courses in have this worry. high school. His family also has roots Robert, a senior in the School of in a country within the former Soviet International Service, who identifies Union, and wanted to learn their culas bisexual said he faced challenges of ture. prejudice while studying abroad in St. Robert said he is open about his Petersburg, Russia last fall. Robert’s real sexuality with close friends in the U.S., name has been changed to protect his but chooses not tell many other people. identity. However, he chose to reveal his bisexuHe encountered conflicting views ality only to the American students in from Russians during his semester-long his study abroad program, not to other stay as many claimed to support gay Russian students and staff. rights, but demonstrated negative attiBut he was not the only LGBT inditudes toward the LGBT community. vidual in the group. “They (Russians) were like ‘Oh yeah One of Robert’s friends, a lesbian we know that they exist and it is OK student who was open about her sexufor them to be here [but when] I know ality while studying in Saint Petersburg, that they are in the same room as me I had written a research paper on antijust like leave,’” Robert said, imitating a LGBT attitudes in the former Soviet conversation he and a few friends once Union. When she showed her paper to a overhead at a local bar. “I was like ‘Re- Russian student for peer tutor revising, ally?’ We had to walk away.” the student refused to read it. Roughly 74 percent of Russians do “‘I can’t help you with this… this not think homosexuality should be ac- isn’t something that we talk about,’”

University, the Provost used criteria that disfavored older tenure candidates and benefited younger candidates who did not have extensive prior careers before joining the faculty,” the lawsuit said. Ivancin said the provost applied the scholarly track guidelines to her tenure application because it requires older professors with extensive professional backgrounds to provide more scholarly work, the lawsuit said. The University said Ivancin’s claims of age discrimination were invalid because older candidates would have more time Robert said, quoting the Russian student’s reaction to her paper. Although students who were open about their sexuality made some Russian professors uncomfortable, they were not treated any differently in the classroom. “[Most professors had the mindset of] ‘they are American, it is different… it’s OK for them but not for us,’” Robert said. Saint Petersburg passed an anti-gay law the summer before Robert’s trip, which outlawed publicly condoning LGBT activity, according to ABC News. Although many protests against this law were held in Russia, Robert said he

to amass scholarly materials, according to AU’s motion to dismiss the case. The Committee of Faculty Grievances determined Bass did not violate the Faculty Manual in his denial of Ivancin’s published work before 2006, the report said. However, Ivancin and her lawyers feel confident they will win the case, she said. “I don’t think we are going to lose,” Ivancin said. HMONGILIO@THEEAGLEONLINE.COM

spectators who might violate the law at the 2014 Winter Olympic Games in Sochi, Russia. Robert compared the Russian attitude to those in America who claim tolerance of gay people, but act otherwise. “Sometimes people say [in America] ‘everyone supports the gays,’ but no one wants to have one in their family while [in Russia] it is like ‘everyone supports them but they don’t want to know one’, like they don’t want to be near one,” he said. On his way to Moscow, Robert befriended a Russian man who he later friend-requested on Facebook. On his profile, Robert discovered the new friend listed himself as interested in men and wom“Sometimes people say in America en on Facebook. ‘everyone supports the gays,’ but no one wants When Robert later brought this to have one in their family while in Russia it up in conversais like ‘everyone supports them but they don’t tion, he joked that want to know one’, like they don’t want to be they were “playnear one.” - ROBERT ing for the same team.” The Russian friend said chose not to participate because he did his English was poor and was not aware not want to impose his beliefs on Rus- what being interested in men on Facesians. book meant. “While I do have an opinion on the Robert then described how the Rusissue...I was more there for the language sian friend began to panic about how and the culture rather than to change it,” the Russian government might react. Robert said. “We’re still friends, we still talk,” he Russian President Vladimir Putin said. “But it was just funny how big of a signed similar legislation into law this deal it was.” June, causing concern for athletes and NEWS@THEEAGLEONLINE.COM

theEAGLE OCTOBER 18, 2013


Law professor by day, gubernatorial candidate by night BY TORI DALCOURT STAFF WRITER

As an adjunct professor at the Washington College of Law, Maryland’s Attorney General Doug Gansler spices up classroom lectures with real world experience. Now, Gansler is looking to apply this experience as he kicks off his campaign for governor of Maryland. “After 22 years of public service, 15 years of which has been managing county, state and national government organizations, I now look forward to... protect[ing] Maryland families and giv[ing] voice to the voiceless as governor,” Gansler said in an email. Gansler was elected Attorney General of Maryland in November 2006 and reelected in November 2010. As Attorney General, Gansler works as a prosecutor representing the state of Maryland. He also serves as the chief legal officer and oversees the all of the state’s legal business, according to Maryland’s

Office of the Attorney General website. Gansler began teaching as an adjunct professor at the Washington College of Law in 1995 and currently teaches Criminal Trial Advocacy, COURTESY OF BOB WHEELOCK which focuses on trial simulations, trial strategy and courses. practical instructions. At the time, Gansler was work“Teaching really is unrelated to ing as a prosecutor at the U.S. Atmy politics or career,” Gansler said torney’s Office. in an email. “It is just something I “We both have very similar inenjoy doing to give back to the legal terests in public service, as well as profession.” in the law, and we really struck up a His favorite part about teaching friendship,” DeGonia said. “I helped is working with the students and Doug run for State’s Attorney in seeing their improvement during Montgomery County, and then we the course of the semester, Gansler tried cases together as prosecutors.” said. Gansler said he will continue to Now one of his former students, focus on environmental, consumer Tom DeGonia, is helping him camand public safety issues if elected paign for governor. governor. He is eager to find soluDeGonia graduated from WCL tions to problems such as minority in 1997, but first met Gansler when achievement in education, as well the candidate spoke as a guest lecas problems surrounding the econturer in one of his criminal law omy in Maryland.

Gansler is also a supporter of marriage equality in Maryland, and if he is elected, he will continue to support gay rights, he said. “As governor, I would fight against all forms of discrimination,” Gansler said. DeGonia is telling friends and family about Gansler and his campaign to support his former professor, colleague and friend. “Gansler is a product of Maryland,” DeGonia said. “He was born and raised in Maryland, and I think he really understands Maryland’s future.” TDALCOURT@THEEAGLEONLINE.COM

AU’s female to male ratio continues to be uneven BY DEVIN MITCHELL EAGLE STAFF WRITER





1,625 2013

Q &A 6

theEAGLE OCTOBER 18, 2013


The Eagle chatted with two AU alumni about their post-graduation lives from career successes to advice for current students.


