American University’s student voice since 1925
October 4, 2012 Volume 87 – Issue 6
2 | OCTOBER 4, 2012 theEAGLE
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Join the Center for North American Studies to view and discuss three classic Mexican, American, and Canadian road movies
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OCT. 11, NOV . 1 AND NOV. 8 WECHSLER THEATRE (MGC 315) AMERICAN UNIVERSITY RSVP with your name and email to:
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Healthy adult volunteers needed The National Institute of Mental Health is conducting outpatient research studies on fear and anxiety at the National Institutes of Health Clinical Center in Bet hesda, Maryl and. Over a period of one to three visits of one to three hours each, participants will be interviewed and complete computer tasks during which heart rate will be recorded. Volunteers must be between 18-50 years of age, medically healthy, and not be taking medica tion. There is no cost for study-related tests. Compensation will be provided. Fo r more in fo rma ti o n, pl e as e c al l :
1 -8 0 0 -4 11 -1 2 2 2 (T T Y: 1 -8 6 6 -4 11 -1 01 0 ) Se h abl a e s pa Ăąol
O r g o on lin e , c lin ic a lt ria l s .g ov
Refer to study #: 01-M-0185 or 02-M-0321 De p a rt m e n t o f He a lt h a n d Hu m a n Se r v ic e s N at io n a l In s t it u t es o f H ea l th Na t io n a l In s t it u te of Me n t al He a l th The NIH Clinical Center, America’s research hospital, is located on the Metro red line in Bethesda, Maryland. NIH...Turning Discovery Into Health
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Tenley campus moves forward with renovations 4
Alcohol violations drop, burglaries rise in 2011 By HEATHER MONGILIO AND SAMANTHA HOGAN EAGLE STAFF WRITERS
Drug abuse and liquor law violations dropped at AU in 2011 while burglary increased, according to the University’s Annual Security Report in accordance with the Clery Act. Every U.S. college and university that receives federal financial aid must release a security report in accordance with the Clery Act. This act requires crimes such as assault, robbery and burglary, committed on and near campus to be reported on an annual basis dating back at least three years. The increases and decreases in crime are normal, said Rosie McSweeney, director of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution. “It seems extreme, but it’s normal fluctuation,” she said. “[It is a] different year [and] different factors all coming together.”
The number of formal complaints submitted to the Office of Campus Life for liquor violations on main campus dropped into the upper-100’s for the first time since before 2009,
when AU recorded 340 violations, according to the report. The decrease does not mean people are drinking less, McSweeney said. If students are of legal drinking age, they are not breaking the law, and therefore are not counted under Clery, she said, even if they violate AU’s dry campus rules. Also, drinking violations that occur at off-campus locations do not count toward Clery-reported statistics, she said. Formal complaints for drug abuse violations on main campus dropped to 39 in 2011 from 77 in 2010 and 58 in 2009. Marijuana is the most common substance found in possession by students after alcohol, McSweeney said.
Burglary rates increased during 2011 with a total of 31 incidents reported on main campus. Laptops accounted for almost half of the reported burglaries, Adam Cooper, AU’s Clery Act coordinator, said in an email. Public Safety released four crime alerts regarding burglaries. Three addressed laptop thefts in residence halls. “There was a surge of laptop thefts in late 2011,
which has since subsided due to a combination of factors we believe includes community members locking their doors and increased situational awareness by faculty, staff and students,” Cooper said in an email.
There were two accounts of forcible sex offenses on main campus mentioned in the 2011
report, one of which occurred in AU housing. This is an increase from 2010, which had only one reported case, according to the report. This number includes only the sexual assaults reported to the Department of Public Safety, McSweeney said. Confidential sources on campus, including the Counseling Center, are not required to report sexual assaults to be included in the security report, McSweeney said. The actual number of sexual assaults is likely higher because many victims choose not to go through AU’s disciplinary or advocacy system or the courts,
| AU adopts composting program 7
so Clery numbers may be “deceiving,” she said.
Reported incidents of arson on main campus increased from zero to four incidents between 2010 and 2011, according to the report. All four incidents of arson on main campus took place in residence halls, Cooper said. Public Safety issued Crime Alerts for three of the four incidents. Only one Crime Alert was issued for two of the incidents because they happened around the same time and location, he said. No one was harmed in any of the four incidents and all resulted in less than $300 worth of total property damage, Cooper
Four motor scooters, owned by members of the AU community, were stolen in 2011, Cooper said in an email. Three of the four thefts took place in the tunnel under Mary Graydon Center and Butler Pavilion around the same time, Cooper said. Public Safety released a Crime Alert on March 23 addressing the three stolen scooters and stated all the scooters had been unlocked or improperly locked at the time.
“It seems extreme, but it’s normal fluctuation. [It is a] different year [and] different factors all coming together.” -Rosie McSweeney, director of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution
MV THEFT 4 3 2
4 | OCTOBER 4, 2012 NEWS theEAGLE
Students injured in shuttle crash By SAMANTHA HOGAN EAGLE STAFF WRITER
Tenley campus to be renovated despite ANC opposition By STEVEN MURPHY EAGLE CONTRIBUTING WRITER
The D.C. Historic Preservation Review Board, which oversees renovation plans for historic landmarks, approved renovation plans for AU’s Tenley Campus on Sept. 27 despite Tenleytown’s Advisory Neighborhood Commission voting against the plans. The new Tenley Campus will be home to the Washington College of Law, which is currently located in Spring Valley. The site falls under the board’s jurisdiction since it qualifies as a local landmark. The D.C. Zoning Commission approved the Campus Plan in April. ANC 3E, which oversees the neighborhood of Tenleytown, voted 4-0 opposing the current plans for Tenleytown constructions on Sept. 13. While the board approved AU’s construction plans, it said it would be
open to the University presenting a revised plan that kept community members’ concerns in mind, said Steve Callcott, the deputy preservation officer of the State Historic Preservation Office, which regulates the renovation of historic buildings. Community members were concerned about how the new campus will fit into the neighborhood, as well as how it will blend in with the surrounding aesthetics. “People in the community and people on the ANC believe the campus should be as open as possible, should be as integrated as possible with the street and contribute as much as possible to enlivening the Wisconsin corridor,” Matthew Frumin, chairperson and secretary to Tenleytown’s ANC said. Renovations for the Tenley Campus are scheduled to start in July 2013.
“We probably will have more discussions about this issue with various groups before finalizing the design for the Tenley Campus front lawn,” Associate Director of Media Relations Maralee Csellar said. The University, the community and the State Historic Preservation Office have discussed what the entranceway to Tenley Campus should look like for more than a year, Frumin said. ANC 3E suggested the entrance to Tenley Campus feature a wider and grander staircase leading up from the street, a sculpture or a fountain where people could relax. AU has been working on renovations for the Tenley Campus since early 2009. The University has been discussing this with the ANC since July 2009 and with the State Historic Preservation Office since early 2010, Csellar said. NEWS@THEEAGLEONLINE.COM
A shuttle crashed on Nebraska Avenue at around 11:20 p.m. on Oct. 2 outside of the Katzen Arts Center. About six or seven students were on the shuttle at the time. Students on the shuttle told The Eagle that there were only minor injuries. The shuttle collided with a Toyota Yaris while turning from Nebraska Avenue onto Ward Circle from Tenleytown on a foggy night. Neither the shuttle driver nor the driver of the Toyota disclosed any injuries to the Metropolitan Police Department at the time of the accident, according to Maralee Csellar, associate director of media relations. “MPD determined that the accident was caused by the driver of the Toyota failing to yield and improper turning,” she said. One student, sitting by the curbside window, was cut by glass when the window shattered. He was thrown across the aisle and had minor cuts on his hands, according to Chakriya Srey, a sophomore in the School of International Service and a passenger on the shuttle who witnessed the window shattering.
