2012-2013 Media Kit
Issue dates – Tabloid Circulation 5,000 August 23, 30 September 13, 20, 27 October 4, 11, 18 [Parent’s Weekend], 25 November 1, 8, 15 December 6
January 24, 31 February 7, 14, 21, 28 March 7, 28 April 4, 11, 18, 25
2013 2013 2013 2013
Ad rates National Full page ½ page
¼ page 1/8 page
Dimension 5c x 10” 5c x 5” 2c x 5” 1c x 2.5”
B&W price $700 $350 $140 $35
Color charge $150 $ 75 $40 $40
*Widths and heights are interchangeable, 5 columns/$14 PCI rate Column width 1 .875 inches .125 inch margin Full color $3/ column inch- Min $40/Max $300 Spot color $1.50/ column inch- Min $25/ Max $200 Premium placement 5% of ad price All ads should be camera ready in the following formats: TIFF, PDF, JPEG Mail to adbox@theeagleonline.com
Ad Rates Local Full page ½ page ¼ page 1/8 page
Dimension 5c x 10” 5c x 5” 2c x 5” 1c x 2.5”
B&W price $500 $255 $100 $25
*Widths and heights are interchangeable 5 columns/$10 PCI rate column width 1 .875 inches .125 inch margin Full color $3/ column inch- Min. $45/Max $400 Spot color $1.50/ column inch- Min. $25/ Max $200 Premium placement 5% of ad price All ads should be camera ready in the following formats: TIFF, PDF, JPEG Mail to adbox@theeagleonline.com
Full color $150 $ 75 $ 40 $40
Discounts & Extras 5% discount for prepayment 5% discount for 6 or more ads contracted 10% discount for 9 or more ads contracted
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Ad Rates Online (Pixels) Front page banner
Front page body rectangle Article page body rectangle Article page skyscraper Article page skyscraper Article page skyscraper
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728x90 300x250 330x250 160x600 120x800 120x600
$300/month, $100/week $300/month, $100/week $50/month, $15/week $75/month, $25/week $75/month, $25/week $75/month, 25/week
Classified Ads Categories Help wanted For Sale/Rent Services Housing Baby Sitter Adoption Personals Spring Break Garage / Moving sales
Rates – Must be prepaid 0-20 words 20-50 words
50-90 words
$15 $25 $45
Ad submission Camera ready in the following formats TIFF, PDF, or JPEG to adbox @theeagleonline.com
Submission deadline: By Tuesday 5pm
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