Jarrett Bellini is a writer and humorist at CNN. His weekly column “Apparently This Matters” covers topics in social media and of popularity on the Internet. What was your major at AU and how did the program help you to eventually become a journalist at CNN? Amber Cohen:


AC: When


Jarrett Bellini: I was a visual media major at American and more than anything, it gave me a taste of life in the crazy world of production. Unfortunately, I graduated in 2001 and technology has changed so much over the years that my extensive training in VHS editing is no longer relevant. For those of you wondering what VHS is, just think of your home videos on YouTube, but burned onto magnetic tape and sealed up in a large, cumbersome plastic rectangle that you have to then insert inside a different and larger plastic rectangle attached to your TV. Ah, those were the days.

you were at AU, what was your favorite course and professor and

JB: My favorite professor at AU was John Douglass. He taught screenwriting and was great about guiding me through a spec [speculative] script for “The Simpsons.” It was a crossover murder mystery with the cast of Law & Order, and I was really proud of it. I also had a professor my freshman year who began his first lecture by playing Bruce Springsteen’s “Youngstown” on the guitar. I forget the professor’s name, but he had me with “Here in northeast Ohio / back in eighteen-oh-three…”

AC: What activities did you participate in and what was your favorite place to hang out around campus? JB: My favorite place to hang out on campus was the LA Quad. Those benches were the beginning and end of most of my bad decisions.

AC: Let’s talk about your band, Animal & the Evolvers. How did you end up in the band and where did that name come from? JB: Some neighbors of mine needed a bass player for a one-off charity concert and they knew that I played and probably had nothing better to do with my time. I had to learn a whole bunch of songs in less than a month, but the gig went really well. So we decided to make Animal & the Evolvers official and two albums later, we’re still the greatest band ever to come from Alaska Avenue in Atlanta. I think we might also be huge in Portugal. The band’s name stems from the fact that our drummer is a lot like the muppet Animal. He’s insane with those sticks. The Evolvers part we just thought sounded cool.

AC: You’ve been working at CNN since 2004. Describe your journey at the network. How did you end up writing your current column “Apparently This Matters”?

JB: I basically started out as a production assistant – the guy who counts to three and points at the camera. But from day one, I wanted to write a column for the website and it literally took me about eight years to make that dream a reality. Eventually I worked my way over to CNN. com where my primary job was (and is) video production. But I always looked for small opportunities to write in my offbeat style so I could build a small portfolio within the company and also a certain level of trust. When “Apparently This Matters” finally happened, it was a perfect storm of hard work, strategy, and a lot of luck. Timing is everything.

AC: What advice would you give to aspiring journalists at AU, especially since college graduates are facing a competitive job market? How does a college graduate from AU differentiate themselves from other graduates?

JB: If you want to get into original video production– producing, shooting and editing your own work– it’s absolutely vital to have several quality packages that show all of these skills as well as your ability to simply tell a really good story. And having a fancy website for all of this is actually less important than just showcasing them on a personal Vimeo page. So you have to create. The same goes for writing. It’s not enough to just go through school and hope to get a job. Writers have to write, and videographers have to… videograph. I’m not sure that’s actually a word.

Carol M. Highsmith is a photographer and author who donated her life’s work of 100,000 photos to the Library of Congress for public use. She published 36 books, photographed for the American Institute of Architects and had her Jefferson Memorial photo chosen as the first U.S. Post Office Priority Mail Stamp in 2002. Amber Cohen: Describe your experience studying at AU. What led you to study photography?

Carol Highsmith: I took a trip to Russia and before I left someone gave me a camera. I came back with interesting images and decided that I wanted to pursue learning more about photography. I also wanted to COURTESY OF CAROL M. HIGHSMITH complete my studies so that I could receive a college degree. I was working at WMAL-Radio at the time and they paid for all of my schooling. I was an older student in my 30s at the time and I went through [AU’s] APEL program. By doing that, I was able to write about my life experiences and earn college credit. It was wonderful - I knocked off about [two] years. I loved my time at AU, mainly going at night with my peer group. The professors were amazing and bright. I was proud when I graduated.

AC: When you were at AU, what activities did you participate in? Where was your favorite place to go on campus or in Washington, D.C.?

CH: I was very busy working while I was a student so I really did not have time to hang out.

AC: What are your top three most memorable projects you conducted? What made these projects so special to you?

CH: AU let me pretty much write my own program. I took loads of photography classes and grew tremendously during my time at school. So much so that when before I graduated, I started my own company in photography.

AC: You donated more than 100,000 photos to the Library of Congress, creating a unique one-person archive for public use. Why did you decide to donate your work and what do you think the public can learn from your photography?

CH: One of my projects was to shoot interesting photographs. I was able to get into the Willard Hotel, which was completely demolished at the time and take images. While I was there I saw a collection of photographs that were taken at the Willard in 1901. That is how they put the Willard back together again. There were no architectural drawings. The images were taken by Frances Benjamin Johnston who donated her images, copyright-free during her lifetime. I decided to follow in her footsteps and document my lifetime. My collection and hers now sit in the top [six] featured collections at the Library of Congress out of 15 million images.

AC: What advice would you give current undergraduate students about making the most of their time at AU? What should they do in order to stand out from everyone else in the job market? CH: You need to think differently. I have made a career out of giving my images away. No one thought I would make it. And yet I have and I’m well known. Try not to think like others. Follow the beat of your own drummer. Look at Steve Jobs at Apple. He was unsuccessful, lost his job, had no support and he turned it all all around. Only you can determine how successful you will be. Don’t let anyone tell you your idea is nuts. Coffee was everywhere when Starbucks started…yet they made it special. Books were dime a dozen when [Amazon] started just selling books…look at them now. Anything and everything is possible. Don’t ever be defeated…you are special and live on earth for a purpose. ACOHEN@THEEAGLEONLINE.COM

theEAGLE OCTOBER 18, 2013




PLAYING WITH PATTERNS Whether waiting in line at the Lupe Fiasco show or walking to class, printed pants are everywhere on campus this fall. The true beauty of this trend is the versatility; available in a range of fits and styles, there is an option for any occasion. If you’re feeling especially daring, opt for patterned harem or palazzo pants with a graphic tee or cropped sweatshirt. Want something a bit more tame? Try straight-leg trousers with a small floral or polka-dot print and add a blouse in a neutral color.


theEAGLE OCTOBER 18, 2013


Gravelly Point Park

George Washington Memorial Parkway Even though Gravelly Point is in Arlington, Va., it’s worth a spot on the list. The best way to get there is via bike, not just because of convenience, but because the ride down the Mount Vernon Trail offers some of the best views of the National Mall. While a bike may be your fastest bet, the paved trail also allows people to run, skateboard and rollerskate. The trail runs through the beautiful grassy Virginia shores of the Potomac River during some stretches and then dips back into thick wooded areas at others, making it a perfect escape from the city while keeping the District in your sight. Along the trail is Gravelly Point, which may not be the most beautiful park in D.C., but its views are unbeatable. It is located right next to Ronald Reagan National Airport’s landing runway, so park visitors can picnic as airplanes fly directly overhead at what feels like an arms length away. Bikers stopping for a water break, families chatting over a picnic and rugby players meeting for a weekend practice all congregate at Gravelly Point, a park that is truly off the beaten (well, paved in this instance) path.