Srey had two minor cuts on her legs from the same glass because she was sitting on the left side of the shuttle. She did not go to the hospital despite the Department of Public Safety’s recommendations that she do so, she said. Srey called Public Safety at 11:21 p.m. By the time The Eagle arrived at the scene around midnight, Public Safety and MPD were there. One student who was on the sidewalk when the collision happened said he thought he was hit by the shuttle. He was holding a frozen bag of vegetables to his head as he spoke in
a groggy voice to MPD. He was then led to an ambulance on the scene and walked away about an hour and a half later. The car was dented on the right side while the shuttle’s front fender was partially ripped off. MPD declined to comment on the incident. An AU shuttle crashed into a telephone pole in 2010, The Eagle previously reported. The driver sustained minor injuries and was the only person in the shuttle. Eagle Staff Writers Zach C. Cohen and Alex Greco contributed to this report.
6 | OCTOBER 4, 2012 NEWS theEAGLE
Smartphone app provides sexual assault resources for D.C. students By JORDAN-MARIE SMITH EAGLE STAFF WRITER
AU launched a free smartphone application that provides quick access to sexual assault resources at the Sexual Assault Forum on Sept. 27 in the Mary Graydon Center. “This is the first time I can remember that eight universities sprawled across the city came together on a topic like sexual assault,” said Men Can Stop Rape Development Coordinator Jared Watkins. The app, “U ASK DC,” provides the names of counselors, organizations and offices in D.C. that can assist a survivor of
sexual assault in the case of an emergency. U ASK DC also provides names and numbers of taxis and medical services. “You don’t have to be a victim or survivor of sexual assault to use this app,” said Bryan Sullivan, a College of Arts and Sciences senior and member of Men of Strength, the AU chapter of Men Can Stop Rape, a national sexual assault prevention organization. “It’s a pocket reference for everything that you would need on campus.” AU’s involvement with the program began less than a year ago after the Office of Victim Services
approached AU with the idea, Rappaport said. Men of Strength and the D.C. Office of Victim Services worked with D.C. schools to create the app, according to AU Sexual Assault Prevention Coordinator and Campus Victim Advocate Daniel Rappaport. The U ASK DC project was created from a grant awarded to the Mayor’s Office of Victim Services so that they could work with eight colleges and universities in the District, according to Rappaport. George Washington University launched the U ASK DC app on its campus Sept. 21. Each D.C. university
or college campus’ resources are available on the application and can be accessed if a student is offcampus. “As someone who is prepared to respond at any point to this type of issue on campus, it’s really great to have that resource right there and have agencies off campus and to have access to those is a great resource,” Associate Dean of Students Michelle Espinosa said. Espinosa announced plans to implement U ASK DC into future Eagle Summit presentations during the Sept. 27 launch. Rappaport said campus groups like resident assistants responded positively to the simplicity of the application that is a necessary resource and addresses a serious issue. Students have capitalized on the new app by encouraging others to use it and by creating awareness on the issue. Men of Strength worked with Men Can Stop Rape and the Office of Victim Services to urge peer downloading and promotion of U ASK DC. “I’m trying to tell as many people as possible about how it functions and how easy and versatile it is and that it’s free, which I’m sure every college student not only appreciates but loves,” Sullivan said. U ASK DC is compatible on most devices and will become Blackberrycompatible in November. Eagle Staff Writer Rebecca Bartola contributed to this report. JSMITH@THEEAGLEONLINE.COM
Kerwin appointed to USPakistan Women’s Council By JESSICA LIU EAGLE CONTRIBUTING WRITER
AU President Neil Kerwin will serve as a co-chair on the newly-founded U.S.Pakistan Women’s Council with Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women’s Issues Melanne Verveer. The U.S. State Department and AU co-founded the council on Sept. 24, according to a press release by the State Department. School of International Service Dean James Goldgeier will serve as a representative on the Council alongside Kerwin. The council’s goal is to connect businesses, universities and individual donors to both the United States and Pakistan, Goldgeier said. The State Department said the council will be housed in SIS because of its D.C. location and its well-known international service program, according to Goldgeier. The office of the council’s executive director will be in SIS as well. The director will give lectures and host events to educate students on women’s issues in Pakistan. However, an executive director has not yet been chosen, Goldgeier said. The person who fills this
role will be chosen from within the State Department. The State Department did not respond to multiple requests for comment before publication. Goldgeier said the State Department contacted AU last year about housing the U.S.-Pakistan Women’s Council. “[The State Department] came to us and said that they were thinking about starting a U.S.-Pakistan Women’s Council, like the U.S.-Afghanistan Women’s Council at Georgetown, and they thought SIS would be a great place to host this endeavor,” he said. Georgetown University has hosted the U.S.Afghanistan Women’s Council since its creation in 2002. This council works to create scholarships for women, promote Afghan female entrepreneurs and building schools in Afghanistan, according to its website. The council will educate the AU community and the greater public about the issues women in Pakistan face. “For us to be able to partner with the State Department is a big deal for us,” Goldgeier said. NEWS@THEEAGLEONLINE.COM
theEAGLE NEWS OCTOBER 4, 2012 | 7
SIS junior Daniel Leon shakes hands with former President Bill Clinton at CGI.
Students volunteer at Clinton Global Initiative conference By AMBER COHEN EAGLE CONTRIBUTING WRITER
Three AU students volunteered at the Clinton Global Initiative, a yearly conference where world leaders come together to find solutions to current global challenges, from Sept. 23 to 25. Oluseyi Segun, Kaity Miller and Daniel Leon arrived in New York a day before the conference to begin their assigned tasks. “Basically, I sat people at their assigned tables,” Segun said, a senior in the School of Communication. “I also mingled with the crowd, and I saved seats so when speakers came back they had somewhere to sit.” Kaity Miller, a senior in the School of International Service, participated in the catering committee. “We were the eyes, ears and extra support for three
young women in charge of working with the Sheraton Hotel in providing three meals a day for around 2,000 people,” she said. Miller said she specifically helped by replenishing refreshment stations with local food within 100 miles of New York City. Leon, a junior in SIS, served in the Head of State committee escorting delegations to their sessions and ensuring the event ran smoothly. He interned at the Clinton Foundation over the summer, where he ran the high school intern program which gives teenagers professional experience to succeed in their future. He also served as a CGI University member in 2010, where he brainstormed solutions to local challenges with other college students nationwide as a sophomore. “I was invited in 2010 be-
cause of my commitment, ‘Move Your Feet, Feed the Need,’” Leon said. “I hosted dance classes and asked participants to bring canned goods or clothing. I would donate those items to a shelter in the Orlando area.” The volunteers spent most of the time working, but Miller said they were able to watch the speakers and panels streamed on TV during their breaks. “I watched one panel on empowering women through city design; the depth of the discussion was amazing.” Miller said. “They discussed how the design of a kitchen could make women safer from smoke or increased their freedom inside the home.” Both Segun and Miller also had the chance to see Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi in person. “He had a dialogue with
President [Bill] Clinton, but he only wanted to speak in Arabic,” Miller said. “So before the panel I had to set out translation boxes for over 1,000 people so they could hear the interpreter.” In addition to seeing Morsi in person, Miller said Clinton acknowledged her as well. “After [the dialogue], while I picked the boxes up, Bill Clinton was walking around and waved at me and smiled,” she said. “He was so friendly!” Not only did Miller see speakers, she met a few notable people as well including her hero Zainab Salbi. Segun said he saw singers Seal and K’naan, as well as actor Rosario Dawson. The Clinton Foundation runs two other conferences annually: CGI America and CGI University. Both are similar to CGI in their discussion of how to fix certain issues, but CGI America focuses on domestic issues and CGI University is directed toward college students. The application process to volunteer at CGI requires a number of short essays, a resume and references, according to Miller. “I met someone who tried to volunteer three times before they were accepted,” Segun said. “I was lucky and fortunate to be selected.” Miller said the event was one of the most exciting and fulfilling experiences in her life and was surprised by how many of the volunteers were young. “The majority of CGI staff between 25 and 35 years old, so the organization is empowering for young people.” Miller said. “It gives you a foot in the door to go anywhere you want to go.” NEWS@THEEAGLEONLINE.COM
AU implements pilot composting program By SAMANTHA HOGAN EAGLE STAFF WRITER
Ten departments on campus will pilot a composting program in October. This will be a precursor to a campus-wide organic waste collection program beginning in Jan. 2013. The program will attempt to divert offices’ compostable waste from landfills by adding an “organic waste bin” next to trash cans, according to Helen Lee, the zero waste coordinator of Facilities Management. Organic waste is a product made of anything that was once living, including food, paper, cellophane and coffee grounds. Composting is the natural breakdown of organic waste into topsoil, Lee said. About 46 tons of trash per month went from AU to a landfill between May 2011 and April 2012, Lee said. Waste audits, which look at what type of items are thrown away, conducted at the School of International Studies, Bender Library and Kay Spiritual Life Center revealed that about half of that trash was compostable, Lee said. Bins for organic waste will be placed in the kitchen areas of: t University Center t Library t Psychology, Physics and Computer Science departments t Student Accounts t Academic Support t Facilities Management t Center for Diversity and Inclusion These 10 departments
were selected for the pilot program due to their proximity to the organic waste compactor near Bender Arena. The organic waste bins will be emptied every day, Lee said. Facilities Management has been working with Aramark to educate staff on where to place the organic waste, she said. The organic waste collected will be shipped to the Peninsula Compost Group in Delaware along with the approximate 26 tons of food waste already sent each month from the University, Lee said. “Unfortunately, [Delaware] is our only current option,” Lee said. Recycle Green, the University’s previous composter, was required by the Maryland Department of the Environment to stop accepting food waste last April. This prevents the liquid of decomposing organic waste from contaminating the groundwater surrounding the Chesapeake Bay, The Eagle previously reported. Facilities Management is also investigating the possibility of on-campus composting options such as using a composting machine, Stephanie DeStefano, the grounds operations coordinator at AU, said. She said her major concerns with on-campus composting include attracting rodents, producing smells and annoying the University’s neighbors. “You have to be very careful when composting,” she said, “to do it properly and safely.” SHOGAN@THEEAGLEONLINE.COM
Secondhand store Frugalista gets a visit from columnist 9
Shakespeare gets ‘supernatural’ spin from AU Rude Mechanicals minute as the cast ratchets up the melodrama with the ghostly, imposing apIt takes a swift tongue parition of Banquo roamand keen ears to take on ing about the stage. the rapacious barb and wit School of Communiof Shakespeare. cation senior Seth Rose, AU Rude Mechanicals, who has participated in the University’s Shake12 plays for Rude Mespearean acting troupe chanicals, had a tempestu(which derives its name ous relationship with the from a group of characters material he directed and in “A Midsummer Night’s adapted from “The TemDream”), will premiere pest.” its annual variety show in “I both love and hate their first performance of ‘The Tempest,’” Rose said. the season from Oct. 4 to “I love it for its comedic 6 in Ward 1. and magical moThe show is ments and hate it composed of varibecause it has a ous vignettes of of filler.” Shakespeare may have brought lot Rose the Bard’s plays. chose to these different people, styles and pare down This close-knit the acts together, but it’s the intimate play to its most and jocular group of actors will perrelationship of the theater troupe potent elements. form supernatugave it a stethat pulls the show together. He ral-themed and ampunk visual abridged versions style through the of “The Tempest,” costume design “Macbeth” and and Prospero’s “Julius Caesar.” These It’s about the character’s mad scientist motivation. stripped-down versions choice.” Shakespeare may have of the plays allow for tenTwo scenes from “Mac- brought these different sions between characters beth” were also staged, people, styles and acts to roil with animosity, in- one featuring famed laugh- together, but it’s the intitensity and verve. ing and delirious witches mate relationship of the “Shakespeare speaks to delivering a prophecy theater troupe that pulls the human condition with to the zealous Macbeth. the show together. They themes of fear, ambition, SPA sophomore Rebecca all know each others’ variguilt,” said College of Arts Day directed that scene, ous quirks and personality and Science senior Jonelle choosing to have the ac- traits, according to Rose. Walker, the executive di- tors convulse and gestate “We are really a family,” rector of Rude Mechani- with a creeping angst. he said. cals. The second scene from Tickets for “SupernatuEach production has “Macbeth” cast a gothic ral Shakespeare” will be been meticulously crafted. aesthetic for the scene sold at the door or in adThe vignette of “Julius where Banquo’s ghost vance through Eventbrite. Caesar,” which contains appears to Macbeth. The DKAHENKASHI@THEEAGLEONLINE.COM the most material ground- rhetoric flies at a mile a By DAVID KAHEN-KASHI EAGLE STAFF WRITER
SHOCK VALUE — The AU Players will run their modernized version of the classic
AU Players present twisted take on Greek tragedy ‘Sophokles’s Elektra’ By EMILY CLAPP EAGLE CONTRIBUTING WRITER
“Sophokles’s Elektra” is the classic clash of good versus evil, complete with intense fight scenes that will keep you on the edge of your seat. The upcoming performance from the AU Players will run from Oct. 4 to 6, kicking off its four-show season this semester. Both a tragedy and a comedy, “Elektra” is a short Greek tragedy about a middle-class teenager who lives in the suburbs in modern times. But she is no ordinary girl — she and her brother are plotting to kill her mother and stepfather to get revenge on them for killing her father and for abusing
Elektra. Director Megan Westman, a senior in the College of Arts and Sciences, said she chose the play because of its modern adaptation approach. “Elektra” is the first full-length play she has directed since high school. “I’m very happy with how it is coming along so far because it is a full group of very talented actors who have put in a lot of hours of hard work into it,” Westman said. The cast dedicated hours of rehearsal time in the weeks leading up to the play, according to School of Communication sophomore Brendan Williams-Childs, who stars as Elektra’s brother Orestes. For Jeff Gan, a junior in
the School of International Service and CAS, the hours of rehearsal pay off. He completely immerses himself as the character Aegisthus, the evil stepfather who molests and abuses Elektra. “It was hard to go to a dark place, to be an evil and abusive figure,” Gan said. “But it is good for the show and is successful.” Jess Keane, who plays the vengeful titular character, said that the cast helped her get into character by reaching her inner anger. “To be able to get into character for Elektra I put myself in the darkest place possible,” Keane said. “However, in real life, I’m a pretty happy kid.” THESCENE@THEEAGLEONLINE.COM
| Live review of Zammuto 11
ed in reality, features an exuberant performance by CAS sophomore Andrea Parente as an exasperated and desperate Calpurnia begging Caesar to not go before the Senate. “I wanted to make sure that the characters were taking initiative,” said Kate Kerns, a junior in the School of Public Affairs who directed the scene. “Everyone manages handling mystical scenes and characters being awed.
theEAGLE SCENE OCTOBER 4, 2012 | 9
Shonda Rhimes has done it again. The creator of successful shows “Grey’s Anatomy” and “Private Practice” has added a third notch to her belt with “Scandal.” “Scandal” stars Kerry Washington (“Night Catches Us”) as famed D.C. crisis management maven Olivia Pope. Her character is an exaggerated take on real-life D.C. crisis manager Judy Smith, who graduated from AU’s Washington College of Law and was
the first African-American woman to serve as the executive editor of the American University Law Review. Before the show, her firm Smith & Company was already highprofile, with clients like Michael Vick and Monica Lewinsky. “Scandal” has equally interesting clients, such as Supreme Court hopefuls avoiding an escort controversy and a case curiously mirroring that of Monica Lewinsky. Yet, what is the most intriguing all along is Pope herself. JSMITH@THEEAGLEONLINE.COM
Frugalista offers first-rate brands, disappointing prices JANE MORICE — SECONDHAND STYLE Hello, and welcome back to a second year of Secondhand Style! If you’re a new reader, I am a huge fan of secondhand shopping, whether it’s vintage, consignment or my personal favorite, thrift. Finding quality secondhand shops in D.C. can be difficult, so I’m doing the hard work for you and
Until this past weekend, director Rian Johnson was best known for directing critically acclaimed indie films like “Brick” and several stunning episodes of AMC’s “Breaking Bad.” The 38-year-old director will likely see his star rise with the buzzy sci-fi thriller “Looper,” starring recently established movie star Joseph Gordon-Levitt as an assassin assigned to kill a future version of himself (Bruce Willis). Gordon-Levitt underwent a complex makeup procedure to resemble a young Willis, and early reviews from the likes of “Rolling Stone” and critic Roger Ebert have praised the film’s visual innovations and energetic plot. This film is certainly the weekend’s must-see.