The Scene staff shares its favorite spots in and around D.C. thescene@theeagleonline.com

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Idle Time Books 2467 18th St., NW Washington, DC 20009

Slightly past the Columbia Road intersection on 18th Street in Adams Morgan lies one of the most relaxing and cozy places in D.C.: Idle Time Books. This bookshop is a great place to spend an afternoon with its freshly-repainted storefront and laid-back employees. The smell of old books engulfs your senses upon walking through the front doors, and shelves are lined with old and new books of numerous genres. On a sunny day, you can grab a spot by the window in a broken-in chair and read for a bit. The intimate, calming atmosphere makes it feel like home. And when you’re away at college, a little slice of home is welcome, whenever and wherever.

LET’S FACE IT, sometimes D.C. can feel like a small town disguised as a BIG city. With the District spanning just shy of 70 square miles, it is easy to feel like you’ve experienced most of the nooks and crannies the capital has to offer. But all it takes is a venture outside of Tenleytown XS ÁRH ]SYV WGIRI Here are The Scene WXEJJ¸W XST ÁZI WGIRIW MR ERH EVSYRH ( '



Chesapeake & Ohio Canal 1057 Thomas Jefferson St., NW Washington, D.C. 20007

Tucked away in the crevices between 30th and 31st Street of Georgetown and next door to Baked & Wired resides a canal. It’s a hard sight to miss with “The Georgetown,” a gigantic boat straight out of the 1800s. Follow the cobblestone road to the wooden bench beside the canal and escape from the busyness of M Street and Georgetown. As birds cheerfully chirp and a gentle breeze blows through, the overhanging trees sway with ease and provide the perfect amount of shade from the sunshine. This particular scene is the ideal recluse - it is relatively empty and quiet with a beautiful view of the outskirts of one of D.C.’s finest areas. 7=(2)= +36) SYDNEY GORE/THE EAGLE

Landmark Bethesda Row Theater 7235 Woodmont Ave. Bethesda, MD 20814

Of all the movie theaters in the D.C. area, the Landmark Bethesda Row tops the list. The less well-known cousin to E Street Cinema downtown, Landmark Bethesda Row houses smaller, more personal “indie” films that often end up on critics’ lists of the year’s best movies. But it’s not just the movies themselves that light up this corner of Maryland. The lavish concession stand offers gourmet snacks and meals for cinema lovers who also have a passion for food. The unusually plush seats never disappoint, especially when an usher guides you to the seat of your choice. Old movie posters add variety to the walls, creating an atmosphere of reverence for the art of cinema that you won’t find in the multiplexes. The theater is conveniently located on one end of the famous Bethesda Row, just a short stroll away from a diverse array of the D.C. area’s greatest and most interesting restaurants. Better yet, the Capital Crescent Trail lies just a few blocks away from the theater, offering an opportunity for post-movie reflection and relaxing exercise on a pleasant sunny day. Landmark Bethesda Row presents a rare opportunity to escape from the hustle of city life and the bustle of college. Serious and casual moviegoers alike ought to check it out. MARK LIEBERMAN


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theEAGLE OCTOBER 18, 2013


Kramerbooks & Afterwords Café 1517 Connecticut Ave., NW Washington, DC 20036

During the day, Kramerbooks & Afterwords Café is as innocuous as any other storefront. A rotating series of books might be stationed in front, ranging from Chad Harbach’s “The Art of Fielding” to hardcovers by Joyce Carol Oates or Jon Meacham. At night, the spacious bookstore lights up with an amber glow that filters out into the street, where dozens of people browse the stacks of books piled upon each other like Jenga blocks. Whether you’re looking for a new release or an old classic, Kramerbooks has it placed snugly between its well stocked shelves. When you move into the second section, there’s an aisle filled with a generous amount of children’s books and crime literature that lies in wait. For the 21 and over crowd who want to channel their inner Kingsley Amis and Ernest Hemingway, there’s a bar sequestered off in the rear, filled with musty hardwood counters and local beers on tap. Sylvia Beach’s famed “Shakespeare & Co.” bookstore may be across the pond, but Kramerbooks certainly is an excellent place to go on our shores. DAVID KAHEN-KASHI COURTESY OF KRAMERBOOKS & AFTERWORDS CAFE

genre, is doing,” Joseph said. “We take our visuals very seriously. We take our live performances very seriously. We’re all film majors, so we pay very close attention to visuals and how we portray ourselves.” The group describes its music as “progressive rap” because their comedic songs are more nuanced than they seem. “Typical rappers don’t rap about the things that we rap about,” Joseph said. “If you just listen to ‘$30 Tees,’ it’s just a song about $30 tees,” Joseph said. “But if you really read between the lines, it’s talking about the rapper stereotype of ‘I have a materialistic thing, so I’m better than you.” However, the group has slowed down since Gaines left to study abroad in South Africa for the semester. “We’re actually working on putting together a documentary for second semester when [Gaines] gets back,” Joseph said. “And probably, we’re thinking about putting out another album along with that, and definitely more performances. A big, big portion of what we do is performances.”

The secret lives of AU hip-hop BY RAFAEL SMITH CONTRIBUTING WRITER Many students are unaware that a hip-hop scene exists at AU. “There definitely is one, but it’s just very much underground I think,” said Marlon Cirker, a junior in the College of Arts and Sciences. Students continuously showcase their musical talents in open-mike nights and talent shows, but the University’s hip-hop scene is typically overlooked. However, AU students are making waves in the underground world of hip-hop under a variety of stage names. M. Craft Cirker is one of several emerging artists in AU’s small hip-hop scene, performing under the stage name M. Craft. “[Hip-hop] was what all the older kids were listening to, so I wanted to listen to it to be cool,” Cirker said. “But then I fell in love with it. I really got serious about it my freshman year of college.” Cirker’s musical passion drove him to release his “View From a Rooftop” EP in 2012 and later a debut mixtape “extracurricular ACTivity” in July 2013. “It’s basically documenting my life and my thought process over the last year,” Cirker said. “Being in school and having friends that are back home. It feels really good to receive some of the appreciation from people and the respect from people that I got from that mixtape.” Wrong Islanders School of Public Affairs freshman Ben Zehren began freestyling while attending Brooklyn’s Edward R. Murrow High School. During his time there, Zehren encountered fellow students and hip-hop artists Joey Bada$$, Capital STEEZ and other members of the Pro Era collective. “I was just a freshman, they were all older than me,” Zehren said. “It was all kinda happening at a level above my head. Then I left Brooklyn and I opened XXL magazine one day [and] was like ‘these are the kids I went to school with.’” Zehren incorporated his former classmates’ styles into his music when collaborating with a group of high school students called the Average Emcees. The group released two albums, “70 Degrees” in 2011 and “Affordable Flowws and Delicious Deliveries” in 2012, before finally dissolving.


Spencer Wadsworth (left) poses with his brother Sterling Wadsworth (right).

Zehren released another album, “Hand Selected Botanicals,” with DJ and producer David Earle in 2013 during his senior year. “Everyone else kinda stopped for a little while except me and Dave,” Zehren said. “We recorded ‘Hand Selected’ for a year. That album dropped on the last day of high school.” Zehren teamed up with Earle as well as other rappers, producers and instrumentalists in Northport, New York to form the group Wrong Islanders. Local radio station Hot 97 featured the group in its “Who’s Next” online spotlight. “I got to hot97.com and it’s just ‘The Islanders’ on the front page. And I’m like, ‘Oh shit! That’s us!’” Zehren said. Wrong Islanders released an EP titled “The Feels” this September and plans to release a full-length album this month. Maurice Sips Hot Coffee School of Communication seniors Devan Joseph, Jason Gaines, and Bowen Tibbetts started the hip-hop group Maurice Sips Hot Coffee while performing at open-mike events during their freshman year at AU. A year later, they released the EP “Coffee is the New Crack” and the album “People With Faces” in 2012. “We’re doing stuff that no one else in this area, in this

Almost Anonymous Bronx native Spencer Wadsworth, a CAS sophomore, is an up-and-coming rapper with numerous stage names: Suspence, Mofro, Aloe Collins and many more. He and his brother, Sterling Wadsworth, make music as the duo Almost Anonymous and have performed as opening acts for Maybach Music Group and comedian Tracy Morgan. The brothers released their self-titled debut album two months ago. “We’ve been making music for a really long time,” Wadsworth said. “My brother’s been rapping for almost 10 years, I think. I’ve been rapping for six years, going on seven.” Wadsworth is also an avid crate-digger, sharpening his beat-making skills by sampling a variety of genres. He cites producers J. Dilla and Damu the Fudgemunk as major influences. “I’ve been making beats for three, four years now,” Wadsworth said. “When I look for a sample, I generally gravitate towards jazz, samba, funk, soul-type sounds.” Wadsworth is considering producing for other rappers, but has decided to reserve certain tracks for Almost Anonymous. “The beats are mainly for us, but there’s certain things going on right now that may involve me sending more beats to other people,” he said. “Now, do I send them the best stuff? Eh, probably not.” While the AU hip-hop scene remains virtually unnoticed, Cirker said he believes the movement may rise as students continue to make names for themselves. “I don’t wanna underestimate AU,” he said. “I think we can definitely have a thriving hip-hop community here if we put in some elbow grease.” THESCENE@THEEAGLEONLINE.COM

theEAGLE OCTOBER 18, 2013


U STREET Nearby venues: U Street Music Hall, &pizza

9:30 Club, Black Cat

Oohs and Aahs 1005 U St., NW Washington, DC 20001

1250 U St., NW Washington, DC 20009 &pizza is becoming a D.C. staple as it gains populatiry on H and U Streets and will soon open new locations in Brookland, Bethesda and Germantown. Referred to as “the Chipotle of Pizza,” this place uses the assembly line process to make gourmet cuisine for under $10. If you need inspiration, try one of their suggested pizzas such as the “Kiss and Fire,” which features spicy tomato sauce, a provolone blend of cheeses, ricotta, veal and pork meatballs and mushrooms, topped with a strawberry balsamic reduction. But if you’re feeling creative, make your own pizza with your choice of dough, sauce, cheese and toppings.



Nearby venues: Rock and Roll Hotel

Toki Underground 1234 H St., NE Washington, DC 20002


Across the street from the U Street Metro station and a few streets down from Ben’s Chili Bowl, Oohs and Aahs’s kitchen serves up the best soul food in Northwest Washington. Follow in the footsteps of Guy Fieri by sampling the restaraunt’s delicious ribs, chicken or shrimp. Oohs and Aahs is one of the rare places where the sides are equally as good as the main dishes, if not better. If you like wings, get one of the four flavors (BBQ, buffalo, lemon pepper or teriyaki) with a side of some amazing mac ‘n cheese or yams. Look forward to having enough food to last for the next week.

ROCK where to eat after a DC concert foods that


After sitting through a late night show, the heavy drums and bass are often replaced by a growling stomach. Between D.C.’s early closing times and expensive dining options, sometimes finding post-concert eats on a student’s budget can seem like a hopeless pursuit. Lucky for you, the Scene offers 5 affordable aftershow options that are open late and within walking distance to some of our favorite venues.

Down the street from Rock and Roll Hotel sits Toki Underground, an art-themed ramen house serving authentic Asian dishes with a side of cool. Art influences everything at Toki, from the décor to the menu and the dishes themselves. This ramen is not your average eating-oncollege-student’s-budget ramen—it’s made with fresh ingredients like pork, seasonal vegetables and pickled ginger. Besides being known for its ramen, Toki also excels in the art of dumplings. The short menu makes it easy to pick your dinner, eat and get to your show.

SILVER SPRING Nearby venues: The Fillmore Quarry House Tavern 8401 Georgia Ave. Silver Spring MD 20910 Lovingly referred to as “Silver Spring’s favorite dive,” Quarry House Tavern has been a bar food staple for more than 70 years. Most people come for the atmosphere of the basement a loud, grungy anti-sports bar where GSRZIVWEXMSR ERH HVMROW ÂS[ RSRWXST 5YEVV] ,SYWI 8EZIVR MW ORS[R JSV MXW FYVKIVW ERH [MRKW EW [IPP EW MXW I\XIRWMZI JVMIH STXMSRW HIÁRMXIP] XV] XLIMV famous tater tots and a signature burger or wings. It’s close to the Fillmore with a stage for live acts and a jukebox for all other nights.




Nearby venues: Madam’s Organ, Bossa

Julia’s Empanadas 2452 18th St., NW Washington, DC 20009 If you’re on a college student’s budget, Julia’s Empanadas is the perfect place. ;MXL FSXL 7TERMWL ERH .EQEMGER MRÂYIRGIH IQTEREHEW MX¸W IEW] XS KIX E LIEVX] meal for a low price. There are options to satisfy everyone, including empanadas for vegans and dessert empanadas. This portable option is perfect for walking the streets of Adams Morgan before you catch a band.





Bikram Yoga Bethesda 7832 Wisconsin Ave Bethesda, MD 20814 (301) 215-7820 AU students put themselves through numerous stresses of daily college life. Yoga can help stretch and exercise the body, but also relax the mind and regain focus. Bikram is a style of yoga performed in high heat, making muscles more pliable. Bikram Yoga Bethesda, located in Bethesda, provides a workstudy program for students. In exchange for free yoga classes at the studio, students must commit to small weekly shift(s) to help around the studio. This includes helping around the business, prepping towels and tidying up the studio. Interested students should send an email to qureshi.zareem@gmail.com to discuss getting started.