scouring the city, reviewing stores as I go along. For my first column of the year, I chose to make the trek to the Mount Pleasant neighborhood and visit a small thrift shop called Frugalista. Mount Pleasant is a diverse area, with a significant portion of the population being black and
ARGUMENT FOR Hispanic. Located on the corner of 16th Street NW and Mount Pleasant Street NW, Frugalista is (as one may have assumed) in a Hispanic part of town. The radio in the shop blared Spanish music, filling the space with saucy beats. While the atmosphere was intimate and inviting, I was actually slightly disappointed by the store’s price range. I did some research on the store before visiting, and I was under the impression that the store was very cheap (comparable to a Goodwill). Yet the cheapest thing I found
ARGUMENT’S SAKE President Barack Obama and Gov. Mitt Romney have reached a crucial moment in their 2012 election campaigns: the heavily scrutinized presidential debates, broadcast on all of the major networks simultaneously. From a pop culture perspective, the first presidential debate should provide ample fodder for sketch-based hilarity on NBC’s “Saturday Night Live,” which thrives on mockery of political figures and election mania. The first debate aired last night, and SNL’s next regular episode will air this Saturday, featuring host Daniel Craig (“The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo”), musical guest Muse and likely political satire from cast members Jay Pharoah as Obama and Jason Sudeikis as Romney.
in the store was a T-shirt for $9. To me, this is an outrageous price because I could have probably found the same shirt at its flagship for a cheaper price. Also, I was upset by the fact that there was no price staggering. For example, all of the women’s shoes were at a set price of $17. However, there was a pair of Vince Camuto shoes (average price of about $100) right next to a pair of shoes from Charlotte Russe (average price of about $20). I think it would be much better to price these items based upon their qual-
FALL INTO NEW MUSIC Major pop stars are preparing to release new music in time for the holiday rush. In a much anticipated return, Ke$ha debuted her new single “Die Young,” co-written by Nate Ruess of fun., continuing her party aesthetic with a bit of a 2012 dance-pop spin. Her album “Warriors” will be released on Dec. 4. Meanwhile, the prolific Rihanna churned out the first single “Diamonds” from her as-yet-untitled December release, and Bruno Mars announced that his sophomore album “Unorthodox Jukebox” is set for a Dec. 11 release, with new single “Locked Out of Heaven” out this week.
Music lovers and critics alike were drooling over Mumford & Sons following the band’s Grammynominated debut album “Sigh No More.” With the release of the band’s second album “Babel,” the acclaim and popularity has only intensified. First single “I Will Wait” is already
a smash hit, and the album is set to sell more than 500,000 copies in its first week, easily exceeding Justin Bieber’s “Believe,” the year’s biggest debut yet. With a folk blend of lightning-fast banjos and yearning, wistful lyrics, this band is quickly approaching superstar status after only a few years in the game.
Hollywood is mourning the loss of actor Johnny Lewis, found dead from an apparent fall outside his home after being released from jail two weeks ago. The embattled actor was implicated in the murder of his 81-year-old landlady. Lewis played Kip Epps on Kurt Sutter’s hit biker drama “Sons of Anarchy” and is also well-known for roles in “Alien vs. Predator: Requiem,” “The Runaways” and FOX’s TV show, “The O.C.” In the tabloid world, he is best known for briefly dating Katy Perry in 2005. MLIEBERMAN@THEEAGLEONLINE.COM
ity and not by the fact that lower prices than you they’re all high heels. would find it in-store. Frugalista did impress While this store isn’t with its selection of cloth- one of my favorite secing. The women’s cloth- ondhand stores in D.C., I ing was dominated by J. would definitely go back. Crew, Ann Taylor and JMORICE@THEEAGLEONLINE.COM other professional and classy brands. LOCATION: 3069 MOUNT The same goes for PLEASANT ST., NW the men’s clothing, with Ralph Lauren, BY BUS: TAKE THE H4 BUS Banana Republic FROM TENLEYTOWN TOWARD BROOKLAND STATION and Vineyard Vines overtaking the selecBY METRO: TAKE THE RED tion. Because of this, LINE TO GALLERY PLACE AND TRANSFER TO THE YELLOW I think Frugalista is LINE TOWARD COLUMBIA a great place to find HEIGHTS quality professional clothing at much
10 | OCTOBER 4, 2012 SCENE theEAGLE
HOW TO MAKE RISOTTO JODY AREMBAND — THE COLLEGE FOODIE It’s time for a kitchen upgrade, y’all! No, I’m not Paula Deen, but I am done with the stereotypical college diet of ramen noodles and pizza. TDR may have gotten a facelift, but sometimes (more often than not) it still doesn’t cut it. Essentially, this column will be a guide to cooking for the AU student who wants to eat like a real adult. Rather than giving you all recipes — that’s what the Internet is for—I’ll talk about some of the basic skills that are the foundation of all good cooking. So, what’s for dinner? I don’t know about you, but I am in the mood for something Italian. Risotto, which may seem like a complicated dish, is actually very easy to make and can really last if you make a big portion.
The most ideal kind of rice to cook with is shortgrain rice, because it can hold a lot of liquid. The best kinds to choose from are carnaroli, arborio, baldo and vialone nano. It doesn’t need to be rinsed for this dish, so just put it in the pot. Remember to take into account that rice triples in size. Now for the most important rule in cooking: taste whatever you’re cooking throughout the process. You can’t really do this with baked goods, but here it’s essential to figure out when the rice is done.
Any kind you want to use is fine. Most people
use chicken or vegetable stock, but I personally think it doesn’t make a huge difference with the flavor. To make the risotto, cook the rice on medium-high heat, stirring often and continually adding stock. It’s a bit of a wait to get the right consistency, but you’ll appreciate the upgrade from the mac and cheese. Trust me.
Once the rice has almost fully plumped up from absorbing the stock, you’re ready to start adding your flavors, like cheese and some vegetables. There are some classic flavors like asparagus and mushroom, but one of the great things about risotto is that it pairs well with almost any type of seasoning. My personal favorite is tomato and mushroom with parmesan cheese. Dice the tomato, thinly slice the mushrooms and stir them in when you’re almost done so the flavors can fully absorb. Note on the mushrooms: make sure you wash them really well. It seems like a no-brainer, but if you don’t scrub them, they will make the whole dish taste like dirt.
We add the cheese last so it can fully melt into the risotto without sticking to the pot and never making it to the plate. Make sure you share with your roommates! JAREMABAND@THEEAGLEONLINE.COM
Looking for new music? DJs at WVAU share their thoughts on a range of recent releases.
MISTER LOVELESS GROW UP This album, full of middle-of-the-road surf rock, redeems itself with a few mold-breaking, understated new wave tunes.