950 F St NW Washington, DC 20004 (202) 885-9950

SculptDC combines cycling and yoga at one location, featuring state-of-the-art cycling facilities and a separate calming and re-energizing yoga studio. There is also a storefront boutique, which sells workout and well-being essentials. This gym caters to students by offering a student discount of 10 percent off membership and an Energy Exchange program. Students can receive free yoga and cycling class in exchange for helping out around the studios for a certain amount of time. Student Discount: 10 percent off memberships found here (www.sculptdc.com/pricing), dependent upon preference of cycling, yoga or a combination of the two.



Looking to switch up your workout routine? EAGLE STAFF WRITER Check out these student- and wallet-friendly gyms and studios that have more to offer than treadmills and a weight room.


CrossFit DC 1722 14th St NW Washington, DC 20009 (202) 450-6432

The crossfit craze that has consumed the country brings variety and a level of difficulty beyond the typical 30-minute elliptical session. Licensed trainers teach proper techniques and forms to their students, helping to maximize the effectiveness of the workout and ensure safety. CrossFit DC is one of the premiere crossfitdedicated gyms in the District despite their steep prices. However, the gym offers two free one-hour introductory classes per week on Tuesdays at 7 p.m. and Saturdays at 1 p.m. The workout location also offers a deal on their Elements program, which includes six classes over a two-week period and four free classes upon completion of the program. The Elements program’s student discount price is $190.



SoulCycle Location TBD This cycling studio will open their D.C. location in nine months, but have yet to announce its location, according to a Wall Street Journal article. However, anticipation for the workout place is high. SoulCycle is a chain of cycling studios with locations in New York City and across California. The draw to SoulCycle is the studio’s emphasis on personal fitness and well-being with fun-loving,encouraging instructors and a welcoming environment.



Jordin’s Paradise 215 Connecticut Ave NW Washington, DC 20036 (202) 997-8211 Zumba, the high-energy dance workout, has become popular over the last few years. Even Michelle Obama enjoys this fast-paced workout, taking a Zumba class at AU a few years ago. Jordin’s Paradise is a dance studio on Connecticut Avenue that offers student prices for Zumba classes as well as other sessions offered such as pole dancing and chair dancing. And if you “like” Jordin’s Paradise Facebook page, the first class is free.



Walker ushers in a new era of AU athletics Billy Walker has provided leadership for an athletic department which underwent major transforamtions.

OCTOBER 18, 2013


Billy Walker makes a speech at the ribbon-cutting ceremony for Bender renovations on Sept. 20.


Director of Athletics and Recreation Billy Walker hired three new head coaches including men’s and women’s basketball, and oversaw a $2.7 million renovation to Bender basement in his first seven months at AU. However, his biggest accomplishment is the relationship he has established with AU’s athletes. “Billy Walker has done a great job at coming out to our games, our practices and being supportive,” senior field hockey player Alex McMackin said. Walker has made a conscious effort to become familiar with each team since he was hired in April, a different approach from years past. “I’m getting to know all the student athletes,” Walker said. “I like to get out to the practices and team meetings and once the competitions going, take bus trips with them and go to their meets.” On the field, Walker’s program features a volleyball team with the best program start in history and a field hockey team ranked No. 20 in a Sept. 10 poll, the first time the team had been ranked since 2011. Walker’s involvement in athletics has been a lifelong commitment. The Wisconsin native first began participating in sports at a young age as a way to escape his siblings.

“I played football and baseball as a little ten, that’s how much fun it is.” After his many things during his brief time at kid all the time, I mean all the time,” he said military career ended, Walker returned AU, his biggest challenge still lies ahead: with a smile. “When I was little I wanted to to his alma mater to apply his passion for changing students’ perception of athletics be the running back for the Vikings, and as athletics and leadership skills for the next on campus. “I’m trying to put a big you can see, that was probably not a good 15 years, 12 of which he served as Deputy emphasis on getting the student body to career plan.” Athletic Director. During his time in get fired up about coming out to events,” Walker continued his athletic this position, he helped merge the Great Walker said. involvement in college, and was later Western Lacrosse League and Eastern “I know it’s tough, there are so many named captain of the things to do in this city and not Air Force Academy everyone comes to college being a wrestling team. Upon huge sports fan.” graduation, he entered “When I was little I wanted to be the running Walker said increasing student the Air Force where he participation is one of his top back for the Vikings.”- AD BILLY WALKER gained the leadership priorities, offering to sit in the qualities needed to be student section of games to boost athletic director. College Athletic Conference Lacrosse support. He is partnering with Student “From the time, before you even League and worked on the committees for Government President Patrick Kelly graduate, that’s what you do, they train you Division I hockey and wrestling. to offer pizza to anyone wearing Eagle to be a leader,” he said. “At 22 I had guys President George Bush named him apparel. working for me who were 10 [to] 12 years the first permanent director of Physical He hopes the strong start from fall older than me and I had to learn to lead Education at the Air Force Academy in sports will translate into the winter months, them in such a way that they would follow 2001. Upon his official retirement from the he said. “I’m sure he’s got something up his me, but do it with respect, that they wanted Air Force over the summer, Walker was sleeve,” field hockey player McMackin said to follow me.” promoted to the rank of Brigadier General about Walker’s effort to increase turnout. Walker began his career in the Air and awarded with the Legion of Merit, However, Walker has more ideas to Force operating and teaching others how which is given to honor outstanding service build AU’s athletics. He wants to expand to fly helicopters. He later earned the and achievements. Bender Arena to include more practice rank of deputy commander in the 89th Walker said it was a tough decision to space, a new wrestling room and a new Operations Group of the Air Force, taking leave the Air Force Academy for AU, but varsity weight room. responsibility for transporting government believed it was a great opportunity . “Never relax man,” he said after the officials and foreign dignitaries. “It was really, really hard,” he said. “(My ribbon-cutting ceremony for the Bender “It’s a blast,” Walker said of flying family and I) love Colorado, but we love it locker renovations. “We are always looking helicopters. “Think about driving a here too.” to do big things.” snowmobile or jet ski and multiply it by Although Walker has accomplished ESALTZMAN@THEEAGLEONLINE.COM

Volleyball coach teaches more than just the game

For his players, AU volleyball coach Barry Goldberg teaches more than the game BY ALEX ROMERO EAGLE STAFF WRITER

AU’s head volleyball coach Barry Goldberg has accrued more than 600 career wins, 13 conference championships and 12 NCAA tournament appearances in the last 16 years. However, what is not listed in the records or painted on posters is Goldberg’s impact on players during his 25-year tenure at AU. “Coach is similar to a father figure,” senior outside hitter Julie Crum said.

“He’s not just concerned with making us better volleyball players, but he wants us to be better people too.” Goldberg is never short of wisdom for his volleyball players both on and off the court. “Coach has taught me so many lessons, but the most important one he has taught me is when to let go, when to stop worrying and just let God take care of the rest,” senior middle blocker Morgan Hendrix said. CONTINUTED ON NEXT PAGE

Volleyball head coach Barry Goldberg chats to two players during an AU game.


theEAGLE OCTBER 18, 2013 CONTINUED FROM PAGE 12 Goldberg’s wisdom comes from a long history of playing and coaching volleyball. He played volleyball at the University of Pittsburgh, making the team his freshman year after initially being cut during tryouts. He eventually became captain of the nationally ranked team his junior year. “Playing on a higher-level collegiate team has helped me to identify what needs to go on for these players to be successful, both on and off the court,” Goldberg said. Goldberg graduated from the University of Pittsburgh with a degree in communication and rhetoric in 1984. After college, he played competitive beach volleyball in southern California for two years, hoping to make it a professional career. However, he decided to return to his alma mater in 1986 to both serve as an assistant women’s volley-

13 ball coach and pursue a master’s in counseling education. He later went on to lead a successful D.C. under-18 club volleyball team to a top 20 finish in the nation. Georgetown University took note and brought him on as an assistant coach in 1988. A year later, Goldberg became the head volleyball coach at AU and has since created a program that fosters hardworking, dedicated athletes. “I’m happy he’s stayed here all this time, he’s certainly had opportunities to go to bigger programs with the success he’s had,” Director of Athletics and Recreation Billy Walker said. “We’ve been very fortunate that he has stayed at American and has been a hallmark of our sports program here.” Goldberg said he has enjoyed his time at the University, remark-

ing that AU’s athletic program is unique. “This university funds sports for the education of it, much more so than the business of it,” he said. “And that’s why it’s different compared to some of the bigger schools.” Despite Goldberg’s many commitments, he still finds time to keep in touch with and lend a hand to former players. “He helped me out with my job search,” alumna Rebecca Heath, a former volleyball player, said. “He’s kinda like my geeky dad.” While Goldberg anticipated his 600th win against Fresno State on Sept. 20, he was more interested in what lay ahead. “Everyone came up to me after the game congratulating me on my 600th win, but all I could really think of is that we had Xavier the very next day,” he said.

Goldberg listed the 2005 Patriot League Championship against the U.S. Military Academy as his most memorable moment at AU. The Eagles were down two sets to one and losing 22-10 in the fourth game, but managed to win the match 30-28, finishing the game with a dominant fifth match. “I remember when I left that game I felt like I was driving back from the scene of a crime,” he said. “Because we stole it from them.” Despite his career success, Goldberg will be remembered his commitment to helping volleyball players grow. “I just love having that caring person when I’m away from home and at school that can support me in everything that I do,” Hendrix said. SPORTS@THEEAGLEONLINE.COM

Colin Seigfreid aims to bring AU a soccer championship in his ÁREP ]IEV BY JENNIFER REYES EAGLE CONTRIBUTING WRITER COURTESY OF AU EAGLES

Colin Seigfreid’s time at AU has not been short of accomplishments. The AU men’s soccer midfielder was named “Men’s Player of the Year” in July after dominating the Twitter polls with 202 votes in just 36 hours, according to AUEagles.com. He is also currently a candidate for the Senior CLASS Award, a NCAA Division I national award created to honor seniorathletes’ achievements in community, classroom, character and competition. Award winners are determined by NCAA Division I soccer coaches, national media and fans’ voting. However, the senior midfielder’s accomplishments with the Eagles extend beyond the field. Seigfreid was named the 2012 Patriot League scholar-athlete of the year and invited to join the academic All-Patriot League team. He managed to keep a 3.64 GPA while attending practice five days a week and playing two games every week. Seigfreid attributes his success to time management and help from AU’s Academic Support Center. “You have to want to put in the effort,” he said. “You have to maintain the same level of commitment to both.”

The Pittsburgh native points to his hometown as the source of his hard work ethic. “[Pittsburgh is] such a blue collar town,” he said. “People still think it’s just a steelworkers’ town, but that mindset still holds true. Being from a town that works hard to get what they have is very important to me.” He used channeled this diligence while attending Central Catholic High School, recording 64 goals and 42 assists during his four years. “Even as a freshman, he had tremendous talent and a great work ethic,” Seigfreid’s high school soccer coach Claudio Morini said. “His constant desire to improve as an individual, both on the soccer field and in the classroom, set an excellent example for his teammates.” Seigfreid consistently returns to his high school to participate in summer training workout sessions as well as assist in the high school players’ development and training. But his commitment to community service does not stop there. Seigfreid also serves as a volunteer assistant coach for the Beadling under 17 and under 18 soccer club team in Pittsburgh while volun-

Seigfreid has been one of the top players on the men’s soccer team and a top student in the classroom.

teering on the Special Olympics soccer team. “Being a coach has helped me a lot with my patience and work ethic,” he said. This season Seigfreid has continued his success on the soccer field. He started eight of 10 games so far, collecting two goals and two assists. Both goals have helped the Eagles win those matches. Seigfreid can also be a game changer on the field. His veteran presence helps younger players, especially freshman. “We are good about completing each other,” he said about the relationship with his teammates. “Things that I might have missing, others don’t. As a team in general we have learned from each other.” Despite accomplishments on and off the field, a Patriot League championship has eluded Seigfreid and his team. The 2012 soccer season marked the fourth year in a row in which AU reached the Patriot League championship game, but lost. “It’s obviously tough to go through that, but at the same time we’re not trying to shy away from it,” Seigfreid said of losing the championship game. “We understand that it did happen. You

could sit there and think about it and say what could have been, or work to put it together.” However, the Eagles and Seigfreid enjoyed plenty of regular season success in 2012 as the team remained undefeated in Patriot League play as well as leading the league in points and assists. However, the conference title remained just out of reach. “I think it’s just a mental thing. The past two years we’ve won the regular season. It’s just putting it together for the last two games. It’s definitely mental,” he added. This year the Eagles were selected again as the pre-season favorite to win the Patriot League. Seigfreid said he is adamant about what he wants to accomplish. “We want to be the team that turns it around,” he said. “We don’t want to be the team that couldn’t get it done. Although we’ve had some pretty good years and we’ve won personal awards, its really about winning as a team.” SPORTS@THEEAGLEONLINE.COM