The first track on Mister Loveless’ new album “Grow Up” is an apathetic anthem called “Nineties Children,” and Mister Loveless is at its best when it stays closest to
TOY S/T Toy’s album sounds a lot like the masters of their genre, but the band puts forth enough of their own sounds to keep it fresh. Toy resides somewhere between the worlds of Deerhunter and My Bloody Valentine, with the addition of plenty of synthesizers. The band makes a psychedelic version of rock that relies as much on walls of sound as it
that label. Despite being crowded with simple, inoffensive but unspectacular formulaic surf-rock, the album shines on a few tracks where the band goes back to its roots as ‘90s kids playing covers of Joy Division and turning up the reverb way too high. Songs like “Strange and Futureless” and “Saint Obscura” break out of their rut with slower, more subdued and understated songs for which Rob I. Miller’s voice is better suited. As a bonus, “Nineties Children” sounds like a version of Cloud Nothings that you can bring home to mom. Recommended If You Like: Howler, Cloud Nothings, By SEAN MEEHAN
does floaty, reverberating vocals. Despite the heavy British accent on the opening track, most of the album’s vocals sound scarily similar to Deerhunters’ Bradford Cox, down to the slight delay on most tracks. The band’s strengths show when they get into longer tracks that build around a simple bass line. Drums cut loose and hints of Sonic Youth’s noise breakdowns find their way into the mix. The tone of the group is sunnier and more upbeat than most of their fellow psych/shoegaze bands. While this album may remind you of “Microcastle,” Toy presents enough of its own ideas to make this an album able to stand on its own. RIYL: Deerhunter, My Bloody Valentine, Yo La Tengo By CAMERON STEWART
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theEAGLE SCENE OCTOBER 4, 2012 | 11
Zammuto brings fresh energy to U Hall show By RICHARD MURPHY EAGLE CONTRIBUTING WRITER
The Books broke up earlier this year. For over 10 years, the duo made up of guitarist Nick Zammuto and cellist Paul de Jong crafted their own unique style of collage and folktronica music that was both challenging and incredibly satisfying. As sad as it was to hear that such an excellent group is now dissolved, it was a relief to know that the band would not tarnish their near perfect record and with their last record entitled “The Way Out,” it just made sense. Enter Zammuto, the new project helmed by Nick himself. He brought his brand of strange electronic and experimental rock to U Street Music Hall on Sept. 26. On the self-titled record released earlier this year, every song is composed with the utmost precision and care. And
yet, each track is imbued with a characteristically playful attitude, making it an incredibly joyful listen. Live, Zammuto makes the songs glow with energy. Zammuto and his band, made up of childhood friends and his brother, breezed through each song with a technical skill and “togetherness” that classically trained jazz quartets would envy. There was a strange humor in the performance coming not only from the band — who seemed legitimately pleased to be there — but also from the projector that displayed video perfectly in sync with the performance. It displayed a strange collection of videos, both nightmarish and fun, which included: footage of finger skateboarding; advertisements for long forgotten and wholly useless products; zebra butts (appropriately played during the song “Zebra Butt”); medical diagrams of
Eagle Rants that awkward moment you find out your friend has a sick obsession with light green boogers. and oreos. 22 YR OLD WHO’S NEVER BEEN KISSED AND 21 YR OLD WHO’S NEVER BEEN KISSED: GO KISS EACH OTHER!!!!
upsetting thing about the whole breastfeeding scandal is that she wasn’t winking back at me Delt boyzzzzz <3 We should get more free t-shirts. I’m paying far too much money to this school to have only gotten 2 shirts. Just one of those horrible weeks that culminates with a failed Arabic exam. Excuse me while I go pull a “Garden State” and scream from a rooftop somewhere . . .
I wish I didn’t have to be a slut to get a guy.
There’s a really cute girl on my floor, but when I texted her some dude answered. Salty…
Go ahead, speak your mind. We’ll probably print it.
Dear uber creepy guy who lives on my floor: I am not—nor will I ever be—interested in talking to you/hanging out with you… ever. Sorry not sorry. So please stop trying to “catch” me in the lounge when I am very clearly studying late into the night and don’t want to be bothered.
erections; Christmas tree fires; a clip of Zammuto’s cousin being kicked out of a professional soccer match; and what can only be described as the world’s greatest autoharp solo to the tune of the “Battle Hymn of the Republic.” No encore was expected from this show; the band had already played through all the songs from the record. Nevertheless, they returned after being beckoned by the crowd to play through covers of both Neil Young and The Books. It was a solemn conclusion to an otherwise upbeat and frenetic performance. And yet it was entirely appropriate, a sort of reprise to performances of The Books which will never happen again. There’s a sorrow in knowing The Books will never be witnessed in live again. But with the joy of Zammuto, there is simply nothing to be sad about.
Sometimes I just sit in class and think about the stupidity that goes on around me.
Fire Adrienne Pine. Hire a professor who actually knows how to act professional. Dear girl running past me in Hughes belting out show tunes at 11 pm. Just… No. All I want is a cuddle buddy and oreos. HIT ME UP South side Letts= Letto. North side Letts= hotel. Don’t call yourself the Letto if you’re from the North side, northsiders! Why does everyone give Mitt such a hard time? He knows how to fix our economy and he is so much better than Obama. Romney 2012!!!! To the dude jogging around campus in the
tight spandex shorts: werk it.
That awkward moment when you see an attractive policeman on the metro and you think please be a stripper and take off all your clothes. That feeling when you read the Rants too fast, and then you realize there are none left and now you have no excuse to not do your homework. i almost sobriety…not
Really disappointed that no one commented about the random elevator dance party some chicks in Hughes threw on Thursday… i want a boyfriend!!! preferably swedish…... come at me bro!
Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis ACROSS 1 Scottish hat 4 Cries out loud 8 Dull sound 13 Wharton·s “The __ of Innocence” 14 Summer Olympics event venue 15 Covering for “piggies” 16 Big stink 18 Stored in a database, say 19 Rural storage structure 20 Amateurish dive 22 Opposite of a big star 25 “__ a trap!” 26 “The Ballad of John and __” 27 Men 28 Bearded flower 32 Barely get, with “out” 34 Added a chip to the pot 36 Maine college town 37 Bearded fairy tale trio 40 Cartographer·s book 41 Oven setting 42 Word in most Commandments 43 Finger-on-hotstove reaction 44 Sinister 45 Neuter, as a horse 47 Seasonal potable 48 Stand the test of time 50 Mumbai-based film industry 55 Protected inlet 57 Camden Yards ballplayer 58 Hired hoodlum 61 Long-lasting resentment 62 Frozen drink brand 63 Outlaw Clanton 64 Gather a bit at a time 65 Student·s book 66 Composer Rorem DOWN 1 Settings for columned documents 2 From the top
By Gareth Bain
3 Mountain Dew competitor 4 Undercover agent 5 “__ la la!” 6 Word with hatch or prize 7 Gin fizz fruit 8 Broadway awards 9 “The Tao of Pooh” author Benjamin 10 Either of two Monopoly sqs. 11 Venus de __ 12 Little chirp 15 Makes a mad dash 17 Western wolf 21 WDVQ·W KRQHVt with 23 Gives a thumbsup 24 Second of two bell sounds 27 Caught wind of 28 Outlet store abbr. 29 Tournament in which you play everyone else at least once 30 Facts, briefly 31 Tender-hearted 32 Site for cyberbidders 33 Flier on a string
(c)2012 Tribune Media Services, Inc.
35 Trinidad·s partner 36 Made goo-goo eyes at 38 Murphy·s __ 39 Communicate with hand gestures 44 Leafy hideaway 46 Charlie Brown·s tormentor 47 Hosiery material 48 Draw forth 49 Bring to mind 50 Tennis great Bjorn
51 Like some doctorate seekers· exams 52 Queue 53 “Livin· La Vida __”: Ricky Martin hit 54 “In memoriam” write-up 56 Viewed Level: 59 Superman nemesis 1 2 Luthor 60 Allow 3 4 Complete the grid so
each row, column and SOLUTION TO LAST 3-by-3 box (in bold WEEK’S PUZZLE borders) contains every digit, 1 to 9. For strategies on how to solve Sudoku, visit
© 2012 The Mepham Group. Distributed by Tribune Media Services. All rights reserved.
STUDENT GOVERNMENT DESERVES PRAISE FOR TURBOVOTE Students have no excuse for staying home on Election Day, thanks to AU Student Government. Bringing TurboVote to campus has been SG’s most practical and successful event so far this semester. TurboVote is a free online program for students that breaks down the complex voter registration system into a few easy steps. It allows students to request registration forms, apply for absentee ballots and update their voter registration status. It even reminds them about upcoming elections. Fill it out. Print it out. Send it in the mail. If only the issues in the up-
coming election were that simple. The Eagle applauds Emily Yu and her collaboration with SG and D.C. Students Speak on this initiative. Most of the
Vote-A-Palooza. TurboVote and Vote-APalooza did an excellent job of getting students registered and applied for absentee ballots. They also reminded students to
registered to vote. SG recognizes that getting every AU student registered is essential if we want to stay the most politically active campus. It is one thing to stage a protest on the
If students are not registered to vote, we cannot consider ourselves a politically active university. work SG does is behind the scenes, and let’s face it, not too many students know what they do on a daily basis. However, this is something visible, something which has already made a difference in the community. Be-
Minors unfairly imprisoned as adults DEON JONES | THINK, TALK, ACT October is National Youth Justice Awareness Month. Thousands of people are hosting events across the country to raise awareness and take action to end the trying, sentencing and incarceration of those under the age of 18 in the adult criminal justice system. Right now, according to the Campaign for Youth Justice, 10,000 children under the age of 18,
cause of TurboVote, 352 AU students registered to vote as of Sept. 29, according to Joshua Matfess, SG deputy director of community relations and civic engagement.
mostly minorities, are being held in adult jails and prisons receiving no rehabilitative services and no required education. In 23 states, children as young as 7 can be charged in the adult criminal justice system. Many people take the stance of “do the adult crime, do the adult time.” This is a poll-tested slogan that gets high approval ratings for political
SG has brought the issue of civic participation to the forefront of AU’s campus. Student groups such as AU College Democrats, AU College Republicans and D.C. Students Speak have organized events with similar goals, such as
vote in the upcoming elections. It’s hard to ignore something when confronted by a student dressed as a robot on the quad. Despite going to the most politically active university in the U.S., some AU students are still not
quad and chant for three hours; it’s another to take an active role in our civic responsibilities. Quite frankly, if AU students do not vote, they cannot complain or argue about anything done by the government.
candidates. It puts fear into the public and advocates for “tough-oncrime” laws. However, the majority of youth held in adult prisons committed non-violent crimes and are not the most serious offenders. For a glimpse inside a family’s misery, look at Tracy McClard’s story, a mother from Missouri who lost her son in 2007 to this inhumane practice. Her 16-year-old son, Jonathan, shot his pregnant ex-girlfriend’s boyfriend with the intent of protecting her from the abusive boyfriend. Although she believed Jonathan should have to be held accountable for his actions, Tracy
couldn’t imagine Jonathan’s ultimate price. “We lost Jonathan three times,” Tracy said on the Campaign for Youth Justice blog. “On Sept. 6, 2007, when he was charged as an adult at 16 years old and moved to an adult jail; on Nov. 13, 2007, when he was given a 30-year prison sentence and moved to an adult prison, and finally, on Jan. 4, 2008, when he was found hanging in his cell, in solitary confinement… Jonathan’s experience taught me that no child should be placed with adults or in solitary confinement no matter what. When children are placed with adults, they
die, either physically or mentally.” Jonathan’s story is a horror many families across the country know. Youth placed into adult jails are 36 times more likely to commit suicide. Although youth and children make up only 1 percent of the prison population, they account for 21 percent of verified sexual assaults. There are many assaults, including rape, which go unreported. Take action against this injustice. On Oct. 12 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. in Katzen Arts Center, The Campaign for Youth Justice, in partnership with the School of Public Affairs’ Justice Programs
Most AU students involve themselves with national politics. But if students are not registered to vote, we cannot consider ourselves a politically active university. Voting is the easiest, and perhaps most important, way to be an active participant in national decisions. With such a critical election coming up, it would be a disappointment if AU students weren’t at the polls. By bringing TurboVote to campus, SG has created an easy opportunity for AU students to make a difference this November. Now, AU students just have to follow through and vote. ≠ E EDPAGE@THEEAGLEONLINE.COM
Office, is hosting a free conference, the Justice for Youth Summit. At the summit, experts and students will discuss the challenges facing incarcerated youth and how to create better outcomes for them. Without a national movement, this issue could affect your family directly or indirectly. Adult jails and prisons are no place for kids. Deon Jones is a junior in SPA, an advisory neighborhood commissioner representing AU students and a national spokesman for the Campaign for Youth Justice. EDPAGE@THEEAGLEONLINE.COM
Pine rushed to judge student body I never had Professor Adrienne Pine as a teacher, but I did run across her article, “Exposéing My Breasts on the Internet” a few weeks ago. I found the article interesting and admired her perseverance in trying to fight the unjust views many people have about the female body. However, she made pretty hasty conclusions about the student body and the school newspaper that she should reconsider. It’s possible that in approaching Pine about breast-feeding in class, the reporter from The Eagle may have wanted to share an empowering experience with the rest of the student population. It’s also possible that she was just curious. Whatever her motive was, the reporter’s request for information, as quoted in Pine’s article, did not sound critical or “antiwoman.” The reporter never said she felt uncomfortable. Instead, the reporter said she wanted to prevent Pine from feeling uncomfortable. From that, Pine jumped to the conclusion that she was about to be turned into a spectacle. If the event inspired this student to write an article, to share something interesting, then it was a mistake on Pine’s part not to encourage her. I love
AU because students here care enough to discuss issues like breast-feeding in public, and most of the professors love that about the students, too. Pine, however, did not find curiosity to be a redeeming quality. She is a self-described “militant” in her profile on the AU website and seems to attack everything that she comes across. I am fine with that, but in a classroom one should look for the best in his or her students and encourage them to analyze the world around them. This includes examining their professor’s behavior. In her article, Pine also took The Eagle to task about some “date rape” articles it published a few years ago. She said that The Eagle “has long had a solidly anti-woman slant.” She has overlooked three crucial points. First of all, one writer does not equate to an entire newspaper. The Eagle did not back the opinions of Alex Knepper, who wrote two years ago on this topic. Even so, we would have more of an issue if The Eagle prevented free speech. After all, isn’t that what newspapers have always been symbols of? Second, one article does not count as The Eagle having long had “a solidly anti-woman slant.” Such an allegation, inconsistent with the facts, is
the sort of character assassination that so many people find unacceptable in the current political climate and national dialogue. By making such broad claims about The Eagle, Pine is helping to pave the way for the allowance of misinformation in this country. Lastly, if Pine is comparing the reporter, a curious student, to someone who rants about the illegitimacy of date rape, it’s pretty obvious that she needs to reevaluate her method of thinking. Her militant attitude clouds her judgment as a professor. Furthermore, as an anthropologist, she should be aware and tolerant of the curiosities that arise when a person breaks a social norm, making her anger at the students even more misplaced. Pine looks at us, the students, as people with “gendered assumptions,” people who don’t treat others well. But I have seen so much good done on this campus. AU is full of caring individuals who are sensitive to the special circumstances of others. We are more than tolerant, we are welcoming. Pine has revealed her breast to us, but I hope that she can also learn to reveal her heart. Emily Adler is a junior in the College of Arts and Sciences.
Students face the inevitable smoking ban JULIA GREENWALD | RANTING WITH MYSELF When a friend of mine came to visit me on campus not too long ago, he asked a standard question: “Can I smoke here or should I go to a smoking area somewhere?” While his question was common, my answer was not: “No, you can smoke pretty much anywhere on campus.” He was shocked by my answer, and even after I told him it was OK to smoke on campus and pointed out the many smokers around MGC and the Quad, it took him a while to actually light up and calmly puff away. The lack of any enforcement of the current smoking ban is very unique at AU, and it too caught me by surprise when I was a freshman. As of 2012, about 81 percent of the U.S. population lives under some type of ban on smoking in workplaces. Meanwhile, 27 states have enacted statewide bans on smoking in all enclosed public places, including bars and restaurants. While some may think smoking bans are the result of government officials against smoking in public places, Gallup has
found that 59 percent of Americans support a ban on smoking in all public places. Similarly, tobaccofree college campuses are also on the rise. Between January 2011 and January 2012, the number of U.S. colleges and universities with total smoking bans rose from 466 to 648, according to the group Americans for
it’s wrong to tell someone they cannot smoke. Smoking isn’t illegal. While it’s not healthy or a right, we still cannot tell people what to do. Nevertheless, I, like many Americans, have asthma and don’t think it’s fair that while walking to class I have to cough up a storm. Even if I did not have asthma, it’s not fair to put my lungs and health at risk. If I respect your freedom to destroy your lungs, you should respect my freedom to protect mine. I think the best approach AU to take is to designate specific smoking areas on campus. While there are smoker poles around campus, they are not located in places around campus which cater to both smokers and non-smokers. If both smoking and non-smoking students could get together and discuss ideal locations for smoking areas, we could have a reasonable solution to a now relevant and inevitable discussion.