OCTOBER 18, 2013

Provost holds too much power in tenure process Professor Maria Ivancin’s lawsuit brings up the debate of how tenure is approved and who gets the power to deny it. Professor Maria Ivancin was on the perfect track to get tenure. The student reviews gave her a great rating, former School of Communication Dean Larry Kirkman and the Department of Public Communication said she met the expectations. It seemed like a simple decision when the Committee on Faculty Actions approved her application. But in May 2012, Ivancin was denied tenure. This decision came from the judgement of one person: Provost Scott Bass. Bass claimed in a letter that Ivancin had not published enough work in “top-tier venues” to achieve tenure. This motivated Ivancin to sue the University in April 2013. According to SOC policy, when professors are on the professional tenure track they are not required to publish work to achieve tenure. This

being so, Bass’ reasoning for denial Ivancin tenure, they do not align with They waved signs on the quad stating directly contradicts Ivancin’s con- student interests. Ivancin received an “Keep Professor Beard at AU” - peotract. average of 6.6 out of 7 on her student ple went crazy. By other SOC professors, Ivancin’s The blatant abuse of power rating form. With such a good review, prompts many questions concerning it would be in student interest, and lawsuit is whispered about throughout the hallways, the AU administrabut nothing more. tion. Bass was able of the to deny tenure after The blatant abuse of power prompts many questions Outside Mary Graydon every other step had there is been met, and withconcerning the AU administration. Center only silence. out a solid reason. This is not to Despite the fact that say that students Bass ignored the guidelines set in Ivancin’s contract, he thus the University’s interest, to allow do not care about Ivancin, they do. This is because students were not inshould not have the power to under- Ivancin to keep teaching. mine an entire process. It’s even more unsettling when we formed about what is going on. All Even if Bass had a coherent reason consider how secretive this entire problems lead to a lack of transparfor Ivancin’s tenure rejection, the lack process has been. The lawsuit began ency in the Provost’s office. Lack of transparency within AU of transparency throughout this en- in April and the majority of the AU tire process has been troubling. The community still does not know about administration is not a new problem. provost’s one response was in a letter it. In 2010, when Professor and AU As students, we cannot let this abuse and it appeared to be very unclear. orchestra director Jesus Beard was of power slide. The silence needs to be Whatever his motives were to deny denied tenure, students protested. replaced with anger. -E

Blackface in Mexico permits racial inequality BY DEREK SIEGEL COLUMNIST A fight song blared from the loudspeakers and the cheerleaders—las porristas, my friend whispered—rushed onto the field. The team mascot removed his helmet and moonwalked through the crowd to Michael Jackson’s “Billie Jean.” The color drained from my cheeks as I recognized the thick-lipped, wide-eyed, black-faced mask underneath. In the 1830s, Blackface was a comedic variety show in the U.S. where white actors would paint themselves to portray AfricanAmerican characters. Their performances were notably lewd, rowdy and exaggerated. Today, blackface is widely recognized as an act of racial contempt. How could this be allowed at a college sporting event? I was shocked, whereas my classmates at the Mexican university I am studying abroad at had already resumed cheering. Although the performance on the field seemed problematic from my perspective, I discovered that racial identities in Mexico are not identical to our own. In the U.S., we are used to clear racial categories. This is what makes Blackface problematic in the U.S., it contributes to a system of inequality through reinforcing these racial classifications. Music historian Dale Cockrell indicates that some whites attended the performances to assure themselves that blacks were a cruder and more primitive class of people. Blackface reinforced the message that whites were socially superior. Therefore, Blackface is much more than comedic impersonation. When we are able to classify the population within distinct racial boxes, we can attribute value to these

categories. Furthermore, when we assign value to these categories, the result is unequal treatment and racial marginalization. Yet while blackface in the U.S. refers to particular African-American subjects, racial distinctions are far less clear across the border. In Colonial Mexico, the Spaniards imposed a strict caste system, that differentiated between European colonists, African slaves, indigenous workers and each subsequent racial mix. These castes regulated individuals’ economic, religious and political status. Sociologist Andrés Villarreal explains that these racial distinctions were reduced to three or four categories by the 19th century. Ovetime, it became more of a challenge to determine a person’s ancestry. Today the use of skin color has practically eclipsed racial categories as a form of identification. Because Mexico’s racial system is not based on clear-cut categories, Blackface conveys a far different meaning. It’s apparent that its meaning is intimately tied to Mexico’s relationship with those of African heritage. During a 2005 speech, former Mexican president Vicente Fox said Mexicans who emigrate to the U.S. take jobs “that not even blacks want to do.” The fact that “black” and “Mexican” are mutually exclusive to Fox reflects the erasure of the more than 450,000 Afro-Mexicans. Culturally and politically marginalized, Afro-Mexicans are unlikely subjects of blackface. In other words, they tend to be ‘forgotten.’ Cultural depreciation of blackness manifests itself through social inequality, where black children are three times more likely than white children to be living in poverty, according to the Children’s Defense Fund. In 2010, Villarreal conducted an in-

Letter from the editor BY PAIGE JONES

depth examination of the relationship between skin color and socioeconomic class in Mexico. He discovered that—adjusting for gender, age, and region—white respondents were 57.6 percent more likely to have a college education than dark-skinned participants, and 29.5 percent more likely than those who are light brown. Because there are no racial categories in Mexico, discrimination works somewhat differently. Whereas in the U.S. somebody might be targeted for belonging to a specific devalued social group, Mexicans are measured against a scale of blackness and treated accordingly. Blackface in the U.S. is problematic because it maintains a hierarchy between clear racial classifications. In Mexico, Blackface does not bring to mind any particular group. Though the depreciation of blackness creates inequality, Blackface neither specifies who belongs to the targeted group or perpetuates their marginalization. This distinction is why Blackface is considered racist in the U.S., but socially acceptable in Mexico. Applying American perceptions of racism to Mexico fails to adequately address the cultural context. At best, it doesn’t help anybody. At worst, it betrays cultural egotism and the expectation that all cultures are alike. While Blackface in Mexico isn’t necessarily ‘racist’ as we understand the word, the treatment of blackness should be addressed. By regarding skin color as something to take off and put on without material consequences, Mexico withdraws from this conversation and ultimately normalizes these inequalities.

Over the last 88 years, The Eagle printed a newspaper regularly. However, this year we decided to break tradition. This issue of The Eagle is our first-ever special print edition. We designed this paper as a news magazine, something more than just a run-of-the-mill newspaper. And since this is the only time we’ll be printing this semester, we wanted to make sure it would be special. With content ranging from investigative reporting to features on notable members of the AU community, we’ve saved the best for print. However, we’re still operating under “digital-first” mindset to ensure you receive the latest on-campus news. We are updating our website with new content daily, publishing more videos, photo galleries and interactive graphics than ever before. And this is only the start. We are still hoping to print more in the spring, but that depends on you. Our mission is to provide AU with relevant news about the University and its surrounding community, regardless of its form. So we encourage you to email us at editor@theeagleonline.com and let us know what you want from your student newspaper.

Derek Siegel is a junior in the College of Arts and Sciences.