If I respect your freedom to destroy your lungs, you should respect my freedom to protect mine.
Nonsmokers’ Rights. Even local smoking bans are starting. The University System of Maryland and its 12 institutions will be smoke-free by next summer. What does that mean for AU? President Neil Kerwin supports a smoking ban, but is a total ban on smoking the best route to take? Personally, I think
Julia Greenwald is a sophomore in the School of Communication. EDPAGE@THEEAGLEONLINE.COM
Every week on, the Quick Take offers concise views on an issue of significance to American University. This week, Quick Take columnists debate AU shuttle’s switch to biodiesel fuel. Read more at
John Pope posts another strong performance to lead cross-country at GMU 16
Second-half goal pushes Navy past women’s soccer By SAMANTHA RAPHELSON EAGLE STAFF WRITER
After holding off a powerful Navy team during the first half, the AU women’s soccer team couldn’t tie it up in the second and fell to the Midshipmen, 1-0, in Annapolis, Md., Sept. 28. “Despite the loss, I thought we played very
the opposing team first. Just three minutes in, Brenna Smith took a shot that was snatched away by Navy goalkeeper Elizabeth Hoerner. The next AU shot came in the 20th minute when Erin Mulhern’s kick went wide of the net. Navy was strong offensively, but couldn’t get a shot in net despite registering seven
Dale McDonald’s 44th-minute goal propelled the Eagles past Bucknell, 1-0, at Reeves Field Sept. 29.
McDonald powers AU to win in PL home opener By MICHAEL GARDNER EAGLE STAFF WRITER
Dale McDonald was the hero again, securing the first Patriot League win for the AU men’s soccer team with a 44th-minute goal to give the Eagles a 1-0 victory over Bucknell Sept. 29 at Reeves Field. “I think it’s a huge win, especially when it’s a team that’s on top of the table going in,” AU head coach Todd West said. “It’s a strange game and today I thought it was more of a battle, more of a fight. It wasn’t going to be our best soccer, but we found a way to win it.” AU (5-4-1, 1-0-1 PL) tested Bucknell goalkeeper Mike Lansing early. The Eagles penetrated into the attacking third, but Stephen Hauschild’s
shot sailed over the crossbar in the 20th minute. Both teams controlled possession in the midfield until Bucknell (5-3-2, 1-1 PL) had its best scoring chance in the first half when Brendan Burgdorf split two Eagle defenders. Burgdorf fired a shot inside the 18-yard box, but it went wide of AU junior goalkeeper Billy Knutsen. The scoring drought ended in the 44th minute when the Eagles found the goal they had been looking for. Conor Osborne cleared the ball out from the defense to McDonald after a Bucknell free kick was broken up. Lansing came out to prevent an attack and make the save, only to run into a Bison defender, which allowed McDonald to run through both players and score his
third goal of the season. “[McDonald was] just fighting and working as Dale always does, winning a ball and scoring kind of a garbage goal, but there’s no such thing when it wins you a game,” West said. “We said it was an ugly goal, but a thing of beauty.” McDonald was active all afternoon and it paid off with the game-winning goal. “The coach had been getting on me a lot about being in better spots,” McDonald said. “He needed more out of me, so that’s what I did today. I try to buzz around, keep active, be electric on the field and sooner or later, it would pay off. And it actually did today.” Bucknell went on the attack in the second half
and outshot the Eagles 7-1, but could not find the equalizer. Jesse Klug fired a shot from the left side of the box five minutes into the second half that hit the post, and Mayowa Alli’s header in the 77th minute was saved off a Bucknell corner kick. Knutsen, who had five saves in the match, managed to keep a clean sheet and nail down the victory for the Eagles. Although Bucknell outshot AU 13-4 and held a 4-3 advantage on corner kicks, this is the fifth straight year that the Eagles have defeated the Bison in the regular season. The Eagles will now travel to West Point, N.Y., Oct. 6 to take on Patriot League foe Army. SPORTS@THEEAGLEONLINE.COM
“Despite the loss, I thought we played very well and were unlucky not to tie it up.” -AU women’s soccer head coach Dave Bucciero well and were unlucky not to tie it up,” AU head coach Dave Bucciero told AU Athletics. “We responded well after going down a goal, and I don’t think we are that far off. We have to not let this loss drag us down and focus on our next two conference games Friday and Sunday.” Navy (13-1, 1-0 PL) went scoreless throughout the first 45 minutes of play, uncharacteristic of the women who have averaged three goals per game on the season. For one of the first times this year, it was AU (2-8-2, 0-1 PL) attacking
shots in the first half with a 3-1 advantage in corner kicks. Then, Navy notched the breakthrough goal. Early in the second half, Morgan Dankanich struck with her eighth goal of the season to put the Midshipmen up 1-0. Paloma Perez and Ashlynn Soellner assisted on the header, which came in the 57th minute. The lone goal helped Navy extend its winning streak to 12 games, which is currently the longest in Division I women’s soccer. Following the Navy goal,
theEAGLE SPORTS OCTOBER 4, 2012 | 15
Eagles will look for first conference win over weekend ≤ CONTINUED FROM PAGE 14
Nicole Paviglionite and Stephanie Glover each took shots within almost 10 minutes of each other, but Hoerner saved both attempts. Jasmine Mohandesi’s shot went wide in the 77th minute while Erin Mulhern’s attempt with four minutes remaining flew above the crossbar. Despite letting in one goal, Charlene Belanger stayed consistent in net for the Eagles, matching her season high with eight saves. Navy outshot
AU 17-12 with a 9-4 edge in shots on goal. While an upset win over the Mids would have been a great start to Patriot League play, AU should be optimistic looking ahead to its next couple of games. AU will face Lehigh Oct. 5 and Lafayette Oct. 7, both on its home turf at Reeves Field. The Eagles should be evenly matched against both teams, and a win against both Lehigh Valley rivals is crucial for both morale and AU’s conference record. SRAPHELSON@THEEAGLEONLINE.COM
With five goals on the year, Shelly Montgomery has been AU’s top offensive threat.
AU falls to No. 14 Lafayette, defeats Monmouth By GENNARO FARONE EAGLE STAFF WRITER
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Despite dropping its Patriot League opener against No. 14 Lafayette Sept. 29, the AU field hockey team bounced back to snatch its first home victory against Monmouth Sept. 30. After the weekend, it’s clear the Eagles love the second half. Over the last five games, AU has produced 36 shots, scored seven goals and allowed only four in the second half. It’s a big difference compared to the 25 shots, two scores and eight goals against in the first half over that same span. “With us being a bit of a young team, we’ve had passages where the momentum has kind of gone
against us, and it takes us a little while to adjust and kind of recover and get in there,” AU head coach Steve Jennings said. “Once we do, we show we have skills to play with anybody.” The Eagles (4-7, 0-1 PL) are a young team: 15 of the team’s 22 players are either freshmen or sophomores. First- and secondyear players comprise six of the 11 starters as well. A sluggish first half against Lafayette (8-1, 1-0 PL) was too much for the Eagles to overcome Saturday at Jacobs Field. The Leopards scored three goals in the first 15 minutes, while the Eagles couldn’t get on the board until the 49th minute. Carly Atchison scored the lone AU goal, her second of the season.