Paige Jones is the Editor-In-Chief of The Eagle.

theEAGLE OCTOBER 18, 2013

Five decades ago, college students stood up against universities and govern-


AU’s war on free speech

the administration puts professors into a situation of fear of repercussions for undergoing ground-breaking research or exBY SARAH HARVARD ments for the practice of freedom, liberty pressing their views on their specialization. COLUMNIST and peace of all individuals. Universities Students will not have the ability to think were intellectual hubs of civic engagement curriculum. In the situations of free speech when the professor announced that he was critically about the lectures and readings in scholarly debates and political organiza- repression, 10 percent of students said they fired last spring. of their courses due to the elimination and tions. Today, universities are not the same; were restricted by professors, 25 percent “He thought that was kind of bull be- restriction on free speech in the classroom across the country, college students and pro- said they were restricted by students and 30 cause he felt if people wanted to learn prac- and academia. fessors are restricted in their free speech in percent said they felt restricted by both. tical application they could go to the library Political incorrectness, hate speech and classrooms, thus losing academic freedom. For students who do not identify as a and read a book,” Roux said. “If people want offensive remarks are what free speech critAU is no exception. political minority, roughly 70 percent said to learn stuff they should come to class to ics use as a reason to implement speech In 1961, determined college students they believe there is not a restriction of free discuss ideas.” codes. Although it’s done with good intenstood against the status quo of racial seg- speech in the classroom and 75 percent said Schaler’s students said that he felt that tions, a violation of a constitutional right regation by riding on a bus together. They they never experienced censorship in class- the department’s main reasoning was not of free speech can increase to restrictions were known as Freedom Riders. Following es personally. Only 27 percent of students on the teaching approach in his courses, but of other rights for the sake of sensitivity. this, there was the Free Speech Movement believe that free speech restrictions affects his actual personal views on certain matters. With an institution that has been constantly and the Kent State protest. Today, restric- the academic integrity of their course. “He also thought that [JLS department’s ranked as one of the most politically active tions on free speech do not concern of Schaler’s teaching approach] was campuses in the country, what merit does allow for students to take the just a cover up for the fact that they dis- that accolade hold if it only applies to the same stands against the tyranWith a mono-political cultured campus, the majority of AU agreed with his views on things and didn’t political views of the majority? Such restricny of the majority. tion will allow the majority to decide what is students underestimate the instances of repressed speech in like him for it,” Roux said. By suppressing free speech, right and what is wrong. academic. Do you feel that there is a restriction on free speech in the classroom? AU is dispiriting potential leadThe concept of free speech ers of the world from civic enis necessary in that it influ1.75% gagement. At a time when deences our college experience, 10.53% Prefer not to answer bates over foreign intevention, government Interestingly, 62.5 percent of students much like those movements Not sure spending, and civil liberties grow, the rise believe that students with opposing political by the Freedom Riders, Free of college tuition should make more young views are more likely to be restricted of their Speech Movement and Antiindividuals inquire more about these issues, free speech rights. War Movement. It is hoped not less. An issue that is often ignored is the rethat administrators at AU 17.54% With a mono-political cultured campus, percussions of passionate professors who want to see students as leaders Yes the majority of AU students underestimate exercised their First Amendment rights. In in their respective fields; and if 70% the instances of repressed free speech in ac- my survey, 42 percent of students believed so, efforts to protect unlimited No ademia. I conducted a survey of a random professors are more often subjected to refree speech would be a step in sample of 125 anonymous AU students strictions of free speech. the right direction. through SurveyMonkey, sorting the results Last year, Professor Lori Handrahan was I chose to attend AU not based on whether or not they view them- undergoing research on ending impunity only for its prestige, but beselves as a political minority. I asked several for child porn and was allegedly fired silentcause I wanted to be surquestions on their thoughts, experiences ly without much protest. Handrahan’s misIt’s a shame that an institution that deems rounded by peers who speak their minds and opinion on why free speech may or may fortunate consequence of free speech within its pride in its faculty and “wonk” culture on controversial issues in hopes of finding not be repressed in academia. academia demonstrates how professors are will reprimand professors doing their job. solutions for today’s problems to make for a For those who identified as a political also subject to the fear of persecution in the There is no such thing as objectivity within a better tomorrow. If the most promising stuminority in the survey, 50 percent said they classroom. curriculum or a lecture by a professor - that dents can’t be trusted to think or speak for either rarely or never participate in class disThis case isn’t the only one at AU. School is just a fact. However, there does need to be themselves, then who can? Who will protect cussions because of the fear of being shut of Public Affairs Professor Jeffrey Schaler an opportunity to understand the truth in our words if our institution won’t? Nobody. down or mocked for their opposing view- was allegedly fired for his “too philosophical our academic curriculum. points. Along with this, 66 percent believed as opposed to practical” lectures, according If professors silence the voices of those Sarah Harvard is a junior in the School of that restrictions of free speech in the class- to one of his students. Pat Roux, a sopho- who don’t agree with them, it eliminates the International Service. room hinders the academic integrity of their more who took Schaler’s course, recalled other side’s voice. Truth also withers when QUICK TAKE

How can university policies better address the issue of mental health? Over the past two years, mental health has become a regular subject in the news, ranging from gun violence to sports-related health issues, as well as other issues that are particularly impactful on college campuses. What do you predict for the future for mental health issues on college campuses, in terms of shaping university policies and preserving the students’ health? Support and understanding will improve mental health awareness on college campuses

With universities’ help, students with mental illnesses could lead normal lives

Universities must pay long-term attention students’ mental health

Stress, anxiety and depression are on the rise on college campuses across the country. About 75 percent of diagnosable mental disorders begin by the age 24, according to the National Alliance on Mental Illness. College students and their campuses should be active participants in the discussion of mental health preservation and should be overtly aware of these issues, including how to resolve them. Mental health issues are stigmatized by those who are not properly educated on the subject. The first step in helping college students with mental illness is dispelling the myths that are neither rational nor realistic.

Schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and depression are only a few of the many mental issues exploited today by the media. In modern society, mental health issues are often spoken of but are rarely understood. The media warps these ailments until they are seen as an incurable disease that contorts a person’s personality until they become inhumane and dangerous. In the Navy Yard shooting and the Sandy Hook massacre, the media used mental health issues as a justification for the violence done upon society. These implications are neither true nor helpful, and cause those affected to be afraid of themselves and even doubt their acceptance within the rest of society.

A major failing in the higher education world is that mental health issues of college students are often ignored or mismanaged, yet little is being done to effectively remedy the situation. The problem of mental health is immense among college students. Almost all (91 percent) directors of campus counseling centers report a rise in number of students with “severe psychological problems”. This major part of student health is woefully undertreated. As reported by the 2010 National Survey of Counseling Center Directors, only 56 percent of college campuses offer psychiatric care, and in these there are on average 1.8 hours of counselling available each week for every 1,000 students. [

Continued online

Continued online

Continued online

By Emily Dalgo

By Rathna Muralidharan

By Madison Freeman


Every Friday, the Quick Take columnists will offer their views on an issue of significance to AU. Notable members of the campus community will also be invited to contribute to this feature. Suggestions for topics and other ideas from readers are welcome and encouraged, so please submit comments to: edpage@theeagleonline.com

Read the entire Quick Take online at www.theeagleonline.com.

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