“We still have to just continue to be a little bit more intuitive when we play,” Jennings said, adding that the Eagles need to anticipate the ball’s direction so they can set up a play more quickly. With those improvements, the Eagles could look to turn up the offense against their opponents with one month of regular season play remaining. AU again started off slow against Monmouth (2-10), but was able to recover for the victory. Trailing 1-0 in the second half, AU received the equalizer from Gina Hofmann, who capitalized on a penalty corner in the 52nd minute. Shelly Montgomery followed that with an unassisted body-twirling goal in the 60th minute to put
the Eagles up 2-1. A great save from goalkeeper Stephanie Burry in the final minute preserved the AU victory. Montgomery continued her consistent offensive play, as her game winner was her team-leading fifth goal on the year. “Sometimes it really comes down to the effort over the skill,” Montgomery said following the Monmouth game. “My skill wasn’t exactly on today, and luckily the effort was able to get there.” Looking ahead, the Eagles will be on the road in a conference clash against Lehigh Oct. 6, before traveling to New Jersey to take on No. 3 Princeton the next day. SPORTS@THEEAGLEONLINE.COM
16 | OCTOBER 4, 2012 SPORTS theEAGLE
Pope paces cross-country with second-place finish By CHRIS HALL EAGLE STAFF WRITER
Sara Rishell led all Eagles with a combined 32 kills against Lafayette and Lehigh.
Eagles split pair of conference matches for second straight weekend By JOSH PAUNIL EAGLE STAFF WRITER
After defeating Lafayette and falling to Lehigh, the AU volleyball team remains in the middle of the pack in the Patriot League standings with a .500 conference record. The Eagles (9-7, 2-2 PL) swept Lafayette Sept. 28 in Bender Arena behind impressive performances from outside hitter/middle blocker Sara Rishell and outside hitter Juliana Crum. Rishell recorded a game-high 18 kills and five blocks, while Crum hit 10 kills with a game-high .533 hitting percentage. “It was a good match for us,” AU head coach Barry Goldberg said. “We’re focusing and concentrating on our outside attack getting stronger. Sara and Julie both had really good matches. They contacted the ball well off their hand, they were patient [and they] waited for the game to come to them.” AU dominated the first set, quickly springing to a 14-4 lead with five of those
points coming off of kills by Crum and Rishell. The Eagles then went on an 8-0 run and later took the first game, 25-9. AU hitters dominated the set, tallying a .500 hitting percentage while Lafayette hit -.042. The second set was much closer, with Lafayette (8-7, 1-3 PL) taking an early 2-0 lead and never falling behind by more than two for the first 18 points. An 11-2 AU spurt quickly separated the teams, with the Eagles going on to win the set, 25-12. “We were hitting well after the first game, but it was a goal each game to fine tune it a little bit,” Crum said. The Eagles hitting percentage jumped to .571 in the second set, and they tallied just one error. The third set was another close one early, before the Eagles gradually pulled away. The Eagles won the final game, 25-16, and scored their final five points off four sets by junior setter Kylann Scheidt. “Kylann did a great job
giving us the ball [and] distributing it well, so we didn’t have two blockers all the time,” Rishell said. “She just gave us really good opportunities.” Scheidt recorded a game-high 36 assists and seven digs. The Eagles wrapped up the weekend by taking on Lehigh (5-8, 2-2 PL) in Bender Arena a day later and lost, 3-2. AU’s hitting attack struggled in the first three sets, when they averaged a .060 hitting percentage and nine errors per game. Trailing 2-1 and with their backs against the wall, the Eagles responded well by winning 10 of the first 12 points in the fourth game and winning the set, 25-20. The Mountain Hawks edged the Eagles, 15-13, in the fifth and final game to end AU’s weekend on a sour note. The Eagles will look to pick up their third win in conference play when they host Navy Oct. 5. SPORTS@THEEAGLEONLINE.COM
The AU men’s and women’s cross-country teams raced their way to solid third- and sixthplace finishes, respectively, at the George Mason Invitational Sept. 29 in Leesburg, Va. John Pope led the men’s team with a second-place finish, while Ali Tyburski paced the women’s squad with her eighth-place finish. On the men’s side, the Eagles came into this meet on a high note. The team had notched runner-up and third place honors in their previous two races, and continued the string of solid finishes by placing third out of seven teams. Pope continued an outstanding individual season by finishing second out of 99 competitors, posting a time of 25:03.6. Pope was 11 seconds behind the winner, La Salle’s Alfredo Santana. Through three races this season, Pope has never finished lower than third. Senior Mark Leininger followed up Pope with a 10th-place result in a time of 25:42.3, missing out on ninth place by just over two seconds. With his strong run at George Mason, Leininger has finished in the top 10 in all three races this season. As a team, the AU men have had at least
two runners finish in the top 10 in all three of its races this fall. Nick Regan was the Eagles third finisher in 25:44.7, good for 12th overall to tie a seasonbest finish. Other results from the men’s team included sophomore Tom Woermer (31st, 26:32.4), Hunter Lussi (50th, 27:23.0), Ian Lutz (52nd, 27:27.6) and Brandon Latham (54th, 27:31.6). Mark Allen, who was recently named the Patriot League Runner of the Week, did not compete at GMU. Ali Tyburski set the pace for the women’s team on the day, notching a time of 23:10.4 for an eighth-place finish as she continues to be the most consistent finisher for the team. Julia Sullivan was the next best AU runner to finish, coming in 32nd at 24:28.4. Following Sullivan was Carly Birkhold (44th, 24:59.6), Krystal Foster (51st, 25:23.9), Kelseagh Budris (59th, 25:54.7), Olivia Dibiasio (64th, 26:25.7) and Anike Oladeju (75th, 28:43.0). La Salle won the team competition on both sides, with George Mason placing second. Next up, the Eagles will travel to Easton, Pa., to participate in the Leopard Invitational Oct. 13. SPORTS@THEEAGLEONLINE.COM
SCHEDULE OCT. 4 No games scheduled
OCT. 5
Women’s soccer vs. Lehigh at 3 p.m. Volleyball vs. Navy at 7 p.m.
OCT. 6
Field hockey @ Lehigh at 11 a.m. Men’s soccer @ Army at 7:30 p.m.
OCT. 7
Field hockey @ No. 3 Princeton at 1 p.m. Women’s soccer vs. Lafayette at 1 p.m.
OCT. 8
No games scheduled
OCT. 9
Men’s soccer @ Liberty at 7 p.m.
OCT. 10
No games scheduled
PATRIOT LEAGUE STANDINGS FIELD HOCKEY Lafayette 8-1, 1-0 PL Bucknell 6-6, 1-0 PL Holy Cross 2-8, 1-0 PL
≥ American 4-7, 0-1 PL Lehigh 3-9, 0-1 PL Colgate 2-8, 0-1 PL
MEN’S SOCCER Navy 5-2-2, 1-0-1 PL
≥ American 5-4-1, 1-0-1 PL Colgate 3-4-4, 1-0-1 PL Bucknell 5-3-2, 1-1 PL Holy Cross 2-7, 1-1 PL Lafayette 4-6-1, 1-1 PL Army 2-6-1, 0-1-1 PL Lehigh 1-8, 0-2 PL
WOMEN’S SOCCER Navy 13-1, 1-0 PL Colgate 6-4-2, 1-0 PL Holy Cross 5-5-1, 1-0 PL Lafayette 4-6-2, 1-0 PL Bucknell 7-6, 0-1 PL Army 5-7, 0-1 PL
≥ American 2-8-2, 0-1 PL Lehigh 2-8, 0-1 PL
VOLLEYBALL Colgate 6-11, 4-0 PL Army 11-6, 3-1 PL Navy 7-9, 3-1 PL Lehigh 5-8, 2-2 PL
≥ American 9-7, 2-2 PL Lafayette 8-7, 1-3 PL Holy Cross 1-17, 1-3 PL Bucknell 6-11, 0-4 PL